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Using Operational Research

for Supply Chain Planning in
the Forest Products Industry

Research Topic- Using Operational Research for Supply Chain Planning in the Forest
Products Industry.


Over the years, Operational Research (OR) has been used a lot to enhance the forest products
industry and public forestry organizations (e.g., governments, environmental protection
groups) in their respective planning activities concerning the flow of wood fiber from the
forest to the customer. The applications deal with a wide range of problems, ranging from
long-term strategic problems related to forest management or company development to very
short-term operational problems, such as planning for real-time log/chip transportation or
cutting. This paper presents an overview of the different planning problems and reviews the
past contributions in the field of forestry, with a focus on applications and problem
descriptions. In the context of the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Operational Research
Society, this paper also recognizes the contributions of many Canadian researchers to the
field of forestry management.

Keywords: Forest management, harvesting, transportation, routing, supply chain

management, forest products industry, production and distribution planning


In this section, different papers are discussed in subject with the different supply chains and
planning problems. Strategic concerns are discussed first then the tactical concerns second
and operational concerns last. Specific contributions dealing with forest management and
harvesting operations are included in the review as they address important forest management
issues and impact the supply chain planning (e.g., environmental concerns and fire).


Despite the help of supply chain planning, many companies still find it difficult to integrate
the different planning problems. This means that when the procurement, production,
distribution, and sales activities of several different business units need to be synchronized,
they often need to involve their suppliers and customers. The forest product supply chains are
typically composed of many interconnected business units that are constrained by their
divergent processes. One supply chain might include the producers who manage a mix of
different species in the forest, the various entrepreneurs who convert these trees into logs or
chips, the sawmills that cut the logs into boards or dimension parts, and the pulp and paper
mills that use the wood chips to create rolls of paper that are then cut into smaller product
rolls or sheets. Integrating these many-to-many processes makes the task of coordinating
these activities very complex given that these activities are always bounded by tradeoffs
between yield, logistical costs, and service levels. In order to successfully plan your supply
chain, you need to integrate different types of decisions into your strategic, tactical, and
operational planning. Due to the size of the problems, decomposition techniques and/or
hierarchical planning are typically needed. Strategic decisions impose constraints on the
tactical planning process, and the ensuing tactical decisions impose constraints on the
operational planning process. In the forest products industry, supply chain planning is
particularly challenging because it can span more than 100 years. operational planning for
cutting trees or logs may only take fractions of a second.

The quality of forest management and forest operations has a significant impact on the
performance of the different wood fiber supply chains. This impact frequently has been
observed and reported by researchers working to optimize forestry decision-making about
various diverse elements, such as silvi culture treatments, harvesting sectors, scheduling,
forest road construction, wood allocation and transportation. The Handbook on Operations
Research in Natural Resources (Weintraub et al., 2007) presents many models designed to
improve integrated planning in the forestry business sector, especially for private forest
owners. The literature in the forestry domain can be divided into two categories. The first
category includes topics related to forestry, such as forestry management, harvesting, and
transportation, while the second category includes topics related to supply chain planning for
different products/markets, such as pulp and paper, lumber, engineered wood products, and
bio-fuel. This paper discusses the different types of forest planning problems and how they
can be resolved. It would support the development of models that would better integrate the
forestry supply chain into the other food and product supply chains. This paper does not
pretend to be an exhaustive review of the literature.

The fourth section of this article describes the flow of wood fiber, from the forest to the
market, and presents the main production processes and approaches. Section 5 reviews
strategic, tactical and operational supply chain planning decision levels for the forest products
industry and explains them in general terms. Since collaboration is an important aspect of
supply chain management, Section 6 presents recent works addressing the challenge of
collaboration and profit/loss sharing. The final section provides some concluding remarks.


The flow of the different products in the wood fiber supply chain is shown in Figure 1. Forest
products supply chains can be seen as a large network through which wood fiber is gradually
transformed into consumer products. In different supply chains, production and procurement
networks are connected. The production network is also connected to a distribution network
that ends with merchants or retailers. This network creates sales opportunities for products
and services. Different means of transportation are used to move different types of products
from one network to the other. Forest products are thus transformed and distributed as they
flow through the supply chain. The many-to-many transformation activities involve generic
processes that consume a set of input products and combine them in different ways (e.g.,
recipes in the pulp and paper industry or cutting patterns in the lumber industry), or remove
one or more input products and produce a set of output products (e.g., bucking or sawing
patterns). This output shows that these co-products are classified as either by-products or co-
products. Products produced by the process are demand-driven, and by-products are the
secondary results. These products are sold on other markets. In many cases, the
transformation is done through alternative processes (e.g., recipes or cutting patterns), in
which case the planning decisions must also select the processes to be used. The different
wood product firms typically own a set of business units that are involved in the
transformation and distribution of forest products. When a firm owns units that cover a wide
range of activities, it is said to be integrated. Some large international companies are also
very active in all the different markets in Figure 1. For example, Stora Enso, an international
corporation, has a number of supply chains. The forest must provide trees that are suitable for
different purposes. There are a variety of issues to take into account when providing suitable
trees, from strategic forest management to operational tasks related to harvesting and
transportation. Forest supply chain planning means dealing with a very long-term planning
horizon, anticipating natural disruptions like fires, considering multiple societal needs and
meeting industrial demands. Depending on the nature of the forest (e.g., species, age, soil and
plantation management) and the type of land tenure (e.g. public or private), the planning
problems may differ from country to country and from region to region. Despite these
differences, there is one commonality: the need for greater integration of the forest supply
chain and industrial supply chains (i.e., pulp and paper, lumber)

Harvesting includes the following main phases. The trees are being cut down and their
branches are removed. After the tree is bucked or cross-cut into logs of a specific dimensions
and quality, it can be used in the harvest sectors or in lumber yards. The trees or logs are
transported directly to mills or terminals for intermediate storage. The harvesting is done by
groups of people and the transportation by one or several transport companies. The global
planning for harvest and transportation includes ensuring that goods are transported to market
in a timely manner and that the necessary resources are available for the task.

4.1 Fiber Flow in the Pulp and Paper Supply Chains

The logs or chips traveling through the pulp and paper supply chain are first turned into pulp
and then into paper, which is then formed into commercial rolls or sheets. In pulp production,
the fibers are mixed with different chemicals according to a specific recipe to produce a pulp
grade. Recycled paper is often introduced to the pulp, which is then used to produce jumbo
reels of paper of a specific grade, finish, base weight and colour. The jumbo reels are cut into
rolls, which can be either sold directly on the market or sheeted for printing and writing paper
products. From the mills, the paper is distributed either directly or through a network of
wholesalers, distributors and merchants. Customers vary in what type of paper they want,
such as printers who might buy newsprint, or retailers who might buy fine paper. A typical
pulp and paper company owns many mills. This pulp and paper supply chain uses all modes
of transportation to move logs or chips from the forest to the pulp mills: trucks, trains, and
ships are used to transport logs or chips from the forest to the pulp mills. The finished paper
is usually moved by train or truck.

Supply chain planning in the forest products industry can involve a variety of decisions, from
strategic to operational. The following subsections illustrate the scope of these decisions and
the specific issues of supply chain planning in the Forest Products Industry.

5.1 Strategic Planning

Strategic, or long-term, planning in the forest products industry is indeed very long-term. For
example, the rotation of forest growth can take more than 80 years, and a new pulp or paper
mill is normally intended to last more than 30 years. Strait decision-making includes making
decisions related to forest management strategies, silviculture treatments, conservation areas,
road construction, the opening/closing of mills, the location/acquisition of new mills, process
investments (e.g., machines, transportation equipment, information technology), product and
market development, financial and operational closure, planning strategies (e.g., make-to-
stock, make-to-order, cut-to-order), and inventory location (e.g., location of decoupling
points and warehouses).

Choosing an investment plan has a major impact on all decisions made about investments. If
you are planning to use a make-to-stock strategy, you will need different equipment than if
you are planning to use a make-to-order strategy. The planning approach determines how
much technology and capacity are needed, how much inventory is available, and how far
away customers should be. Such a decision involves evaluating how the investment will fit
into the entire supply chain, including deciding which markets are available for the products
based on anticipated market trends, how the distribution of the products should be carried out
and at what cost, and how the production units should be supplied with the necessary wood
fibers (i.e., wood or pulp). If other elements, such as energy supplies, are not important, the
game may still be won. If the type of forest land tenure is private, then the strategic decisions
made about the supply chain may be more difficult. The wood could come from public,
private or both lands, with each type requiring different procurement programs. Some other
factors may also need to be considered, such as the severity of the injury, the age of the
victim, and the severity of the crime. Governmental rules governing the amount of forest land
to be set aside for bio-diversity purposes, recreational use, and/or carbon sequestration must
be considered when making a decision.

5.2 Tactical Planning

Following strategic planning, the next level in the hierarchical planning structure is tactical or
mid-term planning. There are two different types of tactical planning when it comes to forest
management problems and production/distribution planning problems. In forest management,
hierarchical planning approaches are widely used because they allow the tactical planning
problem to be initially addressed without taking spatial issues into account. After this is done,
the problem is very tightly constrained spatially. While strategic planning problems typically
span a 100-year period, tactical planning problems can be reviewed annually over a five-year
period. In planning problems dealing with production/distribution issues, tactical planning
normally addresses the allocation rules that define which unit or group of units is responsible
for executing the different supply chain activities or what resources or group of resources will
be used. The company has a set of guidelines for how quickly and how much product can be
produced. Additionally, the company may have restrictions on the type and size of products
that can be produced. Tactical planning allows these two types of rules to be defined through
a global analysis of the supply chain. Tactical planning helps connect long-term strategic
planning with short-term detailed operational planning that has a direct impact on actual

Tactical planning can be helpful if you have a tight budget. Most companies execute an
important planning task when projecting the annual budget for the following year, deciding
which products to offer to customers and in what quantities. Companies need to evaluate the
implications of their decisions on the whole supply chain (procurement, production and
distribution) in order to maximize their profits. Shapiro (2001) suggests that strategic
planning models be based on the strategic planning models, in which the 0-1 variables related
to strategic decisions are fixed and the planning horizon is extended to a multi-period (multi-
seasonal) horizon. Solving the model can help with the definition of how the budget for each
business unit within the supply chain should be set.

5.3 Operation Planning

The third level of planning is the planning that precedes and determines the actual
performance of real world operations. This means that the planning process must take into
account the actual reality of the operations that are taking place. The timing of operations is
important so that the overall plan is executed properly. It is not enough to know the week or
month that a certain action should take place; the time period must be defined in terms of
days or hours. Operational planning is usually distributed among different units in the
facilities, or facilities themselves, due to the enormous amount of data that has to be
manipulated at the operational level. One type of problem that exists within the production
process is cutting. This problem is typically solved by different types of mills, such as
lumber, dimension parts, and pulp and paper mills. When scheduling the different products
moving through the manufacturing lines is a common problem, it can be difficult to keep
track of process control decisions. In the pulp and paper industry, process control is very
important because the products depend greatly on the precision of the chemical-fiber mix.
There are a number of problems that need to be considered when it comes to transportation,
specifically the problems related to routing and dispatching. It is necessary to have a way to
move the trucks used for hauling wood from the forest to the mills or for shipping finished
products from mills to customers or distribution centers. Table 1 provides an illustrative
overview of the strategic, tactical, and operational planning decisions made in the pulp and
paper industry. This supply chain planning matrix was pro posed by Carlsson et al. Based on
a series of case studies, So ̈dra Cell concludes that pulp production can be successfully scaled
up in Sweden.

5.4 Methods

Methods have been proposed to support planning problems in the forest products industry.
Ronna Vilkonen (2003) presented a series of typical planning problems found in the forest
products industry, with comments about the time available for solving each of these
problems. He found that, while operational planning problems usually need to be solved
quickly, strategic planning problems can be solved over a longer period of time, sometimes
taking hours. Since operational problems are generally easier to solve with heuristics, meta-
heuristics and easy-to-solve network methods, these are generally used for these types of
problems. Stochastic programming methods are better for tactical and strategic planning
problems. Many of the OR models are implemented in diverse industrial Decision Support
Systems (DSS), which are often integrated into application-specific data bases holding all the
information needed for the models and the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) used to
visualize the input data and results.

Collaboration issues are tightly linked to any discussion of supply chains. However, OR has
only recently been used to evaluate the potential for collaboration for the forest products
industry. Do people prefer to read about or experience OR? These articles discuss how
collaboration in the forest products industry has been addressed recently in the OR literature.
Many companies obtain their wood allocations from unevenly aged forests that are owned by
the state. They often need to agree on a common in-forest harvesting plan in order to ensure
that everyone is getting a share of the wood. The authors of this study evaluated the effects of
a 12-week course of aerobic exercise on body composition, muscle mass, and bone density in
healthy adults. They found that the course of aerobic exercise had no significant effects on
body composition, muscle mass, or bone density. This problem was address by proposing
collaborative approaches to help the negotiation process converge on a profit-able solution.
The article discusses a plan that can be used by companies to establish their own optimal plan
for different scenarios. The team demonstrated how collaboration can help determine a final
harvesting schedule. The benefits of collaboration have also been explored in the context of
transporting logs to mills. Often, many companies operate in different parts of the country,
which provides opportunities for optimizing backhauling operations. This opportunity has
been addressed in different parts of the world, using the specific wood allocation and trucking
constraints found in each region. Frisk and his team are looking for any clues that may lead
them to the whereabouts of the dragon. The study by Palander and Vaatainen found that when
both parents are present, the children are more likely to engage in physical activity than when
one parent is absent. The study by Audy et al. found that when one parent is absent, the
children are more likely to engage in physical activity than when both parents are present.
Some people have worked on different ways to solve this problem, while others are still
trying to find a solution. They want to come up with models for sharing risks and benefits so
that everyone can benefit from them. It has been found that collaboration between paper mills
and customers can be beneficial for both parties. (2007). Four different ways to integrate
were simulated and optimized, starting with the traditional make-to-order, then moving
toward continuous replenishment, vendor-managed inventory (VMI), and finally
Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR). CPFR showed the greatest
overall benefits in all the tested scenarios. However, under certain economic conditions,
customers may obtain a greater benefit from a continuous replenishment approach, while
producers still obtain a greater benefit from the CPFR approach.


This paper has described the major supply chains of the forest products industry, which are
the forest, the pulp and paper, the lumber, panel and engineered wood and the energy supply
chains. The challenges of integrating the different supply chain decisions was first discussed
in general terms, and then more specifically for each individual supply chain. A review of
literature was presented in order to illustrate the major planning problems in the forest
products industry. The review showed that very little work has been done to connect the
forest supply chain to the other forest products supply chains. Integrating the various supply
chains is still a challenge for the industry, and research should continue to develop new
models to support such integration. Operational Research has played an important role in
helping forest product industry managers and public officials plan their decisions. Canadian
researchers have been contributing to the many different aspects of this field for many years.
Many Canadians are motivated to work in the forest products industry because of the cultural
and historical backgrounds of many of its members. Additionally, the industry is an important
part of Canada's economic landscape, and has helped to drive many people to explore this
field. This paper acknowledges the contributions of Canadian operational research staff in the
50th anniversary of the Canadian Operational Research Centre.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Natural Science and Engineering
Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration (NHH), as well as the industrial support of the FORAC Research Consortium,
the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden (Skogforsk) and the Milenium Institute Complex
Engineering Systems. The authors would also like to thank their colleagues for their support
in putting this review together.


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