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AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary:

Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
(Nonarthroplasty), Third Edition

Robert H. Brophy, MD
Yale A. Fillingham, MD

Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (nonarthroplasty) Evidence-

Based Clinical Practice Guideline is based on a systematic review of
published studies for the nonarthroplasty treatment of osteoarthritis of
the knee in adults (ages 17 years and older). The purpose of this
clinical practice guideline is to evaluate current best evidence
associated with treatment. The scope of this guideline contains
nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions for symptomatic
osteoarthritis of the knee, including surgical procedures less invasive
than knee arthroplasty. It does not provide recommendations for
From the Washington University School of
Medicine, Chesterfield, MO (Brophy), and the patients with rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis of other joints, or other
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
imflammatory athropathies. This guideline contains 29
(Fillingham). recommendations to assist all qualified and appropriately trained
Brophy or an immediate family member serves
as a board member, owner, officer, or committee
healthcare professionals involved in the nonarthroplasty management
member of AAOS, American Orthopaedic of osteoarthritis of the knee and provide information for patients. In
Association, and American Orthopaedic Society
for Sports Medicine; serves on editorial or addition, the work group highlighted the need for better research into
governing board of American Journal of Sports
Medicine, Journal of the American Academy of intra-articular corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid, and platelet-rich plasma
Orthopaedic Surgeons; Vice Chair, National
Football League Musculoskeletal Committee. detailing osteoarthritis characterization, including subgroup analyses
Fillingham or an immediate family member has
received royalties from Exactech and Medacta;
and osteoarthrosis severity stratification, and clinically relevant
serves as a paid consultant to Exactech, outcomes with control subjects for bias and cost-effectiveness
Johnson & Johnson, and Medacta; has stock or
stock options held in Parvizi Surgical Innovations; analysis. Studies comparing outcomes in patients with mild-to-
and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or
committee member of AAOS and American moderate knee osteoarthritis and an MRI confirmed meniscal tear
Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons.
who have undergone partial meniscectomy after failing to improve
This clinical practice guideline was approved by
the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons with a course of conservative treatment (nonsteroidal anti-
Board of Directors on August 31, 2021.
inflammatory drugs, steroid injection, and physical therapy) versus
The complete document, Management of
Osteoarthritis of the Knee (nonarthroplasty)–Third those who have undergone partial meniscectomy without a dedicated
Edition Evidence-Based Clinical Practice course of conservative treatment. Prospective randomized trials or
Guideline, includes all tables and figures and is
available at prospective cohort studies are still needed to establish efficacy of
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2022;30:e721-e729 individual oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within specific
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-21-01233
subgroups and populations to tailor systemic medications to help
Copyright 2022 by the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons. increase efficacy and decrease the risk of adverse effects.



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
AAOS OAK 3 Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

Overview and Rationale symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee.1 Furthermore,

the CPG represents a call for continued research to
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS),
better understand the optimal indications for and the
with input from representatives from the American
utility of treatment options for osteoarthritis of the knee
Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, the American
before knee arthroplasty, especially efforts to establish
Association for Hip and Knee Surgeons, The Knee Society,
efficacy within specific subgroups and to identify factors
the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American
that could discriminate between responders and non-
Physical Therapy Association, the Arthroscopic Associa-
responders for specific treatments. An exhaustive liter-
tion of North America, the International Cartilage Repair
ature search was conducted resulting initially in more
Society, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine,
than 2,400 papers for full-text review. The papers were
and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain,
then graded for quality and determined whether the
recently published their clinical practice guideline (CPG),
publication aligned with the patients, interventions, and
Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (non-
outcomes of concern. For CPG PICO (ie, population,
arthroplasty), third edition.1 This CPG was approved by
intervention, comparison, and outcome) questions that
the AAOS Board of Directors in August 2021. The pur-
returned no evidence from the systematic literature
pose of this CPG is to assist physicians, surgeons, and
review, the work group used the established AAOS CPG
other healthcare professionals who care for patients with
methodology to generate two companion consensus
osteoarthritis of the knee in making treatment decisions
statements for alternative nonsurgical treatments, sur-
that improve the quality and efficacy of care.
gical treatments on the effectiveness of dry needling, and
Osteoarthritis (of any joint) was the primary diagnosis
the use of free-floating interpositional devices in the
for 23.7 million ambulatory care visits in 2013. An esti-
management of symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee.
mated 32.5 million adults in the US, 14% of the American
In summary, the AAOS Management of Osteo-
population, suffered from symptomatic knee osteoarthritis
arthritis of the Knee (nonarthroplasty) CPG involved
between 2008 and 2014. The incidence of knee osteo-
reviewing more than 14,400 abstracts and more than
arthritis in the United States is estimated at 240 persons per
2,400 full-text articles to develop 27 recommendations
100,000 per year. Worldwide prevalence of radiographi-
supported by 617 research articles meeting stringent
cally confirmed symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) is
inclusion criteria. Each recommendation is based on a
estimated to be 3.8% overall, increasing with age to more
systematic review of the research related topic, which
than 10% in the population older than 60 years.
resulted in eight recommendations classified as high,
Risk factors of the condition increase with age, espe-
eight recommendations classified as moderate, and 11
cially in women. Although women represent 51% of the
as limited. The strength of recommendation is assigned
general population in the United States, they represent
based on the quality of the supporting evidence. The
78% of the patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis
strength of recommendation also takes into account the
between 2008 and 2014. Genetics and hereditary vul-
quality, quantity, trade-offs between the benefits and
nerability, elevated body mass, certain occupations, and
harms of a treatment, and magnitude of a treatment’s
traumatic knee injuries are other factors that increase
one’s risk of developing the disease.
Individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee often complain
of joint pain, stiffness, and difficulty with purposeful move-
ment. Older adults with self-reported osteoarthritis visit their Guideline Summary
physicians more frequently and experience greater func- Dietary supplements have long been seen as an alternative
tional limitations than others in the same age group. The goal to medications for the symptomatic management of knee
of the treatment is to provide pain relief and improve the osteoarthritis. The current guidelines focused on the eval-
patient’s functioning. Most interventions are associated uation of glucosamine, chondroitin, turmeric, ginger
with some potential for adverse outcomes, especially if extract, and vitamin D. Most of the evidence demonstrated
invasive or surgical. Because the clinical research usually either some improvement or no change in patient outcomes
does not differentiate between the sexes, it is possible that for those with osteoarthritis of the knee. Although the evi-
future research may result in a better understanding of dence does not consistently demonstrate a benefit to dietary
how a patient’s sex alters treatment benefits and harms. supplements, the risks involved are relatively minimal with
Therefore, the AAOS developed an evidence-based the primary barrier being expense because dietary supple-
CPG to aid practitioners in the treatment of patients with ments are typically an out-of-pocket expense to patients.



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robert H. Brophy, MD and Yale A. Fillingham, MD

Review Section: AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

The lack of reproducibility in the evidence and the vari- Sustained weight loss has been shown to benefit pain and,
ability between dietary supplement manufactures with to a lesser extent, function in overweight and obese patients
limited oversight by the United States Food and Drug with knee osteoarthritis. Although there is some evidence
Administration continues to limit the strength of the rec- that exercise may be better than diet to achieve this weight
ommendation and hinder future research. loss,2,3 the preferred approach is to use diet and exercise.4,5
Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) There is no risk or downside to sustained weight loss and
and acetaminophen have been widely adopted in the obvious other health benefits. Patients may not always be
treatment of knee osteoarthritis. The evidence would motivated and even when they are; it can be challenging to
support the use of NSAIDs and acetaminophen because achieve and maintain meaningful weight loss. Despite this
these oral medications consistently demonstrate improved challenge, there is little controversy regarding this recom-
pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. For mendation. There is a need for larger, randomized clinical
nonselective and selective cyclooxygenase-2 oral NSAIDs, trials, particularly studies focused on function and quality
both are effective medications. Although selective of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis and the cost-
cyclooxygenase-2 oral NSAIDs were developed to reduce effectiveness of weight loss interventions.
gastrointestinal adverse events, we found no notable dif- Exercise and physical therapy are excellent modalities to
ference in the risk of a gastrointestinal adverse event with address pain and function in patients with knee osteo-
nonselective NSAIDs. Despite the effectiveness of acet- arthritis. There is strong evidence that exercise, including
aminophen and NSAIDs, it is important to understand the unsupervised, supervised, and aquatic, improve pain and
appropriate prescribing for the medications because each function in these patients. Studies do not establish a clear
medication carries a black box warning from the FDA. benefit from supervised exercise compared with unsuper-
Finally, oral narcotics (including tramadol) should not be vised exercise.6-9 Similarly, it is not clear that aquatic
used in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis because of the exercise is better than land-based exercise in patients with
notable increase in medication-related adverse effects with knee osteoarthritis, although one study reported that pa-
no consistent improvement in pain and function. tients treated with aquatic exercise had less pain with
Intra-articular injections are widely used by patients, walking than patients treated with land-based exercise.10
with the most common injections being corticosteroid, Adding neuromuscular training programs may improve
hyaluronic acid, and platelet-rich plasma. Controversy function and/or walking speed but does not reduce pain
exists over the effectiveness of each intra-articular injec- compared with exercise and may cause a temporary
tion. Among the options for intra-articular injections, increase in knee pain or muscle soreness.11-15 Supervised
corticosteroid had considerable evidence with 19 high- and aquatic exercise, as well as neuromuscular training
quality and six moderate-quality studies supporting the programs, may have cost and access challenges, especially
use of intra-articular corticosteroid, although the dura- compared with unsupervised exercise programs.
tion of benefits was often only 3 months. Platelet-rich Meniscus tears in patients with knee osteoarthritis
plasma is an alternative with two high-quality studies are a particularly challenging clinical complication. For
and one moderate-quality study supporting reduced pain the majority of patients with knee osteoarthritis, partic-
and improved function in patients with knee osteo- ularly with more advanced osteoarthritis, the meniscus
arthritis; however, the evidence demonstrated inconsis- tear is a result of the degenerative process rather than an
tency with a worse treatment response in patients with independent cause of clinical symptoms. These patients
severe knee osteoarthritis. In addition, concerns have are unlikely to get much, if any, improvement from the
been raised for platelet-rich plasma regarding the cost surgical treatment of the meniscus tear. Contrarily, a
and safety profile. Although intra-articular hyaluronic small number of truly obstructing displaced meniscus
acid is commonly used to treat knee osteoarthritis, it was tears are a primary cause of predominantly mechanical
not consistently supported by the 17 high-quality and 11 symptoms and warrant treatment for that reason. In a
moderate-quality studies. The recommendation does subset of patients with mild-to-moderate knee osteo-
recognize the potential for hyaluronic acid to benefit arthritis, meniscal tears may be a notable contributor to
patients as the calculated number needed to treat was 17 patient symptoms. These are the patients who may be
patients; however, the current evidence does not identify candidates for arthroscopic partial meniscectomy after
the subset of patients who benefit from hyaluronic acid to failing nonsurgical treatment, such as physical therapy,
explain the observed inconsistency in the evidence. As a corticosteroid or other intra-articular injections, or
result, the recommendation was against the routine use other modalities. If symptoms do not respond to these
of hyaluronic acid in patients with knee osteoarthritis. treatments, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy is an



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
AAOS OAK 3 Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

appropriate and effective treatment, with a substantial physician’s expert judgment, and the patient’s circum-
percentage of patients randomized to nonsurgical treat- stances, values, preferences, and rights. For treatment
ment who cross over in published trials.16,17 There does procedures to provide benefit, mutual collaboration
not seem to be any negative effect of trying nonsurgical with shared decision-making between patient and
treatment before undergoing arthroscopic partial physician/allied healthcare provider is essential.
meniscectomy. A strong recommendation means that the quality of
In summary, this guideline summarizes the best rec- the supporting evidence is high. A moderate recommen-
ommendations the work group felt were possible on the dation means that the benefits exceed the potential harm
basis of the current published evidence for the non- (or that the potential harm clearly exceeds the benefits in
arthroplasty treatment of knee osteoarthritis. The rec- the case of a negative recommendation), but the
ommendations herein are just that—they are intended as quality/applicability of the supporting evidence is not as
principles of treatment rather than prescriptive, as if strong. A limited recommendation means that there is a
correct or ideal for every patient irrespective of disease lack of compelling evidence that has resulted in an
severity, location in the joint, and symptoms. As per any unclear balance between benefits and potential harm. A
evidence-based recommendation, the physician team consensus recommendation means that expert opinion
should also rely on their own clinical judgment, experi- supports the guideline recommendation although there is
ence, available resources, and desires of their patients and no available empirical evidence that meets the inclusion
patients’ families. Furthermore, these recommendations criteria of the guideline’s systematic review.
were limited in some areas, as noted herein, based on low Strength of Recommendations Descriptions
quality or inadequate evidence, and highlight areas
requiring diligent future study and investigation. Our
hope is that these recommendations will serve as a useful
Lateral Wedge Insoles
template for both clinical and shared decision-making
with patients and patients’ families affected by knee Lateral wedge insoles are not recommended for patients
osteoarthritis and that future research will permit revi- with knee osteoarthritis.
sion, refinement, improvement, and expansion of these Strength of recommendation: Strong.
recommendations toward this worthy end. These efforts Implication: Practitioners should follow a Strong
can then further serve to help guide our nonarthroplasty recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale
treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis toward the for an alternative approach is present.
goal of providing each patient with both the best treat-
ment options and the best outcome for their specific
clinical manifestation of the disease. Canes
Canes could be used to improve pain and function in
patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Strength of recommendation: Moderate.
This summary of recommendations of the AAOS Man- Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a
agement of Osteoarthritis of the Knee (nonarthroplasty) Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new
Evidence-Based CPG contains a list of evidence-based information and be sensitive to patient preferences.
treatment recommendations. Discussions of how each
recommendation was developed and the complete evi-
dence report are contained in the full guideline at http:// Readers are urged to consult Braces
the full guideline for the comprehensive evaluation of Brace treatment could be used to improve function, pain,
the available scientific studies. The recommendations and quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
were established using methods of evidence-based Strength of recommendation: Moderate.
medicine that rigorously control for bias, enhance (downgrade)
transparency, and promote reproducibility. Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a
The summary of recommendations is not intended to Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new
stand alone. Medical care should be based on evidence, a information and be sensitive to patient preferences.



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robert H. Brophy, MD and Yale A. Fillingham, MD

Review Section: AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

Strength of
Recommendation Overall Strength of Evidence Description of Evidence Quality Strength Visual
Strong Strong Evidence from two or more “High”
quality studies with consistent
findings for recommending for or
against the intervention. Also
requires no reasons to downgrade
from the EtD framework
Moderate Moderate or Strong Evidence from two or more
“Moderate” quality studies with
consistent findings or evidence from
a single “High” quality study for
recommending for or against the
intervention. Also requires no or
only minor concerns addressed in
the EtD framework.
Limited Limited, Moderate, or Strong Evidence from one or more “Low”
quality studies with consistent
findings or evidence from a single
“Moderate” quality study
recommending for or against the
intervention. In addition, higher
strength evidence can be
downgraded to limited because of
major concerns addressed in the EtD
Consensus No reliable evidence There is no supporting evidence, or
higher quality evidence was
downgraded because of major
concerns addressed in the EtD
framework. In the absence of reliable
evidence, the guideline work group
is making a recommendation based
on their clinical opinion.

EtD = Evidence-to-Decision

efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a

Oral/Dietary Supplements substantial influencing role.
The following supplements may be helpful in reducing
pain and improving function for patients with mild-to-
moderate knee osteoarthritis; however, the evidence is Topical Treatments
inconsistent/limited, and additional research clarifying
Topical NSAIDs should be used to improve function and
the efficacy of each supplement is needed.
quality of life for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the
• Turmeric
knee, when not contraindicated.
• Ginger extract
Strength of recommendation: Strong.
• Glucosamine
Implication: Practitioners should follow a Strong
• Chondroitin
recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale
• Vitamin D
for an alternative approach is present.
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise Supervised Exercise
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that Supervised exercise, unsupervised exercise, and/or
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben- aquatic exercise are recommended over no exercise to



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
AAOS OAK 3 Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

improve pain and function for the treatment of knee

Manual Therapy
Strength of recommendation: Strong. Manual therapy in addition to an exercise program may
Implication: Practitioners should follow a Strong be used to improve pain and function in patients with
recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale knee osteoarthritis.
for an alternative approach is present. Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
Neuromuscular Training clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben-
Neuromuscular training (ie, balance, agility, and coor- efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a
dination) programs in combination with exercise could substantial influencing role.
be used to improve performance-based function and
walking speed for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.
Strength of recommendation: Moderate. Massage
Massage may be used in addition to usual care to improve
Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a
pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
information and be sensitive to patient preferences.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
Self-Management clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben-
Patient education programs are recommended to
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a
improve pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
substantial influencing role.
Strength of recommendation: Strong.
Implication: Practitioners should follow a Strong
recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale
for an alternative approach is present. Laser Treatment
FDA-approved laser treatment may be used to improve
pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Patient Education
Patient education programs are recommended to Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
improve pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
Strength of recommendation: Strong. clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
Implication: Practitioners should follow a Strong clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben-
recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a
for an alternative approach is present. substantial influencing role.

Weight Loss Intervention Acupuncture

Sustained weight loss is recommended to improve pain Acupuncture may improve pain and function in patients
and function in overweight and obese patients with knee with knee osteoarthritis.
osteoarthritis. Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Strength of recommendation: Moderate. (downgrade)
(downgrade) Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
information and be sensitive to patient preferences. clarifies or helps to determine the balance between



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robert H. Brophy, MD and Yale A. Fillingham, MD

Review Section: AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

benefits and potential harm. Patient preference should
have a substantial influencing role.
Oral NSAIDs are recommended to improve pain and
function in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis when not
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Strength of recommendation: Strong.
Implication: Practitioners should follow a strong rec-
Modalities that may be used to improve pain and/or ommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for
function in patients with knee osteoarthritis include an alternative approach is present.
a. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (pain)
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint Oral Acetaminophen
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise Oral acetaminophen is recommended to improve pain
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that and functions.
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben- Strength of recommendation: Strong.
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a Implication: Practitioners should follow a strong rec-
substantial influencing role. ommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for
an alternative approach is present.

Percutaneous Electrical Nerve

Stimulation/Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Oral Narcotics
Oral narcotics, including tramadol, result in a notable
Modalities that may be used to improve pain and/or increase of adverse events and are not effective at
function in patients with knee osteoarthritis include improving pain or function for the treatment of osteo-
a. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (pain and arthritis of the knee.
function) Strength of recommendation: Strong.
b. Pulsed electromagnetic field (pain) Implication: Practitioners should follow a strong rec-
Strength of recommendation: Limited. ommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for
(downgrade) an alternative approach is present.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben- Hyaluronic Acid
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a Hyaluronic acid intra-articular injection(s) is not rec-
substantial influencing role. ommended for routine use in the treatment of
symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee.
Strength of recommendation: Moderate.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy may be used to moderate recommendation but remain alert to new
improve pain and function for the treatment of osteo- information and be sensitive to patient preferences.
arthritis of the knee.
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint Intra-articular Corticosteroids
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise Intra-articular corticosteroids could provide short-term
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that relief for patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben- knee.
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a Strength of recommendation: Moderate.
substantial influencing role. (downgrade)



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
AAOS OAK 3 Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a Strength of recommendation: Moderate.

moderate recommendation but remain alert to new Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a
information and be sensitive to patient preferences. Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new
information and be sensitive to patient preferences.

Platelet-rich Plasma
Platelet-rich plasma may reduce pain and improve
Tibial Osteotomy
function in patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of
the knee. High tibial osteotomy may be considered to improve pain
Strength of recommendation: Limited. and function in properly indicated patients with uni-
(downgrade) compartmental knee osteoarthritis.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint Strength of recommendation: Limited.
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise (downgrade)
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben- in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
substantial influencing role. clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben-
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a
substantial influencing role.
Denervation Therapy
Denervation therapy may reduce pain and improve
function in patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of Dr. Needling
the knee.
In the absence of reliable evidence, it is the opinion of the
Strength of recommendation: Limited.
work group that the utility/efficacy of dry needling is
unclear and requires additional evidence.
Implication: Practitioners should feel little constraint
Strength of recommendation: Consensus
in following a recommendation labeled Limited, exercise
clinical judgment, and be alert for emerging evidence that
Implication: In the absence of reliable evidence,
clarifies or helps to determine the balance between ben-
practitioners should remain alert to new information
efits and potential harm. Patient preference should have a
because emerging studies may change this recommen-
substantial influencing role.
dation. Practitioners should weigh this recommendation
with their clinical expertise and be sensitive to patient
Arthroscopy with lavage and/or débridement in patients
with a primary diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis is not
recommended. Free-Floating Interpositional Devices
Strength of recommendation: Moderate. In the absence of reliable or new evidence, it is the opinion
Implication: Practitioners should generally follow a of the work group not to use free-floating (unfixed) in-
Moderate recommendation but remain alert to new terpositional devices in patients with symptomatic
information and be sensitive to patient preferences. medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee.
Strength of recommendation: Concensus
Implication: In the absence of reliable evidence,
Partial Meniscectomy practitioners should remain alert to new information
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy can be used for the because emerging studies may change this recommen-
treatment of meniscal tears in patients with concomitant dation. Practitioners should weigh this recommendation
mild-to-moderate osteoarthritis who have failed physical with their clinical expertise and be sensitive to patient
therapy or other nonsurgical treatments. preferences.



JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Robert H. Brophy, MD and Yale A. Fillingham, MD

Review Section: AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline Summary

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JAAOS® May 1, 2022, Vol 30, No 9 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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