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The Laryngoscope

C 2017 The American Laryngological,

Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Postinfectious Olfactory Loss: A Retrospective Study on 791 Patients

Annachiara Cavazzana, PhD ; Maria Larsson, PhD; Marcus M€ €hner, MD;

unch, MD; Antje Ha
Thomas Hummel, MD

Objectives/Hypothesis: Postinfectious olfactory loss is among the most common causes of olfactory impairment and
has substantial negative impact on patients’ quality of life. Recovery rates have been shown to spontaneously improve in
most of patients, usually within 2 to 3 years. However, existing studies are limited by small sample sizes and short follow-up.
We aimed to assess the prognostic factors for recovery in a large sample of 791 patients with postinfectious olfactory
Study Design: Retrospective cohort.
Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of 791 patients with postinfectious olfactory loss. Olfactory functions
were assessed using the Sniffin’ Sticks test at the first and final visits (mean follow-up 5 1.94 years).
Results: Smell test scores improved over time. In particular, patient’s age and the odor threshold (T), odor discrimina-
tion (D), and odor identification (I) (TDI) score at first visit were significant predictors of the extent of change. The percent-
age of anosmic and hyposmic patients exhibiting clinically significant improvement was 46% and 35%, respectively.
Conclusions: This study provides new evidence within the postinfectious olfactory loss literature, shedding light on the
prognostic factors and showing that recovery of olfactory function is very frequent, even many years after the infection.
Key Words: Postinfectious olfactory loss, recovery, smell disorders, Sniffin’ Sticks.
Level of Evidence: 4
Laryngoscope, 00:000–000, 2017

INTRODUCTION recovery, usually within 2 to 3 years after the infectious

Various etiologies are associated with olfactory loss, event.6,15–19 Reden and coworkers15 tested 262 patients
including upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) (18%– using Sniffin’ Sticks, and they showed improvement in
45% of the clinical population), nasal/sinus disease (7%– 32% within the first 13 months. A similar percentage
56%), head trauma (8%–20%), toxic exposure (2%–6%), has been reported in different reviews. Hummel16
and congenital anosmia (0%–4%).1 Postinfectious olfacto- described spontaneous recovery in one-third of patients,
ry loss is among the most common causes leading to and Hendriks17 observed that out of 26 untreated
olfactory disorders.2–4 It is characterized by a sudden patients, 34.6% showed a complete recovery of olfactory
loss of olfactory functions after an infection of the upper functions over a period of 12 months. Mott and Leo-
respiratory airway, typically associated with a common pold,18 in a longitudinal study of 40 patients, observed
cold or influenza.4 Usually, anosmia is present in 36% to that 15% showed improvement in olfactory test scores
53% of the patients and hyposmia in 47% to 64%.5,6 after an average of 26 months (for similar results see
Although the literature reports that topical steroids,7,8 also Rombaux et al.19). Interestingly, other works have
vitamin B,7 acupuncture,9,10 zinc,11 and a-lipoid acid12 demonstrated even higher rates of recovery. For exam-
can be used to treat postinfectious olfactory loss, no ple, London and colleagues,20 using the University of
effective therapy is available to date3 except olfactory Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT),
training.13,14 However, it has been estimated that about reported that 56.7% of initially anosmic and 42.8% of
one-third of patients may experience spontaneous initially hyposmic patients improved significantly over
time. Similarly, Duncan and Seiden6 monitored 21
From the Smell and Taste Clinic (A.C., M.M., A.H., T.H.), Technical patients with URTI-related smell loss for 3 years. After
University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany; and the G€ osta Ekman Labo- this period, 19 patients had a significantly improved
ratory, Department of Psychology (A.C., M.L.), Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden.
UPSIT score, and 13 patients reported subjective
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication improvement of olfactory performance (see also Lee
March 9, 2017. et al.21 with improving rates of 85.7%). Even though
This research was supported by a grant from the Deutsche For- olfactory recovery has been demonstrated, knowledge
schungsgemeinschaft to T.H. (DFG HU411/18-1) and the Swedish Foun-
dation for Humanities and Social Sciences to M.L. (M14-0375:1). regarding the percentage of improvement shows large
The authors have no other funding, financial relationships, or con- variation. Therefore, more research is needed, especially
flicts of interest to disclose. considering the fact that most of the studies are based
Send correspondence to Annachiara Cavazzana, PhD, Smell and
Taste Clinic, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Technical University of on small sample sizes, and olfactory change is assessed
Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany. E-mail: anna- only in the short term and with different testing proce-
dures. Another problem, that probably cannot be solved,
DOI: 10.1002/lary.26606 relates to the fact that most data are collected in

Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss

specialized centers that are probably not seen by many discrimination (D), and odor identification (I) [TDI] score) was
people with milder symptoms. These factors limit the less than 16.5. A TDI score between 16.5 and 30.5 was catego-
generalizability of clinical prognostic features and the rized as hyposmia. A score above 30.5 was considered within
possibility of recovery in these patients. the normosmic range.
The aim of this retrospective study was to localize
significant predictors for olfactory recovery in a large Dependent Variables and Statistical Analysis
sample of patients with postinfectious olfactory loss (N For the regression analyses, the dependent variables were:
5 791) based on standardized objective testing methods 1) the numerical change in the TDI score from the first to the
(i.e., the Sniffin’ Sticks test22). In so doing, we hope to second assessment (i.e., delta TDI); 2) a clinical change in the
comprehensively provide useful clinical information to TDI score by 6 points coded as 11 for TDI scores improved by
counsel patients in a meaningful way. 6 or more points, 0 for changes fewer than 6 points, and 21 for
clinical decline25; and 3) the final diagnosis at T2 (i.e., anosmic,
hyposmic, normosmic). Candidate predictors chosen as poten-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tially affecting changes in olfactory functions were: 1) TDI score
Subjects at the first assessment (TDI at T1), 2) duration of olfactory loss
The retrospective study group was composed of 791 until the first assessment (disease duration), 3) presence or
patients presenting to the Interdisciplinary Centre for Smell absence of parosmia, 4) presence or absence of phantosmia, 5)
and Taste of the Technical University of Dresden between 1998 interval between the first and the second assessment (T1–T2
and 2010, with postinfectious olfactory disturbances (mean age interval), and 6) demographic factors including age at the first
5 58.9 years, standard deviation [SD] 5 10.2 years, range 5 visit and sex. Pearson’s v2 test was applied to analyze the cate-
15–84 years, 224 males). The inclusion criteria included a histo- gorical variables. All of the statistical analyses were performed
ry of URTI immediately before olfactory loss and a sudden onset using a commercially available software package, SPSS version
of olfactory loss. The exclusion criteria included all the other 22.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY). Any P values <.05 were considered to
conditions associated with olfactory dysfunctions, such as a his- be statistically significant.
tory of head trauma, acute or chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic
rhinitis, neurodegenerative diseases, or abnormal nasal anato- RESULTS
my. Patients did not receive any specific and standardized treat- The result section is organized as follows. First, the
ment protocol at our clinic. They were usually sent from other patients’ demographic characteristics and baseline olfac-
medical centers for outside consultations. Regarding treatment,
tory functions are reported. Second, the results from the
3.2% reported that they had taken different types of vitamins
(e.g., A, B, and E), 15.4% steroids, 2.1% a-lipoic acid, and 3.5%
three separate regression analyses are reported (i.e., del-
declared to having been treated with acupuncture. The majority ta TDI, clinical change, and final diagnosis as the depen-
(75.8%) declared no treatment history. The study complied with dent variables).
the Declaration of Helsinki and had been approved by the
ethics committee of the Technical University of Dresden. Writ-
ten informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to Baseline Olfactory Functions
the study. At the first visit, 39.6% (N 5 313) of the patients
were diagnosed as anosmic, 57.9% (N 5 458) as hypos-
mic, and 2.5% (N 5 20) as normosmic. No differences
Procedure were observed between males and females with respect
The patients were tested on two occasions (first visit [T1] to age, TDI score, or in threshold and identification
and second visit [T2]), with a follow-up variation in time rang- measurements (all P > .05). However, females outper-
ing from 13 to 4,251 days (mean 5 708.8 days, SD 5 929.4
formed males in odor discrimination (t790 5 2.01, P 5
days, median 5 338 days). Patients came to the first visit after
.045). Age correlated weakly, but significantly with the
an average time period of 565 days after URTI (SD 5 957.8
days, range 5 6–11,073 days, median 5 281 days). At the first TDI score (r 5 20.09, P 5 .006), discrimination (r 5
visit, they underwent a structured interview where medical his- 20.10, P 5 .004), and identification (r 5 20.07, P 5 .04),
tory was taken and parosmia and phantosmia were assessed.23 but not with thresholds (r 5 20.04, P 5 .20).
Psychophysical testing of olfactory function was performed both
at T1 and T2 with the validated Sniffin’ Sticks test.22 Odors
were presented to the patients in felt-tip pens. For birhinal Regression Analyses
stimulation, the pen’s tip was placed approximately 2 cm below Predictors for the delta TDI. As a first step, a
both nostrils. Three different olfactory functions were assessed. multiple linear regression was performed to determine
First, odor thresholds were determined for phenylethyl alcohol whether the predictor variable would influence the
(PEA), which has a rose-like odor,24 with 16 stepwise dilutions. numerical change in the TDI scores (mean 5 4.7, SD 5
Thresholds were determined using the single staircase tech- 0.2, range 5 217.5–28, median 5 4.2). The results
nique based on a three-alternative forced choice (3-AFC) task. showed that baseline TDI score (P < .001) and the
Second, odor discrimination was assessed over 16 trials. For patients’ age at the first test occasion (P 5 .016) were
each discrimination, three pens were presented, two containing
the only significant predictors of patients’ delta TDI.
the same odor and the third containing the target odorant (3-
AFC task). Third, odor identification was assessed by present-
Specifically, higher TDI score (b 5 20.35) and higher
ing 16 odors presented with four verbal descriptors in a multi- age (b 5 20.07) at the first visit were related to lower
ple forced-choice format (three distractors and one target). delta TDI scores (Fig. 1 and Table I). Including only
Functional anosmia (i.e., anosmia below) was diagnosed if the these two variables in the model, they accounted for
sum score of the three tests (odor threshold (T), odor 16.6% of the explained variability (F2, 790 5 78.43, P <

Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss

Fig. 1. Scatterplot of the relationship between the delta TDI score and the TDI at the first visit (A) and the age of patients at the first visit
(B). (C) A scatterplot depicting the positive relationship between TDI scores at the first and second visits. TDI 5 odor threshold (T), odor
discrimination (D), and odor identification (I).

.001) (Table II). To provide a descriptive and clinical years (mean age 5 55.88 years; SD 5 2.75 years; 185
overview of the data, we decided to divide groups females), 81.5% (265 out of 325) in age group 61 to 70
approximately according to decades of age. We explored years (mean age 5 64.75 years, SD 5 2.95 years, 236
the numerical change in the TDI score (i.e., the delta females), and 77.1% (54 out of 70) in age group 71 to 85
TDI) from the first to the second assessment according years (mean age 5 75.41 years, SD 5 3.55 years, 47
to decades of age. Eighty percent of patients (8 out of 10) females) showed improvement in the TDI delta score.
in age group 15 to 30 years (mean age 5 25.8 years, SD The percentage of improvement was above 80% in all
5 4.59 years, four females), 83.9% (26 out of 31) in age age groups, except in the oldest group of patients. Nev-
group 31 to 40 years (mean age 5 35.9 years, SD 5 2.39 ertheless, the percentage of improvement or decline did
years; 24 females), 89.4% (93 out of 104) in age group 41 not differ across the age groups (v2 [5] 5 5.18, P 5 .39).
to 50 years (mean age 5 46.45 years, SD 5 2.64 years, Data regarding the predictors T1–T2 interval and dis-
71 females), 82.9% (208 out of 251) in age group 51 to 60 ease duration were not normally distributed, but skewed

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the Delta TDI in Postinfectious Patients.
Predictors No. B SE B b t Significance 95% CI (Lower) 95% CI (Upper)

TDI at T1 233 20.35 0.06 20.39 26.3 <.001 20.46 20.24

Age at T1 233 20.07 0.03 20.16 22.44 .016 20.13 20.01
Sex 233 0.52 0.69 0.05 0.75 .456 20.86 1.9
Presence of phantosmia 233 21.03 0.71 20.1 21.45 .147 22.43 0.37
Presence of parosmia 233 1.05 0.72 0.1 1.46 .146 20.37 2.48
Disease duration 233 <0.001 0.00 20.05 20.87 .386 20.001 0.001
T1–T2 interval 233 <0.001 0.00 0.05 0.79 .432 <0.001 0.001

R2 5 0.17. Model: F7,232 5 6.43, P < .001. When considering all of the predictors, the sample size is reduced to 233 patients, because it was possible
in only some of them to collect information regarding the presence/absence of parosmia/phantosmia.
B 5 beta; CI 5 confidence interval; SE B 5 standard error of beta; T1 5 first visit; T2 5 second visit; TDI 5 odor threshold (T), odor discrimination (D),
and odor identification (I).

Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of the Delta TDI in Postinfectious Patients.
No. B SE B b t Significance 95% CI (Lower) 95% CI (Upper)

TDI T1 791 20.37 0.03 20.39 211.93 <0.001 20.43 20.31

Age T1 791 20.09 0.02 20.16 24.94 <0.001 20.13 20.06

B 5 beta; SE B 5 standard error of beta; T1 5 first visit; TDI 5 odor threshold (T), odor discrimination (D), and odor identification (I).

to the right. For this reason, we decided to split the sam- the age at first visit and the baseline TDI score as signif-
ple according to 1) the median time between the first icant predictors for the final olfactory diagnosis (v2[4] 5
and the second visit, which was 338 days (i.e., 11 281.02, P < .001; R2 5 .29 [Cox & Snell]; R2 5 .37
months) and 2) the median time between the onset of [Nagelkerke]). Increasing age at T1 was related to a
the disease and the first visit, which was 281 days (i.e., worse olfactory diagnosis at T2 (univariate ANOVA:
9 months). A Mann-Whitney test was then run to com- F2,790 5 14.21; P < .001; mean initial age [SD]: final
pare the delta TDI between the two groups (T1–T2 inter- anosmia, 60.83 [9.93]; final hyposmia, 59.25 [9.9]; final
val: U 5 68214.5, Z 5 23.1, P 5 .002; disease duration: normosmia, 54.44 [10.9]; significant differences between
U 5 65830, Z 5 23.8, P < .001). Delta TDI in patients normosmia and both hyposmia and anosmia groups at P
with a shorter T1–T2 interval (median 5 4.7) and dis- < .001; no significant difference between hyposmia and
ease duration (median 5 5.4) differed significantly from anosmia, P 5 .09). However, higher baseline TDI scores
delta TDI in patients with longer T1–T2 interval (medi- were related to a better diagnosis outcome at T2 (univar-
an 5 3.7) and disease duration (median 5 3.5). iate ANOVA: F2,790 5 151.98; P < .001; mean initial TDI
Predictors for a significant clinical change in scores [SD]: final anosmia, 12.81 [3.75]; final hyposmia,
olfactory functions. Of the 791 patients, 306 (38.7%) 18.59 [5.34]; final normosmia, 24.21 [6.38]; significant
exhibited a clinical improvement in having a TDI score differences between all groups at P < .001).
of more than six points, indicating a significant improve-
ment of olfactory functions, whereas 137 patients
(17.3%) exhibited a decrease in olfactory function. The DISCUSSION
To our knowledge, this is the first study that com-
vast majority (N 5 348, 44%) exhibited no clinical
change. The multinomial logistic regression analysis prises a large population of postinfectious olfactory loss
identified that clinical changes in TDI scores (more than patients who have been followed up in the long term (up
six points) depended on the initial TDI score; as TDI at to 11 years). The main purpose was to determine the sig-
T1 increases by a unit, the odds of declining, as com- nificant predictors for patients’ spontaneous olfactory
pared to clinically improving, increases by 25.3%. In oth- recovery. In particular, recovery was assessed along
er words, patients whose olfactory acuity worsened had three dimensions: 1) simple improvement (the delta TDI
initially higher TDI scores, whereas those who clinically score, the numerical change in the TDI score from the
improved had the lowest initial scores (b 5 0.226, Wald first to the second visit); 2) clinical improvement
v2 (1) 5 26.15, P < .001) (Fig. 2 and Table III). A univar- (changes in TDI scores by a relevant clinical degree, by
iate analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant 6 points); and 3) the final diagnosis.
difference between the TDI score at T1 and the level of The principal factor identified as potentially affect-
clinical change (F2,790 5 33.78, P < .001). Patients who ing the three dimensions of olfactory recovery was the
clinically improved had lower initial TDI scores (mean 5 initial TDI score. The presence of residual olfactory
15.52, SD 5 5.57) as compared to both patients who
remained stable (mean 5 18.71, SD 5 6.07, P < .001)
and who decreased (mean 5 21.45, SD 5 6.39, P < .001).
On the other hand, patients who decreased had higher
initial TDI score as compared to those who improved
and remained stable (P < .001).
Predictors of the final olfactory diagnosis. At
follow-up testing, the number of anosmic patients signif-
icantly decreased as compared to T1 (from 39.6% to
18.3%), whereas the number of normosmic people
increased (from 2.5% to 14.4%); 67.3% were hyposmic
versus 57.9% at T1. Specifically, among the anosmia
patients at T1, 22.1% became hyposmic and 1.5% nor-
mosmic, whereas 11.0% developed normosmia from an
initial diagnosis of hyposmia. Only 3.1% worsened in Fig. 2. Mean TDI at first visit with respect to the change in olfacto-
ry functions. Bars represent the standard error of the mean. Sig-
their olfactory diagnosis, and the other 62.3% remained nificant differences are seen between all groups at P < .001. TDI
stable (15.9% remained anosmic, 44.5% hyposmic, and 5 odor threshold (T), odor discrimination (D), and odor identifica-
1.9% normosmic). Logistic regression analysis identified tion (I).

Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss

Results for Multinomial Logistic Regression Models With Clinical Change as the Outcome.
B SE B Wald Significance Odds Ratio 95% CI (Lower) 95% CI (Upper)

Clinical decline vs. clinical improvement

Intercept 27.58 1.83 17.20 <.001
TDI at T1 0.23 0.04 26.14 <.001 1.25 1.15 1.37
Age at T1 0.04 0.02 3.19 .07 1.04 1.00 1.09
Sex, male 0.12 0.48 0.06 .81 1.12 0.44 2.88
Presence of phantosmia, no 20.55 0.51 1.18 .28 0.58 0.22 1.55
Presence of parosmia, no 0.75 0.50 2.20 .14 2.11 0.79 5.67
Disease duration <0.001 <0.001 0.42 .52 1.00 1.00 1.00
T1–T2 interval <0.001 <0.001 0.73 .39 1.00 1.00 1.00
No change vs. clinical improvement
Intercept -0.92 1.08 0.74 .39
TDI at T1 0.23 0.04 26.14 <.001 1.25 1.15 1.37
Age at T1 0.01 0.01 0.55 .46 1.01 0.98 1.04
Sex, male 0.15 0.34 0.19 .66 1.16 0.60 2.24
Presence of phantosmia, no 20.65 0.34 3.57 .06 0.52 0.27 1.03
Presence of parosmia, no 0.27 0.35 0.59 .44 1.31 0.66 2.60
Disease duration <0.001 <0.001 1.00 .32 1.00 1.00 1.00
T1–T2 interval <0.001 <0.001 0.47 .49 1.00 1.00 1.00

R2 5 0.17 (Cox & Snell), R2 5 0.2 (Nagelkerke). Model: v2(14) 5 43.26, P < .001.
B 5 beta; CI 5 confidence interval; SE B 5 standard error of beta; T1 5 first visit; T2 5 second visit; TDI 5 odor threshold (T), odor discrimination (D),
and odor identification (I).

functions (i.e., TDI at first visit) has already been olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium.28
reported in literature as one of the most important fac- Such damage becomes more evident in older people who
tors determining the outcome.19,20,26,27 This has been are more vulnerable to infections as they are character-
demonstrated for olfactory psychophysical testing ized by a decrease in the size of the olfactory epithelium
results.20,26 London et al.,20 for example, reported that and a consequent loss of the number of olfactory recep-
microsmic patients were more than twice as likely to tor neurons.29,30 Such cumulative insult, together with
improve into the normal range than anosmic patients, a the fact that the challenge of regeneration in advanced
result also confirmed by Hummel and L€otsch,26 showing age is significantly reduced, might be the reason why
that higher initial scores were associated with higher the recovery of olfactory functions after postinfectious
probability of normosmia. Interestingly, literature also olfactory loss decreases with increasing age. When it
reports that both olfactory bulb volume27 and olfactory comes to the sex of the participants, in line with other
event-related potentials19 are important predictors for studies6,10,15,20, this predictor was not significantly asso-
recovery of the sense of smell. Similarly, our data ciated with the outcome. Intriguingly, the interval
showed that higher baseline TDI scores were related to between the first and the second assessment6,15,20 and
less improvement.26 Patients who obtained a high TDI the duration of disease until the first baseline test did
score at T1 might have regained functions by the time of not play a significant role in the model. The reason
their first visit. Therefore, at T2, their olfactory func- behind this lack of statistical significance might be
tions probably remained stable, without significantly explained by taking into consideration the high T1–T2
impacting on the final TDI score. When the final diagno- interval and disease duration variability, which in turn
sis was targeted, higher baseline TDI scores were associ- has probably influenced the normality of the data distri-
ated with higher probability of final normosmia.20,26 bution. For this reason, patients were divided into two
Hence, patients with postinfectious olfactory loss in the groups according to the median values T1–T2 interval
hyposmic range can therefore expect a better outcome and disease duration (see Predictors for the Delta TDI
(i.e., diagnosis) compared to anosmic patients, although Section). Regarding the predictor T1–T2 interval, our
the latter might present a higher TDI score difference data indicate that although both groups improved their
(i.e., delta TDI) between T1 and T2 without reaching the delta TDI (positive values), patients who came to our
normosmic range. Also, patient’s age at the first visit clinic for the second visit after a shorter time period
was a significant prognostic factor that confirms obser- improved better as compared to those who waited longer.
vations from previous studies,15,16,20 but only when con- It is likely that these patients, perceiving their situation
sidering the delta TDI scores and the final diagnosis. as concretely improved, felt more prone to volunteer for
Here, older age was related to less improvement and a retesting, eager to test whether their olfactory abilities
worsening in the final diagnosis. It is well known that really improved. On the contrary, patients who did not
postinfectious olfactory loss is caused by a damage to perceive that their olfactory functions showed

Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss

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Laryngoscope 00: Month 2017 Cavazzana et al.: Postinfectious Olfactory Loss


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