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For the Sake of Convenience

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Everyone, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Everyone, Park Jimin
(BTS)/Everyone, Min Yoongi | Suga/Everyone, Jung Hoseok | J-
Hope/Everyone, Kim Taehyung | V/Everyone, Kim Namjoon |
RM/Everyone, Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon
Jungkook/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon
Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim
Seokjin | Jin/Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin |
Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim
Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon |
RM, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Seokjin | Jin,
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jung
Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-
Additional Tags: Orgy, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, tagging as I go along,
Please don't kill me I'm new to this fandom, Yoongi is pan and dirty,
jimin is gay, Kookie's a virgin, Daddy Kink, Someone please help
Namjoon he's so done, Masturbation, Come Swallowing, Nipple Play,
First Time, Grinding, Creampie, Barebacking, Edging, Begging, Frotting,
Dom/sub, Hobi's a dom and kind of a fuckboy, Yoongi's a power
bottom, Deepthroating, Sexuality Crisis, Orgasm Denial, Facials,
Shower Sex, prepare to catch some feels because it's, Porn With Plot,
now, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling,
Rimming, They're pretty much all versatile but so far it's, Bottom Min
Yoongi | Suga, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, Bottom Park Jimin (BTS), Top
Jeon Jungkook, Top Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Bottom Jeon Jungkook,
Bottom Kim Taehyung | V, Top Park Jimin (BTS), Multiple Orgasms,
Wall Sex, Rough Sex, Mildly Dubious Consent, Anal Fingering, Top Kim
Seokjin | Jin, Aftercare, Wet & Messy, Prostate Massage, prostate
torture, Massage, 69 (Sex Position), Semi-Public Sex, Fluff and Angst,
Unrequited Love, Top Min Yoongi | Suga, References to a PAST rape,
References to Emotional Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol
Abuse/Alcoholism, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Angst with a Happy Ending,
Making Love, Rejection, Bottom Kim Namjoon | RM, Face-Fucking,
Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Coming Out
Stats: Published: 2019-05-28 Completed: 2019-09-29 Chapters: 19/19 Words:

For the Sake of Convenience

by Myathewolfeh

“Yeah,” Yoongi goes on. “So I’m suggesting—”

Namjoon suddenly catches on, tries to stop Yoongi in his tracks, even though he knows that
would be impossible. If Yoongi had his mind set on something, there was no changing it.
“No, no, you’re not suggesting—”

“—that we have sex with each other instead,” Yoongi finishes. Although he’s a bit pink in
the face, he flashes Namjoon a smirk. Little shit is reveling in the fact that Namjoon
couldn’t stop him from saying it.

Everyone goes quiet for what feels like a full minute. Then Taehyung lets out a loud laugh.
Jimin soon joins in, leaning all over Taehyung, almost falling out of his chair. When all
Yoongi does is stare at them with a straight face, Taehyung stops laughing and says, “Oh
wait. You’re serious?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m serious,” Yoongi says, as if it’s obvious.

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

I discovered BTS a few weeks ago and absolutely fell in love with these adorable
goofballs. I just had to write about them somehow. All the info I've gathered on their
mannerisms I got through video clips and episodes of their reality show, so I apologize
if this isn't completely canon-compliant. Also, I have a bias for Yoongi, so sorry/not
sorry if that comes on too strongly.

There's mention of sexual exploitation in this chapter, so beware of that. Have fun!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It all starts when Namjoon walks into Taehyung’s room.

Nothing is off about it, nothing to indicate that something… unusual is going on. No weird
sounds, no weird behavior from Taehyung when he last saw him. Taehyung didn’t appear tired,
even after such a busy day, so Namjoon isn’t worried that he might be sleeping. The man had been
annoying the fuck out of every member all day, and, frankly, Namjoon was kind of hesitant about
even going into his room for fear of riling him up again. He was just going to let Taehyung settle
down for the evening and Namjoon was going to conk out for a bit before dinner, but as soon as
Namjoon got into his own room he saw a familiar jacket hanging from his bedpost. It was flashy,
kind of tacky, ridiculously patterned—Taehyung’s, obviously. Namjoon recalled chasing Taehyung
and Jimin out of his room this morning as they were getting ready to leave for interviews. The men
had decided to wander in and get into a wrestling match on his bed. Taehyung must have left his
jacket behind then. So, Namjoon sighed and grabbed up the jacket, walking down the hall to
Taehyung’s room to return it.

He doesn’t knock, decides to get Taehyung back for just barging into his room earlier that day.
Besides, Taehyung doesn’t have a lock on his door. That signals to everyone in the complex that
his room is fair game, and Taehyung knows this. Namjoon thinks that Taehyung actually enjoys
fueling the coming-in-unannounced game they play. He had no right to complain if Namjoon
decided to play his game as well. In fact, Taehyung should expect it. So Namjoon slowly, quietly
turns the doorknob and flings the door open dramatically, wanting Taehyung to regret being such a
nuisance lately.

Instead, Namjoon finds he is the one dealing with regret.

Because, on Taehyung’s bed sits Taehyung, completely naked, his clothes as carelessly tossed
aside as the jacket Namjoon has draped over his arm. And standing in front of him, completely
clothed except for his hard dick sticking out of his fly, is Seokjin. Namjoon stares at his dick for a
moment, not believing what he is seeing, startled to see that it’s glistening and that Taehyung’s lips
are glistening in the exact same way. Seokjin’s hand is in Taehyung’s hair and Taehyung has a
hold of his hyung’s hips. They both turn their heads to look at him as soon as he opens the door.
Taehyung’s mouth drops open… well, further than it already was.

“Uh…” Namjoon deadpans, feeling as if he weighs a whole two-hundred pounds heavier. He is

rooted to the spot, his muscles not responding to his brain’s screams for him to leave. Now.
Thankfully, Seokjin seems just slightly less mortified than Namjoon. His hyung’s brows knit
together in an expression of indignation—something not usually seen on his face. “Why the hell
are you just standing there?” Seokjin exclaims. “Get out!”

Namjoon keeps standing there. Stutters a bit.

“Leave!” Taehyung shouts.

“S-s-sorry!” Namjoon stammers and practically dives out of the room, closing the door a bit too
hard behind him. Once out in the hall, he doesn’t stop, his legs pumping as if making up for the
fact that they’d stopped functioning earlier.

He passes Yoongi, who is heading to his own room. The man frowns at him. “Um, Joon? You

But Namjoon’s mouth is dry, and it doesn’t matter anyway. Because his legs don’t stop
moving, and he blows right on past Yoongi without saying a word.

He gets back to his room and quickly shuts the door. After a second of thought, he locks it.
Yoongi might decide to pay him a visit after their encounter in the hallway, and he doesn’t blame
him; Namjoon figures he must look pretty worked up. He’s hyperventilating, scrambling to his bed
and just sitting there, hands clutching the edge in white-knuckled horror. Why did he just walk in?
Why didn’t he knock? Why? Was it worth it, Namjoon? Was it?

He just caught his bandmates having sex. He caught his two best friends having sex. Well,
about to have sex, but it isn’t like that makes much of a difference. Wait, no, that makes a hell of a
lot of difference. He saw Seokjin’s dick. Sure, he’d seen it before, but not hard. Not having
obviously been in Taehyung’s mouth. Oh shit, Taehyung. He’d been blowing Seokjin. Not like
Namjoon had seen it, but he could infer what was going on just before he burst into the room like a
complete moron. Is Taehyung gay? Is Seokjin gay? Namjoon is sure he would have noticed
something like that, having lived with them for so long. Maybe they aren’t gay, maybe bi? He’s
seen them both flirt with girls. Was that a front? How long has this been going on? Surely not the
entire time they’ve been together. Does anyone else know? Can’t be. Namjoon considers himself
very observant and just found out about it. Shit, this can’t be kept a secret. They need to call a
meeting. How the hell is he going to bring this up? Should he just blurt it out or talk to Seokjin and
Taehyung beforehand? Will this change the group? Will it cause them to split up?

Although Namjoon didn’t feel like talking to anyone earlier, when he hears a knock on his door
relief washes over him. He knows he must look like a wreck, but at least talking to someone will
help him forget his concerns. He knows his friends. They wouldn’t press him if he refused to say
what was bothering him.

So he gets off his bed and opens the door. And if any color remains in his face, it’s now
entirely gone.

Because there, standing just a foot away, are Taehyung and Seokjin. Fuck.

Seokjin is looking everywhere else but at Namjoon and Taehyung has his head ducked, as if he
expects a scolding. “Um,” Taehyung says, his voice breaking a little. Namjoon wonders if it’s
because he’s nervous or because his throat is sore from blowing Seokjin and immediately discards
the thoughts from his mind. “Sorry, can we, um… come in?”

Namjoon stands there, swallows dryly, considers. He wants to slam the door in their faces and
run back to his bed, dive under the covers, try to come to grips with what he saw. He doesn’t know
if he’ll be able to even hold a conversation with these two, but Taehyung looks so ashamed and
Seokjin is nervously scratching the back of his head, and Namjoon realizes that he is still their
friend. He has to be there for them, no matter what. Besides, who else would they be able to talk to
about this? Namjoon is leader of the group, dammit. He should be able to deal with stuff like this.
He is obligated to.

He motions for them to come in and quickly shuts and locks the door behind them. Taehyung
takes a seat at the foot of Namjoon’s bed, still looking at the floor, while Seokjin stands
awkwardly to the side, almost across the room from Taehyung. Namjoon sighs, puffing out his

This is going to be so fucking awkward.

Namjoon wants to pace, but he knows that would make the situation worse. So he takes a chair
from a small desk in the corner and plops down in it.

For a good five minutes nothing is said. Seokjin clears his throat and keeps shifting from foot
to foot. Taehyung is wringing his hands, more nervous than Namjoon has ever seen him. Namjoon
heaves a sigh. He would have to start this conversation.

“Um,” he says, and they both look at him. Namjoon stiffens, suddenly anxious that he is now
the center of attention. He licks his lips, is reminded of Taehyung’s own lips when he stumbled
upon him with Seokjin, and fights to keep down a blush. “So, uh, were you…?

Namjoon wants to kick himself. Of course they were. He’d seen it with his own eyes! What the
fuck else could they have been doing?

Seokjin clears his throat again, arms folded over his chest. “Um… yeah. We were.”

Namjoon bobs his head stupidly, watching Taehyung chew at his lips. “How long?”

“Before you showed up,” Taehyung piped in, his eyes meeting Namjoon’s for only a moment
before flickering elsewhere, “about five minutes.”

“No, no,” Namjoon says, exasperated. “I mean, how long has this,”—he motions to both of
them—“the two of you, been going on?”

“Maybe three weeks?” Taehyung answers.

Seokjin shakes his head. “Two. Two weeks.”

“Nuh uh,” Taehyung flashes back. “Three. The kiss—”

Seokjin ponders, looks like he’s recalling something. “Okay. Three weeks,” he amends.

“Wait,” Namjoon interrupts, his mind whirring. “You guys kissed?” For some reason it
surprises him more than walking in on Taehyung sucking Seokjin off.

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, his face reddening a little. “Yeah. Three weeks ago.”


Taehyung frowns in confusion. “With our mouths?”

Namjoon sighs heavily and puts his head in his hands. “It was just random,” Seokjin supplies,
interpreting Namjoon’s question. “Just… happened one day.”
Namjoon looks up at Seokjin, eyebrow raised.

“We were in the bathroom brushing our teeth,” Taehyung explains. “Then—”

“I went to say goodnight and ended up hugging him, then kissing him on the lips,” Seokjin cuts
in. His eyes wander again. “Situation reminded me of when I was living with an ex-girlfriend. We
used to get ready for bed together and the bathroom was kind of tiny with both me and Taehyung in
there. Brushed up against each other a lot. Got into that headspace.” Seokjin shrugged. “Was on
autopilot, you know?”

Namjoon nods as if he understands. Maybe he does. There was that one time not too long ago
when he started talking to Yoongi like he was Rapmon. Cute baby talk and mush and everything.
That was weird and embarrassing, but he’d been spending so much time with his dog that it just
slipped out. Now Namjoon likes to talk to Yoongi like that sometimes just to see that disgusted face
he knows he’ll make. Just to bother him. Sure, he didn’t accidentally kiss Yoongi, but he could see
how he… might? Um…

“An accident,” Taehyung reiterates. “He tried to apologize, got all flustered.” Seokjin blushes
and Taehyung giggles. “I told him I was fine with it. From what little I felt, he was a good kisser.
Nice soft lips.”

“Shut up,” Seokjin says, smiling.

“It’s true!”

Namjoon stares at them as they go silent, failing to see how this progressed to Taehyung giving
Seokjin blowjobs. “So… what? That it?”

Taehyung shakes his head. “No. We started making out.”

“How did you just ‘start making out’?” Namjoon says. “You don’t just start kissing your
friends out of nowhere. I mean, remember that time with Hobi?” He looks pointedly at Seokjin.
“You guys practically kissed in front of the cameras, but you didn’t start making out with him right
after.” Namjoon considers the possibility that Hoseok may have willingly made out with Seokjin
on other occasions without his knowledge. After all, Namjoon had caught Taehyung sucking
Seokjin off. Anything is possible. “Right?”

Seokjin cracks a smile, as if he knows where Namjoon’s mind is. “Well, that was in front of the
cameras. And, no, me and Hobi haven’t kissed since. It’s just that—”

“I mean, have you seen Jin hyung?” Taehyung insists, gesturing to him. “Tell me you don’t
think he’s hot. ‘Worldwide handsome.’ Come on. You can’t blame me.”

Namjoon squints at him. “Are you saying you’ve been… kinda gay for him for a while?”

“Well,” Taehyung’s eyes roll up to the ceiling, thinking. “If you put it that way, I guess so.
Maybe deep down I thought to myself, ‘if Jin was a girl, I would hit that.’ But then when the kiss
happened, I figured why does he have to be a girl? I mean, it’s not like I’ll find a girl as pretty as
Jin anyway, so…”

“Tae,” Seokjin says, blushing even harder. “You’re rambling. Not that you aren’t right, but…”

“That’s kinda reckless, you know,” Namjoon says. “If you made a move on Jin hyung and he
rejected you, it might have harmed the entire group.”
Taehyung looks as if he might object, but then he drops his gaze to his lap and wrings his
hands. “Yeah, I wasn’t thinking. It just… I was touch-starved. It felt so good to have someone kiss
me. Didn’t realize how much I missed it. We’ve just been so busy… so when Jin hyung tried to
leave, I pulled him back and kissed him. That was probably pretty selfish of me, but it’s all worked

“And by that you mean it progressed to you blowing him?” Namjoon says, a bit shocked by his
own bluntness.

Taehyung and Seokjin seem shocked as well. Both their faces are blazing red.

“Yeah, kinda,” Seokjin says, recovering first. He finally takes a seat on the bed, although he’s
barely any closer to Taehyung. “We made out for a week and then Tae wanted to know what it was
like to give a blowjob, so… I let him. I’m his hyung, we’ve known each other for years, and it was
a safe environment for him to try. I figured, why not? I wanted to be a good hyung for my
dongsaeng. I wanted him to feel like he could come to me for anything and I wouldn’t judge him.”

“And this blowjob practice session has been going on for weeks now?” Namjoon asks.

Taehyung and Seokjin exchange glances, then look back at Namjoon with sheepish grins.
Seokjin shrugs. “Practice makes perfect.”

“Oh my god,” Namjoon says, shaking his head. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.
Does anyone else know?”

Taehyung and Seokjin look at each other again. Namjoon doesn’t like where he thinks this is
headed. Before they can say anything, Namjoon tells them, “All right, then. Things are more
complicated than I realized. Should we call a group meeting?” He looks between the two of them,
studying their hesitant faces. “Look, I know what you’re doing is private and… I’m sorry for just
interrupting you in your room like that, but we have to think about the others. How this might
affect them and our work as a whole. We need to be on the same page about things. The longer we
hide this from each other the more jarring it will be when it finally comes out. And you don’t have
to be scared. We all love you. If this makes you happy, then I’m sure everyone else will be happy

“You make it sound like we’re dating…” Seokjin mumbles.

Namjoon frowns. “You’re not?”

Taehyung laughs. “Someone’s a hopeless romantic.” Namjoon fights down a blush, wants to
point out that it’s the pot calling the kettle black, but holds his tongue. “We’re just relieving each
other of our urges. It’s working out pretty well. You should try it. Maybe with Yoongi hyung?” He
wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Namjoon can’t hold back his blush anymore. “For fuck’s sake… I’ll call a meeting, if that’s
okay with you two. Doesn’t have to be tonight, we’ve had a long day, but it should be soon. I can
give you two more time to discuss it with each other—”

“Oh my god,” Seokjin interrupts. “We don’t need to talk about it. We’re not a couple. We knew
this would come out eventually and, yeah, you’re probably right that this meeting needs to happen.
I don’t have any objections.”

Namjoon looked at Taehyung. “Tae?”

Taehyung nods his head. “I’m cool with it. We kept it secret because we were worried you
guys would freak out, but you have a point, Joon. I trust them not to overreact. Should’ve realized
that earlier.” He scrunches up his nose. “Well, maybe Jimin will. I tell him practically everything,
but I’ve managed to keep this from him. It’ll be a relief to finally admit it, I guess.”

Namjoon slaps his thighs and pushed himself up from his chair. “Okay. I’ll get everyone
together. We’ll meet in the kitchen in ten.”

They all sit at or stand around the island. Jimin and Taehyung are sitting next to each other,
somehow still possessing enough energy to mess around. Jungkook is looking around at everyone,
as if trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Seokjin is standing at the opposite end of the
island as Taehyung, examining his nails and very obviously trying not to look nervous. Hoseok is
quieter than usual, looks exhausted. Namjoon feels guilty for bothering him when the man so
clearly needed rest and, frankly, he was kind of scared to get him for the meeting. Hoseok’s happy-
go-lucky meter tends to drop to empty toward the end of the day. Yoongi is much the same. He
shot Namjoon a death glare as soon as he sat down at the island, appearing every bit like a bear
woken up right in the middle of hibernation. He’d thrown one of his hats on to hide his messy bed

Namjoon stands at the head of the island, wondering if maybe he should have waited to call
this meeting. Then he mentally shakes himself. No, he’s already called the meeting. This is
serious. He knows the longer he pushes it off, the more reluctant he—and Seokjin and Taehyung—
will be to talk about it. It’s now or, quite possibly, never.

Before Namjoon can say anything, Yoongi sighs loudly. “If we don’t start this meeting, I’m
gonna have to kill someone.”

What a way to start this off. Namjoon clears his throat, folding his hands together on the
counter. He quickly realizes how weirdly formal this looks when everyone’s eyes follow his
movements, so he opts for placing them behind his back instead. “Uh, I know this is sudden—”

“Fuck yeah it is,” Yoongi mumbles in irritation.

Namjoon ignores him and continues, “But we needed to talk about a… recent development.”
He motions to Taehyung and Seokjin awkwardly. God, this is so awkward. He didn’t realize how
awkward this would be. “Um, so…”

Taehyung suddenly pulls his hands back from Jimin and huffs, as if this whole thing is a chore.
“Joon caught me giving Jin hyung a blowie. There, that’s out there now.”

“What?” Jimin practically screeches, tearing his fingers from Taehyung’s hair.

Hoseok’s face scrunches into his typical disgusted expression, but he seems to realize quickly
what he looks like and discards it. “A ‘blowie’? Please tell me you mean a Blow Pop.”

“Nope,” Seokjin answers, his face turning pink. “He means blowjob.”


Taehyung bats Jimin away from him, blushing hard. “Calm down, Jiminie, jeez.”
“Calm down?” Jimin balks. “You’re telling me to calm down when you didn’t bother to tell me
that any of this was going on?”

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Yoongi says, visibly more interested in the meeting now.
“Not the fact that Tae just admitted to sucking Jin hyung off?”

Seokjin winces. “Yoongi, please.”

Yoongi frowns at him. “What? That’s what happened, right?” He swings his head around to
look at Namjoon. “You walked in on Tae with Jin’s dick in his mouth?”

Namjoon squeezes his eyes shut and covers his face with his hands. “Oh my god, this is so
weird.” He takes a deep breath and answers, “No, not exactly—”

“I kinda pulled off him just before he came in,” Taehyung clarifies. Jimin gapes at him. “Good
thing, too. Joon looked close to passing out as it was.” He laughs awkwardly.

“And you thought it was okay to keep this from us?” Hoseok asks. He looks less tired now.
More… kind of pissed. Not good. “Do you have any idea what would happen if PD Nim or any of
the other management caught you? Or the noonas? You know how they gossip.”

“No, no, no,” Seokjin replies, gesturing wildly. “We never, never do it outside of our rooms.”

“Yeah, but Namjoon walked in and caught you,” Hoseok points out.

Seokjin rubs at the back of his neck. “Yeah… that was a fluke.”

“A fluke?” Hoseok squawks, indignant.

“I didn’t know you were gay,” Jimin interrupts, and Namjoon is grateful that he stops Hoseok
from raising his voice any further. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jimin looks genuinely hurt.

“Because I’m not gay,” Taehyung says. A guilty expression falls over his face.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow. “Bi, then?”

“Well…” Taehyung trails off. “It’s… complicated. I mean, I do like women still. I’ve just,” he
shrugs, “sucked a dick.”

“Ah,” Yoongi bobs his head. “Having an identity crisis? Don’t worry. You’ll figure it out.”

“You sound like you speak from experience,” Jimin says jokingly. “Sucked some dick

Namjoon winces. This was not how he planned this meeting to go. Time to redirect. “Guys,
could we—?”

“Yeah, so what?” Yoongi talks over him and suddenly everyone’s eyes are on him. Yoongi
looks taken aback. “What? You guys didn’t know?”

“Didn’t know that you’re gay?” Jimin says, shocked. “No. It’s not like you told us!”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I’m not gay. I like women, men, been with a girl who had a dick before.
So, I guess not bi, more like… pan? I’m not a fan of labels.”

Hoseok’s mouth is hanging open. “A girl with a dick?”

“What? Yeah, they exist, you know.”

“No, I mean,” Hoseok says, “didn’t know you’d be into that.”

“The topic of my sexuality never came up. Besides, I thought I made it pretty clear that I
wasn’t straight,” Yoongi says. His face is a bit pink now, despite his outward confidence.

“Since when?” Namjoon can’t help but ask.

“Since Cypher 3,” Yoongi scoffs, looking at Namjoon like he’s dumb. “Do you think I just
threw that ‘whether it’s a guy or girl, I’ll make you come’ verse in there on a whim?”

Namjoon ran the words through his head again, feeling his face grow suddenly hot. “Oh,
well… guess I never thought of it that way. Saw it as a really good diss. Never really thought more
of it.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes again. “I always mean what I rap. You out of everyone should know

“Oh,” Namjoon says, feeling a bit guilty. He’d known Yoongi for longer than most of the
others in the group. How had he not noticed? What kind of friend was he? “Sorry.”

Yoongi shrugs. “It’s whatever. I had my suspicions that you might not know, since it took you
so long to figure out that Tae and Jin were fooling around.”

Namjoon stiffens. “What do you mean? You knew?”

Yoongi tilts his head and shrugs in a ‘yeah, no big deal’ gesture. Hoseok’s frown returns. “So,
you found out, then you thought it best to keep it a secret?” Hoseok asks, peeved. “Isn’t that a bit
irresponsible considering, well, it could have ended the group?”

Yoongi sighs. He doesn’t look like Hoseok’s tone of voice intimidates him, but Namjoon can
tell he’s a bit uncomfortable. “It wasn’t my place to say. Not my choice. If they weren’t
comfortable being ‘out’, then I wouldn’t say anything.”

A wave of guilt washes over Namjoon anew. He tosses both Seokjin and Taehyung apologetic
glances. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t know. Should have let you guys do it on your own terms. I wasn’t

Taehying put his hands up. “No, really, it’s okay. I gave you the go ahead, so it’s fine. But I
think it would make me more comfortable knowing where everyone else was on this…”

“On what?” Hoseok asks.

“On, uh…”

“Sexuality?” Yoongi supplies.

“Yeah,” Taehyung perks up. “Uh, yeah, that. I-if you’re all willing. If not…”

“I’ll start,” Jimin says, sitting back in his chair. “I’m gay. Very gay. Never been with a girl and
never want to.”

No one reacts.

Jimin frowns at them. “What? Did you guys know?”

“Kinda,” Taehyung answers. “I mean, in clubs you do tend to grind up on the guys more than
the girls…”

“And one time I found your secret porn mag stash,” Hoseok says. Jimin fixes him with a
horrified look. “Not on purpose! I was just cleaning the room and found it.”

Jimin’s face goes entirely red then and he drops his face into his hand. “God, kill me now.”

“I didn’t get a very good look at it!” Hoseok insists.

“Because you’re not into men?” Yoongi asks, then says to Jimin, “And who the hell still keeps
a stash of porn mags? What are you, a fifty-year-old man?”

Jimin snorts but doesn’t answer, and Hoseok goes quiet for a moment, squinting at nothing.
“Hm, not really. Never been with a guy. Never really found them attractive. Except… well…”

“Well?” Yoongi prompts, leaning in.

Hoseok noticeably swallows, his eyes dropping to the countertop. “Maybe I find you all
attractive every now and then. You know, like in a friendly way. Like, I acknowledge that you’re
handsome or sexy in some of our videos and photoshoots.”

Everyone is quiet for a moment.

Yoongi pushes his tongue against the side of his cheek to hide his smirk. “Interesting.”

Hoseok’s head snaps up to look at him. “Interesting?”

“Yeah,” Yoongi goes on. “In my opinion, sexuality is a spectrum. A lot of gray area. Some
guys have only ever been into girls, but I think in the right circumstances they could go gay. And it
seems like we’re your circumstances.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Hoseok’s face pulls into his disgusted expression again. He makes a dismissive motion with his
hand. “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. We’re idols. We’re supposed to be hot. What do you think the
makeup noonas are for?”

“Whatever you say, man,” Yoongi says, still smirking.

Hoseok looks like he’s about to retort when Seokjin says, “About this spectrum…” He bites at
his lip. “I think I’m in a gray area too. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love women. All I’ve had are
girlfriends. But then this thing with Tae made me realize… I’m not completely opposed to having
sex with a guy. Maybe not anything beyond oral, definitely not anything romantic. But a mouth’s a
mouth, you know?”

Yoongi toasts Seokjin with his water bottle. “Damn straight… or rather, not.”

“Aww yeah,” Taehyung cheers, fist-pumping. “I turned Jinie gay! Behold, the power of my
oral skills!”

Seokjin blushes deeper. “I said I’m in a gray area!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Taehyung says with a dismissive flick of his hands, although his face
is practically on fire from the praise. He shifts in his seat. “I’m the one that wanted to know what
giving a blowjob felt like, so I guess I’m more into guys than I originally thought. All I’ve had are
girlfriends too, but, like, in high school there was this one teacher…” Taehyung squirms a bit more,
but, to his credit, doesn’t let his eyes roam. “Gym teacher, naturally. Gotta see a lot of him in
shorts, tee-shirts. There was this one time when I was goofing off and not doing the exercises. He
pulled me to the side and made me do twice as many exercises as everyone else. Watched me the
whole time, scolded me a bit. When I finished, he ran his fingers through my hair and…”

Namjoon narrows his eyes, fear and anger clenching at his belly. “He didn’t… did he?”

Taehyung meets his eyes and shakes his head adamantly. “No, no. Nothing inappropriate. He
just kind of patted my head and said, ‘good boy’ or something along those lines and, well, let’s just
say I was very confused by my body that day, haha.”

Yoongi snickers. “Uh oh, looks like someone has a praise kink.”

“Praise kink?” Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the side.

“Praise kink,” Yoongi explains. “You know, when a partner praises you and you pop a boner.”

Taehyung blushes even harder. Namjoon didn’t think that was possible. Namjoon is also
blushing a bit himself since he’s thinking about how he liked to praise his partners in bed, but no
one needs to know that. This coincidence is just too weird. “I didn’t pop a boner! I mean, I got a
half-chub at most, but… maybe it was also because it was an authority figure who said it? It’s
always been older men I seem to react… like that to.”

Yoongi’s smirk widens. “Ohoho, a daddy kink too, then.”

Jimin snorts next to Taehyung, almost falling out of his chair laughing. Taehyung slaps him.
“Shut up! Don’t kink-shame me!”

Hoseok nods, hiding his laughs behind a hand. “Yeah, we gotta be supportive. It’s important
that we support each other’s sexuality.”

Jimin wipes the tears from his eyes. “Sorry.”

“Is that why you chose Jin hyung to blow?” Yoongi asks. “‘Cause he’s your hyung?”

Taehyung goes thoughtfully silent for a minute. “Well, it was just because we accidentally
kissed one day, and I thought ‘might as well.’ But, I don’t know. Maybe it turned into that at some

Seokjin clears his throat and shifts from foot to foot. Yoongi flashes him a grin. “You into that,

Seokjin tries his best to look confident. “Uh, I’ve had girls call me ‘oppa.’ At first I thought it
was weird, but then I kinda got into it. I think it happened when one of my hookups called me
‘daddy.’ There was a… response.”

“Hmm, so there was already a mutual attraction, huh?” Jimin cuts in, smiling fiendishly.
“Explains why you two decided to go with it after the accidental kiss.”

Taehyung slaps him again and Jimin laughs.

Namjoon nearly jumps out of his skin when Yoongi looks at him next. “Don’t think you’ll be
left out of this. What about you?”

“If you feel like sharing,” Hoseok adds insistently.

Namjoon stares at them all, his mouth going dry. Then he decides, fuck it, everyone else is
doing it. Why not set an example and go for it? So he shoves his hands into his pants pockets to
hide the fact that they’re trembling and replies, “I’m kinda like Hobi. I like calling you guys cute
and admiring how handsome you are sometimes, but other than that I’ve never been attracted to
men. Although there was this time in high school when I thought maybe I was.”

“Why’s that?” Yoongi asks and Namjoon thinks of course he would ask. Why did he even
bring it up? Damn Yoongi.

Namjoon tries to keep his shit together. He’s not one to go shy when it comes to sex talk, but
it’s different when they’re all discussing it seriously. A bit… intimate. He fees vulnerable and he
has to tell himself that it’s okay, that these are his friends. He can be vulnerable in front of them.
They won’t judge.

So he continues, “Well, the gay guy in my class kinda came onto me, asked me out.”

Yoongi whistles low. “Good taste.”

“Shut up,” Namjoon says, smiling at the compliment. “I got flustered, even though he asked in
private, away from my friends. I didn’t know what to say. I’d never been asked out. Never even had
a girlfriend at that point.”

Taehyung frowns. “Wait, when exactly did you lose your virginity?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Namjoon says quickly. “The fact was I was still unfamiliar with the whole…
romantic love kinda thing. I ended up turning the guy down and he was cool about it, but it got me
thinking… am I gay? So I went home and started watching gay porn—”

“Wow, that escalated quickly,” Hoseok comments.

Namjoon ignores him, pushes on through the story. He can’t stop now. “All sorts of gay porn.
After a while of not responding to any of it, I concluded that I didn’t like guys.”

“Fair enough,” Yoongi says, nodding. For some reason, he looks disappointed.

They all go quiet again. Then Yoongi turns to Jungkook, who is fiddling with the hem of his
shirt. “You’ve been weirdly quiet, Kookie. Do you have anything to say?”

Jungkook jumps in his seat, as if he forgot where he was. He looks at them all, his cheeks pink.
“Uh… well, I guess I should contribute. I mean, I want to contribute,” he adds when he sees
Hoseok open his mouth. “I just feel a little… out of my depth. I’m kinda still a virgin.”

“We know,” they all say at once.

Jungkook smiles sheepishly. “But I should say that I’m open to anything, at this point. Not that
I’m desperate or anything. I’m not one for hookups. I wanna wait until the right person comes
along. Someone special.”

“Aww,” Namjoon can’t help but say. “That’s cute.”

“And you don’t have any reason to be ashamed of that,” Hoseok assures. “You know what you
want and that’s a good thing.”

“Thanks,” Jungkook says. He pauses, as if mulling something over. “U-um, as I said, I’m open
to anything. I started out liking girls, probably because they always came onto me.”
“Naturally,” Yoongi agrees.

Jungkook blushes. “Yeah. But then some guys started coming onto me and I also liked that. It’s
not about it being an attention thing either. I genuinely felt like maybe I’d consider being with a
girl or a guy one day. I don’t know.”

“Do you get off to the thought of guys?” Yoongi suddenly asks.

Jimin leans in curiously while Hoseok hisses, “Yoongi hyung!”

To his credit, Jungkook doesn’t seem embarrassed by the question. He thinks for a moment.
“Yeah, I have. That came as a surprise as well. First it was wet dreams, then it sort of… escalated.”

Seokjin lets out a little gasp, as if he can’t believe his little baby Jungkook has something as
dirty as wet dreams. It’s weird for Namjoon to wrap his head around as well, but Jungkook is
barely out of his teenage years. Wet dreams are not unusual for such a time. In fact, from
Namjoon’s own experience, they’re extremely common. Kind of an every night thing. How does
Jungkook deal with that much pent up sexual desire? Namjoon could barely control it himself and
ended up jumping at the chance to fuck some random girl his senior year just to end the urges. It
was not like he’d have gotten another chance anyway; exams were coming up, and he’d be damned
if studying once again kept him from sex. Still, he was happy to see that Jungkook had more self-
control than Namjoon did when he was his age.

“Also,” Jungkook adds. “I knew about Tae hyung and Jin hyung as well. I didn’t tell anyone for
the same reason Yoongi didn’t. I felt it wasn’t my place.”

Taehyung’s eyes widen as he stares at Jungkook. “How did you and Yoongi know anyway? I
could’ve sworn we were being discreet.”

“I’ve been around enough fuck buddies to know when they’re fuck buddies,” Yoongi answers
smoothly. “They spend more time alone together, make excuses to be by themselves.” He faces
Seokjin. “I’ve caught you staring an unusually long time at Tae’s lips as well. Figured there was
something going on between you two.”

Seokjin blushes and stammers. Jungkook comes to his rescue. “I may be inexperienced with
sex,” Jungkook says, “but I tend to notice emotional rather than physical changes. You guys aren’t
a couple, but you look at each other as if you have some happy little secret you share.” He smiles at
them. “It’s cute. And, well, I noticed you guys going off by yourselves a lot too. Once caught Tae
hyung coming out of Jin hyung’s hotel room at five in the morning, looking like he slept there. I
knew there was only one bed in there and, while a lot of us tend to sleep together sometimes, Tae

“Sexed up?” Yoongi offers.

Jungkook nods. “Yeah, kinda. I mean, his lips were all red and swollen. His hair was more
messed up than usual, and he had a, uh…” He gestures to his neck.

Everyone swings around to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung bites his lip. “I told Jin to be careful. It’s his fault.”

“Hey, don’t pin this all on me,” Jin says, pointing at him. “You’re the one who let me do it.”

“I can only imagine the looks on the makeup noonas’ faces when they saw that you had a
hickey,” Jimin laughs.
“You really do have to be careful with those, though,” Hoseok says sternly. “We’re not
supposed to have any visible marks. That and if it happens enough times, people may start
wondering where they’re coming from and start looking into it.”

“Yeah, and the fact that you were caught coming out of Jin hyung’s room with a hickey,”
Namjoon adds, “that could have ended badly if it wasn’t Kookie that caught you.”

“True,” Taehyung admits, rubbing his neck. As if he’s trying to make sure there isn’t another
hickey there right now. He groans. “It’s so frustrating sometimes, you know? Having to constantly
tiptoe around when it comes to sex.” More quietly, he adds, “I like getting hickeys.”

The way Taehyung whines the last part causes a weird twinge in Namjoon’s groin. To his left,
he sees Seokjin’s hands come down to clasp together over his crotch and Yoongi wet his lips a
couple of times. What the fuck was that just now?

“I have an idea,” Yoongi says suddenly.

“What is it?” Taehyung prompts, genuinely interested.

Yoongi licks his lips again. He’s nervous, Namjoon can tell. But about what? He’s been mostly
all bravado throughout this entire meeting. What could possibly have him so nervous now?

“Look,” Yoongi begins, his voice possessing a weirdly cautious note. Like he’s slowly feeling
his way forward, closely reading their reactions. “I miss just having sex without the added pressure
of being discreet. Sometimes it’s a turn-on, but for the most part it’s pain in the ass.” He pauses,
licks his lips again.

Namjoon finds himself looking at Yoongi’s lips and comes to his senses. “Yeah? So, what’s
your point?”

“My point is,” Yoongi begins slowly, eyes darting around to them all, “that we all take a huge
risk whenever we go out and pick up other people. And one day, whether that be tomorrow or
years from now, we can’t be sure, one of our partners is gonna go to the media or we’re gonna get
caught in a compromising position by, for lack of a better word, an outsider.”

Hoseok sits back in his chair, nodding a bit. “Yeah, I’ve thought about that a lot. Sometimes
too much. To be honest, it’s really kind of killed my sex life. Lately I’m so afraid of the bad
publicity that I’ve mostly just been staying at home.”

“Um,” Jimin mutters, then goes silent again. He peers up to see all eyes on him and looks
startled, as if he didn’t mean the sound to slip out. He sighs. “Uh, um, yeah, I can understand that.
Please don’t freak out,” he says to Hoseok, “but last year I kinda got into a bit of a… situation
regarding something like that.”

Hoseok’s eyes widen, but he says nothing. Just waits for Jimin to continue.

“So, it was during our tour in Brazil,” Jimin continues, pointedly not looking at them. “I was
out clubbing with Hobi and Tae. Dancing, drinking, y’know? Kinda drank too much, to be honest.
Maybe that was why when this guy started coming onto me super strong, I wasn’t suspicious. I
mean, he was hot as all fuck. One of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen. The moment he started
grinding up on me, I was thinking with my dick.”

“Been there,” Yoongi admits.

“Yeah,” Jimin says, happy that he has an ally. “We were at the end of our tour and I was super
horny. Hadn’t fucked since—”

“Since a few months back when we were in Japan,” Taehyung fills in. “I remember seeing you
go off with another guy in Okinawa.”

Jimin blushes. “Jeez, wasn’t aware I was that obvious. Um, so, I was thinking with my dick and
I was drunk and… kinda desperate. Stupidly desperate. I don’t know why. Maybe ‘cause the guy
was hot, maybe ‘cause I’d been celibate for a while, maybe the atmosphere of the club… I don’t
know. But whatever happened, I can’t recall, because one minute I’m grinding up against this guy
on the dance floor and the next I’m shoved up against a stall in the bathroom…”

Namjoon feels anger work its way through his veins. His fists clench in his pockets. “He took
advantage of you,” he says, his voice low.

Jimin quickly shakes his head. “No, no, nothing like that. I mean, when I came to I wanted it. I
participated. It was consensual. I mean, at least it was until I noticed that he’d taken his phone out

“Oh no,” Hoseok breathes.

“—and was recording us. Like, I should have noticed it sooner, really. But I was buzzed and he
was so sneaky about it. Like, if I hadn’t craned my neck just right at just the right time, I may never
have seen it.”

“What did you do?” Seokjin presses.

“I freaked the fuck out, naturally,” Jimin continues. “Here I was fucking some rando in a dirty
club bathroom, straddled over the toilet, pants around my ankles, and he’d gotten it on video. This
could ruin me, ruin us. I saw… the end of BTS then, and it would be all my fault. Because I was so
damn stupid.” Jimin inhales shakily, his eyes moistening.

Taehyung wraps an arm around him. “It wasn’t your fault, Jiminie,” he assures. “Dude seemed
determined to get you into a compromising position from the start. He manipulated you.”

“And I let him manipulate me,” Jimin mutters quietly and when Namjoon opens his mouth to
protest, Jimin says more loudly, “Don’t. Just… don’t, okay? At least part of it’s my fault, and I
accept that. Anyway,” Jimin runs a hand through his hair, sniffling. “I tried to grab the phone out of
his hand, but he held it away from me. Told me that it was too late. He had me on video and he
was going to publish it on the internet. It would be everywhere. Everyone would know how much
of a slut I was to have sex in a club bathroom.” He hiccupped and wiped at his eyes. Taehyung gets
up to stand behind him, wraps his arms around him, puts his chin on his shoulder, murmurs
something that Namjoon thinks is comforting. Jimin takes a deep breath. “He demanded I give him
money or else he would post it. I said, sure, yeah, anything. What did he want? A lot of money,
that’s what. Like, half my earnings for the year. But I promised it to him because what else could I

“That’s why you were so jumpy after Brazil,” Jungkook says quietly. “Oh, Jimin…”

“So, I gave him what he wanted. I gave him the money. Had to tell PD Nim and the rest of
management. God, it was so embarrassing.” Jimin laughs shakily. “But for the most part they were
sympathetic. Asked the guy to meet up in private some place so they could check his phone in
exchange for the money, make sure the video was gone. He did delete it, but there was still the
possibility that he could have put it online somewhere. So, management did a months-long sweep
of a bunch of porn sites to make sure the video wasn’t there. And it hasn’t shown up. So far. I
guess it also helps that we threatened to sue the guy if the video ever got out. At least there’s that.”

“I’m so sorry that happened to you, Jimin,” Seokjin says. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because I didn’t want to worry you guys,” Jimin answers, wiping at his eyes. “I also wasn’t
ready to… come out yet. Which is stupid, I know, because apparently everyone seemed to know I
was gay already…”

“It’s not stupid,” Yoongi says. He sounds casual, but there’s an underlying fatherly tone in his
voice. “It was your choice. If you weren’t ready, then you weren’t ready.”

“Thanks,” Jimin croaks.

Silence stretches on for a moment between them, only filled with Jimin’s sniffles and
Taehyung’s quiet murmuring. Namjoon remembers where this conversation was going earlier and
turns to Yoongi, who looks lost in thought. “Um, you were talking about your idea?”

“Oh yes,” Yoongi says, snapping out of it. “Well, considering what happened with Jimin—
which was not your fault, I don’t care what you say—we can conclude that having sex with people
outside the group is extremely risky.”

“‘Outside the group’?” Hoseok echoes. “You talk as if we have sex with each other on the

Yoongi bites his lip, a gesture Namjoon knows he only makes when he’s unsure about
something. “Yeah, that’s my point.”

Seokjin frowns. “Your point?”

“My point,” Yoongi takes a deep breath, “is that… maybe you and Tae have the right idea.”

“What? Me blowing him?” Taehyung says and Namjoon puts his head in his hands again. He’d
almost forgotten that this meeting was about that.

“Kind of,” Yoongi says. “I mean, you got caught by Kookie, but even if you were caught by
someone outside just us then with a good excuse you could wiggle out of it. Doesn’t pose as much
a risk as taking a stranger home.”

“We could just not have sex,” Hoseok suggests, then immediately frowns as if he dislikes his
own idea.

They all give a collective groan, everyone except Jungkook who just stares at them blankly.
“No, no, I had enough of that during the years before and just after we debuted,” Yoongi
complains. “Never again. I thought my dick had shriveled up. Besides, we know from experience
that holding off on sex makes us desperate, and being desperate makes us take risks, yeah?”

Jimin lowers his head, squirming in his seat. “Yeah…”

“Yeah,” Yoongi goes on. “So I’m suggesting—”

Namjoon suddenly catches on, tries to stop Yoongi in his tracks, even though he knows that
would be impossible. If Yoongi had his mind set on something, there was no changing it. “No, no,
you’re not suggesting—”

“—that we have sex with each other instead,” Yoongi finishes. Although he’s a bit pink in the
face, he flashes Namjoon a smirk. Little shit is reveling in the fact that Namjoon couldn’t stop him
from saying it.

Everyone goes quiet for what feels like a full minute. Then Taehyung lets out a loud laugh.
Jimin soon joins in, leaning all over Taehyung, almost falling out of his chair. When all Yoongi
does is stare at them with a straight face, Taehyung stops laughing and says, “Oh wait. You’re

“Uh, yeah, I’m serious,” Yoongi says, as if it’s obvious.

“You’re serious…” Hoseok mutters.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, a blush working its way across his face. “For fuck’s sake. I meant what I
said. It’ll be easier and safer if we all just fuck each other.”

Namjoon’s heart picks up speed after hearing the word ‘fuck.’ Like the word really emphasized
exactly what Yoongi was suggesting they all do. It seems to snap everyone else out of their trances
as well. Seokjin starts chanting a string of ‘wait, wait, wait’s while Jungkook sputters and Hoseok
starts downing water from his bottle like crazy.

“Look,” Yoongi says loudly, talking over them. Seokjin glares at him, but he continues
regardless. “I know it’s weird—”

“Oh, it’s weird as fuck,” Namjoon agrees, still in shock.

“It’s weird,” Yoongi concedes. “But just think about it. Who do we trust more than each other?
Who do we spend the most time with? Who would get suspicious if we spent time alone with each
other? We do that all the damn time. We live in the same apartment complex. We work on music
with each other. It’s a safe bet.”

“What about the fact that some of us just told you that we’re not into men?” Hoseok asks,
finishing his water. “Is that just… some arbitrary thing to you?”

“No, but I stand by my spectrum theory,” Yoongi says.

Hoseok frowns at him. “So, you think that we’re gonna go gay for each other just because it’s

“Why not?” Yoongi asks innocently, pouting.

Namjoon stares at him, a realization forming in his mind. “This is some fantasy for you, isn’t
it?” he accuses. “You’re trying to get us to indulge your perversions.”

Yoongi’s blush gets darker, but he leans back in his chair and shrugs nonchalantly, like this
whole thing doesn’t bother him. “So what if I am?”

Jimin barks out a laugh. “Oh my fucking god, Yoongi hyung. You thirsty bitch.”

Yoongi scoffs. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“So you admit you’re attracted to us?” Taehyung asks, raising an eyebrow. He looks way too
pleased with himself.

Yoongi shrugs. “I know you’re all talented in your own ways, but please. Did you really think
Big Hit didn’t consider our looks when they chose us? I will readily admit that you’re all hot. I
mean, you’re supposed to be.”

Hoseok frowns. “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or…”

“Trust me,” Yoongi assures. “It’s a compliment.”

“That still doesn’t change the fact that some of us aren’t into guys, though.”

Yoongi sighs wearily, as if he’s trying to explain a complex concept to a child “You don’t have
to be into guys. You just have to be into us.”

Hoseok stares at him, his face scrunching up. “Is there something I’m missing here or…?”

“Look, sexuality is a complicated thing. As I said, I don’t like labels. So what if you let a guy
suck your dick?” Yoongi motions to Seokjin, who appears uncomfortable at being brought into the
conversation. “Doesn’t mean you want to be romantically involved with a guy. A mouth is a
mouth. You said so yourself.”

“Hey, don’t use my own words against me!” Seokjin snaps, a blush creeping across his cheeks.

“This is happening right now,” Namjoon says to himself. “This is actually happening. What
the fuck?”

“Hey, man, you’re the one who called this meeting,” Yoongi says.

“Yeah, about Tae and Jin!” Namjoon flashes back.

“This is about Tae and Jin.”

“Really? ‘Cause it sounds like a cliché porn ad to me!”

“Hey, don’t you hate on my cliché porn ad impressions!”

“I could give it a shot.”

Namjoon and Yoongi tear their eyes from each other to look at Taehyung. He’s standing behind
Jimin, a contemplative look on his face. “I mean,” Taehyung continues, “I like blowing Jin hyung.
Who’s to say I won’t like blowing the rest of you guys?”

Namjoon can’t believe what he’s hearing. I should have saved this for tomorrow. We’re all so
tired we’re talking nonsense.

Yoongi has a wide, satisfied smile on his face. “That’s the spirit!”

“It’s gonna be really weird,” Jimin says. “I mean, you guys are hot. But you’re my friends. I
would never consider dating you.”

Yoongi presses a hand to his heart. “You wound me, Jiminie.”

“It’ll be less awkward for you, at least,” Seokjin says. “You’re gay.”

Jimin folds his arms over his chest. “Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean fucking my best
friends won’t be awkward. None of you are my type.”

“Ouch,” Taehyung says, wincing. “I thought we got along pretty well.”

“Yeah, as friends,” Jimin emphasizes.

Taehyung pouts at him for a moment before he pounces on Jimin, hands going for his crotch.
Jimin almost falls out of his seat, tries to extricate himself from him. “What the hell are you

“Let me suck your dick!” Taehyung begs.


“Just let me do it. Come on! I’m good. You’ll like it!”

“No! Get off me!”

Yoongi chuckles next to Namjoon. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” Namjoon deadpans.

Yoongi smirks at him. “You have no idea.”

“Wait, wait,” Jungkook suddenly cuts in and they haven’t heard his voice in so long they all
stop to look at him. “Yoongi hyung has a point. Everything would be much more discreet if we…
you know, did it with each other.”

“‘Did it’?” Jimin says, smiling. “You’re so cute, Kookie.” Jungkook blushes while Taehyung is
distracted enough for Jimin to finally push him away. “Are you saying you would do it? What
happened to wanting to wait?”

“I’d feel comfortable if it’s with you guys,” Jungkook says. “I trust you and I love you.
Besides, um, I’m kinda… insecure about being so inexperienced, so maybe this’ll be good

It was so strange to hear Jungkook, of all people, agree to something so sexual. Namjoon
thought Jungkook would be the least comfortable with this situation, but, for some reason, he’d
gained some confidence. Maybe it was because he’d done really well at dance practice today, so
well that the choreographers praised him. Maybe it was because he looked the most well rested
this morning. Namjoon can’t be sure. It catches him off-guard and, strangely, puts him a bit at
ease. He’d been worried that Jungkook would react badly to this, that this might scar him. Hearing
that he is somewhat comfortable with Yoongi’s idea makes muscles Namjoon hadn’t known were
tense, relax.

The others seem to be feeling the same way. Namjoon can practically hear a collective exhale
of breath. Then, Jimin concedes, “Fine. If Kookie’s in, I’m in. Could be fun.”

“Aw yeah, then I’m in too,” Taehyung adds.

Hoseok shakes his head. “I have to admit, this is the safest option. And I don’t want anything
like what happened to Jimin to happen again. This is just… gonna be weird.”

“I guess I’m already roped into this seeing as me and Tae have done things,” Seokjin sighs.
“But, mostly, I’ll agree to it to make sure none of you go overboard.”

Everyone is agreeing. Namjoon wasn’t expecting that. He doesn’t have an answer prepared, so
when Yoongi gives him a questioning look, he stammers a bit. “U-uh, well. As Kookie said, we
trust each other, right? Our friendship has weathered so much shit already. I think it can survive
this. We can try it and if we don’t like it then we don’t have to do it again. You can drop out any
time you want, no hard feelings. No pressure.”
“Is that a yes?” Yoongi prompts.

Namjoon sighs. What is he getting himself into? “Yeah. But don’t let it go to your head.”

Yoongi’s eyes flash mischievously. Before Namjoon can warn him further, Taehyung pipes up,
“So… how are we gonna do this, exactly? Just go off into rooms with each other in private like me
and Jin have been doing, or…?”

“Hm, that’s no fun,” Yoongi pouts, resting his chin on his hand. “I was thinking orgy.”

Hoseok almost spits out the water he’s drinking. He swallows quickly, coughs a bit. “O-

“Yeah, why not?” Yoongi says. “I mean, we all just agreed to have sex with each other. What
better way of getting to know each other sexually than getting all together at once? That way we
can see who has chemistry.”

“Stop talking like you’re a matchmaker,” Seokjin says. “This is just sex.”

“Chemistry doesn’t have to be emotional. Sexual chemistry is also very important,” Yoongi
points out matter-of-factly.

Taehyung bows dramatically. “Oh, great Yoongi hyung, master of sex, teach me your ways.”

Around the island the others either roll their eyes or groan while Yoongi raises a hand. “I will
impart my wisdom on you in due time, my son,” he intones.

“So,” Hoseok interrupts and pauses like he can’t believe what he’s saying. “We’re having an
orgy. When, though?”

Namjoon goes over their weekly schedule in his head. He has up to three months memorized by
now, every activity, all the times, the places they need to be. He didn’t let himself contemplate
long enough to linger on the fact that he was trying to find free time for all of them to have sex
together what the fuck. “Next Wednesday evening. We don’t have to be up early and we have no
work to do at that time. We’ll have a good few hours.”

“Sounds good.” Yoongi nods. He pushes back from his chair and stretches, yawning, looking
extremely pleased with himself. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go pass out until morning.”

“Same,” Hoseok says, yawning himself.

“All right then,” Namjoon tells them. “Meeting adjourned. And Jin hyung, Tae?” Both men
stop in their tracks on their way to their rooms, looking back at him. “No more hickeys. Please.”

The rest of the week is a blur of dance practice, interviews, more dance practice, photoshoots,
voice coaching, recording, and yet more dance practice. So, when Namjoon walks through the
lounge area on his way to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water and hears soft moaning, he
wonders how in the fuck Taehyung and Seokjin have enough energy to get each other off.

Namjoon doesn’t even bother to observe them as he opens a cabinet. “Guys, come on.
Tomorrow’s the day. Couldn’t you have waited until then? Also, gross. We all sit on that couch,
have some shame.”

There’s the sound of something knocking against the coffee table and a mumbled curse.
Namjoon stops in his tracks and turns on the lounge light. “Guys? You okay?” Jungkook’s head
pops over the top of the couch, his face flaming red. Namjoon’s eyes widen. “Kookie? Were you

They just stare at each other for a few long, tense moments. Then Jungkook’s face disappears
behind the couch cushions. “Uh…” he says hesitantly. “I was, um, I… shit, okay, fine. I was… you

“Getting off?” Namjoon supplies, dumbfounded.


“On the couch,” Namjoon deadpans.

A pause.

Namjoon realizes then that he’s being kind of judgmental, that as the youngest and most
sexually inexperienced member of the group, Jungkook could be ashamed of his own sexuality if
he’s too hard on him. Then again, this is their couch. And while Namjoon isn’t foolish enough to
think that no one had ever jerked off on it before, he’d rather they do it discreetly when no one else
is around. And clean up after themselves. Maybe put down a towel. Had Jungkook even put down
a towel? No, no. Don’t be critical. Be firm, but supportive. Yeah.

But Namjoon had never had to scold a member for masturbating in the lounge before. He isn’t
prepared for this.

“I’m sorry,” Jungkook sighs, sitting up so he can see Namjoon. “I didn’t mean for you to walk
in. Thought everyone had turned in for the night.”

“It’s okay,” Namjoon says, filling his glass. “Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t caught you
jerking off any other time.”

Jungkook laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, that’s because I usually do it in my room.”

“Why the change today?”

Another pause.

“Um,” Namjoon says, reconsidering. “Never mind. You don’t have to tell me.”

“No, no, it’s okay. I, uh. I was watching TV and the urge just hit me. Did a twice-around the
complex to make sure everyone was in their rooms and all was quiet before, uh… starting.”

“Did you finish?”

Namjoon doesn’t know why he asked. Was it curiosity? Just making conversation? Was a part
of him—just a tiny, miniscule part of him—turned on by the thought? Before Namjoon can explore
that latter reason further, Jungkook replies, “Um… no.”

“Uh…” Namjoon doesn’t know how to process this information, what to say next. Eventually,
he downs the rest of his water as quickly as possible, puts his glass in the sink. “Well, uh. I’ll just
go back to my room then. Just make sure to… clean up after yourself.”
Namjoon passes by the couch rather fast, keeping his eyes forward. He hears Jungkook make a
strange sound—a strangled sort of noise, sort of like a whine. It quickly turns into a hurried,
“Okay, um, sorry about that.”

Namjoon gives him a backhanded wave as he retreats. Is Jungkook really going to finish on the
couch? The one that everyone shares? And Jungkook must not have been checking the complex
very well, since Namjoon knew he had his door cracked open with the light on before he went to
get water. If Jungkook passed by, they would have seen each other. If Jungkook is this negligent
when it comes to hiding his masturbation sessions, then maybe it would be a good thing if they had
sex with just each other. Well, maybe good for Jungkook, at least. For Namjoon, he still hasn’t
been able to quite wrap his head around it.

Great. Now every time I even look at that couch I’m gonna know that Kookie jerked off on it.

Chapter End Notes

So, that was fun to write. I've started writing the orgy and I'm still trying to figure out
if I'll inject some plot into this. Definitely smut in the next chapter. I know I've been
erratic with my updates but bear with me. Thanks for reading! :)
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Wherein our boys talk about their kinks and fetishes. Also Kookie loses his innocence
and Hobi gets handsy. Oh and there's smut.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Taehyung’s voice lingers in the air. It’s Wednesday night, orgy night, and they are all sitting in
the lounge. Namjoon is seated on the floor, his long legs stretched out over the carpet where the
coffee table used to be before they moved it. He leans back against the couch for a moment, only to
remember that one night when he caught Jungkook and sits up straight again. Jimin shoots him a
questioning look and Jungkook coughs.

“How do we do this, exactly?” Taehyung asks. He’s not dressed up in his usual flamboyant
fashion, clad only in a plain white tee and some sweatpants, feet bare. If Taehyung is this serious
about dressing for the occasion, then he must be pretty excited. He can barely sit still as it is.
Namjoon doesn’t know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. “Do we just grab someone and
start?” He waggles his eyebrows at Jimin who scoots away just a bit.

Everyone is looking at Yoongi, waiting for his permission. Namjoon doesn’t know how
Yoongi became the de-facto leader of this whole thing, but out of all of them he has the most
experience. Or at least, he seems like he does. Now that Namjoon thinks about it, he can’t recall
Yoongi ever saying that he’d participated in an orgy before. Or that he’d even had more than a
couple of partners. Is it really a good idea to let Yoongi lead this? If not, then who else would lead
it? Namjoon?

Before Namjoon can think on it, Yoongi says, “Well, I figured we should get everything on the
table before we start. You know, preferences, kinks, fetishes, things you absolutely would not do.
Let’s start with the extremes: none of you are into scat are you?”

Taehyung squints at him. “Do you mean…?”

“Yes, exactly that.”

They all break out in ‘ews’ and ‘no’s and Namjoon thinks, thank fuck, because if one of them
happened to be into that he just might have to move out.

Yoongi seems relieved as well. “Okay, good. So, no… bodily waste at all, right?”

“NO,” they all say firmly.

“Maybe it would be easier if we all go around and say what we like,” Yoongi offers, trying to
ease the sudden spike in tension. He’s sitting in a beanbag chair in an overlarge black hoodie and
tight black pants. He looks like he’s being completely swallowed up, very small, but he exudes
confidence. However, Namjoon notices the little movements Yoongi’s fingers are making where
his hands are stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie. Experience or not, Yoongi’s just as nervous as
the rest of them. Namjoon feels a little guilty that the thought of a nervous Yoongi reassures him.
“I’ll start. I’m pansexual, so I’m into all sexes. However, I prefer men to women and I usually
bottom when I’m with men.”

Taehyung frowns in confusion. “Bottom?”

Jimin pinches the bridge of his nose. “He’s the one that takes it up the ass.”

“Oh, right,” Taehyung nods, accepting the answer without a hitch. How the fuck is the kid
completely unfazed by that? Namjoon for one can’t believe he now knows Yoongi is a bottom.
What the actual fuck is happening right now? Can he still stop this before it goes any further?

“Didn’t take you for one,” Jimin comments. “I can’t see you being submissive.”

“Who said I’m submissive?” Yoongi flashes back. “I wasn’t finished. I like domination. I like
to be in control. Just because I have a dick up my ass doesn’t mean I can’t dominate my partner.”

Namjoon feels a worrying twinge in his groin at the admission, but he dismisses it as a pulled
muscle from practice. Hopefully.

“That being said, I also like being dominated. I’m into rough sex. Dubcon,” Yoongi continues
and before Taehyung can ask what that term means, he elaborates, “Dubious consent.”

Seokjin raises an eyebrow. “Like… rape fantasy?”

“Not quite that. More like I like when the consent between me and my partner isn’t outright
stated. Like, they’ll just grab me, push me up against a wall or something, and have their way no
matter if I try to resist. But that resistance is all play, because there’s a safe word, something I’ll
say if I actually don’t wanna fuck. Get it?”

“Sounds dangerous,” Hoseok comments.

Yoongi smiles. “Oh yeah, that’s why I like it. My other likes are blowjobs. I love giving them
more than receiving them. Same thing with eating others out. I’m damn good at it.”

“Oh really?” Taehyung says, a challenging note in his voice. “Care to test that?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, kid. I’ve been sucking dick since you were
in grade school. My gag reflex died long ago.” He added, raising his eyebrows, “Ever been skull-

“No. And we’re only two years apart in age, hyung.”

“That’s what I thought,” Yoongi says, ignoring the other part of Taehyung’s statement. “Don’t
worry. I’ll teach you how if you want.”

“Really?” Taehyung chirps, bouncing excitedly on the couch. “Cool!”

“Gotta be careful with that, though,” Namjoon cuts in. He doesn’t know how in the world he
manages to talk when he feel so weirded out, but he does somehow. “Can’t afford too many sore
throats. We still gotta sing.”

Yoongi waves dismissively. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be careful on his little virgin throat.” Hoseok
sighs dejectedly. Yoongi turns to him. “What’s up with you?”

Hoseok shrugs. He has that look on his face, the one where he seems disappointed but he’s
obviously just faking it. “I don’t know. I was kinda hoping all these revelations wouldn’t be so
predictable. But after hearing yours…” He shrugs again, clicking his tongue. Amusement flashes
in his eyes.

Yoongi huffs. “All right then, smartass, what do you have to tell us? You into having your ass
fisted or something?”

Hoseok immediately pulls a disgusted face. “What? God, no. I told you I don’t consider myself

“Don’t have to be gay to stick your own fist up your ass.”

“Are you projecting or what? Wait, no, don’t answer that. Please,” Hoseok says quickly and
Yoongi just laughs. “Let’s see.” He taps his chin, thinking. He’s blushing a bit now, but that’s all
that gives away how embarrassed he is. “Oh yeah, okay. Dirty talk. That’s my main thing.”

Yoongi tilts his head. “Yeah? Talking or being talked to?”

“Hmm. Both, but more dirty talking someone else.”

Jungkook’s eyes widen. “Whoa, and I hardly ever hear you curse. Unless, you know, you’re
angry. Or rapping.”

“Well, prepare your ears, then.” Hoseok winks at Jungkook, whose whole face erupts into a
blush. Hoseok immediately laughs. “Oh, Kookie. You’re adorable.”

“Shut up.”

“Anything else?” Yoongi prompts. “Come on. I’m feeling a bit like a manwhore having all
these kinks and fetishes.”

“Hmm.” Hoseok thinks again, although it’s clear he’s just doing it for dramatic effect now.
Yoongi huffs impatiently. “Massages.”

Jungkook’s mouth drops open. “You mean, any time you’re going around giving us little
massages you’re getting off to it?”

“Not quite, no,” Hoseok says. “Not the right conditions. I mean, I just like making you all feel
relaxed and stuff.”

“So, you’re talking about erotic massages,” Yoongi concludes.

Hoseok nods. “Yeah. Warm oil, running my hands over bare skin, feeling people up. I like the
feeling of making the person I’m massaging unwind. It’s like I’m teasing them.”

“You would be a tease,” Jimin snorts.

Hoseok punches him in the arm, earning a whined ‘ow.’ “Oh, that just reminded me of
something. Yoongi hyung, what you said about domination comes up a lot when I have sex. I like
holding people down, taking control. This one girl I met in Rio once had me tie her to her bed and
gag her. To say I was excited would be an understatement.” He smirks. “Kept her up all night.”

Yoongi whistles low and Taehyung claps. “So, some bondage,” Yoongi says, nodding. Then he
sighs, not dissimilar from the way Hoseok did earlier. “You call me predictable. With the way
you’re always beating up on Jiminie it was obvious you’d be a dom.”
“Jimin deserves it most of the time,” Hoseok points out.

“No, I do not!” Jimin flashes back.

“Admit it,” Hoseok says, sliding close to Jimin and leaning in so close that their breaths
mingle. He has that smoldering look in his eyes, the one saved for sultry photoshoots, music
videos, and meeting fans. For some reason, it makes Namjoon shiver. “You like it.”

Jimin goes red from ears to neck and shoves Hoseok’s face away from him. “Oh my god, get
over yourself.”

Hoseok snickers and remains uncomfortably close to Jimin, and Jimin rolls his eyes but he does
nothing about it.

“Is that it for you?” Yoongi asks and when Hoseok nods, he moves on to Jimin. “Come on,
let’s hear ‘em.”

“Um…” Jimin begins, biting his lip. Had his lips always been that plump? Namjoon pushes the
thought away as Jimin answers, “Oh god, this is gonna sound dirty.”

Taehyung leans in eagerly. “Ooh, what is it?”

Jimin hesitates for a moment. “I once had a guy do me in a public park,” he finally admits. “In
the middle of the day. On a bench right next to the path. Where anyone could see us.”

“Please tell me this was before your idol days,” Seokjin says.

Jimin nods. “Yeah, early high school. Had a boyfriend who was into it. I kind of went along so
he could have the experience, but then I ended up liking it… much more than I should have,

“So we have an exhibitionist,” Yoongi says.

“Oh, that’s naughty, Jiminie,” Taehyung giggles.

“N-not exactly!” Jimin says quickly. “It was only once and I was a teenager. I was horny all the
time. I can’t be sure whether it was a fluke or an actual fetish. I’m just… putting it out there.”

Yoongi nods, although he looks like he doesn’t believe him. “Go on.”

Jimin sighs, seeming relieved that the conversation has moved on. “I’m also into muscle

“Giving or receiving?”

“Both,” Jimin says. “I’ve mostly been on the receiving end because, you know—”

“Ah yes,” Namjoon quips. “How could we forget our eighth member, Jimin’s abs?”

Jimin blushes and laughs. “Yeah, that. But I’ve kinda really wanted to be on the giving end as
well.” Jungkook shifts where he’s sitting and Jimin’s face grows redder. “I guess I should also
mention that I’m flexible,” Jimin adds.

“Duh,” Taehyung says.

“No,” Jimin reiterates. “I mean, I’m really flexible. Like, you can fold me in half and—” Jimin
stops short and clears his throat. “Yeah, um, that.”

“Oh, that’ll be fun,” Yoongi says, his face already twisting into a contemplative expression.
His eyes slide over to Taehyung next. “So, Tae, you already told us you have a praise kink and a
daddy kink. Anything else you wanna add?”

Taehyung sits up straight, as if he’d just been addressed by a teacher. “Hm, yeah. I guess I like
getting spanked.”

“Finally, something unexpected!” Yoongi exclaims. “I would’ve thought you liked spanking
other people, not getting spanked.”

“I thought mine was pretty unexpected,” Jimin mutters.

“It was,” Hoseok whispers sensually. Jimin tries to scoot away, but Hoseok scoots with him.

“I do like spanking you guys for fun,” Taehyung admits. “I usually do it when I’m nervous or
you’re nervous just to ease the tension. But one day Jimin spanked me when I had a half-chub—”

Jimin looks scandalized. “When did you have a half-chub in front of me?!”

“Doesn’t matter,” Taehyung dismisses nonchalantly, and Jimin snorts. “Fact is, when you
spanked me then, I got super hard and had to excuse myself, haha.” He nods to Yoongi. “That’s
basically all I’ve got.”

Yoongi leans back in the beanbag chair, contemplating. “So, a praise kink, a daddy kink, and a
spanking kink, eh? Sounds like you’re a straight-up submissive.”

Taehyung shrugs. “Maybe. Won’t know until we try.”

“Patience, my son,” Yoongi admonishes. He nods in Seokjin’s direction. “Anything else but
your daddy kink?”

Seokjin blushes and scratches the back of his neck. “I guess I also like when my partners beg.”

“Me too, Jinie, me too,” Yoongi says with a wide smile. “You’re up next, Kookie.”

Jungkook’s head shoots up, eyes wide. He chews his bottom lip. “Um…”

“Kookie, it’s okay,” Yoongi soothes. “There’s no judging here.”

Jungkook takes a deep breath and says, “I… don’t have a lot of experience so I don’t have
many fetishes, but… I kinda like being watched.”

“If you have no experience, then how do you know you like being…?” Taehyung asks before
trailing off, revelation settling on his features. “Oh.”

Jungkook squirms where he sits. “Yeah… sometimes I… rub myself discreetly through my
pants when I’m in front of others—mostly you guys. Sometimes I don’t even need to, uh, stimulate
myself. I’ll just—” He makes a vague gesture.

“No way, man,” Taehyung gasps, jaw dropping. “You can come hands-free? Dude!”

Jungkook’s face turns a darker shade of red. “Sometimes, yeah. I’ve gotten really good at
hiding that I’m… coming.”
“Aw, man,” Taehyung groans, pouting. “Wish I could come hands-free.”

“I could teach you,” Jungkook offers brightly, then realizes what he just said and goes back to
acting shy. “I mean, if you want.”

“Oh, hell yeah!” Taehyung says, fist-pumping.

Namjoon takes a deep breath and decides to jump right in before Yoongi calls on him. “I like
praising my partners. And domination, I think.” Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Taehyung
glance at him. He wonders if the man is thinking about Namjoon praising him. That weird twinge
returns to Namjoon groin and only now does he realize it’s not just a pulled muscle.

Yoongi frowns. “That it?”

“What do you mean ‘that it’?”

“Dunno.” Yoongi shrugs. “You tend to have a dirty mind. Just thought you’d be a bit more…
exciting in bed.”

“I’m plenty exciting!” Namjoon protests, legitimately irritated.

Yoongi snorts. “You sound pretty vanilla to me.”

“All right,” Namjoon says, clutching at the couch as he pulls himself to his feet. He sees
Yoongi’s eyes widen just a bit as he comes to his full height and marches over. “That does it, you
cheeky bastard.”

Yoongi just sinks deeper into his beanbag chair and flips his hood up. “Whatcha gonna do
about it, vanilla boy? Gonna cuddle me to death?” He sticks out his tongue.

“Oh, I’ll cuddle you. Ha!” He bluffs leaping onto Yoongi. In response, Yoongi lets out an odd
squeal and rolls off the beanbag rather clumsily. Everyone breaks out in laughter as Yoongi rolls
onto his back and huffs, laughing a bit himself. His hoodie has ridden up, revealing a patch of pale
stomach. Namjoon’s heart skips a beat and he swallows. He actually tackles Yoongi this time,
flopping onto the smaller man.

“Oof,” Yoongi grunts, gasping in laughter. He manages to wriggle an arm out to slap Namjoon
on the shoulder. “Get off me. Damn, have you been eating like a pig? You’re heavy as hell!”

“Oh, I eat like a pig?” Namjoon asks, spurred on by the sudden break in tension. His fingers
find Yoongi’s sides and he pinches.

Yoongi squirms. “Ah! Hey—hey! S-stop, haha, that tickles!”

Namjoon can’t help but think that Yoongi is so damn cute like this, all gummy smiles, flushed
cheeks, and giggles. It makes him tickle Yoongi even more, his fingers accidentally crawling up
under his hoodie. As soon as he touches skin, the atmosphere changes significantly. Suddenly
Namjoon realizes how close he is to Yoongi. In any other situation it would be fine. They’ve had to
share beds before, he’s tickled Yoongi before, no big deal. But he remembers why they are all
gathered here, remembers about the sex and all that they were talking about earlier, and then he
notices that Yoongi has stopped squirming. Suddenly Yoongi’s skin feels hot beneath his fingers.
He meets his hyung’s eyes and notices that they have become half-lidded, that the playful spark in
them has been replaced with something like hunger. Then Yoongi’s tongue pokes out to wet his
lips like he does when he’s nervous, and Namjoon’s eyes follow it, his heart pounding now.
Yoongi’s lips look super soft. Wow, how had he not noticed that before?
Before Namjoon can get in control of himself, he presses his lips to Yoongi’s. They are soft.
Namjoon then realizes what he’s doing and pulls back. “I, uh, I didn’t mean—”

But Yoongi doesn’t seem bothered that Namjoon just kissed him out of nowhere. In fact, he has
the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. “Way to prove my point,” he scoffs. “Very vanilla. Didn’t
even move your lips at all. What are you, a shy little schoolgirl?”

“I think you forgot that I said I like dominating,” Namjoon flashes back, and before Yoongi can
give another smartass reply, he smashes his lips to his hyung’s. It’s a bit rougher than Namjoon
wanted, with teeth clacking briefly, Namjoon forcing his tongue in a little too early. But he’s
turned on from the conversation earlier, excited by the prospect of praising his friends, seeing them
tremble at the sound of his voice. And Yoongi had been alternating between sultry and adorable
since the time they sat down. Namjoon can’t decide whether he wants to cuddle him or continue
devouring his mouth.

But when Namjoon finally relents and pulls away and Yoongi looks up at him with eyes half-
lidded, glazed over with want, Namjoon decides that he wants his mouth again. He wants his skin
beneath his fingers again, wants more skin. He just wants and there’s no time to think about the
implications of the fact that the person he wants happens to be Yoongi, a man, his colleague, his
best friend. Namjoon can’t remember the last time he actually had the time to have sex—six,
maybe eight months?—can’t remember the last time it had been carefree, sex that didn’t involve
being constantly worried about extortion or being identified by his partners or having to go out and
put in the effort to actually get laid. Yoongi is here, he knows Yoongi, trusts him, and he’s so
damn cute and sexy and… wow, how is Namjoon just now realizing how much he actually likes
Yoongi? It’s been so long since he got laid that he’s desperate for it, for anyone. That’s what he
tells himself, at least. Now is not the time for an existential crisis.

Yoongi seems to realize the direction Namjoon is heading and manages to wriggle out from
under him a bit, enough for him to reach down and pull his hoodie over his head. Namjoon
watches eagerly and gives a huff of laughter as Yoongi reveals a purple undershirt. “You came to
an orgy dressed in layers?”

“Shut up, I get cold, okay?” Yoongi says, quickly discarding the shirt. Fixes him once again
with that hungry look. “Touch me.”

Namjoon does. He runs his hands up Yoongi’s soft stomach, his chest, marveling how milk-
pale and smooth his skin is. He isn’t as muscular as, say, Jimin or Jungkook, but thin, delicate
almost, which greatly differs from his personality. Namjoon finds he likes the contrast, likes the
fact that Yoongi is so small he could easily pick him up yet is resilient enough to take anything
Namjoon would give him. Namjoon doesn’t dwell on what he would want to give to Yoongi. If he
dwelled, he might begin to mentally retreat. So he just does.

He pulls Yoongi back beneath him, he licks a stripe up his neck, he explores his mouth with his
tongue, he runs his fingers through Yoongi’s dark hair. And Yoongi responds in kind, clutching at
Namjoon’s clothes, tugging at his hair, taking Namjoon’s lip between his teeth. It’s a flurry of
exploring hands, desperate kisses, and gasping breaths until someone on the couch loudly clears
their throat and they finally pull apart.

Namjoon looks up to see Seokjin staring at them, a flush on his cheeks. He clears his throat
again. “Um, maybe we should take care of Kook first. You know, since he’s… new to this.”

Namjoon examines the others on the couch. Hoseok is sitting next to Seokjin, his eyes
immediately wandering when Namjoon meets them. Jimin has his eyebrows raised in interest at the
display on the floor and shrugs, his hand having, perhaps subconsciously, crawled over to rest on
Hoseok’s thigh. Taehyung waggles his eyebrows at them, throwing them a thumbs up. He slings an
arm around Jungkook’s shoulders who, up until now, had been pointedly staring at the wall on the
opposite side of the room.

“How about it, Kookie?” Taehyung asks him, shaking him excitedly. “Ready to get some

Jungkook is red all over, noticeably nervous. He looks like he’s caught between passing out
and running away, which is definitely not what he should be feeling right now. Namjoon
reluctantly gets off of Yoongi, standing up. “Be easy with him, Tae. This is his first time. We
should make him comfortable and it should be special.”

Yoongi pushes himself to his feet as well, looking a bit awkward being the only one of them
without a shirt. “I always knew you were a romantic, Joonie,” he sighs wistfully. “My first was
some drunken one-night stand. I was so out of it that I barely remember it.”

Namjoon turns to him, feels the urge to hug him, but holds back. “I’m sorry.”

Yoongi coughs, clearly uncomfortable that he admitted something so intimate. “Yeah, well. My
point is that this should be memorable for Kookie. He should feel safe and loved.” He nods to
Jungkook. “Is that what you want, Kook?”

Jungkook stares at him for a moment, as if trying to possess what he just said. Then he nods
and proceeds to play with the hem of his shirt, eyes on his lap. Namjoon walks over to him and
very gently cards his fingers through Jungkook’s pinkish hair. Jungkook shivers but doesn’t look
up. “We’ll go as slow as you need, Kookie, okay? Tell us what you want to try first.”

Jungkook does look up at him then and Namjoon is alarmed to see that his eyes are wet.
Jungkook seems to notice and quickly scrubs at his face, as if scratching an itch. “Um…” he
begins, his voice cracking a little. He gives a nervous laugh. “Sorry, ah… I’m just a little lost.”

“We can start with kissing.”

Namjoon jumps when he hears Yoongi’s voice over his shoulder. Yoongi gives him the
slightest smirk at the reaction. “How are you with kissing?” Yoongi asks.

Jungkook wrings his hands. “Uh, haven’t really… had the opportunity, actually.”

Taehyung gasps next to him, wraps his arms around Jungkook in a hug. “Aw, that’s so cute,
Kookie! We get to see your first kiss!”

“Don’t pressure him, now,” Hoseok warns. “Kook, you don’t have to kiss any of us. Some
people think kissing should only be reserved for people in a relationship, and that’s fine. Your first
kiss should be special, with someone you love.” Hoseok’s expression changes fleetingly, like he’s
remembering something from long ago.

Yoongi nods. “Yeah, don’t think you have to do it. We can just do sex if you want.”

“But I… want to do it,” Jungkook says quietly.

“What?” Hoseok asks, snapping out his trance.

Jungkook swallows. “I said I want to do it. I think it’ll be special, if it’s with you guys. I do
love you all.”
Taehyung squeals and hugs Jungkook harder. “Oh, Kookie. Who do you want it to be with?”

Jungkook suddenly appears panicked and Namjoon reassures, “Don’t worry about who you
choose. It’s your choice. No one’s gonna be mad if you don’t choose them.” He observes the
others, eyes them sternly. Jungkook shouldn’t feel pressured. No jealousy, no fighting. This is his
moment, not anyone else’s. He’s a bit worried about Taehyung, since the man looks extremely
eager to kiss Jungkook, but Namjoon knows that Taehyung respects Jungkook enough not to say

Jungkook, meanwhile, sits scrunched in on himself, holding his limbs close, biting his lip. Then
he takes a deep breath and says, “Jimin hyung.” He looks at the man and nods. “I want it to be

Taehyung, although appearing a little disappointed, releases Jungkook from his hold, trades
places with him so Jungkook can be next to Jimin. “Good choice. He does have nice lips,” he

Jimin stares at Jungkook, a blush rising to his cheeks, more out of arousal than embarrassment.
He places a hand on Jungkook’s arm. “First let’s just do a peck, okay? Short, lips closed. Okay?”

Jungkook nods, leans forward. Jimin does the same before snorting, trying to hold back a
laugh. “Um, you’ll wanna close your eyes.”

Jungkook reddens further, but Jimin rubs his arm to reassure him. He closes his eyes and their
lips meet. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. Jungkook still lingers in the same position after
Jimin pulls back, eyes still closed. “Kookie, you can open your eyes now,” Jimin chuckles.

Jungkook does, takes a deep breath. “Wow,” he breathes. “Your lips are soft. Didn’t know lips
would feel so soft.”

“You’re sweet,” Jimin tells him. “And you don’t have to hold your breath when you’re kissing.
Just breathe gently through your nose. Now, we’re gonna open our lips a little when we do it.
Follow my lead and remember to breathe.”

Jungkook nods and they kiss again. This time Jimin teases Jungkook’s lips apart so he can slot
his own between them. He moves them slowly, encouraging Jungkook to move as well. Namjoon
sees the fingers on one of Jungkook’s hands move, as if he’s trying to figure out what to do with

They separate again, Jungkook moving back and opening his eyes this time. Jimin smiles. “Not
bad. You’ve got potential. When you’re kissing, you can touch your partner too. It enhances the
experience. Like, put your hand on the back of my neck. You can wrap your arm around my waist.
You can even stroke your fingers through my hair. Here, I’ll show you.”

Jimin kisses Jungkook again, lifting at hand to weave fingers through the younger man’s hair.
He drops the hand down to Jungkook’s neck, thumb stroking at the skin there. Jungkook whimpers
into the kiss, pulling back abruptly. “Sorry,” he says. “Just… sensitive there.”

“It’s hot to hear you make noises while kissing,” Jimin assures. “Lets me know you like what
I’m doing. Now, you try doing it to me.”

Jungkook nods dutifully, now completely dedicated to succeeding at this assignment. Namjoon
smiles to himself as he watches. He’s so proud of his dongsaeng.

Jimin kisses Jungkook again. Jungkook freezes at first, unsure. But Jimin grabs Jungkook’s
hand and places it at the nape of his neck. Snapping out of it, Jungkook curls his fingers around
Jimin’s neck, playing with the hair there. Jimin moans a little in response. Namjoon’s eyes wander
down to Jungkook’s sweatpants and sees a tent in them.

Jimin compliments Jungkook on his efforts and introduces him to tongue-kissing. Jungkook is
nervous the first few times, and it is awkward, with Jungkook not knowing what to do with his
tongue. But, eventually, with Jimin’s help, he gets a hang of it, even incorporating some of the
earlier lessons by trailing his fingers over Jimin’s body. Namjoon watches Jungkook improve,
arousal replacing his fatherly pride for the younger man. Jimin and Jungkook look so good
together, so pretty. Namjoon wants to run his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, to stroke Jimin’s
waist, draw those little noises out of them himself. Arms wrap around him from behind, a forehead
pressing between his shoulder blades.

“They’re hot, aren’t they?” Yoongi’s voice drifts up to his ears. Yoongi’s fingers trail down to
Namjoon’s basketball shorts, stroking over the hardness he finds there. “You’re wearing way too
many clothes, Joon.”

Before Namjoon can even move, Yoongi hooks his thumbs into the elastic band on Namjoon’s
shorts and pushes them down. They drop down to his ankles, revealing his black boxer-briefs,
already sporting a spot of precum soaked through the fabric. Yoongi feels this and chuckles.

Namjoon hears shifting fabric and directs his attention to the couch, where Hoseok is taking his
shirt off and Taehyung is sitting completely naked already. Namjoon’s eyes find Taehyung’s body
on their own, running down his flat stomach, regarding his flushed and hardening cock and, holy
shit, Namjoon is just seeing things, right? Taehyung can’t possibly be that big. But as Taehyung
shifts his thighs further apart to reveal more of his cock, Namjoon concludes, yeah, that really is
how big he is. Whoa. How has he not noticed that before? He’s lived with Taehyung for years and
somehow he’s kept this crotch monster hidden.

“Are you okay with taking your shirt off?” Jimin asks, and Namjoon’s attention snaps back to
the kissing couple. Jungkook nods and pulls his shirt over his head, grunting as it gets stuck for a
moment. Jimin helps him get it off and tosses it over the back of the couch.

“Whoa…” Jimin whispers, running his hands up Jungkook’s muscled stomach and chest. He
lingers on his abs, tracing the ridges and dips. Jimin’s eyes light up, and then Namjoon remembers
that Jimin is into muscle worship. He wonders how long Jimin has been wanting to do this with

Everyone seems to take Taehyung’s total nudity as encouragement to strip down as well.
Namjoon lifts his arms, lets Yoongi pull off his shirt, and when he turns around to face him, he
finds that Yoongi is already naked, his clothes tossed into a pile across the room. Yoongi has a
slight build, much thinner than the rest of them, and Namjoon has to keep himself from saying that
he should really eat more. But he knows how insecure Yoongi feels about his weight and his body
in general. Yoongi has never been nominated for his beauty, unlike Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin.
He doesn’t have muscles to show off like Jimin and Jungkook. He’s one of the shortest of the
group. He’s once even told Namjoon during one of his bouts of depression that he considers
himself unimposing compared to the others, someone who doesn’t stand out. And while Yoongi
has said before that he likes not standing out, Namjoon can tell that it still hurts him sometimes to
be overshadowed by everyone else.

But, seeing Yoongi naked like this, Namjoon can’t understand how the man thinks he’s
unattractive. His skin is milk-pale, glowing almost. His petite form only serves to emphasize the
masculine features of a sharp jawline and narrow hips. Yoongi remains silent, watching Namjoon
examine him, like he’s waiting for a report. Namjoon meets his eyes and says, “Yoongi hyung,
you’re beautiful.”

That is not what Yoongi was expecting to hear. Namjoon can tell by the way the man reddens
and pretends to observe the others on the couch. “Vanilla,” he deadpans even though he has a little
smile on his face.

Namjoon shakes his head. That is as good a ‘thank you’ as he’s ever going to get from Yoongi,
at least when it comes to complimenting his appearance. He follows Yoongi’s gaze and sees that
everyone else has stripped down as well. Even Jungkook has tossed his underwear aside. Jimin is
admiring Jungkook’s thighs, feeling him up with his hands, while Jungkook just sits there and
stares at the other man, probably not realizing that his mouth is open.

Seokjin clears his throat again.

“Do you need a cough drop, Jin hyung?” Hoseok jokes.

“No,” Jin replies. He motions to the couch. “But if we’re gonna have sex on that thing we
should at least cover it with something. I don’t wanna sit on a jizzy couch.”

“Shit, I forgot,” Yoongi mutters before walking over the coffee table and opening a drawer. He
removes two stacks of towels, tossing one to each of them. “Use these. Oh, and we’ll eventually
need these, I imagine.” He dumps a pile of lube and condoms on the top of the coffee table.
Everyone stares at him silently. “What?”

Jimin smirks at him. “You’ve been excited for this, haven’t you?”

Yoongi scoffs. “Hell yeah, I’ve been excited. I haven’t gotten laid in a year. You can be damn
sure I’m coming prepared.”

“A year?” Namjoon says with shock. “And I thought how long I went without was bad.”

“How long?” Yoongi asks.

“Eight months, I think.”

Yoongi snorts. “Rookie.”

“I don’t think not having sex for a year is something to be proud of, Yoongi hyung.”

“I mean,” Seokjin cuts in. “I haven’t had sex for around a year or so as well.”

“It’s been half a year for me,” Taehyung says. “Not that I haven’t been hit on, but I’ve just
been strapped for time.”

“Same here, although I think it’s been nine months for me,” Hoseok says. “No wait, ten. Yeah.

“I haven’t fucked in two months,” Jimin says and they all give him withering looks. “Hey, two
months is a long time for me.”

“And I haven’t had sex in, like, ever,” Jungkook chimes in with a smile. They all break out into
a two-minute long laughing fit during which Hoseok gives Jimin shit for complaining about not
having sex for two months.

As the laughing dies down, Namjoon says to Jungkook, “We should focus on you first, Kook.”
He motions to the others. “Clear the couch, guys. So he can lay down. Make him comfortable.”

Everyone but Jungkook moves off the couch while Hoseok lays down the towels. Jimin grabs a
pillow and slides it beneath Jungkook’s head. “Guys, really, I can do this myself,” Jungkook

“We’re gonna take care of you tonight, Kookie,” Taehyung says, ruffling Jungkook’s hair.

“Really, Tae, I think I can—holy shit, Tae!”


“That thing!” Jungkook points at Taehyung’s dick, which is half-hard now and even more
impressive than before.

“My dick?”

“That’s what it is?” Jungkook exclaims, his eyes huge. He can’t look away, and Namjoon
understands that feeling. “Shit, I thought it was a fucking snake!” He clutches the edge of the
couch. “Oh god, I’m not gonna have to take that up my ass, am I?”

“Not without a shit-ton of lube and preparation,” Jimin says.

“Mm, yeah, can’t wait to feel that thing,” Yoongi says. He meets Namjoon’s eyes, raises his
eyebrows. “Or that thing.” He motions to Namjoon’s crotch.

Jungkook redirects his gaze to Namjoon’s cock and laughs in disbelief. Hoseok shakes his
head. “Come on, guys. Now you’ve got me feeling inadequate.”

Namjoon glances down at his dick to find he’s harder than he thought he’d be. “I don’t think
I’m that big…” Sure, he knows he’s above average, but he’d never really thought about it that
much. Every girl he’d been with commented on it, but he always thought they were exaggerating or
flattering him to get him in the mood. Now that he compares his and Taehyung’s dicks—which he
never, ever thought he’d do—he does have to admit that he is big. They both are. He supposes
having a real dick to compare his own to helps a lot.

“If I’m big, then you’re big, Joonie,” Taehyung says, smirking. “And I’m pretty damn big,

“Don’t get a big head now,” Namjoon warns.

“Yeah, that head’s big enough,” Jimin quips.

Seokjin barks a laugh and high-fives Jimin. “Good one!”

Hoseok drops his face into his hands. “Oh my god, are we really making dick puns right now?”

“We’re really making dick puns right now,” Yoongi tells him.

Hoseok peers up at him through his fingers, smiling. “This is what our friendship has become.”
He tries to stay quiet, but his laughter overwhelms him. He snorts and guffaws loudly. “We’re in
the middle of the lounge naked and making dick puns. What the ever-loving fuck?”

They break into another laughing fit and only taper off when Yoongi says, “It’s like one in the
morning right now. We should really get down to fucking.”
Namjoon wipes tears from his eyes. “Yeah, you’re right. You ready, Kook?”

Jungkook’s face immediately turns from giddy to serious. “Huh, what?”

“To get your first blowjob?”

Everyone goes quiet for a moment before Taehyung starts jumping up and down. “Oh, me, me!
Can I do it, Kookie?”

Jungkook’s eyes are busy watching Taehyung’s big, soft cock bounce up and down, but he
responds regardless. “Well, I mean, I guess. Yeah.”

“Yay!” Taehyung practically squeals and dives for Jungkook.

“Be gentle!” Seokjin reminds him.

“I know, I know!” Taehyung replies. He’s sitting on his knees on the couch facing Jungkook,
who is lying down against the arm with his legs pulled up. Taehyung physically shakes off his
excitement and says calmly, “Are you really okay with this? No one says you have to participate
tonight. You can just watch if you want.”

Jungkook is silent for a moment, considering. Then he shakes his head. “N-no. No. If I chicken
out now I’ll chicken out later. So, um… do it, Tae.”

“All right then, uh…” Taehyung gestures vaguely. “You’re gonna have to open your legs a

“Oh, right.” Jungkook slowly moves his knees apart, staring at the ceiling with his face aflame.
Namjoon notices that the younger man’s hands have a white-knuckled grip on the couch. He walks
over and crouches down at the arm of the couch, takes one of Jungkook’s hands in his.

“It’s okay. Tae will go slow, right, Tae?” Namjoon soothes.

Taehyung nods, hands on Jungkook’s knees. “Yup!”

“And if you feel uncomfortable during any of it, all you need to do is tell him to stop.”
Namjoon runs gentle fingers through Jungkook’s hair. “I’ll be right here with you.”

Jungkook glances at him, nods, looks up at the ceiling again. His body relaxes a little and he
gives Namjoon’s hand a squeeze. “Good boy,” Namjoon murmurs, planting a kiss on the top of his

Namjoon brings his attention back to Taehyung to see him trembling a bit. He’s about to ask
what’s wrong when Taehyung breathes, “I’ll be good too, Joonie.”

Namjoon just stares at him, trying to figure out what has Taehyung in such a state, notices that
the latter is almost completely hard when only minutes before he was soft. Then he remembers,
considers the desperation in Taehyung’s eyes, and responds in a honeyed voice, “Yes, you’re
gonna be a good boy for Kookie. Can you do that for me, Tae?”

Taehyung takes a shaky breath and nods. “Yes.” The word comes out as a moan. Somewhere at
the other end of the couch Namjoon hears Seokjin mutter in surprise at the reaction and Namjoon
can’t help but relate. They’re going to have all sorts of fun if all it takes to get Taehyung hard and
wanting is to praise him.
“Then kiss his cock, my good boy,” Namjoon tells Taehyung, ignoring the little expressions of
surprise from the others at his vulgarity. In fact, it’s difficult to pay attention to anything else
outside of Taehyung bending down between Jungkook’s legs and pressing his lips to Jungkook’s
half-hard cock. The whole time Taehyung’s eyes remain locked with Namjoon’s and suddenly
Namjoon realizes exactly why Seokjin agreed to have Taehyung blow him so much. Taehyung
looks stunning like this, which is saying a lot since the man always looks stunning.

At the feel of Taehyung’s lips on his dick, Jungkook jumps and glances downward, only to
quickly flick his gaze up again, screw his eyes shut. He squeezes Namjoon’s hand again and
Namjoon squeezes back, presses a kiss to his temple. “Tae’s gonna suck you now,” Namjoon
whispers. “He’ll be gentle. He’ll go slow. He’s gonna slide your cock into his mouth. It’s gonna
feel really good.”

Jungkook lets out a small whine. Namjoon is pleased to see his dick plump up. Taehyung
kisses a line down the shaft, nosing at his balls. Somewhere in the back of Namjoon’s mind, he
knows that he should be feeling weird about all of this, that he should be freaking out at the fact
that he’s guiding Taehyung to suck Jungkook’s cock. That he and his friends are all sitting or
standing around naked, watching this unfold, waiting for their chance to participate. But he’s never
seen Jungkook look so vulnerable, so adorably desperate. And Taehyung looks so pretty between
Jungkook’s legs, his mouth now finding the head of Jungkook’s cock, eyes striking behind a veil
of messy auburn hair.

My god, they’re beautiful.

Taehyung abruptly pulls off of Jungkook and stares at Namjoon. Just stares, pants a little.
Namjoon knows that stare. A beckoning stare, a ‘kiss me right now’ stare. Without thinking,
Namjoon shuffles over to Taehyung, leans in. Taehyung grabs him by his face, pulls him in,
smashes their lips together. Taehyung whines at the contact, immediately opens his mouth and
allows Namjoon inside. Namjoon explores Taehyung’s mouth, enjoying the desperate little noises
he draws out of him. Never in his life has Namjoon thought he’d ever kiss Taehyung. Sure, he’s
appreciated his beauty, thought that whatever girl he ended up settling down with would be very
lucky. It’s surreal to think that he’s in the position of one of those girls. Surreal, but not altogether
unpleasant. Taehyung is a pretty good kisser.

When Taehyung pulls away, gulping in air, his eyes are hooded and his cheeks are flushed a
pretty pink. “Wow, um, that compliment affected me more than I thought,” Taehyung laughs.

Namjoon stares at him, brow furrowed in confusion. Then he realizes that what he’d thought
earlier—that Jungkook and Taehyung are beautiful like this—hadn’t actually been a thought. He’d
said it aloud. Embarrassment washes over him, but Jungkook squeezing his hand again draws his

Jungkook is studying Taehyung, having gotten over his timidity for a moment. He raises his
eyebrows. “Joon’s not wrong. You really are pretty, Tae.”

Taehyung bites his lip, runs his eyes over Jungkook’s naked form. “And Joon’s not wrong
about you either, Jungkookie. Never realized what a nice body to you have. Well, I guess I have,
but not in, you know, a sexual way.”

“Gay!” Yoongi shouts, teasing.

“Just look at him!” Taehyung defends, gesturing. “Tell me you wouldn’t hit that.”

“Oh, I’d hit it,” Yoongi admits. “But I’m super gay for cock, so…” He shrugs.
“Hyung!” Taehyung sputters.

“Well, I am!”

“Guys, uh, sorry to interrupt but,” Jungkook chimes in, “could we continue this before I
completely freak out?”

“Sorry, Kookie,” Taehyung apologizes.

“Just relax, Kook,” Namjoon says, stroking Jungkook’s arm. “We’ll take care of you. Close
your eyes if you want.”

“Imagine a pretty girl is giving you head,” Taehyung suggests, taking his place between
Jungkook’s legs again.

Jungkook squirms a bit, licks his lips. He’s taken Namjoon’s advice and has closed his eyes.
“But, uh, I… I-I like the idea of you doing this… to me.” He says it so quietly that Namjoon barely
catches it. Taehyung doesn’t hear him though, having already taken Jungkook’s cock back into his

Namjoon presses a kiss to Jungkook’s shoulder, studies his dongsaeng’s body. Jungkook is
truly a beautiful man. Namjoon remembers when he first met him, surveyed his mess of gangly
limbs, his thin, boyish physique, and thought that this fourteen-year-old boy looked more awkward
than anything else. Namjoon honestly didn’t think that Jungkook would last, which makes
Namjoon feel guilty every now and then. Because just look at how far he’s come. He’s filled out,
piled on the muscle, matching only Jimin in strength, maybe even surpassing him. That pudgy face
has sharpened into a powerful jawline, his shoulders have broadened, although not as much as
Seokjin’s. It was when Jungkook was sixteen that Namjoon began to think ‘wow, he’s handsome.’
And he’s been thinking it ever since. It’s hard not to. Namjoon’s eyes follow the hard line of
Jungkook’s abs up his body and a sudden desire to trace his tongue along them gives Namjoon
pause. What the fuck am I thinking?

Namjoon can’t contemplate the state of his sexuality further, since Jungkook starts making
noises. He has a hand over his mouth, trying his best to quell the moans, but some still slip
through. Taehyung stares up at Jungkook as he blows him, eyes watching his reactions eagerly. His
hands come up, fingers running up and down Jungkook’s trembling thighs. This makes Jungkook
mewl, removing his hand from his mouth to grip the couch cushions. Namjoon is alarmed to find
that the sound goes straight to his groin. He swipes a tongue over his lips, can’t help but lean in
close and whisper into Jungkook’s ear, “Does his mouth feel good, Kookie?”

Jungkook stiffens, opens his eyes a bit before screwing them shut again, nods.

Namjoon feels himself getting hard, draws his leg up to hide it. “Tell me how it feels.”

Jungkook’s eyes fly open, stare at him for a few seconds. But Namjoon keeps staring sternly
back until Jungkook swallows and breathes, “It feels, hah… really good.” He blushes a shade
darker as a moan spills unintentionally from his mouth.

“Tell Tae,” Namjoon says and he sees Jungkook’s eyes widen. “Tell him how good he feels.”
When he hesitates, Namjoon adds, “You gonna be a good boy for me?”

Jungkook nods, takes a deep breath, directs his gaze down at Taehyung. “T-Tae. Your mouth…
is really good.”

Taehyung purrs around Jungkook’s cock at the compliment, draws circles on the sensitive skin
where Jungkook’s thigh meets his pelvis. Fuck, Taehyung’s lips look beautiful around Jungkook’s
cock. Namjoon wonders how many times Seokjin has gotten to enjoy this view.

“Tell him how much of a good boy he is,” Namjoon finds himself saying, wanting to see
Taehyung come undone again.

Jungkook, having gotten over his anxiety a little, says, “You’re good, hyung. A good boy.”

Taehyung full-on moans at that, and a shock of arousal sends blood racing to Namjoon’s cock.
He wants to scoop Taehyung up in his arms and call him a good boy until he melts completely. He
watches Taehyung pull off of Jungkook to swirl his tongue around the head, pumping the rest of
the shaft with his hand. Jungkook squirms, clutching at the cushions, throwing his head back,
and… god, he has such a long, pale, beautiful neck. Namjoon finds himself pressing his lips against
Jungkook’s exposed throat, kissing, licking, nibbling. Jungkook’s mouth falls open in an aroused
cry, fingers coming up to tug at Namjoon’s hair. That only makes Namjoon more turned on, more
determined to suck marks onto Jungkook’s flawless skin—

He’s drawn away from Jungkook by a hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see Seokjin
standing over him, can’t help but notice the man’s dick is hard. Very hard. “Shouldn’t leave
marks,” his hyung warns. “The makeup noonas would have a fit.”

Namjoon nods, examining Jungkook’s neck and feeling disappointed that he wouldn’t get to
mark it up with hickeys. He wants to see Jungkook walk around their complex, in the studio, on
stage, covered in Namjoon’s lovebites. Constantly showing off how much Namjoon had worked
him over.

Fuck, it really had been a long time since Namjoon last had sex. His mind keeps wandering to
places it usually doesn’t.

Jungkook’s startled cry interrupts his train of thought, and he focuses his attention back on his
two dongsaengs to see that Taehyung has taken Jungkook halfway into his mouth, is bobbing his
head at a decent pace. Jungkook’s limbs shake with pleasure. He can’t silence his moans now. His
face twists in desperation, fingers scrabbling at the couch. “Tae… T-Tae, I can’t… please, oh god.”

Taehyung doesn’t pull off. In fact, he goes faster, takes more of Jungkook into his mouth. He’s
slurping obscenely, his little mewls slipping out around Jungkook’s cock. Namjoon sees
Taehyung’s hand move between his own legs. At the other end of the couch, Hoseok’s eyes dart
downward, following Taehyung’s hand, mouthing the word ‘shit.’ Jungkook moans louder. “Tae,
fuck, I’m gonna—!”

Jungkook’s moans taper into gasps. His back arches off the couch, his head tossed back.
Taehyung chokes a bit as the cock is pushed further into his mouth but still doesn’t pull off. He
screws his wet eyes shut as Jungkook comes. Jungkook descends into pants as he comes down
from his climax, lying flat on the couch again. He looks blissed out and Namjoon wants to kiss
him, so he does. He shoves his tongue into Jungkook’s panting mouth, devours him, swallows his

He hears coughing and pulls back to see Taehyung sitting on his knees, running the back of his
hand across his mouth. When he sees Namjoon’s concerned look, Taehyung says, “Ah, sorry.
Never really swallowed before.” He coughs again.

“Amateur,” Yoongi says.

“You swallowed?” Seokjin exclaims. “How come you never did that with me before?”
Taehyung shrugs. “This is Jungkookie’s first blowjob. I wanted to give it my all for him.”

“Oh my god,” Hoseok says his face twisted in horror. “I just saw Tae swallow Kook’s jizz.”

“You get used to it,” Jimin assures. “The jizz-swallowing part, not the Tae and Kookie part.”

Hoseok slaps him on the shoulder. “You’re not helping.”

“You guys are making this weird…” Seokjin says.

“Kook just came in Tae’s mouth,” Hoseok emphasizes. “And Tae fucking swallowed it. How is
that not weird?”

“You… didn’t have to do that, Tae,” Jungkook mutters, finally recovering and sitting up. He
has a sheepish grin on his face. “Swallow, I mean.”

Taehyung smiles and gives him a dismissive wave. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve kinda always
wanted to see what swallowing is like.”

“And what was it like?” Yoongi asks.

Taehyung scrunches his face as he thinks for a moment. “Much more cum than I thought there
would be.”

Jungkook blushes darkly and Seokjin slaps him on the back. “That’s our golden maknae.
Figures you’d have such a big load, since you’re so young.”

“Sorry,” Jungkook says quietly. “For coming so early.”

“Nah, it’s fine,” Yoongi assures him. “When I was your age I could get it up pretty quick after I
came. You have maybe a couple more in you at least tonight.”

Namjoon stares at Yoongi. “Just how much sex were you having at his age?”

“Since when do you need sex to have an orgasm?” Yoongi asks, then he scoffs. “I wish I’d had
the time to fuck someone that many times in a row. When I was twenty-one ‘Boy in Luv’ had just
peaked on Billboard and that pretty much put an end to my sex life for the next couple years.” He
smiles warmly. One of those rare, genuine smiles that Namjoon has missed seeing. It looks good
on him. “Not that I would trade our success for sex, but, you know. I still missed having it.”

“Yeah,” Hoseok agrees. “We were all pretty busy back then. Hell, we are now.”

“Which is why this,” Yoongi gestures to them all, “is so convenient.”

“So, our busy schedule is the only reason why you suggested this?” Namjoon queries, eyebrow
raised. “Sure it wasn’t because you’re a horny degenerate?”

“I’ve never claimed I wasn’t a horny degenerate.”

“Can I just say,” Taehyung cuts in, “that we all look pretty ridiculous just standing around with
our dongs out?”

“Speak for yourself,” Seokjin quips. “I look amazing all the time, no matter what I wear or
don’t wear.”

Namjoon rolls his eyes. “Oh my god, Jin. You’re relentless with this ‘worldwide handsome’
thing. I should call the company that awarded it to you and tell them to revoke it.”

“Still wouldn’t change the fact that I have one of the most handsome faces in the world.”

Yoongi groans. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I came here to fuck, not to engage in our usual stupid
banter.” He eyes Namjoon and crooks a finger at him. “Joonie, come here.”

Namjoon stands and walks over to Yoongi, very aware that his cock is still hard and that
everyone is looking at it. Yoongi studies it as well, reaching out a hand to cup it as soon as
Namjoon gets close. Namjoon hisses at the touch, bites his lip. Fuck, is he horny. It’s been far too
long. He’s reacting to every little thing.

“Hmm,” Yoongi hums, as if considering the quality of a fruit at the grocery store. “Looks nice.
I want you to fuck me with it.”

Namjoon stiffens, sputters. “Uh, what?” Deep down he knew it would come to this, but hearing
it said aloud was another thing entirely.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I want your cock,” he points at Namjoon’s shaft, then motions to his
own behind, “in my ass. Now.”

“Now? With no prep?” Namjoon is so big that every girl he’s been with has needed fingering
before he could slide in. And a hell of a lot of lube.

“God, no,” Yoongi says. “Not with that giant thing. I did my prep just before I came out here.”

Jimin snickers, slaps his hands to his face. “Oh my god, Yoongi hyung. You slut.”

“You’ve been sitting with lube leaking out of your ass for the past twenty minutes?” Hoseok
deadpans. “Why does that not surprise me?”

“Because I’m a horny degenerate,” Yoongi answers matter-of-factly. He drops the towel on the
floor, spreads it with his feet. “Been a long time since I was fucked on the floor. It’ll be nostalgic.
Now, come on. I was three fingers deep before this all started, so I’m more than ready for your
dick. You don’t have to be gentle with me.” Yoongi takes a seat on the towel, his legs spread and
his hard cock bobbing between them. “I’m well broken in, trust me.”

Jimin gives a wolf whistle while Taehyung applauds. Jungkook, meanwhile, just sits there and
stares, mouth agape again.

“What are you dumbasses just standing around for? This is an orgy. Grab someone and just
make it happen. This isn’t supposed to be a peep show.” Yoongi throws Namjoon an impatient
look, reaching down, perhaps subconsciously, to fondle himself. “Come on, Joon. Get your dick
down here and fuck me already.”

Never in his life has Namjoon thought he would hear Yoongi say those words, and he was
surprised to find that they don’t freak him out as much as he expected them to. He lowers himself
to the floor, crawls onto the towel. He is hyperaware of his cock hanging heavily between his
thighs. “Um… how do you—”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Lay down, Joon.” He shoves him onto his back, straddles his legs. “I’ll
ride you.”

“Ride… me?” Namjoon says in disbelief. Yoongi is going to ride him. Yoongi, the man he’s
known for years, one of his best friends, is going to ride his cock. What the fuck is happening right

“Yeah. Stay with me now. I really need to get off.”

“Uh huh.”

Yoongi chuckles a bit, reaches around behind him to take Namjoon’s cock in his hand, study it
with his fingers. He presses it up against his ass. “This might be a tight fit, but beggars can’t be

Namjoon snaps to then. “Hey, don’t talk like I’m scraps you’ve dug out of a Dumpster.
Besides, you could have had anyone in this room. Yet here you are, on top of me, feeling up my

Yoongi fixes him with another hungry look that makes his mouth go dry. “That’s right. I kinda
have a thing for big cocks. It’s why I chose you. It’s just been a while and I ain’t fuckin’ this thing
up by gettin’ aheada myself.”

Namjoon smiles a bit as Yoongi’s satoori comes out, while Yoongi looks a bit embarrassed at
the slip, switching his attention back to Namjoon’s cock. “Mm, can’t wait to get this in me.” He
lifts himself slightly on his knees, brushing the head against his hole. “Sorry about the lack of
foreplay. I’m just…” He looks down, hiding behind his hair.

Desperate, Namjoon realizes, but doesn’t say it for fear of scaring Yoongi off. He knows how
difficult it is for Yoongi to admit his vulnerabilities. Instead, his hands find Yoongi’s hips, traces
the curves of them, admires Yoongi’s lithe, beautiful body. For a second Namjoon can’t believe
that he’s going to fuck Yoongi, not because Yoongi is a friend, not even because he is a man, but
because Yoongi really is incredibly pretty.

“Don’t worry about it, Yoongi hyung,” Namjoon says. His fingers slide up Yoongi’s stomach,
stop at his chest to brush over his nipples. Yoongi gasps, takes his lip between his teeth. Oh,
sensitive, Namjoon thinks. Gonna have to explore that later.

Yoongi leans back on his hands and stretches to retrieve a condom from the pile nearby.
Namjoon’s eyes roam over his stretched stomach, his beautifully curved spine. He hisses when he
feels the lube from Yoongi’s ass soak his cock. “Jesus, did you pour an entire bottle of lube in

“As I said, it’s been a while,” Yoongi says, turning back around with a condom in hand. He
tears into it. “I don’t like the idea of dancing when my ass is torn.” He reaches behind him, grabs
Namjoon’s cock, and expertly rolls the condom on. All the while he observes Namjoon, eyes
hooded. “In fact, I don’t like the idea of doing anything when my ass is torn.”

“You’re really killing the mood with the whole torn ass thing,” Namjoon deadpans.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Weird, ‘cause this guy,” he wiggles Namjoon’s cock, “seems
ready to go.”

Namjoon sighs. “Could you not call my dick ‘this guy’?”

Yoongi smirks. “No. This guy is gonna be in my ass.”


“What? Is aegyo more your style? I know you’re super vanilla so you’d probably like it…”
Namjoon stiffens, throws Yoongi a frantic look. “No, no! Don’t you da—!”

But Yoongi is already off, scrunching his face up and sticking out his bottom lip in an
expression of exaggerated petulance. “Jooooonie,” he whines, his voice comically high-pitched.
“Please don’t tease me. You’re such a meanie!” He huffs loudly, bats his eyes, softly beats his fists
against Namjoon’s chest. It’s a sickeningly cute display. Then Namjoon sees something devious
flash across Yoongi’s eyes and he knows he’s in trouble. He watches Yoongi fight down a smirk as
he continues, “Your thing is ready, Joonie. Please, please put your thing in—”

“Oookay, that’s enough,” Namjoon says, horrified. He’s covered Yoongi’s mouth, can feel the
man’s smirk against his palm. He hears the others break into laughter around the room and hears
more aegyo, probably Hoseok and Taehyung. He winces. “Seriously, I’m actually gonna go soft if
you keep doing that,” he tells Yoongi.

He removes his hand from Yoongi’s mouth, and no sooner does he do it than Yoongi is once
again pulling his lips into a pout. “Are you saying you don’t like me, Joonie?”

“Yoongi hyung,” Namjoon says sternly.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “All right, all right. You’re no fun.” He scoots down a bit, lifts himself
up on his knees, angles Namjoon’s dick at his hole. Yoongi’s eyes flutter shut, he takes his bottom
lip between his teeth, and Namjoon once again thinks how gorgeous the man is. “Nice and
slow…” Yoongi mutters, lowering himself. Namjoon screws his eyes shut, trying to quiet his
racing thoughts. This is happening, Yoongi is about to ride him. Yoongi is about to ride him.
Yoongi, the guy he’s known for years, who acts like a big brother toward him, who Namjoon had
absolutely no fucking clue until a week ago likes to fuck guys and has fantasized about doing this
with all of them. If there is a time for Namjoon to call this whole thing off, to tell Yoongi to stop,
get up, and retreat to his room, then it’s now. There would be no going back once Namjoon’s dick
is in Yoongi’s ass. This might change their friendship forever. This might change BTS forever.

But Namjoon finds that he is rooted to the spot. He’s painfully, achingly hard. Perhaps harder
than he’s ever been in his life. He doesn’t want to think more on why he’s so hard, what the
implications of that could mean for him. He also doesn’t want to leave. Yoongi looks so pretty
perched on top of him, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, legs trembling despite not
having Namjoon in him yet. Yoongi looks like he wants this so much, like he needs it. And, on top
of Namjoon wanting desperately to take care of his friends, he quite likes the idea of being needed
in this way. It’s been so long since someone needed his touch, needed to feel him, needed him
inside them…

It’s too late. There’s pressure against the head of his cock and then wet warmth as it pops
inside. Yoongi exhales shakily, his face hidden behind his hair as he continues to lower himself on
Namjoon’s shaft. Even though Yoongi had told the others to start having sex themselves, Namjoon
is keenly aware that he is being watched. He catches some murmuring, a gasp, snatches of either
his own or Yoongi’s names. But Namjoon can’t take his eyes off the man on top of him. Yoongi
continues to slide down. When was the last time Namjoon had a view like this? He could recall a
girl in London a year-and-a-half ago, very pretty, very… forward. Maybe a bit too enthusiastic. But
this is different. This time Namjoon isn’t looking at a pair of breasts or holding two wide hips.
Instead, it’s Yoongi, whose physique Namjoon knows pretty well already… well, except for his
dick, which is lying pink and heavy against Namjoon’s abdomen. He’s never felt another dick on
him before, but he finds he doesn’t dislike it. Besides, at least this way he can gauge how much
Yoongi is enjoying himself.

Yoongi grunts when he takes Namjoon down to the base, stills for a minute. As Yoongi adjusts,
Namjoon listens to the sounds around him—slick sounds, wet sounds, whimpers and little groans
as the others seem to start having sex. Namjoon’s attention is drawn back to Yoongi as the older
man shifts a little, Namjoon’s cock dragging against his warm insides. He murmurs something, a
question Namjoon thinks, but Namjoon can’t hear it. “What?”

Yoongi looks up at him, pink-faced. He already seems like he’s close. “I said have you ever
done anal?”

“Yeah.” Then Namjoon adds, “With girls.”

“I’d figured.” Yoongi sits up straight, taking a deep breath as Namjoon’s cock inches yet
deeper inside him. “Guess I should have asked you that before I went all the way, but I was ready
and you were ready and…” He shrugs. Namjoon notes how desperate his words sound, which
makes more blood surge to his cock. Yoongi places his hands on Namjoon’s chest. “Don’t you
dare come early, got it?”

Namjoon nods without really being sure that he can live up to that promise. After all, the feel
of being inside a warm, tight body after so long without is already pulling him toward the edge.

He’s just in the middle of deciding whether he should risk embarrassment and tell Yoongi to
hold off for a bit while he gets himself under control when Yoongi takes the initiative and starts
moving. Like, really starts moving. Holy shit. No one’s ever ridden Namjoon like this before.
Yoongi doesn’t even bother with any build-up. He simply lifts off halfway and slams himself back
down so hard that the sound of their skin slapping echoes around the room. Namjoon takes hold of
Yoongi’s hips as they roll on top of him, groaning at the tight heat engulfing his cock. God, he’d
almost forgotten how good fucking someone feels, and it’s made all the better by the fact that
Yoongi had absolutely flooded his ass with lube. Namjoon’s arousal skyrockets when he hears
lewd wet sounds every time Yoongi moves, some of the lube leaking out around Namjoon’s cock.

“Shit,” Yoongi pants, pausing to move his arms back so his hands can grip Namjoon’s thighs.
Namjoon stares, awestruck at the view, Yoongi’s pale form stretched to reveal everything, from his
flushed chest heaving with breath, down to his flat stomach and pink cock, now fully hard. His
head is still ducked, face still covered by his mess of black hair. But Namjoon can see his lips—his
lips, which he now knows are very soft and kissable. They’re parted with breath as Yoongi says,
“Tight fit… damn, you’re big. How the hell were you even able to hide this thing?”

“It’s not… like I was trying to hide it,” Namjoon says, struggling to keep his composure. He
feels like a teenager just getting his dick wet. It would be really embarrassing to go off so soon, but
damn if Yoongi isn’t determined to make it go that way.

“So full… fuck,” Yoongi half-groans. He pauses, shifts again, suddenly sits straight up, eyes
screwed shut.

Namjoon frowns, gripping Yoongi’s hips tighter. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Yoongi says, his voice strained. He rolls his hips and sucks in a breath, a sound that
makes precum leak from Namjoon’s cock. “Fuck, there it is.”

“What is it?”

“My prostate.” Yoongi exhales shakily. Namjoon can see the man’s face now. Yoongi’s tongue
is poking out from between his lips as he concentrates, his features twisted into an expression of
bliss. Namjoon has to force himself from thrusting up into him.
“Is it really that good?” Namjoon asks quietly. He’s never been fucked before and all the girls
he’s done anal with seemed to need a little extra clit teasing to get off. But Yoongi looks as if this
is all he needs. It’s strange and fascinating. Kind of hot.

Yoongi’s tongue disappears back into his mouth. He opens his eyes a bit to glance at Namjoon,
then closes them again, nodding. He begins to move again, gradually working up to the pace he’d
implemented before. His breathing grows heavier, his fingers digging into the skin on Namjoon’s
thighs. Namjoon doesn’t think he’s ever seen Yoongi so flushed, glowing, glistening with sweat.
His hips roll with a practiced smoothness, although Namjoon doesn’t fail to notice the little jitters
of desperation that slip through every now and then. Yoongi must also be trying really hard not to
come. The realization makes heat surge through Namjoon’s body, desire bubbling up, and his
mouth begins to move on its own.

“You’re goddamn gorgeous, Yoongi hyung,” he groans, can’t help but twitch his hips up a
little. “My god, being so good for me. Riding me so good, fuck.”

Alarm flares in Namjoon when Yoongi stutters to a halt, lets out a little whine. He tries to
examine Yoongi’s face, but his head is ducked again, his hair obscuring his expression. “Yoongi
hyung? Did I hurt you?”

Yoongi takes a deep breath, shakes his head. What happened to the man’s confidence? Had
Namjoon done something wrong? He knows how Yoongi likes to keep his feelings bottled up, to
hide that he’s hurting. He’s about to say something else, to tell Yoongi that maybe this isn’t a good
idea after all. But Yoongi grips Namjoon harder, starts moving again. Starts moving fast and

“Joon,” he gasps, tossing his head back. Fuck, Namjoon wants to mark up his throat. “Don’t
speak, just… shit, damn sensitive prostate.”

Namjoon frowns. “Should I pull out?”

Yoongi’s fingers dig into his skin and a desperate look crosses his face. “No! No, I just… fuck,
it’s been too long.” Then more quietly, his bottom lip jutting out in a subconscious pout, “Feels
really good.”

“Fuck,” Namjoon breathes, doing everything in his power to keep from just flipping Yoongi
onto his back and pounding into him. He’s gonna be the death of me.

Chapter End Notes

So I know it kind of cut off at the good part, but it's all for good reason! I've decided
that since this is an orgy, it'll probably be a good idea to do multiple POVs. Next
chapter is gonna be a POV that is not Namjoon's or Yoongi's. I want to get to what the
others are doing. Maybe Kookie's POV since it's his first time, idk. Rest assured you'll
get every POV of this orgy section, though. Maybe two or so POVs per chapter.

Hope you enjoyed. Until next time!

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

I just can't get over how many times we see Taehyung's tongue in "War of Hormone"
so I thought it would be fun to bring that in. Also, here's some Jikook for all you
Jikook lovers out there.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook watches Yoongi fuck himself on Namjoon’s dick and his mind practically melts. And he
thought Taehyung sucking him off was a lot to deal with. He’s never seen sex outside of porn
before, didn’t realize it would be so… messy. And noisy. Not the moans or whines or anything like
that. More the wet, squelching sounds. Jungkook assumes it’s the lube, and it should sound gross
but for some reason his body thinks it’s some of the best stuff it’s ever heard. He glances down and
his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Holy fuck he’s hard. He didn’t even think he could get that
hard. Yoongi was right about him recovering fast, hot damn.

Watching Yoongi take Namjoon’s ridiculously large cock has done things to Jungkook. He
honestly hadn’t thought it would even fit in Yoongi, but leave it to Yoongi to prove him wrong. His
jaw had dropped when he saw Yoongi take all of Namjoon inside him, heard the man moan when
he was fully seated. God, does Jungkook want to be Namjoon right now, his cock deep in Yoongi,
being the one to give him such pleasure, to wrest those needy sounds from him.

But would he even be able to? What if he didn’t know how? Jungkook knows it’s an absurd
thought. Of course he knows how. He’s watched porn. He’s had sex ed. Hell, he’s watching two
people having sex right in front of him. Still, the anxiety persists. Jungkook is not the type of
person to like being inexperienced at anything. He wants to be the best. That’s why he practices so
hard, performs so hard, sometimes even to the point of passing out. He knows his hyungs won’t
judge him if he performs poorly at sex, they’ve said that many times already. But he wants to
impress them. He’s always wanted to impress them, and now is no different.

“Whoa,” Taehyung mutters next to him, staring at the two on the floor. “Did you see Yoongi
hyung take that thing?” There’s a bit of excitement in his voice, and Jungkook imagines that he’s
looking forward to Yoongi taking his own big cock in one go.

“Yeah, Yoongi hyung’s not even exclusively gay and he’s already beating out my bottom
game,” Jimin says, shaking his head.

“You’re a bottom?” Jungkook asks before thinking. He glances over at Jimin to see the man
looking at him and Jungkook decides to examine the arm of the couch.

“Kinda,” Jimin replies. “I mean, I’m versatile. Can be top or bottom. But I gotta admit, I do like
bottoming a bit more.” He pauses, and Jungkook can hear the gears turning in his head, knows his
silence can only mean one thing: he’s weighing his words. Which means, more than likely, they’re
going to be heavy. He nearly jumps when Jimin says, “Um… I could bottom for you if you want,
Kook. I wouldn’t mind.”

Jungkook stops breathing. Holy shit. Jimin has just offered to… to have Jungkook fuck him.
Jungkook’s never fucked anything but his own fist before. And Jimin is experienced. He’s said so.
Much more adventurous, kinkier. He’s had sex in club bathrooms before. On a park bench. How
can Jungkook ever live up to shit like that? What if he isn’t good enough?

Because he wants to be good for Jimin. He wants to live up to his expectations, even though
Jungkook knows he probably doesn’t have any. Jimin deserves someone who knows what they’re
doing. He’s a gorgeous man, and Jungkook would be lying to himself if said he hasn’t kicked
himself awake from wet dreams about Jimin. Hell, it had taken him ages to not pop a boner every
time Jimin did… that in “No More Dream.” Fuck, what if Jimin found out that he’s the one
Jungkook mostly watches whenever he’s getting off in his pants? And how could he not get off to
him? With Jimin always showing off his abs and being way too flexible for his own good. God,
and the stuff he wore to dance practices. Jungkook could swear the man was teasing him.

“Uh, Kook?”

Jungkook shakes his head and realizes he’s been staring at Jimin with his mouth open for a
good minute. He snaps his mouth shut and manages a dumb, “Yeah?”

“It’s fine if you’re not ready to go that far yet. It was just a suggestion.”

“No, no,” Jungkook replies hurriedly, then amends, “I mean, yes, I mean…” He sighs in defeat.
“I don’t know.”

Jimin smiles softly and Jungkook nearly melts. Now’s not the time! “It’s okay. You don’t have
to be nervous. You know I won’t judge you.”

Before Jungkook can answer, arms wrap around Jimin from behind and Hoseok’s chin comes
down to rest on his shoulder. He’s wearing a predatory expression that makes Jungkook shiver.
“Oh, is my Jimin making a move on Kookie?”

Jimin’s entire face goes red and a little shiver goes through him that Jungkook definitely
notices. Wow, he looks good like that. “Your Jimin?” Jimin manages an indignant scoff. “Since
when am I your Jimin?”

“Since I decided I’m gonna fuck you,” Hoseok practically purrs and, god, Jungkook hopes no
one notices how much he’s leaking right now. He forgot how seductive Hoseok can be when he
really wants to. The rapper’s arms snake around Jimin’s middle, fingers tracing over bare stomach
and chest. They find Jimin’s nipples, grabbing, twisting. The little gasp it draws out of Jimin has
Jungkook’s mouth going dry.

“Thought you weren’t into men?” Jimin says, breathless. He arches back into Hoseok.

“I’m not,” Hoseok says. “I’m into sex, though. And I’m horny.”

As much as Jungkook wants to just sit there and watch Hoseok work Jimin over, his dick takes
over his brain and he blurts out, “Um, actually, Hoseok hyung, I kinda want Jimin. You know for
my… first?”

Hoseok observes Jungkook for what feels like the longest moment in his life, his eyes running
over Jungkook’s body. It’s almost like Jungkook can feel Hoseok’s fingers on him. “All right. Take
care of him, Jiminie.” He gives Jimin’s neck a nibble and pushes himself up from the couch. He
joins Seokjin and Taehyung where they are making out a few feet away, pulling Taehyung away
from Seokjin so he can shove his tongue into the younger man’s mouth.

“Whoa,” Jimin says, staring at the threesome. “I mean, I knew Hobi would be into dominating
but I didn’t know he’d be so…”
“Hot.” It’s out of Jungkook’s mouth before he can stop himself. But when Jimin whips his head
around and flashes one of his winning smiles at him, all the embarrassment in Jungkook’s body is
replaced with want.

“Definitely.” Jimin nods. He reaches for Jungkook’s hand, squeezes it. “So, how do you wanna
do this? Your choice.”

Jungkook swallows. Shit, come on, Kook. Confidence. Just be confident and everyone will
think you know what you’re doing. He takes a deep breath. “On your back.”

Jimin raises an eyebrow, as if he wasn’t expecting that response. “Okay, you’re the boss.” He
rolls onto his back, spreads his legs, offers himself up like it’s nothing, like it’s second nature. At
the sight of him laying back, all exposed and beckoning, Jungkook feels a bit light-headed. But he
clenches his fists, the bite from his nails digging into his palms keeping him together. You’re being
ridiculous, he tells himself, This is Jimin. He knows you. He doesn’t care if you screw up. Just
start and it will come naturally.


Jungkook flashes back to the situation at hand to see Jimin reaching up for him. Jungkook
lowers himself until Jimin has his face cupped in both of his hands, guiding their lips together. His
mind jumps to what he learned earlier, opening his lips and moving them along with Jimin’s. He
takes a chance and sends his tongue in. Jimin receives it enthusiastically, groaning, fingers curling
in Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook relaxes. This is what he knows, he feels at least somewhat confident
doing this. He moves with Jimin, hands coming up to trace the curves of Jimin’s stomach. Another
groan from Jimin. Fuck, Jungkook’s so hard. Please last, please last, please—

Jimin says something and Jungkook mentally slaps himself for being so lost in his thoughts
that he missed it. “Sorry, what?”

“I need to open myself up,” Jimin repeats, nodding to the floor. “Could you get me some

Jungkook almost falls off the couch trying to reach the lube and returns to Jimin with his face
on fire. He pops the cap, doesn’t know why he does it, keeps holding it for a while wondering how
the fuck to start, when Jimin grabs it from him. He pours some into his hand and trails his fingers
down between his legs. Jungkook’s eyes follow and, oh god, that’s Jimin’s asshole. He’s looking
at Jimin’s asshole. Is this real?

“Wow.” Jimin’s voice brings Jungkook out of his trance. Jimin already has one finger fully
inside. “That went in easier than I thought.” He frowns and adds quickly, “Pretend I never said that.
Now, uh… do you want to?”

“Want to what?”

“To finger me?” Jimin says, far too innocently.

Jungkook stiffens. “Um, I’ve never…”

“I know, I know.” Jimin grabs Jungkook’s wrist and moves it down between his legs. “I’ll
walk you through it. It’s good to know in case you do this with anyone else. Don’t worry about
hurting me. You won’t, trust me.”

“O-okay.” Jungkook watches Jimin remove his own finger from his ass, move Jungkook’s so
it’s pressing against the hole. He gasps quietly. It’s wet and tight and… he can feel it twitching. Is
that normal? He hopes so, because it’s hot as hell.

Before he realizes Jimin is doing it, his finger is pushed inside. Jungkook marvels at the muscle
gripping him, how warm and wet it is, and, suddenly, Jungkook is hopelessly desperate to get his
cock inside. He’d gotten over the usual pressure to lose his virginity years ago, hasn’t really been
bothered much by it since, but now, with Jimin right here, so close, so willing, so ready for him, he
feels like he’s been starved.

He’s suddenly distracted by someone swearing across the room. He looks up to see the Seokjin
rubbing his heel while Hoseok lays a towel down on the coffee table. Taehyung is snickering
behind his hand. “There’s a table there, hyung. Look out,” he says.

“Yeah, thanks.” Seokjin sits on the coffee table on top of the towel and beckons Taehyung
over. He slaps his thighs, smiling. “Get over here, smartass.”

Taehyung obeys, kneeling between Seokjin’s legs while Hoseok sits on the coffee table behind
Seokjin, scooting until his chest is plastered to Seokjin’s back. Hoseok’s arms come around him,
one hand petting Taehyung’s head, the other moving down to grab what Jungkook assumes is
Seokjin’s cock.

“Gonna suck Jinie’s cock for me, baby?” Hoseok purrs and Jungkook’s heart nearly springs out
of his chest.

Taehyung nods, looking just as enraptured as Jungkook feels, and dips his head between
Seokjin’s thighs. Jungkook swallows when he sees Hoseok direct his gaze toward him. The older
man’s eyes rake over his entire body, and Jungkook shivers at the attention. Fuck, when Jungkook
admitted that he has a kink for being watched, he wasn’t exactly sure it would apply if everything
was out in the open, where there isn’t the excitement of being discovered. Yet here he is, naked and
being watched in a situation that isn’t inappropriate or unexpected, and his cock is leaking like
crazy. Fever grips him, and a familiar pressure builds in his groin. Jungkook holds his breath,
pinches his thigh, anything to keep himself from coming sans any stimulation but Hoseok’s eyes on
him. Because Jimin is right in front of him, waiting to be fucked by him, and how lame would that

Yet, Jungkook can’t keep his mind from wandering to last night when he’d decided he’d take
the chance and do what he’d been wanting to do for years: get off in the lounge with the risk of
anyone coming in and seeing him. Jungkook knew it was risky, but that sense of danger only
encouraged him even more. He remembered going around the complex late at night, hoping it
wouldn’t be so late that everyone would be asleep. When he saw that Namjoon’s door was open
and his light was on down the hall, excitement gripped his loins. He knows after years of living
with Namjoon that the man usually gets up for water at a certain time in the night like clockwork.
He knew Namjoon would come to the kitchen, have no choice but to pass through the lounge on
his way.

Jungkook was so excited he was shaking as he took a seat on the couch and tugged his pajama
bottoms down. As usual, he wasn’t wearing any underwear—all the easier to stimulate himself. He
was so excited, in fact, that it was difficult to keep himself from coming within five minutes just
from the thought of Namjoon catching him. And when he finally heard footsteps approaching the
lounge, he almost exploded. He was barely touching himself, couldn’t hold in a whimper as
Namjoon was leaving. Oh god, he hadn’t lasted two seconds after Namjoon had rounded the corner
into the hallway. It’d been the most intense orgasm he’s ever experienced. Even then, however,
Namjoon hadn’t exactly seen him, just heard. But now that everything is exposed, now that he
knows that all of his friends could potentially be watching him now, watching his every reaction,
Jungkook knows that he is most definitely into being watched. There’s no doubt.

“Uh, Kookie,” Jimin giggles. “Your mouth is open.”

Jungkook clamps his mouth shut and coughs to hide his embarrassment. He becomes acutely
aware that one of his fingers is still in Jimin’s ass, unmoving. Jimin shifts, moving Jungkook’s
finger around inside him a little. Jungkook swallows.

“You can put in another,” Jimin tells him.


Jimin smiles warmly. My god, he’s pretty. “Finger. Another finger.”

“Oh!” Jungkook exclaims a bit too loudly and wiggles another finger inside. Jimin gasps and
clutches the cushions. Jungkook almost rips his fingers from Jimin’s ass and stops himself only
just. “S-sorry! Did I hurt you?”

“Not… really,” Jimin replies, shifting again. “Just don’t put it in so fast. You kinda brushed
over my prostate a bit and surprised me. You and your long-ass fingers.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Nah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Jimin bites his lip, blushing a little. “Um, it felt kinda
good, actually.”

“Really?” he says way too excitedly. He coughs again and fixes his face into what he hopes is a
seductive expression. “Tell me when I hit it again.”

He begins to curl his fingers, pressing at Jimin’s soft walls, wondering at the contrast between
delicate flesh and powerful muscle. He thinks about how it would feel wrapped around his dick,
pulling him in just like it’s pulling his fingers in.

“A little to the left,” Jimin coaches, his breathing picking up. Jungkook follows his
instructions, watching Jimin’s face the entire time for any sign that he’s doing something wrong.
He wants to be a good lover, especially for Jimin, because Jimin is one of his best friends, and he’s
so kind and supportive and beautiful. He wants Jimin to want him again after this. Why? Hell if
Jungkook knows. His hormones are insane right now. It’s hard from him to think about much of
anything outside of pleasing Jimin.

Suddenly, Jimin sucks in a breath and kicks up his hips. Jungkook feels more precum leak
down his own cock and onto his thigh. He studies Jimin’s face, is awestruck by the blush that has
spread from his face to his chest, his unfocused eyes, how out of it Jimin seems. “There,” Jimin
gasps. “Right there. Do you feel it?”

Jungkook wiggles his fingers around a bit, not knowing exactly what he’s looking for. But then
he feels… it. “Yeah, um… like a bump, right?”

Jimin nods, exhales shakily, laughs a little. “Haha, sorry. It’s just… you have really rough


“No, no,” Jimin tells him, smiling. Jungkook’s chest tightens in a way that scares him and
excites him at the same time. “It feels nice.”
Jungkook doesn’t know what takes hold of him. Maybe it’s the hormones. Maybe it’s the way
that Jimin smiled at him. He doesn’t think about it. Arousal has overtaken him and he just does
whatever it takes to make Jimin gasp like that again, to moan, to squirm under his touch. He finds
that spot inside Jimin and begins to rub it mercilessly.

“Ah! K-Kook, wha—damn!” Jimin twists and moans with every little movement Jungkook
makes, but Jungkook has one hand firmly on Jimin’s hip, holding him in place. Jungkook doesn’t
stop, doesn’t let up, needs to hear Jimin make those pleased little sounds, see his pretty features
contort with bliss. Needs to give Jimin what he wants. Needs to show Jimin that he can give him
what he wants. Needs to—

“Kook, enough!”

Jungkook snaps out of it and immediately stops what he’s doing, horrified at himself. “Oh god,
Chim. I didn’t mean to. I’m s—”

“Shut up,” Jimin says, his voice quivering, his eyes wet from overstimulation. He snatches up
Jungkook’s wrist, yanks his fingers out of him with a hiss. Jungkook nearly shrieks when Jimin
wraps a hand around his cock, pulling just enough to convey urgency, smearing lube over the
swollen girth. “Get inside me.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything. Can’t say anything. It’s strange hearing the words he’s always
fantasized hearing about actually uttered aloud by someone real, by his friend, Jimin. Cute, sweet
Jimin who is quick to laugh. Who pretends to be embarrassed whenever he brings up anything
dirty. That Jimin. The one Jungkook may or may not have fantasized about more times than he’d
like to admit. His dick is inches from Jimin’s ass. Inches. He is going to fuck Jimin. And Jimin
wants him to fuck him. He’s going to fuck someone and that someone is Jimin. Holy shit. Is this

“Kookie, please,” Jimin whines when he doesn’t respond as quickly as he should. And that
does it. What little control Jungkook has left immediately evaporates. He bats Jimin’s hand off his
dick, takes hold of both Jimin’s hips, and pushes inside. In the back of his mind he urges himself to
go slower, to make sure he doesn’t hurt Jimin, but he can’t stop himself, not now that he’s actually
inside. Fuck, nothing he’d imagined felt like this, hugged him so nicely, seemed to suck him in. His
hips move of their own accord, snapping furiously against Jimin, driving himself inside all the way
to the base in one stroke. Jimin arches, scrabbles at the couch, nearly screams.

All the while Jungkook keeps moving. He has to keep moving. It feels way too good to stop.
Jimin feels way too good to stop.

As soon as Jungkook slides into him—all the way in, so deep it takes his breath away—Jimin
knows he probably won’t be able to last very long. On top of the fact that he’s unusually sensitive
today and that he’s been secretly horny ever since last week’s orgy announcement, he also can’t
deny that he’s harbored a certain… attraction to Jungkook. The younger man’s body is something
Jimin has wanted to explore for quite some time, but he’d held himself back since it may have
disrupted the dynamics of the group. He’s not really considered Jungkook as more than a friend,
just a really hot guy whose fit body deserves to be worshipped. He would have liked to do some
worshipping tonight, but Jungkook decided to get weirdly—and kind of hotly—rough with him,
and now Jimin is just along for the ride. Needless to say, this is decidely not how Jimin had been
expecting to take Jungkook’s virginity. And he finds he doesn’t dislike it.

Jimin can’t stop Jungkook, not because he is incapable. No, of course not. Jungkook may be
strong, but Jimin undoubtedly has the strongest thighs in the group. If he wants, he can easily wrap
his legs around Jungkook and twist him away. No, no, not that at all. It’s because Jimin is
overwhelmed, not only by Jungkook’s unexpected roughness, but by how fucking good this feels.
Normally, Jimin has to practically beg his partners to fuck him hard, but for some reason they see
his pretty face and soft lips and think Oh, he must like it gentle. He’s fucked in club bathrooms, for
fuck’s sake! When he goes out looking to get laid, he doesn’t want it soft. He can do that just fine
by himself. And the fact that it’s Jungkook—pure, innocent, virgin Jungkook—has him all the
more overwhelmed. The sheer surprise at Jungkook becoming rough sends Jimin’s arousal through
the roof. Because, wow, this is going much better than he thought it would

Jungkook’s brows are drawn together in concentration as he moves, stomach muscles rippling.
Each thrust forces little noises out of Jimin, and Jungkook is filling him so well, rubbing him in all
the right places. It’s unreal. Is it that chemistry thing Yoongi was talking about earlier? Is it
because Jimin knows Jungkook, trusts him enough to just go with the flow and focus on the
sensations? Jimin doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but since that incident in Brazil he hasn’t
been able to have sex without worrying about if he’s going to be manipulated again. Which is
ridiculous, since it’s only ever happened once and he’s certainly going to be more aware from now
on. But no matter how much he tells himself this, his body just refuses to cooperate—except for
now. And the relief that washes over him from that combines with his desperate arousal into a
heady cocktail of sensations. It’s almost too much.

“Kook, fuck,” Jimin manages to moan, driven into the couch by Jungkook’s frantic thrusts.
“K-Kook, slow d-down, ah, I can’t—” The rest of his sentence is swallowed by a whine as
Jungkook somehow manages to jab his sweet spot at just the right angle. Fuck! I’m gonna come
quick if he keeps it up.

Not wanting this to end so soon, Jimin opens his mouth to try and warn Jungkook again, but he
feels fingers thread through his hair. With Jungkook’s hands firmly on both his hips, Jimin guesses
that they must belong to one of the others. But who?

He gets his answer in the form of a boxy smile as Taehyung leans down into his view. “Having
fun, Chimi?”

As distracted by Jungkook’s fucking as Jimin is, he’s still coherent enough to appreciate
Taehyung’s messy hair, flushed face, his wet, swollen lips. Shit, if this is how he looks every time
he gives head, Jimin is definitely going to get a blowjob from him. Gorgeous.

Jimin just nods since he can’t manage a response, and Taehyung hums, a deep, low hum that
sends heat rushing to Jimin’s core. Taehyung trails his fingers down Jimin’s face, his neck, over
the ridge of his collarbone, between the sweat-slick trench of his pecs. Taehyung lingers on his abs
for a bit, marching his fingers over them, as if a child exploring a new toy. Taehyung takes his
time, observes, Then he strokes one finger—one too-goddamn-light finger—down Jimin’s hard
cock. Jimin gasps, having not had the time to touch his cock since this all started but feeling on
edge regardless. Taehyung seems to sense this and flashes him another grin, this one significantly
more seductive. He brings his finger to his mouth, runs his tongue along it, tasting Jimin’s precum.
Jimin whines again. Damn Taehyung and his persistent inability to keep his own tongue in his

Taehyung finishes tasting, nodding to himself a little, and then casually takes a seat behind
Jungkook. The latter is so caught up in fucking Jimin that he doesn’t even notice Taehyung is there
until the older man is pressed up against him, arms wrapped tightly around his front. This causes
Jungkook to gasp and his hips to stutter to a halt, and Jimin decides that the next time they all do
this he should suck Taehyung off in return for stopping an embarrassingly early orgasm.

“Whoa, eager,” Taehyung murmurs into Jungkook’s ear. His voice is quiet but low enough to
carry. Jimin lays there, panting, listening, trying to pull himself together. “You two looked so good
I just had to come over, you know that?”

“Tae,” Jungkook breathes, his voice cracking. He looks dazed, lost in his own pleasure. It looks
damn good on him.

“I wanna watch you, Kookie,” Taehyung tells him. “You and Jiminie.” He trails his lips up
Jungkook’s neck, just under his ear. “Can you fuck him for me?”

Jungkook’s answer is a desperate whine, but before he can start moving again, Taehyung grabs
his face and turns it to kiss him. Jimin watches, enraptured. Damn, they’re hot. He almost sits up to
join in, but moving even the slightest could mean Jungkook’s cock brushing over his prostate, so
he remains laying there, marveling at how Jungkook’s lips move with Taehyung’s, parting every
now and then to reveal slick flashes of tongue. Jungkook’s kissing has improved shockingly fast,
but then again he is a quick learner. Jimin expects nothing less from the golden maknae.

When they finally part they’re both panting, breathless, and Jungkook has a dangerously
hungry look in his eyes, almost like he wants to tackle Taehyung to the couch and fuck him too.
Jimin has to admit, he’d be fine with it. That would give him time to cool down, and it would be
quite the show. Instead, Jungkook turns back to Jimin and begins to move again.

Jimin braces himself, but Jungkook starts slow this time. He glances up to see that Jungkook
has regained some coherency, and he’s biting his lip the way he does when he’s concentrating.
He’s close too, trying not to come. Jimin smiles a little at the effort and extends a hand to run up
Jungkook’s stomach.

“You’re doing great, Kookie,” Jimin tells him. “You feel really good in me.”

“Th-thanks,” Jungkook says, then winces, probably at how awkward it sounds.

Behind him, Taehyung rests his chin on Jungkook’s shoulder, observing studiously. “Tell me
how he is, Kookie,” he eventually says.

Jungkook takes a deep breath, exhales shakily, not taking his eyes from Jimin. “He’s… he’s,
very good.”


“He’s…” Jungkook pauses, his face darkening in a blush. “Very warm inside. And wet. It’s…
like he’s pulling me in.”

Taehyung’s calm expression remains the same, although Jimin catches a lustful glint light up
his eyes for a moment. “What do you wanna do to him, Kook? Tell me.”

“I wanna…” Jungkook swallows, eyes trailing down to where he and Jimin are connected. “I
wanna fuck him. Hard. I don’t wanna stop. I wanna go deep inside him. He feels so good. I wanna
bend him in half and fuck him until he comes.”

Jimin groans, covering his mouth. He hears Taehyung say, a bit breathless, “Don’t want this to
end too soon, now. Do what I do.”
Jungkook is still for a moment, then rolls his hips in an oddly practiced arc that has Jimin
staring at Taehyung, trying to figure out what he’s doing. Then he sees it: the slight movement that
pushes Jungkook’s body forward just a little. Taehyung is grinding into Jungkook and Jungkook is
copying his movements. That means Taehyung’s cock is pressed right up against—oh god. Jimin
becomes feverish at the realization. It’s like Taehyung and Jungkook are fucking him at the same

The pace is slow for a couple of minutes, with Jimin relishing the little sensations he hadn’t
had the chance to notice when Jungkook was pounding him against the couch earlier. He hears
what he thinks is Namjoon talking to Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok bickering a little before going
curiously quiet. At one point he thinks he hears someone crying and is about to put a stop to
everything to see if anyone got hurt, but then he hears begging and realizes that it’s just part of the

Before he can make out who it is, Jungkook’s hips suddenly snap forward. Jimin yelps and
arches as Jungkook’s cock sinks deeper, their skin slaps together. Jungkook whimpers. Taehyung’s
fingers have found Jungkook’s nipples, plucking at them deftly. “Do you feel me?” Taehyung asks.

“Y-yeah,” Jungkook replies, voice quivering. “You’re hard.”

“I’m hard for you,” Taehyung tells him, and his tongue makes a reappearance, licking a stripe
up Jungkook’s neck. “And Jimin.”

Jungkook screws his eyes shut, his breathing so heavy Jimin is worried he might pass out. Then
his fingers dig deeper into Jimin’s hips and he says, “I’m sorry, hyung. But I can’t hold back

Jimin doesn’t have time to prepare himself for the onslaught. In a split second Jungkook is
slamming him into the couch so fast Jimin has no idea how he manages it. Jungkook buries his
cock as deep as it can go, again and again, and Jimin can do nothing about the noises he’s making.
Slutty noises. Embarrassingly slutty noises. Desperate noises. Maybe he’s saying Jungkook’s
name. Maybe Taehyung’s. He doesn’t know. Because Jimin can’t hold back either and he’s angled
his hips so that Jungkook’s cock is pressing into his prostate with every roll of his relentless hips.

“Gonna come, Kookie?” He barely registers Taehyung’s voice, low and sensual. “Gonna come
inside Jimin?”

Jungkook whines. “T-Tae—fuck. Gonna come. Feels so good. I can’t—” He lets out a noise
between a sob and a moan and shoves himself to the root inside. So deep inside. “Jimin, I’m
coming,” he whispers brokenly.

Jimin watches Jungkook’s features contort in pleasure and, god, he wants so badly to kiss him
right now. But he doesn’t want to interrupt, wants to see his face for as long as possible. He feels
Jungkook’s cock throb inside him, warmth seep into him, and somewhere, far in the back of his
mind where he stores thoughts that seem trivial, he realizes that he’d forgotten the condom.

Then a hand wraps itself around his cock and he’s gone. So stupidly fast. His cock doesn’t even
need to be stroked for him to explode all over his stomach. Black spots invade his vision and he
stops breathing for a long moment. Ripples of relief and pleasure and oh god he’s missed this wash
over him until he’s forced to take another breath. He inhales and begins to come down from his
high, sinking into the couch.

Jimin’s eyes comes back into focus to see Jungkook slumped over him, arms trembling, chest
heaving. His eyelids are fluttering, and Taehyung is kissing up and down his neck. Taehyung locks
eyes with Jimin’s, and it’s obvious from his glassy gaze and quick breathing that he hasn’t finished

“Kookie?” Jimin says softly. He reaches up to brush Jungkook’s sweaty locks out of his face.

Jungkook lifts his head, observes Jimin for a long moment. Jimin feels his insides flutter under
his gaze. “‘M okay,” he slurs. Jimin giggles.

“That was intense,” Taehyung laughs, a little breathless. He shifts behind Jungkook, and
Jungkook jumps a bit, sits up straight.

The maknae glances over his shoulder. “You’re still hard?” he says, aghast.

“I haven’t come yet,” Taehyung replies. He tries to laugh again but doesn’t seem to have
enough breath to maintain it. “Could’ve. You two were pretty hot.” He lifts his fingers to his
mouth yet again and only then does Jimin realize it was Taehyung who jerked him off. His fingers
are covered in his cum. Taehyung pops one into his mouth, sucks thoughtfully on it, swallows.

“Why didn’t you?” Jimin asks, his voice more shaky than he would have liked.

“‘Cause I wanna play some more.” Taehyung wipes his hand on the towel beneath them, then
unplasters himself from Jungkook’s back and winces a little. “Sorry, Kookie. Got some pre on you.
A lot, actually.”

It’s very subtle. Jimin doesn’t even know if Jungkook is aware that he’s doing it, but the
younger man pushes back against Taehyung, as if on instinct. A flush of heat sweeps through Jimin
at the sight, and suddenly he really wants to see Taehyung bend Jungkook over and fuck him. God,
what would Jungkook look like when he was getting fucked? Would be loud, unable to control
himself? Or would he try and muffle his moans behind an embarrassed hand, shy and quiet and oh-

“It’s fine,” Jungkook replies. He lifts his head to survey the room, having regained a bit of
lucidity. His eyes lock on a point across the room over Jimin’s head, widening. “Are they…
okay?” he asks.

Taehyung cranes his neck to see what Jungkook is talking about and nods. “Yeah. Hobi’s just
being a bit rough with him. With shoulders like that, if Jin hyung doesn’t want it he’ll let him

Jimin is too languid to bother getting up to see what Taehyung’s referring to. Eventually,
Jungkook pulls out and Jimin immediately feels liquid warmth seep out and onto the towel beneath
him. Jungkook winces. “Sorry. Should’ve worn a condom.”

“No, it’s fine. We’re both clean anyway.” Jimin says. “Besides, it’s been a while since
someone came inside me. Feels nice.” His heart flips over when he realizes what he’s just said, but
he doesn’t have time to agonize about it because Jungkook is suddenly kissing him. Really kissing
him. All tongue, mingled breaths, and bruised lips. Jimin is quickly overwhelmed again.

Jimin is gasping for air by the time Jungkook pulls back. Jungkook’s face drops down to
Jimin’s neck, lips running along the sensitive skin there. “Kookie…” Jimin breathes, shivering.
Fuck, what is it about this boy that has Jimin all flustered?

“Thank you,” Jungkook whispers. “For doing this for me.”

Jimin snorts, trying to hold in a laugh. “You don’t have to say thank you after having sex,

He feels Jungkook smile against his skin. “I know, but this is a special occasion.” He pushes
himself up to examine Jimin’s face. “Besides, saying it made you look so cute just now.”

Jimin blushes, sputters a bit, then playfully shoves Jungkook away. “Don’t think just because
you had sex once you’re hot shit now.”

Jungkook laughs, and Jimin is relieved to see he’s not as nervous as he was before. In fact,
Jungkook looks downright giddy. Jimin shoves him again, and soon he and Jungkook get into a
giggling play-fight on the couch. They only stop when Jungkook gets knocked off the cushions and
onto the floor. Taehyung just sits there, strangely listless, watching.

“Why is this turning me on?” Taehyung says quietly, as if asking himself.

“Gay!” Yoongi yells from his place on the floor and all of their attention is drawn to him. As
snarky as Yoongi is trying to be, it’s obvious that the older man is almost completely out of it.
Observing his glistening body, heaving chest, and heavy eyelids, Jimin can scarcely believe he
even has the wherewithal to speak clearly. And he looks way too hot right now, circling his hips on
Namjoon’s lap. This is the same man Jimin has seen waddle-run like a grandpa. Yet here he is,
riding cock like he was born to do it. Yoongi, who regularly does anything to get out of any kind of
physical activity, is demonstrating remarkable endurance, while Jungkook, who was a virgin not
but a few minutes ago, is making Jimin blush and sputter like he’s some sort of playboy. What
kind of parallel universe has he stumbled into? And why hadn’t he stumbled into it before?

Yoongi stops moving, studies them for a moment despite Namjoon’s protestations. His eyes
slide over Jungkook, who is now sitting upright and cross-legged on the floor, then to Jimin on the
couch, then—

“Taehyung,” Yoongi says, his voice commanding despite it also sounding breathless. He
motions with a hand. “You’re still hard. Get your dick over here.”

Taehyung tips his head to one side. “But aren’t you and Namjoon hyung—?”

Yoongi scoffs. “Don’t act like I can’t multi-task. I’m gonna show you how to give a real
blowjob. Let’s go. I ain’t got all night.”

Chapter End Notes

Uh oh! Jimin and JK are getting some butterflies pretty early on and damn does Tae
seem to like eating cum. And who's crying and begging in the background?? Up next:
Hoseok/Seokjin. It may seem like an odd pairing, but don't worry. I'll make it hot. ;)

Until next time~!

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

So, I'm aware this is a weird pairing, but I was determined to make this work! Hobi is
a total dom and I will fight you on this. All I'm saying is, there's a reason why Jimin is
his roommate. Proof:

Also, for those doubtful about Taehyung's bedroom eyes:


Annnnd because Yoongi is my bias, here's some hot Yoongi I can't stop watching
even though my ovaries already exploded. Just to get the juices flowing. Thank you JK
and Jimin for giving us this beautiful shot!:

... Okay, I swear I'm done now.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Seokjin has to admit, Hoseok wouldn’t be the first person he’d choose out of his friends to…
canoodle with. Taehyung and Jimin are pretty in a soft kind of way. Maybe he’d choose them
because they seem more feminine in his view, easier to imagine he would be having sex with a girl
instead of going through a mini sexual identity crisis. But Hoseok is different. He may be all smiles
and laughs a lot of the time, but he possesses that kind of sharpness, that masculine air about him.
Prominent jawline, stronger than he looks if seeing him mess around with Jimin is proof enough.

After watching how aggressively Hoseok pulls Taehyung from him to invade his mouth,
Seokjin isn’t sure about the “compatibility” between them. That’s what Yoongi said was important,
right? Because Seokjin likes topping—that’s what it’s called, right?—all he’s ever done is top and
it seems like Hoseok is the same. How would that work? It figures that he got stuck with one of the
straight guys. Was Seokjin, being in a gray area, supposed to guide this? How? It’s not like he has
any experience in this area.

Taehyung’s sharp cry snaps Seokjin out of his reverie. His eyes widen when he sees Hoseok’s
fingers curled in Taehyung’s hair, yanking his head back to reveal his throat. Hoseok seems ready
to attack Taehyung’s neck, but he stops abruptly, bringing his attention to Seokjin.

“It’s okay, Jin hyung,” Hoseok says, his voice smooth and reassuring, not at all like the
gravelly tone it had been before. “He likes it.” Taehyung looks at Seokjin, eyes glazed over. Nods.

Seokjin frowns, confused, then realizes that his fists are clenched by his sides. Did he really
think Hoseok would hurt Taehyung? Or is he on edge because he’s jealous that Hoseok is touching
Taehyung? He can’t be sure. His head is a mess right now. He glances over at where Namjoon and
Yoongi are fucking on the floor. How the hell did Namjoon just ease into sex with Yoongi like
that? Clumsy Namjoon, who spent so much time engaging in a philosophical monologue with a
girl that he often forgot to get laid, has somehow managed to get his dick inside Yoongi without a
hitch. And here Seokjin is, Worldwide Handsome, standing completely at a loss while his two best
friends make out with each other in front of him.
Hoseok is kissing a line up Taehyung’s neck now, and he can’t believe the balls on Hoseok,
damn. Not his actual balls, but how the hell is he so confident, diving right in, when he’s not even
gay and it’s fucking Taehyung he has his hands all over? It’s kind of bothering Seokjin how
Hoseok is out-gaming him so easily. Seokjin is the one who breaks the ice. He can pick up girls,
no problem. Hoseok, on the other hand, is super shy when meeting a girl for the first time. Sure,
once Hoseok gets to know the girl the confidence and suave just oozes from him. Maybe Hoseok is
confident because it’s Taehyung, and he knows Taehyung already. Yeah, that’s it.

Taehyung and Hoseok are lip-locked again, with Hoseok holding the younger man flush
against him, running his hands all over Taehyung’s quivering body. Seokjin decides, fuck it, time
to make a move. He walks over, grabs Taehyung by the shoulder, and wrenches him away from
Hoseok. Dazed, Taehyung nearly slips and falls, but Seokjin catches him, gathers him up in his
arms. And Seokjin kisses him, just like he’s been doing for the past couple of weeks. He and
Taehyung kiss with a practiced rhythm and passion that comes easy. He opens his eyes and looks
in Hoseok’s direction to see the man staring. You’re not the only one who can be aggressive, Hobi.

Seokjin closes his eyes again, focuses on making Taehyung moan, and not two seconds later he
hears a whisper in his ear: “Tae’s a greedy boy. Wanting two of us at once. Tell us what you need,
baby. Do you wanna suck our cocks?”

The words go so quickly to Seokjin’s groin that he gets a little dizzy. He never imagined he’d
hear words like that come out of Hoseok’s mouth. Or that they would turn him on. He pulls away
from Taehyung’s mouth and jumps when he feels a pair of lips against his neck. Taehyung just

“I asked you a question, Taehyung,” Hoseok says, his voice low. It seems to go right through
Seokjin, and he sees his arousal reflected in Taehyung’s face.

“Y-yes,” Taehyung stammers, swaying a bit. Seokjin lurches forward, catching him. He turns
them both to face Hoseok, who steps forward to tip Taehyung’s chin up, bringing them face-to-

“Yes what, Tae?”

Taehyung is silent for a moment, the gears turning in his sex-addled brain. Then he exhales
shakily and says, “Yes, sir. I want… wanna suck your cocks.”

Holy shit. Seokjin is amazed at how easily Hoseok can bend Taehyung to his will. Hoseok,
who’s always joking around and generally goofing off, has an authoritative air hidden beneath his
sunshine smile. Seokjin supposes he shouldn’t be all that surprised. Years of living with Hoseok
has taught him that the man often uses his carefree attitude to disguise his deeper feelings. Seokjin
can recall how surprised he’d been when he’d first seen Hoseok angry. And how intimidated.

“Sir?” Hoseok laughs, dragging his fingers down from Taehyung’s chin to his naked chest.
“Wow, a natural sub already.” His fingers trail up to Taehyung’s hair again, pulling it just enough
to make Taehyung wince. “On your knees, baby.”

Seokjin watches in astonishment as Taehyung moans and immediately complies. Taehyung

takes hold of Hoseok’s hips, leans in to put his mouth on Hoseok’s half-hard cock. Seeing
Taehyung submit so easily, on his knees, so eager to follow Hoseok’s every command, has
Seokjin’s body moving on its own. He steps up beside Hoseok, brushes shoulders with him. As
soon as Hoseok turns his head to see what’s up, Seokjin seizes his chance. He yanks Hoseok to him
by the back of his neck, smashes his lips against Hoseok’s, pushes his tongue inside with Hoseok’s
gasp of surprise. I’m kissing Hobi, Seokjin thinks as he wrestles Hoseok’s tongue into submission.
I’m kissing Hobi, and I like it.

“Whoa, intense.” Taehyung’s comment forces Hoseok and Seokjin to separate. The younger
man is staring up at them, starry-eyed, rubbing absentmindedly at his own hard cock.

“Hm, you know what?” Hoseok says, walking over to the coffee table. Seokjin smirks at how
breathless Hoseok sounds. “I think we should move over here. It’ll cause less of a mess.” He
scoops up one of the towels. Seokjin doesn’t fail to notice how carefully Hoseok his hiding his

Seokjin helps Taehyung to his feet and nearly falls over backward as the younger man jumps
him, devouring his mouth in a desperate kiss. Seokjin reciprocates, takes over Taehyung’s mouth
like he knows Taehyung likes. Taehyung presses up against him, and he feels how agonizingly
hard the man is. Fuck, does he want to wrestle Taehyung to the floor and forcibly jerk him off until
he can’t take it anymore. Now that Seokjin thinks about it, he’s never seen Taehyung come,
suddenly wants to see him come, see his face. He’s sure Taehyung would look so pretty coming

“Please,” Taehyung breathes against his lips, clinging to Seokjin as if he can barely manage to

Lust ignites in his core, burns through his limbs. Shit, Taehyung is begging. He sounds so good
when he begs. Seokjin can slowly but surely feel himself losing control. He knows he is less than
thirty seconds away from pinning Taehyung down and teasing him until Taehyung is screaming
for mercy. Damn, he didn’t know he could react so strongly to begging. He usually doesn’t. But
going without sex for a year has done things to him. It’s like his body is trying to compensate as
much as possible after his celibacy. Somewhere deep down he wonders if it’s because Taehyung is
quite possibly one of the most beautiful people he’s ever been with, but he doesn’t think too much
on it. Instead, he takes Taehyung by the hips and keeps his mouth busy while he carefully walks
them backward to where Hoseok is waiting.

Taehyung is moaning and whining and pawing at him in a way that has him on edge, and he’s
almost grateful that he knocks his heel against the coffee table, though he swears anyway. He takes
a seat on the towel Hoseok has laid out to examine his foot while Taehyung suddenly bursts into
laughter a couple feet away.

“There’s a table there, hyung. Look out.”

“Yeah, thanks. Get over here, smartass.” He beckons Taehyung by patting both of his thighs,
and the amusement instantly flees Taehyung’s eyes to be replaced with unrestrained want. The
younger man is between Seokjin’s legs in moments, ogling his cock, which is now ramrod hard
and leaking profusely. Seokjin should be embarrassed by how aroused he is, but he can’t bring
himself to care. Ever since this whole thing started with Taehyung, he’s been getting this kind of
hard whenever he and Taehyung are alone even for a minute. He’s excited to get his dick sucked.
His body is used to Taehyung’s near-daily blowjobs. It’s developed an appetite that Seokjin cannot

Just as he’s threading fingers through Taehyung’s hair to guide him onto his cock, he feels arms
wrap around him and a warm chest press against him from behind. Seokjin’s heart pounds as he
feels Hoseok glue himself to him from hip-to-chest, his dick hard and smearing precum across
Seokjin’s lower back. Hoseok rests his chin on Seokjin’s shoulder.

“Gonna suck Jinie’s cock for me, baby?” Hoseok purrs, and the words rumble through
Seokjin’s entire body.
Hoseok’s fingers slide over Seokjin’s in Taehyung’s hair. His other hand snakes down
Seokjin’s front, making the latter suck in a breath, to curl around his erection, to direct it at
Taehyung’s mouth.

Taehyung nods, bends down to lick a stripe up Seokjin’s dick. Hoseok’s breathing picks up as
he watches over Seokjin’s shoulder, hot breath puffing in Seokjin’s ear. “You look good sucking
dick, Tae.”

Taehyung mewls around Seokjin’s cock, pulls off to say, “Thank you.” Mischief flashes in his

Seokjin scoffs. “Hey, don’t get snarky.” He wraps his hand around Hoseok’s on his cock, pulls
it away from Taehyung. “Do you want my cock or not?”

Taehyung snaps to and frantically nods. “Yes. Yes, please, Jin hyung.”

“You won’t address me with that name, Tae.”

Taehyung just stares at him in confusion for a moment before his eyes widen. “I-I mean, please
let me suck your cock, daddy.”

Hoseok stops breathing, and Seokjin bites back a moan. “How much do you want it?” he

Taehyung swallows, moans softly. “So bad, daddy. Please. Give me your cock.”

Seokjin nearly jumps when he feels Hoseok’s cock throb against him, but he’s so caught up in
how absolutely fuckable Taehyung looks right now that it’s hard for him to give attention to
anything else. If Taehyung were a girl, Seokjin would be balls-deep already. But Seokjin isn’t sure
he’s ready to take the significant step of fucking another guy, and he isn’t exactly sure that
Taehyung is either. Had Taehyung even fingered himself before? Why is he even thinking about
this anyway?

“Stick out your tongue, baby boy,” Hoseok says, angling Seokjin’s cock toward Taehyung’s
lips. Taehyung enthusiastically obeys, and Hoseok places the head on his tongue. “Lick it.”

Taehyung groans, runs his tongue around the head, down the shaft, then back up again. All the
while his eyes are locked with Seokjin’s. How is he so damn pretty? Seokjin wonders. Seriously,
sometimes Seokjin wonders how he himself can even compete with Taehyung. The view Seokjin
gets when Taehyung is giving him blowjobs provides half the pleasure, maybe more.

“Take it as deep as you can, my baby boy,” Hoseok says. Taehyung’s eyes close and he slides
his lips down, down Seokjin’s shaft, halfway down, then a little further. Seokjin watches, amazed.
Taehyung has never gone more than halfway down before. He feels his the tip of his dick pass into
Taehyung’s throat and bites his lip at the sensation. Every girl he’s been with has never been a big
fan of blowjobs and none had been willing or able to take him more than halfway before. It’s not
that he’s big. In fact, he’s pretty average, all things considered. Taehyung takes a bit more of him,
not more than a centimeter, but it makes all the difference. Seokjin bites his lip, revels in the feel of
Taehyung’s tongue sliding along his shaft.

Suddenly, Taehyung chokes. Afraid he’s hurt him, Seokjin gently tugs Taehyung off of him,
cups his face in his hands. “Are you okay? Did I—”

Taehyung shakes his head, his eyes a bit watery. “No, I’m fine. My fault. Shouldn’t have taken
it so deep. I just…” He fixes Seokjin with hungry gaze. “I really wanted to be good for you,

“Fuck…” Seokjin murmurs, feels his dick throb, precum trail down his shaft. He wants so
badly to jerk off in front of Taehyung, come all over his pretty face. At the same time he wants to
shove his cock back into Taehyung’s mouth and watch him swallow. Before he can make up his
mind, he’s seized by the shoulders and yanked until he’s sprawled on his back across the coffee
table. The next second, a weight pins his hips down and he regains enough focus to see Hoseok
straddling him. Seokjin is about to shove him off, but then he sees how dangerous Hoseok looks,
how commanding. It gives him pause.

“Wanna see you break, Jinie,” Hoseok says, his voice gruff. Seokjin’s eyes find the man’s cock
and holy shit it’s solid. Seokjin doesn’t know whether to feel uncomfortable or turned on that
Hoseok’s dick is so close to his own.

“Tae…” Seokjin says, worried that Taehyung is being left out. But he sees Taehyung pushing
himself to his feet and walking toward the couch, where Jungkook and Jimin are—“Oh my god.
Kook is absolutely railing Jimin.”

Hoseok whips his head around to watch for a few moments. Seokjin’s eyes shift from the couch
to Hoseok’s face, sees the man’s blush spread from his face to his neck, sees his breathing pick up,
sees the subtle twitch of the hard cock between his legs. Seokjin finds his eyes wandering from
Hoseok back to Taehyung, settling on the younger man’s ass. Had it always looked that…
squeezable? What the hell is happening to me?

Hoseok grabs Seokjin’s wrists, fingers locking in place around them. Seokjin snaps his
attention back to the man sitting on top of him to see Hoseok smirking down at him. “Gotcha,” he

Seokjin laughs. “You sure about that? I could easily throw you across the room.” He flexed his
arms to prove his point. Seokjin doesn’t think of himself as the best singer or dancer, but he’s
damn sure he’s the strongest of the group. He only lets Jungkook win most of the time because he
knows how competitive the maknae is.

Doubt crosses Hoseok’s face for a moment before he leans down, face only inches from
Seokjin’s own. “You won’t.”

Seokjin laughs again. “Oh, I won’t?”

“No,” Hoseok says, his voice having lowered to a dangerous octave. “Because you’re gonna be
good for me.” He removes one hand from Seokjin’s wrist and trails his fingers down Seokjin’s
chest. “You’re gonna lay there and let me touch you.”

Seokjin wants to protest, he really does. He also feels the urge to flip them over and be the one
pinning Hoseok to the table instead, but there is something about Hoseok’s voice, about his eyes,
about the way his fingers confidently dance over his bare skin, that has Seokjin frozen to the spot.
One of Hoseok’s hands remains clasped around Seokjin’s wrists, having loosened, but Seokjin
knows this is just a power play. The way Hoseok is looking at him, like he intends to make him his
prey, is all Seokjin needs to see to know that Hoseok is daring him to try and resist. And Seokjin
finds he likes that sense of danger, wants to see what Hoseok will do now that he has Seokjin

Hoseok’s smirk widens and he redirects his fingers to circle around one of Seokjin’s nipples.
Seokjin stiffens a bit. He’s never touched his own nipples when getting off. Thought it was a little
weird. Because he doesn’t touch them often, the skin around them is annoyingly sensitive, and
Seokjin sucks in a breath as Hoseok’s fingers edge closer and closer to his nipple. Instead of
continuing to go slow and teasing, Hoseok suddenly takes Seokjin’s nipple between his fingers and
pulls. Seokjin gasps, his spine arching. Oh god. It’s so strange that Hoseok is discovering things
about Seokjin’s body that Seokjin himself didn’t even know about. Hoseok lets up with the pulling
and instead decides to tease the bud with the tip of his finger. Seokjin feels a tingling heat spread
across his chest, clenches his hands where they lay above his head. His eyes are squinted shut,
struggling to come to terms with how sensitive his nipples are. He opens them to see Hoseok
watching him closely, gauging his reactions through predatory eyes.

“Ever played with your nipples?”

Seokjin can still hardly believe these types of words keep coming out of Hoseok’s mouth. “No.

Hoseok nods, taking in the information with a quiet ‘hmm.’ Then, without warning, he ducks
down and takes Seokjin’s other nipple into his mouth. The entire thing. And he sucks hard.

“Ah, Hoseok!” Seokjin cries, one of his hands coming down to fist in Hoseok’s hair, trying to
pull him off. But Hoseok gives a sort of growl, a sound that permeates deep into Seokjin’s bones.
Hoseok grabs his hand in an almost painful grip and forces it back over Seokjin’s head. Seokjin
thinks about jerking out of his grip, but with his nipple still so deep in Hoseok’s mouth he isn’t so
sure it would turn out well for him. So he remains pliant, chewing on his lip to silence little whines
that keep wanting to escape. This is so embarrassing, he thinks, hoping none of the others had
noticed how he said Hoseok’s name. He hadn’t meant to, really. It was supposed to be followed up
with ‘stop’ or ‘what the hell’, but he’d been too distracted to say what he wanted.

Hoseok pulls off of Seokjin’s nipple, much to his relief, and peers up at him. His smirk is gone,
which is surprising, but what’s more surprising is how undeniably turned on Hoseok looks. “Shit,”
Hoseok says quietly. “I’m so damn horny. I’m aching for this, but if it isn’t fucking weird to look
up and see it’s you I’m touching.”

Seokjin smiles charmingly. “Of course you’d feel shy seeing this handsome face.”

Hoseok laughs, slaps Seokjin’s chest playfully. Seokjin jumps a bit, pushing down the sudden
arousal he gets from it. “Shy and weird are two different things. Like, I’m trying to, uh, have sex
with you, but all I keep hearing in my head are your stupid dad jokes on repeat. It’s really fucking
up my game.”

Seokjin bursts into laughter along Hoseok. “Oh, yeah?” he says. “Must be boring listening to
all those same jokes over and over again. I’ve got a new one for you. Wanna hear it?”

Hoseok snorts, smiling. “Oh my god, you can’t be se—”

“What do you call somebody with no body and no nose?” Seokjin says, smiling, barely able to
contain his laughter.

Hoseok blinks owlishly up at him, as if he can’t believe Seokjin is pulling this kind of thing
during sex. Hoseok just gives in and says, “I don’t know, what?”

Seokjin’s smile widens. “Nobody knows!”

They both descend into laughter again, Hoseok almost rolling off of Seokjin and onto the floor
while Seokjin’s guffaws taper into breathless, high-pitched squeaking. “That has got to be,”
Hoseok says between laughs, “the dumbest one yet.”
“I think you underestimate how dumb my jokes can get.”

“No, trust me, I don’t. You know, if you’re like this when fucking girls, no wonder you haven’t
gotten laid in a year.”

Seokjin raises an eyebrow. “At least I have an excuse.”

“Oof, ouch,” Hoseok winces. “Easy there, Suga.”

“It’s what you get for just vacuuming up my nipple like that.”

“Oh, yeah?” Hoseok says, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Seokjin doesn’t notice his hand
trailing down until it’s too late. “And what do I get if I do this?” He wraps a hand around Seokjin’s
cock, pumps it.

Seokjin gasps, shudders. “You… get the honor of jerking me off.” He smiles weakly.

Hoseok frowns for a moment, then, suddenly, he smiles. It isn’t one of his usual warm smiles
either. It’s something… darker. “All right, then,” he says.

Seokjin nearly screams when Hoseok starts pumping him at a furious pace. No lead up, no
teasing, no anything. Just quick, desperate strokes, slicked by Seokjin’s precum. He wants to tell
Hoseok to stop, that he’ll come too early—that it’d be downright embarrassing to come this early
—but he can’t string two words together. All he can do is try to squirm away from Hoseok’s hand,
but Hoseok catches him by the hip and pins him down by the pelvis. Seokjin is trapped. And the
sensations are close to boiling over, his balls drawing up, his dick throbbing. With his last vestiges
of lucidity, he manages to gasp out, “D-don’t! Gonna come—”

And then everything just… stops. Hoseok’s hand disappears from Seokjin’s cock. Hoseok’s
entire body lifts off of him. Seokjin comes to and realizes that Hoseok has left him lying there,
trembling and wanton, to fetch a tube of lube on the floor. Hoseok pops open the cap and pours
some into his hand. Seokjin can’t help but notice how hard the younger man’s cock is. Doesn’t
know what to think of himself when he has the sudden desire to touch it.

Hoseok walks over to him, settling on his knees on the floor at the edge of the coffee table. He
holds up a slicked finger. “That was the start of your punishment for being a snarky little bitch,”
Hoseok says, his voice taking on a gravelly edge once again. Seokjin just stares at him. “Now, this
is what’s gonna happen,” Hoseok continues. He traces a wet, feather-light finger around Seokjin’s
nipple, down his chest and stomach. Seokjin struggles not to squirm at the sensation. “I’m gonna
touch you all over and you will lay there and take it. You can come only when I say so. If you
come before I give you permission, you’ll get another punishment. Am I understood?”

Seokjin just stares, astonished at how authoritative Hoseok’s voice is and at how he kind of
wants to hear more of it. While he’s not usually a competitive person, he’s curious to see how
Hoseok will react when he finds that Seokjin doesn’t break. When Hoseok gives up, that will be
Seokjin’s chance. He’ll turn the tables, be the one punishing Hoseok instead. His cock throbs at
just the thought of it. Yeah. And Hoseok won’t know what’s coming to him until it’s too late.

Seokjin tries not to sound too devious as he replies, “Yes, I understand.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now, let’s get started.”

As condifident in his plan as Seokjin is, he can’t help but feel a sliver of doubt worm into his
mind when Hoseok’s sunny smile is replaced with a wolfish grin.

Hoseok is freaking out inside. His body is desperate for sex, but his brain just can’t process the fact
that his body is desperate for sex with the nearest, most willing warm body. Which just happens to
be Seokjin. His friend. A man. He’s never been attracted to a man. Not sexually. Not romantically.
But now it’s like he has no choice. He’s insanely hard, he needs relief. And Seokjin is so willing,
stretched out across the coffee table, all pliant and good for him. It doesn’t help that Seokjin looks
so pretty, almost like a girl—or maybe it does help? Hoseok doesn’t know. His sexuality is all sorts
of confused right now.

All he knows is that Seokjin has a nice body. There, he admits it. His broad shoulders support
sculpted arms and a built chest, tapering down to a slim waist. Hoseok feels a strange mix of
jealousy and attraction observing Seokjin. Hoseok has built muscle. He’s a dancer, after all. But his
frame is just not suited to the bulk that Seokjin can handle. It kind of makes him want to tie Seokjin
up and break him down…

Wait, what?

Hoseok shakes his head to clear it. He’s winging it, but he can’t let Seokjin know that he’s not
as confident as he seems. It would spoil this whole… Hoseok feels weird calling it a play session,
but that’s what it is. Deep down, Hoseok is nervous. He doesn’t know what going through with
this will mean for the group, for his relationship with Seokjin. But it’s too late to back out now, at
least if Hoseok’s libido has anything to say about it. Truth is, before BTS got really big Hoseok
went out clubbing a few times every week. He’d dance, find a girl, take her to bed. Never the same
girl. Not since—

“Hobi?” Seokjin’s voice snaps Hoseok out of his thoughts. The older man is regarding him
with his typical motherly concern. “Are you okay?”

Frowning, Hoseok can’t understand why Seokjin is so worried. Then he blinks and feels how
wet his eyes suddenly are. “Uh…” he says, wiping at his face and placing a firm hand against
Seokjin’s chest. “Don’t speak unless I give you permission. Is that clear?” Hoseok is surprised at
himself for managing to make his voice so stern when just before he was at the edge of… well,
killing the mood.

Seokjin’s eyes widen a bit. Hoseok can hear the gears turning in his head, but Seokjin ends up
doing the smart thing and nodding. Hoseok feels a smile quirk his lips. His eyes travel down
Seokjin’s body, marveling once again at how good-looking he is. How did this man manage to
remain celibate for a year? He’s great at picking up girls. He’s charming, handsome… hell, if
Hoseok was a girl he would probably throw himself at Seokjin first chance he got. He trails his
fingers back to one of Seokjin’s nipples, teases it until the nub is a firm peak. Seokjin gasps when
he rolls it around in between his fingers, and Hoseok’s mouth goes dry. Seokjin has such nice
nipples, pink and so, so sensitive. Hoseok wonders what they would look like pierced, and he’s
surprised to find that the thought makes him insanely turned on.

Hoseok finds himself closer to the edge than he would like and decides to distract himself by
teasing Seokjin. He runs his lips up Seokjin’s neck to his ear. “I can do anything I want with you,
huh?” He tugs at Seokjin’s nipple, pulling a moan from the man. “Can touch you how I want… oh,
would you look at that? Tae’s joined Kook and Jimin. Hot, aren’t they?” Hoseok takes Seokjin’s
chin between his fingers and forcibly turns his head to face the couch where Taehyung and
Jungkook are busy making out. Seokjin bites his lip when he sees them.

“Said you were in a ‘gray area’, huh?” Hoseok whispers, dragging his hand down Seokjin’s
body, cupping his hard cock. “Then why are you like this, hm? Do you like watching them kiss?
You can answer me.”

Seokjin doesn’t look at him, which Hoseok doesn’t knock him for. He wants the man to watch
the three on the couch, wants him to come undone just from that. He sees Seokjin swallow. He
hasn’t blinked since he began watching Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. Not once. “Yes,” he says
quietly. He’s red from his face to his chest and, damn, does it look good on him.

“Tell me what you like about it,” Hoseok prompts. He wraps his hand around Seokjin’s cock,
pumps it, finds he enjoys the way it swells at his touch. Makes him feel powerful, like he can
make Seokjin react even against his will. Hoseok honestly thought he would be repulsed touching a
cock that wasn’t his own, but the little reactions he teases from Seokjin just by running his fingers
along his shaft makes Hosek’s body tingle with excitement. He almost wants to grip Seokjin tightly
and pump him so hard and fast the man won’t be able to think straight.

“I…” Seokjin swipes his tongue over his lips. He takes a deep breath. “I like watching how
rough Kookie’s being. I wanna see him pin Tae down and…” He bites his lip.

Hoseok swipes a thumb over Seokjin’s dickhead. “Fuck him?” he supplies.

Seokjin nods, eyes still fixed on the couch.

“Use your words, baby.”

Seokjin seems to stop breathing for a moment. Then he shivers and turns his head to lock eyes
with Hoseok. He looks so pretty all flushed pink and breathless. “I wanna see Kook pin Tae down
and fuck him. I wanna see Tae’s face when Kook… enters him.”

“You wanna see what Tae looks like when Kookie’s cock fills him up,” Hoseok purrs. He
revels in the deeper shade of red Seokjin manages to turn. My god, he really is gorgeous. “Be
specific, Jinie. Hmm, wonder how you would look with a cock in you…” Hoseok’s fingers move
from Seokjin’s dick to his balls, then down over his taint—

Seokjin stiffens, one of his hands shoots down to grab Hoseok’s wrist. He fixes Hoseok with
wide-eyed panic. “Hobi…” he says quietly.

Hoseok takes his hand from Seokjin’s taint, instead carding his fingers through Seokjin’s hair.
He leans in until he and Seokjin are almost touching noses. The fear in Seokjin’s eyes breaks
Hoseok’s heart. “I’m sorry, Jin hyung. I won’t try to put anything inside you without your
permission, okay? I promise.” Hoseok kisses him gently. An apologetic kiss. “Safe word is
‘Sprite.’ Say it, and I’ll stop anything I’m doing.”

Seokjin stares at him for a moment before cracking a smile. “Sprite?” he giggles.

Hoseok smiles back, then says, his voice smooth as satin, “Be good for me, baby.” He kisses
down Seokjin’s neck, his fingers finding a nipple and pulling. Seokjin hisses, jerks beneath
Hoseok. “Which one of them do you wanna fuck, baby? Tell me.”

Seokjin’s breathing picks up. “I…I, uh… J-Jungkook.”

“Hm? What do you wanna do with little Kookie?” Hoseok runs his fingers down Seokjin’s
shaft. Then he grabs the lube and pours nearly the whole bottle into his hand, until it’s dripping
down his wrist. He curls his fingers into a loose fist, places his hand at the head of Seokjin’s dick.

“I wanna fuck him,” Seokjin clarifies.

Hoseok noses into the hair around Seokjin’s ear. “You’ll go slow for Kookie, right? Nice and
slow. Take his cherry gently, yeah? He’ll be all wet inside, ready for you.” Hoseok slides his hand
over Seokjin’s cockhead, stopping just an inch down.

“Fuck,” Seokjin hisses, hands clenching above his head.

Hoseok immediately takes his hand off Seokjin’s cock, pulls back from him. “Only speak when
you’re answering my questions, Jin.”

Seokjin whines and squirms on the table. “Okay… y-yes. Yes, sir.”

Hoseok smirks. “Good, baby.” He returns his hand to its place and slides it further down than
before. “You have his legs spread. He’s stretched out under you, looking up at you as he’s filled
with your cock. Close your eyes. Imagine his face.”

Seokjin obeys, closes his eyes. His dick pulses in Hoseok’s hand.

“He’s tight,” Hoseok continues, moving his hand slowly down Seokjin’s shaft, smearing
copious lube along its length. “You slide all the way inside him. Balls-deep.” Hoseok’s fist reaches
Seokjin’s pelvis, gripping his cock firmly. “How does he feel, baby?”

Seokjin groans. “Feels so good.” Hoseok twists his fist up, the lube squelching loudly. Seokjin
whimpers, covers his mouth.

“Don’t,” Hoseok orders. “I want to hear you.” Seokjin returns his hand above his head, sighs.
“Kook tells you to move, so you take it slow. Nice, long strokes.” Hoseok begins to pump him,
twisting his hand, keeping the pressure tight. “He’s so soft inside. You’re his first, and you’re
filling him up in a way he’s never felt before. He’s overwhelmed. He’s making pretty noises for
you as you move in him.” Hoseok pauses to try and pull himself together. He’s rock hard and wants
nothing more than to jerk off all over Seokjin’s face, but he wants to see Seokjin unravel. Needs to
see it.

Seokjin whines, bites his lip, his thighs trembling against Hoseok. Fuck, he looks hot like this.
Hoseok has to admit it. For a moment, he wishes that Seokjin was envisioning him instead of
Jungkook, but the thought is too much for him right now and he pushes it aside. Still, he finds he
can’t look away from Seokjin’s face, taking in each little expression, every gasp and sigh. Hoseok
can scarcely believe Seokjin even has exes. Who in their right mind would let him go?

Jimin nearly screams on the couch a few feet away, and Seokjin’s eyes fly open. He tries to sit
up, but Hoseok quickly pushes him back down. “Chimi’s okay. Jungkook’s pounding him good.”
Hoseok observes them, and when he notices Taehyung looking at him, as if begging him to come
over and kiss him, Hoseok realizes his mouth his open and promptly shuts it. Holy fuck, Taehyung
is beautiful. Sure, Hoseok has known that for a while, but really. How the hell can someone have
such seductive bedroom eyes? Especially when that someone is goofball puppy Taehyung? Hoseok
recalls how soft Taehyung’s lips felt against his own and realizes he’s not entirely against kissing
him again.

Seokjin’s groans draw him back to the task at hand. The man is staring at Hoseok with
pleading eyes, wiggling his hips, trying anything he can to get even just a little friction against his
cock. Hoseok heart pounds at the sight of him, and his fingertips tingle with excitement. Seokjin
looks so close, so close, to begging for his touch, but at the last minute he swallows a whine and
closes his eyes again. Hoseok swears under his breath. Still too proud. He’d have to wear him
down some more.

“You have Kook nice and open now,” Hoseok says, twisting his fist slowly—oh so slowly—up
and down Seokjin’s cock. Doing it the teasing way Hoseok knows he himself likes. “He’s
squirming under you. Looks like he can’t stand it. His legs pull you in deeper, so you go deep. As
deep as you can. Kook’s so full, fuller than he’s ever been, and he can’t handle it. Your cock is
stretching him in all the right ways. He can’t keep quiet. He’s overwhelmed.”

Seokjin’s breathing picks up and for a moment he loses control, bucks up just slightly into
Hoseok’s fist. Hoseok leans down, whispers in his ear, “No moving. I control the pace here.”

Seokjin opens one eye, nods, says, “Y-yes, sir.”

Shit. Hoseok knows if he stares too long at Seokjin’s flushed, desperate face he might just
decide to do away with the teasing altogether and pump Seokjin so hard he can’t help but come all
over himself. So he moves his eyes down Seokjin’s chest, past nipples so peaked and bitable—but
not now, not just yet. He finds Seokjin’s hard stomach, runs the flat of his tongue along it, savoring
the taste of Seokjin’s body soap and sweat. Seokjin gasps and arcs, and Hoseok knows that Seokjin
is staring down at him, can feel the man’s eyes on him. But he’s okay with it. He wants Seokjin to
see who’s doing this to him, that Hoseok is making him fall apart so easily.

Hoseok sits back on his heels, swiping a tongue over his lips. He returns to teasing Seokjin’s
cock, enjoying the squelches his fist makes as it slides over smooth, wet skin. “Kookie yelps.
You’ve found his spot. It’s so, so sensitive. He’s never felt anything like it and it turns him into
mush. He pleads with you—pleads so quietly you can barely hear him—to fuck him, right there.
You do, and Kookie’s so embarrassed at the little noises he can’t keep in. He’s blushing so cutely.
You keep hitting that spot until he’s a whimpering, shivering mess.” Seokjin’s face scrunches up,
his cock throbs in Hoseok’s hand. Hoseok smirks. He knows that look. “Something you wanna ask
me, Jinie baby?”

Seokjin exhales shakily, cutting a moan off short, shakes his head. Hoseok bites back a growl.
Stubborn bastard. Hoseok has to break him. He needs this. He glances down at his own cock,
standing completely upright between his legs, dripping precum into a shiny puddle on the floor. He
doesn’t think he’s ever leaked this much, and, suddenly, Hoseok can feel the desperation rising
within him. Fuck, he wants to come. But not until he makes Seokjin come first.

Hoseok takes a deep breath and steadies himself. Then he continues, “You keep the pace slow.
You wanna tease him, make him beg for you. But Kook hates losing. You know that, so you keep
pushing and pushing, moving him close to the edge and backing off.” He swipes a thumb around
Seokjin’s dickhead, giving Seokjin the friction he knows the man wants. He hears Seokjin gasp,
feels his cock throb in a familiar way. Hoseok knows he’s close, even if Seokjin doesn’t want to
admit it. Hoseok keeps teasing, keeps working Seokjin’s dickhead until he sees Seokjin’s balls
tighten up. Then he backs off. Seokjin sighs, relaxes, but no sooner does he regain control than
Hoseok is snatching it away from him again. Hoseok teases just below the head this time, rubbing
the pad of his thumb in little circles until Seokjin is whimpering. At the last second, Hoseok stops,
holding Seokjin in a loose fist at the base of his cock.

Hoseok waits. He waits and he waits, but Seokjin doesn’t give in. Hoseok runs a tongue up
Seokjin’s body, over a nipple, up to the shell of his ear. “You wanna fuck Kookie hard, don’t you?”
he asks, his voice low.

Seokjin is so on edge that he jumps when he hears Hoseok’s voice. It makes Hoseok smile. “I-I
do,” he admits, clenching his fists. “I wanna fuck Kook. I wanna come in him.”

Hoseok’s mouth goes dry and his cock throbs. Fuck. But he keeps it together. “Yeah? Wanna
fill him up with your cum?”

Seokjin whines. “Y-yes… sir.”

“Then beg me for it.”

Seokjin’s eyes snap open. “Huh?”

“Beg me,” Hoseok reiterates, hand twisting on Seokjin’s cock, “for it.”

Seokjin’s mouth opens and closes a few times, but nothing comes out. Hoseok can see the
confliction in the man’s eyes. Hoseok begins teasing his dickhead again and is pleased to hear
Seokjin moan desperately. “You wanna fuck his tight little hole, baby?”

“Y-yes, I—ah…”

Hoseok smirks, a wicked idea forming in his mind. “Kookie wants you to fuck him hard, too.
He needs it, Jinie. He can’t stand it. You hit his spot again just right. He calls you daddy.” Seokjin
moans, his hips bucking up into Hoseok’s fist, but Hoseok slams them back down with his other
hand. “Give your baby boy what he wants, Jinie. He needs his daddy to fuck him, to make him
come.” Hoseok’s thumb gives Seokjin’s dickhead a few more teasing swipes, then abruptly stops.

His fist is just sliding down to loosely grip Seokjin’s cock again, when Seokjin lets out a long,
high-pitched whine Hoseok honestly didn’t think he had in him. “Ho—sir,” he says, breathless. His
eyes are still closed.

“Look at me when you’re speaking, Jin,” Hoseok orders.

Seokjin does, his eyes wild and hazy. “Sir, I need it.”

“Need what, baby? Be specific.”

Seokjin visibly swallows. “I need to fuck Jungkook. Let me fuck him.”

Hoseok clicks his tongue. “You don’t sound like you need it that badly…” His hand slips from
Seokjin’s length.

Seokjin stiffens, suddenly bursts out. “I need it. I need to fuck him hard.” He whimpers.
“Please, sir.”

Hoseok feels heat swell in his stomach and, fuck, he knows Seokjin’s lips would look so good
wrapped around his cock. Hoseok licks his lips and returns his hand to Seokjin’s dick, shifting just
a little to relieve some pressure in his own cock. “How hard?” he asks deviously. “Like this?”

Hoseok pumps Seokjin only a little faster than before, and Seokjin squirms, legs shaking.
“Faster. Please, sir.”

“Like this?” Hoseok suddenly ramps up the pace to one-hundred. Seokjin shrieks and kicks up
his hips. Hoseok stops, returning to his slow pumping. “Ah-ah. No moving, remember?”
Seokjin whines loudly, brokenly. A jolt of heat burns through Hoseok at the sound, and he
looks up to see that Seokjin’s eyes are wet. “Please, sir! Please, please go faster. I need it faster.”

Hoseok can’t stand it anymore. Seokjin looks so pretty with tears on his cheeks, his begging so
beautiful. He stands, straddles him, lowers himself onto Seokjin’s thighs. His cock is beside
Seokjin’s, and he’s surprised to find how purple both of them are, how desperate for touch.
Without thinking, he wraps his hand around both of them. Seokjin’s gasp travels right to his groin.

“Looking so pretty for me, baby.” The words fall out of Hoseok’s mouth before he can catch
them. “Wanna see you come all over yourself.”

Seokjin’s eyes are wide, but hungry. He scrabbles at the table, gaze taking in every inch of
Hoseok’s body. Hoseok groans low in his throat. It’s hot to feel wanted again. He begins stroking
them both, the feel of Seokjin’s wet cock sliding against his own providing a wonderful sensation.
He loves how he can feel every throb of Seokjin’s cock. Soon, he’s thrown caution to the wind and
is pumping them like this is the last wank either of them will ever get. Seokjin is throwing his head
from side to side below him, making all sorts of agonizing noises. With his last vestiges of
coherency, Hoseok stops pumping them.

Before he can even demand a response from Seokjin, the man looks right at him, completely
out of it, and sobs, “Please, don’t stop! I’m so close, I need—please, Hobi, touch me. I’m begging
you. Please, let me come!”

Hoseok watches Seokjin break, his throat convulse in another sob, tears slide down his
beautifully flushed cheeks, and that’s it. He’s gone. An animal instinct takes over and he’s gripping
both of their dicks tightly, running his fist from base to tip and back again so fast he’s amazed his
wrist doesn’t snap. He hears Seokjin give a strangled moan, feels his pelvis lift him slightly off the
table. “Please, Hobi, let me come, please!”

Hoseok can barely get the words out at the sight of him. “Y-yes, baby, come for me.”

And then Seokjin’s coming, sobbing, gasping, undone. Cum covers his heaving chest, pools on
his stomach, and, fuck, Hoseok didn’t know anyone could shoot that much. He barely has to touch
himself before he’s coming as well, losing all semblance of control and moaning as he paints
Seokjin’s glistening body with his cum.

It feels so good that Hoseok doesn’t want to stop. He’s high as fuck, his brain having
disconnected from his body, and only when Seokjin yelps does he realizes he’s still tugging at both
of their spent cocks. Reluctantly, he ceases and pulls his hand away, realizes that he has both his
own and Seokjin’s cum coating his fingers, his cock. But he can’t bring himself to care. His body
is humming, and he wants to feel skin against his own, so he lays himself flat over Seokjin. On
instinct, he brushes Seokjin’s sweaty hair out of his face and kisses him. A long, slow, hungry kiss.
Hands roam, tongues mingle. Hoseok doesn’t mind when he feels Seokjin’s strong arms wrap
around him. God, Seokjin’s lips are addictive. No wonder Taehyung couldn’t help himself after
Seokjin accidentally kissed him.

Hoseok finally comes up for air, but then he sees Seokjin’s long, beautiful neck and he dips his
head to attack it with lips and tongue, little nibbles that he knows won’t leave marks, but, fuck,
does he want to.

Seokjin gives a breathless little laugh. “Oh my god, I think my soul left my body for a good
minute. Holy shit.”

Hoseok smiles against his neck. “You were a good little submissive.”
Seokjin laughs and slaps Hoseok on the back. “You’re quite the cocktease for a guy who’s not
into dick.”

Hoseok waits for the embarrassment, the shame, whatever it is that was making him feel
insecure about his sexuality earlier to reappear. To his surprise—and relief—it doesn’t. “You’re
pretty into the idea of fucking Kookie for being in a ‘gray area,’” he flashes back.

Instead of laughing, Seokjin says a little quietly, “Yeah. Didn’t realize I wanted to fuck Kook
before. Not gonna lie, if he actually did call me daddy, I’d have him up against a wall in a second.”
He begins to rub circles on Hoseok’s back, and Hoseok sighs, remembering how much he enjoys
after sex cuddles. Even if it’s with Seokjin. Hell, maybe he likes it with Seokjin. “You interested in
fucking any of the other guys?”

Hoseok snorts. “What, you’re not counting yourself?” Seokjin stiffens for a moment, and
Hoseok says quickly, “Not that any of us would force you to bottom unless you wanted to.”

Seokjin chews his bottom lip, swollen from kissing. “Maybe I’d consider it. I mean, Yoongi
does look like he’s enjoying hims—holy fuck.”

Hoseok lifts himself up on his elbows and hurriedly looks around. “Huh? What is it?”

Seokjin is staring pointedly across the room, unblinking, his mouth agape. “Yoongi.”

“What? They’re still going?” Hoseok says, amused. “This has got to be the only time I’ve seen
Yoongi do any kind of exercise for this long. That’s one for the record books.”

“Look at Taehyung!” Seokjin says.

Hoseok is surprised to find that Taehyung is no longer on the couch with Jimin and Jungkook.
Instead, he’s joined Namjoon and Yoongi. He’s standing with his hips pressed flush against
Yoongi’s face while Yoongi’s hips move in a practiced rhythm against Namjoon. Taehyung’s head
has dropped back, his hands in Yoongi’s hair.

“Oh my god.” Hoseok’s jaw drops as Yoongi pulls back, and he watches every single inch of
Taehyung’s large cock leave his mouth.

Chapter End Notes

Lol, I only now just realized that Yoongi has been at the end of every part of this orgy.
I just can't help but include him. My soft, savage l'il meow boy. <3
And Hobi has some unresolved feelings for one of his previous lovers. He's a bit torn
up about it, but we'll get to that later. Because as much of a dom as he is, I still see him
as a romantic.

Last up are Taehyung and, you guessed it, Yoongi. Taehyung's been hopping around
like an excited puppy this entire time going from group to group. But he's about to be
shook. Trust me. ;)

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Hi again! So, this is the end of the orgy scene. At last! Taehyung and Yoongi get their
happy ending, and the guys decide how they should proceed.

I just want to add that, after this chapter, I think Taehyung has made out with everyone
except for Jimin. He's gotten around, lol. And I made Namjoon a blonde. Why?
Because I think he's damn hot as a blonde, that's why.

EDIT: Hi, it's future Authornim here to add something that I should have added when I
posted this chapter and I'm sorry I didn't. WARNING, this chapter contains references
to self-harm.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Taehyung has a feeling he’s getting in over his head. He felt that with Seokjin and the blowjobs
and he felt that with this whole orgy thing, but something about the way Yoongi beckons him over
with a smirk on his face has Taehyung feeling it more intensely than he has before.

Maybe it’s the fact that Yoongi is still riding Namjoon like it’s nothing that has shivers running
down Taehyung’s spine. Taehyung loved watching Jungkook fuck Jimin. It almost pushed him
over the edge. But getting a blowjob from Yoongi while watching him ride Namjoon? Taehyung
doesn’t think he’ll be able to last.

Yoongi sees how hesitant Taehyung is and rolls his eyes. “For fuck’s sake. I’m offering you a
free blowjob. Get your ass over here. Don’t act like you don’t want it.”

Taehyung nods, almost says ‘yes, sir’, but stops himself just in time. If he calls Yoongi ‘sir’
without any prompting whatsoever, he’ll never be able to live it down. He walks over to Yoongi
and Namjoon, but before Yoongi can seize him by the hips Taehyung drops to his knees. He
doesn’t give time for Yoongi to berate him. He grabs Yoongi by the face and kisses him. He
figures it might break the tension a bit, give him a chance to cool off.

Taehyung doesn’t know what he was expecting. Yoongi’s supposed experience along with his
dominant nature should have been warning enough for Taehyung to not just go diving in. Because
he’s quickly overwhelmed. Yoongi snatches Taehyung to him, holds him tightly so he can’t
escape, and absolutely ravishes his mouth. Despite the straight two weeks of making out with
Seokjin, Taehyung can hardly keep up. His lips are swiftly parted and a tongue fills his mouth.
He’s kissed breathless, and when Yoongi finally releases him he slumps in his arms, panting.

Yoongi licks his lips, looking Taehyung over. “Don’t pass out on me now.”

“Maybe if you didn’t suck all the breath out of me,” Taehyung gasps. “Not everyone can rap
for a full minute without breathing, hyung.”

Yoongi shoves Taehyung from him. “You talk too much.” He grabs Taehyung by the wrist,
tugs his hand over. Taehyung’s eyes follow, widen when Yoongi presses it against his hard cock.
Taehyung is keenly aware that Yoongi is watching his every reaction. Taehyung licks his lips.
Yoongi is red, leaking, twitching. He wants him in his mouth. Taehyung feels fingers in his hair
and his head is yanked back. Yoongi is smirking at him. “Wanna see?”

Taehyung doesn’t know what Yoongi is talking about, but he does know he wants to see
whatever it is. So he nods and Yoongi lifts himself up on his knees, groans as Namjoon slides out
of him. Taehyung’s eyes are locked onto the space between Yoongi and Namjoon’s bodies,

Namjoon shifts under Yoongi, looks up to see what’s going on. “Yoongi hyung. What are
you…?” He glances over at Taehyung, eyes traveling down between Taehyung’s legs and back up
again. Taehyung shivers at the hunger that invades Namjoon’s eyes. He wonders what it would feel
like to be the one sitting on Namjoon’s lap, with Namjoon’s big hands around his hips…

There’s a soft, wet pop, and Taehyung’s attention is drawn back to Yoongi, who’s biting his lip
as he hovers over Namjoon’s cock. Taehyung can’t believe that entire thing had been in Yoongi.
“He’s big, right?” Yoongi says, laughing breathlessly. He looks at Taehyung fiercely. “Hold him in
place,” he orders.

Taehyung obeys, finding himself aroused at Yoongi’s commanding tone. He wraps his hand
around the base of Namjoon’s cock and, feeling sorry for the lack of attention Namjoon is getting,
gives it a nice pump. “Tae, fuck…” Namjoon groans, arching into his touch. Taehyung watches
Namjoon bite his lip, wonders how it would feel to kiss him. Damn, he needs to stop letting his
mind wander or he might go off before he gets to feel Yoongi’s mouth around him.

Yoongi lowers himself slowly onto Namjoon’s cock. He gasps when the head pops inside,
makes a desperate little noise. He looks lost in pleasure, eyes shut, and Taehyung tries to imagine
what it would feel like, having a dick in him. Maybe not one as big as Namjoon’s, but Yoongi is
certainly enjoying this. Yoongi looks like taking Namjoon’s dick in him is the best thing he’s ever
felt. Curiosity builds in the back of Taehyung’s mind, and he replays the memory of Jungkook
fucking Jimin. Getting a dick shoved up your ass can’t feel that great… can it?

While Taehyung is contemplating that question, he feels warm skin hit his hand and realizes
that Yoongi has slid almost all the way down on Namjoon’s cock. Yoongi rotates his hips a bit,
obviously relishing the feel of being full again. He fixes Taehyung with hooded eyes, and when
Taehyung finally releases Namjoon’s cock Yoongi groans as he takes it all inside him. Yoongi
doesn’t look away from Taehyung even for a moment. Taehyung shudders, wants desperately to be
inside him. And when he hears Namjoon’s contented sigh, Taehyung wants to lean down and kiss
him, craves once agan to know what the older man’s plump lips would feel like against his own…

“Do it.”

Taehyung snaps to and finds that Yoongi’s eyes have unclouded a little. He nods his head
downward. “Go on.” Then more quietly, hungrily, he says, “I wanna watch.”

Taehyung swallows at the desire on Yoongi’s face, how adamantly the older man follows his
movements as Taehyung leans down over Namjoon. Taehyung pauses with his face inches from
Namjoon, who’s been staring since he and Yoongi had kissed. Namjoon is breathing hard even
though he’s laying completely still. His eyes are hazy, he’s a pretty pink from ears to neck, and…
Taehyung doesn’t think he’s ever seen him this nervous. Which is ridiculous, seeing as Namjoon
has his dick up Yoongi’s ass already, has made out with him already… maybe it’s because
threesomes are out of his wheelhouse? Or maybe it’s because the reality of the situation is finally
sinking in: that they’re all participating in an orgy with each other.

Taehyung knows that the longer Namjoon continues to worry, the more anxious the man will
become. So, he just dives right in. Taehyung’s heart pounds as their lips connect and he takes in the
sensations, movements, tastes. To his surprise, the kiss seems to loosen Namjoon up and he finds
himself on the submissive end of a very aggressive kiss. Taehyung moans before he can catch
himself. He hadn’t expected Namjoon to be this rough, and it has his cock aching between his legs.
Then, Namjoon’s hand comes up, long fingers bury themselves in Taehyung’s hair, and
Taehyung’s arms give out. He collapses onto Namjoon, chest-to-bare-chest, and Namjoon uses the
opportunity to push his tongue in deeper, explore further.

Taehyung hears a small sound—something like a whine. Worried, he reluctantly pulls away
from Namjoon to redirect his attention to Yoongi and feels a spark of arousal at what he sees.

Yoongi has his mouth hidden behind a hand, avoiding Taehyung’s gaze, but it’s obvious that
he’s feeling a bit overwhelmed. “Shit,” Yoongi breathes. Taehyung doesn’t fail to notice Yoongi’s
other hand subtely rubbing at his own cock, which, at this point, looks painfully purple. “Tae,
stand up.”

Taehyung finds himself obeying almost frantically. He gets to his feet and feels his cock bob,
feels how heavy it is. Crap. He’s spent so much time exploring the others that he forgot to relieve
himself. Now it’s coming back to bite him. He’s so desperate it’s almost embarrassing. He bites his
lip to distract himself and can feel Namjoon’s eyes on him. He’s afraid to look in Namjoon’s
direction, for fear it might push him over the edge.

Taehyung jumps when Yoongi grabs his hips and tugs him closer. He almost stumbles, but
Yoongi keeps him steady. On instinct, he looks down and quickly realizes that was a mistake.
Because Yoongi’s mouth is so close to his dick, oh god. And Yoongi is peering up at him intensely
through his lashes. Taehyung can feel his warm breath on his cock.

“Watch closely, Taehyung,” Yoongi says, his voice lower than usual. There’s a hint of a quiver
in it. “This is your lesson. I expect you to one day replicate everything I’ll do to you.” He cracks a
half-smile. “When it’s your turn to suck me, you’re gonna deepthroat my dick. Has anyone ever
deepthroated you before?”

Taehyung’s eyes go wide, not only at Yoongi implying that he’s going to deepthroat him, but
also at the thought of possibly being on the giving end in the future.. “N-no. I mean, I’m way too

Yoongi snorts. “You’ve been with a bunch of amateurs. Or just girls who don’t like giving

“They kinda do get scared when they see me fully erect…” Taehyung says guiltily, blushing.

“Then they don’t know a good cock when they see one,” Yoongi quips, wetting his lips. “I’m
gonna take all of you in my mouth. Watch and learn.”

“A-all?” Taehyung stammers in disbelief. No girl has ever gotten him even halfway down
before. Is Yoongi some kind of mutant?

“Yup,” Yoongi says. He takes Taehyung in his hand, pillowing his lips against his dickhead,
and—holy crap, Yoongi’s mouth is on Taehyung’s dick. Yoongi is going to suck him off. Taehyung
feels faint at the realization, overwhelmed at the feelings of arousal and shock that flood his
system. Taehyung’s hands curl into fists at his sides, he tries to keep in control. He knows he
should look away, knows if he doesn’t he’ll risk going off too soon, but he just can’t tear his eyes
away from Yoongi, needs to know what he’ll look like with his lips around his cock.
Then Yoongi’s tongue is on his dick, tasting, exploring. Taehyung can see how focused the
man is as he swirls his tongue around the head of his cock, dips the tip just slightly under the
foreskin. Taehyung gasps and raises a hand to cover his mouth, embarrassed at how sensitive he is.
But Yoongi pulls away and fixes him with a stern gaze. “No, keep your hands at your sides. I
wanna see your face.”

“Yes, sir,” Taehyung says without thinking, immediately dropping his hand. He feels his entire
face heat up with embarrassment. Crap.

Yoongi smiles deviously. “Good boy.”

Taehyung shivers and suddenly doesn’t regret his outburst. He bites his lip as Yoongi leans
forward again and takes his cock into his mouth. Taehyung can’t help but moan. On top of not
having had sex six months, the sex he has had in the past year has been limited to outright fucking.
No foreplay, no lead-up. No time for foreplay with their busy schedule. That means the last time
Taehyung got a blowjob was… he frankly doesn’t know. But, oh god, has he needed it.

Yoongi pulls off again and Taehyung stiffens, afraid he’s done something wrong. His body is
screaming at him to beg Yoongi to take him back into his mouth, but he just barely manages to
hold back. Yoongi seems to notice this and glances up at him as he proceeds to run the broad of his
tongue down the underside of Taehyung’s cock. He locks eyes with Taehyung as if this whole
thing is nothing at all. In fact, Yoongi looks as if he’s overheating, his skin his so flushed.
Taehyung doesn’t think he’s ever seen it that red.

Before he can ask if Yoongi’s okay, the older man pulls back yet again. He lifts a hand to his
mouth and spits into his palm. He looks up just in time to see Taehyung’s mildly disgusted

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Oh please. You weren’t so grossed out when my tongue was in your
mouth. And no way am I ingesting that lube.” He brings his hand up and slathers his spit along
Taehyung’s cock, from base to tip. Taehyung sighs softly at the slick feeling. “Either way, your
dick is gonna be covered in my spit before this is over anyway. I’m just doing this to ensure it goes
down easy. As I said, it’s been a while.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Taehyung asks even though he’s practically dying to feel
what it’s like to be deepthroated. “Your voice—”

“Will be just fine,” Yoongi says, directing Taehyung’s dick to his mouth again. “Could you tell
when I deepthroated someone before?”

Taehyung’s eyes widen at the admission. Of course he knew Yoongi had sex in all the years
they’ve been together. He assumed he did anyway. But for some reason the fact that Yoongi was
also deepthroating his partners seemed shocking to him. Maybe because he hadn’t taken Yoongi
for someone who gives blowjobs? “N-no…”

“Then shut up and watch closely. This will be a demonstration, not a full lesson, since I’m
horny and wanna get off. But this is basically what you’ll eventually learn to do.” Without
preamble, Yoongi slips his lips around the head of Taehyung’s cock, pushing down slowly.
Taehyung closes his eyes so as not to get overwhelmed by the sight of Yoongi, but he finds that it
only enhances his senses more. He feels his cock slide over Yoongi’s tongue, the head push against
something soft and gummy. He feels Yoongi take a deep breath and, with a slight pop, his dick
slides into a tight, warm space, and, Taehyung can’t believe it. He just can’t. Because when he
opens his eyes and looks down, Yoongi has his nose pressed into his pubes.
“No way…” Taehyung breathes. He knows he’s big, and he can’t imagine ever deepthroating a
cock of his size. How can it even fit? Is he hurting Yoongi? Can he breathe?

Then Yoongi’s tongue starts moving, curling and twisting around his cock, and Taehyung
buries his fingers in Yoongi’s hair on instinct, moaning. Yoongi answers with a quiet groan of his

“Holy shit…”

Taehyung’s eyes snap open and he looks down to see Namjoon staring at them. Poor, patient
Namjoon, who looks so incredibly desperate Taehyung almost wants to cry for him. “How does he
feel?” Namjoon asks, his voice breathless.

Taehyung swallows. “I-incredible. Wow, he’s… I just… wow.”

Yoongi hums at the praise and begins to slowly work his way off him. That’s when Taehyung
hears from across the room, “Look at Taehyung!”

Taehyung can’t really turn to see who it is, but he doesn’t have to; he knows it’s Seokjin. Now
that he thinks about it, he really can’t hear anyone else having sex. He knows Jungkook and Jimin
have finished. Did Hoseok and Seokjin finish as well? The thought of being watched by everyone
else sends arousal washing through him, and he drops his head back.

Taehyung pops out of Yoongi’s mouth followed by a long strand of saliva, and he hears
Hoseok gasp, “Oh my god.” Taehyung agrees.

Yoongi wipes his mouth with the back of his hand glances down at Namjoon. “Sorry, Joon,” he
says, his voice a bit hoarse. “Had to concentrate for a moment.” He begins to slowly roll his hips,
and Namjoon moans in appreciation, grasping Yoongi’s hips again. Without another word, Yoongi
practically dives onto Taehyung’s cock. If Taehyung didn’t know that Yoongi’s mouth feels so
good, he might have been scared. Instead, he strokes his fingers through Yoongi’s hair and fights to
keep his hips still.

Yoongi once again takes Taehyung all the way to the base, his tongue working over his cock.
Taehyung’s never felt anything like it. He’s on cloud nine, swaying on trembling legs as he tries to
decide whether to focus on Yoongi deepthroating him or Yoongi riding Namjoon. It’s an
impossible choice.

Suddenly, he feels arms wrap around his front and gasps as a warm body presses against his
back. He knows by the muscle tone and height just who is holding him before Jungkook says, his
lips against Taehyung’s ear, “Don’t fall, Tae.”

Taehyung laughs breathlessly. “You have no idea how hard it is not to.”

Jungkook hugs Taehyung to him tighter, and Taehyung revels in the feeling of Jungkook’s half-
hard cock pressing against him. “I’ve got you, sweetheart.”

Taehyung’s heart does a peculiar little flip at the nickname. Damn, Jungkook is not helping his
legs remain steady. If anything, he’s made it worse. But Taehyung can’t complain. Not when
Jungkook busies himself running his lips along his neck and shoulder.

Yoongi starts pulling back, and Taehyung swears he’s going to cry if he pulls completely off
again. But Yoongi doesn’t. Half of Taehyung’s dick slides out of his mouth, and then Yoongi is
going down again, taking him all back in. Taehyung moans more loudly than he would have liked
at the sensation of being swallowed whole, of feeling his cock pop back into Yoongi’s throat.
“Whoa, that’s hot,” Jungkook murmurs. Taehyung watches his hands snake downward, fingers
play with his pubes a bit, before they form a V around the base of Taehyung’s cock. Yoongi’s lips
hit Jungkook’s fingers every time he goes down, and his eyes wander up to study them both, his
pupils blown wide with arousal.

The pace picks up, and Taehyung is amazed at how easily Yoongi manages to both blow him
and ride Namjoon at the same time. The scene before him reminds him that Yoongi has two big
cocks in him—the two biggest in the room. The fact that the smallest of them all, physique-wise,
can take both him and Namjoon inside him at once makes Taehyung incredibly turned on. He
wonders what Yoongi would look like, leaking cum from both ends, completely full…

Taehyung is so lost in his thoughts he doesn’t notice Yoongi’s fingers probing between his legs
until the last moment. He can’t do anything, his body succumbing to the sensations as Yoongi finds
his taint and strokes it. Taehyung can feel his cock throb in Yoongi’s mouth, against his tongue,
and Yoongi hums in satisfaction, starts moving a little faster. Taehyung has touched his taint before
—he’s done it sometimes when jerking off, but he hasn’t gone any further than that. That’s why
he’s a bit nervous as Yoongi’s fingers travel further up, exploring, stroking, until—

Yoongi finds his hole and the shock of it being touched along with the feel of Yoongi’s mouth
utterly destroy Taehyung’s last remaining brain cells. He digs his nails into Yoongi’s scalp,
clutches his hair tightly and starts to thrust. There’s nothing he can do about it. He can’t stop.
Yoongi’s mouth is too good around him, Namjoon looks so hot squirming helplessly on the floor,
and Jungkook has found his nipples, twisting them fiercely…

Taehyung can’t control his voice as he holds Yoongi’s head steady and he rams himself in and
out of his mouth. Yoongi remains unsually compliant, letting Taehyung use him however he
pleases. Although breathing must be tough for him, he still manages to keep riding Namjoon, who
has also started to move his hips. Wet, sucking sounds echo around the room, and Taehyung feels
Yoongi’s throat contract, can hear him start to choke…

“Tae,” Jungkook says, his voice filled with concern. “Tae, he’s choking.”

But it’s too late for Taehyung to listen to reason. He’s busy chasing his high, almost there, just
a little more. Pressure builds in his stomach, he can actually feel his cock swell in Yoongi’s mouth.
“O-oh my god,” he gasps. “I’m coming. Yoongi hy—a-ah.”

He pushes himself as deep as he can go and comes down Yoongi’s throat. Curious, his
trembling fingers slide from Yoongi’s hair to his neck, and—oh god, he thinks he’ll pass out from
how hot it is—feels Yoongi swallowing, feels the outline of his cock in Yoongi’s throat. He moans
and drops his head back onto Jungkook’s shoulder. His legs finally give out, a result of denying
himself for far too long, and Jungkook catches him, holds him up and against him, covers every
patch of skin he can reach with needy kisses. Jungkook gently pulls Taehyung out of Yoongi’s
mouth and spins him around, immediately taking the chance to devour his mouth.

Yoongi’s coughs are enough to bring Taehyung down from his high. Jungkook suddenly snaps
to as well. They both turn around to see Yoongi sitting still on Namjoon’s lap, Namjoon having sat
up to assess him closely. “I’m so sorry, hyung,” Taehyung blurts out in a panic. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. No need to apologize. I’m not that fragile, you know.” Yoongi says, coughing again
and shoving Namjoon away. “I said I’m fine.”

“You sure?” Namjoon says, fretting.

“Just a little rusty,” Yoongi says, his face red and shiny with spit and… is that cum at the
corner of his mouth? “I was actually getting ready to tell you to stop pussyfooting around and
skullfuck me,” Yoongi says to Taehyung, “but you just came around on your own. It was pretty
hot, honestly. I needed a good dicking.”

“Uh, hyung,” Jungkook says, pointing over Taehyung’s shoulder. “Is that… did you come?”

Yoongi’s smirk disappears and he glances down. Taehyung follows his gaze and can see
dribbles of white rolling down Yoongi’s cock, pooling on Namjoon’s stomach. “Seems I did,
yeah,” Yoongi says. Taehyung can tell he’s trying to sound cool, like he’s got his shit together, but
it’s obvious from the way he says it and how he’s suddenly so interested in the threads of the towel
laid out below him that he’s embarrassed. Taehyung wants to go over, kiss him, tell him how hot it
is to know that he came from sucking Taehyung off, but Namjoon beats him to it.

Namjoon grabs Yoongi under his arms, pulls him off his cock, and pushes him down to the
floor, onto his back. Yoongi makes an annoyed huff of protest, scrambling up onto his elbows.
“What the hell?” Yoongi snaps. “I told you I would ride you. What are you—?”

“You’ve had your turn,” Namjoon says, and the tone of his voice, the way it makes Yoongi
stiffen and stop in his tracks, has Taehyung’s heart pounding. “And I can’t hold back anymore.”

In one swift motion, Namjoon stands on his knees and pulls Yoongi to him, hiking his legs over
his own hips so that Yoongi’s bottom half is suspended in the air between them. The action is so
smooth that Taehyung can scarcely believe it’s Namjoon doing it and not some graceful clone from
a parallel universe.

“Gonna fuck you now,” Namjoon tells Yoongi. “Get ready.”

Yoongi can’t believe—he can’t fucking believe—he came already. Like, what the fuck is he? A
teenager? It’s not like he’s never come from giving a blowjob before, but he’s usually pretty good
at controlling when he comes and this time he wanted to wait while he rode Namjoon until he
came. The orgasm had hit him by surprise. With Namjoon so big and pressed up against his
prostate constantly, Yoongi was trapped. It was an intense orgasm, and if Taehyung hadn’t been
fucking his throat Yoongi would have let out an embarrassingly loud moan. But fuck if he was
going to let coming early ruin his fun.

That’s why when Namjoon switches their positions and tells him that it’s his turn, Yoongi is
pissed. Maybe a little pissed. Okay, maybe not pissed at all because, oh god, Namjoon looks so
huge towering over him like this, and he loves the way Namjoon pulls him, digs his fingers into his
thighs as he hikes them up around his hips. He can tell from this position that Namjoon is going to
get deep, which is what Yoongi wants. Not that he’d admit Namjoon has him all flustered. Doesn’t
want to give the man too much of an ego.

Namjoon’s hard cock is pressed between Namjoon’s stomach and Yoongi’s ass, and Yoongi’s
hole twitches, aches to be filled again. He feels so empty and he can’t stand it, especially since he
hasn’t had a cock in him for so long.

Namjoon studies him for a moment, then gives him his dimple smile, “Don’t worry, Yoongi
hyung. I’ll make you come again.”

Yoongi scoffs. “Really? And what makes you think you can do that?”
“Because I heard you earlier today,” Namjoon says matter-of-factly.

Yoongi frowns. “What do you me—ah!” He arcs as Namjoon slips his cock inside in one
smooth motion. Fuck, he’s deep. “A little warning next time?” Yoongi says, glaring.

Namjoon ignores him. “You know what I mean.” He pulls out and snaps his hips forward.
Yoongi yelps, not expecting him to start so rough. Sneaky bastard.

“N-no, I really don—” A thought suddenly crosses his mind, and his eyebrows inch up his
forehead. “Wait, but… that? I thought everyone was out.”

“Not me,” Namjoon says slyly. He sets a moderately fast pace, continuing to deep-dick him.
“You really should keep your voice down, you know. Tell me what you were doing.”

Yoongi debates whether or not he should admit what he was doing, but eventually decides, fuck
it, they’re having a fucking orgy. This information can’t possibly shock anyone after this. Besides,
he kind of likes the way Namjoon stares at him eagerly, likes how he can feel the man’s cock pulse
inside him. So he says casually, “I was getting myself ready.”


Namjoon’s response is so quick it betrays how excited he is to hear Yoongi explain. Yoongi
smiles at Namjoon’s blush. He’s so damn cute. “With my fingers. Used some toys. Watched a little

“What kind of toys?”

“Butt plugs, dildos…”

“You have dildos?” Seokjin interrupts from across the room, aghast. “Since when?”

“Since we shared a room,” Yoongi answers, laughing at Seokjin’s disgusted groan. “Don’t
worry, I probably dropped them on your pillow only once.”

“Yoongi!” Seokjin exclaims, somehow managing to be both exasperated and angry. Yoongi can
imagine his ears turning red.

“You know what I think?” Namjoon says, steering the conversation back to the subject at hand.
“I think you came early because you got carried away. The thought of what we were going to do
turned you on, didn’t it?”

Yoongi snorts. “As if I was the only one.”

“You wanted to prepare, but you couldn’t help yourself,” Namjoon continues, his voice
lowering an octave. Yoongi suppresses a shiver. “Once you got going, you realized how much you
needed to come. You only just managed to stop yourself. You said earlier you like it fast and
rough, but you’ve been taking it a slow. All this time you’ve been trying to keep yourself from
coming. Isn’t that right, Yoongi?”

Yoongi is surprised at the arousal that seizes his core at Namjoon’s words. He looks away,
embarrassed. “I guess so,” he says quietly, pouting. “I mean, if you were a really good friend you
would have come in there and fucked me as soon as you heard me.”

Yoongi expects Namjoon to have something ready to say, just like he always does, but when
he’s met with silence he turns his head to glance up at him. Namjoon has his head ducked, his
blonde hair covering his eyes, but Yoongi can see how red his face is, can see his lips parted as he
puffs heavily. He wonders if Namjoon would look like this getting fucked. He imagines rolling
them over and slowly preparing Namjoon, watching his expressions carefully as he scissors him
open. He imagines pressing into him, imagines what Namjoon’s face would look like as he’s filled
up with cock for the first time…

Yoongi yelps as Namjoon starts fucking him so hard and fast he’s almost bent over in half. The
position is a bit painful, since Yoongi is not flexible at all. But he doesn’t want to stop Namjoon,
can’t really. Namjoon is so big he’s always pressed against his prostate, and the depth of his thrusts
ensures that it’s getting pounded just the way Yoongi likes. He moans and clutches at the towel
beneath him to keep from being pushed across the floor by the force of Namjoon’s thrusts, but
there’s no way to anchor himself. His asshole is burning with how wide Namjoon’s cock is
stretching him, how fast it’s fucking him, but god if that burn doesn’t make Yoongi’s dick twitch
back to life. He can’t remember the last time he’s come twice during sex. All he knows is that it’s
been too long.

“I wanted to.”

Yoongi’s mind is a haze, so it takes him a minute to understand what Namjoon said. “Wanted

“Wanted to,” Namjoon huffs out between thrusts, “come in and… fuck you.”

There’s no doubt about it. Yoongi’s definitely hard now. Just the thought of Namjoon walking
in and filling him up while he was preparing himself earlier has him leaking all over himself.
“Yeah? W-what would you have done to me?”

“Would have rolled you over,” Namjoon pants, pushing himself deep and grinding. “Fucked
you from behind, held you flat against the bed so you couldn’t move.”

“Oh fuck,” Yoongi huffs, wrapping his legs around Namjoon.

“Told you how pretty you are.”

Yoongi stiffens. “What?”

Namjoon finally lifts his head, and Yoongi can see the lust swimming behind his eyes, how
wrecked he looks. God, does Yoongi want to fuck him. “You should know,” Namjoon says with
the best charming smile he can manage, “that you’re very beautiful. And you’re being so good for
me, baby. Letting me fuck you hard.”

Yoongi feels his mind go blank, heat rush down to his groin. What the hell is happening? He’s
at a loss for words as Namjoon continues to pound him. He arches his back, tugs Namjoon deeper
with his legs, hides his face behind an arm. Fuck, this feels too good. If Namjoon keeps going like
this, he’s—

“Coming,” Namjoon moans. He holds Yoongi flush against him, fingers digging into his hips,
as he unloads into him. Yoongi sighs, feeling the condom filling up, suddenly wishing he could
feel the cum inside him instead. When Namjoon is finished, he takes a moment to get control of his
shaky limbs before leaning over Yoongi and pulling his arm down from his face. He brushes the
hair from Yoongi’s eyes and whispers, “Come, pretty baby.”

Yoongi’s cries are swallowed up by Namjoon’s kiss as his cock throbs and he comes between
them, untouched. He doesn’t even care that Namjoon is dominating his mouth, pressing his tongue
back, doing what he wants with him. Black spots fill Yoongi’s vision, and he’s afraid he might pass
out. But his orgasm smooths out and tapers, and he sighs as he comes down. He almost wraps his
arms around Namjoon, but catches himself.

Their breathing returns to normal and Namjoon rolls off of him. Yoongi elbows him. “Came
before me,” he complains. “How inconsiderate.”

“If you hadn’t come earlier you would have come first,” Namjoon says with a laugh. He sits up
and rolls the condom off, ties it, sets it down beside him on the towel.

“Excuses, excuses,” Yoongi chides. He glances over at the couch where Jimin, Jungkook, and
Taehyung all lay practically on top of each other. He watches them snuggle and kiss lazily for a
few moments. Cute dongsaengs, he muses. I’m going to have fun with them.

“Did you two…?” Namjoon suddenly asks, and Yoongi turns to see that he’s looking in
Seokjin’s and Hoseok’s direction. Both men are sitting on the coffee table, thighs touching. Yoongi
is relieved to see that they didn’t totally freak out during the orgy. They still seem comfortable with
each other, at least.

“I jerked him off,” Hoseok answers, then a look of surprise crosses his face, as if he’s never
thought in his life he would say something like that.

Seokjin points at him. “This one is a tease. He almost killed me.”

Hoseok grabs his finger. “If you would have begged me sooner then I wouldn’t have been such
a tease.”

Seokjin blushes from his ears to his neck while Jimin exclaims, “So that’s who was begging!”

Yoongi sits up and faces Seokjin, raising an eyebrow. “You begged?” He wasn’t expecting
this. His mind soon fills with possible scenarios that all involve him forcing Seokjin to beg. I’ll
have to do that sometime. He also imagines being held down and fucked by Hoseok, and he likes
that idea just as much.

Seokjin gestures wildly. “You have sex with him and try not begging. See how far you get!”

“Um, are we doing this again, then?” Taehyung asks, looking cute with his hair all ruffled from
Jimin’s fingers.

“Only if you want to,” Namjoon says.

“Let’s take a vote,” Yoongi suggests. “Everyone who wouldn’t be opposed to having sex with
each other again, raise your hand.”

Taehyung’s and Jimin’s hands go up quickly. Jungkook is hesitant but enthusiastic. Seokjin and
Hoseok put their hands up a few moments later. Yoongi follows, and Namjoon raises his hand after
he’s surveyed the entire room.

“Okay, then everyone agrees to Yoongi hyung’s plan of having sex only with each other,”
Namjoon says. He’s still flushed and sweaty from sex, but he somehow manages to sound
professional. “We’ll probably not have time for another orgy for a month.”

“A month?” Yoongi pouts.

“We can still have sex with each other, right?” Taehyung asks. “Like me and Jin hyung?”
Seokjin runs a hand down his face. “I forgot that’s how this all started.”

“Yeah, we can have sex in pairs, maybe threes if we have the time. How about you,
Jungkook?” Namjoon asks. “Are you comfortable with all this?”

“Uh…” Jungkook says, scratching the back of his head. “Not fully comfortable, but I’ll get
used to it. More the intimacy than anything else. I mean, I did just lose my virginity today, so it
might take some getting used to.”

“Getting used to?” Jimin laughs. “He fucked me like he’s been doing it for years!”

“How is he so good at everything he tries?” Hoseok says, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Bet he can’t do what Yoongi did to Tae,” Seokjin says.

Jungkook seems to bristle at that. “Who says?”

“Have you sucked dick before?”

“Well… no. But I’ll do it. I’ll have Yoongi hyung teach me.” He turns to Yoongi. “Right,
Yoongi hyung?”

Yoongi pushes himself to his feet and stretches with his hands over his head, hissing at the sore
feeling in his ass. “One day, but tonight I’m worn out. We should shower and go to sleep. Got work
to do tomorrow.”

“Since we all need to wash, we should use the walk-in shower room,” Namjoon suggests. “Get
it all done at once.”

“As long as we don’t feel each other up while we’re in there,” Hoseok says, staring at the three
on the couch. “Right, Jimin?”

“What?” Jimin says, pouting. “Why me?”

“You’ve had your hands all over Kookie since you guys finished,” Hoseok says, eyeing him
sternly. “I see you.”

Jimin scoffs. “Don’t have time to mess around anyway. Gotta clean the cum out of my ass.”
Beside him, Jungkook blushes.

“That’s what the condoms are for,” Yoongi points out, hiding the fact that he feels kind of

Jimin points accusingly at Jungkook. “He didn’t give me time!”

“Sorry, Jimin hyung,” Jungkook says guiltily.

Jimin sighs loudly. “Now look what you did, Hobi. You made Kookie sad. It’s okay, Kookie.”
He pulls Jungkook to him and wraps his arms around him.

“There you go again, Jimin!” Hoseok accuses.

Jimin laughs, but doesn’t let go of Jungkook. Taehyung cuddles up on his other side. “Hoseok,
I’m gonna smother you in your sleep.”

“It’s two in the morning,” Namjoon cuts in, standing up and throwing the condom away. He
gathers the towel up in his arms. “Showers! Remember to put the towels in the laundry.”

Hoseok gets up and grabs his towel. “If anyone leaves one of these jizzy towels laying around,
I will stuff it in with your clean clothes,” he says way too cheerfully.

“Ew!” everyone groans as they head off to the showers.

When he’s checked that they’re gone, Yoongi kicks the spare lube and condoms into a pile and
intends to push them under the coffee table, but then Namjoon says from behind him, “You’d
better not do what I think you’re gonna do.”

Yoongi sighs. He’s been caught. He gives up on hiding the lube and condoms and makes a
mental note to pick them up later. “I thought you were heading off to take a shower.”

“I was,” Namjoon replies, approaching him.

Yoongi watches him with a frown, confused at the worried expression on Namjoon’s face.
“What’s up?”

“Your thighs,” Namjoon says quietly.

Yoongi stiffens. He saw. Damn. “Uh, yeah. The, uh…”



Silence yawns between them.

Namjoon clears his throat. “Do you… wanna talk about it?”

“Not really, no.” Yoongi yawns, tries not to give away how anxious he is about the fact that
Namjoon saw. “Should get to the showers before the kids start messing around.”

Namjoon nods, still looking troubled. “Yeah, let’s—”

There’s a sudden shout that echoes down the hall in the direction of the showers. “HOSEOK,
It’s Seokjin. Yoongi can imagine the veins standing out in his neck.

“Pick it up, Jin! Go on!”

“I am going to spank you!”

“Oh please, daddy,” Hoseok says in his best baby boy voice.

Seokjin’s half sigh, half whine drifts down the hall. “Why do you guys do this to me?”

Only when Hoseok and the dongsaengs start chanting, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” do Namjoon
and Yoongi rush toward the showers.

Chapter End Notes

So, I am going to continue with this fic. I've left little breadcrumbs throughout the past
chapters that can be used to build a plot. Yes, there will be romance and relationships,
but I'm not telling who will get with who. You'll have to find out for yourselves! And
for anyone wondering if Jungkook is ever going to lose his anal virginity, yes, it's
going to happen. Who will take Kookie's cherry? Place your bets now!

About Yoongi's scars... I just want to give you all a heads-up that, yes, this fic will
contain references to self-harm. I'll be sure to include a warning at the beginning of a
chapter that mentions it before I post.

Until next time! :)

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Hey guys, I'm back! So, we're getting into a little bit of plot and I pretty much have all
the relationships worked out. Can you guess who will get with who? There will
definitely be some drama regarding this, so look forward to that.

And as of this chapter I can say that TaeTae has officially made out with everyone.
He's weighing his options, lol.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A week. A full week has passed and Namjoon has never felt so horny. It’s distracting, to say the
least. Namjoon knows he’s young and his hormones are still pumping strong through his veins, but
this is just ridiculous. He thinks it has something to do with the fact that the others are always so
close to him, so available. It’s not like he has to go out to find someone to hookup with. All his
potential partners are right here, and, while they can’t have sex just anytime thanks to their
schedules, that doesn’t stop Namjoon’s body from responding whenever any of them are even a
foot away from him.

And it doesn’t help that they’re such little teases. Seokjin was right about Hoseok. The man is
relentless, constantly brushing up against him on ‘accident’ during dance practice, slapping his ass
at the most unexpected times (even daring to linger a bit), being extra provocative in his dancing,
rolling his hips and his body in ways that make Namjoons’s cock twitch in his pants. He’s never
noticed how insanely sexual Hoseok’s expressions can be. He’s actually a bit embarrassed. Is this
what the ARMYs have been seeing? The world? Not that it’s bad thing, but… damn, they’re in the
music business, not porn. But Namjoon doesn’t complain, because he kind of wants to keep seeing
it. Hoseok disappears into another world when he dances, moving effortlessly to the beat, and
Namjoon wonders how in the world a person can be so graceful and yet so goofy. It’s really
fucking with him.

“Namjoon, seriously!” Hoseok snaps, and Namjoon comes to his senses. He’s in the dance
studio with the others, just standing there while Hoseok glares at him. “This is the third time you
started late.” His expression softens and he raises an eyebrow. “Do you want me to punish you?”

Namjoon stammers, his heart kicking into high gear at the look on Hoseok’s face. Seokjin
nudges him. “Come on, Joon. You’re doing worse than me.”

Everyone seems to know why Namjoon is so distracted, but, thankfully, they don’t say
anything. He’s eventually pulled aside and interrogated by the managers, but he tells them he’s
fine, just a little sleep-deprived. After pulling himself together, dance practice goes well, but then
Hoseok and Jimin team up to tease him—Jimin and his tight pants—and Namjoon privately swears
he’s going to kill both of them.

He catches Yoongi staring at him out of the corner of his eye every now and then, but he looks
away every time Namjoon turns his head. Namjoon has been trying to avoid him since the orgy,
still embarrassed about admitting that he wanted to fuck Yoongi when he caught him preparing
himself. It wasn’t a lie; Namjoon really had wanted to fuck Yoongi, and that freaked him out a
little, almost losing his restraint like that. A good leader thinks before he acts. That’s why he held
himself back and walked away. Even though they’ve been in an orgy together, he still doesn’t
know how all of this will work out. He watches Yoongi as he gulps down some water after practice
and feels a knot form in his stomach. Those scars… he hopes they aren’t what he thinks they are.
But what else could they be? Yoongi has been depressed in the past. He’s on medication for it
now, but that doesn’t ease Namjoon’s worries. He wishes Yoongi would talk to him about it, but
he knows that pressing him will only make him retreat further. Besides, he senses that things are a
bit awkward between them at the moment, so he keeps his distance. Yoongi seems to do the same.
He hopes that this isn’t their new normal. It had taken years to coax Yoongi out of his shell.

Namjoon is relieved when he can finally get a break and decides that he should work on some
beats in his studio. But no sooner does he step up to the door does he hear eerily familiar moaning
coming from inside. Letting out a growl of annoyance—but still undeniably turned on—he pushes
it open to find Taehyung sitting in his chair with Jimin perched on his lap. The two are making out
so heavily that they don’t even notice Namjoon until he’s standing right beside them.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asks, irritated.

The two younger men jump and separate, but they don’t bother to get off of Namjoon’s chair,
which makes Namjoon’s eye twitch. Well, at least they still had their clothes on. For the most part.
Jimin always seems to have at least some part of his shirt hanging off of him.

“U-uh, we were just,” Taehyung begins, his face flushed and lips swollen. “Uh…”

Jimin finally decides to get up. He bows hurriedly to Namjoon. “Sorry, hyung. We shouldn’t
have just come in here without your permission.”

“And almost had sex on my chair,” Namjoon deadpans.

“We weren’t gonna—” they both say at once.

“What were you guys thinking?” Namjoon cuts them off. “It’s the middle of the day. This is
my studio. It was unlocked. Anyone could just walk by and hear you guys being all loud and…”
Namjoon catches himself before he can say ‘sexy.’ Oh my god, I need to stop thinking with my
dick. What is wrong with me?

Taehyung and Jimin both duck their heads, too guilty to respond. Namjoon sighs and says,
“Just… don’t do it again, okay? I know we might have, um, urges, but you gotta try to contain
them, at least until we’re in a safe place where no one can walk in and see us. And please, please, I
beg you, don’t do it near my equipment. Or on my chair. Where I sit.”

They both nod and agree, apologizing once more before they make their way out. Namjoon
watches them leave, his fingers twitching with a desire to grab Jimin’s ass, so prominent in his
sinfully tight pants. Holy hell, how can he even dance in those? How do they not tear? Maybe
Namjoon wants to see them tear…

Namjoon quickly pushes all thoughts of sex to the back of his mind, checks his chair for any…
spots, then jumps right into work. He plays with beats for a while, gets nowhere, then decides to
write out some lyrics, but that also goes nowhere. After an hour, he gives up and looks down at his
crotch. He sighs.

He rolls over to his computer, opens a private browser tab, and types in some terms he’d never
thought he’d type in again. He tries to remember certain phrases, tries to think of what he might
like. He navigates to a video that piques his interest. He’s immediately met with two sets of
distinctly masculine moans and an upclose shot of a dick ramming in and out of a hairy asshole.
Namjoon runs a defeated hand down his face. “This is what my life has become…” he mutters
to himself, “watching gay porn during work hours.”

He stays on the video for a little while, his hand snaking down his pants, dipping into his
underwear. He plays with himself a little, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to check that no
one has come in even though he locked the door. Not working. Huh. He tries out a different sort of
gay porn, one with twinks. That’s what they’re called, right? Maybe he’s into twinks and doesn’t
know it. But, no, his dick still doesn’t respond. Next he searches for muscled guys, aggressive
fucking. Nope. Passionate fucking, slow and intense. That should do it, right? Namjoon knows he
likes that when he’s with girls. Again, nothing. Barebacking? No again. Maybe he’s just really into
a specific niche. He tries out bondage videos, edging ones, deepthroating, creampies, mess play.
He notices one labeled ‘sounding’ and tries that, only to immediately click to another video when
he finds out what it is. He feels his balls shrivel up at the sight. How can that feel good? There are
people that actually do that? Willingly?

Namjoon’s eyes wander to the time. Another hour has passed. He sits back in his chair and
groans with frustration. His dick hasn’t responded even a little to any of the videos he’s watched.
What’s going on? Just last week Namjoon was fucking Yoongi, wanting to jump him even before
that when he heard him getting himself off. He was kissing Taehyung, pushing his tongue into his
mouth, getting insanely turned on by watching Yoongi deepthroat him. Then why the hell can’t he
get off to gay porn? He’s attracted to Yoongi. He’s attracted to the others as well. Yet he somehow
can’t get aroused by watching gay sex. What does that even mean? Is he gay or not? This doesn’t
make any sense.

Sexual frustration drives Namjoon from his studio. He can’t take this anymore. He needs to
talk to someone. Maybe Jimin? No, he wouldn’t understand. Jimin has always liked men. Yoongi
comes to mind, but that’s out of the question since Yoongi would just as soon run away than sit
down and talk with him privately right now. He arrives in the lounge and hears cabinets being
opened, dishes set out, and rounds the corner to see Seokjin moving around the kitchen, humming
to himself. Seokjin! He’s in a similar position. He would understand… right?

“Jin hyung?”

Seokjin yelps and nearly jumps a foot in the air, rounding on him with a spoon held aloft like
some sort of weapon. Namjoon snorts with laughter. “Namjoon! You almost gave me a heart
attack.” Seokjin composes himself, his ears turning red with embarrassment, sets the spoon down.
“What’s up? Want some ramen?”

“Yeah,” Namjoon automatically says, remembering how he skipped lunch and thinking about
how tasty Seokjin’s cooking is. Then he shakes his head. This is not what he came here for. “Uh,
no. I mean… can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” Seokjin stares at him expectantly.

“Um…” Namjoon wrings his hands. “In private?”

“Oh, yeah, okay.” Worry crosses Seokjin’s face as he rounds the island and leads the way
through the lounge and down the hall. “My room okay? Last I checked no one was sleeping in

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

Seokjin steps into his room and Namjoon follows, locking the door behind him. He turns to see
Seokjin staring at him in confusion. “Um, I just… I don’t really want anyone else walking in.”
“Oh,” Seokjin says, taking a seat on the bed and shifting around. He looks nervous. He clears
his throat focuses on the floor. “So… how do you wanna start this? Maybe kissing? I don’t know if
I can go all the way with you, but…”

Namjoon frowns in confusion. Then realization hits him and he puts both hands up, waving
them in front of him. “No, no, I’m not here to have sex with you. I just wanna talk about something
that’s been bothering me.”

“Oh, okay,” Seokjin replies. He appears calmer, but there’s something behind his eyes that
Namjoon can’t quite read. Seokjin pats the mattress beside him. “Sit. What’s troubling you?”

Namjoon sits down with a sigh. “I… I’ve been kinda horny all day.” He can already feel the
heat rising his cheeks.

Seokjin raises his eyebrows. “I’m sure you’re not the only one.”

“It was distracting me. You remember dance practice, right?”

“Yup. You sucked ass.”

Namjoon laughs and punches Seokjin in the arm. “Shut up.” He calms down at bit. Jin was
definitely the right one to consult. “Anyway, I couldn’t get any work done in my studio, so I figured
I should get off.”

Seokjin nods, not looking as awkward as Namjoon thought he would about this subject. “Yeah.
Did you watch porn?”

“Uh huh. Gay porn.”

“Ah… how’d it go?”


Seokjin’s brows knit together. “Really? But you and Yoongi—”

“I know,” Namjoon says. “Trust me, I thought about it, how weird it is that I can’t get off to
any sort of gay porn but just last week I was balls-deep in Yoongi’s ass.” He pauses for a moment,
his eyes growing wide. “Wow, never thought I’d say that sentence.”

“No kidding.” Seokjin laughs. “So, what do you figure is going on?”

Namjoon shrugs. “I don’t know. I’ve been turned on all day, but my body didn’t respond at all
to the porn.”

“Do you… usually watch porn?”

Namjoon nods. “Well, yeah. You’ve seen my search history.”

Seokjin laughs again. “Oh yeah. I remember that. You borrowed my laptop when we were on
tour and forgot to cover your ass.”

Namjoon blushes. “Yeah… thankfully, I’m more careful about it now.”

“Good. So, what I recall from that incident is that you watch, uh, straight porn.”

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “You watched the videos?”

It’s Seokjin’s turn to blush. His eyes dart away for a second. “Uh, well, I was… look, we can
talk about that later—”

“You’re deflecting,” Namjoon deadpans, smirking a little.

“Maybe I am!” Seokjin admits. He sighs. “Look, I’m trying to make this as painless as
possible, and you’re making my job very difficult.”

Namjoon rolls his eyes. “All right. Yes, I usually watch straight porn.”

“And lesbian porn,” Seokjin adds.

“Yes, and that,” Namjoon concedes. “You saw that one with the tribbing? That’s one of my

Namjoon laughs at how red Seokjin turns. “So, gay porn is something you don’t usually


“Well then, maybe you just don’t like gay porn.”

“But… I liked fucking Yoongi.”

Seokjin sighs. “You’re overthinking this like you always do, Namjoon.”

“No, I’m not. Look.” Namjoon feels his earlier frustration resurface. “I like fucking girls,
which is why I like watching porn with them in it. See what I’m getting at?”

Realization graces Seokjin’s features. “Ah… you liked fucking Yoongi, so we should make a
porn vid with him in it for you to watch and get off to. Not sure if he’ll agree, but—”

Namjoon laughs and shoves him. “No, really, I’m serious.”

Seokjin’s squeaky laughter tapers off. “Yeah, I know what you mean. You’re not sure about the
state of your sexuality. I’m kind of in the same boat, to be honest.”

“You’ve watched gay porn?”

“No!” Seokjin says way too quickly, then composes himself. “No, um… I actually haven’t had
the time to watch any porn lately.”

“So what do you figure?” Namjoon presses somewhat desperately. “What do you think’s going
on with me?”

Seokjin strokes his chin, thinking. “Hmm… who says your preferences for girls and guys has
to be the exact same?”

Namjoon’s face scrunches up in confusion. “What?”

“Maybe you like watching girls in porn, but you don’t like watching guys in porn. Doesn’t
mean you don’t like fucking both of them.”

“That doesn’t address my issue, though,” Namjoon says. “Like, am I into guys or not? Was that
thing with the orgy just a fluke? Was I just so horny that it didn’t matter? See what I mean?”
Seokjin ‘hmm’s again, silently thinks for a bit. Namjoon watches him, worry gnawing at him.
If Seokjin can’t help him, he doesn’t know who else he can go to. He doesn’t even know if he can
have this conversation again. It’s already pretty awkward.

Then Seokjin’s entire face goes red. Namjoon stiffens, unsure if Seokjin is embarrassed or
angry. Had he said something wrong? Is Seokjin going to kick him out of his room?

Seokjin licks his lips and takes a deep breath, meeting his eyes just briefly before studying the
far wall. “I… I have an idea.”

Namjoon raises his eyebrows. “Idea? What is it?” He’s kind of embarrassed by how eager he
sounds, but, dammit, he just wants this resolved. He needs to get work done, and that’s not going to
happen if he has this issue constantly burning in the back of his mind.

“Well, um…” he trails off, bites his lip. “Uh, I could… you could, um, watch me while I…”

Namjoon leans in, looking at him expectantly. When Seokjin fails to finish what he was saying,
he prompts, “While you…?”

“While I…” Seokjin lets out a nervous breath. “I get off.”

Namjoon sits back, eyes widening. “Huh?”

Seokjin whips his head around to look at him, flustered, gesturing wildly. “Not unless you want
to, I mean! I just—never mind, it’s a stupid idea. Ignore it.”

Namjoon studies Seokjin, his flushed face, his shiny, spit-slick lips, his embarrassed
expression… and his heart starts to pound. To his shock, his cock starts to twitch to life at just the
thought of Seokjin touching himself in front of him. Namjoon hasn’t gotten off in days. His body is
screaming at him, begging him to agree to this. He swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. Why is this
so difficult for him? He participated in an orgy with all of them before. Maybe it’s because it’s just
the two of them alone, having not planned this. Two guys who are both unsure about their

“Yeah,” Namjoon finally says, quieter than he intended.

Seokjin’s head snaps up to look at him. “What?”

“I’ll… watch you. This thing needs to be cleared up, and I’m out of ideas, so why not?”
Namjoon realizes he’s rambling and cuts himself off, gestures to the rest of the bed. “So… um…
do you want to…?”

Seokjin stares at him, seemingly in shock for a moment, before snapping to. “O-okay, um…”
He stands up and pulls his hoodie over his head, folds it, puts it at the foot of the bed. He shimmies
out of his jeans and also folds them, placing them on top of the hoodie. Namjoon watches him
undress, horniness making him impatient. Of course Seokjin would fold his clothes before he has
sex. The wait is killing Namjoon. His dick is already half-hard. He contemplates getting up and
forcibly stripping him down himself, but he knows that Seokjin is already nervous, so he stays put.

Seokjin sits on the bed, completely naked. He looks at Namjoon and suddenly shoots to his feet
again. “Oh, uh, sorry. I didn’t have to take all my clothes off. Um… I can put them back on if you

Namjoon throws up his hands. “No, no, it’s fine. Really. It’s better anyway. You know, to
figure out what’s going on with me. It’s like the guys in gay porn, right? More accurate.”
Seokjin slowly sits back down, nods. “Yeah, right.” He scoots up to the head of the bed and
fiddles with the pillows for a moment. Namjoon can tell he’s experiencing a crisis about his
pillows possibly being knocked onto the floor. The floor that he knows Seokjin vacuums every day
and isn’t dirty in the least. Namjoon sighs and holds out his hands. “Here, I’ll put them on top of
your dresser.”

Seokjin hands them over, one by one, and, god, Namjoon’s in agony going at this rate. He
practically tosses them on top of the dresser, then sits cross-legged on the bed, facing Seokjin
expectantly. He sees Seokjin swallow. “Um, okay, so… here I go.” Namjoon and Seokjin both
wince at how awkward that sounded as Seokjin’s hand travels down his body—

Namjoon has been so engrossed in getting off that he’s forgotten to slow down and enjoy the
view. And, damn, if Seokjin isn’t quite the view. He’s been working out again, as ordered by
management, so his stomach is flat and hard with muscle. His pecs stand out, and Namjoon’s eyes
go to Seokjin’s nipples, perfectly pink and already stiff. He wants to touch them, run his hands
down Seokjin’s muscles, but that isn’t the plan. He needs to sit there and watch, act as if he’s
watching some sort of cam show. He needs to put this problem to rest so he can get on with his life.

Seokjin grasps his cock, and Namjoon watches his hand raptly, admiring how pretty Seokjin’s
cock is. Namjoon didn’t know that cocks could be pretty, but that’s where his mind goes anyway.
He’s surprised to see that Seokjin is already close to being completely hard. Seokjin starts slowly,
moving his hand up and down his shaft in luxurious strokes. After a minute, he exhales shakily
and, without a word, reaches over to his nightstand. He opens a drawer and pulls out a bottle lube,
pouring some into his hand. He speeds up a bit, adding a twist to his hand. Namjoon’s cock
hardens at the wet sounds, the way Seokjin has his eyes screwed shut, how his free hand is fisting
the sheets.

It’s at times like these when Namjoon realizes just how beautiful Seokjin is. Not just
supermodel beautiful, not just headturner beautiful, but natural beautiful, a real genuine beauty that
Namjoon can’t believe actually exists. It’s no surprise that Seokjin was discovered purely by a Big
Hit representative walking down the street. He may give Seokjin shit about the whole ‘worldwide
handsome’ thing, but it’s difficult not to admit Seokjin deserves the title. From his plump lips to his
broad shoulders, Seokjin seems to be the perfect mix of delicate and masculine. Namjoon’s eyes
wander all over his body, drinking in what Seokjin looks like pleasuring himself, but again and
again he finds himself studying Seokjin’s face, carefully observing every little reaction. Does
Seokjin know what lewd faces he makes whenever he gets off? Because, damn.

This is weird, Namjoon acknowledges. This is very weird. What the hell is going on with his
life? He’s sitting here watching one of his best friends jerk off to find out if he’s attracted to men or
not. He participated in an orgy. Hell, he fucked Yoongi. His life has changed so much in just the
past week and it might be giving him whiplash. This shit is crazy, what even—

Seokjin makes a small noise, and it pulls Namjoon out of his head. It’s something between a
whine and a whimper—a desperate sort of sound. And it sends blood rushing to Namjoon’s cock,
filling it up completely. Namjoon knows he should be embarrassed at how quickly he’s getting
aroused just by Seokjin’s noises, but he can’t quite think straight. His mind has gone fuzzy with
lust, and he can feel his resolve slipping. And then Seokjin twists up faster, pays special attention
to the head of his leaking cock, bites his lip. Oh god, his lips look so soft…

Namjoon can’t stop himself. He’s too desperate for it, has held off too long. One second he’s
sitting there watching Seokjin from afar, and the next he’s on his hands and knees, hovering over
Seokjin, the older man having opened his eyes, staring at him with a mix of unease and lust. They
just stare at each other for a long moment until Seokjin breathes, “Namjoon,” and Namjoon feels
his last remaining vestiges of inhibition finally disappear.

Namjoon crashes their lips together rather roughly, but he doesn’t let up, just rolls with it. He
deepens the kiss when Seokjin doesn’t pull away, slipping his tongue inside when he gasps for air.
Namjoon presses his body down against him, shivers at the feel of bare skin against his own, isn’t
even bothered when Seokjin’s hard cock brushes against him. In fact, it turns him on.

Seokjin’s arms come up, encircle Namjoon, pull Namjoon flush against him. Seokjin’s leg
hooks around Namjoon’s own and before Namjoon can figure out what’s going on, he’s been
rolled over. Seokjin’s weight presses down on him, and their lips connect again. Namjoon groans
into Seokjin’s mouth, his mind going blank when Seokjin’s fingers tangle in his hair, pull him even
closer. Something—it feels like instinct, but he can’t be sure—takes hold of Namjoon, and he lifts
his legs, crossing his ankles over Seokjin’s back. Seokjin pulls away from Namjoon’s lips to gasp
for air, burying his face in Namjoon’s neck. “Fuck,” he breathes, rolls his hips down against
Namjoon. Seokjin’s bare, dripping cock pushes against Namjoon’s hard crotch.

“W-wait,” Namjoon says, suddenly feeling dangerously close to losing control.

Seokjin immediately props himself up on his hands, stares down at him in concern. “Sorry, too
much? You could be on top again if you want.”

“No, no, it’s not you,” Namjoon says, struggling to refill his lungs. He wiggles out from under
Seokjin and into a sitting position. “I… I’m not ready?”

Seokjin backs off of him and sits back on his heels, frowning. “Not ready…?”

Namjoon scoots himself to the edge of the bed and swings his legs over the side. “I mean, um.
I-I know I did… uh, with Yoongi, but—”

“Did I do something wrong?” Seokjin asks, fretting.

Namjoon waves his hands in front of him. “No! Of course not. You’re great. I mean, it felt
really nice. Honestly, I…” Namjoon forces himself to slow down and take a breath. He always
knows what to say. How come he’s having such trouble now? Seokjin is watching him with wide
eyes and stupidly beautiful lips that are kiss-swollen and glistening. Namjoon has to look away,
feeling the urge to kiss him again, swallowing. “It’s just that… when I had sex with Yoongi it was
during the orgy. But this is…”

“Different?” Seokjin offers.

Namjoon nods. “Yeah. It was a group setting, you know? It was planned.” Namjoon scoffs at
himself. “I know it sounds dumb, but for some reason I’m…”

“Not ready?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.” Seokjin says, and Namjoon can tell he’s trying not to sound hurt. “Really.” He
gives him a half-hearted smile.

Namjoon wants to wrap his arms around Seokjin, pull him close, cover him with kisses and tell
him he’s beautiful and of course Namjoon is attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? There, he admits
it. Seokjin is attractive as hell and Namjoon doesn’t think his dick can get any harder. But his body
is already moving on its own, walking to the door, and he’s throwing another apology over his
shoulder and, oh god, he feels like such a dick. Seokjin is a wonderful person and doesn’t deserve a
stupid excuse like that, especially if Seokjin was the one who offered to help him in the first place.
And it was all for nothing because Namjoon still doesn’t know where he stands on his sexuality.
He needs to apologize to Seokjin, but for now he needs to calm down. In his room. Alone.

With only his hand for company. Goddammit, why is he like this?

Namjoon got off hours ago before he returned to the studio, hoping now he’d be able to finish his
work in peace. But he’s still annoyingly horny. At this point, he’s wondering if perhaps someone
spiked his food or drink with something, which he knows is a stupid theory as he’s been horny ever
since the orgy. Despite this, he manages to hunker down and focus for a good hour-and-a-half
before deciding that he’s not going to get anymore work done, fuck it. So he locks up his studio
and heads back to the complex.

As soon as he walks through the door into the lounge, he smells meat frying in a pan. Hoseok is
in the kitchen, chopsticks in hand, and he turns around as soon as he hears the door open. “Hey,
Joon. Thought you were gonna pull an all-nighter.”

“No,” Namjoon sighs, toeing off his shoes. He sounds more tired than he feels. “Not much
inspiration today, unfortunately. Only managed part of a beat and a few lines of lyrics.”

Hoseok has returned to his cooking. “I feel you. Things have just been so busy this week. I feel
like I haven’t had much time to even think.”

Namjoon joins him in the kitchen. “It wasn’t too busy for you and Jimin to tease me,

Hoseok laughs, turns the meat over in the pan. “Oh my god, that was what probably got me
through. Every time we did something even remotely sexual it looked like your brain short-
circuited. It was hilarious. You’re like a 12-year-old who caught a glimpse of nipple at the beach.”

Namjoon laughs and flicks him on the head. “Fuck you. Because of you guys we had to keep
practicing for another hour. Yoongi hyung looked ready to murder everyone.”

Hoseok grins. “Worth it.”

“Oh, was it?” Namjoon raises an eyebrow as a wicked idea pops into his head. “Let’s see how
you like it.” Before Hoseok can react, and with one hand holding chopsticks and the other holding
the handle of the pan, Namjoon moves close behind him, leaning down to breathe against his neck.
“Is it worth it now?”

“Yup. Every second of it.” Hoseok chirps, nonchalantly continuing to cook. But Namjoon
doesn’t miss the nervous way he wets his lips, how goosebumps rise up on his neck. Namjoon
decides to up the game. He moves even closer, pressing his lips to Hoseok’s neck at the same time
as his hands find Hoseok’s hips. He smirks when he feels Hoseok jump a little at the sudden

“Oh, did I do something you like?” he teases.

“Mm, it’s nice,” Hoseok says. “Your seduction techniques could use a little more work,
Namjoon doesn’t respond. Instead, he moves his hands from Hoseok’s hips to his clothed
chest, runs them firmly down his body. Namjoon hears Hoseok’s breath catch as he reaches
Hoseok’s waistband, just barely slips his fingers inside. From his view over Hoseok’s shoulder, he
can tell that Hoseok is already hard, his cock tenting his shorts. He notices that Hoseok has let go
of the pan, is basically standing there stock-still.

“Sorry, did I distract you?” Namjoon asks, a note of amusement in his voice.

But Namjoon doesn’t get his answer. Because not a second later Hoseok is dropping his
chopsticks and turning around. He grabs Namjoon’s face in both hands and kisses him. Namjoon is
caught between being insanely turned on at the escalation and thinking that this is Hoseok he’s
kissing. Hoseok. And, damn, is he a good kisser. Namjoon hasn’t even done anything and
Hoseok’s tongue has already found its way into his mouth, exploring, fighting him. Namjoon
decides that he’s tired of thinking so much. He lets instinct take over, grabs Hoseok by the waist
and reels him in so he’s flush against him, hands going to Hoseok’s ass by force of habit. Hoseok
grunts into his mouth as his ass is squeezed, and there’s a second when Namjoon suddenly regrets
letting his dick call the shots, because he completely forgot for a moment that Hoseok isn’t gay. At
least not really. He’s probably never had his ass played with, groped so roughly before. But to his
surprise Hoseok only presses into him further. Namjoon can even feel his clothed hard-on against
his hip, which, he thinks, he doesn’t hate. In fact, it’s giving him an immense rush of power to
know that he managed to get Hoseok hard just by touching him.

He and Hoseok stand there, making out like they’re going to war with each other, hands
roaming. Namjoon finds Hoseok’s crotch and cups it, taking in how another man’s cock feels in his
hand. Hoseok responds by finding Namjoon’s ass and gripping it tightly. Namjoon moans into
Hoseok’s mouth, surprised at his body’s reaction.

Then Hoseok pulls away. Namjoon gets to see a glimpse of his face—flushed, debauched, eyes
hooded and lips plumped—before he’s shoved backward until his lower back hits the island. He
looks away from Hoseok for only a moment to get his bearings, but suddenly Hoseok is pressed
against him again, pushing, pushing, forcing him backward onto the countertop. Namjoon squeaks.
Actually fucking squeaks as he’s overpowered.

Hoseok chuckles, his bright sunshine smile replaced with something hungry, predatory.
“Taehyung was right,” he says, and, fuck he sounds wrecked already. Namjoon actually considers
having sex on the island for a hot second. “You do have nice lips.”

That does it. He’s been teased by this bastard long enough. He grabs Hoseok by his shirt and
hauls the man to him, connects their lips again. Hoseok goes along for the ride, practically falling
on top of Namjoon, just barely catching himself on the countertop. Namjoon’s mind blanks. He
rolls his hips up into Hoseok, pushes his hard cock up against Hoseok’s own, and the latter moans,
pushes right back, harder, faster.

There’s a low whistle and everything stops between them, both their heads popping up to see
what’s going on. Yoongi is standing there, his hair wet from a shower. “Damn, you two look good
together. But while I appreciate the show, you’d better not burn this whole place down.”

Hoseok gasps and jumps off of Namjoon, having smelled the meat overcooking. “Oh, shit!”

“You didn’t take the pan off the burner before you jumped me?” Namjoon asks, aghast.

“You distracted me!” Hoseok flashes back, turning off the stove and moving the pan.

Namjoon grins at him, dimples and all. “Worth it.”

“Shut up. You shouldn’t look so proud. I just had you pinned to the counter,” Hoseok says, his
eyes wandering over to Yoongi yet again. “You’re wearing shorts.”

Yoongi looks down, as if he’d forgotten what he’d just put on. “Uh, yeah. I am.”

“Like, shorts without anything underneath.” Hoseok squints suspiciously at him. “Who are you
and what have you done with the real Yoongi?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I just took a shower and I’m hot. What, do you expect me to wrap
myself up in a parka to walk around the house?”

“It’s just,” Namjoon begins, taking him in, “new.”

“Looks good on you,” Hoseok adds. “You should wear those more often.”

“Whatever,” Yoongi says. He heads off through the lounge and into the hall. “If you’re gonna
fuck on the island, at least put something down. That’s where we eat. One orgy and you guys have
turned into animals.”

Namjoon and Hoseok watch him go. Hoseok starts salvaging his meal, a smile on his lips.
“You think me and Jimin are the only teases?” he says, pointing in the direction Yoongi went with
his chopsticks. “Those shorts weren’t an accident. Those were some ‘fuck me’ shorts.”

Namjoon snorts despite how much his body seemed to like seeing Yoongi dressed like that.
“They’re just regular shorts. Not even booty shorts.”

“They’re practically booty shorts for Yoongi,” Hoseok says. “Come to think of it, Yoongi’s
been looking your way for the entire week. Usually he’s so focused. I thought I was gonna have to
tell him to snap out of it.”

Namjoon blushes a bit. “Yeah, I noticed too. He always looked away whenever I looked over,

Hoseok claps his hands to his face. “Aw, that’s so cute!”

“Shut up,” Namjoon says, blushing harder.

“No, really. I think he wants you to fuck him again. You know how Yoongi is. He doesn’t want
to seem like he needs something. He just… drops hints.”

Namjoon scratches at the back of his head. “You can’t really be certain, though.”

Hoseok rolls his eyes. “Joonie, please. He wants your dick. I mean, are you really gonna pass
up a good fuck?”

Namjoon thinks back to earlier in the day when he was with Seokjin—desperate, moaning,
beautiful Seokjin. Seokjin, who he just left abandoned and aroused in his room. Who he has yet to
talk to again or even see. Somehow it feels… wrong to fuck someone else after he ran out on
Seokjin. As horny as Namjoon is, his conscience is still stubbornly active. “I don’t know,”
Namjoon admits. He’s starting to get frustrated with himself. Hoseok just pinned him to the island
and was all over him, he caught Jimin and Taehyung making out like it was no big deal, and here
he is, a giant ball of angst.

He heads to his room after grabbing something to eat and passes the showers on his way. He
hears weird, strained noises and at first thinks someone might be hurt. But as he gets closer he
realizes that they’re desperate, breathy noises. Sex noises.

Namjoon can’t help himself. He knows it’s wrong. He might be invading someone’s privacy.
Hell, it’s not like he had been invited to join in. But he’s just so damn curious. He rolls his eyes as
he imagines that it might be Jimin and Taehyung yet again. If those two hadn’t been able to keep
their hands off each other messing around before they all had sex together, now there’s certainly no
hope it’ll ever lessen.

But he doesn’t see Taehyung or Jimin. He sees two figures, but they are built noticeably
different, bigger, bulkier. He squints through the steam and his eyebrows disappear up into his
hairline as he identifies Seokjin and Jungkook. Seokjin is standing with his hands in Jungkook’s
hair, while Jungkook kneels between his legs, mouthing his cock. Namjoon watches for a few
seconds, mesmerized and admittedly turned on. Then something twists in his belly, something that
makes him look away. Something that makes him continue on to his room and not want to come
out for the rest of the day.

Chapter End Notes

So, next chapter is going to be from Jungkook's perspective. We'll get to see how he
and Seokjin's steamy encounter goes down! Also, Jungkook giving a bj already? He's
an eager learner. ;)

Also, this chapter was a little late because, as I typically do when writing, I have
another project I'm working on. And, wouldn't you know, it's also BTS. Now, this one
is dark and is the kind of style that I usually write (like my 126-chapter apocalyptic
Hetalia "Standing at the Edge of the World" fic and "The Art Collector", another
Hetalia fic which is pretty much just gore with decapitation and necrophilia). Although
I have to admit that these boys are so cute and pure that they've made me enjoy writing
romance instead of just smut. So, I'll give you a taste of what my other BTS fic is
about. Idk when I'll post it. Maybe in conjunction with this one, although chapters may
take longer to put up. We'll see. The current title I have for it is "All Mine", but who
knows, I might change it.

"All Mine" Summary:

“Sit down!” the bodyguard tells him, waving his gun. But Yoongi does not obey, is
still fuming as he watches one of the other men pull Seokjin to his feet. Seokjin
struggles, yanks out of the man’s grasp for a moment, but he’s soon caught and kneed
in the stomach.
Seeing Seokjin hurt makes everyone go silent. Even Yoongi, as furious as he looks,
lowers himself back down into his seat. Namjoon stares on, horrified, as Seokjin
coughs and groans in pain, doubled over. If Namjoon still had any doubts about
whether this is a prank, they’ve all disappeared now. The directors would never let
them get hurt like this, and all the others seem to realize this too.
This is real.
They’ve been kidnapped.

..... Yes, "All Mine" will contain rape, so if you're not into that you might wanna just
stick with this fic instead. I already have one chapter almost finished. Tell me if I
should post it or not.
See you next time! :D
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Hi again~!

So, this chapter is a little shorter than the others because I initially intended for this to
include 2 POVs, but I got caught up in writing JK so... yeah. On the other hand, you
get an extra long JK and Jin sex scene. ;P

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It’s torture. Absolute torture. Jungkook can’t understand how anyone deals with this. He’s had sex
one time—one time—and already he can’t stop thinking about the next time. The next time he can
fuck Jimin’s ass. The next time he can feel Taehyung’s mouth around his dick. Oh god, Jimin and
Taehyung. How they felt pressed up against him, kissing him, holding him, is all he can think
about. Is this how everyone feels after having sex for the first time? How can anyone deal with
being so desperately horny all the goddamn time?

And it’s not only Jimin and Taehyung he keeps fantasizing about. After having seen all of his
group members naked and having sex, he can’t seem to push those images to the back of his mind
whenever he so much as sees them. Like, he knows Hoseok and Jimin were teasing Namjoon
during dance practice, but damn if it didn’t seem like they were also teasing Jungkook. It took
everything in his power not to just grab hold of either of their hips and start grinding. Somehow he
managed to hide how horny he is, but keeping it all bottled up has had him masturbating more
often. Before all this, he could have just rubbed himself inconspicuously through his pants infront
of the other guys, but since he’s told everyone how he likes to do that he forces himself to wait
until he’s found some place private. Whether that’s a public bathroom. Or an empty dressing room.
Or a closet. Or, hell, the practice studio after everyone had left only five minutes earlier, half of
him wishing someone would walk in and see him.

Thankfully, Namjoon and Seokjin did worse at dance practice than he did, so he doesn’t think
anyone noticed how desperate he was. But he’s afraid that if he jerks off anymore he may start to

They’re all sitting around the kitchen table eating some takeout one evening when Namjoon
suddenly points his chopsticks accusingly in his direction. “You need to be more careful. I almost
caught you with your dick out.”

Jungkook stiffens, heart jumping into overdrive, but Jimin, who’s sitting right next to him,
responds, “Jeez, me and Tae said we were sorry for making out in your studio. What, do you want
us to suck your dick or something?”

Namjoon scoffs while Yoongi raises his eyebrows, looking between them. “You let them
almost fuck in your studio?” He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, as if imagining how he
would skin alive anyone who even brought up the idea of doing the same in his own studio.

“No!” Namjoon exclaims. “They just snuck in there and made themselves comfortable on my
“So, you forgot to lock up your studio so anyone could just wander in and, well, almost fuck in
your studio?” Yoongi says, a smirk pulling at his lips.

“I told them the passcode one day because they were annoying me and I forgot to change it!
Look, that’s not the point,” Namjoon says, exasperated, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.
“That’s not even what I’m talking about. I’m talking about when you decided to go spelunking for
Tae’s tonsils in the elevator earlier today.”

“Spelunking?” Seokjin laughs squeakily. “Who the hell uses that word?”

“But we were alone in the elevator!” Taehyung complains, pouting.

“You weren’t alone when the doors opened and I was standing right there!” Namjoon counters.

Seokjin chokes on his food and Hoseok says, “At headquarters?”

“Yeah,” Namjoon answers. “You were lucky the place wasn’t busy that day. And that I was the
one who caught you. I was talking to Supreme Boi and he left right before the elevator arrived.”

“Holy shit, you two are quite the little horndogs,” Yoongi adds, not bothering to look up at
them as he eats. “Namjoon caught you twice. Jin hyung caught you. I caught you—”

“What?” Jimin squawks in surprise, sitting up straight. “You caught us? When?”

Yoongi finally looks up then, meeting Jimin’s eyes and smirking at him. “That’s the question,
isn’t it? Because you were so oblivious, you can’t even tell if I caught you or not. Take this as your
reminder to be more careful.”

Jimin stares at him, squinting, as if trying to figure out whether or not Yoongi actually caught
them while Taehyung smiles and shakes his head. “You’re evil, hyung.”

“Only when I have to be,” Yoongi says. “But, seriously, get your shit together. If you’re gonna
fuck, do it at home, like, say, on the kitchen island.”

Namjoon stiffens, reddening. At the other end of the table, Hoseok almost spits out his water.
Everyone looks between them curiously while Yoongi just smiles wickedly to himself and returns
to his meal.

“Hey, Kook,” Taehyung suddenly whispers. He’s staring in concern at Jungkook, who is
sitting right next to him. “Are you okay? You look a little… off.”

“Um, no. I mean, yeah. I’m all good.” Taehyung doesn’t look like he believes him and, to be
honest, Jungkook doesn’t believe himself. He is troubled by something, but he can’t seem to put
his finger on what it might be. All he knows is as soon as he heard Namjoon bring up the fact that
Jimin and Taehyung have been sneaking around together he immediately began to feel… strange.
Like, he lost some of his appetite—which is definitely something to worry about—and he feels…
kind of annoyed? Maybe it’s just the sexual frustration finally getting to him. Maybe hearing about
those two sexing each other up while he’s feeling deprived is getting to him. Tonight he won’t be
able to just get off alone and go to bed, that’s for damn sure.

So, when he’s wandering around the complex later that evening trying to work out how in the
hell he’s going to just ask someone to have sex with him, he hears the shower going and figures he
should just rip the Band-Aid off and do it. A shower is a great setting for what he needs. His
partner, whoever he is, will already be naked, so that will certainly make it at least a little less
awkward. He quickly returns to his room, grabs up some clothes, then walks back to the shower
room, the small one with only one showerhead. He quietly opens the door and slides into the room.
He’s relieved to see that whoever is showering has their back to him. it makes him breathe a sigh of
relief. He might have lost his nerve if he’d been spotted immediately.

He strips off his clothes and inches closer through the steam, his cock already twitching. He
knows from those broad shoulders that it’s Seokjin standing under the water, and he pauses for a
moment to take him in, his nakedness, the droplets sliding down his back, over the plump curve of
his ass. Oh god, he’s so hard right now. It’s ridiculous.

Jungkook wonders how the hell he’s going to start this. He’s not exactly experienced with
initiating sex. In fact, he’s never done it. But before he can get his shit together, Seokjin turns
around to retrieve the soap and shrieks. His arms flail as he tries to cover himself. “What the hell,
Kook? What are you doing in here? You couldn’t wait for me to finish?” Jungkook opens his
mouth, closes it, opens it again, but no words come out. He’s completely lost and he’s blowing it.
He walks closer and Seokjin’s eyes wander down to Jungkook’s crotch, then back up. “You’re
hard,” Seokjin says, and if the warmth of the shower hadn’t already turned his cheeks pink
Jungkook’s sure he would see a blush blooming across his face.

“Y-Yeah,” Jungkook stammers, cringing inwardly. Don’t make this weird, he thinks as Seokjin
continues to stare curiously at him. Just be smooth. Yeah, smooth. “Sex?” he blurts out, and he just
barely keeps himself from facepalming. Fuck.

Seokjin frowns at him. “What?”

“I mean,” Jungkook says quickly. “I’m, uh, I’m kinda…” Jungkook pauses, sighing heavily.
Fuck it, just be blunt. It isn’t as seductive as he would have liked, but it’ll get him what he wants.
And he needs it now. He can’t afford to let this opportunity slip away. “I’m so damn horny, hyung,
and it’s driving me insane. I need…” he swallows, eyes running once again over Seokjin’s dripping
body, “you.” Then he adds hurriedly before Seokjin even has the chance to respond, “I-If you’ll
have me.”

Seokjin looks like he might bolt, and Jungkook prepares to be rejected. What the hell is he
going to do if Seokjin doesn’t agree to this? He could go to someone else, sure, but who? Everyone
else is either asleep or busy with something else except for Jimin and Taehyung, and they’re
probably too wrapped up in each other to pay him any mind. Seokjin is his best bet, and he’s just
ruined it.

Then, to his relief, Seokjin untenses a bit and says, “Um… okay. We can… try it. Uh, get
under the water with me.”

Jungkook hurries to do just that before Seokjin can change his mind. He’s grateful that the
shower makes up the whole room, devoid of any sort of glass door or curtain. Simple, with just tile
and a showerhead jutting out of the wall. They’ll have room to maneuver in here despite them
being two of the largest members. He moves in beside Seokjin, who steps out of the spray to allow
him to wet his hair. Jungkook hadn’t anticipated taking a shower tonight—he’d already showered
earlier that day—but he likes being clean, so it’s not a problem. Once he’s all slicked up, he turns
to see Seokjin standing still with his loofah in hand, as if he’d been scrubbing but had gotten
sidetracked. He’s staring at the floor tiles, watching the soap and water swirl down the drain at his
feet. He’s got that faraway look in his eyes that Jungkook knows well. He’s troubled about
something. So troubled he’s forgotten that Jungkook is standing right there in front of him.

Jungkook immediately wants to ask him what’s wrong, wants to let him talk so he can comfort
him. He hates seeing his other group members like this, especially his hyungs. But he’s still hard,
he’s still turned on, and he doesn’t want to spoil the mood. The realization makes him feel selfish,
and he almost decides to just rinse off and turn in for the evening. But maybe… maybe if he can
distract Seokjin enough, the man will forget whatever he’s worrying about. And Jungkook will
still get what he wants. Yeah. That’s totally not self-serving. Jungkook doesn’t dwell on it, instead
searches for how best to go forward. A piece of information from an earlier conversation pops into
his head, and his cock twitches. Oh. This might work. This could really work.

“Hyung,” Jungkook says, and Seokjin finally snaps out of it, looks up. Jungkook takes that as
permission to step up to him, look into his eyes, make sure Seokjin is focusing entirely on him. He
sees Seokjin swallow at their closeness. It’s working. “I need you.”

Jungkook leans forward, presses his lips softly against Seokjin’s. This is the first time he’s
initiating a kiss, the first time he’s kissing anyone but Jimin or Taehyung, but he remembers what
Jimin taught him and goes with it. For the first couple of seconds, he thinks about how weird it is
to be kissing Seokjin, his hyung. But after he feels Seokjin’s lips move against his own, soft and
wet and very gentle, Jungkook stops thinking about how weird it is and starts thinking about how
nice it is, how he’d like to keep doing this. Jungkook can sense Seokjin is holding back. The older
man’s arms are still firmly by his sides. All that’s touching Jungkook are his lips. He’s still
thinking of me as a virgin, Jungkook muses. And, as much as the gesture touches his heart, it isn’t
what Jungkook needs right now. He needs sex. Rough, fast, desperate sex.

So, if he’s going to do it, now is the time. Jungkook breaks the kiss, draws back enough to look
into Seokjin’s eyes. “Jin hyung,” he says. Fuck, when did he run out of breath? “Daddy.”

The response in immediate. Jungkook sees something snap behind Seokjin’s eyes, and the next
thing he knows he’s pinned to the tile, Seokjin’s body pressed up against him. Seokjin’s lips find
his neck, attacking, hands roaming. Jungkook feels overwhelmed. Sure, he’d anticipated Seokjin
getting turned on, but not as intensely as this. Jungkook gasps, feeling Seokjin’s fingers ghost over
his inner thighs, dangerously close to somewhere that has gone untouched. Suddenly an image of
Seokjin lifting him up and driving into him swims into his mind’s eye, and panic starts to rise
within him. Oh god. He’s not ready. The thought is arousing, and he’s not opposed to getting
fucked, but he’s really not ready. Is Seokjin going to just push into him without any prep? What if
that happens? What if Seokjin hurts him?

He doesn’t have time to run all the scenarios through his head, because Seokjin abruptly backs
off of him, pulling his hands away. Jungkook realizes he’s had his eyes screwed shut, and he opens
them to see Seokjin gazing worriedly at him.

“I’m sorry, Kook,” Seokjin says, taking another step back. “I… didn’t mean to get so rough
with you like that. I know your first time was only a week ago and—”

“No, no, it’s my fault. Really,” Jungkook says, pushing himself off the tile, trying his best to
calm down. His heart is beating so fast he’s afraid Seokjin might hear it. “I knew calling you that
might make you lose it a bit. Um…” Words flee Jungkook’s mind all of a sudden, and his whole
body heats up as he remembers how close they just were, how Seokjin’s skin felt against his. How
Seokjin held him down while he touched him all over. Jungkook wants Seokjin to pin him again,
but he comes to his senses and realizes that maybe repeating the scenario might lead to an
escalation that he’s not quite ready for. So, his mind goes to the next thought that turns him on. “I
could… blow you?” Jungkook suggests, hoping he doesn’t sound too nervous.

Seokjin stares at him, mouth open a bit. “Uh… okay. Are you gonna be comfortable with that?”

“Not really,” Jungkook admits, stepping toward Seokjin and dropping to his knees. “I’m new at
this, but I’ll get used to it. Besides, I kind of wanna try it. Yoongi hyung looked like he really
enjoyed it.” And Taehyung looked like he enjoyed Yoongi blowing him, Jungkook recalls,
imagining briefly what faces Seokjin might make while Jungkook is sucking him off. His cock
twitches eagerly. God, he could make Seokjin feel so good…

Jungkook comes back to himself, sees that he’s now face-to-face with Seokjin’s cock. He’s
pleased to find it already half hard. Now, where to start? He’ll need to get him completely hard. He
takes Seokjin into his hand and pulls, reveling in the little gasp he receives from it. Seokjin is so
pretty and his cock is no exception. It’s rosy pink and feels good in Jungkook’s hand. He pumps
Seokjin a little more until his cock is standing fully at attention, then, feeling bold, he leans in and
kisses the tip.

Seokjin jumps, fingers threading through Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook purrs at the touch. “You
can just jerk me off if you want,” Seokjin suggests, already sounding breathless, and, oh god, does
that do things to Jungkook. “Don’t have to go down on me.”

“But I want to,” Jungkook insists, not taking his eyes off Seokjin’s cock. He sees it twitch in
response to his words and, fuck, he has to have it in his mouth. He runs the flat of his tongue up the
underside and wraps his lips around the head. Seokjin hisses, fingernails digging into Jungkook’s
scalp. So this is what a cock tastes like? Salty. Jungkook slides his lips down just an inch lower,
then pulls off, looks up. Seokjin is watching him, eyes glazed over. Damn, he looks good like that.
“Tell me what you like,” Jungkook prompts. He’s a bit embarrassed asking for help, especially
when it comes to giving blowjobs, but he wants Seokjin to feel good, wants to hear what he sounds
like lost in pleasure.

“Take me into your mouth,” Seokjin says, voice low. “Use your tongue.”

Jungkook nods, eagerly takes him back in. As soon as he does, his tongue immediately goes to
work, curling around Seokjin’s heavy shaft. He hears Seokjin let out a strained ‘fuck’, and a wave
of arousal washes over him. He pulls off a bit, swipes his tongue across the head of Seokjin’s cock,
holding the base in one hand.

Seokjin twitches away from him. “Ah, careful. Head’s a little sensitive.”

“Sorry,” Jungkook says quickly, backing off.

“No, don’t be,” Seokjin says, stroking his hair comfortingly. “You’re learning.”

Jungkook nods adamantly up at him, swallows him up again. This time he keeps his eyes
trained upward to watch Seokjin’s reactions, read how he’s supposed to go forward. He discovers
that Seokjin loves when he pumps him with his hand while he lightly tongues the tip of his cock.
He can see Seokjin’s hips twitch as the man struggles to keep from thrusting. Jungkook thinks
about how it would feel to have his face fucked, to have a cock down his throat, and he has to grab
himself to keep from going off.

“N-Now,” Seokjin says, his voice wavering, “take me in and start bobbing your head.”

Jungkook nods, does what he says, finds he likes the idea of doing what he says. He goes
halfway down—as far as he can currently take him—and pulls off until his lips are wrapped around
the tip. Seokjin nods encouragingly, fingers nudging his head. “Again,” he says, and Jungkook
slides his lips down.

Jungkook goes at Seokjin like that for a couple of minutes, careful with his teeth and practicing
breathing through his nose. Then, Seokjin says, “Faster,” and Jungkook is so fucking turned on by
that. Holy shit. So, he picks up the speed, remembers to use his tongue. His hand comes up to grasp
Seokjin’s hip, play with his balls. He feels Seokjin trembling, peers up to see him with his head
dropped back and his eyes closed, mouth open as he sucks in heavy breaths. “Fuck, Kookie,” he
gasps, fingers tugging at Jungkook’s hair. “Fuck, I’m gonna come so fast. I’m so close…” He
suddenly grabs his cock, pulls it from Jungkook’s mouth and it takes everything in Jungkook not to
whine at the loss. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” Seokjin orders, still managing to
sound commanding even as his face twists with pleasure.

Jungkook does what he’s told, watches Seokjin jerk off in front of him, takes in every little
breath and sigh and moan. Then Seokjin’s resting the tip of his cock on Jungkook’s tongue and
Jungkook feels a warm stripe of cum paint his mouth. Seokjin groans above him, moves his cock
off Jungkook’s tongue, and Jungkook has to close his eyes as more ropes coat his face. Jin’s
coming on me, he thinks, shivering. Jin’s cum is on my face. I can taste Jin’s cum. Jungkook
swallows instinctively, face heating as he realizes he’s just swallowed cum. For the first time.
Seokjin’s cum.

Jungkook hears Seokjin sigh shakily and opens one eye in time to see him give his cock a few
more pulls before he takes Jungkook’s jaw in between his fingers. He looks down at him, eyes
hazy but firm. “I gave you my cum. Now what do you say?”

Jungkook stares at him for a long moment, his heartbeat picking up again. Then the words just
fall out of his mouth, as if on instinct, “Thank you.”

“Thank you what, baby boy?”

Baby boy. The pet name sends shivers down Jungkook’s back, straight to his cock. “Thank you
for giving me your cum.” Then he adds, too turned on to care about the repurcussions, “Daddy.”

Jungkook moans loudly as he’s snatched up and pinned once more against the wall. The tile
feels ice-cold against his skin, but he’s overheating anyway. Seokjin’s hands go to Jungkook’s
waist as he takes his earlobe between his teeth. “Gonna be good for me, baby boy?” Seokjin asks,
cupping Jungkook’s cock.

Jungkook gasps, feeling his mind going blank at all the sensations rippling through his body.
Then he notices Seokjin’s grip on him lessening, feels him moving back, and Jungkook knows
Seokjin’s head is clearing once again. Jungkook grabs onto him desperately, pulls him back in.
“Gonna be good for you, daddy,” he says, looking right into his eyes. “So good for you.”

Clarity disappears from Seokjin’s gaze. He snatches up both of Jungkook’s wrists in one hand
and pins them above his head. His other trails down his torso. “You look so pretty,” Seokjin says,
taking Jungkook’s cock in his hand. “Want me to make you come, baby?”

Jungkook whimpers, actually whimpers, at the look in Seokjin’s eyes and he thinks he’s never
wanted anything more in his entire life. “Yes, daddy,” he chokes out.

“Can you say please?”

“Please, daddy. Please make me come.”

“Such a good boy,” Seokjin purrs, begins to jerk him off in earnest. Jungkook gasps. He can
already feel his cock swelling. Oh god, he’s already so close. He would be embarrassed if he
wasn’t so eager to get off. “But…”

Jungkook feels Seokjin’s hand fall from his cock. He looks desperately at Seokjin. “Daddy?”
he ventures, hoping the name will tip Seokjin over the edge again.

But Seokjin tsks at him. “Baby boy’s gonna have to learn how to be patient,” he scolds.
Jungkook watches, body on fire and mouth open as Seokjin walks away from him, retrieves his
loofah, and begins to leisurely wash himself. Jungkook feels his orgasm ebbing away to be
replaced with the same low, tingling hum as before. By force of habit, his hand shoots down to his
cock to relieve himself, but Seokjin suddenly snaps, “Don’t touch yourself. Only I can make you
come. Understand?”

Jungkook slowly lowers his hand, nods, in utter disbelief. Seokjin knows how horny he is.
Jungkook told him. So why is he doing this? Why is he denying him? And why is Jungkook more
turned on than annoyed by it?

Seokjin rinses his own loofah off and takes Jungkook’s off a hook on the wall, wets it, soaps it
up. “Now, let daddy wash you,” he says, taking Jungkook’s wrist in hand, lifting his arm,

“Daddy,” Jungkook tries again, swallowing, his loins aching. “Please.”

“Hush, baby. Be patient.”

The shower continues like that for what feels like forever, with Jungkook standing there
helplessly and watching Seokjin wash him all over, occasionally pleading for relief only for
Seokjin to deny him every time. He thinks he’s going to finally lose it when Seokjin arrives at his
cock, and he whines loudly when Seokjin only washes around it, squeezes soap onto it. Jungkook is
so worn out from his constant arousal that he doesn’t even flinch when Seokjin dips into his
asscrack to wash him, fingers sliding over his hole. Every now and then Seokjin does touch
Jungkook’s cock, giving it one pump, maybe two, enough to get Jungkook’s insides coiling up
again but not enough to actually get him there.

They both rinse and Seokjin turns the shower off. Jungkook rushes out, stands there
expectantly. The shower is over. It has to end now, right? Seokjin’s going to get him off?

But Seokjin grabs a towel, shakes his head, gestures to Jungkook’s clothes. “Get dressed, baby.
We’ll finish this in my room.”

Frustrated as hell, but also excited, he practically jumps into his clothes, which proves difficult
since he’s in such a daze. Then he has to stand and watch Seokjin towel off agonizingly slowly, fix
his hair, brush his teeth, put on body spray, and all the other little things Jungkook knows Seokjin
does after a shower but has never realized how long they took until now.

Then Seokjin is finished and they’re in his room, which is, thankfully, empty. Seokjin has
locked the door, is sitting on his bed, eyes on Jungkook. He stares for a moment, as if examining
Jungkook, and Jungkook clenches his hands in his pajama bottoms.

“Undress for me,” Seokjin says.

Jungkook doesn’t think he’s ever undressed so quickly. He throws his pajamas and underwear
to the floor and stands there naked. Oh god, is that him breathing right now? He’s so loud and
desperate, it’s embarrassing. His cock is now rock hard, standing straight up and purpled, with a
bead of precum forming at the head.

“Come here, baby boy,” Seokjin slips under the covers, pats the space next to him. Jungkook
crawls over, slips under the covers as well, immediately presses up against Seokjin, grinding,
whining. “No, no. None of that. Be good for me.”

“Good for you,” Jungkook repeats breathlessly.

“On your back against me, baby. Good, just like that. Now spread your legs for me. Yes, that’s
it.” Seokjin’s hand snakes slowly down Jungkook’s body, feeling every pore, and Jungkook’s hips
kick up, desperate for any kind of touch. Hell, even the feather-light touch of the sheets is torture
for him. “Keep still,” Seokjin warns.

Jungkook looks up at him, nods, pleads with his eyes, but Seokjin remains expressionless, not
giving anything away. When Seokjin’s fingers wrap around his cock, Jungkook moans loudly.
“Want it that badly, huh, baby?”

“Yes,” Jungkook gasps. “Please. Please.”

Seokjin hums, gives his cock a few pulls, brings him to the edge. Jungkook pants, feeling his
balls draw up, everything in him coiling, swelling—

And then Seokjin removes his hand. Again. Jungkook feels something in him break. His throat
constricts and his next breath comes out as a sob. “Please. Please, I need to come. Please.”

“I know, baby boy,” Seokjin whispers, pulls Jungkook close and kisses the top of his head. “Go
to sleep now.”

Jungkook sobs again, clutching at Seokjin’s pajama-clad chest. “Please, daddy.”

“Sleep, baby. Later, okay?”

Jungkook continues to beg and be denied until he eventually exhausts himself and passes out.
He feels like he’s barely slept fifteen minutes when his aching cock wakes him up, even though the
clock on the bedside table reads three-thirty in the morning. Seokjin is sleeping next to him, his
arms still wrapped around him, cuddling close, his nose in Jungkook’s hair, breathing deeply.
Another electric shock of pain and arousal shoots up Jungkook’s body, and he slowly, carefully
lowers his hand to relieve himself.

His fingers barely brush his still-hard shaft when Seokjin suddenly whispers, “No, baby.”

“B-But,” Jungkook blubbers, barely in control of his emotions. Everything comes rushing back:
the lust, the denial, the ache. It’s too much. He can’t take it anymore. He needs to come. “I-I can’t
sleep. I n-need it, please.” He sobs again, wriggles against Seokjin in frustration.

Seokjin sighs, fingers running over the jut of Jungkook’s bare hip. “You sound so beautiful,
baby. You really need to come that bad?”

“Yes, yes. Please. I need it. Please, daddy.”

“I’ll let my baby boy come, then,” Seokjin says. “You gonna come for daddy, baby?”

Jungkook’s heart feels like it’s going to explode. He nods eagerly, realizes that Seokjin can’t
see him in the dark, then wriggles against him again and whimpers, “Yes, gonna come for you. Be
so good for you, daddy. I promise.”

Jungkook hears Seokjin suck in a breath, feels something hard twitch against his lower back,
and then Seokjin’s hand is around him, tugging him, slick with his precum, and, oh god, it feels so
good, so, so, so good. He barely lasts ten seconds. He comes with a sob all over his stomach and
Seokjin’s hand, hips jerking upward uncontrollably. He hears someone crying, “Yesyesyesyes,”
and he thinks it’s him, but he’s so out of it he can’t be sure. White explodes behind his vision, and
for a moment he feels like he’s floating above himself. This is crazy. This is the longest, most
intense orgasm of his life. It keeps going until Jungkook thinks he’ll pass out. It’s as if Seokjin’s
hand is milking his soul right out of him.

Jungkook comes down and realizes he’s been whimpering and gasping through his entire
climax, and Seokjin’s hand as been jerking him since he got there. And his hand is still moving on
him even though he’s done shooting. Jungkook chokes at the oversensitivity, curls into himself,
fingers and toes curling. It feels good, but in a painful way, a dangerous way, like if Seokjin keeps
going Jungkook’s worried he might tip over the edge and never come back. Jungkook eventually
gains control of his limbs and grabs Seokjin’s wrist, stops him. “Please,” is all his brain can come
up with, and, thankfully, Seokjin relents.

Jungkook lays there, feeling so light he’s surprised he doesn’t float up to the ceiling. He drifts
in and out, barely catching glimpses of the light being turned on, Seokjin getting up, Seokjin lifting
the blankets to clean him, Seokjin snuggling back up beside him. Jungkook sighs when he feels a
warm body against his own, wants to lay next to it forever, he’s so content.

He doesn’t realize Seokjin is talking to him until Seokjin prompts, “Well?”

“Hmm, what?” Jungkook murmurs sleepily.

Seokjin leans close, nose in Jungkook’s hair. “I said… did you feel like I took advantage of
you? Like, back in the shower? Pinning you and stuff?”

“No,” Jungkook says, yawning.

“Then you actually wanted me?” Seokjin asks quietly, and Jungkook can hear the concern
returning to his voice. The same concern he’d seen on his face in the shower earlier. Oh no. He’d
forgotten about that.

“Of course I did,” Jungkook insists, struggling to stave off sleep but losing the battle quickly.
It’s not fair. He wants to stay awake and hold Seokjin and talk to him until he’s sure Seokjin’s
worries are gone, but his body isn’t cooperating. “What would make you think like that?”

Seokjin sighs against him, and Jungkook tries to stay conscious, he really does. But all the
strength is sapped from his body and before he can hear Seokjin’s answer—if there actually was an
answer—he’s out like a light.

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be from Jimin's perspective, so you'll get some cute/hot Vmin
action. And that will segue into another orgy where JK will lose his anal virginity...
but someone else will lose theirs at the same time! Who will it be??

Also, I have just a little more to add to the first chapter of "All Mine", so I may post
that later tonight. And by "tonight" I mean I live on the east coast of the US, so
probably a few hours from what EST is now.

I just want to add that I love all the feedback I've been getting for this fic. It really
keeps me going, so thank you. Bye, for now! <3
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

Whooo, back again! And we're at the start of another orgy! This one won't be told
from *every* POV just to move things along, but rest assured it will be hot and heavy!

Also, Tae's such a sweet boy and I really wanted to convey that here. Idk if he has his
own clothing line or not, but wouldn't that be awesome? Our Gucci boy would be so
happy and he deserves it! :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Fuck,” Jimin gasps as he closes the door behind him and is immediately tackled to his bed by
Taehyung. “Tae, holy shit. You need to calm down with this. My lips are getting chapped.”

Taehyung whines, straddles his hips, jutting out his lower lip and rounding his beautiful eyes.
“But I like kissing you, Jiminie.”

“And I like breathing,” Jimin laughs, trying to throw Taehyung off of him, but, as always, he’s
too small to do much more than jostle him.

“Then I won’t kiss you on your lips,” Taehyung chirps, proceeding to kiss Jimin all over his
face, playful little pecks that make Jimin giggle.

Jimin just huffs and accepts his fate, thinking back to the last time they’d done this—which had
only been about two hours ago. A real classy tryst in a bathroom stall between meetings with the
directors after Taehyung was being a little slut, constantly flicking his tongue out at every
opportunity. Of course, Taehyung always has a habit of playing around with his tongue
subconsciously, so no one was the wiser. Except for Jimin and maybe some of the other group
members, but he’d been too consumed with keeping down his boner to really pay any attention to
them. Damn his tight pants! Jimin knows that this time it’s not subconscious. He’s been around
Taehyung long enough to know. And Taehyung had definitely been doing it to tease him,
managing to keep his face completely innocent in the process, even contributing to the discussion.
Jimin felt like reaching over and smacking him in the back of the head. Instead, he caught
Taehyung in the bathroom later, cornering him in a stall.

“Your lips are so damn wet,” Jimin said accusingly after kissing him breathless. “Feels like I’m
making out with a dog.”

Taehyung shrugged, all blushes and innocent pouts. “My lips were dry.”

“Sure they were.”

And now Taehyung is sprawled on top of him, lips trailing down his neck, hands wandering up
his shirt. “You didn’t seem so opposed earlier,” Taehyung snarks, like he can read Jimin’s mind.

“You were being a little cocktease earlier,” Jimin flashes back.

“I told you my lips were dry!”

Jimin rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Do you wanna kiss or not?”

Taehyung pulls back, offers Jimin his puppy-dog eyes once again. “Please.”

“Then shut up.”

Jimin takes Taehyung’s face in his hands and captures his lips. At the same time, he feels
Taehyung’s hands rolling up his shirt, roaming over his stomach and chest. Jimin swallows a
groan. He loves how big Taehyung’s hands are. Honestly, if Taehyung had grabbed his ass in that
bathroom stall earlier he would have let Taehyung fuck him right then and there. But his hands
wouldn’t be the only reason why. Jimin shifts beneath him, lifting his thigh to rub against
Taehyung’s clothed cock, smirking when he finds it already fully hard. Fuck, he’s big, Jimin
thinks, his insides beginning to tingle. Can’t wait to feel that in me. If they had the time, he’d
shimmy out of his pants and underwear and let Taehyung have him. But they have a music video to
shoot and they’re waiting for the cars to arrive to take them to the set. They said it would take only
five more minutes, so a quick makeout would have to do.

Jimin has just pushed his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth when the latter suddenly pulls back,
his expression unusually serious. “Um, Chimie? What does it feel like to bottom?”

Jimin’s jaw goes slack. This… wasn’t the conversation he was expecting to have right now. In
fact, he was expecting to just have a hot makeout session with Taehyung like all the other times.
Then again, Taehyung is a fan of being random in general, so he supposes this isn’t too out of
place. “Uh, well. I mean, I like it. It’s a bit hard to explain for someone who’s never had anything
in their ass…” he trails off, and when Taehyung just continues to stare at him expectantly, Jimin
sighs and continues, “Um… have you ever… fingered yourself?”

Taehyung shakes his head. “I’ve kinda wanted to, though. I just don’t know how.”

“You stick one finger up there, then another—”

“I know that!” Taehyung exclaims, face red. “I mean, I’m not familiar with the finesse.”

“Okay, so there are three rules to fingering yourself,” Jimin starts, adopting a scholarly tone,
holding up a finger for each rule. “Use lots of lube, go slow, and know your limits. For your first
time you should be in a comfortable place with no distractions. Somewhere you can relax. The
more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to slide your fingers in.” Taehyung nods, listening raptly.
“Put a pillow under your ass so it’s easier for you to reach down and your wrist doesn’t tire so
quickly. Get used to the feeling of a finger on your hole, then slowly slide it in, working it until it’s
all the way inside. Keep it there for a while and breathe. Then, when you’re comfortable, start
moving it in and out. And, yeah, that’s pretty much what you do. Just follow the same procedure
with your other fingers. You’ll probably only be able to take two your first time—”

“How many fingers can you take?”

“Uh, what? Um… three, most of the time. Four if I really try.”

Taehyung’s eyes widen. “Four?”

Jimin smiles at his innocent surprise. “Yup. And you’ll be able to do it too, if you practice
enough. Of course, if you need a little help I’d be happy to volunteer.”

“Thank you,” Taehyung chirps, lips pursing in a contemplative manner. “But you didn’t answer
my question. How does it feel?”
Jimin feels his face grow hot. Fuck’s sake, Jimin, stop acting all demure. It’s not like you’re
new to all this. Even though Taehyung is the one asking these questions and he’s participated in an
orgy, Jimin can’t help but feel he’s corrupting him. Sweet little Taehyung who must be protected at
all costs—sweet little Taehyung who had Jungkook’s dick in his mouth just two weeks ago. Fuck
it. “Well, you feel… full.”

“Full?” Taehyung cocks his head the way a puppy would, and Jimin thinks that he’s not
making this any easier.

“Yeah. Like, it’s pressure, but on the inside. If it’s fingers then it’s less satisfying, because girth
is really what matters. But if it’s a dick then the empty feeling is completely gone. It’s like… your
body is missing a piece and it doesn’t quite feel right. But when something fills you, you feel—”

“Whole?” Taehyung supplies.

“Uh huh.” Jimin nods. “And when you’re already turned on—which you most likely will be
when playing with your ass—it’s kind of overwhelming. But in a really hot way. Like, there have
been times when I’ve passed out, I’ve been dicked down so good.”

“Whoa,” Taehyung breathes, his blush getting a little darker. “I… I don’t think I’ve ever felt
something like that. But what about the prostate? I’ve heard that it feels nice when it’s touched.”

“Oh! Yeah, it feels amazing. More intense than the full feeling. At first it’s kinda painful
because it’s so intense, but after you get used to it, it’s really, really good.”

“Really? That good?”

“Oh my god. It’s so good,” Jimin says, groaning a bit at the thought. “Like, take the most
intense orgasm of your life and multiply it by three. That’s how it feels.”

“Whoa,” Taehyung repeats, in awe.

“Yeah, whoa,” Jimin laughs. He’s about to ask if Taehyung would like him to finger him
sometime, but just then Hoseok shouts that their ride is here and they have to leave.

The next week passes as a blur for Jimin. He and Taehyung aren’t able to sneak off alone
together like before since they have such separate schedules. Taehyung has a clothing line to
promote while Jimin is working on his first solo album. His mind is so consumed with hitting all
the right notes and creating the choreography that he doesn’t get home until late the entire week,
going right to his room to pass out.

And Jimin isn’t picky. He likes making out with Taehyung, but he’d take any group member at
this point. He doesn’t have much time to be horny, but when he does it’s almost suffocating. He
doesn’t even have the time to get off. He needs to feel that relaxing, postcoital bonelessness. He
needs to not think about work anymore.

But maybe it’s a good thing he can’t think about things too much. Because if that were the
case, he might think about how weird it is that he’s seeing his friends in a such a sexual way now.
Sure, he considered them sexy every now and then before, but now he’s thinking it all the time. He
looks at Taehyung’s lips and knows they feel good against his own. He hears Hoseok talking and
knows that same mouth can be absolutely filthy. He sees Yoongi walking through the common
area in shorts—like actual shorts, above the knee, legs all exposed—and he wonders if Yoongi
would be angry with him if he lets his hand wander up there.

As for Jungkook, well, it’s hard to deny that he hadn’t been a good fuck. Jimin doesn’t think
he’s been fucked so hard the entire year. And he notices Jungkook stealing glances at him, notices
the subtle bulge in his pants whenever Jimin is acting like a tease. He knows Jungkook wants him,
knows Jungkook liked fucking him, but for whatever reason the younger man seems to be…
avoiding him. Jimin doesn’t know what’s going on. Did he push Jungkook too hard? Is Jungkook
still adjusting to having lost his virginity? Is he regretting giving his virginity to Jimin? Is he
embarrassed that he kind of lost control? Because Jimin wants to tell him that he was hot like that.
He just doesn’t have the time to.

Another week of burn-out passes, and Jimin has finally put the finishing touches on his
choreography and can leave the studio early. When he gets home he drops down onto the couch in
the lounge, taking some instant tteokbokki Seokjin offers him.

“Thanks. Haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

Seokjin shakes his head. “Not good, Jimin. You don’t have any reason to starve yourself. Your
body is beautiful.”

Jimin blushes and sees Seokjin’s face also redden. “Um, thanks. But I just forgot to eat, that’s
all. I was so busy today.”

Seokjin huffs, puffing out his cheeks as he sits down beside him with his own bowl of
tteokbokki. “And we still have that interview to do tonight.”

Jimin frowns. “Interview? Wait, what day’s today?”


“Oh my god. I thought it was Tuesday.”

“Wow,” Seokjin laughs. “You’ve really been into that solo project, haven’t you?”

“Oh, yeah. Thank god it’s almost done.”

“Really? Well, congra—”

“NO INTERVIEEEEEEEEW!” Hoseok’s voice reaches them before he emerges from the
hallway and into the lounge, his arms held triumphantly aloft. Namjoon trots behind him, a big
smile on his dimpled face.

Seokjin jumps to his feet, still pinching a piece of tteokbokki between his chopsticks. “No

Hoseok smiles, claps his hands. “No interview tonight~!” he sings, then composes a weird
dance to go with his chant of ‘no interview tonight!’ as Namjoon clarifies, “Just got a text from PD-
nim that our interview was canceled. The host has come down with the flu.”

“In the middle of summer?” Jimin asks, scrunching up his nose.

“Who cares?” Hoseok exclaims, jumping into the air. “We’re free!”

Footsteps patter down the hall and Taehyung’s head peeks around the corner. “Who’s free?” he
asks, eyes curiously wide.

“Whoever it is, they need to shut up,” Yoongi grumbles, following Taehyung, clad in his
pajamas with his hair all messy. Oh my god, he’s so cute like that, Jimin thinks, taking in the rare
sight. Yoongi would be so pissed if he was ever called cute, but damn if that isn’t what he is right

Hoseok dances over to him, unfazed. “But we’re freeee!” he repeats, hip-bumping Yoongi, who
just stares at him in an unimpressed sort of way, arms crossed over his chest.

“Interview canceled,” Namjoon tells the newcomers, and Yoongi flashes his gummy smile and,
wow, he’s just so cute. Jimin’s going to end up just blurting it one day and getting decked, but it’ll
be worth it.

“Interview canceled?” Taehyung parrots, a smile breaking out on his face. “Interview
canceled!” He bounces over to Hoseok and joins him in his dance, whooping.

“Okay, who gave them caffeine?” Seokjin asks, sighing wearily.

Namjoon shrugs while Taehyung shouts, “I don’t drink caffeine!”

“Ah, yes,” Seokjin says, nodding and sitting back down. “I forgot. You produce your own.”

Jimin catches movement out of the corner of his eye and turns to see Jungkook staring at them
from the kitchen. “Kookie! When did you come in?”

All heads turn in his direction and Jungkook stiffens, blinks at them. “I… I just wanted some
banana milk,” he says innocently, brow furrowed at their display.

“Holy shit,” Yoongi suddenly says, sounding way more awake now. His eyes are staring into
the distance as if he’s come to some sort of revelation. “We’re all here.”

“I mean, yeah,” Jimin snarks.

“You guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Yoongi asks, ignoring Jimin’s sass.

He stares expectantly at them all, a smile on his face. Then Hoseok breaks out into a smile of
his own and guesses, “Orgy?”

Yoongi nods. “Orgy.”

“Orgy~!” Hoseok sings. He takes Taehyung by the arm and begins to dance again. Taehyung
joins him, laughing.

“Orgy?” Namjoon says, frowning. “Wait. Does anyone else have work to do?”

“No,” they all say collectively.

“Well, uh.” Namjoon clears his throat. “Then when do we have it? Now?”

“As much as I would love to,” Jimin pipes up, “I’m so worn out I doubt I have the stamina to
participate. And I really want to. Can you… give me a couple hours to rest?”

“Sure,” Yoongi agrees. “After all, I was kind of asleep myself. Until this crackhead woke me
up.” He jabs his thumb in Hoseok’s direction.

“Oh, don’t be mad at me, hyung,” Hoseok pouts. “You were happy about the cancellation too.”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t so obnoxious about it.”

Hoseok’s face turns suddenly sinister. It sends a shudder down Jimin’s spine. A good shudder.
Seriously, how can Hoseok change his expressions so quickly and perfectly like that? “Do you
want me to punish you, Yoongi?” Hoseok asks, his voice low.

Yoongi’s smile disappears, his cheeks turning pink. “R-remember your honorifics,” he says,
sounding a bit breathless and not at all commanding. Jimin raises his eyebrows. Oh. Oh-ho. Now
he has to see how this pairing will work out.

“All right,” Namjoon cuts in, probably before they can get into a back and forth. “Not everyone
may want in on this. Remember, there’s no pressure to join. But if you do want in, meet back here
in two hours. Bring… supplies.”

“I’ll search through my stash,” Jimin says, eyes wandering over to Jungkook as everyone starts
to disperse. “Hey, Kook,” he calls, but Jungkook hurries off, disappears down a hallway that leads
to his room. Jimin frowns. He knows Jungkook must have heard him. So he really is avoiding me.
Why? Jimin feels his throat constrict a little and he swallows, shakes off his concerns. He hands his
bowl to Seokjin. “Here, I’ve… I’m not hungry anymore.”

Seokjin frowns in concern. “Jimin, you need to—”

“I’m not starving myself, okay?” Jimin interrupts, sounding harsher than he intended. He sighs,
softens his tone. “I’m just really tired. Hard to stay awake, you know?”

“O-okay,” Seokjin says, nodding, worry still clouding his eyes. He doesn’t even care to scold
Jimin for interrupting him, which is one of his pet peeves. He must be really worried. “Have a
good nap.”

“Thanks,” Jimin says, guilt rising in him for snapping at Seokjin like that. But he just needs to
be alone right now. He’s tired and cranky and really, really wants to participate in the orgy. He only
hopes that a nap will help this weird, sudden mood swing go away.

It’s been an hour. Only an hour, and already Taehyung is getting excited for the orgy. His dick has
been alternating between hard and soft every few minutes, and it’s kind of sapping his brain. When
everyone went their own separate ways, Taehyung at first thought about following Jimin to his
room so he could nap and cuddle with him, but he saw how tired Jimin was and knows his own
body. No doubt he would get hard and they’d end up rolling around together instead of actually
sleeping, and Jimin needs his sleep. His eyes are all bloodshot and baggy. But, damn, if that
doesn’t make Taehyung want to snuggle up with him. Jimin always seems to sleep better with
Taehyung cuddling him, but Taehyung doesn’t want to take the chance of keeping him up. Not
now, when they have an orgy to prepare for.

Speaking of prep… Taehyung props himself up on his elbows on his bed and reaches over to
the drawer in his bedside table. He removes a box and opens it to reveal a generous-sized bottle of
lube. It may well be much more than he needs, but you can never be too safe. He tosses the box
aside, pops the cap, takes his lower lip between his teeth. He squeezes a drop onto his finger, and
something possesses him to smell it. There’s no scent to it, which he should have already known
since this is unscented anyway. That and he’s used this kind of lube before with girls. He’s used it
for his own dick before. But this time would be different.
He rubs the lube between his fingers, his heart starting to pound. He stares, just stares, studies
his fingers for a moment. He only now realizes how long they are, how… thick. He always thought
he had slender fingers, but if he were to put them in his ass…

A knock on his door makes him jump. “Hey, it’s Jungkook. Can I come in?”

“O-okay. Yeah, it’s unlocked.” Taehyung wipes his fingers on his bedspread, shoving the
bottle of lube under his pillow. Jungkook walks in and takes a seat at the end of Taehyung’s bed.
“What’s up?” Taehyung asks, trying to act like he wasn’t just getting ready to shove his fingers up
his ass.

Jungkook wrings his hands on his lap. His eyes wander up to Taehyung’s, then back down to
the bed, narrowing. “Are you… is that…?”

Taehyung follows his gaze, his heart jumping into his throat as he realizes he left the box that
held the lube lying out on the bed. Taehyung freezes, losing function of his limbs as he feels his
face heat up. “Um… yeah, it is. I was gonna, uh…”

“Tae,” Jungkook says suddenly, his voice quiet and his face red. “Have you… do you want to

Taehyung just stares at him. “Was it that obvious?”

“No, it was honestly just a lucky guess,” Jungkook says quickly. “Actually, I was gonna talk to
you about that, so it works out.”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side. “Why me? I barely know anything about bottoming.”

“Because, um…” Jungkook shifts on the bed, his eyes wandering. “I’ve been… thinking…
about bottoming. And we’re kind of both in the same position…”

Taehyung jumps to his feet, gasping loudly. Jungkook scrambles back a bit. “Sorry,” Taehyung
says, smiling wide, excited. “But I’ve been thinking about it too. And this is so convenient!”


“Because I don’t have to bottom alone,” Taehyung chirps, falling onto his back on his bed. “I’d
be much more comfortable if someone in the same position was going at it with me.” When
Jungkook doesn’t respond, Taehyung rolls over onto his stomach, chin in his hands. “So, who do
you want to top you? Because I think I want—”

“Tae, I…” Jungkook cuts in, and Taehyung studies his face, sees the unease in his eyes.

“Oh, Kookie,” Taehyung sighs. He sits up and scoots close, wrapping his arms around
Jungkook, hugging him. “If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of bottoming, then you don’t have
to do it. Remember what Joon hyung said: no pressure. You don’t have to do anything you don’t
want to do.”

“No, it’s not that,” Jungkook says, leaning into Taehyung. “I mean, I want to try it. It’s all I’ve
been thinking about since, um…”

“That thing with Jin?” Taehyung guesses.

Jungkook scrunches up his nose. “How did you know that?”

“I know you’re new to sex and all,” Taehyung says, “but one of the key rules is you’re always
louder than you think you are.” Jungkook looks away, his face flaming red. Taehyung giggles.
What a cutie. He really, really wants to kiss Jungkook right now, but he’s not sure that would be
the right move at the moment. “What’s holding you back?”

Jungkook swallows, seems to shake off a bit of his embarrassment. “What if I tear?”

“Kookie, none of us would ever let you get hurt.”

“But what if I do get hurt?” Jungkook agonizes, chewing his lip. “And then I have to see a
doctor and PD-nim and the others find out? What then?”

Taehyung’s heart breaks a little at seeing how anxious Jungkook is. He hasn’t seen him like
this since his teenage years when he was adjusting to being away from his family, to being in the
public eye. Usually he’s so confident, especially in regards to trying something new. That’s why
Taehyung is sure that fear of getting hurt is not the real reason why Jungkook is so afraid.

Taehyung rubs Jungkook’s shoulder. “Want to… really tell me what’s worrying you?”

Jungkook lifts his head to look at him, his eyes wide, and, for a moment, Taehyung fears he’s
miscalculated, that maybe in this specific circumstance Jungkook is scared of getting hurt. But then
Jungkook’s eyes grow cloudy and wet and he whispers, “Am I a slut?”

Taehyung blinks at him, bewildered. “What?”

“I’ve been thinking about sex since the last orgy,” Jungkook explains, wiping at his eyes. “It’s
been distracting me. I thought having sex with Jin hyung might make it go away, but it didn’t. And
I…” he sniffles, “I saw Jin looking worried about something before we did it. I thought about
talking to him about it instead, but my body took over and I had sex with him anyway. I was more
concerned about getting off than making sure my hyung was okay. I feel so… selfish.” He exhales
shakily, sniffles again.

“Oh, Kookie,” Taehyung croons, feeling tears well up in his own eyes. Seeing Jungkook cry
always breaks him. He envelops Jungkook in his arms, squeezes him tight. “Kookie, you’re not a
slut for wanting sex. It’s completely natural. And did Jin hyung seem resistant to your advances?”

Kookie hiccups a little, face buried in Taehyung’s shoulder. “N-no, but—”

“You know what I think happened?” Taehyung interrupts before Jungkook can beat himself up
further. “I think you offered Jin a distraction. You gave him a chance not to worry for a little while,
and that’s not selfish at all.”

“It still feels selfish,” Jungkook insists. “I couldn’t even talk to Jin about it afterward because I
was so worn out.”

Taehyung smiles. “Sounds like you gave it all you had.” When Jungkook only sniffles again,
Taehyung takes him by the shoulders and pushes him back so that they’re face-to-face. Taehyung
feels his throat constrict at how blotchy red his face is, how wet his cheeks are. Jungkook should
never look like this. Taehyung will do anything to make sure Jungkook doesn’t look like this. Ever.
He takes Jungkook’s face in both his hands. “If you’re worried about how the others will view you
if you want to bottom, don’t be. We all want sex. I want to bottom too. You’re not a slut for
wanting that. You’re human, okay?” Jungkook blinks out a couple more tears that Taehyung wipes
away with his thumbs. Taehyung smiles at him. “Everything’s going to be okay, Kookie. I
Jungkook smiles back, a genuine smile, and everything in Taehyung wants to kiss him on the
lips. Instead, he pulls Jungkook toward him and presses his lips softly to his forehead.

“Thanks, Tae,” Jungkook says, wiping his face again. “Ugh, sorry. I didn’t mean to get all
weepy. Do you have any tissues?”

“Yup,” Taehyung chirps and slides off the bed to retrieve a box from his bedside table. “And
there’s no reason for you to apologize. Sometimes we need to cry.”

Jungkook offers him an appreciative smile as he dabs at his face. When he’s finished, he takes
a deep breath, exhales heavily. “All right. Now that I’ve got my shit together, I think I’m ready.”


“To bottom.”

“Like, tonight?”

“Yeah.” Jungkook nods. His fear has been replaced with typical first-time anxiety, expressed in
the form of his jumping leg. “I do really want to do it, and you’re right. I know my hyungs won’t
judge me for wanting it, even if it’s so soon after having lost my virginity. I just needed to hear

Taehyung laughs. “So soon? That was a month ago!”

Jungkook laughs too. “I know. It’s just been so busy it doesn’t feel that long.”

“I know what you mean,” Taehyung says, his heart swelling at how easily Jungkook’s laughs
come. “Now, who do you have in mind to be your top?”

They decide to take their activities to Jimin’s room, which has two beds instead of just one, since
Jimin never bothered to remove it once Hoseok moved to his own room and got a new bed. And
Taehyung doesn’t think he ever will, considering how often either he, Jungkook, or Hoseok seem
to bunk or hangout there. Now that they’re having the orgy Jimin will have even less of a reason to
get rid of it, which is just fine with Taehyung. He could stay overnight, climb into Jimin’s bed in
the morning to wake him up with kisses and other less innocent gestures…

They push the two beds together and Taehyung takes a flying leap onto it, landing facedown.
Jungkook follows, dropping himself on top of Taehyung with his arms stretched out. Taehyung
grunts as Jungkook’s weight crushes him. “Oof, Kook, I’m suffocating.”

“But you’re so comfortable,” Jungkook says, pouting.

“Come on, Kookie, get off him,” Yoongi scolds. “He still needs to suck my dick before he

Jungkook laughs and rolls off, Taehyung pushing himself into a sitting position. “Is that all I’m
worth to you?” Taehyung pouts, fake-crying.

“No,” Yoongi admits, sitting down on the bed next to him. “I imagine your ass is also pretty
Taehyung hadn’t been expecting that. He stares at Yoongi, not quite knowing how to respond.
Hoseok laughs, pointing. “Oh my god, hyung. You made him turn so red.”

“It’s cute,” Namjoon says, hiding his smile behind a hand.

Taehyung blushes even harder at being called cute. He gathers himself and says, “Um,
speaking of my ass… I kinda wanna bottom tonight.”

Everyone stares at him silently until Jungkook chimes in with, “Me too.”

Hoseok raises his eyebrows, Jimin smirks, and Namjoon says, “Are you sure?”

“Yup,” Taehyung says, while Jungkook nods.

“Wait, have you guys even fingered yourselves?” Yoongi asks.

“Uh… no?” Taehyung replies, smiling weakly. After that whole deep conversation he’d had
with Jungkook earlier, Taehyung figured it wasn’t the right time for fingering. Besides, he got to
cuddle with Jungkook for a while, which was nice.

Yoongi smiles wide. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”

“Wait, wait,” Namjoon interrupts. “You guys really want to do this, right? It’s not just for our
sakes? Because you should only do this when you’re ready.”

“Me and Jungkook spoke about this earlier,” Taehyung says, grabbing Jungkook’s hand and
squeezing it. Jungkook flashes him a grateful smile. “We’re ready.”

“All right, then,” Jimin says, his voice soft and soothing as he also takes a seat on a bed.
Taehyung smiles at him, appreciates how gentle Jimin is being with them. “We’ll take it slow. You
don’t have to worry about a thing. Who do you want to top you?”

Everyone seems to stop breathing, and for a moment Taehyung wonders if he chose the right
top. But he shrugs off his apprehension and says, “Actually, Chimi, I was wanting you to top me.”

Jimin stares at him, eyes widening. Hoseok bounces over and gives him a few playful punches
to the shoulder. “Ohhh, Jimin!” he crows.

“The advice you gave me before had me thinking that you know what you’re doing,”
Taehyung says, very aware that his face his still red. “You know, because you’re…”

“Gay, yeah,” Jimin says, still looking a little shocked. “I mean, it’s just anal. That’s not
exclusive to gay sex.”

“I know,” Taehyung says, crawling over to lean against Jimin. He gazes into Jimin’s eyes,
giving him his best seductive look. “You’re also really pretty.”

“Oh yeah, Jimin!” Hoseok shouts again. Jimin, face aflame, twists around to slap him, but
Hoseok dances out of reach, laughing.

“Well, Jimin is pretty,” Seokjin concedes, growing pink in the face. “I’ll admit it.”

“How gracious of you,” Namjoon deadpans.

“What are the rest of us, then?” Yoongi pouts. “Potatoes?”

Hoseok rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Hyung, you’re one of the most attractive people I’ve ever
seen. Don’t even start.” He seems to realize what he just said and goes all wide-eyed, a blush rising
to his cheeks so fast Taehyung wonders if he’s drunk.

Yoongi is pink-faced too, looking a little embarrassed at the compliment, obviously trying to
hold down a smile. “Thank you, Hobi. You’re kind of attractive too.”

Hoseok snaps out of his shocked daze and puts a hand on his hip. “Kind of?”

Yoongi shrugs. “Eh, maybe a little.”

“You’re such an ass!” Hoseok laughs, snatching up a pillow and chucking it in Yoongi’s
direction. Yoongi is so caught up reveling in his diss that he doesn’t block the pillow in time, and it
hits him square in the face. They all start laughing, Jimin and Taehyung leaning all over each
other, Hoseok dropping onto the bed and rolling around, Seokjin’s squeaky voice dominating the
room. This goes on for quite some time until Jungkook suddenly says, “I want Jin hyung.”

The laughter tapers off and Seokjin stares at him, nose scrunched up in confusion. “What?”

“I want you to top me,” Jungkook says, squirming nervously. “But I want Yoongi hyung to,
uh… prep me.”

“I want Jin hyung to do it,” Taehyung recalls Jungkook saying earlier. “I owe him that, even if
you think I don’t.” Taehyung didn’t try to argue with him about it. After all, this is Jungkook’s
choice and he has every right to choose whoever he wants. Besides, after what Jungkook told
Taehyung about their shower liason, he can’t really blame him. Seokjin sounds like he would be a
hot top.

“I…” Seokjin starts, mouth opening and closing. He looks to Namjoon, as if for support, but
Namjoon just shrugs. “I’ve never, um, done a guy.”

Jungkook stares at him for a moment, then he noticeably stiffens, his mouth falling open.
“Holy shit, I’m sorry. I should have—i-if you aren’t comfortable with it, then you don’t have to.”

“Have you done anal before?” Yoongi asks.

“I mean, yeah,” Seokjin replies, wringing his hands. “With girls.”

“You lucky bastard,” Namjoon says, smirking.

“It’s not that much different,” Yoongi says. “But I understand why you’re hesitant, and that’s
okay. You don’t have to take the offer now. We’ll go slow, then see what you think after Kookie’s
been opened up.” He turns to Jungkook. “Would you be okay with me topping you if Jin hyung
ultimately decides he doesn’t want to?”

Jungkook hesitates, then nods, still looking a bit ashamed of himself. Taehyung sees this, slings
an arm around him. “It’s okay, Kookie,” he says, catching his eyes. He sees Jungkook starting to
worry, knows he’s thinking about their earlier conversation, about his sex with Jin and his resulting
guilt. Taehyung is determined not to let him dwell on it. “Everything’s gonna be okay,” he
whispers. He leans in and kisses him, softly, tenderly.

To his relief, Jungkook begins moving his lips, kissing him back. Kisses him back hard.
Taehyung’s mouth opens in a gasp, and Jungkook takes the chance to slip his tongue inside.
Taehyung feels his brain melt a bit and doesn’t notice Jungkook’s hand against his chest until he’s
being pushed down onto the mattress, Jungkook straddling his thighs. He buries his fingers in
Jungkook’s hair, holds him close, forcibly slows things down. He doesn’t want to rush through
this. He wants this to be a positive experience for Jungkook. He wants this to be special, especially
after all the torment Jungkook had put himself through. He wants to make Jungkook feel good,
wants to get him out of his own head.

And, admittedly, he’s been dying to kiss and touch Jungkook for so long, but Jungkook never
seemed to be around at a convenient time. Taehyung remembers being pressed up against his back
during the previous orgy, feeling Jungkook’s every gasping breath, wetness over his fingers as
Jungkook pulsed and came in his hand. The way Jungkook kissed him like he was starving for it
after Yoongi had finished with him. The memories have Taehyung’s cock rock hard in a matter of
seconds. Oh god, I want him, Taehyung muses, fingers finding the hem of Jungkook’s shirt and
hiking it up. I really, really want him. He and Jimin have been stealing every chance they can to
make out, grope each other, for the past month, but nothing ever seemed to progress into full-on
sex. They never had the time. And now that Taehyung is here, with Jungkook on top of him and
the younger’s cock hard against his hip, he’s almost deliriously turned on.

Taehyung’s hands reach down to start working Jungkook’s jeans off him and finds someone
else’s hands already there. He breaks off the kiss as he feels the mattress dip beside him. He peers
up to see Jimin observing them with lust-heavy eyes. “Wow, you two look good together,” he says.
Jungkook’s weight leaves Taehyung as he sits up on his knees, opting to get out of his jeans
himself. Meanwhile, Jimin leans down and presses a surprisingly soft kiss to Taehyung’s lips. “I’ll
take care of you, Tae,” he whispers. “I’ll make you feel really good, okay?”

Taehyung sees the mix of want and tenderness in Jimin’s gaze, and his heart thumps loudly
behind his ribs. He nods, wants so very much to kiss Jimin back, but Jimin sits up, takes off his
pants. He then sets to stripping Taehyung of all his clothes, which Taehyung gladly helps with.
When Jimin tosses his shirt aside, Taehyung realizes all over again why he chose him to take his
virginity. Not only is Jimin experienced in this area, but he’s incredibly hot. Taehyung wants to run
his tongue over Jimin’s abs, explore every part of him like he hasn’t had the chance to do. But he’s
distracted by more bodies falling onto the bed.

Jungkook is completely naked now, his face already pink, joined by an equally naked Yoongi.
The latter is liplocked with Jungkook, hands exploring. Hoseok is running his hands up and down
Yoongi’s back, whispering something in his ear that makes Yoongi shiver. Namjoon is busy
discarding his clothes while Seokjin leans in close to Jimin, lingers there, as if asking permission.
Appearing charmed, Jimin smiles and welcomes him into a kiss—a soft kiss, a reassuring kiss.
Seokjin’s body language is still hesitant even as he kisses Jimin, and Taehyung pushes himself up
to wrap his arms around Seokjin from behind, feeling the man stiffen.

“It’s okay, hyung,” Taehyung murmurs. “We want you.” He plants a gentle kiss on his neck
and feels Seokjin’s muscles untense a bit.

Namjoon climbs onto the bed, nudging Yoongi and Jungkook aside to make room for his
gangly limbs. “I hate to interrupt, but how are we gonna do this?”

Yoongi comes up for air. “I’m not sure, but I assume it will involve something to do with our

Namjoon playfully shoves him. “No, I mean we’ll need to make use of the space on the beds
wisely or one or more of us might end up on the floor. And we all, um, watched Jungkook last time
to make sure everything was all right. Now that there’s two of them and this is their first time,
should we do the same thing?”

“Namjoon,” Yoongi deadpans. “You’re overthinking this.”

“No, he’s got a point,” Taehyung says. “This’ll work best if me and Jungkook are comfortable,
right?” He looks to Jimin, who nods in answer. “We should work that out first.”

Namjoon gives him an appreciative look while Jimin grabs up a pillow and gestures for
Taehyung to come over. Taehyung scoots across the bed and allows Jimin to push him down onto
his back and slip the pillow under his ass. Yoongi does the same with Jungkook, who lays down
beside him. Taehyung looks over at him and holds out his arms. “Kookie, come here.” Jungkook
shimmies over until he’s shoulder-to-shoulder with Taehyung. He can feel Jungkook trembling a
little, and he finds Jungkook’s hand, interlacing their fingers.

“Hm, wait a minute,” Yoongi says, placing a hand on Jungkook’s thigh. “I wanna try

“What is it?” Seokjin asks, curious.

Yoongi flashes him a smirk. “Tongue technology.” Everyone just stares blankly at him until he
rolls his eyes and clarifies, “I’m gonna eat him out so he’s more relaxed.”

“Eat me out?” Jungkook says as if he’s hearing the phrase for the first time. Taehyung realizes
that Jungkook is trying to come to terms with the fact that someone’s about to stick their tongue in
his ass, because Taehyung is feeling the exact same way. Whoa, this is actually happening.
Taehyung is a mixture of both excited and kind of sick. What will happen if Jimin wants to eat him
out? What will it feel like? Will he even like it? He showered recently in preparation for the orgy,
but it’s still his asshole, what if—

“Sounds like a good idea,” Jimin says, as if he’s reading Taehyung’s mind. “I could do the
same for Tae if he wants it.” He looks at Taehyung questioningly. “Do you?”

Taehyung opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before his curiosity ultimately takes
over and he blurts rather awkwardly, “Y-yeah. Okay.”

Jimin smiles at him. “I’ll go slow, and if you don’t like it just say so.”

Taehyung nods, his face heating up. He voluntarily shifts his legs apart, but Jimin shakes his
head. Taehyung doesn’t fail to notice how Jimin’s eyes quickly dart down between his legs though.
“This will work best if you’re on your hands and knees.”

“Same with you,” Yoongi says, slapping Jungkook’s thigh. “Turn over and spread your legs.”

Taehyung does so, feeling weird having his ass so on display. He looks over to see that
Jungkook’s face has turned completely red. Oh my god, he’s so cute, Taehyung mentally gushes.
He gives Jungkook his best reassuring smile. Jungkook smiles weakly back. Taehyung flinches
when he feels Jimin’s hand on his ass. Jimin rubs it in light, comforting circles.

“You eat ass often?” Yoongi asks, a smirk in his voice.

Jimin laughs. “Yeah, but I like receiving more.”

“Don’t blame you,” Yoongi says. There’s a creak. Yoongi moving on the bed. “Relax, Kookie.
I’m gonna take good care of you. Don’t worry.”

There’s a gasp and Jungkook’s face goes slack for a moment. Then his eyes screw shut, his
fingers digging into the sheets. “Fuck,” he breathes shakily.

“Damn, sensitive,” Yoongi says. “I’ve barely touched you.”

Taehyung feels breath against his ass, fingers pulling his cheeks apart. “My god, you have a
pretty ass,” he hears Jimin mutter, and a strange sense of pride rises up within him. He clenches
and unclenches his fingers, waiting, waiting. Then, finally, he feels the tip of Jimin’s tongue flick
across his hole and all the breath rushes out of him. It’s barely anything. Taehyung can hardly feel
it, but just the fact that it’s there and it’s going to be there harder, firmer, has his heart pounding.
And then it is there, he can feel all of it this time, pressing against his hole, sliding back and forth.
He feels his hole do a peculiar sort of flutter he’s never felt before and he inhales more harshly
than he intended.

“So it is like going down on a girl.” Hoseok’s voice breaks the silence and, for some reason,
it’s unbearably funny to Taehyung. He bursts out laughing. This whole situation is absurd. He’s
getting rimmed by one of his best friends while everyone looks on. This is something he’d never
thought would happen, but here he is.

“What?” Hoseok asks innocently.

“I mean, what did you expect? A song and dance number?” Yoongi says, scoffing.

“No, but I could make one up.” He inhales noisily, as if in preparation.

“Hoseok,” Namjoon scolds.

“Okay, okay, I’ll spare you,” Hoseok concedes. “This time.”

Taehyung laughing prompts Jungkook to laugh as well, and Taehyung is so happy he could
distract him enough to make him relax. Just as soon, however, Taehyung’s laugh is turning into a
whine as Jimin’s tongue dips down to drag over his taint, roll over his balls. It trails back up, swirls
around his hole, presses harder. Taehyung bites his lip, shivering. This feels so weird, but it’s
making me twitch like crazy. Is this what girls feel like when someone’s eating them out? Because
Taehyung’s not exactly hating it…

Taehyung yelps as Jimin slaps his ass, his hand leaving a sting on his skin. “O-oh my god,”
Taehyung gasps. “Did you just spank me?”

“You said you liked spanking, right?” Jimin asks innocently, rubbing at the spot.

“Whoa, look how hard he is!” Seokjin points out, and Taehyung immediately feels several eyes
on him. He looks down beneath his body and sees that he is indeed really, really hard. Like,
ramrod, dripping hard. Wow.

“What a little masochist,” Yoongi chuckles.

“I really need to spank you more often,” Hoseok says, the smile evident in his voice.

“Not if he gets that hard, Jesus,” Namjoon says. “Fucking satellites would be able to pick up
that thing. Could you imagine how easily people would notice it if we were in public?”

“Who said I would do it in public? Sounds like you have quite the imagination, Joonie.”

Taehyung can almost see Namjoon’s blush. “Don’t assume things!” he flashes back, obviously

“Fuck!” Jungkook suddenly shouts, and Taehyung whips his head around to see that Jungkook
has buried his face in his arms, chest heaving. He wishes he could see what Yoongi is doing to
him, because it must be something insanely good. Jungkook is already shaking.
“Damn,” Jimin says, pulling back from Taehyung. “What are you doing to him?”

“Come here,” Yoongi says, and the bed creaks as Jimin moves closer. Taehyung twists around
as best he can and sees that the two are kissing. Heat swells in Taehyung’s groin as he watches
them separate, a thin strand of saliva linking their tongues. “That,” Yoongi says, his voice breathy.

“Oh,” Jimin says, licking his lips, and only then does Taehyung realize that Yoongi had been
showing Jimin what he’d been doing with his tongue. That’s so hot, oh my god.

Taehyung is only slightly embarrassed when a whine escapes him as Jimin’s hands return to his
ass. He feels his hole twitch again and instead of thinking of how weird it is, this time he’s
overcome with a feeling of absolute want and desperation. He needs to feel Jimin’s tongue on him
again. He just needs to. He’s so damn hard. He can feel himself dripping onto the sheets. He
glances over to Jungkook, sees that he’s lifted his head, his lips parted in shaky gasps as Yoongi
returns to his work. He looks so, so good, so lost in pleasure, his eyes glazed over. Taehyung wants
to kiss the breath out of him, wants to grind himself up against him so he can give Jungkook
pleasure too.

Suddenly, Jimin’s thumbs pull apart Taehyung’s ass and his tongue is against his hole and, oh
god, he’s being so rough but it’s got Taehyung mewling helplessly. His arms grow shaky and he’s
forced to drop down onto his elbows. “Jimin,” Taehyung gasps, and when Jimin points his tongue
to push into him, Taehyung’s back arcs. “J-Jimin!”

“Shit,” Jimin swears quietly, pulling back. His breath against Taehyung’s skin makes him
shiver. “Shit, Tae.”

Taehyung dips his head down to peer between his legs and sees Jimin’s cock standing
completely upright. That’s going in me, he thinks, and his dick twitches at the thought. He wonders
how it will feel filling him up, and then Jimin’s tongue is at his hole again, pushing in and out at a
feverish pace. Taehyung begins to whimper uncontrollably. He’s past being embarrassed now. All
he cares about is Jimin’s tongue getting deeper, dragging over his sensitive, virgin insides, making
him tingle all over. Taehyung groans, thinks he doesn’t want Jimin to ever stop, can stay here all
day with his tongue in him. But a gnawing desperation grows inside him until he can’t stand it
anymore. He needs… he just needs. He doesn’t know what, but it’s slowly killing him. Is this that
empty feeling Jimin was talking about? he wonders. Oh god, it’s agonizing. Why is it so

So he raises himself and twists around. “Jimin,” he breathes, “please.”

Jimin pulls back, locks eyes with him, his lips slick and red and his chest heaving. Jimin looks
like he wants to jump Taehyung, to hold him down and push his dick inside him, and Taehyung
finds that the thought is incredibly arousing, almost begs Jimin to do it. Just do it already, fill him,
give him what his body wants. But Jimin instead grabs him by the hips and flips him over,
positioning him so that the pillow is once again under his ass. And then Jimin is on him, chest-to-
chest, tongue in his mouth. Taehyung can taste himself, but doesn’t think much of it, his fingers
threading through Jimin’s hair, keeping him close. He feels Jimin’s hard cock brush against his hip
and he shifts a little so that it grinds against his own cock. Jimin breaks off the kiss, gasping. He
pushes himself up, grabs onto Taehyung’s knees, and pushes them apart, and, oh god, Taehyung
never thought that gesture would be so hot. He wants Jimin to spread his legs more often, hot

Jimin observes him for a moment, eyes wandering all over Taehyung’s body. He visibly
swallows, gestures to Yoongi next to him. “Um, lube.” His voice sounds strained, like he’s trying
to hold back.
Yoongi eyes him curiously before smirking and asking, “Where? It’s your room.”

Jimin blushes. “The, uh, drawer. Over there.”

Yoongi fetches the lube and tosses it to Jimin. Taehyung watches raptly, goosebumps breaking
out on his skin as he realizes what’s about to happen. Jimin pops the cap and pours lube into his

“Are you ready for my fingers, Tae?”

Taehyung stares. Just stares at Jimin’s strikingly beautiful body, the expression of want on his
face. I’m glad I chose him, he thinks, wanting with everything in him to pull Jimin down, to feel his
body on top of him, to kiss him, to grind against him. To feel his fingers inside him.

Taehyung nods. “I’m ready.”

Chapter End Notes

So, Tae and Kookie are going to lose their cherries. Will Jin actually end up fucking
Kookie? Stay tuned to find out! :P

As for "All Mine" I've yet to start writing another chapter for it because this cute asf
fic is kind of consuming my life right now. I mean, can you blame me? These boys are
so cute with each other. The fluff just writes itself. <3

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Hey guys. Phew, I made it! I kind of stayed up late writing because I was on a roll and
I have work tomorrow which should be fun on 4 hours of sleep. But, whatever. I
finished a chapter! :D And this chapter is special because it involves POVs from both
my bias (Yoongi) and my bias-wrecker (Hobi). Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yoongi didn’t go into this orgy expecting to eat anyone out and he certainly hadn’t expected to
participate in a scenario where his two friends lost their anal virginities, but damn if he hadn’t been
secretly wanting to. When Taehyung and Jungkook proposed getting fucked, Yoongi was
immediately reminded about his desire to rim them. Yeah, keeping his mind out of the gutter for
the past few weeks has been… difficult, to say the least. Maybe it’s because he’s missed rimming
others, maybe it’s also because his friends are, admittedly, very hot. And maybe what Jimin said
earlier was true—he is a thirsty bitch. But Jungkook isn’t complaining about Yoongi’s tongue on
his hole, is he? Of course he’s not. Because Yoongi’s a goddamn master at rimming, and he’s
determined to make Jungkook melt so much he’ll beg for more of his tongue later.

Yoongi watches Jimin coat his fingers in lube and thinks about sitting back and watching
Taehyung get penetrated for the first time. But then Jungkook whines so desperately Yoongi
returns his attention to him, realizes once again how pretty Jungkook’s ass is, how beautifully he’s
coming undone. Yoongi pulls apart his cheeks and laps at his hole, earning a shiver and a whimper
from Jungkook. Yoongi feels his own cock grow almost painfully hard between his legs. Knowing
how much pleasure he’s giving Jungkook, how he has the younger man completely under his
thumb, has his mind going fuzzy with lust.

He wriggles his tongue into Jungkook’s hole and feels his soft insides constrict around him.
Yoongi imagines what it would feel like to slide his cock inside Jungkook, to be the first to feel
him, to hear his gasps as he opens him up on his shaft. But he pushes that fantasy aside, because
this is Jungkook’s time. Everything right now is about making Jungkook—and Taehyung—feel
good. Besides, rimming Jungkook is definitely doing enough things to Yoongi right now.

Yoongi runs his tongue lightly over Jungkook’s pucker. Jungkook inhales shakily. “Hyung,” he
whines, moving his ass back into Yoongi’s face. Fuck, that’s hot. Yoongi buries his face in
Jungkook’s ass, tongue lapping aggressively at his hole. Jungkook swears breathily and when
Yoongi feels his hole twitch against his tongue he can’t resist burrowing inside.

Jungkook stiffens, his head snapping up. “O-oh my g-god,” he gasps.

The reaction makes Yoongi shudder. He pulls back, running his tongue over his lips. “Damn,
baby. Making such pretty noises for me.” He breathes against Jungkook’s hole, watching it flutter.
“You want my tongue inside you, Kookie?”

Jungkook whines, pushes back against Yoongi again. “Hyung,” he whimpers, “please.”

It hadn’t been the answer Yoongi was wanting, but he can’t hold himself back, not when
Jungkook sounds like that. With such a nice ass in front of him, it would be almost impossible to
deny himself anyway. So he leans back in and immediately pushes his tongue inside as deep as it
can go, which isn’t very far considering how tight Jungkook is. Jungkook moans, pushes back
some more, and, fuck, if he knew what that does to Yoongi. He thrusts his tongue in and out,
slowly but surely easing Jungkook open. Yoongi’s hand finds Jungkook’s cock, hanging hard and
heavy beneath him, and gives it a couple of tugs.

“A-ah, no, don’t…” Jungkook groans, flinching away.

“Why, Kook?” Yoongi releases his cock, runs his tongue down over Jungkook’s taint. “Gonna
come from my tongue?” He takes one of Jungkook’s balls into his mouth, then the other.

“D-don’t be mean to Kookie,” Taehyung says weakly. Yoongi turns his head to see Jimin and
Taehyung watching him, Jimin’s hand wrapped around Taehyung’s cock.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow. “Thought you were gonna finger him.”

Jimin blinks, as if coming out of a daze, turns back to Taehyung. “Oh, uh, right.”

Yoongi chuckles to himself, gives Jungkook’s hole one more lick and slaps him on the ass,
eliciting a yelp. “On your back, Kookie.”

Jungkook immediately drops onto his stomach with an ‘oof.’ For a second Yoongi is convinced
Jungkook has passed out, but he finally turns over, chest heaving and eyes unfocused. Yoongi
appreciates the debauched state he’s reduced Jungkook to before sliding the pillow back under his
ass and tugging him closer by the legs. Jungkook only groans weakly as he’s dragged over the
mattress, already boneless with bliss. Yoongi bites his lip, eyes roaming over Jungkook’s flushed
body. Fuck, I’m hard.

“I’m gonna put one in, okay?” Jimin says, hand between Taehyung’s legs. Taehyung nods,
head craned forward to watch. Yoongi watches, absentmindedly stroking Jungkook’s inner thigh,
as Jimin grabs hold of Taehyung’s knee and pushes in.

Taehyung’s response is immediate. He jumps, legs twitching closer together before he catches
himself and spreads them again. His eyes go wide. “Whoa,” he says.

Jimin looks up at him in concern. “Whoa?”

“Yeah,” Taehyung breathes. “Whoa, like… it feels super weird to have something going in

Jimin barks a laugh. “Yeah, that’s usually how it is the first time. Are you doing okay?”

“Uh huh.”

“I’ve only got half a finger in. I’m gonna slide the rest inside.”


Taehyung’s fingers dig into the sheets as Jimin pushes in to the first knuckle. “You good?”

“Oh my god,” Taehyung replies, mouth agape. “I have a finger in my ass. Oh my god.”

Seokjin bursts into squeaky laughter, soon to be followed by everyone else, even Taehyung

“This needs to fucking stop,” Yoongi says, gasping for breath.

“What needs to fucking stop?” Namjoon asks, wiping tears from his eyes.

“This.” Yoongi gestures to everyone in general. “Like, it’s hard to have sex with you guys if
you’re all constantly making me laugh. This whole situation is absurd enough as it is.”

“I didn’t mean to be funny,” Taehyung insists. “Honest. I just can’t believe this is happening.
Like, wow, a few months ago I thought I was straight. Well, maybe a bit bi-curious. And now here
I am about to take a dick in my ass.”

Seokjin squeaks again, doubled over. “Stop… stop talking. Please. It’s killing me.”

“Okay,” Hoseok snaps, clapping his hands loudly. “Back to business.”

“Excuse me,” Jimin snarks. “Are you directing this now? Or are you just sitting on your ass
watching us with your dick out?”

Hoseok’s smile disappears. It’s replaced with a familiar smirk, one that sends shivers down
Yoongi’s spine. He kind of wants Hoseok to look at him like that. He did before and it… did things
to him. Things he’s not willing to admit.

“You’re right, Jiminie,” Hoseok says, his voice tinged with a sinister air. He slides across the
bed toward Jimin, who watches him with widening eyes, probably realizing what a mistake he’s
made. “How selfish of me. Here, let me assist you.”

Hoseok grabs Jimin by the back of the neck and hauls him in for a kiss. Hoseok dominates him
from the start, forcing his tongue inside and catching Jimin’s hand when it comes up to grasp him,
pinning it to the bed. When he pulls away Jimin just stares, his eyes glazed over. Then he snaps to
and looks away, his face bright red. Hoseok slides behind him, brackets him in with his arms, lifts
two fingers to Jimin’s lips. He shoves them into Jimin’s mouth, who squeaks in surprise but
accepts them. Hoseok pushes them in deep, and Yoongi sees Jimin’s throat contract, hears him
choke, notices Seokjin move toward them out of the corner of his eye. Then Hoseok removes his
fingers, a long strand of saliva following them, and lowers them between Taehyung’s legs.
Taehyung watches him, chest having gone completely still.

“Ah!” Taehyung tosses his head back, stiffens, flinches away. “H-Hobi, I can’t—”

“Shh,” Hoseok soothes. “Hush, baby. I know you can take it. I’ll go slow.”

Namjoon climbs over Jungkook, sidles up to Taehyung, and for a moment Yoongi thinks he’s
going to berate Hoseok. Instead, his eyes have a faraway look to them, and he takes one of
Taehyung’s hands in his. “He’ll go slow, Tae,” Namjoon reassures, his voice low and smooth.
“Are you gonna be good for him, baby? You gonna take him inside?”

Taehyung’s face slackens, eyes meeting Namjoon’s, wide, obedient. “Y-yes. Good for him.”

“Good boy. Relax, baby,” Namjoon croons, running a hand through Taehyung’s hair.

“Push out,” Jimin suggests, not removing his own finger.


Yoongi whips his head around to see Jungkook squirming on the mattress, hand on his dick.
“Kookie,” Yoongi says. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’ll take care of you now, okay?” He leans down, takes
Jungkook’s wrist and moves his hand away. He runs a tongue up Jungkook’s cock, feels it throb
desperately, takes the tip into his mouth. Jungkook gasps loudly, fists the sheets, as Yoongi
swallows him down into his throat. Jungkook’s fingers thread through Yoongi’s hair. Yoongi curls
his tongue around his shaft while his hands find the lube. Once his fingers are coated, he contracts
his throat around Jungkook’s cock and presses a slick finger into his hole. Jungkook is so relaxed
and distracted by having his cock down Yoongi’s throat, that his finger slides all the way in
without resistance. He wiggles it around a bit and Jungkook’s fingers dig into his scalp, pull his
hair a little. Yoongi groans.

“Shit,” Jungkook breathes. “Shit, shit.”

Yoongi pulls off his cock, wraps his other hand around it and gives it a few generous pumps.
“You doing okay, Kook?”

Jungkook’s eyes are screwed shut, but he opens them to glance at Yoongi before turning his
head away, blushing hard. He nods. Yoongi releases his cock and runs his hand up Jungkook’s
hard stomach to his chest, taking a nipple between his fingers. Jungkook gasps, and Yoongi takes
the opportunity to begin moving his finger in and out of him. He relishes how soft Jungkook feels
inside, how he’s already clamping down on his finger, pulling him in. Jin, you lucky bastard,
Yoongi thinks with a twinge of jealousy.

Seokjin slides up next to Jungkook. He cards his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, kisses him
on the forehead. “Good, Kookie,” Seokjin assures. “You’re doing very good, Kookie.”

“Hyung,” Jungkook whimpers, reaches up to wrap a hand around Seokjin’s neck and draws him
in. Seokjin kisses Jungkook, hand traveling over the younger’s body to the base of his dick. Yoongi
takes it by the wrist and guides the fingers into his mouth, wetting them. Seokjin tears away from
Jungkook to glance down, a groan rumbling low in his throat at the sight. Yoongi hums and pulls
the fingers from his mouth, wraps them around Jungkook’s hard cock.

“Make him feel good,” Yoongi instructs and for a moment he’s unsure if Seokjin even
understood him. Seokjin just stares, his face growing red, and after a few moments starts stroking
Jungkook. Yoongi pushes another finger in, licking at the tip of his dick when Seokjin’s fist goes
down. “Flick your wrist,” Yoongi advises. There’s a pause before Seokjin does as suggested.

Jungkook moans, squirms, fists the sheets. “Jin…” he gasps.

Seokjin swipes a tongue over his lips and Yoongi wonders what they taste like. “Fuck, Kook,
you look good like this.”

“Just wait until I find his prostate,” Yoongi says, twisting his fingers around inside Jungkook
until he feels a familiar bump and hears Jungkook let out a strangled wail. “Gotcha.”

“Is he okay?” Taehyung asks, eyes full of panic.

“I-I’m f-fine,” Jungkook assures him breathlessly. Yoongi brushes against Jungkook’s prostate
again, just lightly, and Jungkook’s back arches. He whines.

“Very sensitive,” Yoongi observes, slowly but surely working at Jungkook’s prostate until it
can bear being fully touched, then he moves his fingers in and out again. “You’ll have to be careful
when you fuck him,” he warns Seokjin.

Seokjin blinks at Yoongi, then mutters an uneasy, “Okay.”

He’s still hesitant, Yoongi thinks, frustrated. Jungkook looking so pretty in front of him and
he’s still in denial. An idea pops into Yoongi’s head. He extends a hand up to Jungkook’s chest,
tweaking a nipple and drawing his attention. “Be a good boy and tell your daddy you want him to
fuck you.”

Jungkook just stares at him, mouth slightly open. Yoongi presses against his prostate again and
Jungkook throws his head back. “Fuck,” he groans, his legs starting to shake. His eyes meet
Yoongi’s again and a mutual understanding seems to pass between them. Do it, Kook, Yoongi
mentally urges him. Jin needs to hear you say it.

Jungkook’s hazy eyes peer up at Seokjin. “Jin hyu—daddy,” he says tremulously, “I need you
to… I need you to fuck me. Please. I’ll be good for you, daddy.”

“Fuck, Kook,” Seokjin swears under his breath. A bright red flush is starting to creep up his
neck to his ears. “Fuck, baby boy. Do you want me inside you?”

Jungkook’s eyes widen. He nods. “Y-yes, daddy. Please. Wanna feel you.”

Seokjin’s head drops down, as if he can’t handle the way Jungkook is looking at him. Yoongi
uses the opportunity to slip a third finger in. This time, Jungkook only grimaces for a few seconds.
Yoongi is trying his best not to rush this, but Seokjin is in the zone now and there is no telling
when he will come to. So, he moves all three fingers in and out a few more times, then slowly pulls
them out. Jungkook whines as they leave, his hole clenching down on them, trying to suck them
back in. Yoongi sits back on his heels, observing his winking entrance. “What a hot little hole,” he
murmurs, his hand wandering down to his own cock to relieve the building pressure.

He looks over and sees Taehyung practically boneless on the bed as Jimin and Hoseok move
their fingers inside him. Every now and then Taehyung moans, tongue lolling out when his sweet
spot is hit. Yoongi shuffles over to get a closer look, swears under his breath when he sees
Taehyung’s hole stretched by two of Hoseok’s fingers and one of Jimin’s. Taehyung’s cock lay
hard and heavy against his stomach, glistening smears of precum spread across his skin.

“Are you ready, Tae?” Jimin asks, his eyes trained on Taehyung’s cock.

Taehyung makes a desperate little noise that has Yoongi’s cock jumping between his legs, then
says breathily, “Y-yeah. I think so.” His eyes wander to Yoongi’s. “How’s Kook?”

“He’s ready too,” Yoongi replies, surprised at how wrecked his own voice sounds. Fuck, he’d
forgotten how much it turns him on to rim guys. “Jimin?”

Jimin nods, slipping his fingers out. Hoseok does the same, his tongue running up Jimin’s
shoulder to his neck. Yoongi sees movement out of the corner of his eye and realizes that Hoseok
is grinding his cock against Jimin’s lower back. Jimin arches his back, pushing his ass into
Hoseok, dropping his head back against his shoulder. Hoseok attacks his throat, his hands going to
Jimin’s hips. Jimin groans, biting his lip. “Shit,” he breathes. “Shit, Tae. I need to suck you first.”

“What?” Taehyung says, a bit dazed as he comes up for air after kissing Namjoon.

Jimin doesn’t repeat himself. Instead, he braces both hands on Taehyung’s thighs, leans down,
and takes his cock into his mouth.

Taehyung gasps loudly, hand finding Jimin’s hair. “Jimin!”

Jimin’s lips slide down Taehyung’s shaft, then back up again, setting a feverish pace. It’s a big
cock and would be a lot for anyone to take in their mouth, but Yoongi is impressed at how deep
Jimin is able to take it—at least halfway down in one smooth swallow. Jimin looks so good with a
dick in his mouth that Yoongi is seized by a sudden urge to grab the back of his head and push him
all the way down, hear him choke on that big cock. But he reminds himself that he shouldn’t push
too hard until he knows Jimin’s preferences, and now isn’t a good time to find that out anyway. He
kind of wants to see Taehyung filled.

Jimin pulls off Taehyung with a wet pop, licks some precum off his lips. He looks like he’s in
another world, and Yoongi is surprised to see him pull himself together enough to maneuver
between Taehyung’s legs. “Hobi hyung,” he says, nodding toward a box of condoms he’d taken out
of a drawer earlier. “Can you get me one?”

“Sure thing, Chim,” Hoseok chirps, reaching for them. He retrieves two, tosses one across the
bed onto Jungkook’s chest while he rips the other open with his teeth. Yoongi knows he should be
giving Hoseok shit for doing something so cliché, but damn if he isn’t a bit mesmerized by how hot
Hoseok looks doing it. Jimin turns to grab it from him, but Hoseok bats his hand away. “Let me.”
He takes Jimin’s cock in a firm grasp, making Jimin jump, and rolls the condom onto it. “Fuck him
good for me, baby,” Hoseok says, his voice low and his lips pressed against Jimin’s ear. He directs
Jimin’s dick toward Taehyung’s hole.

“Wait!” Taehyung suddenly blurts, making everyone jump. “Sorry. Um, there’s just a position
I wanna try. Kookie, roll onto your side facing me.”

Jungkook complies with a little encouraging nudge from Seokjin, who has already slipped his
own condom on. Taehyung turns over as well, lifting one leg onto Jimin’s shoulder. He scoots
close to Jungkook, drawing him in for a kiss. Above them, Namjoon smiles fondly, both hands
carding fingers through their hair. “Such beautiful things,” he croons. Taehyung cranes his head,
sticks his tongue out to lap at Namjoon’s hard length. Namjoon bites his lip, his head dropping

Yoongi watches, feeling oddly… irritated. He doesn’t know why. It’s hot—and admittedly kind
of cute—seeing Namjoon praise them and move their heads close together so they can kiss each
other, take turns licking his cock. Well, it seems like Jungkook got some practice with cock-sucking
between orgies. Too bad it wasn’t with me, Yoongi thinks, trying to distract himself, but the feeling
just won’t go away. It’s really annoying how he wants Namjoon to call him beautiful, how he only
wants it to be him Namjoon calls beautiful. It’s stupid and unreasonable, because Taehyung and
Jungkook are both beautiful and deserve to be called beautiful. He just can’t shake the feeling and
it’s not like him. At all.

Taehyung yelps and Yoongi’s attention is drawn to Jimin, who has started pushing into him.
Taehyung’s face is scrunched up, fingers intertwined with Jungkook’s. Namjoon pets his head,
murmurs comforting words to him. Jimin pauses, takes Taehyung’s cock in his hand and give sit a
few strokes to distract him from the discomfort. “Tae…?” he asks, his voice tinged with concern.

Taehyung takes a deep breath. “H-hurts…” he says, his voice strained.

Jimin leans down, places a few light kisses on his thigh. “Breathe, Tae.”

Taehyung takes another deep breath, holds it for a few seconds, then releases. Jimin grabs the
lube and pours some more over his exposed cock. He inches in a bit more. Taehyung hisses
through his teeth. “O-oh god…”

“Push into me,” Jungkook says suddenly, and Yoongi looks over to see Seokjin lying behind
him with his hands on Jungkook’s hips. Seokjin appears to be coming out of his daze and Yoongi
quickly tries to think of a way to prevent him from getting back to his worried self, but then
Jungkook jumps in and adds, “Please.”

Begging. Seokjin likes begging. Yoongi remembers how he revealed that earlier before their
first orgy and, damn, if it isn’t true. Seokjin seems to immediately go into top mode, digging his
fingers into Jungkook’s hips, hiking the younger’s leg over his hip, spreading him to access his
hole. Jungkook, to his credit, doesn’t appear anxious although Yoongi knows he must be. Instead,
he seems to be focused on Taehyung, stroking his face, kissing him wherever he can reach. Yoongi
has to admit—it’s fucking adorable.

Jungkook grunts and ducks his head, and Yoongi sees that Seokjin has pushed the head of his
cock into his hole. “Be careful, Jin,” Yoongi warns. “Go slow.”

“No,” Jungkook objects, his voice tense. “No, just… just push all the way in. Get it over with.”

“Kookie, no,” Taehyung tells him, grabbing his hand. “Be patient.”

“Listen to Tae, Kook,” Yoongi says. “Now’s not the time to have a competition.”

“It’s not a competition,” Jungkook insists. He sounds frustrated, in pain. “Look, I’m really
nervous and the longer it takes for hyung to get his dick in me the more nervous I’ll get and then it
might never happen.” He turns his head to meet Seokjin’s eyes. “All the way in. Just do it. Please,

Yoongi isn’t sure riling Seokjin up is the best idea, especially in a situation like this. “Jin!” he
snaps before Seokjin can move. Seokjin looks up at him, face pink and eyes swimming with lust. It
gives Yoongi pause. Fuck, I want to see him lose control. Preferrably with me. Yoongi swallows.
“On the count of three, okay?” Yoongi glances at Jungkook. “Push out as much as you can,” he
tells him. Jungkook nods, screwing his eyes shut.

“One…” Yoongi begins.

“No, Kookie, please,” Jimin says. He looks between Taehyung and Jungkook, as if he can’t
decide who is more deserving of his concern. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

Jungkook doesn’t say anything, his hair hiding his face. “Two…” Yoongi continues.

Namjoon suddenly stiffens, as if he’s just realized something. “Wait, what if he—”


Seokjin’s hips snap flush against Jungkook, and Jungkook throws his head back, screaming,
clawing at Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung wraps an arm around him, holding him. “Jungkook!” he
whimpers. There are tears in his eyes, and Yoongi wonders whether this was the best decision.

“Jungkook, baby…” Seokjin murmurs, pressing his lips to the back of Jungkook’s neck. “I’m
all the way in. Are you okay?”

Everyone watches in silence, waiting. Then Jungkook lowers his head, mouth agape and
panting. “Y-yeah, but…” He grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut. A tear rolls down his cheek.
“Oh god, it hurts like hell…”

“Oh, Kookie,” Taehyung whispers, kissing him on the lips. “Why did you do that? Why
couldn’t you wait?”

“Because,” Jungkook huffs, flashing him a weak smile, “I wanted… to show you that… you
can do it.”

Taehyung stares at him in shock. “You didn’t have to do that,” he says, eyes swimming.
“I know,” Jungkook says, kissing him back.

Jimin smiles fondly. “If I didn’t know you guys, I’d say you look like lovers right now.”

Taehyung pulls away from Jungkook, laughing. He slaps the side of Jimin’s head with his foot.
“Shut up and push in more. I think I’ve adjusted.”

Jimin licks his lips and shifts a little, inching forward. Taehyung sucks air through his teeth,
the muscles in his stomach clenching. Namjoon slides a hand down Taehyung’s chest. “You’re
doing wonderful, baby.” He looks at Jungkook. “Are you really okay?”

Jungkook nods. “Yeah.”

Namjoon stares at him for a long moment, as if trying to gauge if Jungkook is lying. Then he
says, “Okay. Just… please don’t push yourself anymore. You almost gave me a heart attack.”

Jungkook huffs a laugh. He wraps a hand around Namjoon’s cock, which is jutting between
him and Taehyung. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, hyung.” He runs his tongue up the entirety
of Namjoon’s shaft, then takes the tip in his mouth. Namjoon groans, slides his fingers into
Jungkook’s hair.

“Looks like someone got comfortable with sucking dick,” Hoseok says, chuckling. “And I
know it may sound dickish, but… my god, you guys look pretty when you cry.”

Yoongi scoffs. “Not dickish. More sadistic.”

“Like you aren’t thinking the same thing,” Hoseok flashes back playfully, jabbing Yoongi in
the ribs.

Yoongi jumps away, laughing. “Hey, that fucking tickles, you dick.”

Hoseok stares at him for a long moment and Yoongi sees something change behind Hoseok’s
eyes. Before he can respond, Hoseok grabs his shoulders and shoves him down onto the bed.
Hoseok straddles his legs. “Whoa, hey!” Yoongi yells as he tries to push Hoseok off of him.
Hoseok snatches up his wrist and yanks it over Yoongi’s head, pinning it to the mattress. When
Yoongi tries to retaliate with his other one, that’s quickly pinned as well. Yoongi’s annoyance is
soon replaced by arousal. Holy shit, this is hot as hell. His heart is pounding as Hoseok leans close
to him, noses lingering just centimeters apart. Yoongi holds his breath, expecting Hoseok to kiss
him, but Hoseok leans down further, huffs warm breath into his ear.

“Safeword is ‘Sprite.’”

He’s too damn cute, Hoseok thinks. It’s not fair.

Yoongi lies stretched out below him. His chest is flushed, his pretty pink lips open just slightly,
staring up at him equal parts defiant and wanting. Hoseok wants to devour him. Since this whole
thing began, Hoseok hasn’t had the chance to fuck anyone. Today, that’s going to change.

“I’m gonna fuck you,” Hoseok tells him.

Yoongi scoffs. “And I gave permission for you to fuck me when?”

Hoseok smirks down at him. Yoongi is playing along. Oh, this is going to be fun. “I don’t need
your permission. I’ll fuck you, even if I have to hold you down.”


Hoseok sits up and turns to see Jimin staring at him. His eyes are smoldering, fierce, and,
whoa, is he angry? It’s weird to see Jimin angry.

“Jimin, it’s fine,” Yoongi says, locking eyes with him.

Jimin stares at them for a few more moments before nodding and returning to Taehyung, who
moans as he pushes further in.

Hoseok smiles down at Yoongi. “It’s cute how protective of you he is.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I can take care of myself.”

“Oh, can you now?”

“Yes. Yes I can.”

Hoseok’s smile widens. “Prove it.”

Yoongi stares at him for a few moments, and at first Hoseok wonders if Yoongi even heard
him. Then Yoongi pushes himself up so quickly, Hoseok can do nothing as his face is grabbed and
pulled forward into a kiss. Hoseok moans softly, letting Yoongi dominate his mouth, allowing his
tongue in and keeping his own slack. Lets Yoongi think he has the upperhand. Yoongi’s hands
hold his face close, allow him to get deep. Then he feels one of the hands drop, fingers ghosting
over the head of his dick…

Hoseok grabs the hand and pulls, pushing on Yoongi’s back at the same time. Yoongi gives a
startled yelp as he falls facedown on the bed. Hoseok grabs Yoongi’s wrists and pulls them behind
his back, holding them in one hand.

“Get… off me,” Yoongi grunts, squirming. “I’ll kick your ass!”

Hoseok responds by forcing one of his fingers into Yoongi’s mouth. Yoongi bites down, and
Hoseok rips his hand away, grabs Yoongi by the hair and pulls his head up. Yoongi grunts in pain,
but he doesn’t say the safeword. “Bite me again, and I’ll go in dry,” Hoseok whispers menacingly.

Yoongi barks a laugh. “Go in dry. See if I care.”

Heat swells in Hoseok’s core. All this time he’d been going out to random clubs picking up
girls in hopes they would be into rough sex when all along Yoongi had been living with him,
around him almost 24/7. All this time he could have pushed Yoongi up against a wall and had his
way. Still, he doesn’t want to hurt Yoongi, so he worms a rough finger in. Yoongi hisses through
his teeth and Hoseok says in amused disbelief, “You’re already loose? You slut.”

Hoseok feels Yoongi shudder beneath him. “I prepared myself earlier.”

“Mmhm. Like a slut.”

“Shut up and get your dick inside me already.”

“Gonna beg me for it?”

“You wish.”
Hoseok pulls his finger out, spreads Yoongi’s ass to get a view of his slick pink hole. He bites
his lip as his cock twitches achingly. It feels like forever since he’s fucked someone and he doesn’t
want to wait. So he says, “Maybe later,” and shoves his cock in all the way in one long stroke.

“Ah, fuck!” Yoongi’s head snaps up, his hands clenching and white-knuckled where they lay
behind his back.

“Hyung?” Namjoon’s concerned voice carries over.

“I’m… fine,” Yoongi assures. “There’s a safeword.”

Hoseok takes the time to observe the other activities going on next to them and sees that Jimin
is now balls-deep inside Taehyung. Seokjin has already started thrusting, Jungkook clutching the
sheets and moaning with each push in. Taehyung has his mouth around Namjoon’s cock and his
eyes firmly on Jungkook. And Hoseok can see why. Jungkook looks absolutely gorgeous getting

“Unlike Jin hyung,” Hoseok says, taking hold of Yoongi’s hip with one hand while holding his
wrists in the other, “I won’t be gentle.”

He hears Yoongi’s muffled chuckle. “Good.”

Hoseok pulls out almost all the way and snaps his hips forward, driving himself completely
inside. Yoongi arches his back, keens. Hoseok doesn’t give him time to adjust, but he has a feeling
that Yoongi likes it that way. He releases Yoongi’s wrists to hold his hips still as he thrusts in and
out of him. Shit, he feels good. As much as Hoseok wants to go rough the entire time, he’s
embarrassingly close to coming. He’s just far too sensitive. Dammit.

Yoongi laughs, looks at him out of the corner of his eye. “Too close?”

“You’re twitching around me like crazy,” Hoseok flashes back, leaning over Yoongi. “Let’s see
how close you are.” He snakes a hand between Yoongi’s body and the mattress, lifting up his
bottom half, reaching underneath. He finds Yoongi’s cock, ramrod solid, a thick strand of precum
stretching all the way down to the sheets. He swipes a thumb over the head and Yoongi moans.
“Ah, looks like I’m not the only one.” He releases Yoongi’s dick and lifts his hand to Yoongi’s
mouth, running his thumb over his bottom lip before forcing it inside. Yoongi groans, curls his
tongue around it, cleans it of his precum. Hoseok’s cock twitches as he imagines what that tongue
would feel like on his cock. But I’m too damn close. Fuck. One of these days, Yoongi will suck
him. And he’ll fuck Yoongi’s throat, make him swallow his cum like the little slutboy he is.

Hoseok pulls his thumb from Yoongi’s mouth, returns his hand to the older man’s cock. “You
like tasting yourself, baby?”

“Mmm,” Yoongi hums and abruptly cuts himself off, as if he hadn’t meant for the sound to
escape him. “Rather have a cock in my mouth.”

“Smartasses don’t get what they want,” Hoseok scolds, giving Yoongi’s dick a little squeeze
and feeling it pulse in his hand. “They get punished.”

Hoseok begins stroking Yoongi hard and fast. Yoongi stiffens, then shudders, wailing. “Fuck,
fuck, Hoseok. G-get your, ha, hand off me or I’ll—”

“You’ll come?” Hoseok ventures, twisting his wrist as he jerks Yoongi off. Yoongi buries his
face in the mattress to muffle a whine. “Gonna come for me, baby? Gonna lose control before
those virgins do?” He glances over at Taehyung and Jungkook, who are now beside themselves,
their bodies jostling as they’re fucked. He sees Yoongi turn his head to watch, feels his hand get
drenched with precum. “So wet for me, baby. Are you imagining it? What it would feel like to
slide into their tight holes, to come in them?” Hoseok runs the flat of his tongue along Yoongi’s
spine, feels him shiver. He presses against Yoongi’s back, plastering himself to him. His teeth find
Yoongi’s earlobe. “Come, baby. Come and I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll feel it for days.”

Yoongi gasps, whines, moves his hands from behind his back to clutch the sheets in front of
him and Hoseok doesn’t stop him. He’s making such pretty noises that Hoseok regrets having him
on his front facing away from him. He wants to see his face, see him come undone by his hand, but
Yoongi’s so close already. “Oh fuck,” Yoongi whimpers. “Oh fuck, oh fuck…” And then Yoongi’s
hips lurch forward and wetness dribbles over Hoseok’s hand. Hoseok groans when he feels
Yoongi’s insides squeeze around him and doesn’t quite hear what Yoongi says under his breath but
it sounds something like, “I need…”

Yoongi pants, his legs trembling a little. Hoseok lifts his cum-covered hand to Yoongi’s lips.
“Clean me.”

Yoongi does so more enthusiastically than he thought he would, sucking in one finger at a time
to swallow down his own cum. Hoseok’s hips twitch, desperate to ram into him, but he manages to
hold himnself back until his hand is completely clean. He flips Yoongi over, sees how fucking
wrecked Yoongi looks, and it’s just so, so hot. Fuck. He spreads Yoongi’s legs and scoots between
them, leans down and runs his tongue along Yoongi’s half-hard shaft. Yoongi gasps. Hoseok tastes
cum and realizes what he’s just done. Not knowing quite what to do with the cum in his mouth, he
swallows and sits back up. Yoongi is staring at him through hooded eyes, his hand wrapped around
his cock, pumping it lazily. “Damn, that’s hot,” Yoongi says, his voice gravelly. Hoseok responds
by thrusting into him. Yoongi moans, mouth dropping open and head falling back. “Fuck yeah,” he
groans. “Fuck me.”

Hoseok thrusts again, starts up a steady pace. “Yoongi, you’re,”—hot, pretty, sexy,
beautiful—“so good. You feel so good.” Well, that sounded fucking awkward. He’s called his
partners those types of things before. Why can’t he seem to do it now?

“Hoseok, harder,” Yoongi urges, stroking himself. “Need it harder.”

Hoseok has to look away to keep from losing it. Yoongi looks so debauched, so beside himself
with pleasure. He’s stunning. How the hell has Yoongi not been able to sleep with anyone in a
year? He’s goddamn gorgeous. Hoseok finds himself zoning out for a moment, thinking about how
he sees another man as beautiful. It’s not the same as finding girls beautiful. Because Yoongi is a
masculine sort of beautiful, with a trim waist, hard stomach, and bobbing Adam’s apple. Hoseok
finds he likes it, likes the feeling of fucking Yoongi, of seeing his cock plump up as it lays against
his stomach…

He snaps to when he hears Yoongi give a particularly passionate moan. Yoongi has his head
turned to the side, watching the action a few feet away. Jungkook and Taehyung are getting fucked
in earnest now, both of them clutching onto each other, exchanging kisses and lapping at
Namjoon’s cock. But it isn’t Taehyung and Jungkook that Yoongi is watching. Hoseok follows his
line of sight and gets immediately annoyed. Namjoon. He’s watching Namjoon. He’s jerking off
while watching Namjoon. For some reason, it makes him angry. He stops thrusting and hunches
over Yoongi, hands on either side of his head. Yoongi’s attention snaps to him.

Hoseok is seized by a desire to carry Yoongi off to his room and continue fucking him there,
but he knows he can’t do that. Instead, he does the next best thing. He grabs Yoongi under his back
and lifts him up. Thankfully, Yoongi seems to understand where this is going and promptly wraps
his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. Hoseok lifts Yoongi off the bed and carries
him to the far wall, surprised at how light he is. He props Yoongi’s back against the wall and
presses their foreheads together.

“Look only at me when I’m fucking you,” Hoseok tells him, his voice low. He feels Yoongi
shudder against him and brings their lips together, slipping his tongue inside Yoongi’s mouth.
Yoongi reciprocates in kind, grabbing onto his face, kissing him deeply, desperately.

When they separate, gasping for air, Yoongi says, “Fuck me, Hobi.” He rolls his hips against
Hoseok, licking his lips. “I’ll look only at you. Fuck me, baby.”

Hoseok is so turned on right now he’s afraid he’ll come from just a few thrusts. But he can’t
hold back anymore. He holds Yoongi by the hips and pounds into him, pulling Yoongi down to
meet him so that his cock sinks entirely inside.

Yoongi throws his head back, moaning, eyes rolling up into his head. “So deep, oh god, oh
fuck.” Hoseok twists his hips and Yoongi wails, nails digging into Hoseok’s shoulders and ankles
jabbing into Hoseok’s back, urging him deeper still. “Fuck, there. Right there, Hoseok. Yes, yes,
fuck. Gonna come again, Gonna—”

“Come for me, baby,” Hoseok says, licking a hot stripe up his neck. “Come untouched.”

To his surprise, Yoongi does come untouched. And it’s fucking gorgeous. Hoseok has never
seen something like it before, and he knows it must feel amazing for Yoongi because his hips are
jerking against him, his insides clenching, he’s stopped breathing. He comes with a strangled gasp,
his cock visibly throbbing and painting his chest and stomach with cum. It looks so good against
his pink, slick skin, and all Hoseok can think is how goddamn beautiful Yoongi is. Oh god, he
could fuck him forever. He doesn’t think he’s seen anything so attractive.

Hoseok is not far behind Yoongi. A few more hard thrusts and he’s coming, grinding into
Yoongi as deep as he can. Yoongi has gone boneless against him, legs shaking, making weak little
sounds as Hoseok unloads into him.

Hoseok clutches Yoongi to him, can feel the man’s heart racing against his own chest. He
kisses him softly on his panting lips. “God, you’re beautiful,” he says far too earnestly. It just slips
out and, suddenly, panic grips him. I can’t say that, he thinks. I can’t start that again.

Yoongi’s face turns a darker shade of red and he buries his face in Hoseok’s neck. “Hoseok…”
he murmurs. Why does he have to sound so sweet?

But just as soon as the sweetness shows up, it’s gone. “You forgot the condom,” Yoongi tells
him, irritated.

“We both forgot the condom,” Hoseok clarifies. “Sorry. I should have pulled out.”

Yoongi pulls back from him, leans against the wall, his dark blush fading. “Whatever. I guess it
has been a long time since someone came in me.”

Hoseok raises his eyebrows. “Did it… feel okay?”

Yoongi huffs a laugh. “It felt fucking amazing. But we might mess up Jimin’s carpet.”

“Can’t you, like, hold it?”

“Yeah, but that’s no guarantee.” Yoongi nods toward the bed. “Carry me over there and try to
stay inside me. At least the sheets can be changed.” He smiles at what he sees on the bed. “And it
looks like we’ll be in time for the grand finale.”

Hoseok glances over and sees the others still going at it, guides Yoongi over to the bed. He lays
Yoongi down and takes a seat beside him, pulling out and directing his attention to the others. He’d
been so wrapped up in fucking Yoongi that hadn’t realized how loud they are. Jimin is snapping
his hips into Taehyung, and if Taehyung’s cock wasn’t leaking precum like crazy then he would
have thought he was in pain. Jungkook, meanwhile, somehow has his mouth around Namjoon’s
cock, letting Namjoon lightly fuck his mouth.

“So fucking hot,” Yoongi groans, rubbing at his spent cock. “I would suck them, but I’m too
worn out.” He laughs breathlessly. He looks up at Hoseok, flashing him a gummy smile. “Don’t
think I’ve come untouched for a while.”

A sense of pride seizes Hoseok, and he has the urge to cuddle up to Yoongi, to hold him and
protect him in his vulnerable state, to cover him with kisses. But he knows Yoongi isn’t into
cuddling and once again reminds himself not to get too intimate. He still hasn’t recovered from…

“Jungkook!” Taehyung suddenly gasps, his hand around Namjoon’s cock. “Don’t. I can’t—”

Jungkook has hold of Taehyung’s dick, stroking him furiously. “Come, Tae,” Jungkook urges
between moans. “Shoot your load on me.”

Hoseok sees Taehyung’s precum drip from between Jungkook’s fingers and licks his lips, the
taste of Yoongi still in his mouth. If Yoongi can’t suck them off, he thinks, maybe I can.

Chapter End Notes

Almost done with this orgy. Hope you liked that hot Sope! Last up will be Jin's POV.
Will he get over the fact that he likes men? How do Kookie and Tae fare after losing
their cherries?

All to be answered next time! :P

Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Hey y'all. So you're getting a chapter a little early this time since I was on a writing hot
streak all week. Now you get to see Tae and JK losing their cherries. Get excited! :D

EDIT: So I was telling my fiance about how J-Hope likes to lightly caress himself like
his mother used to do when he was young. He even does this while he's asleep and
other members have spoken about it. Turns out my fiance says I do this to myself at
least every other night and he thought I was awake and trying to get back to sleep, but
I don't remember a damn thing. My mom used to do the same with me when I was
younger. Doesn't really relate to the chapter, but I just thought it was funny. XD

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Seokjin can’t believe how a single word is enough to undo him. Seriously, things could get out of
hand very quickly if someone—especially one of the other members—decides to randomly blurt
“daddy” in public. He can just see Hoseok or Jimin playing that kind of prank on him, and, frankly,
Seokjin doesn’t think he’d be able to not react.

In this case, however, Seokjin can’t be sure whether the word is working in his favor or against
him. On the one hand it’s gotten him aroused enough to participate, but on the other there’s no
guarantee that he’ll be able to control himself. He’s just sheathed himself all the way inside
Jungkook and already he can feel his balls drawing up. He’s just so damn tight, and it doesn’t help
that every time he closes his eyes to escape from all the visual stimulation in front of him that he
sees Jungkook in the shower again, on his knees with his mouth on his cock, cum streaking his
face and hair…


Jimin’s unusually stern voice draws Seokjin out of his thoughts. He cranes his head to see
Yoongi lying on his back against the mattress, Hoseok straddling his legs and holding down his
arms. Jimin looks like he might lunge for Hoseok, his eyes narrowed. What happened? Did Seokjin
miss something?

Before his mother hen nature can take over, Yoongi says, “Jimin, it’s fine.”

Seokjin observes them and the others do too, Jimin having stopped his movements entirely.
Jimin finally pulls his eyes away and returns his attention to Taehyung. He pushes slowly until he
bottoms out. Taehyung bites his lip, a whimper catching in his throat.

“That’s all of me,” Jimin says, stroking Taehyung’s thigh, pressing another kiss to it. “How are
you feeling?”

Seokjin hears Hoseok and Yoongi exchange some words, but they’re too quiet for him to hear.
Taehyung’s voice rises over theirs. “O-okay. Yeah. All the way in?” He lets out a shaky breath.
“Oh my god, you were right. I feel so full.”

“Taehyung…” Jimin half-moans, fingers digging into the skin on Taehyung’s thigh. “Don’t say
things like that. You’re already so tight…”

Namjoon takes his cock in his hand, directs it toward Taehyung’s lips. “Here, keep your mouth

Taehyung opens his mouth and Namjoon feeds half his cock to him. Seokjin’s eyes widen.
That’s more than he’s ever seen Taehyung take. Taehyung abruptly gags, eyes watering. Namjoon
quickly pulls his dick out of his mouth, clutching at him. “I’m so sorry, baby. Too much?”

Taehyung coughs, blinking up at him, eyes wet and glazed over. Fuck, he looks out of it. “N-
no,” Taehyung says, voice a bit raw. “I can take it, daddy. Wanna be good for you.”

Holy fuck. If Seokjin had known getting Taehyung to choke on his cock would make him turn
like this he would have done it himself, despite knowing he’d probably fret too much about
Taehyung choking to get much enjoyment out of it anyway. Still, it makes Seokjin groan and he
can’t help it, needs to do it. He pulls out a little, pushes back in. Jungkook gives a startled little
moan that only serves to turn Seokjin on even more.

His gaze lifts to Namjoon’s face. His eyes are hooded, chest heaving, his tan skin flushed a soft
pink. Seokjin’s mind wanders back to when he’d pinned Namjoon to the bed, climbed on top of
him, kissed him, ground against him, and his heart begins to pound. He wants to be the one to
make Namjoon feel like that, to look like that. Good god, he almost wishes Namjoon looked like
that all the time. He wants to kiss him again, wonders how sensitive Namjoon’s nipples are…

Taehyung stretches forward and takes Namjoon back into his mouth and the sound that
Namjoon makes goes straight to Seokjin’s groin. Why did Namjoon have to leave that day after
they kissed and touched each other? Had he been uncomfortable? Seokjin has been wondering
about it for weeks now. Maybe I’m not his type? he thinks, and that’s okay. Everyone has a type.
Hadn’t Yoongi said that sexual compatability is important? Namjoon has every right to refuse to
have sex with him if he wants, but that still doesn’t erase the feeling of disappointment that settles
in Seokjin’s chest at the very thought of it.

“Careful, baby,” Namjoon croons, stroking Taehyung’s face as Taehyung tries to swallow him
halfway again.

“Don’t take too much,” Jungkook says, and Seokjin nearly jumps. Oh, right. He’s inside
Jungkook right now. He’s fucking Jungkook. He’s taking Jungkook’s virginity. Jungkook, who
specifically chose him to be his first. He pushes thoughts of Namjoon to the back of his mind. He
needs to focus on Jungkook, make this a good experience for him.

“Ah, fuck!”

It’s Yoongi. What the hell is going on over there?

“Hyung?” Namjoon calls out, his brow creased in worry.

Seokjin looks over and sees that Hoseok now has Yoongi on his stomach, his hips flush against
him. Although Yoongi looks like he’s in pain, he says, “I’m… fine. There’s a safeword.”

Seokjin’s eyes wander over to Jimin, sees the younger man’s jaw clench. But Jimin doesn’t say
anything, drives into Taehyung instead. A soft, shallow thrust, but one that makes Taehyung gasp
loudly nonetheless.

The sight spurs Seokjin’s hips into motion as well, grinding carefully into Jungkook. The
maknae gasps, then moans. His ass actually squeezes him. Seokjin sucks air through his teeth,
stopping for a moment to calm himself down. He feels too good inside. His lips find the back of
Jungkook’s neck. “Okay, baby?”

“Yeah,” Jungkook tells him, breath heavy. “I’m just… you’re really big, hyung.”

Seokjin laughs. “I wish. I’m just average.”

He can almost see Jungkook’s eyes widening in shock. “Just average? It feels like you’re
tearing me in half.”

Seokjin holds Jungkook tightly to him, planting a row of kisses along his neck and shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Kookie. Try to relax.”

“I am,” Jungkook insists through gritted teeth.

Seokjin’s hand snakes down to stroke over Jungkook’s thigh, decides to just go for it. Why
not? He’s already balls-deep in another man’s ass anyway. So he wraps his hand around
Jungkook’s cock. It feels almost exactly like his own, barring the shape and exact size. Seokjin
doesn’t know what he’d been expecting. Jungkook gasps, hips jerking forward into his hand. He
responds by giving Jungkook a couple of healthy pumps, feels precum coat his fingers. Jungkook’s
cock throbs, and, god, if that isn’t one of the hottest things Seokjin’s ever encountered. Fuck.

“Jimin!” Taehyung cries, clutching at the sheets. Jimin has started thrusting in and out of him
at steady pace, still going shallow. “Oh my god, oh my god. You’re fucking me.”

Jimin groans, digs his fingers into Taehyung’s thigh. “Fuck, Tae, don’t say those things. I
won’t be able to hold back. Seriously, I don’t wanna hurt you. Please.”

Taehyung stares up at him. “Jimin,” he breathes and, damn, does he look like he’s in another
world. Jimin swears under his breath, looks away, fucks into Taehyung more slowly. Taehyung
whines, takes Namjoon’s cock back into his mouth.

“Damn, Tae. You look really hot,” Jungkook whispers, and Seokjin sees him lean forward to
place a kiss on the corner of his lips, brushing against Namjoon’s cock in the process. Taehyung
groans in response, pops off of Namjoon, kisses Jungkook fully on the lips. It’s a loud, needy kiss,
punctuated with heavy breaths and wet smacks.

Seokjin begins to stroke Jungkook’s cock at a steady pace. He runs his tongue up Jungkook’s
shoulder to his neck. He wishes he could suck a hickey into his skin, mark him for later. “Want me
to fuck you, Kook?” he whispers in his ear.

Jungkook pulls out of the kiss with another wet smack and is quiet for a moment. When
Seokjin speeds up his hand on Jungkook’s cock, he gasps and says, “Y-yes.”

Seokjin tsks, feeling his own cock throb impatiently inside Jungkook. He lets go of Jungkook’s
cock to slap him on the hip. “That’s no way for a baby boy to respond when his daddy asks him a
question. Answer properly.”

Jungkook shudders against him. “I-I want you to fuck me,” Jungkook says, his voice high and
desperate. “Daddy, please fuck me.”

“Shit, Kook,” Seokjin breathes, snapping his hips into Jungkook and taking his ear between his
teeth. “Baby, you feel so good. I can’t—” He bites his lip, pulls Jungkook’s hip flush to him and
grinds deep.
Jungkook stiffens, gasps, reaches back and grabs Seokjin by the thigh. “H-hyung! Not so…

“I’m sorry, baby boy. I’m sorry.” Seokjin goes back to thrusting softly, drawing mewls out of
Jungkook. Yoongi said he’s sensitive, Seokjin reminds himself. “I’m gonna look for your prostate,
okay? Tell me when I hit it.”

Jungkook whines, nods. His hand is still gripping Seokjin’s thigh, heat radiating out from his
touch. There’s another wet smack and Seokjin thinks Jungkook is kissing Taehyung again, but
Namjoon lets out a groan and he knows Jungkook has taken his cock into his mouth. Seokjin sets
about trying to find Jungkook’s sweet spot, his eyes sliding upward to watch Namjoon. Good god,
he makes such racy expressions. And Seokjin knows that Namjoon knows how sexy his
expressions are, because he uses them all the time out on tour, during photoshoots and music
videos. Now that Seokjin has seen them in a sexual setting, it’s going to be really difficult not to get
at least a little aroused by them. Seokjin knows he’s lying to himself. He’ll probably get a lot
aroused by them now.

“Ah!” Jungkook suddenly keens. “Ah, ah. Shit, shit, shit. You got it.”

Seokjin grinds in again, angling his hips. He’s never felt a prostate before, so he has no idea
what to look for. “Here?”

Jungkook lets out a shaky breath. “N-no, it’s… shift a little more to the—oh god!” Jungkook’s
spine goes rigid and he makes a half-pained, half-pleased little noise. “Yep, there. You’re right on
it. Fuck.”

“Does it feel good?” Seokjin asks, slowly rotating his hips in little circles. He feels it now, a
little spongy bump at the base of his dickhead.

Jungkook sucks in a breath, releases it in a hiss. “Ha, it… it kinda hurts, to be honest.”

“I’m sor—”

“No, stop apologizing,” Jungkook snaps. Then his voice goes soft and feather-light. “I want
you to fuck me. I want this. Please, Jin.”

Seokjin shudders, pulls out a bit. Jungkook sighs in relief. “I’ll try not to press too hard on it.”
He starts thrusting again, making sure to push his cock in at an angle that had the head only just
brushing Jungkook’s prostate. Jungkook whines, throwing his head to the side against the bed.
Seokjin kisses him on the back of the neck. “Such pretty little sounds,” he murmurs into his ear.

“Jimin!” Taehyung’s voice cuts through the room. He’s arched his back, is scrabbling at
Namjoon’s legs, mouth hanging open. He can’t keep moans and whimpers and whines from
escaping every time Jimin thrusts into him. His eyes are still watery, his pink cheeks streaked with
tears, and he looks so, so beautiful it’s unreal. Sometimes Seokjin wonders if he actually is an
alien. “Jimin, J-Jimin. Jimin!”

“Tae, you’re fucking killing me,” Jimin grinds out through his teeth. Seokjin can see his legs
trembling, can tell that the younger man is trying his hardest to hold back and is just barely able to.
“Please tell me you’re not in pain, because I don’t think I can just stop now.”

Taehyung keens high and long, hips rolling down into Jimin. His eyes open just slightly, the
lids heavy. He looks up at Jimin, pupils blown wide. “Jimin,” he gasps. “I-it feels so good. You’re
fucking me so good, Jimin.”
Jimin stares at Taehyung for a long moment, his breathing picking up. Then he takes hold of
Taehyung’s legs and slams flush against him. Taehyung practically screams. “Jimin!”

“Taehyung,” Jimin breathes, fucking him fast and rough. “Tae… baby. You’re fucking
amazing. Oh god.”

“Such a good boy,” Namjoon croons. “You’re being such a good boy for Jimin.” He leans
down to captue Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung whines into the kiss, grabbing at Namoon’s face.

“A good boy,” Taehyung echoes, in a daze. His eyes trail up to Jimin. “I’m a good boy for you,

“Fuck, Tae,” Jimin sighs. “Fuck!” He throws his head back and pounds into Taehyung, and
Taehyung’s voice gradually rises into desperate wails. Seokjin just knows that Jimin is hitting the
right spot by the way Taehyung’s legs are shaking, the way he can’t keep quiet. He hopes no one
has dropped by to visit them, because he’s pretty sure they would be able to hear Taehyung from
across the flat.

Jungkook whines and begins moving his hips against Seokjin. “Jin,” he moans. “Daddy.”

Instinct overwhelms Seokjin’s inhibitions. He starts slamming into Jungkook, going deep and
hard. Jungkook’s mouth falls open as Seokjin’s thrusts drive him closer and closer to Taehyung
until he’s pressed against him, Seokjin’s knuckles brushing Taehyung’s belly where they’re
wrapped around Jungkook’s cock. His fingers find Taehyung’s cock and brings it against
Jungkook’s, stroking them in tandem, which proves difficult what with Taehyung being so huge.
He feels their precum coat his fingers, slick their shafts, and hears them kissing fiercely,
passionately. He tries to keep from thrusting right into Jungkook’s prostate, he really does, but he
can’t stop himself, not now, not when Jungkook is squeezing irresistibly around him, making such
delicious noises. A hand appears on Jungkook’s side, slides up to his shoulder close to Seokjin’s
face and Seokjin kisses the knuckles. He hears Taehyung groan loudly and his thumb strokes
Seokjin’s lips, fingers tangling in Seokjin’s hair. Seokjin releases their cocks to hold Jungkook in
place, slide more deeply into him.

“Tae,” Jungkook gasps between kisses. “Taehyung, Tae. Want you.”

Taehyung whines loudly, clutches Jungkook to him with one hand, his other around Namjoon’s
cock. “Jungkook… Jungkook!” His voice suddenly rises an octave. “Don’t. I can’t—”

Seokjin peers over Jungkook’s shoulder for a moment to see that Jungkook has taken
Taehyung’s cock in his hand and, holy shit, does his cock look huge even in Jungkook’s big hand.
“Come, Tae,” Jungkook tells him, stroking. “Shoot your load on me.”

Taehyung tosses his head back, almost crying. “Hah, please. Don’t want to. Not yet.”

Seokjin feels the bed dip a little on the other side of Jungkook. He’s about ask what the hell is
going on when Taehyung says, “H-Hobi hyung.”

Seokjin cranes his neck, can see it then—the top of Hoseok’s maroon-colored head and a pair
of shoulders positioned between Jungkook and Taehyung. He notices Yoongi at the other end of
the bed, stretched out languidly, rubbing at his soft cock—soft? has he already come?—watching

“Hoseok,” Jungkook gasps, his hips twitching. “Oh god, oh fuck. Hyung.”

Seokjin shifts a bit higher so he can see past Jungkook’s shoulders, looks down. Hoseok has
both their cocks in his fists with Jungkook’s dickhead between his lips. Holy shit. Seokjin never
thought he’d see Hoseok in such a position, but damn if he doesn’t look good like that. And it’s
driving Jungkook crazy. He’s squirming, twitching, not knowing whether to thrust into Hoseok’s
mouth or push back against Seokjin. There’s no doubt about it. This is the hottest sex Seokjin’s
ever had.

Hoseok swirls his tongue around the head of Jungkook’s dick, then switches to Taehyung’s.
“Be a good boy and suck Namjoon while I suck you, baby,” Hoseok tells him, staring right up at
him as he takes Taehyung’s dick between his lips.

“Hoseok hyung,” Taehyung groans. “I’ll be good.”

“I know, baby,” Hoseok tells him, pillowing his lips against the head of his dick.

“My good boy,” Namjoon says, placing a thumb against Taehyung’s lip to coax his mouth
open. He guides his cock between his lips and Taehyung takes it, looking up at Namjoon with
hooded eyes and humming around him as Hoseok tends to his cock.

Seokjin can now entirely focus on fucking Jungkook, but, fuck, if the noises coming from
Namjoon aren’t distracting him. And his face is even more distracting. He watches Namjoon bite
his lip, watches his head fall back, exposing his long, beautiful neck. Seokjin presses his lips
against Jungkook’s neck, imagines it’s Namjoon he’s kissing instead.

“He’s an amazing fuck.”

Yoongi’s voice in his ear has Seokjin’s heart nearly jumping out of his chest. He squeaks a
little, but thankfully everyone’s way too involved with the sex to notice. “Jesus, Yoongs.”

“You want him,” Yoongi says. Seokjin feels the man’s skin on him now as he scoots closer, his
breath against his ear. “I’ve seen you watching him.”

Seokjin hopes Yoongi doesn’t notice his ears turning red. He attempts to scoff, but it ends up
coming out as a weird sort of choke. “What?”

Yoongi’s arm wraps around him and then Seokjin feels it, Yoongi’s half-hard cock pressed
against his asscheek. He should feel uncomfortable about that, should flinch away, should feel
vulnerable in this state. But, curiously, the feelings never form. Instead, he shudders as Yoongi’s
fingers find one of his nipples, flicks it. “It would be so hot to see him fuck you, to open you up on
his big cock. Just listen to Tae and Kook. They’re on fucking cloud nine right now. Could you just
imagine if you had a cock in you right now while you’re fucking Kook? How much pleasure you’d
be experiencing?” Yoongi’s hand slides down Seokjin’s chest, runs feather-light fingers over the
jut of his hip, continues down…

Seokjin stiffens, panic seizing him. And there it is. “Don’t.” The word comes out more
strangled and desperate than he meant it to.

Yoongi immediately returns his hand to Seokjin’s chest. “It’s okay, baby,” he assures him,
pressing a kiss to his head. “I would never put anything inside you unless you wanted it. I would
never hurt you. Never, I promise. You have such a fine ass, I just had to touch it.”

Seokjin laughs weakly. “It’s an honor to touch it.”

Yoongi snorts. “You have the ability to joke when you’re balls-deep in a tight hole? You’re
obviously not fucking him hard enough.”
“I don’t wanna hurt him.” Seokjin chews his lip.

“Then I’ll guide you,” Yoongi takes hold of his hip, presses his lower half against him. Seokjin
can feel his cock plumping up, can feel how sticky it is with Yoongi’s cum. “Move with me,

Seokjin nods and Yoongi kisses him on the shoulder. A sweet, soft, reassuring kiss. Seokjin
almost can’t believe it’s Yoongi doing it, kind of wants to see what he looks like doing it, but
Yoongi remains behind him, hidden from his sight.

Yoongi begins rolling his hips and Seokjin replicates his movements as best he can. As
Jungkook groans and pushes back against him and Yoongi presses close from behind, Seokjin
starts to feel dizzy. Almost every part of him is sliding against warm, slick skin, sandwiched in on
both sides by warm bodies that respond to his every move. In front of him Jungkook is rattling off
a string of breathy curses while behind him Yoongi’s breaths are growing heavy, weak little noises
escaping him that Seokjin thought were impossible for him to make. Is Yoongi imaging that he’s
fucking Seokjin right now? By the way he grinds his cock into him, he thinks maybe. His eyes
wander up to Namjoon once again, sees his plump lips parted in gasps, his blonde hair messy in
such a perfect goddamn way, and for a moment his mind runs away from him, brings up visions of
Namjoon behind him, not Yoongi. Of Namjoon in front of him, not Jungkook. Of pushing his cock
into Namjoon, of Namjoon pushing his cock into him—

“Fuck,” Seokjin gasps. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

“Then come,” Yoongi says, his voice low and honey-smooth. “Come inside Jungkook. Come
inside your baby boy.”

“Gonna come in you, baby,” Seokjin whispers in Jungkook’s ear. “Are you close?”

Seokjin receives only a broken whimper as a reply, and it sounds like Hoseok has sped up
sucking him, slurping wetly around his shaft. “Shit, Hoseok. So fucking dirty…” Yoongi moans,
grinding especially hard into Seokjin.

“Jimin!” Taehyung cries. “I can’t—I’m gonna—!”

“Tae…” Jimin pants, grinding in deep.

Taehyung gasps, then goes completely rigid, his whole body twitching. “Yeah, baby,” Hoseok
groans. “Shoot all over Kookie, Tae. Cover him in your cum.”

Taehyung remains stiff for a few long moments, legs and hips jerking, needy little whines
bubbling in his throat. Then he lets out a heavy sigh and goes boneless. Jungkook pulls Taehyung
to him, kisses him all over his face. “So pretty, baby. So fucking pretty.”

Taehyung hums contentedly, nuzzling into his neck as Jimin continues to fuck his pliant body.
“Fuck,” Jimin grunts. “Squeezing me so tight…” He thrusts deep into Taehyung and then his hips
stutter to a halt. His eyes screw shut and his mouth drops open and… My god, he’s stunning,
Seokjin thinks as he watches Jimin grind through his orgasm, his arms barely holding him up.

“Your turn, baby boy,” Hoseok says, and Jungkook yelps as Hoseok takes his cock into his
hand. “You gonna come in my mouth? Hm? Down my throat?”

“Oh my god,” Yoongi keens. His cock is fully hard against Seokjin now, leaking onto his back.
He scrabbles at Seokjin’s shoulders. “Holy fuck, Hoseok.”
Jungkook doesn’t answer, instead opting to furiously move his hips between both Hoseok’s
mouth and Seokjin’s cock. Seokjin can tell he’s trying to keep quiet, but every now and then a
whimper or a moan escapes that makes Seokjin’s cock throb inside of him. Seokjin feels like he’s
been on the edge for ages and he can’t take it. He grabs Jungkook by the hip, holds him still, and
proceeds to fuck him deep. He hears Hoseok choke, but can’t stop, not now, not when he’s so

And then Seokjin is coming, burying himself inside Jungkook and huffing into his neck. In his
blissed out, faraway state, he hears Jungkook stop breathing for a long moment before letting out a
breathy, “I’m coming. I’m c-coming.” Seokjin holds him tightly as he shudders through his
orgasm, wanting Jungkook to feel safe once he comes down, feeling his insides squeeze around
him. Seokjin comes for a weirdly long time, aftershocks still rocking him when Jungkook finally
starts breathing normally again.

They all lay there for a full minute, catching their breaths. Then Jungkook says, voice a bit
hoarse, “I thought I was gonna die.”

Hoseok laughs, an unusually, raspy sort of sound, and props himself up on his elbows to study
everyone. He starts rubbing his throat, eyes watering slightly. “And I thought you were gonna take
me with you. You practically jammed your dick into the back of my throat.” He coughs for
emphasis, still managing a smile.

“Wasn’t me,” Jungkook insists. “Jin hyung pushed me into you.”

“And you let me,” Seokjin snaps, sounding weaker than he wanted to. “Wait, did you

Hoseok runs his tongue over his lips, as if confirming. “I mean, it was kinda hard not to when
Jungkook’s cock was in my goddamn throat.”

“Shut up,” Yoongi suddenly says. Almost sighs it more like. “Just please shut up. I’ve already
come twice and I don’t think my body can handle anymore. Seriously. I might actually die.”

“Twice?” Seokjin’s eyes widen. He turns his head to look at him, then he flashes a grin at
Hoseok. “Impressive.”

Hoseok shrugs, looking smug. “What can I say? He liked the D.”

“Can’t spell Agust D without the D,” Seokjin laughs, squeaking. Hoseok drops to the bed and
starts rolling around laughing, Jungkook joining in weakly.

Yoongi rolls over and pushes himself up against the headboard. “Fuck off, both of you,” he
snaps, but Seokjin can hear the smile in his voice nonetheless.

“Hey, Jimin,” Jungkook suddenly cuts in. “Is Tae all right?”

Seokjin props himself up on an elbow to see Taehyung lying motionless on the mattress, mouth
open, eyes shut, unresponsive. He panics for a moment, and then Jimin replies, “Y-yeah, I think
so.” He bites his lip, hands curling into fists in the sheets. “He’s still squeezing me. It’s insane.”

“He’s still coming?” Hoseok asks, raising his eyebrows.

“No,” Jimin says. “Well, not really. There’s nothing coming out of his dick. I think it’s because
I’m still on his prostate.”
“Don’t over-stimulate him,” Yoongi scolds. “Pull out. He can’t be sore for tomorrow.”

Jimin hesitates for a moment, and Seokjin can see the conflict behind his eyes. Then he pulls
out slowly, lifting Taehyung’s leg from his shoulder and lowering it back onto the bed. He flops
down behind Taehyung with a sigh, trailing his fingers lightly up Taehyung’s side. Taehyung
makes a little noise, finding Jimin’s hand and taking it in his own, intertwining their fingers. He
pulls Jimin’s arm around him, cuddles close to him.

“Hey, Tae,” Jimin whispers. “You gonna sleep in here?” Taehyung hums vaguely, doesn’t
move, doesn’t open his eyes. Jimin chuckles, kisses him on the neck. “Guess so.”

“Damn,” Yoongi comments. “Your dick put his ass to sleep.”

“Yeah, you could learn something from me,” Jimin says with a smile.

“Teachers do the teaching, not the students,” Yoongi replies in a haughty tone.

“Hey, guys,” Jungkook interrupts. “Sorry, but, uh, Namjoon still needs to come.”

Everyone looks up to see Namjoon smiling sheepishly at them. “Uh, no. That’s fine. Really.
You’re all finished and pretty worn out. I can get off just fine on my own. Don’t mind me.”

Yoongi says, “Not gonna happen,” at the same time as Hoseok blurts out, “Let me.” They both
look at each other and Yoongi says, “Come on now, Hoseok. You could barely take Jungkook’s
cock and now you wanna blow Namjoon’s? Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“You saying I’m small?” Jungkook mumbles, obviously starting to drift off.

“Don’t presume I can’t. And didn’t you say you were worn out earlier?” Hoseok says, shuffling
up to Namjoon between Jungkook and Taehyung’s bodies. He places both his hands on Namjoon’s
knees, leans in close to his face. “I’m gonna suck your cock, Joonie.”

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “You sure you can?”

Hoseok stares at him, eyes narrowed dangerously, for a few seconds. Then he pushes Namjoon
back against the headboard, lowers himself to the bed, never breaking eye contact. Namjoon’s gaze
doesn’t waver either, and his hand comes up to cup the back of Hoseok’s head as his fellow rapper
swirls his tongue around on his thigh. Seokjin watches, sees through Namjoon’s façade, sees how
aroused he is, how eager he is for Hoseok to suck him…

“Where are you going?” Yoongi asks.

Seokjin pulls out of Jungkook, sits up, doesn’t say a word. He knows if he breaks focus now he
may never accomplish what he needs to. Seeing Hoseok be so bold lights something within him.
He and Hoseok are straight, had no interest in having sex with men before this whole thing began,
but here Hoseok is having sucked Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s cocks at the same time and is now
preparing to take Namjoon’s huge rod into his mouth. He doesn’t know exactly when in his mind
this turned into a competition. All he knows is that he wants Namjoon to see that he’s willing to
suck cock, to make him feel good. So, he climbs over Jungkook and hunches down beside Hoseok,
who raises his eyebrows at him.

“What are you doing down here?” Hoseok asks.

Seokjin doesn’t respond. Instead, he dips his head down and runs his tongue along Namjoon’s
shaft. He doesn’t think too much about the fact that he just licked another man’s cock. Thankfully,
Hoseok proves to be a good distraction, as he seizes Seokjin’s face and kisses him. He welcomes
Hoseok’s tongue into his mouth, tastes what he assumes to be Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s cum.
He doesn’t pull away, actually moans into the kiss.

Hoseok breaks the kiss, swiping a tongue over his lips. “Fuck, baby,” he says breathily. “You
gonna suck Joonie with me?”

Seokjin nods. Hoseok swallows a moan, directs Namjoon’s dickhead between his own lips.
Seokjin watches Hoseok suck Namjoon, mesmerized by how turned on he looks. He removes
Namjoon’s dick from his mouth with a lewd, wet pop, offers it to Seokjin. “Your turn.”

Seokjin pillows his lips against Namjoon’s dick before opening his mouth and taking it inside.
The desperate little moan Namjoon makes, how his hand cups the back of his head, has Seokjin
running is tongue over the tip of his dick, tasting his precum. His eyes trail upward to see
Namjoon’s head ducked down, eyes closed, and lips parted with heavy breaths. When Namjoon
opens his eyes to stare lustfully down at him, Seokjin takes even more into his mouth.

“Shit, hyung…” Namjoon groans, fingers digging into Seokjin’s scalp, and Seokjin’s heart
kicks into high gear.

Seokjin pulls Namjoon’s cock regretfully from his mouth, finds he doesn’t want to let it go,
loves how he can coax such hot sounds from Namjoon by playing with it. But Hoseok is looking at
him so adamantly, is so hot lying there with his eyes glazed over and lips just slightly open,
watching Seokjin’s every move, looking like he can’t wait to have Namjoon in his mouth again.
So, Seokjin gives Namjoon’s cock a little lick before rubbing the head of his against Hoseok’s lips,
smearing precum over the delicate pink flesh. My god, he looks pretty like that. “Suck it for me,”
Seokjin tells him. Hoseok immediately opens his mouth, allows Seokjin to guide Namjoon’s cock

Hoseok and Namjoon moan in unison, and Seokjin feels his spent cock twitch against the
mattress. “Go down on him,” Seokjin says, hand covering Namjoon’s where it lay against
Hoseok’s head and pushing. Hoseok makes a strangled sound but allows himself to be pushed
down onto Namjoon’s dick, and, holy shit, that’s hot as hell. “Deeper, baby. Try to take him into
your throat like you did with Kook.” Hoseok screws his eyes shut, goes down by himself this time.
Seokjin watches closely, sees Hoseok’s throat contract but he doesn’t gag. “Move your hips, Joon,”
he says, holding Hoseok’s head firmly in place.

Namjoon groans and complies, rolling his hips slightly upward. He fucks Hoseok’s mouth
gently for a few seconds before Hoseok chokes. Seokjin allows him to pull back and off of
Namjoon’s cock. Hoseok’s face is pink, lips wet and bright red, his eyes wet. He stares at Seokjin
as if he’s in a daze, as if waiting for more instruction.

“Fuck, Hoseok, baby,” Yoongi suddenly groans from very close by. Seokjin sees movement
out of the corner of his eye and assumes Yoongi has taken his place behind Jungkook, has draped
himself over him to get a better view. “You look so damn hot right now. Did you feel him in your
throat, baby?”

Hoseok coughs, wipes at his mouth. “Yeah. A little,” he croaks.

Yoongi groans again, more loudly this time. Jungkook makes a little noise as well, and Seokjin
suspects Yoongi is grinding against him. Jesus, he can’t have more in him, Seokjin thinks in
disbelief. “How’d it feel to have him fuck your mouth?” Yoongi asks.

“Good,” Hoseok sighs.

“Fuck yeah, baby,” Yoongi says. “Is he good, Joon?”

“Yeah, he’s being so good for me, taking me into his throat,” Namjoon replies breathily,
stroking Hoseok’s hair. “A very good boy.”

Hoseok whimpers and Seokjin suddenly wants to be called a good boy too. He doesn’t know
why. It seems silly. Yet, seeing Hoseok melt at Namjoon’s words stirs something within him. He
leans in to lick up Namjoon’s shaft and Hoseok hands over Namjoon’s cock. Seokjin immediately
takes it into his mouth, trying to go down on it just as far as Hoseok had. He gags loudly, is forced
to pull off.

“You get an A for effort,” Yoongi chuckles. “Go slow.”

Seokjin coughs, his face flaming red with embarrassment as he presses his lips to Namjoon’s
dickhead. He jumps when he feels Yoongi’s breath against his ear. “Act like you’re trying to melt a

Seokjin laughs. “That’s the most stereotypical thing I’ve ever heard.”

“That’s because it’s true,” Yoongi tells him, running light fingers along Seokjin’s side.

Seokjin looks to Jimin, who is lying behind Taehyung with his eyes half open, for
confirmation. Jimin nods. “He’s right.”

Seokjin rolls his eyes and runs his tongue up Namjoon’s shaft, emulating what Yoongi said.
Namjoon grunts, bites his lip in response. Excited, Seokjin takes the tip of Namjoon’s cock
between his lips, sucks it into his mouth. Namjoon gasps, his hips twitching a little. He swirls his
tongue around the head, wraps his hand around what he can’t fit in his mouth. Namjoon pulls at
Seokjin’s hair, his thighs tensing up. “J-Jin, I’m—” He grunts again, make a strangled sort of
noise. Seokjin’s eyes wander upward, but before he can observe Namjoon’s face warm liquid
shoots into his mouth. Seokjin squeaks in surprise, almost jerks his head back. But Namjoon is
moaning, bucking his hips into his mouth, holding him in place, and Seokjin wants to make him
feel good. So he lets Namjoon’s cock sit in his mouth, moves his fist up and down on his shaft,
tastes his cum as it pools on his tongue.

“Oh, Joonie, baby,” Yoongi groans, reaching out to squeeze his thigh.

Namjoon stops coming, catches his breath. “Sorry, hyung. I’ve been on edge for a while. You
don’t have to swallow it.”

Seokjin peers up at him, sees how blissed out he looks, and a shudder courses through him. He
lets Namjoon’s cock fall from his mouth, trailing cum and saliva with it. Seokjin swallows the
semen in his mouth, lifting himself up on trembling arms. He comes face-to-face with Namjoon,
and, fuck, he just looks so good, so beautiful. He leans in and captures his lips. They’re so soft.
Just like last time. He opens his mouth and is surprised when Namjoon slips his tongue inside.
Namjoon groans, grabs the back of Seokjin’s head, pulls him closer. Seokjin’s cock twitches
between his legs.

“Mmm, Jin, careful,” Yoongi warns. “Or we might have to go another round.”

Jimin sighs wearily. “Not me, but you’re welcome to go again.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m
not opposed to watching.”

“Of course you wouldn’t be,” Yoongi says, flipping his hair haughtily. “I’m sexy as fuck.”
Hoseok starts laughing then. “You’re so fucking full of yourself.”

“Weren’t you the one who called me beautiful when you had me up against the wall a few
minutes ago?” Yoongi asks and Seokjin can see his face go completely red. Hoseok stares at
Yoongi, blushing equally hard. “Um, forget I said that,” Yoongi dismisses quickly.

“You fucked him against the wall?” Jimin says in disbelief.

Hoseok lifts his chin proudly. “Yep. Made him come untouched.”

“Untouched?” Seokjin says, pulling away from Namjoon so his mouth can drop open.

“That’s possible?” Namjoon asks. “I mean, coming from anal alone?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s happened to me before, but only twice,” Jimin says. He peers eagerly up at
Hoseok. “Hot damn, can you fuck me next?”

“Oh, please,” Yoongi scoffs. “It’s not like he’s the best I’ve ever had.”

“Really?” Hoseok flashes back, crawling predatorily toward Yoongi. “I’m willing to fuck you
until I am the best.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes and shoves him away. “Another time, fuckboy. Just because you fucked
me and made me come untouched once doesn’t mean you’re suddenly a sex god. If I was getting
dicked down a few times a week, you wouldn’t have had such an easy time making me come.” He
folds his arms over his chest, raises a suggestive eyebrow. “Besides, maybe I’d rather have you
suck me off next time, seeing as you’re so eager to have a dick in your mouth.”

Hoseok blushes from his ears to his neck as Jimin laughs behind him. “Doesn’t change the fact
that a straight boy made you come twice,” Hoseok manages to snark.

“He came twice?” Jimin says, eyes wide. “Hobi, take me now.”

“Who says you’re the first straight boy I’ve ever been with?” Yoongi says with a smirk, putting
air quotes around ‘straight.’ “And those straight boys always come crawling back to me for a fuck,
not the other way around.”

“Hooo, damn,” Seokjin crows. “Get good, Hoseok.”

Hoseok pinches Seokjin in his sides. “Shut up. We’ll see how it is after you fuck him.”

“What makes you think I’m gonna fuck him?”

“Like I said,” Yoongi responds, “because I’m sexy as fuck.”

“Oh my god, hyung,” Jimin giggles. “You’re turning into Jin.”

“Hey! I’m not that arrogant,” Seokjin protests.

“Hey, um, how are Tae and Kook?” Namjoon suddenly interrupts. Most of his blush is gone,
replaced with a look of concern. “They’re pretty quiet. Did they pass out?”

“I’m awake,” Jungkook murmurs sleepily. “Just really worn out.”

“Taehyung’s already asleep,” Jimin says. He cuddles closer and kisses Taehyung on the cheek.
Taehyung hums and snuggles into him. “He’s so damn cute when he’s getting fucked. Total pillow
princess. He could barely suck Namjoon’s dick, he was so overwhelmed and sensitive.”

“That’s so sweet,” Namjoon croons, ruffling Taehyung’s hair and smiling fondly. Taehyung
smiles a little in his sleep, nuzzles his hand. “He really is like a puppy.”

“I… I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard,” Jungkook says. “Fuck, I hope my ass doesn’t hurt

“Oh, it’s gonna hurt,” Jimin says. “Trust me. But it shouldn’t a crippling pain. Just sore.”

“Thank you, Jin hyung,” Jungkook murmurs, smiling weakly up at him. “It felt really good.”

Seokjin smiles back, stokes his face. “It means a lot to me that you chose me to be your first,
Kookie. I’m just happy I didn’t hurt you too badly.”

Jungkook hums happily, pulls a pillow close to him and wraps his arms around it. “Imma sleep
now,” he slurs, closing his eyes.

“By all means,” Jimin says, “just fall asleep in my bed. Don’t bother asking me permission

Jungkook smiles a little before his face goes slack. He’s snoring softly within a minute.

“Ugh,” Yoongi suddenly groans. “The sheets are all wet and sticky.”

“Tissues and wet wipes are in the side table,” Jimin says, nodding in that direction. “And we
can just kick off the sheets if they bother you. I’ve got a couple of blankets in my closet we can

Namjoon slides to the edge of the bed. “I’ll get a warm washcloth and come back.” He pulls on
his boxer-briefs and leaves the room.

“I would help, but I’m kinda trapped,” Jimin says.

“Here.” Hoseok tosses Jimin some tissues and a pack of wet wipes, drapes one of the fresh
blankets over him and Taehyung. “Clean Tae up while you’re down there.”

“Push the waste basket over here,” Jimin tells him, carefully pulling the full condom off his
cock. “Gotta throw this out.” He takes Seokjin’s off for him with a charming smile, ties them off,
and tosses them both. “Hobi, did you have one?”

“No,” Yoongi answers for him, annoyed. “He came in my ass.” He snatches a tissue from Jimin
and scoots to the edge of the bed. He stands and wipes his ass a little. “I’ll be back.” He walks off
to the little bathroom Jimin’s room has that contains only a toilet and a sink, closing the door
behind him.

“So, you made Yoongi hyung come twice, untouched, and you didn’t wear a condom?” Jimin
whistles quietly. “Lucky man.”

“Don’t let him hear you say that,” Hoseok whispers. He winks at him. “He’ll never admit it,
but he liked being dominated.”

“That’s gonna be fun to exploit,” Jimin giggles.

Seokjin laughs with him and sees Namjoon walk back into the room, a couple of washcloths in
hand. “All right,” Namjoon says, “who needs these?”
“Me,” comes Yoongi’s muffled voice from the bathroom, followed by a string of swears and,
“Christ, Hoseok, how much cum did you put in me? What are you, a fucking horse?”

“Thanks for the compliment, baby,” Hoseok snickers.

Yoongi walks out of the bathroom, takes a washcloth from Namjoon’s outstretched hand. “It
wasn’t a compliment,” he grumbles.

“Oh, don’t be like that, Yoongs,” Hoseok croons. He lays down on the bed just behind
Jungkook, bringing a blanket with him. He stretches out his arms in a welcoming gesture. “Come
here, let Hobi cuddle the grumpiness out of you.”

“Hobi’s gonna keep his hands to himself if he knows what’s good for him,” Yoongi says
sternly, flopping back onto the bed beside Hoseok.

Hoseok juts out his lower lip. “You’re so mean, hyung,” he pouts. “Not gonna reward me for
giving you two amazing orgasms tonight?”



“Your reward was fucking me.”

“That’s not fair!”

“Life isn’t fair.”

“You can cuddle me, Hobi,” Seokjin suggests, sliding himself between Hoseok and Jungkook
and under the blanket. He wraps his arm around Jungkook, spoons him from behind. “I don’t

“Thank you, hyung. You’re my favorite,” Hoseok says enthusiastically, slinging an arm around
Seokjin and planting a loud kiss on his cheek. Yoongi scoffs.

Namjoon gently wipes Taehyung and Jungkook off, getting between their legs to make sure
they’re clean. Seokjin watches him over Jungkook’s shoulder. He’s super cute, he thinks, taking
care of his dongsaengs. “We all sleeping here, then?” Namjoon asks, tossing the washcloths into
the bathroom and taking a seat on the bed.

“Be my guest,” Jimin sighs. “It’ll be a little crowded, though.”

“That’s fine,” Namjoon says cheerfully, wiggling between Jungkook and Taehyung. His
dimpled smile makes an appearance. “I like cuddles.”

“You would, vanilla boy,” Yoongi snorts.

“You’re really missing out, hyung,” Namjoon says. “You can kiss and touch who you’re
cuddling with very easily, and you can grind into them. Could lead to morning sex if you’re good
about the timing.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

“If anyone wakes me up to have sex, they’re dead,” Yoongi warns them.

“Suit yourself…” Namjoon says, wrapping an arm around Taehyung and another around
Everyone goes quiet then. They’d been talkative before, but now that they’re laying in bed all
snuggled up with each other, sleep comes on fast. Almost as soon as Seokjin closes his eyes, he’s
asleep. He wakes up suddenly at three in the morning, needing to pee. Carefully, he wriggles out of
the bed—well, beds if he’s getting technical—and goes to relieve himself in the bathroom. When
he comes back out there’s just enough light from the bathroom to see the whole bed. Everyone’s in
the same positions as before for the most part, which isn’t surprising considering how tired they all
are. His eyes slide over his friends for a quiet minute, lingering on Namjoon.

Then he suddenly finds himself unable to keep a smile off his face. Because, among twisted
blankets and tangled limbs, he sees Yoongi curled up peacefully against Hoseok’s back, his arm
slung over the younger man’s side.

Chapter End Notes

Uh oh, we're encountering a tangled web of feelings. Jin and Yoongi both seem to like
Namjoon, and Hobi got a little possessive of Yoongi during the orgy. Not to mention
Jimin almost lashing out at Hobi over Yoongi earlier. And poor Namjoon still doesn't
know wtf is going on, lol. Shit's about to get complicated.

And don't you just love all the snuggles at the end? I wasn't intending for them to fall
asleep together in the same bed, but I just couldn't help myself. They're all so cute
together, I had to! Also, you know Yoongi secretly loves cuddles. He just does. <3
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

So, this chapter is gonna contain more angst than previous ones, just be aware of that.
But there will also be smut, so hopefully it will offset it. Also, we get our first
Yoonmin. :)

Just a WARNING: self-harm and depression is discussed in this chapter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Jimin, do you have a death wish?”

Namjoon opens his eyes at Yoongi’s harsh whisper, squinting at the sunlight filtering through
the blinds. He looks down and sees Taehyung sleeping with his mouth wide open and head against
Namjoon’s chest. Jimin, who should have been behind him, is missing. Not wanting to attract
attention, Namjoon slowly turns his head, his eyes barely open, and sees movement on the other
side of the bed.

Yoongi is lying on his back, and at first Namjoon’s worried something is wrong. Jimin is
nowhere in sight. Was Yoongi talking to himself? Then he sees the blanket draped over Yoongi
move, notices a few weird lumps in it. He hears a wet popping noise and Yoongi’s head falls back
against the headboard.

“Aw, come on, hyung,” Jimin says, his voice muffled, and Namjoon realizes it’s coming from
beneath the blanket. “I’m sucking your dick first thing in the morning, and that’s how you talk to

Namjoon’s dick twitches. Jimin’s blowing him?

“I told you not to wake me up for sex.”

“It’s not sex,” Jimin insists innocently. “I’m just… examining.”

“Examining, my ass.”

“I could do that too.”

“All right, I’ve had enough,” Yoongi says, not sounding especially irritated. “Get up here.”

“But I haven’t finished yet,” Jimin pouts, complying nonetheless. There’s more shuffling and
his head pops out from underneath the blanket. Yoongi grabs him by the face and brings him in for
a kiss. Jimin groans. Yoongi pulls away. “On your stomach,” he tells him.

Jimin raises his eyebrows. “What for?”

Yoongi scoots out from under him and pushes himself to the edge of the bed, standing. “Your

Jimin smiles wide and turns over, kicking the blanket off of him. Namjoon admires his plump,
firm ass. Damn, he’s going to have to fuck it sometime.

“Don’t get too excited,” Yoongi says, retrieving some lube that had been knocked onto the
floor. Whoa, he looks good bending down naked, especially with his hard cock bobbing between
his legs.

“Um, that won’t be necessary,” Jimin suddenly says.

“No?” Yoongi stares at him for a moment before breaking into a smirk. “Oh… how long have
you been fingering yourself?”

“Since I woke up.”

“And how long ago was that?”

“Hmm, maybe an hour?” Jimin answers coquettishly.

Namjoon’s cock is fully hard now. It’s difficult not to touch it, so he grinds it gently against
Taehyung’s stomach, hoping he doesn’t wake him up.

Yoongi snorts, straddling Jimin’s legs and pumping at his own hard cock. “Slut.”

“You’re one to talk.”

“At least I’m a tasteful slut.”

Jimin snorts with laughter. “What the hell does that even mean?”

“Shut up,” Yoongi snaps, hunching over him and directing his cock between his legs. “No
more talking. In fact, if you wake the others I’ll stop fucking you.”


“This is a punishment, remember?”

Jimin laughs breathily, wiggles his ass. “Do your worst,” he teases.

Yoongi doesn’t respond. Instead, he pushes in, bracing himself with one hand against the
mattress. Jimin moans prettily. Yoongi presses Jimin’s face into a pillow. “First and final warning.
Be quiet.”

Namjoon watches silently, hoping to fuck that no one wakes up because this is hot as hell.
Jungkook suddenly hums, nuzzles against him, and it almost makes him jump.

“Now, let’s find your prostate,” Yoongi whispers, rotating his hips. Jimin’s reaction is almost
immediate. He squeaks, but quickly cuts it off, his hips twitching. Yoongi smiles. “Been
massaging it for the full hour, huh? Oh, you’re in for a rough time, Jimin.” Yoongi pushes in deep
and hard.

Jimin arches his back, fingers digging into the mattress. “H-hyung, fuck,” he moans quietly.
“Right on it…”

“And that’s where I’m staying,” Yoongi murmurs, rolling his hips again. Jimin whimpers.
“You’d better not fucking come until I have. That’s an order, Jimin.”

“Yoongi,” Jimin whines, burying his face in the pillow. The sound goes right to Namjoon’s
cock, and he’s pretty sure he’s covering Taehyung in precum.

Yoongi braces his hands against the bed, spreads his legs further, and Namjoon thinks this is
the most he’s ever seen him stretch. And it gets his cock deep, if Jimin’s muffled moan is any
indication. Yoongi moves his hips slowly, each grind coaxing desperate little sounds from Jimin.
Yoongi’s head drops back with a sigh, tongue running over his lips, and, fuck, does Namjoon want
to kiss him right now, he looks so good.

“Mm, you’re twitching around me,” Yoongi groans. He rotates his hips, keeping himself just as
deeply inside. He moves up Jimin’s body just a bit, enough so that Namjoon can clearly see
Yoongi’s cock disappearing into Jimin’s ass. From this angle, Namjoon knows he must be deep.
He briefly wonders how that must feel—both on Yoongi’s end and on Jimin’s.

Jimin sucks air through his teeth. “Fuck, fuck. It’s starting to… to hurt, hyung.”

“Stop lying,” Yoongi snaps. “I can feel you twitching. You like being over-stimulated, don’t

Jimin whimpers. “I-I’m serious. It’s too much.”

“Too much or too good?”

Namjoon feels a familiar urge rising within him, an urge to protect, to comfort. Maybe Yoongi
is taking this too far. Maybe Jimin is telling the truth, that he’s in pain. And Namjoon is just laying
there, letting him suffer. He inhales, preparing to say something, when Jimin’s whole body
suddenly stiffens and he tosses his head to the side. “H-hyung, I’m gonna come!”

“Hold it,” Yoongi orders. “Not until I finish.”

Namjoon exhales quietly, both relieved and even more turned on. So, Jimin does like a little
pain? Interesting. Namjoon had never seen him as someone who would be into it. Then again, he
hadn’t really seen Jimin as anything more than his friend before this whole orgy thing started, so
maybe he doesn’t have the best judgement.

Jimin is panting hard now, and Namjoon can see the sweat glistening on his skin. “Can’t.”

“If you can’t, then I’ll keep stimulating you even after you come,” Yoongi growls, pulling out
just slightly and thrusting back in. “Or would you like that?”

Jimin shakes his head desperately, squeaking as his prostate is pounded. “No, please, hyung.”
His voice is high and wrecked. “Please.”

“Yeah,” Yoongi moans. “Fucking beg for me, Jimin.” He begins thrusting slow and deep, each
little movement forcing half-pained, half-aroused squeaks out of Jimin. Then Yoongi’s hips stutter
and he presses flush against him. “You’re lucky as fuck. I’m coming.” He sighs, drops his head
down, fingers digging into the flesh on Jimin’s back. He drapes himself across Jimin from chest to
pelvis, grinding. “That’s right, baby. Come.”

Jimin’s eyes roll up and his mouth drops open. “O-oh my g-god, Yoongi. Fuck. Oh my god!”

Seokjin jerks awake. “What? What’s going on?”

Namjoon extends an arm to rub his shoulder, calm him. “It’s just Jimin,” he tells him.

“And how long have you been awake, Joon?”

Namjoon lifts his gaze to see Yoongi smirking at him. “Uh… I, uh…” he stammers, feeling has
face heat up.

Taehyung groans, hugs Namjoon more tightly. “Why so loud?” he pouts. He shifts around a
little, reaching out behind him to feel the bed, then lifts his head and looks around. “Jimin?”

“What time is it?” Jungkook murmurs, not even bothering to open his eyes.

Hoseok yawns loudly, stretches. “Should be a little past seven.” He pushes himself upright and
eyes Yoongi, who still has his dick in Jimin’s ass. “Nice show, by the way. Really enjoyed it. By
the way, Jiminie, weren’t you saying just last night how you wanted me to fuck you?”

Jimin just stares, face flaming red. Seokjin rolls over to stare at him in disbelief. “You woke
Yoongi up? Do you have a death wish?”

“I mean,” Jimin mutters, shrugging. “I’m not dead.”

“You didn’t answer my question,” Hoseok says.

Suddenly, Taehyung sits up, his hair all over the place. “Wait, did you say seven?”

“Past seven,” Hoseok replies.

Taehyung makes an anxious noise and practically jumps from the bed. “Crap! I have to meet
with the marketing manager at eight.” He stands, takes one step, and winces. “Jeez, Jimin. Did you
cripple me last night or something?”

“You’re just a little sore,” Jimin sighs, scooting out from under Yoongi and getting off the bed.
“Here, I’ll help you.”

“Ah, Jimin!” Yoongi groans, motioning. “You’re dripping jizz.”

“And who’s fault is that exactly?” Jimin flashes back, snatching some tissues off his side table
to clean himself.

“You, for waking me up.”

Jungkook whines, pulls the blanket over his head. “It’s too early for this.”

“All right,” Namjoon says, sitting up. “Who here has work to do this morning?”

“Me!” Taehyung says as Jimin helps him to the bathroom.

“I know that!” Namjoon sighs wearily. “Who other than Taehyung?”

“I have to record my part for that new track at ten,” Jungkook’s muffled voice answers from
beneath the blanket.

Namjoon grabs the blanket and pulls it down. “Then get your ass up and get ready or you’ll be

Jungkook’s eyes are barely open. He blindly feels for the blanket. “Just a few more minutes…”
he whines pitifully.

“It’ll take you an hour just to wake up,” Namjoon insists, pulling the blanket even further out of
his reach. “Come on.”
“Fine,” Jungkook relents with a sigh, forcing his eyes open. “I need coffee.”

“Is that a request?” Yoongi says in his scolding, fatherly tone, having already pulled on his

“Yes, please,” Jungkook mews. Namjoon can’t help but smile despite how much of an
obstinate little shit he’s being. Jungkook is only ever this soft and cute in the mornings and
Namjoon is grateful he’s one of the few who gets to see him like this.

“Why didn’t anyone set alarms?” Seokjin laments.

“Wasn’t exactly able to after I was fucked into unconsciousness,” Taehyung retorts. He’s
wandered out of the bathroom to retrieve his clothes from the floor, cringing as he bends down.

Jimin hurries out. “Let me get those for you.” He quickly scoops the clothes up. “Sit on the
bed. I’ll help you get dressed.” Taehyung, looking defeated, does so and Jimin follows him.
“Everything will be fine, okay? Just relax.” Jimin presses their foreheads together with a small
smile, kisses Taehyung on the nose. Taehyung’s grumpy expression immediately turns gleeful as
Jimin kisses him on both cheeks, then softly on the lips. They’re so damn cute, Namjoon thinks

“Ugh, barf,” Yoongi says as he passes them on the way to the door. Namjoon can’t help it. His
eyes immediately go to Yoongi’s legs and not only because he’s so unused to seeing them. “Get a
room, you two.”

Jimin frowns at him. “This is my room.”

Yoongi is already gone, and Namjoon takes that as a cue to get up. He pulls on a shirt and some
pants, tells Seokjin to make sure Jungkook stays awake, and walks out to the kitchen. Yoongi is
busy pulling mugs out of the cabinet, the coffee machine already dripping. Namjoon stands there
for a while, just watching Yoongi mill about, trying to figure out how to start this conversation.

“Hyung,” he finally says.

“Hm?” Yoongi hums, not bothering to turn around.

“Can I speak to you in private?”


Namjoon frowns, confused. “What?”

“I said,” Yoongi reiterates, “nope. You like creamer in your coffee, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

Yoongi turns around to eye him sternly. “Look, I know what it is you wanna talk about, but I’m
not in the mood.”

“Not in the mood?” Namjoon echoes, wrinkling his nose. “So, when will you be in the mood?”

“Hmm, eventually.”

“When’s ‘eventually’?”

“Dunno.” Yoongi shrugs. “Maybe ten minutes from now, maybe ten years from now, maybe
on my deathbed. I’ve got options.”

Namjoon sighs. “Yoongi hyung, I don’t mean to push you.”

“Well, you have a funny way of showing it.”

“I’m just worried!”

“You always worry. What’s new?” Yoongi adds the creamer, then takes out a teaspoon. “How
much sugar? I know you like so much your teeth are gonna fall out one of these days.”

Namjoon sighs again, rounds the counter to take Yoongi by the shoulders, force him to look
him in the eyes. Yoongi does, appearing highly irritated. “Hyung, I’m serious. I need to know that
you’re okay. I can’t stand to see one of you suffering quietly.”

“I’m not suffering…” Yoongi grumbles, eyes roaming.

“Then just prove it by talking to me, okay?” Namjoon brushes the hair out of Yoongi’s face.
“Please. No one else has to know, I promise.”

Yoongi stares at him for a few silent moments before scoffing and taking him by the hand.
“Bathroom,” he says, pulling Namjoon down the hall toward it. Namjoon follows, happy that he’s
finally broken through to Yoongi but at the same time feeling a bit guilty that he pried. No, he tells
himself, I need to know. This is good. This is progress.

Yoongi pulls him into the bathroom. “Lock it,” he tells him, and Namjoon does while Yoongi
turns on the shower.

Namjoon raises his eyebrows. “Are you…?”

“No!” Yoongi insists, leaning against the sink. “I just… I don’t want anyone else to hear this.
No need to add to any worries they may have, you know?”

“Oh.” Namjoon nods. “Right.”

Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose. “All right, let’s get this over with.” He takes a deep
breath, doesn’t even look at Namjoon as he speaks. “Yes, the scars on my legs are what you think
they are. I used to cut myself, but not anymore. I haven’t done it in years, so you don’t have to
worry about it.” He pushes himself off the counter, claps his hands together in a gesture of finality.
“There. That answer your questions? Good. Now let’s—”

“Hyung,” Namjoon says, blocking Yoongi’s way out with an arm. He levels a stern look at

Yoongi sighs dramatically, leans back against the sink again. “Fine. I knew it wouldn’t be that
easy. Ask your questions.”

“Okay,” Namjoon begins, trying to keep himself calm. Yoongi cut himself and all this time I
never knew? God, he feels like such a piece of shit. “When did it start?”

“What does it matter? I don’t do it anymore.”

“Please, hyung.”

“Fine.” Yoongi throws up his hands before folding his arms over his chest. “Years ago.”
“Please be specific,” Namjoon says. “It’ll go faster.”

“I started in high school, quit right before we debuted.”

Namjoon can’t help but gasp, a hand covering his mouth. Yoongi looks up at him in
annoyance. “Yoongi, I’m so sor—”

“Spare me the pity,” Yoongi interrupts, waving him off. “What else?”

“I’m not pitying you,” Namjoon tells him, but Yoongi only scoffs. “Honest. Why your legs?”

“Because I could easily hide them,” Yoongi answers, letting out a bitter little laugh. “What
entertainment company would wanna hire some mental case?”


“Wonder why I always cover up my legs?” Yoongi ignores him and continues. “That’s it.”

Namjoon is quiet for a moment, pondering his next words carefully. Should he even ask this
question? Would it be going too far? I have to try, he thinks. I need to know so I can help him,
whether he wants that help or not. “Why… why did you do it?”

Yoongi laughs at him. “Because of my depression. You know I have it. I wasn’t on meds then,
so that’s how I coped. It was unhealthy and stupid, sure, but it was easy.”

“No, I mean you said it started in high school. What triggered it?”

Yoongi frowns. “Triggered it? Nothing triggered it. I was going through puberty and high
school is hell for the quiet kid and all that. It just… happened.”

Namjoon continues to stare at him, trying to gauge if he’s telling the truth. Yoongi stares back
for a few moments before looking away to examine the far wall, chewing his lip. He’s not telling
the whole truth. Why? Fear begins to gnaw at Namjoon. Perhaps the answer is more serious than
he thought.

He can’t ask anything else, though, because Jimin is knocking on the door. “Hey, um, we kinda
need to use the tub in there…”

Yoongi turns off the shower, then brushes past Namjoon to unlock the door. “It’s all yours,” he
says when he opens the door, quickly making an exit. Jimin and Taehyung stare after him.

“Why was the shower on?” Jimin asks. “And why were you in there with him?”

Taehyung waggles his eyebrows at him, obviously in a better mood now. “Were you gonna
take a shower together?”

“No,” Namjoon sighs in defeat and shuffles past them. Thankfully, they’re too busy to stick
around and ask him twenty questions. Although Jimin appeared worried he hopes he won’t bring
this up later, because he doesn’t exactly know how he would respond.

Yoongi keeps his distance for the rest of the morning, and that only makes Namjoon feel
worse. He wants to hug Yoongi, to kiss his head and tell him he’s sorry that he brought it up, that
he only wants to make sure Yoongi is happy. He thinks about doing it, grabbing Yoongi by the
hand and dragging him back to the bathroom to apologize and comfort him, but he doesn’t want to
push him any further and he definitely doesn’t want the others to start asking questions.
He finds excuses to stick around—for one, making sure Jungkook is up and ready on time—
until Yoongi declares he’s heading off to the studio. Usually, this is when Yoongi invites Namjoon
to join him, but he noticeably doesn’t. He just… leaves, coffee and bag in hand. Hoseok watches
him go, turns to Namjoon. “Not going?” he asks, as if he can read Namjoon’s mind.

“Later,” Namjoon decides. “After a shower.” He doesn’t want to follow Yoongi too quickly
and seem like he’s fussing over him, so he’ll wait a good ten minutes then leave for the studio.
Every second that he doesn’t have Yoongi in his sight is almost agonizing. What if he’s hiding in
his studio right now, with the door locked, cutting up his legs again? What if that’s because
Namjoon pushed too hard? Namjoon doesn’t even bother to dry his hair before slipping on his

“Someone’s in a rush,” Seokjin comments from the couch while eating a late breakfast.

“Yeah, uh, just excited to get to work,” Namjoon replies, not stopping. He throws a hat on.
“Sudden inspiration.”

“Nice,” Hoseok says through brushing his teeth.

“Hey, Namjoon?” Seokjin says, concern tinging his voice, but Namjoon acts like he doesn’t
hear him, is already halfway out the door. His imagination is going wild with horrible possibilities
about what Yoongi could be doing, could be going through right now, and he just needs to get to

He was cutting himself, Namjoon thinks as he gets into a waiting car. He was cutting himself
and I didn’t notice a damn thing. What kind of shitty friend am I?

“Here, take this.”

Jimin sets a pill down in front of Jungkook, who has just gotten back from his recording session
and is sipping a second cup of coffee. He frowns at it. “What is it?”

“Aspirin,” Jimin says, sitting down at the island beside him. “Should have given it to you
before you left this morning, but I was busy with Tae.”

Jungkook ignores the twinge of irritation he gets hearing how Jimin fawned over Tae
practically all morning. He pushes the pill across the counter. “I don’t need it. I feel fine.”

Jimin pushes the pill back. “You won’t be saying that later. Trust me.”

Jungkook grudgingly swallows the pill along with the rest of his coffee. He had been lying, of
course. Ever since he got up he’s been feeling a dull, throbbing pain in his ass with each step. It
isn’t debilitating, but it’s enough to distract him. He knows he would be better off with an Aspirin,
but he doesn’t want to worry his hyungs. That and he’s feeling grumpier than usual. Must be lack
of sleep.

“What happens if one of us finds a partner outside the group?” Jungkook doesn’t know what
makes him say it, maybe it’s because his caffeine-addled brain is running too fast for his
judgement to keep up with.
Jimin stares at him, obviously puzzled at the sudden serious line of questioning. He smiles,
laughs a little, quite possibly sensing Jungkook’s bad mood. He’s good at stuff like that. “Well,
that’s inevitable, right? I mean, I hope that eventually happens. Granted, it might not be for a while

Jungkook feels even more annoyed for some reason and tries his best not to show it. No reason
to push his emotions onto Jimin. “No, no. I mean, what happens with, uh, this,” he motions
between him and Jimin, then the room in general, “thing we all have going on. You know, the

Jimin’s face starts to redden, and Jungkook has a feeling it’s a reflection of his own face.
“There’s no commitment between us. If it makes your future partner uncomfortable, then you
could just not participate. None of us would knock you for it. You know that.”

Another question burns in the back of Jungkook’s mind, one he knows may be going too far.
He decides to keep it to himself and instead asks, “If you got one, a partner I mean, would you

Jimin laughs for real this time, almost falling off his stool. “That kind of thing won’t happen
for at least ten years. Why are you so worried about it? Would you be jealous?”

Jungkook opens his mouth to respond but finds that his mind has blanked out at the word
‘jealous.’ Jealous, Jungkook considers. Is that what I’ve been feeling? Jealous of who? What the
hell do I have to be jealous about? When he doesn’t say anything and continues to ponder this
revelation, Jimin awkwardly clears his throat, his his blush darkening. He starts messing with his
hair like he does when he gets nervous.

“Um, I’m sorry if you felt like I ignored you earlier,” Jimin says, no longer looking at him.
“But you know how Tae is. Very needy and clingy. I mean, it’s cute but it can also be troublesome,
you know?”

“Yeah,” Jungkook says dumbly, embarrassed at how weird he’s made this conversation. Why
did he have to bring up the whole partner thing in the first place? He knows they all agreed there
would be no strings attached, so where did his worry come from? “Um, how was he?”



“Well, he was obviously hurting a bit when he got up, but after I got him into the bath and got
some Aspirin into him—”

“No, how was he?” Jungkook says, feeling even more awkward right now. What the fuck is
going on with his brain? “You know.”

Jimin raises his eyebrows and smiles fondly at him. “Oh, that. You could just say it. You’re so
damn cute, Kookie.” Jimin sits back and contemplates for a moment. “I can’t really make a
judgement about it because it was his first time, but if there’s one thing Taehyung does it’s be
enthusiastic about everything he tries. And you heard him. I was on edge most of the time because
he wouldn’t shut up about how I was fucking him.”

Jungkook smiles. “Sounds like he really liked you.” His smile quickly disappears as he realizes
what he just said. Sounds like he really liked you. The words echo in his head for a while and he
starts to wring his hands.
Jimin stares at him, frowning. “Kookie, are you all right? Is the Aspirin working?”

Jungkook slides off his stool and takes his cup to the sink. “I’m fine. Just tired.”

“You’re welcome to rest in my room if you want,” Jimin suggests, sounding weirdly timid. “I
was thinking about taking a nap as well before dance practice later.”

“Is Taehyung here?”

Jimin hesitates for a moment. Jungkook glances over his shoulder at him and sees him chewing
his lip. “Yeah, he came back an hour ago. He’s in his room, but I don’t know if he’s sleeping or

Jungkook is heading off down the hallway while Jimin is still speaking and while he knows he
must seem rude, he just doesn’t have the patience to care. He makes a mental note to apologize to
Jimin later about his dickish behavior when he arrives at Taehyung’s door. He’s about to knock on
it when the knob suddenly turns and Taehyung’s face appears.


“Hi,” Jungkook says awkwardly. “Can I come in?”

Taehyung shrugs. “Sure. I mean, I was gonna get some food, but—”

“I need to talk to you for a second,” Jungkook says hurriedly, suddenly feeling anxious.

“Okay,” Taehyung chirps good-naturedly, opening the door further to welcome him in.

Jungkook slides in and closes the door behind him. As soon as he does, he grabs Taehyung’s
face and kisses him. Taehyung squeaks in surprise, but doesn’t move, doesn’t resist. Even opens
his mouth a little.

Jungkook pulls away, looks at him. “Tae.”

Taehyung licks his lips. Jungkook feels hands find his waist. “Yeah.” It isn’t a question. The
way Taehyung leans in, gazes so adamantly at him, Jungkook knows: it’s permission.

Jungkook kisses him again, grabs him by the hips, backs him toward the bed. Taehyung lets
himself be led, clutching Jungkook’s shirt. The back of Taehyung’s knees hit the bed and he sits,
Jungkook following, pushing him down onto his back. God, does Jungkook want to fuck him. He
presses himself against Taehyung, feels his hardening cock against his stomach, and is seized with
the sudden desire to ride him, to feel Taehyung inside him. It’s strange how bold he’s feeling, how
desperate. Too much caffeine, he concludes, but deep down he knows that can’t be the only
explanation. And, as much as he wants to go all the way with Taehyung right now, a twinge of
pain in his ass reminds him how sensitive they both are. He doesn’t want to hurt him by fucking
him almost immediately after his first time. But he can see Taehyung wants it, can feel how his
body is responding to his touch.

“Kook,” Taehyung moans, wrapping his arms around him. “Jungkook.”

“Tae, want you,” Jungkook says, and he does. He really, really does. He feels like he might
stop breathing if he doesn’t have him, and that scares the shit out of him. Why is he feeling this
way? Does everyone feel like this after having sex? Taehyung hadn’t even been the one take his
virginity, yet Jungkook feels undeniably attracted to him. Why?
It’s so overwhelming, Jungkook has to pull away. Taehyung seems to sense his unease, because
his arms loosen from around him, fall away. He sits up. “Kookie? Is something wrong?”

“I…” Jungkook licks his lips, mouth going dry. “I, uh, I don’t know.”


“It’s not that I don’t want it,” Jungkook quickly clarifies. “I’m just feeling a little off today.”

Taehyung scoots close, presses a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “Are you ill?”

Jungkook grabs his hand, takes it from his head, holds it in his lap. “No. Just tired.”

“Then we could nap,” Taehyung suggests.

“Can’t. Too restless.” God, Jungkook feels like such a piece of shit shooting down Taehyung’s
attempts to comfort him. He just doesn’t know what’s gotten into him today. So he keeps holding
Taehyung’s hand to make up for it.

Taehyung is quiet for a long moment, and Jungkook is worried he may have hurt his feelings.
But then he says, “Kook, why have you been avoiding Jimin?”

Jungkook’s head snaps around to look at him. “What? What do you mean?”

“Yesterday, before the orgy,” Taehyung begins, “Jimin called your name, but you didn’t
answer him.”

“I-I didn’t hear him,” Jungkook says too hastily.

“Jungkook,” Taehyung says in a way that reminds Jungkook of Seokjin.

Jungkook looks at him, sees his disappointed expression, and sighs, ducking his head.
“Taehyung, have you ever gone out with anyone?”

“Yeah. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends. Why?”

“Did you love them?”

“Of course I did.”

“How’d it feel?”

“Feel?” Taehyung frowns at him for a moment before his eyes roll up to the ceiling in
contemplation. “I mean, it’s a happy feeling. Is that what you wanna know?”

“A happy feeling,” Jungkook mutters to himself, wringing his hands.

“Yeah,” Taehyung chirps, smiling at the memories. Then he leans in, puts a hand on
Jungkook’s knee. “Hey, Kookie, are you sure you’re okay?”

Jungkook nods absentmindedly. “Yeah. Um, can we just… cuddle?”

Taehyung smiles fondly at him. “Of course.” He flops back on the bed and opens his arms.
Jungkook smiles back at him and joins him, letting Taehyung’s warmth and closeness erase his
worries, if only for a short time.
Thankfully, Jungkook manages to pull out of his funk before dance practice that evening. He even
manages to earn a ton of compliments from Hoseok. This has the unfortunate result of Jungkook
going all out, over-exerting himself to the point that, when practice is over, he’s splayed out on the
couch in the lounge, all his muscles seizing. He hates that he’s kind of incapable of immediately
taking a shower and has to lay in his own filth and finds his grumpiness from earlier returning.

He’s just wondering how the hell he’s going to get himself off the couch and to his room when
a head pops over the top of the cushions. “What’s up, Kook?” It’s Hoseok.

Jungkook groans. “Sore.”

“From last night?”

“No, from practice.”

“Ah,” Hoseok says, rounding the couch and nudging Jungkook’s legs over to sit next to him.
“Why do you always feel the need to push yourself to your limits? You don’t have to. You’re one
of the best dancers of the group and take instruction well.”

“Got carried away.” Jungkook tries to sit up, but winces and slides back down again.

Hoseok tsks, brushes Jungkook’s sweaty hair from his face. “Poor baby. Hey, how about I give
you a massage?”

“Yeah, that sounds—” Jungkook begins happily, then frowns. “Wait. Are you really wanting to
use my crippled state to get off?”

“What do you mean? It’s just a massage. It’ll help you relax.”

“Hyung,” Jungkook says, unimpressed. “Do you honestly think I’ve already forgotten what
your kinks are?”

Hoseok laughs a little, a bit red in the face for having been caught. “I’m honored you
remember. But really, I wasn’t offering because I’m horny. Well, I’m maybe a little horny, but
that’s not the reason why I offered.”

“Uh huh,” Jungkook says, unconvinced.

“Really!” Hoseok insists. He pushes himself up from the couch and squats down beside
Jungkook. “Here, grab onto me. I’ll carry you to my room and I’ll give you a nice massage. No
getting off. I promise. You need to be fit for tomorrow anyway.”

Jungkook hesitates for a moment before sighing and throwing his arms around Hoseok’s neck.
Hoseok picks him up and carries him off, depositing him on the bed in his room. “All right. On
your stomach,” Hoseok says, searching his drawers for something. Jungkook relents and rolls over.
The next thing he knows, the mattress is dipping next to him and his shirt is being hiked up.
“Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?”

“I can get to your muscles better with your shirt off,” Hoseok says innocently.
Jungkook allows Hoseok to pull his shirt over his head and discard it. Then Hoseok’s hands are
on him and they’re—

“Did you put oil on your hands?”

“Yeah, it’ll help loosen you up.”

“By spreading lube all over my back?”

“It’s not lube!”

“It practically is!”

Hoseok digs his fingers into Jungkook’s shoulders. “Shh, you’re supposed to be relaxing.”

Jungkook groans, buries his face in the pillow. Hoseok finds a knot and goes at it with his
thumb, rubbing in firm circles before slowly pressing down. Jungkook groans again when he feels
the knot give way. The oil removes any harsh friction there may have been, allowing Hoseok’s
hands to glide across Jungkook’s skin. “Damn, Hobi…”

“Good, right?” Hoseok says happily, humming now. He works his way down Jungkook’s back,
spreading the oil. Jungkook finds himself fighting back moans as Hoseok adds more oil to his
hands. The liquid heightens the sensation of skin-against-skin, and, along with the bliss of his
muscles being worked over, it makes the massage a lot more… intense than it should be. Jungkook
begins to wonder if Hoseok knew this would happen and planned it this way. Or maybe his own
body is just hyper-sensitive for some reason. Either way, Jungkook considers this Hoseok’s fault,
the sneaky bastard.

“How are you feeling?”

“Mmm,” Jungkook responds, kind of out of it. He needs this after being so wound up all day.

Hoseok chuckles. “Told you it would feel nice.” All of a sudden he pats Jungkook on the ass.
Jungkook jumps. “Now turn over. I need to get your front.”

“No,” Jungkook says way too quickly.

He can almost see Hoseok frowning at him. “But you’ll seize up again if I don’t get all of you.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’m already completely relaxed.”

“You’re lying.”

“No, I’m not.”

Hoseok sighs, grabs him by the hips, and flips him, which Jungkook didn’t even think he was
capable of. He’s so shocked, in fact, that he doesn’t have time to cover himself up before Hoseok
gets an eyeful of his boner. Hoseok raises his eyebrows and smirks. “Well, then. Weren’t you the
one worried about me getting hard?”

Jungkook can feel his face heating up. “I’m just really relaxed, okay?”

“Uh huh.” Hoseok grabs Jungkook’s waistband and pulls it down. “Let’s try this.”

Jungkook’s hand shoots down to grab his pants. “What are you doing?”
“Just trust me, okay?” Hoseok says and when Jungkook continues to stare at him suspiciously,
he adds, “Look, I’ve kinda been feeling guilty since dance practice for not telling you to slow
down, so just let me do this.”

Jungkook reluctantly nods, a part of him a little excited over the fact that Hoseok is looming
over him, fully clothed, eyes wandering over his bare torso. Hoseok pulls Jungkook’s pants off,
then inches his underwear down to his knees. Hoseok grabs up the bottle of oil laying beside him
on the bed and, instead of pouring some into his hand, he proceeds to uncap it and overturn it over
Jungkook’s stomach. “Whoa!” Jungkook exclaims, pushing himself up onto his elbows. “It’s

“Sorry, sorry,” Hoseok says. “Lay back down. It won’t be cold for long, I promise.”

Jungkook lowers himself and is surprised when Hoseok follows him. Hoseok removes his own
shirt and presses himself against Jungkook, his skin immediately squelching when it comes into
contact with the oil. Jungkook knows he should laugh at the weirdness of it all, but feeling
Hoseok’s skin sliding wetly against his own makes his cock throb. Hoseok moans and Jungkook
helps him take off his own pants and underwear. Then they’re sandwiched together, all slippery
and warm, and, fuck, why is this affecting Jungkook so much? He feels his cock slide against
Hoseok’s own and it’s so good.

“Fuck,” Hoseok moans, rutting against him, spreading oil around one of Jungkook’s nipples.
“Fuck, need this.”

Jungkook throws his head back against the pillows, hands snaking down to grab Hoseok’s ass.
Hoseok moans, kisses Jungkook’s neck. The oil, Hoseok’s soothing fingers, the slick skin, the hot
kisses, it’s bringing all of his pent-up sexual frustration to the surface. Suddenly, he’s incredibly
turned on, grabbing at Hoseok, rubbing against him. Hoseok responds just as enthusiastically,
angling his hips so that their cocks are grinding together and, oh god, Jungkook is so close already.
How the hell is he so close?

“Fuck, baby,” Hoseok breathes as Jungkook comes with a whimper between their bodies.
Hoseok runs his fingers through the pool of cum on Jungkook’s stomach, spreading it across his
skin. “Look so pretty like this.” Hoseok begins grinding roughly against him, lips pressed to his
neck and heavy breaths puffing in his ear. Then Hoseok’s breath catches and Jungkook feels
warmth shoot between them. “Shit, Kook,” Hoseok sighs, collapsing on top of him.

They lay like that for a while, recovering and enjoying each other’s slick warmth. Then
Jungkook lets out a disgusted whine. “Ugh, I was all sweaty before and now I’m covered in oil and

Hoseok laughs breathlessly, still not moving from atop him. “You look hot, though.”

“I don’t feel hot. I need a shower.”

“Think you can finally move around on your own?” Hoseok asks, then lifts himself up on his
elbows to waggle his eyebrows at him. “You know, I could help wash you.”

Jungkook tsks and shoves Hoseok off of him. “I’m good.”

Hoseok squeaks and catches himself before he hits the mattress. “Hey, watch it. Don’t get any
of that oil on my sheets.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes and scoots to the end of the bed to retrieve some tissues. “You’re the
one who decided to pour it all over me. It’s not my fault if they get messy.”

“But I just washed them!” Hoseok whines. “Damn you and your hot fetish.”

Jungkook pauses in the middle of pulling on his boxers. “Fetish?”

“Yup.” Hoseok motions to him. “The oil. You like when things are slippery and messy, kind of
like lotion play but more specific.”

Jungkook scoffs at him, returning to dressing himself to hide his reddening face. So that’s what
it was? Huh. “I was horny. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Sure it doesn’t.” Hoseok says, winking at him. Jungkook rolls his eyes, grabs the rest of his
clothes, then heads out of the room in just his underwear. He’s too messy to put anything else on.
He hears the bed creak and all of a sudden Hoseok is behind him. “A shower sounds nice right
about now.”

“Wait your turn.”

“But what if we use the shower room? There’s plenty of space for the two of us in there,”
Hoseok says with a coquettish air.

“I’m using the regular shower,” Jungkook says, glancing behind him. “And put some clothes

“Oh, come on,” Hoseok says playfully, pinching him in his sides. “I’ll behave.”

Jungkook laughs and dances away, almost dropping his clothes. “Hey, stop that!”

“Not until you say yes!” Hoseok threatens, tickling him more.

“Okay, okay!” Jungkook finally relents. “But no more tickling.”

He rounds the corner that leads to the shower room and runs into Jimin. He looks freshly
showered, a towel wrapped around his waist. He looks between Jungkook and Hoseok, eyes
noticeably lingering on Hoseok’s hands resting on Jungkook’s hips. “Um, sorry,” he says, smiling
sheepishly. “Am I interrupting something?”

Jungkook says “No,” at the same time Hoseok answers “Yes,” and Jungkook flashes him a

“Okay,” Jimin says before Jungkook can clarify. “Have a nice shower then.” He smiles once
more at them before scurrying off and Jungkook doesn’t fail to notice how the older man glances
back at them, how his smile is no longer there.

Chapter End Notes

Oof, it's starting to get complicated. Little romantic Kookie is definitely feeling it.
Potential relationships are starting to manifest, whether you know it or not. Who will
get with who? Cast your votes now (in the comments).

Thanks for all the love, btw. I read all of your comments even though I may not reply
to all of them. They really mean a lot to me. <3
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

Hey guys~!

So, this one contains smut like always, but mostly it's super angsty as the boys figure
out their feelings for one another. Just a little WARNING, there is a little mention of
cutting and depression in this.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Hyung. Hey, hyung.”

“Mmmuhwhatisit?” Seokjin grumbles. He feels a hand on his shoulder, shaking him awake,
and he opens his eyes to see Namjoon leaning over him.

“We’re a half hour out,” Namjoon informs him. He reaches out to brush Seokjin’s hair out of
his face, fixes it up a little. “Wow, you certainly conked out. Do you feel well rested?”

Seokjin feels a strange flutter in his chest at the sensation of Namjoon’s fingers running
through his hair. He rubs his eyes and clears his throat. “Yeah. Didn’t get much sleep last night.
You know, tour nerves.”

“I get it,” Namjoon says, handing him a water bottle. Seokjin gratefully drinks from it.
“There’s no need to worry. You’ve been nailing dance practice and your voice is amazing. You’ll
be fine.”

“Thanks,” Seokjin says, smiling. Namjoon smiles back and leans closer, and, for a moment,
Seokjin thinks he’s going to kiss him. But Namjoon simply straightens out Seokjin’s pink hoodie
before drawing back and returning to his own seat. Seokjin pushes the disappointment he feels to
the back of his mind. It wouldn’t have made sense for Namjoon to kiss him right now anyway;
they’re on a public flight. Granted, they’re flying first-class with their own semi-private pods, but
they can’t take the risk of being seen. I need to stop being so selfish, Seokjin thinks, sitting up in
his pod.

Next to him Taehyung shifts to look out the window. “Whoa, it’s so pretty! The sun is just
coming up and everything’s all pink.”

“Really?” Seokjin leans over to check it out. “Wow, that really is pretty.” As the plane
descends, Seokjin gets to see the first glimpses of London below. It’s weird to think that they’re
back here again. It feels so soon after their last tour, even though the last one was around nine
months ago. Perhaps it’s because Seokjin has gotten so used to the new sexual aspect of their
relationship, how easy it is for them all to just be intimate with each other whenever they want to.
It’s been two months since their last orgy, their time having been occupied instead with endless
dance practices, promotional interview, photoshoots, Run BTS, and other general tour preparations.
Personally, Seokjin hasn’t been able get anything more than a few kisses, some gropes, and maybe
a quick blowjob or two in since they were altogether. Just last night, Jungkook volunteered to blow
him to help him sleep which Seokjin gladly took because, what was he, an idiot? Still, he felt bad
about it, considering how he topped Jungkook before.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I seemed a little… not all there when I was topping you,” Seokjin had said.
It had been bugging him for weeks, and while Jungkook hadn’t expressed any sort of
disappointment about it Seokjin felt it was his job as a hyung to take the initiative anyway,

Jungkook had just shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I enjoyed it and don’t regret picking
you. Besides, you were… occupied.”

Seokjin frowned at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”

But Jungkook only smiled at him as he undid Seokjin’s belt.

And Seokjin still doesn’t know what Jungkook meant, but he has a feeling Jungkook is more
perceptive than he previously thought. It makes him a bit uncomfortable that Jungkook may know
more about him than Seokjin knows about himself. He resolves to make Jungkook tell him what he

As for Namjoon… Seokjin had been wanting to talk to him at length since their last orgy, but
Namjoon being Namjoon and the leader of the group has been running himself ragged since then,
and Seokjin doesn’t want to put more pressure on him. He wants to ask him what it was that had
him so frazzled the morning after, when he practically ran out the door to the studio. He wants to
get up to speed with how Namjoon is feeling as a straight man having experienced all this
decidedly not straight stuff, especially since Seokjin himself is also feeling a bit confused. And,
most of all, he wants to ask Namjoon why he just ran off after their makeout session in Seokjin’s
room months ago. For some reason, that question bothers Seokjin the most out of all of them.

The rest of the trip is par for the course. They get off the plane with their hats and masks
donned and their luggage in tow. They’re escorted through a terminal less full of fans and cameras
than usual since it’s so early to the waiting cars. Seokjin reflects on how nice it is not to room in
hotels anymore, seeing as they’re so famous they’d get absolutely no privacy if they did. Now they
are limited to private residences rented for a week. It definitely makes the sex more convenient—if
they have the time, which Seokjin highly doubts.

This time, their temporary home is in a gated community in the heart of the city, a penthouse
that occupies the entire floor. There are three rooms in total, two with queen-sized beds, and one
with two singles. Like always, they play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will room with who
and the stars must have aligned, because he and Namjoon get one of the rooms with the queen-
sized beds. Jimin gets the couch in the living area, which he promptly falls down on in defeat.
Everyone else goes their separate ways, probably to sleep. Seokjin, however, is too restless to
sleep. Besides, he already got enough on the plane ride.

“Hey,” Namjoon says after dragging his luggage into their room. “We don’t have our first mic
check until tomorrow afternoon. Wanna go out?”

Seokjin’s heart jumps into his throat at his words, then he realizes what Namjoon actually
means and says, “Uh, yeah. Sure. Where do you wanna go?”

Namjoon shrugs. “I don’t know. Just out. Like, maybe shopping? I also hear there are some
good parks around here.”

“Okay,” Seokjin says. “I’ll tell the bodyguards.”

They dress in their hats, masks, and sunglasses and sneak out to a marketplace across town. As
soon as they’re out of sight of the penthouse and the fans and reporters surrounding it, the cars drop
them and their bodyguards off. Seokjin and Namjoon walk shoulder-to-shoulder while the
bodyguards linger a few feet behind. Although the bodyguards have never really bothered him
before—after all, they are their friends—right now Seokjin longs for the times when he could just
have private outings with just the guys.

They hit up a few thrift shops. They have lots of fun trying on and laughing at the crazy fashion
styles they devise while at the same time admiring how Hoseok manages to pull off oversized
jackets and dad sneakers. They pass by a sex shop and lament not being able to go in and explore
all the ridiculous shit inside, since they can’t risk anyone spotting them there. Instead, they head to
a cornerstore and linger over rows of flavored condoms and lubes, giggling at them while at the
same time secretly wondering how they would be used in an orgy setting. They buy some to try

Next, they buy some snacks off a street vendor, then explore a vinyl store at Namjoon’s
insistence. Seokjin watches Namjoon explore the racks and listens to him ramble animatedly about
the albums. Seokjin finds himself smiling throughout the whole experience, incredibly happy to see
Namjoon finally having the chance to unwind and enjoy himself.

Afterward, they go to one of the parks Namjoon had mentioned and buy some ice cream. They
walk for a while before finding a semi-isolated hill, and they sit under a tree and stretch out their
legs. The bodyguards remain standing, further away now that they’re alone and have a good view
of anyone coming up the hill. This is as private as they’re going to get, so Seokjin enjoys it. But
being alone with Namjoon suddenly has Seokjin’s mind racing. This feels intimate. Like, too
intimate, which is ridiculous seeing as how often they’ve gone on outings like this just as a pair.
Seokjin doesn’t know how to explain the feeling and tries to hide it from Namjoon, not wanting to
worry him over something so stupid.

“I like sunshine,” Namjoon says as he finishes up his ice cream, “but on a hot day like this, it’s
nice that it’s overcast.”

“Isn’t it always like that here?” Seokjin asks.

Namjoon snorts. “From what I hear. I like rain too sometimes, especially when it falls on the
ocean. Have you ever seen it rain at the beach?” Seokjin shakes his head. Namjoon continues,
smiling fondly to himself, “That’s when all the crabs come out. The rain fills up their holes. That’s
the best time to catch them.”

Seokjin laughs. “You and your crabs. I’m beginning to think you’re crabsexual.”

“I wish,” Namjoon says. “It would make shit way less complicated.”

“I think I’m bi,” Seokjin suddenly blurts. He doesn’t know where it came from and he blushes
a little because of it.

Namjoon raises his eyebrows at him. “Cool. Nice to see you’ve figured things out for yourself.”

“Have you figured it out?”

“Figured what out?”

Don’t say it. This is supposed to be a relaxing day out. “You know, your… sexuality?” Fuck.

Namjoon sighs, then shrugs. “Eh, I just don’t think about it. I’m a person who loves to
compartmentalize, but recently I’ve been thinking that maybe I should be more like Yoongi. You
know, no labels.”
“Ah,” Seokjin says, wondering why he feels both happy for Namjoon and disappointed at the
confession. “Good, because I was worried I kind of pushed you that one time.”

Namjoon frowns at him. “Pushed me?”

“Yeah. When you came to talk to me that one day and I suggested… that.”

Namjoon continues to stare at him in confusion before saying, “Oh, yeah. Um, sorry. I’ve been
meaning to say that I shouldn’t have just run off and left you like that.”

“No, it’s fine. You were just confused.”

“Not confused,” Namjoon says quietly, almost to himself. “Just overwhelmed.” He stands
before Seokjin can ask him anything else, offers his hand. “We should get back before dinner. The
guys will probably be wondering where we are.”

Seokjin takes his hand and groans. “Oh god, I hope no one starts cooking without me there.
It’ll be a disaster.”

“What do you mean? They have Jungkook and Yoongi. They’re pretty good a cooking.”

Seokjin sighs. “Jungkook is not as good as he thinks he is and I don’t want Yoongi doing it all
by himself.”

“We can just order takeout,” Namjoon suggests.

“That sounds like an infinitely better idea.”

They make it back to the penthouse without a hitch to see that the others have already ordered
dinner from some Chinese place down the road. Namjoon and Seokjin take turns showering the
summer sweat off them. Then they all share the food and head back to their rooms for some
relaxation before the real work starts tomorrow—or at least everyone but Jungkook and Taehyung
do. They’re always hyper before a show, so they stay out in the living room versing each other on
some game app on their phones. Seokjin just hopes they won’t be too loud about it.

Seokjin reclines on the bed, fiddling around with his phone, while Namjoon lays next to him
reading. Seokjin has no fucking idea how Namjoon ever has time to finish a book, but he somehow
does since he sees him with a new one every couple of weeks.

“Do you actually finish reading,” Seokjin asks him, “or do you just hop from one book to
another when you get bored?”

“I don’t like not finishing a book,” Namjoon says, not taking his eyes off his book. Is he
continuing to read while talking to me? “Makes me feel I didn’t do it justice.”

“Even if it’s bad?”

“Bad is a relative term,” Namjoon says. “What may seem bad to you may seem amazing to

Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Oh god, don’t start getting all philosophical on me.”

Namjoon laughs. “Okay, I’ll stop.”

A minute or two of silence passes before Seokjin asks, “So… what kind of book is that?”
Namjoon finally takes his eyes from the book, looks a little caught off-guard. “Just fiction,” he
says in a dodgy tone.

“You suck at lying, Namjoon.”

“But it is fiction!”

“What kind of fiction?”

“Um, it’s… why do you wanna know anyway?”

“Holy shit,” Seokjin laughs. “Is it porn?”


“Then why are you hiding it?”

“I’m not!”

“Then let me see it,” Seokjin says, sitting up and reaching for it.

Namjoon holds it away from him. “Hyung, let me read in peace.”

“You forfeited that privilege when you refused to tell me what you’re reading,” Seokjin scolds.
He leans over Namjoon, reaching. “For fuck’s sake, Namjoon. Are you really doing this?”

“Yes,” Namjoon says, trying to push him away. “Why are you so nosy?”

“Just give me the damn book!”

“Never!” Namjoon declares with a wide smile.

Seokjin laughs in exasperation, is practically draped across Namjoon right now as he fights for
the book. “I swear, when I get ahold of this and it turns out that it’s not porn, I’m kicking your ass.”

Namjoon suddenly tosses the book on the bedside table. Seokjin makes to lunge for it, but
Namjoon catches him by the shoulders and shoves him back onto the bed. Then Namjoon is
hovering over him, straddling his legs, and, oh god, this is just like that one day and Seokjin’s dick
knows it.

Namjoon seems to know it too, as his face slowly turns red. He makes to move off of Seokjin,
but Seokjin catches him, pulls him back. They stay like that for a few moments, just staring at each
other, as if waiting for the other to make a move. Seokjin can hear the blood pounding in his ears,
but he doesn’t want to push Namjoon again. He wants Namjoon to decide for himself.

And Namjoon does. He leans down and kisses Seokjin, very softly, very hesitantly. Seokjin
opens his mouth, lets him take control, wants to see where Namjoon will take this. Namjoon’s
hands come up to hold Seokjin’s face, to run fingers through his hair. Seokjin can feel Namjoon’s
growing erection pressing against his thigh, and then Namjoon is kissing him harder, rougher, is
breathing heavily through his nose as his hands trail back down, start tugging at Seokjin’s pajama

Seokjin separates from him for just a moment to push his pants down and off while Namjoon
pulls his own shirt over his head and discards it somewhere on the floor. As much as Seokjin feels
the need to fold his and Namjoon’s clothes before going any further, he decides to forgo it so as not
to interrupt the momentum. Namjoon is in the zone, all his concerns having fled his mind, and
Seokjin really, really doesn’t want him to leave again. Like, he’s seized by a weird sort of
desperation that seems to come out of nowhere, and he holds Namjoon to him, is relieved when
Namjoon holds him back, grinds against him.

Namjoon kisses him again, trailing his lips down to his neck. Seokjin tries to unbutton his top,
but Namjoon gets impatient and just pushes it up to his chest to lick at his stomach. Seokjin gasps
and Namjoon continues lower, tugging at Seokjin’s briefs. Seokjin lifts his ass so Namjoon can
slide them off, blushing as his hard cock springs free and almost smacks Namjoon in the face.
Namjoon flinches back a bit, and for a moment Seokjin worries he’ll flee again. But then Namjoon
takes Seokjin’s cock in his hand and presses his lips to it.

“Joon,” Seokjin says, hand cupping the back of the younger man’s head. “Y-you don’t have to
do that.” He doesn’t want Namjoon to feel pressured into something he still might not be sure

Namjoon looks up at him, a blush glowing on his cheeks. Damn, he’s beautiful. “It’s okay.
You did me, I do you.”

“Don’t feel like you have to make it up to me.”

“I don’t,” Namjoon says, wetting his lips. “I want to do this.”

Seokjin can’t say anything else, because Namjoon has taken him into his mouth. It was so
unexpected, that Seokjin starts to moan loudly and is forced to cover his mouth to muffle himself.
He hopes Jungkook and Taehyung haven’t heard, or else they might want to join them… wait,
that’s not a bad thing. It shouldn’t be. Why does Seokjin not like the idea?

He can’t worry anymore about it. Namjoon is running his tongue along the head of his dick
and, holy hell, he’d never thought that would happen. Namjoon pulls his cock from his lips and
peers up at Seokjin. “Tell me what to do.”

Seokjin’s mind is fuzzy. “Huh?”

Namjoon gives Seokjin’s cock a few pumps, which decidedly does not help Seokjin’s situation.
“Guide me. Tell me what you like.”

“O-okay, um…” Seokjin tries to kick his brain into gear, because Namjoon staring expectantly
up at him with his kiss-reddened lips inches away from his cock is really getting to him. “Flick
your wrist when… uh, jerking me off.” Namjoon does as he says, and Seokjin almost immediately
regrets it. He’s already on the edge. “A-ah, in your mouth. Use your tongue.”

Namjoon immediately starts swirling his tongue around his dickhead and what little shaft he
has in his mouth. Seokjin winces, fingers digging into Namjoon’s hair. “Ah, not so rough.”

“Sorry,” Namjoon says.

“Just… remember what Yoongi said.”

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “Melting a popsicle?”

Seokjin blushes harder, nods. Namjoon returns to sucking his dick, gentler this time, taking
more of it in his mouth, his tongue cradling it. At the same time he moves his fist up and down
what he can’t fit in his mouth, still flicking his wrist. Seokjin’s toes curl and his fingers bunch in
the sheets. “O-oh god, that’s—fuck, Joon.”
Namjoon hums around him, slides his lips further down. It takes everything in Seokjin to keep
from thrusting up into his mouth. He bites down on his hand, is seized with a sudden desire to push
Namjoon down until he bottoms out in his throat, but he doesn’t want to scare him off, doesn’t
want to hurt him. Still, Seokjin knows he would look so good choking on his dick…

Namjoon pulls off of him, leaving a trail of saliva behind. Seokjin watches him lick the precum
off his lips and shudders. Namjoon pushes himself up on his hands, his eyes already hooded and
glazed over. Seokjin imagines Namjoon hasn’t had much time to get off since preparations for
their tour began and he’s more turned on than usual—which is just fine with Seokjin. His eyes
travel over every inch of Namjoon as the younger man sits up and slides his pants and underwear
off, admiring his smooth, tanned skin.

“Jin hyung,” Namjoon breathes, straddling Seokjin and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “Suck

Then Namjoon turns around and Seokjin is presented with his ass, just there, right in his face.
He’s inches away from Namjoon’s asshole, with his ballsack hanging heavily down. He never
thought he’d have another guy’s balls resting on his chest, but there they are. And there Namjoon’s
dick is, hard but still soft enough to be pointing down, dribbling precum across his pajama top. At
first all he can do is stare. He’s never been this close to another guy’s ass and it’s kind of foreign,
which may sound silly since he recently fucked Jungkook. It’s just not a view of Namjoon he’d
ever expected to have. It’s also a view he never expected to turn him on so much. He comes to
senses just long enough to pull his shirt over his head so it can’t get any dirtier.

Seokjin jumps when he feels Namjoon’s wet tongue slide across his dick, then his lips engulf
his cockhead. “Fuck,” Seokjin hisses, fingers digging into Namjoon’s thigh. He licks his lips and
scoots down a bit until Namjoon’s cock is brushing against his cheek. He catches it in his mouth
and is immediately reminded of the orgy, of when he somehow mustered the courage to suck
Namjoon off in front of everyone. His dick feels familiar on his tongue, and that makes Seokjin
strangely happy. He tries to take Namjoon as deep as he did before—about halfway—but this angle
makes his gag reflex particularly sensitive. He settles for twisting his tongue around the length he
can take, paying special attention to the leaking head.

“Shit, your mouth…” Namjoon groans, hot breath puffing against Seokjin’s shaft. Heat tingles
through Seokjin and he pulls the cock from his mouth, slapping the head against his tongue. “Jin,”
Namjoon hisses, his cock twitching. His nails bite into Seokjin’s thigh, and Seokjin pushes his dick
against Namjoon’s parted, panting lips. Namjoon takes the hint and swallows him down, and it hits
him: Namjoon is sucking his dick, his tongue is stroking him, and this time around Seokjin isn’t
weirded out. Instead, he’s insanely aroused.

They bob their heads on each other for a while. It’s almost like a competition to see who can
take the most inside. Seokjin is astonished at how fast Namjoon is learning. Then again, if Seokjin
knew Namjoon the man would have looked up a ton of information about gay sex when this whole
thing between them all began. Seokjin pulls off of him after managing to get down a little more
than halfway and examines Namjoon’s balls. It’s not like he’s never seen balls before—he has two
of his own, after all. But this is a close-up view, where he can see how perfectly round and soft and
delicate they are.

He wants them in his mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Namjoon moans, burying his face in the crook of Seokjin’s thigh. “Fuck.”

Seokjin releases Namjoon’s ball from his mouth with a loud pop, then sucks in the other.
Namjoon whines, and Seokjin sees movement out of the corner of his eye. It’s Namjoon’s hole. It’s
twitching. He runs his tongue up Namjoon’s sack, between his balls, over his taint, watching
closely. His hole flutters, pink and inviting. Seokjin swirls his tongue on Namjoon’s taint,
continues upward, goes slow so as to give Namjoon time to stop him. But Namjoon doesn’t. He
goes completely still, hand around Seokjin’s cock, breaths shaky and quiet. Seokjin decides to just
go for it.

As soon as his tongue finds Namjoon’s hole, there’s a loud gasp. “You okay?” Seokjin asks.

Namjoon nods, face still hidden. “Y-yeah. Just… feels weird.”

Seokjin frowns. “Should I stop?”

“No,” Namjoon says. “Keep going.”

Seokjin presses his tongue against Namjoon’s hole, curious. The taste isn’t completely off-
putting and the moans Namjoon makes the more he explores urges him on. Then the pucker gives
and the tip of his tongue goes in. Namjoon stiffens, head popping up.

“O-oh my god,” Namjoon half-moans, half-whimpers, and it’s a sound Seokjin hadn’t expected
to hear from him.

“Is it good?”


Seokjin chews his lip. “Do you think… you could…?”

Namjoon sucks in a breath. Seokjin spreads his legs, and Namjoon pries his cheeks apart with
his thumbs before sliding his tongue across his hole. Seokjin gasps. It is weird. A wet, foreign
sensation that sets off a peculiar tingle both outside and inside. It’s weird, but in a good kind of
way, in a I’ve gotta feel that again kind of way.

Seokjin notices Namjoon has stopped, is waiting for his permission to continue. Seokjin can’t
help but feel a burst of affection for him in that moment. “Go on,” he says, spreading Namjoon
apart so he can better access his hole.

Namjoon eventually manages to wriggle his tongue inside. Seokjin sucks in a breath, feels his
hole clench around him. Seokjin feels more precum ooze onto his skin from Namjoon’s cock.
Seokjin moans, angles his ass upward so Namjoon can get deeper, is already feeling a tightness in
his balls. Can’t come yet, he thinks. He wants this to go on for as long as possible, because he
doesn’t know when he’ll next have a chance like this. He focuses on forcing his tongue in as deep
as possible, relishing the little noises he coaxes from Namjoon. He wraps a hand around
Namjoon’s cock, pumping it in time with the thrusting of his tongue.

“Oh god,” Namjoon keens. “Oh fuck, oh fuck.”

Then Seokjin feels Namjoon’s cock throb in his hand and warmth ooze onto his chest.
Namjoon gasps, whimpers, hips twitching as he comes. Seokjin pulls back, hand still wrapped
around him and moving, to watch. He hadn’t thought Namjoon would come so fast, but damn is it

As soon as Namjoon finishes, Seokjin expects him to roll over and catch his breath. He expects
to lie next to Namjoon and lazily jerk himself off while taking in his beautiful, spent body. But
Namjoon has other plans. He takes Seokjin back into his mouth, starts to suck him off with an
intensity Seokjin hadn’t thought Namjoon still had in him.
Seokjin tries to hold back, he really does, for Namjoon’s sake. He doesn’t want to accidentally
come in his mouth. He isn’t sure Namjoon is ready for that yet, ever will be ready for it. But he’s
so, so close within seconds, the sight of Namjoon’s wet, winking hole spurring him on. He feels his
balls draw up and he reaches down to grab Namjoon by the arm. “Namjoon,” he gasps, “I’m gonna
—s-slow down.”

“Come,” Namjoon tells him, voice hoarse and breathy. He licks a long stripe up Seokjin’s
shaft. “In my mouth.”

And that breaks Seokjin. He moans as Namjoon takes his dickhead between his lips, slowly
pumping him with his hand. He comes on Namjoon’s tongue, feels it press against him as he
swallows his seed down. Seokjin covers his mouth, struggles to keep his voice down. “Namjoon,

They stay in that position, catching their breaths. Then Namjoon rolls off and stretches out
beside him, drawing an arm across his eyes. “Holy shit,” he breathes, laughing lightly. “Didn’t
know how much I needed that.”

“Didn’t know I’d be into butt stuff,” Seokjin says, a bit in shock.

Namjoon bursts into full-on laughter and Seokjin follows suit, dissolving into squeaks. They
laugh until they can’t breathe, then Namjoon turns down the bed and slides under the sheets. “I’m
worn the fuck out.”

Seokjin smiles. “I’m awesome, I know.”

Namjoon snickers and shoves him, then settles into the bed. “Hm, cum doesn’t take like what I
thought it would.”

“Did you expect it to taste like candy or something?”

“No, just…” Namjoon runs a tongue across his lips, squints his eyes. Then he sits up and gets
out of bed. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth again.”

Seokjin scoffs, a smile on his face. “Well, if you’re gonna be like that then I’ll brush my teeth

They mess around for far too long in the bathroom, pushing each other around, stealing kisses,
just generally at ease. When they get back to bed, Namjoon goes right to sleep while Seokjin lies
awake for a little while watching him. He looks so peaceful, so relaxed—completely different from
the frantic, stressed-out mess he’d been for the past few weeks. It makes Seokjin indescribably

Just before he goes to sleep, Seokjin remembers the book. It’s still sitting on the side table and
he grabs it, reading the cover, flipping through it a bit. He smiles to himself, glances over at
Namjoon again before setting the book back down and snuggling under the blankets close to the
other man.

You romantic dope. Why am I not surprised?

“Hey, Jinie,” Taehyung greets with a bright smile. “Have fun last night?”

Seokjin, who is in the middle of filling a cup with coffee, looks at him with a face gone red. He
clears his throat. “Yeah, um. We—I had a relaxing evening.”

Yoongi, who’s been watching the entire exchange from the couch, rolls his eyes. “What are we,
teenagers? Just say you and Joon had a good fuck. Stop dancing around it like a shy little
schoolgirl. It’s not like we don’t know we all have sex with each other.”

Seokjin’s face goes a darker shade of red and he returns to his coffee. Taehyung laughs and
then Namjoon appears, hair all askew from sleep. “What’s so funny?” he yawns, hobbling over to

“You two thinking you were quiet last night,” Taehyung says. Next to him, Jungkook fights
down a smile.

Namjoon blinks at him, seeming slightly more awake. “Oh.” He shrugs. “You preferred to
listen rather than join us?” He clucks his tongue. “Your loss.”

Yoongi laughs. “Look at Namjoon, thinking he’s hot shit.”

“You wouldn’t deny it,” Namjoon flashes back.

Suddenly, Seokjin picks up his coffee and crosses the room. “Where are you off to?” Yoongi

“Gonna get dressed,” Seokjin answers, sounding more fatigued than usual. Was that fatigue?

“The cars don’t get here for another hour,” Namjoon says casually. “You’ve got time.”

Seokjin doesn’t stop walking toward his room. “I wanna be ready,” he says before
disappearing and shutting the door behind him.

Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook all look at Namjoon accusingly. “What?” Namjoon says,

“Jin hyung seems a little,” Jungkook says, quietly, “off.” He looks a little sad. Yoongi frowns
at him. Weird.

“Did you accidentally shove him off the bed again in your sleep?” Yoongi asks.

Namjoon shakes his head. “No.” Then he frowns, lowering his voice. “Then again, on the
plane yesterday he was telling me how he’s worried about the tour, how his singing and dancing
might not be good enough.”

“You should talk to him,” Taehyung suggests.

“I have,” Namjoon says. “Maybe Hobi or your or Jungkook should. You guys are the best
singers and dancers out of all of us. He’s more likely to take your word for it that he’s going to do

“He listens to you the most, though,” Taehyung insists.

“But that’s not what this situation calls for,” Namjoon says.

Taehyung nods. “Fair enough.”

Namjoon takes his coffee and shuffles toward the stairs. “Where are you going?” Yoongi asks.

“Roof,” Namjoon says, still sleep-weary.

“I’ll come with you,” Yoongi says, grabbing his own coffee and heading up. For a moment it
seems as if Taehyung and Jungkook are about to follow, but then Hoseok appears and they engage
in a conversation about what’s troubling Seokjin. Yoongi only hopes they can work out his nerves
before they leave for the venue.

“Wow,” Namjoon says as they reach the rooftop. “Pretty.”

“I honestly wasn’t expecting to see the sun the whole time we were here,” Yoongi replies. They
both lean on the iron railing surrounding the perimeter, watching the sun ascend into the sky in a
brilliant array of soft pinks and oranges.

It is at this moment that Yoongi realizes he’s made a mistake. He’s alone with Namjoon.
Voluntarily alone. He’d offered to come up here with him, after all. Namjoon might think it’s
because Yoongi wants to talk more about his scars and depression, but that’s the last thing Yoongi
wants to talk about, especially before a concert. Namjoon opens his mouth, and Yoongi prepares to
tell him off. But Namjoon asks, “Do you think all this will end?”


“You know,” Namjoon gestures between him and Yoongi, “BTS.”

Yoongi shrugs. “All things must end. I mean, we’re not immortal.”

“I wasn’t talking about when we die.”

“When, then?”

“I think I’d like to settle down one day.”

“Settle down?”

“Yeah, like, live a normal life.” Namjoon takes a sip of his coffee. “Maybe have a family.”

“Oh my god,” Yoongi says. “Okay, who is she?”

Namjoon frowns at him. “Huh?”

“You’ve found a girl you like,” Yoongi accuses and, while he tries to say it in a joking sort of
way, it comes out a little scathing. He doesn’t know why. Maybe he’d thought BTS would still be a
thing for a few more years and this puts a wrench in his plans. “Spill.”

Namjoon laughs at him. “When would I have time for that?”

“Then why are you getting so wistful all of a sudden?”

Namjoon shrugs. “Dunno. Maybe it’s the sunrise. I always think the most in the mornings.”

“That much is obvious,” Yoongi deadpans.

“Shut up,” Namjoon laughs, shoving him. “But really. I can’t be the only one who’s thought
about it. Haven’t you?”
Yoongi nearly spits out his coffee. He composes himself and replies, “Joon, when have you
ever seen me as the type to settle down?”

“I mean, you’re always complaining about how you don’t wanna have to work anymore…”

“Yeah, work. Doesn’t mean I’ll ‘settle down’ or whatever.”

Namjoon fixes him with a skeptical look. “You’ve never thought about it? Not even once?”

“Not really.” Then he sighs and admits, “Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes when I see a cute girl
or guy I wonder if I might be able to quit all this to be with them.”

“Really?” Namjoon asks, astonished.

“No!” Yoongi says, rolling his eyes. “I’m married to music. I can never give that up. Any
relationships I may have will have to be worked out around that.”

“Sounds like a lot of work.”

Yoongi sighs wearily. “Life is work. Besides, I’m not really the romantic type.”

“You’re telling me you’ve never been in a relationship before?”

Yoongi squints, running through his memories. “Kind of. I mean, I had people I would see
maybe not all the time that I got along with enough to fuck—”

“Hyung,” Namjoon deadpans, “those are bootycalls.”

“Technically those are relationships.”

“No, I mean have you ever loved someone?”

Even though Yoongi knew the conversation was leading to this, the question still catches him
off-guard. He swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. He takes another sip of coffee. “Of course I
have,” he answers snarkily. “My mom, my dad, my brother, Holly—”

“No, no. In love.”

Yoongi thinks for a long moment, stretches it out, lets Namjoon hang in suspense before
answering, “No.” That’s a lie, he thinks, but he pushes it to the back of his mind. Now is not the
time. There may never be a time. The thought makes him feel a bit… empty.

He doesn’t like it.

“I don’t believe you.”

“What?” Yoongi looks at Namjoon, studies his expression. Tries to figure out whether or not
Namjoon had read him.

“What you write about love is way too genuine not to be from the heart.”

Yoongi stares at him, hopes the pinkish light of the morning is enough to hide his equally pink
face. “I’m an artist. I write what I observe.”

Namjoon waggles an accusing finger at him. “And what you feel.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes again and downs the rest of his coffee in one go. It scalds his throat, but it
gives him an excuse not to speak for a moment, gives him enough time to gather his thoughts. Then
he decides, fuck it. It’ll get Namjoon off his back. “Fine. I admit it.”

“That you’ve been in love with someone?”


“Who?” Namjoon asks, eyes wide and curious.

Yoongi scoffs. “Some guy years ago. A stupid crush and that’s all it ever was.”

“Why wasn’t it something more?”

Yoongi shrugs, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. “Shit happened. Never got the chance to
bring it up with him.”

“Hmm,” Namjoon hums, staring into his coffee cup. He sounds a bit sad, which makes Yoongi
angry. What was he expecting, a fairytale ending or something? That’s not how life works, and the
sooner Namjoon learns that the better. Then Namjoon asks, “You still love him?”

“Um…” Yoongi wishes a fucking asteroid would appear out of the sky and crush them both
right now. This conversation is getting more emotional and deep than Yoongi is used to. “Well,
yeah. A part of me will always love him, I guess. Isn’t that how it works?”

Namjoon laughs through his nose. “Now you’re starting to sound like me.”

“Ugh,” Yoongi groans. “Gross.” He smiles at Namjoon who smiles back and, for a moment,
Yoongi can’t breathe. The sun behind Namjoon’s head, framed by wispy pink-and-gold clouds, the
soft light as it hits his face and sinks into his dimples, it makes him look incredibly beautiful. And

Oh my god, Yoongi thinks. I need to get off this damn rooftop.

They spend all day at the venue, setting up, getting a feel for the stage, practicing their formations,
doing mic checks, running through the performance numerous times. Yoongi, usually the first one
to skitter off during a break, throws himself into it. That empty feeling from earlier still hangs
heavy in his chest and with every exhausting activity he hopes to erase it. Seemingly on the exact
opposite end of the spectrum is Seokjin, who is more muted than usual. His singing and dancing is
fine, but it just lacked passion. Several times Taehyung and Jungkook try to work him up, but
Seokjin doesn’t take the bait. Yoongi can’t help but feel it has something to do with Namjoon.

Fucking Namjoon, Yoongi thinks as he watches Namjoon practice a solo performance on stage.
More trouble than he’s worth.

“What’s wrong?”

Yoongi nearly jumps out of his seat when Hoseok plops down beside him, carrying a box of
fried chicken. “Jesus fucking Christ, Hoseok. Do you want me to die before the concert? I’m an
old man, you know.”
Hoseok grins at him. “Sorry. Here, have some food.” He pushes the chicken over to him.

“Not hungry.” Yoongi pushes it back.

Hoseok frowns suspiciously at him. “Who are you and what have you done with Min Yoongi?
You’re always up for food.”

Yoongi shrugs. “Not this time.”

Silence yawns between them and Yoongi knows Hoseok is looking between him and the stage,
trying to figure out what’s bugging him. Here it comes, Yoongi muses, already irritated.

Hoseok suddenly grabs his hand. Yoongi looks up at him. “What the fuck—?”

“Just come on,” Hoseok insists, tugging. With a heavy sigh, Yoongi complies, letting himself
be dragged to who-knows-where. Because if there’s one thing he knows about Hoseok, it’s that the
man won’t stop until he sees his friends happy. As annoying as it is.

They go up several flights of stairs and past row upon row of audience seats until they reach a
deserted concession stand. Hoseok tugs him inside and the door closes behind them. He takes
Yoongi by the shoulders and looks him in the eyes, strangely serious.

“Baby,” he says, “what’s wrong?”

Yoongi stares at him. “‘Baby’?” he scoffs. “What is this?”

Hoseok flashes him a brief smile. “The boyfriend treatment.”

“The boyfriend—?”

“Is it Seokjin?” Hoseok continues, hands trailing down to Yoongi’s waist now. “No, it’s
Namjoon. Right?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes, removes Hoseok’s hands from him. “Shut up. You sound ridiculous.” He
turns toward the door, starts walking away. “Come on. We’ve gotta prac—”

Hoseok surges forward and takes Yoongi’s hand in his. The gentle way he does it makes
Yoongi pause. He looks back and sees Hoseok staring at him, his expression one of genuine
concern. “Hyung, let me help you. Please. I hate seeing you troubled.”

Yoongi sighs and turns back around, crosses his arms. “Fine. Comfort me, then.”

Hoseok continues to hold his hand. “Yoongi, baby—”

“Don’t call me baby.”

“Yoongi,” Hoseok begins again, determined. “Please tell me what’s wrong. As a friend, really,
I’m kinda worried. First Jin, now you—”

Yoongi raises a hand to silence him. “It’s Namjoon.”

Something strange flashes behind Hoseok’s eyes. “What did he do?”

“He pried,” Yoongi says. “Just like you’re doing, as a matter of fact. Now can we get back to
practice?” Yoongi makes to turn again, but this time Hoseok grabs him by the shoulders and
pushes him face-first against a wall. “What the fuck are you—Hoseok!”
“If you don’t want me to fuck you,” Hoseok says, lips close to his ear and body pressed against
him, “tell me now.”

Yoongi tries to wrench out of his grasp, but Hoseok only pushes against him harder. “Hoseok,

“You know the safeword.” Hoseok reaches down, starts to undo Yoongi’s pants. He does it in
a flash, and then Yoongi is standing there, pressed against the wall, bare-assed and exposed. He
can feel Hoseok’s hardness growing by the second and his irritation evaporates. He barely resists as
Hoseok unzips his fly and pulls out his own dick, smearing his precum on Yoongi’s ass.

Yoongi doesn’t say the safeword. He doesn’t want to.

Hoseok keeps him pinned to the wall, bringing a condom out of nowhere, and fucks him like
that. Just hard, mindless rutting that makes Yoongi’s head spin. They don’t have lube, so Hoseok
uses his spit. It hurts, but Yoongi likes it that way. It makes the pleasure way more intense. It takes
everything in him to keep from screaming as he comes in Hoseok’s hand. The entire time, Hoseok
is plastered against him, kissing him, touching him as if they aren’t fucking raw and reckless in
public, like Hoseok has him on a bed and is taking his time with him. It offers one of the most
conflicting sensations Yoongi has ever felt, and he loves every minute of it. The wall is straight
concrete, and while Hoseok might be rough Yoongi can still tell he’s making sure to hold him just
right so that he doesn’t get scraped up. It’s rough and tender and everything Yoongi needs.

The sex doesn’t last very long, but it lasts as long as Yoongi needs it to. Afterward, Hoseok
remains inside, kisses him softly along his neck and shoulders. Yoongi is usually not a fan of his
partners remaining inside him, but Hoseok holds him in a way that has him relaxed and willing to
let it slide.

Hoseok pulls out of him and ties off the condom, cleans himself and Yoongi off with some
napkins, but he doesn’t move away. He wraps his arms around Yoongi when he’s done and nuzzles
into his neck. “Hyung, please don’t be sad anymore,” he says quietly.

“I’m not sad,” Yoongi denies unconvincingly.

“Okay,” Hoseok says, and Yoongi knows the man doesn’t believe him. Hoseok hugs him
harder. “I know you probably won’t tell me what’s been bothering you. That’s why I just wanted to
make you feel better.”

Yoongi laughs breathlessly. “Well, you certainly did a good job.” Hoseok spins Yoongi around,
stoops down to tug Yoongi’s underwear and pants up. “I can do—”

Hoseok hushes him. “Let me take care of you. Please.”

Yoongi lets him. Then Hoseok stands and kisses him. A very soft kiss. It unnerves Yoongi,
how much it affects him. Hoseok takes hold of his hand once again, intertwines their fingers,
thumb stroking over his knuckles, and—it’s too damn mushy. Just too much, really, the way it
makes Yoongi’s heart do weird little somersaults in his chest.

Yoongi pulls away and scoffs. “I’m not fucking fragile.”

“No, you’re not,” Hoseok agrees, still holding his hand. “You’re strong as hell, and being
gentle with you won’t change that.”

The sincerity with which Hoseok says that has Yoongi blushing. He realizes their fingers are
still intertwined and snatches his hand away. “You sound like you’re on some daytime soap.” He
looks around curiously. “Where did you put the condom?”

Hoseok slaps his thigh. “In my pocket.”

Yoongi makes a face. “Oh, gross!”

“What? It’s tied off!”

“It’s been in my ass.”

“I couldn’t just toss it in the trash here. People might suspect.” Yoongi scoffs and heads for the
door. Hoseok rushes after him. “Hey, I didn’t hurt you, did I? With just the spit and—”

“Hobi,” Yoongi laughs, “shut up.”

Hoseok catches up to him and flashes him a bright smile that has Yoongi thinking today isn’t
quite so bad after all.

Chapter End Notes

Namjoon is such an oblivious boy, lol. I really do feel kinda bad for putting these
sweet boys in such agonizing situations, but it'll pay off in the end, trust me! Because
this chapter involved the older boys, I'll get back to the younger ones next chapter and
you can see how they're coping with the feels. :)

Again, thanks for all your comments. They really keep me going. <3
Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

Wooo, I'm excited for this one! Stuff is actually starting to progress. There's gonna be
a lot of drama in this chapter as I've amped up the angst twofold, so be prepared!

Also, I know I've already written a JK POV and I'm supposed to have written someone
else's POV (probably Jimin's), but I forgot and just started writing JK's. And it turned
into something I loved, so fuck it, no regrets.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook can’t sleep.

Which sucks ass, considering how exhausted he is after their concert. It’s four in the morning
and he’s been lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, for three hours straight. He looks over to see
Taehyung fast asleep next to him, mouth wide open. As soon as they got back to their room,
Taehyung dropped down and fell asleep immediately. Jungkook even had to strip him of his clothes
and dress him in his pajamas. Not once had Taehyung woken up. Jungkook thinks he was awake at
least part of if not the entire time, enjoying the pampering. Little shit.

Still, Jungkook can’t help but smile fondly at him. As much as he’d love to cuddle up to
Taehyung and pass the fuck out, he just can’t stop his brain from going a hundred miles a minute.
Frankly, it’s been that way for a while. He just hoped that after the mind-numbing adrenaline and
high of the performance tonight that he wouldn’t be so restless.

Sighing, he decides to get up. Maybe working out might drain him so much it wouldn’t matter
if his brain won’t shut up. He doesn’t know what he’ll do. Maybe go up to the roof and run some
laps? Do some push-ups?

He wanders out to the kitchen to get some water to take with him to the roof and sees Jimin
sitting up on the couch. It nearly scares the shit out of him. Then he remembers Jimin lost at rock-
paper-scissors and got stuck sleeping on the couch. The sound of him coming out of his room has
Jimin turning around. “Oh, hi Kookie. What are you doing up?”

“Can’t sleep,” Jungkook says, continuing on to the kitchen. “Thought I’d run around on the
roof. Wear myself out a little.” He takes a water bottle out of the fridge and unscrews it, taking a
sip. “How about you? Having trouble too?”

“Well…” Jimin sighs, sounding just as tired as Jungkook feels. “I’m just… I don’t feel like my
voice was at its best tonight.”

“Oh, Jimin,” Jungkook sighs, walking out to the living room to sit next to him on the couch. He
scoots close and wraps an arm around Jimin. “You were great. Did you hear how loud they
cheered for you?”

Jimin blushes slightly, wrings his hands a bit. “I messed up the dance during ‘DNA.’ During
one of the parts when I’m in front.”
“I doubt anyone noticed.”

“How do you know?”

“Jimin,” Jungkook says, rubbing his back. “You know the ARMYs love you even if you mess
up. They’re happy just seeing you on stage.”

Jimin’s lip trembles and he looks down at his lap. “But I want to give them the best show I can.
I don’t want to disappoint them. Some of them may have traveled a long way to see us, spent their

Jungkook takes Jimin’s face between his hands, lifts his head to see his wet eyes. “Jimin, I
promise that it was nothing. We’ve all messed up at one point or another. And you know what I
discovered? We’re loved anyway.”

Jimin sniffles and wipes at his eyes. “Yeah. We have really good fans.”

“Besides,” Jungkook continues, “at least you didn’t have your pants come down.”

“Oh my god,” Jimin half-laughs, covering his mouth. “Poor Jin hyung.” He sniffs again. “Hey,


“I don’t mean to pry, but I noticed this morning you, Taehyung, and Hobi hyung were in
Seokjin’s room talking to him. Is everything okay?”

Jimin’s look of genuine concern is like a punch to Jungkook’s gut. “I… didn’t mean to leave
you out.”

“Don’t worry about me. It’s nothing.” But Jungkook can tell by the look in Jimin’s eyes that
he’s hurt. “What’s wrong with Jin?”

Jungkook sighs. “At first we thought he was getting last-minute jitters. Par for the course, you
know? We intended to tell him that he’s been doing really well with his singing and dancing and
not to worry.”

“Uh huh,” Jimin prompts, staring adamantly.

“Well,” Jungkook continues, hesitating for a moment. Should he be telling Jimin this? After all,
it seems like a private matter. Then again, Jimin isn’t one to go around spilling other’s secrets.
Jungkook knows he can trust him to keep whatever he tells him to himself. Besides, he feels bad
for leaving Jimin out. He wants to make it up to him, and telling him about the meeting with
Seokjin seems to only be fair. “We talked to him, about the jitters. He denied he was having them
and seemed more annoyed than usual. Naturally, we thought he was lying.”

“Was he?”

“Hobi and Tae thought he was,” Jungkook says. “So, they just figured he was too
uncomfortable to talk about it right then and left him to cool off.”

“And what did you think?”

“I think,” Jungkook says, licking his lips, “it was something else.”

“Something else?” Jimin parrots, frowning. “What made you think that?”
“Because I lingered for a little after Hobi and Tae left. Some… earlier events made me think I
knew what it was that was really bothering him.” Before Jimin can ask, Jungkook elaborates, “I
noticed during our last orgy that Jin hyung wasn’t really all there when he was topping me.”

“He seems to get like that when you bring up his daddy kink,” Jimin says, smiling a little. “It’s
honestly kind of hot. How he goes all beast mode.”

“No, no. It wasn’t like that.”


“It was like…” Jungkook stops himself, chewing his lip. This is it. Once he says it, there’s no
going back. He observes Jimin—sweet, trustworthy Jimin who cares way too much about his
friends for his own good. Jungkook takes a deep breath and continues, “It was like he was
distracted. By Namjoon hyung.”

Jimin crinkles his nose. “I don’t really remember Namjoon doing all that much. How was he

Jungkook scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. God, why does this feel like he’s the one
confessing? “Jin was just… looking at him. Maybe thinking about him too.”

“So?” Jimin says. “I mean, when I was topping Tae I was also thinking about fucking you.” He
seems to suddenly realize what he said and his face goes dark red. “Um…”

Jungkook flashes him a charming smile. “I can’t blame you. Golden maknae, remember?”

Jimin snorts, flicks Jungkook on his forehead. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

Jungkook chuckles and then he remembers what it is they’re talking about, wonders how the
hell he’s going to break this to Jimin. Should he drop enough hints and hope Jimin fills in the
blanks? No, Jungkook doesn’t think he can wade through much more awkward. He’ll have to be
blunt. Yeah, that would be best. So, he clears his throat. “I think Seokjin has feelings for

The way Jimin’s jaw drops, the way he just quietly stares in shock at Jungkook for a good half
minute makes Jungkook think that perhaps this hadn’t been the right way to do it after all. He’s
about to explain when Jimin suddenly snaps his mouth shut and grins. “I thought so.”

Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to stare. “You—? But how—?”

“Oh my god, it’s so obvious,” Jimin says, shaking his head. “Seokjin is easier to read than he
realizes. I always catch him looking in Namjoon’s direction, finding excuses to be close to him—
like, more excuses than usual—trying to be alone with him. I mean, did you see his face when he
realized he and Namjoon would sleep in the same room together here? I’m honestly surprised they
went out instead of immediately fucking. I expected Seokjin to be all over him as soon as they shut
their door.”

“Wait. So, when did you find out?”

“A couple weeks ago,” Jimin answers. “I overlooked the orgy thing because I was busy with
Tae, but it makes sense. At first I thought I was just seeing things, but now that you’ve
corroborated my hunch I’m sure of it.”

“That he’s caught feels?”

“Oh,” Jimin says, smiling, “he’s caught them. And it’s so damn cute.”

They smile at each other, giggling at the revelation. Jungkook supposes it is cute. Seokjin and
Namjoon would work well together as a couple—

“Oh no.” Jungkook’s face falls as a revelation descends upon him.

“Oh no, what?”

“Oh no,” Jungkook says, suddenly feeling uneasy. “As in, we didn’t plan for this.”

“I don’t think that’s much of our concern. How they feel about one another is between them.”

“But there’s a problem,” Jungkook insists.

“What’s that?”

“He’s jealous.”

Jimin raises his eyebrows. “Who? Seokjin?”


“Jealous of who?”

“Of us,” Jungkook says before his brain can catch up to his mouth and he immediately blushes.
For some reason referring to him and Jimin as ‘us’, like they are some sort of pair, seems way too
much to deal with right now. “Uh, all of us. Like, whenever we get intimate with Namjoon. This
morning Seokjin got sulky immediately after Namjoon joked that me and Tae should have joined
them when they were having sex last night. I think that really hurt him. Maybe he thought he meant
more to Namjoon than just an easy fuck.”

Jimin’s smile instantly disappears. He slaps a hand to his cheek. “Oh god, this might be one-
sided. I hadn’t thought about that. I was so caught up in how cute it would be…”

Jungkook considers that for a moment. Even though he’d noticed Seokjin’s feelings almost as
soon as they’d manifested, he hadn’t thought about the fact that they may never be reciprocated.
The very idea makes Jungkook feel like crying. “Maybe when Namjoon finds out—”

“If he’ll ever find out,” Jimin cuts in with a disappointed sigh.

“We could tell him,” Jungkook chirps hopefully.

But Jimin shakes his head. “We can’t. It wouldn’t be right, not when it’s Jin who likes him. We
don’t even know if he wants a relationship with Namjoon.”

“But…” Jungkook feels his heart breaking for Seokjin. He just can’t imagine loving someone
and not wanting to be with them. “But Jin is in love with him.”

“In love?” Jimin sucks air through his teeth, looks skeptical. “I don’t know. It might be a
passing crush.”

“What if it turns into something more?” Jungkook asks and he can’t keep an optimistic smile
off his face.

Jimin returns the smile. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” He pinches Jungkook’s cheek.
“Sweet little romantic.”

Jungkook giggles. “I mean, you’d like it too.”


“Ugh,” Jungkook groans, head dropping back dramatically. “I’m still wide awake.”

“I have an idea.”

Jungkook looks at Jimin to see the other man smirking. He frowns in confusion. “What?”


The next thing he knows, Jimin is crawling into his lap and wrapping his arms around his neck,
drawing them close. Jungkook doesn’t even need to think about it; he leans forward and kisses
Jimin, their lips slotting together effortlessly. Jungkook’s hands immediately start trailing up under
Jimin’s pajama shirt, finding his nipples. Jimin gasps and, suddenly, everything is frantic. Jimin is
tugging off Jungkook’s shirt and Jungkook is sliding Jimin’s pants down his thighs, their breaths
heavy and lips roaming. Jungkook’s muscles are sore from the show earlier and he knows Jimin’s
must be as well, but he’s already hard, already thinking about inching his dick into Jimin’s tight

Then Jungkook remembers something. He pulls away from Jimin, who pouts as if he’s been
abandoned. “Earlier you said you thought about topping me.”

Jimin stares at him, eyes widening. “Yeah, but… Kook, we have a whole tour to do. You can’t
afford to have a sore ass.”

“And you won’t?”

Jimin laughs, runs his fingers through his hair. “Honey, I’m well broken in.”

Jungkook struggles to keep a frown off his face. It’s not like he hadn’t known Jimin had been
with other people. Hell, he’d heard him with other people at times. They live very close together,
after all. But something about the way Jimin just laughs off how many casual sex partners he’s had
makes a lump form in Jungkook’s throat. He wonders if Jimin was thinking about someone else
when Jungkook had fucked him. It annoys him, but most of all it hurts.

He must have been quiet for a bit too long, because Jimin asks, “Jungkook? Are you okay?”

“I don’t care,” Jungkook says quickly. He shoves Jimin down onto the couch and straddles
him, hands on Jimin’s chest.

“Don’t care…?” Jimin says, blinking at him. Then he comes to a realization, his hands going to
Jungkook’s hips. “Kookie, that’s insane. You’ve only been fucked once. I’m not gonna—”

“You don’t have to do anything,” Jungkook says, cementing himself firmer atop Jimin. He
takes hold of Jimin’s hands, removes them from his hips, pins them to the couch. He thinks back to
the gay porn he’s watched—it’s been so busy lately that watching porn has been his only sexual
outlet—and sticks a couple of fingers in his mouth to wet them.

Jimin sighs in defeat, although he sounds way less disappointed than he rightfully should.
“Wait, wait, we’re not doing it with just spit. Hold on.” He reaches underneath his pillow and
produces a bottle of lube.
Jungkook raises his eyebrows, laughing. “You keep lube under your pillow?”

“Shut up, I was planning to jerk off tonight.” Jimin uncaps the bottle, a blush trailing across his
cheeks. Jungkook snatches the bottle out of his hand and pours some lube over his own fingers.
Jimin raises an eyebrow. “Oh, feeling adventurous tonight, huh?”

Jungkook feels his face heating up and looks away, sliding his hand down his underwear and
rubbing his slick fingers against his hole. “I’ve fingered myself.”


“A couple of times,” Jungkook admits. After the orgy, whenever he got off he felt unbearably
empty afterward. He found that while his fingers relieve the sensation, they are not nearly enough
to satisfy him. Thinking back on it and feeling Jimin’s hard cock against his ass makes his hole
twitch eagerly.

“That’s, um.” Jimin licks his lips, grinds up into him. “That’s kinda hot.”

Jungkook’s fingers breach his hole and he bites his lip at the sting. He’s gotten used to it by
now, but it’s still weird to feel something going inside his ass. He forces himself to relax, pushing
his fingers in halfway, both at once. He’s suddenly so desperate to have Jimin in him, to make
Jimin think only of him. He shoves his fingers the rest of the way in, thrusts them a bit, and hisses
as he stretches himself a little too much.

Jimin’s hand returns to his hip. “Go slow, Kookie,” he tells him.

Frustrated with himself, Jungkook takes his fingers out and inches Jimin’s underwear down to
release his dick. He uses the rest of the lube on his hand to slick up Jimin’s cock and pulls his own
briefs aside. He hears Jimin’s breath pick up, and his heart starts to pound at how frantic this whole
thing is feeling. He wants Jimin in him, needs Jimin in him. He sees a look of concern cross
Jimin’s face, sees his mouth open, and he knows Jimin is about to tell him to slow down again, but
he can’t slow down, he’s not able to.

He positions himself over Jimin and feels his dickhead push into his hole. Jungkook lowers his
head so Jimin can’t see his pained expression, because there’s no way in hell he’s stopping now.
He takes deep breaths, relaxes, tells himself that right now it’s just him and Jimin, that Jimin’s
hands are on him, that Jimin’s eyes are watching him, completely focused on him. He knows it by
the way Jimin’s fingers dig into the skin on his hips, as if trying to keep him in place without
taking away his control. Jungkook appreciates the sentiment, but there’s an all-consuming urge to
push himself down, down, and then he’s sitting flush against Jimin, his cock buried all the way

Fuck. Jungkook chews on his tongue to swallow down the pained whimpers. He’d gone too
fast, taken too much at once, but he won’t admit it. He can take this, he knows he can. He just sits
there for a moment, face hidden behind his pale pink hair, and urges himself to adjust quickly. He
doesn’t want Jimin’s mind roaming. He wants to be the only thing Jimin thinks about right now.

Jungkook can tell Jimin is concerned by the way he’s breathing, by how his hands rub soothing
circles into his skin. But Jimin does not scold him, doesn’t baby him, does not in any way take
over, and warmth fills Jungkook’s chest as he realizes how much he appreciates that. He’s close
enough to Jimin for the man to know when to come to his aid and when to let him conquer
challenges on his own, and that makes Jungkook especially happy.

Finally, finally, Jungkook’s insides cooperate with him. He relaxes around Jimin’s cock, and
the discomfort disappears for the most part. He begins to move slowly, balancing himself with his
hands against Jimin’s chest.

Jimin’s hands trail up Jungkook’s stomach. “You’re doing so well, Kookie.”

Jungkook’s heart soars at the praise and when Jimin’s fingers are close enough he sucks one
into his mouth. Jimin moans, bucking up into him, brushing over his sensitive prostate.

“Ah, fuck,” Jungkook gasps, exhaling heavily. “I feel like I’ll never get used to that.”

“What?” Jimin asks curiously, then he says, with a hint of mischief in his voice, “Oh, this?”

Jimin pushes up into Jungkook again, and this time he presses right up against his sweet spot.
Jungkook moans and lightly slaps Jimin’s chest. “Yes, that, you little shit. Fuck, it’s just… is yours
usually this sensitive?”

Jimin laughs. “I wish. It was when I first started having sex, but now that it’s taken a bit of a
pounding over the years it’s not the same. Which is not a bad thing. I mean, before I was like you
—I could barely take a rough fuck. Now it’s my favorite thing.”

Jungkook swallows down the lump that begins to form in his throat at Jimin’s mention that
he’s had several other lovers before… again. “Oh, you think I can’t take a rough fuck?”

Jimin stares at him for a moment and then frantically starts shaking his head. “No, no, Kook, I
didn’t mean that as a challenge.”

“Too late,” Jungkook chirps. He lifts himself up, almost all the way off Jimin’s cock, hissing at
the slow way it slides out of him. Then he slams himself back down and—oh shit, oh shit. It feels
good for a moment, but the tingling in his prostate is soon replaced with a burning sensation. Ow.
Okay, maybe that had been a little too much. Not like he’s going to admit it.

“Jungkook,” Jimin says, and it’s clear his concern has now reached a point where he can’t hold
back, not even for Jungkook’s sake. “Go easy on yourself. I know you want desperately to be a
power bottom. Trust me, I’ve been there. But it can’t happen overnight.”

Power bottom? Oh. He actually knows that word. He pushes the pain to the back of his mind
and grins down in understanding at Jimin, who stares back up at him, his expression changing into
one of surprise, then into a smug smirk. “Oho. Someone’s been watching porn. I see your gay
vocabulary has expanded.”

“Yup,” Jungkook says, grinding down against Jimin, trying to find a way to angle his cock
away from his prostate.

“Yoongi hyung would be proud.”

Jungkook stops moving. He can’t help his mind from wandering back to that morning when
Yoongi had fucked Jimin. Right next to Jungkook. On the bed they shared. “Let’s… not talk about

Jimin looks as if he wants to ask why, but instead he just says, “Okay.”

To get his mind off of it, Jungkook starts up a rhythm, maybe not as rough as before but it’s
enough to push Jungkook to his limits. Jimin’s cock pushes too hard against his prostate a couple of
times before Jungkook discovers an angle that has it just brushing over it, only enough for
Jungkook to feel pleasure. His hips adjust to the pattern, rolling down on Jimin as the latter
watches him in astonishment.

“You’ve always been a quick learner,” Jimin says. Then his hands wander up Jungkook’s
stomach, thumbs tracing the ridges of his abs. “And very fit.” Jimin bites his lip, eyes pinned on
Jungkook’s muscles as they ripple with his movements. “Hot damn, you have a gorgeous body.
You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to touch it…” He suddenly snaps to, glancing up at
Jungkook before looking away, cheeks reddening. “Uh, don’t mind me. I ramble when I’m horny.”

Jungkook smiles at him. He hadn’t realized how much he’d wanted Jimin to say that. “But I
thought you said I wasn’t your type?”

Yeah, relationship-wise, Jungkook expects Jimin to say, and immediately he begins to regret
ever bringing up the subject. But Jimin surprises him and replies so quietly he can barely hear him,
“You are my type.”

When Jimin looks up at him, as if trying to confirm if Jungkook had heard him, a panic seizes
Jungkook. He doesn’t want Jimin to be scared off. He doesn’t want to lose him. So he says, “What
was that?” and does his best to appear as if he hadn’t heard.

“Nothing,” Jimin says. He sounds relieved. “Just more rambling.”

As much as Jungkook knows he should be cautious, a small ache settles deep in his chest, an
urge to tell Jimin that it’s okay he’s his type. Jungkook wants to be his type. He wants…

Jungkook shakes his head. He can’t think about this now. It’s too much, and he thinks of
Seokjin and how sad he looked earlier. He never wants to feel that. A burst of frustration sends his
hips moving faster, Jimin’s cock ramming into his prostate, making him burn from the inside out.
Maybe if it doesn’t feel as good, he won’t start thinking such stupid things. This is just sex. He
couldn’t sleep, so he and Jimin are having sex to wear him out. There’s no other purpose, and
that’s all this should be, all this has to be, because Jungkook doesn’t think he can take it like
Seokjin can. Seokjin was worn down, but Jungkook would break. And he’s so scared for that to
happen, what it would do to his friendship with Jimin.

Then Jimin takes over. He grabs his hips and holds Jungkook to him. Jungkook expects him to
be rough, mentally begs him to be rough, to make it hurt, but Jimin is gentle. So goddamn gentle,
rolling up into him, fucking him just right, and it’s too much for Jungkook. It’s just too much.

Jungkook can’t even give Jimin a warning before he’s coming all over the older man’s
stomach, gasping, all other sound caught in his throat. Jimin follows not too long after, pulling
Jungkook down against him and whispering, “Baby, baby. Jungkook.”

Jungkook wants to lay on top of Jimin with his cock in him for hours, but then reality hits him
and he pushes himself up on his elbows. Jimin is giving him that look, like he wants to be kissed,
and his lips are right there, so close and so soft, but Jungkook knows that if he kisses him right
now it might change everything. So he sits up and climbs off of him. He tries to stand but ends up
catching himself on the arm of the couch as his legs shake.

“Whoa, easy,” Jimin says, sitting up to help him. “You came untouched. That was pretty
intense. What are you in such a rush for?”

Jimin’s hands are on his waist, steadying him, and Jungkook has to get away, needs to get away
before he says something stupid. He pulls away. “I’m just feeling really drained.”

“I could help you to your room,” Jimin offers.

“No,” Jungkook says too quickly, shuffling around the back of the couch and toward his room.
“No, I’ll be fine, thanks.”

“Oh, well,” Jimin says, sounding disappointed, and Jungkook wants so badly to rush over there
and kiss him. Maybe curl up on the couch with him and cuddle. “Goodnight.”

“‘Night,” Jungkook throws back over his shoulder, not looking at him. Because if he looks at
him, he won’t be able to leave him.

Jungkook closes the door as soon as he’s in his room, taking a deep breath to calm himself
down. He feels wetness on his cheeks and wipes his eyes, wondering when in the world he’s
started crying and at the same time hoping Jimin hadn’t noticed. He winces at the dull ache in his
ass as he crawls onto the bed, almost flopping down on top of Taehyung. He checks to see that he
hasn’t woken him up and then wraps himself in the sheets. He sighs wearily as he feels Jimin’s
cum leak from his ass, but he’s too afraid of going out of his room and to the bathroom to clean up
because that would mean encountering Jimin again. And he’s not sure he’s ready to see him just
yet. The desire to not absolutely ruin everything he and Jimin have is so powerful it offsets his
irritation at being all sweaty and dirty, which has certainly never happened before. He can’t tell if
it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just something he’s not ready to think about right now.

The sex worked. Or perhaps he’d just worked himself up so much that as soon as he closes his
eyes he’s fast asleep. In the early morning, just an hour before their alarm, something wakes him
up. For a moment he thinks it’s the cum leaking from his ass, but it’s a sound. It’s very soft, like
breath. Several feathery breaths interspersed with what might have been a sniffle. Crying. Was it
crying? That’s weird. There’s no one in the room but him and Taehyung, and Taehyung is fast
asleep, his body still from what Jungkook can tell in the dim light.

Jungkook is too exhausted to investigate. He chalks it up to him just hearing things and goes
back to sleep.

Taehyung felt Jungkook get up. He’d heard them, had gotten up, had seen them fucking on the
couch. And he’d heard Jimin’s whisper. He’s sure Jungkook had heard it too, no matter if
Jungkook had acted like he hadn’t afterward. Then Taehyung had returned to his room, chest
aching and lip quivering.

Had Jimin really meant it? Is Jungkook his type? What does that even mean? But deep down
Taehyung knows what it means, and it devastates him. He lies there for a while until Jungkook
comes back, wants so desperately to cuddle up to him and kiss him and tell him the same thing.

Taehyung has gotten honest with himself over the past month. Not about the whole sexuality
thing. He’s pretty sure he’s bisexual and has made his peace with that. He’s not ashamed of it. In
fact, he had been pretty sure it would make things a whole lot easier with regards to having sex
with his friends.

But it didn’t. Acknowledging he likes guys means acknowledging that he likes them, as in
possibly a romantic sort of way. And that’s where it got complicated. Three weeks ago he’d
thought about what it would be like to come out as bi. Two weeks ago he’d thought about what it
would be like to have a boyfriend.
One week ago he realized he’s in love with Jungkook.

Taehyung tried to deny it, he really did, but he knew the feeling well. He’d had girlfriends he’d
been in love with, after all. So when the feeling started to descend upon him he knew he was in
trouble, because how could this even work? They’re friends, yes, but they’re also colleagues. The
group at large might not support a relationship between them. It may wreck friendships. The
managers and PD-nim might forbid it or worse, kick them out of the group.

But the worst outcome of all would be that Jungkook wouldn’t love him back.

Taehyung has been grappling with this dilemma for a whole week completely on his own. He’d
hidden it pretty well, though he doesn’t know how much more of this he can take especially on his
own. He smiled and laughed and joked. He hung out with everyone, including Jungkook, tried his
best to act normal. But it hurts, seeing Jungkook so close yet so far away. And it hurt even more
when Taehyung saw him with Jimin, not because he wants Jungkook to himself, but because
Taehyung stumbled upon yet another dilemma.

He’s also in love with Jimin.

He hadn’t thought it possible, but there it is. He’s not upset because he saw Jungkook with
someone else, but because that someone else had been Jimin, and Taehyung had been left out. The
way they looked at each other, what Jimin said, has Taehyung terrified that he’ll be forced to sit
back and watch them get closer to each other and only each other while his own heart slowly

As soon as the tour started, Taehyung had sworn to himself that he’d stop crying. He’d have to,
after all, since there would be fewer places to do it in private where Jungkook and Jimin couldn’t
find him. But lying there in bed next to Jungkook, who in his opinion has just made love with
Jimin, is too much for Taehyung to bear. So he lets himself cry, and the more he cries the worse
his thoughts get. What if he and Jungkook get together, but Jimin rejects him? What if the opposite
happens and it’s Jimin he’s with instead of Jungkook? He’s sure he’d still be in love with both of
them even if he were rejected by one, and he feels himself being torn in two. Why is this
happening? he thinks, Why can’t I love just one of them? He knows why. He will never be able to
choose between them. Jimin is so sweet to him, befriended him almost immediately after he joined
the group, has comforted him through his most vulnerable times. Jungkook encourages him to
chase his dreams, lifts him up when he’s down, has never let him say he can’t accomplish
something. His life would be incomplete with just one or the other.

He tries to keep quiet, but at one point Jungkook wakes up. Taehyung holds his breath, holds in
his sobs, not wanting Jungkook to ask any questions. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to answer them

Jungkook goes back to sleep, but Taehyung doesn’t. He’s in and out of light sleep all night,
crying occasionally whenever he’s awake before tiring himself out and drifting off again. He just
gives up an hour before they have to get up and lies there on his back, eyes wandering over to
Jungkook’s peaceful, sleeping face. Carefully so as not to wake him, he scoots close, wraps an arm
around him. With a sigh he starts to drift off into what feels like actual sleep this time, but then the
alarm goes off.

Jungkook groans and stretches, glances at the clock, and pulls the blanket over his head. “Tae,
could you turn that thing off?”

Taehyung doesn’t say anything. He’s afraid to. He turns the alarm off and stares at the lump in
the blankets, wanting so much to pull them down and kiss Jungkook. Instead, he forces himself to
get up and go to the bathroom, sneaking past a still-sleeping Jimin. He finds it already occupied
and knocks.


It’s Yoongi. “Gotta shower,” Taehyung yawns. “I’ll just go to the other—”

“That’s okay, come in. I’m almost done anyway.”

Without thinking much of it, Taehyung opens the door and shuffles in, still blinking bleariness
from his eyes. He’s met with the sight of Yoongi, freshly showered and fully nude, standing over
the toilet. It takes a moment for Taehyung’s brain to catch up and when it does, he stammers, “O-
oh, uh, sorry. I should—”

“Why are you acting like you’ve never seen me naked before?”

“I-I’m not,” Taehyung replies, inching toward the door. “You’re just—”

“I’m peeing, yes,” Yoongi says matter-of-factly. Just then a stream erupts from his dick. He
acts like nothing’s happened. “We’ve peed beside each other at urinals.”

“I never looked down,” Taehyung insists.

“You did in the MAMA star countdown teaser,” Yoongi retorts, finishing up.

“You didn’t have your dick out then!” Taehyung protests.

“There,” Yoongi says, flushing and moving to the sink to wash his hands. “See? You were so
distracted that you barely noticed.” Taehyung continues to stammer some more and then Yoongi
finally looks at him up close. “Jesus, Tae, what the fuck happened? You look like you’ve been on a
week-long bender.”


“Look.” Yoongi wipes away the remaining steam on the mirror so Taehyung can see himself.

Taehyung leans in and sees that his eyes are all bloodshot, deep purple bruises underneath.

“Yeah, whoa.” Yoongi snatches his briefs from off the sink and steps into them. “Did you not
get any sleep last night?”

“Kinda,” Taehyung admits, running his fingers through his messy hair to try and tame it. “Had
a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?”

Damn. Taehyung had been running his mouth without a thought to how he would explain
himself. “Um… it’s, uh… hey, Yoongi hyung?”

“Yes, that’s my name.”

“Have you ever, um… had a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend?”

Yoongi stares at him for a moment with a peculiar look on his face, as if he’s trying to gauge
whether Taehyung is joking or not. Taehyung has no idea why he would think that. Then Yoongi
barks a disbelieving laugh. “Why does everyone think I’m the relationship expert all of a sudden?”

Taehyung wrinkles his nose. “Huh?”

Yoongi waves his hand dismissively. “Nevermind. No, I guess I haven’t.”

“You guess?”

“It’s…” Yoongi pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek, leans against the sinktop.
“Complicated. As cliché as that sounds.”

Taehyung laughs bitterly. “Yeah, it is.”

Taehyung knows he’s said too much when Yoongi frowns curiously at him. “What do you
mean? Are you in a relationship or something?”

“No,” Taehyung says, shaking his head way too vigorously. Then he sighs wearily and says,
“It’s complicated. Or at least I wish it was because at least that would be something.”

Yoongi mirrors his sigh. “Been there. It’s not a fun place to be. Wanna tell me who she is?”

Taehyung stiffens. “Sh-she?”

Yoongi shrugs. “Or he. Whatever paints your taint.”

“Wow, hyung, you’re especially vulgar this morning.”

Yoongi stretches, interlocking his fingers over his head, and, wow, he looks nice. Taehyung is
having trouble comprehending how Yoongi could never have had a relationship. Is he lying?
“What can I say? I got good sleep, unlike you. Now are you gonna tell me or not?”

“I-it’s a girl,” Taehyung blurts out. It’s best to throw Yoongi as much off his scent as possible.

“Go on.”

“I met her at a club last year in China.”

“Uh huh.”

Taehyung can’t tell if that’s a skeptical ‘uh huh’ or not, but he continues regardless. “We
exchanged numbers. She contacted me a few weeks ago and says she broke up with her boyfriend.
She sounds… interested.”

“Okay,” Yoongi bobs his head, taking in the information. “And how is this complicated

“Well, I like another girl,” Taehyung explains. He hopes he sounds believable. “I can’t imagine
choosing between them.”

“Why not?”

“Um…” Taehyung wracks his brain for something that sounds feasible, but it’s early and he’s
low on sleep. “Both of them are really cute and they just complement me in different ways. And if
I date one of them I’ll still have feelings for the other, you know?”

“Mmhm,” Yoongi hums. He wipes more steam off the mirror, begins fixing his hair. “And how
long have you had these feelings for Jimin and Jungkook?”

Taehyung’s jaw drops. “H-how did you know?”

“You’re a terrible liar,” Yoongi says, pulling on a shirt. “I also heard you talking to yourself
before our flight here. Don’t worry, no one else heard.”

Taehyung puts his head in his hands, close to crying now that he finally has someone he can
talk to about this. “I don’t know what to d-do.”

Yoongi wraps an arm around him and… it’s so weird to have Yoongi half-hugging him in just a
shirt and his underwear. Taehyung would have laughed if he weren’t so distraught. “Oh, Tae. You
got it bad, don’t you?” Taehyung can only nod, leans against him. Yoongi sighs and pats him on
the back in a fatherly way. “I know you’re afraid of getting rejected, but this’ll only get worse if
you don’t tell them. Trust me, I’ve been through it.”

“You…” Taehyung swallows a sob, sniffs. “You have?”

“Yeah,” Yoongi admits. He sounds uneasy, as if he hadn’t meant to reveal so much.

“But I thought you’d never been in a relationship?”

“I haven’t,” Yoongi says. “And one of the reasons why is because I never said anything.”

“I-I can’t.” Taehyung shakes his head. “What if it ruins our friendship?”

“Taehyung, you know better than that. Jimin and Jungkook won’t be so shallow as to end a
friendship over that.”

“But what if?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Don’t trip yourself up over that. Just do it before you end up a bitter old
man like me.”

Taehyung wipes his eyes and takes a deep, shaky breath. “Yeah, okay. Sorry. I’ve been
thinking too much about this. I should just do it.”

Yoongi nods and slips on his pants. More like shimmies into them because they’re so tight.
“Right. Take the chance. Then at least you won’t wonder about something that never was.”

“Hey, hyung.”


“Is it possible for you to still tell them?”


“Can you still tell that person that you love them?”

Yoongi goes silent for a moment, adjusts his belt even though he’s already buckled it. “I think
it’s a bit too late for that. But it won’t be for you.” He clears his throat and offers Taehyung an
encouraging smile. It looks kind of sad. “Now get in the shower. Hopefully afterward you won’t
look so hungover.”
They have a day off between shows, so everyone decides to go out. Even Yoongi goes. Jungkook,
however, decides to stay at the flat, claiming that he’s tired. Taehyung takes the opportunity to
offer to keep him company.

Jungkook suggests they watch a movie on his laptop, and Taehyung can’t think of any way to
ease into his confession yet so he agrees. An hour into the movie and Taehyung is completely lost
on the plot because he’s been trying to figure out a way to start the conversation. Why didn’t I ask
Yoongi how I should do this? he wonders, frustrated with himself. Even though Yoongi told him he
hadn’t confessed to anyone, it would still give him someone to bounce ideas off of. Usually that
person would be Jimin or Jungkook, but in this case he’s completely on his own. He could wait to
do it, sure, but if he waited he might chicken out and then it would never happen.

Taehyung is just wondering if it’s a good idea to tell them individually or together when he
notices Jungkook staring at him. “What?” Taehyung asks, internally wincing at how awkward he

“You’re not watching this at all, are you?” Jungkook says.


“Wanna do something else?” Jungkook suggests. Taehyung takes in Jungkook for the first time
that day, his nerves having kept him from focusing on anything else but how to confess to him. Oh
god, this isn’t fair. Jungkook is wearing a black tank top and very loose-fitting basketball shorts.
It’s almost like Jungkook knew Taehyung was going to make a move today.

Jungkook leans in and kisses him. Taehyung, grateful for the distraction, reciprocates. The next
thing he knows he’s in Jungkook’s lap, grinding against him and hiking his tank top up. Then
Jungkook is pulling away from him, pulling his top back down. “Sorry, um… I can’t get into it. It’s
not you or anything. I’m just tired.”

Taehyung climbs out of his lap, his heart dropping. He’s lying. Taehyung knows Jungkook
slept well last night because he’d been awake crying to witness it. Had what transpired between
Jungkook and Jimin last night changed things between him and Taehyung? Does Jungkook feel
guilty for being with Taehyung when he very obviously likes Jimin? Will Jungkook stop being
intimate with Taehyung altogether because of his feelings for Jimin?

Jungkook takes a deep breath and lets it out, puffing out his cheeks. “I have something to tell

Taehyung’s heart begins to pound and hope rises within him. Could it be possible that
Jungkook is in the same situation as him? That he likes Jimin and Taehyung? Could such a perfect
coincidence even exist? Excited, Taehyung blurts, “I-I have something to tell you too.” This is it.
This is his chance.

“Tae,” Jungkook says slowly, carefully, looking him in the eyes. “I think I’m in love with
Jimin. What should I do?”

And then Taehyung feels his entire world fall apart.

Chapter End Notes

Aaaahhh, I hate putting these sweet boys into this kind of situation, but plot needs to
happen. Next chapter will probably involve Hobi, since I feel like I've been neglecting
him a little. You might find out why Hobi is so hesitant to get into a relationship and
how a past relationship he's had might be responsible for that. Rest assured, lots of
feels will happen. My plan is finally starting to fall into place, muhahaha.

Hats off to papa Yoongi, who always manages to help others but can't figure out how
to help himself. Poor baby. TT^TT

Until next week~!

Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Okay, so this chapter is gonna be a bit intense. As a WARNING there will be

references to alcohol abuse, self-harm, emotional abuse, and rape. Yes, you read that
right. There is no actual rape in this fic, just a reference to a past one. However, I
added rape to the fic warnings just to be safe.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hoseok had tried to talk to Taehyung, he really had, but the younger man seemed way too
distraught to even communicate with him. He’d tired coming at it all sorts of ways: over a private
shared meal, during a quiet time after a show—he even pleaded with Taehyung to let him help him,
but Taehyung would only shut down and request to be left alone. Which is worrisome in and of
itself, since Taehyung never likes to be alone. Hoseok wonders if anyone else has noticed, but then
again Hoseok himself may be more attuned to Taehyung’s moods since they’ve moved cities and
are now in a new rental house, sharing a room and a bed. It really hurts Hoseok to see Taehyung
quietly suffering on his own, but the younger man just won’t open up to him. Hoseok wracks his
brain trying to figure out why that is; he’s always tried to come across as someone his friends can
turn to. But after his encounter with Yoongi earlier, who also declined to reveal his troubles, and
now this thing with Taehyung, Hoseok isn’t quite so sure his friends see him as someone who can
help. And that tears him up inside.

All he can really do is cuddle with Taehyung in the bed they share, wrap his arms around him
and hold him close as he cries. He doesn’t say anything during this time, just lets Taehyung be
vulnerable and comforted. It’s the least can do as a hyung.

Hoseok is backstage during one of their shows, recovering after his solo dance break while he
distantly listens to the crowd cheer for Taehyung while he performs “Singularity.” He sits limp in
his chair, letting the makeup noonas move him this way and that, trying to mop up the sweat on his
face and in his hair while he chugs half a bottle of water. He hears a particularly loud uproar and he
smiles softly to himself, hoping that, even for this brief performance, Taehyung won’t feel quite so
sad anymore.

The sound of frantic footsteps snaps him out of a half-sleep and makes him jolt upright in his
chair. The noonas hiss at him for moving around so much, but all Hoseok can think about right
now is the fact that Taehyung is now standing a few feet away, face in his hands and Namjoon’s
arms around him. Alarmed, Hoseok apologizes to the noonas and gets up to investigate.

“What happened?” Hoseok asks, and as he comes to stand beside Namjoon he realizes that
Taehyung is crying. Poor thing. Not again.

Namjoon holds Taehyung’s head to his chest and leans in close to Hoseok, whispering, “He
says his voice cracked during his solo.”

Hoseok’s heart breaks for Taehyung. As if it could get any worse, now this. He takes
Taehyung’s hand and squeezes it, ruffles his hair. “It’s okay, Tae. It happens sometimes. You’ll be
Taehyung sniffles loudly. “No, it’s not okay,” Taehyung sobs, shaking his head. Then, quieter,
he adds, “I will never be okay.”

Hoseok runs Taehyung’s words through his head again, confirms that Taehyung had indeed
said, ‘I will’ instead of ‘It will’, and immediately concern spikes deep within his belly. Hoseok
looks worriedly up at Namjoon. “Maybe we should cut the show short. Tae’s not well.”

He’d hoped he was being quiet enough for Taehyung not to hear him, but Taehyung suddenly
pushes away from Namjoon and says, “No, no! We’re finishing the show. I’ll just be… more
careful with my voice. We have to finish the show!”

“Taehyung,” Namjoon says, his voice motherly, “no one says we have to finish the show. If
you’re really feeling unwell—”

“I’m not feeling unwell!” Taehyung insists, albeit very unconvincingly. He scrubs at his tear-
streaked face and takes a deep breath, composing himself somewhat. Hoseok doesn’t think he’s
seen Taehyung this torn up since his grandmother passed away. “We’re finishing the show.”

“Okay,” Namjoon replies.

“Joon,” Hoseok says quickly, worried. “He’s—”

“He’s determined and nothing we’ll say will stop him,” Namjoon says. Hoseok can see in his
eyes that he also doesn’t like the idea of letting Taehyung push himself, so, with a sigh, Hoseok
gives in.

The rest of the show goes somewhat smoothly. There are only a couple of songs left and then
an encore. Taehyung manages to keep himself together for the most part, although Hoseok notices
he appears close to losing it whenever either Jungkook or Jimin talk to him to find out what’s
wrong. Hoseok chalks it up to them being closer as friends and, therefore, Taehyung is more
comfortable with them. Taehyung makes his voice softer than is typical, which ensures that it
doesn’t crack again.

The drive home is unusually quiet. After such an energetic performance, one can expect
Jungkook and Taehyung to be bouncing around in their seats and chatting up a storm at the very
least. But Taehyung had passed out almost immediately after sitting down, exhaustion evident on
his face, and Jungkook stares out the window the entire time, chewing his lips in an anxious sort of

What the hell is going on? Hoseok wonders. He feels like he must have fallen out of the loop

Concerned that he may be able to help but can’t because he lacks information, Hoseok forgoes
immediately going to bed to seek someone out. Anyone, really, except Taehyung. He’s hoping that
Namjoon is awake as he shuffles out of his room, but his fellow rapper is fast asleep, his soft
snores drifting through the closed door to the room he shares with Jimin. Thankfully, Taehyung is
also asleep, Jungkook having had to carry him to his bed from the car.

The light in the little kitchenette is on. Hoseok sees a familiar figure silhouetted against the
light, hunched over and completely silent.

“Yoongi hyung,” he greets, sitting down across from him at the small, two-person dining table.

Yoongi squints at him. “What are you still doing up?”

Hoseok’s eyes dart down to the glass clasped in Yoongi’s hands. “What are you doing

Yoongi looks down, as if he’d forgotten he had a glass of whiskey right in front of him.
“Unwinding,” he replies. They both stare at each other for a moment, as if daring the other to say
something, because Hoseok knows full well that Yoongi is talking bullshit. He’s never seen
Yoongi drink immediately after a show. He’s never even seen Yoongi fully awake after one. Don’t
tell me there’s some other problem I don’t know about, he muses worriedly.

“Do you… wanna talk about it?” Hoseok ventures.


“Thought not.”

Silence stretches between them for a full minute, Yoongi taking a sip of his whiskey. Then
Hoseok says, “Taehyung was pretty worked up tonight.”

“I know.”

“As in you know why?”

“I do.”

Hoseok perks up. “What is it?”

“None of your business.”

Irritation flares up inside Hoseok. “What do you mean it’s none of my business? He’s been
crying next to me every night since we got here. How is that not my business?”

Yoongi looks at him, concern in his eyes. “He’s been crying?”

“Yeah. That’s probably why his voice cut out today.”

Yoongi sighs. “Oh no.”

“Oh no?”

“I can’t tell you why,” Yoongi clarifies, taking another sip of whiskey. “Because Taehyung told
me in confidence. You’ll have to ask him.”

“I’ve tried,” Hoseok insists, his frustration building. “But he won’t talk to me.”

Yoongi shakes his head. “I can’t tell you. I’m sorry.”

Hoseok huffs angrily, folding his arms across his chest. Yoongi quickly changes the subject,
which annoys him even more. “How are you doing? You know, with this whole group sex thing
we have going on?”

For a moment, Hoseok considers not answering and just getting up to return to his room. In the
end, however, he figures he still needs someone to talk to. “Fine.”

“Having a sexual identity crisis or anything?”

Hoseok raises his eyebrows, surprised at himself. “Actually, no. It’s pretty weird.”
Yoongi shrugs, a smug smile pulling at his lips. “Like I said. Spectrum.”

“Maybe there is one after all.”

“You sure you’ve never been into men?” Yoongi suddenly asks.

The question catches Hoseok off-guard and, by the look of astonishment on Yoongi’s face, it
shocks Yoongi as well. Then Hoseok really takes the time to examine Yoongi—his flushed face,
the lazy way he holds his whiskey glass, how hooded his eyes are—

“Oh my god,” Hoseok says, laughing in disbelief. “You’re fucking drunk.”

“All you’ve had are girlfriends, correct?” Yoongi asks, ignoring his accusation.

“Yeah. A couple. I told you one broke up with me just before we debuted,” Hoseok admits.
“How long have you been drinking?”

“Why’d she break up with you?” Yoongi says, drinking more of his whiskey.

Hoseok sighs. He’ll just have to play along. It’s obvious he won’t get any answers out of
Yoongi at this point. “Because we weren’t getting along.”


Images of Hoseok’s ex-girlfriend come to the forefront of his mind. He grits his teeth and
pushes them away. “We just grew apart.”

Yoongi swishes the alcohol around in his glass. “Liar,” he drawls.

“I’m not lying!”

“Then tell me the real reason.”

Hoseok sighs. Yoongi’s drunk anyway. Who knows if he’ll remember anything Hoseok tells
him? Besides, Hoseok is getting tired of all this beating around the bush. “She was, um… abusive.”

Yoongi’s eyes widen then. “She hit you?”

“No,” Hoseok says, suddenly regretting ever admitting it. “No, like, emotionally, I guess.”

“How?” Yoongi asks and then he looks away. “Sorry. I’m not… I don’t mean to pry. It must be
difficult for you to talk about.”

“Not really.” Yes, it is. “She was… she kind of started getting really jealous and controlling.
Kept me away from my friends and family. Had to know where I was at all hours of the day. Went
through my phone constantly.”

“What a bitch.”

“She wasn’t,” Hoseok says. “I loved her and I think a part of me still does. That’s the thing;
one day she’d be calling me ugly and saying that no one would ever want me and then the next
she’d be taking me out to dinner and telling me she loved me.”

“Why didn’t you leave?”

Hoseok licks his lips. “I suppose I could have. Our bank accounts were separate. We didn’t
even live in the same place. I guess I… I guess I believed her.”

“Believed her?”

“When she said I’m ugly,” Hoseok says, a lump forming in his throat. Shit. He shouldn’t have
started talking about this. “That no one else would ever love me.”

Yoongi is staring at him, a bit of lucidity having returned to his eyes. Suddenly, he gets up and
rounds the table. He takes Hoseok’s face in his hands, thumbs wiping at Hoseok’s cheeks. Hoseok
blinks in surprise when he feels that his face his wet. “I’m sorry,” Yoongi says, wiping more at
Hoseok’s tears. “I shouldn’t have pried. Please, don’t cry. I, for one, think you’re beautiful. ”

Hoseok swallows, trying to gain control of his emotions, and realizes that Yoongi is so close.
Their faces are inches away from each other and Yoongi is staring at him so intently, his gaze so
caring and warm. Hoseok doesn’t think he’s ever seen him like this. He wonders what it would be
like to kiss Yoongi right now. He could easily do it. Just lean forward. It would take only a

But then Yoongi’s hands are gone and he’s walking away toward the small fridge. Hoseok can
still feel their warmth, his skin tingling where they’d touched him. Yoongi returns to the table with
a bottle of whiskey in hand. Hoseok sees that half of the contents are already gone.

“Here,” Yoongi says, pouring Hoseok a glass and sliding it over to him. “Have a drink. You
look like you need one.”

Hoseok gratefully takes it, downing a swallow, wincing as it burns his throat. “Are you saying I
look like shit?”

Yoongi chuckles as he settles back down in his seat, fills his own glass. “Maybe.”

The next few minutes pass with nothing but the sound of clinking glasses as they steadily
drink. As always, Hoseok feels like he’s already drunk halfway through his own glass. Good thing
they don’t have a show tomorrow, because he’s pretty sure he’ll be hungover.

Suddenly, Yoongi says, “I should tell you something, too. It’s only fair.”

“I already know you secretly like cuddles,” Hoseok says with a smile.

“I do not!”

“Yes, you do,” Hoseok says, recalling how he’d woken up during the middle of the night after
their last orgy with Yoongi snuggled up to him like a cat. “What is it you really wanna tell me?”

Yoongi frowns at him, and it’s adorable seeing the cogs turn slowly, drunkenly, in his head as
he considers whether or not to actually pursue an argument when he’s already so shitfaced. Yoongi
seems to give up. “I was raped.”

The smile on Hoseok’s face immediately vanishes. His jaw drops. He can’t have heard that
right. It’s the alcohol making things all muddy. “You were what?”

“Raped,” Yoongi says matter-of-factly, like it’s nothing at all.

Hoseok stares at him in horror. “W-when?”

Yoongi finishes off his glass and pours himself another. Hoseok knows he should probably tell
him to lay off, but he doesn’t want Yoongi to get distracted. If this really happened, Hoseok needs
to know. He needs to know that Yoongi is okay. “Drunken one-night stand.”

“Drunken…?” Hoseok begins, recalling something Yoongi had said months earlier. His
stomach drops. “You mean, your first time?”

Yoongi nods, his head dipping lower than usual. “Yup.” He reaches for Hoseok’s glass, misses,
reaches for it again and tugs it to him. “Have some more,” he says, pouring the whiskey.

Hoseok ignores the glass when Yoongi slides it back over to him. “How? Where did this

Yoongi scrunches up his face, thinking. “First year of high school. Yeah. Freshman year. Got
invited to a party. I don’t do parties. Went anyway. First time getting drunk. Kinda blacked out.”

Hoseok feels sick. He hadn’t thought this night could have gotten any worse, but there it is.
Yoongi had been raped. His friend Yoongi had been raped. His Yoongi—

Wait, his Yoongi? His brain is functioning at half power right now, holy hell. He needs to get
ahold of himself.

“Who was it?”

“Hm?” Yoongi is too busy drinking to have heard him. Hoseok only hopes that he doesn’t get
so drunk he won’t be able to tell him who did this to him.

“Who? Who… raped you?”

Yoongi shrugs nonchalantly. “Dunno. Barely saw ‘im. Kinda remember ‘im being on top of
me. Goin’ inside. Hurt like hell.” Yoongi laughs. It’s a bitter laugh, despite him being so drunk.
“Woke up in bed with ‘im the next day. He was some older guy. College or somethin’. Just got my
clothes and left.”

“You didn’t tell anyone?” Hoseok asks, fury flashing through him at the thought of Yoongi
being taken advantage of and his rapist getting off scot-free. “You didn’t call the police?”

“Nope,” Yoongi replies, leaning back in his chair. “Didn’t go to the hospital either. The
bleedin’ stopped in a few days anyway. Didn’t need it.”

“You were bleeding?” Hoseok feels tears prick at his eyes again. “Oh, hyung, I’m so sorry.”

Yoongi waves a dismissive hand. “Don’t be. I’m over it.”


“I was cuttin’ to cope, but not anymore.”

“What? Cutting?”

Suddenly, Yoongi goes pale, slaps a hand over his mouth. He pushes back his chair and stands,
rushing across the apartment. Hoseok follows, trying his best to ignore how the whole room tilts
around him. He finds Yoongi in the bathroom hunched over the toilet, throwing up.

“Oh my god. Yoongi.” Hoseok rushes over to him as best as his drunk legs will carry him and
rubs his back while he continues to vomit.
He hands Yoongi some toilet paper to wipe up and Yoongi laughs. “Damn, it’s been a while
since I drank that much. Shoulda known…” Another wave of nausea overtakes him and he throws
up some more. To Hoseok’s sluggish brain, it seems to last for hours. And then Yoongi rolls over,
slumps back against the tub, some color returning to his face. Hoseok helps clean him up, flushes
the remains of his stomach contents down the toilet.

“Hyung?” Hoseok asks fretfully. “Are you okay?”

Yoongi covers his eyes with his arm, his head tilted back against the bathtub. He has a peculiar
smile on his face. “Am I okay? Of course I’m okay. It’s been over ten years.” He laughs again.
Then his lips tremble and he lets out a sob. “It’s been over ten years. Why can’t I get over it? Why
can’t I get over what that bastard did to me? Why can’t I move on? It’s not fair…”

He slumps over and Hoseok catches him in his arms, cradling him as he cries. Hoseok has seen
Yoongi cry before. Just silent tears, maybe a few sniffles, but never, never something like this.
Yoongi is sobbing into his chest, curled into himself like a child, and it scares him. But all Hoseok
can do is hold him through it, just like he held Taehyung…

No, not just like he held Taehyung. Because Yoongi is different. Something about him makes
Hoseok feel like their relationship is deeper. Somehow. He doesn’t know how, he just knows. It
was the same feeling he got when he saw Yoongi was troubled at rehearsal earlier and he’d taken
him to that empty concessions stand where they had sex. When he’d given Yoongi the ‘boyfriend’
treatment, he’d meant it as a joke. Well, at the time he had. But right now, as he holds Yoongi in
his arms and rocks him, murmurs sweet things to him like how beautiful he is and that he deserves
to be loved, he wants desperately for Yoongi to know that someone cares about him. He wants to
keep holding Yoongi and peppering him with all the gushy, romantic praise the man has never
gotten, wants to care for him like his own ex-girlfriend never had. Yoongi is so, so vulnerable. He
wants to protect him and keep the world from hurting him. He wants to make sure he never cries
like this again.

Because Hoseok too wants to move on. He’s ready to move on. Hoseok wants to love someone
—not the despairing, heartbreaking sort of love he’s had before, but a sincere sort of love. As he
looks down at Yoongi, who has exhausted himself so much he’s fallen asleep, Hoseok thinks that
maybe, just maybe, that chance has finally come.

Weeks pass by in a flash of equal parts exhaustion and excitement. Soon, they’re halfway through
their tour, having arrived in Mexico. It’s burning hot, the height of summer, as they leave the
airport and make their way to their rental residence.

“How’s your voice holding up?” Jimin asks Taehyung.

Taehyung, who is sitting beside him, flashes him a boxy smile, the first one he’s seen from him
in days. “I had some honey tea last night, so it isn’t as raw. It feels nice to be able to talk and sing
normally again.”

Jimin fights down a worried frown. Taehyung has been struggling with his voice, especially in
regards to singing, for weeks now. At first Jimin was worried he had become ill, but upon sharing a
room with Taehyung, he discovered the older man had been crying. Over what, Jimin had no idea
and he still doesn’t know. Taehyung won’t open up about why he’s been crying, which is unusual;
Taehyung always comes to him with his problems. But this time, for whatever reason, Taehyung
must feel that he can’t talk to Jimin about it. Jimin thinks the best explanation may be because
Jimin himself is involved. Which means that Jimin, in some way he doesn’t yet understand, could
very well have contributed to Taehyung’s recent misery. The thought makes guilt weigh heavy on
his shoulders. He’s searched his memories for something he might have done to upset Taehyung,
but he just can’t pin anything down. I’m the one who can end this, Jimin thinks helplessly, but I
don’t know how.

Jimin knows at least he has people to go to, but lately those people seem to be occupied as
well. He never seems to be able to speak to Jungkook alone and Hoseok has been constantly with
Yoongi. Even now, Hoseok is practically glued to Yoongi’s side in the backseat, the latter dozing
with his head leaned against the window. Jimin glances back at Yoongi, trying to figure out why
he’s been so tired lately. He figures it’s probably the tour wearing him down; after all, Yoongi isn’t
as young as he was. Then again, that definitely doesn’t explain why the man has been waking up
hungover. Yoongi tries to hide it—and he’s damn good at hiding it, wearing sunglasses, chugging
coffee, blotting out the dark bags under his eyes with makeup—but Jimin knows what hangovers
look like perhaps more so than any of them. He’s lived with Hoseok, who can’t hold his liquor
worth a damn, for years, and he himself likes to drink.

At one point, Jimin got so worried for Yoongi that he rushed to get rid of all the alcohol in their
rental before Yoongi could arrive only to find that Hoseok already had. Jimin had been prepared to
ask Hoseok what the hell is going on with Yoongi when the others walked in and the opportunity
was lost. They’ve been so busy lately that Jimin hasn’t been able to find a time to pull Hoseok
aside and Jimin suspects that, even if he did, Hoseok would be reluctant to leave Yoongi alone
even for a second. Seriously, every time Yoongi coughs it looks like Hoseok will have a heart

And Jungkook. Jimin has no explanation as to why he can’t ever seem to talk privately with
Jungkook. He’s doing that thing again, where he sneaks around thinking that Jimin doesn’t know
he’s there, quickly disappears whenever they’re alone in the same place together. Jimin hadn’t
understood why Jungkook had done it earlier and he doesn’t understand why he’s doing it now. All
that he knows is that somehow this time it feels different; instead of Jungkook giving off an
irritated sort of air, he seems more… shy? That’s weird. Jungkook is shy, sure, but not around his
group members. Not anymore, at least. And it’s not like Jungkook won’t talk to or hang out with
anyone. He still gets on perfectly fine with everyone but Jimin.

Was it what I said? Did he hear me? Jimin has been playing the memory of their night on the
cough together over and over in his head, especially the moment when he’d lost control of his
mouth and called Jungkook ‘his type.’ Which is true, but definitely not something he should have
admitted, since it scared Jungkook off. Jimin doesn’t know whether or not he hates reliving the
memory. He has to feel the embarrassment all over again, as well as…

Something I’m not supposed to be feeling, Jimin concludes, even though he knows there’s no
denying it. He’d had boyfriends before—brief, but intense relationships that ended just before he
signed with BigHit. After that, he vowed to himself that he would dedicate all his time to his work
and leave relationships behind for a few years. In all honesty, Jimin never thought BTS would get
so big, never thought they’d last this long, but he still kept his promise to himself. Now, however,
it was getting difficult to honor that commitment, especially with Jungkook so close, especially
after that night. Jimin doesn’t know how, but it changed right then. A lonliness he’s never felt
before has grown inside him, one that can’t be cured by just hanging out with his friends…

Or maybe it can?
“Tae,” Jimin says suddenly, feeling guilty as he interrupts Taehyung in the middle of a
sentence. The man had been talking to him and he’d been so deep in his head he hadn’t paid
attention. “Sorry, but do you wanna play a video game tonight in my room?”

Taehyung tilts his head to the side. “Sure, but don’t we still have to pick who’s sharing a room
with who?”

Jimin just barely stops himself from facepalming. Shit. Right. “Um, yeah, I…”

“I could just request that we share a room,” Taehyung chirps. Jimin can’t help but smile at how
happy Taehyung looks.

“That would be great, thanks.”

Taehyung launches back into his one-sided conversation and this time Jimin forces himself to
pay attention. Even though Taehyung won’t tell him what’s been bothering him, the least Jimin can
do is be there for him.

They arrive at a villa beside the gulf and, to Jimin’s relief, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jungkook all
want to visit the beach just outside, so they quickly drop off their stuff and head out. Yoongi,
meanwhile, goes to pass out on any available bed he can find. He wanders into a room and Hoseok
follows him, closing the door. Jimin and Taehyung are left standing alone in the middle of the
villa, grinning at each other. Jimin bets they have at least an hour alone. At least now no one will
ask any questions.

“So,” Taehyung asks cheerily, skipping after Jimin as he chooses a room. “What game do you
wanna play? I could teach you Overwatch. It’s really not that hard once you—”

Jimin just goes for it. He closes the door to the room he’s chosen, grabs Taehyung’s face, and
kisses him. Taehyung makes a startled squawking noise that almost has Jimin laughing, but he
swallows it down and pulls back, saying, “I want you to fuck me.”

Taehyung just stares at him like he does during interviews when he’s trying to understand the
English that’s being spoken. “What?”

Jimin pulls his own shirt over his head and tosses it in a corner. He goes for his pants next. “I
wanna fuck.” He motions to Taehyung. “Take your clothes off.”

Taehyung just stands there for a moment before snapping to and pulling off his shirt. By then,
Jimin is completely naked. He walks over to help him, pulling Taehyung by the waistband of his
pants to the bed. He plops down on it, undoes the button, then the zipper, pulls Taehyung’s pants
and underwear down to his knees in one slick motion. He hears Taehyung mutter a ‘whoa’ and then
Jimin has his dick in his mouth.

“Jimin, oh my god,” Taehyung gasps, digging his fingers into Jimin’s hair. Jimin can scarcely
believe that Taehyung’s cock is already half-hard. Unless he has the ability to pop boners at
superhuman speeds, then he must have had one before they entered the room—before Jimin
suggested they have sex. That’s weird, Jimin thinks, but soon finds he has to concentrate as he
takes half of Taehyung’s cock into his mouth. He’s sucked a lot of cock in his day, but this has got
to be the biggest he’s ever sucked. He almost forgot how big it was from last time he sucked it,
although back then it was only for a brief period of time just before he fucked Taehyung.

Right now, his jaw already aching with only half in his mouth, Jimin wonders why he hasn’t
sucked Taehyung more often. He loves body worship and the cock is definitely included in that
equation. Taehyung’s dick feels good on his tongue, nice and heavy, easily filling up his mouth.
He traces the bulging veins with his tongue, eyes rolling back as he wonders how it would feel
filling up his ass.

“J-Jimin,” Taehyung moans, sounding breathlessly helpless, and, damn, is it sexy. “Jimin.”

Jimin tries his best to take more of Taehyung in, but he can barely get three-quarters of the way
down before his damn gag reflex starts to act up. He swallows a disappointed whine. He wants it
all in his mouth, wants to make it his. A spark of jealousy ignites in him for Yoongi, who has
shown he can easily swallow the entire thing. He wants Taehyung to turn to puddy in his hands, not
Yoongi’s. He wants Taehyung to suck his dick, not Seokjin’s.

Feeling suddenly possessive, Jimin pulls away and leans up to kiss Taehyung fiercely. He
wraps his arms around Taehyung’s trim waist and slaps one of his firm asscheeks. Taehyung gasps
into his mouth, grabs him by both shoulders, and shoves him down onto the bed.

Jimin hits the mattress on his back and a second later, Taehyung is on top of him, and, whoa, is
he being aggressive? He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Taehyung like this. Hell, he hadn’t thought of
Taehyung as the sexually aggressive type. But here Taehyung is, pressing his weight down on him,
attacking his throat and collarbone with rough licks and nips. At one point, Jimin tries to move his
hands but finds that they’re trapped under Taehyung’s ridiculously large ones. Jimin’s heart starts
to pound, feeling feverish as he’s forced to just lay there and let Taehyung do whatever he wants to
him. “Tae,” he whines, gasping when Taehyung flicks a nipple with his tongue.

“Jiminie.” Taehyung’s whisper is weirdly desperate. That desperation is echoed in the kiss he
gives Jimin: at complete contrast with his previous actions, slow and deep. Suddenly, Taehyung
feels like he’s taking his time with him and Jimin is confused. The only time he’s seen a guy act
this way during sex was—

No, Jimin thinks. That can’t be it. Taehyung is probably thinking about one of his ex-
girlfriends… hell, he wouldn’t be surprised if Taehyung is thinking about Jungkook. Jimin saw
how perfect they were together during the last orgy, hasn’t forgotten how Jungkook once got up in
the middle of their conversation to go makeout with him. He also hasn’t forgotten the obvious
jealousy he’d seen in Jungkook’s eyes when he was helping Taehyung recover from his first night
bottoming. They would make a good match, now that Jimin thinks about it. He can almost see
them snuggling and sharing cute little kisses with each other while the rest of the group groans
about how cheesy they are. He can imagine himself watching them. An ache blooms in his chest
that’s not altogether unfamiliar. It scares him.

He doesn’t have time to think on it more, because Taehyung is pulling away. Jimin almost
wants to reach out and snatch him back, wants to relish in the feel of skin-on-skin again, but
Taehyung has other plans. He grabs both of Jimin’s ankles and pushes his legs back until Jimin’s
knees are pressed against his shoulders. Jimin’s exposed hole twitches at the sudden breeze and
then Taehyung’s mouth is on it, placing a chaste, gentle kiss on the rim. Jimin lets out a pathetic
whimper, the kind he hasn’t made since he was newly deflowered many years ago. It’s so damn
sweet and Taehyung’s big hands feel so good on him, holding him in a way that makes him feel
safe and loved. The lonliness within him yawns wider. For now, this is the closest he’ll get to what
he secretly craves and he intends to enjoy every second of it.

Taehyung’s tongue laps at his hole. Jimin gasps and covers his mouth, unsure why he’s
making all these stupid noises. It’s not like he’s not used to stuff like this. But with Taehyung it’s
different somehow. Maybe it’s the way he watches Jimin carefully, as if making sure he’s okay, as
he pushes his tongue inside him. Maybe it’s the way his big hands wander all the while, criss-
crossing Jimin’s skin over and over again, like he can’t get enough of it. Jimin shivers and aches to
pull Taehyung down, to show him the same affection.

“Fingers?” Taehyung asks him, and Jimin is so lost in the sensations he almost misses it.

As good as Taehyung’s long fingers would feel in him, Jimin can’t wait. “No. I’ll be fine.” He
points to his pants on the floor. “Lube. Left front pocket.”

Taehyung practically leaps off him to search for it. He’s breathing heavily and for a moment
Jimin wonders if he should ask if he’s feeling well. But then Taehyung returns to him, bottle in
hand, and Jimin can see how flushed he is and… is he trembling?

“You sure you don’t want fingers first?” Taehyung asks, pouring some lube onto his cock.

Jimin watches, knowing that he should insist on a condom. It would make cleanup way easier.
Close, his body hums. Want to be close. So he discards the idea. “N-no. It’s okay.”

Taehyung lines his cock up and hesitates, biting his lip. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Jimin smiles fondly at him. “I know, baby. You won’t, trust me.”

Jimin can see the conflict playing out behind Taehyung’s beautiful eyes. Then it’s gone and
he’s pushing in. Jimin sucks in a breath and tries his best to force his body to relax. He’s has had
many dicks in his ass before, but this is one he could never be fully prepared for. Even the head
stings as it goes in. Jimin let’s a grunt slip from his lips before he can stop it. Taehyung pauses,
watching him with worry.

“No, no, don’t stop,” Jimin says, slightly embarrassed at how desperate his voice sounds. It’s
not like he’s not had sex for months. “Just push it all in on one thrust. Don’t draw it out or it might
never fit.”

“Jimin,” Taehyung says, fingers softly stroking Jimin’s thighs. “Please don’t push yourself.”

Jimin smiles at him, wants to kiss him. My sweet boy. “I’m not. Please, Tae, I wanna feel you

Taehyung watches him for a few moments, as if he’s making sure this is truly what Jimin
wants. Then he snaps his hips forward and drives his cock in all the way to the base. Jimin’s back
arches, wailing at the feel of Taehyung tearing him open.

“Jimin! I’m so sorry…”

“No,” Jimin insists, his voice strained. “It’s fine. Just a bit of a burn. It’ll go away.”

Taehyung blinks wide puppy eyes down at him, looking guilty regardless. “I’m sorry anyway.”

Jimin strokes his arm. “Oh, baby.”

They stay like that for a couple minutes, joined at the hip while Jimin adjusts. Taehyung’s cock
is monstrous, but he’s determined to take it. He wants Taehyung to fuck him. He wants to feel
Taehyung come inside him, wants to feel closer to him. He needs that closeness.

“You can move now,” Jimin tells him, his ass suddenly deciding to cooperate.

Taehyung raises his eyebrows. “Sure?”

“Yes, Tae, please. Fuck me.”

So Taehyung does. He starts off slow and, for a moment, Jimin is sure he’ll have to tell him to
go harder, that he’s not a fucking delicate little flower. But Taehyung picks up the pace, watching
Jimin’s face carefully, trying to read him. Pretty soon, Jimin is sinking into the mattress as he fucks
him deep and rough. Holy shit. There it is again, that aggressive side. Taehyung’s expression has
turned from worried to determined, not to find his own release but to absolutely pound Jimin into
the bed. Not that Jimin minds.

“Tae, fuck!” he moans, fisting the sheets. Taehyung is so big he’s constantly pressing against
his prostate, making it throb constantly. He can already feel his balls drawing up. “Yes, yes.
Please,” he whimpers without meaning to, reveling in how that lonely space inside him is slowly
but surely filling up.

“Jimin, I’m gonna come,” Taehyung warns him in a deep voice that has Jimin shivering.

“Inside,” Jimin tells him breathlessly. “Come inside me.”

No sooner does he say it than Taehyung’s hips are stuttering to a halt. Jimin feels a wave of
warmth rush into him, and he barely has to touch his own cock before he’s coming as well.
Taehyung collapses on top of him, breathing hard and heavy into his ear. Jimin’s hips are still
twitching with orgasm when he hears him breathe a quiet, almost imperceptible, “I love you.”

Jimin stiffens. Taehyung must have noticed, because he immediately scrambles off of him.
“I’m sorry!” he says, face red. “I-I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out! I—”

“It’s okay, Tae. No big deal,” Jimin assures him, his own heart pounding and his brain
screaming at him to say something else. Then he examines Taehyung closer. “Are you crying? Oh,
baby. Come here.”

Taehyung doesn’t hesitate. He falls into Jimin’s arms and lets out a sob. “Jiminie…”

Guilt gnaws at Jimin. He shouldn’t have had sex with Taehyung, not when he’s been so
emotionally compromised. He’s taken advantage of him. Jimin kisses him on the top of his head
and holds him close. “It’s okay, Taehyung.”

“No, it’s not!” Taehyung cries.

Jimin doesn’t know how much longer he can stand to see Taehyung miserable without being
able to do anything about it. So, he decides now is his chance. “Why isn’t it?”

“Because,” Taehyung sniffles. “B-because…”

“It’s because you love Jungkook, isn’t it?”

Taehyung stares up at him with wide, wet eyes. God, it breaks Jimin’s heart to see him like this.

“That’s what’s been making you sad lately, isn’t it?” Jimin says. Tears push at the back of his
own eyes. He doesn’t know why. “You want to be with Jungkook, so you imagined I was
Jungkook when you were—”

“I didn’t imagine him,” Taehyung insists, shaking his head vehemently. He sits back, leaving
Jimin’s arms. A couple more tears slip out of his eyes as he looks at him, a sad smile gracing his
face. “I said it for you.”
Jimin stares at him, in shock. “What do you mean?” You know what it means! Jimin tells
himself, but he’s still unsure. He needs to hear Taehyung say it.

“That I’m in love with you, Jiminie,” Taehyung says, then lets out another sob. He puts his face
in his hands. “W-what is wrong with m-me?”

Jimin quickly envelops Taehyung in another hug, warmth spreading through him. Taehyung is
in love with me? He feels like laughing and crying at the same time. Oh my god, Tae loves me. It’s
everything he hadn’t known he’d wanted, needed. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” Jimin insists.

“Yes, there is.” Taehyung snuggles into him even more. “Because I love you and Jungkook.”

Jimin’s eyes widen. What? He expects the worst to happen, for his heart to break. Just when
he’d found someone to fill that hole inside him, this happens. Instead, his mind goes giddily fuzzy.
“You do, too?” Jimin says quietly.

Taehyung pulls away and frowns at him, wiping at his eyes. “What?” Then a smile appears on
his face and Jimin doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything so beautiful. “You’re in love with him?”

“Yes,” Jimin admits, surprised at himself. He’s realizing now just how long and how deep he’s
buried his feelings for both men. He’d been so determined to keep business and his sex life
separate and then the orgy idea came along and tore down his carefully constructed wall brick-by-
brick. He’d been in such deep denial that he’d even convinced himself that Jungkook wasn’t his
type, which is clearly the biggest pile of bullshit in the universe. “I’ve loved you both since… since
a little over a year ago.”

Taehyung’s jaw drops. Then his lip quivers and he looks like he’s going to cry again. “You
love me?”

“Yes, I love you, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.” Jimin takes Taehyung’s hand and
interlaces their fingers. Jimin wipes at his own wet face. “And I’m sorry I haven’t been a better
friend. I should have known why you were sad. It’s because of this whole thing, right? With
Jungkook and me?”

Taehyung nods, sniffling some more. Jimin squeezes his hand. “No, I should have told you. I
just didn’t know how and I didn’t know… back then, seeing you and Kookie on the couch, you
said he was your type and Kookie looked so in love with you right then… I-I just thought that’s it.
He loves you and you probably love him. There’s no room for me in that relationship.” He

“On the couch…?” Jimin says, frowning. Then he remembers. “You were watching?”

“More like listening, but yeah.”

“But that was weeks ago!” Jimin says, heart aching as he realizes how long Taehyung has been
silently suffering. “Oh, Tae…”

Taehyung nods. “A-and I tried to confess to him, just to be sure, but then he admitted he’s in
love with you.” He lets out a little sob. “I felt like everything inside me was breaking, but I had to
smile and take it. And then you wanted me to have sex with you and you were so perfect and I
thought that maybe if I couldn’t have Jungkook, at least I could have you. Then the ‘I love you’
came out before I could stop it.” He takes a deep, quivery breath. “I do love you, Chimi. I love you
so much, but I also love Kookie. I can’t imagine not loving him, not loving both of you. I just
wouldn’t feel whole.”
Jimin sighs and lies back on the bed, ignoring the cum leaking from his ass. That could be
taken care of later. He holds open his arms. “Come here.” Taehyung gratefully crawls over and
curls up next to him like a cat, snuggling into the crook of his neck. Jimin holds him close, strokes
his hair, and quietly thinks for a moment, going over all the memories of his and Taehyung’s recent
interactions with Jungkook. Then he says, “We’re gonna confess to him together.”

Taehyung looks up at him, eyes wide and fearful. “But what if he doesn’t love us back?”

Jimin smiles softly, kisses him on the cheek. “I don’t think we have to worry about that.”

Chapter End Notes

So it looks like Vminkook are heading toward a happy ending. But what of the
hyungs? They still have so much shit to work out, trust me. Poor Yoongi. :'(

Btw, I said this in "All Mine" when I updated it last week: classes begin for me this
week. They are Master's classes, so they may be more demanding than others I've had
before. I'll be attending classes full-time AND working part-time, so I may have to
push back my posts if I get too busy.

Hopefully, I'll see y'all next week! :)

Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

Heeeey, I'm back! With your weekly allowance of angst and smut. WARNING:
references to cutting and a bit of alcohol abuse in this chapter.

All I can say is I wanna shake Namjoon. Seriously, boy, actually *use* that big brain
of yours! Ugh.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Fuck yes, we’re done!”

“Yoongi hyung,” Namjoon says. “You’ve been saying that since our last concert.”

“I know, but now we’re actually done,” Yoongi replies. As soon as he gets through the door to
their complex, he makes a beeline for the couch. He plops down and stretches out like a cat,
pulling his hood over his head. “Ahh, I could pass out right here.”

“If you really prefer a couch over your own bed,” Seokjin says.

“My room is too far away,” Yoongi groans, puffing out his cheeks in a pout. “Jungkook, you
should carry me.”

Jungkook scoffs. “Uh, no. My muscles have been screaming for two weeks straight.”

“Aw.” Yoongi sits up and pounces on Seokjin, who is passing close by. “You’ll carry me, right

Seokjin laughs, trying but failing to detach Yoongi from his back. “Get off me, you lazy ass.
Ask Hobi. He’s the one who carried his and your luggage.” Seokjin manages to hook Yoongi
beneath the arms and lifts him up like he’s a newborn, depositing him back onto the cushions.

Yoongi takes one glance at Hoseok, who has set their bags and suitcases down in the middle of
the lounge, guilt building behind his eyes. Then he throws his hands up. “Fine, I’ll walk there
myself. But I’m not happy about it.”

“Hyung, wait,” Hoseok says quickly, his face twisted in worry. He hurries to follow Yoongi
down the hallway, but Namjoon catches him by the shoulder.

“Hoseok, we need to talk.”

Hoseok doesn’t take his eyes off Yoongi. “But—”

“Hoseok,” Namjoon insists.

Hoseok turns to him then, his shoulders noticeably drooping with weariness. “Sure. What is

Namjoon nods in the direction of his room and Hoseok follows him across the complex. They
go inside and he motions for Hoseok to close the door behind him. Namjoon watches him, taking
in how anxious he looks with half a flat between him and Yoongi. “Hobi, what’s going on?”

Hoseok wrings his hands and looks everywhere else but at Namjoon. “Y-Yoongi hyung hasn’t
been feeling well. The tour has really worn him out.”

“Hobi, I know it’s more than that.” Namjoon sits down on his bed, pats a space beside him.
“You know you can talk to me.”

Hoseok hesitates before walking over and taking a seat. Namjoon puts a hand on Hoseok’s
thigh and the man finally seems to break then. “I think he’s depressed,” he says, taking a quivering
breath. “He’s been drinking. Like, a lot. Too much. I try to make sure he doesn’t, that’s why I’m
watching him so much lately. And when he isn’t drinking, he’s crying.”

Namjoon frowns. “Crying?” Yoongi hardly ever cried, and when he did he wasn’t afraid to
come to Namjoon about it. “Why?”

Hoseok’s face pales. He looks like he might be sick. “I can’t tell you,” he says, shaking his
head. “I wasn’t even supposed to hear it. I don’t even think Yoongi knows I know. Just know that
it’s…” He wipes at his eyes and hiccups, looks at Namjoon with a heartbreaking expression. “It’s
really bad, Joon.”

Namjoon has never seen Hoseok look so distraught, not even during their pre-debut days.
Something is very, very wrong, and he feels so guilty that he still doesn’t know what it is, hasn’t
been an attentive enough leader or friend to have figured it out by now. “Oh my god. I’m sorry I
didn’t ask you sooner.”

“No, no, you were busy—”

Namjoon holds up a hand. “That’s not an excuse.” His mind flashes back to when he first saw
the cuts on Yoongi’s legs and immediately feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He should have
known. He should have been making sure Yoongi was okay. “Thank you for taking care of him.”

Hoseok nods. “I’ve been trying, Joon, but I don’t know if it’s working. Maybe… you could talk
to him? Don’t tell him I told you anything, though. It might make things worse.”

“I’ve been long overdue for a conversation with him,” Namjoon agrees. “I just have to think
over how I’m gonna do it. You said you’ve kept him in your sights since this began?”

“Yes. I mean, as much as I can.”

“Have you noticed him carrying anything… sharp on his person? Disappearing for long periods
of time?”

“He’s not cutting,” Hoseok tells him.

Namjoon’s jaw drops. “How did you know…?”

“Stuff I wasn’t supposed to hear,” Hoseok says. “Yoongi told me when he was drunk. Among
other things.”

“Oh.” Namjoon feels the tension in his shoulders ease a bit. Still, he can’t help but think
Yoongi has replaced one vice with another. He wraps an arm around Hoseok, who looks incredibly
tired, rubbing his back. “You didn’t have to do this alone, Hobi. Please, don’t stretch yourself so
thin anymore.”
Hoseok nods, leans in to Namjoon, and Namjoon can feel him take a deep, calming breath, let
it out. After all the chaos of the tour, from potential injuries, to exhaustion, to constant work,
sleepless nights, and Taehyung’s breakdown halfway through, Namjoon finally feels like, for now
at least, he can take a deep breath as well. Then he feels Hoseok lift his head, soft lips dragging
along his neck, then his chin. “Hobi…?”

“Shh, just…” Hoseok murmurs against his skin, hand covering Namjoon’s where it lay on his
thigh. “Can I kiss you?”

Namjoon stares at him, confused, but says nonetheless, “Y-yeah, okay.”

Hoseok moves his hand from Namjoon’s hand to his face and kisses him. It’s a soft kiss, not
necessarily sexual, although Namjoon can feel his body reacting anyway. He’s been so busy that he
can’t even recall the last time he jerked off, and he feels a bit ashamed that he’s thinking about sex
after having such an emotional discussion. Namjoon kisses him back as chastely as he can, and
Hoseok doesn’t seem to mind it.

Hoseok pulls back, eyes staring past Namjoon at the far wall as if deep in thought. “What is
it?” Namjoon asks, brow furrowing in concern.

“It’s…” Hoseok licks his lips. “It’s nothing.” Before Namjoon can ask him to elaborate,
Hoseok stands and says with an air of finality, “I’m gonna go check up on Yoongi hyung. Thank
you for talking to me. You always know what to say.”

Namjoon smiles at him. “Get some rest, Hoseok.”

As much as Namjoon wants to speak to Yoongi immediately, he knows the man would be more
apt to open up if he’s relaxed and well-rested. More likely than not Yoongi is asleep, and Namjoon
hopes he is. If all of what Hoseok said is true, he definitely needs some time to recover from the
tour. Namjoon knows that he himself should be catching up on sleep, but no matter how hard he
tries he just can’t get his mind to stop whirring. Although the tour is over, it seems even larger
obstacles have been put in his path. Something has shifted, has changed in their group. He doesn’t
know what or why, but the dynamics have been upended somehow, and he hasn’t quite figured out
where he himself fits into the new structure. As far as he can tell, Jimin and Taehyung have been
hanging out a lot together and Taehyung’s smile has returned, much to his relief. Hoseok and
Yoongi are practically attached at the hip and, while Namjoon has discovered the main reason
behind why that is, he has a feeling that there’s something more underneath it all.

That just leaves him, Jungkook, and Seokjin. Jungkook has been gradually retreating, preferring
to be alone more than with anyone else, which has Namjoon worried. He remembers when
Jungkook was a shy little kid who had to be coaxed out of his shell. Could he possibly be
regressing? Why? And then there is Seokjin, who, to say the least, has only had the briefest of
conversations with him since they last had sex in London. Sure, he seems like the regular old
Seokjin, goofing off and telling dad jokes to keep everyone in high spirits, but after their work for
the day was done he sobered noticeably and preferred to keep to himself. At first, Namjoon just
chalked it up to Seokjin getting older and more easily tired, but then his mind wanders back to the
morning after. Jin hyung seems a little… off. Jungkook’s words ring through his head with a sort of
horrifying poignancy and he remembers how Seokjin looked at him then, keeps looking at him
now. There’s a sort of despair behind his eyes that pulls at Namjoon’s heart. Try as he might, he
hasn’t been able to confront him about it, to apologize for whatever he did that may have hurt
Seokjin’s feelings, but now that they’re home his chance to do so has arisen. For some reason,
however, he feels… scared. Afraid to talk to him. And that confuses the hell out of him.

Namjoon decides, fuck it, he won’t get any sleep like this. He may as well do something
productive. So he sits up and reaches over to his nightstand where he usually keeps his notebook,
but quickly realizes that it’s still safely tucked away in his carry-on bag that he left out in the
lounge. Sighing wearily, he goes to retrieve it—and walks right into Seokjin as soon as he steps out
into the hall. Cold wetness seeps through his shirt and he looks down to see Seokjin holding a now
empty glass of water in his hand.

“Shit, Namjoon, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you,” he says quickly.

Namjoon shakes his head. “Nah, it’s my fault. Shouldn’t have headed out of my room like a bat
out of hell anyway.”

Silence falls between them for a moment and Namjoon looks up from his soaked shirt to see
Seokjin staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. Then he seems to snap out of it and clears
his throat. “I-I’ll get a towel from the kitchen.”

“Not necessary. I have one in my room.” Namjoon ducks back inside to retrieve it and it’s
snatched out of his hands as soon as he’s in the hall again. “Hyung, seriously, it’s not that big a

Seokjin doesn’t respond as he crouches down to wipe up the small puddle on the floor.
Namjoon pulls his own shirt over his head and squats down beside him, using the dry part of his
shirt to mop up as well. But Seokjin only slaps his hands away. “Don’t dirty your shirt using it as a
rag! What are you, a caveman?” he scolds, clucking his tongue. Namjoon stops helping, balls his
shirt up in his hands, and can’t keep a smile off his face. There’s the Seokjin he knows.

Seokjin finishes up and stands. Namjoon stands with him. “Where do you want me to put this?”
he asks, cupping the heavy, damp towel in one hand and his glass in the other.

Namjoon motions to his room. “You can just set it down in the sink in my bathroom so it can
drain. And I’ll hold this for you,” he adds, plucking the glass out of Seokjin’s hand.

Seokjin hurries to the half bath with the wad of wet fabric, trying to keep it from dripping.
Namjoon, meanwhile, follows him, wet shirt in hand. He arrives at the bathroom as Seokjin is
wringing out the towel. Seokjin takes one look at his shirt, huffs, and snatches it from him,
wringing it out as well. When the shirt is no longer dripping, Seokjin hangs it on a hook on the
back of the door. “Don’t forget about this,” Seokjin tells him. “Leave it here for too long and it’ll
starting stinking up the place.”

“Yes, Jin hyung,” Namjoon finds himself saying, as if he’s a young child responding to his

Seokjin leaves the towel in the sink, although Namjoon can see he has reservations about it,
and exits the bathroom. Namjoon follows. Namjoon expects him to immediately leave, but instead
he makes a beeline toward his dresser and slides open a drawer. “Here,” he says, tossing Namjoon
a pajama shirt. “Put this on. You should have taken your travel clothes off anyway as soon as you
got home. I hope you didn’t lie on your nice clean bed in them.” He stares sternly at Namjoon who
can only look sheepishly back. Seokjin sighs, opens another drawer, tosses him some pajama pants
this time. “These too.”

Namjoon sets the glass on his nightstand and the pajamas on his bed. He strips out of his
jeans, fully prepared to throw them on the floor but thinks better of it and tosses them in the
hamper. He picks up his pajama pants and looks up to see Seokjin still there, staring at him as if
he’s never seen him in nothing but his underwear before. “Uh… Jin?”
“I, uh…” Seokjin’s face goes pink and he hastily shoves the drawers closed, heads for the door.
“I’ll leave you to it, then.”

“Wait!” Namjoon finds himself saying a bit too loudly, desperately. Seokjin freezes, stiff as a
board. “Hyung… I just wanna say I’m, uh… I’m sorry for whatever I did.” Namjoon winces at
how stupid that sounds. “Ugh, no, I mean. Fuck, I know I should know what I did, but I just don’t
and it’s making me feel like such an asshole. I-I never meant to hurt you.”

Seokjin doesn’t turn around. “What makes you think you hurt me?” he asks quietly.

“Because you barely talk to me anymore,” Namjoon says, is surprised at how is voice breaks.
He can feel his throat becoming raw and prickly. “I miss you, Jin, so much. Please, don’t run

Seokjin turns around then, and Namjoon is caught between feeling relieved and heartbroken at
seeing his grief reflected in Seokjin’s swimming eyes. “I’m sorry,” Seokjin says.

Namjoon doesn’t know who made the first move, doesn’t even know if they both moved at the
same time, but one second they seem much more than a room apart and then they’re holding each
other. Namjoon’s arms squeeze him close, suddenly afraid that he’ll leave and never talk to him
again. Just the thought forces a sob from his throat that Seokjin echoes, face buried in his neck.

They just stand there for a while, holding each other and crying. God, there’s so much crying.
Maybe it’s the residual stress from the tour finally coming to the surface, or maybe it’s the fact that
Seokjin has intertwined their fingers together, keeps pressing himself impossibly closer. Finally,
after their breaths mellow out, Namjoon pulls back, still keeping their hands locked together. He
wipes at his face and laughs. “God, this is fucking silly.”

“It’s not,” Seokjin insists, smiling weakly up at him. “I mean, there’s something there. Nobody
cries for no reason.”

“I guess so.” It’s almost physically impossible for Namjoon to separate from Seokjin, that fear
of rejection still so prominent in the back of his mind. He reaches for his nightstand, grabs some
tissues, and offers some to Seokjin. The older man takes them and they both proceed to clean
themselves up, laughing quietly now and then whenever they meet eyes.

“Are you ready to tell me how I fucked up?” Namjoon asks once they’ve discarded the tissues.
For a second he’s afraid he’d been too blunt, because he sees a flash of panic move behind
Seokjin’s eyes.

“You didn’t fuck up,” Seokjin finally admits, looking away. “It was just… it had little to do
with you and more to do with me.”

Namjoon frowns. “What does that even mean?”

Seokjin chews his lip. His fingers move nervously between Namjoon’s own. “Nothing.”

“Seokjin, please,” Namjoon begs, his heart clenching in his chest. “If something’s troubling
you, I need to know. You’re my friend. I care about you.”

“I’m your friend,” Seokjin repeats, almost too quietly for Namjoon to hear. “That’s the

“Joon,” he says more loudly. “Are you still figuring things out? With your sexuality?”

Namjoon’s brow furrows. What the hell is Seokjin getting at? What does this have to do with
what’s bothering him? Is he trying to change the subject? “Yes… well, maybe. I don’t know.”

“You, um, like having sex with me, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Namjoon says. “I love having sex with you. I mean, you’re pretty hot. Who wouldn’t
want to?” he laughs.

He sees Seokjin wince, and suddenly he mentally scolds himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid! “I like
having sex with you too, Joon,” Seokjin replies, offering him a smile. The sadness behind it makes
Namjoon’s heart sink. “I think you’re beautiful and I want to kiss you all the time. I lo—” The
words catch in Seokjin’s throat and he sighs. “Can I now?”

“Kiss me?”


What’s up with everyone wanting to kiss me today? Namjoon wonders. His eyes wander down
to take in Seokjin’s soft, plump lips and desire sparks in his belly. “Sure.”

Seokjin leans in with the same hesitance as Hoseok, but as soon as their lips meet, things turn
suddenly intense. One of Seokjin’s hands comes up to cup his face, the other squeezing Namjoon’s
hand with a sort of possessiveness. On instinct, Namjoon parts his lips and allows Seokjin to
deepen the kiss. As soon as he feels the older man’s tongue slide against his own, his heart starts
up a tempo so frantic he’s afraid it may burst from his chest. Goosebumps break out on his skin
and his stomach twists in a way that isn’t entirely bad. Far from it.

Namjoon is seized by the sudden desire to gather Seokjin up in his arms and throw him on the
bed, kiss him all over, tell him how beautiful he is, how much he cares for him. But Seokjin pulls
away before he can convince his heavy limbs to move.

Seokjin takes a deep breath, eyes still closed. He looks peaceful, more so than he has during
their entire tour. Then he opens his eyes and says with another sad smile, “Thank you, Namjoon.”

And then he’s gone, shutting the door behind him. He doesn’t even take his empty glass with

Namjoon feels like he’s been punched in the gut. His legs give out and he’s forced to sit down
on the bed, head in his hands. “What the hell am I doing wrong?” he asks himself, tears of
frustration pushing at the back of his eyes.

He sits there in utter silence for what seems like hours, brooding, hoping against hope that
Seokjin will come back in, that he’ll hold him again, kiss him—

Namjoon’s head suddenly shoots up, revelation hitting him like a sledgehammer to the face.
That kiss. It was different, it didn’t feel like his other kisses with Seokjin, the ones that always
preceded a desperate fuck. There was something more there, something that Namjoon should have
seen earlier.

Namjoon falls back on his bed. I’m such a moron, he thinks, not knowing whether to kick
himself or to laugh. He loves me. Jin’s in love with my dumb ass.
It’s the day after they arrived home, and Jungkook is already tired of feeling, well… tired. For most
of the time he’s been home, he’s spent his time sleeping, reading manga, and playing video games.
Occasionally he drags himself out of his room to eat and shower. He catches sight of others
wandering around in a similarly exhausted state, as is their habit right after tours. At one point he
walks past Taehyung’s room and hears him and Jimin laughing inside. Afterward, he finds himself
lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, and wondering how things have gotten so complicated.

“Tae, I think I’m in love with Jimin. What should I do?”

He goes over the conversation he had with Taehyung, about the distraught look in the older
man’s eyes as he gave his opinion. He’d zoned out immediately after seeing Taehyung’s reaction,
completely mortified. He miscalculated. He miscalculated so very, very badly. Because, while it is
true that Jungkook has fallen for Jimin, he’s also, inexplicably, fallen for Taehyung. He’d realized
this before he asked Taehyung for his advice, thinking that his feelings were purely one-sided, that
he should set them aside and pursue what is obviously a mutual romance with Jimin. After all,
Jungkook has never known a love triangle to work, has always thought that a romantic relationship
could only involve two people. He didn’t want to get his hopes up by pursuing both Jimin and
Taehyung, especially if he hadn’t seen any sure signs that Taehyung had any interest in him. But at
that moment, right then and there, Jungkook realized how wrong he was. Taehyung does have
feelings for him, he does want to be with him, and Jungkook—in all his stupid, short-sighted glory
—ended up breaking Taehyung’s heart.

Jungkook would like to think that he hasn’t gotten around to speaking to Taehyung again
because the tour had sapped him of time, but that isn’t true. He’s had plenty of opportunities to pull
Taehyung aside, because Taehyung is always around him. The real reason, however, is because
Jungkook is a coward. A fucking despicable coward who just stood by while Taehyung broke
down during the tour, not knowing whether his presence would make the older man’s condition
better or worse. Still, he knows that’s no excuse. He should have been there for Taehyung, he
should have said he’s sorry and told Taehyung how he really feels.

Jungkook covers his face with his hands, feeling like utter shit. I love both of them, but how can
I have both of them? How did this happen? He knows Jimin loves him and now he knows that
Taehyung loves him, but how can he be in a relationship with both of them if they don’t love each
other? It’s been a struggle over the past few weeks for Jungkook to observe them together,
especially since he’s been subconsciously avoiding them, but as far as he can tell they’re acting like
they normally would. Their hands are all over each other, sometimes in a sexual way, but mostly in
a playful way. Only now does Jungkook realize just how intimate the three of them have acted
toward one another, even before the sex was thrown in. It was almost inevitable that Jungkook
would fall in love with both of them.

Jungkook tries to get his mind off his troubles by reading a new manga he bought, but he gets
stuck reading the same line over and over again until he finally quits out of frustration. He can’t
keep going like this. He has to say something. The guilt, desperation, they’re eating him up inside.
So he takes a deep breath and leaves his room.

He walks fast across the complex, not allowing time for his fear to kick in. He arrives at
Taehyung’s door and is relieved to hear that Jimin is in there with him once again; having one
conversation with them together would be far better for his nerves than speaking to them
separately. He lifts his hand and knocks.
“Yeah?” Taehyung’s voice floats to him through the door.

“It’s me, Jungkook. Can I come in?”

There’s a pause. Then Taehyung says, “Yeah, it’s unlocked.”

Jungkook opens the door and steps into the room, closing it behind him. He’s met with two
pairs of eyes staring at him and only then does he realize… he has no fucking idea what to say. He
doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t even know if confessing to them while they’re in the same room is
a good idea. He just stands there awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot and fighting to urge to just
bolt right back out the door.

“I…” Jungkook begins, coughing at how dry his mouth has suddenly become. “I have
something to tell you guys.”

Taehyung’s eyes widen and Jimin’s eyebrows rise into his hairline. “What a coincidence. We
do, too,” Jimin says, motioning for Jungkook to join them on the bed. “Tae and I were just talking
about you, in fact.”

Jungkook manages to not completely trip over his own feet as he walks over to the bed and sits
down. “Y-you were?”

“Yeah,” Taehyung says, smiling wide. “About that one time you ate one of Yeontan’s treats.”

Jimin bursts out laughing and Taehyung follows. Jungkook feels the tension in his shoulders
ease. He rolls his eyes, but can’t keep a smile off his face. “You guys will never let me live that
down, will you?”

“Nope!” Taehyung laughs.

“Especially not since it got caught on camera,” Jimin adds. His laughing tapers off and he asks,
“So what did you wanna tell us?”

“Well,” Jungkook begins, his stomach already twisting into a knot. “What do you wanna tell

Taehyung heaves a weary sigh. “Oh my god, you know what?” He holds out his fist and the
other two stare at him.

“Rock-paper-scissors?” Jungkook guesses, extending his own fist.

Taehyung nods. “Yup.”

“Doesn’t that seem a little weird for what we have to say?” Jimin asks Taehyung. “Since it’s
serious and all?”

Jungkook’s heart starts to pound. “It’s serious?”

“Jiminie!” Taehyung scolds. “You’re making Kookie all nervous.”

“Fine, fine!” Jimin relents, holding out his fist as well.

The game is incredibly short, but to Jungkook, whose heart is racing a mile a minute, it feels
like an hour. “I win!” Taehyung declares when Jungkook plays rock to his paper.

“We win,” Jimin clarifies. “We’re gonna tell him the same thing anyway.”
“But I get to speak for both of us,” Taehyung tells him.

“Says who?”

“Says me.”

“Wait a second, I don’t recall putting you in charge.”

“I’ve always been in charge.”

“Since wh—”

“I’m in love with both of you!” Jungkook suddenly blurts, unable to take the tension building
within him any longer. He screws his eyes shut and holds his breath.

There’s a stretch of silence.


Jungkook opens his eyes to see Taehyung staring at him. The man’s beautiful eyes are wet with
unshed tears and he immediately thinks, Shit, I’ve done it again. I’ve hurt him. But then his face is
between Taehyung’s big hands and he’s being kissed breathless. As much as Jungkook wants to
hold Taehyung to him and revel in the feel of his lips, concern overwhelms him. He pulls back and
gasps out, “Tae, what’s up? Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay!” Taehyung says, wiping at his face and smiling. “Oh my god, I can’t believe
this is happening.”

“See?” Jimin chimes in, rubbing Taehyung’s back. “What did I tell you? Nothing to worry

Jungkook frowns in confusion, looking between them. “Is… something going on that I don’t
know about?”

“We love you, too!” Taehyung says.

“Like, more so than in a brotherly way,” Jimin clarifies.

Jungkook’s mouth drops open and he stares at them for a long moment, not believing what he’s
hearing. “Both of you?”

Jimin nods. “Both of us.”

Jungkook stares at them silently for a long moment. Then his eyes begin to sting, and he drops
his face into his hands, muffling a little sob. “Guys, I’m s-sorry,” he gasps between his fingers.

“Sorry for what?” Taehyung asks, voice fraught with concern.

“Kookie, please don’t cry,” Jimin says, wrapping his arms around him.

Jungkook leans into Jimin, hiccupping. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m such a stupid

“You’re not a stupid asshole,” Taehyung insists, taking his hand.

“Stupid, maybe,” Jimin says.

Taehyung shoves him. “Jimin!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t notice earlier, Tae,” Jungkook continues, scrubbing at his face. “I was just…
I didn’t know what to do. I thought a relationship between the three of us would be impossible. I
knew Jimin liked me, but I didn’t know for sure if you did. And then we had that conversation and
I told you about how I loved Jimin and then I could see it all over your face.” Jungkook takes a
quivering breath and adds quietly, “I hurt you. And I didn’t say anything because I was scared.”

“Oh, Kookie,” Taehyung croons, running a thumb across Jungkook’s cheek. “I was scared, too.
You don’t have to apologize.”

“Yeah,” Jimin adds. “All of this has been very confusing… but in, like, a good way.”

Jungkook sniffles and wipes at his face some more, takes in the feel of Jimin holding him, of
Taehyung’s hand in his, and, suddenly, he feels incredibly overwhelmed and just… loved. It’s a
feeling he knew he would experience sometime in his life, but never so soon, never with not one
but two men, his two best friends. He grabs Jimin by the face and kisses him. It’s meant to be a soft
kiss, a sweet, loving kiss. But Jimin’s hands encircle Jungkook’s waist, his mouth opens, and then
Jimin is beneath him on the bed. Jungkook straddles his hips and grabs the hem of Jimin’s shirt,
pulls it up and over his head. Jimin tosses the shirt aside and goes for Jungkook’s next, snaking
fingers up underneath and sending shivers up Jungkook’s spine. He’s so beautiful, Jungkook
thinks, running his hands over Jimin’s bare chest. God, I love him.

Jungkook is struggling to undo the buttons on his pajama shirt when he feels warmth press up
against him from behind, an extra pair of hands appearing to help him. “How do you want us?”
Taehyung asks, his voice impossibly soft and deep at the same time, his lips trailing down
Jungkook’s neck.

“Fuck,” Jungkook whispers, already out of breath. “I-I don’t know. Just want you.”

Jungkook’s fingers go slack and Taehyung takes over removing his shirt. When the buttons are
all undone, Jimin slides the shirt down Jungkook’s shoulders while Taehyung slips it completely
off. Jungkook remains on top of Jimin, their hands roaming all over one another, while Taehyung
momentarily pulls away. He then reappears, dropping down beside Jimin, completely naked, his
big cock already fully hard in his hand. As soon as their eyes meet, Jungkook is immediately seized
with the desire to kiss him, so he does. The desperation of it all—the way Taehyung’s fingers bury
themselves in his hair, how the older man arcs up into his touch, moans into his mouth—has
Jungkook’s heart pounding. One of his hands tweaks Taehyung’s nipple while his other trails over
Jimin’s chest, wanting to show him how much he wants him, wants both of them.

Jungkook and Taehyung separate, remaining close enough that their breaths still mingle. “Want
you,” Taehyung gasps, “in me.”

Jungkook feels his own cock throb and, god, he just wants him. He wants him so much it hurts.
“Need to prepare you,” he manages.

Taehyung shakes his head. He untangles his fingers from Jungkook’s hair to grab his hand by
the wrist, guide it down between his legs. He slides one of Jungkook’s fingers inside him, and
Jungkook gasps at how wet and open he already feels. “I’ve gotten quite good at fingering
myself,” Taehyung says, his face reddening. He never takes his eyes off Jungkook, hooded and
wanting. He slides another of Jungkook’s fingers inside him, right beside the first. He bites his lip
only a little. “I’m ready for you.”

“Fuck, Tae,” Jimin murmurs. Jungkook glances over to see Jimin watching both of them raptly,
cock in hand. An idea forms in Jungkook’s head just then, one that has him trembling with want.

“Jimin,” he says, climbing off of him to kneel in front of Taehyung, taking the latter’s ankles in
hand and pushing his legs back to expose his hole. “Fuck me.”

Excitement flashes in Jimin’s eyes. The man doesn’t say a word, just gets up and retrieves the
lube Taehyung left lying on the bed. Jungkook panics for a moment when he disappears from his
line of sight. He wants Jimin. He needs Jimin with him, with him and Taehyung. It doesn’t feel
right without him there. Then he sighs when he feels Jimin’s presence behind him, feels his hands
slide down his back to rest against his ass.

“Ass up, baby,” Jimin tells him, and Jungkook obediently gets down onto his elbows, exposing
himself. He hears Jimin swear under his breath. Hands cup his ass, thumbs pulling his cheeks
apart. “So pretty…” Jimin murmurs, stroking over his hole. Jungkook shivers.

Something pushes at his nose, and Jungkook brings his focus back to Taehyung to see the
man’s dick laying hard against his stomach. Jungkook doesn’t even think about. It’s instinct now,
how he opens his mouth to suck Taehyung’s cock inside. Above him, Taehyung throws his head
back against the pillows and covers his mouth with one hand to stifle a moan. Jungkook aches to
hear him make more noises, to see him fall apart for him, takes more of his cock into his mouth.
This is his first time sucking Taehyung—which seems incredibly weird, considering how now
they’re practically in a relationship—and only now is he realizing just how huge the man is. Like,
it’s bordering on ridiculous how much it fills up Jungkook’s mouth. It’s bordering on ridiculous
just how much Jungkook wants something so big in his ass.

Jungkook groans when he feels a slick finger prod at his hole. “Please, Jimin.”

“Shit, baby.” Jimin’s finger sinks into him. Jungkook moans around Taehyung’s cock, his
insides twitching. He trails his own fingers down to Taehyung’s pucker and slides one inside,
copying Jimin’s movements.

Taehyung removes his hand from his mouth, fisting it in the sheets, hips jerking. “O-oh god,”
he gasps, mouth agape and eyes screwed shut. “Oh my god, Kookie. I’m gonna come.”

Jungkook pulls off his cock, slaps the fat head against his tongue. Lust flashes through him at
hearing how incredibly sensitive Taehyung is. “Come, baby. Come in my mouth.”

That’s all it takes. Taehyung whimpers and pushes himself down on Jungkook’s fingers, come
coating his tongue. Jungkook wraps his lips around Taehyung’s twitching cockhead and swallows
him down, fingers finding his prostate, stroking it. Taehyung’s legs quiver and Jungkook looks up,
studies his face: cheeks red, plump lips parted in gasps, eyes rolled back—fucking gorgeous.
Jungkook realizes that, from now on, he’ll always be able to see Taehyung look like this, make him
look like this, because Taehyung is his, Taehyung is his—

“Sweetheart?” he asks, Taehyung having gone completely limp.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and sighs, running his fingers gently through Jungkook’s hair.
“‘M okay,” he assures. “Still want you to fuck me.”

“I will, baby,” Jungkook tells him, kissing the inside of Taehyung’s thigh. He pushes himself
up, pressing his back against Jimin’s chest, the man’s fingers still inside him. He turns his head to
kiss Jimin, tongues mingling. Jimin’s free hand wraps around Jungkook’s cock, gives it a pump
that makes Jungkook push back into him. “Want you in me, Jimin.”
Jimin makes a strangled sort of noise and grinds into his ass hard. The feel of his hard dick
against him makes Jungkook’s hole throb. Jimin runs his thumb once more over the slick head of
Jungkook’s dick and angles it down. “He’s so fucking pretty,” Jimin whispers, hips twitching
against Jungkook. “You’re so fucking pretty. Fuck, I can’t believe you two are mine.”

The way he says ‘mine’, the way his fingers dig possessively into Jungkook’s hips, has
Jungkook’s mind going fuzzy. Yes, this is actually happening. He’s in love with Jimin and
Taehyung, and he gets to have them both. He doesn’t deserve this.

There’s movement out of the corner of his eye and he sees Taehyung reaching up to him,
grasping at empty air. “Please,” he whines. “Please.”

Jungkook can’t say no to him. Taehyung is lying with his legs spread, cock dribbling and still
half-hard against his stomach, and he’s so, so beautiful. And he’s his. He leans down and lets Jimin
guide his cock to Taehyung’s wet hole, the shaft already slicked up with lube. He finds Taehyung’s
lips and kisses him, pours all of his affection into it. Taehyung gasps between kisses, angles his
hips up to press his hole against Jungkook’s dick, letting out a string of breathy little pleas.

“Baby, baby,” Jungkook croons, kissing a line down Taehyung’s jaw as his cock pushes in.
“You’re so good for me, baby. Yes, my baby.”

Taehyung whimpers and holds onto him tightly. Every inch Jungkook slides in feels
electrifying. And once he’s all the way inside he doesn’t have time to come down from his high
before Jimin’s dick is pressing at his own entrance. Jungkook’s breath catches in his throat and he
arches his back as he feels Jimin’s cock sink in. Taehyung squeezes around him just as Jimin
bottoms out and his mind starts to go fuzzy. He’s fucking Taehyung and he’s getting fucked by
Jimin. The sensations are almost too much.

“Sorry I came early,” Taehyung suddenly says.

Jungkook opens his mouth to respond, but instead Jimin leans down, chest pressed flush
against Jungkook’s back, chin on his shoulder. “It’s okay, baby. We’ll make you come again,”
Jimin tells him. Then Taehyung angles his head and leans up to kiss Jimin and, while Jungkook
has seen them kiss before, this seems like something entirely new. He sees how passionate they are
with each other, how they look at each other as they part, sees the love in their eyes. And it’s just
so perfect, it’s too perfect, how this has all worked out. Jungkook feels like the luckiest man in the

Jimin thrusts first, which drives Jungkook deeper into Taehyung. Jungkook moans louder than
he thought he would, face heating up.

Jimin takes his ear between his teeth. “All good, baby?”

“Y-yeah,” Jungkook stammers out, watching Taehyung squirm and whine beneath him. “It’s
just… wow.”

“I know,” Jimin chuckles. “I’ve always wanted to try this.”

“A threesome?” Jungkook asks breathlessly.

“A threesome with you two,” Jimin clarifies, pulling out and thrusting in again.

“A-always?” Jungkook asks, heart twisting in disbelief.

“Longer than you know,” Jimin whispers. He pulls out, thrusts in, this time so hard his balls
slap Jungkook’s ass.

Jungkook cries out, his arms shaking. He struggles to hold himself up, to even thrust into
Taehyung. But he’s just too overwhelmed to do much of anything but moan and run his lips
sloppily over Taehyung’s neck and chest. And that’s okay. Jimin moves for him, forces him into
Taehyung who rocks up against him, hands roaming, mouth agape in endless gasps.

Then Taehyung wails, nails digging into Jungkook’s back. “Y-yes, there. Kookie, please.”

Jungkook manages to muster the wherewithal to angle his hips to better reach Taehyung’s
prostate, but that’s about all he can do. Jimin himself has found his prostate, and he hasn’t let off of
it since. He feels his balls draw up, a familiar heat pool in his belly. “Gonna come,” he gasps. He
doesn’t want to, knows it’s too early, but at the same time he doesn’t care. This feels like it might
be the best damn orgasm of his life and his body is already chasing it. “Oh, fuck, gonna come.”

“Fuck yes,” Jimin says, speeding up his thrusts and, oh god, Jungkook feels like he’s on the
verge of passing out, he’s hitting his prostate so well. “Come for us, Kookie. Fuck.”

Taehyung pushes himself down on Jungkook’s cock, taking him all the way to the root every
time. “Yes, fill me,” he gasps. “Yes, please. Please.”

“I can’t…” Jungkook says, throwing his head back against Jimin’s shoulder. “Oh god, oh

Then the dam breaks, and Jungkook feels like everything in him is being sucked out through
his dick. He clamps down hard on Jimin, who swears and is forced to stop thrusting. He shoots
once, then twice, five times. But there’s more. There always seems like there’s more. It feels like
he’s been coming for his entire life when his orgasm finally starts to fade. His arms and legs turn to
jelly and he can’t hold himself up anymore. He collapses onto Taehyung, still twitching and so, so

“Breathe, Kookie.” Taehyung’s voice drifts to him from somewhere far away, and Jungkook
inhales, lungs burning, realizing that he’d been holding his breath since his orgasm began. He
slides off of Taehyung, soft dick popping out, to lie beside him, arm still draped over Taehyung’s
chest. He groans as he feels Jimin’s dick leave him, not entirely wanting to feel so empty so soon,
but he feels too exhausted to do anything about it.

Jimin leans down and presses a kiss to his temple, murmuring “Beautiful” and “Baby” as he
lines his cock up with Taehyung’s hole. “Now you, baby,” he says, kissing Taehyung.

Taehyung whines desperately and wraps his limbs around Jimin, pulling him close and
moaning as Jimin enters him. Jungkook watches through heavy eyes, knows he would be rock hard
if he weren’t so spent. They look so good together and, once again, Jungkook can scarcely believe
these two men love him. That they both want to be with him.

“Jimin,” Taehyung suddenly gasps, eyes rolling up. “J-Jimin. Jimin!”

“Me too, baby,” Jimin says. He reaches over and grabs Jungkook’s wrist, guides his hand
between them, wraps his fingers around Taehyung’s leaking cock. Jungkook barely manages one
stroke and then warmth dribbles onto his hand. He watches Taehyung come, the man’s mouth
agape but no sound coming out. He feels one last spurt and Taehyung finally sobs, face contorted
with pleasure. Jimin’s hips stutter to a halt and he comes shortly after with a gasp, bending down to
place soft kisses across Taehyung’s throat.
Jimin pulls out after a full minute of recovery and plops down on Taehyung’s other side. “Holy
shit,” he breathes.

“Yeah,” Taehyung agrees, staring up at the ceiling, tears drying on his face.

“I think I almost died,” Jungkook says.

They all break out in breathless laughter.

“So, is this it?” Taehyung asks.

Jimin frowns. “Is this what?”

“Are we, like, going out or what?”

“Aren’t we doing this backwards?” Jungkook asks.

Jimin props himself up on an elbow to regard them. “We can do it however we like. There’s no
rulebook.” He kisses Taehyung on the head. “I love you,” he says, leaning over to kiss Jungkook in
the same way. “And I love you. That’s what matters, right?”

Jungkook smiles at him and Taehyung nods.

“Then we’re dating?” Taehyung asks giddily.

“Fuck yeah, we’re dating,” Jimin says.

“When should we tell the others?” Jungkook asks. God, his face hurts so much from smiling
but he can’t help himself. He’s dating Jimin and Taehyung. The two men he loves. Together. “I’m
kinda new to this.”

“Certainly not when I have both of you guys’ cum in my ass,” Taehyung says, shifting
uncomfortably. “Seriously, I feel like some over-stuffed pastry.”

Jungkook laughs. “You said you wanted me to fill you.”

Taehyung blushes. “Uh, did I?”

Jimin sits up and scoots to the end of the bed. “I’ll get some stuff to clean up.”

“No!” Jungkook suddenly blurts. They both look at him quizzically. “I mean, please, stay with
us. Just for a little while.”

“I won’t be long,” Jimin insists.

“I know,” Jungkook replies. He stares at Jimin with wide, pleading eyes until Jimin sighs and
climbs back onto the bed, settling down beside Taehyung again. Jungkook extends a hand across
Taehyung’s chest to intertwine his fingers with Jimin’s, nuzzling into Taehyung’s neck at the same
time. Taehyung doesn’t protest him calling Jimin back. In fact, he seems equally relieved. “My
babies,” Jungkook murmurs, still smiling. “I love you.”

Taehyung makes a happy noise and cuddles closer to both of them, while Jimin nods and tells
him, “Yes, your babies.”

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Vminkook have arrived at their happy ending and it looks like Namjoon *finally*
fucking gets it. But there's still a long way to go for our hyungs. I love Yoongi so
much, so why do I keep torturing him like this? Idk, maybe it's because I want to hug
him. Poor thing.

Next chapter: has Yoongi *really* accepted that it's too late for him to love? (holy shit,
this sounds like a soap opera, I'm so sorry)

I'll hopefully see y'all next week! :)

Chapter 16
Chapter Notes

So, this chapter is basically just one looong scene from 2 POVs. High angst, this
chapter. Also a WARNING that there is mention of a past rape, cutting, depression,
and alcohol abuse. Told ya it was high angst.

There is a shit-ton of crying in this one. Be prepared.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“For fuck’s sake, Hoseok, I’m not a child,” Yoongi grumbles. He’s sitting at the island in the
kitchen, eating. Hoseok is sitting on the couch in the lounge a few feet away, pretending to be
engrossed in his phone, but it couldn’t be more obvious that his eyes are traveling over to him
every thirty seconds.

Hoseok clears his throat awkwardly. “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” Yoongi says irritably, setting down his chopsticks, “you don’t have to constantly
babysit me.”

“I’m not babysitting you.”


“I’m serious!”

“So am I!” Yoongi says, raising his voice.

Hoseok winces. “Maybe we should… talk about this in private.”

“Why?” Yoongi asks. “So you can better keep an eye on me or something? Like I can’t take
care of myself?”

Hoseok sets down his phone then. Yoongi doesn’t fail to notice that it’s on the home screen.
“Hyung—” he begins, voice motherly.

But Yoongi can’t fucking stand it. “Nope. No, don’t you use that tone with me. I’ve had
enough.” He pushes his chair back and stands, abandoning his food and heading for the hall. He
can feel Hoseok’s eyes following him.

“Where are you going?”

“Away from you,” Yoongi tells him. He hears Hoseok stand up and run to follow him, but he
dashes into his room, closing and locking the door before he can. “Go away, Hoseok. I need to be
alone for once.”

“Yoongi hyung!” Hoseok says, his voice high-pitched and frantic as it travels through the door.
“Please, let me in.”

“Yoongi, please!”

Yoongi sighs wearily. “Hobi, find something else to do. Seriously, I’ll be fine.”

“No, you won’t!” Hoseok insists loudly, his voice breaking. Then he says more quietly, as if to
himself, “Please tell me you’re not gonna do what I think you’re gonna do.”

Yoongi frowns in confusion for a moment. Then he gets it. Rolling his eyes, he unlocks the
door and flings it open. Hoseok, who’s been leaning against it, squeaks and practically rolls onto
his feet. Yoongi stares down at him disapprovingly. “God, I’m not gonna cut myself, if that’s what
you’re thinking.” Yoongi scoffs and walks over to his bed, plopping down with a huff. “You think
I’ve lost complete fucking control over myself, don’t you? I don’t need to be coddled.”

Hoseok scrambles to his feet and closes the door behind him. Yoongi sighs when he hears him
lock it. “Y-you know?”

“I know what, Hobi?”

“That I know.”

“Of course I know that you know!” Yoongi tells him. “How fucking drunk do you think I
actually was? You may get plastered on half a drink, but I certainly can’t.”

“You didn’t just have half a drink…” Hoseok murmurs, then adds, “Then you know I know

“About the fact I was raped, right,” Yoongi says, tired of beating around the bush. Hoseok
pales noticeably. “Just fucking say it. Yes, it happened. Rape happens sometimes.”

“Oh, Yoongi,” Hoseok says quietly.

“Don’t ‘oh, Yoongi’ me,” Yoongi spits back, looking away. God, he can’t stand to see Hoseok
staring at him like that, like he pities him. He needs no one’s pity. “I’m over it, okay? I know I said
I wasn’t, but that was a while ago. I’m fine now, really. I’ve moved on and you should, too.” Even
as he says the words, a lump forms in his throat. Fuck, when is this ever going to end? He just
needs to deal with it already. It’s so stupid how it’s still hanging over him like this.

He’s so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice Hoseok beside him until his arms are
wrapped around him, tugging him close. As much as Yoongi’s mind screams at him to pull away,
his body leans in, exhaustion weighing him down.

“Don’t ever say that,” Hoseok tells him. “Never. It’s not just a fact of life and no one deserves
it. You’re allowed to be angry about it. You’re allowed to be sad. I will never judge you for that,
Yoongi. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way, and I’m willing to stay by your side as you work
through it. You don’t have to keep acting like it’s nothing, like you don’t deserve help. I love you
and care about you, Yoongi. Please, let me help you.”

It’s the peculiar way Hoseok says he loves him that, for some reason, gets to him. Yoongi takes
a deep breath, letting it out as a sob. Frustration pulses through him and he clenches his fists.
“God,” he says through gritted teeth. “I’m just so fucking angry. Why won’t this go away? I just
want it to go away…” His eyes grow blurry and he feels wetness run down his cheeks.

Hoseok kisses his temple and rubs his back in small, comforting circles. “I know, baby. I

Yoongi wakes up to discover that Hoseok still has his arms wrapped around him. They’re lying on
Yoongi’s bed, and Yoongi can’t quite remember exactly when he fell asleep. He turns his head to
study Hoseok’s sleeping face, finds himself smiling for the first time in weeks. He just looks so
peaceful. Yoongi recalls what happened between them earlier and embarrassment floods him, but
thankfulness does as well. No matter how much he might want to deny it, he really needed to hear
what Hoseok had to say and he’s grateful that Hoseok doesn’t see him as a lost cause. So many
people have.

A burst of affection for the man beside him suddenly erupts in his chest and the urge to kiss
him becomes overwhelming. He presses his lips softly to Hoseok’s. “Thank you,” he whispers.
Then he gingerly extricates himself from Hoseok’s arms.

He makes his way back out to the kitchen, feeling kind of guilty that he just left his food sitting
out, fully intending to take care of it. But he catches sight of Jimin and Jungkook cuddling and
kissing on the couch and, suddenly, he feels like he’s intruding. He pauses in the hallway for a
moment, just watching them. They’re all smiles and giggles and—ugh, it’s sickeningly cute. Still,
Yoongi fights down a smile himself at seeing them so relaxed and comfortable with each other,
especially after the tension of the tour. Whatever had been going on between them has been
resolved, it seems.

Then Taehyung appears, walking out from one of the hallways that leads to the showers across
the lounge, his hair damp, dressed in soft pajamas. Jungkook and Jimin immediately greet him, and
Taehyung practically dives into their arms to be peppered with kisses.

And then Yoongi realizes: holy shit, they’re together. Like, together together. It’s so obvious by
the way they act. They’re even more affectionate with each other than usual. All three of them,
though? In a relationship? He didn’t think it was possible, but there it is. Then again, Yoongi
supposes he should have expected this. They’ve always worked so well together…

Confidence suddenly sparks up inside him. If things worked out between those three, who’s to
say he can’t have what he wants as well? Yoongi tries to push the concept away, because the
dongsaengs are different. They’ve always loved each other. Hell, the orgy might have just been a
convenient way for them to actually work out their long-harbored feelings for each other. Yoongi,
on the other hand, doesn’t have that advantage. He never has.

But, damn, if he isn’t getting so fucking tired of letting life just push him around. He never
thought of himself as just accepting things, but, the more he thinks about it, he certainly seems that
way. He was raped, so he cut himself. He got hit by a car and never told anyone, never got help,
because life was just shit like that. Shitty things happen, so he coped. Because what else was he
supposed to do? Track his rapist down and punch his teeth out? No, that’s impractical. Stupid.
Admit that he fucked up his shoulder? No, then he might not be where he is now. But there is
something he can do right now, something that he doesn’t have to accept. So, why is he hesitating?
The best opportunity of his whole goddamn life is standing right in front of him, just waiting to
pass him by. Not this time.

He has no plan, he just does. He walks back down the hallway, past his room where Hoseok is
still sleeping soundly. Then he arrives at a door and knocks.
“Come in,” he hears from the other side, and he does. The next thing he knows, he’s standing
in Namjoon’s room and Namjoon is staring at him questioningly, having set the book he’d been
reading down in his lap. Yoongi’s heart jumps into his throat.

“What’s up?” Namjoon asks.

Yoongi pushes down his doubts and approaches the bed, sitting on the end. “Just felt like
talking,” he says as casually as he can.

Namjoon’s eyes widen and he quickly pushes his book aside, sits up straight like he does when
he’s ready to listen. “I’m so happy you finally feel comfortable enough to talk to me. I was gonna
come to you, but I didn’t because I didn’t know if you were ready.”

Yoongi blinks at him in confusion before revelation hits him. He knows. About the crying.
About the drinking. But, by the look in his eyes, not about the rape. That’s not what Yoongi is here
to talk about, though. He takes a deep breath. Don’t just accept it. Not anymore. “Joon, you
remember that conversation we had on the rooftop in London?”

Namjoon frowns, obviously confused, trying to figure out how all this fits into Yoongi’s
sudden mood swings. Then he says, “Yeah. What about it?”

“You asked me if I ever loved anyone.”

“Yeah, I remember. You said you had, but you didn’t say anything to them so nothing ever
came of it.”

“Yes, well, I’m changing that today.”

Namjoon’s eyebrows rise. “Really? That’s awesome, man! I wish you the best. When do I get
to meet him?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Namjoon, I swear, you’re simultaneously the smartest and dumbest
person I know.” He inches closer, closes the space between them. Namjoon just blinks at him.
“You don’t get it, do you?” He places a hand over Namjoon’s, leans in, hopes his heart doesn’t
burst out of his chest, it’s beating so hard. And he kisses him. Soft, just a peck, really, but it feels
like so much more to Yoongi. Oh my god, why didn’t I do this sooner? He cups Namjoon’s face in
his hand, feeling so incredibly happy. He feels like crying. He feels like pushing Namjoon down
onto the bed and actually kissing him, pouring all of his pent-up feelings into him.

When he pulls back, Namjoon is still staring at him, completely silent. But Yoongi can see
realization slowly form behind his eyes. “It’s you, you dumbass,” Yoongi tells him, wanting to be
as clear as possible. “It’s always been you.”

Namjoon blinks at him again, mouth opening and closing as he gathers his thoughts. Fuck, he
looks so stupid and yet so beautiful. Only now does Yoongi realize just how much his love for the
man hasn’t faded in all these years. In fact, sitting in front of him right now, just taking him in, he
probably loves him even more. The desire to kiss him resurfaces again, and Yoongi lets it take
him, allows his feelings to take over at last. He squeezes Namjoon’s hand, kisses him again, more
passionately this time, and Namjoon’s other hand comes up, grabs him by the shoulder—

And gently pushes him back. Yoongi pulls away, studies Namjoon’s expression, and his heart
starts to sink. No, he thinks desperately. No, no.

Namjoon licks his lips, his eyes trailing down to his lap where their hands still lay, one on top
of the other. “Yoongi hyung, I…” Namjoon grabs Yoongi’s hand in both of his own, strokes his
thumbs over the knuckles. “I’m sorry…”

“There’s someone else,” Yoongi says, feeling numb, “isn’t there?”

Namjoon nods, looks up at him. He looks so, so guilty. So sad. “Yes.”

Yoongi swallows dryly. God, he wants to pull Namjoon to him. To kiss him, to hold him. But
he knows he can’t. Because he knows. Deep down, he’s known for a while, he just denied to
himself that it was true. “It’s Jin,” he says.

Namjoon takes a deep breath, bites his lip. “Yes,” he barely whispers.

“Oh,” is all Yoongi can say. He doesn’t know what else to say.

There’s silence for a moment, Namjoon still stroking Yoongi’s hand.

“Yoongi…” Namjoon begins.

“I,” Yoongi says, reluctantly pulling his hand away. “I should go.”

“No, wait,” Namjoon says, reaching for him. “Hyung, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t know
until just now. I didn’t know why I felt this way about… him. I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean—”

“I’m sorry, too,” Yoongi says. He gets up from the bed and walks toward the door. “I shouldn’t
have told you. I should have just… accepted it.”


But Yoongi is already out the door, closing it behind him. He drifts down the hall toward his
room, his sanctuary, without realizing that Hoseok is still asleep inside until he opens the door too
loudly and rouses him. Hoseok blinks blearily up at him. “Yoongi?”

Yoongi sits next to him on the bed, pulling his knees up to his chest, staring sightlessly ahead.
“I told him.”

Hoseok frowns. “Told who what?”

“I told Namjoon,” Yoongi says, trying to fight it, but his voice breaks nonetheless, “that I’m in
love with him.”

Hoseok goes silent and just stares at him. Yoongi can’t stand it and hides his face in his arms.
Dammit, how did this go so wrong? Why did he ever think it wouldn’t turn out this shitty? “I’m so
stupid,” he says, voice quivering. “It’s been years. Fucking years, practically since I met him. Why
didn’t I tell him then? We could have had… we could have…” Something clenches tight in his
chest and he lets out a sob. “Fuck, why does it feel so bad?” He’s never felt like this, not after the
car accident, not after the rape. Yoongi half-laughs, half-cries, “Is this it? Is this heartbreak? It’s
fucking terrible, Hoseok. How did you ever deal with this?”

“Yoongi…” Hoseok says quietly, is holding him once again, for the second time that day. It
makes him feel so goddamn helpless. “I’m sorry, Yoongi. Please, don’t cry. Baby, please.”

Yoongi hiccups and buries his face in Hoseok’s neck, curls up to him instinctively. Although he
feels like he’s completely shattered, being close to Hoseok like this, feeling Hoseok’s soft lips on
his forehead, his arms around him, it holds him together. It makes him feel warm, and loved, and
everything he imagined he would be feeling right now, with Namjoon.
“He doesn’t love me,” Yoongi breathes. “It hurts so bad, Hobi.”

“I know, baby,” Hoseok says. His hand finds Yoongi’s, intertwines their fingers, brings it to his
chest. “You’re loved, Yoongi. You’re so very loved, I promise.”

They stay there like that, together. And they don’t let go.

Yoongi is in love with Namjoon. Hoseok lets the thought run through his head. He’s suspected for
a while, but to hear Yoongi say it out loud, to confirm it, is a whole other kind of pain. He
continues to hold Yoongi, continues to comfort him, even though he feels like crying himself.

I love you, Yoongi. I’m in love with you, he’d wanted to say and almost had, but he stopped
himself just in time. Now is not the time to make such a confession, not when Yoongi is feeling so
vulnerable and hurt. He knows he shouldn’t, but he feels so angry at Namjoon. How could he hurt
Yoongi this way? How could he make him cry? He remembers kissing Namjoon when they spoke
privately together a day ago to see if it really is true, what he’s feeling for Yoongi, not just some
passing fancy. But kissing Namjoon hadn’t felt nearly as intense as kissing Yoongi. That’s when
Hoseok knew. And now he wonders if Yoongi felt the same intensity kissing Namjoon, wonders if
Namjoon is the only one he will ever feel that intensity with. God, it hurts to think about. It really,
really hurts.

They remain wrapped up in each other for what feels like an hour, and Hoseok doesn’t mind.
He treasures feeling Yoongi so close to him, even though he knows Yoongi doesn’t love him the
way he loves Yoongi.

Yoongi’s breathing mellows out and, for a moment, Hoseok assumes he’s sleeping again. But
then Yoongi pulls back enough to kiss him. It’s a wet kiss, a sad kiss. Hoseok can still feel the
tears on his face.

“What are you doing?” Hoseok asks him when Yoongi’s fingers start plucking at the buttons
on his pajama top.

“Forgetting,” Yoongi answers.

Forgetting? Oh. Oh. Hoseok lets Yoongi unbutton his shirt and slip it down over his shoulders,
the older man’s lips traveling down across his jaw, to his throat. Yoongi is using him. He’s a tool
for Yoongi. But Hoseok finds that he’d be whatever he needed to be for Yoongi, whatever made
him happy, because he loves Yoongi and doesn’t want to see him cry again.

He lets Yoongi take control, set the pace. He knows Yoongi is feeling helpless, knows he needs
to feel like he’s in control of something. He lets Yoongi’s hand slip into his pants, grab him. He
lets Yoongi push him down onto the bed, climb on top.

Yoongi grinds down against him and Hoseok grinds back, his body immediately responding,
his heart racing. This isn’t like the last time they’d had sex, when Hoseok pushed him up against a
wall and fucked him rough. This is tentative, almost tender, and while Hoseok knows that Yoongi
is probably imagining that he’s with Namjoon right now, he can’t keep himself from melting into it
nonetheless. Falling for Yoongi even more.

Yoongi leans down and captures his lips again. “Please,” he whispers brokenly against
Hoseok’s mouth. “Please.”

By the distant look in Yoongi’s eyes, Hoseok knows that the words are not meant for him.
Hoseok swallows back his own tears, suppresses the agony twisting in his chest. He can’t break
down now. He needs to be strong for Yoongi. He needs to protect Yoongi. He needs to comfort
him, give him the love he so desperately craves.

So, Hoseok wraps his arms around Yoongi, holds him close. “Oh, baby,” he croons. He rolls
them over so that Yoongi is sprawled out beneath him, looking so beautiful and precious and…
shattered. Just completely distraught. Hoseok examines him, sees a tear roll down his cheek, and
guilt seizes him. “I-I shouldn’t…” he says, starting to push himself up to his knees.

But Yoongi grabs for him, pulls him back. “No!” he pleads, and then quieter, “Don’t leave.”

“I won’t leave you, baby,” Hoseok says, quickly returning to him, peppering his wet face with
soft kisses. “Never. I promise.”

“Promise,” Yoongi breathes, voice quivering. “Joon.”

Hoseok feels like the breath has been punched out of him. His eyes sting and he hides his face
in the crook of Yoongi’s neck, hopes the man doesn’t feel the wetness against his skin. He
struggles to get his breathing under control, to hold in a sob. God, it feels like his heart is breaking
right in two. It does hurt, Yoongi, he thinks. It really does hurt.

“I’ll take care of you, Yoongi,” he whispers too softly for the man to hear. He presses his lips
to Yoongi’s neck. Yoongi quivers beneath him, and Hoseok’s fingers undo the buttons of Yoongi’s
pajama shirt, lips trailing down over the newly bared skin. He kisses every inch of Yoongi he can
reach, desperate to show him that he’s cared for. He knows it’s wrong, but deep down he hopes
that Yoongi realizes how much Hoseok loves him. Despite knowing the possibility is slim, Hoseok
pours all of the emotion he can into his kisses, his touches.

Yoongi is making all sorts of little noises, a heartbreaking mix of aroused whines and near
sobs. Hoseok latches onto a nipple, his finger circling the other, determined to make Yoongi feel so
good he’ll forget the rejection. He goes lower, pulls down Yoongi’s pants and underwear.
Yoongi’s soft cock pops out and Hoseok mouths it. A minute passes before Hoseok realizes he’s
getting nowhere. Yoongi is still soft. He peers up at him and sees that he’s staring at the ceiling,
eyes swimming. Lost in his thoughts. Thoughts, Hoseok suspects with another deep ache shooting
through his chest, of Namjoon.

Hoseok crawls back up Yoongi’s body until he’s face-to-face with him. Yoongi just stares past
him, breathing uneven. “Baby,” Hoseok says, and when Yoongi doesn’t respond, “Love.”

Yoongi blinks, a couple more tears streaking down his face, and finally focuses on Hoseok. I
love you, I love you, Hoseok burns to say. He knows Yoongi needs to hear it, just not from him. So
he just kisses Yoongi as tenderly as he can and says the closest thing to it: “You’re so beautiful,
Yoongi. Every part of you.” Without fully meaning to, he lightly trails his fingers over Yoongi’s
thighs, feeling the ridges of his scars. Yoongi gasps quietly, and for a moment Hoseok is afraid
he’s said too much. But then Yoongi seems to relax, lazily kisses him along the chin.

“Don’t,” Yoongi whispers, “say things like that.”

Hoseok frowns. “Why not? It’s all true.”

Yoongi bites his lip and looks away. Only then does Hoseok feel something hard brush against
his stomach. He looks down, can’t keep the stupid smile off his face when he realizes that Yoongi
is fully hard. But how? What changed?

Then an idea pops into Hoseok’s head. He wraps a hand around Yoongi’s cock and noses at his
ear. “Your cock is so pretty, baby. The perfect size for my hand.” Yoongi, still avoiding his gaze,
noticeably swallows, face flushing a darker red. Hoseok fights down a smile. This is it, he thinks
triumphantly, so overjoyed at his discovery that he forgets about his own heartbreak for a moment.
He plants a kiss behind Yoongi’s ear, feels him shiver against him. “You always look so pretty for
me, Yoongi.”

Yoongi audibly whines then. It’s obvious by the way his eyes shoot open that he’d meant to
hold it in. Yoongi clears his throat. “Hobi… shut up,” he says, but the words sound more inviting
than anything else.

“No,” he tells him, and he swears he hears Yoongi stop breathing. “No, I won’t stop telling you
you’re beautiful, because you are. The most beautiful man I’ve ever met. I’ve never wanted to
make love to someone so much before.”

Yoongi’s hips roll up into him seemingly of their own accord. The man beneath him is finally
looking at him now, eyes glazed over once again. This time, there’s pleasure in his gaze. He opens
his ribbon-candy mouth, closes it, opens it again. His brow furrows for a moment in thought. Then
his lips move, form words too quiet for Hoseok to understand.

Hoseok leans in, their foreheads brushing. “What was that, baby?”

Yoongi closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, opens them again. For a moment, clarity graces his
features. “Then make love to me.”

All the breath leaves Hoseok’s body and all he can do is stare. He hadn’t expected Yoongi to be
so forward. The most he’d hoped for is a ‘just do it’, but this… his heart kicks up a fast rhythm
again, spreading warmth through his chest. Yes, this is exactly what he’s wanted. He’s not quite
sure if Yoongi sees through him, knows he has feelings for him, but that doesn’t matter. Right
now, in this moment, they are together, holding each other in a way Hoseok has dreamed of
holding someone, and he wants to make it last for as long as he possibly can.

Hoseok’s answer is a passionate kiss. Yoongi opens up for him immediately, eagerly sucking
on his tongue as soon as it enters. Hoseok can’t help a groan, pumping Yoongi’s cock where it lays
between their bodies. Yoongi’s mouth is addictive, warm and soft—a completely different kind of
addictive than the rough, frantic feel of the other times he’s kissed him. He’s never seen this side
of Yoongi before and he has a feeling that Yoongi has shown precious few this side of him. The
vulnerable, delicate Yoongi who clings to him, practically mewls when Hoseok clings back. The
Yoongi who’s already breathless and needing as Hoseok breaks the kiss, whining as he grinds his
cock against Hoseok’s hand. Hoseok takes a brief moment to study him, takes in how absolutely
gorgeous he is, thinks about how much he loves this man. He feels honored that Yoongi trusts him
enough to let him see him this way and hope for what that might indicate springs in his chest.

Yoongi squirms. “Hobi…” he pouts.

“Yes, baby, I’m here,” Hoseok says. I’ll always be here.

Hoseok kisses a trail down Yoongi’s body, paying special attention to every inch of skin, every
mole and freckle. He explores him slowly, painstakingly, sucking on his collarbone, playing with
his nipples, nosing his soft belly. When he arrives at his belly button, Yoongi whines impatiently,
lifts his hips up, urging him lower. Hoseok gives him what he needs—wants to give Yoongi
everything he needs—and runs a tongue from Yoongi’s balls to the tip of his cock. Yoongi sucks
air through his teeth, and Hoseok can see the muscles in his thighs flexing, as if he’s fighting to
keep them still. He smiles against Yoongi’s shaft.

He wraps his lips around the dickhead and takes an inch, two inches inside. Slowly, teasingly.
He relishes the little moans and mewls he draws out of Yoongi, whose hand has fisted itself firmly
in his hair. Hoseok sucks lightly, pulls off, licks him along his entire length, then swallows him
again. He continues this pattern, taking more and more of Yoongi’s cock into his mouth each time.
He wants to deepthroat Yoongi, have all of him, but he’s not that good yet at sucking dick. Yoongi
is of average size and Hoseok can only fit three-fourths of his cock comfortably in his mouth. He
goes down as far as he can, then pulls off, licks him. For a full minute he alternates between licking
and sucking, going down to his limits each time.

Suddenly, the fingers in his hair tug. Hoseok peers up at Yoongi, finds the man staring down at
him. God, how long has he been staring, watching Hoseok suck him off? That’s insanely hot. “Go
down as far as you can and then stop,” Yoongi instructs. He sounds wrecked already, fuck.

Hoseok rushes to do as Yoongi says, this time watching his every reaction. Yoongi’s mouth
drops open when Hoseok takes him deep, lips forming a silent ‘fuck.’

“O-open your throat,” Yoongi tells him, already fighting for breath. “Like you’re yawning, and
keep it open. You may feel spasms at first, but go slow.”

Hoseok feels the tips of his fingers tingle with excitement. He goes slow, taking Yoongi little-
by-little. As soon as his cock head hits the back of his tongue, his throat spasms and he gags a bit.
Hoseok pulls off, swallows.

“Slowly, slowly,” Yoongi urges. “There’s no rush. Remember to breathe. I’m not that big, so
you should be able to do it with me fully inside, even if it is a little tough.”

Hoseok nods, takes Yoongi into his mouth again, swirling his tongue around the head to keep
up the momentum. He once again swallows Yoongi’s cock as deep as he comfortably can, takes a
deep breath, and forces his throat open. He works his way down the shaft, feels the tip slip past the
back of his tongue, feels his gag reflex act up again. He gags, but this time he keeps going, willing
the spasms to stop for a moment. And in that short moment, he realizes that his nose is buried in
Yoongi’s pubes. That he’s taken Yoongi’s entire cock. He’s deepthroating him.

In this position, he can’t quite see Yoongi’s face but he can certainly hear him. Yoongi swears
quietly, groans, nails digging into Hoseok’s scalp. Hoseok tries his hand at breathing, but it only
makes him gag, so much so that he’s forced to pull off. He blinks tears out of the corners of his
eyes, swallows the precum that had pooled in his mouth. Determined, he goes back to try again, but
Yoongi tugs on his hair.

“No, no more of that,” Yoongi says, eyes hooded and chest heaving. “Gonna make me come.”

Hoseok smiles and grabs a nearby pillow. “Lift your hips.”

Yoongi does so and Hoseok slides the pillow under his ass. He lowers himself down to his
elbows, comes face-to-face with Yoongi’s pink hole, already winking. Yoongi barely has time to
say, “Hobi, no, don’t—!” before Hoseok is lapping at it.

“O-oh my god,” Yoongi says, throwing a hand over his mouth. “Oh god, oh fuck.”

Hoseok groans at the reaction, feels his own hard cock press into the mattress. He pulls
Yoongi’s cheeks further apart with his thumbs so he can devour his pucker, tongue sliding lazily
over it. Hoseok doesn’t have the time nor the care to think about the fact that he’s licking a guy’s
asshole. Because this isn’t just a guy’s asshole, this is Yoongi’s—Yoongi’s body, Yoongi’s voice,
Yoongi’s hand in his hair. His Yoongi.

Hoseok just licks him for a good five minutes, never tiring of the little noises he draws out of
him, how his hole twitches eagerly at his every tease. Just as he’s thinking that he can do this all
day, Yoongi whines and pushes his ass into him and—holy shit, that’s really hot. So, he gives
Yoongi what he needs and wriggles his tongue inside, working slowly until it is entirely
submerged, exploring his soft insides. He tastes like soap and sweat and sex and, well, Yoongi.
Hoseok moans as he thrusts his tongue in and out.

After another five minutes, Hoseok retreats to retrieve the lube off the bedside table and returns
to a completely wrecked Yoongi, face red, eyes hazy, legs trembling. God, he’s perfect.

He uncaps the bottle and pours some lube onto his fingers. “No, don’t need it,” Yoongi
suddenly says, breathless.

“I don’t wanna hurt you,” Hoseok tells him, warming the lube up in his hands and setting the
bottle aside.

“You won’t. I can take you now.”

Hoseok shakes his head, positions his slicked fingers at Yoongi’s hole. “You told me to make
love to you, baby, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Hoseok…” Yoongi says, his voice high and desperate, and for a moment Hoseok is convinced
he’s going to beg him, going to say ‘please.’ And if he does that, it’s over. Hoseok won’t be able to
resist him. He and Yoongi lock eyes and he suspects that Yoongi is thinking the same thing, is
contemplating the option. To his relief, Yoongi chooses to just whine and occasionally grumble as
Hoseok’s fingers breach his hole.

Yoongi is soft inside, delicate. Hoseok is careful with him, even though he knows Yoongi
prefers it rough. Now is not the time for that. He wants to take care of Yoongi, give him the love
and attention he deserves, is yearning for. So, he goes slow, inserting one finger and adding a
second only after the muscles in Yoongi’s legs go slack. He sees that Yoongi has covered his
mouth again, eyes screwed shut. Once again he wonders if he’s thinking of Namjoon.

Hoseok twists his fingers in him and Yoongi’s eyes fly open, meeting his with pupils blown
wide. “Not there, too sensitive. Hobi, I need…” he says, biting his lip.

Hoseok extracts his fingers, wipes them on the sheets. “Okay, baby, okay,” he croons.

Yoongi thinks for a moment then shakes his head. “Ran out.”

Hoseok makes to get off the bed. “I think I have some in my room—”

“No!” Yoongi says and Hoseok pauses at the desperation in his voice. “I-I mean, no, it’s fine.
Just… do it raw. It’s not like we haven’t before.”

But this isn’t the same as before, Hoseok thinks, hoping that Yoongi will see that. He positions
himself between Yoongi’s legs, slicks up his cock with lube, puts one hand on Yoongi’s knee.
There’s a moment of silence between them, and Hoseok’s pretty sure they both stop breathing.
Then he pushes in. As soon as the tip pops inside, Yoongi moans, wraps his legs around Hoseok’s
hips and tries to pull him further in. But Hoseok resists, goes slow, inch-by-inch, Yoongi whining
and squirming all the way until he bottoms out.

“Fuck, Hoseok,” Yoongi gasps, his whole body going slack. Despite this, Hoseok can feel his
insides twitching around him.

“You’re amazing, Yoongi,” Hoseok tells him, kissing his sweaty forehead.

He pulls out just a little and thrusts back in. When Yoongi realizes he’s going to go as slow as
he had before, he makes a broken sort of noise, heels digging into his back. “Hobi, I can’t… just
fuck me.”

“Shh,” Hobi hushes, leaning down to bury his face in Yoongi’s neck. “Let me take care of you,

Yoongi whimpers, arms wrapping around him tightly. “Hobi…”

“Yes, baby. I’ve got you.”

He doesn’t end up going as slow as he would have liked. Yoongi just feels so good, and feeling
the man holding him, gasping his name, is just too much. He speeds up until he’s deep-dicking
Yoongi, balls slapping against his ass. Yoongi is moaning in earnest now, no longer trying to hide
his voice. Hoseok is kissing every patch of skin he can reach, wants so, so badly to suck a hickey
onto Yoongi’s neck. Yoongi would look really good with a hickey on his pale skin.

Suddenly, Yoongi stiffens. “Gonna come. Hobi, gonna come.”

“You sound so pretty,” Hoseok sighs, feeling his own balls drawing up. “We’ll come together.”

Yoongi scrabbles at Hoseok’s back, pushes his hips up as far as they can go. “Hoseok,

“My Yoongi.”

The high lasts a long, long time. So long that Hoseok is afraid he’ll never come down from it.
But his vision gradually refocuses, his breathing levels out, and his head clears somewhat. And he
sees Yoongi sprawled out beneath him, a halo of dark hair surrounding his pink face, looking right
back up at him.

“Wow,” Yoongi breathes, voice a bit hoarse.

“Thanks,” Hoseok says with a smile.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”

Hoseok laughs and pulls out of Yoongi, watching his cum run out of his hole. That’s stupidly
sexy, whoa. He’s kind of glad they forewent the condom. He glances back up at Yoongi and sees a
grimace of disgust cross his face. He scoots to the edge of the bed. “Sorry. I’ll get a towel.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Hoseok slips his pants on, returns with a wet towel and proceeds to mop up the mess between
Yoongi’s legs. He goes gently, watching Yoongi’s face for any sign that he’s being too rough.
Yoongi watches him back. Hoseok sees him swallow.


Yoongi grabs Hoseok’s hand by the wrist, stops him from cleaning. The next thing he knows,
Yoongi is a breath away, staring at him more intensely than he’s ever been stared at. Hoseok
thinks his heart stops for a moment.

Then Yoongi places a hand against his face and kisses him. It’s not the rough kiss of a friend-
with-benefits, nor is it the hesitant peck of an unsure crush. It’s a firm kiss, one full of conviction
and affirmation. It takes everything in Hoseok not to smile into it and take Yoongi in his arms. But
he holds back. He doesn’t want to scare him away.

Yoongi is the one to break off the kiss, but he doesn’t retreat far. He remains close to Hoseok,
the tips of their noses brushing. “Hoseok, I…” he begins to say. Then he shakes his head and sighs.
“Thank you.”

Hoseok offers him a small, hopeful smile. “Thank you for trusting me.”

But Yoongi doesn’t kiss him again nor does he finish what he had initially been trying to tell
him. Instead, Yoongi falls back onto the bed and curls onto his side. Hoseok feels his heart sink.

He sits there, letting his misery overtake him, feeling tears coming on again. Then Yoongi
gestures. “Lay with me?”

The misery dissipates but still lingers as Hoseok lies down behind him, wraps an arm around
him, nose in his hair. I love you, he thinks to himself. I love you and I want you to be mine. Please.

Hoseok doesn’t say anything. He can’t, because the words are at the tip of his tongue. He
plants a kiss on Yoongi’s neck and finds solace in his relaxed sigh, a sound he hasn’t heard from
him in a while. He can’t be selfish now. Yoongi is still dealing with his feelings for Namjoon. And
while he does, Hoseok will stay with him, just how he promised. He’ll cherish every intimate
moment he has with Yoongi and, for now, that’s enough for him.

Chapter End Notes

Poor Yoongi and Hoseok! They're my babies and I love them so much. Why do I
torture them like this? At least they got a really cute (if not a little sad) sex scene,
though. I also like to believe that Yoongi is a slut for compliments and soft stuff, lol.
He's a sweet baby deep down.

And, Namjoon, you seriously need to get your shit together.

Next: does Namjoon FINALLY get his shit together??

Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

So this is another looong scene with two POVs, this time involving Namjoon and Jin.
It's like 12 full pages of sex since I was feeling especially horny this week, idk why.

It also happens to be almost 12 full pages of cheese. And I regret none of it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Namjoon feels like an asshole. Hell, he is an asshole. As soon as Yoongi shut the door, he’d
wanted to run after him, wanted to hug him, tell him—

Tell him what, exactly? That’s he’s finally figured shit out? That his brain had decided right at
that moment to gut-punch him with a revelation that had been brewing within him for weeks,
months even? What good would that do?

He isn’t even sure of he’s actually figured shit out. He’s been stuck in such a funk, spinning his
wheels for so many weeks that he’s afraid to draw any conclusions. But, as he sits in his studio,
once again too consumed with worry to compose anything reasonable, he decides that he can’t keep
going like this. He has to act, for Yoongi’s sake. For Seokjin’s sake. For his own sake.

So he takes a deep breath and texts Seokjin. While he may be unable to resolve things with
Yoongi right now, he can sure as hell clean up his mess with Seokjin. He spends a good ten
minutes typing out his message, re-reading it, then scrapping it and typing out another one.

At last, he goes with: “Hey, you free to talk?” sans any emojis because he couldn’t decide
between the regular smiley face or the blushing smiley face. He sighs after he sends it, dropping
his head into his hand. What the fuck is wrong with me? He tries to return to his work as he waits
for a reply, but he just ends up sitting there, wringing his hands and tapping his foot. Is this what
it’s like to be in love?

It’s fucking agonizing.

Before all this shit, Namjoon figured he’d fallen in love at least once. He thought he knew what
it felt like. Sure, he’s had crushes—stupid, teenage crushes that flunctated from month to month.
He’d been so busy studying that he just barely managed to lose his virginity before the end of his
senior year of high school. It was with some girl who’d expressed interest, probably wanted
something more, but he was just so desperately horny he barely bothered to talk to her outside
arranging for a fuck. It makes him feel guilty to this day, how he blew her off afterward.
Everything had gotten so busy with final exams, applying to universities, keeping up with his
training at Big Hit, and producing songs to stay relevant. Honestly, he’s surprised he’s not still a
virgin. The latter half of his teenage years from fifteen onwards is one giant blur of stress and
constant activity. At one point he managed to gather the time to briefly have a girlfriend, but even
then, looking back, he only had one because he felt pressued to have at least one relationship by
then. He really had liked her and it was obvious that she was in love with him, but in the end things
just became too busy, so much so that for a couple of months they barely spoke to each other.
Eventually, after a year, they both agreed to end it. And shortly afterward, BTS debuted and his sex
life became all but dead.
This thing between him and Seokjin is a completely new experience. Perhaps that’s why he
hadn’t realized his feelings sooner. Namjoon still doesn’t understand what Seokjin sees in his
slow, stupid self. Seokjin could have anyone he wanted, absolutely anyone in the world. Namjoon
remembers when he first saw Seokjin after he was dragged into Big Hit by a rep and he couldn’t
believe his fucking eyes. The man is gorgeous—like a double-taking, time-stopping kind of
gorgeous. How in the hell Big Hit was lucky enough to snag him first is beyond Namjoon, but he’s
grateful every day that they did. Over the years Seokjin became one of his closest friends and
confidants. Everyone likes to go to Namjoon for advice, thinking he has all the answers, but the
truth is Namjoon wouldn’t have half the answers to give if it weren’t for Seokjin. The man is wiser
than he lets on and Namjoon appreciates how he always seems to know how he’s feeling. Oh god,
just how long has Seokjin been in love with him? How long has Namjoon been in love with
Seokjin? As Namjoon scours his memories, he realizes that he can’t pin down an exact time.
Perhaps that love has always been there, lingering in the depths of his mind, and the orgy was a
way for it to break the surface.

His phone vibrates where it lay on his desk. Namjoon jumps in his chair, grabbing for it and
knocking it to the floor. He swears under his breath as it takes him several times to scoop it up.

He’s got a text notification. It’s from Seokjin. His heart starts to pound as he reads the message

“Sure. Where r u?”

“The studio,” Namjoon texts back before he can think, then swears again and quickly adds,
“Nvm, I’ll come to you.”

The next text pops up so fast it almost makes him drop his phone. “No need.”

Namjoon frowns and re-reads the text. Then he hears a knock at his door, sees a familiar,
Seokjin-shaped silhouette lingering on the other side of the frosted glass, and his brain short-
circuits, relinquishing all control of his limbs.

Seokjin clears his throat. “Um, it’s me.”

“J-just a minute,” Namjoon answers, wincing at how frantic he sounds. He manages to push
himself up from his chair and practically dashes to the door. He reaches for the handle and pauses.
Shit, what does he look like right now? Is his hair okay? He runs a hand through it while wishing
he hadn’t decided to wear sweatpants and a pair of slides today. At the same time he thinks, What
the fuck are you doing? He doesn’t care what you’re wearing. But he wants to look good for
Seokjin. He wants to be everything he imagines Seokjin wants him to be. He wants to be his best
self for him, which he decidedly hasn’t been for far too long.

He straightens his shirt and opens the door. As soon as he sees Seokjin standing there, looking
so, so handsome in his simple pink hoodie and blue jeans, all the breath leaves his lungs. “Hi,” he
all but squeaks.

Seokjin smiles at him. Fucking smiles. Jesus Christ, that smile is going to kill him one of these
days. “Hi,” Seokjin says. “Can I come in?”

Namjoon feels his face grow hot. “Uh, yeah. Of course. Um.” He gestures awkwardly and steps
aside to allow Seokjin over the threshold and into the studio.

“So… you wanted to talk?” Seokjin says. He pulls his hoodie over his head to reveal a dark
Namjoon’s eyes linger far too long on the patch of skin it briefly reveals. “Yeah.”

Seokjin frowns suspiciously at him. “Is something bothering you, Joonie?”

“Jin,” Namjoon begins, before taking a deep breath. “Oh, fuck it.”

He takes Seokjin by the shoulders and kisses him. Seokjin makes a desperate sort of noise and
leans into him. Namjoon sighs, his hands sliding down to Seokjin’s waist, preparing to pull him
against him. But then Seokjin breaks the kiss and steps back. Namjoon stares at him, tries to read
his face. Oh god, was I wrong? he thinks, heart sinking, mind wandering back to Yoongi and how
broken he looked when he rejected him.

Seokjin finally meets his eyes, his face flushed. “Namjoon,” he says and, oh no, his eyes are
wet. “Please stop doing this to me.”

Namjoon yearns to snatch Seokjin to him and hold him, smother him with kisses. But he keeps
his distance, not wanting to scare him off. “Doing what? You don’t want me to kiss you?” I was
wrong. Namjoon feels his throat go scratchy, pressure build behind his eyes. I fucked up. Again.

Seokjin shakes his head. “If you wanted to have sex with me, you could have just told me that
over the phone.”

“No, no,” Namjoon replies quickly. “I don’t wanna have sex with you.” Seokjin blinks
curiously at him, hurt evident on his face, and he adds, “I mean, I like having sex with you. Sex
with you is amazing. Please, don’t cry. I’m sorry if I… just—” Namjoon growls frustrated with
himself. “Fuck, why is it so hard with you? I mean, it’s not your fault. I’ve just gone and fucked
everything up and—”

Seokjin takes a step forward and Namjoon cuts himself off, going quiet and stock-still. The
older man grabs both his hands in his. “Say it, Joon.”

Namjoon struggles to catch his breath at how intently Seokjin is staring at him with his perfect
eyes and his perfect lips and, god, he really wants him. He really, really wants this man. So he says
it: “I’m in love with you, Jin, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Can you ever forgive me?”

Seokjin just stares at him, wide-eyed, for a long moment, and Namjoon’s heart clenches in his
chest. Of course I misinterpreted. I’m such a goddamn moron. But then Seokjin’s smile returns, the
tears spill over onto his cheeks, and he says quietly, “Yes, I forgive you.”

Namjoon doesn’t quite know how it happened, but in a matter of seconds they go from standing
in the middle of the room a good foot apart to entangled together on the couch in the corner.
Seokjin’s shirt is already off—did Seokjin do that or did Namjoon?—and he’s sitting in Namjoon’s
lap, kissing him, grinding down against him as his fingers untie the drawstring on his sweats.
Namjoon lifts his ass so his pants can be slid down, hands roaming over Seokjin’s muscled back,
sliding under the waistband of his jeans and into his underwear to squeeze his firm ass. His heart is
nearly beating out of his chest and he’s already fully hard. He can feel his coherency slipping away
with every one of Seokjin’s rough grinds.

“Wait,” he gasps softly, then when it’s clear Seokjin didn’t hear him, louder, “Jin, wait.”

But Seokjin doesn’t stop. His fingers make their way up and under Namjoon’s shirt, plucking at
his nipples. “Can’t wait,” he says, breathless. “Need you now.”

His words make Namjoon’s hips twitch. He imagines pinning Seokjin to the couch beneath
him, sliding into him, fucking him deep and slow. He shakes his head to clear it. “I need to know.”
Seokjin doesn’t stop kissing a hot line from his jaw to his throat. “Know what, Joonie?”

Namjoon swallows an aroused whine. “That I didn’t just imagine your feelings for me.”

Seokjin pulls back and smiles wide, laughs. “Oh my god. Kim Namjoon, I am sitting in your
lap half naked with a boner that could drill through sheetrock after you just confessed to me and
you’re wondering if I have feelings for you?”

Namjoon blushes at how stupid it sounds. “Well… yeah.”

Seokjin rolls his eyes and leans in, their noses brushing. “I love you, too, Joon. Even the dumb,
oblivious parts of you.”

Namjoon feels warmth wash through him and he can’t keep a smile off his own face. “I can’t
decide if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

“Neither,” Seokjin says. “It’s a promise.”

Namjoon does have Seokjin pinned on the couch beneath him then. He’s grinding down
against him, holding Seokjin’s hips flush to his own. Seokjin looks like he’s ascended to another
plane, every inch of skin pink and glistening. “Shit,” he gasps, hiking Namjoon’s shirt up. “Too
many clothes. Off,” he insists. Suddenly, Namjoon sits up. Seokjin whines impatiently. “I’ve fallen
in love with a fucking tease. I swear to god, Namjoon, if you don’t get every scrap of clothing off
you right now—”

“Not here.”


“Don’t wanna fuck on the couch,” Namjoon says, dropping a kiss on his forehead before
climbing off. He can feel Seokjin glaring at him as he pulls his pants back up.

“You’re the one who pushed me onto it.”

“I know, it’s just…” Namjoon straightens his shirt and turns to study Seokjin, eyes roaming
over his pliant, welcoming form sprawled across the cushions. Damn, he isn’t making this easy.
“For one, it’s the couch in my studio.”

Seokjin frowns at him. “I’ve caught you jerking off on this couch,” he deadpans.

Namjoon’s face grows hot. “That’s different.”

“Uh huh.”

“Speaking of getting caught…”

Namjoon sees Seokjin contemplate this point for a moment, watches the conflict play out
behind his eyes. “I could be quiet,” Seokjin suggests. It’s almost a question.

“You sound very sure of yourself.”

“I could!”

“No,” Namjoon says. “After all the shit I’ve put you through, you deserve a bed.”

Seokjin huffs. “I don’t care about that. We could fuck the same on the couch.”
“I don’t want to fuck,” Namjoon insists, walking over to run his fingers through Seokjin’s
chestnut hair. “I want to make love. A couch is not romantic.”

Seokjin stares up at him. Namjoon enjoys the way his face turns several shades of pink. “Well,
when you put it that way…” he trails off, averting his eyes.

Namjoon smiles and offers him a hand. “To the complex then. My room. You drive?”

Seokjin takes his hand and Namjoon pulls him up off the couch. “Duh. We don’t wanna die
before we get there, do we?”

“One of these days,” Namjoon promises, turning off his equipment as Seokjin gets dressed,
“I’m gonna get my license.”

Seokjin laughs. “Careful there, God of Destruction. You may wanna figure out how to cut an
onion first.”

Namjoon comes up behind Seokjin, wraps his arms around him, places a line of soft kisses
down the side of his neck. “Maybe I just fake not knowing just so you have to get close and help
me,” he quips.

Seokjin snorts, although Namjoon can tell he’s trying not to squirm against him. “Stick to
rapping, acting is my thing, and you suck at it. By the way,” he mentions, pulling away and turning
to face him, a smirk tugging at his kiss-swollen lips. “You might wanna do something about the
monster in your pants before we head out.” He grabs Namjoon’s cock, still fully hard, through his

“You could say it’s a,” Namjoon makes finger guns at him, “‘Rap Monster.’”

“Oh my god,” Seokjin says as Namjoon bursts into laughter. “Did you just make a dad joke?”
He sounds annoyed but there’s a smile on his face.

“Yup. If I have to listen to them, so do you.”

“You’re an idiot,” Seokjin says, pecking him on the lips. “You’re lucky I love you.”

Namjoon takes his hand, intertwines their fingers. “Yes, very lucky.”

The drive home starts out with Namjoon being a little shit and copping feels of Seokjin from the
passenger’s seat and it annoys Seokjin only slightly that he gets raging hard from it. Then they hit
some traffic and the initial giddiness of the confession and the almost-couch-sex wears off, and
Namjoon talks about what new stuff he’s working on while Seokjin tries not to get lost in the
sound of his voice and the burning touch of his hand on his thigh.

It happened. It really happened. Holy shit. Seokjin still can’t believe that the perfect man sitting
next to him has reciprocated his love. When he left Namjoon’s room that night after they’d kissed,
after he had almost confessed, he was sure that Namjoon would remain oblivious forever and he
himself would never have the courage to tell him the truth. Now it seems like everything is falling
into place. Finally. As Namjoon chatters on, it’s difficult for Seokjin not to just lean over and kiss
him every couple of minutes. Show him how much he loves him, how much he wants him. Hell,
he’s tempted to just pull into some parking lot and have his way with Namjoon right then and
there. Forget the bed.

Another part of him, however, wants that bed, wants to make love to Namjoon, because
Namjoon is just too damn precious for a cramped, dingy car. He wants to feel what it’s like for
Namjoon to make love to him, to hold him, touch him, kiss him. Fuck him? Maybe. It’s a scary
thought, but not as scary as it would be if it were with someone else. Seokjin has not so much as
put a finger inside himself, but he finds that he would be willing to do it for Namjoon. At a
stoplight, his eyes drift down to Namjoon’s crotch. He can still see the outline of Namjoon’s half-
hard cock lying heavy against his thigh. A burst of adrenaline rushes through him at the thought of
having something so big inside him. He recalls Jungkook and Taehyung during their first times
bottoming, how blissed out they seemed afterward. Granted, neither of them had taken such a huge
cock, but having something in them had certainly seemed to feel good. He can still feel Jungkook
shaking against him, pushing back onto his cock, begging for more. Would he be that way with
Namjoon? Would he beg him? Would Namjoon make him beg?

“Whoa.” Namjoon’s voice snaps Seokjin out of his thoughts. He glances over to see Namjoon’s
eyes on the crotch of his jeans. “I didn’t think hi-hats and snare rolls were that sexy, but I guess
they are.”

Seokjin looks down and then back up quickly. He knows his face is completely red. “Residual
arousal,” he says too stiffly.

“Right,” Namjoon replies, unconvinced. Then he goes quiet for a suspiciously long amount of
time, which Seokjin knows can only mean he’s plotting something.

“What is it?” he ventures, willing his erection to go down before they reach their destination.

“Nothing,” Namjoon says in a way that definitely doesn’t mean nothing. Then he says in a low,
stupidly sexy voice, “Daddy.”

Seokjin nearly slams on the brakes. “Do you want us to die before we get back?” he asks, his
voice embarrassingly high-pitched and his cock somehow even harder.

“What?” Namjoon asks innocently. “It’s just a word. Like, do you get turned on if anyone says
‘daddy’ in any context?”

“Of course not!” Seokjin flashes back. “You did it in a sexy way and you know it.”

“How was I sexy?” Namjoon asks impishly, and, fuck, Seokjin can’t even look at him.

“You said it…” Seokjin says awkwardly, swallowing, “weird.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. With your stupid, sexy lips and your stupid, sexy voice.” He can tell Namjoon is
smiling mischievously at him and he is so close to pulling the car over and jumping him. So close.
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, Namjoon.”

“Am I?” Namjoon continues on in his ridiculously innocent tone. “You gonna punish me for

“Hell yeah, I’m gonna punish you,” Seokjin says, trying to keep his mind clear, not filled with
images of Namjoon writhing beneath him, full of his dick. “Gonna jerk you off, keep you on the
edge for hours until you’re crying for my cock. Then I’m gonna shoot two loads in you before I let
you come.”

Namjoon is silent, not for a nefarious reason this time. Seokjin can tell by the barely
perceptible whine and the sudden musky scent of precum filling the car that Namjoon is insanely
turned on. And, fuck, does he want to see him, want to turn and look at him and take in how
desperate his words made him, but, dammit, they have to get home, preferably in one piece. The
sooner the better.

Thankfully, both of them are so consumed with calming themselves down that they don’t speak
for the rest of the way back. As soon as they pull into the garage at their complex and Seokjin puts
the car in park, they practically throw themselves at each other, a flurry of hands and lips and heavy
breaths. Then Seokjin pulls his hoodie low over the crotch of his pants and Namjoon traps his erect
cock in the waistband of his sweats and they get out of the car. They grab their stuff from the
backseat and it takes everything in them not to just bolt for the elevator. No sooner do the elevator
doors shut than Seokjin has Namjoon pressed up against the far wall, grinding their bodies
together. His hand briefly dips down the front of Namjoon’s pants, snakes into his underwear, and
he’s immediately met with a warm, sticky mass of precum. Like, a lot of it. God, he wants to lick it
off him.

When the doors open again, they are standing next to each other. The only indication that
something intimate had transpired between them is how strangely stiff they are. They speed-walk
down the hallway to their flat. Seokjin allows Namjoon to take off his shoes once inside and then
he’s seizing him by his shirt and kissing him. Namjoon groans, but pulls away. “My room,” he
says in a rush of breath. He’s glancing around the lounge, as if looking for someone.

“It’s not like they haven’t seen us have sex,” Seokjin says, referring to the other members, none
of whom are present at the moment.

“My room,” Namjoon insists. He takes Seokjin’s hand and tugs him down the hallway. “Come

Namjoon swings him onto the bed when they get inside, barely remembering to lock the door
behind him. Then the younger man is on the bed with him, crawling up his body, kissing the entire
way. Seokjin thrusts his tongue into his mouth as soon as it reaches him, hands tangling in his
snow-blonde hair before trailing down the curve of his back and into his sweatpants, his
underwear. Namjoon presses down harder against him when Seokjin grabs his ass and Seokjin
comes up for air, asking, “How are we gonna do this?”

It’s a loaded question and probably one they should have discussed on the drive over instead of
right now, but Namjoon knows what he’s talking about. “I’ll bottom. It’ll be easier for me to take
you than for you to take me.”

“You’ve never bottomed,” Seokjin tells him, concern already furrowing his brow. “You still
don’t even know if you’re straight or not.”

Namjoon laughs a little, although Seokjin can see through it, can see how anxious he is. “I
don’t care about that anymore. Look, that day I came to you seeking advice about my sexuality, I
knew. I just didn’t want to admit to myself.”

“Knew that you weren’t straight?”

“Knew that I was gay for you,” Namjoon replies. “Like, super gay. The gay porn didn’t do
anything for me. It still doesn’t. But you do all sorts of things to me. And instead of telling you
that, I ran away because I was afraid of getting attached. I couldn’t see how it could work between
us two supposedly straight guys, especially since I didn’t know if you liked me that way.”

Seokjin sighs wearily but still smiles. “You think too much, Joonie.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“You sure you wanna do this?”

“Yeah,” Namjoon replies, an anxious note still present in his voice. “I texted Jimin earlier to
ask for bottoming advice. He kinda ran through it all for me. I did all the prep and everything right
afterward, before I went to the studio, just to test it out, and then I decided I should probably
confess to you, and now we’re here. It’s all worked out for a goddamn change.”

Seokjin kisses him on the cheek, gently stroking his lower back. “You don’t have to bottom
now, Joonie. There’s no rush. I’m willing to wait until you’re more comfortable with the idea.
Today we can just—”

“No,” Namjoon tells him with a note of conviction. “I’ve been imagining what it would feel
like to have you in me since the day we got back from the tour.”

“So… three days?”

“Three agonizing fucking days,” Namjoon clarifies. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten off more in
such a short period of time. I tried with my fingers, but after a while they just weren’t enough.”

Seokjin’s cock twitches. “Fingers?”

“Yeah,” Namjoon says. His face is the reddest Seokjin has ever seen it. “And that stuff you
said in the car didn’t help any. Wanna see?”

Did he want to see? It’s a question Seokjin feels Namjoon was never going to ask. He resists
the urge to run a finger down Namjoon’s asscrack and says, “On your back.”

Namjoon immediately rolls off of him and spreads his legs. Seokjin pushes himself to his knees
and scrambles back to get a good view. Namjoon avoids his eyes and Seokjin can tell he’s
struggling not to snap his legs shut. Seokjin sets a gentle hand on his knee. “It’s okay, baby.
Where’s your lube?”

Namjoon glances at him. God, he looks so cute right now. “It’s in my bag. Front pocket.”

Seokjin raises his eyebrows as he steps off the bed to retrieve the lube. “Been fingering
yourself in your studio?”

Namjoon doesn’t answer. His gaze is locked on the far wall opposite the bed, red from ears to
neck. Seokjin returns with the lube, sets it in Namjoon’s hand, and leans down to kiss his neck,
running his lips up to his ear. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s really hot to imagine you sprawled on
that couch with your fingers thrusting in and out of your hole.”

Namjoon shudders and turns to brush his lips against Seokjin’s, eyes already hooded and hazy.
“You gotta stop saying things like that.”

Seokjin smirks at him. “You started it.” He kisses him, Namjoon chasing after his lips as he
leaves, and Seokjin can’t deny him. He goes back in, captures his lips again, lets his tongue explore
his mouth.
This time when he pulls back, Namjoon is staring at him so intensely he lingers for a moment.
“Fuck, I want you in me,” Namjoon breathes.

Seokjin struggles to catch his breath. “Touché.”

Namjoon suddenly screws his eyes shut and bites his lip. “Mmmf,” he groans.

Seokjin moves back to see Namjoon’s arm extended between his legs, one of his fingers
already knuckle-deep inside. “Shit,” Seokjin gasps. He reaches down and runs a finger around the
tight rim of Namjoon’s hole, marveling at how it twitches at his touch. Namjoon whines, actually
whines, and pushes against him. Seokjin feels hot all over. Seriously, Namjoon is wrecking him
right now, holy fuck.

“Put it in,” Namjoon tells him, removing his finger.

Seokjin is mesmerized by Namjoon’s empty, fluttering hole, open enough from the girth his
finger to reveal his soft, pink insides. He swallows and coats his own finger in lube. Namjoon
positions the tip of his finger at his hole and looks intently up at Seokjin, beckoning with his eyes.
Seokjin does the same with his own finger, watches Namjoon closely. “Like this?” he asks. It isn’t
his first time fingering someone, but it is his first time fingering Namjoon, who’s still half a virgin.
Namjoon who he cares about so much and doesn’t want to to hurt.

“Yeah,” Namjoon says in a rush of breath. “Push it in.”

Seokjin does, holding his breath as he feels Namjoon’s pucker give and suck him into soft,
delicate warmth. At the same time, Namjoon pushes in beside him, Seokjin gasping at how he
feels Namjoon’s insides stretch. Seokjin’s cock twitches between his legs as he imagines what it
would feel like to fuck him, to slide into something so perfect, inch-by-inch. He sees Namjoon’s
wince and immediately stops. “Are you okay?”

Namjoon glances at him and quickly fixes his expression to hide his obvious discomfort behind
a small smile. “I’m fine. It’s just… different when someone else does it.”

Seokjin keeps holding his gaze, trying his best to read him. He sighs, starting to slip his finger
out. “Joonie, you shouldn’t push yourself—”

“No, Jin,” Namjoon says, a desperate note to his voice that makes Seokjin pause. He can feel
Namjoon clamping down on him, trying to suck him back in, and, holy hell, it’s doing all sorts of
things to him. “Please. Daddy.”

Seokjin bites his lip, his free hand fisting the sheets. “Namjoon, don’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t make love to you like you want when I’m all riled up,” Seokjin says, already
fighting to keep himself from finger-fucking Namjoon until he’s a breathless, shivering mass. “I
don’t want to hurt you. I might go too rough.”

“What if,” Namjoon says, extending his other hand down between his legs, wrapping his
fingers around Seokjin’s wrist, “I want you like that?”

Seokjin’s eyes are glued to the fingers in Namjoon’s hole, the pink, glistening tightness of it.
“No, Joonie, not now. Not for your first time.”

“That’s how I want you to make love to me,” Namjoon tells him. He pulls Seokjin’s finger
back inside him, all the way. Then, just as soon, he’s pull it back out. Halfway. Then back in. Oh
god, fuck, Seokjin thinks, feeling his resolve slowly wittled away with every movement. He’s
fucking himself with my finger. “Jinie, please,” Namjoon says, practically whining. “When I saw
you with Jungkook, I knew deep down I wanted you like that. I want you to lose control for me. I
want you to trust me.”


“Please,” Namjoon insists and he speeds up with his finger-fucking. Seokjin feels his mind
starting to go fuzzy.

Seokjin swears under his breath. Fuck it’s not like he doesn’t want to do it, just let his instincts
take over and pound Namjoon into the mattress. It would be so, so easy. And it would feel really
good. His whole body is already humming in anticipation of it, at just the mention of doing it. But
this is Namjoon. He loves Namjoon and would be devastated if he hurt him. At the same time, he
doesn’t want to deny Namjoon the closeness, the trust, he craves. He sits there, head ducked,
contemplating, hyperaware of his finger going in and out of Namjoon. Then he swallows, looks up,
and says, “Okay. But we’re doing lots of prep first.”

Namjoon looks like he’s about to protest, but he must think better of it and just nods. He takes
his own finger out of his ass, rolls the bottle of lube over to Seokjin. “I can take three.”

Seokjin shudders and scoops the lube off the bed, extracting his finger for a moment to slick up
his hand. “We’ll work up to that.”

“I can take them now.”

Seokjin ignores him, slides two of his fingers inside at once. This seems to satisfy Namjoon. He
throws his head back, half-moaning a string of curses. Seokjin is careful to watch his every
expression, to gauge how he’s feeling, because he knows Namjoon is prone to hide his discomfort
from everyone else. And he’s good at it, but not as good as Seokjin is at seeing through it.

Namjoon’s whole body is pulled tight like a cord, but he gradually relaxes the more Seokjin
moves his fingers. He’s used so much lube that loud, wet squelches follow every thrust in.
Namjoon squirms, appearing equal parts embarrassed and aroused, eventually growing
comfortable enough to push down against him. Seokjin is forced to pause for a moment to gather
himself, his heart pounding hard against his ribs. You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Joon,
he thinks, biting back a groan. He doesn’t give in to Namjoon’s prompting, no matter how much he
wants to. He continues to go at a slow, firm pace, occasionally stopping to twist his fingers around
to stretch him just slightly.

“Jin,” Namjoon groans, moving his hips in a way that allows Seokjin’s fingers to slip deeper, to
enter him faster. “Please, Jin.”

“Shh. No, baby,” Seokjin soothes, using his other hand to pin Namjoon’s hips to the bed. He
receives a long whine in response. “Want you open and ready for me.”

“I am ready for you,” Namjoon says in a tone so petulant Seokjin would have laughed if he
wasn’t so fucking turned on.

“Not yet,” Seokjin tells him, continuing his slow pace. The noise Namjoon makes is so pitiful
that Seokjin decides to give him at least a little relief. On the slide in, he strokes his fingers along
the soft folds of his inner walls, searching. Namjoon seems to know what he’s looking for and
noticeably stiffens.
“Oooh my god, holy shit,” Namjoon suddenly bursts out, back arching off the bed as Seokjin
rubs light circles over a spongy bump. His eyes are wide, mouth agape, surprised. Surprised?
Seokjin thinks. Why would he be surprised? Hadn’t he said he’d fingered himself before? Had he
just not found his prostate yet? It was possible. Three days isn’t a very long time to explore.

Seokjin applies more pressure and Namjoon practically jerks upright, fingers digging into the
sheets. “Fuck!” he gasps, screwing his eyes shut. “Fuck!”

When Namjoon opens his eyes again, Seokjin notices, with a surge of panic, that they’re wet.
He lets up on Namjoon’s prostate, gently gripping his thigh. “Are you okay?”

Namjoon looks at him, nods, takes a deep breath. “Yeah, it’s… god, it’s so… weird? Like,
weirdly good. And fucking intense. I can actually feel my balls drawing up when you touch it.

“How’s this?” Seokjin asks, applying pressure again, this time harder.

Namjoon’s hips jerk upward and he throws his head back. “Feels… too good like that. Like
how you feel when… w-when you come and you’re oversensitive. It hurts a little.” Seokjin
immediately removes the pressure and Namjoon, realizing his mistake, quickly adds, “I-I mean just
a little. Like I’m gonna come really hard.”

Come really hard. The words echo in Seokjin’s head and for a moment he loses himself and
presses on Namjoon’s prostate again. Namjoon makes a strangled sound that goes right to
Seokjin’s cock, rising higher and higher until he’s practically screaming. Seokjin doesn’t come
back to his senses until he sees Namjoon’s cock twitch hard between his legs and shoot a stream of
cum all the way up to his chest. Seokjin lets up, but Namjoon has already tipped over the edge into
full orgasm and it’s fucking beautiful to watch. His body twitches, contorts, muscles rippling in a
cascade of shudders. Seokjin watches him paint his tanned skin with thick stripes of white until he
collapses, still twitching, cock still dribbling. It’s the most attractive thing Seokjin’s seen in his
entire life.

Feeling guilty that he only feels half-guilty for overwhelming Namjoon, Seokjin crawls on top
of him, presses a soft kiss to his sweaty forehead. “Sorry,” he murmurs.

At first, he’s afraid Namjoon is out for the count; he looks on the verge of passing out. But
then fingers tangle in Seokjin’s hair and lips are being pushed against his, wanting, needing,
desperate. “In me,” Namjoon says once he pulls away, his voice stronger than Seokjin expected.

He didn’t get three fingers in Namjoon, but Seokjin can’t wait any longer and, by the look in
Namjoon’s hazy eyes, he can’t wait either. So Seokjin pulls back only slightly, moves a hand down
to grip himself, stunned at how hard he is. He moves forward, slides the slick head of his dick
against Namjoon’s hole, shivers when he feels it twitch eagerly against him. He pauses.
“Condom,” he says, in a daze.

But Namjoon is having none of it. The word barely comes out of his mouth before Namjoon is
pushing down against him until the head of his dick pops inside. Worried, his eyes dart to
Namjoon’s face to see the younger man with his lower lip between his teeth. “Fuck yes,” Namjoon
sighs, already looking so far gone.

Seokjin continues to slide in. It takes all his strength and focus just go slow for Namjoon, he
feels so good inside, twitching around him, legs hugging him, ankles urging him deeper. Halfway
in and Seokjin’s thighs are already shaking, struggling to hold him up. “God,” he gasps, forced
down onto his elbows, his face in Namjoon’s shoulder. “Fuck, you feel good. My baby boy.”

Namjoon moans, high-pitched and needy. His fingers are still entangled in the sheets, and
Seokjin wonders if he’ll tear them, he’s digging his nails in so hard. Finally, at long last, Seokjin
pushes all the way in, balls coming to rest against Namjoon’s ass, and Namjoon makes a strangled,
breathless noise, throwing his head to the side. His hand comes up, grips Seokjin’s bicep. “Ah,
shit,” he gasps. “J-just a minute. Jesus, you feel big.”

Seokjin can’t help a snort of laughter. “You think I’m big?”

“You feel big,” Namjoon emphasizes, chest heaving against Seokjin’s. “I haven’t had anything
bigger than fingers in me. Feels like you’re stretching me to my limits.”

Seokjin is seized by an overwhelming urge to thrust, to stretch Namjoon even more, but he
manages to resist. “Feel full?”

“God, yes,” Namjoon says in a rush of breath. “Full of you, Jin.”

Seokjin kisses his neck. “You know what to call me.”

He feels Namjoon clamp down around him. “Jin,” he whispers. “Daddy.”

“Fuuuuck,” Seokjin groans, adjusting his legs to give himself leverage. “I can’t… need to

“Please,” Namjoon whimpers, already sounding broken. His arms encircle Seokjin, presses
their sweat-slick bodies close.

“Such a good boy,” Seokjin murmurs, slowly rolling his hips. Namjoon gasps at the new depth
and friction, scrabbling, clinging. “Be a good boy for me, baby.”

“I’ll be good for you, daddy,” Namjoon says, voice quivering. “Need you.”

Seokjin screws his eyes shut, trying desperately to maintain control. He lets out a heavy breath.
“I’m gonna go faster, baby boy. Okay?”

Namjoon nods, biting his lip. “Yes, daddy. Trust you.”

It’s ridiculous how much I want you, Seokjin barely has the coherency to think. “I love you,
Joon. My baby.”

Namjoon kisses a line along Seokjin’s jaw. “Love you so much, daddy,” he whispers against
his skin. “Please, make love to me.”

And that’s it. That’s all the permission Seokjin needs. He lets go, feels the weight fall off of
him, and he begins to set a steady pace, rolling his hips in earnest. He presses his forehead to
Namjoon’s, watches the younger man’s face as Namjoon gives his virginity, his vulnerability, his
everything, to him. With every push in, every gasp and sigh, the feel of Namjoon’s body sliding
against him, Seokjin feels like he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve something so perfect.
Something that up, until earlier today, he thought he would never have. He feels pressure at the
back of his eyes and hides his face in the crook of Namjoon’s neck. Yet, it’s not enough, this
closeness. He needs to feel Namjoon’s weight on him, needs to be sure this is real.

Namjoon squeaks so cutely for him as he wraps his arms around him and proceeds to pull him
up and into his lap. He observes Namjoon’s face as he settles down, as Seokjin’s cock slides
deeper inside than before. Namjoon’s mouth drops open, brow furrowed, as he adjusts. “O-oh my
god,” he says before Seokjin can ask how he’s doing. “Daddy, you’re so deep.”

“Ride me, baby boy.” The words fall out of his mouth so easily, in a desperate sort of way.
“Ride your daddy.”

Seokjin feels Namjoon’s thighs tense as he readies himself. “Yes,” is all he manages to gasp.

At first, Seokjin is convinced Namjoon is going to somehow hold onto him tighter and just
grind down, but then Namjoon is leaning back, holding himself up with his hands against the
mattress. His back curves elegantly as he rolls his hips into Seokjin, the new position providing
more leverage, a new kind of depth and friction. Seokjin’s hands roam down to grab Namjoon’s
ass, helping him, pulling him in. His eyes travel down Namjoon’s flushed, glistening body,
completely bared before him, drinks in the sight of his long neck, his rosy nipples, straining abs,
and purple, dripping cock. Seokjin can’t help himself. He leans down and takes a nipple between
his lips, flicks his tongue over the pert nub. Namjoon’s hips stutter for a moment and he moans,
head thrown back, looking absolutely delectable. Eager to hear more, Seokjin teases his other
nipple, sucking loudly, leaving a thick strand of saliva behind when he finishes with it.

Then Namjoon’s body is pressed against him once again, hands on both sides of his face as
he’s kissed. Namjoon’s lips are greedy, almost bruising in his search for Seokjin’s tongue, sucking
on it as soon as he manages to capture it. Little noises spill from his mouth and into Seokjin’s with
every thrust, and Seokjin’s hands grip his hips, push him down, guide him. Then he just holds him
there, stills him, starts snapping his own hips up into him in merciless desperation.

Namjoon is forced to give up Seokjin’s mouth but doesn’t pull back, noses brushing, breaths
mingling. “There,” he suddenly gasps. “There.”

“You gonna come for me again, baby?” Seokjin asks going at there with everything he has.

Namjoon screws his eyes shut, his little gasps becoming outright loud, desperate moans. “Yes,
gonna come for you, d-daddy.”

“Gonna come hard, baby boy?” Seokjin asks, his own mind going blank. He reaches down and
wraps a hand around Namjoon’s cum-slick cock, pumps him furiously.

Namjoon’s back arcs. He pushes down, down, as if he can’t get enough of Seokjin, his insides
tightening almost painfully around him. “Hard for you, yes,” he practically wails. “Fuck, f-fuck,

Seokjin feels warmth trickle over his fingers and shoot onto his stomach as Namjoon quivers,
eyes rolled back, coming for a second time. His arms squeeze the breath out of Seokjin and his
insides milk out his own orgasm. Seokjin sighs as he fills Namjoon, his Namjoon, his baby. He
holds him tightly, pressing hungry little kisses down his throat, body feather-light with bliss.

Only when Namjoon collapses, exhausted, against him does Seokjin return to his senses. He
cradles Namjoon in his arms and lowers him gently to the bed, smiling as Namjoon whines at the
loss of skin pressed against his. Only when Namjoon is safely sprawled on the mattress—blonde
hair ruffled and sticking to his forehead in sweaty strands, dark red lips parted and tempting—does
Seokjin begin to pull out.

“No,” Namjoon says weakly, eyes hooded, barely open. He grabs onto Seokjin’s arm with a
surprising strength. “Stay in me.”
Seokjin immediately stops because, holy shit, that’s one of the hottest things he’s ever heard.
He leans over Namjoon, returns his weight to him, once again joins them skin-to-skin, and
Namjoon sighs contently. “Oh, baby,” Seokjin whispers, kissing the tip of his nose. “My love.”

The smile he gets in return is as soft as Namjoon’s lips, satisfied and ridiculously beautiful.
“Jin,” he whispers. “Seokjin.”

They lay like that for a few quiet minutes. Seokjin counts the beats of Namjoon’s heart as it
flutters against his chest, caresses any and all skin he can reach, leaves lazy trails of kisses over his
jaw, his neck, his collarbone.

Just when he thinks Namjoon has fallen asleep, the man beneath him takes a deep breath and
sighs, lets out a quiet “Mmm” followed by a little laugh.

“Hm? What is it?” Seokjin asks, circling a finger around one of Namjoon’s nipples.

Namjoon’s eyes are closed; they’ve been closed for quite a while. But he opens one to glance
briefly, playfully at Seokjin, and closes it again. “I lied. About the fingering.”

Seokjin frowns at him. “What?”

Namjoon’s smile widens. “That was the first time,” he continues, “I had anything in me. Ever.”

Worry spikes in Seokjin’s stomach and he props himself up on his elbows to study him.
“Namjoon, I could have hurt you.”

“But you didn’t,” Namjoon replies. His hand comes up, presses between Seokjin’s shoulder
blades, forcing Seokjin back down against him. “You took care of me. And it felt fucking

“Why would you do that?” Seokjin whispers, already feeling guiltly. “What if something went

“Because I wanted to experience it with someone I trust,” Namjoon says, brushing his lips
against Seokjin’s cheek. “Someone I love. I wanted to give everything to you.”

“You didn’t have to,” Seokjin breathes, feeling his heart flutter.

“I wanted to,” Namjoon tells him, intertwining their fingers. He opens both eyes this time,
looks at him with so much affection Seokjin feels like his heart is going to give out from beating so
hard. “And I’m happy it was with you. My first time with my first love.”

Seokjin can’t help but snort with laughter even though the words make everything in him feel
weak. “You’re so fucking cheesy. I can’t possibly be your first love, you idiot.”

But Namjoon doesn’t laugh along with him like he thought he would. Instead, he keeps staring
at him, his gaze somehow more intense than before. “But you are,” he says, and Seokjin feels his
entire face grow hot in a blush. “And it’s not cheesy. It’s romantic.”

I’m his first? Seokjin doesn’t know what to do with this information. It strikes something deep
within him, something that makes him want to cry with how happy it makes him. So he just laughs.
“Okay, Romeo. Whatever you say.”

Namjoon is quiet for a moment, once again in a way Seokjin knows is nefarious. A wicked
smile quirks his lips, then he begins in a lofty tone, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou
art more lovely and more temperate—”

Seokjin snickers and playfully shoves him. “Oh my god, no. You are not quoting Shakespeare
to me, you cheesy, romantic bastard.”

Namjoon laughs, relents. “Okay, okay. But that’s not even from Romeo and Juliet. If I really
wanted to be accurate—”

“Namjoon, no. I’m begging you.”

“—then I would say, O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being
o’er my head—”

“Namjoon, seriously. I’m gonna kill you.”

“—as is a winged messenger of heaven,” Namjoon continues, his smile impishly wide.

Seokjin makes a choking sound and collapses heavily onto Namjoon. “That’s it. I’m dead.
Your cheese has killed me.”

“And I mean every word,” Namjoon says with a conviction that makes Seokjin blush harder.
Damn, he’s lucky Namjoon can’t see his face or it might convince the man to quote corny stuff to
him on the daily.

“The shit teachers make you memorize,” Seokjin says, trying to compose himself.

“I kind of brought that on myself,” Namjoon replies, sounding wistful. “I auditioned for Romeo
in my high school’s production.”

Seokjin snorts. “You would.”

“It’s only because I wanted to kiss the girl who was cast as Juliet.”

Seokjin feels a worm of jealousy bore into his belly, even though he knows how stupid it is to
feel this way over Namjoon’s teenage crushes. “Did you?”

“Yeah, but it was awkward as hell. I think I almost ended up breaking her teeth. Raging
hormones combined with teenage awkwardness is a helluva drug.” They both burst out laughing. “I
didn’t talk to her much after that, as you can imagine.”

“Oh, I can imagine.”

Their laughing peters off and then Namjoon says, “You know, it’s weird how you were at my
studio at the exact time I texted you.”

Seokjin stiffens. “Uh, yeah. About that… um, I was kinda there for a good hour.”


“Working up the courage,” Seokjin says quietly.

He looks up and is pleasantly surprised to see Namjoon smiling at him. Not in a mocking sort
of way, but fondly. Lovingly. “Looks like we both had the same idea,” he says.

Seokjin feels his eyes growing wet and, dammit, he’s not about to cry after sex, that’s just so…
weird. But he feels safe with Namjoon, safe enough to be vulnerable, to let Namjoon see everything
just like Namjoon showed him everything. So he doesn’t hide his face this time. He kisses him,
and it’s a wonder that something so soft and simple is enough to set his veins on fire and his body
humming. One little kiss and he knows he will never grow tired of kissing Namjoon. Never, not
even if he starts dropping to one knee and quoting cheesy sonnets to him every single fucking day.

“You don’t know how much I love you.” The words come easy for Seokjin. So easy.

Namjoon smiles up at him, beautiful, glowing. Everything Seokjin never knew he needed. “I
think I do.”

Chapter End Notes

And thus Jin and Namjoon seem to have arrived at their happy ending, although
Namjoon still has some shit to settle with Yoongi. Now if only Hoseok and Yoongi
would figure stuff out with each other, hmmm...

I also meant to say this in the chapter when emotional abuse was mentioned: yes,
emotional abuse is real and IS abuse. It's not normal and not something that someone
who loves you would ever do. If you are in a relationship where your partner is
emotionally abusive, know that there are people who care about you and want to help
you. Both men and women can suffer from emotional abuse in relationships and it's
not right, no matter what your partner may tell you. If you need help leaving an
abusive relationship, at least in the US, you can call the National Domestic Violence
Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit their website at

Referenced in the chapter are Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 and Romeo and Juliet act II,
scene II, lines 26-28.

Next up: returning to the dongsaengs because we haven't seen them in a while. Maybe
Taehyung will finally get that lesson from Yoongi and we'll get another top Tae? ;)
Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

In this chapter, we get a brief look at our dongsaengs and their continuing happy
ending and a scene full of feels with Hobi and Yoongi. :)

WARNING: alcohol abuse.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

They spent two whole weeks enjoying the short vacation they’d been granted right after the tour. It
was the tail-end of summer, so they visited Jeju Island and rented a beach house where they could
hear the waves rolling onto the sugar-white sand from their bedroom windows. The house came
with a pool and self-serve beer taps that they made liberal use of. Even Taehyung, who usually
doesn’t drink, ended up having a couple of beers. Their days were spent, walking the beach,
ensuring Jimin didn’t drink too much, and making love whenever they felt the urge—which turned
out to be quite often. Jungkook even suggested having sex on the beach; it didn’t last long with
sand invading every crevice, but the fun they had in the shower afterward more than made up for
it. Tons of pictures were taken, some secretly snapped by Taehyung of Jungkook and Jimin early in
the morning, the soft pink sunlight falling over their bare bodies as they lay, limbs entangled, on
the bed they all shared. Peaceful and beautiful and his.

And then it was on a plane and back to their apartment complex in Seoul to spend the last
precious week of their time off. Theoretically, it is a grace period to get their shit together so they’d
be ready for work. In reality, most of their time is spent pinning each other to various beds or other

This is one of those times.

Just that morning they’d messed around after they awoke piled in Jimin’s bed, not enough to
get off, but enough to get them wanting. It’s been a sort of silent competition between them all: see
who can hold out the longest. In most cases Jungkook, with all his stubborn determination, wins.
And Taehyung was sure he would win this time around as well until he was suddenly attacked,
dragged into a room, Jungkook’s familiar weight pressed against him.

“Tae,” he says quietly, nosing into his neck.

So cute. “Are you okay, Kookie?”

Jungkook’s only answer is a whine. “He’s been like this since I started fingering him,” Jimin
says, appearing over his shoulder. “He asked for you.”

Taehyung is hard in seconds. Jungkook, Jimin, it doesn’t matter—whenever they want

something, especially sex, he’s ready to give it to them. “Hang tight, Kook. You can fuck me, but I
need some time to prepare.”

“I don’t think that’s what he has in mind,” Jimin says, sounding strangely breathless.

Taehyung just stares at him, brow furrowed. Then his eyes widen and his jaw drops. “Oh.” He
swallows. “Oh.”

“That’s right,” Jimin says, voice low as he trails kisses down Jungkook’s neck, to his shoulder,
then back up again. “You want Tae’s big cock inside you, right, baby?”

Taehyung doesn’t take his eyes off Jungkook as the younger man nods and says, “Yes.”

“Guess he got all excited when I started to tell him what it feels like when you fuck me,” Jimin
explains, eyes darkening. “I told him how full you make me feel. It’s like nothing else.”

Taehyung takes Jungkook into his arms, cradles him, plants kisses all over his face. He hadn’t
known he wanted this, to top Jungkook, but now it’s all he can think about. Still, he doesn’t want to
hurt him. With Jimin it was different; he’d been bottoming for years before he took Taehyung’s
dick. “Kookie, love, are you sure?”

Jungkook nods eagerly, kisses him on the lips. “I am. Want you, Tae.”

Taehyung takes a deep breath and locks eyes with Jimin, who looks just as excited as he feels.
“We’ll have to prepare him.”

“I already have,” Jimin replies. He takes Jungkook by the waist and guides him over to the bed,
gently laying him down, placing pillows under his head and ass. “He’s ready for you, baby.”

Taehyung hesitates only for a moment. Then he’s grabbing Jimin’s face and kissing him hard,
all the pent-up sexual energy from that morning finally breaking like a dam. Jimin’s hands curl
around the back of Taehyung’s neck and he kisses back just as passionately. They only pull away
when they run out of breath, Jimin gasping and saying, “You’re welcome,” in a way meant to be
impish, but instead ends up sounding desperate.

Although Jimin has thoroughly prepared Jungkook—his ass is practically dripping with lube—
Taehyung still takes it slow. Even when Jungkook whines and tries to pull him deeper, begs him in
breathy little moans. It’s almost too much for Taehyung to take, but just when he thinks he may
lose control Jimin’s hand is on the small of his back or his lips are against his shoulder. “Be
patient, baby,” he says, and it sounds like he’s saying it to both Jungkook and Taehyung.

When Taehyung is sheathed all the way inside him, black spots invade his vision for a moment
and he hears Jimin gasp behind him, feels him lean in for a better view. Beneath him, Jungkook’s
face contorts in discomfort only slightly, but it’s enough for Taehyung to lean down and place his
lips softly against his forehead. “Does it hurt?” he asks.

“A little,” Jungkook replies, voice a bit strained. “Not much.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Tae, I love you and I want this,” Jungkook says, looking into his eyes. “You have nothing to
be sorry for.”

He’s beautiful, Taehyung thinks, not for the first time, not even for the hundredth time.
Jungkook’s pink hair matches the color of his face, his eyes deep and affectionate. Taehyung feels
pressure at the backs of his eyes and buries his face in Jungkook’s neck. He honestly can’t imagine
a life without this man at his side. “Thank you,” he whispers, “for loving me.”

“Loving you is easy.” It’s Jimin. He’s close, fingers carding through his hair and lips on the
back of his neck.
“We couldn’t help it,” Jungkook says, and Taehyung can hear the smile in his voice, imagines
he and Jimin exchanging looks of mutual agreement, the kind they’ve always exchanged, even
before knowing how much love they shared.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, blinking back his tears. He doesn’t lift himself up. He remains
draped over Jungkook, wanting to feel every shudder, hear every little breath as he gives him what
he wants. The slow pace doesn’t last long, not after Taehyung brushes up against Jungkook’s
prostate. The younger man gasps, wraps his arms around Taehyung tighter.

“There,” he breathes.

Taehyung kisses him on the cheek. “I know, baby.”

“Please,” Jungkook says, “more.”

As always, Taehyung can’t say no to him.

In the midst of thrusts that have the headboard cracking against the wall, Jimin manages to
wiggle a hand between them. When Taehyung feels Jungkook stiffen and hears his breath hitch, he
knows Jimin has found his dick. Taehyung can feel Jimin’s fingers dance over the head of
Jungkook’s cock, knuckles thrumming against his stomach. It’s almost like Jimin’s fingers are
around him as well, and Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, imagining. When he opens them,
Jimin is looking at him, studying him as if he’s the most interesting thing in the world.

“My beautiful boy,” Jimin says, leaning in and kissing him on the nose.

Taehyung blushes, his heart fluttering. God, it flutters so much nowadays he’s afraid he’s given
himself a heart condition. “You’re beautiful, too,” he replies, meaning every word.

To his delight, Jimin’s face also grows pink. He nods down at Jungkook. “Him, too.”

“Yeah,” Taehyung says dumbly, his mind slowly but surely melting at the feel of Jungkook,
not just being in him, but being with him, a part of him. Feeling Jungkook’s arms around him,
seeing his mouth drop open in pleasure, hearing him say ‘I love you.’

Taehyung’s orgasm takes him by surprise, a slow, sweet build. He rides it out moaning into
Jungkook’s neck, hips grinding against him, relishing the feel of two pairs of hands on his skin and
two wonderful men—the men he loves—giving him ll the love he never thought he’d have.

Taehyung comes to and says, “Sorry I came before you.”

Jungkook laughs breathily, eyes hooded and sweat plastering strands of hair to his forehead.
Blissed out. It looks gorgeous on him. “That’s okay. Jimin got me off.”

Jimin’s chest presses up against him from behind. “Wanna see?”

Taehyung lifts his body and looks between them, giving a pleased little ‘mmm’ when he sees
Jungkook’s thick cum covering both of their bellies. Then a hand is brought up to his face—small,
Jimin’s hand, covered in cum—and Taehyung doesn’t even think about it. He takes the fingers into
his mouth, one-by-one, sucking off every trace of Jungkook. He hears Jimin swear under his breath
and dive in for a kiss afterward, tongue chasing Jungkook’s taste.

They both take turns sucking Jimin until he comes and then clean up. They lay there in their
usual tangle of limbs, breaths and heartbeats slowing, coming down from their high. They don’t
speak. They don’t need to. It’s an easy, comfortable silence. They enjoy each other’s presence,
enjoy the quiet and the calm while it lasts. Jimin and Jungkook have always made Taehyung feel
this way, but now that they’re together he feels like he needs nothing else in the world.

Thank you, he thinks, and he smiles as he imagines Jungkook and Jimin chastising him for it.
Thank you.

“Um, could you teach me to deepthroat?”

Yoongi almost spits out his drink. He looks over at Taehyung, who has joined him on the
couch, his own drink in hand. “Huh?”

“You said you would do it way back during the first orgy,” Taehyung reminds him, a little
nervous now. It had taken a lot of thought before he decided to ask Yoongi for his help, a lot of
talking to Jungkook and Jimin, who said it would be okay if they all did it together. A lot of
watching Yoongi for the past month since they got back, observing whatever was bothering him
slowly but surely simmer down.

Yoongi clears his throat and knocks back the rest of his drink, setting the glass on the coffee
table. “Okay,” he says, scooting closer until they’re rubbing shoulders. He puts a hand on
Taehyung’s thigh and Taehyung jumps, unsure if he should move away. “You’re with Jimin and
Jungkook now, right? Like, together? We could have a foursome, no strings attached, at least in my

Taehyung just stares at him. He hadn’t expected Yoongi to be so… forward, so eager for sex.
It’s strange and it sets off alarm bells in his head, along with the obvious sweet smell of alcohol on
his breath. “He was definitely drinking a lot while we were on tour,” Taehyung recalls Jimin
telling him when he inquired. “I don’t know why. Stress, maybe? But it seems like he’s stopped. I
spoke to Hobi, and he says he isn’t doing it anymore.”

Taehyung doesn’t know exactly how drunk Yoongi is. He’s not good at gauging that kind of
thing, since he doesn’t drink so much himself. But just the fact that Yoongi seems to be falling
back into whatever funk he’d been caught in on tour and shortly thereafter is enough for Taehyung
to push himself to his feet. “Uh, nevermind, hyung. I just remembered I have to get some work
done and I—”

“Tae,” Yoongi says, grabbing his hand and staring up at him with sudden clarity. “Just… let
me do this for you, okay? Let me be a good hyung. Otherwise…”

“Otherwise what?” Taehyung prompts when Yoongi goes quiet for a moment.

But Yoongi shakes his head. “It’s nothing.” He waves his hand dismissively. “Stupid.”

“Tell me, hyung,” Taehyung insists in a reassuring whisper.

Yoongi sighs, sounding frustrated. “Because I wanna feel in control again. And if I can’t get
that with you, I’ll probably just,” he shrugs, voice lowering, “just go out and find some random
stranger to feel it with. And you know how much I don’t like meeting new people.” He laughs a
little, but it’s a hollow sort of laugh. A laugh that scares the hell out of Taehyung.

Jimin, he muses as he studies Yoongi closely for the first time, sees how askew his hair is, how
he’s wearing the same exact clothes he wore the day before, I think Yoongi hyung is in far deeper
than you assumed.

Suddenly, Yoongi also pushes himself to his feet, releases Taehyung’s hand. “Sorry, um,
ignore what I just said.” He grabs his glass off the table, makes to walk off toward the kitchen. “I
shouldn’t… interfere with what you guys have. It’s wrong. I shouldn’t have suggested it, honestly.”

“Hyung,” Taehyung says quietly, crossing over to him in two strides of his long legs and
wrapping his arms around him from behind. Yoongi stops in his tracks, lets Taehyung hold him,
instead of giving Taehyung comfort, it makes him worry. Yoongi never lets Taehyung hold him
like this. “If it weren’t for you starting all this, I wouldn’t be with Jimin and Jungkook like I am.
You’ve been a plenty good hyung to us, now let us make it up to you, okay?”

Yoongi laughs softly, bitterly, again. “Shit, that’s right. I did start this whole thing, didn’t I?”

Taehyung frowns, his tone alarming him. He releases Yoongi accept for his hand, which he
holds firmly in his own. He gives it a little tug. “Please, hyung.”

Yoongi sighs and nods. “Sure. It’ll take my mind off things, at least.”

Taehyung takes Yoongi’s hand and leads them gently down the hall to his room where Jimin
and Jungkook lounge on the bed, waiting. Jimin has his head in Jungkook’s lap, eyes closed as the
younger strokes his hair. They look so peaceful that Taehyung forgets for a moment the anxiety
he’d been feeling for Yoongi. He even smiles a bit.

Jimin opens his eyes, sees them, sits up. His hair sticks up, all ruffled from Jungkook’s fingers.
“Hyung, you agreed?” he asks. He looks surprised.

Yoongi shrugs. “Can’t see why not if you three are fine with it. I mean, I did promise
Taehyung I would teach him.”

The anxiety returns and Taehyung crosses the room, leans down close to them so he can
whisper, “I think he’s drunk.”

Jimin’s eyes widen. He looks from Taehyung to Yoongi, then back to Taehyung. “He doesn’t
seem drunk, and, trust me, I’ve seen him drunk.”

“He did drink, though,” Taehyung tells him. “I could smell it on his breath.”

“Oh, Yoongi…” Jungkook sighs sadly. Jimin had recently brought him up to speed with what
he believes is going on with the man.

“I thought I removed all the alcohol from the house,” Jimin says, frowning.

“Maybe he went out and bought some?” Taehyung suggests.

“If he’s drunk, we can’t have sex with him,” Jungkook says, shaking his head. “He can’t

“I’m pretty sure he isn’t drunk,” Jimin tells him.

“Doesn’t matter,” Jungkook replies firmly. “We shouldn’t take the chance. On top of that, we
don’t know why he’s drinking. I feel like if we do this, then we’ll be—”

“—taking advantage of him,” Taehyung supplies. Oh god, why didn’t I think of that?
“You won’t be taking advantage of me.”

All three of them jump when they hear Yoongi’s voice so close and Taehyung whirls around to
see him standing no more than a foot away, looking irritated, impatient. “Are we gonna do this shit
or what?”

“We can’t, hyung,” Jungkook answers before the others can.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I already told you, you won’t be taking advantage of me.”

“You’ve been drinking, hyung,” Jimin points out.

“So what?”

“We can’t do stuff with you when you’re drunk,” Taehyung replies.

“I’m not drunk!” Yoongi says, raising his voice slightly. Taehyung stiffens and he can see
Jimin and Jungkook do the same out of the corner of his eye. Yoongi never raises his voice. “And
even if I was, it wouldn’t matter. Drunk sex, sober sex, no-strings-attached sex, it doesn’t make a
difference to me. You can use me anytime.”

Taehyung’s heart sinks down into his stomach. He sees Jungkook cover his mouth and Jimin’s
mouth drop open. “Yoongi hyung,” Jimin whispers, “don’t say—”


The door opens and suddenly Hoseok is standing there. Although the man sounds like he hasn’t
just been standing on the other side of the door listening to their conversation, he certainly doesn’t
look like it. The emotion on his face is unlike anything Taehyung has seen from him: a mixture of
fear and anger. Anger directed at Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook.

Hoseok is right in front of them in a matter of moments, glaring in turn at all of them except
Yoongi. “What are you doing to him?” he asks, placing a hand protectively on Yoongi’s shoulder.

Yoongi tsks and shrugs his hand off. “Calm down, Hoseok. I just volunteered to teach
Taehyung how to deepthroat. They all agreed to it.”

“Hobi,” Jimin says suddenly, desperately. “Yoongi hyung, he said we could use him.” The
words fall out of his mouth as if they left a bad taste on his tongue. His eyes are wide. Scared. Not
just from Hoseok, but also for Yoongi.

Hoseok stares at them, his anger slowly ebbing. Fear is all that remains. He glances at Yoongi,
who is standing right beside him, who hasn’t looked at him since he entered. “You said that?”

Yoongi looks bored. “Uh huh.”

Hoseok dips his head, shakes it. “Thought I heard wrong…” Taehyung barely hears him say
under his breath. Then Hoseok grabs Yoongi by the wrist and starts tugging him across the room.
“Hyung, come with me.”

“No, what the fuck are you doing?” Yoongi hisses, resisting.

“Please. I need to talk to you.”

“No, there’s nothing to talk about!” Yoongi says, his voice breaking in a way that makes
Taehyung’s heart twist.
“Hobi…” Taehyung says, stepping forward to help.

“No, I’ve got this, Tae,” Hoseok tells him, pulling Yoongi toward the door. “Thank you for
telling me.”

The two disappear out the door and down the hall, Yoongi still grumbling and writhing in
Hoseok’s grasp. Taehyung feels for the first time that his cheeks are wet.

There is something very, very wrong with Yoongi.

Arms wrap around him from behind and he leans into them, grateful for the comforting
warmth. “Hobi will take care of him,” Jimin assures him. “Hobi always takes care of him.”

“Hoseok!” Yoongi yells as he’s pulled. “Hoseok, you’re gonna rip my goddamn arm off!”

But Hoseok’s grip remains ironclad around him, tugging him by his wrist down the hall to his
room. On their way they run into Seokjin, who opens his mouth like he has a question prepared.
But Hoseok blows right past him. “Not now, hyung,” Hoseok tells him. He arrives at his door,
flings it open, tugs Yoongi inside, shuts it behind him. Yoongi immediately rounds on him, brows
drawn together in annoyance, and he too opens his mouth to say something, but Hoseok beats him
to the punch. “Shut up and listen to me,” he says firmly.

Yoongi ignores him. “No, fuck you. I was doing something in there. What makes you think you
can just come in and drag me—”

“Because you said they can use you.”

“And what’s wrong with that?”

“Everything!” Hoseok practically yells. His voice has Yoongi going quiet, just staring at him.
Hoseok takes a deep breath. It’s obvious he’s trying to calm himself. “You shouldn’t want people
to use you, Yoongi hyung.”

“Why not?” Yoongi asks, but before Hoseok can answer he continues, voice rising, “I’m just
the pan guy, right? I’ll fuck anyone, yeah? I’ll do anything? I’ll let the man I was in love with for
six fucking years stick his dick in me only to be told, no, that doesn’t mean anything to him. I was
just a quick fuck, right? For the sake of convenience?” Hoseok gapes, mouth moving but no sound
coming out. Yoongi isn’t finished. He pulls his shirt over his head, tosses it to the floor. “You
wanna fuck me, right? That’s why you dragged me away to your room?” Yoongi unzips his pants,
pushes them down his legs. “Then fuck me already.” The pants come off, are also tossed aside.
“I’m just a good fuck, that’s all I’ll ever be to anyone, huh?” The boxer-briefs too. Something
inside him is building, a visceral sort of agony he’s been holding onto for far too long. “Fuck me
good and hard against the wall again. None of that sappy bullshit like last time. You don’t have to
act like you…” Yoongi pauses, his voice breaking. He ducks his head and mentally curses himself
for letting tears escape down his cheeks. “Like you love me.”

It’s just a whisper. A wretched, heartbreaking whisper that Yoongi couldn’t manage to hold in.
He doesn’t look up at Hoseok, is ashamed to after his outburst. “Yoongi…” Hoseok says quietly,
and, god, his voice sounds so fragile. Something deep inside him screams for him to hold Hoseok,
to apologize for unloading all of his troubles onto him for the last few weeks. That same part of
him wants to feel Hoseok kiss him again, aches for that tender joy he experienced when last with
him. Then he remembers Namjoon, how he loves Namjoon, and feels guilty.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, wipes briefly at his face. “I’m sorry,” he says quickly. He bends
down to retrieve his clothing, pulls his underwear and pants back on, slings his shirt over his arm.
“I’m low on sleep and all wound up. I should go get some rest.”

He makes to walk past Hoseok to the door, but Hoseok holds out an arm to stop him. “Hyung,”
he says softly, not looking at him. They both don’t look at each other. Yoongi wonders if Hoseok
won’t for the same reason; that he won’t look because he’s afraid of falling. “Stay.”

Yoongi feels more tears coming on and pushes them away. Stay. He wants to stay. He wants to
stay with Hoseok. So, he does. He takes a quivering breath and walks slowly over to Hoseok’s bed,
sits down, hunched over, head in his hands. Hoseok joins him, sitting close enough that their thighs
touch. Yoongi hears Hoseok take a deep breath, then hesitate. He’s struggling to figure out where
to begin.

Yoongi decides, fuck it, he’s already in this deep. He makes the first move and says quietly,
face still in his hands, “You weren’t acting, were you?”

Hoseok’s little hitch of breath makes Yoongi’s heart flutter, and another tear rolls down his
cheek. For Namjoon, the man he could never have. Fuck, this feels like a betrayal, even though
Namjoon doesn’t want him. “No,” Hoseok replies, “I wasn’t.”

A long moment of silence passes.

“No one’s ever made love to me before,” Yoongi says, even quieter, remembering.

“I would do it again,” Hoseok says. The words come so easily, more easily than Yoongi
thought they would. The flutter makes a reappearance.

Then Yoongi feels something bubbling up inside and his shoulders start to shake as a laugh
tears from his chest. A breathy sort of laugh. Bitter, his lips struggling to smile. Yoongi throws his
head back, a hand still over his face. “Oh hell, what is happening?” Yoongi says in disbelief. “How
did I fuck up so badly?”

“You didn’t fuck up,” Hoseok insists.

Why does he have to sound so goddamn sweet? “Yes, yes I did,” Yoongi says, wiping at his
face again, his laughter tapering off. He stares down at his lap where his hands lay folded, fingers
squirming. “I was only supposed to love Joon,” he whispers. He didn’t mean for the words to come
out, but they do. Just like Hoseok’s, so easily.

He can feel Hoseok’s eyes on him, can hear his breathing pick up. “Yoongi,” he manages,
voice quivering.

“Hobi,” Yoongi says, turning to him. Climbing into his lap. Curling his hands around the back
of his neck. Submitting to the warmth in his heart, kindled to life ever since that day when he
realized he was, once again hopelessly, painfully, in love. “It still hurts. It hurts so fucking bad.
But it hurts less when I’m with you.”

And then he’s kissing Hoseok and the man is wrapping his arms around him, pressing them as
close as he can without them becoming one. Yoongi makes a pleased little noise, lips becoming
rougher, greedier. Hoseok gives as good as he gets, and Yoongi takes everything Hoseok gives,
drinks him in like he’s been dying of thirst. Because he has. So, so much.
He pushes Hoseok down onto the bed, lips still locked with his, hands finding their way under
the younger man’s shirt. Hoseok grabs him by the hips, grinds up into him. Yoongi is distracted for
a second, closing his eyes and biting his lip as he revels in the feel of Hoseok’s hard cock—hard for
him—pushing against him. Then he’s on his back, Hoseok crawling on top of him, lips working
their way up his bare stomach, his chest, his neck. His hands find Yoongi’s pants button, undoes it,
pulls down his zipper. Hoseok’s breaths are heavy and getting heavier, pushing Yoongi’s pants
down blindly, not taking his eyes off him for a moment. Yoongi takes Hoseok’s face in his hands,
observes the man’s wet eyes. He kisses away the tear that escapes and then catches Hoseok’s legs
in his own, twisting them until he’s once again on top.

“My turn this time,” Yoongi tells him. He rolls Hoseok’s shirt up to his neck and kisses him
again, passionate, hungry. He’s in his underwear, but Hoseok still has his shorts on. He moves
down his body, tongue traveling across flushed skin, circling a nipple, lingering in every dip. He
arrives at the hem of his shorts and in one smooth motion pulls them and his underwear down to
his knees. Hoseoks cock springs up to slap against his stomach, already leaking. Yoongi doesn’t
hesitate. He takes Hoseok into his mouth, swallows him up in one go.

“Yoongi,” Hoseok groans, slinging an arm over his face. Yoongi looks up, sees his kiss-red
lips parted in frantic little breaths. He’s so damn pretty. Fuck anyone who thinks he’s not.

He takes him into his throat on the first stroke, sucks, then pulls off and licks him from taint to
tip. He sucks one ball into his mouth, then the other, and Hoseok swears under his breath, fingers
threading through Yoongi’s hair. Yoongi gives an especially loud groan, encouraging Hoseok to
pull it, and Hoseok picks up on his desires. Yoongi flicks his tongue over his cock head and
devours the shaft again, this time letting Hoseok guide him.

“O-oh my god,” Hoseok groans, fingers from both hands now buried in Yoongi’s hair. “Fuck,
you’re so good at that, Yoongi.”

Yoongi lets his throat go slack as Hoseok starts to facefuck him, his own cock throbbing where
it lay pressed against his stomach and the mattress. He hears Hoseok’s breath hitch, feels his thighs
start to tremble against his cheeks, and he pushes back against Hoseok’s hands, pulling off.
Hoseok’s dick pops out of his mouth along with a thick strand of saliva and precum. Yoongi
catches his breath and wipes the drool off his chin, blinks the tears from his eyes. “Not yet,” he
tells Hoseok when the man whines and lifts his hips up towards Yoongi’s face. Yoongi kisses his
thigh and lets his thumb travel over Hoseok’s slick shaft, down his balls, then further down until
he’s pressing against his pucker. Hoseok gasps but he doesn’t move away. Doesn’t tell him to stop.
Yoongi wants so badly to press in, to feel Hoseok’s untouched insides, but he bites his lip and
removes his hand, crawls up Hoseok’s body.

“I wanna try something,” he says, brushing the sweaty strands of hair from Hoseok’s face.

Hoseok nods eagerly. “Do it.”

Yoongi chuckles. “You don’t even know what I wanna do yet.”

“I want you in me.”

Yoongi’s eyes widen. That was not what he was expecting. Maybe he assumed Hoseok would
let him play with his ass a little, but this…

“I was gonna just finger you, if you wanted,” he admits.

Hoseok stares up at him, eyes already hooded and—fuck, how does he do that? How does he
look innocent one minute and completely debauched in the next? It’s driving Yoongi wild. “I want
that too.”

“Have you ever fingered yourself before?”

“No, but a girl did once.”

Yoongi laughs in disbelief. “What?”

“It was during a blowjob,” Hoseok says, his face reddening, eyes wandering. “Just one finger,

“How’d it feel?”

Hoseok thinks for a moment before telling him, “Weird, but I still came.”

“Yeah, it does feel weird at first,” Yoongi concedes, stroking Hoseok’s chest. “Look, I don’t
want you to do this for me. Like, I really wanna fuck you, but that’s my problem not yours.”

“Your problems are my problems,” Hoseok insists, thumb brushing over Yoongi’s cheek. “I
love you, Yoongi.”

Yoongi’s words catch in his throat and he can’t take it, not when Hoseok is looking at him like
that, like Yoongi is the only thing in the world that matters to him. It’s everything Yoongi has
wanted but has been denying himself for so long, and he knows Hoseok means it. He knows
Hoseok loves him, has known ever since they made love. He knows it in the way Hoseok holds
him when he thinks he has no one else to turn to, in the way his hands move across his skin, like
he’s something to be cherished and protected. And Yoongi wants to say it back, he really does, but
that sense of betrayal is still there, annoyingly lurking in the back of his mind along with his
desires for Namjoon.

He can’t do this to Hoseok.

“What’s wrong?” Hoseok asks Yoongi as he sits up and moves toward the edge of the bed. “I
said it was okay. I want it. Really.”

“Hobi,” Yoongi sighs, pushing himself to his feet. “I can’t be your first.”

He can’t look at Hoseok, because he knows the man is hurt. He can hear it in his voice. “Why

“Because I can’t give you all of me. Not right now, at least. Maybe not ever. And you deserve
someone who can.”

Yoongi takes a step but is stopped by Hoseok’s arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him
back. He can feel Hoseok’s face against his back. Can feel the wetness. “Yoongi, please. I don’t
care about that.”

“I’ll care for you,” Yoongi says, although he makes no effort to escape Hoseok’s hold.

“Do you love me?”

Yoongi feels all the breath leave his lungs and his heart squeeze in his chest. “Yes,” he
whispers. It’s the truth.

Hoseok hugs him tighter. “We love each other,” he says, voice quivering. “I don’t care if you
still love Namjoon.”

“Yes, you do, Hoseok.”

“Okay, maybe I do!” Hoseok admits, letting go of Yoongi for only a second so he can spin him
around. Yoongi looks down at him, watches him wipe the wetness from his cheeks. “But I love
you more than I care about your feelings for Namjoon. Yoongi, please don’t leave. I’d rather have
just a part of you than none of you at all.”


“Just let me have this, Yoongi,” Hoseok pleads. “If it’s only one more time, our last time, I
want it to be like this. I want you to be my first. No one else.”

Yoongi stares at him silently for a few moments, taking in his beautiful, tear-streaked face, the
desperate grip of his fingers on his hips, and he realizes that, selfishly, he wants no one else to be
Hoseok’s first. He wants to be the one who holds Hoseok in his most vulnerable moment, to be
there for him like Hoseok was for Yoongi. He wants that closeness. He wants it so badly it hurts.

So, Yoongi takes a deep breath and says, “I’ll get the lube. We’re taking this slow.”

Hoseok’s bright smile is enough to make Yoongi think that this is all worth it as he releases
him and sprawls back out on the bed. Yoongi rifles through his pants and pulls a small tube out of
his pocket. When he returns to the bed, he kisses Hoseok on his forehead, then on his lips, and tells
him, “This is gonna feel really weird.”

Hoseok giggles. “I know.”

Yoongi finds himself smiling a little as he positions himself between Hoseok’s legs, elevating
his lower half with a pillow. Instead of slicking up his fingers, he lies down on his stomach, nose
poking at Hoseok’s balls.

“Oh,” Hoseok says, astonished. “Oh, shit.”

He can’t say anything else after Yoongi touches his tongue to his hole. Yoongi feels Hoseok
shake and stiffen, hand comically over his mouth. Yoongi takes that as permission to go a bit
rougher, lapping at his hole, sucking, pressing at it with his tongue until he feels it just give way.
Hoseok’s muffled moans grow louder when he pushes his tongue all the way inside, exploring
before thrusting it in and out. When Hoseok’s trembling becomes constant, Yoongi extracts his
tongue and licks a stripe from his hole to the tip of his cock.

“Feel weird?” he asks.

Hoseok’s hand moves from his mouth only to cover it a moment later. He’s completely red
from face to chest. “Weird?” he laughs breathily. “Your tongue should come with a goddamn
warning sign. Holy fuck.”

Yoongi laughs and sits up on his knees, picking up the bottle of lube and squirting some into
his palm. “I’m gonna use my fingers now, okay? Tell me if I’m going too fast.”

Hoseok can only nod, eyes locked on Yoongi’s fingers as they disappear between his legs. He
jumps a little when Yoongi slides the tip of one finger in. “I-I’m good,” he assures. “Keep going.”

Yoongi goes slower than he’s ever gone with anyone. After each knuckle he pauses to thrust
his finger in and out. After five whole minutes, he has the entire finger inside. He twitches it
experimentally. “How is it so far?”

“Um…” Hoseok says, looking a little distracted. “It’s weird.”

“Better for it to feel weird than for it to hurt,” Yoongi tells him.

“Uh huh,” Hoseok says, biting his lip.

Yoongi decides to try another finger. He pulls out his first one, then pushes the tips of two in.
Hoseok hisses this time, fingers digging into the sheets. He waits for Hoseok’s expression to
mellow before sliding them in further, again, as slowly as possible. He repeats the process as he
had with just one finger, eyes wandering down to watch Hoseok open up on his fingers. He feels so
tight and warm inside. Yoongi’s cock twitches at the thought of being in him, of holding him as
they move together.

Hoseok makes a noise that Yoongi interprets as discomfort. He immediately stops what he’s
doing, keeping his fingers submerged. Hoseok has taken two entire fingers now. “Are you okay?”

“No!” Hoseok snaps, making Yoongi jump. Hoseok looks up at him, eyes flitting between
annoyance and arousal. “You’re going too damn slow,” he practically whines.

Yoongi feels a thrill of desire rocket down his spine. He speeds up his thrusts until he’s finger-
fucking Hoseok as deep as he can. Hoseok pushes down against him, wanting more than Yoongi
can give him with just his fingers. Yoongi slips a third finger in when he feels Hoseok is loose
enough and Hoseok throws his head back. “Y-Yoongi, mmf.”

When Yoongi angles his fingers and brushes against Hoseok’s prostate, Hoseok moans and
suddenly scrambles off of them. He sits up, looking like he’s in a daze, grabbing Yoongi by the
shoulders and pushing him onto his back. “Wait, Hobi—”

“Don’t care,” Hoseok says, straddling him. “Need you now.”

The words make Yoongi’s brain melt and his cock twitch against Hoseok’s ass. “In this
position, it might go too deep,” he manages, hands falling to Hoseok’s hips.

“Deep is how I want it.”

Oh my god, Hobi, Yoongi thinks, his heart racing. You’re killing me. He’s too turned on to start
an argument with him, so he says, “Lube. And a condom.”

Hoseok snatches up the lube and pours some into his hand. “Don’t want a condom.”

Yoongi screws his eyes shut as he feels Hoseok reach back and slick up his dick. “Hobi, it’ll be

“I know, baby,” Hoseok replies, holding himself up with both hands on either side of Yoongi’s
head. “I want to feel you fill me.”

Yoongi blinks up at him, mouth slightly agape. “Jesus Christ,” he whispers. Yoongi recalls just
how exhiliarating it was to feel Hoseok come inside him when they made love. Hoseok had asked
for condoms and Yoongi had had condoms in his bedside table. But he couldn’t bear to feel
separated from Hoseok right then, even by so little. He wanted to feel him close, feel him come in
him, mark him as his. Imagining that Hoseok might be feeling the same right now has Yoongi
pushing down on Hoseok’s hips. “Get on my dick,” he says with more desperation than he
Hoseok holds him at the base and slowly lowers himself down. When Yoongi feels his cock
push into him, he throws his head back and groans. By the time he’s all the way inside, he’s
already seeing stars. Hoseok surprises him and starts moving almost immediately. At first, Yoongi
is concerned that he’s pushing himself too hard, but Hoseok looks like he’s lost in the rhythm. The
view is amazing. Yoongi can see every trickle of sweat, every ripple of muscle as Hoseok rolls his
dancer’s hips on him. His eyes catch the glistening head of Hoseok’s purpling cock and wraps his
hand around it, still slick with lube.

Hoseok comes to a halt, eyes screwing shut. “I-I’ll come,” he gasps.

“Then come,” Yoongi tells him. “I’m close too.” God, he’s been close since he was tongue-
deep in Hoseok’s ass. It should be embarrassing how quickly he’s going to finish, but he’s so
enthralled by Hoseok that it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters outside of them and what they feel for
each other.

Hoseok is so overwhelmed he has to stop moving, so Yoongi takes over, focusing between
pumping him and thrusting. Hoseok falls forward, catching himself on his hands, eyes shut and
eyebrows drawn together as he chases his orgasm. Yoongi can’t take his eyes from him, every little
gasp pushing him that much closer to the edge. Then Hoseok’s mouth drops open. “I-I’m coming,”
he says. And then he’s staring down at Yoongi, eyes dark and swimming with lust, drinking him in
as wetness trickles over Yoongi’s hand. Yoongi stares back, so out of it that he can only gasp and
moan, holding Hoseok by the hips and filling him just how he wanted.

They remain where they are for a couple of minutes, their breathing the only sound in the
room. Then Hoseok smiles and says, “Well, I’m not a virgin anymore.”

“You were only half a virgin in the first place,” Yoongi tells him, returning the smile. He
removes his hand from Hoseok’s cock and wipes it on the sheets.

Hoseok pouts. “You make it sound like it wasn’t special.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes. “What, did you want me to run out and get you some flowers?”

Hoseok laughs softly and leans down to press their foreheads together. “No, I want you to stay
with me.”

Yoongi kisses him. It’s really a peck, the kind of kiss that shouldn’t be making Yoongi’s heart
want to burst out of his chest. But it is. Is this really what it’s like to have sex with someone you
love? Because he does love Hoseok, as unexpected as it is. And, while he will always remember
Namjoon, he thinks he’s ready to fall again. He knows Hoseok will be there to catch him.

“Yes, baby. I can do that.”

Chapter End Notes

So, as you can probably tell, Hobi and Yoongi haven't *exactly* reached their happy
ending, but they're about 70% of the way there. I think I need at least one or two more
chapters before I can wrap this story up and call it finished.
In the meantime, I've started yet another BTS fanfic, this one in an AU (real world
AU). I originally started For the Sake of Convenience thinking that it would be two or
three chapters worth of OT7 smut without romance, but it didn't turn out that way. This
new one I'm doing WILL be an OT7 and, yes, there will be romance involved with that
too. I love me some orgies, lol. And, of course, I'm still writing All Mine. I'm almost
done with another chapter. It's... pretty fucked up, y'all, ngl.

**Also, just a tip, it doesn't matter if your partner says they want to feel close to you,
ALWAYS use a condom unless you know for sure that your partner is clean and that
you're clean. And, if you're a girl, make sure you're on another form of birth control.
Stay safe!

Next chapter: Namjoon and Yoongi finally resolve the tension between them and the
dongsaengs have an announcement to make!
Chapter 19
Chapter Notes

Are y'all ready for a happy ending? :)

WARNING: references to self-harm.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Yoongi looks up from his bed where he sits cross-legged, notebook in his lap. Namjoon stands
awkwardly on the threshold of Yoongi’s open bedroom door, waiting for Yoongi to invite him in.
He doesn’t. The man just stares at him, his features carefully arranged to present an air of
boredom, but Namjoon can still see the consternation swimming behind his eyes.

Yoongi ducks his head, writes something down in his notebook. Namjoon wonders if it’s
legitimate writing or just scribbling used as an excuse not to look at him. “Hey,” he offers, his tone
carefully indifferent.

“Can I come in?”

Yoongi shrugs.

Namjoon shuffles into his room and finds himself trying to seem as quiet and small as possible.
Like he’s approaching a feral cat who shows no signs of aggression but still prefers to linger at a
distance. He hates this. He hates what he’s done to his friendship with Yoongi. He’s waited weeks
to talk to him, hoping that giving him some space would help settle things between them just a
little. But, as he sits on the end of Yoongi’s bed and Yoongi doesn’t bother to acknowledge his
nearness, the fact that he’s even there, Namjoon realizes that they’re back at the start, after the kiss
they shared in Namjoon’s room when he saw Yoongi’s heart break right before his eyes.

Namjoon has spent the weeks since they last seriously spoke thinking about what he was going
to say. He sits there, the words getting stuck on the tip of his tongue.

Yoongi’s heavy sigh makes him jump. “I’m not mad at you,” he says without looking up.

Namjoon glances down and sees that what Yoongi is writing is in fact not scribbles. It gives
him some relief. “You’re not?” he asks dumbly.

“Nope,” he says, “just say what you have to say.”

He’s lying. He is mad, Namjoon thinks, picking up on the bitter tone Yoongi was unable to
hide. “I know you’re still mad at me. You don’t have to say it. Honestly, I deserve it.”

“I told you, I’m not mad at you,” Yoongi insists, sparing him a sort of exasperated glance. “I’m
more mad at myself.”

Namjoon’s eyebrows rise. “Why?”

“I should have known,” Yoongi explains, “that you had feelings for someone else. I saw the
signs. It was written all over your face. I was just… in denial.”

Namjoon frowns. “You… knew? How? I didn’t even—”

“It’s been there for years.” Yoongi waves a dismissive hand. “The chemistry. You bicker like a
husband and wife.”

Namjoon barks a disbelieving laugh. “Husband and—?” He frowns again. “Holy shit, yeah, we
do.” Then he adds quickly, “B-but that doesn’t mean you were responsible for figuring out my love
life. None of this is your fault.”

Yoongi tsks. “Yeah, it is.”

“No, hyung.”

“Oh, don’t start,” Yoongi groans, snapping his notebook closed and tossing it aside. He leans
back on his hands and stretches out his legs. “It’s not like you made shit awkward all by yourself.”

Namjoon laughs weakly. “Well, I guess. But I could have handled it better.”

“How?” Yoongi asks, finally meeting his eyes. “There’s no easy way to let someone down.”

Namjoon winces at the phrase. He’s let Yoongi down in more ways than one. “I should have
been more perceptive. I noticed you were acting a bit… strange. More intense than usual. I
shouldn’t have let you kiss me.”

The hurt that crosses Yoongi’s face has Namjoon’s heart squeezing in his chest. Yoongi
examines the bedding. “I don’t regret the kiss…” he mutters.

God, Namjoon wants to scoop Yoongi up and hug him, but he knows that would only serve to
lead him on. He can’t afford to hurt Yoongi anymore than he already has. So, he takes a deep
breath and asks, “How long?”

Yoongi bites his lip before responding. “Six years,” he quietly replies.

Namjoon shakes his head sadly. “Yoongi hyung, you deserve better than to wait for someone
to come around for six years. You deserve someone who would have noticed and loved you back.”

Yoongi lifts his head, fixes him with an irritated gaze. “And how about you and Jin? Feeling
the way you do about him now, would you have waited for him for six years? Would you?”
Namjoon just stares at him, not knowing what to say. Yoongi laughs bitterly. “I guess it was a poor
decision anyway. My thing for you, it just… grew. The longer I loved you the more I yearned. And
the more it blinded me to reality.”

“I know I can’t fix this for you,” Namjoon tells him, “not truly. Not the way you may want it.
And I’m sorry for that. It’s horrible to see you upset and I wish I could give you what you want.”

Yoongi turns to look at him again. “You already have, Joon.” It comes out as a whisper and
then his eyes are filling up with tears. “Fuck,” he says, wiping at his face with his sleeve. “I’m so
fucking done with crying.”

Namjoon reaches over and plucks a couple of tissues from Yoongi’s bedside table. “Here,” he
says, offering them.
Yoongi takes them. “Thanks.”

Silence lapses between them for a long moment as Yoongi recollects himself.

“I…” Namjoon begins hesitantly. “I don’t want this to be what pushes us apart. You’re one of
my closest friends. You’re a brother. You’ve taught me more about music than anyone I’ve ever

Yoongi sniffs and laughs a little. “Damn straight.”

“Yeah,” Namjoon chuckles. “Please tell me we can move on from this.”

Yoongi nods and tosses the tissue in the trash. “It may take me a little while to get over you.”

“That’s okay. I don’t expect it to be quick or easy.”

“It won’t be, but it needs to happen,” Yoongi says with a sigh. Not a disappointed sigh this
time. More like a sigh of finality, one that precedes new beginnings. Relief floods Namjoon’s tense
muscles and, for once, he feels like he hasn’t fucked up. “Seokjin, huh?” Yoongi suddenly says.

Namjoon blinks at him. “What? Oh, uh, yeah.”

“Heh, you’re blushing.”

“I-I am?”

“You really do love him, don’t you?”

Namjoon sees Seokjin’s consuming eyes, hears his stupid, squeaky laugh, and feels the
softness of his lips against his own. He smiles. “Yeah.”

Yoongi narrows his eyes at him and, for a frantic moment, Namjoon is afraid that talking about
Seokjin so soon after resolving things between them was a mistake. “You’d better not hurt him,” he
tells him.

Namjoon lets out a relieved laugh. “I won’t.”

Yoongi points a stiff finger at him. “I’ll kick your ass.”

“I know you will, hyung.” Namjoon goes silent for a moment, basking in the familiar, easy
friendship restored between him and Yoongi. It feels different now, but not a bad sort of different.
It’s steadier somehow. Like a veil has been lifted, one he hadn’t even known was there for far
longer than the tension that came with the confession. It was that subtle barrier that kept them from
truly opening up to one another and was what probably contributed to Yoongi’s desire to keep his
affection for him hidden for six years. Namjoon hadn’t even known it was there, hadn’t even
gotten a hint that it was until the day he noticed Yoongi’s scars. Once again the need to ask Yoongi
more about the scars returns, but he pushes them to the back of his mind. For now, Yoongi seems
content, and Namjoon is confident that Yoongi will open up to him eventually. And, as his friend,
he will be there for him when he’s ready.

“Do you think you’ll ever find someone… new?” Namjoon asks.

Yoongi looks down once again, fiddles with one of the rings on his fingers. Still, Namjoon can
see he is smiling. “I’m sure I will.”
“Here we are again.”

Yoongi sounds like he’s in a much better mood than their last group meeting months ago when
he suggested they all start sleeping with one another. Namjoon is transported back to that time for a
moment as he once again stands at the head of the island, recalling how strange it was, how he
thought this would just be a temporary fix. There had been no way for him to know that it would
change so much between them all. Namjoon never expected to fall in love. He never expected he
and his bandmates to become closer than they ever had. He glances over at Seokjin who sits on a
stool beside him. He extends his hand beneath the countertop and Seokjin takes it, smiling up at

“Come on now,” Yoongi says in mock irritation. “You two can fuck later.”

Seokjin blushes prettily and Namjoon winks at him. Hoseok laughs. “Oh my god, you guys are
too cheesy.”

“That’s all his doing,” Seokjin says, nodding in Namjoon’s direction.

“So are you finally together?” Taehyung asks, excitement making him bounce in his seat.

Namjoon frowns. “Finally?” he and Seokjin say at once.

“Like you should talk,” Yoongi says. “Isn’t that why you called this meeting, Tae?”

Confusion descends on Hoseok’s face as he looks between the two. “What is he talking
about?” he asks Taehyung.

Jungkook blushes, smiling cutely. “Me, Tae, and Jiminie.”

Seokjin catches on first. “You’re…?”

“Yup!” Taehyung chirps, flashing his boxy smile.

“All three of you?” Namjoon asks, finding that he isn’t as surprised as he thought he would be.
Suddenly, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung being in a relationship seems like the most natural thing
in the world. “Congratulations.”

“So that’s why you all went to Jeju together,” Hoseok says.

“That’s why they’ve been doing everything together,” Yoongi snorts, although Namjoon can
tell by his tone that he’s still happy for them. “It’s obnoxious.”

Hoseok smirks at him. “Wait a second, weren’t you just telling me how cute they were?”

Yoongi tries his best to look confused, but the pinkness of his cheeks gives him away. “I…
said no such thing.”

“I mean, they are cute, though,” Namjoon concedes.

“Then you should watch this,” Jimin says mischievously. Both he and Taehyung lean in at the
same time on either side of Jungkook to plant a kiss on his cheeks. The way Jungkook giggles from
it is one of the most adorable things Namjoon has ever heard.
“Too cute!” he exclaims, cupping his face in his hands, unable to help himself.

“Aw,” Seokjin agrees.

“Ugh,” Yoongi groans, “don’t tell me you three practiced that.”

“And what if we did?” Jimin asks, hands on his hips.

“Then you obviously have too much time on your hands.”

“Let them be, hyung,” Hoseok scolds.

“Do you approve?” Jungkook asks sheepishly. He’s squirming in his seat, obviously nervous.

Yoongi scoffs. “Why do you need my approval? What am I, your father?”

“Kinda, yeah,” Taehyung says, nodding.

“More like grandfather,” Jimin adds.

“No, no,” Jungkook amends, “more like a cat who sits and judges.”

“I wonder what kind of cat Yoongi hyung would be?” Taehyung ponders suddenlt, face twisted
in thought.

“Definitely not a Siamese,” Jimin says. “They’re too loud.”

“Ragdoll?” Jungkook suggests.

“Nah, they like people too much,” Taehyung dismisses with a wave of his hand.

Jimin jumps in his chair. “Oooh, how about a Persian?”

Taehyung thinks about it for a moment, then starts to nod. “Yeah, that could be him.
Independent, likes quiet—”

“And they’re so fluffy!” Jungkook practically squeals.

“For fuck’s sake, I’m not a cat,” Yoongi interjects. “But if I were at cat, my answer would be:
I’m happy for you. Or… whatever that may be in cat language.” Then he adds under his breath,
“And I wouldn’t be a fluffy cat.”

“You mean it?” Jungkook says hopefully, looking from Yoongi to Namjoon. “What will this
mean for Bangtan?”

Namjoon shrugs. “It just means that some of us are in a relationship with each other. That
doesn’t make BTS not a thing.”

Taehyung cocks his head to the side. “What about the orgy stuff? Is that called off or…?”

Namjoon raises a hand. “It wasn’t a commitment in the first place. If you three are still fine
with it, then it can still happen. But I fully understand if you don’t want to join in because you’re
going out.”

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung look at each other, something unreadable to anyone outside
their triad passing between their eyes. Then they turn back to the others, Jimin answering, “We’re
fine with just each other. You guys can still have fun, though.”

Namjoon blinks, not having considered the fact that the orgy is still on the table and what that
could mean for him and Seokjin. Although neither of them have brought it up, Namjoon can tell by
the way that Seokjin squeezes his hand that he is committed to Namjoon and only Namjoon. The
realization makes Namjoon’s heart swell with warmth and a stupid smile breaks out across his
face. He leans in and kisses Seokjin on the lips. It’s just a peck, but it has the others cooing.

“I knew they’d work well together!” Taehyung exclaims.

“Not you, too,” Yoongi sighs, but when Namjoon looks at him he’s smiling back. “Father
Yoongi gives his blessing.”

And that means the world to Namjoon. “Thank you,” he says, sounding more heartfelt than
he’d intended.

“So,” Jungkook says, “the orgy’s off?”

“It was fun while it lasted,” Taehyung sighs, scrunching up his face in a rather convincing
display of sorrow.

“Well, there’s still Hobi and Yoongi,” Jimin suggests. “It won’t be an orgy with just you two,
but you can still do stuff if you want.”

Hoseok and Yoongi glance at each other in a way not unlike Namjoon and Seokjin; there’s
something silent that passes between them. Namjoon doesn’t quite know what to make of this.
Yoongi and Hoseok have been spending more time together, but from what little Namjoon knows
it’s because, at the moment, Hoseok seems to be the best at comforting Yoongi.

At the same time, he grows nervous about the fact that Jimin brought up Yoongi’s not being in
a romantic relationship. Guilt once again grips him, even though he knows Yoongi has forgiven
him and promised to move on. Namjoon watches the older man’s face for any sign that this
comment has caused him distress, but he merely shrugs and says, “Hey, if you guys don’t want any
of this,” he gestures a hand down his body, “then it’s your loss.”

The laugh Namjoon lets out along with the others holds a hint of relief. Then he notices
Hoseok isn’t laughing. The man is just sitting there, staring at Yoongi with an expression that
Namjoon can’t read. Then, Hoseok pushes his stool back from the island and stands.

“Hoseok?” Namjoon says, heart jumping into his throat. Had there been something he hadn’t
noticed? Is Hoseok angry? At what?

He can see Yoongi has tensed up. For some reason. “Hobi, what’s up?” he asks, his voice small
in a way that indicates he’s uneasy.

Namjoon opens his mouth, preparing to calm Hoseok, when the man kneels down. Namjoon
and the others lean over to try and see what the hell he’s doing. At first, he thinks Hoseok is just
tying his shoe at a really weird time, and then he hears Yoongi mutter under his breath, “Hoseok,
what are you doing?” like he has his suspicions as to what is going on.

“Yoongi,” Hoseok begins, looking up at him. He reaches out, grabs Yoongi’s hand. Jungkook
gasps loudly and Namjoon glances over at him to see that he’s clapped both hands to his mouth,
looking way too excited. Namjoon frowns, confused.

“Hobi,” Yoongi snaps, his voice trembling a little. He snatches his hand away. “What the hell
are you doing?”

Hoseok smiles up at him. A bright, sunny smile that has Namjoon’s frown deepening in even
more confusion. “Over the last few weeks, we’ve been spending so much time together, and I’ve
cherished every minute of it.”

“No,” Yoongi tells him. “No, you’re not.”

“I’ve come to realize that I don’t want to go without it. I want to be there for you all the time. I
want your voice to be the first thing I hear when I wake up and the last thing I hear when I go to

“Oh,” Namjoon says aloud, finally catching on.

Seokjin elbows him and tsks. “God, you’re slow.”

“Hobi, s-stop,” Yoongi half-whispers. He lifts his hand to cover his mouth and Namjoon
notices it’s shaking just slightly.

“Yoongi,” Hoseok continues, his eyes starting to well up with tears. “I love you and I haven’t
been more in love with anyone in my life. Will you be my boyfriend?”

There is a collective intake of breath as they all watch Yoongi, who has gone completely silent,
hand still clasped over his mouth. Namjoon’s eyes widen. Hoseok is in love with Yoongi? Since
when? My god, I need to start paying more attention. Then Yoongi nods his head and says, “Y-yes.

“Awww,” they all say at once before breaking out into cheers. Jungkook claps while Taehyung
jumps up and down beside him. Jimin thumbs tears from his eyes. “That was so sweet,” he says,

“And cute,” Namjoon gushes.

“Oh, baby, don’t cry,” Hoseok says, rising to his feet and taking Yoongi into his arms.

“I’m not crying, you bastard,” Yoongi says, definitely crying. “I can’t believe you just fucking
proposed to me. What the hell made you think that was a good idea?”

Hoseok holds Yoongi’s head to his chest and plants a kiss in his hair. “I had a feeling it would

“So, we’re all paired up now?” Jungkook asks. “Well, I mean, there are three of us, but you
know what I mean.”

“Seems like it, yeah,” Namjoon says, still somewhat in shock over what just happened. After
his conversation with Yoongi yesterday, Namjoon had been under the impression that Yoongi
would not find someone else to love for a good while. It comforts him to know that Yoongi now
has someone to take care of him in a way Namjoon himself cannot.

“Should we tell anyone?” Taehyung asks, excitement lilting his voice.

“I won’t stop any of you from telling who you want about your relationships,” Namjoon tells
him. “It’s your business, after all. But I will remind you that it may change some things.”

“Like what?”
“Well,” Namjoon begins, thinking. “For one, if we tell Bang or any of the managers about it,
we don’t know how they’ll react. Although, in my opinion, I believe Bang would be supportive. I
don’t know about the rest, though.”

Seokjin nods. “Yeah, PDnim is pretty understanding.”

“And, of course, there’s the chance that this information could find its way to the media,”
Namjoon continues. “And Korea is not exactly the most… progressive nation in the world.”

Yoongi, who seems to have recovered, wipes at his face and scoffs. “Yeah, but it’s getting
better, at least.”

“And who cares what they say anyway?” Taehyung asks. “It’s our lives.”

“The ARMYs will support us,” Jungkook assures.

“All I’m saying is, you’ll probably get some negative attention,” Namjoon warns.

Hoseok shrugs. “Like we haven’t before. Hell, remember when people were saying I should be
kicked out of BTS because of my looks?”

“I remember,” Yoongi says, and Namjoon sees him take Hoseok’s hand, intertwine their
fingers. “It still pisses me off.”

“Just consider all these points before you make a decision,” Namjoon tells them. “I know
you’re excited. I am too.”

“I think this deserves a toast,” Yoongi says, extricating himself from Hoseok’s arms. Namjoon
sees Hoseok’s face twist with worry as Yoongi makes for the fridge and Namjoon knows that he
himself must be wearing the exact same expression. But Yoongi only takes out a carton of banana
milk and sets it on the counter, then starts fishing around in the cabinets for some cups. “This’ll
do,” he says and pours them each a glass.

Relief falls across Hoseok’s face. He slings an arm around Yoongi’s shoulders, takes his glass,
lifts it. “To Yoongi, the most beautiful man I know.”

Yoongi snorts and shoves him. “Would you stop with your cheesy bullshit?” Yoongi says,
cheeks growing dark in a blush.

“Not when it makes you look that pretty.”

“For the love of—I’m gonna strangle you one day.”

“Please,” Hoseok says way too enthusiastically. He realizes this almost immediately and his
face turns several shades of red in an impressively short amount of time. A smirk pulls at Yoongi’s
lips as Hoseok clears his throat. “Um… Namjoon, why don’t you do the honors?”

Namjoon hurriedly snatches up his own glass and says, “To Bangtan. And new love with old

They all cheer, then Yoongi sighs wearily, sipping his milk. “I can’t take much more of this

“Oh, I think you can,” Hoseok says, managing to catch Yoongi by surprise and kiss him on the
nose. “My cute little kitty cat.”
Yoongi’s face goes completely red and the next moment he’s chasing Hoseok around the couch
in the lounge, vowing to beat him senseless while the latter’s laughs ring off the walls. Namjoon
drinks his milk and watches, Seokjin’s hand still firmly in his own and the man’s beautiful,
squeaky laugh like music in his ears.

Namjoon stands backstage, a swarm of makeup and hair staff buzzing around him. He hears his
name called and Seokjin appears in front of him, dressed in a sharp blazer and slacks with a baby
blue button-down beneath. His hair has been dyed from a warm chestnut to a shimmering silver.
Namjoon can’t help but smile when he sees him. He looks gorgeous.

“Are you ready for this?” Seokjin asks him.

Namjoon nods and notices the older man wringing his hands. Namjoon takes both his hands in
his, the sea of busy workers constantly primping him parting between them. “I am. Are you?”

Seokjin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, opens them again. “Yes.” The conviction, the
love packed into that one word has Namjoon desperate to kiss him.

But not yet. They have something to do first.

It has been eight months since the first orgy and five months since the toast. It’s also been two
weeks since Namjoon and Seokjin made the mutual decision to tell PDnim about their relationship.

“Really?” Bang had asked, looking between the two of them. Then a big smile took over his
entire face. “That’s wonderful!” His eyes started growing watery and he pulled both of them in for
a hug. “My boys are growing up.”

PDnim promised not to tell anyone else, but Namjoon and Seokjin gave their permission for
him to tell the managers at the least. As soon as Manager Sejin found out, he congratulated them
and treated them to a private dinner date at any restaurant of their choosing. Of course, Seokjin was
excited. Namjoon convinced Seokjin to let him choose the restaurant and then went about making
sure everything was perfect—mood lighting, candles, flowers, the works. He finally had an outlet
for all the romantic shit he’d been wanting to try out and Seokjin would just have to deal with it.
He thought for sure that as soon as Seokjin saw what he did that he would burst out laughing. He
wasn’t expecting him to cry, take his hand, and say, “Thank you.” Namjoon must have told him a
thousand times how much he loved him that night, but Seokjin never seemed to tire of it, not for a

They introduced each other to their parents—as partners. It went easier than Namjoon thought
it would, which could have been because his parents were already familiar with Seokjin. The only
point of tension was the fear of what would happen should their relationship be revealed. Several
times Seokjin had to assure his mother that he and Namjoon were well protected. Overall, both sets
of parents were excited that their sons had finally found someone to be with. Namjoon’s mother
even asked when they were getting married, to which Seokjin sputtered and Namjoon quickly
denied that they had any plans. Despite the notion seeming ridiculous at that point in time, hell,
even now, it still had Namjoon wondering: would he marry Seokjin? Maybe one day when he can
devote all his time to loving Seokjin, when they aren’t running around stressed out and busy. He
imagines waking up in a quiet village somewhere on the coast, drinking coffee with Seokjin as
they watch the sun rise. Nowhere to be. Nobody to answer to but each other.

For now they are here, waiting to be called onto the stage of a popular Korean talkshow to do
what they’d been talking about since that toast at the island back in their flat. Today is the day they
have decided to tell the world that they are together. Namjoon honestly thought they would be the
last to do it among the members, but, in fact, they are the first. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung
have told their families, but they’re still working out how exactly to tell the public—especially the
ARMYs—that they are in a polyamorous relationship with each other. Yoongi and Hoseok, on the
other hand, are still working through Yoongi’s past trauma (which was recently revealed to
Namjoon by Yoongi himself), nurturing their love for each other. Namjoon doesn’t think he’s ever
seen Yoongi smile and laugh so much. They are content just being, and, for now, that’s enough for

So, Namjoon finds himself taking the lead once again. Not only does he hope doing this will
diminish some of the fear his friends have when it comes to doing the same, but he wants to
eliminate the invisible barrier between him and Seokjin. The one that prevents him from kissing
Seokjin in public, from expressing his affection for him in any sort of intimate way. He wants the
freedom to love Seokjin how he really wants to, how Seokjin deserves to be loved.

The makeup crew finally leaves, and then Namjoon and Seokjin are standing close together, as
alone as they can be. Namjoon draws Seokjin to him and just holds him. It hasn’t even been a year,
but he feels as if he’s loved Seokjin his entire life. He inhales the familiar scent of Seokjin’s
cologne, takes in the warmth of his body against his own.

A member of the stage crew signals to them and Namjoon reluctantly separates from him. “It’s
time,” he says.

Seokjin nods and runs a hand through his hair. “I guess it is.” He laughs a little, flashing the
smile that still makes Namjoon’s heart flutter every time he sees it. “So, it begins.”

Namjoon decides he no longer cares who sees. He grabs Seokjin’s face and kisses him,
ignoring the gasps and stares directed at them from the backstage staff. “Yeah,” he says, smiling
back after he pulls away, “it's the beginning.”

Then he takes Seokjin’s hand and leads him out onto the stage.

Chapter End Notes

And with that, this fic has finally come to a close. I want to thank those who have
joined me on this journey, new or old. You provided me with the inspiration to keep
going! In the future, I might do some one-shots involving the current relationships as a
sort of spin-off, but for now I have another multi-chapter fic I have to work on. As I
mentioned last chapter, I'm currently working on another fic that is an OT7 and will
premiere next week (real world, non-celebrity AU). It involves smut and, eventually,
romance. It's like this fic, except, this time, all of them will be together. I have changed
the name from Seven is the Luckiest Number to We Are Seven, in reference to
Yoongi's poem addressed to them all, revealed in an episode of Run BTS. It just seems
more meaningful. Here's a sneak peak:

Yoongi is lucky he was so exhausted last night that he fell right asleep after he
finished jerking off. Unfortunately, that meant he spent a night sleeping upright on his
futon, so he woke up with a stiff neck and a terrible headache. What also greeted him
in the morning was a notification from uBang and the realization that, no, he hadn’t
dreamt that entire exchange. He’d actually agreed to have an orgy with six complete
strangers. Six insanely hot strangers, but strangers nonetheless.
I’m so fucked… well, I mean, I am, but… shit, what was I thinking?
He knows he should post a message to the chat calling the whole thing off, just delete
the entire chatroom and pretend this didn’t happen. But, at the same time… he kind of
doesn’t want to.

My other fic, All Mine, is moving along slowly and I will continue to put out more
chapters for it whenever I get the chance. I'm currently almost finished with another
one and should be posting it soon.

Thank you again to everyone for reading. I purple you. <3

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