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Tugas 1

Semester 2



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NIM: 042704706




1. A. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan
tersebut dan jelaskan alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in
the conversation and explain your answer

Style of language used in the conversation is an informal language. It is

because it's a conversation between friends in a casual way.

b. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the


The topic of the conversation is about Jane's experience at a job interview.

2. Anggaplah gambar tersebut adalah tempat kerja Anda. Tulislah sebuah

paragraf deskripsi singkat dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai tempat kerja
tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata. / Imagine it is a picture of
your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 100-200 words.
Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis: / Use these
points as your guidelines when writing:
Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction
Lokasi kantor / location of the office
Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about
the office
Hello my name is Panji and today I will introduce my office, I work in PT.
NUSA INDAH in Jakarta, my office is at Jl. Langsep number 34, my office is
neither too big nor too small, but it is very comfortable for me when I work
there, I am allowed to bring or put my personal items there as a reminder or as
a small entertainment. My impression of the office that I live in is quite a
relief because the room is comfortable and the office decor is too prominent,
and the design is good.
3. Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo,
b. for whom the memo is for, and
c. what the memo is about.
A. Manager.
B. All Employes.
C. ceremony in Honour of Jesse Carrillo, Marketing Manager.
4. You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you
could not find the information about where you can download the forms. Write
an email based on that situation in 50-100 words by including:
Content / body email
Closing / Sign off
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Susi Tampubolon, I am a 17 year old female from Jakarta.
(isi/content/body email)
I am planning to enter the My City Got Talent competition and I went through
your website but could not locate the application forms to download. Can you
please send me the forms or maybe just let me know where I can download
from the website?
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Best Regards,
Susi Tampubolon

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