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Ian Hansen

Conference Outline Notes

- Have Seesaw up on your computer – have the child’s portfolio ready to go – scroll down to the bottom and
move your way up
- Have other items off on your computer (close other applications) – make sure it is plugged in and you have a
strong Wi-Fi signal. Make sure you won’t be interrupted – no roommates/phone calls/etc. Have a professional
background, dress professionally, etc.
- Explain to the families that you would like to tape the Zoom session and state why – so Laura can see how the
conference goes and to give you feedback. THEN PRESS RECORD ! Make sure to have your view on gallery view
so we can see you and the family members.
- Welcome them to the conference
- Start with 3 positive things to say about their child
o Ian is very kind to classmates and includes all classmates during play.
o Ian has advanced tremendously in letter recognition as well as writing uppercase and lowercase letters.
o Ian is very creative and a great listener.
- State that the portfolio is on Seesaw and at the end of the semester, they can download the whole semester of
information if they would like. They can also save the portfolio as a pdf off Seesaw.
- Go through the portfolio on Seesaw. You’ll start by clicking on the child’s name in the journal section, then click
on the folder and select portfolio – this will bring up only the information you need. Start at the bottom of the
list and work your way up so you follow it chronologically. Jot down any extra information you didn’t add to the
portfolio but might add to the conference below. This could be extra examples to help make your points, things
that jumped out at you that you wanted to share, something the child is still working on, fun or interesting
stories that tell about who they are at preschool, etc.
o Ian loves playing at the block table with classmates. He especially loves playing with animals.
o When Ian draws, he uses lots of colors and is consistent with how much detail he puts into the drawings.
- Write in open-ended questions to ask them throughout your slides. (Something they cannot say yes or no to, but
must add more information – ex. What have you seen at home that related to this activity?)
o What have you seen at home in relation to letter and number recognition?
o What have you seen at home in relation to writing uppercase and lowercase letters?
o How does Ian use his imagination at home?
- Discuss any other topics needed (if you haven’t brought them up during the posts).
o (N/A, I should have it covered throughout the posts and information provided)
- End with a positive.
o Ian is a smart, positive, kind friend and he was a great addition to the classroom.
- If fall semester – ask for goals for their child for next time. Jot these down to pass to your mentor teacher. They
will also create goals with their new student teacher, so this part is more of a conversation if there was anything
pressing that they want them to work on improving.
- If spring semester – ask if there is anything that they would like to see us work on in the short time we have left.
- Ask if they have questions. – write these down and give to Laura if you need help.
- Remind them to fill out the parent survey that your mentor teacher emailed and have them email it back to her.
- State that you will send home any artwork or other items that you have from the conference.
- Thank them for coming and turn off the recording on Zoom. Once you are done, put the video from Zoom on
Box in our folder for conference videos – label the video with the child’s name.
- Write down notes from the conference – especially any questions or topics that you need to share/discuss with
either me or the rest of the teaching team.
- Fill out the conference report for the child.
Ian Hansen

When all done – you’ll need to type the Overall Conference Report that is on Box from me. You’ll turn in all outlines,
conference reports, overall conference report, and rubric into me at the end.

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