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Weather and seasons

Hungary is situated in the temperate zone, it has a continental climate. It means there are four
seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Hungary lies in the Carpatian Basin there are
high mountains around us which protect us against the caprices of the weather. Most of
Hungary’s territory is flat there is the Great and Small Plain, the biggest river is the Danube,
the biggest lake is Lake Balaton.
- The temperature is highest in July and August, about 30-35 degrees. Sometimes
summer is very hot with only a little rain, but it can happen that there is a
thunderstorm with thunder and lighting or hail that can make a lot of damage in the
crops. After a shower the air is very humid.
- The coldest month is January, when the temperature is usually fifteen or twenty
degrees below zero. The rivers and lakes freeze for a few weeks, so children can
enjoy winter sports like skating, sledging or skiing. But sometimes there are
snowstorms, the roads are slippery and snowbound, the cars can get stuck into the
snow. Accidents can easily happen.
- In spring and in autumn the temperature is about 20-25 degrees. The mornings are
colder we can easily catch a cold. It often rains and the wind blows. The rainiest
month is April, so we must always take our umbrella with us. The mornings are often
foggy the sky is cloudy. I like spring because the trees are in blossom flowers are
blooming but in autumn when there is a rich harvest we can eat a lot of fruit.
- It’s very important to wear the proper clothes in different seasons. In summer it’s
enough to wear light clothes, like: T-shirt, shorts or skirt, socks, slippers or sandals.
We should wear hat and sunglasses to protect our eyes from the harmful ultra violet
rays. If the sun’s radiation is very strong we can get a sunstroke.
In spring and autumn we must wear a light coat, shoes or trainers and often raincoat.
In winter we should dress in layers. We should put on a jumper, trousers, boots,
winter coat, gloves, scarf and cap. I prefer jacket to fur coat.
- Nowadays we talk about global warming and greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is
caused by the increase of certain gases like carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere. It leads
the global warning. Sea level will rise as the world gets warmer, because the ice on
the poles melts. Some parts of the world can get under water.

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