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Date: NOVEMBER 7, 2022




When i was a kid my mother screamed

"Allie, Allie what had happened?" she asked
And my answer? Always nothing happened
She would always be on the side moving her head while her
lips are curled
Like i did the most notorious crime a person could make
And what did i do? I ruined her make up!

It was one of the most memorable yet saddest memory i have

That was the last time i smiled that year
When i turned 7, my life turned sour
I was hospitalized
Maybe it was because of me being playful to everyone
Or maybe it really is my fate to accept the storms coming in my
I did not know anything back then
That i would end up regretting all my life
And i would always keep running on a hamster wheel

When i was 7 my mother cried

I asked her why
She said it was because of me
I asked her 'what did i do?'
She said she cried for me
Telling me a child is a woman's dream and it would make a
woman happy all her life and that i can't be as happy as that
because i cannot have one

I cried, told her why can't i have one

Having a child is like my dream
At a young age no one might believe but i did
I dreamed
It was a sad day, lying to the operating table like geuinea pig
for everyone to see
I drowned in my own sea of grief and i thought that is the only
day i'll ever cry out of hopelessness but it was not
It never was

When i turned 13, i was in pain

Screaming on top of my lungs
Begging each God to save me
Begging everyone to care for me
I was again in front of a doctor, back and forth to the hospital
and finally they dropped a bomb

'You had the same illness as before

your other ovary is again in trouble'
When the doctor said that in front of me with her eyes pitying
on me my tears slowly fell
Like im riding on a roller coaster of emotions
Because then i have finally realized my mother saw a raven
right before she gave birth to me
And i was again hopeless

Lying in the hospital bed, staring at the familiar ceiling

With the same ambiance and smell like i remember
They removed my pain, as they did to my dream
They might have took pity on me
But i wasn't happy that they did
Because at that moment I feel like I failed

No wonder God created me as a being that lacks of something

I would always cry myself to sleep and each day I try to endure
I fail
I was created to be imperfect
With my majestic flaws embodied my heart and soul
I feel trapped in a body that doesn't want me to be truly happy.

When I want to cry

Nobody was really on my side
I always feel the stench of failure behind my back
Waiting for a right moment to burst and defy me

I was like a sea that no one dares to swim

Im endless and dark, they see it as threat
My waves are huge, they all got scared
I hide and concede, but no one noticed

I always fish for compliments when i was younger

That is the only time I actually felt like I belong
Into something, into someone
I was different to others
I was different to you
It feels crazy that I still smile

Maybe I got used to it

Maybe I did not
Or maybe this is how I act my hopelessness
Or maybe I already died inside
How to know?
I don't know.

Come on, let's travel to the three letters. Will you come?
Will you join in every laugh and cry?
With every thrill and giggle?
every doubt whether it is still right?
Is it forced or is it really for us?
Are you ready? Let's go!

When I stepped foot in Senior High, everything was not easy

There is fun, but it comes with anxiety,
Nervous about new surroundings, new school and friends
"What course should I take?" that's always the puzzle.

The question of the crowd,

Friend, are you still sleeping?
Do you seem to be losing weight?
You alright?
I hope you get some rest.

Witness the four corners of the bedroom that became a

Witness every day that the heart is discouraged
At times it gets tired but chooses to fight
Due to the pandemic, the old routine has changed.

Different destinations
Like different emotions,
No matter how many times you fall, you will continue and get
This dream will help to get out

Everything will change because of this pandemic,

Perseverance and determination will never fail.
The three letters I long for and struggle with,
Achieve because I believe I can.


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