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Experiment #:


Date: Tues.26/04/22

Topic: Reducing Sugar Concentration

Problem Statement: A student went to buy 3 energy drinks, original

lucozade, yellow Gatorade & an original flavoured Arizona to study

for 3 nights. Her friend told her that only the lucozade will give her

extra energy, because it has the largest amount of glucose.

Hypothesis: The beverage with the greatest glucose concentration will produce

a colour change that is brick red

Aim: To determine which energy drink will supply more energy by testing for the

amount of glucose present in the beverage

Introduction: Glucose is the most common form of sugar in the blood and the

body's primary source of energy. Glucose is acquired from the meals we eat or

produced by the body from other chemicals.

In this experiment, three different types of energy drinks (Original

Lucozade, yellow Gatorade & Original Flavoured Arizona) will be tested for

the highest amount of glucose using Benedict’s solution after which heat will

be applied by placing it in a water bath.

Apparatus & Material: bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, measuring cylinder, beaker,

3 test tube, dropper, test tube rack, benedict solution, energy drinks

(Lucozade, Gatorade & Arizona)

Method: 1) Label each test tube A, B & C respectively

2) Use a measuring cylinder to measure 3 ml of original lucozade and pour it into the

test tube labelled A.

3) Add five drops of Benedict’s solution, then place the test tube into the hot water

bath for 2 minutes.

4) After 2 minutes remove the test tube from the hot water bath and place it on the

test tube rack to cool.

5) Repeat steps 2-4 using yellow gatorade & original Arizona (each beverage sample

was added to test tubes B & C).

6) Record all observations.

Variables: Manipulated - type of beverage

Responding - colour of solution

Controlled - volume of beverage, volume of benedict solution, time spent in hot

water bath

Expected results: After the Lucozade sample is removed from the hot water bath, it is

expected to have a brick red colour because the Lucozade energy drink is

suspected to contain a higher concentration of glucose.




Test Tube Beverage Sample Observation

A Original lucozade

B Yellow Gatorade

C Original Arizona
Precaution: 1) Handle hot water bath with care.

2) Ensure that the measuring cylinder is read at eye level.

3) Ensure that all spills are cleaned up immediately.

Source of Error: 1) The colour of the solutions indicated differed from

person to person. The colour changes were interpreted differently by

other people.

Limitation: 1) Carbohydrate solutes in each solution may be unevenly distributed

2) Certain chemicals that could have been added to the beverages during the

manufacturing process could produce false-positive reactions or reduce the


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