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How to create an excellent news 怎么创作一篇好新闻?

一、How to discover the subject of your news 怎么挖掘新闻主题

1.know about your advantages and preferences 了解你的优势和偏好
(learn about yourself 了解自己)
(1)classify your preferences or interesting 了解你的兴趣和偏好
sports competition 体育, healthy 健康, religions 宗教信仰, businesses
商 业 , environmental preservation 环 境 保 护 , digital economy and
internet 数字经济和互联网, communities 社区, equality and justice 公
平和正义, culture and society 文化和社会.
(2)learn about your environments 了解你的环境
single culture 单一文化, mixed culture 混合文化, religions conflicts 宗
教 冲 突 , single religion 单 一 宗 教 , multiple religions 宗 教 多 元 ,
government governors or politics 政 府 治 理 和 政 治 , educational
equality 教育公平, career development 职业发展, gender equality 性
别平等, female career development 女性职业发展。
( 3 ) define your advantages and classify your preference or
interesting and select your sensitive fields of news 在明确你的优势及
2. Observe the phenomenon around of your sensitive fields of news 在
(1)fresh 新鲜, you have never find it before.
(2)unique 独特, different from other people or their behaviour.
(3)Unusual 不寻常, contradiction with your experiences.
(4)important 重要, big effect to your preference of news.
(5)meaningful 有意义, critical for the lifetime.
(6)valuable 有价值, rich your value.
(7)interesting 有趣, let you feel interesting.
3.Select investigation object
(1) single case 单案例
Longitudinal time axis 纵向时间轴
(2) multiple case 多案例
transverse Multiple features 横向多个特点
3. Design the outline of the interview (single case)
how to begin 开始/起源
difficulties impressing you 遇到的困难
who help you overcome the difficulty 谁帮助你克服困难?
what inspire you keep your behavior 什么给了你坚持的动力?(人、
did you get benefits from your insisting on?通过坚持下去,你曾经获
What are meaningful for you in your life?对你来说,什么对你的人生
Is your insisting on related with the meaningful to your lifetime?你坚持
what is the source of your motivation ?什么是你坚持下去的动力源
how do you persuade yourself to insist on your current efforts ?
4. Prepare spare scheme 准备备选计划
If the answers of interview object is over your predictions or
expectations, how to deal with the case?如果不能够按你的访谈提纲
Change to another spare interview scheme.更换到你事先准备的备选
If all schemes don't suit it.如果你所有的备选方案都无法进行下去怎
It tell us the objects will be more valuable than we expect before. We
should adjust scheme to make deep and open interview to excavate
new subject.这说明我们的调查对象比我们预期的更加有价值,进行开
5.write your news.撰写新闻。

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