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Define your learning agenda

Identify the best sources of insight
Create a learning plan

Diagnose the business situation

Understand the history
Identify challenges and opportunities
Lead with the right skills
Focus your energy
Focus on business priorities and behavioral changes
Define your A-team priorities
Secure early wins
Build credibility
Leverage “teachable moments”
Secure tangible results
Elevate change agents
Avoid predictable surprises
Don’t trash the past
Clarity mutual expectations early and often
Negotiate timelines for diagnosis and action planning

Design organizational architecture (strategy, structure, systems, skills, and culture)Identify

misalignments (skills and strategy, systems and strategy, structure and systems)Avoid common traps
Craft strategy
Assess your existing team
Align goals, incentives, and measures
Establish new team processes
Map the influence landscape
Identify supporters, opponents, and convincibles

Create a common language (STARS model, agenda for technical, cultural, and political learning, five
conversations about situation, expectations, style, resources, and personal development, A-item
priorities, goals for behavior change and ideas for early wins, priorities for strengthening their
advice-and-counsel network) Develop high-potential leaders

List of key people and their functions

Regular 1 on 1 meetings


Vision, mission, strategy

Operational performance

Negotiate 90 day onboarding


How do you see STARS?

What are your priorities and goals?

Who do you mostly rely on?


Clarification of expectations early and often?

Short term?

Medium term?

Long term?


What resources will we get? Personnel? Funding?


What is your work style?

What is your communication style? Face? Voice? Email?

How do you prefer updates?


What does my success look to you like?

How will you measure performance? When?


What is going well? What needs to be improved?

Give frequent heads up of problems

Not just issues, but proposals

Who? Introduction
Customers Name

Suppliers Background
Distributors Role
Outside analysts Family
R&D and Ops Interests

Sales and Procurement 16personalities

Broad view/Silo?

Staff Past
Integrators (PMs) How has this organization performed in the past?
Historians How do people in the organization think it has performed?
How were goals set?
Categories Were they insufficiently or overly ambitious?
Technical (technology,
process, systems) Were internal or external benchmarks used?
Interpersonal (boss,
reports, peers) What measures were employed?
Cultural (norms, values,
behaviors) What behaviors did they encourage and discourage?
Political (influences,
alliences) What happened if goals were not met?

If performance has been good, why has that been the case?
What have been the relative contributions of strategy, structure,
systems, talent bases, culture and politics?
If performance has been poor, why has that been the case?

Do the primary issues reside in the org's strategy? Its structure? Its
technical capabilities? Its culture? Its politics?
What efforts have been made to change the organization?
Who has been instrumental in shaping the organization?

What is the stated vision and strategy?

Are we really pursuing that? If not, why? If so, will the strategy
takes us there?

Who is capable? Who is not?

Who is trustworthy? Who is not?

Who has influence and why?

What are the key processes?

Are they performing acceptably? If not, why not?

What potentially damaging cultural or political missteps must be


What can be an early win? People/Relationships/Processes


What are the biggest challenges the organization is facing (or will
face in the near future)?

Why is the organization facing (or going to face) these challenges?

What are the most promising unexploited opportunities for

What would need to happen for the organization to exploit the
potential of these opportunities?

If you were me, what would you focus attention on?

What are the most formidable barriers to making needed changes?

Are they technical, cultural, political?

What new capabilities need to be developed or acquired?

Which elements of the culture should be preserved?

Which elements need to change?

Wesley James Maria Gallardo

Hawaii, military, not a fan of giving

multiple chances because some people
are "dumb" and should be let go. Was in
charge of youngsters, who didn't know
what they were doing.

Wants to learn new things, interested in

preparing for LPW before it kicks off.
Proposed AM member.
Maintenance Supervisor Production Supervisor

Calm personality, seems friendly and open

Estrella Ruby Velasquez

Seem stunned by a lot of questions and Husband from Mexico, last trip to Mexico
potentially brought it up to Ruby after was a decade ago. Loves to occupy her
meeting. daughters and have them play soccer.

Needs someone to guide her through Change champion, willing to learn. Right
why's. away was interested in what I knew.
Talent and Acquisition Partner HR Business Partner
Daughter Husband, two young daughters
Crime documentaries, girls soccer


Rosie Ramos David Ellis

AM Pillar Leader with Maintenance and

Production background. Understands
MES, strong LPW knowledge.

Change champion, huge proponent of Change champion, no micro management,

people development and right leadership. understand obeya and hoshin kanri
HR Manager Plant Manager
Wife, daughter, dog

Direct Direct
Owner Owner
Broad Broad

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