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Hnin Ei Phyu

Topic: Women’s Rights

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)

A. Hook: A majority of people have been fighting for women’s rights since a long time ago.

B. Connecting information: There have been many cases, Cho Doo-Soon case and Junko

Furuta case just to name a few. The ‘supreme court’ has raised into fame for a bad reason, and in

the wrong generation. They’re planning to ban abortion. Lots of people despise this idea and are

protesting outside the court.

C. Thesis information: There’re lots of causes of pregnancy, sexual assault and r*pe are what

some goes through.

II. Body

A. Paragraph 2 topic s: One of the most hurtful things that victims of assault and r*pe is that

they feel guilty.

1. Most of the time, the victim would start off with denial, not being able to believe that


2. Then, the victim would feel that they’re at fault since they were not able to fight back,

and just let it happen.

3. Experiencing this outrageous stuff, leaves the victim traumatized forever, they’d feel

helpless, unable to eat or sleep.

B. Paragraph 3 topic s: Another effect left to on the victim is being ashamed that it happened to


1. They would either be expressive about their feelings, or would distant themselves.

2. The survivors would develop trust issues. They would start to cover their bodies, and

not let anyone touch them as they persistently fear that it might happen again.

3. They feel that they’re disgusting for something they couldn’t control.

C. Paragraph 4 topic s: It would be hard for survivors to find happiness after being assaulted.

1. Depression is one of the emotional and psychological reactions to sexual assault and


2. Depression can lead to harming themselves. They would start to cut their wrist as a

way of coping.

3. They’d lose their appetite, and lose control over themselves as well. If the survivor

can’t take it anymore, they would involve their lives and engage in deathful activities.

III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5)

A. Restated thesis: Being impregnated from sexual assault and r*pe victims would strongly

want to get rid of the baby as it would remind what has been done to her in the past.

B. Suggestions, opinions or predictions: Even if the court is only going on in America, other

countries would follow if this was added to the law. Therefore, abortions should never be illegal,

and predators who assaulted and r*ped others should have more time in jail.

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