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Share: Become a Zoologist

Lesson Summary
 During this phase the students will complete their typed reports, explanation videos, and
evaluation criteria for each of their peers. The class will also do a gallery walk to enjoy each
other’s enclosures and will be given time to watch each other’s Flip Grid videos.


 Students will be able to create a scale version of a zoo enclosure that will meet the needs for
their animals’ survival and keep the animal enclosed safely and comfortable.
 Students will be able to type and compose a typed nonfiction book about their animal
 Students will create a Flip Grid video explaining their zoo enclosure using the class iPads.


 2-LS4-1 - Use texts, media, or local environments to observe and compare (a) different
kinds of living things in an area, and (b) differences in the kinds of living things living in
different types of areas.
 2-LS2-3 (MA) - Develop and use models to compare how plants and animals depend on
their surroundings and other living things to meet their needs in the places they live
 K-2.DTC.a.1 - Operate a variety of digital tools (e.g., open/close, find, save/print,
navigate, use input/output devices).
 K-2.DTC.a.2 - Identify, locate, and use letters, numbers, and special keys on a keyboard
(e.g., Space Bar, Shift, Delete).
 K-2.DTC.a.3 - Create a simple digital artifact.
 K-2.DTC.a.4 - Use appropriate digital tools individually and collaboratively to create,
review, and revise simple artifacts that include text, images and audio.
 K-2.DTC.b.1 - Collaboratively use digital tools and media resources to communicate key
ideas and details in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
 K-2.DTC.c.2 - Create an artifact individually and collaboratively that answers a research
question, while clearly expressing thoughts and ideas.
 CCSS.SL.2.1.B - Build on others' talk in conversations by linking their comments to the
remarks of others.
 CCSS.SL.2.6 + SL.3.6 - Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and
situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
 CCSS.SL.3.1.D - Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.
 CCSS.W.2.2 - Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use
facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
 CCSS.W.2.6 - With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to
produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
 CCSS.W.2.8 - Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question.
 CCSS.RL.2.5 - Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print,
subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or
information in a text efficiently.

Activity Steps and Timing

Now that the enclosures are dry, Students will walk
Lesson 1 30 minutes around and evaluate all the enclosures and see if they
can identify the specific survival needs in each enclosure
The class will come back together and discuss the zoo
enclosures and how they function.

After a short discussion the teacher will meet with like

animal groups to discuss how their enclosures work for
their animals.

60 minutes The students who are not meeting with the teacher will
Lesson 2 of station be doing one of four things depending on where they
work are.
1. Finish habitat match worksheets
2. Make their Flip Grid explaining their zoo enclosure
using the iPads
3. Post a picture of their final enclosure on their Dojo
4. Begin their final copy of their animal report on the
Chrome Book
Continue with rotations and typing until all reports, Flip Grids, Pictures,
and match worksheets are completed and turned in.
3+ Students who finish can do extension activity to draw their completed
zoo enclosure on centimeter grid paper and figure out the area
(number of squares) their enclosure will be.
Final Invite parents and/or other classrooms to do a gallery walk and read
final reports. Have Chromebooks set up next to each enclosure for
Lesson video viewing

Handouts, Materials
 Chromebooks
 Classroom iPads
 Gallery walk sheets
 Pre made Google Doc with similar writing paper used during rough draft
 Extension grid paper

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