Management Information System Components

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Management Information System Components

1. Information systems.

According to Bodnar and Hopwood (2006: 3), a system is a set of interrelated resources that want
to achieve a goal. According to Hall (2009:6), a system is a group of two or more subsystems that have a
relationship and have a common goal. While information, according to Bodnar and Hopwood (2006:3), is
organized data that can support the accuracy of decision making. According to Mulyadi (2001:43),
information is processed data into a form that can provide meaning for the recipient and can be used as a
basis for current or future decision-making. From the description, it can be concluded that information
systems imply the use of technology with computers in organizations or companies that can provide
information to needy parties and users.

The task of the information system is to perform this data processing cycle. To perform this cycle,
most of a system's components require certain components. It is known that data needs to be processed to
be useful information through a cycle. This cycle is called the data processing cycle, also called the
information cycle.


Data that is still not processed needs to be stored for further processing because not all data
obtained is directly processed. In general, the data obtained is stored in advance, which can later be
retrieved at any time to be processed into information. The data is stored in storage in the form of this
database, which will later be used to generate information. This developed data processing cycle is called
the extended data processing life cycle.

Timely information can be achieved with the technology component. Components of computer
system technology speed up data processing and telecommunications technology accelerates data
transmission processes, thereby making information available on time. Accurate information can be
achieved with control components. The control or control component will maintain the information system
from errors that are intentional or unintentional. The control component makes the information system
produce accurate information.

A system of information consists of six parts, including :

a) Input components or input components.

b) Model components.
c) Output components or output components.
d) Technology components.
e) Database components.
f) Control Components or control components.
These six components must exist together and form one whole. If one or more of these components
is absent, then the information system will not be able to perform its function, that is, data processing, and
will not be able to achieve its goal, that is, produce relevant, timely, and accurate information. (Jogianto,

2. Input Component.

James (2001:24) explained that the input is the data entered into the information system. This
component needs to exist because it is a basic ingredient in information processing. Information systems
will not be able to produce information if they do not have an input component. If an information system
never gets an input but can produce an output, this is a magical thing. Input into the information system can
be directly processed into information or, if not needed now, can be stored first in storage in the form of a

Input from the information system in the form of data to be processed by this system. Data from
information systems can come from outside the organization, such as stock data from capital markets, or
from within the organization, such as sales data. Data for the information system needs to be captured and
recorded in the basic document. The basic document is a form used to capture information system data.
This basic document can assist in the handling of data flow information systems, namely:

a) Can specify the types of data to be collected and recorded.

b) Data can be recorded clearly, consistently, and accurately.
c) Data encourages complete accounting data because the required data is mentioned one by one in
the basic document.
d) It acts as a data distribution, as a number of copies of these forms can be given to individuals or
departments that need them.
e) Basic documents can be formed to prove the occurrence of a valid transaction, so it is very useful
for tracking checks.
f) A basic document can be used as a backup or protector of data files on a computer. The next
process after the data is recorded in the basic document is to enter the data into the information

3. Output Components.

The products of information systems are in the form of useful information for the wearer. Output
comprises components that must exist in the information system. An information system that never
produces an output but always receives an input is said to go into a deep hole. The output of the
information system is created by using existing data in the database and processed using a specific model.
Kenneth (2008).
4. Database Components.

A database is a collection of related data that is stored in computer hardware and manipulated
using software (Jhon, 1985: 14). From this definition, there are three things related to the database, namely
as follows :

a) The data itself is organized in the form of a database.

b) Permanent storage to store the database. These deposits are part of the hardware technology
used in information systems. Permanent storage is generally used in the form of a hard disk.
c) Parangkat software to manipulate stale data. This software can be created by yourself using a
computer programming language or purchased in the form of a package. Many software packages
are provided to manipulate databases. This software package is called the database management

A popular DBMS for processing databases today is the Relational Data Base Management System. An
RDBMS describes a database file as a table, i.e., the columns section describes the fields of the data and
the rows section shows the records of the data.

5. Model Components.

The information generated by the information system comes from the data taken from the database
that is processed through certain models. The first model used in information systems can be a logical
model that shows a process of comparison of logic over mathematical models that show the process of
mathematical calculations (Faiz, 2005).

The second model used is a mathematical model to calculate the units to be ordered. For example,
goods with code 102 must be ordered back in as many as 7 units. The question is, why should I order 7
units? Why not more or less than 7 units? Reordering as many as 7 units is the most economical amount
that has been calculated through mathematical models. The Economics of Order Quantity (EOQ). The cost
of goods in inventory is most economically influenced by 2 kinds of costs, namely:

a) Purchasing cost or procurement cost, which is the cost of ordering according to the frequency of
orders, as much as the frequency of orders multiplied by the cost of each message. Booking
frequency can be calculated from the number of units needed for 1 period divided by the number
of units each time the message.
b) Carrying cost, which is the storage cost calculated based on the average inventory in the
warehouse, equals the cost of storage per unit of goods multiplied by the average unit of inventory
in the warehouse.
-. The cost of storage per unit of goods can be calculated from the percentage of its
purchase price per unit.
-. The total cost incurred is the sum of the 2 components of the cost.
-. The minimum total cost can be calculated from the first derivative of the total cost equal to

Component model technology is an important component in information systems. Without

supporting technology, the information system will not be able to produce timely information. Technology
components accelerate information systems in data processing. Technology components can be grouped
into two categories, namely computer system technology (hardware and software) and telecommunications
system technology.

Technology is a toolbox in information systems. Technology is used to receive input, run models,
store and access data, generate and transmit output, and help control the overall system.

6. Control Components.

According to Michael (1996: 67), explains that "the control component is also an important
component and must exist in the information system". This control component is used to ensure that the
information generated by the information system is accurate.

Control systems or controls in information systems can be classified as general control systems and
application control systems. Control in general can consist of the following controls:

a) Control of the organization.

b) Control of documentation.
c) Hardware control.
d) Physical security control.
e) Control of data security.
f) Control of communications

Input control, processing control, and output control are three categories of application
control.Typically, a control that has been written into the software is an application control. Control digit
check, reasonable check, echo check, and batch control check are a few examples of application controls.

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