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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Q1. WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Q2. WHAT ARE THE TERMINOLOGIES RELATED TO A.I? .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Q3. WHAT IS A ROBOT AND WHAT ARE THE THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS?.......................................................................................................................... 5
Q4. TIME-LINE OF ROBOTICS. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
MAIN CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
A. Learning: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
B. Reasoning: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
C. Problem Solving: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
D. Perception:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
E. Using Language: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
HOW DOES DEEP LEARNING WORK? .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
USE CASE OF DEEP LEARNING : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
1. Robotics: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Medical Imaging and Healthcare:........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
USES FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN PHYSICS: ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Artificial Intelligence and Physics .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2. Artificial Intelligence and Gravity.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
GENERAL USES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
I. Voice Assistants ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
II. Personalized Marketing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
III. Navigation and Travel ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
IV. Facial Recognition Technologies ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
V. Internet of Things ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
VI. Generating images from text ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
COMMON TYPES OF ROBOTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
3. Articulated Robots .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
4. Humanoids ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
5. Cobots ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
6. Hybrids ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
USES OF ROBOTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
1. Industrial ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2. Farming and Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3. Healthcare .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4. Logistics .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
5. Retail and Hospitality......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6. Smart Cities ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher
[name of your teacher] as well as our principal [name of your principal]
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic
“AI to the rescue; Smart Robots to help you”, which also helped me in
doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things
about deep learning, AI training, history of robots and linear growth of
AI, I am really thankful to them for letting me make this project as it
helped me to expand my knowledge.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped
me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

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For hundreds of years, we have relied on machines to make our tasks easier and
so we have grown to use these machines to do all sorts of work but their
capabilities were not truly utilized until we introduced A.I, which have changed
the way we used to do things and the way we perceived machines.
A.I is truly an innovation which brings forth capabilities similar to how
Intelligence works in living beings and integrate it with the non-living machine
making it truly very powerful and efficient, it also helped us to achieve countless
things which our own mind was not capable of, for example: from writing and
proving laws of physics to creating images just from text in any style the user
wants, A.I have truly come a long way.
Also, robots which have helped us in many sectors, strengthening our
economies and taking heavy loads of work from us and making it truly easy to
mass produce anything in a very efficient way.
In this project we have discussed the same, we have discussed the definition and
working of A.I, and we have also discussed some complex topics like deep
learning and also the modern-day application of A.I.
We have also discussed how robots have come to be, what are the major types
of robots and also how they have helped us.

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Q1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
→ Artificial Intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-
controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.
The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed
with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to
reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience, despite
continuing advances in computer processing speed and memory capacity, there
are as yet no programs that can match human flexibility over wider domains or
in tasks requiring much everyday knowledge. On the other hand, some
programs have attained the performance levels of human experts and
professionals in performing certain specific tasks, so that artificial intelligence in
this limited sense is found in applications as diverse as medical diagnosis,
computer search engines, and voice or handwriting recognition.

Q2. What are the terminologies related to A.I?

→Data mining: The process of analysing datasets in order to discover new
patterns that might improve the model.
→Deep learning: A function of artificial intelligence that imitates the human
brain by learning from the way data is structured, rather than from an algorithm
that’s programmed to do one specific thing.
→General AI: AI that could successfully do any intellectual task that can be
done by any human being. This is sometimes referred to as strong AI, although
they aren’t entirely equivalent terms.
→Machine intelligence: An umbrella term for various types of learning
algorithms, including machine learning and deep learning.
→Machine learning: This subset of AI is particularly focused on developing
algorithms that will help machines to learn and change in response to new data,
without the help of a human being.

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→Machine translation: The translation of text by an algorithm, independent of
any human involvement.
→Neural network: Also called a neural net, a neural network is a computer
system designed to function like the human brain. Although researchers are still
working on creating a machine model of the human brain, existing neural
networks can perform many tasks involving speech, vision and board game
→Natural language generation (NLG): This refers to the process by which a
machine turns structured data into text or speech that humans can understand.
→Natural language processing (NLP): The umbrella term for any machine’s
ability to perform conversational tasks, such as recognizing what is said to it,
understanding the intended meaning and responding intelligibly.
→Natural language understanding (NLU): As a subset of natural language
processing, natural language understanding deals with helping machines to
recognize the intended meaning of language — taking into account its subtle
nuances and any grammatical errors.
→Python: A popular programming language used for general programming.
→Strong AI: This field of research is focused on developing AI that is equal to
the human mind when it comes to ability. General AI is a similar term often
used interchangeably.
→Supervised learning: This is a type of machine learning where structured datasets,
with inputs and labels, are used to train and develop an algorithm.
→Turing test: Named after Alan Turing, famed mathematician, computer scientist
and logician, this tests a machine’s ability to pass for a human, particularly in the
fields of language and behaviour. After being graded by a human, the machine passes
if its output is indistinguishable from that of human participant's.
→Unsupervised learning: This is a form of training where the algorithm is asked to
make inferences from datasets that don’t contain labels. These inferences are what
help it to learn.

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→Weak AI: Also called narrow AI, this is a model that has a set range of skills and
focuses on one particular set of tasks. Most AI currently in use is weak AI, unable to
learn or perform tasks outside of its specialist skill set.

Q3. What is a robot and what are the three laws

of robotics?
→Robot, any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort,
though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions
in a humanlike manner. By extension, robotics is the engineering discipline
dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots.
The word robotics first appeared in Isaac Asimov’s science-fiction story
Runaround (1942). Along with Asimov’s later robot stories, it set a new
standard of plausibility about the likely difficulty of developing intelligent
robots and the technical and social problems that might result. Runaround also
contained Asimov’s famous Three Laws of Robotics:
❖ A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
❖ A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
❖ A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Law.

Q4. Time-line of robotics.

→ In Year 1804-First Time Mass Production Is Automated
The loom became the first widely used system that could follow a program; in
this sense it was the first example of computer programming.
→ In Year 1921-The Term Robot Is First Used
Čapek named the devices “robots,” after the Czech word robota, referring to
the forced labor of serfs.
→ In Year 1949-First Machine Navigates on Its Own
In 1949, an American-born British neurophysiologist and inventor named
William Grey Walter introduced a pair of battery-powered, tortoise-shaped

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robots that could maneuver around objects in a room, guide themselves toward
a source of light.
→ In Year 1959-First Robotic Arm is Installed on a Factory Floor
Known as “Unimate,” the first industrial robotic arm went to work in a General
Motors plant, lifting and stacking hot, die-cut metal parts.
→ In Year 1969-First Small, Electric-Powered Six-Axis Robot
Unimate’s robots were large and powered by hydraulics, causing them to leak
and thus limiting where they could be used. In 1969 Victor Scheinman
designed a small robot arm with joints powered by electric motors embedded in
the arm itself.
→ In Year 1972-First Robot to Use Artificial Intelligence
It was known as Shakey because of the stuttering way it moved around, If you
gave Shakey a goal — such as navigating its way across a room or pushing a box
along the floor.
→ In Year 1978-First “Pick and Place” Robot
While six-axis Unimate-style arms can lift heavy payloads and manipulate them
with precision, not all industrial labor requires strength. In 1978, the Japanese
automation researcher Hiroshi Makino designed the four-axis SCARA.
→ In Year 2000-First “Sociable” Robot Designed to Provoke and React to
Cynthia Breazeal believes that if we are truly going to work alongside robots, to
trust them and invite them into our homes, robots will need to be able to read
people’s emotions and appear to have a personality.
→ In Year 2002-Roomba Invades the World’s Living Rooms
A crucial innovation of iRobot, founded by a group of MIT researchers in
1990, emerged from research the founder did for the U.S. military, The group
came up with an algorithm that enabled the robot to explore every square foot
of a given space.
→ In Year 2003-Kiva Robots Re-Engineer the Warehouse
Kiva used some inexpensive off-the-rack components, which could make the

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robots less precise in how it moved about, but Kiva’s engineers compensated
with software that course-corrected on the fly.
→ In Year 2004-“BigDog” Tramps Through the Mud
Boston Dynamics’ “BigDog” is a YouTube favorite thanks to its eerily lifelike
performances. Over the course of several years the four-legged robot can be seen
tramping through rough terrain — leafy forests, 60-degree hills, knee-deep
snow and piles of bricks.
→ In Year 2005-Self-Driving Cars Pass Their First Big Test
The modern age of self-driving cars was launched on October 8, 2005, when a
Volkswagen Touareg named “Stanley” won the second DARPA Grand
Challenge — to complete a rough and often harrowing 131.2-mile course in
the Mojave Desert within 10 hours.
→ In Year 2012-Deep Learning Takes Off
In 2012, the British-born artificial-intelligence expert Geoffrey Hinton and a
small team at the University of Toronto produced a stunning advance in AI by
creating the most accurate visual-recognition system the world had yet seen. It
was, and is, based on deep learning.

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Main Content
What is Intelligence?
Psychologists generally do not characterize human intelligence by just one trait
but by the combination of many diverse abilities. Research in AI has focused
chiefly on the following components of intelligence:
A. Learning
B. Reasoning
C. Problem solving
D. Perception
E. Using language

A. Learning:
▪ There are a number of different forms of learning as applied to artificial
intelligence. The simplest is learning by trial and error. For example, a
simple computer program for solving mate-in-one chess problems might
try moves at random until mate is found. The program might then store
the solution with the position so that the next time the computer
encountered the same position it would recall the solution.
▪ This simple memorizing of individual items and procedures—known as
rote learning—is relatively easy to implement on a computer.
▪ More challenging is the problem of implementing what is called
generalization. Generalization involves applying past experience to
analogous new situations.
▪ For example, a program that learns the past tense of regular English verbs
by rote will not be able to produce the past tense of a word such as jump
unless it previously had been presented with jumped, whereas a program
that is able to generalize can learn the “add ed” rule and so form the past
tense of jump based on experience with similar verbs.

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B. Reasoning:
▪ To reason is to draw inferences appropriate to the situation. Inferences are
classified as either deductive or inductive.
▪ There has been considerable success in programming computers to draw
inferences, especially deductive inferences.
▪ However, true reasoning involves more than just drawing inferences; it
involves drawing inferences relevant to the solution of the particular task
or situation. This is one of the hardest problems confronting AI.

C. Problem Solving:
▪ Problem solving, particularly in artificial intelligence, may be characterized
as a systematic search through a range of possible actions in order to reach
some predefined goal or solution.
▪ Problem-solving methods divide into special purpose and general purpose.
▪ A special-purpose method is tailor-made for a particular problem and
often exploits very specific features of the situation
▪ In contrast, a general-purpose method is applicable to a wide variety of
▪ Many diverse problems have been solved by artificial intelligence
programs. Some examples are finding the winning move (or sequence of
moves) in a board game, devising mathematical proofs, and manipulating
“virtual objects” in a computer-generated world.

D. Perception:
▪ In perception the environment is scanned by means of various sensory
organs, real or artificial, and the scene is decomposed into separate objects
in various spatial relationships.
▪ Analysis is complicated by the fact that an object may appear different
depending on the angle from which it is viewed, the direction and
intensity of illumination in the scene, and how much the object contrasts
with the surrounding field.
▪ At present, artificial perception is sufficiently well advanced to enable
optical sensors to identify individuals, autonomous vehicles to drive at

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moderate speeds on the open road, and robots to roam through buildings
collecting empty soda cans.

E. Using Language:
▪ A language is a system of signs having meaning by convention. In this
sense, language need not be confined to the spoken word. Traffic signs,
for example, form a minilanguage, it being a matter of convention that ⚠
means “hazard ahead” in some countries.
▪ An important characteristic of full-fledged human languages—in contrast
to birdcalls and traffic signs—is their productivity. A productive language
can formulate an unlimited variety of sentences.
▪ It is relatively easy to write computer programs that seem able, in severely
restricted contexts, to respond fluently in a human language to questions
and statements.
▪ Although none of these programs actually understands language, they may,
in principle, reach the point where their command of a language is
indistinguishable from that of a normal human.
▪ According to one theory, whether or not one understands depends not
only on one’s behaviour but also on one’s history: in order to be said to
understand, one must have learned the language and have been trained to
take one’s place in the linguistic community by means of interaction with
other language users.

How does deep learning work?

▪ Deep learning networks learn by discovering intricate structures in the
data they experience. By building computational models that are
composed of multiple processing layers, the networks can create multiple
levels of abstraction to represent the data.
For example, a deep learning model known as a convolutional neural network
can be trained using large numbers (as in millions) of images, such as those
containing cats. This type of neural network typically learns from the pixels
contained in the images it acquires. It can classify groups of pixels that are
representative of a cat’s features, with groups of features such as claws, ears, and
eyes indicating the presence of a cat in an image.
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▪ For many tasks, such as computer vision, speech recognition (also known
as natural language processing), machine translation, and robotics, the
performance of deep learning systems far exceeds that of conventional
machine learning systems. This is not to say that building deep learning
systems is relatively easy compared to conventional machine learning
systems. Although feature recognition is autonomous in deep learning,
thousands of hyperparameters (knobs) need to be tuned for a deep
learning model to become effective.

Use case of Deep learning :

1. Robotics:
▪ Many of the recent developments in robotics have been driven by
advances in AI and deep learning. For example, AI enables robots to sense
and respond to their environment.
▪ This capability increases the range of functions they can perform, from
navigating their way around warehouse floors to sorting and handling
objects that are uneven, fragile, or jumbled together.
▪ Something as simple as picking up a strawberry is an easy task for humans,
but it has been remarkably difficult for robots to perform. As AI
progresses, that progress will enhance the capabilities of robots.
▪ Developments in AI mean we can expect the robots of the future to
increasingly be used as human assistants.
▪ They will also be able to act on voice commands and gestures, even
anticipate a worker’s next move.
▪ Today, collaborative robots already work alongside humans, with humans
and robots each performing separate tasks that are best suited to their

2. Medical Imaging and Healthcare:

▪ Deep learning has been particularly effective in medical imaging, due to
the availability of high-quality data and the ability of convolutional neural
networks to classify images.
▪ For example, deep learning can be as effective as a dermatologist in
classifying skin cancers, if not more so.
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▪ Deep learning is also making significant inroads into improving healthcare
quality by predicting medical events from electronic health record data.

Uses for Artificial Intelligence in Physics:

In the early days of physics, mathematical models were painstakingly written
out and solved by hand. These days, artificial intelligence and machine learning
gives researchers the ability to model and compute complex physics problems
with far greater speed, accuracy, and creativity than ever before.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Physics
▪ AI-driven frameworks are accelerating a diverse array of critical areas of
physics research. From protein structures to climate modeling, detecting
gravitational waves to understanding the universe, these breakthroughs
demonstrate the lasting impact AI is only beginning to have on scientific
▪ The impact of using AI to create new models for solving hard physics
problems has the potential to dramatically quicken the pace of progress
for scientific discovery across the most fundamental fields of knowledge
that explain and shape the world and universe we live in.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Gravity
▪ Since gravitational waves were first detected in 2015 by the advanced
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO),
researchers have been able to study an ever-broader range of gravitational
waves from a larger volume of the universe. Improving the sensitivity of
LIGO’s detectors means researchers are presented with an influx of data to
make sense of in order to pin-point the sources of gravitational waves.
▪ The team’s AI-powered framework demonstrates that AI models could be
as sensitive as traditional methods of gravitational wave detection — and
orders of magnitude faster.
▪ AI methods can be integrated naturally into the workflows of scientists —
allowing them to do their work faster and better — augmenting, not
replacing, human intelligence.”

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General Uses of Artificial Intelligence
I. Voice Assistants
▪ Digital assistants like Siri, Google Home, and Alexa use AI-backed Voice
User Interfaces (VUI) to process and decipher voice commands.
▪ AI gives these applications the freedom to not solely rely on voice
commands but also leverage vast databases on cloud storage platforms.
▪ These applications can then parse thousands of lines of data per second to
complete tasks and bring back tailored search engine results.
II. Personalized Marketing
▪ Brands use AI-driven personalization solutions based on customer data to
drive more engagement. A report compiled by OneSpot Research revealed
that 88% of the surveyed consumers stated that more personalized
content makes them feel better about a brand.
▪ Brands use AI-driven personalization solutions based on customer data to
drive more engagement.
III. Navigation and Travel
▪ The work of AI programmers behind navigation apps like Google Maps
and Waze never ends. Yottabytes of geographical data which is updated
every second can only be effectively cross-checked by ML algorithms
unleashed on satellite images.
▪ Imaging algorithms built on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and
Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have simplified regular updates in
routes. AI also helps ascertain routes on satellite images covered by natural
overgrowth with the help of predictive models.
IV. Facial Recognition Technologies
▪ The most popular application of this technology is in the Face ID unlock
feature in most of the flagship smartphone models today. The biggest
challenge faced by this technology is widespread concern around the racial
and gender bias of its use in forensics.
▪ Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANN) are being applied to reduce
the margin of error in facial recognition software. These neural networks are
also being trained to pinpoint the unethical use of Deepfake technology.

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V. Internet of Things
▪ The confluence of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) opens up a
plethora of opportunities to develop smarter home appliances that require
minimal human interference to operate.
▪ While IoT deals with devices interacting with the internet, the AI part
helps these devices to learn from data. The five broad steps involved in
IoT-enabling are - create, communicate, aggregate, analyse and act. The
efficacy of the ultimate step, "act", is based on the depth of analysis, and
AI adds tons of value to it.
▪ AI unlocks the potential of the data aggregated by IoT devices via sensors.
Learnings from this data over multiple iterations enable IoT devices to
respond to human stimuli and requirements better.
VI. Generating images from text
▪ Today Powerful A.Is can be used to replicate images in the style of
famous artists as well as they can be used to make original art just by using
prompts, meaning a string of words describing what one wants in there
▪ Several generative models are famous for generating and creating such
images most famous ones being Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs), Variational autoencoder (VAE) and Diffusion model
every model uses different techniques and thus give different inputs for
the same prompts
▪ Most famous of them all is Diffusion model whose example will be given
on the right side to better understand the output which it gives
▪ This technology has been very useful in creating desired art work without
the need of a human and also countless pieces can be rendered until one
finds the one piece they are looking for
▪ This has been used extensively in creating NFTs which were in trend since
the crypto market have been booming worldwide

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Common Types of Robots
As robotics manufacturers continue to deliver innovations across capabilities,
price, and form factor, robotics solutions are being implemented in an ever-
increasing number of industries and applications. Advancements in processing
power and AI capabilities mean that we can now use robots to fulfill critical
purposes in a plethora of ways.
While robotics applications vary greatly—giving directions, stocking shelves,
welding metal in dangerous environments, and much more—today’s robots can
generally be grouped into six categories.
1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)
2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
3. Articulated Robots
4. Humanoids
5. Cobots
6. Hybrids

1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

AMRs move throughout the world and make decisions in near real-time as they
go. Technologies such as sensors and cameras help them ingest information
about their surroundings.
2. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
While AMRs traverse environments freely, AGVs rely on tracks or predefined
paths and often require operator oversight. These are commonly used to deliver
materials and move items in controlled environments such as warehouses and
factory floors.
3. Articulated Robots
Articulated robots (also known as robotic arms) are meant to emulate the functions
of a human arm. Typically, these can feature anywhere from two to 10 rotary joints.
Each additional joint or axis allows for a greater degree of motion—making these
ideal for arc welding, material handling, machine tending, and packaging.

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4. Humanoids
While many mobile humanoid robots may technically fall under the domain of an
AMR, the term is used to identify robots that perform human-centric functions and
often take human-like forms. They use many of the same technology components as
AMRs to sense, plan, and act as they carry out tasks such as providing directions or
offering concierge services.
5. Cobots
Cobots are designed to function alongside or directly with humans. While most
other types of robots perform their tasks independently, or in strictly isolated work
areas, cobots can share spaces with workers to help them accomplish more. They’re
often used to eliminate manual, dangerous, or strenuous tasks from day-to-day
workflows. In some cases, cobots can operate by responding to and learning from
human movements.
6. Hybrids
The various types of robots are often combined to create hybrid solutions that are
capable of more complex tasks. For example, an AMR might be combined with a
robotic arm to create a robot for handling packages inside of a warehouse. As more
functionality is combined into single solutions, compute capabilities are also

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Uses of robots
Businesses and government agencies use robotics in a variety of ways. All five of
the common robot types are deployed to enhance outcomes and reduce the
burden on employees so they can focus on the most-valuable and most-critical
1. Industrial
2. Farming and Agriculture
3. Healthcare
4. Logistics
5. Retail and Hospitality
6. Smart Cities
1. Industrial
The manufacturing industry has long been at the forefront of using various
types of robots to achieve business results. AMRs, AGVs, articulated robots,
and cobots are all deployed on factory floors and in warehouses to help
expedite processes, drive efficiency, and promote safety—often in conjunction
with programmable logic controllers. They’re used across a variety of
applications, including welding, assembly, materials transportation, and
warehouse security.
2. Farming and Agriculture
AMRs are helping farmers harvest their crops more quickly and efficiently—
and they’re using impressive intelligence capabilities to do it. Agricultural robots
can assess ripeness, move any branches or leaves out of the way, and pick the
crop precisely and delicately to avoid causing any harm to the product.
3. Healthcare
Various types of robots are used in the healthcare industry to enhance the
patient experience. AMRs are used to deliver medication, disinfect surfaces, or
provide mobile telepresence functionality. Cobots are also used to assist medical
professionals during rehabilitation or to help nurses better serve their patients.

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4. Logistics
Robotics help logistics and shipping companies to deliver goods quickly and
efficiently. They use AMRs and AGVs as warehouse robots that help them
process items, expedite operations, and increase accuracy. They also employ
AMRs to take shipments the last mile and ensure safe delivery to customers.
5. Retail and Hospitality
Robotics can be used to enhance the customer or guest experience in a variety
of ways. Retail and hospitality companies are using robotics to automate
inventory processes, provide concierge or way-finding services, clean various
environments, and assist customers with their luggage or valet parking.
6. Smart Cities
Robotics help create smarter and safer cities. Humanoid robots offer way-
finding and information services. AMRs are used to deliver goods and conduct
routine security patrols. Robotics also help expedite building construction,
conduct site surveys, and collect building modelling information.

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