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Welcome to EE Country!

We hope you will have an engaging visit!

The EE Intro Process...
1. Introducing the Extended Essay and the EE Process
2. The Research Question and the Paper Details
3. Exploring EE subjects and topics
4. The Extended Essay Topic Proposal (November 15th)
5. The EE student and supervisor meetings
(Beginning December 15th)
Are you nervous about your visit?
Please tell us why!
Visit our anxiety hotline at
Demystifying the Extended Essay
➢ A research paper (simply a research paper) of up to
4,000 words in length.
➢ On a topic of your choice in a Diploma Programme/AP
subject of your choice.
➢ Under the guidance of an MHS faculty supervisor.
➢ With a structured process of stages and due dates.
➢ Submitted at end of 1st semester senior year
Why Does The Extended Essay Matter?
❖ Will help you earn your IB diploma!
Bonus points from the EE helped 3 students earn IB diplomas!
Why Does The Extended Essay Matter?
❖ Will help you earn your IB diploma!
Bonus points from the EE helped 3 students earn IB diplomas!

❖ Will look great during a college visit!!

Yes, I am writing an EE titled, What are the neurophysiological
correlates of playing musical pieces that are subject to varying
practice and hence to varying ability to improvise?

❖ Will prepare you for greater success and engagement doing research
in college!
Set up your folder
★ Log into your WCPSS Google Account.
★ Create a Google folder titled: Last.First.EE
★ Share folder with me:
★ In the folder create a Document titled
“Reflective Space.”
What Interests You?
Take our Interest Inventory to help generate ideas!

❏ Go to the website/Extended Essay/student tasks

❏ Click on “EE Interest Inventory” and make a copy
❏ Move into your google folder
❏ Complete
Choice of Subjects
❖ Biology ❖ Language B (Modern)
❖ Chemistry ❖ Literature and performance
❖ Computer science ❖ Mathematics
❖ Dance ❖ Music
❖ Environmental science ❖ Physics
❖ Film ❖ Psychology
❖ Geography ❖ Social and cultural anthropology
❖ Global Politics ❖ Theatre
❖ History ❖ Visual arts
❖ Language A (English) ❖ World religions
❖ Language B (Classical) ❖ World studies
So Much Potential!
● To what extent has agriculture impacted the culture of the Lumbee Indians of North
Carolina? (history)
● How can musical harmonies be modeled by small integer ratios and logarithms? (math)
● How does a pair of Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) interact throughout their
established breeding territory during the breeding season? (biology)
● How did Julia Margaret Cameron deviate from the conventions of nineteenth-century
portrait photography and with what effect? (visual arts)
● To what effect do cinematographers employ color and lighting techniques to influence
audience perception in science fiction movies such as Independence Day (1996) and
Interstellar (2014)? (film)
● How does Orson Scott Card portray homosexuality in his book Ender’s Game? (literature)
● ¿Cómo Miguel de Cervantes se burla las convenciones literarias de las novelas de
caballerías en la primera sección de El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha?
So Many Resources!
● Extended Essay Exemplars
● EE Subject Reports
● EE Subject Specific Interpretations
● Extended Essay Manual
● EE Supervisor
● Ms. Lemmons
● Mr. Baron
● Your subject teacher

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