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Education Department Condensed Lesson Plan Template

Grade 12 English
Essential Question: Outcomes and Indicators:
Why is it essential for  Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on
students to understand their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
how to properly voice o articulate, advocate, and justify positions on an issue or text in a convincing manner,
their opinions on issues showing an understanding of a range of viewpoints
important to them?  Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the
situation, audience, and purpose.
o express individual voice, enabling them to remain engaged, but be able to determine
whether they will express themselves or remain silent
o consistently demonstrate active listening and concern for the needs, rights, and
feelings of others
 Students will be expected to interpret, select, and combine information using a variety
of strategies, resources, and technologies
o access, select, and research, in systematic ways, specific information to meet personal
and individual learning needs
 Student from USA: Provide all student with a handout of persuasive writing techniques. I have chosen to invite a
local Elder to begin the class since it is important for students to have knowledge about Indigenous communities
that they are linked to. I have also chosen an activity that allows students to choose their resilience example and
have not confined it to a local issue.
 Indigenous Students: I have chosen to invite a local Elder to speak about indigenous affairs that are local to inform
my students about communities they are linked to, as well this is important, so my two Indigenous students do not
feel they have to comment on Indigenous affairs. I provided a space in the Exit card for students affected by today’s
topics to discuss these with me privately. I have also not made any of the activities or exit card questions
specifically about local Indigenous communities or Indigenous issues, I have linked the presenter and the activities
towards a common theme of resilience. Lastly, I have provided an alternative space for students affected by the
 Non-Binary student: None of my activities or lesson require differentiation for students who identify as non-binary,
therefore I have included no differentiation for these individuals in my planning. However, I have space on my exit
card to communicate additional issues that require private discussion.
 Students struggling with activity: I prepared multiple rant examples to further support student understanding.
 Morning class: I purposefully did not begin class with a land acknowledgement to ensure all students were present
before initiating the lesson for the day. I will explain to students that I introduced the overarching topic for the
lesson, resilience, before the land acknowledgement because it is important the entire class was present. I began
class with an activity that relates to current events to engage my students and begin discussion to get their brains
thinking, this first activity also relates to the remainder of the class, so it will be useful when the students begin
thinking of topics to write their rant about.
 Formative Assessment– Students are allowed to work in pairs or individually I can assess how well students are
understanding of how to research using proper websites and observe their organizational skills. I will spend this
time observing my students and asking questions about their topic(s).
 Exit Card – I will assess my students’ understanding of persuasive writing by asking them to explain the connection
between researching/organizing information for a rant and how they might prepare to write a longer persuasive
essay. My exit card also validates the feelings of my students and allows them to privately request assistance.
Learning Experience / Lesson Outline
Hook/Opening/Lesson Intro: (Approx. 10 minutes)
 Hook: Activity - Using AnswerGarden, I will get students to provide me with a list of things they did or seen to
recover from the impacts of Hurricane Fiona. Then I will put the definition of resilience on the board and explain
the relation between their answers and the definition. Showing students how resilient they were following a
natural disaster.
 Intro: Land acknowledgement and introduce guest speaker – local Indigenous Elder
 Continued Intro: Explain to students that some of the discussion that may come from the guest speaker may invoke
feelings or emotions and validate these feelings by offering an alternative, students may relocate during the
presentation (chairs set up outside classroom). Reminder to be respectful to the guest speaker as well as their
Body & Consolidation: (Approx. 40 minutes)
 Instruction: Elder will educate the students about local Indigenous communities, issues and organizations involved
with Indigenous communities. (10 minutes)
 Activity #1: (Formative Assessment #1) – In pairs or individually, students will use the provided brainstorming sheet
and technology to research and organize information regarding an example of resilience, how was this group,
person, thing, etc. resilient? Remind students to record their references and that they are expected to be respectful
to their classmates and teachers and be aware of the potential risks associated with subjective writing (10 minutes).
 Demonstration: Show students a persuasive “rant” and explain how it is persuasive. (provide a handout with
persuasive writing tips) (5 minutes)
 Activity #2: Instruct students to use the information they have previously gathered to write a “rant” in 100 words
or less. Take this exercise into your own hands; what are you angry/frustrated/sad about? (10 minutes).
 Closing Activity (time permitting and optional): Encourage students who are comfortable to share their rant(s)
with their classmates. (5 minutes)
Closure: (Approx. 5 minutes)
 Exit Card: Students will be asked to fill out an exit card with the following questions
1. Today’s topics may have been distressing to you, would you like to further discuss any of the topics discussed
by the Indigenous Elder or any other issues you may be perplexed with? (Please indicate a request for a private
2. How does writing a rant relate to persuasive writing? Does planning look the same?
3. Why is persuasive writing techniques important for you to have?
Resources & Materials Needed:
 Brainstorm worksheet, persuasive writing techniques sheet
 “Rant” example(s) to demonstrate to the class
 White/smart board
 Pencils and paper
 Phones/chrome-books and internet/link for AnswerGarden
 Written Exit Cards
 Google Doc for sharing “rant” activity
Contingency Plans, Extension Activities & Notes:
 Preemptive: I have told students my expectations for this assignment, be respectful to the various cultures and
individuals within our classroom/school.
 Limited Time: Closing Activity: If there is not enough time to share student work with the class, I will provide a link
to a shared Google Doc for students who are comfortable sharing their rant with the class.
 Extra time: Free Read - Students will be given time at the end of class to read.
 Potential De-rail: During the Elder’s presentation, students may have additional questions or may need to discuss
the topic after the presenter has left. If this happens, I will validate my student’s emotions and redirect the
conversation to my planned activity and will encourage them to research the issue(s) they may have found
distressing or interesting and invite them to use this passion to write their rant.

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