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Unit 6: UPS and Solar Cell Unit at a glance: f ON line UPS. standby UPS cold and iple of operation 0 perated from a.c. mains supply. The followed by a voltage regulator. oa sated by the warm, u! : 3 Most of the present day instrumentation systems are tired d.c. supply is derived using rectifier-filter sta: The effects casa eranee in load or change in mains. eee compen: voltage regulator. But what happens if the a.c. mains supply fails? | The ‘ac. mains supply failure causes periodical stoppage of, the operation of ee instrumentation system. Most of the modern system use microprocessors, computers an hardware including semiconductor memories. Any interruption in the power supply may resuilt into the loss of uncompleted work and may make the system ineffective to use. In such a case to avoid this, an interruptible power supply [UPS] becomes a must. The UPS also plays an important role in space-borne equipment as the solar array can not supply power to the system, once the satellite enters the eclipse condition. The simplest solution, one may think for UPS is perhaps the use of dry batteries, But the limited UES power rating and short life are the basic Ac 4 disadvantages of dry batteries, making this solution ™* unattractive. Kidd |_|, ouput Thus more commonly used approach is to draw the oa power form the a.c. mains under normal condition Q and switch-in a second power source such as storage battery under the condition of mains failure. Battery Returning the normal mains supply switches over the Fig: (i) Basic Concept of UPS system back to supply mains. The fig. (i) shows a very basic block diagram ofan UPS which is using two power sources, controlled by a switch. The UPS is designed so that there is one source of power, used under normal conditions, known’ as primary power source (usually a.c. mainis), and othér source that comes into action if the primary source is disrupted. This another source is called the secondary Power source (usually battery). a switch is used as.a controlling device. It changes from ,primary source to secondary when it detects that the primary source .has failed. It automatically switches back form the secondary power source to the primary when it is detected that the primary source has returned to normal. The power available form mains is a.c, from battery to a.c. as required by the load. This is called an inverter. These are important components of any UPS. ‘Scanned with CamScanner xs Types The vaca ee ont ‘ype orurs, INDUSTRIAL ELECTROMCSE tea.s20 Alper ronan itr devs ara salt dv ving bo Orr cet Somlcing sate acs‘ nt eg an ae cea ON ses pelosi hey a aa ee :8.Use of storage devices and working prin = Primary and Scene ees Ad working principio of battery charaer ‘an slecc battery consists of rumber of elec ell, eameted th a ‘is or pr el, which she asc un of ot, maybe ied # Per eteaing device, wich is caable of comeing sored conical eeay ie eee cay Ifthe stored energy is ine pesa ne coma sancs cle ‘may cell ea nonvecharpeabe cell. Acoringy the bey mae a thes el 3 alle primary batery. The examples of primary cl re Laclrce el, se conne «ll allaine manganese eal and met ils fon the other hand, energy is hse inthe chen! subsances by apling an extra sure, it i lle secondary ell er rechargrable el bate) ede Ot these calls f called secondary ste or sage trey rechrEesle bate. Examples of secondary calls re lead sid ell rlhchndmiam cal, nelson ee, icke-in ell, ickel-ydrogen cel, versie land high tempeste eos Ue Itium-clorine ee Tam spb celsius cell ee lasfcstion of Secondary Bateries Basel on thelr Use: Various types of secondary bateces ean be srouped into the fllowing catego a per thelr ue: 1, Automotive Batteries or SLI Batteries r Portable Batteries “These ae used fr starting, lighting and pion (SL) intra combustion engined chiles. Examples ar; ead.aid bere, iche-adniun bers ef 2. Vehicle Traction Batteries or Mtive Power Baterles or Industrial Bateries teste are used as 2 motive power source Tora wie vey of vehicle, Lentacd trteres, nickels bateries, silver zine Bare have been ued or this purpose. A ‘number of advance bateres including high‘emperare bates are unr develope for electric vehicle (EV) use, These hig-iempratire batteries like sodium and lidhium-eon sulphide hve energy densities in he ange of 10120 whe. esandsatacca veut SS Tao woe) nun per sem wich inetety a tBitadsevelig som nish sso wen de sow and ro, | a ccm and nations of he manure ach ype of tery age ccurpd The btary wil equ omer mous of rng et wen srvid tc of cg nanny fal ares casanobe ee ‘ne cues esac by mers he pero eur Steno al ey Heres ry tot i Fo of acon rai up afer reve fom hee, i pe tty cg wen mio Mr ekense sauce fp For urging are at MY ye ony atertng cre tty awl eer hare ore ‘EStorteter to conve tte sup Fut, he elie st havea ht 0 a grove nd wn ee Sms ate! ing Sours dys comtoncuren and cosant-otge metas re widely wed fo chore, Nau cater ere oer meode of curgng Woo. eg boner tga ‘hvpg end ihe carping oc slowrte hating meted. ephof its aplication Hence Peston oar spiel one junto designs sles fr ‘aoa vec pton Radian fom thn ces eee ‘elms rac onl at, nich te slo fw Troy femal eat nd provide elec ome Solr cells maybe sally sucha the solar ells in rechargable pocket celts, however, te tore imporantlrpescle deployment of volar cel for eeeicy ‘roduc is sow undorway anda reste BV industry is experiencing wry high eet ‘A. Choose the correct answer from the give allematives in each of the {ollowing: 1. The UPSiewedto __gwascre soit, (3) lowe Suoreson tight (torn cee fn (@)nncompucr (noe newer: (0) Pours: ‘Scanned with CamScanner mi INDUSTRIAL ELECFRONICS.t vessze % Gist heotopencinatotaeatasosredln~ —_yuasererrn dav” eee 09 al Answers 3 Mectciny oh sce itm woscre sn a) too comm (yea answers) * Gee’ bestest sey ymsreson ghee ‘ude ce Al fe meno newer) on B Answer the flowing uestons: ‘How rans diffrent ton Urs twoscrean) pec etter canbe simarie ne tonne ate Decoding Homes! UPS mt Sree UPS deste sit it silat iver eck in ero 09 poner Hes ipa oaptel acl terms of volgen Set sein HE th lin at ty bac ye ues yp we eine SN fer leit gos of. UPS thes aang ene 2 nit STN HP 50 mittens, Thom dria faipeual ® oy cn be, merase tetra ofa saa ‘acpes 4 Input poner requirements: Conparively, 1 sompsred to UPS, Iver takes up son Tov Ae & Types An inverter canbe didnt tre ype (8) Sane Wave ©) Sine Wave avers. As the name sug thse yore ae the wave generated. UPS ae of thee pe, ineneive Urs ak of power supply ands PS monitors the Inverts has wide ange ot inpt power '70-270V of AC while UPS wos a 240. (©) Qua8 Wave, sis ofthe ype of bescally: (a) 0 UPS, (6) Online UPS and () Line an be ad bp 4c Fectetons: While volage Mucosa np uply fe outings deed be vtmmet esc Tn sma, ST ceay Soe UPS hey ae sone thm Oa of occ acarhpry uae og ghee eee innecios 5. Pricing: hihly srk ct lng with svi working makes 2 UPS more ‘Spas on aninere. ee 5 Drawbac neers mo dwt nde more Me tise doy, andes uty ey. UPS onthe eer ands more espera as ‘ests i ndespend wage pads {Wleten we pete mr force edt wine wong oes gt eel xed cy pone tappy-UPS uel be tlges oe seven, workstation which perfomn erie! usk and cannot tlre dels foe soph {Whats meant bythe term lin iteracive UPS? (wascTe 208) dase LUreimenate UPS movie asomitic wage epaton when tw vgs o high ‘olag condons ect Lineneractve 1 Why an OfFtine UPS is comparatively cheaper? fears, proving orally connate ‘heapen re peoecton and bey backup The potted pment realy to incoming willy power ‘Thats why tis eamprately 8 Whatis meant ty the term reduadany in UPS stent ‘range. There may be two pes of rtunfat selon i. Palle rendsncy. and Fi, Dual and isolated redundancy, team ‘Scanned with CamScanner ni INDUSTRIAL 2. Wit fow appa ELECTRONICS mm 8 faa ett ewe ‘Solar cells are widely used in — “ erase + Blectic fences at = + Satellites i 10. Whats EPROM? Answer: 1, What isa switch? rem Answer: a ad Refer Arce Ne 62 of Unrate Clnce 12, Whats phot vt ct swosere 3 Aa plitovolic cel is a specaied semicondcor dade elatronic vce hat eames ligt eneray into eect energy wsing vais chemi nd pial enone Tis ‘pe of cel is tecnialy very similar to the photoelecr ells buh cane thet lecticalchnacteriscs, ich asthe euren,volageor esis, when expose ih. A photovoli als aso known a sole. eS and saturca, ves ‘2 1.) Wee dn th itrence bens on ie and fie UPS. fon {ohn teat oat roe wuscre 2 ierecet betwen o in ad of ine UPS: 2 [esterase poe Sew 1) Atbowgh ese sae sich a cose tan mcs an elatometaia Steet agony di he el of one conta tence of in, wa ey a oly ste, ence no rad ig operon ad hey areal stn open 2 Thay ae ey sepa nd ave ong i 3. They are much moe tbl, and tir ange i much wider tan tat of loach wich 4, They eon be operate in explosive amore ke is 1) Duc to above sted advantages, thee sicher af etiely wad slate ‘eligs, power contol for alta, lie sipml cont, and comput cone Spleaons. ‘D 2.2) Draw chemi diagram offing UPS and ri espa operation J on twas st newer: ‘Refer to Question No.3 () of Long Answer Type Question. 'D 2.1) List he merits and demerits of op-tine UPS and ofine UPS. Al, it the inaprtan specication of oline UPS. wascre 218, Answer: Refer to Question No. 3 () & (i) of Long Answer Type Question. ‘Scanned with CamScanner isan as nDUsTAIAL ELECTRONICS eae 2 away Ursisimprtnt firth wee doktop computes? SCTE wwosere 1 ofS ah Hoek a a ric operation with ook ‘ost eros Seniesa cra ae at ad cy ccnp en He ‘siaaconpey oa ma = “pecmln UPS easel veer ped UPS Fle (sto te eck aga | — Sse Fi () Back agin fale UPS ten 4+ Wen th in apy pee he rile pvides power ta vee as wel try (Sex Fg i (a) The er ocd. The veer son 8 [ied power tba troops UPS ste sch 1+ The UPS a swith ays on an conmecs lado up ‘The msi ssc ssc says ff Bu wen the UPS il ten ad i comet iret the mas dt Urough ma sate sich ‘+ When the mains sappy soo aval, then tater bank suplis power 2 inverter (Ss Fi, G9). Ts vee I ayo an aks power or resifersebatey. Fig shows th omer ow when mala eset and ainsi abc sepa Ssientn of ite UPS ceramide UF Janel “i Input frequency £% change Dinparctage arin Sl ee Se womteee se Sto tsnd epic 00) Theticens afte se To bane sooner yf tren oF eats Shea eine Sinton nota ‘i ilamoat: Sato ow Syeymamie roo Siierent reeton sh Oveead haan ei Abeta of aline UES ‘yt dat twee ain spy ad 9, Skewers ava the uly of ole ie om dst 3B ihe cinatnce fap son acho rome pes ea tk Inte co io) Voting eption beter 1) Tri ee cay ao sae inverters aap. Dida of ie UPS 1) Ove ecany of UPS ered sincerely on 2 oeanags teres es! ince hast sappy owe veers vets chars bate iy Onin UPS col tan er UPS systems. Alias of ntine UPS Ty ade: es an sin lierwoe cool pos 5) neni eae, me eqpmens ‘3 4. iy expan the working pricpe of Sea atery charger, What are the fancaifrcnrsbeeneen nine UPS3aa 0TineUESE | (WESCTEZ31) tetare Fee cs ao ofthe poe tous o make dvi ntfs tt re edo ree he sag of la tenvenenble ener sour as deceit oer Sarees ly cil eo mae ape win ne ‘Scanned with CamScanner ni ‘But the thing is when you sl laparad Basen gr tan eat Sates They ae eer ut See eee: eck ss cacy Sea eae sri oupenmlons aaa eSeht e {eli ns bss ree ae Monpatne cooper ttre a on eu a (een rd toe seca yea tyra Palnon ey Paopceslrae Sorter at pr ka ge tye a Sa ee pony Poo terface eupnen Paranal ete 6 Dll a some nd i 8 felipe step bce te ba pa ee a eee SS ere ee Saag INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS rare “he cdiferences betwen in an fine UPS: i stlecwtean | Ld a Nera SS a ast i {2 5 Write short notes on the flowing: (Standby UPS wascre 1,20, os, OFF tine UPS (i Daterychargor wascre ant, 201) (il ON ine UPS TWascTe 201) es ana arco reas OFF Lie urs {TOFU Ups sa cle sty UPS I is pee US te pia owe {ote sth man per eon poser ate. ‘efi show tok shes of GFF ie UPS Imeie UPS the ey and rer we trl ashing power otheo The thy cg singh ine per hare he etary bt Ener ae ven e (ote inst mode il hy are ete ce UPS eld Say UPS. As Tinea per source, Hae ine refered UPS Fie Fi (ck hc of OFF DPS “The spte prtcor an file ew er eee ad srg nd pre te lone ac severe ie condos. ‘Wen the smn power gos ote tar sich detects it nd suomatly ‘vhs fom poston 1102 Th ft stars upg the ld tough invert ‘This shown i Ths ath slat tht of ON tine UPSD. The bate now Sarsrun down shee oie pero sarge ‘Avscoy ery OFF line UPS eer finn fo tater th sve om poston 1 {0'2 and such afr can not hppen ns. Ts ie sald ant ine Sich ime The unis opis em UPS haves hel pine mea ey an i Ue pero eon of ands wen i ale Fi ahha inn ts ‘Scanned with CamScanner ni [INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS veas30 Pen: The waft of UPS mab ch es thn ld pine. ‘The seine on ington nee fil ods, Teta ne intmbermnge ots tour ‘emay ape fant scberini arans ha the componens of ON ine a OF tne Urs tet tt ete es Tugh the components ae et tha designs

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