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Article 7

Section 1:

This section means that school officials, no matter how high the positions are, should always show
courtesy, helpfulness, and genuine sympathy towards teachers, students, and other personnel. School
officials shall ensure that they practice school supervision because adequate supervision is much needed
for a school to run as smoothly as possible.

Section 2:

This section means that it is the responsibility of all school personnel to formulate policies that the
stakeholders need. These policies should be collaborative efforts, address the existing problems, and
introduce changes to the system.

Section 3:

This section means that school officials should be very vocal regarding supporting teachers' professional
and personal growth. Encourage them to study further, attend seminars, and learn something from the
seminar, not merely get a certificate. When the teacher gives feedback, it should be in a sandwich form,
the good things, then the wrong things, and end in good things.

Section 4:

This section means that school officials cannot recommend teachers for dismissal unless there is an
irrefutable cause. Teachers do not have the right to dismiss a teacher, especially if there is no cause.

Section 5:

This section means that teachers in public should employ based on their ranking. So, they have to go
through a process. Moreover, in private schools, teachers are issued contracts specifying terms and
conditions served before the start of employment.

Article 8

Section 1:

This section means that the teacher is the only one who knows the students' grades. So give the
students the correct grade or the grades that do them based on their outputs and scores on their
quizzes and activities.

Section 2:

This section means that the welfare of the students is the teacher's priority. Teachers are in the school
because they want to be part of the growth and development of students. So, teachers must treat them
impartially, with no favoritism or biases.

Section 3:

This section means that the teacher must not discriminate or bully his learners based on their economic
status, cultural backgrounds, or mental aspects.
Section 4:

This section means that teachers must not receive gifts because gifts would mean something else for
some parents and would give them the entitlement to demand something or request anything.
However, if that gift is just a sign of appreciation from parents or students, accept it because it is a token
of appreciation.

Section 5:

This section means that teachers have the job of giving remediation to their students. However, if other
parents from other year levels would ask the teacher to teach the student outside office hours, that is
when the teacher can ask for remuneration.

Section 6:

This section means that the grade of the students should be based on students' outputs, exams, and
quizzes. The grade should be from the quality of academic performance, not on the behavior.

Section 7:

This section means that teachers must not have an intimate relationship with their students. However,
the code says if in the event, there is a mutual attraction between the learner and the teacher, the
teacher shall exercise the most professional discretion.

Section 8:

This section means that teachers should not use corporal punishment on their students. The teacher
should not punish the students by having deductions from their scholastic ratings.

Section 9:

This section means that the teachers should extend needed assistance and ensure the conditions that
would contribute to the full development of the learners. Do it if the learners need to be tutored or
taught during the vacant period.


Section 1: This section means that it Is essential for teachers to create a harmonious relationship with
parents. It is also essential for teachers to get the parents' trust, confidence, and respect because once
the parents trust the teacher, it will just be effortless for these parents to give the full support that the
teacher needs.

Section 2:

This section means that the teacher and the parents should work hand in hand and not just leave the
teachers to teach their kids because learners' development would be based on the joint effort of the
teachers In school and the parents at home. Moreover, at the same time, teachers must seek
cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of the learners.

Section 3:
This section means that teachers must hear the parents' complaints with sympathy and understanding.
After listening to those complaints given to parents specifically against a particular teacher, it is time
that teachers can give their views.

Article 10


This section means that the teacher has the right to own or manage any legitimate business or other
sources of income, provided this business is legitimate and does not adversely affect the teacher's
efficiency and should not compromise student learning.

Section 2:

This section tells us that it is okay for the teachers to have loans, provided that they have settled these
debts and loans. Teachers with debt should not be judged because everyone has different life situations,
priorities, and issues to solve.

Section 3:

This section means that teachers should not engage in businesses that align with their job. For example,
you are a teacher. Teachers should not sell books or supplies to their students or school personnel.

Article 11:

Section 1: This section means that not just the teacher but everyone of us should live life in the highest
possible way. We must live life with dignity regardless of our profession.

Section 2:

This section means that whatever harmonious relationship we build with others in the community
should be followed by self-discipline and good behavior.

Section 3:

This section means that teachers should always be dignified. Teachers must show very professional
behavior and not let their home problems influence their performance as teachers. The teacher must
act appropriately and professionally.

Section 4:

This section means that no matter what religion we have, everything follows if we believe that our life is
centered on God. If you fear our Almighty God, your actions and word will be modified.

Section 12:

Section 1: This section means that if the teacher violates one of the codes, his license will be revoked.
So, teachers must follow the code of ethics.

Section 13:

Section 1: This section means that the process will be long before the PRC can approve it following the
publication of the codes.

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