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Journal 4 (Sambuhay): "Your Servant is Listening "

1. What are the concrete ways that you have done in your community in promoting
justice, peace, and integrity of creation?

Integrating prayer, self-reflection and taking actions in commitment to human

welfare. Through the power of prayer and self-reflection, these transforms words into
action. It enlightened me to cultivate and maintain a proper and good relationship with
my neighbour, for those whom I care and is custody responsible, not to destroy my
relationship with myself, with others, with God, and with our mother nature earth.

2. Are these actions that you do in promoting justice, peace, and integrity of creation will
lead to sustainable development? How?

I think it will lead to sustainable development with these actions. It has been a
great concern for humanity to deal with natural environment, for the nature has been our
source of life as well as the threat to it at times. Our challenge is to protect our common
home that includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a
sustainable and integral development, for I think that with these simple actions and
gestures, things can easily change because I believe that we still have the ability to work
together in building our common home.

3. How do you carry out the CICM missionary spirit as you serve your community
through your works in promoting justice, peace, and integrity of creation in your chosen

Helping in the values formation in our community by incorporating environmental

knowledge, and encouraging action to care for and nurture it in all aspects of everyday
life through vision-mission, worship, and in social action.

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