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FO Consens 02s F. E.OLDS & SON 1914 RAYMOND AVENUE, LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA, BAe Gi Heal OO EE ey ination it ont to. produce OS perfect nseriments With a full appreciation of the requirements of the true artists of today old standards were disregarded ‘and the accepted process of manufac ‘ure questioned. For half a century trombones cere made along the’ same lines, all alike and all wrong in fundamental details, A careful study revealed the fasts and sirtues of the stand- card instruments then in use. The result was that we are able to introduce nets ideas overcoming all precious faults, and making pos- ible a trombone that is perfect in every detail. Today OLDS trombones are universally acknowledged to be (perfect instruments, due to patented exclusive features, and the fact that hand méthods are employed thru every step in their manufacture, Uf you want to give full expression to your musical genius only an OLDS trombone sill satisfy you. The ite ie? Bu OLDS trombone. Bracing the Paling step in the manufaceure ‘of OLDS trombones in finite eare is taken to insure all pares to be within 1/1000th Inch perfect—which means to less than one-third the diame: ter of a human hair. AP unouguour sre ‘Those who are familiar the OLDS srombone demand this. perfection—ateained only by using hand methods. All tubing used in OLDS trom= bones is made from special metal having such high tensile strength that there are few men who can breaks one-foot Section with their hands. Imagine the wearing qualities of such a sturdily constructed instrument. Siler soldering the small gat tae tail for upon the care Sends ent of NY order to: make 1 trom- Sone shat wal haee strength, solidity, and lightness, great cate must be taken in soldering the small pars, Ordinary soft solder—made of lead and tin—would not with- gfand, constant, handling. specially prepared solder made from a combination of three-quarters sterling silver and one-quarter brass is used, ‘and strengch and rigidness are obtained, thus making it im- jossible to wrench the trom- one apart. The effect is of a ‘one-piece instrument, compact, strong, and with a respor ness of vibration that inspires. Every OLDS trombone is guaranteed for its full life. Absembling, sides t0 HE. illustration shows fee tpethect slide how OLDS shes ‘are see ath A ieee Aa 7 surface and soldered together iy hand to. micrometer meas- trements, ch produc’ per: fece action and smooth performance. Seventh position drag is elimi- nated in OLDS trombones by 4 special patented device that gives 199 dches extra bearing Surface on the stockings when the slides are in the full ex: tended position. Binding is absolutely. elimi- nated as # result, and there is no more difficulty returning slides from the seventh than from any other position. Ths earuie patented feature tes fatigue, gives more per- ‘fer tone at all times and re lieves the artist from worrying, tinconscioudly, over the poss. bility of dragging side. Building the tone int the OLDS trombone. PECIAL tone qualities ‘are_buile to order. into each OLDS ‘trombone, aiving an individuality to an artist's playing that cannot be Guplicated in any other instra- ment, A difference o ‘ofan inch, the variat between a thick and chin hair is enough to change the tone of 2 trombone. Imagine the care, the skill, the lace that is) put inte this work by the man to. whom this delicate operation is intrusted! There is no quantity prediction here; no unseemly ste fo pour out a huge num- ber of inferidr instruments for the sake of saving time and ‘making more money. ‘Each bell is scraped until it is ight, no matter whether, it takes an hour or day. Perfec~ tion is demanded. and hand ‘work makes it possible. CJ) ELICATE—beautiful—a perfect instrument. The OLDS trombone is 4 source of inspiration; the most perfect trombone in the world. The highly burnished mirror surface of the bell, catching and reflecting the light with dazzling play; the exquisite delicacy of the engraved design; the high lights of gold flashing against a background of silvers the smooth, even taper and perfect curves of bell and slides; the grace and beauty of the whole instrument is a marcel of workmanship. There is pride in the possession of an OLDS trombone. Hand bursishing 0 AREFULLY, skillfully, ‘mirror surface; the Zovingly, the hand of this epee mating \__2 Srisan guides the blade sod ac of his burnishing tool over the The: debate enareoing TROMBONE, _ perfect high spots of the engraving, ‘fomprtten as gealey walle in tone, 4uarvel Slowly, surely, with marvelous ramen emi0tK of mechanical perfection may perfection of detail high lights wergiced ou slllack char quality of beauty Stand out here and there; the thar should be an added Insp fash and play oflighton mirror ration to every true artist. surfaces bring out the fall beauty of the instruments and All engraving on Olds ‘Trom= another OLDS. srombone. is ‘once is from orginal ideas, ready to delight the soul of an sl exeguted ty the hand of Sppecclagve musician, "Master Engraver. Eng For strength and lightness— Individuality may be had for quality of workmanship— ONLY. sn ee ad ‘ fee wetness“ Fi of any design, however compli tone=ior beauty of desi Gated may be capectally forsheer merit» the OLDS ordered ‘at alighe ‘vera. cost Somboon ernie Foch ae the Even in regular models, how: peer of ALL instruments, ves care taken 0 vary the ' : treatment of engravings so that ach Intrament i essencally % a part of its, owner, to be sured; ta be shown with idey and to be kept a2 YOUR OLDS TROMBONE. fiend! IS READY FOR YOU! New Solid Ivory Mouthpiece HE solid ivory mouth- ece perfected by Olds aa been. enehusiati= cally accepted by’ musicians Gretywhere as the ultimate Schievemene. ‘The ivory is unaffected by temperatare. On the coldest day, shere wil be no freermg ofthe lips and no inconvenient perspiration wil be eaused on Manin summer days ‘The texture, of ivory lends iti sdmitaby, go's use in mouthpieces, ‘The velvety fmowthess wll nt tre te tone that resulte sa continual Source of pleasure to thee who Improve Your Playing With an Olds Toory Mouthpiece Price $10.00 MODELS VERY OLDS trombone, from the smallest solo model to the largest Symphony instrument, is built according to the same strict require- ments, with the same hand workman- ship, and carries the same unconditional guarantee. ‘Solo Model: i & bel small bre ‘A ili and powerful instrument designe Secale re nee ened Small Medium Bore: O36" 07" bel ‘A very eficent combination for band and drchence work Medium Bore Ovi" m7" belt ‘A partially brillant instrament eitable foraltaround work Lane Medium Bor: 615" 10 835" bl For general ute where fuller tone with sree crying quality is required, Large Bore 7s" bl spec adapted fr dhe heavier orchestra Symphony Model: 734" 93" bl. . npeslly powerful iatrament designe for Symphony orn work Alttrombones built in law pitch 440d PRICES Finish, Polished brass; braces and “liad ‘gripe made of the finest and hardest nickel silver, Neatly engraved by hand... Finish 134: 2 Polished brass; nickel silver braces ‘and hand grips heavily placed. ‘Design hand engraved Finish, Heavily silver plated, satin finish, Braces and hand grips hand: bur- nished, Bell gold Tined and hand burnished. Carefully engraved by hand Finish 2} Heavily silver plated, satin finish, Braces, hand grips, end crook, and inside of bell gold placed and hand burnished, Beautiful hand engraved design, gold inlaid Finish 2 burnished: Silver plated gold lined bell. The entire instrument burnished by hand to a mirror surface. This i the most beautiful and striking of the less expensive “finishes. Graceful hand ‘engraving of original design. Finish 3: adruple satin Snish gold plate on RaiNcehe sires lass Elsbortely engraved by hands Finish 314: Gold plated as above and hand bur- nishedallover. Astriking instrament ofexquisitebeauty fortheconnoisseur Instruments shipped by Dresrcharget collect eo, 8 ns. ns 165 185 ACCESSORIES Sole Leather End Open Case: OLDS special design with Jock and strap that fasten slides firmly in place, : 16.50 Laminated Side Open Case: Corduroy lined, covered with finest grade of keratol, Special block de- Sign adapted to frourinstrument... 15.00 Side Open Case—Leather Covered: Lined with heavy silk plush; covered with finest grade of leather 20.00 OLDS Allfibre Mute: Well in tune. Especially good in lower register + 350 Mouthpiece: Silver plated, scientifically designed after years of study and experiment. 2.50 Ivory Mouthpiece: Ts not affected by temperature; pre ferred by musicians who demand the best ne 10,00) REFERENCES, BANK prlerzets ate mars most accepabio ‘but if not available, reference of business men vith commercial ratings may be subetitated. Persons _Eiving references will not be held respongile for account. References are only required to show the good standing fof thore_ purchasing. New customers, thereiore, are equctted to send in thete references When forwarding “orders that they may be placed on Ble sad thereby fetablih their credit, When. cath sccompanics.the ‘order more prompt delivery is guaranteed, ab delays in ‘stablishing eedit are eliminated

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