Journal 2

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Journal 2 (Sampuso): "Speak Lord!

1. What particular local and global issues/uncertainties do you experience in your day-to-day life?
The uncertainties I experience every day are the increasing number of crimes happening and
the frequent occurrence of natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes. Just thinking about my
family getting involved or being victims of these uncertainties gives me anxiety.

2.    What inspiration do you get from Samuel in the midst of these local and global issues/
Learn who to listen to, learn how to listen, and learn what to do after listening. Should also have
faith and believe in God for he is the only one who can help us in times of need.

3.    Inspired by the Word of God, what concrete actions can you do in response to these issues?
Without faith, we couldn't expect that things would turn out all right for us no matter what the
situation might be. Faith, then, is just as important as the air we breathe. Begin each day with morning
prayer, participate in all kinds of activity that will help to enhance life’s religious aspects, and just
surrender everything to Him for all the things we asked will be added unto us.

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