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Answer Key


Worksheet 1 (page 30) Worksheet 8 (page 37)
A. 1. pencil | 2. book | 3. notebook | 4. ruler | 5. schoolbag | 6. chair A. 1. onions | 2. tomatoes | 3. potatoes | 4. milk | 5. strawberry |
| 6. ice cream | 7. meat | 8. chicken | 9. yoghurt | 10. soup |
7. board | 8. pencil case | 9. pen | 10. table/desk | 11. pencil 11. cheese | 12. eggs | 13. bread | 14. sausages
sharpener | 12. rubber B. Personal answers.
B. (Suggested answers) a) You take it with you: book; notebook; C. Personal answers.
ruler; pen; pencil; rubber; pencil sharpener; backpack | b) It stays in
Worksheet 9 (page 38)
the classroom: chair; board; table/desk
A. 1. shower | 2. get | 3. have | 4. catch | 5. to | 6. lunch | 7. do |
C. Personal answers.
8. have | 9. watch | 10. teeth | 11. bed
Worksheet 2 (page 31) B. Personal answers.
A. 1. motorbike | 2. boat | 3. bus | 4. taxi | 5. bike | 6. plane | 7. car |
8. train
Worksheet 10 (page 39)
A. 2. c) | 3. b) | 4. a)/e) | 5. h) | 6. f) | 7. g) | 8. e)/a)
B. Personal answers.
A. watching TV | B. playing video games | C. playing cards |
Worksheet 3 (page 32) D. reading a book | E. surfing the net | F. going to the cinema |
A. 1. Name | 2. Johnson | 3. 2nd | 4. Nationality | 5. 1.96 m | 6. actor G. hanging out with friends
B. 2. a) | 3. f) | 4. b) | 5. g) | 6. e) | 7. c) B. Personal answers.
C. 1. What’s; My name’s/is… | 2. your; My surname’s/is… | 3. you; Worksheet 11 (page 40)
I’m from… | 4. How; I’m… tall | 5. are; I’m… | 6. old; I’m… years old |
A. 1. baseball | 2. football | 3. judo | 4. diving | 5. cycling |
7. What’s; I’m a (student) 6. basketball | 7. volleyball | 8. ice skating | 9. tennis |
Worksheet 4 (page 33) 10. gymnastics | 11. skiing

A. 1. grandmother | 2. father | 3. mother | 4. uncle | 5. aunt | B. (Suggested answers) Can be individual: swimming; diving;
6. sister | 7. brother | 8. cousin cycling; ice skating; tennis; gymnastics; skiing | Need other people:
baseball; football; basketball; volleyball; judo
B. 1. son | 2. daughter | 3. parents | 4. husband | 5. wife |
6. children C. Personal answers.

C. 1. Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. | 2. Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. | 3. I’ve

got… cousins. | 4. They/My grandparents live in...
Worksheet 1 (page 42)
Worksheet 5 (page 34)
A. he | they | we | it | you | I
A. 1. singer | 2. teacher | 3. babysitter | 4. nurse | 5. doctor |
B. 1. I | 2. you | 3. he | 4. she | 5. we | 6. you | 7. they | 8. they
6. mechanic | 7. cook | 8. student
C. 1. it | 2. you | 3. They | 4. He | 5. she | 6. We | 7. I | 8. It | 9. They
B. (Suggested answers) a) Works inside: doctor; lawyer; babysitter |
b) Works inside and/or outside: police officer; engineer | c) Works
10. you
outside: firefighter
C. Personal answers. Worksheet 2 (page 43)
A. 1. are; is | 2. am; aren’t; isn’t | 3. I; yes; not | 4. Are | 5. Is; No
Worksheet 6 (page 35)
B. 1. is | 2. are | 3. Are | 4. aren’t; ’re | 5. Am | 6. aren’t
A. b) 4 | c) 2 | d) 3 | e) 1 | f) 5
C. 1. is; is | 2. are | 3. am not/’m not | 4. Are; am | 5. am/’m;
B. 1. tall | 2. curly hair | 3. small eyes | 4. short hair | 5. short |
am not/’m not | 6. Is; isn’t; is/’s
6. young
D. Personal answers. (Suggested answers) 1. is | 2. João | 3. am |
C. 1. He has got short curly hair. | 2. She has got long dark hair. |
4. 11 | 5. is | 6. basketball | 7. are | 8. Dua Lipa | 9. Neil Horan |
3. My dad is tall and thin. | 4. My grandma is old and short. | 5. He 10. am | 11. maths | 12. ’m not | 13. Portuguese.
has got big brown eyes.
D. 1. short | 2. hair | 3. glasses | 4. short | 5. nose | 6. tall | 7. thin |
Worksheet 3 (page 44)
8. short | 9. dark | 10. eyes | 11. brown A. 2. g) | 3. f) | 4. a) | 5. b) | 6. d) | 7. c)
B. 1. What | 2. How old | 3. How | 4. Where | 5. Who | 6. When |
Worksheet 7 (page 36)
7. Where
A. 2. c) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. d) | 6. e) | 7. h) | 8. g) | 9. i)
C. Personal answers. (Possible answers) Where are you from?
A. jeans | B. jacket | C. socks | D. skirt | E. scarf | F. hat | G. shoes |
What’s your favourite colour? How old are you?
© ASA – High Five 6

H. trainers
B. Personal answers. Worksheet 4 (page 45)
A. 1. –; an | 2. the; – | 3. the; – | 4. a | 5. – / –
C. (Example answer) My favourite trainers are white and black.
They are size 36. B. 1. the | 2. a; – | 3. –; a | 4. a; a; – | 5. – | 6. The

Answer Key
C. 1. a) –; b) – | 2. a) a; b) the | 3. a) the; a; b) a | 4. a) the; b) The; – | lot in Lisbon. | 3. You don’t do your homework in the morning. |
5. a) a; b) a; a | 6. a) a; b) the 4. I don’t go to bed at midnight.
D. 1. Do you have a shower in the morning? | 2. Do you like Moana? |
Worksheet 5 (page 46)
3. Does she have lunch at home? | 4. What time do you start
A. 1. your | 2. his | 3. her | 4. our | 5. your | 6. their
B. 1. My | 2. his | 3. Our | 4. your | 5. Her | 6. Their
Worksheet 12 (page 53)
C. 1. his | 2. Their | 3. their | 4. my | 5. her | 6. our | 7. your
A. 1. study | 2. plays | 3. don’t | 4. Do | 5. finish | 6. don’t
Worksheet 6 (page 47) B. 1. When do you do your homework? | 2. I don’t catch the bus
A. 1. I have got a new schoolbag. | 2. Lucy hasn’t got a test today. | after school. | 3. My brother goes to bed at midnight. | 4. Do they
3. Have your parents got a big car? | 4. Our classroom has got have lunch in the canteen? | 5. What time does she get up in the
thirty chairs. | 5. You haven’t got your homework. morning? | 6. You don’t brush your teeth at school.
B. 1. Has your mum got long hair? | 2. Our teacher hasn’t got long C. 1. has | 2. doesn’t get up | 3. make | 4. doesn’t go | 5. take |
hair. | 3. My sisters have got one bedroom. | 4. Have you got a new 6. runs | 7. does he do | 8. sleeps | 9. don’t want | 10. Do you want
video game? | 5. I haven’t got a TV in my bedroom.
D. Personal answers. (Possible answers) 1. I get up at seven o’clock. |
C. Personal answers. (Possible answers) 1. Yes, I have. / No, I 2. I play football and I run. | 3. I watch TV after dinner. |
haven’t. | 2. Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t. | 3. I’ve got five. | 4. Yes, I 4. I like pizza.
have. / No, I haven’t. | 5. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Worksheet 13 (page 54)
Worksheet 7 (page 48) A. Personal answers.
A. to be: 3, 5, 6 | have got: 2, 4, 7
B. 1. listening | 2. writing | 3. sitting | 4. watching | 5. sleeping |
B. 1. is; has got | 2. isn’t; have got | 3. are; have got | 4. Are you | 6. running | 7. flying
5. are you; am; is | 6. am; Have we got
C. 1. to; Jill doesn’t like drinking cold milk. | 2. hating; You hate
C. 1. is | 2. is | 3. has got |4. have got | 5. are | 6. are | 7. are | watching cartoons. | 3. it; My mum loves making cakes. | 4. cooking;
8. am not | 9. has got | 10. hasn’t got | 11. is | 12. is I prefer cooking lasagne.
D. 1. He is twelve years old.| 2. He has got one brother. | 3. He is 1 D. Personal answers. (Possible answers) I love eating pizza. | I don’t
metre 52 tall. | 4. He has got dark hair. | 5. He has got brown eyes. like brushing my teeth. | I hate going to the supermarket.
Worksheet 8 (page 49) Worksheet 14 (page 55)
A. 1. ’s | 2. ’; ’s | 3. ’ | 4. ’ | 5. ’s A. 1. We usually have breakfast usually in the kitchen. |
B. 1. Harry’s | 2. Kate’s | 3. The twins’ | 4. Kate’s; rabbit’s | 5. The 2. I sometimes go sometimes to my grandparents’ house at the
twins’; dog’s weekend. | 3. Never my friend Ana is never unkind to other people. |
C. (Possible answers) 1. Whose bike is this? It’s Kate’s bike. | 4. I sometimes take my phone sometimes to school.
2. Whose phone is this? It’s Kate’s phone. | 3. Whose ball is this? B. 1. They always play football after school. | 2. Daisy sometimes
It’s the twins’ ball. | 4. Whose film is this? It’s the twins’ film. does her homework in the morning. | 3. I never go to bed at
midnight. | 4. We always have lunch in a restaurant on Sunday.
Worksheet 9 (page 50)
C. Personal answers. (Possible sentences) I sometimes go to bed at
A. theirs | ours | hers | yours | his
midnight. | I never do my homework in the morning. | We sometimes
B. 1. mine | 2. yours | 3. his | 4. hers | 5. ours | 6. yours | 7. theirs play football after school.
C. 1. my; yours | 2. his | 3. your; ours | 4. his; hers | 5. your; mine |
Worksheet 15 (page 56)
6. my; theirs
A. 1. sleeping | 2. ’s | 3. ’re | 4. not | 5. isn’t | 6. They | 7. Are |
D. 1. mine | 2. yours | 3. theirs | 4. hers | 5. ours | 6. his
8. Are | 9. are | 10. not | 11. aren’t
Worksheet 10 (page 51) B. 1. is cooking | 2. are running | 3. am doing | 4. is flying
A. Singular: ✔ – 3 | x – 5 | ? – 2 C. 1. Dad and I are making a new desk. | 2. What are you making for
Plural: ✔ – 6 | ? – 4 lunch? | 3. The teacher is not feeling very well. | 4. The models are
B. 1. Is there; there is | 2. There aren’t | 3. There is | 4. There are | wearing strange clothes! | 5. The Portuguese team are not playing
5. Are there; there aren’t | 6. there isn’t very well today. | 6. Are you buying tickets for the theatre?
C. Personal answers. (Possible answers) 1. There are three (TVs). |
Worksheet 16 (page 57)
2. Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. | 3. There are four (bedrooms). |
A. 2. e) | 3. c) | 4. b) | 5. a)
4. Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. | 5. There is a pen, a pencil and
some books. B. 1. Our school bus is arriving at the museum. | 2. Mum and Dad
are planning our next holiday. | 3. Are you using your phone in
Worksheet 11 (page 52)
© ASA – High Five 6

class? | 4. Is Sandy riding her bike to school? No, she isn’t. | 5. We

A. 1. goes | 2. don’t; doesn’t | 3. Do; do | 4. Does; doesn’t aren’t (are not) having lunch now.
B. 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. f) | 5. e) | 6. b) C. 1. Is Grace playing basketball? No, she isn’t. | 2. Jack and Sarah
C. 1. Phil doesn’t brush his teeth after lunch. | 2. It doesn’t rain a are running. | 3. Ashley and Al aren’t swimming. | 4. Are Giselle

Answer Key
and Mark playing tennis? Yes, they are.
© ASA – High Five 6

Answer Key

Worksheet 17 (page 58)

A. you | him | her | it | us | you | them
B. 1. you | 2. him | 3. her | 4. it | 5. us | 6. you | 7. them
C. 1. me | 2. them | 3. We; us | 4. it | 5. her | 6. you
D. 1. you; it | 2. We; them | 3. They; them | 4. me | 5. It; it | 6. us

Worksheet 18 (page 59)

A. 1. not | 2. be | 3. Please | 4. Don’t
B. 1. sit | 2. Don’t talk | 3. Write | 4. give | 5. Don’t forget
C. 1. run | 2. Don’t listen | 3. Use | 4. Don’t wear
D. Personal answers. (Suggested answers) Eat and drink in the
classroom! | Speak Chinese in your English lessons! | Don’t pass
the tests!

© ASA – High Five 6


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