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My Journey and Journey to Take

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”, a line by B.B King
that I will never forget. It was related to what my parents always tell me that the greatest thing that
they could give us is education for it cannot be stolen by anyone from us. Seeing them struggling just to
send me from school and provide all my needs motivates me to study well and get good grades to
plaster a smile on their faces for this is what I can do for now. And someday, I will make them proud the
moment I get a decent job for their sacrifices will be worth it.

Being a student is hard. At first, I thought that going to school is easy. Reading, writing, receiving
medals and that’s all. Little did I know, that aiming for education is not just that all about. A straight road
is what I thought I will have to take to achieve success but the reality slapped me that I will have to take
a zigzag route with full of challenges and trials. Barriers are coming into my way. I’ve experience
betrayals, pressure, failures and disappointments. My low scores sometimes makes me feel like I am not
enough. I also experienced discouragement from other people. Some wants to drag me down and some
wants me to not achieve anything. That is why I always remember what Mark Twain said, “ Keep away
from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make
you feel that you, too, can become great.” to keep me motivated.

But despite all of the negativities, I thank God for I have more positive moments that happened
in my student life. I experienced unforgettable memories from the different activities of our school. I
even tried joining sport-related contests that also helped me to learn how to socialize and interact with
different students from other schools. Also, I met my circle of friends which I consider as lifetime friends
that helped me not only academically but also as a person. Friends that I can lean on in times of storms
and friends that will give me a hug when I’m having a bad day. But the most precious thing that I have
ever experienced is to see my parents happy everytime I receive awards. It brings me so much joy and
seeing their smiles is priceless.

Schooling is like a roller coaster ride. There are ups and downs, loops, and turns. At first, you
may feel nervous on trying. You should learn how to risk because as you take the ride, you will realize
that it will be fun but adventurous. Don’t be afraid because you have your teachers that will guide you.
But always remember what the Chinese Proverb said, “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by
yourself”. Sure you can have the best teacher in the world but if you are not willing to learn everything
will be useless. I have learned that I can’t do it alone and there’s nothing wrong on asking help form

Sometimes, I feel like I’m giving up but I don’t want success to slip through my hands. That’s
why I promise myself that I will always remember what Nora Roberts said “If you don’t go after what
you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. if you don’t step forward,
you’re always in the same place”. This is my journey by now but I will roll up my sleeves to ready myself
for my longer journey ahead. I may stumble myself sometimes but I will continue on standing up firm
and straight and I won’t stop ‘till I get there.

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