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Gadget Exposure and its effect to the Academic

Performance of Grade 9 students of Concepcion

Pequeña National High School
S/Y 2022-2023
Gadget Exposure and its Effect to the Academic
Performance of Grade 9 students of COPENHS
S/Y 2022-2023

A. Academic
I.I Low Academic performance
I.2 Don’t Participate in class
I.3 No focus

B. Mental Health
I.I Depression
I.2 Extreme mood Swing
I.3 Addiction to gadget

C. Physical Health
I.I Damaged Eyesight
I.2 Radiation exposure
I.3 Musculoskeletal issue

D. Time Management
I.I Lack of sleep
I.2 Procrastination
I.3 Skipping meals

As we all known, most of the students nowadays are having much exposure to gadget especially
the grade 8 and beyond, due to this problem we all group members curios of the advantages and
disadvantages of being expose to gadget.

Technology nowadays is important in our day to day activities, People are over using technology
Gadget as one of the Technology can use in any purposes and can use in different ways, for business
purposes, learning, communication and also lot of youth using gadgets for gaming due to boredom.
Gadgets are very important in a field of studying, especially we pass by COVID-19 Virus there are a
lot of students using gadget more convenient for a field of studying clue to lockdown, home based,
modular in a new normal classes, but now that we back in a face to face classes, students used
much gadget for playing or gaming with their friends, classmates. Students are very attracted to
gadget because they can have entertainment and satisfaction also can gain information that
will help them. Student’s interaction with gadget increases their aggression abruptly because
of addiction in using gadget, students are spending more time by playing games or anything
that gadgets can do, and some of they, there are using it for the remaining time and it can
cause some sleep disorder that can affect out mental health, also to as physical health. It can
cause damage in the eyesight or having a problem to the eyes.

Young people have a lot of exposure when it comes to gadgets they spend more time playing
mobile games in their own gadgets with their friend instead of reading books, physical activities
and doing the homework task that can affect to their academic performances. Playing a game in a
gadget more spending time than studying they are also losing time in spending with their families
and friend without using any gadgets for now

Using gadget can be like a drugs, when you can’t control yourself by using it you can be more
addicted of using it. Although the using gadgets have an a good or advantage to people but their
as also a bad effects and disadvantages of too much using it.

Gadgets also contribute a lot to us by simply communicating with our loved ones or relatives so
that they can talk even if you are far from each other. Gadgets are also helpful just like in business,
transactions with buyers or customers we can post on social media. It also helps us in today's world
where our technology is upgrading more and more and many different gadgets are being invented,
almost every day new gadgets are being released. Almost everyone in our world has gadgets.

We must appreciate the new technology in our country because it is not easy to do, we must use it
in the right work in our daily life. It should be used in the right way, not in the wrong way.

Its good effect is learning technology and not lagging behind its development. Students or young
people are not behind in the development of technology, they know everything about the world,
they are no longer behind in the news and know what is happening in our country and also in other
countries. And it's easier to learn lessons, access to learning sites is faster and just search the lesson
to learn and for additional knowledge.
The bad effect of this is sometimes skipping meals and staying up late, eating and sleeping are not
at the right time, so some young people are easily tired. It is also harmful to those who talk to
strangers on social media, on social media they learn to talk to strangers so sometimes and perished.
And another bad effect of gadgets is that some young people who experience cyberbullying are
affected and develop depression.

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