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The effects of slow breathing on

affective responses to pain stimuli: An
experimental study
Alex Zautra


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PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18

Research papers

The effects of slow breathing on affective responses to pain stimuli:

An experimental study
Alex J. Zautra a,*, Robert Fasman a, Mary C. Davis a, Arthur D. (Bud) Craig b
Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Atkinson Research Laboratory, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examined whether breathing rate affected self-reported pain and emotion following thermal
Received 15 March 2009 pain stimuli in women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FM: n = 27) or age-matched healthy control women
Received in revised form 8 September 2009 (HC: n = 25). FM and HC were exposed to low and moderate thermal pain pulses during paced breathing
Accepted 2 October 2009
at their normal rate and one-half their normal rate. Thermal pain pulses were presented in four blocks of
four trials. Each block included exposure to both mild and moderate pain trials, and periods of both nor-
mal and slow paced breathing. Pain intensity and unpleasantness were recorded immediately following
each pain trial, and positive and negative affect were assessed at the end of each block of trials. Compared
Slow breathing
to normal breathing, slow breathing reduced ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness, particularly for
Fibromyalgia moderately versus mildly painful thermal stimuli. The effects of slow breathing on pain ratings were less
Affect reliable for FM patients than for HCs. Slow versus normal breathing decreased negative affect ratings fol-
lowing thermal pain pulses for both groups, and increased positive affect reports, but only for healthy
controls with high trait negative affect. Participants who reported higher levels of trait positive affect
prior to the experiment showed greater decreases in negative affect as a result of slow versus normal
breathing. These experimental findings provide support for prior reports on the benefits of yogic breath-
ing and mindful Zen meditation for pain and depressed affect. However, chronic pain patients may
require more guidance to obtain therapeutic benefit from reduced breathing rates.
Ó 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the two opposing components of the efferent Autonomic Ner-

vous System (ANS), the sympathetic and the parasympathetic sys-
Meditation has recently been advanced as a self-regulation strat- tems, respectively, in the right and left anterior insular and
egy particularly beneficial to those in chronic pain [13,15,21,27,33]. anterior cingulate cortices. The homeostatic neuroanatomical
Neural models of how meditative techniques might work, however, model of emotion [4] proposes that the left forebrain is associated
are underdeveloped. In this experiment, we applied a model of pain predominantly with parasympathetic activity, and thus with nour-
as a homeostatic emotion [5] to test whether a key component of ishment, safety, positive affect, approach (appetitive) behavior, and
meditation, slow breathing, reduces pain unpleasantness for a group group-oriented (affiliative) emotions, while the right forebrain is
of chronic pain patients and healthy controls. associated predominantly with sympathetic activity, and thus with
Pain can be regarded as a negative emotion that is part of the arousal, danger, negative affect, withdrawal (aversive) behavior,
arousal/stress system characterized by increased sympathetic acti- and individual-oriented (survival) emotions.
vation [5,16,19]. This conceptualization builds on the James-Lange Individuals vary in the homeostatic regulation of pain experi-
tradition by positing that the neurobiological basis for emotion in ence, leading in some cases to a diagnosis of chronic pain syn-
the human forebrain is directly and neuroanatomically related to dromes. The connection between pain and emotion dysregulation
the organization of homeostatic afferent and efferent processing. is particularly evident among patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia
A progression of re-representations of the homeostatic condition syndrome (FM) [32]. FM is characterized by persistent pain in all
of the body is present in the insular cortex of humanoid primates four quadrants of the body (without evidence of inflammation or
that becomes lateralized to parallel the asymmetric representation lesion; [26]), depressed affect, and abnormally high levels of fati-
gue, pointing to possible disturbances of central mechanisms that
regulate sensitization to pain stimuli [10,26]. Chief among those
* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Psychology, Box 871104, Ari-
zona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. Tel.: +1 480 727 8227; fax: +1 480
central pain mechanisms potentially responsible for FM hyperalge-
965 8544. sia and allodynia are those involved in the regulation of emotional
E-mail address: (A.J. Zautra). states [11]. Rates of depression can exceed 50%, leading some to

0304-3959/$36.00 Ó 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18 13

conclude that FM is one of a cluster of ‘‘affective spectrum” disor- re-confirm FM diagnosis. Five of the study participants did not re-
ders [14]. FM patients have been distinguished from healthy con- port pain in 11 or more of 18 possible tender points, and were ex-
trols and other pain patients in their reduced capacity for cluded from the analyses. Healthy control participants were also
positive emotion [7,34] and lower emotional complexity [8,23], excluded if they reported a diagnosis of FM or osteoarthritis, or
leading to less differentiation in awareness of emotive states, and the aforementioned autoimmune conditions, and if they reported
less efficacy in coping with adverse states. The homeostatic neuro- an ‘‘average level of bodily pain” of greater than 20 on a 0–100 nu-
anatomical model of emotion suggests that central sensitization of meric rating scale in the last months. Participants were asked to re-
pain in FM patients results in part from a relative deficit of activity frain from consuming alcohol for 24 h prior to participation, and to
in the parasympathetic branch of the ANS required for down-reg- refrain from caffeine for four hours prior to participation. One FM
ulation of negative emotion and pain experience. participant did not complete the laboratory session due to her
We tested the effect of a natural method for enhancing para- ongoing pain.
sympathetic afferent activation, slow breathing, on pain intensity The majority of participants were Caucasian (86%), and the
and unpleasantness reports. Slow breathing increases activation average income for both groups fell within the $60,000–$69,999
of bronchiopulmonary vagal afferents and produces enhanced range. Most participants completed high school (92% HC, 96%
heart rate variability, which reflects increased parasympathetic FM) and approximately half had four years of college or post grad-
tone [1]. The homeostatic neuroanatomical model of emotion pre- uate study (60% HC, 44% FM). Most participants also were em-
dicts that slow breathing will result in reduced pain unpleasant- ployed (83% HC, 60% FM) and married (52% HC, 74% FM).
ness and subjective ratings of intensity.
2.3. Study design
2. Methods
This study utilized a 2  2  2 repeated measures nested de-
sign. Prior to beginning the runs, ‘‘normal” respiration rate (no
2.1. Overview
instruction given regarding breathing) was measured with a nasal
cannula connected to a device measuring carbon dioxide exhala-
In the current study, we manipulated breathing rate directly to
tion (Ohmeda 520; General Electric Healthcare, London, UK). Sub-
examine the association between breathing rate and pain ratings
sequently, FM patients and normal controls were instructed to
in age-matched healthy control subjects (HCs) and FM patients
breathe at either their normal rate or 1/2 that rate during four
during induced pain. Furthermore, we tested whether the effect
blocks of four trials. During each trial, participants were subjected
of slow breathing covaried with changes in negative and positive
to a mild or a moderately painful heat pulse at temperatures corre-
affective states compared with normal breathing. We hypothe-
sponding to individual subjective assessments of mild and moder-
sized that FM patients would differ from HCs, showing fewer ef-
ate pain during a preceding test (described below). Participants
fects of slow breathing on pain sensation because prior studies
rated the intensity and unpleasantness of the noxious heat stimu-
revealed that they have difficulties in positive affect regulation
lus at each trial and positive and negative affect after each block of
The study was designed as a balanced two-factorial experiment,
in which FM and HC participants breathed comfortably at their
2.4. Study procedures
own normal rate or at one-half of that rate, by following a visual
command signal displayed on a laptop computer screen. Two lev-
After arrival at the lab, participants completed an initial ques-
els (mild, moderate) of individually calibrated painful thermal heat
tionnaire to obtain demographic data and information on pain lev-
stimuli were delivered during the two breathing periods in a coun-
els, current physical and psychological functioning, and trait affect.
terbalanced, pseudorandom protocol, and verbal reports of pain
Participants were told that they would be receiving a series of heat
intensity and unpleasantness were recorded immediately follow-
pulses and were informed about the distinction between pain
ing each stimulus. We expected that ratings of the intensity and
intensity and unpleasantness based on a standardized script
unpleasantness of pain would be reduced during periods of slow
adapted from Price et al. [22]. Next, pain thresholds to heat stimuli
breathing in normal subjects, but less so in FM patients.
were assessed, and normal breathing rate recorded. Participants
then practiced slow paced breathing. Finally, participants were ex-
2.2. Participants posed to four blocks of four trials each; each trial consisted of
exposure to two mild and two moderate pain stimuli during either
Participants were 27 women with a physician-confirmed diag- Normal or Slow breathing. Participants made ratings of pain inten-
nosis of FM and 25 age-matched healthy women without FM. FM sity and unpleasantness following each trial and of positive and
participants were recruited from a previous multiyear project negative affect following each block of trials. Fig. 1 provides sche-
assessing a wide range of mental and physical health variables in matics that detail the conduct of the pain trials.
a community-based sample of FM patients in the Phoenix, AZ
metropolitan area. Participants who had been diagnosed with FM 2.4.1. Thermal pain threshold assessment
by a physician and previously given permission to be contacted Subjective pain thresholds were assessed for each participant
for future research studies were called by telephone and screened using a TSA II thermoelectric device (Medoc; Ramat Yishai, Israel).
for eligibility. HC participants were recruited via flyers posted in The 30  30 mm thermode was placed on the right thenar emi-
public areas at and near the medical office building where the nence (soft fleshy area under the thumb) of participants, and a Vel-
study was conducted. All participants were paid $50 for the study. cro strap was affixed to maintain constant pressure between the
All participants were right-handed women aged 45–65, hand and the thermode. The Medoc device has received FDA 510
(M = 55.44, SD = 6.3 for the FM sample, M = 55.58, SD = 5.7 for clearance, and was developed to be used safely in pain research
the HC sample). Exclusionary criteria were a reported diagnosis for the delivery of thermally-induced heat and cold pain stimula-
of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, polymalgia rheumatica, tion. Following standard methods [17], ‘mild’ and ‘moderate’ pain
or multiple sclerosis. For all FM participants, we obtained confir- thresholds were established for each participant by delivering suc-
mation of their diagnosis from their rheumatologist/physician. cessive 10 s stimuli, beginning from a non-painful temperature (38
Tender point examinations were conducted by research staff to degrees centigrade), at gradually higher temperatures (2 degree
Author's personal copy

14 A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18

a. Jitter Length and Pain Stimulus Intensity for Trials within Blocks

Block Jitter Trial 1 Jitter Trial 2 Jitter Trial 3 Jitter Trial 4

(sec) (sec) (sec) (sec)

1 0 L 4 L 2 M 6 M

2 2 M 6 M 0 L 4 L

3 2 L 0 M 6 M 4 L

4 4 M 6 L 0 L 2 M

Note: L=Mild Pain, M=Moderate Pain stimulus. Blocks were randomly ordered for each

b. Structure of Trials within a Block

Block ~6:00 mins

Breathing Pain Pain Pain Pain End

Instruction Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Screen

16s ~85s ~85s ~85s ~85s 4s

c. Structure of a Trial

Pain Trial ~85secs

Baseline Jitter Ramp Pain Pulse Ramp Pain Recovery

20s 4s 10s 4s 44s

Fig. 1. Structure of pain stimulus and breathing trials.

step) until the participant selected a ‘3’ (for mild pain) and a ‘6’ (for sured normal rate or 1/2 each participant’s normal rate. Partici-
moderate pain) on an 11-point pain unpleasantness visual analog pants practiced this paced breathing at the beginning of the
scale (from 0 to 10 where 0 = ‘‘not bad at all” and 10 = ‘‘the most session prior to the stimulus trials. For each six minute block of
unpleasant feeling possible”). Participants were informed that they four trials, breathing was set at either Normal or Slow. Each partic-
could terminate the heat stimulus at any time by saying ‘‘stop,” ipant had two trials at a normal breathing rate and two trials at a
and the experimenter would terminate the stimulus by pushing a slow breathing rate. The order of these breathing rates across
key on the computer terminal. After participants reported an blocks was alternated at random.
unpleasantness level of 6 on the 0–10 scale, they were asked if they
were willing to receive another pulse two degrees higher. If the 2.4.3. Pain trials
participant did not want to be exposed to a heat stimulus two de- Within each 6-min block, heat stimuli were delivered during
grees higher, then she was asked if she would allow administration four 85-s trials. The heat stimuli alternated between mild and
of a stimulus heat pulse one degree higher. This procedure was moderate levels in a pseudorandom schedule (see Fig. 1). Whether
continued until the participant rated a temperature above a level the pain pulse was mild or moderate (i.e., an individually cali-
of 6 or until she chose not to continue. This procedure ensured that brated ‘3’ or ‘6’) and the time of delivery during the jitter interval
pain levels were appropriate for participants of varying pain (between 20 and 26 s following the onset of each trial) was deter-
thresholds. mined randomly to reduce expectation effects [17].

2.4.2. Breathing rate manipulation 2.5. Measures

Breathing rate at rest was assessed over a 10 min period for
each participant. Normal and slow breathing epochs were then 2.5.1. Pain intensity and unpleasantness
paced by a specially designed PowerPoint display of colored ellip- Ratings of pain intensity and unpleasantness were based on re-
ses that expanded and contracted on a screen mounted in front of sponses to an 11-point pain scale, where 0 = ‘‘not bad at all” and
participants, at a rate set to be equivalent to the participant’s mea- 10 = ‘‘the most intense (unpleasant) feeling possible.”
Author's personal copy

A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18 15

2.5.2. Positive and negative affect (PANAS) [30] Table 1

The PANAS consists of 10 adjectives that describe an individ- Hierarchical multilevel regression predicting pain intensity.

ual’s levels of positive affect (PA: 5 items) and negative affect Covariance Estimate SE Z p
(NA: 5 items). Trait affects were assessed by referring to affective parameter
experience during the past 4 weeks, whereas state affects were as- estimated

sessed by referring to current experience. Internal consistency for Random effects: prediction of pain intensity
the PA and NA subscales is excellent for ratings of current affect Variance:intercept UN (1, 1) 2.77 0.76 3.63 <.001
and affect over the preceding 30 days (alpha > .83) [30].
PS by In UN (2, 1) 1.16 0.39 2.96 <.003
PS UN (2, 2) 0.88 0.25 3.56 <.001
2.6. Statistical analyses Auto-regressive AR (1) 0.35 0.04 7.86 <.001
Residual 1.36 0.93 14.55 <.001
Preliminary multilevel regression analyses were conducted to
determine whether there was systematic error in pain ratings Predictor variables Num df Denom df F p
due to trial effects or order of presentation effects. Study hypothe-
Type 3 tests of fixed effects
ses then were tested in a series of multilevel models that examined Diagnosis (D) 1 44 2.44 .13
differences in pain and affect ratings as a function of breathing rate Breathing rate (BR) 1 668 .03 .86
(BR: Slow or Normal), diagnosis (D: FM or HC), and Pain Stimulus D  BR 1 668 9.09 .003
(PS: mild or moderate); an auto-regressive function (AR-1) was Pain Stimulus (PS) 1 668 50.86 .001
D  PS 1 668 .19 .67
used to estimate and account for variance shared by ratings made
PS  BR 1 668 4.94 .03
on adjacent trials, and PS was treated as a random effect.

3. Results
3.2. Breathing rate effects
3.1. Preliminary analyses
3.2.1. Pain intensity ratings
3.1.1. Group differences on study variables Results of the combined analyses that included diagnosis,
Initial analyses examined possible sources of confounding due breathing rate, and pain stimulus and their interactions as predic-
to group differences on key variables under study. There were no tors are displayed in Table 1. (Separate analyses controlling for ac-
diagnostic group differences in temperatures for mild and moder- tual rate of slow breathing yielded the same results and are not
ate pain, trait positive affect, trait negative affect, and ratings of reported further.) The contrasting effects are displayed in Fig. 2a
intensity and unpleasantness on the initial trial (all t’s < 1.2, and 2b.
p > .25). Higher heat stimulus levels produced higher pain intensity rat-
ings, but a slow breathing rate dampened this effect, as evidenced
by a significant two-way interaction between PS and BR (see Ta-
3.1.2. Medication use
ble 1). Table 1 also shows a significant interaction between diagno-
The use of analgesics was a potential confounding influence on
sis and breathing rate in their influence on intensity ratings.
measures of pain [28]. Opioid analgesics were prescribed to 10 of
Inspection of the means revealed that slower breathing lowered
the FM participants. No HC participants were taking analgesics.
intensity ratings only for HC participants. A three-way interaction
Within the FM group, there were no differences in reports of pain
was not predicted and also was not significant (p’s > .40) for inten-
intensity or unpleasantness as a function of medication use. Study
sity and also unpleasantness. In addition to these fixed effects,
analyses were initially conducted including all participants, and
noteworthy variability between subjects in response to the pain
then rerun without the 10 FM participants taking opioid analgesics,
stimulus (PS) was found, as shown in the analysis of variance com-
with comparable results. The findings reported below are for the
ponents. This variability was lower for those who on average had
FM sample not on opioid medications, but do not differ except
higher intensity ratings, as shown in Table 1 as PS by Intercept
where noted from results obtained when including those on opioid

3.2.2. Pain unpleasantness ratings

3.1.3. Trial and order effects The findings for pain unpleasantness were similar to those
For pain intensity ratings, there was a marginal but non-signif- found for pain intensity: the benefits of slower breathing were
icant effect comparing the four blocks of trials (F(3, 132) = 2.39, more pronounced at higher pain stimulus levels, reflected in a
p < .10), and no effects of order of presentation of stimuli two-way interaction between BR and PS shown in Table 2. The
(p > .20). The actual temperatures established as mild and moder- two-way interaction of breathing rate by diagnosis in prediction
ate pain stimuli for each participant were also examined as poten- of unpleasantness ratings was also significant. These findings are
tial confounds and found to have no effect on intensity ratings of reported in Table 2 and displayed in Fig. 3a and 3b. In addition
participants (all p’s > .12). to these fixed effects, variability was found between subjects in
For pain unpleasantness ratings, there was a marginal non-sig- unpleasantness ratings in response to the pain stimulus (PS), sim-
nificant effect when comparing the four blocks of trials ilar to that found for intensity ratings. This variability was lower
(F(3, 132) = 2.49, p < .10). Order of presentation of pain stimuli for those who on average had higher unpleasantness ratings.
within each block did not show a significant effect on pain The differences observed between FM and HC groups led to an
unpleasantness ratings (F(3, 132) = 1.79, p = .15). Unpleasantness examination of differences between groups in the temperatures
ratings were lower overall for participants who selected higher of the stimuli used for mild and moderate pain, but no group differ-
temperatures for mild pain stimuli/threshold [t(44) = 2.07, ences were found (p’s > .2). Additional analyses did not reveal any
p < .05] In analyses of the effects of diagnosis and breathing rate differential effects of the temperatures of mild and moderate pain
on unpleasantness ratings, we tested for and did not find effects stimuli on pain ratings for FMs, and no other interactions with
of differences in temperatures selected by participants for pain study variables. An inspection of resting breathing rates for the
stimuli. two groups revealed no differences between groups: an average
Author's personal copy

16 A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18

6 Table 2
Multilevel regression predicting pain unpleasantness.
Pain Intensity Rating

5 Covariance Estimate SE Z p
4.5 estimated
4 Random effects: prediction of pain unpleasantness
3.5 Variance:intercept UN (1, 1) 3.02 0.79 3.79 <.001
3 Slow Breathing PS  In UN (2, 1) 1.45 0.47 3.05 <.00
2.5 Normal Breathing PS UN (2, 2) 1.50 0.37 4.01 <.001
Auto-regressive AR (1) 0.33 0.04 7.51 <.001
Mild Pain Moderate Pain Residual 1.20 0.08 14.81 <.001
Pain Stimulus Level
Predictor variables Num df Denom df F p
Fig. 2a. Effects of breathing rate on pain intensity ratings in healthy controls. Type 3 tests of fixed effects
Diagnosis (D) 1 44 1.84 .18
6 Breathing rate (BR) 1 668 .22 .64
D  BR 1 668 4.07 .04
Pain stimulus (PS) 1 668 39.45 .001
Pain Intensity Rating

5 D  PS 1 668 .14 .71

PS  BR 1 668 5.88 .02
3.5 F(3, 121) = 4.61, p < .005. For FMs, positive affect tended to drift
downward over the course of the experiment. There was no down-
Slow Breathing
ward trend in positive affect for HCs. Level of pain was equivalent
2.5 Normal Breathing
across each block of trials and thus would not affect NA or PA re-
2 ported at the end of each block of trials.
Mild Pain Moderate Pain Individual differences in the influences of trait PA and NA were
Pain Stimulus Level examined using data collected by questionnaire on emotional well-
being prior to the experiment. The two trait affects were correlated
Fig. 2b. Effects of breathing rate on pain intensity ratings in FM patients.
.422 for the entire sample. Because of variance restrictions when
including trait affects as predictors of state level affects of the same
rate of 13.68 (SD = 3.54) breaths per minute for FM patients, and valence, only trait PA was tested as a predictor of NA across trials,
13.63 (SD = 2.17) for HCs. Controlling for resting breathing rates and only trait NA was included in the prediction of PA levels across
also did not affect the results of the breathing manipulation. trials. There was a significant two-way interaction between BR and
trait PA, (F(1, 662) = 7.33, p < .007) predicting state NA. Those with
3.2.3. Affect ratings high trait PA were more likely to show lower NA during slow
Because existing evidence suggests that FM patients exhibit less breathing, regardless of diagnosis. There was a significant three-
emotional complexity than other pain patients [7,23], preliminary way interaction between BR, diagnosis, and Trait NA in the predic-
analyses tested and did not find differences in the size of the in- tion of PA across trials (F(1, 662) = 33.66, p < .0001). Only HCs
verse relationship between positive and negative affect between showed higher PA during slow breathing, and only if they reported
groups.1 In all subsequent analyses probing the effects of breathing higher trait level NA. Those with low trait NA from either group
rate on affective state, the main effect of the opposing affect were in- were unaffected by the breathing rate. Because of these findings
cluded in the prediction of both positive and negative affects. for trait level affects, the analyses of BR on pain intensity and
Overall, slow breathing led to lower negative affect during pain unpleasantness were repeated including trait level affects as pre-
trials compared to normal breathing (t(663) = 5.45, p < .001), and dictors. A four-way interaction was found between BR, PS, trait
there were no significant differences of the effects of BR due to PA, and trait NA predicting pain unpleasantness: F(1, 661) = 7.99,
diagnosis. Negative affects were not uniform across blocks of trials, p < .005, and pain intensity ratings: F(1, 661) = 4.55, p = .033. In
however: there were higher negative affect ratings following later both analyses, participants with higher trait level PA combined
trials, if those blocks of trials called for normal versus slow breath- with higher trait level NA had slightly lower pain ratings in re-
ing (BR by block number interaction: F(3, 121) = 7.96, p < .001). sponse to the moderate pain stimulus when breathing more
There were also differences in the reporting of negative affects over slowly. These effects did not vary by diagnosis.
blocks of trials as a function of diagnosis: FM status by block num-
ber: F(3, 121) = 6.30, p < .001. FM patients showed a tendency to 5
Pain Unpleasantness Rating

report more negative affect than controls on later blocks of trials. 4.5
Variation in PA did not show a consistent pattern across trials. 4
The effect of breathing rate on PA varied as a function of diagnosis,
similar to what was found for pain ratings. PA was sustained by
slower breathing during pain trials for healthy controls, but not 3
for FM patients: t = 2.62, p = .009. A three-way interaction was 2.5
also found when probing further: diagnosis by BR by Block, 2 Slow Breathing
1.5 Normal Breathing

In the full sample consisting of all FM participants regardless of tender point
Mild Pain Moderate Pain
count or opioid medication use, FM participants showed a stronger inverse
relationship between positive and negative affect across trials, t(859) = 3.29, Pain Stimulus Level
p < .002, indicating that affect reports were more uni-dimensional for FM patients,
and suggesting less emotional complexity for the FM group. Fig. 3a. Effects of breathing rate on pain unpleasantness ratings in healthy controls.
Author's personal copy

A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18 17

5 comes and as predictors, but to test for interactions between these

Pain Unpleasantness Rating

4.5 affective states.

The use of experimental arrangements to vary breathing rate at
different pain levels played an important part in determining the
benefits of slow breathing. Slow breathing helped most during tri-
3 als in which higher levels of pain were administered. The changes
2.5 in negative affect observed and the more modest changes in posi-
2 Slow Breathing tive affect found here during slow breathing may depend on condi-
1.5 Normal Breathing tions in which homeostasis is disturbed with a painful stimulus.
The study could not examine whether any affective benefits of
slow breathing would accrue for participants not in pain, since
Mild Pain Moderate Pain
all participants received trials where pain was administered. For
Pain Stimulus Level
example, slow breathing might have a greater influence on positive
Fig. 3b. Effects of breathing rate on pain unpleasantness ratings in FM patients. affects in the absence of a painful stimulus. Such studies would be
valuable to conduct in the future.
To what extent might the effects observed have been due to dif-
3.2.4. Post hoc analyses ferences in attention or expectation introduced by slow breathing
A series of pos-hoc tests were conducted to rule out potential and not the slow breathing itself? With regard to attention biases,
confounding sources of variance that might be due to differences we doubt the instructions led to greater distraction in either con-
between FM and control participants unrelated to their diagnosis. dition since participants in all conditions were asked to pace their
Age, income, and education were entered into prediction equations breathing in accordance with the visual stimuli displayed. It is con-
used above to examine their influence. These demographic vari- ceivable that greater effort was required to breathe at a slower
ables were uncorrelated with intensity and unpleasantness ratings rate, but increased effort would likely to have led to more negative
made during the pain trials. affect [9], and we found less negative affect during slow breathing
overall. Further, differences in response to slow breathing found
4. Discussion between groups and between pain stimuli are inconsistent with
a general bias in expectations introduced by experimental arrange-
This study sought to examine the benefits of an experimental ments. Left unassessed was the degree of compliance with experi-
analog to meditation. Participants were guided through epochs of menter instructions for participants to pace their breathing rate by
paced breathing at one-half their normal respiration rate during following the visual cues. Although we doubt that there was a dif-
which mild and moderately painful heat pulses were delivered to ference in compliance with breathing rates for the two conditions
their palms. We recorded the participants’ ratings of pain intensity overall, because we monitored each subject’s breathing visually,
and unpleasantness following each trial and found an overall we did not quantitatively measure rate or compliance. Future stud-
reduction in pain ratings when healthy control participants were ies could benefit from measurements of actual breathing rates as
paced to breathe slowly. These findings are consistent with those well as the compliance.
of an observational investigation, which found lower breathing Among the study limitations are possible lack of representative-
rates were associated with reduced pain intensity and unpleasant- ness in the samples of FM and HCs. A different sample of FM patients
ness ratings when participants meditated while receiving pulses of may reveal group differences not apparent here. In comparison to
painful heat [12]. controls, FM patients did not have lower thresholds for pain and
Analyses of these ratings across conditions revealed that slow did not display a consistent pattern of more affective disturbance,
breathing had its greatest effects on ratings of pain stimuli of mod- in contrast to findings reported in other research [11]. The sample
erate in comparison to mild intensity. The salubrious effects of size in the current study led to relatively low power to detect small
slow breathing also extended to ratings of negative affect that were differences between groups, and there may have been other influ-
made at the end of each block of four trials. After blocks in which ences in recruitment and screening that led to a non-representative
participants were paced to breathe at one-half their normal rate, sample of FMs and controls. In any case, our results indicate that
they rated their negative affect significantly lower. slow breathing can reduce pain and negative emotion for some indi-
FM participants benefited less from slow breathing than HCs, as viduals. Since all participants were administered trials where pain
predicted. Their ratings of pain intensity appeared unaffected by was administered, the potential benefit of interventions that include
changes in breathing rate, and there was a similar suggestive find- the practice of meditation in the treatment of pain patients is sup-
ing for pain unpleasantness. There were no differences between ported. However, the mixed findings for FM patients give us pause.
HCs and FMs in the effects of breathing rate on negative affect, It may be more difficult to engender states of relaxation needed to
but there were differences found with positive affect. Positive af- endure pain in FM patients through slow paced breathing alone.
fect ratings were overall unaffected by slow breathing, but there
was a three-way interaction suggesting that FM participants were 4.1. Theoretical implications
less able to sustain positive affect gains from slow breathing than
were HCs. Both trait level negative affect and trait level positive af- From these results we may infer that slow breathing facilitates
fect enhanced the effects of slow breathing. There was only a mod- emotional regulation and the maintenance of homeostasis under
est correlation between trait level negative affect and trait level the challenging conditions of acute pain induction. The effects of
positive affect suggesting that these two influences on the interac- breathing rate on pain responses varied as a function of both level
tion between pain and emotion were independent. In analyses of of pain and FM diagnosis. Indeed, the relative weak effects of slow
both pain intensity and unpleasantness, participants with greater breathing on outcomes for FM patients suggests that this group has
negative affect disturbance coupled with a greater capacity for po- particular difficulty in the maintenance of emotional equilibrium,
sitive emotions benefited most from slow breathing. These findings due perhaps in part to a less differentiated affect system.
call attention to the central though complex role that affect regu- Taken together these findings are consistent with the model of
lation plays in amelioration of pain. It was useful not only to assess pain as a homeostatic emotion. In this model, the neurophysiologi-
positive and negative affective responses separately, both as out- cal processes that underlie how slow breathing influences pain be-
Author's personal copy

18 A.J. Zautra et al. / PAIN 149 (2010) 12–18

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