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Chapter 2

Computer Generations

• What is a Computer
• Evolution of Computer
• Computer Generations
What is a Computer

• A machine which can take instructions and

perform computations based on those

▪ Ability to take instructions (programs)

▪ Range from very small to very large
▪ Early computers were very large and used a lot of
Evolution of Computer

• Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical

adding machine in 1642.

• Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented the

first calculator for multiplication in 1671.

• Keyboard machines originated in the United

States around 1880.

• Around 1880, Herman Hollerith came up with the

concept of punched cards that were extensively
used as input media until late 1970s.
Evolution of Computer

• Charles Babbage is considered to be the father

of modern digital computers.
– He designed “Difference Engine” in 1822.
– He designed a fully automatic analytical engine
in 1842 for performing basic arithmetic
– His efforts established a number of principles
that are fundamental to the design of any digital
Some Well Known Early Computers

• The Mark I Computer (1937-44)

• The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (1939-42)
• The ENIAC (1943-46)
• The EDVAC (1946-52)
• The EDSAC (1947-49)
• Manchester Mark I (1948)
• The UNIVAC I (1951)
Computer Generations
• “Generation” in computer talk is a step in
technology. It provides a framework for the
growth of computer industry.
• Originally it was used to distinguish between
various hardware technologies, but now it has
been extended to include both hardware and
• Till today, there are five computer generations.
• Not clear cut groups.
Five Generations of Computers

• First Generation - 1942-1955: Vacuum Tubes

• Second Generation - 1955-1964: Transistors
• Third Generation - 1964-1975: Integrated
• Fourth Generation - 1975-1989: Microprocessors
• Fifth Generation - 1989 to present: Artificial
First Generation - 1942-1955
• Used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums
for memory.
• Vacuum tube was invented in 1906 by an electrical
engineer Lee De Forest (1873-1961)
• Input was based on punched cards and output was
displayed on printouts.
• Relied on machine language to perform operations,
and solve one problem at a time.
• Very expensive, using a great deal of electricity,
generated a lot of heat.
• Enormous and taking up entire rooms.
Examples: UNIVAC and ENIAC
First Generation - 1942-1955
Vacuum Tubes

• Act like an amplifier and a switch.

• Without any moving parts, vacuum tubes could take very
weak signals and make the signal stronger (amplify it).
• Vacuum tubes could also stop and start the flow of
electricity instantly (switch).
• These two properties made the ENIAC computer
Punch Cards

• Punch card represents information by the presence

or absence of holes in predefined positions.
Second Generation - 1955-1964

• Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and it was a vast

improvement over the vacuum tube.
• Transistor was invented in 1947 but used in
computers in the late 50s.
• Computers become smaller, faster, cheaper, more
energy-efficient and more reliable than previous
generation systems.
• One transistor replaced the equivalent of 40 vacuum

• Transistors were made of solid material, some of which

is silicon, an abundant element found in beach sand and
glass. Therefore they were very cheap to produce.
• Conduct electricity faster and better than vacuum
• Much smaller and gave off virtually no heat compared
to vacuum tubes.
Second Generation - 1955-1964

• Replaced Machine language with the Assembly

• Early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN.
• Still relied on punched cards for input and printouts
for output.
• Transistor still generated a great deal of heat and
subjected to computer damages.
Third Generation - 1964-1975

• Development of the integrated circuit (IC).

• Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon
chips, called semiconductors (1958 by Jack Kilby).
• Drastically increased the speed and efficiency of
• Instead of punched cards and printouts - keyboards
and monitors.
• Development of computer operating system, allowed to
run many different applications at one time.
• Computers became smaller and cheaper, hence
accessible to a mass audience than previous generation
systems .
Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation - 1975-1989

• Microprocessor brought the fourth generation of

• Microprocessor - A single chip that could do all the
processing of a full-scale computer
• Thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a
single silicon chip.
• LSI and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)
• Components from the computers’ CPU and memory to
input/output controls are located on a single chip.
• In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer and in 1984
Apple introduced the Macintosh.
Fourth Generation - 1975-1989

• Microprocessors began to use more in everyday

products other than the area of desktop computers.

• Computers became more powerful, and linked

together to form networks such as the Internet.

• Development of GUIs and used handheld devices

such as mouse.
Fifth Generation – 1989 to present

• Artificial Intelligence (AI).

• Natural Language Processing (NLP).
• Previous computer generations had focused on
increasing the number of logic elements in a single CPU
• The fifth generation, it was widely believed at the
time, would instead turn to massive numbers of CPUs
for added performance.
• Parallel Processing - possibility that the power of many
CPU's can be used side by side, and computers will be
more powerful than those under central processing.

1. The Input of the first-generation computers –

2. The output of the first-generation computers –

3. The language used in the first-generation computers –

4. List the advantages of the second-generation

computers over the first generation.

5. What was the hallmark of the third-generation

computers –

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