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Ever since we are young we are guided, and enhanced on the essence of Leadership.

conquered life to have a leader or to become a leader. Leadership is vital part of everybody’s daily life
most especially to military. It is the life blood of a military officer’s. Although, it has been variously
defined, generally accepted view is that leadership in the military is the ability to inspire and direct a
group of people to achieve goals. Aside from this, Military leadership is the process of influencing others
to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation.

Based on the video lecture led by a ROTC senior officer, the lecturer highlighted the values,
integrity and purposes that a military leader and officers must possess. Wherein he claimed that Military
Leadership is an art in influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direct and
motivation. It is therefore needed in the process of succeding a mission. A leader must always knows the
way and and its people. He or she share a command with wisdom, a skills for inspiration and an action
that is remarkable. I believe that a military leader must always be the role model of the group, he or she
must compasses the characteristics of goodness such as smart, flexible, dedicated, must have courage to
lead and make an action, generous, lead with emphaty, embrace failure, motivate others and show

I learned that, all leaders must be aware of four fundamental aspects of leadership: the led or the
follower, the leader, the situation, and communication. All four variables must constantly be considered
while practicing leadership, although they affect each other differently at different times. The most
important factor in one situation may be of little relevance in another. When deciding on a course of
action, all four leadership factors must be considered. Leaders make mistakes when they fail to evaluate
all four leadership characteristics and how they interact in a certain goal or activity.

Overall, a true leaders strive for excellence and doing their best and achieve results. They hold
themselves and their team accountable to commitments made and own their decisions and actions. As a
aspiring military officer, we must carry on the traits of a good military leader as we start up our journey in
entering military. We must bear in mind that, Everyone can be a leader. With support, motivation, and the
right principles, anyone can grow into a great leader. Regardless of whether or not you have a formal
leadership role, you can take action and set conditions for those around you to be successful.

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