Flory Vic Bakiao - Lit10 Module 6

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A Learning Course Pack

Module No. and Title Module 4: Mindanao Literature in English

Lesson No. and Title Lesson 2: Mindanao Epics and Ballads

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
analyze known Mindanao epics and ballads;
identify the values acquired from the readings through
summarizing; and
determine the best practices from the readings that can be
applied in real-life situations.

Time Frame 2 weeks

For this lesson in module 4, you will be engaging yourself to more Mindanao literary
pieces specifically literary genres such as epics and ballads. These literary genres deal with
adventures and journey of a notable person. You will be knowing more of the cultures and
values of Mindanao people captured in the writings.

#1 Epic Vs. Ballad Compare and contrast epic and ballad. Discuss its similarity and
difference in no more than three sentences.
#2 Recall a ballad. Extract a stanza/line that you like the most and discuss its message.

#3 Recall one epic that you have encountered in your literature classes before. What makes
you remember the story?

Interpret the following lines. What do you think is the motive of the characters uttering such

2. "No, let us seek my son. Even though we must enter the harbor where the Spaniards
are, let us continue our search."


4. "You, my friends, decide whether or not I shall give the hand of my daughter to
Bantugan in marriage."

Buyangyang (Water Strider)
(A Ballad from Butuan)

Buyayang buyayang buyayang sa tubig

(Strider, water strider on the water) Minsay isang tatay payapang nag bungkal
akoy nanakayan walay katig katig (Once a father tilled the land peacefully)
(I go sailing with nothing, no outrigger) katabang ni nanay sa lupang gi mahal
Walay bugsay bugsay bukton ray (helping mother tend the land they loved)
pangkaykay naay munting paslit na nais mag aral
(Not a paddle, but my arms just flapping) (once a little child dreamed of going to school)
pagdunggo sa baybay nagakapaykapay digmaan at sakit hinooy umiral
(but instead war and sickness were the rule)
Sa yutang gisaad katin aw sa tubig
(In this promised Land how clear the water) halina't magmasid mag magunawan
dayo ug lumad kalinaw ang ibig (come, look and understand)
(clearly we want peace, native, or stranger) kuyog at kuliglig panay ang tagisan
apan isang araw punlo ay umulan (the beetles and the crickets make so much
(But one day the dark clouds rained bullets) noise)
nawasak nahan na munting kabuhayan may sa himpapawid sa radyot lathalan
(Life and livelihood were all broken and lost) the radio and news)
may sa himpapawid, may sa himpapawid
Didto sa mindanao duna kami balay
(Here in Mindanao, we used to have a house) may sa himpapawid sa radiot lathalan
ang kanhi nga lagkaw ni nanay ug tatay
(what used to be the house of our ancestors) ngunit di marinig ang tinig ng bayan
sila gapanguhag huway ug bagakay
(they were gatherers of rattan and bamboo)
arun pabayluag mga isdang gagmay
(to trade for little fishes from the sea)

Shortened version:
Tukon lang kanunay
Buyayang buyayang Diin mikadahik
Buyayang sa tubig Sa bugan ni Nene
Ako manakayan wa bay katigkatig
Di na mogaud
Buyayang buyayang is a folk song or ballad from Butuan, Northern Mindanao.

ballad from this place talks about a water strider that has a difficulty as it makes its way
across the surface of the water. This piece is about peace.


There is a kingdom called Bumbaran. There lived King Madali and Prince Bantugan.
Bantugan was famous for his might and prowess, which attracted many women. This
made the king envious.
He banned the people from talking to the prince or they will be punished. Bantugan
left the palace and ended up in the Kingdom of the Land of Two Seas. Bantugan fell ill
and died at the kingdom gates. The king of the land and Princess were shocked at his dead
body. Nobody in the land knew of the prince.
He held a forum

which he did.
Upon knowing of his death of his brother, King Madali was saddened. He hurriedly

body and revived him. All rejoiced, including King Madali.

Meanwhile, King Miskoya
Bumbaran. Bantugan fought but he was weakened since he was recently revived. He was
imprisoned. Eventually, his strength returned and defeated King Miskoyaw and his men.
The kingdom was saved and they continued their celebration. The envy of King Madali
was now gone.
Bantugan traveled to many lands and met many princesses, which he all married. He
returned to King Madali, who welcomed him with joy. Bantugan lived longly and

A narrative that is most often told and retold from generation to generation is the hero
tale or what is mostly known as epic. The story focuses on the journey of a legendary hero
who are admired by many people because of its looks, abilities, and fighting skills as well as
mental alertness. Epic is a long narrative poem that is basically based on oral tradition which
shares beliefs, customs, ideals, and life values of people. Philippine epics open ways for
people to see certain ethnic groups and regional heroes. Bantugan is a Maranao epic. And
since epic is originally a long narrative poem, most of the people reads and knows the story
of a regional hero through its summary.
A summary is a shortened version of the story or the gist of the story. Remember
these things in making a summary:
1. Always base the summary on the original story or literary piece.
2. Since summary is a shortened version, keep your summary short.
3. Make use of your own words in retelling the story.
4. Refer to the main ideas and core message of the original piece.
answers of these questions when reading the original piece.
6. Never put your own ideas and opinions about issues tackled in the original piece. Stick to
what is happening in the story.

Source: Writing a Summary homepage.smc.edu/reading_lab/

Read the epic below. Apply your learning about making a good summary through answering
the story board prepared below the epic.

Note: There are questions break in every important event in the story for you to take a pause and
predict what will happen next. But you are not required to write your answers to the question.

Indarapatra at Sulayman
(Maranao Epic)

A very long time ago, the large island of monster was a dreadful bird also, having
Mindanao was completely covered with seven heads and the power to see in all
water, and the sea extended over all the directions at the same time. Mt. Gurayn
lowlands so that nothing could be seen but was its home and like the others it wrought
mountains. There were many people living havoc in its region.
in the country, and all the highlands were
dotted with villages and settlements. For
many years the people prospered, living in Take A Break!
peace and contentment.
Of the four monsters, which do you think is the most
difficult to fight with?

Suddenly there appeared in the land four

horrible monsters which, in a short time, So great was the death and destruction
had devoured every human being they caused by these terrible animals that at
could find. length the news spread even to the most
distant lands, and all nations were grieved
to hear of the sad fate of Mindanao.
Kurita, a terrible creature with many
limbs, lived partly on land and partly in the
sea, but its favorite haunt was the Now far across the sea in the land of the
mountain where the rattan grew; and here golden sunset was a city so great that to
it brought utter destruction on every living look at its many people would injure the
thing. The second monster, Tarabusaw, eyes of man. When tidings of these great
an ugly creature in the form of a man, disasters reached this distant city, the heart
lived on Mt. Matutun, and far and wide of the king Indarapatra was filled with
from that place he devoured the people, compassion, and he called his
laying waste the land. The third, an brother, Sulayman, begging him to save
enormous bird called Pah, was so large the land of Mindanao from the monsters.
that when on the wing it covered the sun
and brought darkness to the earth. Its egg Sulayman listened to the story, and as he
was as large as a house. Mt. Bita was its heard he was moved with pity.
haunt, and there the only people who
escaped its voracity were those who hid in
caves in the mountains. The fourth

Tarabusaw threatened to devour the man,
and Sulayman declared that he would kill
the monster. At that the animal broke large
branches off the trees and began striking at
Sulayman who, in turn, fought back. For a
courage, gave him a ring and a sword as he long time the battle continued until at last
wished him success and safety. Then he the monster fell exhausted to the ground
placed a young sapling by his window and and then Sulayman killed him with his
said to Sulayman: sword.

the time you depart from here, for if you Take A Break!

live, it will live; but if you die, it will die Sulayman defeated the monsters easily! Do you think
als he will defeat the next two monsters with ease?

Take A Break! The next place visited by Sulayman

What do you think will happen to Sulayman?
was Mt. Bita. Here havoc was present
everywhere, and though he passed by
many homes, not a single soul was left. As
So Sulayman departed for Mindanao, and he walked along, growing sadder at each
he neither walked nor used a boat, but he moment, a sudden darkness which startled
him fell over the land. As he looked
went through the air and landed on the
toward the sky he beheld a great bird
mountain where the rattan grew. There he
descending upon him. Immediately he
stood on the summit and gazed about on
struck at it, cutting off its wing with his
all sides. He looked on the land and the
sword, and the bird fell dead at his feet;
villages, but he could see no living thing.
And he was very sorrowful and cried out: but the wing fell on Sulayman, and he was

Now at this very time King Indarapatra

was sitting at his window, and looking out
he saw the little tree wither and dry up.
No sooner had Sulayman uttered these
words than the whole mountain began to
move, and then shook. Suddenly out of the
and he wept bitterly.
ground came the horrible creature, Kurita.
It sprang at the man and sank its claws into
his flesh. But Sulayman, knowing at once Then although he was very sad, he was
that this was the scourge of the land, drew filled with a desire for revenge, and
his sword and cut the Kurita to pieces. putting on his sword and belt he started for
Mindanao in search of
Encouraged by his first success, Sulayman
went on to Mt. Matutun where conditions his brother. Take A Break!

were even worse. As he stood on the If you were King Indarapatra, would you take
heights viewing the great devastation there revenge too?

was a noise in the forest and a movement

in the trees. With a loud yell, forth leaped
Tarabusaw. For a moment they looked at
each other, neither showing any fear. Then
He, too, traveled through the air with great he greeted her, she drew near and talked
speed until he came to the mountain where with him while he ate the rice.
the rattan grew. There he looked about,
awed at the great destruction, and when he
Take A Break!
saw the bones of Kurita he knew that his
brother had been there and gone. He went What do you think of the woman? Is she a friend or
on till he came to Matutun, and when he
saw the bones of Tarabusaw he knew that
this, too, was the work of Sulayman.
Of all the people in the land, the old
woman told him, only a very few were still
Still searching for his brother, he arrived at alive, and they hid in a cave in the ground
Mt. Bita where the dead bird lay on the from whence they never ventured. As for
ground, and as he lifted the severed wing herself and her old husband, she went on,
he beheld the bones of Sulayman with his they had hidden in a hollow tree, and this
sword by his side. His grief now so they had never dared leave until after
overwhelmed Indarapatra that he wept for Sulayman killed the voracious bird, Pah.
some time. Upon looking up he beheld a
small jar of water by his side. This he
knew had been sent from heaven, and he
woman led him to the cave where he found
poured the water over the bones, and
Sulayman came to life again. They greeted the headman with his family and some of
each other and talked long together. his people. They all gathered about the
Sulayman declared that he had not been stranger, asking many questions, for this
dead but asleep, and their hearts were full was the first they had heard about the
of joy. death of the monsters. When they found
what Indarapatra had done for them, they
were filled with gratitude, and to show
After some time Sulayman returned to his their appreciation the headman gave his
distant home, but Indarapatra continued daughter to him in marriage, and she
his journey to Mt. Gurayn where he killed proved to be the beautiful girl whom
the dreadful bird with the seven heads. Indarapatra had seen at the mouth of the
After these monsters had all been cave.
destroyed and peace and safety had been
restored to the land, Indarapatra began
Then the people all came out of their
searching everywhere to see if some of the
hiding-place and returned to their homes
people might not be hidden in the earth
where they lived in peace and happiness.
still alive.
And the sea withdrew from the land and
gave the lowlands to the people
One day during his search he caught sight
of a beautiful woman at a distance. When
he hastened toward her she disappeared
through a hole in the ground where she
was standing. Disappointed and tired, he
sat down on a rock to rest, when, looking
about, he saw near him a pot of uncooked
rice with a big fire on the ground in front
of it. This revived him and he proceeded to
cook the rice. As he did so, however, he
heard someone laugh near by, and turning
he beheld an old woman watching him. As
Story board of the Heroes.
Summarize the epic Indarapatra and Sulayman by choosing six important events in the story.
Write the details of events in each box from beginning to the end of the journey. Each box
should not contain more than 5 sentences.



-C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S-
You have finished this module! Please proceed to the
next one.

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