Visual Rhetoric

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Nicole Louise A.

Villanas I-BMA

Watch and Buzz…

Use the Internet and view the video presentation titled “Purdue OWL: Visual
Rhetoric” at Based on the content
of the video, write a summary of 75 – 100 words.


In the first part of the clip, the narrator provided a situation in which visual rhetoric might
be useful, such as evaluating a visual and constructing your own set of visual elements.
The definitions of visual and rhetoric were also addressed separately. Visual is
everything we see while rhetoric has something to do with how those visuals influence
the way we think. A hamburger advertisement was used to illustrate how the visual
composition of the entire poster influences the viewer's way of thinking. The idea of the
hamburger taking up a large portion of the poster suggests that the advertisement is
intended for those viewers that are more concerned with the quantity or the size of the
burger than its quality. Different writing styles were used as examples in constructing our
own visuals to demonstrate how those styles or methods might convey different
messages to the reader about who we are and what our intentions are. Lastly, in terms of
academic writing, the reader`s treatment of visual rhetoric is quite important.

Quick Response. Explain the importance of understanding visual rhetoric in your daily communication

As a college student, having an extensive amount of knowledge in visual rhetoric can be

quite advantageous for me since a lot of my paper requirements in my minor subjects
involves analysis of some visuals related to our lectures as well as in my presentations
whenever I have to report or even in my assignments. Now that I have discovered a
handful amount of things about visual rethoric, I can be more careful or sensitive with my
academic papers, particularly in how I adhere to certain rules in their composition.


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