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Lift Max (lbs) TM%

Low Bar Squat 150 85%

Bench Press 115 90%
Deadlift 190 90%
Pause Squat 125 90%

1 RM Calculator
Weight Reps 1 RM
140 5 165

This is a Post Fatigue 4 week hypertrophy program majoring on supersets. Each su

first and by adding a isolation exercise to target the pecs it will fatigue this muscle.
Advanced between 8 to 5 reps. Pick your rep range range and change it in the reps
weeks either do a deload or change to another program. This program can easily b
technique to improve a less developed muscle group. For example if your weak po
REST is important in this program. All the exercises are paired which means A1 and
sets. If you want to increase the intensity you can trim down the rest time but be m
10X what this means first digit is the eccentric (lowering), second digit is the botto
9 RPE means rate of perceived exertion from 1 to 10, 9 means your going one rep
Exercise tab you can add exercises within the yellow areas or change the existing o
Each exercise has a drop down list for you to select the exercise.
The % are a guideline only so adjust accordingly. On your first week figure out your
On this page we have TM%, this is a Jim Wendler concept which I like. This % can b
in this area it calculates 90% of your Max (lbs) which is your TM. The TM is used to
Anything in GREEN do not change it will break the formula!!!!!
Add cardio to the end of the workout if you want. I prefer interval training over ste
I would not recommend adding more supersets into the program. All these session
TM Comment
130 Main Lower Body Movement on Day 1
105 Main Upper Body Movement on Day 2
170 Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift on Day 3
115 Main Lower Body Movement on Day 3

majoring on supersets. Each superset is a compound lift followed up with a isolation exercise for the same muscle. Take as an e
e pecs it will fatigue this muscle. This is designed for all levels and people that are not using PEDS (steroids). Beginners should ke
range and change it in the reps column as you work thru the program. Strive to leave a rep in the tank for each set, but with th
gram. This program can easily be converted to a pre fatigue program. With this type of program you would do a isolation exerci
up. For example if your weak point is your triceps in the bench press, then you would fatigue the triceps with an isolation exerci
are paired which means A1 and A2 are a superset. You do A1 first then immediately A2 and then the prescribed rest period be
rim down the rest time but be mineful you are recovering properly before the next workout.
ering), second digit is the bottom (pause), third digit is the concentric (extension) X means explode up. 1 second eccentric - 0 se
0, 9 means your going one rep shy of failure, 10 would be failure.
w areas or change the existing ones to something that makes more sense to you.
the exercise.
n your first week figure out your 1RM and use the 1RM calculator to do this. You do not need to max out go with a 5 or 3 rep ma
oncept which I like. This % can be adjusted up or down as you see fit. This allows you to adjust for good or bad days in the gym.
h is your TM. The TM is used to calculate all your weights in the other columns.
prefer interval training over steady state cardio. Keep the sessions under 30 mins. If you find it affecting your recovery decrease
o the program. All these sessions should take you no more then 1 hour to complete.
he same muscle. Take as an example the bench press in most cases your triceps and shoulders will fatigue
steroids). Beginners should keep the rep range between 12 to 10 reps. Intermediate between 10 to 8 reps.
tank for each set, but with this type of program alot of the time the last set will take you to failure. After 4
ou would do a isolation exercise first followed by a compound exercise for the same muscle group. Use this
riceps with an isolation exercise first followed up with a compound exercise to further fatigue the muscle.
the prescribed rest period before doing another set. Drug free lifters need more time to recover between

e up. 1 second eccentric - 0 second pause at the bottom - X explosive concentric

max out go with a 5 or 3 rep max to figure out your 1RM.

good or bad days in the gym. Your level of strength is never the same day in and out. When you enter 90%

ffecting your recovery decrease intensity and or times per week.

Main Lower Body Movements Main Upper Body Movements
Low Bar Squat Floor Press
Low Bar Squat with bands Floor Press with Bands
Low Bar Squat with chains Floor Press with Chains
Low Bar Box Squat Below Parallel Close Grip Bench Press
Low Bar Box Squat Parallel Close Grip Bench Press with Bands
Low Bar Box Squat Above Parallel Close Grip Bench Press with Chains
Pin Squat Incline Bench Press
Pause Squat Decline Bench Press
Reverse Band Squat Reverse Band Bench Press
Front Squat 2 Board Press
Box Squat with SSB 2 Board Press with Bands
Trap Bar Deadlift 2 Board Press with Chains
Trap Bar Deadlift Handles Up Football Bar Bench Press
Deficit Deadlift Rack Lockouts
Reverse Band Deadlifts Bench Press with Bands
Sumo Deadlift Bench Press with Chains
Conventional Deadlift Flat Bench DB Presses
Block Deadlift Incline DB Presses
Conventional Deadlift w/bands Slight Decline DB Presses
Conventional Deadlift w/chains Bench Press
Belt Squat Competition Bench Press
Competition Squat Competition Bench Press w/ Chains
Competition Deadlift Competition Bench Press w/ Bands
Competition Squat to Box Competition Bench w/ Bands and Chains
Competition Squat to Box w/chains Competition Bench w/ Weight Releasers
Competition Squat to Box w/bands Bench Press Feet Up
Competition Squat w/ Weight Releasers
Competition Deadlift w/ Chains
Competition Deadlift w/ Bands
Deadlift with Pause 1 inch off floor

Abs / Core
Lying Leg Raises
Hanging Leg Raises
Suitcase Carry
Front Planks
Side Planks
Ab Wheel
Side Bends with DB
Farmers Walk
Hamstring Movements Lower Back Movements
Banded Leg Curl Reverse Hyperextensions
Glute Ham Raise 45 degree Hyperextensions
Leg Curl Good Mornings to Pins
Banded Pull Thru Pull thru
Kettle Bell Swing Banded Pull Thru
Good Mornings to Pins Straight Leg Deadlifts
Pull Thru
Reverse Hyperextensions
Straight Leg Deadlifts
Romanian Deadlifts
Forward Sled Dragging
Pull thru

Chest Low Intensity Upper Back Movements

Bodyweight Push Ups Neutral Grip Pull Down
Flat Bench DB Press Wide Grip Pull Down
Push Ups Close Grip Pulldown
Chest Press Machine Banded Pull Down
Slight Decline DB Press DB Pullovers
DB Flys Straight Arm Pulldowns
Banded Flys Inverted Rows
Machine Fly One Arm DB Rows
DB Floor Press DB Supported Rows
Barbell Supported Row
Narrow Grip Pullup
Wide Grip Pullup
Neutral Narrow Grip Pullup
Neutral Wide Grip Pullup
Machine Assisted Pullup
Bent Over Rows
Face Pulls
Quad Movements Triceps High Intensity
Leg Extension 2 board bench press
Split Squats 3 board bench press
Sissy Squats Close Grip Bench Press
Goblet Squats Sling Shot Bench Press
Belt Squat Sling Shot Close Grip Bench Press
High Bar Squat Weighted Dips
Front Squat JM Press
Backward Sled Drag
Bulgarian Split Squats
Walking Lunges
Leg Press

Shoulder Movements Tricep Low Intensity

Standing Overhead Press w/barbell Rope Tricep Pulldowns
Seated Overhead Press w/barbell Lying Paused Floor Tricep Ext
Seated Overhead Press w/football bar Seated Overhead DB Ext
Viking Presses Lying EZ Bar Tricep Ext
Landmine Presses Standing Straight Bar Ext
Machine Press Bodyweight Dips
Seated DB Press Close Grip Push Ups
Bent Over Rear Laterals
Side Laterals
WEEK 1, Day 1 Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Low Bar Squat 3 10 70% 90 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement
A2 Bulgarian Split Squats 10 10X 4 mins Quad Movement
B1 Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 10X 0 Hamstring Movement
B2 Pull thru 10 10X 3 mins Lower Back Movement
Farmers Walk 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 1, Day 2 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Bench Press 3 10 70% 75 10X 0 Main Upper Body Movement
A2 DB Flys 10 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 One Arm DB Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
B2 Inverted Rows 10 10X 3 mins Upper Back Movements
C1 Seated Football Bar Press 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
C2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
D1 Close Grip Bench Press 3 10 10X Tricep High Intensity
D2 Bodyweight Dips 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
Suitcase Carry 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 1, Day 3 Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Deficit Deadlift 3 10 70% 120 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift
A2 Pause Squat 10 70% 80 10X 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
B1 Split Squats 3 10 10X 0 Quad Movement
B2 Good Mornings to Pins 10 10X 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Front Planks 4 30-60 secs 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 1, Day 4 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Slight Decline DB Press 3 10 10X 0 Chest Low Intensity
A2 Push Ups 9 RPE 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 Weighted Dips 3 10 10X 0 Tricep High Intensity
B2 Lying Paused Floor Tricep Ext 10 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
C1 Bent Over Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
C2 Straight Arm Pulldowns 10 10X 3mins Upper Back Movements
D1 Landmine Presses 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
D2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
Hanging Leg Raises 3 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Abs / Core
WEEK 2, Day 1 Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Low Bar Squat 3 10 74% 95 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement
A2 Bulgarian Split Squats 10 10X 4 mins Quad Movement
B1 Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 10X 0 Hamstring Movement
B2 Pull thru 10 10X 3 mins Lower Back Movement
Farmers Walk 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 2, Day 2 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Bench Press 3 10 72% 75 10X 0 Main Upper Body Movement
A2 DB Flys 10 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 One Arm DB Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
B2 Inverted Rows 10 10X 3 mins Upper Back Movements
C1 Seated Football Bar Press 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
C2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
D1 Close Grip Bench Press 3 10 10X Tricep High Intensity
D2 Bodyweight Dips 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
Suitcase Carry 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 2, Day 3 Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Deficit Deadlift 3 10 74% 125 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift
A2 Pause Squat 10 74% 85 10X 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
B1 Split Squats 3 10 10X 0 Quad Movement
B2 Good Mornings to Pins 10 10X 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Front Planks 4 30-60 secs 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 2, Day 4 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Slight Decline DB Press 3 10 10X 0 Chest Low Intensity
A2 Push Ups 9 RPE 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 Weighted Dips 3 10 10X 0 Tricep High Intensity
B2 Lying Paused Floor Tricep Ext 10 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
C1 Bent Over Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
C2 Straight Arm Pulldowns 10 10X 3mins Upper Back Movements
D1 Landmine Presses 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
D2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
Hanging Leg Raises 3 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Abs / Core
WEEK 3, Day 1 Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Low Bar Squat 3 10 78% 100 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement
A2 Bulgarian Split Squats 10 10X 4 mins Quad Movement
B1 Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 10X 0 Hamstring Movement
B2 Pull thru 10 10X 3 mins Lower Back Movement
Farmers Walk 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 3, Day 2 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Bench Press 3 10 74% 80 10X 0 Main Upper Body Movement
A2 DB Flys 10 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 One Arm DB Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
B2 Inverted Rows 10 10X 3 mins Upper Back Movements
C1 Seated Football Bar Press 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
C2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
D1 Close Grip Bench Press 3 10 10X Tricep High Intensity
D2 Bodyweight Dips 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
Suitcase Carry 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 3, Day 3 Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Deficit Deadlift 3 10 78% 135 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift
A2 Pause Squat 10 78% 90 10X 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
B1 Split Squats 3 10 10X 0 Quad Movement
B2 Good Mornings to Pins 10 10X 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Front Planks 4 30-60 secs 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 3, Day 4 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Slight Decline DB Press 3 10 10X 0 Chest Low Intensity
A2 Push Ups 9 RPE 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 Weighted Dips 3 10 10X 0 Tricep High Intensity
B2 Lying Paused Floor Tricep Ext 10 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
C1 Bent Over Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
C2 Straight Arm Pulldowns 10 10X 3mins Upper Back Movements
D1 Landmine Presses 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
D2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
Hanging Leg Raises 3 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Abs / Core
WEEK 4, Day 1 Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Low Bar Squat 3 10 82% 105 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement
A2 Bulgarian Split Squats 10 10X 4 mins Quad Movement
B1 Romanian Deadlifts 3 10 10X 0 Hamstring Movement
B2 Pull thru 10 10X 3 mins Lower Back Movement
Farmers Walk 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 4, Day 2 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Bench Press 3 10 76% 80 10X 0 Main Upper Body Movement
A2 DB Flys 10 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 One Arm DB Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
B2 Inverted Rows 10 10X 3 mins Upper Back Movements
C1 Seated Football Bar Press 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
C2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
D1 Close Grip Bench Press 3 10 10X Tricep High Intensity
D2 Bodyweight Dips 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
Suitcase Carry 3 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 4, Day 3 Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Deficit Deadlift 3 10 82% 140 10X 0 Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift
A2 Pause Squat 10 82% 95 10X 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
B1 Split Squats 3 10 10X 0 Quad Movement
B2 Good Mornings to Pins 10 10X 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Front Planks 4 30-60 secs 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 4, Day 4 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
A1 Slight Decline DB Press 3 10 10X 0 Chest Low Intensity
A2 Push Ups 9 RPE 10X 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
B1 Weighted Dips 3 10 10X 0 Tricep High Intensity
B2 Lying Paused Floor Tricep Ext 10 10X 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
C1 Bent Over Rows 3 10 10X 0 Upper Back Movements
C2 Straight Arm Pulldowns 10 10X 3mins Upper Back Movements
D1 Landmine Presses 3 10 10X 0 Shoulder Movement
D2 Bent Over Rear Laterals 10 10X 3 mins Shoulder Movement
Hanging Leg Raises 3 9 RPE 10X 2 mins Abs / Core
WEEK 5 DELOAD, Day 1 Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
Low Bar Squat 3 10 55% 70 101 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
Front Squat 2 10 101 4 mins Quad Movement
Glute Ham Raise 2 10 101 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Reverse Hypers 2 10 101 3 mins Lower Back Movement
Farmers Walk 2 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 5 DELOAD, Day 2 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
Bench Press 3 10 55% 60 101 3 mins Main Upper Body Movement
DB Flat Bench 2 8 101 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 2 10 101 3 mins Upper Back Movements
Rope Tricep Pulldowns 2 10 101 2 mins Tricep Low Intensity
Seated Football Bar Press 2 8 101 2 mins Shoulder Movement
Suitcase Carry 2 50 ft 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 5 DELOAD, Day 3 Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
Deadlift with Pause 1 inch off floor 2 8 45% 75 101 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement Deadlift
Pin Squat 3 10 55% 65 101 4 mins Main Lower Body Movement
Bulgarian Split Squats 2 8 101 3 mins Quad Movement
Good Mornings to Pins 2 8 101 3 mins Hamstring Movement
Front Planks 3 30-60 secs 2 mins Abs / Core

WEEK 5 DELOAD, Day 4 Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps Intensity Load Tempo Rest Comment
Slight Decline DB Press 3 8 101 3 mins Chest Low Intensity
Supported DB Rows 2 10 101 3 mins Upper Back Movements
Close Grip Bench Press 2 10 101 3 mins Tricep High Intensity
Bent Over Rear Laterals 2 10 101 2 mins Shoulder Movement
Hanging Leg Raises 2 8 RPE 101 2 mins Abs / Core

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