A20 A21 Pakistan 2010

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Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.


A.20 Pakistan – 2010 – Floods

Case Study: Keywords: Advocacy, Training, Guidelines, Coordination.

Country: Project timeline

15 months – –– 100,000 one room
Disaster: shelters built
Disaster date:
July to September 2010 –– 1 million house-
7 months –
No. of houses damaged: holds provided with
1.8 million houses damaged or emergency assis-
destroyed tance
No. of people affected:
More than 20 million people –– National shelter
Project outputs: coordination work-
Coordination established –– Revised inter-agency
3 months –
nationally and in 7 provinces response plan

6 weeks – –– Flooding continues

in Sindh. Standing
Pakistan Water remains

7 days – –– National shelter

cluster team in place

27 July 2010 – –– Flooding in North-

ern Pakistan

Project description
The organisation established national coordination across 7 provinces in response to large scale floods, with
the purpose of addressing gaps and increasing the effectiveness of the humanitarian response. The organisation
established a national coordination team that managed a wide range of issues through a system of Strategic
Advisory Groups (SAGs) and Technical Working Groups (TWIGs). It also appointed different organisations as
lead coordinators in the different provinces. District level coordination proved difficult and slow to establish, but
lessons were leant for the following 2011–2012 floods.

Strengths and weaknesses response within Pakistan, they were largely outside of
99 The lead coordinating agency shared responsibility the cluster system.
for coordination with different organisations as focal -- Effective coordination requires a physical presence
points for different provinces. at national, provincial and district levels. Although
99 The lead organisation was able to establish a effective coordination must remain focused on output,
reasonably clear division of responsibilities between the certain aspects of coordination are process-focused.
coordination team members and its own operations. Jointly creating a sectoral strategy and shaping
99 The coordination process resulted in detailed gap advocacy positions are two such examples.
identification in the response in the south of Pakistan -- There are increasing obligations relating to the
at village level. contingency planning process, as more efforts are put
88 Coordination was slow to be established at district into preparedness and disaster risk reduction. Using
level in the 2010 floods. Lessons were learnt for the clusters to conduct sector planning during ‘peace time’
2011 and 2012 floods. may be good value for money.
88 There were challenges in reaching consensus on -- At national level, coordination focuses on ensuring
line management responsibilities due to multiple lead a harmonised and adequate response, policy and
organisations across provinces. resource mobilisation. At provincial or district level the
-- Altough local organisations, foundations, focus is on issues of assistance delivery and partnership
philanthropists, and private sector actors have an building. The practical value of coordination increased
increasingly important role in preparedness and the closer it was conducted to the affected population.

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A.20   Natural Disaster

The coordination team tracked commodities, both in pipeline and distributed as a core service.
This allowed gaps to be identified and resources sought to fill unmet needs.
Photo: Joseph Ashmore

Coordination and Clusters Management Authority in 2006 twice per week, but decreased in
Following a review of interna- and the implementation of the De- frequency as the emergency pro-
tional responses to humanitarian centralisation Act of 2010, which gressed into the recovery phase.
emergencies in 2005, the cluster devolved significant, although not
approach was proposed as a way always clearly defined, authority to
Multiple groups had to be estab-
of addressing gaps and ensuring the provinces.
lished to coordinate the response,
responses were more effective. and most effectively use the time
2010 floods
By clarifying organisations’ roles Floods in 2010 affected 20 of the different parties involved,
and responsibilities, the cluster million people and destroyed 1.7 including donors, government
approach helps ensure predictabil- million houses throughout the officials, NGO and UN partners, and
ity and accountability, and creates country (see A.22 shelter Projects others.
a more structured, accountable and 2010). They struck all 7 provinces A Strategic Advisory Group
professional system. of Pakistan with 29 districts being (SAG) was formed to discuss and
See www.sheltercluster.org classed as severely affected. propose rapid agreement on
Distances were large, and with national strategic issues such as
Shelter Cluster in Pakistan advocacy positions that the cluster
some locations taking days to travel
The Shelter Cluster in Pakistan should take and which projects
to. The scale was such that no one
coordinates shelter activities in should be promoted for funding.
organisation could effectively co-
response to disasters and specific To ensure accountability, SAG
ordinate on its own, and it was
conflicts. The Cluster comprises the members were elected by all cluster
necessary to set up coordination
government, lead organisations and members with agreed numbers rep-
mechanisms at both the national
all of the organisations engaged in resenting different types of organi-
and provincial level.
shelter activities who wish to coor- sations and donors. The SAG’s rec-
dinate. National Coordination Team ommendations were submitted to
The cluster lead organisation plenary meetings and disseminated
Before the 2010 floods, the
agreed to represent the Shelter by email for final agreement.
Shelter Cluster had been activated
Cluster at the national level. It es-
in Pakistan after the 2005 South Technical Working Groups
tablished a team of nine people that
Asian earthquake, the 2007 (TWIGs) were formed to deal with
worked relatively separate from the
cyclone, the 2008 earthquake specific technical issues, such as the
operations of the hosting organi-
in Baluchistan, and the complex composition of a winterisation kit
sation. This independence allowed
emergency peaking in the 2009 IDP or common specifications.
the team members to represent the
“cluster“ and not their host organi- Provincial coordination teams
Coordination challenges within sation. The lead organisation agreed to
Pakistan include multiple languages coordinate nationally and in Punjab
The team consisted of a cluster
and the changing institutional and Sindh provinces. Three other
coordinator, a technical advisor, an
roles and relationships within the organisations agreed to coordinate
information manager (with two as-
humanitarian community and the the other four provinces.
sistants), a Geographical Informa-
government. Different types of
tion Systems team (two people) Sharing coordination respon-
disasters and conflicts all require
and an administrator. As the team sibilities with other organisations
different responses and different
members needed to visit field and that had experience and competen-
management of the responses.
hub locations regularly, it relied cies in the shelter sector proved to
The governance structures of heavily on the logistics support of be an effective way to ensure that
Pakistan relating to disaster assis- the host organisation and other coordination was rapidly extended
tance have changed significant- cluster members. throughout all of the flood-affected
ly since 2005. Two of the most areas.
The team held regular meetings
important changes have been the
in Islamabad. Initially these were
creation of the National Disaster

Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.20

Coordination team
National Islamabad
coordination Coordinator
Technical advisor - Information management - GIS - ERF Focal point

Province S Sindh Punjab N .Sindh Baluchistan KPK Kashmir Gilgit/Baltistan

coordination Hyderabad Multan Sukkur Quetta Peshawar Muzafarabad Gilgit


Functional organisation chart for the coordination team in November 2010. Each colour represents a different organisation.
District level coordination was just starting and district focal points were being identified in several of the provinces.
Each role might require several staff, either full time or part time. For example, at national level, the information manage-
ment role was fulfilled by an information manager and two assistants.

A disadvantage of having ensure that support was reaching During the recovery phase,
different organisations taking the the most vulnerable rather than the three agencies acted as district
lead at provincial level was that most vocal. focal points and each covered two
every organisation had a different districts. The same district focal
The nearer coordination took
interpretation of the role of a coor- points were transferred to Northern
place to the affected people, the
dinating agency. This led to some Sindh after the 2012 flood. Their
challenges faced become less
sticking points between national experience and knowledge ensured
focused on policy and resource mo-
and provincial coordination. the rapid establishment of coordi-
bilisation issues and more focused
nation in the newly affected areas.
Some of these organisations on issues of delivery of assistance
were new to the role of cluster co- and partnership building. Practical Non-emergency activities
ordination, so the national team issues included working with local The importance of prepared-
had to spend some time clarifying government officials to facilitate ness was emphasised by the gov-
what the cluster lead role entailed. access to communities, mitigat- ernment, humanitarian organisa-
ing potential conflicts in resource- tions and donors alike. Pakistan’s
Common reporting formats and
scarce areas and identifying the recurrent natural disasters and
digital filing structures were agreed
most vulnerable people affected by ongoing complex emergency make
on in the first weeks of the response
the disaster. preparedness crucial. Consequent-
but this was not sustained and
different versions were later used in The setting-up of district focal ly, cluster leadership obligations
different provinces. This made data points was a slow process requiring expanded beyond response to
consolidation more difficult. specific resources and funding. For include contingency planning.
each district, a capable partner had The shelter cluster prepared
A national workshop was held
to be identified, and memoran- contingency plans for 2011 and
for coordinators and information
dums of understanding needed to 2012 in coordination with cluster
managers a few months into the
be signed to clarify roles, responsi- members, other clusters, and
response to discuss and share expe-
bilities and cost recovery issues. various levels of government. Stock
riences between provinces, and to
synchronise systems. lists were compiled to show stock
2011 and 2012 floods
levels before the monsoon season.
Provincial coordination teams In the 2011 and 2012 flood
A summary of capacity in terms of
varied in size, from a dedicated responses national and internation-
human resources was made, with
coordinator and two information al non-governmental organisations
lists of trainers and experts who
managers to a single coordinator were responsible for coordination
could support emergency distribu-
who had other operational respon- at the district level. The role of the
tions and assessments.
sibilities. district focal points was to monitor
and support the shelter cluster After the 2012 flood, the gov-
District focal points members in the implementation ernment of Pakistan did not request
It quickly became apparent that of their programmes, liaise with international humanitarian support.
coordination would be required local government and keep them Instead it requested for relief stocks
outside provincial capitals and aware of relevant issues, provide from the existing contingency plans
hubs. Many parties recognized that technical and trouble-shooting developed by the clusters to be
the practical value of coordination advice and maintain an overview of distributed to complement its own
increased the closer it occurred to who was doing what, and where response.
the affected populations. they were working. This allowed a
close and thorough monitoring of
District and sub-district coordi-
the response and resulted in a more
nation was essential for organisa-
informed coordination at national
tions entering an area for the first
and district level.
time to avoid duplication and to

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A.21   Natural Disaster

A.21 Pakistan – 2010 – Floods

Case Study: Keywords: Non-displaced, Tools, Core housing construction, Cash, Infrastructure, Training.

Country: Project timeline

2010 floods
Disaster date:
July to August 2010
23 months - –– Evaluation
Number of houses damaged /
1,744,471 households damaged 21 months – –– Shelter construction
in total (876,249 households
damaged in Sindh province) 19 months – –– Material distribution
Project outputs: and training
5,350 shelters constructed
17 months – –– Material procure-
61 construction trainings ment
7,638 households cash-for-work
for shelter construction
Occupancy rate on handover: 12 months – –– Beneficiary selection
92 per cent 11 months – –– Pilot projects com-
Shelter size: pleted
Pilot shelter: 20m2
Materials cost per shelter: 7 months – –– Project start
US$ 710 for the shelter Sindh
materials and labour
Project cost per shelter:
US$ 983 for the shelter
component of the project
July to August
2010 – –– Disaster date

Project description
The project provided shelter, food security and disaster resilience assistance to flood-affected communities in
Sindh province. 5,350 families were provided with materials, labour and trainings to enable households to rebuild
their shelters. The project design was designed on community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) principles, but
the constraints of a short project timescale and high target numbers made this challenging.

Strengths and weaknesses beneficiary selection process and piloting leaving

99 Investment of time in a pilot project showed what families with a delay before shelter support was
would work at scale. available.
99 The project aimed to make a lasting impact despite 88 The high cost of the shelter in comparison to local
short term funding by incorporating permaculture, houses reduced the likelihood of replication.
DRR principles and food security. 88 Relatively high cost of beneficiary contribution may
99 Use of locally available materials and skills as well as affect timely financial recovery.
a strong technical training component created a shelter -- This project was part of a multi-sectoral approach
design that could be replicated by other families. that included WASH, shelter and food security
99 In depth vulnerability assessment helped improve programmes, implemented in the same target areas.
targetting. -- Highly sensitive security situation in target areas lead
88 Large-scale direct procurement was complicated to a need for self-help and a 'do-no-harm' approach.
by scarcity due to high post-flooding demand for -- The project led to many discussions in Pakistan on the
materials. benefits of introducing horticulture and permaculture-
88 Some community based DRR activities were hard inspired principles into recovery programmes.
to complete due to tight timeframes and the need to -- Flooding in the same areas in 2012 meant that the
construct quickly and at scale. DRR elements of the project were tested and can be
88 The project was slow to start due to the extensive evaluated.

Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.21

The project was designed on community-based disaster risk reduction and permaculture principles. However it found It
difficult to maintain these principles and effect the social change required given the scale and donor time frames.
Photo: ACTED

After the floods Selection of beneficiaries Implementation

(See A.22, Shelter Projects 2010 Union Councils are the local The shelter components of this
for background) administrative unit for humanitar- project comprised four key activi-
ian coordination in Pakistan. The ties:
The 2010 floods reached
Union Councils to be supported
northern areas of Sindh Province • piloting of various shelter
were selected on the basis of flood
in August 2010. Comparatively designs to enable the
damage and a gap analysis of
few humanitarian actors were in a identification and replication of
responses planned by other actors.
position to respond to the scale of innovative best practices
the disaster. A 15 minute questionnaire was • provision of shelter materials
completed for each household in and toolkits
According to an assessment in
each Union Council. Over 24,000 • provision of training on shelter
the target area, up to 60 per cent
families were interviewed to construction incorporating DRR
of households had lost their shelter
identify the most vulnerable house- principles
entirely, while nearly all rice and
holds. This survey and data analysis • shelter construction using cash-
vegetable crops were damaged or
took four months. Finally 5,350 for-work.
destroyed. The crop damage was
families were selected, meeting the Throughout the project, the
a particular problem in northern
following criteria: organisation conducted extensive
Sindh since agricultural livelihoods
provided the primary source of • Households headed by community mobilisation activities,
income. vulnerable people such as including hazard mapping and
elderly, female or disabled village planning.
Access to shelter and livelihoods
were reported as a priority need Pilot phase

Families with a significant
under the Relief Response Plan In the initial stages of the
proportion of children under five
launched on 1st March 2011 by the project, the organisation purchased
years of age, elderly, pregnant
Government of Pakistan. compressed earth block machines,
and/or lactating mothers and
trained community members in
Where possible, shelters were malnourished children.
their use, and built several pilot
to be constructed using locally •
Basic low socio-economic
available building materials. In characteristics, including a lack
addition to the provision of shelter of income, assets, and bread- However the community and the
materials, organisations were en- winners in the family, and/or organisation’s engineers expressed
couraged to promote ‘appropriate chronic debt. the following concerns about the
technical assistance and support Local community-based organi- use of compressed earth blocks:
revitalisation of the supply chain of sations were identified, or estab- • Production was slow and labour
key materials’. Using social mobili- lished. They were responsible for intensive, especially during
sation and mass communications verifying the accuracy of informa- extreme summer temperatures.
strategies, beneficiaries and their tion provided and ensuring that no • The local soil type was not ideal
communities were to be mobilised vulnerable families were excluded. for creating the blocks and a lot
to directly participate in the con-
Houses were rebuilt in the same of training was required to get
struction process, either through
locations as before the floods, the right mix of clay and sand.
material or labour contributions.
either on their own land or with the
agreement of their landlord.

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A.21   Natural Disaster

• There was a lack of acceptance Implementation soil conditions, and the required
of mud houses, as in the local The project was run as two scale and speed of the project made
language mud houses are projects, each funded by separate this part of the project challenging.
described as “katcha” (bad) international donors. Implementa- Despite this, some villages
houses and brick concrete tion varied between the projects, greatly appreciated the trees, and
described as “pucka” (good) though in both cases beneficiar- kitchen gardens were well tended.
houses. ies provided half of the unskilled The organisation was able to
• It was very difficult to transport labour. Skilled masons were use the lessons learned from the
the blocks for more than a few provided by the organisation. disaster risk reduction components
hundred meters as they were
On-site training was given to the in its response to the 2011 floods in
easily broken in transit.
masons, focusing on shelter design southern Sindh.
Given these obstacles and the and quality control of brickwork
size of the project, the organisa- and foundations. Materials list
tion decided not to continue with Materials Quantity
compressed earth blocks. Instead Coordination Shelter toolkit
they provided fired bricks and Coordination between other
cement for the lower portions of humanitarian actors working in Wheel barrow 2
Kassi (Trowel) 5
the walls. The beneficiaries contrib- the area and the local authorities, Spade 5
uted sun-dried or fired bricks from  including the provincial disaster Sall (plummet) 1
the windowsill level up to the roof. management authority, enabled the Steel pan 5
Block making frame 4
In many cases people were able organisation to share lessons learnt Mask 4
to find or purchase fired bricks for from the innovative techniques and Cotton gloves 4 pairs
their contribution. approaches piloted through this Payodin (injury cream) 1
Band aid (rolls) 2
project. Land rights issues were Water level 1
The one-room shelter design
addressed through working with Iodine balm 1
went through several adjustments
other shelter partners, facilitat- Shelter construction materials
based on the feedback from the
ing constructive engagement with
organisation’s engineers and the Fired bricks (Size 8.5''x4.''x3'') 3,228
landlords. Mud blocks (Size 6''x8''x12'') 1,115
community. These included the
Cement 7 bags
location of the door, the number of DRR / permaculture Sand (wastage not included) 85 ft3
windows, the type of ventilator, the Northern Sindh is highly vulner- Stone crush 10 ft3
number and spacing of columns, Brick ballast 46 ft3
able to future flooding, particu- Mud 218 ft3
the type of construction material, larly as the 2010 floods damaged Bhoosa for mixing mud plaster 80 Kg
and the procurement method for drainage and floods defences. The and roof
bricks. Steel girder 27 ft.
inclusion of DRR principles in shelter (13.5'x 3.5''x7.5'')
designs and mobilisation activities Bamboo (19.5' length 254 ft.
was a strong focus of the project. average dia 2.5")
woven mats (size 19.5x13.5) 263 ft2
Improved disaster - resilient raw straw 108 ft3
Polythene sheet 263 ft2
construction techniques included Galvenised iron spout 2' length 1
raising platforms for shelter con- Wooden door 3'x6' with frame 1
struction, and improving roof 3" x 3"
Wooden window (size 2' x 3', 1
drainage. frame 3"x3")
Wooden door lintel 2
DRR trainings were provided to (3"x4.5"x4.5')
target communities as a whole, not wooden ventilator lintel 2
just direct beneficiaries. Locations Wooden window lintel 4
for construction were agreed Bitumen for damp proof course 1 Kg
following hazard mapping by the
community. Cash for work projects
were conducted to repair embank-
ments and some flood defences.
The initial concept was to
combine tree planting, kitchen
gardening and permaculture prin-
ciples to capture waste water and
Compressed mud blocks were improve the village environment
abandoned after the pilot stage due and food security. The extreme
to a lack of community acceptance
summer temperatures and saline
and slow production speed.
Photo: ACTED soil in this part of Sindh, variable


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