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Frane, Rupert Joaquin D.


BSBA-HRM 4-1 Prof. Felix Ramos

Seat Work #1

Look for 4 establishments (Local and Foreign) having the longest labor

disputes and explain briefly.

Local Labor Dispute:

● Sejung Apparel Inc. - The workers' strike from December 2020 to May 2021.

Strikers emphasized that they are being starved using Covid lockdown as

cover. The labor dispute is due to union busting, as well as employees not

being paid of their 13th month pay and last salary.

● Toyota Motors Philippines Corp. - The strikers of the said company were

found to be illegal in 2001, since the high court ruled that they failed to comply

with the requirements under the Labor Code for holding such actions, this

includes notice of strike and the strike vote.

Foreign Labor Dispute:

● Hecla Mining Co. - A 1029 days strike has been put to an end. It started on

March 13,2017, when the company tried to impose a unilaterally parts of a

new contract on workers. The workers filed unfair labor practice charges with

● Spectrum - The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers went on

strike against Charter Communications-owned cable and internet provider,

known as Spectrum on March 28, 2017. The said union and company were

involved in an established dispute that hinges on an employee-initiated motion

to dump the union.

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