Female Feticides

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Female feticides: -Female feticide means identifying and killing of female fetus
before they take birth. This is the most brutal way of killing women. The
custom of female feticide is practiced by the society form ancient times and it
is really shameful to note that even today, when we considers ourselves
educated and civilized, this custom is practiced in a big manner. Government
has taken so many steps to spread awareness among people about the
consequences of this crime. Many awareness programs are conducted by the
Government to spread the awareness about the physical, mental and social
effect of this practice. Punishment of 3 years imprisonment and Rs. 10,000
fine has been prescribed by Pre conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex selection) Act, 1994, for the offence of Female

In a recently development Maharashtra government has recommend to the

centre that the crime of female feticide should be treated as murder. To
ensure this amendment in Pre conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex selection) Act, 1994, (PCPNDT Act, 1994)
would become necessary. This provision will bring this crime within the
category of murder under section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
2. Domestic Violence:- Domestic violence has become a very serious problem
for women. In general the term Domestic violence means mental, physical,
emotional and economical harassment of a woman by family members. For
the purpose of domestic violence family includes spouse, his mother, father,
brother, sister, his relatives and sometimes even friends. We call ourselves
educated and talk too much about morality, ethics and civilization and expect
others to be good to create a dream world but forget that without giving due
respect to the women, a nation's growth is impossible. Now in India domestic
violence is recognized as a criminal offence under section 498A of Indian
Penal Code, 1860. Domestic violence means cruelty by husband towards
women. Cruelty can be done by physically, mentally, economically or

An act called Domestic violence Act, 2005 was introduced to handle the cases
of Domestic violence in India. This act is a very noteworthy attempt in India to
recognize domestic violence as a punishable offence. Before the introduction
of this act two kinds of remedies were available to a women affected by
Domestic violence. These two remedies were divorce through civil courts and
application of section 498A through criminal courts.
3.  Exploitation at work place:- Though we all accept the truth that in today's world
women has come out of her image of house wife and proved herself as a better
administrator then a man. In all sectors women are working hard and getting awards
and rewards for that. She has crossed all the boundaries and shut the mouth of all
those peoples who has ever questioned her working caliber.

But she has to pay a very heavy price of her success as she has to face exploitation at
work place do we ever think what boundaries she has crossed and how. What she had
paid go get this position and power? How much pain she has felt to become this
4.  Rape, murder: - Rape is another very serious crime against women and this crime
is increasing day by day like anything. Reporting of rape and abduction cases has
become very common in print and electronic media which is indeed a very sad affair
for all of us. Increasing rape cases are enough to prove that our moral values are still
very low and we still to learn how to respect the dignity of women at large.

In simple terms the word ‘Rape' means sexual intercourse or sexual penetration, by
another person without the consent of the other person or victim. Provisions related to
rape are given in section 375 and 376 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Section 375
explains the pre-condition which are necessary tp prove the offence of rape whereas
section 376 provides punishment for the offence of rape. As per section 376, whoever
commits the offence of rape shall be punished with imprisonment of either for a term
which shall not be less than seven years (7) but which may be for life or for a term
which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine.

5.  Dowry:- The system of dowry is another social evil which dragging women back
from 100 of years as this evil has a very long history especially in India. Various
dowry based domestic violence cases has been reported by media. There are ample
legal provisions in India to provide relief to women in case of dowry based domestic
violence cases. Civil law of India has prohibited the payment of dowry in the year
1961. Further Indian Penal Code, 1860 has introduced Sections 304B and 498A,
which allows women to file complaint and seek restoration of her rights from serious
harassment by the husband's family.

Dowry is one of the strong and biggest reasons of increasing domestic violence. Every
year thousands of dowry deaths along with mental trauma cases reported and
registered in India. In case of inadequate dowry, incidents like burning, suicides,
physical and mental torture of women is very common by husband and his family.
Keeping in view the increasing cases of dowry deaths another legislative provision
called “Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005", was introduced in
order to reduce domestic violence cases and to protect women's rights.

To conclude I would like to say that Indian women has come a long way and prove
that she is capable of doing anything and equal partner in the growth and prosperity
of the nation. Women are one of the pillars of the society and it would be very difficult
to imagine society without the presence of women. Now it is high time for all of us to
understand the power of women. Even our judiciary and legislature has also
accepted the fact that women are one of the most important elements of society and
their exploitation would not be accepted at any cost. There is one saying that behind
every successful man there is a woman. This saying is enough to prove that man
and women both are necessary element of society. Women plays different role in her
life which is not an easy task. During her life she acts as daughter, wife, sister and
mother at different stages of life. So we must give them due care and respect and
understand their efforts towards welfare of the society at large. Through this article I
tried my best to cover all the constitutional, judiciary and legislative rights of women
against the crimes which they are facing from quite some time now. I hope this
article will help us to understand that rights of women are very necessary and Indian
law is strong enough to protect her from any kind of harassment and torture.

Sexual abuse and exploitation

 Various forms of sexual harassment such as
singing lewd songs, eve-teasing, making sexual
advances despite refusal, watching, capturing, or
sharing images and other media of a woman
engaging in a private act without prior consent have
all been criminalized by the Indian Penal Code.
There is entire legislation dedicated to sexual
harassment in the workplace - Sexual Harassment
of Women at Workplace Act, 2013.
 Harassment and crimes against women committed
by online sexual predators are prohibited under S.
67 of the Information Technology Act.
 Any indecent representation of women is banned by
the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition)
Act, 1986. This law, as it is considered to be too
narrow for this day and age, has undergone certain
changes and an Amendment Bill was drafted in
2012 which broadened its scope.
  Sections 375 and 376(2) of The Indian Penal
Code criminalize rape. These sections spell out 7
years and 10 years' imprisonment, respectively, as
the punishment for rape. The key feature of these
sections is the requirement for consent by the
woman in question for the act not to be considered
as rape.  Intercourse with a woman of unsound
mind or a girl below 16 years of age is considered
to be rape irrespective of consent being given.
Unfortunately, marital rape has not yet been

3. Property laws
 While traditionally, the rights of women with regard
to succession and inheritance of property in India
were next to non-existent, as of now, according to
the amendments to the Hindu Succession Act in
2005, daughters have been given the same rights
as sons with regard to inheritance and succession.
 The Indian Succession Act does not differentiate
between the heirs of the deceased.
 Muslim women enjoy rights of inheritance, though
limited to some extent by custom and practice.

4. Women in the workplace:

 Women in India have the right to earn as much as
men and gender discrimination is also prohibited at
the time of recruitment. Sections 4 and 5 of the
Equal Remunerations Act, 1976 lay down the law
regarding this.
 The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017 has
brought about certain groundbreaking laws which
concern working women including the increase of
paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to 26
weeks (S.5(3)) and 'work from home' options for
new mothers (S.5(5)).

Organizations that promote Women's Rights

There are a number of organizations that work for the
upliftment and protection of women such as the National
Commission for Women, One Stop Crisis Centres (or)
Nirbhaya Centres, National Association of Rural Women
India, etc. There are also a number of NGOs working for
women's rights.

While keeping a daughter informed of her rights is a

basic obligation of every parent, it is also important that
you take a more active part in ensuring that your
daughter has a better and happier future. By taking
steps such as not providing a dowry and by shifting the
focus from marriage to education, you can do your part
in breaking the cycle of abuse that has been going on
for centuries. However, to ensure a complete change in
society's views on women, it is essential that you teach
not only your daughters but also your sons to recognize
the problems faced by women today and how to treat
women with the respect that is their due.

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