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Unit five: No Man Is an Island

Theme: Disasters and Solidarity

Warming Up

Think it Over: look at the picture and discuss the question below

1. What does the picture show?


2. In your opinion! What is the meaning of “No Man is an Island”?

Choose the best answer:

a. Man loves to live in an island
b. No one is truly self-sufficient, everyone must rely on the help and support
of others in order to thrive.

3.Match each picture with its specific name:

Oil spill, earthquake , road accident , snowstorm, forest fire , floods , volcano eruption , nuclear disaster, hurricane,
sandstorm, tsunami, drought
…………………… ………………. …………………….. ………………..

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4. Now, classify the disasters above in the table according to their type.

Man-Made Disasters
Natural Disasters

5.Match the words in column (A) with their definitions in column (B).
A-Words B-Definitions
a. Disaster 1. a person who freely offers to take part in a task.

b. Solidarity 2. the state of being safe, freedom from the occurrence or risk of
injury, danger.
c. Safety 3. A sudden event that causes a lot of damage and many deaths.
d. volunteer 4. The feeling of unity between people who have the same
interest, goals….

6. Natural disasters can be very destructive. In pairs, discuss the effect of disasters and
say what people should do when disasters occur.

What are the effects of Disasters

What to do when a disaster occur?

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