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Use the heating curve above to answer questions 1-4. The graph shows the change in temperature of a
23 g sample of a substance as energy is added to the substance as heat.

1- What kind of heat transferred is at point A?

It is specific heat to change the temperature of ice

2- What kind of heat transferred is at point B?

It is Latent heat of fusion where state is changing from ice to water, the slope is zero.

3- What kind of heat transferred is at point C?

It is Specific heat capacity of water where the temperature of water changes.

4- What kind of heat transferred is at point D?

Latent heat of vaporization STATE OR PHASE CHANGES.

5- What kind of heat transferred is at point E?

Specific heat capacity of steam

Latent heat is the amount of heat required to change the state of a matter of 1 kg .


Q is heat transferred in or out either removed or given, the unit is joule.

M is the mass

Lis the specific amount of energy for every substance.

Specific Heat Capacity is the amount of heat required to change te temperature of 1 kg of a substance
by 1 degree.

Q= Mc (t2-t1)

Qis the heat transferred in or out.

M is the mass of the object

T is the temperature difference.


A 2900J of energy is lost by hot water, as shown below. The glass and water are set on a table to cool.
The mass o the water is 3 kg, how much is the change in temperatur? (The specific heat capacity of
water is 4186 J/kg•°C.)

Answer Q /mC= T

Answer F

Conduction occurs in solids like wall, fiberglass, spoon etc

Convection primarily in fluids ( LIQUIDS, GASES)by the movement of matter.

Radiation without the matter transfer through Electromagnetic radiation.


Energy transferred as heat occurs between two bodies in thermal contact when

they differ in temperature.


A set of particles or interacting components that is considered a distinct physical

entity is called a system.

Environment the combination of conditions and influences outside a system that affect the
behavior of the system

. Note that unlike an isothermal process, which must happen slowly, an adiabatic process
must happen rapidly.


How much work must be done by air pumped into a tire if the tire’s volume increases from
0.031 m3 to 0.041 m3 and the net, constant pressure of the air is 300.0 kPa?

F. 3.0 × 102 J
G. 3.0 × 103 J

H. 3.0 × 104 J

J. 3.0 × 105 J Answer G


A system consists of steam within the confines of a steam engine, whose cylinder and
piston are shown in the figures below.

5. C 6. J 7. B 8. F

Energy is removed or added to system either in the form of heat or work.

Work could be negative w˂ 0 , w is positive w ˃ 0

Q heat could be positive or negative which increase or decreased the internal energy U

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