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Mary Jean L.

Napuran — BEEd 1-A (Answers)


Act of man refers to the things we usually do or involuntarily doing. Like breathing, having
breakfast, reading books, sleeping and so on. It is unintentional and does not need a careful
judgement like the hobbies that we naturally and usually do. This actions does not need an
evaluation if it is good or bad.

Meanwhile, human act is something that pertains to the actions executed by a man
considering whether it is morally good or bad. This actions are also thought better of its consequences
before performing them. Examples of human acts are simple as helping an old man cross the street,
and even whether or not returning your excess change from a store. It is the act of deciding to do
good or bad given the choices you had.


In identifying an action if it is good or bad I am considering its consequences. Like looking over
what would happen next if you decide to do an action. I define a good action when it benefits the
majority and when it does not harm other people. While referring a bad action means to decide and
perform actions that harms other people and it is not morally right.


It is somewhat easy to determine actions of what is wrong or right but it is sometimes hard to
perform what we need to do as a real human considering many situations we had.

It is right that ethics is not just an abstract intellectual discipline. Since in my perception, the
discipline we had and we are performing came from what we learn from the adults as we grow older.
Viewing at a bigger outlook and defining what life and how the world works, I agree that “Ethics is
about the conflicts that arises in trying to meet real human needs and values”. It may happen when
we are challenged whether to do what is appropriate and what benefits us.

For example, given the situation we had which is the pandemic. Vitamins and headache
medicines which are needed at this times became out of stock because people compulsively hoard
this medicines because it benefits them. However, this may help them not to get sick and to get out of
sickness but they are not considering that there are also a lot of people who needs it more than
themselves. It is right to buy medicines but hoarding is a selfish act and it is one of the situations that
can be an example on how our needs affects our actions.

It is true that needs and values in a real life situation maybe conflicted on how a person acts.
As on my point of view, ethics is defined on how an individual act on a situation that challenged
his/her needs, values and judgement.

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