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SUBMITTED Prof. Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Janjua  
SUBMITTED Humera Tariq 
ROLL NO: BC19-454
CLASS: B. Com (Hons)
SESSION:  2019-2023


Director: Farhan Akhtar

Producer: Ritesh Sidhwani

Year: 2004

Story by: Javed Akhtar

Film cast:

Main Actors Role in movie

Hrithik Roshan Lt Karan Sheirgill
Preity Zinta Romila Dutta aka Romi
Amitabh Bachchan Colonel Sunil Damle
Boman Irani Sanjeev Sheirgill (Karan’s father)
Anjula Bedi Shalini Sheirgill (Karan’s mother)


Karan Sheirgill is an erratic and apathetic kid living in Delhi who has no objectives for his future. His
dad Sanjeev Sheirgill is a rich money manager and his mom Shalini Sheirgill is a housewife. His better
half Romila Dutta otherwise known as Romi, a yearning writer, attempts to cause him to
comprehend that he wants to have an objective throughout everyday life. Karan additionally asks
why he doesn't have any idea what he wishes to seek after throughout everyday life. At last, he
capriciously considers enlisting in the Indian Army after his one of his companions concludes to do so
yet retreats. In any case, his dad winds up attacking him on finding out about his choice. Angered, he
chooses to enlist in the Indian Army and gains Romi's recommendation of not paying attention to
anybody of he truly wants to do as such. Karan gives the Combined Defense Services Examination
and gets chosen into the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun. Be that as it may, he is disorderly
and unused to life around there. He continues getting disciplines during the tactical preparation from
the group because of his arrogance and sluggishness. Upset, he escapes from the foundation and is
compelled to stand up to his folks' low assessment of him. His choice additionally makes Romi
indignantly part ways with him for not regarding his own choice. Crushed, Karan at long last finds
some peace with the present circumstance and settles on his choice. He gets back to the Indian
Military Academy, takes his discipline, and turns into an engaged, restrained official trainee.

After 1 year, he commissions into the Indian Army as a lieutenant and is complimented by his mom.
Karan is presented on the third unit of the Punjab Regiment, instructed by Colonel Sunil Damle. The
force is positioned in Kargil, Ladakh. Karan gets back to Delhi on leave and is shattered to discover
that Romi is getting connected with to her partner Rajeev Goel. He meets his folks also yet his leave
is stopped and he is reviewed to his regiment because of a flare-up of threats in Kargil. He reports
back to his contingent, where he is elevated to the position of acting Captain. Colonel Damle briefs
the officials on the most recent circumstance and uncovers that various infiltrators have gone too far
of Control (LoC) from Pakistan and right now possess a progression of mountain tops on the Indian
side of the boundary. The contingent has been relegated to get Point 5179, a critical vantage point
overwhelming the military's fundamental stock line, the National Highway 1D. The northern side of
the mountain is on the Pakistani side of the LoC, the western side has a 1000-foot vertical stone
precipice and the southern side has 3 km of void ground with no cover. In this manner, the unit
chooses to go after from the eastern side of the mountain. The initial segment of the attack is
effective. The contingent annihilates the foe's screening units with Karan refered to for his boldness
in saving another official's life. In the interim, Romi gets positioned to Kargil as a conflict journalist.
Romi goes to Kargil where she meets a changed Karan and starts to go gaga for him again in the
midst of the conflict. In any case, Karan stays hesitant to return her sentiments as he is still mostly
certain, possibly by mistake, that she's locked in. In the second period of the attack, the brigade goes
after the pinnacle of the mountain yet neglects to catch it because of the competitive edge and
weighty weaponry the Pakistanis have. The unit experiences weighty losses. Brigadier Puri gathers
Colonel Damle and allows him 48 hours to catch the pinnacle - after that time span, obligation
regarding Point 5179 will be given to another regiment. Colonel Damle then arranges a gathering of
12 officials and troopers (counting Karan) to scale the 1000-foot rock precipice on the western side
of the mountain and flank the foe fortress. They will be given mounted guns support from the
eastern side. Karan understands that he has at long last tracked down his objective through catching
the pinnacle. Karan additionally learns of Romi's bombed commitment and communicates his
affections for her. Romi guarantees Karan she will hang tight for him regardless of whether he
returns. The unit sets off on their main goal and keeping in mind that traveling through a grass field
toward the stone precipice, they experience harsh criticism. The unit finds a Pakistani mortar unit in
the field and obliterates it, however loses their chief and various different troopers. The group's
radios are likewise annihilated, so they can't speak with unit HQ. Out of the underlying 12, just 6
remain. They choose to go on with the mission. They effectively scale the precipice and assault the
Pakistani situation during the evening. Their attack is effective despite the fact that Karan is injured,
and the group loses 3 additional men. The following morning, Karan limps to the pinnacle, where he
establishes the Indian banner and flames a flare, motioning toward Colonel Damle and Subedar
Major Pritam Singh that they caught the pinnacle. Days after the fact, Karan is shown leaving a
tactical emergency clinic and rejoining with his folks and Romi who asks him that what is his next
point in the wake of achieving his initial one. Karan answers "you" and the two of them embrace.

The film closes with Colonel Damle offering appreciation to every one of the saints of Operation

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