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Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.


A.22 Pakistan – 2011 – Floods

Keywords: Non-displaced / returns, Core housing construction, Cash, Training, Guidelines and
Case Study: training materials

Country: Project timeline

Project location: 14 months – –– Construction ends
920 villages in south Sindh for phase I
Disaster: –– Field work and
trainings start for
2011 floods and intensive rains phase II
Disaster date:
September and October 2011 11 months – –– Construction starts
for phase I
Number of houses damaged /
Project outputs: 7 months – –– Field work and
4,624 shelters at end of 2012 - trainings start for
ongoing phase I
55,914 villagers trained 6 months – –– Technical training
for implementing
Occupancy rate on handover: partners
100 per cent
Shelter size:
Recommended area 21m2
Materials cost per shelter: Pakistan 2 months – –– Vernacular construc-
US$ 300 tion survey finished
Project cost per shelter:
1 month – –– Project start
US$ 514

September and
October 2011 – –– Disaster date

Project description
The organisation worked with 27 implementing partners to deliver shelter at scale. The project provided cash
to households to build their own shelters. It aimed to increase the resilience of communities by increasing the
quality of technical input, incorporating more disaster risk reduction (DRR) components, monitoring to ensure
compliance, and supporting the construction of safer shelters to catalyse self-recovery. This was achieved through
knowledge and cash transfers to enable households to make choices based on their needs and priorities.

Strengths and weaknesses dependent on local markets.

99 The project promoted self-reconstruction and 88 The construction process output was directly
strong beneficiary participation. proportional to the household input so the quality of
99 Distributing cash to beneficiaries stimulated the reconstruction was not uniform across the project.
local economies. Households managed the funds that 88 Not all beneficiaries were interested in complying
they received in instalments. with the recommendations provided, leading to
99 Technical trainings for partners, interested variations in shelter quality.
village members and beneficiaries focused on safer -- Before the project the majority of flood affected
construction practices. households had a limited understanding of why their
99 Vernacular shelter typologies were recommended previous shelters failed.
and promoted. These were affordable and maintainable -- The vernacular construction typologies differed
by low income families. widely, even within a single village.
99 Created awareness of flood resistance principles -- Reintroduction of lime in the traditional construction
using traditional or simple technologies such as lime. process was perceived to be an innovation.
88 Households had to divide their time between daily -- Beneficiaries who witnessed the 2011 shelters with
tasks and construction. Implementation dependended improved DRR techniques surviving the 2012 rains were
on crop cycles, leading to delays for donor deadlines. very motivated to learn from the technical trainings,
88 Material quality was variable because it was and to implement the recommendations. 71
A.22   Natural Disaster

Women plastering their one room shelters. The project provided cash to build shelters and training on safer construction
with incremental improvements such as stronger plinths and footings to walls. Households chose their own shelter design.
Photos: IOM ORS

Before the floods and the social coping mechanisms who was responsible for receiving
Many people in Pakistan could were stretched to the limit. and distributing cash to a group of
be classified as vulnerable before up to 25 households. The organisa-
the floods. 27 per cent of Pakistan’s Villages to intervene in were
tion transferred the first tranche of
population lived in severe poverty selected in phases:
funds as an advance for the benefi-
and 23 per cent lived on less than • Phase I was based on the list of ciaries to construct the base of the
US$ 1.25 per day. The flooded most affected union councils house. Once all the members of
region is one of the poorest areas (administrative districts). group had finished their plinths the
in Pakistan. • Phase II was based on the list organisation transferred the second
In 2010 there had been major of union councils with the most tranche for the construction of the
flooding and the organisation had unmet needs. walls.
supported households to build over Village committees were set This process of advance
38,000 shelters (see A.24 Shelter up to identify the most vulnerable and milestone construction
Projects 2010). Evaluations of the households among those whose was completed with the third
response indicated that extra action shelters had been completely tranche payment once the roofs
on trainings would enhance the destroyed. Vulnerable households were finished. Joint construction
impact and longevity of disaster risk included: provided positive peer pressure and
reduction interventions. • Female-headed households encouraged collaboration.
After the floods • Households with no adult male During the entire construction
Monsoon rain in 2011 led to • Households with an elderly process, implementing partners
the collapse of many houses due to member (over 60 years old) and project staff provided practical
the weight of waterlogged roofs, • Households with a disabled or technical trainings in the villages.
or failed due to foundations being chronically ill member This aimed to ensure that safe
compromised by rising water. An • Households with extremely low practices and cost-effective disaster
estimated 1.2 million people were income and no livestock risk reduction techniques were in-
displaced throughout Sindh and • Households with a dependency corporated at all stages of the con-
Balochistan provinces, without rate above 60 per cent. struction.
shelter, access to safe drinking Implementation
water, health services or food. Monitoring
The organisation worked with
To monitor the distributed
It was estimated that 35 per 27 implementing partners. Each im-
funds and construction progress
cent of the communities affected plementing partner agreed to build
the project team scrutinised a
in 2011 were also affected by the 500 one-room shelters or support
minimum five per cent of the total
2010 floods. This indicates that 23 villages. Each one had an average
shelters committed. Households
more than a million people affected of four field staff members, two
were chosen to be monitored at
by the 2011 floods had barely social mobilisers and two technical
random from the project benefi-
recovered, or were still trying to assistants. The organisation also
ciary database.
recover from the 2010 flooding. provided its own project staff to
support the implementing partners, The aim was to ensure that the
Beneficiary selection assisting them in the project and on monitoring process was evenly dis-
Working through implement- solving all questions and challenges tributed amongst all groups. Moni-
ing partners and focusing on the that arose. toring plans were devised in such a
most severely affected districts, as- way that they guaranteed a visit to
Village committees, in coor-
sessments were made to identify each village. The process continued
dination with the beneficiaries,
villages where more than 20 per throughout the project, starting
appointed a village focal person
cent of the houses were destroyed from verification of beneficiary

Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.22

A homeowner using lime to prepare stabilised adobe Some homeowners decorated their houses. This was encouraged
bricks for the walls of his house. as a way of building pride in traditional architecture.
Photo: IOM ORS Photo: IOM ORS

selection, to construction oversight free telephone hotline was set up A core component of the
and cash distribution. to record any complaints. Colour project was to train flood affected
posters and business cards with households on how to build back
Coordination key messages and phone numbers safer using disaster risk reduction
The project activities and imple- were distributed. Awareness raising techniques. The objective of the
mentation locations were coordi- sessions were provided to all bene- trainings was to build the resilience
nated with the national interagency ficiaries, implementing partner rep- of affected populations enabling
coordinating body (see the case resentatives and focal points before them to cope with future disasters
study on coordination in Pakistan, the first payment. on their own.
A.21). This reduced duplications
and maximised coverage in line Training Each implementing partner
with agreed priorities. The coordi- In order to identify the most conducted four trainings per village
nation team also supported organi- cost-effective local construction during the construction process.
sations to liaise with the authorities methods, a build-back-better Affected people could also request
and donors, creating a platform for survey on vernacular construction additional trainings. By December
information collection and sharing was conducted in the six priority 2012 the programme had delivered
amongst all shelter actors. districts with support from a local 2,071 trainings that where attended
technical implementing partner (see by over 55,900 villagers.
Regular progress reports were
case study A.23). In September 2012, there
publicly shared. Close coordina-
tion was maintained with the The survey was designed to were two weeks of intense rain.
disaster management authori- record existing conditions in the At the time, all beneficiaries and
ties at the district, provincial and flood-affected districts with a focus implementing partners where very
national levels to ensure a coherent on local self-built techniques. It worried that all the constructions
approach towards shelter recovery. assessed the strengths and weak- were going to be washed away.
nesses of existent vernacular con- However, plinths and platforms
Accountability struction practices. The main aim were minimally damaged and
A complaints telephone hotline was to record the different types of people could repair them, and
was established to encourage structures that survived, the tech- continue construction within a
transparency and to provide ben- niques and practices that largely short time.
eficiaries with a direct link to a withstood the flood waters and the Although not yet quantified,
complaints and feedback process. ones that led to house collapse. there are anecdotal examples of
It also provided beneficiaries, imple-
Once the best construction villages where families who did not
menting partners and project staff
methods were identified and receive the cash grants copied the
a channel to report irregularities
improved they were compiled into construction techniques because
and challenges. Trained staff, fluent
a construction manual used for they had free access to the village
in local languages, responded
practical and theoretical capacity trainings.
to queries and recorded com-
plaints in a database. At the end building trainings for affected
of every week, the complaints were households. The programme also
forwarded to the project manager provided a Training of Trainers
and followed-up by the field teams. course which had theoretical and
practical sessions. It was based
Shelter staff in the field on the construction manual and
informed all beneficiaries and their educated all technical and field staff
implementing partners about the working with the communities.
complaints referral mechanism. A 73
A.22   Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.23

A.23 Pakistan – 2011 – Floods

Keywords: Non-displaced, Core housing construction, Housing repair and retrofitting, Training,
Case Study: Guidelines and training materials, Advocacy.

Country: Project timeline

Project location:
Sindh Province
15 months– –– Technical Support
Disaster: Programme 17,200
Floods One room shelters
Disaster date: starts
2011 to 2012
Number of houses damaged / September
destroyed: 2012 – –– Floods in Sindh
2011: 750,000–950,000
2012: 275,000 10 months – –– Model “Eco village”
Project outputs: complete
887 shelters,
Training attended by 55,914
7 months – –– Technical support
villagers, 60 artisans and 160 programme 5,500
implementing staff shelters
Changes to national
reconstruction policy
Occupancy rate on handover:
100 per cent
Shelter size: 1 month – –– Build Back Safer
16.2m2, 13.8m2, 20.88m2 with Vernacular
Sindh Methodologies –
Project cost per shelter: field survey
This was primarily a training,
assessment and advocacy
project September
2011 – –– Rain and floods in

Project description
The organisation provided research, training, assessment, design, technical assistance and construction
monitoring and mentoring support to 7,500 households (to an additional 17,500 later) following the 2011 floods.
Based on the organisation’s experience in disaster-affected areas since the 2005 earthquake, the project focused
on developing improved vernacular construction through the use of low-cost sustainable building materials and
training. The organisation provided technical guidance based on its programme “Build Back Safer with Vernacular
Methodologies”, leading to stronger and safer structures that have withstood hazards.

Strengths and weaknesses due to extreme poverty levels and lack of access to
99 The organisation was able to shift national shelter microcredits.
policy by rapidly implementing pilot projects with 88 Lack of funds to promote trained builders into
viable project models. building entrepreneurs or technical advisors for large-
99 The focus was on improved low-cost construction scale self-sustaining shelter programme.
using traditional construction materials and methods, 88 Failure to promote bamboo farming on a large
fostering pride in familiar materials such as mud. scale.
99 Involvement of student volunteers in various stages 88 Challenges in convincing a large number of
of construction and monitoring developed a spirit of other organisations of the efficacy of the project
giving and of unity. methodology.
99 Training in safe eco-building techniques was -- Further work is required to improve quality and
provided to NGO personnel, social mobilisers, reach of low-cost technical support.
architects, engineers, students and master artisans. -- Disaster Risk Reduction compliant community
88 Lack of testing of stuctural elements due to lack of structures needed to be built in large numbers to
specific funding for the purpose. provide safety of life, water, food, livestock, and
88 Households were unable to enlarge constructions livestock feed etc. 75
A.23   Natural Disaster

Disaster Risk Reduction components included the use of lime, The project was supported by student volunteers. One of
reinforced plinths and strong accessible roofs. the project aims was to promote traditional construction.
Photo: Sohail Z. Lari, Heritage Foundation Photo: Mariyam Nizam, Heritage Foundation

Before the disaster or did not have access to any other to develop the eight shelter typolo-
The rural communities in Lower land. As a result, shelters were gies which are being constructed in
Sindh province suffered from high mainly rebuilt on old plots. internationally-funded projects (see
levels of illiteracy, lack of access to A.22)
primary healthcare, and were disad- Implementation
vantaged and marginalised. Most The organisation began its 2011 The damage to the different
people worked in fields as tenants response by conducting a survey of types of houses was recorded and
for low wages. There were limited housing typologies and damage. used to analyse the reasons for
other livelihood opportunities. structural failures. These were used
During the assessment phase, to help communities understand
There are major variations in the organisation divided its teams the technical failings of their homes
construction technology, materials, into two groups, a survey group and how to build back safer with
climate and hazards across Pakistan, and a construction group, each with designs developed by eminent ar-
and even between adjacent villages. 12 student volunteers. The survey chitects and engineers associated
team was lead by an experienced with the organisation.
Following the 2010 floods, the
architect, the construction team
organisation provided assistance Many mud walls that had been
was led by the field coordinator.
to over 400 households. Following partially damaged were rehabili-
Teams worked in rotations of three
the 2011 floods, it built on these tated after an engineering review.
weeks in the field after which the
projects to extend their impact. The rehabilitation included repairs
data was compiled and analysed in
the head office by an experienced on walls, bases and plasters, along
After the floods
technical team. with the use of accessible roofs
Following the floods of 2010 and
using bamboo. 
2011, the affected communities During the project, more than 80
were in a much worse state. After volunteer students were involved. Demonstration shelters were
two successive years of floods, they Students were mainly from archi- constructed in some affected
had lost all their reserves, and there tectural colleges in their third or villages.
were some signs of aid dependency fourth year of study. Social sciences
among affected households.  Construction
students were also involved in some
The initial projects responding
parts of the project. The organisa-
Selection of beneficiaries to the 2011 floods focussed on
tion also engaged professional
Initially villages were chosen on households rehabilitating the walls
architects, horticulturists, artists,
the basis of damage and of existing of their shelters, and the organisa-
textile designers and product devel-
relationships by the organisation tion supporting in the retrofitting
opers for different project stages.
with major landowners and author- of new strong roofs. In the pilot
ities. Later in the project, choice of The organisation normally had project, complete shelters were
location was informed by a detailed up to four people on site, with built for people with disabilities and
housing damage survey. support from its head office. for female-headed households. In
these initial projects, no money was
Depending upon the project Survey directly given to the householders.
location, the organisation worked The organisation assessed ver-
from lists provided by the Provincial nacular architecture, surveying 170 In two locations, the organisa-
Government, on its own assess- homes in 35 tehsils (sub-districts) in tion established workshops to make
ment data or from lists of priority eight priority districts.  bamboo joists. In other locations,
needs provided by its donor organi- where different construction
sation. The results were used to develop methods were used, fabrication of
a database of vernacular construc- bamboo roofs was done by local
Most people did not wish to tion typologies in the province of artisans trained by the organisation. 
move from their place of origin and/ Sindh. This database was later used

Natural Disaster Shelter Projects 2011–2012 A.23

After a trial phase, the organi- Members from each household be well cured after application.
sation signed an agreement with attended trainings, by the end of • Use salinity-free soil and clean
an international agency to provide which they were able to construct water for stronger construction.
technical support to other organisa- shelters themselves. • Use bamboo reinforced lime
tions who were collectively aiming concrete beams and bamboo
The organisation trained 60
to build 22,750 shelters. lintels above openings.
craftsmen in the following con-
• Encourage roof projections to
Monitoring construction was struction skills: layout, excava-
improve drainage and to protect
challenging due to lack of internet tions, masonry, bamboo fabrica-
top of mud walls.
and communication, on-site dif- tion,  mud-brick making, layered
• Use lighter but stronger
ficulties, harsh climate and long mud construction, plastering and
materials for roof construction,
distances. finishing and the use of lime.
such as bamboo joists.
With the increase in scale it was DRR components • Maintain a slope on floors and
difficult to check all stages of con- The project had a very strong roofs to drain water.
struction. Each area of work also focus on improving resilience
had its own set of problems that
Project impacts
of communities. As there was The project had significant
had to be dealt with differently. To repeated heavy rain and flooding impacts on the overall national
resolve these challenges, the or- in Sindh, shelter performance was response. By rapidly mobilis-
ganisation worked out a system of monitored. All of the improved ing skilled volunteers to conduct
forms, and a strict set of rules for structures had withstood the technical assessments, the organi-
organisations to control construc- flooding and rains. sation was able to produce accurate
tion and material quality. This was
The methodology became and usable information as well as
overseen by visits from its monitor-
locally known as ‘katcha kot’ or proof of concept pilot projects.
ing and mentoring field teams.
“unfired clay fortress.” The method was rapidly adopted
 As it scaled up, the organisation
Technical solutions as a key component of the national
had to increase the number of ar-
The assessment made differing “Pakistan Initial Floods Response
chitects working on-site.
conclusions for different types of Plan” and in grant applications to
Training houses. These became key training donors. Thus, a relatively small but
The training programme messages: experienced technical organisa-
consisted of eight shelter typology tion was able to have a significant
modules for Disaster Risk Reduced • Shelters should be constructed impact beyond the scale of its own
construction. The trainings were in a hazard-free location projects.
adapted to the different building wherever possible.
• Houses should be orientated Many beneficiaries spent time
methods in each location. to decorate and beautify their new
north-south to reduce heat
Training of trainers sessions for gain. Openings on opposite homes, showing pride and giving
implementing partners were ac- walls improves air circulation. each house an individual character.
companied by mentoring during • Houses should have a strong
the construction phases by the or-
base to protect the walls. Lime Most materials were procured
ganisation’s technical teams. can stabilise mud walls, plasters locally reducing transportation costs
and renders. Renders need to and stimulating the local economy.

Below are the key materials for
the different shelters types built.

Materials Quantity
Flat roofs – accessible roofs 18’x10’
Bamboo 628ft.
Lime (50 kg/bags) 350kg
Mud bricks 14,580
Layered mud/adobe 1,170ft3
Loh-khat walls + roof 18’x10'
Bamboo 918ft
Lime 350kg
Mud bricks 47ft3
Loh-khat (reed filling for 464ft2
Conical Chaura roof Size 16’ diameter
Rehabilitated house with accessible roof which can withstand the weight of
Bamboo 224ft
fifteen people. Such roofs provide an escape location in case of floods. Lime 350kg
Photo: Heritage Foundation Layered mud/adobe 1380ft3 77

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