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1. Electrons with energy 80 KeV are incident on the tungsten target mass is double of an electron. Therefore, for this hypothetical
of an X-ray tube. K shell electrons of tungsten have –72.5 keV atom energy in nth orbit will be given by
energy X-rays emitted by the tube contain (2000)
En  
(a) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a n2
minimum wavelength of about 0.155 Å.
The longest wavelength  max (or minimum energy) photon
(b) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with all
will correspond to the transition of particle from n = 3 to
the wavelengths.
(c) the characteristic X-ray spectrum of tungsten
(d) a continuous X-ray spectrum (Bremsstrahlung) with a hc  1 1 
  E3  E 2  2Rhc   
minimum wavelength of about 0.155 Å and the  max 2 32 
characteristics X-ray spectrum of tungsten.
Ans. (d) This given  max 
Sol. The minimum wavelength of continuous spectrum
3. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay constants
  hc / E 10  and  respectively. If initially they have the same number
of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of X1 to that
6.6  10 –34  3  108 of X2 will be 1/e after a time (2000)
80  103  1.6  10 –19
1 1
(a) 10  (b) 11
Since the energy of the incident radiation is more than that
of K shell electrons.
11 1
The characteristic wave will appear as a peak on the (c) 10  (d) 9 
continuous spectrum .
Ans. (d)
2. Imagine an atom made up of a proton and a hypothetical particle
of double the mass of the electron but having the same charge N x1 (t) 1
as the electron. Apply the Bohr atom model and consider all Sol. N (t)  e
possible transitions of this hypothetical particle to the first
excited level. The longest wavelength photon that will be
 N0e 10t 1
emitted has wavelength  (given in terms of the Rydberg or 
t e
 N0 e
constant R for the hydrogen atom equal to) (2000)
(Initially, both have same number of nuclei say N0)
9 36
(a) (b)
5R 5R e t
or e  or e  e9t
18 4 e 10t
(c) (d)
5R R 1
or 9t  1 or t 
Ans. (c) 9

Rhc 4. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from an

Sol. In hydrogen atom E n   excited state to the ground state. Which of the following
statement is true ? (2000)
Also, E n  m (a) Its kinetic energy increases and its potential and total
Where m is the mass of the electron. energy decreases
Here, the electron has been replaced by a particle whose (b) Its kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases
and its total energy remains the same
 3 
(c) Its kinetic and total energy decreases and its potential or E1    40.8 eV ....... (ii)
 4n 2 
energy increases
(d) Its kinetic, potential and total energy decreases From equation (i) and (ii),
Ans. (a)
1 1 4n 2  5 or 1  1  15 or 4  1 or n  2
Sol.  n   KE  2 (with positive sign)
n n 3 4n 2 4n 2 n2
Potential energy U is negative and U n  From equation (ii),
E1   n 2 (40.8) eV
 1 Ze 2  3
 Un   . 
 40 r n 
 (2) 2 (40.8) eV
1 3
 (because rn  n 2 )
or E1  217.6 eV

1 E1   (13.6) Z 2
Similarly total energy E n  2 (with negative sign)
E 217.6
Therefore, when an electron jumps from some excited state  Z2    16
to the ground state, value of n will decrease. Therefore, 13.6 13.6
kinetic energy will increase (with positive sign), potential
Z  4
energy and total energy will also increase but with negative
sign. Thus, finally kinetic energy will increase, while potential
E1 E1
and total energies will decreases. E min  E 2n  E 2n 1  
4n (2n  1) 2
5. A hydrogen like atom of atomic number Z is an excited state
of quantum number 2n. It can emit a maximum energy photon of
204 eV. If it makes a transition to quantum state n, a photon E1 E1 7  7 
   E1     (217.6) eV
of energy 40.8 eV is emitted. Find, n, Z and the ground state energy 16 9 144  144 
(in eV) of this atom. Also calculate the minimum energy (in
eV) that can be emitted by this atom during de-excitation.  E min  10.58eV
Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. (2000) 6. When a beam of 10.6 eV photons of intensity 2.0 W/m
–4 2
Ans. n = 2, Z = 4, –217.6 eV, 10.58 eV falls on a platinum surface of area 1.0 × 10 m and work
Sol. Let ground state energy (in eV) be E1 function 5.6 eV. 0.53% of the incident photons eject
photoelectrons. Find the number of photoelectrons emitted per
Then, from the given condition second and their minimum and maximum energies (in eV).
Take 1 eV = 1.6 × 10 J. (2000)
E 2n  E1  204 eV or  E1  204 eV 11
Ans. 6.25 × 10 , zero, 5.0 eV
4n 2
Sol. Energy of incident photons,
 1 
or E1 
 1   204 eV Ei  10.6eV  10.6  1.6  1019 J
 4n 

 16.96 1019 J
E1 E1
and E 2n  E n  40.8 eV or   40.8eV
Energy incident per unit area per unit time (intensity) = 2J
4n 2 n2
 Number of photons incident on unit area in unit time 9. The intensity of X-rays from a coolidge tube is plotted
against wavelength  as shown in the figure. The minimum
2 wavelength found is c and the wavelength of the K line is

16.96  1019 k. As the accelerating voltage is increased (2001)

 1.18 1018

Therefore, number of photons incident per unit time on given

–4 2
area (1.0 × 10 m )

 (1.18  1018 ) (1.0  104 )  1.18  1014

But only 0.53% of incident photons emit photoelectrons

 Number of photoelectrons emitted per second (n) (a) k – c increases (b) k – c decreases
 0.53  14 (c) k increases (d) k decreases
n  (1.18 10 )
 100  Ans. (a)

Sol. Wavelength  k is independent of the accelerating voltage

n  6.25  1011
(V), while the minimum wavelength c is inversely
K min  0 and K max  Ei  work function
proportional to V. Therefore, as V is increased  k remains
= (10.6 – 5.6) eV = 5.0 eV
unchanged whereas c decreases or  k  c will increases.
 K max  5.0 eV and K min  0
10. A radioactive sample consists of two distinct species having
7. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from equal number of atoms initially. The mean life of one species
(2001) is  and that of the other is 5. The decay products in both
(a) inner orbits of atoms cases are stable. A plot is made of the total number of
radioactive nuclei as a function of time. Which of the
(b) free electrons existing in nuclei
following figure best represents the form of this plot ?
(c) decay of a neutron in a nucleus
(d) photon escaping from the nucleus
Ans. Decay of a neutron in a nucleus
Sol. During  -decay, a nutron is transformed into a proton and
an electron. This is why atomic number (Z = number of (a) (b)
protons) increases by one and mass number
(A = number of protons + neutrons) remains unchanged
during beta decay.
8. The transition from state n = 4 to n = 3 in a hydrogen like
atom results in ultraviolet radiaiton. Infrared radiation will
be obtained in the transition (2001) (c) (d)
(a) 2  1 (b) 3  2
(c) 4  2 (d) 5  4 Ans. (d)
Ans. (d) Sol. The total number of atoms can neither remain constant (as
in option a) nor can ever increase (as in options b and c).
Sol. Energy of infrared radiation is less than the energy of
They will continuously decrease with time. Therefore, (d) is
ultraviolet radiation. In options (a), (b) and (c), energy the appropriate option.
released will be more, while in option (d) only, energy released
will be less.
11. In nuclear reactor U undergoes fission liberating 200 MeV
 dN x 
of energy. The reactor has a 10% efficiency and produces     x N x ..... (i)
1000 MW power. If the reactor is to function for 10 years,  dt 
find the total mass of uranium required. (2001)
4  dN y 
Ans. 3.845 × 10 kg     x N x   y N y ....... (ii)
9  dt 
Sol. The reactor produces 1000 MW power or 10 J/s. The reactor
is to function for 10 yr. therefore, total energy which the
 dN z 
reactor will supply in 10 yr is and     y N y ....... (iii)
 dt 
E = (power) (time)
N 0 x
 (109 J / s) (10  365  24  3600s) (b) Given N y (t)     [e
 eXt ]
x y

 3.1536  1017 J
dN y ()
But since the efficiency of the reactor is only 10%, therefore For N y to be maximum 0
18 d
actual energy needed is 10 times of it or = 3.1536 × 10 J.
One uranium atom liberates 200 MeV of energy or i.e.  x N x   y N y ....... (iv) [from equation (ii)]
200  1.6 1013 J or 3.21011 J of energy. So, number of
xt N 0 x    
or  x (N0 e )  y [e y  e x ]
18 x   y
3.1536  10
uranium atoms needed are  0.9855  1029
3.2  10 11
 
Or number of kg-moles of uranium needed are x   y e y
or  1
y  
29 e y
0.9855 10
n  163.7
6.02  1026 x
 e ( x   y ) t
Hence, total mass of uranium required is y
M = (n) M = (163.7) (235) kg
or m = 38470 kg  
or ( x   y ) t | n (e)  | n  x 
4  y 
or m = 3.847 × 10 kg  
12. A radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y with a decay
constant x = 0.1s , Y further decays to a stable nucleus Z 1  x 
–1 t n  
with a decay constant y = 1/30 s . Initially, there are only X x   y 
20  y 
nuclei and their number is N 0 = 10 . Set-up the rate
equations for the populations of X, Y and Z. The Substituting the values of  x and  y , we have
population of Y nucleus as a functions of time is given by
Ny(t) = {N0x/(x–y)} [exp (–yt) –expt (–xt)]. Find the time
at which NY is maximum and determine the populations X  
1  0.1 
and Y at that instant. (2001)     15 (3)
 1  n 1 
Ans. (a)  0.1    30 
 30  n

dN X dN dN Z
  X N X , Y   X N X   Y N Y ,  Y NY ; or + = 16.48s
dt dt dt
C] the population of × at this moment
19 19
(b) 16.48s; (c) NX = 1.92 × 10 , NZ=2.32 × 10
t (0.1) (16.48)
Sol. (a) Let at time t = t, number of nuclei of Y and Z are Ny and Nz. Nx  N0 e  1020 e
N x  1.92  1019
Rate equations of the populations of X, Y and Z are
(a) 400 s (b) 6.3 s
Nx Ny
Ny  [from eq.] (c) 40 s (d) 300 s
Ans. (a)

(0.1) n
 1.9  1019 1
 1  Sol. R  R 0   .......(i)
  2
 30 
Here R = activity of radioactive substance after n half-lives
 5.76  10 R0
 (given)
N z  N0  N x  N y
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get n = 4
 1020  1.92  1019  5.76  1019  t  (n) t 1 (4) (100 s)  400s
N 2  2.32 1019
16. Which of the following processes represents a gamma-
13. The potential difference applied to an X-ray tube is 5 kV and decay? (2002)
the current through it is 3.2 mA. Then the number of
A A A A 3
electrons striking the target per second is (2002) (a) Z
X +  Z 1 X+a+b (b) Z
X + 10 n  Z2 X +c
16 16
(a) 2 × 10 (b) 5 × 10 A A A A
17 15
(c) Z
X Z
X+ f (d) Z
X + – 1e  Z 1 X+g
(c) 1 × 10 (d) 4 × 10
Ans. (c)
Ans. (a)
Sol. During  -decay atomic number (Z) and mass number (A)
q ne it does not change, So, the correct option is (c) because in all
Sol. i   n 
t t e other options either Z, A or both is/are changing.
17. A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr model) is
Substituting i  3.2  103 A observed to emit six wavelengths, originating from all
possible transitions between a group of levels. These levels
e  1.6  1019 C and t  1s have energies between –0.85 eV and –0.544 eV (including
We get, n = 2 × 10
16 both these values). (2002)
14. A hydrogen atom and a Li ion are both in the second (a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
excited state. If lH and lLi are their respective electronic angular (b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these
momenta, and EH and ELi their respective energies, then transitions.
(2002) (Take hc = 1240 eV-nm, ground state energy of hydrogen
(a) lH > lLi and |EH| > |ELi| (b) lH = lLi and |EH| < |ELi| atom = –13.6 eV)

(c) lH = lLi and |EH| > |ELi| (d) lH < lLi and |EH| < |ELi| Ans. (a) Z = 3; (b) 4052.3 nm

Ans. (b) Sol. (a) Total 6 lines are emitted. Therefore,

Sol. In second excited state n = 3, n (n  1)

 6 or n  4
 h 
So, lH  lH    So, transition is taking place between m energy state and
 2  th
(m + 3) energy state.
While and E  Z2 ZH  1, Zu  3 E m  0.85 eV

So, | E Li |  9 | E H | or | E H |  | E Li |
 z2 
15. The half-life of
At is 100 s. The time taken for the or 13.6    0.85
 m2 
215  
radioactivity of a sample of At to decay to 1/16th of its
initial value is (2002)

z 1
or  0.25 .......(i)  [(10)16  (5 104 )  (10)]  5.0 107
m 106
Similarly, E m 3  0.544 eV (b) At time t = 10s

charge on plate A, q A   ne  (5.0 107 ) (1.6  1019 )

or 13.6  0.544
(m  3)2  8.0 1012 C

z And charge on plate B,

or  0.2 ...... (ii)
(m  3)
q B  (33.7 1012  80 1012 )
Solving equation (i) and (ii) for z and m, we get
M = 12 and z = 3  25.7  1012 C

(b) Smallest wavelength corresponds to maximum difference

(25.7  8.0) 1012
of energies which is obviously E m 3  E m or E   2 103 N / C
4 12
2  (5  10 ) (8.85  10 )
 E max  0.544  (0.85)  0.306 eV
(q B  q A )
hc 1240  Electric field between the plates E  2A 0
 min    4052.3 nm.
E max 0.306
–4 2 (25.7  8.0) 1012
18. Two metallic plates A and B each of area 5 × 10 m , are or E   2 103 N / C
placed parallel to each other at separation of 1cm. Plate B 2  (5  104 ) (8.85  1012 )
carries a positive charge of 33.7 × 10 C. A monochromatic
(c) Energy of photoelectrons at plate A
beam of light, with photons of energy 5 eV each, starts falling
on plate A at t = 0 so that 10 photons fall on it per square = E – W = (5 – 2) eV = 3 eV
metre per second. Assume that one photoelectron is emitted Increase in energy of photoelectrons
for every 10 incident photons. Also assume that all the = (eEd) joule = (Ed) eV
emitted photoelectrons are collected by plate B and the work
function of plate A remains constant at the value 2 eV.  (2 103 ) (102 ) eV  20 eV
Determine : (2002) Energy of photoelectrons at plane B
(a) the number of photoelectrons emitted upt to t = 10 s, = (20 + 3) eV = 23 eV
(b) the magnitude of the electric field between the plates A 19. The electric potential between a proton and an electron is
and B at t = 10s and
(c) The kinetic energy of the most energetic photoelectrons given by V  V0 n r , where r0 is a constant. Assuming
emitted at t = 10s when it reaches plate B.
Bohr’s model to be applicable, write variation of rn with n, n
Neglect the time taken by the photoelectron to reach plate
–12 2 2 being the principal quantum number. (2003)
B. (Take 0 = 8.85 × 10 C /N-m ).
7 3
Ans. (a) 5 × 10 ; (b) 2 × 10 N/C; (c) 23 eV 1
(a) rn  n (b) rn 
Sol. Area of plates A  5  10 4 m 2
Distance betwen the plates d = 1 cm = 10 m
–2 (c) rn  n 2 (d) rn 
(a) Number of photoelectrons emitted upto t = 10 s are Ans. (a)

(number of photons falling in unit are  r 

Sol. U  eV  eV0 ln  r 
in unit time)  (area  time)  0

dU eV0 Ans. (b)

|F|   
dr r Sol. Given that K1  K 2  5.5 MeV ......(i)
This force will provide the ncessary centripetal force.
From conservation of linear momentum,
m eV
Hence,  0 p1  p 2
r r
eV0 2K1 (216 m)  2K 2 (4 m) as p  2km
Or   ......(i)
 K1  54 K1 ........(ii)
Moreover, mr  ......(ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
K 2  KE of  - particle = 5.4 MeV..
Now from(1) mvrn  nh 18
2 23. Characteristic X-rays of frequency 4.2 × 10 Hz are produced
when transitions from L-shell to K-shell take palce in a certain
rn  n ( as v = constant )
257 target material. Use Mosley’s law to determine the atomic
20. If the atom 100Fm follows the Bohr’s model and the radius number of the target material. Given Rydberg’s constant
of last orbit of 100Fm is n times the Bohr radius, then find n 7 –1
R = 1.1 × 10 m . (2003)
(a) 100 (b) 200 (2003)
Ans. Z = 42
(c) 4 (d) 1/4
Sol. The characteristic X-ray is emitted when an electron in L
Ans. (d)
shell makes a transition to the vacant state in K shell. In
 m2  mMoleley’s law.
Sol. (rm )   z  (0.53 Å)

  v  a  Z  b,

 (n  0.53) Å the parameter b  1 for this transition because electron from

L shell finds the nuclear charge Ze shielded by the remaining
m2 electron in K shell i.e., effective nuclear charge is (Z – 1)e.
 n Thus, by substituting the values,
1 v 4.2  1018 2 1 1 
m  5 for 100 Fm 257 (the outermost shell) and z = 100    R  Z  1   2
 c 3 108 2
 n1 n 2 
(5)2 1
n   21 1
100 4  1.1 107  Z  1  2  2  ,
1 2 
21. The mass m of a uranium nucleus varies with its volume V as
(2003) we get, Z = 42.
24. A radioactive element decays by -emission. A detector
(a) m  V (b) m  records n beta particles in 2 s and in next 2 s it records 0.75
n beta particles. Find mean life correct to nearest whole
(c) m  V (d) m  V 2 number. Given ln |2| = 0.6931, ln |3| = 1.0986. (2003)
Ans. (c) Ans. 7
Sol. Nuclear density is constant hence, mass  volume or Sol. Let no be the number of radioactive nuclei at time t = 0.
mV Number of nuclei decayed in time are given by n 0 (1  et ) ,
22. A nucleus of mass number 220, initially at rest, emits an - which is also equal to the number of beta particles emitted
particle. If the Q value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV, the energy during the same interval of time. For the given condition,
of the emitted -particle will be (2003)
(a) 4.8 MeV (b) 5.4 MeV n  n 0 (1  e2 ) ........ (i)

(c) 6.0 MeV (d) 6.8 MeV (n  0.75n)  n 0 (1  e 4 ) ....... (ii)
Dividing equation (ii) by (i), we get K max  E  W  (5  3) eV  2eV

1  e 4
1.75 
1  e 2

or 1.75  1.752  1  e4

 1.75 e 2  e 4  ....... (iii)

Let us take e 2   x Therefore, the stopping potential is 2V. Saturation current

Then, the above equation is depends on the intensity of light incident. When the intensity
is doubled the saturation current will also become two fold.
x 2  1.75x  0.75  0 The corresponding graphs are shown in above figure.
26. After 280 days, the activity of a radioactive sample is 6000
1.75  (1.75)2  (4) (0.75) dps. The activity reduces to 3000 dps after another 140 days.
or x 
2 The initial activity of the sample in dps is : (2004)
(a) 6000 (b) 9000
or x  1 and (c) 3000 (d) 24000
Ans. (a)
 From equation (iii) either Sol. Here, the activity of the radioactive sample reduces to half
3 in 140 days. Therefore, the half life of the sample is 140 days.
e 2  1 or e 2  
4 280 days is it's two half lives. So before two half lives it's
activity was 2 × 6000 = 24000dps.
but e 2  = 1 is not accepted because which means   0.
Therefore, Option d is correct
2  3 27. The energy of a photon is equal to the kinetic energy of a
Hence, e 
4 proton. The energy of the photon is E. Let 1 be the de-
Broglie wavelength of the proton and  2 be the wavelength
or  2 ln (e)  ln (3)  ln (4)  ln (3)  2 ln (2)
of the photon. The ratio  is proportional to (2004)
1 2
   ln (2)  ln (3)
2 (a) E
(b) E

–1 –2
Substituting the given values. (c) E (d) E
Ans. (b)
   0.6931   (1.0986)  0.14395s 1
2 h
1 2mE or 1  E 2
1 Sol. 
 Mean  life t means   6.947s 2 hc 2
 E
25. In a photoelectric experiment set-up, photon energy 5 eV
falls on the cathode having work function 3 eV. (a) If the
–5 2
saturation current is iA = 4 A for intensity 10 W/m , then
plot a graph between anode potential and current. (b) Also
–5 2
draw a graph for intensity of incident radiation 2 × 10 W/m .
Sol. Maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons would be
28. The figure show the variation of photocurrent with anode 30. Wavelengths of Balmer series lying in the range of 450 nm
potential for a photosensitive surface for three different and 700 nm were used to eject photoelectrons from a metal
radiations. Let Ia, Ib and Ic be the intensities and fa, fb and fc surface of work function 2.2 eV. Determine the maximum
be the frequencies for the curves a, b and c respectively kinetic energy in eV of the emitted photoelectron. Take
(2004) hc = 1242 eV nm. (2004)
Ans. 0.55 eV.
Sol. Wavelengths corresponding to minimum wavelength the
( min ) or maximum energy will emit photoelectrons having
maximum kinetic energy.
( min ) Belonging to Balmer series and Lying in the given
range (450 nm to 750 nm) corresponds to transition from (n
(a) fa = fb and Ia  Ib (b) fa = fc and Ia = Ic = 4 to n = 2). Here,
(c) fa = fb and Ia = Ib (d) fb = fc and Ib = Ic
Ans. (a) 13.6
E4     0.85 eV
(4) 2
Sol. Saturation current is proportional to intensity while stopping
potential increases with increase in frequency.
Hence, fa  fb while la  lb and E 2     3.4 eV
238 9 238
(2) 2
29. A rock containing U is 1.5 × 10 years old. U disintegrates
206 206
to form Pb Assuming that there was no Pb in the rock  E  E 4  E 2  2.55eV
initially and it is the only stable product formed by the decay,
206 238
calculate the ratio of number of nuclei of Pb to that of U K max  Energy of photon - work function
238 9
in the rock at present. Half-life of U is 4.5 × 10 years
1/3 = 2.55 – 2.0
(Given : 2 = 1.259) (2004)
= 0.55 eV
Ans. 0.259
238 31. A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom is ground
Sol. Let N0 be the initial number of U.
state inelastically. Energy of the colliding photon is 10.2 eV.
n After a time interval of the order of micro second another
1 photon collide with same hydrogen atom inelastically with
After time t, N U  N0  
2 an energy of 15 eV. What will be observed by the detector ?
(a) 2 photons of energy 10.2 eV (2005)
t 1.5  10 1 (b) 2 photons of energy 1.4 eV
Here n = number of half - lives   
t 1 4.5  109 3 (c) One photon of energy 10.2 eV and an electron of energy
1.4 eV
(d) one photon of energy 10.2 eV and another photon of
 1 3 energy 1.4 eV
N U  N0  
2 Ans. (c)
Sol. Due to 10.2 eV photon one photon of energy 10.2 eV will be
  1 1  detected.
and N Pb  N0  N U  N 0 1    3  Due to 15 eV photon the electron will come out of the atom
  2  
with energy (15 – 13.6) = 1.4
32. K wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number Z = 11
 1 3 is . Find the atomic number for an atom that emits K
NU   radiation with wavelength 4  (2005)
    3  3.861 (a) Z = 6 (b) Z = 4
N Pb 1
1   (c) Z = 11 (d) Z = 44
Ans. (a)
1 (b) Find the frequency of K line emitted by this metal.
Sol.  (Z  1)2 7 –1 8
 (R = 1.1 × 10 m , c =3 × 10 m/s)
2 Ans. (a) 56; (b) 1.55 × 10 Hz
  Z 1 
 1  2  1
 2  Z1  1 
Sol. (a) From the relation r  A 3 ,
1  Z2  1 
Or  
4  11  1 
1 1
r  A 3  A 3
We have 2   2  or  2   (14) 3
Solving this, we get Z2 = 6 r1  A1   4 
 Correct answer is (a).
33. A beam of electron is used in an YDSE experiement. The slit A2 = 56
width is d. When the velocity of electron is increased, then (b) Z2 = A2 - number of neutrons
(a) no interference is observed (2005) = 56 – 0 = 26
(b) fringe width increases
(c) fringe width decreases  1 1  3Rc
 fk   Rc (Z  1)2  2  2   (Z  1)2
(d) fringe width remains same.  1 2  4
Ans. (c)
Substituting the given value of R, c and Z, we get
Sol. As velocity (or momentum) of electron is increased, the
 h fk   1.55  1018 Hz
wavelength     will decrease. Hence, fringe width will
 p th
36. If the wavelength of the n line of Lyman series is equal to
decrease (  ). the de-Broglie wavelength of electron in initial orbit of a
hydrogen like element (Z = 11). Find the value of n.
 Correct answer is (c).
34. If a star can convert all the He nuclei completely into oxygen (2005)
nuclei. The energy released per oxygen nuclei is : Ans. n = 24
(Mass of the helium nucleus is 4.0026 amu and mass of Sol. The nth line in Lyman series corresponds to transition (n +
oxygen nucleus is 15.9994 amu) (2005) 1)  1. The wavelength of this transition is given by
(a) 7.6 MeV (b) 56.12 MeV
1  1 
(c) 10.24 MeV (d) 23.4 MeV  RZ2 1  2
, ...(1)
  (n  1) 
Ans. (c)
7 –1
wherre R = 1.097  10 m and Z = 11.

Sol. 4 2 He
  8O
The angular momentum in nth orbit is given by

Mass defect, m  {4 (4.0026)  15.9994} nh . ...(2)

mvr 
 0.011 amu
The de-Broglie wavlength of electron in (n + 1) orbit is
 Energy released per oxygen nuclei
= (0.011) (931.48) MeV h hr 2 r
   . ...(3)
= 10.24 MeV mv mvr n  1
 Correct answer is (c) The radius of (n + 1) orbit is
35. X-rays are incident on a target metal atom having 30 neutrons.
a 0 (n  1)2
4 1/3 r ...(4)
The ratio of atomic radius of the target atom and 2 He is (14) . Z

(a) Find the mass number of target atom. (2005) where a 0  0.529 1010 m is Bohr’s radius. Substitute r
from equation (4) into equation (3) and then substitute  3
into equation (1) to get undecayed. Or, th fraction will decay. Hence, probability
1 1 3
n  1   24.93, ...(5) that a nucleus decays in two half-lives is .
n  1 2RZa0 4

Which gies n = 24. 39. The graph between 1/ and stopping potential (V) of three
metals having work functions 1, 2 and 3 in an experiment
37. The potential energy of a particle of mass m is given by of photoelectric effect is plotted as shown in the figure.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ? (Here 
Vx = E 0forfor0xx11
is the wavelength of the incident ray). (2006)

If the total energy of the particle is 3E0, determine the ratio of

de-Broglie wavelengths in the two ranges of x mentioned
above. (2005)

1/ 2
 3 (a) Ratio of work functions 1 : 2 : 3 = 1 : 2 : 4
Ans.  
 2 (b) Ratio of work functions 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 2 : 1
Sol. The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass m, momentum (c) tan  is directly proportional to hc/e, where h is Plank’s
constant and c is the speed of light.
h h
p and kinetic energy K is given by   p  . (d) The violet colour light can eject photoelectrons from
2mK metals 2 and 3.
The total energy is U + K = 2E0. The kinetic energy and de- Ans. (a, c)
Broglie wavelength of the particle in the region 0  1x  1 Sol. From the relation,
eV  
K1  2E 0  U  2E 0  E 0  E 0 , 

h  hc   1  
1  , ...(1) or V      
2mE 0  e  e

and in the region x  1 are K 2  2E 0  U  2E 0  0  2E 0 ,

2  , ...(2)
4mE 0

Divide equation (1) by (2) to get   2 .

38. Half-life of a radioactive substance A is 4 days. The

This is equation of straight line.
probability that a nucleus will decay in two half-lives is :
1 3 Slope is tan  
(a) (b) (2006) e
4 4

1 hc hc hc
1 : 2 : 3  : :
(c) (d) 1  01 02 03
Ans. (b)
1 1 1
 : :  1: 2 : 4
1 01 02 03
Sol. After two half-lives th fraction of nuclei will remain

1 o 1
 0.001 nm 1 or  01  10000 A
 01  122  R
1 1  .......(i)
 2 2
1 1 2 
 0.002 nm 1 or  02  5000 A
 02
The smallest wavelength in the infrared region corresponds
to maximum energy of paschen series.
1 o
 0.004 nm 1 or  03  2500 A
 03 l
  R
o  1 1  ........(ii)
Violet colour has wavelength 4000 A  2 
3 
So, violet colour can eject photoelectrons from metal-1 and
metal-2. Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
Match the Column   823.5 nm
40. Some laws/process are given in Column I. Match these with
 Correct option is (b).
the physical phenomena given in Column II. (2006)
42. In the options given below, let E denote the rest mass
Column I Column II energy of a nucleus and n a neutron. The correct option is
(A) Nuclear fusion (P) Converts some matter into (2007)
(B) Nuclear fission (Q) Generally possible for nuclei
(a) E  236
92 
U >E  137
53 
I +E  97
39 
Y + 2E (n)

with low atomic number (b) E  236

92 
U <E  137
53 
I +E  97
39 
Y + 2E (n)
(C) -decay (R) Generally possible for nuclei
with higher atomic number (c) E  236
92 
U <E  140
56 
Ba + E  94
36 
Kr + 2E (n)
(D) Exothermic nuclear (S) Essentially proceeds by weak
reaction nuclear forces (d) E  236
92 
U =E  140
56 
Ba + E  94
36 
Kr + 2E (n)

Ans. (A - p, q; B - p, r; C - p, s; D - p, q, r) Ans. (a)

Sol. (A) Nuclear fusion - Converts some matter into energy, Sol. When 92236 U breaks into different fragments then it imparts
Generally possible for nuclei with low atomic number. the kinetic energy to the fragments formed. Hence the rest
(B) Nuclear fission - Converts some matter into energy, mass energy of initial state (92236U) is greater than the total
Generally possible for nuclei with higher atomic number.
rest mass energy of the fragments formed (final state).
(C)  -decay - Converts some matter into energy, Essential 43. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength  fall on the target in
proceeds by weak nuclear forces. an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the emitted X-ray
(D) Exothermic nuclear reaction - Converts some matter into is (2007)
energy, Generally possible for nuclei with low atomic number,
2mc 2 2h
Generally possible for nuclei with higher atomic number. (a)  0  (b)  0 
h mc
41. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the
hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The smallest wavelength in 2m 2 c 2  2
the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest (c)  0  (d) 0 = 
integer) is (2007)
(a) 802 nm (b) 823 nm Ans. (a)
(c) 1882 nm (d) 1648 nm Sol. Momentum of striking electrons
Ans. (b) h
Sol. The series in U-V region is Lymen series. Longest wavelength 
corresponds to minimum energy which occurs in transition
from n = 2 to n = 1.  Kinetic energy of striking electrons
Characteristic X-rays, Hydrogen spectrum.
p2 h2
K  (B) Electron emission from a material - Characteristic X-rays,
2m 2m 2
 -decay..
This is also, maximum energy of X-ray photons.
(C) Mosley’s law - Characteristic X-rays.
2 2 (D) Change of photon energy into kinetic energy of electron
hc h 2m c
Therefore,  or 0 
 0 2m 2 h - Photoelectric effect.
46. Which one of the following statements is Wrong in the
 Correct option is (a). context of X-rays generated from a X-ray tube ? (2008)
ASSERTION REASON (a) Wavelength of characteristic X-ray decreases when the
atomic number of the target increases.
(A) If Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is the
correct explanation for Statement-I. (b) Cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends
on the atomic number of the target
(B) If Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is
(c) Intensity of the characteristic X-rays depends on the
not a correct explanation for Statement-I.
electric power given to the X-rays tube
(C) If Statement I is true; Statement-II is false.
(d) Cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends
(D) If Statement-I is false; Statement-II is true. on the energy of the electrons in the X-ray tube.
44. Statement-1 : If the accelerating potential in an X-ray tube Ans. (b)
is increased, the wavelengths of the characteristic X-ray do Sol. Cut-off wavelength depends on the applied voltage not on
not change. the atomic number of the target. Characteristic wavelengths
depend on the atomic of target.
Statement-2 : When an electron beam strikes the target in
47. A radioactive sample S1 having an activity of 5 Ci has twice
an X-ray tube, part of the kinetic energy is converted into X-
the number of nuclei as another sample S2 which has an
ray energy. (2007)
activity 10 Ci. The half lives of S1 and S2 can be (2008)
(a) A (b) B (a) 20 years and 5 years, respectively
(c) C (d) D (b) 20 years and 10 years, respectively
Ans. (a) (c) 10 years each
(d) 5 years each
Sol. Cut-off wavelength depends on the accelerating voltage,
Ans. (a)
not the characteristic wavelengths. Further, approximately
2% kinetic energy of the electrons is utilized in producing 1
Sol. Activity of S1  (activity of S2 )
X-rays. Rest 98% is lost in heat. 2
 Option (b) is correct. 1  N
45. Some laws/processes are given in Column I. Match these Or 1 N1  (2 N 2 ) or 1  2
2  2 2N1
with the physical phenomena given in Column II (2007)
Column I Column II T1 2N1  ln 2 
Or   T  half  life  
(A) Transition between (P) Characteristic X-rays T2 N2   
two atomic energy levels
Given N1  2N 2
(B) Electron emission from (Q) Photoelectric effect
a material T1
 4
(C) Mosley’s law (R) Hydrogen spectrum T2
(D) Change of photon (S) -decay
 Correct option is (a).
energy into kinetic energy
of electrons
Ans. A–P,R; B–Q,S; C–P; D–Q
Sol. (A) Transition between two atomic energy levels -
+ +
48. In a Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between In a mixture of H – He gas (He is singly ionized He atom),
the two slits is d and the wavelenght of the light . The H atoms and He ions are excited to their respective first
intensity of light falling on slit 1 is four times the intensity of excited states. Subsequently, H atoms transfer their total
light falling on slit 2. Choose the correct choice(s). (2008) +
excitation energy to He ions (by collisions). Assume that
(a) If d = , the screen will contain only one maximum
the Bohr model of atom is exactly valid.
(b) If  < d < 2, at least one more maximum (besides the +
central maximum) will be observed on the screen 50. The quantum number n of the state finally populated in He
(c) If the intensity of light falling on slit 1 is reduced so that ions is (2008)
it becomes equal to that of slit 2, the intensities of the (a) 2 (b) 3
observed dark and bright fringes will increase.
(c) 4 (d) 5
(d) If the intensity of light falling on slit 2 is increased so
that it becomes equal to that of slit 1, the intensities of Ans. (c)
the observed dark and bright fringes will increase.
Ans. (a, b)
Sol. For d = , there will be only one central maxima.

  d  2 , there will be three maxima on the screen

corresponding to path difference, x  0 and x   

Correct option are (a) and (b).
49. Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon (B/A)
versus mass number is as shown in the figure. Use this plot
to choose the correct choice (s) given below. [2008]
Energy given by H-atom in trasition from n = 2 to n = 1 is
8 equal to energy taken by He atom in transition from n = 2 to
6 n = 4.
2  Correct option is (c).
0 A 51. The wavelength of light emitted in the visible region by He
100 200
ions after collisions with H atoms is (2008)
(a) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the
–7 –7
range of 1 < A < 50 will release energy (a) 6.5 × 10 m (b) 5.6 × 10 m
–7 –7
(b) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the (c) 4.8 × 10 m (d) 4.0 × 10 m
range of 51 < A < 100 will release energy
Ans. (c)
(c) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass number range of
100 < A < 200 will release energy when broken into equal o o
fragments Sol. Visible light in the range, 1  4000 A to  2  7000 A
(d) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass number range of Energy of photons corresponding to these wavelengths (in
200 < A < 260 will release energy when broken into equal eV) would be:
Ans. (b, d) 12375
E1   3.09 eV
Sol. In fusion, two or more lighter nuclei combine to make a 4000
comparatively nucleus. In fission, a heavy nucleus breaks
into two or more comparatively lighter nuclei. 12375
E2   1.77 eV
Further, energy will be released in a nuclear process if total 7000
binding energy increases. +
From energy level diagram of He atom we can see that in
 Correct options are (b) and (d).
transition from n = 4 to n = 3, energy of photon released will
Passage - 1

lie between E1 and E 2 . 1240

E3   3.54 eV
E 43  3.4  (6.04)  2.64 eV
E1 cannot emit photoelectrons from q and r plates. E 2
Wavelength of photon corresponding to this energy, cannot emit photoelectrons from r.
Further, work function of p is least and it can emit
12375 o o photoelectrons of its stopping potential and saturation
 A  4687.5 A 4.68  107 m current both will be maximum.
 Correct option is (a).
 (c) is the most correct option. PASSAGE - 2
52. The ratio of the kinetic energy of the n = 2 electron for the H When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between
atom to that of He ion is : (2008) x = 0 and x = a, where a is of nanometre dimension, its energy
can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/2
of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond
(c) 1 (d) 2 to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends
Ans. (a) x = 0 and x = a. The wavelength of this standing wave is
related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to
Sol. Kinetic energy K  Z2 the de Broglie relation. The energy of the particle of mass m

2 is related to its linear momentum as E = . Thus, the
KH 1 1 2m
   
K  2 4 energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number
‘n’ taking values 1, 2, 3, .... (n = 1, called the ground state)
 Correct option is (a).
corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave.

53. Photoelectric effect experiments are performed using three Use the model described above to answer the following
different metal plates p, q, and r having work function p = three questions for a particle moving in the line x = 0 to x = a.
–34 –19
2.0 eV. q = 2.5 eV and r = 3.0 eV, respectively. A light beam Take h = 6.6 × 10 J s and e = 1.6 × 10 C. (2009)
containing wavelengths of 550 nm, 450 nm and 350 nm with 54. The allowed energy for the particle for a particular value of
equal intensities illuminates each of the plates. The correct
n is proportional to
I-V graph for the experiment is (2009)
–2 –3/2
(a) a (b) a
–1 2
(c) a (d) a
Ans. (a)
(a) (b)


(c) (d) 2a h h
    .......... (i)
n p 2Em

Ans. (a)
1 1
1240 Or E  E  2
Sol. E1   2.25 eV a a
1240 55. If the mass of the particle is m = 1.0 × 10 kg and a = 6.6 nm,
E2   2.75 eV
450 the energy of the particle in its ground state is closest to
(a) 0.8 meV (b) 8 meV It may be helpful to use the following : Boltzmann constant
(c) 80 meV (d) 800 meV
e2 –9
Ans. (b) k = 8.6 × 10 eV/k ; = 1.44 × 10 eVm. (2009)

n 2h 2 57. In the core of nuclear fusion reactor, the gas becomes plasma
Sol. From Eq. (i) E  2 because of
8a m
(a) strong nuclear force acting between the deuterons
In ground state n = 1
(b) Coulomb force acting between the deuterons

h2 (c) Coulomb force acting between deuteron-electron pairs

 E1 
8ma 2 (d) the high temperature maintained inside the reactor core.
Ans. (d)
Substituting the values, we get
Sol. In the core of nuclear fusion reactor, the gas becomes plasma
E1  8 meV because of the high temperature maintained inside the reactor
56. The speed of the particle, that can take discrete values is
58. Assume that two deuteron nuclei in the core of fusion reactor
proportional to
at temperature T are moving towards each other, each with
–3/2 –1
(a) n (b) n kinetic energy 1.5 kT, when the separation between them is
(c) n (d) n large enough to neglect Coulomb potential energy. Also
neglect any interaction from other particles in the core. The
Ans. (d)
minimum temperature T required for them to reach a
Sol. From Eq. (i) –15
separation of 4 × 10 m is in the range
pn 9 9
(a) 1.0 × 10 K < T < 2.0 × 10 K
9 9
 m  n (b) 2.0 × 10 K < T < 3.0 × 10 K
9 9
Or   n (c) 3.0 × 10 K < T < 4.0 × 10 K
9 9
(d) 4.0 × 10 K < T < 5.0 × 10 K
Ans. (a)
Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear fusion reactor.
2 Sol. From conservation of mechanical energy, we have
Nuclei of heavy hydrogen, 1H, known as deuteron and
denoted by D, can be thought of as a candidate for fusion Ui  K i  U f  U f
reactor. The D-D reaction is 12 H  12 H  32 He  n  energy..
1 (e) (e)
In the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy hydrogen is 0  2 (1.5 kT)  . 0
40 d
fully ionized into deuteron nuclei and electrons. This
Substituting the values, we get
collection of 12 H nuclei and electrons is known as plasma.
The nuclei move randomly in the reactor core and T  1.4  109 K
occasionally come close enough for nuclear fusion to take
59. Results of calculations for four different designs of a fusion
place. Usually, the temperatures in the reactor core are too
reactor using D-D reaction are given below. Which of these
high and no material wall can be used to confine the plasma. is most promising based on Lawson criterion ?
Special techniques are used to confine the plasma for a time 12 –3
(a) deuteron density = 2.0 × 10 cm , confinement time =
t0 before the particles fly away from the core. If n is the density –3
5.0 × 10 s
(number/volume) of deuterons, the product nt0 is called 14 –3
Lawson number. In one of the criteria, a reactor is termed (b) deuteron density = 8.0 × 10 cm , confinement time =
14 3 9.0 × 10 s
successful if Lawson number is greater than 5 × 10 s/cm .
23 –3
(c) deuteron density = 4.0 × 10 cm , confinement time =
1.0 × 10 s 6
24 –3
(d) deuteron density = 1.0 × 10 cm , confinement time 5
=4.0 × 10 s 4
Ans. (b) 3
Sol. As given in the paragraph, a reactor is termed successful, if 2
14 3 1
nt 0  5  10 s cm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
60. An -particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a Years
potential difference of 100 V. After this, their de Broglie Ans. (8)

p dN
wavelengths are  and p respectively. The ratio , to the Sol.  |Activity of radioactive substance|
 dt
nearest integer, is (2010)
Ans. (3)  N  N 0 et
Sol. The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle with momentum p is Taking log both sides
given by

h dN
 In  In (N0 )  t
p dt

The momentum and kinetic energy of particle of mass m are

related by dN
Hence, In versus t graph is a straight line with
p  2mK .
slope .
The kinetic energy of a charge q, accelerated through
potential V, is given by K = qV. Thus, From the graph we can see that,

h h 1
  ,   0.5 yr 1
2m K 2mqV 2
which gives Now applying the equation.
p 2m  q  V 2  4u  2u  100
  N  N0 et  N 0 e0.54.16
 2m p q p V 2 1u 1e  100
 8  2.8  3.  N 0 e 2.08  0.125 N 0 
61. To determine the half life of radioactive element, a student
i.e, nuclei decreases by a factor of 8.
dN (t) dN (t)
plots a graph of ln versus t. Here is the rate Hence, the answer is 8.
dt dt
of radioactive decay at time t. If the number of radioactive PASSAGE - 4
nuclei of this element decreases by a factor of p after 4.16 The key feature of Bohr’s theory of spectrum of hydrogen
years, find the value of p. (2010)
atom is the quantization of angular momentum when an
electron is revolving around a proton. We will extend this to
a general rotational motion to find quantized rotational
energy of a diatomic molecule assuming it to be rigid. The
rule to be applied is Bohr’s quantization condition. (2010)
62. A diatomic molecule has moment of interia I. By Bohr’s
quantization condition its rotational energy in the n level
(n = 0 is not allowed) is
m1m2 48
  amu
1  h2  1  h2  m1  m2 7
(a) n 2  82 I  (b) n  82 I 
   
 11.43  1027 kg
2 2
 h  2 h 
(c) n  82 I  (d) n  82 I 
    Substituting in I  r 2 we get,
Ans. (d)

nh nh I 1.87  10 46
Sol. L  I    r 
2 2I  11.43  1027
1 2 1  nh  n2 h2
K I  I    2  1.28  1010 m
2 2  2I  8 I
 The correct answer is (d). 65. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 10
63. It is found that the excitation frequency from ground to the disintegrations per second, whose mean life is 10 s. The
first excited state of rotation for the CO molecule is close to mass of an atom of this radioisotope is 10 kg. The mass (in
mg) of the radioactive sample is (2011)
4 11
× 10 Hz. Then the moment of inertia of CO molecule Ans. (1)

about its centre of mass is close to (Take h = 2 × 10 Js)  dN   1 
–46 2 –46 2 Sol. Activity   dt   N   t  N
(a) 2.76 × 10 kg m (b) 1.87 × 10 kg m    mean 
–47 2 –47 2
(c) 4.67 × 10 kg m (d) 1.17 × 10 kg m
Ans. (b)  dN 
N     t mean  Total number of atoms
 dt 
3h 2 –25
Sol. h  K 2  K1  2
Mass of one atom is 10 kg = m (say)
8 I
 Total mass of radioactive substance
= (number of atoms) × (mass of one atom)
3h 3  2  10 34  
 I 
82 f 8  2  4  1011
 dN 
   (t mean ) (m)
 dt 
 1.87  1046 kg  m 2
Substituting the values, we get
 The correct answer is (b).
Total mass of radioactive substance = 1 mg
64. In a CO molecule, the distance between C (mass = 12 a.m.u)
 Answer is 1.
5 –27
and O (mass = 16 a.m.u.), where 1 a.m.u. = × 10 kg, is 66. A silver sphere of radius 1 cm and work function 4.7 eV is
supspended from an insulating thread in free space. It is
close to under continuous illumination of 200 nm wavelength light.
–10 –10
(a) 2.4 × 10 m (b) 1.9 × 10 m As photoelectrons are emitted, the sphere gets charged and
(c) 1.3 × 10 m
–10 –11
(d) 4.4 × 10 m acquires a potential. The maximum number of photoelectrons
emitted from the sphere is A × 10 (where 1 < A < 10). The
Ans. (c)
value of Z is (2011)
Sol. I  r 2 (where   reduced mass) Ans. (7)
Sol. r = 1 cm = 10 m
P 2  3 102  e2
W  4.7 eV P = 0.6l

h h 4.2 1015
hc 6.626  10  3 10 8   
E photon   p 0.6e 0.6
 200  109
  7  1015 m  7 fm
 9.94 10 J  6.2 eV

K.Ephotoelectron  E photon  W  6.2  4.7  1.5eV The -decay process, discovered around 1900, is basically
the decay of a neutron (n). In the laboratory, a proton (p)

Potential acquired by sphere should be 1.5 V to stop the and the electron (e ) are observed as the decay products of
electron emmission. the neutron. Therefore, considering the decay of a neutron
as a two-body decay process, it was predicted theoretically
kQ that the kinetic energy of the electron should be a constant.
  1.5
r But experimentally, it was observed that the electron kinetic
energy has a continuous spectrum. Considering a three
1.5  102 –
decays process, i.e., n  p + e + ve , around 1930, Pauli
Q 9
9 10
explained the observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming
No. of electrons = the anti-neutrino ( ve ) to be massless and possessing
negligible energy, and the neutron to be at rest, momentum
Q 1.5 102 and energy conservation principles are applied. From this
  10.4 107 electrons
e 4 109  1.6 1019 calculation, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron is
0.8 × 10 eV. The kinetic energy carried by the proton is only
z  7 the recoil energy. (2012)
67. A proton is fired from very far away towards a nucleus with 68. If the anti-neutrion had a mass of 3 eV/c (where c is the
charge Q = 120 e, where e is the electronic charge. It makes speed of light) instead of zero mass, what should be the
a closest approach of 10 fm to the the nucleus. The de- range of the kinetic energy K, of the electron ?
Broglie wavelength (in units of fm) of the proton at its start 6
–27 – (a) 0 < K < 0.8 × 10 eV
is [Take the proton mass, mp = (5/3) × 10 kg; h/e = 4.2 × 10
(b) 3.0 eV < K < 0.8 × 10 eV
1 9 –15 6
J-s/C; 4 = 9 × 10 m/F; 1 fm = 10 m] (2012) (c) 3.0 eV < K < 0.8 × 10 eV
0 6
(d) 0 < K < 0.8 × 10 eV
Ans. (7fm)
Ans. (d)
Sol. Sol. Maximum kinetic energy of anti - neutrino is nearly
Energy Conservation
(0.8  106 ) eV
K.E i  P.E i  K.E r  P.E r
69. What is the maximum energy of the anti-neutrino ?
P 2 k (e) (120e) (a) Zero (b) Much less than 0.8 × 10 eV
 6
2m (10 1015 ) (c) Nearly 0.8 × 10 eV (d) Much larger than 0.8×106 eV
Ans. (c)
9 2 Sol. Maximum kinetic energy of anti - neutrino is nearly
5 9  10 120  e
P 2  2  1013 
3 1019 (0.8  106 ) eV
70. Match List I of the nuclear process with List II containing
parent nucleus and one of the end products of each process
and then select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists. (2013)
List I List II
 h 
 n  3, asL  n  
P. Alpha decay 1. 8 O  17
7 N  ...  2 

238 n2
Q.  decay
2. 92 U  234
90 Th  ... rn 
 184 r3  4.5a 0
R. Fission 3. 83 Bi 82 Pb  ...
 z=2
S. Proton emission 4. 94 Pu  140
57 La  ... 1  1 1  1 1
 Rz 2     4R   
1 2 2
Code : 2 3  4 9
P Q R S 9
 1 
(a) 4 2 1 3 5R
(b) 1 3 2 4 1 1 1   1
 Rz 2     4R 1  
(c) 2 1 4 3 2 12 2
3   9
(d) 4 3 2 1
Ans. (c)  2 
Sol. (p) In  decay mass number decreases by 4 and atomic
1 1 1   1
number decreases by 2.  Rz 2     4R 1  
3 2 2
1 2   4
(q) in  -decay mass number remains unchanged while
atomic number decreases by 1.  3 
(r) In fission, parent nucleus breaks into all most two equal 72. A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half-life 1386
fragments. 3
s has activity 10 disintegrations per second. Given that ln
(s) In proton emission both mass number and atomic number 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of nuclei (expressed
decreases by 1. in nearest integrer percentage) that will decay in the first 80
71. The radius of the orbit of an electon in a Hydrogen-like atom s after preparation of the sample is (2013)
is 4.5 a0 where a0 is the Bohr radius. Its orbital angular Ans. (4)
3h Sol. Number of nuclei decayed in time t.
momentum is . It is given that h is Planck constant and R
N d  N 0 (1  et )
is Rydberg constant. The possible wavelength(s), when the
atom de-excites, is (are) (2013)
N 
 % decayed   d  100
9 9
(a) (b)  N0 
32 R 16 R

9 4  (1  et d) 100 ...... (i)

(c) (d)
5R 3R
Ans. (a, c) Here,    5  10 4 s 1
 h 
Sol. L  3    % decayed  (t)  100
 2 
 (5 104 ) (80) (100)
=4 74. The kinetic energy (in KeV) of the alpha particle, when the
PASSAGE - 6 nucleus 210
at rest undergoes alpha decay, is (2013)
84 Po
A (a) 5319 (b) 5422
The mass of a nucleus ZX is less that the sum of the masses
of (A – Z) number of neutrons and Z number of protons in (c) 5707 (d) 5818
the nucleus. The energy equivalent to the corresponding Ans. (a)
mass difference is know as the binding energy of the nucleus. 210
A heavy nucleus of mass M can break into two light nuclei
Sol. 84 PO  2 He4  82 Pb206
of masses m1 and m2 only if (m1 + m2) < M. Also two light Mass defect m  (m Po  M He  m Pb )  0.005815u
nuclei of mass m3 and m4 can undergo complete fusion and
form a heavy nucleus of mass M’ only if (m3 + m4) > M’. The Q  (m) (931.48) MeV  5.4193 MeV
masses of some neutral atoms are given in the table below :
= 5419 keV
1 2
1H 1.007825 u 1H 2.014102 u From conservation of linear momentum,
6 7 ppb  p
3 Li 6.01513 u 3 Li 7.016004 u
152 206
64 Gd 151.919803 u 82 Pb 205.974455 u  2m Pb k Pb  2m k 
3 4
1H 3.016050 u 2 He 4.002603 u
k m Pb 206
70 82 Or k  m  4
30 Zn 69.925325 u 34 Se 81.916709 u Pb 

209 210
83 Bi 208.980388 u 84 Po 209.982876 u  206 
 k    (k total )
73. The correct statement is : (2013)  206  4 
(a) the nucleus 63 Li can emit and alpha particle
 206 
  (5419)
(b) The nucleus 210
can emit a proton  201 
84 Po

(c) Deuteron and alpha particle can undergo complete fusion = 5319 keV

(d) The nuclei 70

and 82
can undergo complete fusion 75. If Cu is the wavelength of K X-ray line of copper (atomic
30 Zn 34 Se
number 29) and  Mo is the wavelength of the
Ans. (c)
K X-ray line of molybdenum (atomic number 42), then the
Sol. (a) 3 Li 7  2 He4  1H3 ratio Cu/Mo is close to (2014)
(a) 1.99 (b) 2.14
 [ M Li  M He  M3H ]
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.48
= [6.01513 – 4.002603 – 3.016050]
Ans. (b)
= – 1.003523u
m is neative so reaction is not possible. Sol. The wavelength of K  X  ray line is related to atomic
number Z by
(b) 84 PO  83 Bi 209  1P1
1 21 1 3 2
m is negative so reaction is not possible.  R  Z  1  2  2   R  Z  1
 1 2  4
(c) 1 H 2  2 He4  3 Li6 Substitute the value of Z to get
m is positive so reaction is possible.
 Cu (Z Mo  1)2 (41)2
70 82    2.14.
(d) 30 Zn  34Se  64 Gd152  Mo (ZCu  1)2 (28)2
m is positive so reaction is not possible.
76. A metal surface is illuminated by light of two different The equations (1) and (2) give Zx + Zy = 0 and Ax + Ay = 2.
wavelengths 248 nm and 310 nm. The maximum speeds of Fromt he given options, these conditions are satisfied if
the photoelectrons corresponding to these wavelengths Ay
Zx x  10 n and Zy y  10 n.
are u1 and u2 respectively. If the ratio u1:u2 =2:1 and hc =
1240 eV nm, the work function of the metal is nearly(2014) The Q value of the given reaction is
(a) 3.7 eV (b) 3.2 eV Q = BEproducts – BEreactants

(c) 2.8 eV (d) 2.5 eV  140  8.5  94  8.5   236  7.5  219 MeV.
Ans. (a) The energy released in the reaction (Q value) is equal to the
Sol. The maximum kinetic energy of ejected photoelectrons is kinetic energy of the products i.e.,

1 hc
K Xe  K Sr  K x  K y  Q, which gives
given by K max  mu 2   . ...(i)
2 
K Xe  KSr  219  (2  2)  215MeV. ...(3)
Substitute the value in equation (1) to get

1 1240 K x  K y  2 MeV  .

mu12   ...(2)
2 248 The linear momentum of a particle of mass m and kinetic

1 1240 energy K is given by p  2m K . Since the masses and

mu 22   ...(3)
2 310 kinetic energies of x and y are very samll in comparison to
that of 140
54 Xe and
38Sr , we can neglect the linear momentum
Divide equation (2) by (3) and use u  2 to get   3.7 eV. 236
2 of these particles. Initially, the linear momentum of 92 U is
77. A fission reaction is given by zero (at rest). Finally, the products 140 94
54 Xe and 38Sr will move
 140
 94
 x  y, where x and y are two in opposite direction with equal linear momentum (by
92 U 54 Xe 38Sr
conservation of linear momentum). Thus,
particles. Considering 92 U to be at rest, the kinetic 2 M Xe K Xe  2MSr KSr , i.e.,

energies of the products are denoted by KXe, KSr, Kx (2 140 K Xe  94 KSr .

MeV) and Ky (2 MeV), respectively. Let the binding
Solve equation (3) and (4) to get K Xe  86 MeV and
236 140 94
energies per nucleon of 92 U, 54 Xe and 38 Sr be 7.5
KSr  129 MeV.
MeV, 8.5 MeV and 8.5 MeV, respectively. Considering 78. Planck’s constant h, speed of light c and gravitational
different conservation laws, the correct option(s) is(are) constant G are used to form a unit of length L and a unit of
(2015) mass M. Then the correct option(s) is (are) (2015)
(a) x = n, y = n, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV (a) M  c (b) M  G
(b) x = p, y = e, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV
(c) L  h (d) L  G
(c) x = p, y = n, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV
Ans. (a, c, d)
(d) x = n, y = n, KSr = 86 MeV, KXe = 129 MeV 2 –1
Sol. h = ML T
Ans. (d) –1
c = LT
Sol. Given fission reaction is G =M L T
–1 3 –2

A a b d
 140 94 Ax
 Zy y L= h c G
92 U 54 Xe  38Sr  Zx x y 0 1 0 a 2a –a b –b –d 3d –2d
Apply conserations of charge and mass to get Euqating coefficients of M, L and T
92 = 54 + 398 + Zx + Zy ...(1) a – d = 0, 2a + b + 3d = 1, – a – b – 2d = 0
236 = 140 + 94 + Ax + Ay ...(2)

1 1 3
a ,d  ,b 
2 2 2

La h, La G
Similarly using dimentional analysis for second case
a b d
M=h c G
1 0 0 a 2a –a –b –b –d 3d –2d
a = d = 1, 2a + b + 3d = 0, –a – b – 2d = 0

1 1 1
a ,d , b
2 2 2

Ma h, Ma1/ G , Ma c
Correct options are a, c and d.
79. For photo-electric effect with incident photon wavelength
, the stopping potential is V 0. Identify the correct
variation(s) of V0 with  and 1/. (2015)

Thus,.  versus V0 graph is hyperbolic in nature. The details

of two graphs are shown in the figures.
(a) (b) 80. A nuclear power plant supplying electrical power to a village
uses a radioactive material of half life T years as the fuel.
The amount of fuel at the beginning is such that the total
power requirement of the village is 12.5% of the electrical
power available from the plant at the time. If the plant is
able to meet the total power needs of the village for a
(c) (d) maximum period of nT years, then the value of n is (2015)
Ans. (3)
Ans. (a,c) Sol. The electrical power produced by a nuclear power palnt at
time t is proportional to the number of decays per second
Sol. In photoelectric effect, the stopping potential (V0) is related (activity) at that time i.e.,
to the wavelength of incident radiation by eV0  , dN  0.693 t 
 Pk  P0 exp   ...(1)
dt  T 
where P0 is the initial power and T is the half life. The power
where  is the work function of the metal. From equation
production decreases with time as shown in the figure.
(1), versus V0 graph is a straight line with a positive

slope . The equation (1) can be written as
(eV0  )  hc .

The power plant will continue to meet power requirement fo

the village till its power production reduces to the village’s
demand i.e., P = 0.125 P0. Substitute P = 0.125 P0 in equation
1 1
(1) and simplify to get t = 3T. 0, respectively. Given  P  and  Q  2 . The activities
  
81. Consider a hydrogen atom with its electron in the nth orbital.
An electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 90 nm is used of P and Q at t = 0 are equal i.e.,
to ionize the atom. If the kinetic energy of the ejected  p N 0,P  Q N0,Q , (using (2)) ...(4)
electron is 10.4 eV, then the value of n is (hc = 1242 eV nm)
(2015) Use equation (3) to get the ratio of rate of change of activities
of P and Q at time t = 2 as
Ans. (2)
Sol. The ionization energy for electron in n orbital of the 2  
R P  P2 NO, P e P  P   P N0,P  e 2 P 
 2    2  
13.6 R Q Q N e 2 Q   Q  Q N0,Q e Q

hydrogen atom is Eionization = . The photon energy for O,Q
n 2 eV
radiation of wavelength   90 nm is 1
e 2(1)
E photon 
hc 1242
  13.8 eV. The photon energy is used   (1) 2(1/2)
1 e
 90
to ionize the hydrogen atom and to provide kinetic energy K
 2 
= 10.4eV the ejected electron i.e.,
Ephoton = Eionization + K. (1)  . (using (4).)
Substitute the value in equation (1) and solve for n to get n
= 2. 83. Match the nuclear process given in column I with the
appropriate option(s) in column II. (2015)
82. For a radioactive material, its activity A and rate of change
Column–I Column–II
dN dA
of its activity R are defined as A  and R   , (A) Nuclear fusion (P) Absorption of thermal
dt dt
where N(t) is the number of nuclei at time t. Two radioactive neutrons by 92 U
sources P(mean life ) and Q(means life 2) have the same
activity att = 0. Their rates of change of activities at t = 2 (B) Fission in a nuclear (Q) 27 Co nucleus
RP n reactor
are RP and RQ, respectively. If R  e , then the value of n (C) decay (R) Energy production in
stars via hydrogen
is (2015)
conversion to helium
Ans. (2)
(D) ray emission (S) Heavy Water
Sol. In a radioactive decay, the number of nuclei at time t are
given by (T) Neutrino emission
N(t)  N0 e ...(1) Ans. A–R,T; B–P,S; C–P,Q,R,T; D–P,Q,R,T
where N0 is the number of nuclei at t = 0 and the decay Sol. The nuclear fusion is responsible for energy production in
starts via fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. In
constant  is related to the mean life  by   . sun, the fusion takes palce dominantly by proton-proton

Differentiate equation (1) to get the activity A(t) and the rate cycle 4 11H  42 He  2e  2v  2 . Then neutrino (v) and
of change of activity R(t),   rays emission are parts of this fusion reaction.

dN The uranium based fission reactors involve absorption of

A(t)    N 0 et ...(2) 235
dt thermal neutrons by 92 U nuclei to produce the highly
fissionable nuclei. This nuclei then fissions into two parts
R(t)     2 N 0 e t ...(3) 236
dt e.g., 92 U  137 97
63 I  39 Y  2n . The fission fragments are

Let N0, P and N0, Q be the number of nuclei of P and Q at = t = unstable and undergo   decay to reduce their neutron to

proton ratio. The fragments are generally formed in excited The measured masses of the neutron, 11 H , 15
N and 158 O
states and consequently emit   rays. The heavy water
(D2O) is used as moderator to slow down the fast moving are 1.008665 u, 1.007825 u, 15.000109 u and 15.003065 u,
neutrons. 15
respectively. Given that the radii of both the 7
N and
In   decays , a nuetron is converted into a proton. In this
process, and electron and an antineutrino are created ad 8
O nuclei are same, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2 (c is the speed of
emitted from the nucleus, n  p  e  v. The   decay in light) and e2/(4 0) = 1.44 MeV fm. Assuming that the
60 60 60 
27 Co is given by 27 Co  28 Ni  e  v. The daughter difference between the binding energies of 15 N and 158 O
nuclei 28 Ni is formed in exicted state and comes to ground is purely due to the electrostatic energy. The radius of
state by   ray emission. either of the nuclei is
The   rays are high energy electromagnetic rays. These (1 fm = 10–15m) (2016)
rays are generally emitted when a nuclei in excited state (a) 2.85 fm (b) 3.03 fm
(high energy) makes a transition to a lower state (low energy).
(c) 3.42 fm (d) 3.80 fm
84. An accident in a nuclear laboratory resulted in deposition
of a certain amount of radioactive material of half-life 18 Ans. (c)
days inside the laboratory. Tests revealed that the radiation 15 15
Sol. The binding energies of 7 N and 8O are given by
was 64 times more than the permissible level required for
safe operation of the laboratory. What is the minimum 
BE N  m N c 2  8m n  7m p  M N c 2 
number of days after which the laboratory can be
 (8 1.008665  7 1.007825  15.000109)  931.5
considered safe for use? (2016)
(a) 64 (b) 90 BE O  m O c 2  (7m n  8m p  M O ) c 2
(c) 108 (d) 120
 (7  1.008665  8 1.007825  15.003065)  931.5
Ans. (c)
= 111.95 MeV.
Sol. Given : T1/2 = 18days
15 15
Let the permissible activity after time t be Ro The difference in binding energies of 7 N and 8O is
Initial activity of the radiation, R = 64Ro BE  BE n  BE O  115.49  111.95  3.54 MeV ...(1)

0.693 R 15 15
t  2.303log10 The electrostatic energies of 7 N and 8O are given by
Using: T R0
1/ 2
3 Z  Z  1 e 3 7  7  11.44
0.693 EN  
 t  2.303log10  64  5 4 0 R 5 R

0.693 36.288
 t  2.303 1.806  MeV  fm
18 R

 t  108days 3 8  8  11.44 48.384

EO   MeV  fm.
5 R R
85. The electrostatic energy of Z protons uniformly distributed
throughout a spherical nucleus of radius R is given by 15 15
The difference in electrostatic energies of 7 N and 8O is

3Z(Z  1)e2  12.096 

E E  E O  E N    MeV  fm ...(2)
5 4  0 R  R 

Since E  BE, equations (1) and (2) give R = h

12.096  hc 
 3.42 fm. 2m   eV  ..(1)
3.54   ph   
 
86. Light of wavelength ph falls on a cathode plate inside a
vacuum tube as shown in the figure. The work function The wavelength e increases with increases in  and  ph
of the cathode surface is  and the anode is a wire mesh of as denominatror of equation (1) decreases with increases in
conducting material kept at a distance d from the cathode.
 and  ph . Also e is independent of d. The order of
A potential difference V is maintained between the
electrodes. If the minimum de Broglie wavelength of the hc 
electrons passing through the anode is e, which of the magnitude of  and  is almost same. Thus, if V 
ph e
following statement(s) is(are) true? (2016)
then equation (1) reduces to  e  . Hence, e is
2 meV
approximately halved if V is made four times.

(a) e increases at the same rate as ph for ph < hc/
(b) For large potential difference (V >> /e), e is
approximately halved if V is made four times
The equation (1) is not linear in  ph and  e . Thus, the rates
(c) e is approximately halved, if d is doubled
(d) e decreases with increase in  and ph of increase of  e and  ph will be different. This can be
Ans. (b) verified by differentiating equation (1). You are encouraged
Sol. In photo-electric effect, the maximum kinetic energy of the d e
photo-electron ejected at the cathode, is given by to show that the slope d is different at different values

hc of  ph .
K max,c 
 ph   ,
87. In a historical experiment to determine Planck’s constant,
where  ph is wavelength of the incident light and  is the a metal surface was irradiated with light of different
wavelengths. The emitted photoelectron energies were
work function of the material. The ejected photo-electrons
measured by applying a stopping potential. The relevant
are accelerated from the cathode to the anode by a potential
V. Thus, the maximum kinetic energy of the photo-electron data for the wavelength () of incident light and the
at the anode is corresponding stopping potential (V0) are given below :
 (µm) V0 (Volt)
K max, a  K max,c  eV   eV 0.3 2.0
 ph  
0.4 1.0
The linear momentum of the electron of mass m and kinetic
0.5 0.4
energy K is given by p  2m K . Thus, the minimum de-
Given that c = 3 × 108 m s–1 and e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, Planck’s
Broglie wavelength; of the electron at the anode is constant (in units of J s) found from such an experiment is
h h
e  
p 2m K max, a (a) 6.0 × 10–34 (b) 6.4 × 10–34
(c) 6.6 × 10–34 (d) 6.8 × 10–34
Ans. (b)
Sol. In photoelectric effect, the stopping potential (V0) is related n 2a0
number Z is given by rn  , where a 0  0.53 Å is the
to the wavelength of incident radiation by Z
Bohr’s radius. The relative change in the radii of two
hc consecutive orbitals is
eV0  ...(1)
 
rn 1  rn (n  1)2 a 0 / Z  n 2 a 0 / Z 2n  1
where  is the work function of the metal. From equation  
rn n2a0 / Z n2
(1), versus V0 graph is straight line with a slope hc/e and 2
 
 n  1 .
intercept on V0 axis.
e 13.6Z2
The energy of the n orbital is given by E n 
n 2 eV
The relative change in the energy of two consecutive orbitals
2 2 2
E n 1  E n 13.6Z / (n  1)  13.6Z / n


En 13.6Z2 / n 2

2n  1 2
  .  n  1
(n  1) n
The angular momentum of the n orbital is given by
Substitute the value of V0 and  in equation (1) to get three
Ln  . The relative change in the angular momentum
hc  (2)
equations in two unknown, and . Solve any two of
e e of two consecutive orbitals is
thethree equations to get h = 6.4 10 J-s and   2.0eV.
L n 1  L n (n  1) h/ (2)  nh/ (2) 1
We erroneously measured and (04 m , 1.1V) instead of   .
Ln nh / (2) n
(0.4 m , 1.0V).
88. Highly excited states for hydrogen-like atoms (also called 89. The isotope 5 B having a mass 12.014 u undergoes -
Rydberg states) with nuclear charge Ze are defined by their 12 12
decay to 6 C. 6 C has an excited state of the nucleus
principal quantum number n, where n>>1. Which of the
following statement(s) is (are) true? (2016) ( 12 * 12
6 C ) at 4.041 MeV above its ground state. If 5 B decays
(a) Relative change in the radii of two consecutive orbitals 12 *
to 6 C , the maximum kinetic energy of the -particle in
does not depend on Z
units of MeV is (1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2, where c is the speed of
(b) Relative change in the radii of two consecutive orbitals light in vacuum). (2016)
varies as 1/n Ans. (9)
(c) Relative change in the energy of two consecutive
Sol. The   decay is given by the reaction
orbitals varies as 1/n3
12 12 1
5 B 6C  e  v.
(d) Relative change in the angular momenta of two
consecutive orbitals varies as 1/n The Q-value of this reaction is given by
Ans. (a,b,d)
Sol. The radius of n orbital for a hydrogen-like atom fo atomic
Q  m
  B  m  C  c

= [12.041 – 12.0]  931.5 = 13.041 MeV..

change in wavelength of the incident light by  results in
Note that m  C   12u by definition of atomic mass unit.
6  d
a change d. Then the ratio is proportional to :
The energy Q = 13.041 MeV is released in the reaction. Out 
of this energy, 4.041 MeV is used to exicte 6 C to its excited (2017)

state 12 *
6 C . Thus, the kinetic energy available the the  3d  3d
(a) (b)
  particle (K  ) and the antineutrino  Kv  is 2 

K  K v  13.041  4.041  9 MeV. IN   decay, the

 2d d
kinetic energy of the v can vary from zero to a maximum (c) 2
 
value. Hence, the maximum kinetic energy of the   particle
Ans. (a)
is K,max  9 MeV (when K v  0) .
Sol. Here,  is the wavelenths of incident light and d is the de
90. A hydrogen atom in its ground state is irradiated by light Broglie wavelength of the fastest photoelectrons. The
of wavelength 970 Å. Taking hc/e = 1.237 × 10–6 eV m and fastest ejected photoelectrons has the maximum kinetic
the ground state energy of hydrogen atom as –13.6 eV,
The number of lines present in the emission spectrum is energy which is given by K max   0 . ...(1)

Ans. (6) The de Broglie wavelength of the photoelectron having

Sol. The energy of the incident photon of wavelength   970Å P2

kinetic energy K max  is given by
is 2m

hc 1.237  106 h h
E    12.75eV. d   ...(2)
 970 1010
p 2m K max

Let the incident photon exictes hydrogen atom from the where m is the mass of the electron and p is its linear
ground state (E1 = –13.6 eV) to a state with principal quantum momentum. Eliminate Kmax from equations (1) and (2) to get
number n (En = –13.6/n eV).
Thus, En = E1 + E i.e., h2 hc
  0 ...(3)
2 2md2 
– 13.6/n = –13.6 + 12.75,
which gives n = 4, Differentiate equation (3) to get

h2 hc
(2)  d  (1) ,
2m3d 2

which gives

 d mc 3d

 h 2
The hydrogen atom can make C2 = 6 transistions while 92. An electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition
returning to ground state (see figure). Thus, the emission
spectrum will have six lines. from an orbit with quantum number ni to another with

quantum number n f · Vi and V f are respectively the

91. A photoelectric material having work-function 0 is
initial and final potential energies of the electron. If
 hc 
illuminated with lightof wavelength      . The Vi
 0   6.25 , then the smallest possible n is (2017)
Vf f

fastest photoelectron has a de Broglie wavelength d . A

Ans. (5)
    
Sol. The energy of a hydrogen atom with an electron in n orbit
th a  n    N    N   A  A 0e t .
V  V V V
is given by
Substitute a = 115 Bq, v = 2.5 ml, A0 = 2.4  10 Bq,
En   eV. n2 0.7
n2   hr 1 and t = 11.5 hr to get
t1/2 (8  24)
th En
The potential energy in n orbit is related to En by Vn  . 0.711.5
2 (2.5) (2.4  105 )  8 24
V e
Thus, potential energies in orbitas with quantum number ni 115
and nf are given by
(2.5) (2.4  105 )  0.7 11.5 
13.6 13.6  1  
Vi   eV, and Vf   eV, 115  8  24 
2n i2 2n f2
 4998ml  5litre.
which gives
Vi n f2 94. In a radioactive decay chain 90 Th nucleus decays to
  6.25 (given).
Vf n i2 212
82 Pb nucleus. Let N and N be the number of  and –
Take square root to get nf = 2.5 ni. Since ni and nf are positive particles, respectively, emitted in this decay process. Which
integers, smallest possible integral value of nf is 5 for ni = 2. of the following statements is(are) true : (2018)
93. I is an isotope of Iodine that decays to an isotope of
(a) N = 5 (b) N = 6
Xenon with a half-life of 8 days. A small amount of a serum
labelled with 131I is injected into the blood of a person. The
(c) N = 2 (d) N = 4
activity of the amount of I injected was 2.4 105

Ans. (a,c)
Becquerel (Bq). It is known that the injected serum will get
distributed uniformly in the blood stream in less than half
an hour. After 11.5 hours, 2.5 ml of blood is drawn from the
Sol. The  particle  4
2 He  has +2e charge and four nucleons
person’s body, and gives an activity of 115 Bq. The total
volume of blood in the person’s body, in liters is
(two protons and two neutrons). The  particle   has

–e charge and zero nucleons. Given radioactive decay chain

approximately (you may use e x  1  x for x  1 and is represented by
2  0.7 ). (2017) 232
 212 4 0
90 Th 82 Pb  N  2 He  N 1.
Ans. (5)
By the conservation of ‘nucleons number’
n 2 232 = 212 + 4N ,
Sol. The decay rate is related to half life by   t . A sample
Which gives N   5 . By the conservation of charge 90 =
having N0 radioative nuclei at time t = 0 will have N  N 0et
82 + 2N   N .
radioactive nuclei at time t. Thus, activity (A  N) of a
Substitute N   5 get N  2. The nuclear reactions follow
sample reduces from its initial value A0 to value A  A0 et
at time t. few more conservation laws. The  decay revelas many of

Let V be the total volume of blood and N be the total number them. We strongly recommend detailed study of  decay
of radioactive nuclei at time t. The nuclei are distributed (n  p  e  v).
unifromly in blood. A sample of volume v will have
n    / V  N radiocative nuclei in it. Thus, activity of this
sample is
95. In a photoelectric experiment a parallel beam of
monochromatic light with power of 200 W is incident on a    2me K e
 p e 2m e K e 
perfectly absorbing cathode of work function 6.25 eV. The
frequency of light is just above the threshold frequency so
that the photoelectrons are emitted with negligible kinetic    2me eV  Ke  eV 
energy. Assume that the photoelectron emission efficiency 
is 100%. A potential difference of 500 V is applied between
 24 104 N.
the cathode and the anode. All the emitted electrons are
incident normally on the anode and are absorbed. The anode 96. Consider a hydrogen-like ionized atom with atomic number
experiences a force F = n × 10–4 N due to the impact of the Z with a single electron. In the emission spectrum of this
electrons. The value of n is ............ (2018) atom, the photon emitted in the n = 2 to n = 1 transition has
Ans. (24) energy 74. eV higher than the photon emitted in the n = 3 to
n = 2 transition. The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom
Sol. The frequency of incident light is just above the threshold
is 13.6 eV. The value of Z is ........... (2018)
fequency. Hence, the energy of each photon is equal to the
Ans. (3.00)
work function (E p    6.25eV) and the kinetic energy of th
Sol. The energy of hydrogen like ion of atomic number Z in n
emitted photo-electron is zero (Ke0 = 0). The energy incident Bohr’s orbit is given by
per second on the cathode is incident power P = 200 W.
Thus, number of photons incident per second is E 0 Z2 13.6 Z 2
En    eV,
P P n2 n2
Np  
Ep  where E0 = 13.6 eV is the ionization energy of the hydrogen
The photo-electron emission efficiency is 100%. Thus,
number of photo-electron emitted per second is equal to the The energy of the emitted photon when ion make a transition
number of photons incident per second i.e., Ne = Np. These from n= 2 to n = 1 is
photo-electrons are accelerated by a potential difference V
1 1 3
= 500 V. Thus, gain in potential energy of each photo-electron E 2 1  13.6 Z 2  2  2   13.6 Z 2  eV.
2 1  4
is U  eV = 500 Ev. By conservation of energy, kinetic
energy of the photo-electron when it reaches the anode is The energy of the emitted photon when ion makes a transition
from n = 3 to n = 2 is
K e  K e0  U  500 eV.
1 1 5
The linear momentum of photo-electron of mass me and E32  13.6 Z2  2  2   13.6 Z 2  eV.
kinetic energy Ke is given by 3 2  36

pe  2m e K e . Given E 2 1 is higher than E32 by 74.8 eV i.e.,

The photo-electron transfer its entire linear momentum to 3 5 

the anode (absorbed by the anode). Thus, gain in linear E 2 1  E 32  13.6 Z2     74.8eV.
momentum of the anode by absorbing one photo-electron  4 36 
is Solve above equation to get Z = 3. Can you find ionization
Pa  pe . energy of 37 Li?
The force on the anode is equal to the increase in its linear
momentum per second. Since Ne photo-electrons strikes the
anode per second, the force acting on the anode is given by

Fa  Ne Pa  N e Pe  pa  pe 

P  P
 N p Pe    p e  N e  N p  
  
97. In a radioactive sample, 19 K nuclei either decay into stable are Δpa and Δpe respectively. If =1/5, which of the
nuclei with decay constant 4.5 × 10-10 per year or into option(s) is/are correct?
20 Ca
[Use hc=1242 eV nm; 1nm=10-9 m, h and c are Planck’s
stable 18 Ar nuclei with decay constant 0.5 × 10-10 per year..
constant and speed of light respectively]
40 40
Given that in this sample all the stable 20 Ca and 18 Ar nuclei (2019)
40 (a) The ratio of kinetic energy of the electron in the state n =
are produced by the 19 K nuclei only. In time t × 109 years, if
m to the state n = 1 is 1/4
40 40
the ratio of the sum of stable 20 Ca and 18 Ar nuclei to the (b) m = 2

radioactive 40
nuclei is 99, the value of t will be. [Given ln Δp a
19 K (c) Δp e
1 2
10 = 2.3]
(d) λe  418nm
(a) 9.2
(b) 1.15
1 1
(c) 4.6 
λ a E 4  E m m 2 16 1
(d) 2.3   
λe E 4  E1 1 5
Answer: (a) 16
Solution: On solving
1242  16
λe   487nm
13.6  3

k 2 12 1 1
  as kinetic energy is proportional to 2
t=0 k1 22 4 n
dN 99. A particle of mass m moves in circular orbits with potential
 (1   2 )  N
dt energy V (r) = Fr, where F is a positive constant and r is its
distance from the origin. Its energies are calculated using
 N  the Bohr model. If the radius of the particle’s orbit is denoted
loge    (1   2 )t by R and its speed and energy are denoted by v and E,
 N0 
respectively, then for the n th orbit (here h is the Planck’s
 N0  constant) -
2.3  log10    5  10 t (2020)
 N 0 / 100 
(a) R  n1/3 and v  n 2/3
2.302  2
t (b) R  n 2/3 and v  n1/3
5 1010
2.303  0.4  1010  t 1/3
3  n 2 h 2 F2 
t = 9.2 × 109 Year (c) E   
2  42 m 
98. A free hydrogen atom after absorbing a photon of
wavelength λa gets excited from the state n = 1 to the state  n 2 h 2 F2 
n = 4. Immediately after that the electron jumps to n = m (d) E  2  2

 4 m 
state by emitting a photon of wavelength λ e . Let the change Answer: (b,c)
in momentum of atom due to the absorption and the emission Solution:U = Fr
[Using U = Potential energy and v = velocity, to avoid
confusion between their symbols]
, the potential difference V is increased to 2V and the
dU 2
 Force   F
 Magnitude of force = Constant = F separation distance , is reduced to then
mv2 (2020)
 F ……… (1) (a) the cut-off wavelength will reduce to half, and the
wavelengths of the characteristic X-rays will remain the
nh same
 mvR  ……… (2)
2 (b) the cut-off wavelength as well as the wavelengths of the
characteristic X-rays will remain the same
m n 2h 2 1 (c) the cut-off wavelength will reduce to half, and the
 F  
R 4 m R2
2 intensities of all the X-rays will decrease
(d) the cut-off wavelength will become two times larger, and
 n2 h2  the intensity of all the X-rays will decrease
 R   ……… (3) Answer: (a,c)
 42 mF 
 
nh Solution:  min =
 v eV
2 mR
1 
  min   ( min ) new = 2
1/3 V 2
nh  42 mF 
 v   dN hc
2m  n 2 h 2   I= ×
dt 
n1/3 h1/3 F1/3  decrease
 v ………(4) dt
21/3 1/3 m 2/3 Hence I decrease
(B) is correct 101. A heavy nucleus Q of half-life 20 minutes undergoes alpha-
1 decay with probability of 60% and beta-decay with
 E mv2  U probability of 40%. Initially, the number of Q nuclei is
1000. The number of alpha-decays of Q in the first one
1 hour is (2021)
 mv2  FR
2 (a) 50 (b) 75
1/3 (c) 350 (d) 525
1  n 2/3 h 2/3 F2/3   n 2 h2 
 E m   F  
2  22/3 2/3 m 4/3   42 mF  Ans. (d)
 
Sol. t1/2 = 20 min
 n 2 h 2 F2   1 
E  1 In 60 min, no. of half-life = 3
 42 m   2 
 
 1000 
 N A  1000  3   0.6
 2 
3  n 2 h 2 F2 
  
2  42 m 
 1000   0.6  525
100. In an X-ray tube, electrons emitted from a filament (cathode) 8
carrying I current I hit a target (anode) at a distance d from
the cathode. The target is kept at a potential V higher than 102. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct
the cathode resulting in emission of continuous and about the spectrum of hydrogen atom?
characteristic X-rays. If the filament current I is decreased to (a) The ratio of the longest wavelength to the shortest
wavelength in Balmer series is 9/5
(b) There is an overlap between the wavelength ranges

of Balmer and Paschen series

(c) The wavelengths of Lyman series are given by mv20  qV
 1 
1  2   0 , where 0 is the shortest wavelength of 2mqV
 m  r
Lyman series and m is an integer qB
(d) The wavelength ranges of Lyman and Balmer series
do not overlap (2021) 1 2mV
Ans. (a, d) B q

Sol. For Balmer series :

rS mS q
   2 8
1  1 1  r qS m
 R  2  2  n  3, 4,5....
 2 n 
1 1 1 4
 R   r
 max 4 9
104. A heavy nucleus N, at rest undergoes fission N  P + Q,
1 1 where P and Q are two ligher nuclei. Let
 R 
 min 4   M N  M P  M Q , where MP, MQ and MN are the masses
of P Q and N, respectively. The speeds of P and Q are vP
 9 and vQ, respectively. If c is the speed of light, which of the
 max 
 min 5 following statement(s) is(are) correct? (2021)

For Lyman series : (a) EP  E Q  c2 

1  1 
 R 1  2  n  2, 3, 4...  MP  2
  n  (b) E P    c 
 M P  MQ 
 min vP MQ
(c) v  M

0n 2
 (d) The magnitude of momentum for P as well as Q is
n2 1
103. An   particle (mass 4 amu) and a singly charged sulfur
c 2µ , where µ = (M  M )
ion (mass 32 amu) are initially at rest. They are accelerated P Q

through a potential V and then allowed to pass into a

Ans. (a, c, d)
region of uniform magnetic field which is normal to the
velocities of the particles. Within the region, the
  particle and the sulfur ion move in circular orbits of
radii r and rS, respectively. The ratio (rS / r ) is ______.
Ans. 4.00

Sol. r

Sol. E P  EQ  c2 (Q-value of nuclear reaction)

2M P E P  2M Q E Q or MPVP = MQVQ

 

 EP  c 2

2M P M Q
 Momentum of P or Q = c 2
M P  MQ

105. In a photoemission experiment, the maximum kinetic

energies of photoelectrons from metals P, Q and R are EP,
EQ and ER, respectively, and they are related by EP = 2EQ
= 2ER. In this experiment, the same source of monochromatic
light is used for metals P and Q while a different source of
monochromatic light is used for the metal R. The work
functions for metals P, Q and R are 4.0 eV, 4.5eV and 5.5eV,
respectively. The energy of the incident photon used for
metal R, in eV, is ________. (2021)
Ans. 6

Sol.  P  E P

 Q  E Q

EP = 2EQ
EP - EQ = 0.5
 E P  1.0eV, E Q  0.5eV

ER = 0.5 eV
Energy of incident photon or R  R  E R  6eV

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