Decode Reflection

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Hannah Flor M.

Gonzales October 29, 2020


Reflection for DECODE: The Viewpoint of Content Creation

The whole webinar is very informative and reflective as it emphasizes there that marketing plays
an important role being the bridge between the company or brand and the target market. Based on the
talk with Ms. Dizon, the roadmap for content marketing involves 5 phases that is correlated as well to
the phases of a relationship that includes finding the fit of a brand and the target market which discusses
how a brand should court the target market first by studying their insights and researching what the
brand’s answer to the target market’s wants and needs. Taking into consideration as well to how a brand
should convey their message to the consumers and where they should say it, especially now that online
world and technology is a boom since the pandemic, a brand should know where their strong target
market is located because even if the message of the brand is great but when launched to the wrong
location, the brand will gain loss instead of attention. It is also important that one’s brand should be
present in every stage of their progress Ms. Dizon as well taught as that two-way love is not only present
in relationship but in the brand and consumers as well. The relationship of the two should not be one-
way where the brand only dominates, a brand should listen to the consumers and respond accordingly to
what they want because the consumers then, would also give feedbacks and recommendations which
will benefit the growth of a brand.

I am very happy to be able to receive an opportunity to listen and comprehend to yesterday’s

talk as it would really help me big time in my future endeavors. The whole webinar taught me that
reaching a marketer’s goal is like strengthening the relationship of a brand and target market and we, as
a Marketistas, really are the matchmakers, for a brand without marketing would not be able to match
the love language of its target market. Marketing is not as easy as 1, 2,3 for you need to have a big idea
as a basis in conveying a message for the consumers. Tracking the progress of your marketing journey is
effective for you will be able to identify what step are you going to change or eliminate. Marketing is
indeed the milestone of the relationship of brand and target market as it serves as a building stones to
have a good and long-term relationship.

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