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1n my opinion, 2 it is possible that environmental problems will be
worse in 20 years. We already foce a large number of serious
1 Use phrases to express your own opinion.
environmental problems and, if steps are not taken to tackle
them, they will become even more serious. 25tart with a general introduction to the
Firstly, there is already a huge amount of pollution in the world, topic.
for ew.mple from cars, lorries and planes. There is also a big 3Use words and phrases to organise your
problem with the amount of rubbish that we produce, which often essay ancJ make it clear when you are
ends up in the sea. introducing a new topic.
Secondly, '¼ o_u_r_m
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Give information which is relevant to
are causing the planet to become warmer. This is a very serious the topic.
problem for animals such as polar bears, 5 which may die out if the
ice that they live on melts. 5G•ive reasons to support your arguments
ancJ opinions.
Finally, the world's population is growing rapidly and this will put
even more pressure on the Earth's resources. More people 6
End with a clear conclusion.
means more food production, more pollution and more waste.
"In conclusion, the world faces some very serious environmental
Use linking words to add similar or
contrasting ideas.
problems which will definitely be worse in 20 years if nothing is
done to solve them. 7 Howeve~ I am optimistic that scientists and
politicians will find ways to improve the situation.
MODEL ANSWER Letter / email

1 Hi Jo,
2 lt was great to hear from you! I miss all my old friends, but I'm getting
used to living here in Manchester now.
3 My new is amazing! It's modern and quite big and it's ge>ta lovely
1 1 Use a suitable greeting.
balcony which looks out over a park. There's also a large living room with.
comfortable sofas and our new n.uge TV! My room's quite small, but I
2 Give a reason for writing.
don't mind because I'm out during tn.e day, so I only use it for sleeping. 3 Answer the first question.
qManchester's a really lively city. Did you know it's the biggest university 4 Answer the second question.
city in Britain, so th.ere are loads of young people here. Tn.ere's a.lwa.ys new a.nd e)(citing to do. I've discovered some music 5 Answer the third question.
venues where th.ere are live bands.

1n an informal email/letter, use
5 l've been lucky with friends a.nd I've met some really nice people h.ere. I'
informal words and phrases.
seeing some of them this evening, to go to th.e cinema., a.nd I know "you'll
get on with. them when you meet them. When you going to come and
Use a suitable ending phrase.
visit me? Let me know when you're free a.nd we ca.n fi)( a. da.te.
See you soon,


Black Panther I 1 includes the name of the film as the title
I watched the film Black Panther for the first time last week.
2 lt's a superhero film, in the same genre as Superman and 2 briefly describes the film in the introduction
Spidermani and has been el£.tremely popular around the world. 3 is
organised into clear paragraphs, which
3 Although I am not usually a big fan of superhero filmsi <+1 was focus on positive and negative aspects
- - ---..1.-
really impressed with this one. The story is fairly traditional) with
4 uses a range of phrases to express a
the hero T'Challa (Black Panther) defeating the evil Killmonge~
personal opinion
who is trying to gain power over the whole world. 5 fu,t the action
is gripping and the special effects are spectacular. Chadwic 5 praises positive features and says why
Boseman) who plays T'Challai acts superbly) and really brings the film is good

the comic-book character to life. The brilliant costumes and 6includes some negative features, to give
music also really help make the film a great spectacle. _ a balanced view
3 0n th.e negative sidei ' I felt there was sometimes a bit too
7 clearly
states the writer's opinion in the
much. violence) which. makes it unsuitable for young ch.ildreni and conclusion
of course you h.ave to accept the plot is slightly predictable
because th.e good guy will always win. I 8
include~ a recommendation, saying who
In spite of th.isi 7 1 ove the film and 8 anyone who enjoys fantasy would enJoy the film

movies will definitely like it.


1Ihe thrill of the

l'U never fora et the first dau I ste_ooed onto a real theatre 1 has an interesting title
stage. I knew immediatel_y that this was m_y hobb_y for life! I'm a first sentence which interests the
2 has
now a member of m_y local drama club. We put on two shows reader and encourages them to read more
ever_y _year and have a lot of fun while doing so!
3 is organised into clear paragraphs, each with
31first started acting b_y chance. A friend of mine was intereste
a topic sentence
in joining a drama club) and I agreed to go along with he~ to give
her a bit of support. '+And ! loved it from the first da_y! 4 gives the writer's opinions
First) drama is 5 i~redibl_y challenging. '°Not onl_y do _you have 5 uses creative language with strong meanings
learn what _you're going to sa_y) but also understand the
character _you're pla_ying) their role in the pla_y) and then 6 gives examples to support the Ideas
communicate that to the audience. 7 uses structures to add emphasis
7Another thing I love about drama is how sociable it is. I've made
6 ends with a question or a lively final sentence
so man_y good friends at the drama club) and spending time with
them working towards a shared goal is elltremel_y rewarding.
And in addition to all of this) 8 what could beat the thrill of
appearing under the lights) in front of a cheering crowd?

1The aim of this report is to make recommendations for a group of
students who are interested in visiting York.
he best t ime of uea.r to visit 1 5tartwith a general introduction
York can be cold during the winter, and e)(.tremely busy with tourists which gives the aim of the report.
during the summer. However, the spring is often warm and the city is 2 Use clearheadings for the
quiet, so this is a good time to visit. 3 For this reason, I usually encourage
different points.
my friends to visit in April or May.
31nclude a small amount of
Places of intere 2t
personal information to make the
The city has numerous attractions which reflect its long and fascinating report interesting to read.
history. 5The must-see places are the city walls, the tiny streets in the
4 Avoid repeating the exact words
Shambles area of the old city and the Castle Museum.
in the input.
5 Use a neutral tone for most of
York is a small city, and easy to get around on foot. However, "I would the report, and avoid expressing
strongly recommend buying a York Pass, oohich not only includes entry your feelings.
the top attractions, but also allooos travel on the Hop-on, Hop-off tourist
6 Make
bus. It therefore offers 7a practical and good value transport option. recommendations.

End with a conclusion.
To sum up, I am sure the students will enjoy seeing the signts in York, and I
look forooard to ooelcoming them oohen they come .

. May, P. (2012). Cambridge English Compact First. Cambridge University Press.

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