1980-Constitutive Models For Concrete

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School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907,U.S.A.

Institute of Structural Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Saku~-mum Niiha~~n Ibaraki-ken, 300-31Japan

(Received 12 June 1979; received for publication 13 September 1979)

Abstract-In a recent work, the strain-hardening theory of plasticity has been utilized to formulate a complete
stress-strain relationship for concrete material under general threedimensional stress states up to the ultimate
stress condition. No attempt has been made to model more accurately the behavior of fractured concrete, once the
&mate ~ndition or fracture criterion is exceeded. Herein, an extended fo~ulation which includes the
constitutive relationships of fractured concrete is described. The extension considers both the kinematics of
crack development under a tensile type of failure and the limited plastic flow before crush under a compressive
type of failure, The dual representation of concrete behavior in terms of stresses as well as strains at the ultimate
or fracture state along with a sudden stress drop which results in local stress redistribution after cracking or crushing
are the essential features of this continued development.

this surface, further discontinuity and additions irre-

With the present state of developmentof computer pro- coverable defo~ation result. In other words, at each
grams, inadequate material models are often one of the stage of the history of loading there exists a loading
major factors in limiting the capability of structural surface in stress space containing all states of stress
analysis. This is especially true for concrete where which can be reached by elastic changesand any strain-
general constitutive equations simply do not exist. Due ing beyond this surface is accompanied by the irre-
to the increased use of triaxially-loadedconcrete struc- coverable plastic deformation. Beyond the elastic limit,
tures such as concrete floating vessels, off-shore plat- the normality co~ition or the so-calledassociated tlow
forms and submergedstructures, the formulationof such rule is assumed to govern the post-yielded stress-strain
general equations is of prime importance. relations for concrete. Matrix constitutive equations
In the previous work, the concrete is treated as a based on the concept of subsequentloadingsurface and
continuous isotropic linearly elastic-plastic strain har- associated flow rule have been derived[6,7j and elastic-
dening-fracture material. The initial discontinuous sur- plastic-fracture solution of concrete splitting cylinder
face, loading surfaces and fracture surface of concrete tests has been obtained usingthe computer modell8].
are pos~at~[S,71. According to this approach, the A crush and crack surface called f~ct~e surface in
stresses in a structure under operational condition are terms of stresses is also postulated to define the com-
expected to be in the initial discontinuous range such plete collapse for the yielded concrete. The fracture
that creep behavior can be expected to be characterized surface is defined as the outermost extreme of the load-
as linear and viscoelastic and formation of microcracks ing surface. Once the fracture surface is reached, the
can be minimized,i.e. one may expect to avoid fatigue. material is assumed to crack or crush depending upon
This initial discontinuoussurface is the limitingsurface the nature of the stress states.
for elastic behavior. The elastic limit is defined here as In the case of tensile stress states which include,
the initial discontinuous surface similar to the fracture tension-compressionstates, a crack is assumedto occur
surface but a certain distancewithinthe fracture surface.
Figure 1 shows a trace of these two extreme sur-
faces together with subsequent loading surfaces in a
two-dimensionalprincipalstress plane. Whenthe state of
stress lies within the initial discontinuous surface, the
material is assumed to be linear elastic and the linear
eiastic constitutiveequations can be applied.
When the material is stressed beyond the initial dis-
continuous or elastic limit surface, a subsequent new
discontinuous surface called the loading surface is
developed. This new surface replaces the initial dis-
continuous surface. If the material is u~oaded from and
reloaded within this su~equent loading surface, no ad-
ditional irrecoverable deformation will occur until this
new surface is reached. If strainingis continued beyond bi”basquent
surfocrs s
;Prof’roer of Structural Engineer@
Fii. 1. Loadingsurfacesof concretein biaxialstressplane.
24 W. F. CHENand H. SUZUKI

in a plane normal to the direction of the offending

maximum principal stress or strain and the maximum
tensile stress across this crack drops suddenly to zero.
However, material parallel to the crack is still capable of
carrying stress according to the uniaxial or biaxial stress
conditions prevailing parallel to the crack. On further
loading, the crack may close so that compressive stress
can be transmitted across the fissure or further cracks
may develop before or after the closing of the previous c
crack. To simplify the analysis, the commonly used Compcssion I-)
approach is essentially to replace the current elastic-
plastic material stiffness matrix by an instantaneous
elasticity matrix which reflects the sudden change of
stiffness from the current state to an orthotropic elastic
state. The details of the mechanics of sudden release of Fig. 2. Idealized uniaxial stress-strain curve for concrete.
the tensile stress across the crack and subsequent redis-
tribution of this stress to adjacent material immediately compressive strain of -E,. The concrete is assumed to
after the formation of a crack are not considered in this have a limited tensile strength of f: and limited tensile
early development [5,6,8]. strain of E,. When the tensile stress or strain exceeds its
In the case of multiaxial compressive states, after the limiting value f: or E,,a crack is assumed to occur in a plane
peak crushing stress, the material disintegrates and stress normal to the direction of the offending stress or strain.
drops suddenly to zero. In [5-71, as in the tensile state case Unloading and reloading (line BH in the figure) in the
the crushing of concrete is modeled approximately by plastic range follow the initial elastic modulus E The
simply reducing the current material stiffness to a relatively transition stresses from strain hardening plasticity to
small value of zero without considering the sudden stress perfectly plastic flow in compression, which will even-
release for the crushed concrete. This implies that after tually lead to crushing of concrete, is -f: and the
crushing, the peak state of compressive stress remains transition to brittle fracture in tension which will lead to
constant for increasing strain to allow local stress redistri- cracking is f:. These limiting stresses are called fracture
bution to occur. Thus, under uniaxial stress condition, this stresses of concrete.
stress-strain model at crushing exhibits a horizontal stress In the following the concrete stress-strain relation-
plateau after peak or crushing stress. ships under general stress states are developed in four
Herein, a refined formulation considering two types of parts: elasticity, plasticity, fracture criteria and frac-
fracture mode is proposed: tensile fracture and com- tured concrete.
pressive fracture. The refined formulation considers both
the kinematics of crack development and subsequent 3.ELASTICCONCRETR
stress release across the crack under a tensile type For elastic concrete, it is assumed that, initially, con-
of fracture and the limited plastic flow before crush crete is an isotropic homogeneous linear elastic material
under a complete stress release after crushing under a and its stress-strain relations are described completely
compressive type of fracture. Further, it has been in- by two elastic constants, Poisson’s ratio Y and Young's
creasingly recognized in recent times that the failure for modulus E. The elastic limit envelope (or initial dis-
concrete under multiaxial stress may be characterized by continuous envelope (or surface)) in general stress space
a dual criterion of fracture and flow [12]. Under biaxial is obtained by simply scaling the fracture envelope (or
compression, for example, concrete can flow like a duc- surface) down to a size where uniaxial yield (or dis-
tile material on the failure surface before reaching its continuous) point corresponds to about 3040% of uni-
crushing strains. The assumption made in this early axial strength.
development that concrete crushes completely once the The general equations defining the initial yield surface
failure surface, expressed solely in terms of stress in- with material constants will be given later when the more
variants, is reached is rather rough, but a fair first general case of defining loading function is presented in
approximation. Herein, the dual representation of con- what follows.
crete behavior in terms of stresses as well as strains at
the ultimate state along with the refined cracking and 4. PLASTICCONCRRTR
crushing models is the’essential feature of this continued For plastic concrete, a strain-hardening plasticity
development. model as proposed previously in Ref.[5] is used here to
describe the nonlinear irreversible stress-strain response
2. UNIAXIALSTRESS-STRAINCURVE of concrete material. A brief description of this model
The stress-strain characteristics of concrete under has been given in the Introduction of this paper.
general multi-axial stress states adopted in the present On the basis of biaxial experimental data, a loading
formulation can best be explained from the uniaxial function for concrete of the following form has been
stress-strain curve shown in Fig. 2. The concrete is proposed in[51.
considered to be a linear elastic, plastic, strain (or work) In compression-compression domain (d/J, 5 -6 I,
hardening, and fracture material in compression as well
as in tension. The modulus of elasticity in the elastic and I, 5 0)
range is assumed to be the same for both tensile and
compressive stress states. The transition compressive Jz+$I,
and tensile stresses from elasticity to plasticity are -f‘ f(Vij) =
~ = 72.
and f, respectively. At stress level -f:, the concrete l-$Z,
becomes perfectly plastic until crushing occurs at a
Constitutive ma ldels for concrete 25

In tension-compression or tension-tension domain Table I. The parameters defining the loading function

or I,>O) Tensiotiompression

Compressior+Compression Tensiot?Te.nsion
J*-g2+$I, Zone Zone
= 72
f(Uij) = T (2)


where a’, /3’, aT and /3’ are material constants, T is

strain-hardening parameter and

= first stress invariant which corresponds to the mean

stress component of the stress state
J2 = i sijS{j= i oipij - i ofi (3)

= second invariant of deviatoric stresses. (4)

The loading functions, eqns (1) and (2), can be depicted

as the loading surfaces shown in Fig. 1 in the biaxial
principal stress plane and in Fig. 3 in the (I,, vJ2) plane
for the more general case of triaxial stress states. For
T = r. or 7 = T., the loading function corresponds to the
initial discontinuous (yield) or fracture surface in the
stress space, respectively, whereas for T of 7. < T < T,, formulation, the current condition for yielding is deter-
this represents a subsequent loading surface. The con- mined by the maximum value of T = T,,.,~~ which the
stants TO, T., a’, PC, aT and ~3~ are to be determined concrete has already experienced in its prior loading
from the test data. In the present formulation, these history. This value of T,% determines the current loading
constants can be determined from the following three function which controls the condition for yielding.
tests: uniaxial compression, uniaxial tension and equal As to the incremental stress-strain relationships for
biaxial compression tests. Corresponding to each of the elastioplastic behavior of concrete, we assume that
these tests the ultimate strengths fr, fi and fL are the “normality” condition as commonly used in the
determined, respectively. Further, all the initial yield incremental theory of metal plasticity still holds for
values for fc,f, and fbecan be taken to be 30-40% of the plastic concrete. This normality condition (associated
corresponding maximum strength values. From the flow rule) results in the following incremental plastic
numerical values obtained from the above tests, the stress-strain relationship.
parameters (I, @, 7. and T” which define the loading
functions in compression as well as in tension state of
stresses, can be determined directly from the expressions
given in Table 1. in which
In constructing the relationship between stress and
strain increments in the plastic range for general stress
states, one must define (a) the current condition for
yield; (b) the general form of the stress-strain relation-
H’-- gde, = work hardening modulus (6)

ship; and (c) a criterion for work hardening. In the present where

f(q) = F(E~)= effective stress and (7)

Em= $vdcP,dc$ = effective strain. (8)

Matrix constitutive equations based on the concept of

subsequent loading surface and associated flow rule have
been derived[6]. A comprehensive review of the plasti-
Fracture surface
defined by ‘\ city theory as applied to concrete mechanics is given
stress components7 in [71.
The effective stress F = f(Ci,)is defined here to be
able to extrapolate from a simple uniaxial compression
test into the multidimensional situation. The initial yield
occurs when the effective stress, F, equals the initial
yield stress, fc, measured in the uniaxial compression
test, With loading continued, the subsequent yielding
occurs and incremental plastic strains in the uniaxial
direction, dclp, as well as in the lateral direction, dc2p =
d&,‘, are introduced. From the known uniaxial com-
Fii. 3. Loading surfaces of concrete in (I,, VJd space. pressive stress-strain diagram numerical values for f and
26 W. F. CHEN and H. SUZUKI

ep can be calculated respectively based on eqns (7) and

(8). The slope of (F, E,,) curve, H’, is known as work
hardening modulus. A crushing type of fracture occurs
when the effective stress, F, equals the plastic flow A,’ is defined in Table I, and E. and E, specify the
stress, f: and the uniaxial compressive strain reaches the maximum ductilities of concrete under uniaxial com-
limit value, E,. pressive and tensile loading conditions, respectively. The
To include the microcrack-continement effect on the fracture surface defined by eqns (11) and (12) in the
work hardening modulus, H’, in the multi-dimensional biaxial principal strain plane is shown in Fig. 4.
stress situation, the effective stress-strain curve can also When the stress state in the concrete satisfies either
be constructed from a biaxial compression test similar to the stress criterion, eqn (IO), or the strain criterion, eqns
that of uniaxial compression test. Since a biaxial stress- (II) and (12), fracture of concrete is assumed to occur.
strain expression, expressed in terms of the principal
stress ratio, has been developed in Ref. [ IO], closed-form
expressions for the effective stress-strain curve and 6. STRESS-!4TRAINRELATlONSOFFRACTUREDCONCRETE
hence the effective work hardening modulus, H’, under a 6.1 General
biaxial stress state may be derived. Recently, the post-fracture behavior of concrete under
Equation (5) which determines the plastic strain in- biaxial compression state has been reported in Ref. [ I].
crement d&G, together with the elastic Hooke’s law for The normality flow rule used for plastic concrete without
the elastic strain increment d&z, give the complete rela- fracture is not observed in the case of fractured con-
tion between stress increment, doi,, and strain increment crete. This seems to indicate that the fracture surface for
concrete may not be the limit of a sequence of loading
dE,=dE;+de;. (9) surfaces as is normally considered to be the case for
metals. This was found to be the case in soil
mechanics[7]. Accordingly, in what follows, the stress-
strain relations of the fractured concrete are developed
5. FRACTURECRITERIA using a proper physical model which simulates the kine-
When the state of stress reaches a certain critical matics of a fractured concrete: crushing type and crack-
value, concrete will fail by fracturing. Fracture of con- ing type.
crete can occur in two different types: (1) the “cracking” The term “crushing” is used to indicate the complete
type of fracture occurs when the state of stresses are rupture and disintegration of the material under com-
either in the tension-tension or tension-compression pression type of stress states. After crushing, the current
state and their value exceeds the limit value; and (2) the stresses drop suddenly to zero and the concrete is
“crushing” type of fracture occurs when the states of assumed to lose its resistance completely against further
stresses are in the compression-compression state and deformation. The term “cracking” is used to indicate a
their value exceeds the limit value. When concrete cracks partial collapse of the material across the plane of crack-
the material only loses its tensile strength normal to the ing under tensile type of stress states. An infinite number
crack direction but retains its strength parallel to it. On the of parallel fissures are assumed to occur in the direction
other hand, when concrete crushes, the element loses normal to the offending principal tensile stress or strain.
completely its strength. Once a crack has formed, the tensile stress across the
To determine the fracture of concrete under multi- crack drops suddenly to zero and the resistance of the
axial state of stresses or strains, a fracture criterion material normal to the crack direction is reduced to zero
which defines the limit value must be specified. Most of in this direction against further deformation. However,
the existing fracture (or failure) criteria for brittle material parallel to the crack is assumed to carry stress
materials are written in terms of stresses, which, in many according to the uniaxial or biaxial conditions prevailing
cases, are not adequate to predict the failure charac- parallel to the crack. The conditions for further cracks or
teristics of concrete material. In the present formulation, opening and closing of the existing cracks will be des-
a dual representation of fracture criterion expressed in
terms of both stresses and strains is used. The dual
criterion has the following forms:
Fracture surface
(a) stress criterion rwresented by

f(Cij) = 7:. (10)

This fracture surface is indicated by the outermost

extreme of the loading surfaces as shown in Fig. 1 for
the special case of biaxial principalstress plane and in Fig.
3 for a general multi-stress state.
(b) Strain criterion

g(Eij)=J*(lij)+!f ($~)ll(s)=(r.')2(~)* (11)

or maximum of the principal strains = E, (12)

in which
Fig. 4. Fracture surface defined by strain components in the
&ii biaxial strain plane.
Constitutive modelsfor concrete n

cribed later when the matrix constitutive relationships (either the cracking type or the crushing type) and {u,,}=
for fractured concrete are derived. the released stress vector during fracturing.
The tensile type of stress states (including tension- Crushing type of fracture. It is assumed that at the
compression type) and multi-axial compressive type of instant of crushing, all stresses at the point just prior to
stress states can be defined in the following manner: the crushing are released completely and thereafter the
Referring to Appendix A, it can be shown that when a concrete is assumed to lose its resistance against any
stress state satisfies the condition type of further deformation. This implies that the stress
point 2 in Fig. 5 drops to zero and the slope of line 2-3 is
also zero ([L$ = 0 in eqn (17) and {u,,}= current stress
vJ2s-&I, and IIS0
(I’) vector at the point just prior to crushing).
Cracking type of fracture. A crack is assumed to form
the stress state is of compression type and crushing type in the planes (or surfaces for axisymmetric problems)
of fracture is assumed to occur. Otherwise, it is of tensile perpendicular to the maximum principal tensile stress
type and cracking type of fracture is assumed to occur. direction if the stress fracture criteria controls (eqn lo),
or perpendicular to the maximum principal tensile strain
6.2 Incremental stress-strain relationships direction if the strain fracture criteria controls (eqns 11
The fracture model shown schematically in Fig. 5 is and 12). In order to avoid the complexities of the prob
used here to derive the required incremental stress-strain lem, further restriction pertaining to the crack formation
relationships of fractured concrete. The slopes of lines is introduced herein. Cracks are assumed to form only in
O-l and 2-3 represent the “material stiffness” before and the planes perpendicular to O-xy plane for planar prob-
after the occurrence of fracture respectively. The total lems or only in the axi-symmetrical surfaces for
stresses released are denoted by the stress vector {uo} axisymmetric problems (Fig. 6a).
(line 1-2 in Fig. 5). The released stresses are to be It is further assumed that at the instant of the crack
redistributed to adjacent material of the entire structure. formation, only the normal stress perpendicular to the
The released stresses are assumed to be generated dis- cracked plane and the shear stress parallel to the cracked
continuously from zero to the specified magnitudes at the direction are released and the other stresses are assumed
instant of fracturing. The incremental stress-strain rela- to remain unchanged (see Fig. 6b). It follows that the
tionship after fracturing can be represented by the well- stress states of the cracked material are reduced to (1)
known-relationship - _ _ the unaxial stress states parallel to the cracked direction
for plane stress problems: (2) the biaxial stress states in
Id4 = [DlcIW (16) the cracked and z directions for plane strain problems;
or (3) the biaxial stress states in the cracked and circum-
ferkntial (8) directions for axi-symmetric problems, res-
The total stress change {Au} in the fractured material
during this process can be written formally as
Assuming the behavior of the sliced material between
two adjacent cracked planes is linearly elastic, the in-
(17) cremental stress-strain relationships for the cracked
material can be derived. The details are given in Ap-
pendix B. A summary of the results is forthcoming, in
in which [D]= = material stiffness matrix after fracturing the usual notation for stresses and strains.

For plane stress problems.


Au, = E{b(‘P)Xb(‘4’)}T
i AG,

For plane strain problems.


and da, = v(do, + u&)

For axisymmetric problems.

plane strain (rX, and a=) and axisymmetric (ox*and u@)

problems, respectively (see Fig. 6). The dual fracture
criteria as defined by eqns (IO)-(12) are still applicable
for such a concrete. Once the reduced stress state
satisfies one of the fracture criteria, further fracture
(crushing or cracking) is assumed to occur and the direc-
tion of the new cracks are allowed to occur per-
pendicularly to the first cracks. The first cracks and the
new cracks are called here the primary cracks and the
secondary cracks, respectively (see Fig. 7).
Opening and closing of the cracks. If the normal strain
across the existing crack becomes greater than that just
Strain 1st prior to the crack formation, the crack is assumed to be
open, otherwise, it is closed. The normal strain across
Fig. 5. Stress-Strain model of a fractured concrete.
the crack can be calculated by

In eqns (18~(20), cr,, Us, 7Xr;a,, a,, 7rz and oe are the
current stress components at the point just prior to the (22)
formation of a crack and

Ib(W = sin* Y 1 ,~b’W)l =< sinLY ? .111=1 0 1 0 I
I sinYcosYJ .. ‘. 12sinYcosY.J -- Lo 0 11 (21

in which Y = the angle between the cracked direction Formation of a new set of cracks. It all cracks are
and x-axis as shown in Fig. 6. closed in the cracked concrete, it is assumed that the
non-cracked concrete is linearly elastic. For such a
6.3 Further cracking or crushing of the cracked concrete material, the dual criteria for the fracture condition are
After the formation of initial cracks, the structure can directly applicable. Crushing or formation of a new set of
often deform further without overall collapse. Thus, the cracks as shown in the lower sketches of Fig. 7 will be
possibility of crack closing and opening and the for- possible, the stress-strain relations are assumed to be the
mation of further cracks may arise. Some probable same as before.
sequences for concrete to experience through the entire In the following, the incremental stress-strain relations
loading history are illustrated in Fig. 7. These additional
transition characteristics in the cracked material can be
taken into account throughout the analysis. This is des-
cribed in what follows.
Formation of the secondary cracks. For a cracked
concrete, the stress state reduces to the uniaxial one for
plane stress problems (only a,,) or to the biaxial ones for

First primary cracks formed

Crushed Primary cracks aPm

Secondary cracks formed

5 All cracks closed

First se1 af cracks closCa

Second primary cracks formed
Fig. 6. Pattern of cracks and stress distribution in a cracked Fig. 7. Opening and closing of existing cracks and formation of
concrete. new cracks in a cracked concrete.
Constitutive models for concrete 29

for the fractured concrete are summarized: sudden stress release during fracturing have been
(a) For the crushed concrete or for the cracked con- reported[9]. Herein, a further analysis of this problem
crete in which more than a single set of cracks are open, using the proposed plasticity and fracture model is given
the material stiffness is assumed to be zero for further below.
loading and the current state of stress at the point just The upper right quarter of a split cylinder specimen
prior to fracture is assumed to be released completely; selected for analysis is shown in Fig. 8, assuming plane
(b) For the cracked concrete in which a single set of strain condition. The dimensions of the specimen and
cracks are open, the incremental stress-strain relations material constants used are identical to those of Ref.[8].
are given by eqns (18), (19) or (20); The limiting fracture strains used are E, = 0.08% and
(c) For the cracked concrete in which all sets of E. = 0.0035. The work hardening modulus, H',is taken
cracks are closed, the concrete is assumed to be com- from uniaxial compression tests.
pletely healed and it behaves as a linear elastic material. The load-deformation curve is shown in Fig. 9. The
corresponding elastic and plastic zones along with the
7. FINITE ELEMENT PROGRAMS propagation of cracked and crushed zones are also illus-
Two computer codes have been developed to imple- trated. The point marked (I), on the curve indicates the
ment the proposed material model. The first computer initial yielding of the specimen. At point (I), fracture
program called EPFFEP (Elastic-Plastic-Fracture- initiates at the corner of the rigid punch. Once the
Finite-Element-Program) was originally developed at fracture occurs, the sudden release of stresses in the
Lehigh University in 1973141.Subsequently, the program fractured elements results in an overall load drop. During
was updated in 1976 for ERDA for the analysis of the process of stress redistribution from the fractured
suboceanic structures such as the large shells proposed elements to adjacent material, the displacement of the
for adoption in the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion loaded surface is held constant so that the analysis may
Program (OTEC). Reference[ Ill describes the details of simulate the split cylinder test being conducted by an
this program and its implementation on the computer ideally rigid testing machine, which results in displace-
system CDC 6400. It defines all the input and output of ment control analysis.The stress redistribution process
the program along with an example illustrating a typical leads to decreasing the load which may result in further
application of EPFFEP modeling. Detail computer al- fracture and yielding of adjacent elements (solid dots on
gorithm for the constitutive relations of concrete is also line l-2 in Fig. 9). When the released stresses are stabil-
given in the form of flow charts. This program is de- ized, the redistribution is now complete (point 2).
signed for a special purpose; i.e. although its analysis Subsequent further loading follows the line 2-3 until
capability is bounded within planar or axisymmetric further fracture occurs at point (3). This is continued
problems with constant strain triangular elements, this is until load point (10) is reached at which the structural
intended specifically to model a refined material response stiffness matrix becomes singular. This indicates the
of concrete including its plasticity, dual fracture criterion entire structure constitutes a collapse mechanism.
and sudden stress release which leads to subsequent Therefore the cylinder specimen is now considered to be
stress redistribution. completely collapsed. The value of “structural stiffness”
In order to make the results of research readily which may be interpreted as the slope of ascending
available in analysis for structural engineers in general, a load-displacement branches as shown in Fig. 9 are seen
second computer program in the form of a subroutine reduced steadily as more elements fractured.
has also been developed. This subroutine is readily It is of interest to compare the ultimate strength of the
adaptable for use in any existing or postulated large finite present plasticity-fracture analysis with that of previous
element analysis conputer program. Many such programs
are now available for engineers to use. In particular, we
have incorporated the subroutines in the nonlinear P/2
structural analysis program called NONSAP-A[3], which
is a modified and extended version of the NONSAP
program originally developed by Bathe, Wilson and Iding
of the University of California at Berkeley[2]. The pro-
gram can be used for conducting linear and nonlinear,
static, and dynamic analysis for a range of complex
structures. Nonlinearities considered in the program in-
clude those of materials, large displacement and finite
strain. A large library of elements is available as well as
an extensive selection of material behavior models.
ReferenceDI describes the development of the present
subroutine. In addition, two numerical examples are also
presented in this report to demonstrate the utility of the
concrete subroutines in finite element analysis.

In the following the finite element program EPFFEP is
applied to solve the elastic-plastic-fracture problem of
split cylinder test which is frequently used as an indirect
method for the determination of tensile strength of con-
crete. The elasticity solution of the problem is well-
knownl71. Recently, some plasticity solutions of the
problem, which do not consider the important feature of Fig. 8. Discretized model used in the finite element analysis.
30 W. F. CHENand H. SUZUKI


I And Numerals In 0 RepresentThe

Loading Steps Corresponding1 ? Those Shown

r Cmdted Or Cfushed Eiement

f Yiided Element
p Unloaded Element
V Elastic Element

+ 0.5 I 2x&n.

Fig. 9. Correlation between load-displacement curve and spreading of yielded zone and propagation of fractured
zone for a split cylinder Test.

analysis for which the values of material stiffness for ting cylinder test is presented. It is found that the
fractured elements are simply reduced to zero. This behavior and strength of a structure made of fracturing
implies that in the earlier model the material after frac- material differs significantly from that of a material with a
ture is allowed to flow while the fracture stress is held large ductility. The strength of the former structure is
constant for further loading. The ultimate strength of the found considerably reduced, compared with that of the
present solution is 1.516f:w where w is the width of the latter case. This is caused primarily by the sudden
punch. The solution obtained previously assuming release of stresses in the fractured elements during their
infinite ductility is 2.81 f:w[8]. The present fracture fracturing either in the form of cracking type or the
modeling of concrete results in a cylinder strength crushing type.
reduction of about 46%. Such a significant reduction-in REFERENCES
strength is caused primarily by the sudden release of E. Andenaes, K. Gerstle and H-Y. Ko, Response of mortar
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ASCE, lOJ(EM4),515-525(Aug.,1977).
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behavior under general three-dimensional stress states of nonlinear system. SESM Rep. No. 73-3. Department of
are idealized as follows: Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Cali-
(a) For an elastic concrete or for a cracked concrete, fornia (1974).
3. T. Y. Chang and W. F. Chen, Extended NONSAP program
linear elasticity theory is used: for OTEC structural systems.ERDA Rep. No. OW-2682-7
(b) For a yielded untracked concrete, work-hardening (Fritz Engng Lab. Rep. No. 414.7, Lehigh University, Beth-
theory of plasticity is used; leham, Pennsylvania), (1976).
(c) For a concrete at its peak stress, dual represen- 4, A. C. T. Chen and W. F. Chen, Constitutive relations of
tation of fracture condition in terms of both stresses and concrete and punch-indentation problems. Fritz Engng Lab.
strains is used; Rep. No. 360.1I, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
(d) For a fractured concrete, the sudden release of (May, 1973).
stresses during fracturing is considered; and A. C. T. Chen and W. F. Chen, Constitutive relations for
(e) For a cracked concrete, the opening and closing of concrete. J. Engng Me& I)ru. ASCE lOl(EM4). 465-481
tensile cracks are traced and their softened and direc- A. C. T. Chen and W. F. Chen, Constitutiveequationsand
tional behavior is considered. punch-indentationof concrete. 1. Engng Mech. Div. AXE
Two finite element computer codes have also been lOl(EM6),88%5'06 (1975).
developed to implement the material model proposed. A W. F. Chen, Limif Analysis and Soil Plasticify. Elsevier.
numerical finite element solution to the problem of split- Amsterdam, The Netherlands(1975).
Constitutive models for concrete 31

8. A. C. T. Chen and W. F. Chen, Nonlinear analysis of compression, tensioncompression or tension-tension zone. It is

concrete splitting tests. Compuf. Structures 6(6), 451457 further assumed that under a given hydrostatic pressure (fr =
(1976). - const. 10). the stress state inside the circumscribed circle of
9. W. F. Chen and T. Y. P. Chang, Plasticity solutions for AABC is in compressioncompression zone, and otherwise it is
concrete splitting tests. Engng Me& Diu. AXE, 104(EM3), in tensiowompression or in tension-tension zone. Referring to
691-704 (1978). Fig. IO, it is apparent that
10. T. C. Y. Liu, A. H. Nilson and F. 0. Slate, Biaxial stress-
strain relations for concrete. .I Structural Div. ASCE,
98(STS), 1025-1034 (1972).
II. H. Suzuki and W. F. Chen, EPFFEP program for OTEC
structural systems. ERDA Rep. No. OM-2682-8 (Frifz Engng It follows that the criteria for defining stress states in different
Lab. Rep. No. 414.8). Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Penn-
sylvania (1976). zones are as follows: If I, 10 and @I 5 Iz( i.e. I, 10 and
12. H. C. Wu, Dual failure criterion for plain concrete. /. Engng VJz~-Il/~3, the stress state P lies in compression-com-
Mech. Du. AXE 2M(EM6) (1974).
pression zone; if I, 5 0 and IGj-,l> (zl, i.e. I, I 0 and dJz >

- I,/q3, stress state P lies in tension-compression zone; and if

f, > 0, the stress state P lies in the tension-tension zone.
For the special case of a biaxial stress state, the stress vector
Zoning of the stress states
P(q, u2,0), under a given hydrostatic Essure I,( 50). is
The criteria for defining the stress states into three zones-
represented by a point on the straight line AB. Then, it follows
compression-compression, tensiowompression and tension-
tension zones-are given here. that if P is in compression-compression zone ($@/zG(~J),
For an isotropic material, the loading function must be the
one in terms of stress invariants. In the concrete plasticity theory u, 5 0 and ur I 0, or if not, ((G( > /zl), u, . ur 5 0. Generally
presented herein, this is the function of I, and J2. Therefore, any
stress state in concrete is plastically equivalent if it has iden- each of the three zones can be depicted in the (I,, dJ2) space as
tical values of I, and J2. Let us consider principal stress space shown in Fig. 3.
O-o,u2al as shown in Fig. IO. Plane s is represented by I, =O.
Axis G is the normal to the rr plane and is represented by
u, = o* = ax. Mechanics of cracked concrete
For a given hydrostatic pressure (I, = constant 5 0), an arbi- The cracked concrete under plane stress condition. The
trary stress state P(u,,uZ,uJ and the uniaxial stress states released stresses (see Fig. 6) can be represented in 0-x’y’
A(I,, O,O), B(0, I,, 0) and C(0,0,I,) lie in the same plane ABC coordinates system as

which is parallel to the ?r plane. Stress vector OP is resolved into

OX, a,*
oY, - 0 (23)
1 Tx’y’Ji 0 I

since a,, and ~~~~~

are vanished after cracks are formed. In global
in which 0-xy coordinates system, expression (23) has the form


It can be indicated from the above graphical interpretation that

and uXsin the global coordinate system is
the intersections of the plane I, = const. and the loading surfaces
are circles. Hencehe loading surfaces are axisymmetric with
respect to axis ON. Any stress state on the above circle is
uXs= {b’(‘4’)}T 2. (25)
equivalent plastically. It is therefore natural to assume that any
g&ss state on an arbitrary concentric circle whose center axis i 7XY
ON passes is also equivalent. For consistency, any equivalent
stress state may lie in the same zone of either of compression- Hence, the released stresses in 0-xy coordinates system are:


Since a slice between two adjacent cracked planes is subjected

to uniaxial loading along the direction of x’-axis (see Fig. 6), it
follows that incremental stress-strain relationship for a cracked
concrete is

do,. = Eder. = E{b(P)}’ de, (27)
i drxyI
or, in O-xy coordinates system, it becomes

= tb(‘l’)}dux, = E{b(Y)Hb(\Y)}’ (28)

Fig. IO. Zoning of the state of stresses in triaxial stress space.
32 W. F. CHEN and H. SUZUIU

Hence, the total change in stresses after the formation of cracks

is given by eqn (IS).
771~ cracked concrete under plane strain &o~ition. The for-
mula for the released stresses are the same as in the case of
plane stress problems.
After the formation of cracks, the stress state in this case After the formation of cracks, the stress state reduces to a
reduces to biaxial one in x’z plane (see Fig. 6). Then, the b’aaxial one along x’ and 0 directions (see Fig. 6). Hence, we have
incremental stress-strain relationshins of the cracked concrete
can be written as

Referring to the global coordinate system, the following relations

(29) are obtained.

= {b(‘P#du;~ =$-q {b(‘P)j(de,, + A,)

Eliminating do, in the above equations results in

The total change in stresses after the formation of cracks for this
case is given by eqn (19) which can also be obtained by simply &,@ --$$vdex.+de@]=&
replacing E by E/( I - v*) in eqn (I 8).
The cracked concrete under ~i-sy~~~~c condifion. The
formula for the released stresses has the same form as that of The above relationships lead to the expression of the total
planar problems since cracks are assumed to form in an axi- change in stresses after the formation of cracks as given by eqn
symmetrical manner. The released stresses can be represented as

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