Lesson 3

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Unit 3: Transportation



Lookfor the following words as you read the passage. Match each
word with its correct deftn1tlon.

Words Definitions
1 . cast A. n., the engine of a train
2. disaster B. n., a method or type
3. display c. v., to show or exhibit
4. drawback D. v., to throw light on something
5. efficient E. adj ., easy to cany
6. equip F. adj very strong

7. freight G. n., a problem; disadvantage

8. generate H. n., cargo carried by a train, truck,
9. illuminator or ship
1 0. innovation I. adj ., weak; Without defense1
1 1 . intense J. n a terrible event

12. knot K. n., a hard bump in wood

13 . locomotive L. v., to make or produce
14. mode M. adj ., difllcult
1 5. portable N. n., an object that produces light

1 6. reflector 0. adj ., able to work without waste

17. rugged P. n., an object that sends light back
or makes it stronger
1 8. stringent
19. tricky Q. adj strict,
.• firm
R v., to proVide with something
20. vulnerable
s. adj ., strong; able to stand rough
T. n., a new idea or product

1 BrE: defence



First Headlamps

Before electricity, light was tricky business. Flames cast ltmtted light,
are vulnerable to winds and weather, and can lead to disaster. Making

fire portable and dependable was so difficult that lights on moving vehi­
cles were hardly ever considered.

The early trains traveled1 only during the day. The tracks were too dan­
gerous during the dark of night, and passengers wanted to see where
they were traveling anyway. In the late 1 830s, railroad traffic became
heavy enough for freight trains to delay passenger trains. To avoid these
delays, railroads started running freight trains at night. Horatio Allen's
1 83 1 innovation, the '!rack Illuminator," was suddenly in demand. It
was a pile of pine knots burning in an iron grate that sat in a box of sand
on a platform car The car was pushed ahead of the locomotive. The illu­

minator did not cast much light. but it warned of the approaching train
and was the best technology available.

In 184 1 , some trains used an oil2 lamp backed by a cuiVed reflector, an
improvement, but oil lamps blew out easily in the wind, including the
wind generated by the movement of the train. At about the same time,
Schenectady and Troy Railroad trains displayed a whale oil lamp posi­
tioned between a reflector and a lens about twelve inches high; it threw
llght up to 100 feet ahead of the train. Although this was an improve­
ment, the braking distance the trains required was more than the 1 00
feet of track that were illuminated. In 1 849, a calcium lamp was devel­
oped that threw light 1 ,000 feet and lasted four hours; however, the only
railroad company to use it was Camden and Amboy. Limellghts, which
were used to llght theaterS stages on both sides of the Atlantic, were con­
sidered too intense for trains. Eventually, acetylene, which did not extin­
guish in the wind, replaced oil in headlamps.

In 1 8 5 1 , the first electric headlamp was developed. This headlamp had
two major drawbacks: It required its own generator, which did not
become portable until the 1890s when steam generators became com­
mon, and the delicate parts broke easily as a result of the rough rails
over which the trains traveled. Russia ran the first train equipped with

1 BrE: travelled
2BrE: kerosene
3BrE: theatre


a battery-powered electric headlamp. The French first used steam gen­

erators to power electric headlamps on trains. In the United States in
1 897, George C. Pyle developed an efficient electric headlamp. By 1 9 1 6,
federal law required trains to have electric headlamps.

Automobiles, the exciting new mode of transportatlon4 at that time,
needed headlamps, too. The requirements for car headlamps were more
stringent than those for trains: Because roads were even rougher than
ratls, cars required more rugged parts, and the steam generators had to
be smaller than those in trains. Despite these tougher requirements, the
Columbia Electric Car was equipped with electric headlamps in 1 898.

Electric headlamps made travel at all hours and in almost all weather
possible, something we take for granted today.

Answer the questions about Firat Beadl•mpe.

Questions 1-8

The reading passage contains six pamgraphs, A..:r.

Which paragraphs discuss the following iriformation?
Wrtte the correct letter; A..:r.

l. a lamp that used burning wood

2. lamps rugged enough to use with cars

3. a lamp that generated Its own electricity

4. the drawbacks of using flames for light

5. lamps that used reflectors to cast more intense light

6. the year the first train was equipped with electric head1amps

7. a reason why acetylene lamps are more efficient than oil
8. a reason why freight trains traveled at night

4BrE: transport



My Words

Write the won:ls that are new to you. Look them up In the dlctionnry
and write their dejfnitlons.

Words Definitions

Word Families

DOUD efficiency Efficiency is an important quality

for any new product.
aciJectiYe efficient Efficient headlamps made safe
travel at night possible.
advem efficiently Candles do not ltght a room very


DOUD generator If the power ltnes are down, you

can use a gasoltne generator to
have electricity in your house.
DOUD generation The generation of electricity can
cause air pollution.
verb generate There are a variety of ways to
generate electricity.

DOUD illuminator An illuminator can provide an area

with ltght.
DOUD illumination The illumination of an electric
lamp is stronger than that of a
verb illuminate In the past, people used candles
to illuminate their houses.

DOUD innovation The innovation of electric

headlamps made travel much
DOUD innovator Several innovators worked on the
development of electric headlamps.
auijectlve innovative The development of electric
headlamps was the work of a
number of innovative people.

DOUD intensity A locomotive needs a headlamp

with high intensity.
verb intensify Using a stronger battery wUl
intensify light.
a�tlve intense The light from candles 1s not very
adverb .intensely Some matertals burn more
intensely than others.



noun reflector A reflector on a lamp makes the

lfght more intense.
noun reflection You can see your reflection in
a mirror.
verb reflect A piece of metal can be used to
reflect lfght.
a�tlve reflective If a lamp is coated with reflective
material, it w1ll cast a stronger

Word Family Practice

Choose the correct word family memberfrom the list below to
. complete each blank.

Traveltng at night was tricky before people had developed headlamps

that worked 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Early 2 . . . . . . . . . . for use on locomotives included
lamps that 3 . . . . . . . . . by burning pine knots or whale oil. Some of these

lamps used metal as a 4 . . . . . . . . . . materlal to 5 . . . . . . . . . . the lfght. Later, elec-

tric headlamps were developed. The problem with these lamps involved
finding a portable way to 6 . . . ... .
. . . the electricity that they used.

1 . efficiency efficient efficiently

2. innovators innovations innovative

3. illumination illuminator iliuminated

4. reflector reflect reflective

5. intensity intensify intensely

6. generation generators generate



Dictionary Skill
Different Meanings
Many words have more than one meaning.

Read the definitions below. Then read the sentences and write the
letter of the correct de.fin.tiion for each sentence.
dis-play [dis-PLAY]
A noun. a showing. an exhibit
B verb. to show or exhibit

1 . The new. more efficient headlamps for use on trains were on


2. Everyone was excited to see cars that displayed the new
electric headlamps.

knot [NOT]
A noun. a hard bump in wood
B verb. tie something in a certain way

3. Burning pine knots is a way to create light.

4. If you knot your shoelaces well. they won•t untie.


®I Listen tn the lecture. Choose FOVR letters, A-G.

Which FOUR drawbacks of early train travel does the lecturer mention?

A difficulty traveling at night E cost of tickets

B frequent delays F uncomfortable rides
c safety problems G crowded passenger cars
D dirt



In your opinion. what has been the most sign!flcant transportation
tnrwvatton of the past 200 years ?

Support your opinion with reasons and examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


[ Talk about the following topics.

What modes of transportation are commonly used In your city?

Which do you think are the most efficient?

What do you think are some of the advantages of train travel?

What do you think are some drawbacks of train travel?





Lookfor thefollDwing words as you read the passage. Match each

word wtth tts correct deftni.tton.

Words Definitions
1 . architecture A. v. , to compete with

2. centerpiece 1 B. n. , central office for a military

3. clog
c. n. , the act of ruining something
4. decorate
D. n. , something that serves as protection
5. destruction
E. n. , an opening to let air, steam, or
6. disruptive
smoke out
7. expand
F. v. , to make bigger
8. headquarters
G. n. , a setting in which to present
9. intrinsic something

10. operation H. v. , to make an object or place beautiful

1 1 . pedestrian I. n. , the style of a building
12. release J. v. , to use
13. rival K. adj. , baste
14. shield L. n. , the working of something, being used
15. showcase M. adv. , below the ground
16. spring up N. v. , to let something out
1 7. surface 0. n. , the outer part or top of something
1 8. underground P. adj . , stopping the usual course of activity
1 9. utllize2 Q. n. , the main or most important feature

20. vent R v. , to fill so much as to make movement


s. v. , to appear
T. n. , a person travelln g3 on foot
1 BrE: centrepiece
2BrE: ut111se
sarE: travelling




Major Subways of Europe

Public transportation1 is an intrinsic part of every modem city. Many

big cities have an underground rail system as their centerpiece. 1bree of
the biggest and busiest underground rail systems 1n Europe are 1n Lon­
don, Parts, and Moscow. The character of each city imprints its railways.
The first of these subways was London's Underground , which opened
1n 1 863. By that time, horses and pedestrians had so clogged the streets
of London that city government ruled that no railroads could enter the
city except underground . The method used for laying the first under­
ground tracks is called '"cut and cover," meaning the streets were dug
up, the track was laid, a tunnel was built, and then everything was
burted. Although the method was disruptive , it worked. Steam engines
chugged under London. releasing steam through vents along the city
streets. In its tnitial day of operation , the London Underground carried
30,000 passengers.
This cut-and-cover method caused massive disruptions 1n the city
and required the destruction of the structures above the tunnel. A bet­
ter means of expanding the ortgtnal Underground was needed . and
builders did not have to look far to find it. London was also home to the
first undetwater tunnel . a pedestrian tunnel that had been built under
the Thames River in 1 825, made possible by the engineer Marc Brunei.
He had devised a way of supporting the tunnel while the workers dug,
called the Brunei Shield . Two young engineers improved the Brunei
Shield for use 1n expanding the London Underground. The new Harlow­
Greathead Shield carved a circular tube more than seven feet 1n diame­
ter. which is why the London Underground is called the Tube. By then,
the tunnels could be deeper than the original ones because electric train
engines had become available. These trains did not have to be close to
the surface to release steam. The shield could be used to dig deeper tun­
nels without destroying the surface structures above them.
Parts started designing an underground rail service to rival London's.
The first part of its system was not opened until the World's Fair and
Olympics were held in that city in 1900. The Parts Metro is shorter than
London's, but it carries more passengers every day. second 1n Europe
only to Moscow. Whereas London's Underground is known for its engi­
neering. Parts's Metro ts known for its beauty. The stations and entrances
are examples of art nouveau architecture, and they are decorated with
mosaics, sculptures. paintings, and innovative doors and walls.
The Moscow Metro opened in 1 935. It was based on the design of the
London Tube, except much of the track is above ground . When Stalin

1 BrE: transport



came to power, he used the stations as showcases of Russian art, cul­

ture, and engineering. The underground Moscow stations are filled with
statuary, painting, and mosaics.
Underground railways are not only for transportation. During World
War II, all three underground systems were used as bomb shelters for
the populace. The Moscow subway was even used as a military head­
quarters. Stores and malls have sprung up by stations, something that
is especially convenient 1n cold climates.
All three systems are continuing to expand, providing service to more
riders 1n more distant locales. This is all part of an effort to decrease
greenhouse gases emitted from personal vehicles.

Answer the questions about Major Subways of Europe.

Questions 1-4

Do the following describe the subway system in London, Paris,

or Moscow?
Write the correct letter, A, B, or C.
A London
B Parts
C Moscow

1 . It was used as a military headquarters during World War II.

2 . It has a large percentage of its track above the ground.

3. It was originally built for the operation of steam trains.

___ 4. It is famous for its beautiful architecture.

Questions 5-7

J Choose the correct letter, A. B, C. or D.

5. The Parts Metro stations are decorated with

A pictures of the Olympics.
B different kinds of artwork.
C photographs of the World's Fair.
D examples of engineering.



6. The London Underground was first buUt because

A the underwater pedestrian tunnel had been damaged.
B a new method for digging tunnels had been developed.
C the city streets were too clogged for trains on the surface.
D the city wanted to rival the transportation system 1n Parts.

7. The introduction of electric train engines allowed for

A deeper tunnels.
B more pedestrians.
C innovative doors and walls.
D more art showcases 1n the stations.

My Words

Write the words that are new to you. Look them up in the dtcttonary
and write their deftntttons.

Words Definitions


Word Families

noun architect The architect is working on a plan

for a new train station.

noun architecture The architecture of the stations

is an important part of subway
system design.

adJective architectural From an architectural point

of view, it's a very interesting

adverb architecturally Its art nouveau decorative

features make the Paris Metro
architecturally significant.

noun decoration People enjoy looking at the decora-

tions in the station while they wait
for the train to arrive.

noun decorator The decorator planned the art for

the station very carefully.

verb decorate Sometimes they decorate the

trains for the holidays.

adjective decorative That column is there for decorative

purposes only; it has no real use.

noun destruction The destruction of buildings was

part of the process of creating the
subway system.

verb destroy It was necessary to destroy some

buildings to dig the subway

adJective destructive Digging deeper twmels makes

subway construction less destruc­
tive to buildings and roads on the



DOUD disruption Building a subway system can

cause a lot of disruptions to traffic
on the streets.
verb disrupt They try to disrupt traffic as little
as possible during subway con­
acQectlve disruptive The process of building a subway
can be disruptive, but the result
is well worth it.

uoun expansion The expansion of the subway

system cost a great deal of money.
verb expand By the time they were ready to
expand the subway system. a new
method for digging tunnels had
been developed.
acQectlve expandable The subway system was designed
to be expandable.

DOUD operation The Parts Metro began operation

in 1 900.
DOUD operator A subway train operator needs
special training for the job.
verb operate Modem subway systems use
computers to operate the trains.



Word Family Practice

�e the correct wordfamJly memberfrom the list below to

�mplete each blank.

The planning and construction of a subway system requires a great deal

of time and effort. In addition to planning the routes, digging the
tunnels, and laying the tracks, the stations have to be built. 1 . . . . . . . are . . .

hired to plan the stations. Often, the station plan includes 2 . . . . . . . . . .

features such as murals showing local scenes, or a station may be used
as a showcase for the work of important local artists. Building a new
subway system may require the 3 . . . . . . . . . of buildings on the surface, but

attempts are made to cause as little 4 . . . . . . . as possible. The 5 . . . . . . . . . .

. . .

of an already-existing subway system can also be quite disruptive.

Everyone looks forward to the day when the construction is over and the
subway begins to 6 . . . .
. . . . . . . Often businesses spring up in and around
a new subway station, contributing to the life of the neighborhood.

1 . Architecture Architects Architectural

2. decorates decorations decorative

3. destruction destroy destructive

4. disruption disrupts disruptive

5. expansion expand expandable

6. operation operator operate



Word SJdll
Compound Words
When two or more words join to form a new word. that word is called a
compound word. Often. the meaning of the compound word is related
to the meanings of the two separate words.

underground under + ground


Meaning: below the surface of the ground

Gead the sentences. Write a dej!nJtlonfor each underlined word.

1 . They built an underwater tunnel for pedestrtans below the

Thames River.

underwater: ------

2. Before they could paint the mural in the station. they had to cover
the wall with an undercoat of special paint.

� ------

3. Instead of a bridge. they built an underpass so that cars could

cross the tracks from below.

unde�s: _____________




Usten to the conversation. Complete the outline below.
I Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

----------- --------,
The London Underground: ( 1 863)

Steam engines were used, so

• it had to be close to the 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
• it had 2 . . . . . . . . . . so engines could release steam.

Electric engines were introduced, so

• tunnels could be deeper.
• a 3 . . . . . . . . . . was used to support the tunnel.
• digging the deeper tunnels did not 4.. . . . . . . ..
streets and buildings.

'The chart1 below shows information about subway systems in three
rn.c:yor European cities.

Summartze2 the information by selecting and reporting the main infor­

mation and making comparisons.

Write at least 1 50 words.

Size of Subway Syatema

Total track
length (both Number of Number
underground and stations in of daily
on the surface) operation passengers
Underground 408 km 275 3 million
Parts Metro 2 14 km 300 4.5 million
Moscow Metro 300 km 1 82 6.5 million

1 BrE: table
2BrE: summarise




I Talk about the foUowtng topics.

Are there any subway or train stations or other buildings in your city
that have especially beautiful architecture? Describe them.

Are there any public spaces in your city that are used to showcase the
work of local or national artists? Do you think it is a good idea to use
public spaces in this way? Why or why not?

u�ly-!1 u�J �_jyl �/





Look for the foUowing words as you read the passage. Match each
word with its correct dejlniti.on.

Words Definitions
1 . accelerate A v. , to accept something enthusiastically
2. appeal B. n. , a person who travels regularly
3. charge between home and work

4. classify c. adj related to the area just outside


a city
5. commuter
D. n elegant style
6. consume
E. n the amount of power a battecy
7. embrace
can store
8. flair
F. v. , to make things diftlcult, get in the
9. fume way
10. hamper G. adj . , related to the city
1 1 . incentive H. n. , reason to do something, reward
12. markedly I. n. , the nonnal or common thing
1 3. monetary J. v. , to cross
14. plodding K. v. , to dtvtde into groups by type
15. rural L. adv. , noticeably
1 6. span M. adj., related to money
1 7. sprawl N. v. , to gain speed
1 8. standard 0. adj ., related to the countryside
19. suburban P. n. , hannful gas or smoke in the air
20. urban
Q. v to be of interest

R v. , to use
s. n. , an area of spreading growth
T. adj. , slow




Electric cars Around the Globe

Cars have reshaped our world since they first rolled off mass-produc­
tion lines in the early twentieth century. One- and two-thousand-year­
old Roman roads have been replaced by highways. Longer and wider
bridges span rivers. The sharp division between urban and rural land­
scapes has been replaced by suburban sprawl, town and country linked
by eight-lane expressways with stop-and-go traffic. Gas1 stations are
everywhere. Countries with oU reserves are enormously rich and power­
ful. After a century, the romance with internal combustion engines is on
the wane. As the price of oU rises, the reserves of irreplaceable oU are
consumed, and exhaust fumes hamper life in urban areas, alternatives
to gas-powered vehicles are becoming more attractive.
In the early twentieth century in North America, electric cars shared
the roads with gas-fueled cars, but after a short time, gas-fueled cars
became the standard. Although electric cars were quieter, cleaner, and
easier to start, they were not able to travel the required distances, and
their plodding speed fatled to capture the imagination.
Lately, in Europe and in Asia, where commuting distances are shorter
and gas is more expensive than in the United States, electric cars have
grown in popularity. Electric recharging stations are appearing in cities.
The government of China has offered monetary incentives to car manu­
facturers for each electric car they manufacture as well as to the people
who purchase the electric cars. Taxi drivers in Tokyo have embraced
electric vehicles. Major car manufacturers, including Mitsubishi, Nts­
san, Toyota, and Mercedes Benz, all offer electric cars everywhere but in
North America.
In North America, slow, short-ranged electric vehicles with a high ini­
tial cost have thus far appealed to a 11mtted audience. An American elec­
tric car that appeared briefly 1n the 1990s had a cruising speed of
twenty-five mtles per hour and could travel eighty-five mUes on a single
charge. Since then, battery technology has Improved n1arkedly. More
recently, a North American company Introduced an electric sports car
that can travel 300 mUes on a single charge and accelerate from 0 to 60
mph 1n 3. 7 seconds, simtlar to the best sports car. The hope is that
North Americans will embrace the new technology when they see an
electric car as appealing as a conventional sports car .

Other American auto manufacturers are marketing electric cars as

they do 1n Europe, as commuter cars The design of many of these cars

is innovative: Some are made of light composites and seat only two

1 BrE: Petrol



people. One is a three-wheeler that is classified as a motorcycle. Another

electric car, the Tango, is five inches narrower than a large motorcycle
and seats two, one behind the other. Four of these vehicles fit in a sin­
gle parking space . The vehicle is marketed as a great way to drive
between lanes of stopped traffic .
All electric cars will help to reduce exhaust and greenhouse gases;
some will do it with greater flair than others.

Answer the questions about Electric Can Around the Globe.

Questions 1-7

I �mp-�� the summary using words from the list below.

Cars have had enormous effects on the way our world looks. The land-

scape is now covered with highways and big bridges. New 1..........
neighborhoods have developed between the cities and the rural areas.

Cars are also causing serious problems. OU is expensive, and we have

already 2 . . . . . . . . . . a lot of oil that cannot be replaced. Gas-powered cars

also pollute the air with their 3 . . . . . ..

. . .. . In the early days, both electric
and gas-powered cars were conunon, but people felt that electric cars

did not have the flair that gas-powered cars had. For example, electric

cars traveled at a more 4 . . . . . . . . . . speed. Gas-powered cars became more

popular, and now they are the 5 . . . . . .. . . .. . However, there is a renewed

interest in electric cars, and they have been 6 . . . . . . . . . by people in many


countries around the world. Manufacturers are developing electric cars

to sell to 7 . . . . . . . . . . in both Europe and North America, because these cars

are a good way to get to work.

accelerated embraced incentives suburban

commuters fumes plodding urban
consumed hampered standard



My Words

Wrtte the words that are new to you. Look them up in the dictionary
and wrtte their deftni.tions.

Words Definitions



Word Families

noun appeal The appeal of an electric car is

that it doesn't cause pollution.
verb appeal A car that uses less gasoline
would appeal to commuters.
adJective appealing Electric cars are appealing to
many people.

noun class The new class of electric cars is

very different from the electric cars
of the early twentieth centwy.
noun classification The classification of a car as a
sports car can make it more
appealing to certain people.
verb classify If you classify your car as a
commercial vehicle, you will need
to get a spectal license1 •

noun con1muter Commuters are worried about the

increase of traffic on the highways.
noun commute I have an hour-long commute to
work every day.
verb commute Many people commute from the
suburbs to their jobs in the city.

noun consumer Consumers of gasoline are paying

higher and higher prices.
noun consumption As the price of otl increases,
consumption may go down.
verb consume Electric cars are attractive because
they don't consume gasoline.

1 BrE: licence



DOUD mark The new hybrid vehicles have

made their mark with consumers.
verb mark The twenty-first century marked a
renewed interest in electric cars

adJective marked In the past, before cars became

common, the dJfJerence between
urban and rural areas was more
adverb markedly The populartty of electric cars
has grown markedly over the past
few years.

noun money Although cars cost a great deal of

money, many people own them.
adJective monetary As gasoline becomes more
expensive, monetary reasons will
cause more people to be interested
in buying electric cars

adverb monetarily Electric cars may be out of reach

for some people monetarily.



Word Family Practice

Choose the correct wordfam.ily memberfrom the list below to

complete each blank.

Car manufacturers are developing a 1 . . . . . . . . of electric car especially for

. .

2. . . . . . . . . . . These cars are quite small and may have room for only one or
two people. They are not intended for canying large loads or many pas­
sengers. Their main purpose is to get the driver to and from work.
Because of their small size, they 3 . . . . . . . . . little energy. They are 4... . . . . . .
. .

because they cost much less 5. . . . . . . . . . than larger cars to run. In fact,
there is a 6. . . . . . . . . . difference in fuel costs between these new small cars
and the larger cars that we are used to seeing.

1 . class classification classify

2. commuters commutes commute

3. consumer consume consumption

4. appeal appeals appealing

5. monetarily monetary money

6. marked markedly mark



Dictionary Skill
Different Meanings
Many words have more than one meaning.

Read the definitions below. 'Then read the sentences and write the
letter of the correct definition for each sentence.
ap-peal [a-PEEL]
A verb. to be of interest
B verb. to ask a court of law to hear a case again

1 . The driver didn't agree that he was guilty of speeding and

planned to appeal to the court to change the decision.

__ 2. A car that is inexpensive to buy and easy to maintain would

appeal to many people.

charge [CHARJ)
A noun. the amount of power a battery can store
B noun. the price of a service or purchase

__ 3. The charge for car repairs is often quite high.

__ 4. This car can travel about 100 miles on one battery charge.


Listen to the talk. Look at the map labeled 1 -4.
Complete the labels.


* Tour starts

1 _____ area 4 _____ area

2 Rail Miss Mary's





In your opinion, what incentives could be offered that would persuade

rrwre people to embrace electrl.c cars?

Support your answer with reasons and examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


I Talk about the following topics.

What kind of car is appealing to you?

Do you prefer to live 1n a ruralt suburbant or urban area?



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