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Progress Test 1B – Year 6

Name: ___________________________ Class: ______ No.: ___ Date: ___________________________________

Teacher: _______________ Mark: ____________________ Enc. Educação:______________________

Read Lou’s blog. (Lê o blogue do Lou.)

Word check: 1cast = elenco; equipa de atores; 2trailer = rulote

A. Complete the table with information about Lou’s favourite star.

(Completa a tabela com informação sobre a estrela preferida do Lou.)
1. Full name
2. Nationality
3. Age
4. Time she wakes up
5. Favourite meal

Inglês – 6.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
B. Complete the sentences with ONE word. (Completa as frases com UMA palavra.)
1. Millie goes to work by ________________________.
2. Her best friend’s name is ____________________.
3. She has lunch in a _________________________.
4. At 6 p.m. she goes to the ___________________.
5. She has classes every day of the _____________.

C. Read and tick () the correct answers. (Lê e assinala as respostas corretas.)
1. Where does Lou’s favourite star live?
(A) Los Angeles.  (B) Las Vegas.  (C) New York. 

2. What does she do before going to the studio?

(A) She catches the bus and has breakfast. 
(B) She makes her bed and has breakfast. 
(C) She catches the bus and makes her bed. 

3. Does she have lunch with the rest of the cast?

(A) Yes, she does.  (B) No, she doesn’t.  (C) No, she doesn’t have time. 

4. What does she do in the evening?

(A) She has dinner with her family and reads a book. 
(B) She talks about her daily activities and watches TV. 
(C) She has dinner with her family and talks about her daily activities. 

D. Complete the sentences with the nationalities from the box. (Completa as frases com as nacionalidades da caixa.)

Portuguese British American Canadian

My name’s Sadie Sink. Tom Holland is a (2) ___________

I’m from the USA, so I’m actor.
____________. He’s from Kingston, in the UK.

Hi! I’m Shawn Mendes

and I’m a singer from Sara Sampaio is a model from

Toronto, in Canada. Porto, Portugal.

I’m (3) ____________. She’s (4) ____________.

Inglês – 6.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
E. Match the types of the houses with the correct pictures. Write the letters a-d.
(Faz corresponder os tipos de casas às imagens. Escreve a-d.)
1. detached house  2. block of flats  3. castle  4. cottage 

a b c d

F. Label the household chores. Use the expressions from the box.
(Legenda as tarefas domésticas. Usa as expressões da caixa.)

make the bed set the table do the ironing do the washing up cook

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

G. Circle the correct form of the verb to be.

(Rodeia a forma do verbo to be correta.)

Dacre Montgomery (1) is / are an actor. He (2) am / is from Perth, a city in Australia, so he (3) are / is
Australian. He (4) isn’t / aren’t with his parents very often because he lives in the USA. Dacre and his
teammates from the TV series “Stranger Things” (5)
are / am always busy because when they
isn’t / aren’t on set, they (7) are / is on tour. (8) Am / Are they happy? Of course they (9) are / is. They
is / are Hollywood stars! 

H. Circle the correct form of the verb have got.

(Rodeia a forma correta do verbo have got.)
1. Millie and her family have got / has got a modern detached house in Los Angeles.
2. She haven’t got / hasn’t got any brothers or sisters.
3. Have / Has Millie got many friends? Yes, she have / has.
4. Her dogs haven’t got / hasn’t got a new doghouse.
5. Millie’s house have got / has got a big swimming pool.

Inglês – 6.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
I. Circle the correct form of the present simple. There is one example.
(Rodeia a forma correta do present simple. Segue o exemplo.)

 Sadie go / goes to the cinema on Monday.

1. They catches / catch the bus at 7:30 every day.
2. I don’t have / doesn’t have lunch in the canteen on Saturday.
3. Do / Does you set the table before dinner?
4. Sadie sometimes cooks / cook lunch on Sunday.

J. Circle the correct connector.

(Rodeia o conector correto.)
1. Sadie and her brothers always tidy their bedroom when / then they are at home.
2. Dacre wakes up at 6:30 and while / then he has a shower.
3. His girlfriend does the washing up then / while he takes the rubbish out.
4. Millie and Sadie work after lunch. After that / When they go to the gym.

K. Complete Lou’s email to Sadie about his daily routine. Use the words from the box.
(Completa o email do Lou para a Sadie sobre a sua rotina diária. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

school Lou breakfast wake up

swimming lunch bed dinner

My daily routine

Dear Sadie,
I usually (1) ____________________ at 7:30 every day. Then I have a shower and have (2)
I go to (3)________________ at 8 o’clock because my lessons start at 8:20. I often have (4) ____________________ in
the canteen. I usually have (5) ____________________ lessons after school.
At 8 p.m. I have (6) ____________________ I go to (7) ____________________ at 10 p.m.
Best wishes,
____________________ …

Good work! 
Inglês – 6.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)
Answer key
A. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. Millie Bobby Brown | 2. English | 3. 15 years old | 4. 6 a.m. | 5. breakfast

B. (5 x 2% = 10%)
1. bus | 2. Sadie | 3. restaurant | 4. gym | 5. week

C. (4 x 6% = 24%)
1. (A) | 2. (B) | 3. (A) | 4. (C)

D. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. American | 2. British | 3. Canadian | 4. Portuguese

E. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. c) | 2. d) | 3. a) | 4. b)

F. (5 x 1% = 5%)
1. cook | 2. make the bed | 3. set the table | 4. do the washing up | 5. do the ironing

G. (10 x 1% = 10%)
1. is | 2. is | 3. is | 4. isn’t | 5. are | 6. aren’t | 7. are | 8. Are | 9. are | 10. are

H. (5 x 1% = 5%)
1. have got | 2. hasn’t got | 3. Has… has | 4. haven’t got | 5. has got

I. (4 x 2% = 8%)
1. catch | 2. don’t have | 3. Do | 4. cooks

J. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. when | 2. then | 3. while | 4. After that

K. (8 x 2% = 16%)
1. wake up | 2. breakfast | 3. school | 4. lunch | 5. dinner | 6. swimming | 7. bed | 8. Lou

Inglês – 6.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2019)

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