Learning Insight

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What are your learning insights as a graduate of social work?

(How the social work profession

helped you in your current employment):
Fulgencio,Ma. Andrea Jane Rebutar

How to manage time under pressure and to work efficiently

Dipol, Sarex Jr. D.

I able to understand my self, others and the dynamics of society.

Balandra, Joel Jr. Miranda

There are so much to be Learned. some learnings are not found from books or in school.
its a different world when you start your career as a Social Worker.

Vito,Yvette Osorio

Social Work is not only your profession but rather our everydays life is all about being a
social worker not only to family but to others around you.

Ana Marie Eusebio Ramos

how to be a helper and how to deal with students.

Caputli, Grace Ann D.

Though as of the moment I am not working is Social Work Field profession, I am able to
practice most of Social work principles. It help me become more understanding, more patient,
develop good interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and mostly I have become a better person
within myself.

Vista, Princess D


Callosa, Kenny John, Cortez

If life gives you lemon make lemonade


Now,that I'm in the job or work that suit may profession.I'm currently working as a staff of
LGU San Joaquin asign in MSWDO as working with case studies to thoes client that in need of
financial assistance.It really help me ,because its an honor to be part of clients life .As a graduate
of the said profession its really help me to value everything that soround me.Although in same
other way there are struggle and trials ,but at the end of everything there's a reason to live our
live to the fullest.😊

Rebutar, Raymund Jan

It helps me to develop my confidence and skills

Dolino Dana Marie B

It helped me in dealing with different clients as per part of my supervisory functions and it
also gives me oppprtunity to extend technical supervision in general or wholistic approach of
social works helping process for the betterment of our clients and workers.

Taleon, Jilla G.

I have learned that Resourcefulness is very much applicable and relevant in any field or
setting of the profession and as well as the principle of social workers we must kept them in our
hearts cause it is a great help in any way in my current employment.

Jangit, Beauty Diaz

Knowledge is not only to have work, the values of social worker should be implemented
also and experience in work.
Erlo Aritano Hernandez

Forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better
place to live.

Franz m lanado

The skills knowledge and values i learned

Tancawan liezel mae Mandar

I learned to have a self confident, I applied so many ways in my situation the principles of
social work

Dela Cruz, Jessa Tibulan

Being able to understand other people's situation


I have gained knowledge about social work practice, about problems in people and in
society and how they intersect. But I believe the most important lesson I have actually learned is
more about the process of learning than the actual material and knowledge gained. I have come
to appreciate the truly significant synergistic result of combining education and real-life
experience. There really is no substituting the quality of learning that is achieved by actually
being immersed in the realities of the work being studied.

Lirazan, Warren

Flexibility and Interpersonal skills

Lomigo, April Rose T.

I'v learned how to be flexible in whatever work set up i am assigned.

Sontillano, Psyraine B.


Fernando, Eden Joy, Gepilano

Social Work profession helped me develop my confidence in dealing with my patient.

Improved my communication skills in dealing with people.


Develop my self confidence

Arco, Celine Jill C.

Brenda Jel P. Bungay

Common sense and initiatives


As a Social Worker, you have to prepare yourself inside and out

(physically,mentally,emotionally,socially and spiritually). All the principles and values of a Social
Worker that have discuss during class lectures must be applied when you are already on different
SW setting because you will encounter a different personalities with various problems and needs.
Stressful people with stressful situations/problems is always our encountered clients so what I
always did is "putting a never-ending patience".

Tejam, Irene Joy G.

Though one will gain knowledge from the learnings inside the classroom, better
understanding comes from experiencing the work and witnessing the reality. Social work
profession is not just a service for people's welfare through giving of relief goods in times of crisis
but many other areas and settings that the profession is handling. The profession have helped
me to better understand the needs of the marginalized while observing the values and principles
of social work , to conform with the related laws and guidelines of the agency while being a a part
of implementation of its programs and services.

Vuelga, Angelie, S.

It helped me in a way that I am able to cope easily with different kind of setting in work. I
learned how to handle the pressure in dealing with different problems of clients and help them in
accordance to the services offered by the agency I am working with.

Sumayo, Vida S.

It gives me a strong foundation as a social worker and defines the true meaning of
flexibility / Resiliency

Trinidad, Christine Mae, Arante

As a graduate of Bs. social work, I strive to upheld all my learnings and virtues as a proud

Vista, Paullin D.

Social Work Profession helped me develop my confidence in communicating with clients

(with different characteristics), organize my work especially in problem solving/helping process.

Canos,Ma.Regina G.

Know more about the sw prpfesion

Carmelita Ma. Dean B.

"Social work is quintessential helping profession " by helping people with issue in thier
everyday lives social work assist and advocate for people who need is the most social worker
make differences profession..

Mandal, Rechelle S.

i've learned how to deal with people being professional in dealing with clients the principle
of confidentiality


Social Work profession helped me understand and empathize deeper the crisis that
clients were facing without involving too much of my emotions and preventing myself to be
clouded by negative judgments. It may be natural for a person to be empathic to others struggle
but being a Social Worker, you have the ability to set boundaries professionally and know how to
help your clients determine and motivate themselves to cope up and move forward in their bad

Nualla, Angelyn Rose C.

Social work helps me a lot especially the experiences that i do when im still studying i
apply the group work the empathy and the counter transference . Most of all i applied the steps
and the flow on how to do the right counselling.

Niadas, Remelyn S.

We Social workers assist people to cope with life's challenges by acting as an advocate to
raise awareness for survivors okneeds and connecting them to solution-based programs and
services. IDC had been a part of my profession,with the skills and knowledge that this school
teaches.They made us a better social worker that can help women survivor, be empowered and
far from any kind of abuses.


The Social Work profession sorted out my employment status and credibility; in terms of
theory converted to applied practice in a real world consciousness. In the field of a community
paradigm which I'm currently employed, we are dealing with individuals, group and community
which applies the cores and foundation of social work; Micro, Mezzo, Macro and as well as the 7
principles of Social Work are applied consciously and most of the time sub-consciously. I believe
the basic fundamental foundation of social work studies among and within students regardless of
their academic performance is vital not just in employment parameters but also it is used to take
the final step of becoming a registered social worker (SWLE).

Alcaraz, Marigold Nain

My learning insights as a graduate of social work helped me a lot as I interact people in

the society. I used the social work principles and values in order for me to succeed.





Problems can come from anywhere but so can solutions. Let your behavior communicate
your respect.


Social Work has taught me that it is not just simply a profession but a Vocation, meaning
a calling by God to care for lives. Social Work has taught me about systems that inform and
structure peoples lives.

Richard Bayona

Know how to managed stressful situation

Imperial, Ronald L.

Social work techniques are also in current work i have now since dealing with people is
our outmost activity. Learning i got on Case management are also practical in my work today
since we also took in our priority the situation of every household/clients whom we are working
with and strategizing ways with them in order the client are helped to see and perceived that they
are able to help themselves.

Capangyarihan, Abigail M.

Our profession is always listen to people's needs, and when they come to they have a
Problems or needs, but can have always solutions! be observant and curious, always have
patience on your clients.

Sasana, Maureen P.

Im not working right now but I'm previously employed in a SW setting. Hence to this, I'll
put insights as a graduate of SW. In a Sw profession it opens new chapter in my life. It makes me
appreciate more of the things that I have achieved, grateful for what I have reached and being a
social worker it motivates me to help people/clients who are in vulnerable crisis situation to
empower them and restore their social functioning as an individual members of the
society/community. Further more, social worker profession entails to this is our ethical standards,
moral conducts, work ethics, working behaviour, personality, attitudes and the likes. Given all the
stresses and problems we encounter in our daily lives, we should always remember and thinks of
these. Being in school and studying all these are different from working in the reality of field of

Birog, Sam Ryan Louise Sabordo

It’s enhance more on how I deal with people. As an extremely introverted person it’s hard
for me to deal with people but as took up Social Work I learned how to face my fear and to
demarcate myself to my comfort zone.

Palec Noeme A.

As a graduate of social work my learning insights is on how I develop may confidence and
how to Improve my skills in written communication and how to handle our costumers..

Social Work is not just a mere profession but a tougher job with the duty to make
individuals become functional in our society. This isn't done overnight especially if these people
need intensive care and inderstanding. Though, this is my second course, it taught me how to
appreciate people in all walks of life which I also apply now with my students.I treat them equally
regardless of their race, status, or age. Seeing the reality around me is extremely different from
the classroom theoretical learning. I had visited far-flung areas, squatters, orphanages, and other
underprivileged areas that taught me the essence of humility. Despite my achievements and
career, I always remind myself to stay my feet on the ground and I'm not over and above others.
It has instilled in me the true meaning of social work which I apply with my current job as a

Quidati Minerva C.

How to handle difficult cases relating to social work

Ellana Angelenn Rodrigo

Be responsible and always remain calm when it’s needed



Villanueva Rica Mae Arengo

Active listening skills and empathy

Dolino Dan Kyle bayona

Always be responsible

Balinton, Angelie P.

Social work profession helped me to gain confidence in talking to different kind of people

Villanueva Grace Lenn Verde

I learned how to help people especially the poor.

Villareal, Queency T.

I have more profound and intense understanding of social welfare and have become an

Millado keith martin devera

Professionalism and confidence




Fusin, Melanie O.

Importance of Social Worker that we are in every part of people's live from womb to tomb
and my profession help me in dealing and managing with different clientele.
Evangelista, Ian Bencel A.


Zaldivar Alan A.

Took things seriously because it serves as your passport for a better future. The
knowledge, skills and attitude are the most important qualification to reach your goals.

Pelaez, Rena Jean P.

My work may not be related to SW, but it helps me a lot in dealing with people with
different personalities. This course made me more open minded, helpful, and more understanding
to other people's situation. For ex. If someone did something bad to you or anything thats not
accepted by the society. We don't immediately judy them, we look for the reasons behind that
personality, because they might be just victims of circumstances.

Ganzon, Ann Rapunzel O.

As a proud IDCIAN graduate, I gladly & willingly share not just the theories I learn in
school but the different exposures given to me by idc. The chance to be able to work (as ojt) for
my group work, field practice & community exposures were most helpful.

Hermocillas, Franz E.

As a person working in sschool social work setting, have know indulged to different
program and services of the government. it really enhanced my capacity and developed my mind,
intellectual, skills and salary.

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