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964|Earth|||||I'll have the Supreme With Cheese!

52|Earth|17|13|||Tons of planks. A plank ton.||1|0||
5992|Wind|||||Use your wrench to set which team this flag belongs to! During a
Game, players can steal enemy flags and deliver them to their own Game Goals.|The
Game Egg is an unobtainable item introduced during Easter Week 2018. It is used in
the world EGGRESCUE.|1|2||
6842|None|||Protect the crown jewels!|Where did my wings go?|CAW! Feathers dropped
by a dark valkyrie have been collected and forged to make these gorgeous wings.
Rich dark with velvet tips, they'll cut through the skies and tickle your hands.|||
0|Caw Caw!|
834|Fire|||||Use this for a splendid celebration! Or save it for more important
550|Earth|309|459|||Someone glued all the books down!|The Bookcase is a splicable
platform block.|11|1||
850|Water|||||It's the back side of the ocean! Or a lake, whatever.||1|0||
950|Earth|||||Mmm, fresh-baked!|The Bread is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3, 2013.||1||
28|Fire|25|5|||Use this sign to warn your friends of terrible space monkeys.||1|1||
732|Wind|||||Use this on someone to ban them for 10 minutes.|The Ban Wand is an
unobtainable consumable which was added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3,
394|Earth|||||The best of all possible trophies.|||2||
398|Fire|381|325|||Is that turkey ever going to be finished cooking?||18|1||
566|Water|179|327|||It's an Aqua Block squashed flat!|The Aqua Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|11|0||
462|None|383|167|||You look sharp, kid! Sponsored by i20HH.||21|0||
0|Earth|||||No info.|Blank is the item used by the game to identify the absence of
tiles in a spot, existing in any place without a foreground or background tile on
362|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Better than a Halo, these will actually let you double jump!|The Angel Wings
is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2013 on
February 10, 2013.||0|Double Jump|
936|None|||||Oddly, Redbone's skull is bigger than his head.|Red Bones is an
unobtainable face item which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on July 20,
2013.||0|Red Bones|
24|Earth|13|21|||This sign includes a bit of added information - an arrow! The
arrow points whichever direction you are facing when you place the sign.||1|1||
978|Water|||||Yuck, this stuff is slippery and gross.|The Slime is an unsplicable
solid slippery foreground block which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on
July 20, 2013.|20|0||
986|Earth|25|995|||The classic method of identifying streets. Use your Wrench on it
to change the message.||3|1||
984|Water|||||It's just another rainy night... without you, jet city woman. This
sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather Machine - Rainy
City is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added
alongside the City Pack on August 18, 2013.||2||
392|Fire|||||Smash it for Valentine's goodies!||26|2||
574|None|||||Turtle Hat would definitely never sue anybody, because he's totally
original.|Turtle Hat is a head item released on the 16th of May 2013. It is
available in the Growtopia Store for 25,000 Gems under the Awesome Items category.
When worn, it leaves a trail of bubbles behind the player when they move around.||
5190|None|||||Turtle Hat would definitely never sue anybody, because he's totally
830|Water|||||This magical object requires 100 Fireworks to detonate. It will
create a brand new pristine beach world!|||0||
538|None|||||These are very hard on your toes.|The Leprechaun Shoes is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2013 on March
13, 2013.||0||
280|Water|195|219|||Is this even big enough to hold a Growtopian? Doesn't matter
since you can't lay down!|The Bed is a splicable non-solid bed foreground block
which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|3|1||
536|None|||||You don't have to be a leprechaun to wear a green suit with gold trim
- don't believe the hype!|The Leprechaun Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added in St. Patrick's Week 2013 on March 13, 2013.||0||
516|Water|||||A paler shade of awesome.||1|2||
896|None|863|189|||I reckon ya'll oughtta whitewash that thar fence!||12|0||
790|None|567|565|||It's gots lots of pocketses!||22|0||
914|Water|||||This is a highly toxic chemical. Do not digest! Place carefully in a
Laboratory to combine with other chemicals and create amazing new things.||1|1||
6|None|||||No info.|The Main Door, also known as the White Door, is a door that is
placed in a random location in a world. This door cannot be wrenched or be broken.|
604|None|261|265|||This ancient blade is forged of purest gold. Which means it's
really really dull, and quite easy to bend.||15|0||
378|Wind|3|57|||Tinted glass for then the plain stuff just won't do.||1|0||
868|Water|||Your bones are nigh unbreakable.|You can feel your bones softening.|It
does a body okay, though there are lower-fat ways to get calcium.|||1||
958|Earth|||||Mmm, fresh-baked sweetness!|The Blueberry Muffin is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on
August 3, 2013.||1||
72|None|167|193|||Extra poofy!|The Afro is a splicable hair item which has been
added since Growtopia's launch.|3|0||
364|None|||||If you find yourself lost in a world without any Toilet Seeds, you'll
be glad you have this.|The Diaper is an unsplicable pants item which was added as
part of Valentine's Week 2013 on February 10, 2013.||0||
930|None|||You can vaporize bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|For safety
reasons, we've had to disable the "Death" portion of this device. It is pretty hard
on blocks though.|||0|Death To Blocks!|
816|None|689|697|||If you had skin on your face, this would really be painful.
Sponsored by Ticklehead.|The Flaming Skull Mask is a splicable hair item.|19|0||
880|Earth|17|443|||You're not in Kansas anymore... but if you were, it'd pretty
much look like this.||1|0||
960|Fire|||||It's a spicy gooey treat! Watch out though, it's really hot.|The
Habanero Cheese Bread is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3, 2013.||1||
826|Water|263|727|||Wow, you get 5 emeralds for the price of 1!||34|3||
908|None|||||You're a serious show-off, you know that? Nobody needs to see this.|
The Enhanced Intellect is an unsplicable hair item which was added alongside the
Mad Science Kit on July 20, 2013.|33|0||
46|None|193|103|||Support your favorite team! As long as your favorite team is team
B!|The Baseball Cap is a lime green cap with a yellow B logo in front of it.|3|0||
316|None|301|223|||Nothing is quite as piratey as amputated limbs!|The Peg Leg is a
feet item which represents a pirate who has lost their legs.|6|0||
90|None|175|17|||Gorgeous blonde locks tumbling over your sensual shoulders and
around your square head.|The Blonde Bombshell is a splicable hair item which has
been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
36|None|17|177|||Your basic green shirt.||1|0||
890|None|129|881|||Keeps the sun off of you as you farm all the live-long day.||14|
810|None|263|741|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|The energies contained in this blade are struggling to burst free.|The
Flamesaber is a splicable hand item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May
24, 2013. It is the rarest of the six Growsabers.|32|0||
970|Wind|||||Some speak of an ancient curse placed on this idol. Others speak of a
free frogurt. Who knows what to believe anymore?|The Silver Idol is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons
update on August 3, 2013.|26|2||
938|None|||||It's GRRRRRRRrrreat!|Tony's Tiger Mask is an unobtainable hat item
which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3,
864|None|625|677|||Don’t worry, those aren’t your real eyes, they’re just plastic.|
Sproingy Eyes are a splicable face item.|19|0||
878|None|||||Oink oink! This little piglet will follow you everywhere you go!
Mainly because it's tied to your wrist.|The Piglet Leash is an unsplicable pet hand
item which was added alongside the Farm Pack on July 6, 2013.||0||
928|Water|777|787|||The ideal station for performing SCIENCE! You can collect
experimental results about twice a day.||21|1||
844|None|||Swim faster, walk slower!|You are a land mammal.|These aren't the best
way to move on land, but they'll zoom you through water like a dolphin!|||0|A
Little Fishy|
940|None|||||Also GRRRRRRRrrreat!|Tony's Tiger Suit is an unobtainable shirt item
which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3,
390|Fire|||||This isn't actually solid Heartstone, it's Heartstone-plated. Kind of
a letdown, really.|The Heartstone Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block
that was released on Valentine's Week 2013 on February 10, 2013.||1||
342|None|199|195|||Isn't it lovely?|The Lovely Pink Dress is a splicable shirt item
which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
18|Earth|||||Nothing can stand against the power of the FIST.|If a Punch Jammer is
toggled on in a world, no player is capable of interacting with any other player by
punching them.||1||
838|None|||||Hop in the pool, it's warm!|The Women's Swimsuit is an unsplicable
pants item which was added as part of SummerFest 2013 on June 21, 2013.||0||
358|Wind|179|361|||Cloudstone is very rare, because it tends to fall out of the sky
and just become Stonestone.|The Cloudstone Block is a splicable solid foreground
block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|6|0||
356|None|173|23|||Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!||3|0||
86|None|183|29|||Extremely scandalous!|The Purple Thong is a splicable pants item.|
552|Wind|483|101|||Looks like a Wood Block, but your friends can come in!||3|1||
714|Wind|||||The Olmec people were known for two things: giant stone heads... and
366|None|||Blast blocks from farther away! Weaker damage than punch though.|You are
disarmed.|Once used by Cupid himself, this bow shoots hearts! You can yank other
players towards you with it.|||0|Cupid's Firepower|
734|None|623|63|You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|KILL ALL
HUMANS. Or just kill rocks - the Cybernetic Arm is superior to a human arm at all
digging functions. Sponsored by i20HH.|Cybernetic Arm is a splicable hand item
sponsored by i20HH.|23|0|Enhanced Digging|
26|Earth|13|3|||This is not the greatest sign, but it'll do in a pinch.||1|1||
14|Earth|||||Technically, this is also Dirt, it's just dirt that's farther away.|
The Cave Background is an unsplicable background block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch. Layers of Cave Background are naturally generated in most
worlds, excluding certain blasted ones.|1|0||
856|Earth|||||Yuck, man. I hope somebody cleans this up.|Garbage was first
introduced in the world GARBAGEMOUNTAIN. When all of the Garbage was broken, it was
no longer obtainable. Garbage is farmable and when it first came out, players
farmed it to create more. Now, the only method of obtaining Garbage is from
Clothing Compactors.|1|0||
724|None|665|607|||I don't know why you would stick a bucket that smells on your
head, but it has eyeholes in it, so it's not useful as a bucket! Sponsored by
Stinkbuckets.|The Stinky Bucket is a splicable head item which was added in version
1.18.1 on April 26, 2013.|9|0||
982|Wind|335|101|||Only usable in a world-locked world. Use your wrench to etch any
achievement you've earned into it! Only the owner of the World Lock can etch it.|
The Achievement Block is a splicable block.|18|2||
704|None|||||Good for twirling when you are tying somebody to a railroad.|||0||
350|None|||||HEROMAN HO!|The Heroman Cape is a cape exclusive to developers @Hamumu
and @Seth. The Heroman Cape does not give the developers the power to become
transparent.||0|Double Jump|
9146|None|||||Lithuania cape - Lithuania (Lietuva) is a Baltic country in Northern
Europe.|Lithuania cape - Lithuania (Lietuva) is a Baltic country in Northern
Europe.||0|Double Jump|
9148|None|||||Indonesia cape - With 17,504 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited,
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.|Indonesia cape - With 17,504
islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the
world.||0|Double Jump|
9150|None|||||Turkey cape - Turkey is a regional power and a newly industrialized
country, with a geopolitically strategic location.|Turkey cape - Turkey is a
regional power and a newly industrialized country, with a geopolitically strategic
location.||0|Double Jump|
9152|None|||||Russia cape - Russia (Russian: Россия) is the largest country in the
world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area.|Russia
cape - Russia (Russian: Россия) is the largest country in the world, covering more
than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area.||0|Double Jump|
9154|None|||||America cape - The USA is the world leader in space exploration,
aerospace and aviation, hands down.|America cape - The USA is the world leader in
space exploration, aerospace and aviation, hands down.||0|Double Jump|
9156|None|||||Finland cape - Actually, Finland possesses a lot of the most valuable
natural resource on Earth: Fresh water.|Finland cape - Actually, Finland possesses
a lot of the most valuable natural resource on Earth: Fresh water.||0|Double Jump|
9158|None|||||China cape - Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of Republic of China,
the oldest surviving republic in Asia.|China cape - Sun Yat-sen, the founding
father of Republic of China, the oldest surviving republic in Asia.||0|Double Jump|
9160|None|||||Just a default cape, you received this cape because why not?|Just a
default cape, you received this cape because why not?||0|Double Jump|
820|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Dark orbs for a dark heart, these floating spheres still radiate evil from
their long-lost master...|Seil's Magic Orbs is a back item that were exclusive to
former moderator Seil, however, it was later released to the public as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0|Double Jump|
324|Water|255|165|||This block can hold 4.6 petabytes of data, but has no ports of
any kind to access it.|The High Tech Block is a splicable farmable block.|18|2||
770|None|||||Don’t worry, you’ve combed it so well that nobody can even tell you’re
144|None|57|169|||These allow your character to see through the other characters'
clothes. It does NOT allow you, the player, to do so.|The X-Ray Specs are a
clothing item equipped on the face. Its appearance is a pair of glasses with
spinning pink spirals on white lenses.|2|0||
840|None|||||Hop in the pool, it's warm!|The Men's Swimsuit is an unsplicable pants
item which was added as part of the SummerFest 2013 on June 21, 2013.||0||
712|Fire|||||This one is seriously hot pepper!|The Habanero Pepper is an
unsplicable consumable which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||
304|None|283|285|||You filthy hippy!|The Tie Dyed Shirt is a splicable shirt
472|None|383|163|You shoot bullets instead of punching!|You are disarmed|Fully
automatic firepower to give them coppers what-for!||22|0|Armed and Dangerous|
898|None|||Tractors are not speedy.|You can walk faster than that thing!|Too lazy
to push buttons to farm? The tractor will do it for you!|The Dear John Tractor is
an unsplicable feet item which was added alongside the Farm Pack on July 6, 2013.||
0|Putt Putt Putt|
558|Fire|327|171|||It's a Red Block squashed flat!|The Red Wallpaper is a splicable
background tile.|11|0||
478|Wind|383|165|||I don't know what this looks like actually, but it kind of looks
nice, doesn't it? You'll find a place to use it!||21|1||
396|Earth|||||One better than the Ultra Trophy 3000.|||2||
974|Fire|||||Punching this mystical stone makes it pulse with dark energy...|The
Obelisk is an unsplicable non-solid SFX foreground block which was added as part of
the Rise of the Desert Dragons update update on August 3, 2013.|6|2||
782|Water|197|677|You are now immune to zombie bites! Temporarily...|Your immunity
is gone.|This is THE antidote. To everything. Drink up, and you shall be cured!||8|
968|Earth|||||You're really not using all the parts of the animal, are you?|The
Cheeseburger is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Rise of
the Desert Dragons update on August 3, 2013.||0||
32|Earth|||||The amazing tool that can modify Doors, Signs, Time-Space Ruptures and
more. You can't lose it!|||1||
610|Earth|||||Think of it as a seed, only magic. If you plant it, you can use more
Magic Eggs on it to grow it bigger and bigger. Break it anytime for a surprise! You
can also splice it..... but with what?||1|2||
886|Earth|13|885|||Shut it! Were you raised in a barn?||2|1||
994|Earth|655|165|||Most of this is actually bricks, but there's a little bit of
sidewalk at the top!||2|1||
934|Water|||||Night is arguably the most common form of weather. Seems like every
evening, a dark front just rolls right in. This sensitive technology will not
function while damaged.|The Weather Machine - Night is an unsplicable non-solid
weather machine foreground block which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert
Dragons update on August 3, 2013.||2||
418|Wind|415|11|||This plays a half-step lower note than Sheet Music: Bass Note.||
68|None|3|185|||Brown hair comes in many styles, and this is one of them.||1|0||
918|Water|||||This is a highly toxic chemical. Do not digest! Place carefully in a
Laboratory to combine with other chemicals and create amazing new things.||13|1||
20|Earth|11|15|||Write stuff on it to tell your friends! Use your Wrench on it to
change the message.||1|1||
74|None|195|181|||Keeps your head warm!|Ski Cap is a splicable hat item.|4|0||
870|None|||||Moo! This little baby cow will follow you wherever you go! Mainly
because its tied to your wrist.|The Calf Leash is an unsplicable pet hand item
which was added alongside the Farm Pack on July 6, 2013.||0||
948|Wind|461|659|||Punch it to see the top worlds of the day! This sensitive
technology will not function while damaged.|The Scoreboard is a splicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update
on August 3, 2013.|23|1||
442|Earth|||||Is it a desert or a beach? You decide!||1|0||
954|Earth|847|581|||The sweetest stalk of grass you'll ever chew!|The Sugar Cane is
a splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Rise of the
Desert Dragons update on August 3, 2013.|5|0||
836|Fire|||||It's a box filled with summer excitement! Smash it with your
882|None|||||Flap flap! This little butterfly will follow you everywhere you go!
Mainly because it's tied to your wrist.|The Butterfly Leash is an unsplicable pet
hand item.||0||
932|Wind|||||Punch this to enjoy the most wonderful Growtopian weather. Not much
use most of the time. This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|
The Weather Machine - Sunny is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground
block which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3,
414|Wind|413|181|||If you aren't in range of a Boombox, this will play a bass note
for you. Put it in different places for different pitches.||5|0||
34|None|167|57|||The future's so bright, you need these.||1|0||
266|None|167|61|||Stylish, yes?|The Long Black Hair is a splicable hair item which
was added as part of Growtopia's launch.|4|0||
658|Earth|651|613|||Lets people communicate by leaving messages to each other.||17|
584|None|361|551|||Wizard Hats come in 5 classic styles, collect them all!||17|0||
368|Earth|3|23|You've been splattered with mud!|Clean again!|Splat somebody with
this to slow them down!||1|0||
526|Wind|433|187|||Bouncy bouncy bounce!|The Pinball Bumper is a splicable and
farmable solid bouncy foreground block which was added alongside the Phonecats Hat
and GrowBeats Headphones in version 1.13.4 on March 7, 2013.|14|1||
862|Wind|621|483|||Show people where they need to go in style!|The Velvet Rope is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added on June 15, 2013.|11|1||
988|Wind|681|127|||Gargoyles just love hanging out, man.||4|1||
54|Wind|57|53|||A piece of glass with a frame.|The Window is a splicable and
farmable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|0||
876|None|||||Peep peep! This little baby chick will follow you everywhere you go!
Mainly because it's tied to your wrist.|The Chick Leash is an unsplicable pet hand
item which was added alongside the Farm Pack on July 6, 2013.||0||
326|Earth|309|225|||We had some leftover Magic Bacon, so we made it into
wallpaper!|The Magic Bacon Wallpaper is a splicable background block which has been
added since Growtopia's launch.|10|0||
858|Wind|13|613|||Not for use in submarines.|The Screen Door is a splicable non-
solid door foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|1||
678|None|559|569|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|Soar on the wings of a crimson eagle! Sponsored by Morphieus.|The
Crimson Eagle Wings is a splicable back item.|24|0|Double Jump|
256|None|115|261|||Chest hair, gold chains, white vest. Disco lives.|The Saturday
Night Vest is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Growtopia's
966|Earth|||||The most delicious incarnation of the humble apple.|The Apple Pie is
an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons
update on August 3, 2013.||0||
860|Earth|61|671|||Whether you're making a classy manor or a haunted mansion, you
can't go wrong with wrought-iron!|The Wrought-Iron Fence is a splicable non-solid
foreground block which was added on June 15, 2013.|5|1||
832|Water|851|847|||This is a very special breed of coral that survives just as
well in and out of water.||4|2||
620|Water|439|173|||This copper piping is both smaller and farther away than the
green Plumbing.|The Copper Plumbing is a splicable and farmable non-solid
background block.|5|1||
546|Water|325|181|||Step through it. There is cake on the other side.|The Blue
Portal is a non-solid portal foreground block which was added as part of
Growtopia's launch.|22|1||
58|Wind|55|53|||You can see out of it, except for the wooden parts.|The Wooden
Window is a splicable and farmable background block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
334|Wind|327|309|||It doesn't look like much alone, but it changes colour when you
punch it. Draw stuff!||17|2||
402|None|399|285|||Kiss the chef.|Apron is a splicable shirt clothing item.|21|0||
110|Water|53|175|||An oil painting commissioned to commemorate the 15th anniversary
of Dink Smallwood!|The Painting: Dink Duck is a splicable background block which
has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
946|Wind|||||It’s amazing how a little change in the weather can completely reshape
the mountains! This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The
Weather Machine - Arid is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block
which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update on August 3,
894|None|861|27|||Whether you're turning over hay, poking evildoers in the tukhus,
or just eating incredibly large noodles, this is the tool for you.||5|0||
40|None|15|185|||Standard loafers. They're actually the wrong size, but what're you
gonna do?||1|0||
1000|Fire|||||DO NOT TOUCH!|The Public Lava is an unobtainable solid lava pain
foreground block which was added alongside the City Pack on August 18, 2013.||0||
582|None|361|551|||Wizard Hats come in 5 classic styles, collect them all!||17|0||
818|None|127|341|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|Rippling bands of dark energy carry you aloft. Sponsored by Ripply.|
The Ripper Wings is an splicable back item which was added on 31 May 2013.|25|0|
Double Jump!|
846|Water|193|823|||See weed?||4|0||
116|Earth|11|17|||Your basic building material.||1|1||
372|None|195|3|||Will you ever wash these?||1|0||
412|Wind|377|169|||This doesn't really do much by itself!||2|0||
668|Earth|667|361|||The MOST classy way to decorate with rock!|The Marble Block is
a splicable and farmable solid foreground block.|12|1||
64|Water|107|31|||When this song is over, we can listen to the latest serial
adventures!|The Olde Timey Radio is a spliceable solid toggleable animated
foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|3|2||
404|None|399|195|||It’s been signed by Gordon Ramsay!|Chef Hat is a hat item which
can be spliced.|19|0||
942|Wind|||||Use this astounding device to create an entirely new desert world. One
free pyramid included.|||0||
924|Water|||||This is a highly toxic chemical. Do not digest! Place carefully in a
Laboratory to combine with other chemicals and create amazing new things.||3|1||
922|Water|||||This recently-discovered formulation is incredibly dangerous. Do not
even LOOK AT IT. Place carefully in a Laboratory to combine with other chemicals to
create amazing new things.|The Mysterious Chemical is an unsplicable component
which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on July 20, 2013.|23|1||
910|None|||It's ALLLIVVVEE!!|It's dead.|It's ALLLLIIVVVVEEE!!!|The Reanimator
Remote is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on
July 20, 2013.|51|0|Frankenpunch|
332|Earth|331|3|||Your basic building block.||4|0||
98|None|61|15|You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|Smash through
bricks slightly faster!|The Pickaxe is a splicable hand item. Up to 4 of this item
can be dropped from harvesting its tree. It also has a chance to be obtained from
purchasing a Rare Clothes Pack from the Store for 500 gems.|4|0|Enhanced Digging|
670|Earth|175|101|||It's too big to write with!||2|0||
48|None|179|11|||Denim is the strongest fiber known to man.|The Jeans is a
splicable pants item. One can be obtained by harvesting its tree, which is made by
splicing an Aqua Block Seed with a Rock Seed.|1|0||
944|Earth|||||It's like a rock, but dirtier.|The Boulder is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Rise of the Desert Dragons update
on August 3, 2013.|1|2||
980|None|||||Tap this to check out your own personal info!|Profile is the player's
personal profile in Growtopia. It can be opened by when a player Wrenches their
username. It will display the following:||1||
718|Wind|||||This is summoned by the Piñata Bash event, it's not an item a player
can use.|||10||
912|Water|825|781|||Drop three stacks of items on this, then punch it to attempt to
process them into a fabulous new item! It can only mix exactly 3 stacks. Most
combinations will do nothing, so experiment!||25|2||
672|None|||||Hey, it's the guy from the game icon! Carry your lunch inside.|The
Growtopia Lunchbox is an unsplicable hand item that was added alongside the
Education Pack.||0||
900|None|||You command a mighty (small) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|Call
forth the Dragons of Legend! Please be aware the legends may have been a bit
374|None|3|105|||Your basic tan shirt.||1|0||
972|Earth|61|435|||What could lurk behind such a barrier? Ancient secrets? Cursed
mummies? Perhaps a stash of purple blocks.||4|1||
684|Earth|439|163|||Hello Dad, I'm in jail!||5|1||
720|Wind|||||Put this on top of a bunch of items you want to give away. Once
placed, anybody can break it and get the items!|The Pinata is an unsplicable event
mystery foreground block introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3,
906|None|||||In the made science business, electrocution is a constant hazard. The
made scientist Don King knows this well.|The Shocking Hair is an unsplicable hair
item which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on July 20, 2013.|10|0||
990|Earth|683|561|||The perfect perch for a gargoyle.||23|1||
320|Fire|287|167|||Punch this to fire it. Don't worry, it's loaded with blanks.|The
Cannon is a splicable non-solid SFX foreground block.|13|1||
298|Wind|187|249|||I'm attacking the Darkness with my Magic Missile!|The Darkness
is a splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|11|
680|Earth|337|17|||The bleakest of stones.||1|1||
726|Water|331|439|||DO NOT TOUCH ALSO!!|The Acid is a splicable solid foreground
pain block which was added in version 1.18.1 on April 26, 2013.|9|1||
926|Earth|||||Stack a bunch of these in a row to make a table as long as you
744|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
10|Earth|||||I don't feel like I should have to explain what a rock is to you.||1|
842|Water|||||Feel the island rhythms.|The Hula Bobblehead is an unsplicable non-
solid toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of SummerFest
2013 on June 21, 2013.||2||
736|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Super special wings that are only for Play!|The Play Wings is an unsplicable
back item.||0|Double Jump|
758|Water|743|253|||Spin the wheel and take your chances! Where she ends up, nobody
106|Water|27|185|||Punch to flush!|The Toilet is a splicable non-solid SFX
foreground block which was added as part of Growtopia's launch.|1|2||
956|Earth|||||D'oh! This is raw! What can we do with it?|||1||
242|Water|||||Locks an entire world. If you have 100 World Locks, you can tap them
in your inventory to combine them into a Diamond Lock. It does the same thing, but
it's shinier.|||10||
738|None|||||Slick n' greasy, and nobody but Lokster can wear it.|Lokster Hair is a
hair item which was added alongside the Password Door on May 12, 2013.||0||
520|Water|||||A paler shade of awesome.||4|2||
590|None|551|361|Ye art accursed by evil magicks.|Thine curse be lifeted!|Wizard
Hats come in 5 classic styles, collect them all! Too bad this style is CURSED!!||
17|0|Black Magic|
606|Water|377|31|||An excellent place to shoot fish.||2|0||
254|Wind|221|187|||Robot sure is greedy. Punch him to provide the Dubstep he
seeks.|The Robot Wants Dubstep is a spliceable toggleable animated foreground
866|Earth|825|185|||Moooooo. You can milk a cow once a day or so!||23|1||
644|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
22|Earth|17|3|||Bellis Perennis, the common European daisy.||1|0||
828|Fire|263|361|||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in
existence. But it's only a video game.||31|3||
626|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
94|None|163|105|||Razor-sharp, and yet you kindly choose not to cut anything with
it.|The Sword is a splicable hand item which was added as part of Growtopia's
630|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
386|Earth|||||Chalky goodness emblazoned with an incomprehensible slogan you can't
help but shout.|The Candy Heart is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part
of Valentine's Week 2013 on February 10, 2013.||0||
616|Earth|610|445|||Toss one to someone you love. Who wouldn't love a cuddly
690|None|671|599|||Heads are gonna roll...||17|0||
698|None|||||Super-special kitty ears, now yours to wear! Once only for a select
few, meow yours to wear with pride!|The Meow Ears is an untradeable hair item which
was added in version 1.18.1 on April 26, 2013.||0||
568|Water|327|181|||It's a blue block squashed flat!|The Blue Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|14|0||
230|Water|107|169|||Punch it to take a very quick shower!|The Bathtub is a
splicable non-solid SFX foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
674|None|165|65|||Makes you look like a librarian.||4|0||
640|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
592|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|It's possible this is actually
a dachshund, but you can still ride it! It's faster than walking.|||0|Speedy|
498|None|||||Leave only footprints.||4|0||
920|Water|||||This is a highly toxic chemical. Do not digest! Place carefully in a
Laboratory to combine with other chemicals and create amazing new things.||5|1||
666|Earth|333|337|||The classy way to decorate with a rock!|The Granite Block is a
splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|
114|Wind|63|55|||Disco will never die.|The Disco Ball is a splicable non-solid
toggleable animated foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
992|Fire|741|439|||Light on a stick!||12|0||
852|None|607|109|||A bit sweaty to wear during the dog days of summer. Sponsored by
Barkbits.|The Barky's Mask is a splicable hair clothing. Up to 4 of this item can
be dropped from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Barrel Seed with a
Painting: Yerfdog Seed.|4|0||
42|None|11|167|||For when you have serious work to do.||1|0||
996|Earth|857|225|||It's not the nicest place to live, especially since you can't
even enter it anyway.||2|0||
728|Wind|359|549|||Believe it or not, you're walking on air!||9|1||
750|Earth|||You're luckier than before!|Your luck has worn off.|If you rub this, it
will vanish and you will become lucky for half an hour!|The Rabbit's Foot is an
unsplicable consumable which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May 24, 2013.||
802|None|741|263|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|You really don't want to drop this on your toe. Sponsored by JakeShore.|
The Red Growsaber is a splicable hand item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack
on May 24, 2013. It is the most common drop from a Growsaber tree.|32|0|Fists O'
998|Fire|623|555|||This meets all safety standards. I mean, you know, pretty much.
Well, it looks safe to me at least. Maybe not safe exactly... more like non-lethal.
Well, not always lethal. Lethal on occasion?||20|0||
16|Earth|11|3|||I love the smell of freshly punched grass in the morning!||1|0||
38|None|165|191|||Look like a penguin!|The Tuxedo is a splicable shirt item.|1|0||
952|Fire|399|511|||If science isn't pink enough for you, then mix your chemicals in
here! For SCIENCE!||20|2||
250|None|249|175|Fire walk with me! Fire does 50% damage.|Your feet are no longer
safe.|Protects you from lava, reducing the damage by 50%.|Asbestos Boots is a
splicable feet item which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0|Fireproof|
194|Earth|15|17|||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for maximum
618|Fire|||||It's got a vicious streak a mile wide! Share it with your.. friends?||
196|Water|193|195|A blueberry slides down your throat!|The effects of the blueberry
have worn off.|Careful with these, they'll stain! Throw it at a player to turn him
blue for an hour.||3|0||
976|Wind|||||This alien artifact can teleport you to distant worlds, but only if
it's charged with the power of 7 Obelisks first.||26|5||
178|Earth|117|57|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colours!||1|2||
248|Fire|5|167|||Do not look directly at Evil Bricks.||1|1||
376|Earth|3|21|||What's in the box!? WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!||1|0||
380|Fire|15|5|||Not quite hot enough to hurt anybody, but it sure looks cool.||1|
708|None|||||Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and
flowers in her hair.|The Hibiscus Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added
on Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||0||
762|Water|687|187|||These doors only open if you know the magic word... which you
do, because you set it.|The Password Door is a non-solid door foreground block
which was added alongside Lokster Hair and G-Virus in version 1.20.2 on May 11,
502|None|||||The finest in televangelist culture.||2|0||
578|Earth|13|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust in your dry, bitter fist. Feb
2013|The Rollback Plaque is a solid foreground block made to commemorate the first
rollback in Growtopia, and was available during the Apology Weekend that followed
it on February 23, 2013.|1|2||
486|Fire|25|127|||It points the way to stuff below you!||3|1||
602|None|63|221|||There's some serious kickin' beats going on in there, but you
can't hear it, because they're headphones. Sponsored by JakeShore, ADMex1, and
RovSpy.|The GrowBeats Headphones is an unsplicable face item which was added
alongside the Pinball Bumper and Phonecats Hat in version 1.13.4 on March 7, 2013.|
872|Earth|301|729|||BOK BOK BOK! Chickens will lay eggs for you about once a day!||
598|Fire|61|455|||Punch the door to open or shut it. Anyone unlucky enough to be
caught inside when it closes becomes dragon food.||15|3||
510|Fire|||||A paler shade of awesome.||1|2||
624|Wind|195|527|||SPROOOOOOOING|The Pinball Sproinger is a splicable solid
trampoline foreground block.|15|0||
808|None|263|741|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|You really don't want to drop this on your toe.|The Blue Growsaber is a
splicable hand item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May 24, 2013.|32|0|
Fist O' Fury|
962|Water|655|369|You are a saucy person.|You got cleaned up.|Express your
displeasure with performance in vegetable form!||2|1||
692|None|||You can't speak through an Iron Mask.|Ahh, sweet oxygen!|When duct tape
just won't cut it, we lock you in a tower with this on your face.|The Iron Mask is
an unsplicable face item which was added alongside the Dungeon Pack on April 19,
2013.||0|Iron MMMFF!|
822|Water|179|107|||Splash it around to make things wet. It can also scoop up
water, though there's a good chance you'll just spill it. Butterfingers.||3|0||
888|Fire|171|53|||This wood is red, but it's not redwood, it's oak. It's just
painted red.||2|0||
308|Wind|183|173|||For when you can't choose just one color block!||6|1||
124|None|171|193|||Protects you from the rain. Less effective against disguised
892|None|607|569|||You feel like you could whitewash fences all day in this getup,
yes sir!||17|0||
410|Earth|359|329|||If you die, you'll respawn at the last Checkpoint you
596|Earth|261|459|||Store your treasures inside by dropping them! When it's closed,
the items are hidden. Punch to open it.||14|2||
104|Earth|11|13|||Rock n' roll, brother.||1|0||
100|Earth|3|5|||A solid chunk of Bolivian Manzanita, polished to a mirror sheen.||
84|None|193|177|||An ordinary blouse in kelly green.|Green Blouse is a splicable
shirt item.|3|0||
66|None|167|195|||You can wear it on your head, but contains no rabbits.|The Top
Hat is a splicable hat item which was added since Growtopia's release|1|0||
544|Fire|173|323|||You monster!|The Orange Portal is a non-solid portal foreground
block which was added as part of Growtopia's launch.|20|1||
268|None|183|265|||Cool.|The Purple Mohawk is a splicable hair item.|10|0||
388|Wind|||You really really smell.|The air clears.|Spray this on someone to make
them smell... distinctive.|The Perfume is an unsplicable consumable that was added
as part of Valentine's Week 2013 on February 10, 2013.||0||
406|Earth|399|197|||The most delicious incarnation of the humble blueberry.|
Blueberry Pie is a consumable. When used on a player, they will automatically use
the :D emote and say "YUM!" in purple text.|21|0||
344|None|299|63|||Do you really have legs for these?||20|0||
594|None|555|483|||This is the very weapon used once by Aeldrinn Zindeltwarp to
defeat the Slaarn Hordes in the battle of Fizzletree Gulch!||10|0||
290|None|299|167|Silent, invisible, deadly.|You are less sneaky now.|The essence of
the shadows lurks within this mask. Put it on to cloak your entire body.|The Ninja
Mask is a splicable hair item which has been added since Growtopia's release.|12|0|
Ninja Stealth|
8428|None|||Silent, invisible, deadly.|You are less sneaky now.|The essence of the
shadows lurks within this mask. Put it on to cloak your entire body.|An interesting
mask made out of venomous liquid.|12|0|Ninja Stealth|
300|Water|231|111|||Makes bathtime lots of fun! Punch it to make it quack.|The
Rubber Ducky is a splicable non-solid SFX foreground block which has been added
since Growtopia's launch.|4|1||
236|None|5|165|||Does anybody else wear red pants with white cuffs?|Santa Pants is
a splicable pants item.|1|0||
282|Wind|169|173|||Everybody loves polka dots!|The Polka Dot Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|3|1||
302|None|285|281|||Don't be embarrassed to play Growtopia in your pajamas. Other
players are wearing Fairy Wings.|The Checkered Pajamas is a splicable shirt item.|
272|None|223|17|||Hair, both brown and long.|The Long Brown Hair is a splicable
hair item.|2|0||
264|Earth|169|219|||Put it around your house, and live out the American Dream!||4|
288|None|231|57|||The trick is putting liquid soap inside the snorkel!|A snorkel is
a splicable face item. When worn, it shows an animation where bubbles slowly float
up in front of the users face similar to the Turtle Hat.|3|0||
204|Water|||||Locks 48 tiles around itself.|||2||
286|Fire|249|261|||Stay warm on those cold Growtopia nights. You can punch this to
turn it on or off.|The Fireplace is a splicable non-solid toggleable animated
foreground block.|12|1||
278|Earth|||||You're on the HIGHWAY TO HELL!! (For 10 minutes)|||5||
92|None|185|201|||Contains nuclear launch codes, but you don't know the combination
to open it.|The Briefcase is a hand item.|3|0||
306|None|309|287|||Be the life of the party!||19|0||
76|None|13|167|||Matches any clothing!|The Black Pants is a splicable pants item
which has been added since Growtopia's release|1|0||
348|None|189|129|||They're like rings, but for your ears!|Hoop Earrings is a
splicable face item.|15|0||
126|Fire|163|5|||Use this on somebody who's been evil!||2|0||
312|None|321|195|||Avast ye, mateys.|The Pirate Hat is a splicable head item.|14|
296|None|299|185|||Ninjas know how to stay comfortable while assasinating people.|
The Ninja Slippers is a splicable feet item which was introduced with Growtopia's
70|None|163|175|||You blonde rebel.|The Spikey Hair is a splicable hair item. Up to
4 of this item can be dropped from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a
Death Spikes Seed with a Yellow Block Seed.|3|0||
586|None|361|551|||Wizard's Hats come in 5 classic styles, collect them all! This
one is an officially licensed copy of the one Merlin himself wore (it's not signed
or anything, though).||17|0||
338|Wind|329|171|Whoooooooaaaaaaaa...|Gravity - it's the law.|Everyone's a Captain
Kirk. Use this to make somebody float up in the air briefly!|The Das Red Balloon is
a splicable consumable which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|0||
30|Earth|13|55|||This works like a regular door, but it looks much more medieval.|
The Dungeon Door is a non-solid door foreground block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|2|1||
80|None|171|115|||There's no place like Growtopia!|Ruby Slippers is a splicable
feet item.|13|0||
322|Water|255|167|||Well, it looks pretty advanced!|High Tech Wall is a splicable
background item which looks very similar to the High Tech Block with a darker grey
44|None|17|171|||A big red pompadour.|The Red Hair is a splicable hair which has
been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|0||
400|None|399|265|||Spatula city, spatula city, SPATULA CITY!|The Spatula is a
splicable hand item.|23|0||
916|Water|||||This is a highly toxic chemical. Do not ingest! Place carefully in a
Laboratory to combine with other chemicals and create amazing new things||2|1||
382|Wind|323|225|||Nobody knows where you will emerge when you fall into one of
these! Except whoever set the destination using the wrench.|The Time-Space Rupture
is a splicable non-solid portal foreground block which was added as part of
Growtopia's launch.|20|1||
614|Wind|||||Throw it at somebody to make them stink!|The Rotten Egg is a splicable
consumable which was added as part of Easter Week 2013 on March 30, 2013.|1|0||
284|Earth|55|249|||It's black, it's white, yeah yeah yeah.|The Checker Wallpaper is
a splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
186|Earth|61|183|||The sturdiest of blocks.|The Steel Block is a splicable solid
foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|9|5||
134|None|65|101|||Wait, is that TV still on?|TV Head is a splicable hair item.|4|
384|Fire|||You are somebody's valentine!|Yuck!|Use this on somebody to make them
your Valentine for an hour! They'll appreciate it greatly.|The Valentine is an
unsplicable consumable that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2013 on February
10, 2013.||0||
766|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Baby, you're much too fast.|The
Little Red Corvette is an unsplicable feet item which was added alongside the City
Pack on August 18, 2013.||0|Speedy|
716|Earth|||||Adobe is a fantastic material for building both sturdy housing and
Flash games.|||1||
730|None|||||Alternately, harlem girl pants. Think of them however you like.|The
Hammer Pants is a splicable pants item which was added in version 1.18.1 on April
26, 2013.|19|0||
710|None|||||Take the fiesta with you everywhere you go!|The Fiesta Sombrero is an
unsplicable hat item introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||0||
611|Earth|||||Think of it as a seed, only magic. If you plant it, you can use more
Magic Eggs on it to grow it bigger and bigger. Break it anytime for a surprise! You
can also splice it..... but with what?||1|2||
824|Water|441|597|||Keep your best items cool so they don't spoil! When its closed,
the items are hidden. Punch to open it.|The Refrigerator is a splicable chest
foreground block.|22|2||
848|Water|||||If they had just let this palm tree live, you could've sat under that
instead of a bunch of dead fronds.|||1||
884|Earth|377|171|||'Tis a fine barn, but sure 'tis no pool, English.||1|1||
902|Wind|||||High voltage can lead to severe trauma and even, In extreme cases,
frizzy hair.|The Shockinator is an unsplicable pain foreground block which was
added alongside the Mad Science Kit on July 20, 2013.|16|1||
370|None|3|101|||The pockets even have pockets in them!||1|0||
310|None|247|55|||The very pinnacle of class is having good vision in only one
eye.|The Monocle is a splicable face item.|12|0||
904|None|||||Not recommended to protect your eyes from acid - Ze Goggles, they do
62|Water|167|187|||If you had a piece of cardboard, you could breakdance in front
of it. Cardboard and bendable limbs.|The Boombox is a splicable non-solid
toggleable animated foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
160|None|5|187|You can fly! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity - it's
the law.|It doesn't have enough thrust to actually fly, but it does let you jump
really high!|The Jetpack is a splicable back item.|10|0|High Jump|
352|None|197|183|||You found this on the ground, so it's best just not to lick it.|
The Lollipop is a splicable hand item which has been added since Growtopia's
330|Earth|193|163|||A dangerously sharp plant. Do not touch.||4|1||
354|None|337|25|||There is no evidence that Vikings ever wore helmets with
horns.They would have if they had thought of it, though!|The Viking Helmet is a
splicable hat item.|2|0||
336|Earth|165|11|||Classic fieldstone wall, stylish and sturdy.|The Stone Wall is a
splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|
234|None|171|169|||Ho ho ho!||2|0||
430|Water|429|285|||A player touching this will finish a race started at a Race
Start Flag, and their time will be annouced.||9|1||
318|None|263|261|||The perfect gift to ask that special someone if they'll marry
you.|The Diamond Ring is a splicable hand item.|36|0||
314|None|253|321|||It's reversible! Swap it from eye to eye by pressing left or
right.|The Eyepatch is a splicable face item.|18|0||
96|None|197|171|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing time
over.|You only get one, but it still lets you punch people harder!|The Just One
Boxing Glove is a splicable hand item. Up to 4 of this items can be dropped from
harvesting its tree.|4|0|Fists O' Fury|
328|Wind|197|57|||Everybody loves to pop Bubble Wrap! Just walk in front of it to
pop it. Unlike the real thing, this will un-pop in 10 seconds.|The Bubble Wrap is a
splicable non-solid SFX background block which has been added since Growtopia's
122|None|171|195|||The perfect hood for when you're riding something red.||1|0||
340|Fire|261|287|||The classiest way to light a room!|The Chandelier is a splicable
and farmable non-solid animated foreground block.|22|1||
360|Wind|281|173|||Forged from the dreams of children on Christmas Eve. And marble.
Like 90% marble.||4|0||
470|None|383|381|||Surgeon General's Warning: Secondhand smoke can make you
go :P.||21|0|Stinky|
434|Earth|||||Lovely beige bricks.||1|0||
854|Earth|437|517|||These seeds of course grow on a Palm Tree Tree. Which looks
nothing like a Palm Tree.||6|1||
212|None|179|193|||It's like a frog ate your head.|Froghat is a head item.|3|0||
154|None|189|115|||Sparkly shoes!|The Fairy Slippers are a splicable feet item
which was a part of Growtopia's release.|13|0||
676|Earth|197|655|Doctors won't come near you!|You no longer repel doctors.|This
keeps doctors away for up to 24 hours!||4|0||
702|None|||||It’s like you threw a blanket in the washing machine along with a bag
of Skittles.|The Poncho is an unsplicable shirt item which was added during Cinco
De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||0||
780|Wind|173|29|||Do not lick under any circumstances.||3|1||
706|None|||||To help you /dance with class.|The Flamenco Dress is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||0||
688|Earth|557|441|||Ew, it's a dead guy.||19|0||
652|Earth|173|219|||So uncomfortable you refuse to even sit in it!||4|1||
432|Wind|181|379|||Vaguely inspired by Vincent Van Gogh!|The Blue Star Wallpaper is
a splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|0||
874|Earth|||You have egg on your face.|You washed your face!|Toss these all over,
if you want to be a horrible vandal.|||1||
174|Fire|117|23|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The Yellow
Block is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
launch. It is one of the color blocks.|1|2||
152|None|115|23|||For that Tinkerbell style.|The Fairy Skirt is a splicable pants
item which was added as part of Growtopia's release.|13|0||
132|None|175|65|||Any medical benefits of the Brainwave Capacitor have not been
verified by the FDA.|The Brainwave Capacitor is a splicable hat item.|4|0||
130|None|5|171|||YOUR HEAD IS ON FIRE!||1|0||
222|Earth|103|101|||Stack a bunch of these in a row to make a table as long as you
want!|The Wooden Table is a splicable platform foreground block which has been
added since Growtopia's launch.|1|0||
216|None|169|175|||Cock-a-doodle-doo!|The Rooster Hat is a splicable head item.|3|
224|Earth|13|31|||It's like a wall, except your friends can come in!||2|1||
200|Wind|177|179|||Modern and stylish.|The Stripey Wallpaper is a splicable non-
solid background block.|2|0||
168|Wind|117|195|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colours!|The White
Block is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
launch. It is one of the variations of the Colour Blocks.|1|2||
88|None|183|191|||Scandalous!|The Purple Bikini Top is a splicable shirt item which
has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|0||
146|None|55|175|||More expensive than most glasses.|The Gold-Rimmed Glasses is a
splicable face item.|3|0||
258|None|169|115|||Hello, sailor!|The White Bellbottoms is a splicable pants
220|Wind|65|181|||Rockin' 8-bit tunes.|The Note Block is a splicable toggleable
animated foreground block.|6|2||
232|None|169|193|||Does this make me look old?|White Beard is a face item.|3|0||
202|Water|||||Locks 10 tiles around itself.|||2||
184|Earth|3|117|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colours!||1|2||
112|||||||Gems group together when there is a certain amount of gems in the tile.
As the value of the gem increases, the size of the gem also increases slightly (the
table below, however, does not show the size difference).||NaN||
228|Earth|||||Spray a tree to grow it an hour faster.|||7||
7962|Earth|||||Spray a provider to grow it 6 hours faster.|||7||
170|Fire|117|5|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!||1|2||
482|Fire|25|173|||It points the way to whatever you want it to!||3|1||
446|None|339|361|||Just the thing to wear to the sock hop!|Poodle Skirt is a
splicable pants item. One can be obtained from splicing a Das Red Balloon Seed with
a Dreamstone Block Seed.|11|0||
452|None|61|187|||Protect yourself from harm!|Plate Mail is a splicable shirt item
which was added alongside the addition of Fantasy Pack.|13|0||
448|None|377|281|||No, it doesn't increase your carrying capacity.||4|0||
8430|None|||||Yes, it increases your carrying capacity.||4|0||
480|Wind|383|65|||When Olde Timey Radio is too modern, try a classic Victrola for
some jazzy tunes!||24|1||
468|None|383|201|||Beautifully tailored with a sleek, slim leg, this pinstripe pant
is utterly flattering and entirely appropriate for workday, weekend or wherever the
evening takes you.||23|0||
504|None|611|199|You are very pale and fuzzy.|You are human again!|You're not much
of a bunny without big ears, but it's a start.||2|0|Bunnyesque|
500|None|||||It's like springtime all up your business!||1|0||
562|Wind|327|175|||It's a Yellow Block squashed flat!|The Yellow Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|12|0||
570|Wind|327|183|||It's a Purple Block squashed flat!|The Purple Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|15|0||
142|None|195|17|||Just the mustache you need to review movies with!|The Shallot
Mustache is a splicable face item which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|
138|None|55|171|Blast blocks from farther away! But weaker than punch.|Your vision
is normal.|With this visor on, you can zap things instead of punching. It does
slightly less damage, but has longer range.|The Cyclopean Visor is a splicable face
item. Up to 4 of this item can be dropped from harvesting its tree, which is made
by splicing a Window Seed with a Red Block Seed.|2|0|Eye Beam|
540|Water|||It ain't easy being you.|Healthy color restored.|The green dye used in
this beer was outlawed in 43 states. Take a drink and find out why!|||0|Envious|
120|Earth|187|115|||What could possibly be inside this block!?!? Gems, that's
428|Water|433|25|||Starts a race timer. Get to a Race End Flag to record your
784|Earth|689|667|||Looks like somebody got too close to some Death Spikes.||24|1||
564|Water|177|327|||It's a Green Block squashed flat!||11|0||
694|None|3|369|||You look like a sad little muppet.||1|0||
528|Earth|||You're luckier than before!|Your luck has worn off.|Stick this in your
ear to become super lucky and partially deaf!|||0||
5178|Earth|||You're luckier than before!|Your luck has worn off.|(Diamond edition)
Stick this in your ear to become super lucky and partially deaf!|||0||
490|None|429|129|||Keep the sweat out of your eyes!||19|0||
740|Wind|183|549|||Get your name up in lights!||5|0||
294|None|299|181|||Shadows cloak your form as you slip behind the walls.|The Ninja
Vest is a splicable shirt item which has been added since Growtopia's release.|14|
108|Earth|53|169|||Monet's lost masterpiece.|The Painting: Yerfdog is a splicable
background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
118|Earth|117|167|||These bricks are slightly farther away than the other Bricks.|
The Brick Background is a splicable background block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|1|1||
346|None|127|177|||Not made from the feet of actual monsters, these are just
rubber.|The Monster Feet is a splicable feet item which was from Growtopia's
588|None|551|361|||Wizard Hats comes in 5 classic styles, collect them all!||17|0||
612|Earth|219|53|||Perfect for building gazebos.|The Lattice Background is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|3|0||
576|None|439|299|||Express your wrath with this evil mask. Sponsored by i20HH.|The
Baneful Mask is a splicable face item.|15|0||
600|None|571|581|||These are usually only worn by the highest rank of wizards. For
you, we'll make an exception.||16|0||
424|Wind|421|11|||This plays a half-step lower note than Sheet Music: Piano Note.||
292|None|299|183|||Blend in the darkness with Ninja Tights!|The Ninja Tights are a
splicable pants item which were a part of Growtopia's release.|15|0||
238|None|5|169|||Celebrate the holidays in style.|The Santa Vest is a splicable
shirt item.|1|0||
274|Water|||Freeze!|You've thawed out.|Use this on someone to freeze them solid for
10 seconds.|The Freeze Wand is an unobtainable consumable which has been added
since Growtopia's launch.||5||
260|Earth|175|187|||Just think how valuable this would be in real life.||11|5||
484|Earth|25|339|||It points the way to stuff above you!||4|1||
456|Earth|335|165|||Punch it to roll a random number!||18|2||
476|None|5|383|||Dance the night away in this short dress that is clearly the bee's
580|Wind|13|15|||It's much happier, but much less rare, than a Rollback Plaque.||1|
474|None|383|23|||You'll be the star of the speakeasy in this getup.||21|0||
128|Wind|175|115|You have been good.|You're falling out of favor.|Use this on
somebody who's been good!||13|0||
788|None|681|163|||These military surplus boots are steel-toed and spike-soled. Hey
hey, do the zombie stomp!||3|0||
754|None|177|549|||Ever wondered where these come from? Early incandescent lights
were very harsh, so dim things for you a bit without impeding your vision||3|0||
814|None|||||She's the symbol of a revolution in moderating!|The Solorien On Fire
is an unsplicable shirt item exclusive to game Moderator @Solorien.||0||
792|None|||||Nobody but Jens is so wise and ancient.|The Jens Beard is an
unsplicable face item which was added alongside the Zombie Defense Pack on May 17,
270|None|27|17|||If there was a Comb item, you wouldn't be stuck with this.|Messy
Brown Hair is a splicable hair item.|1|0||
794|None|433|61|||You're almost the Statue of Liberty.||9|0||
276|Fire|||||Use this on someone to MURDER THEM.|The Fire Wand is an unobtainable
consumable which has been added since Growtopia's launch.||5||
778|Water|||||Usually safely stored in barrels, but currently stored ON YOUR FACE.|
The Toxic Waste is an unsplicable public solid pain foreground block which was
added as part of the Growtech Pharma update on May 16, 2013.||0||
756|Water|759|563|||Big money, big money, no whammies.... (odds of pretend winning
are 1 in 10).||24|3||
752|Wind|261|427|||Flip the coin and see what you get! What you won't get is your
coin back.||14|0||
760|None|||||Without a source of antimatter, all this ship can do is hover along
the ground. Sponsored by Pleiadian.|The Pleiadian Star Ship is a feet clothing
item. It looks like a small flying saucer and blue rings appear every time you move
or jump. It equips the Speedy mod which increases the player's movement speed.||0||
164|Earth|117|11|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!||1|2||
198|Earth|53|23|||If you don't like it, you can always steam it off later.|The
Flowery Wallpaper is a splicable background block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|1|0||
214|None|167|175|||It takes D Batteries, and nobody ever has any D Batteries!
(Note: No batteries are actually used)|The Flashlight is a splicable hand item.|2|
140|None|185|17|||Looks tough.|The Biker Stache is a splicable face item which has
been added since Growtopia’s launch.|1|0||
210|None|167|169|||Referees and burglars have similar fashion sense.||2|0||
700|None|||||Aqui esta el sombrero. El sombrero es muy bien.|The Sombrero is an
unsplicable hat item which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on May 3, 2013.||
150|None|179|115|||Fairly dressy.|The Fairy Dress is a splicable shirt item which
was a part of Growtopia's release.|13|0||
208|None|15|119|||Nobody will recognize you if you cover an inch of skin around
your eyes!|Burglar Mask is a splicable face item.|2|0||
9488|None|||||Kitsune mask is also referred to as fox mask, and it is a special
mask wore by Japanese on special festivals for fun. In short, a kitsune mask is any
mask that has physical characteristics of a fox. Mostly these masks are worn to pay
tribute to the gods. On top of that, the masks can be used for ritual practices.
Item Design by larry|Kitsune mask is also referred to as fox mask, and it is a
special mask wore by Japanese on special festivals for fun. In short, a kitsune
mask is any mask that has physical characteristics of a fox. Mostly these masks are
worn to pay tribute to the gods. On top of that, the masks can be used for ritual
practices. Item Design by larry|2|0||
458|Earth|223|31|||This would be the great place to store your clothes! Too bad the
drawers are stuck.|The Dresser is a splicable platform.|3|1||
176|Water|117|17|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!||1|2||
244|Wind|||||No info.|UPDATE_STORE is a technical item which cannot be obtained by
players. It was created in order to insert graphics files for the store images, so
that the game would send out updated versions of them on the fly.||0||
172|Fire|117|189|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The Orange
Block is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
206|Water|||||Locks 200 tiles around itself.|||2||
262|Water|||||The mysterious rarity 100 item!||26|3||
218|Earth|107|103|||Legs getting tired? Have a seat!|The Wooden Chair is a
splicable non-solid seat foreground block which was added as part of Growtopia's
182|Wind|171|181|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The Purple
Block is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
772|None|||||The perfect outfit for those occasions when you are zapping lightning
through a corpse.||19|0||
466|None|383|191|||There's a hanky in the pocket in case you /cry on the auspicious
occasion of your daughter's wedding.||21|0||
192|Earth|189|191|||Nicely landscaped!|The Bush is a splicable non-solid foreground
block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|2|0||
102|Earth|17|101|||The great thing about these is that you can jump up through
634|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
158|None|115|101|||Unfortunately, all the magic in this wand is used up.|The Fairy
Wand is a splicable hand item which was added as part of Growtopia's release.|12|
246|Wind|301|65|||Guaranteed to put you to sleep.|The Music Box is a splicable non-
solid toggleable animated foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
190|Earth|17|5|||Every one of these has its thorn.||1|0||
240|None|221|115|You suddenly feel very generous!|Bah, humbug.|Share your joy!
Wearing this makes you scatter your gems around as you move.|The Sack O' Joy is a
splicable back item. Up to 4 of this item can be dropped from harvesting its tree,
which is made by splicing a Note Block Seed with a Disco Ball Seed.|19|0|Cheerful
180|Water|117|197|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The Blue
Block is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
launch. It is one of the variations of the Colour Blocks.|3|2||
162|Fire|29|105|||The deadliest kind of spikes available. DO NOT TOUCH!|The Death
Spikes is a splicable solid deadly foreground block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|2|1||
638|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
156|None|199|115|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|With a pair of wings, you can double-jump!|The Fairy Wings is a
splicable back item which was a part of Growtopia's release.|14|0|Double-jump|
742|None|||||Let’s call a spade a spade.||9|1||
744|None|||||Join the club, man.||9|1||
746|None|||||Have a heart.||9|1||
748|None|||||Diamonds are forever.||9|1||
166|Fire|117|15|||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!||1|2||
518|Water|||||A paler shade of awesome.||1|2||
524|None|611|193|||I'm concerned about how you're holding this in place.||2|0||
496|None|329|431|You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Special air pockets and
coils in the soles of these shoes make them... cost more. But they do make you run
560|Fire|327|173|||It's an Orange Block squashed flat!|Orange Wallpaper is a
splicable background.|12|0||
548|Wind|179|57|||People inside this should not throw stones.|The Glass Block is a
splicable solid foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|
542|Fire|||||An entire pot filled with gold!!||51|2||
532|None|||||There's a four-leaf clover jammed in the band! But all the luck in it
has been used up already.|The Leprechaun Hat is an unsplicable hat introduced
during St. Patrick's Week 2013 on March 13, 2013.||0||
136|None|115|17|||You're the Queen of the Fairies!|The Fairy Crown is a splicable
head item which was a part of Growtopia's release.|12|0||
530|None|||||Like Santa Claus, but with more Vitamin C!|The Orange Beard is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2013 on March
13, 2013.||0||
492|None|485|169|||Now you are ready to play for the home team! Or the away team!
Go team!||6|0||
572|None|||||The one and only!|The Phonecats Hat is an unsplicable hat item which
was added alongside the Pinball Bumper and GrowBeats Headphones on March 7, 2013.||
148|None|55|59|||Make sure you get the right prescription.|Big Glasses is a
splicable face item.|4|0||
534|None|||||I used to wear green jeans myself, until somebody made fun of them.
Never again!|The Green Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part
of St. Patrick's Week 2013 on March 13, 2013.||0||
522|Wind|||||A paler shade of awesome.||4|3||
622|Wind|187|613|||This is the best place to superglue a hardhat.|The Steel Girder
is a splicable platform foreground block.|13|0||
554|Wind|485|103|||This is a specially designed one-way ladder - you can only climb
up, not down.|The Ladder is a splicable platform foreground block which has been
added since Growtopia's launch.|5|1||
444|Water|59|441|||If there's a fish here, he's hiding in the castle.||11|1||
514|Fire|||||A paler shade of awesome.||1|2||
494|None|487|169|||Good for both joggers and mobsters.||4|0||
60|Earth|31|163|||Lock out the ruffians with this medieval gateway.|The Portcullis
is a splicable entrance foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's
512|Fire|||||A paler shade of awesome.||2|2||
506|None|611|283|||Any hearing improvements imparted by this hat are negated by the
fact that it covers your actual ears.||4|0||
50|None|283|191|||Ooh la la.|Sexy Boxers is a splicable pants item.|4|0||
682|Earth|299|381|||This dark stone is the latest in dungeon couture.||11|1||
650|Earth|109|557|||You could take roll on this, except that somebody glued the
chalk to the tray.||14|1||
556|Earth|165|327|||It's a Grey Block squashed flat!|The Grey Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|11|0||
12|Earth|3|15|||These magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia. Place one
and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination.||1|1||
488|None|429|197|||This serves some sort of exercise purpose.||9|0||
654|Earth|117|171|||Your basic old school building material.||1|1||
748|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
686|Earth|61|685|||You don't need a spoon to dig out, just open this.||11|1||
662|None|225|21|||It's peanut butter jelly time!|The Baseball Bat is a splicable
hand item.|3|0||
508|None|||||This basket is filled with plastic grass for some reason.||4|0||
82|None|189|177|||Exactly long enough to be appropriate for all occasions.|Green
Skirt is a splicable pants item.|2|0||
8|Earth|||||No info.||1|1||
608|Water|479|21|||It's a sign that sticks to walls or ceilings! Use your Wrench on
it to change the message.||22|1||
660|Earth|||||Who needs email? The old ways are best!|Letter is an unobtainable
656|Wind|187|485|||You've got mail! People can write you private messages with
this.|The Mailbox is a splicable non-solid mailbox foreground block.|15|1||
664|Earth|329|515|||It's holier than thou.|The Swiss Cheese Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added on April 5, 2013.|4|1||
188|Earth|191|23|||Pretty orange flowers.|The Poppy is a splicable non-solid
foreground block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|1|0||
78|None|119|165|||Shiny!|Patent Leather Shoes are a splicable feet item.|2|0||
696|Fire|5|21|||Keeps the dank out in your dungeons! Well, it reduces it slightly.
You can punch this to turn it on or off.||1|1||
628|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
642|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
226|Wind|||||When activated (punch to activate), this prevents your world from
being listed on the World Select screen.|The Signal Jammer is an unsplicable solid
jammer foreground block.||7||
648|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
420|Wind|413|177|||If you aren't in range of a Boombox, this will play a piano note
for you. Put it in different places for different pitches.||3|0||
4|Fire|||||DO NOT TOUCH!||1|1||
252|Earth|109|31|||Cuzco was a good goat.|The Cuzco Wall Mount is a splicable
background block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|4|0||
56|Wind|5|11|||Just your basic piece of glass.||1|0||
416|Wind|415|163|||This plays a half-step higher note than Sheet Music: Bass
2|Earth|||||Yep, it's dirt.||1|0||
646|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
632|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
636|Earth|285|165|||Draw black and white pictures with the wondrous power of the
464|None|383|189|||You're a real firecracker, I tells ya! You're one feisty dame!||
460|Fire|433|223|||You don't actually need light in this game, but you can get it
anyway!|The Table Lamp is a splicable non-solid toggleable animated foreground
block which has been added since Growtopia's launch.|5|1||
438|Water|231|177|||Standard steel pipes, slightly too small for you to climb
into.|The Plumbing is a splicable solid foreground block which has been added since
Growtopia's launch.|4|1||
454|Earth|23|327|||This is what happens when you give a flower a taste for magic
bacon!|The Venus Guytrap is a splicable and farmable solid deadly foreground
422|Wind|421|163|||This plays a half-step higher note than Sheet Music: Piano
440|Water|57|359|||Slippery, yet strangely not melting.||6|0||
450|None|445|411|||Did you just stick a fishbowl on your head?||21|0||
436|Earth|333|369|||Unfortunately, nobody knows the correct translation of these
ancient symbols.||4|0||
722|Wind|||||Call your friends, then blow the whistle for a Piñata Bash!|The Pinata
Whistle is an unsplicable consumable which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2013 on
May 3, 2013.||0||
812|None|263|741|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|Twice the sabery goodness, with half the calories!|The Double Growsaber
is a splicable hand item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May 24, 2013.
It is the second rarest Growsaber in the series.|32|0|Fists O' Fury|
806|None|741|263|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|You really don't want to drop this on your toe.|The Green Growsaber is a
splicable hand item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May 24, 2013. It is
the most common drop from a Growsaber Tree.|32|0|Fists O' Fury|
776|Water|607|727|||This barrel is filled with a highly unstoppable compound, well
not filled exactly - some of it is dripping on the floor! Approach with your
786|Water|423|781|||This radio is your last link to the human race… so why is it
just playing spooky music?||10|2||
426|Wind|413|185|||There are 7 different drums, place this at different positions
vertically to hear different ones!||3|0||
408|Earth|||Duct tape has covered your mouth!|Duct tape removed. OUCH!|SHUT UP
ALREADY.|The Duct Tape is an unsplicable consumable which is exclusive
to Moderators.||5||
804|None|263|741|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|You really don't want this to drop on your toe. Sponsored by Pirate
Hunter.|The Black Growsaber is a splicable hand item which was added alongside the
Vegas Pack on May 24, 2013. It is an uncommon drop from a Growsaber tree.|32|0|
Fists O' Fury|
764|Water|||You've been infected by the g-Virus. Punch others to infect them, too!
Braiiiins...|You've been cured.|It would be dangerous to throw this on someone, not
to mention downright rude!|||5||
768|None|||||Shop Smart, shop S-Mart.|The Sawed-Off Shotgun is an unsplicable hand
item which was added alongside the Zombie Defense Pack on May 17, 2013.||0|Armed
And Dangerous|
774|Earth|555|461|||Zombies usually respect all traffic laws,so these are handy to
have around.||13|1||
800|None|787|557|You're out of this world!|You are human again!|No one is ever
going to trust you with a probe again. Sponsored by Pleiadian.|The Zeta Reticulant
Mask is a splicable face item which was added alongside the Vegas Pack on May 24,
746|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1008|Wind|||||Your very own Automated teller machine...machine. This device is not
FDIC insured. It does, however, spit out a random number of gems about once a day!|
The ATM Machine is an unsplicable non-solid provider foreground block which was
added alongside the City Pack on August 18, 2013.||2||
5196|Wind|||||Your very own Automated teller machine...machine. This device is not
FDIC insured. It does, however, spit out a random number of gems about once a day!|
The ATM Machine 3000 is an unsplicable non-solid provider foreground block which
was added as GTPS Item. Designed by Bane.||2||
1378|None|||You command a mighty (cool) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|
Another of the Dragons of Legend! Please be aware the legends may have been a bit
exaggerated.|The Ice Dragon Hand is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.||0|Dragonborn|
1044|Earth|||||You really don't want a home where these guys roam. You can milk a
buffalo once a day or so!||23|1||
1632|Fire|929|1433|||These special slow-roasted beans are roasted so slowly that
you can only get a cup of coffee once a day!|The Coffee Maker is a splicable non-
solid provider foreground block which was added as part of the Unicorn Madness
update on May 30, 2014.|23|1||
1636|Wind|||||This unicorn is going through an awkward stage right now, but it's
happy to be your friend. It'll even give you a present about once a week!|||1||
1436|Water|||||This camera will watch your world and keep a record of everybody who
enters! You may have up to 8 of these in a world.|The Security Camera is a non-
solid security camera foreground block which can record data about player
activities in the world. It was released alongside the Shop Pack on January 24,
1068|None|||||This creepy blade can chop down trees with great precision - you'll
get twice as much fruit! The only downside is that it's highly likely to break when
used. It has no effect (but won't break either!) on trees of rarity 100 or more.|
The Hand Scythe is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1030|None|||||We've attached specialized Safety Spurs to these boots, so you don't
hurt anybody. Please respect other peoples' ankles.||1|0||
1332|None|513|283|||Clothing so stylish it'll make you shout "Rabble Dabble Goo!" -
you know, to make sure you don't get sued.||5|0||
1312|None|1103|193|||You look like you should be in charge of magical animals with
this beard.|The Bushy Beard is a splicable face item which was added as part of the
Mystery Update on November 11, 2013.|11|0||
1050|Fire|553|413|||On this paper is scrawled a deep secret of Growtopia. But to
read the mystic scrawls, you must throw the paper to the winds! I don't know,
that's just how it works. One of those secrets of Growtopia, I guess.||5|0||
1098|Water|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste. "Prosperity" is
imprinted on the top in ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in
a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The
Prosperity Mooncake is an unsplicable Mooncake consumable which was added as part
of Harvest Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1270|Wind|323|781|||Used only in surgery. Bandages are included too, for lesser
injuries. Use these to close up after performing surgery, or repair existing cuts
and bleeding||21|1||
1276|Earth|||||When activated (punch to activate), this prevents people from
punching each other in your world.|The Punch Jammer is solid foreground jammer
block which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital update on November
22, 2013.||7||
1438|None|||You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|This tool, made
to honor Diichaan's service as a moderator, is worth more than the stuff you mine
with it!|The Golden Pickaxe is an untradable hand item that was awarded to former
moderator diichaan.||0|Enhanced Digging|
1348|Water|1045|1345|||Hey, there's some prehistoric DNA stuck in this ice! Most
likely you'd ruin it by punching it. But maybe there's a chance...!|Frozen DNA
Fragment B is a splicable solid slippery foreground block which was added as part
of the Prehistoric Pack update on December 13, 2013.|55|1||
1016|None|||You shoot bullets instead of punching!|You are disarmed.|Did I shoot
five bullets or six? Doesn't much matter, since in Growtopia you can just keep
shooting forever!|The Six Shooter is an unsplicable hand item which was added
alongside the Wild West Pack on September 11, 2013.||0|Armed and Dangerous|
1222|Wind|||||These stones were mined in an alternate dimension where rocks float
in the air.|The Creepstone Platform is an unsplicable foreground platform block
which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|2|0||
1074|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|The Green Hanbok Top is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1400|None|||||Ah, he just wants to tag along!|The Mini Growtopian is an unsplicable
pet hand item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10,
1028|None|687|433|||Round up the badguys with this enduring symbol of authority.
Comes with adorable kerchief.||16|0||
1374|Water|823|881|||This dumpling soup is warm and toasty to keep you punching,
building, and growing during the winter.|The Tangyuan is a splicable consumable
which was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|3|0||
1402|Fire|||||Use this fabulous device to create a brand new world that is
completely empty, except for bedrock and a white door.|The Thermonuclear Blast is
an unsplicable consumable which was added on Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10,
1046|Earth|265|27|||This is an ideal place to lean while chewing on straw and
saying "Yep." It also keeps animals in place.||4|0||
1010|None|||||Dr. Destructo's unstoppable beam of annihilation.|||0||
1026|None|283|521|||When you don't want anyone to recognize your chin, this is a
perfect disguise.||8|0||
1262|Wind|323|781|||Used only in surgery. You probably don't want to operate on
somebody unless they are unconscious. Use this to knock them out!||21|1||
1316|None|1131|173|||Take joy in the great glowing orb that provides energy for all
those toilet trees to grow!||11|0||
1458|Wind|||||This crystal can be combined with 200 Candy Hearts and any
Valentine’s Clothing in a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to infuse the clothing with
gold magic!|||0||
1686|None|1101|333|||Dr. Koop, I presume?|The Pith Helmet is a splicable hat item
which was added alongside the Adventure Pack on June 14, 2014.|21|0||
1408|None|||||PARTY DOWNNNN|The Party Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1280|Wind|||||A little white-out, a little scribbling, and voila, you'll have a new
name! Use this item to change your GrowID permanently. Can only be used once every
60 days. Requires a GrowID. Is consumed when used.|The Birth Certificate is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital
update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1416|None|||||PARTY DOWN!!!!|The Party Socks is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1454|None|873|119|||Kiss the cook!||17|0||
1368|Water|441|823|Your body has turned to ice. You can't move!|You've thawed out.|
Brrr! Toss this at a player to freeze them briefly.||11|0||
1742|None|||||Berf! This little puppy is modeled after Hamumu's dog Mia, and can
also be found in the fabulous smash hit Flash game Mia's Happy Day! Go play it!|The
Puppy Leash is an unsplicable hand item which was added on Player Appreciation Week
2014 Day 4 on August 11, 2014.||0||
1662|Water|||You are briefly immune to spikes and lava|You feel vulnerable again.|
By carefully drinking small amounts of Death Spikes, you can build up a tolerance!
Well, what you can actually do is be immune to Lava and Death Spikes for 5
seconds.|The Spike Juice is an unsplicable and untradeable consumable which was
added on July 2, 2014.||1||
1096|Earth|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste. "Longevity" is
imprinted on the top in ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in
a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The
Longevity Mooncake is an unsplicable Mooncake consumable which was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1004|Earth|||||Neatly trimmed, to keep the neighborhood tidy.||2|0||
1002|Water|823|559|||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for a
maximum bounce.||14|0||
1324|Earth|1323|1135|||It's like a Wooden Platform that's been sitting outside
since prehistoric times.||1|0||
1158|Earth|167|327|||It’s a Black Block squashed flat.|The Black Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which was added as part of the Astro Pack update on
October 18, 2013.|11|0||
1922|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1182|None|||||Surely you're just a big sports fan... right? Right?|The Hockey Mask
is an unsplicable face item that was released on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28,
1246|None|||||Special sterilized clothes, for chopping folks up!|The Scrub Top is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital
update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1474|Fire|||25% chance of double XP for all actions.|Your stomach's rumbling.|
Eating these makes you smarter, so you can get more eggs-perience! Food Buff: 25%
chance of double XP from all actions.|||1||
1134|Earth|||||This is a rock from Mars.|The Mars Rock is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Astro Pack update on October 18,
1722|None|513|1323|||These are the easiest pants to do leaping splits in, if that
happens to be important to you. I mean, you might as well jump. Go ahead and
1470|None|||||It's a red rock on a metal string. But I guess people like that!|The
Ruby Necklace is an unsplicable chest item introduced during Valentine's Week 2014
update on February 10, 2014.||0||
1446|Wind|987|1157|||You can punch this to switch it between Open and Closed! Let
people know if you're around.||15|1||
1140|None|377|775|You can fly!! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity -
it's the law.|This contains all the essentials you need for a successful
extravehicular activity trip, including a book of sudoku. It also makes you jump
like you're on the moon.||14|0|High Jump|
1468|None|827|1309|||Emeralds are May's birthstone. This particular one is lab-
created, which you'd think is less classy, but they're much prettier.|The Emerald
Necklace is a splicable chest item.|42|0||
1320|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|I know, they're supposed to
have feathers and stuff nowadays... well, this is an old-school raptor!|The Riding
Raptor is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of the Prehistoric Pack
update on December 13, 2013.||0|Speedy|
1306|Earth|1139|1133|||You should plant your trees in these. It's just classier.||
1518|None|445|187|||Protect yourself from the crushing pressures of the great deep
in this steel helmet. Of course, if you wear a normal wetsuit, you could end up
sucked up into the helmet and crushed to death. So, you know, watch for that.|The
Diving Bell is a splicable hair item. One can be obtained from splicing a Fishbowl
Seed with a Steel Block Seed.|19|0||
1040|Wind|1039|13|||When you really need to make an entrance, you can slam these
open. Just don't get shot doing it.||3|1||
1138|Earth|1133|1135|||I planted a tree, and it grew up so big, it grew two sizes
up from an extra-large Squig! The tree had blue puffs at the end of each branch, so
under the puffs we did the Zorbity Dance!||1|0||
1120|None|169|1157|||Just the basics!|The Plain White Tee is a splicable shirt item
which was added on October 5, 2013.|13|0||
1932|None|||||None of these rings have any magical powers, but there sure are a lot
of them!|The Fistful Of Rings is an unsplicable and untradable hand item which was
added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1580|Earth|||||Mmmm, rolled up food. Who cares what's inside? There's a
1346|Earth|253|1345|||Hey, there's some prehistoric DNA stuck in this ice! Most
likely you'd ruin it by punching it. But maybe there's a chance...|Frozen DNA
Fragment A is a splicable solid slippery foreground block which was added as part
of the Prehistoric Pack update on December 13, 2013.|37|1||
1036|None|||||Your girl. She's not very good. She made you a dress that looks like
you bought it in a store.|||0||
1154|Wind|621|989|||Got things in space you want to stick together? Nothing works
better than a space connector.||11|1||
1414|None|||||PBBBBBLLLLTTTT DOWN!!!!|The Party Horn is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1726|Fire|199|1049|||It's like your wallpaper is on fire, in the dark.
1452|Earth|1423|523|||People can insert or put donations or gifts into the box for
you to pickup later or keep it.|The Donation Box is a splicable solid donation box
foreground block which was added alongside the Home Pack on February 26, 2014.|17|
1254|None|||||This has over 10,000,000x magnification, allowing you to clearly see
the retrovirus that is totally grooving on your vibes.|The Retro Magnifying Glass
is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Growtopia General
Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1596|Wind|||||The audience is listening. And possibly being deafened.|The GHX
Speaker is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated foreground block which was
released alongside the Cinema Pack on May 16, 2014.||2||
1842|None|1753|511|||This is NOT a helmet, don’t call it a helmet! But if you want
to use it as a helmet, go ahead. It’s hair though.|The Pink Pageboy is a splicable
hair item which was added as part of the Growladies update on September 20, 2014.|
1304|Wind|103|889|||Sometimes it's nice to climb a staircase instead of hopping up
platforms. Unfortunately, you'll also have to hop up the staircase - Growtopians
can't climb.||3|0||
1232|None|||||Meep meep! This bracelet attracts bats. Well, a bat.|The Sonar
Bracelet is an unsplicable pet hand item that was added as part of Halloween Week
2013 on October 28, 2013.||0||
1200|Earth|||||This pumpkin was grown inside a square box, and then carved up.||3|
1894|Fire|||||This lion does tricks! You can stand on its head, you can stick your
head near its mouth, it can stand near hoops, it can sit, it can even play dead (it
pretends that rigor mortis has set in, so it does so sitting up).|The Lion Block is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival
update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1252|None|||||This has over 10,000,000x magnification, allowing you to clearly see
the virus that is ... wait is that virus following you around? RUN!|||0||
1022|None|443|485|||Yeehaw! Git along little horsies which may be doggies!||4|0||
1176|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Shouldn't this belong to
INightmareI?|The Aimster's Nightmare is an unsplicable feet item exclusive to game
Moderator @Aimster, rewarded on September 24, 2013.||0|Speedy|
1524|None|1159|175|||Lay off the donuts, because these things are skin tight!|The
Wetsuit Pants is a splicable pants item.|13|0||
1364|Water|||||Man, the weather outside is frightful.|The Weather Machine - Snowy
is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.||2||
1258|Water|323|781|||Used only in surgery. If you make a mess, a sponge can suck it
up easily!||21|1||
1152|Wind|||||You can't do much with just some Zorbnik DNA... unless you collect 10
Zorbnik DNA and use them all together, that is.|The Zorbnik DNA is an unsplicable
consumable which was added alongside the Astro Pack on October 21, 2013.||0||
1318|None|||||"Well, what you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been
similar."|The Blue Sun Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part
of the Mystery Update on November 11, 2013.|11|0||
1268|Earth|323|781|||Used only in surgery. If somebody has a broken bone, you
better splint it up or it'll heal all crooked.||21|1||
1144|None|457|165|||A space suit isn't going to protect you very well if you don't
put on pants too.||19|0||
1788|Water|||||Wait for it...|The Dary is an unsplicable component which was added
as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014.|26|1||
1128|Fire|953|485|||Caution: Contents may be hot.||25|0||
1334|None|1307|689|||The chicken grease helps the bone stay in, and it adds
1774|Water|333|103|||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for
maximum bounce.|The Diving Board is a splicable trampoline platform foreground
block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 5 on August 12, 2014.|4|
1388|None|1327|607|||So warm and toasty! It's like you sliced open a deer and
crawled inside.|The Buckskin Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|14|0||
1198|Earth|||||This pumpkin was grown inside a square box.||2|1||
1660|Water|||||This machine generates games for people to play! Use your wrench on
it to set up the game rules and start the game.|The Game Generator is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added alongside the Game Pack on
July 25, 2014. It can generate a game in a world, allowing players to fight each
1598|Wind|1429|741|||Put your name up in lights! Letters not included, but hey,
there's lights.||12|1||
1846|None|655|27|||It's messy and it's red, what more could you want for hair?|The
Messy Auburn Tresses is a splicable hair item which was added as part of the
Growladies update on September 20, 2014.|2|0||
1086|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Green Hanbok Pants is
an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on
September 18, 2013.||0||
1826|Wind|||||I am become death, the destroyer of foliage. Toss this in the air to
celebrate the fall!|The Autumn Bomb is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||7||
1406|Fire|||||Celebrate the holidays by firing off colorful rockets!|||0||
1394|None|||||If you look out your window and see this guy, you are looking south.
Or at a zoo. Or at somebody playing Growtopia.|The Polar Bear Leash is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of which was added as part of
WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.||0||
1784|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less|Gravity - it's the
law.|Turns out you had to do a lot more than ring a bell to get these suckers.|The
Legendary Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added in the Legendary update
on August 22, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1180|None|||||This miraculous device allows you to commune with spirits from the
Other Side.|||0||
1980|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|They slice, they dice, they chop,
they julienne! Just don't pick your nose with them on.|The Claw Glove is a hand
item introduced during Halloween Week 2014.|18|0|Claws|
1930|None|||||The classic burgundy suit - the essence of style.|The Ringmaster Suit
is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of The Carnival update on
October 13, 2014.||0||
1366|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|The Dumb Friend is a button which will
show a list of the player's friends, ignored players, and the player's Guild. A
player is allowed to add up to 400 friends.||0||
1724|Wind|777|427|||You're a rock star. Smack this to pound out some sick beats.||
1214|None|||||Mrow HISS! This black cat contains the very essence of dark magic.
Unfortunately, it's a cat, so you can't get it to use the magic for you.|The
Familiar Leash is an unspliceable hand item introduced during Halloween Week 2013
on October 28, 2013.||0||
1290|Earth|||||The soothing pale yellow tone and complete lack of anything
interesting helps speed healing and make people want to get out of there.|||0||
1434|Earth|787|989|||Punch it to ring cup a sale!||14|3||
1492|Water|||||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something electronic?
Maybe?|The Doodad is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the
Growtokens! update on March 30, 2014.||0||
1124|None|417|833|||It's just crazy, man.|Crazy Purple Hair is a splicable hair
1476|None|301|361|||There's ducks on these pants!!!||12|0||
1136|Earth|||||This amazing device will create a new world... Mars, to be exact!|
The Mars Blast is an unsplicable consumable which was added alongside the Astro
Pack on October 21, 2013.||0||
1104|Earth|193|1005|||You can't see the forest for this stuff.||4|0||
1202|Fire|||||This pumpkin was grown inside a square box, and then carved, and then
had a lit candle put inside.||5|1||
1760|None|||||For the less technologically-inclined, this mask relies on black
magic to raise an evil spirit.|The Spiritfire Mask is an unsplicable hair item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 5 on August 12, 2014.||0||
1736|None|623|681|||This helmet was forged by the awesome art god Hamumu. Sponsored
by Knightmare.|The Knight Helmet is a splicable hat item which was added on Player
Appreciation Week 2014 Day 1 on August 8, 2014.|15|0||
1302|Earth|867|887|||This cow is squarer than most.||25|1||
1638|None|||||This pretty much rules out the possibility of hats, but it's so
glowy!.|The Unicorn Horn is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the
Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014. It is a rare drop from harvesting an
Awkward Friendly Unicorn.||0||
1666|None|||||Blow it up and take a swim!|The Sea Monster Floatie is an unsplicable
chest item which was added as part of the SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.||0||
1796|Water|||||Locks an entire world. And looks good doing it. Tap on it in your
inventory to break it down into 100 World Locks, if you have room in your
inventory.|The Diamond Lock is an unsplicable solid lock foreground block which was
added as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014. One can be obtained from
double tapping (compressing) 100 World Locks in one's inventory.||10||
1444|None|||You are cold as ice.|You're warming up!|Brr! This shivering style is
only for the coldest of the cold. Whoever created it must have been a chilly soul
indeed - where could they be now?|Frosty Hair is a hair item that was originally
Coldplay's Moderator item. It was later released to the public on August 7th, 2018
as part of Player Appreciation Week.||0|Icy Flesh|
1192|None|||||Your hair's such a mess, you look like you just stepped out of a TV.|
The Creepy Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added on Halloween Week 2013
on October 28, 2013.|13|0||
1242|None|||||Keep your hair out of your eyes while performing surgery with this
sterile cap.|The Scrub Cap is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
the Growtopia General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1848|None|55|299|||These are some fierce designer sunglasses!||12|0||
1934|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These orbs contain a dark elixir said to be the blood of Growganoth... but
it's probably just grape juice. Sponsored by Cukuzz and PikaPi.|The Orbs Of Elixir
is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of The Carnival update on
October 13, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1336|None|||||I think you've gone feral.|The Sabertooth Growtopian is an
unsplicable face item introduced alongside the Prehistoric Pack on December 13,
1606|Wind|1449|557|||Today's movie is entitled "The Polar Bear In A Snowstorm What
Found A Piece Of Paper". It's an art film.||18|0||
1382|None|253|339|||The red checkers alert other hunters not to shoot you, but the
antlers make you a prime target. We've scientifically designed this hat to ensure
that your odds of being shot remain precisely the same as if you weren't wearing
it. Note: Wearing this also makes guns and bows kill you!|The Antler Hat is a
splicable hat item which was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21,
1502|None|1357|179|||This scarf is made of fuzzy aquamarine yarn with little
sparklies on it. It's tres chic.|The Winter Scarf is a splicable chest item which
was added as part of the Growtokens! update on March 30, 2014.|10|0||
1782|None|||You should be very nice to your pet.|You feel lonely|This blade calls
forth the Ancient Dragon of Unexaggerated Legends and binds it to your command.
It's a biggun'.|The Dragon of Legend is an unsplicable pet hand item which was
added as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014.||0|Legendary!|
5156|None|||PHOENIX!!!|Phoenix left you.|This blade calls forth the Ancient Dragon
of Unexaggerated Legends and binds it to your command. It's a biggun'.|The Dragon
of Phoenix is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Summer
update. Sponsored by `6@vyte``||0|Phoenix!|
1102|Earth|855|53|||These massive trees live for thousands of years. Please don't
punch them.||9|0||
1342|None|185|1111|||It's kind of itchy.||9|0||
1220|Wind|||||Unlike the Sigil of John Tesh, which is smooth and jazzy, this arcane
emblem grants you favor with Growganoth. Sadly, that means it will teleport you
directly into his gaping maw.||4|0||
1872|Wind|||||These mirrors make you look entirely wacky!|The Funhouse Mirror is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of The Carnival update on
October 13, 2014.||0||
1956|None|||You can launch deadly chaos!|Back to punching.|Not the same as a Curse
Wand. This one sucks the souls out of blocks! Sponsored by LOL, dongju, and
1048|Fire|331|287|||Gather round and sing songs of days of yore...||16|2||
1264|Water|323|781|||Used only in surgery. Don't mix this up with the Anesthetic!
This is used for cleaning an area before you cut it open.||21|1||
1208|Wind|||||Every year, they collect all the uneaten Candy Corn and store it
again, to be given out the next year.||1|0||
1538|Earth|||||It's like a rock, but deeper.||1|2||
1854|None|1685|1757|||Psst, I think there's a bee in your hair...|The Bee Hair Pin
is a splicable hat item which was added as part of the Growladies update on
September 20, 2014.|11|0||
1090|None|||||This style of hat is cleverly strapped to your head so it won't blow
away.|The Gat is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Harvest Festival
2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1634|Fire|||You are full of caffeine!|Ugh. Caffeine crash.|This'll put some pep in
your step! And some verve in your nerve! But not that much pizzazz in your jazz.|
The Coffee is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Unicorn
Madness update on May 30, 2014.||1||
1248|None|||||Even your knees need to be kept sterile when you are operating.|The
Scrub Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of the Growtopia
General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1464|None|||Blast blocks from farther away! Weaker damage than punch though.|You
are disarmed.|Once used by Cupid himself, this bow shoots golden hearts! You can
yank other players toward you with it. Plus it's shiny!|The Golden Heartbow is an
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2014 on February
10, 2014.||0|Cupid's Firepower|
1762|None|329|777|You can fly!! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity -
it's the law.|Use the power of carbonation to leap tall buildings in a single
bound, and then drift gently to Earth. Comes with a lifetime supply of soda,
connected via wormhole for continuous refueling.|The Soda Jetpack is a splicable
back item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 4 on August 11,
2014.|16|0|High Jump|
1150|None|||||ZYERBLRB! This little zorbnik will follow you everywhere you go!
Mainly because it's tied to your wrist.|The Zorbnik Leash is an unsplicable hand
item which was added alongside the Astro Pack on October 21, 2013.||0||
1552|None|||||bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny|||0||
1998|None|||You command a mighty (expired) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|
Did you forget to feed your dragon again?|Skeletal Dragon Claw is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Halloween Week 2014 update on October 31,
1798|None|1045|1537|||MOOOOoooooo.|The Minotaur Mask is a splicable hair item which
was added as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014.|23|0||
1288|Wind|||||This helps maintain your privacy when you are undergoing delicate
medical procedures.|The Hospital Curtain is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital update on November
22, 2013.||0||
1298|Earth|1039|997|||If you want to make an interior view of a building, you can
use these blocks to show the walls and floors!|The Cutaway Building is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Mystery Update on November
11, 2013.|4|0||
1850|None|1555|1773|||You're like Ms. Pac-Man without the eating disorder!|The Pink
Hair Bow is a splicable hat item which was added as part of the Growladies update
on September 20, 2014.|6|0||
1732|None|417|863|||When you rock, you sweat. Soak it up!||19|0||
1702|Fire|437|287|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
1976|Earth|||||This skull is so small! It would probably take 10 of these to do
anything useful.|Teeny Tiny Skull is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2014 on October 30, 2014.||1||
1668|None|||||Not a strong swimmer? Strap these on so at least your arms will stay
above water as you drown.|The Water Wings is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.||0||
1196|Fire|||||I think this pumpkin is haunted... when you punch it, spooky music
comes out!||16|2||
1804|None|||You electrocute things.|The tingling sensation is gone.|It's 1.21
gigawatts in the palm of your hands! Sponsored by Hercule, Dodoman11 and RTsoft
Forumers.|The Zeus' Lightning Bolt is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||0|Fistful of Thunder|
5194|None|||You electrocute things.|The tingling sensation is gone.|It's 1.21
gigawatts in the palm of your hands! Sponsored by Hercule, Dodoman11 and RTsoft
Forumers.|The Zeus' Lightning Bolt is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||0|Fistful of Thunder|
1944|None|||||Well, they're easy to clean! Sponsored by Tiamwatt, Ardims, and
Shesherbel.|The Diamond Diaper is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part
of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1754|Wind|1449|1159|||This tasteful TV hangs on your wall like a picture. A picture
that moves and sings!|The Flatscreen TV is a splicable non-solid toggleable
animated foreground block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 1 on
August 8, 2014.|18|2||
1690|None|333|1481|||Do these pants make my butt look fat?|The Jodhpurs is a
splicable pants item which was added alongside the Adventure Pack on June 14,
1970|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You don't jump higher than with Devil Wings, but man, you do look pretty
scary. Sponsored by Cukuzz, Heme, and Seabreaze.|The Nightmare Devil Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2014.||0|Double
1282|None|||||Red wig included. And stapled on.|The Candy Striper Cap is an
unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital
update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1656|Earth|785|1619|||Use your wrench to set which team this block belongs to!
During a Game, players of that team will respawn here.||61|2||
1328|Earth|331|855|||Much like people, palm trees started out short and squat
before evolving to be tall and skinny. Unlike palm trees, people then ate Twinkies
and watched TV until they were tubby again.||12|2||
1648|None|||Your friend shoots rainbows!|You are lonely.|This magical garland from
the mystic land of Unicornopialandburg joins your soul with that of a unicorn.
Great for you, but for the unicorn it's pretty much slavery. Not cool, dude.|The
Unicorn Garland is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Unicorn
Madness update on May 30, 2014.||0|Rainbows!|
1228|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|Greenswe is indecisive,
but stylish.|The Green Dragon Mask is a hair item exclusive to former game
moderator @GreenSwe, rewarded on October 14, 2013.||0||
1764|None|||You are very pale and fuzzy.|You are human again!|Could there be more
than one cult in Growtopia? Sponsored by Moderate.|The Dominatus Moderateus is an
unsplicable hat item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 4 on
August 11, 2014.|23|0|Bunnyesque|
1888|Earth|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Green Pennant is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival
update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1994|None|||||Tired of Halloween? Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos instead!|The Muerto
Mask is a face item added during Halloween Week 2014.|18|0||
1910|Earth|||||This is like a regular door, except it won't work if the destination
is occupied by another player!|The Carnival Tent is an unobtainable non-solid door
foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13,
1482|Wind|||||Tell time in Growtopia! This clock displays the current Growtopia
Time for you.|The Wall Clock is a non-solid clock foreground block which was added
alongside the addition of Home Pack on February 26, 2014.||2||
1968|None|||||Death has come to retrieve his scarf! He seeks revenge on you for
wearing it, waiting behind you for the perfect time to strike. Sponsored by EasyE,
Meeps, and Stealthy|The Death Scarf is a neck item, a black scarf with an eye in
front of it. It was released during Halloween Week 2014. It also spawns a Grim
Reaper, which has a double sided scythe, following the player like a pet.||0||
1918|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1206|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You don't jump higher than with normal wings, but man, you do look pretty
cool.|||0|Double Jump|
5154|None|||Golden activity detected. You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying,
but less.|Golden activity lost. Gravity - it's the law.|(Golden Edition) You don't
jump higher than with normal wings, but man, you do look pretty cool. Sponsored by
`9@vyte``.|||0|Double Jump|
8530|None|||Black activity detected. You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but
less.|Black activity lost. Gravity - it's the law.|(Black Edition) You don't jump
higher than with normal wings, but man, you do look pretty cool. Sponsored by
`9@vyte``.|||0|Double Jump|
1260|Fire|323|781|||Used only in surgery. Use this to cut people open!||21|1||
1860|None|181|521|||This skirt is long, and thus classy.|The Blue Skirt is a
splicable pants item which was added as part of the Growladies update on
September 20, 2014.|8|0||
1544|None|||||Bowties are cool.|The Green Bowtie is an unsplicable chest item which
was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2014 on March 14, 2014.||0||
1718|None|433|285|||You came down from a distant planet, to conquer the Earth with
the power of ROCK.||6|0||
1126|None|25|1157|||If you wear this, then YOU'RE #1! YOU'RE #1! YOU'RE #1!|The
Foam Finger is a splicable hand item. One can be obtained from splicing a Pointy
Sign Seed with a White Wallpaper Seed.|13|0||
1076|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Pink Hanbok Skirt is an
unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1296|Wind|||||This item doesn't really exist, just using its icon for surgery
menu.|The Surgical Gloves is an unobtainable component which was added as part of
the Growtopia General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||1||
1926|Wind|||||Toggle this on to make it passable. Not usable by players due to
confusion madness.|The Mirror Maze Block is an unobtainable foreground block which
was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||1||
1650|None|1647|1555|||Oh, is that your natural color?|The Pink Hair is a splicable
hair item which was added as part of the Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014.|
1462|None|||||If you find yourself lost in a world without any Toilet Seeds, you'll
be glad you have this. Plus it's shiny!|The Golden Diaper is an unsplicable pants
item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2014 on February 10, 2014.||0||
1024|None|999|963|||Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies, until they realize
you just put your lipstick on really badly.||22|0||
1546|None|||||This is NOT a helmet, don't call it a helmet! But if you want to use
it as a helmet, go ahead. It's hair though.|The Green Pageboy is an unsplicable
hair item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2014 on March 14, 2014.||
1628|Wind|||||DERP, IM A SUPERSTAR!|The Derpy Star Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block that was added as part of the Unicorn Madness update on May 30,
1156|Wind|169|327|||It's a White Block squashed flat!|The White Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which was added as part of the Astro Pack update on
October 18, 2013.|12|0||
1178|None|||You can move fast!|You are slow again.|Did you forget to feed your
horse again?|||0||
1362|Water|861|955|||This fence is terrible for keeping kids off of your lawn|The
Candy Cane Fence is a splicable non-solid foreground blockwhich was added as part
of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|13|0||
1790|Fire|1787|1789|||This wizard is legendary! Punch or wrench him to obtain
Legendary Quests.||51|5||
1802|Earth|1113|249|||This brick is just made out of puzzlingly shaped pieces. It's
not much of a puzzle itself. Just a brick.|The Puzzle Brick is a splicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Legendary update on August 22,
1250|None|||||Its wife is ALLLLIIVVVVEEE!!!|The Bride of Reanimator Remote is an
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2013 on October 28,
1658|Wind|1619|431|||Use your wrench to set which team this block belongs to!
During a Game, you may want to bring Flags here, or just reach here yourself,
depending on the rules.||45|2||
1132|Earth|||||Mars is dirty.|The Martian Soil is an unsplicable solid foreground
block which was added alongside the Astro Pack on October 21, 2013.|1|0||
1962|Water|||||Something evil lurks inside this chemical. You get the chills just
looking at it.|||1||
1984|Earth|||||Every so often, a ghost will come spooking out of this place.|The
Haunted Mausoleum is a solid foreground block which was added as part of Halloween
Week 2014.|22|0||
1678|Earth|||||Enjoy it while you can, before the tide comes in.|The Sandcastle is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the SummerFest
2014 on June 27, 2014.||0||
1056|Fire|||You're luckier than before!|Your luck has worn off.|This sweet steamed
rice cake is said to lead to a bright future for whoever eats it. Eat up! You can
also mix it with Mooncakes in a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special
Harvest Festival items.|||0||
1740|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Just like they predicted, we
finally have hoverboards in 2014! Well, virtual ones. Sponsored by Miwsky, Chudy,
and Dawid.|||0|Speedy|
1212|Earth|||||Not much by itself, but if you had 25 of these, I bet you could mush
them together into something pretty good! Or a gross hairball.|The Lock of Black
Fur is an unsplicable consumable introduced during Halloween Week 2013 on October
28, 2013.||0||
1338|None|689|881|||The chicken grease helps the bone stay in, and it adds
1716|None|1325|223|||Keep that haircut regulation, soldier!|The Flat-Top is a
splicable hair item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 2 on
August 9, 2014.|2|0||
1014|None|||||Static electricity in this bracelet draws tumbleweeds toward you.
One, at least.|The Tumbleweed Attractor is a hand item which was added as part of
the Wild West Pack update on September 11, 2013.||0||
1758|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Just like they predicted, we
finally have hoverboards in 2014! Well, virtual ones. This one spits fire.
Sponsored by Coinman, iOliver, and Legomanz.|||0|Speedy|
1496|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Just like they predicted, we
finally have hoverboards in 2014! Well, virtual ones.|The Rushboard is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Growtokens! update on March
30, 2014.||0|Speedy|
1776|Water|1775|1729|||This part of the diving board is not bouncy at all. Go jump
off the unsupported end!|The Diving Board Support is splicable platform foreground
block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 5 on August 12, 2014.|
1300|Fire|945|457|||Punch it to roll Rock, Paper, or Scissors. What you do with the
resulting information is entirely up to you!|The Roshambo Block is a splicable
solid foreground random block which was added as part of the Mystery Update on
November 11, 2013.|18|2||
1586|None|||||So fuzzy! This is not to be eaten.|The Pet Burrito is an unsplicable
pet hand item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2014 on May 2, 2014.||
1234|Fire|||||Collect 4 of these fragments and see what happens!|The Devil Wing
Fragment is an unsplicable consumable which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on
October 28, 2013.||0||
1448|Wind|65|1041|||Yes kids, TVs really used to look like this! And they didn't
have color screens! And they showed westerns! GET OFF OF MY LAWN!||6|2||
1756|Fire|173|167|||Be sure to point out any protestors that this is faux
tigerskin. You don't want to end up with Red Blocks instead!|The Tiger Block is a
splicable solid foreground block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014
Day 7 on August 14, 2014.|3|2||
1818|None|||||Wear these shorts when you are wrestling! If you play in a Game Pack
game, your shorts will change color to match your team.|The Ssireum Shorts - Purple
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1704|None|||||This sensible hairstyle minimizes the number of cobwebs that stick to
you when exploring ancient tombs. The glasses also help you avoid them in the first
place.|The Explorer's Ponytail is an unsplicable hair item which was added
alongside the Adventure Pack on June 14, 2014.||0||
1110|Water|521|329|||Way trippy!||6|1||
1978|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|This horse is the same thing
as a Skeletal Horsie, but has such a shiny coat! Sponsored by Avenie.|The Avenie
Golden Horse is an unsplicable feet item which was added on November 14, 2014.||0|
1646|Wind|||||This block is happy, and prominently features a unicorn.|The Happy
Unicorn Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
the Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014.|13|1||
1256|Water|859|281|||Lay in this bed and one of our doctors will see to you as soon
as possible.||8|1||
1640|Fire|||||This is the kind of unicorn your parents warned you about.|The Very
Bad Unicorn is an unsplicable solid pain foreground block which was added as part
of the Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014.||1||
1938|None|||You can jump in mid-air It's like flying, but less|Gravity - it's the
law|These things are insanely heavy, I have no idea how you can even walk, let
alone jump, with them on. Sponsored by xBone, Paulius, and TheMrSkate.|The Diamond
Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of The Carnival update on
October 13, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1844|None|435|487|||Cover your forehead and shoulders with one fell swoop!|The Long
Blonde Bangs is a splicable hair item which was added as part of the Growladies
update on September 20, 2014.|3|0||
1622|Wind|1619|429|||Use your wrench to set which team this flag belongs to! During
a Game, players can steal enemy flags and deliver them to their own Game Goals.||
1380|None|||||Hey hey hey!|The Elf Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added
as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|2|0||
1392|None|1327|185|||So warm and toasty! It's like you sliced open a deer and
crawled inside.|The Buckskin Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|13|0||
1194|Water|||||Is it just your imagination... or are the walls actually
stretching?|The Haunted House is an unsplicable background block which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|13|1||
1720|None|127|165|||This shirt isn't ruined, it's COOL.||3|0||
1972|None|||||This makes you look really disturbed. Sponsored by Edvoid20,
TETRAFANG and Passed.|The Edvoid's Mistake is a hair item that was added as part of
Halloween Week 2014. It was sponsored by Edvoid20, TETRAFANG, and Passed.|18|0||
1770|Earth|411|199|||If you die, you'll respawn at the last Checkpoint you
touched!|The Flower Checkpoint is a splicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 3 on August 10, 2014.|13|1||
1494|Water|||||Please contact support to fix this item!|ERROR! is an unobtainable
component item. It was given to players with Da Vinci Wings or Thingamabobs during
the duplication glitch that occurred in 2019 with the Techno-Organic Engine.||1||
1960|None|||||This backpack contains ghostly ectoplasm you can use to power a
flamethrower in a spooky way!|The Ecto Pack is a back item that was added as part
of Halloween Week 2014 on October 30, 2014.|30|0||
1966|None|||Tractors are not speedy.|You can walk faster than that thing!|This
demonic harvesting machine will mangle trees as it runs them over. If you wear a
Fuel pack, it has a 10% chance of harvesting double fruit from each tree below
rarity 100! This burns one Fuel Pack.|The Harvester Of Sorrows is an unsplicable
feet item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2014 on October 30, 2014.||0|
Putt Putt Putt|
1174|Earth|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
again and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust in your dry, bitter fist.
Oct 2013|The Rollback Plaque II is an unsplicable solid rollback plaque foreground
block which was added on October 5, 2013.|1|2||
1404|Fire|||||Use this fabulous device anywhere in a world you have world-locked to
move the White Door to a new location. There must be an empty space where you tap
and another empty space below it for this to work.|The Door Mover is an unsplicable
consumable introduced during Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1572|Earth|||||The sweetest of blocks - crispy, chewy, cinnamony, delicious.||1|1||
1054|Fire|||||A soothing dim light for evening festivities. You can punch this to
turn it on or off.|The Chinese Lantern is an unsplicable toggleable animated
foreground block which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September 18,
1570|None|||||When you /dance with this, you can perform for your friends!|||0||
1340|None|185|1113|||Is it for cold weather or warm weather? Who knows! It's the
world's smallest parka.||5|0||
1940|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Shoes made of diamond? I guess
you save money on ice skates. Sponsored by CrimsonSwag, Vitality, and Mitcho25.|The
Diamond Rocket Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of The
Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0|Speedy|
1562|Water|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||1|2||
1344|Water|1303|441|||This is very ancient ice, shipped from a glacier. Don't just
use it to cool your drink!|The Ice Cube is a splicable solid slippery foreground
block which was added alongside the Prehistoric Pack on 13 December 2013.|33|1||
1824|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|A leaf falls still on a pond. These wings let you double jump, and contain an
endless supply of dried leaves for some reason!|The Autumn Wings is an unsplicable
back item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||
0|Double Jump: Autumn Wings|
1676|None|||Squirt blocks from farther away! But weaker than punching.|You're out
of water!|Squirt your friends with this usually harmless weapon! Or load it with
hydrochloric acid and use it to dissolve metal, it works equally well. Longer
ranger than normal punches, but less damage.|The Squirt Gun is an unsplicable hand
item that was added as part of the SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.||0|Squirt Gun|
1506|None|||||These elaborate scarves may only be worn by medical professionals (or
anyone else with the title "Doctor").|||0||
1078|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Blue Hanbok Skirt is an
unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1858|None|1131|171|||It looks like a whole galaxy of suns.|The Red Sun Dress is a
splicable shirt item which was added as part of the Growladies update on
September 20, 2014.|10|0||
1498|Water|833|183|||Yuck, purple stuff?! I'd rather drink imitation orange
1108|Earth|1107|23|||This daisy is in a pot. Pretty simple, really.|The Potted
Daisy is a splicable non-solid decoration block.|8|0||
1352|Water|1165|913|||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something
electronic? Maybe?|The Whatchamacallit is a splicable component which is required
to create the Legen Seed.|49|1||
1964|Fire|||You little devil...|Off the naughty list!|This is evil, like the fru-
its of the dev-il! It's recommended that you don't eat it, but it's not like you're
going to listen to me.|The Devilfruit is an unsplicable consumable which was added
as part of Halloween Week 2014 on October 30, 2014.|13|1||
1792|Fire|||||Players that touch this get a Legendary Orb.|||1||
1816|None|||||Wear these shorts when you are wrestling! If you play in a Game Pack
game, your shorts will change color to match your team.|The Ssireum Shorts - Yellow
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1700|Water|437|1329|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
world. Also useful in Gateway To Adventure!|The Adventure Item - Banana is a
splicable non-solid adventure item foreground block which was added alongside the
Adventure Pack on June 14, 2014.|17|1||
1768|None|1647|1565|||Oh, grow up.|The Pacifier is a splicable face item which was
added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 6 on August 13, 2014.|17|0||
1286|None|||||This is also nice if you want to work at the kind of burger
restaurant the requires Pieces of Flair from its wait staff.|The Candy Striper
Skirt is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of the Growtopia General
Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1672|None|829|827|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|Somewhere over the rainbow is a Growtopian, flapping away. These let
you double jump. Sponsored by Oricho and Oriche.|The Rainbow Wings is a splicable
back item which was added as part of SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.|65|0|Double
1814|None|||||Wear these shorts when you are wrestling! If you play in a Game Pack
game, your shorts will change color to match your team.|The Ssireum Shorts - Blue
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1584|Wind|||||Put this on top of a bunch of items you want to give away. Once
placed, anybody can break it and get the items! The mystery is that certain items
will transform into something more festive when it explodes...|The Mystery Pinata
is an unsplicable event mystery foreground block which was added as part of Cinco
De Mayo Week 2014 on May 2, 2014. One can be smashed by anyone regardless of
1488|Water|||||Drink this fizzy potion to gain 10,000 XP instantly! Only works on
yourself, no pouring it down other peoples' throats.|The Experience Potion is an
unsplicable and untradeable consumable which was added as part of the Growtokens!
update on March 30, 2014.||0||
1226|Wind|||||Don't let it look at you! Luckily it is very near-sighted so you'd
have to actually touch it for it to see. Which would kill you, by the way.|The Evil
Eye is an unsplicable toggleable deadly block which was added on Halloween Week
2013 on October 28, 2013.|14|1||
1990|Fire|||||Nature makes things purple to tell you to STAY AWAY! Also if a spider
is as big as you, that's another clue.|The Deadly Spider is an unsplicable solid
deadly foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2014.|22|0||
1326|Earth|1323|299|||Who knows what lurks inside? I guess whoever placed it and
used a wrench on it to set the destination.||12|1||
1440|None|||You command a starship!.|Your fleet has abandoned you.|Zerkon commands
a starship too small to actually board.|The Evil Space Helmet is an unsplicable
head item. It used to be ex-moderator @Zerkon's Moderator Item, however, it was
later added to the Growtoken Store as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018. This
helmet also summons a spacecraft which follows the player and fires lasers instead
of the normal punch.||0|Space Commander|
1536|Water|||||This sand is all mucked up with gross deep ocean stuff.||1|0||
1240|Water|||||Place this device and anybody can watch it to see if you are online!
Or alive. Note: it can't actually tell if you're alive. But it will beep if you are
online!|The Heart Monitor is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||2||
1424|Earth|||||If you trade this to another player while in a world that you own,
they will become the owner of your World Lock! Use it to trade worlds safely.|||0||
1142|None|1111|1113|||Multiple layers offer protection against cold, vacuum,
radiation, and parasitic alien infestation. Of course it's also sleeveless,
1874|None|||Your punches are imbued with force!|If you liked this mod, you
should've put a ring on it.|This ring replaces your punch with a devastating blast
of energy that can shatter nearby blocks!|The Ring Of Force is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0|Ring of
1386|None|1327|1325|||So warm and toasty! It's like you sliced open a deer and
crawled inside.|The Buckskin Hood is an unsplicable hair item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|13|0||
1042|Earth|1039|21|||I don't know what language this is, but they spoke it in the
old west.||3|0||
1568|None|||||Not only is this hat festive and suitable for formal occasions, but
wearing it when you break an Ultra Pinata will reward you with a personal gift from
The Great Burro!|||0||
1556|Fire|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||2|2||
1412|None|||||PARTY DOWN!!!!|The Party Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1422|Wind|247|549|||Drop items for sale in these handy boxes! Only players with
access to the lock can pick them up!||12|1||
1018|None|||You can move fast!|You are slow again.|It's possible this is actually a
dalmation, but you can still ride it! It's faster than walking.|The Tiny Appaloosa
is an unsplicable feet item.||0|Speedy|
1204|None|||Give people the evil eye.|Your vision is normal.|These eyes are a bit
shocking.|The Focused Eyes is an untradable face item which was added on October
24, 2013. One was given to InFocus for his contributions as Growtopia's voluntary
moderator.||0|Focused Eyes|
1834|Wind|||||With this block, you too can yell at the moon like Buzz Aldrin.|The
Moon Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||2||
1746|None|||||This backpack contains volatile fuels you can use to power a
flamethrower!|The Fuel Pack is an unsplicable back item which was added on Player
Appreciation Week 2014 Day 2 on August 9, 2014.|30|0||
1734|None|||||Akiko's extra special hat.|The Kuma-boshi is an unsplicable hat item
which was added alongside the Game Pack on July 25, 2014.||0||
1034|None|625|519|||Feeling fat? You could exercise... or you could just cram your
gut into one of these! Oh sure, you may end up with spinal deformities, but beauty
demands pain!||16|0||
1728|Wind|419|861|||Use these to build your stage for the ultimate rock show.||13|
1694|Earth|437|863|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
2000|Fire|||||I bet if you had twenty of these, you could build a whole new dragon
out of them! Still, it's kind of icky.|||1||
1882|Earth|||||Doot doot doo doo doodle doot doot doo doo...|The Carnival Block is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival
update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1450|Earth|1257|201|||Just the thing to watch your TV on. Except your TV can only
face the opposite direction.||11|1||
1744|Earth|185|327|||It's a Brown Block squashed flat at last!|The Brown Wallpaper
is a splicable background block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014
Day 3 on August 10, 2014.|11|0||
1840|None|167|487|||This is the hair for people with flawed foreheads.|The Long
Black Bangs is a splicable hair item which was added as part of the Growladies
update on September 20, 2014.|4|0||
1680|Fire|||||This Omega-class firework is actually illegal in all countries. All
of them. LAUNCH IT ANYWAY!!! Like cereal, it comes with a special prize inside.
Note: it will use up 200 Fireworks from your inventory to ignite the Saturn V
thruster it uses.|The Super Fireworks is an unsplicable consumable which was added
SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.||1||
1684|Earth|1047|1433|||Use these sort of like Doors - They have IDs, so Doors can
lead to them, though you can't travel from them. Use your wrench to set their ID.||
1426|Earth|171|987|||Tell people what you're selling! Use your Wrench on it to
change the message.||4|1||
1244|None|||||Stop spreading your germs around!|The Scrub Mask is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital update on
November 22, 2013.||0||
1864|None|1745|581|||The ultimate in stealth technology. Sponsored by JakeShore,
ADmex1, and Bankai.|The Cardboard Box is a splicable hair item which was added as
part of the Growladies update on September 20, 2014.|12|0||
1886|Water|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Blue Pennant is an unsplicable
non-solid animated foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update
on October 13, 2014.||0||
1084|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|The Purple Hanbok Pants is
an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on
September 18, 2013.||0||
1512|None|||||He's hidden a pot of gold somewhere... but you'll never find it!|The
Pet Leprechaun is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of St. Patrick's
Week 2014 on March 14, 2014.||0||
1130|Fire|1109|57|||Green power all the way!||9|1||
1958|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Jenuine's a bit spacey.|The Genuine Rings is an unsplicable back item
exclusive to game Moderator @Jenuine.||0|Double Jump|
1928|None|||||This top hat is a bit rumpled, but it still has a certain rustic
panache.|The Ringmaster Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1574|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Polly want a double jump?|The Parrot Wings is an unsplicable back item which
was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2014 on May 2, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1170|None|||You don't vant to pronounce w's.|Your teeth has shrunk.|Wearing these
impedes lip movement just enough to induce a Transylvanian accent.|The Vampire
Fangs is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2013 on
October 28, 2013.|21|0|Transylvanian Accent|
1870|Earth|327|191|||This is also what happens when you give a flower a taste for
magic bacon!|The Hanging Guytrap is a splicable solid deadly foreground block which
was added on September 2, 2014.|11|1||
1952|None|||||Blue Dwarf needs owl, badly.|The Owlbeard is a face item that was
added as part of Halloween Week 2014 on October 31, 2014.||0|Fiery Pet|
1946|None|1345|1303|Your little friend blasts ice beams.|Your friend has flown the
coop.|Moo. This frost baby cow will follow you everywhere you go! Mainly because
its tied to your wrist. Sponsored by Orfeo and Destra.|The Ice Calf Leash is a
splicable pet hand item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2014.|57|0|Icy
1836|None|||You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|I'm not sure why
you're bothering to mine stuff when you already have an entire pickaxe made of
diamonds, but at least you know this is harder than whatever you want to mine!
Sponsored by Kloe, PartyFrog and xShaDo.|The Diamond Flashaxe is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||
0|Enhanced Digging|
1116|None|301|171|||You want respect, you gotta EARN it. Or wear these shoes. BAM,
instant respect.|Clown Shoes is a splicable feet item.|5|0||
1308|Wind|1105|1305|||These vines can grow to extraordinary heights. Provided you
place Climbing Vine blocks up to extraordinary heights. |The Climbing Vine is a
splicable foreground platform block which was added as part of the Mystery Update
on November 11, 2013.|6|0||
1630|Fire|||||DO NOT TOUCH!|The Lava Cube is an unsplicable lava pain foreground
block which was added in the Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014.|1|1||
9162|Fire|||||DO NOT TOUCH!|The deadly mushrooom.|50|1||
8532|Earth|||||Yep, it's deadly dirt.||2|0||
1906|Earth|||||Write stuff on it to tell your friends! Use your Wrench on it to
change the message.|The Carnival Sign is an unsplicable non-solid sign foreground
block which was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||1||
1322|Earth|105|945|||If your friends all jumped off of this, would you?||1|0||
1880|Wind|||||Step right up and see this amazing square-headed person!|The Carnival
Awning is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The
Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1148|None|||||Now you can be one of those creepy astronauts with a chrome-plated
face, where nobody knows who you are and what you're up to.||21|0||
1822|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|These sporty shoes are coated
with a layer of pure sparkling gold. Sponsored by Kubeti and Rooted.|The Golden Air
Robinsons was added as part of the Valentine's Week 2014 update on February 10,
1224|Wind|||||A creepstone Platform turned off. Not for players.|The Disabled
Platform is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added on Halloween
Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.||0||
1396|Water|||||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something electronic?
1856|None|523|1567|||Sometimes simpler is better!|The Simple Purple Dress is a
splicable shirt item which was added as part of the Growladies update on
September 20, 2014.|11|0||
1060|Wind|||||The amazing lunar device will create a new world with a unique
harvest moon background, filled with random trees ready to harvest!|||0||
1372|Fire|1309|697|||This candle is enormous, but not hot enough to do any real
harm.|The Giant Candle is a splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|9|0||
1266|Water|323|781|||Used only in surgery. If someone gets an infection,
antibiotics should clear it up.||21|1||
1696|Earth|437|687|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
1992|Wind|||||This is the perfect material for hanging spiders from. It has no
effect on Growtopians.||1|0||
1164|Water|325|741|||This technology is incredibly advanced - you could run an
entire starship on this Compu Panel! If you had any idea what any of the buttons
1936|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|It's shocking what they're doing with wings these days. Sponsored by Cukuzz,
PikaPi and BigCream.|The Blazing Electro Wings is an unsplicable back item which
was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0|Double Jump:
Blazing Electro Wings|
1950|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|You look tough when you're
riding a Growley Dennison motorcycle!|The Growley Motorcycle is an unsplicable feet
item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2014 on October 31, 2014.||0|Speedy|
1708|None|671|1529|You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.|This is
not a whole lot different from a garden shovel, but holding it makes you feel
adventurous. It also lets you dig faster than you can by punching dirt. I still
don't get why punching dirt works at all.||15|0|Enhanced Digging|
1006|Water|657|181|||You've got mail! People can write you private messages with
1520|Water|455|1157|||They say a shark can never stop swimming, but this particular
shark can never stop swimming in place.||22|1||
1032|None|515|301|||These lovely golden locks make you look like a right purty
1190|None|||||Meow! The bad thing about wearing this leash is that you end up with
a black cat constantly crossing your path.|The Black Cat Leash is an unsplicable
pet hand item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.||
1012|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Clop clop clop. Coconuts not
included.|The Stick Horse is an unsplicable feet item.||0|Speedy|
1612|Water|549|181|||People inside this should not throw stones, and they will be
tinted blue.|The Blue Glass Block is a splicable solid foreground block which was
released during the Cinema Pack update on May 16, 2014.|4|0||
1354|Water|||||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something electronic?
Maybe?|The Kerjigger is an unsplicable component which was added alongside the
Prehistoric Pack on December 13, 2013.||1||
1642|None|||||These things are just creepy. I don't get the appeal.|The Horse Mask
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Unicorn Madness update
on May 30, 2014.||0||
1750|Wind|||||This machine will send your entire world hurtling through space at
warp speed. This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather
Machine - Warp Speed is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 1 on August 8, 2014.||2||
1996|None|||||This ring makes you feel a whole lot smarter. So smart, in fact, that
you can tell that it gives you a 10% chance of getting double XP!|The Ring Of
Wisdom is one of the rings given by The Ringmaster once players have completed the
Quest Of The Ring. It gives the wearer a 10% chance of getting double XP.||0||
1418|None|||||PARTY DOWN!!!!|The Party Glasses is an unsplicable face item which
was added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1310|Water|||||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something electronic?
Maybe?|The Thingamajig is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the
Mystery Update on November 11, 2013.|39|1||
1088|None|||||Classy and festive at the same time.|The Festival Hair Bun is an
unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1428|Wind|987|175|||Say something about Gems on this sign. I guess? Use your Wrench
on it to change the message.||4|1||
1706|Earth|1521|443|||This species features the deadliest venom of any snake in the
world, capable of instantly killing a Growtopian. This is counterbalanced by the
fact that it is too lazy to pursue prey at all, simply waiting for people to walk
up and touch it.||22|1||
1682|Fire|567|973|||You can set this door up like a Choose Your Own Adventure
story! Type up to 5 lines of story, and then add up to 5 buttons for players to
choose from, with Door IDs that they lead to.||16|1||
1912|Earth|||||Works the same as path marker.|The Carnival Landing is an
unobtainable non-solid marker foreground block which was added as part of The
Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||1||
1604|Earth|1451|1133|||Down in front!!||11|1||
1920|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1122|None|963|581|||HONK HONK|Clown Nose is a splicable face item.|3|0||
1670|None|||||Fly this colorful kite to celebrate summertime!|||0||
1868|None|||||Congratulations on completing all the holiday achievements! Have a
lovely dragon!|||0||
1916|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1522|Water|741|1309|||Beware of the painful sting of this sea creature! Also beware
of the folk remedies for fixing it...||15|1||
1904|None|||No one will take your precious!|I guess someone took your precious.|
This ring is precious, and if you had pocketses you'd put the ring in them for
safekeeping.|The One Ring is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0|The One Ring|
1168|None|||||You must have a really greasy pillow.|The Slick Black Hair is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|
1530|Water|597|1537|||Store your treasures inside by dropping them! When it's
closed, the items are hidden. Punch to open it.||15|2||
1172|None|||||Looks like you won the gold medal in bloodsucking.|The Vamp Vest is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28,
1566|Water|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||4|3||
1986|None|||||This ring is imbued with astrological power. It makes you a twin!|The
Gemini Ring is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside The Carnival.||
1614|Water|||||Congratulations! Your film has been selected as the best picture of
the week! Or you just bought this trophy from someone else like a common peasant.|
The Growie Award is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added
alongside the Cinema Pack on May 16, 2014.||2||
1908|Wind|||||Used in the carnival. When turned on, punch it for points.|The
Bullseye is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||5||
1828|Water|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste, in 4 flavors combined
with a perfect balance. A random jumble of four symbols is imprinted on the top in
ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in a Laboratory or E-Z
Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The Balance Mooncake is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014. One is also available in the Harvest Pack.||0||
1528|Water|623|1539|||I guess a ship somewhere is flying free, never to settle down
in one place again.||13|1||
1376|None|547|545|||Fly this colorful kite to ring in the new year.|The Yeonnalligi
is a splicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21,
1654|Fire|249|559|||Thankfully, these Evil Bricks are further away than the usual
kind.|The Evil Brick Background is a splicable background block which was added as
part of the Unicorn Madness update on May 30, 2014.|12|1||
1430|Water|521|1043|||Let everyone know you're running a shop! Use your Wrench on
it to change the message.||6|1||
1188|None|||||The fun bonus is that you can take this off, and then you're wearing
your "daytime wolfman mask". It's almost 2 masks in one!||18|0||
1590|None|1611|1613|||It's like Growtopia is COMING RIGHT AT YOU!||9|0||
1898|Wind|||||You can spend these at any Carnival game in the world CARNIVAL, if
the Carnival happens to be in town.|The Golden Ticket is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||7||
1398|Wind|||||These blocks cannot be seen. Thus they cannot be used by players
because that would be a nightmare.|The Inviso-Block is an unobtainable solid
foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|
1766|Wind|301|847|||These extra-strong seagulls can carry the full weight of a
Growtopian! Hop on!|The Seagull is a splicable platform foreground block which was
added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 5 on August 12, 2014.|12|0||
1486|Wind|||||You can earn these from Crazy Jim and Sales-Man - try dialing 12345
or 53785 on your Telephone for details! Spend them in the store on special items!
If you have 100 Growtokens you can tap them in your inventory to combine them into
a Mega Growtoken!|||0||
1236|Earth|||||They're not fat, they're just big-boned.|The Boney Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block introduced during Halloween Week 2013 on October
28, 2013.|17|1||
1216|None|||You've got quite a pokerface.|Your face is back!|You look a little
shady in this thing...||23|0|Mark of Growganoth|
1100|Earth|669|973|||Add a touch of class to your architecture! Also, keep it from
falling down.|The Pillar is a splicable block.|16|1||
1600|Earth|1595|219|||Sit down and tell everybody what to do.||17|2||
1490|Earth|||||Punch this to eradicate all light from the universe. This sensitive
technology will not function when damaged.|Weather Machine - Nothingness is an
unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as part of
the Growtokens! update on March 30, 2014.||2||
1806|None|||||You're lucky, you get to be the head!|The Chinese Dragon Head is an
unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1588|None|285|775|||The loud clacking sound this can produce is useful for syncing
up audio with video. We've silenced this particular one for the sake of the other
1594|Earth|559|1481|||Raise it up and start the show! Note: You can't raise it
1384|None|||||Warning: Wearing this could result in exclusion from reindeer
1900|None|||||This is the master of all rings! Punch or wrench him to obtain Ring
1540|None|||||This friendly pet owl will fall asleep on your head if you don't keep
him entertained! Dedicated to the students of the Mid-Pacific Institute.|Mid-
Pacific Owl is an unsplicable pet hand item which was released on the 11th of
April, 2014.||0||
1550|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|With a pair of wings, you can double-jump! With these wings, you can also
bubble.|The Bubble Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of
Easter Week 2014 on April 19, 2014.||0|Double Jump: Bubble Wings|
1294|Earth|||||This door is designed to be easy to push open when you're rolling a
body around on a cart. Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the
destination.|The Hospital Door is an unsplicable non-solid foreground door block
which was added as part of the Growtopia General Hospital update on November 22,
1924|None|||||Join the club, man.|||1||
1272|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|For the sake of your fellow
Growtopians, we limited the siren. But you can still enjoy the flashing lights!|The
Ambulance is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Growtopia
General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0|Speedy|
1564|Water|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||4|2||
1094|Wind|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste. "Peace" is imprinted
on the top in ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in a
Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The Peace
Mooncake is an unsplicable Mooncake consumable which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1618|Earth|757|759|||Use your wrench to set which team this block belongs to!
During a Game, the block can be smashed according to the Game rules, and it will
rebuild after the game ends.||37|5||
1162|Wind|||||This directed energy field has the power to function as solid matter
for people who aren't invited, while being completely permeable to anyone else. I
guess that makes it a door.||26|1||
1576|None|||You command a mighty (happenin') dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned
you.|This ferocious beast spews deadly PARTY at your enemies.|The Fiesta Dragon is
an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2014 on May
2, 2014.||0|Dragonborn|
1902|Earth|||||Nothing to see here.|The Golden Ticket Booth is an unobtainable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update on October
13, 2014.||5||
1892|None|||||This is a cruel way to get somebody to do what you want. Keep it in
video games only!|The Lion Taming Whip is an unsplicable pet hand item which was
added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1230|None|||||Did you stick your finger in a light socket?|The Frankenhair is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|
1698|Earth|437|261|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
1064|Wind|||||Notice how there are NO crows around? This thing is working!|The
Scarecrow is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added on Harvest
Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||1||
1812|None|||||Wear these shorts when you are wrestling! If you play in a Game Pack
game, your shorts will change color to match your team.|The Ssireum Shorts - Red is
an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1278|Earth|||||When activated (punch to activate), this prevents zombies from
infecting anyone in your world.|The Zombie Jammer is a solid foreground jammer
block which was added as part of the Mystery Update on November 11, 2013.||7||
1484|None|||You shoot dark lightning!|You are boring again.|AtomicShadow might
actually be evil.|||0|Black Lightning|
5160|None|||NADO POWER!|You are boring again.|This scythe was held by a demonic
being.|||0|Hell Lightning|
1838|None|741|167|||You got style.|The Hot Pink Hightlights is a splicable hair
item which was added as part of the Growladies update on September 20, 2014.|6|0||
1432|Fire|885|1139|||Excited about something? Let people know! Use your Wrench on
it to change the message.||2|1||
1830|None|||Tractors are not speedy.|You can walk faster than that thing!|This
advanced harvesting machine will chop down trees as it runs them over. If you wear
a Fuel Pack, it has a 10% chance of harvesting double fruit from each tree below
rarity 100! This burns up one Fuel Pack.|The Harvester is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on September 5, 2014.||0|Putt Putt
1692|None|||||Wot Wot too right tally ho jolly good ermf ermf|The Adventuring
Mustache is an unsplicable face item which was added alongside the Adventure Pack
on June 14, 2014.||0||
1664|Fire|||||It's summertime, why do your cooking indoors? Also, you can mix
chemicals in here. I'm sure that's perfectly safe.|The Barbecue Grill is an
unsplicable chemical combiner foreground block which was added as part of the
SummerFest 2014 on June 27, 2014.||2||
1652|None|1647|1563|||It takes a liberal dose of Aqua Net to make it look like
this.|The Aqua Hair is a splicable hair item which was added as part of the Unicorn
Madness update on May 30, 2014.|15|0||
1358|Water|169|889|||You just wanna lick 'em!|The Candy Cane Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21,
1534|None|||||He won't stay in his bowl because he LIKES you! This is one fish
you'll never forget.|Cuddly Piranha is an unsplicable hand item which was added
during the Undersea update on April 12, 2014.||0||
1052|Water|983|183|||This mysterious crystal has the power to transform one object
into another, but only in the fiery furnace of a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven.|The
Transmog Crystal is an unsplicable component which was added alongside the Wild
West Pack on September 11, 2013.|22|0||
1350|None|1347|1349|||The word "mammoth' has really lost all meaning at this
point.|The Mini Mammoth Leash is a splicable pet hand item which was added as part
of the Prehistoric Pack update on December 13, 2013.|91|0||
1330|None|1103|1299|Float like a butterfly, sting like a punch in the face.|Boxing
time over.|We've come a long way in methods of settling disputes, but this
technique still works.||14|0|Fist O' Fury|
1442|None|||||Styx has a burning sensation.|Burning Face is an unsplicable face
item which was added with Shop Pack on January 24, 2014.||0||
1510|Earth|||||The legend goes that if you gather up ten of these pebbles, you can
charm a leprechaun to be your friend!|The Blarney Pebble is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2014 on March 14, 2014.||
1360|Wind|425|419|||The joy of giving! You can use this on yourself to open it and
get a surprise, or use it on another player to give it to them. If you are feeling
extra cheerful, you can also give it to The Growch!|||0||
1066|Fire|||||Release this lantern into the wind to celebrate the harvest!|Sky
Lantern is an unsplicable consumable which was added in Harvest Festival on
September 18, 2013. A Sky Lantern will also appear whenever the player harvests a
tree that yields a Mooncake.||7||
1808|None|||||This really adds a lot of body to your hair.|The Chinese Dragon Body
is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1118|None|283|581|||They come complete with suspenders! Which is a good thing,
since they're a BIT big.|The Clown Pants are a splicable pants item which was added
on October 5, 2013.|4|0||
1284|None|||||I wonder where on earth this nurse's uniform gets its name from...|
The Candy Striper Uniform is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
the Growtopia General Hospital update on November 22, 2013.||0||
1772|Wind|339|511|Whoooooooaaaaaaaa...|Gravity - it's the law.|This isn't even
wrapped, it probably has all kind of germs on it. Are you really gonna chew it?|The
Bubble Gum is a splicable consumable which was added on Player Appreciation Week
2014 Day 6 on August 13, 2014.|4|1||
1710|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|You
can't punch when holding this, you're too busy ROCKING! Punch anywhere to play
music. If you punch to your left or right, you can bend the note higher or lower.
Punch in your own column to play the same notes that Sheet Music: Piano Note
plays.|The Keytar is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the
addition of Rockin' Pack on July 13, 2014.||0|Musical|
1210|Wind|||||Darkness falls across the land... The midnight hour is close at
hand...|The Weather Machine - Spooky is an unsplicable non-solid foreground weather
machine block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.||
1852|None|1685|255|||It looks like a real butterfly! A real robot butterfly.|The
Butterfly Hair Pin is a hat item which was added as part of the Growladies update
on September 20, 2014.|24|0||
1112|Water|329|519|||Tres trippy.||4|1||
1070|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Yellow Hanbok Top is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1878|Water|||||Throw up some of these and you'll feel like you've run away to the
circus!|The Carnival Wallpaper is an unsplicable background block which was added
as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1092|None|||||Look at that cheesy grin.|||0||
1948|None|||||This has over 10,000,000x magnification, allowing you to clearly see
the virus that is totally shocking! Sponsored by xSpeedo, Jynttari and PEIJJE.|
Electro Magnifying Glass is a pet hand item. When equipped, it will summon a blue
virus leash which follows the wearer around.||0||
1592|None|299|1523|||Nobody understands your genius.||25|0||
1186|None|||||You're bad to the bone.|The Skull Mask is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|18|0||
1292|Wind|||||Looking out at nature is supposed to help you recover.|||0||
1554|Fire|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||1|2||
1274|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Only the chief of surgery can
afford a speedy electric car like this!|||0|Speedy|
1114|None|||||We warned you to stay away from the toxic waste barrels.|The Dragon
Tail is an unsplicable back item which was added alongside the Mad Science Kit on
July 20, 2013.|17|0||
1504|None|65|185|||If you're a grizzled old prospector, this is surely the hat for
you. Also useful for hard-boiled reporters who always get their story.|The Old-
Timey Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Growtokens!
update on March 30, 2014.|4|0||
1890|Wind|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Yellow Pennant is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival
update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1626|Wind|||||A flag being carried by a player.|||2||
1532|Water|||||Use this astounding device to create an entirely new undersea world.
Water included!|The Undersea Blast is an unsplicable consumable which was added on
April 11, 2014. One can be purchased from the Store for 15,000 gems.||0||
1356|Earth|11|441|||Or is it Rocky Snow? It's not. The snow is on top.|The Snowy
Rocks is a splicable solid foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest
2013 on December 21, 2013.|8|1||
1456|None|1309|261|||I pity the fool who doesn't wear a set of these.|Gold Chain is
a splicable neck item.|18|0||
1218|None|||||Just the thing to worship Growganoth in!||23|0||
1508|Earth|||||Players that touch this get a Blarney Pebble.|The Blarney Stone is
an unobtainable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of St. Patrick's
Week 2014 on March 14, 2014. It is found at the end of all nine BLARNEY worlds.||
1810|None|||||Looks like you got stuck with the tail end. Again.|The Chinese Dragon
Tail is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1884|Fire|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Red Pennant is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update on
October 13, 2014.||0||
1184|None|||||It's hard to speak through these bandages!|The Mummy Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|
1876|None|||||This ring floats you on a cloud. Hold the jump button while falling
to glide safely down to earth.|The Ring Of Winds is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1020|None|729|1003|||The dainty way to slow your fall! Hold the jump button while
falling to keep the parasol open.||23|0||
1794|Fire|||||This orb is legendary and filled with great power. However, you don't
have an adapter for it, so the power isn't any use to you. Perhaps a wizard could
use it?|||1||
1914|Wind|||||A nice way to get up to a highwire to perform an aerial show!|The
Carnival Platform is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as
part of The Carnival update on October 13, 2014.||0||
1748|None|1727|1631|You can torch stuff at the cost of 1 Fuel Pack per shot!|You're
disarmed.|The deadliest weapon in Growtopia! The downside is that you need to wear
a Fuel Pack to use it, and it uses up 1 Fuel Pack every single punch. KILL IT WITH
FIRE!|The Flamethrower is a splicable hand item which was added on Player
Appreciation Week 2014 Day 2 on August 9, 2014.|18|0|Flamethrowin'|
1982|Wind|||||Pro-tip: build a haunted house from Haunted House blocks, then use
Block Glue to add this into it, so you don't have to have windows everywhere!||3|
1062|Wind|||||Spray a tree to instantly grow it to full size! Can only grow 30
day's growth at the most, but that's longer than almost any item takes|The Ultra
Grow Spray is an unsplicable consumable added during Harvest Festival 2013 on
September 18, 2013.||7||
1166|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|This cape imparts mystical powers upon its wearer.|The Vampire Cape is an
unsplicable back item which was added on Halloween Week 2013 on October 28, 2013.|
26|0|Double Jump|
1160|Water|1155|55|||Wow, the view from up here is simply amazing!||13|1||
1820|None|||||Wear these shorts when you are wrestling! If you play in a Game Pack
game, your shorts will change color to match your team.|The Ssireum Shorts - Grey
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2014 on
September 5, 2014.||0||
1738|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Though less flexible than your average cape, this is a whole lot sparklier.
Allows you to double jump off an imaginary Crystal Block. Sponsored by Edvoid20,
Heme, and Aboge.|The Crystal Cape is an unsplicable back item which was added on
Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 7 on August 14, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1602|Water|||Ya'll are feelin' minty, sugah.|Unknown|Mmm, minty! With a hint of
julep. Go horsey go!!|The Mint Julep is an unsplicable consumable which was added
alongside Cinco De Mayo Week 2014 on May 2, 2014.||0||
1832|Earth|||||If you die, you'll respawn at the last Checkpoint you touched!|The
Sunflower Checkpoint is an unsplicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block that
was added as part of the Harvest Festival 2014 update on September 5, 2014.||1||
1862|None|285|431|||You are now the referee of fashion.|The Checkered Dress is a
splicable shirt item which was added as part of the Growladies update on
September 20, 2014.|12|0||
1466|None|||||Sparkles with the undying light of eternal love. Plus it's shiny!|The
Golden Diamond Necklace is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2014 on February 10, 2014.||0||
1730|Wind|63|425|||Your worlds doesn't have enough voltage to actually power
speakers of this size, but they sure LOOK loud!||14|0||
1674|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Is it hot in here, or is it just you? These wings let you double jump! There
are only 500 in existence! Don't throw them away!|The Phoenix Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was introduced during SummerFest 2014 on June 27,
2014.||0|Double Jump|
9166|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Is it hot in here, or is it just you? These wings let you double jump!|The
Eldritch Wings is an unsplicable back item. Sponsored by vyte||0|Double Jump|
9494|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Is it hot in here, or is it just you? These wings let you double jump!|The
Fenix Wings is an unsplicable back item.||0|Double Jump|
1478|None|301|359|||There's ducks on this shirt!!!||13|0||
1542|None|||You're holding a dead fish.|You're making better life choices now.|Why,
it's a dead fish. And you're holding it. Oooookayyyy||36|0|Fishy|
1460|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Better than a Halo, these will actually let you Double Jump! Plus they're
shiny!|The Golden Angel Wings is an unsplicable back item that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2014 on February 10, 2014.||0|Double Jump|
1578|Earth|||||A dangerously happenin' plant! Do not touch.|The Party Cactus is a
solid pain foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2014 on
May 2, 2014.||1||
1480|Wind|55|511|||It's curtains for these windows! Lacy, gently wafting
1786|Wind|||||Wait for it...|The Legen Seed is an unsplicable component which was
added as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014.|26|1||
1146|None|625|165|||It's just one small step for a Growtopian, one giant leap for
1058|Water|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste. "Harmony" is
imprinted on the top in ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in
a Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The Harmony
Mooncake is an unsplicable Mooncake consumable which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2013 on September 18, 2013.||0||
1082|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|The Yellow Hanbok Pants is
an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on
September 18, 2013.||0||
1420|Earth|689|607|||Dress up your mannequin with clothes! Use your wrench to
change the sign on it.||21|3||
1752|Earth|551|1431|||Lets people communicate by leaving messages to each other.|
The Guestbook is a splicable non-solid bulletin board foreground block which was
added on Player Appreciation Week 2014 Day 2 on August 9, 2014.|19|1||
1106|Water|607|973|||This ancient greek vase could be filled with just about
anything! But my bet is on gems and possibly a seed.|The Amphora is a splicable
non-solid foreground block.|6|0||
1472|Fire|777|1449|||This is a quick and handy way to cook food. Or do SCIENCE!||
1712|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|You
can't punch when holding this, you're too busy ROCKING! Punch anywhere to play
music. If you punch to your left or right, you can bend the note higher or lower.
Punch in your own column to play the same notes that Sheet Music: Bass Note plays.|
The Bass Guitar is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the Rockin'
Pack on July 13, 2014.||0|Musical|
1778|Wind|||||Spray a tree to grow it 24 hours worth!|||7||
1988|Water|||||Toss this vile-smelling liquid on an impure soul and the darkest
deeds of their past will return to haunt them for a while!|The Doppelganger Potion
is a consumable that was added as part of Halloween Week 2014.|19|1||
1714|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|You
can't punch when holding this, you're too busy ROCKING! Punch anywhere to play
drums. If you punch to your left or right, you can play different drums. Punch in
your own column to play the same drums that Sheet Music: Drums plays.|The
Tambourine is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the Rockin' Pack
update on July 13, 2014.||0|Musical|
1238|Wind|||||So sticky AUGHH!!!||6|0||
1558|Fire|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||2|2||
1314|None|653|1047|||Unlike an actual pony, your tail grows out of the back of your
head.|The Ponytail is a splicable hair item which was added as part of the Mystery
Update on November 11, 2013.|11|0||
1942|Wind|||||Get in the carnival mood with some circus music! Yes, circuses and
carnivals are different things. But not really? I did some research on it, I'm
still not sure.|The Calliope is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated
foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update on October 13,
1780|None|||You are piloting a legendary robot suit.|You feel naked.|This legendary
battle armor was the turning point in the war of the Growtopia Valley.|The
Legendbot-009 is an unspicable shirt item that was introduced during the Legendary
update on August 22, 2014.||0|Legendary!|
1370|Earth|411|103|||Tinsel is so distracting. Celebrate with an unadorned
aluminium pole.|The Festivus Pole is a splicable non-solid foreground block which
was added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|12|0||
1866|Water|||||Squirt some of this on a block, and neighboring blocks will attach
to it, visually. For example, if you glue a block, and there's a Dirt Block below
it, the dirt block won't have a green top, because it will think there's a dirt
above it! Use glue again to remove it.|The Block Glue is an unsplicable consumable
that was added as part of the Growladies update on September 20, 2014.||0||
1410|None|||||PARTY DOWN!!!!|The Party Vest is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2014 on January 10, 2014.||0||
1390|Earth|597|757|||People can drop gifts into this box for you to pickup later!|
The Holiday Gift Box is a splicable solid donation box foreground block which was
added as part of WinterFest 2013 on December 21, 2013.|38|3||
1896|Water|||||This block never forgets anything, but since it has no method of
communicating, that feature is completely useless.|The Elephant Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of The Carnival update
on October 13, 2014.||0||
1688|None|1481|1685|||The comfortable fit you need to run away from giant rolling
boulders.|The Safari Jacket is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the
Adventure Pack on June 14, 2014.|11|0||
1608|Water|1161|1155|||Film your own youtube videos! By using some sort of screen
capture program, that is. This completely fake camera isn't going to help at all.||
1644|None|||||A gift from your friendly neighborhood unicorn!|The Unicorn Jumper is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Unicorn Madness update on
May 30, 2014.||0||
1610|Fire|549|171|||People inside this should not throw stones, and they will be
tinted red.|The Red Glass Block is a splicable solid foreground block introduced
alongside the Cinema Pack on May 16, 2014.|2|0||
1582|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|There's nothing quite like
cruising the Vegas strip in a pink Cadillac!|The Pink Cadillac is an unsplicable
feet item which was added when the Vegas Pack was reintroduced on April 26, 2014.||
1620|Earth|||||This Game Block has been smashed. It will rebuild when the Game is
over.|The Busted Game Block is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was
added alongside the Game Pack on July 25, 2014.||5||
1516|None|299|57|||These stylish glasses can be custom matched to any
prescription.|The Black-Rimmed Glasses is a splicable face item which was added
alongside the Home Pack on February 26, 2014.|11|0||
9168|None|||||THUG THUG THUG|THUG THUG THUG|11|0||
9498|None|||||THUG THUG THUG|THUG THUG THUG|11|0||
1616|Earth|1421|1619|||If a player stands on this, they have first priority on
joining a Game. Use your wrench to set which team this platform will assign them
1624|Wind|||||This Flag has been taken! It will return when the Game is over...|The
Missing Game Flag is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added
alongside the Game Pack on July 25, 2014.||2||
1560|Water|||||A daisier shade of pastel.||1|2||
1526|None|1159|665|||Lay off donuts, because this thing is skin-tight!|Wetsuit Top
is a splicable shirt item.|16|0||
1548|None|||||This fashionable accessory matches ANY outfit with style.|The Easter
Bonnet is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Easter Week 2014 on
April 19, 2014.||0||
1500|Fire|173|833|||On second thought, orange stuff seems kinda gross too. But you
can freeze it into a lovely block.||8|1||
1038|Earth|443|997|||This isn't a real building, it's just a painted piece of
1800|None|1043|1559|||It's faster than exercise!|The Muscle Suit is a splicable
shirt item which was added as part of the Legendary update on August 22, 2014.|4|
1954|None|433|975|||Sparkle like the heavens, twinkle-toes!|The Blue Star Shoes is
a splicable feet item which was added on November 14, 2014.|13|0||
1072|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|The Purple Hanbok Top is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on September
18, 2013.||0||
1974|None|||||This has over 10,000,000x magnification, allowing you to clearly see
a lethal doom virus! Sponsored by Pumuzutup.|The Nightmare Magnifying Glass is a
hand item that was released during Halloween Week 2014.||0||
1080|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Orange Hanbok Skirt is
an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2013 on
September 18, 2013.||0||
2798|Water|||||Dip a bucket in! You can collect one bucket of water from here
2462|Earth|||||Hang it up on the wall, pass it down to your grandkids!|Patchwork
Quilt is an unsplicable background block. It is a common drop from a Clothing
2232|Water|1325|955|||This is one sweet way to hold yourself aloft.|The Candy Cane
Platform is a splicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
WinterFest 2014.|6|1||
2082|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|The Super Shirt - Black is an
unsplicable shirt item.||0||
2018|Fire|681|175|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|Dark
Yellow Block is a splicable block, introduced on 17th November 2014.|3|2||
2522|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as... Bionic
Bunny? The Hoppinator? Eastro? It's up to you!|The Super Logo - Bunny is a chest
item released during Easter Week 2016 and is obtainable by defeating the
supervillain Bunny Barko.||0||
2090|None|309|1683|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Green is a splicable shirt item. One can also be obtained from defeating Villains.|
2014|Fire|681|171|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Red Block is a dark colored block, introduced on the 17th of November, 2014.|
2524|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty pastel leotard!|Super Shirt - Pink was
released as part of Easter Week 2016 and is obtainable by defeating supervillain
Bunny Barko during the event.||0||
2037|Wind|||||Plant this seed to grow a Antimatter Dust Tree.|The Galactic Starseed
is a special seed which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet update
on November 27, 2014.|13|1||
2052|None|2035|1633|||The only glasses certified safe for staring at comets!|The
Cosmic Lenses is a splicable face item which was added as part of the original
Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|26|0||
2088|None|309|1683|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Blue is a splicable shirt item introduced during the Superhero Pack update.|23|0||
2738|None|||||Similar to the classic Beer Hat, this hat presents you with a movable
fest! You'll never go hungry with this on. Note: fruit is made with wax.|||0||
2078|None|309|1683|||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|Super Shirt - Green is a
splicable Super Shirt which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2104|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Heroic Tights - Purple is a splicable pants item.|23|0||
2562|None|||||This hat always cracks me up.|The Egghead is an unsplicable head item
that was added on Easter Week 2015.||0||
2066|None|2037|1647|Your pet is like, way cosmic, man.|Back to punching.|This
unicorn looks even more “Like, whoa man. I'm dreaming a dream of what dreaming is
like, and my hands are like, not my hands, man” under a blacklight.|The Cosmic
Unicorn Bracelet is a splicable hand item which was added as part of the original
Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|26|0|Cosmic Pal|
2766|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty tropical leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Pineapple is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Super
Pineapple Party update.||0||
2810|Wind|2797|55|||How else are you going to get into the air ducts?|The Air Vent
is a splicable entrance foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party
update on June 12, 2015.|4|1||
2086|None|309|1683|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!||23|0||
2780|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty tropical leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Pineapple is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Super Pineapple Party.
This item can be obtained by defeating Pine-Fresh.||0||
2418|None|||||I think Chudy's brain is being eaten right now.|The Possessed Witch
Hat is a mod item, owned by Chudy, an Ex-Moderator. It is only available by
Developers and to Chudy.||0||
2182|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around
your eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask - Red is a splicable
face item that was added in the Superhero Pack update.|23|0||
2162|None|1683|309|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool.|The Super Cape -
Green is a splicable back item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack on
December 12, 2014.|23|0|Double Jump|
2028|Earth|681|185|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Brown Block is a dark colored block, introduced on the 17th of November,
2500|Fire|||||It's a Pastel Yellow Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Yellow Wallpaper
is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015 on
March 30, 2015.|4|0||
2058|Wind|2035|2023|||This block is made from elements that don't even occur in our
galaxy.|The Xenoid Block is a splicable solid foreground block which was added as
part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|4|2||
2564|Earth|||||The tastiest of blocks.||4|1||
2290|Wind|||||3 notes? Pop songs just keep getting shorter! Maybe if we collect up
a pile of these, we can get this party started!|The Party Tunes is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2015.||2||
2353|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Generic Thug #17 for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|
Villain Portrait - Generic Thug #17 is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.||1||
2100|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Heroic Tights - Blue is a splicable pants item.|23|0||
2576|None|2027|2025|||Classic Hairstyle!|The Black Braids is a splicable hair
clothing which was added on April 18, 2015. Up to 4 of this item can be dropped
from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Dark Purple Block Seed with a
Dark Blue Block Seed.|13|0||
2350|Wind|||||Just before knocking him unconscious(?), you snapped a lovely photo
of Shockinator for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Shockinator is a background tile that was added with the
Superhero Pack.||1||
2074|None|309|1683|||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|Super Shirt - Red is a
splicable Super Shirt shirt item which was added alongside the addition of
Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2728|Wind|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Pine-Fresh for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Pine-Fresh unsplicable wallpaper that was introduced during
Super Pineapple Party 2016.||1||
2216|None|||Fire walk with me! Fire does 50% damage.|Your feet are no longer safe.|
Stay warm this winter by setting your pants on fire! You liar. Sponsored by
Edvoid20, NeoRay, and Heme.|The Edvoid's Fire-Nado is an unsplicable feet item that
was added as part of WinterFest 2014 on December 19, 2014.||0|Fireproof|
2924|Water|||||Incomprehensible words scrawl across this parchment: EO PAT NNN TED
A BASK GCL|The Needlessly Cryptic Scroll is an unsplicable component.||0||
2032|None|||||Mew! This is Puddy, Fredi's kitten! Sponsored by Fredi, Fynx and
Ludo.|The Puddy Leash is a hand item which is sponsored by Fredi, Fynx and Ludo. It
spawns a kitten which follows the player.||0||
2608|None|||||These provide the flexibility and movement you need to wrap
somebody's head up in your thighs and do a backflip.|Luchador Tights - El Peligro
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||
2848|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2144|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|The Superhero Mask - Gold is an
unsplicable hair item that was added as part of the Super Villains update.||0||
2154|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|The Crimefighter Mask - Black is an
unsplicable hair item that was added with the Superhero Pack.||0||
2834|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2198|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as… Shock-o?
The Lightning Kid? Electrina? It’s up to you!|Super Logo - Lightning is an
unsplicable chest item which was added alongside the Crime Wave pack and Superhero
Pack. One has a chance to be obtained from purchasing the latter for 10,000 gems.||
2806|Wind|||||Now stuff comes in blue too! It's a veritable rainbow of stuff.|The
Blue Stuff is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Block Party update.|10|1||
2004|None|867|1539|||Look cool as you wear this jacket over whatever shirt makes
you feel tough.|The Leather Jacket is a splicable chest item.|23|0||
2072|Fire|||||This alien crystal has the power to grant or remove superpowers from
all the Growtopians in your world! Use the wrench to set what powers it affects.
Only one is allowed per world.|The Xenonite Crystal is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.||5||
2316|Water|||||This is an Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage. If the opponent uses Fire,
their card isn’t countered, it’s reflected back at them!||10|2||
2750|Water|||||The problem with frozen pineapple is it gets mushy when it thaws. So
this one has a built-in liquid nitrogen tank to keep it from ever thawing!|The
Frozen Pineapple Block is an unsplicable solid slippery foreground block which was
added on Super Pineapple Party 2015.||1||
2722|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You are burning with furious energy! And double-jump power. Sponsored by
Palestinian, Signle, StardusJr.|The Golden Aura is an unsplicable back item
that was added alongside the Basic Blue Block and Electric Bow on May 18, 2015.||0|
Double Jump!|
2092|None|309|1683|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Purple is a splicable shirt item, one can be obtained from fighting Villains.|23|
2624|None|||||This belt has a handy adjustable strap, which is really good, since
the wrestler you beat to get it is like three times your size.|The Luchador
Championship Belt is a chest item that was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2172|None|1683|309|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Blue is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero
Pack. One can also be obtained from purchasing the said pack for 10,000 gems.|23|
2826|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2064|None|2037|1301|You can move faster!|You are slow again.|You're probably never
going to have kids after this, but come on, it's a METEOR! That you can ride!|The
Riding Meteor is a splicable feet item which was added as part of the original
Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|31|0|Speedy|
2352|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Generic Thug #17 for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|
Villain Portrait - Generic Thug #17 is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.||1||
2176|None|1683|309|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Purple is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of
Superhero Pack. One can also be obtained from purchasing the said pack for 10,000
2764|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty tropical leotard!|The Super Shirt -
Pineapple is a shirt item that was added on Super Pineapple Party 2015.||0||
2772|None|||||These tropical boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except
to protect you from stray Legos.|Heroic Boots - Pineapple is an unsplicable feet
item. One can be obtained as a possible drop from defeating the supervillain Pine-
Fresh during Super Pineapple Party.||0||
2532|None|||||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|The Heroic Boots - Pink is an unspliceable feet item
added on Easter Week 2018.||0||
2560|None|||||You found an egg and dropped it in this basket! Now it's buried under
all the fake grass. Keep digging at it, you'll re-find it eventually.|The Full Egg-
Hunting Basket is a hand item added during Easter Week 2015. It can be obtained by
finding an egg with Egg-Hunting Basket. Wearing this for 30 minutes will give the
wearer an Easter Egg, and replace this into an Egg-Hunting Basket again.||0||
2076|None|309|1683|||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|Super Shirt - Blue is a
splicable Super Shirt shirt item which was added alongside the addition of
Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2884|None|1701|655|||Represent Man University in this stylish jersey! Hallelujah,
it's rainin' men! Notice of non-descrimination: Man University does not
discriminate on the basis of gender identity, unless you're not a man. HOO HOO HOO
MAN U!|The Man U Jersey is a splicable shirt item which was introduced in the
Sports Pack during the Sports Week 2015.|19|0||
2748|Fire|||||Be careful, this came out of the oven piping hot!|The Roasted
Pineapple Block is an unsplicable lava pain block which was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2015. One has a chance to be obtained as a common reward from the
Pineapple Magic.||1||
2566|Earth|||||The bitterest of blocks.|Dark Chocolate Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|13|1||
2778|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty swell.|The Super Cape - Pineapple is
an unsplicable back item that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2015 on
May 30, 2015.||0|Double Jump|
2026|Wind|681|183|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Purple Block is a block that was introduced on the 11th of November, 2014. It
is one of the variations of the Dark Colored Blocks.|5|2||
2824|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2360|Fire|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Dr. Destructo for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Dr. Destructo is a background block that was added on Superhero
Pack update.||1||
2196|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as… Loverboy?
Captain Cuddles? Dr. Cupid? It’s up to you!|Super Logo - Heart is an unsplicable
chest item which was added alongside the Crime Wave pack and Superhero Pack. One
has a chance to be obtained from purchasing the latter from the Store for 10,000
2246|Water|||||This crystal is not yet in balance. Perhaps if you place it in the
bosom of its Earth Mother, and then join it with 4 other crystals, it can achieve
harmony.|The Blue Crystal is a crystal that was introduced in the Crystals update.
It is one of the five Crystals: Green, Blue, Red, White, and Black.|26|1||
2854|None|||||Aww, so cute you just wanna snuggle him all day! But you should
really pace yourself on that, with a trip to the burn ward in between each snuggle.
No more than 500 of these little guys exist in all of Growtopia.|The Phoenix
Pacifier is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of SummerFest
2356|Fire|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Professor Pummel for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|
The Villain Portrait - Professor Pummel is an unsplicable background that was added
as part of the Supervillain update on September 20, 2015.||1||
2534|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|Superhero Mask - Pink is an unsplicable
hair item which was added on Easter Week 2016. One can be obtained from defeating
the supervillain Bunny Barko.||0||
2526|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty pastel leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Pink is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Easter Week/2015. It
can be obtained from defeating Bunny Barko.||0||
2278|None|||||This Mini Growtopian looks strangely familiar...|The Mini-You is an
untradable hand item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2015.||0||
2206|Water|||||This is a dangerous chemical that emits radiation. You probably
shouldn't keep it in your pants pocket.|The Radioactive Chemical is a chemical that
was introduced along with the Superhero Pack.||1||
2002|Earth|||Doctors won't come near you!|You no longer repel doctors.|This apple
is a bit more crunchy than usual, but it's fortified with lots of minerals!|The
Golden Apple is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Halloween Week
2188|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around
your eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask - Purple is a splicable
face item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack. One can be obtained from
splicing a Gateway To Adventure Seed with a Rainbow Block Seed or purchasing said
pack for 10,000 gems.|23|0||
2098|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Heroic Tights - Red is a splicable pants item.|23|0||
2180|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top - Gold is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero
2796|Wind|2013|165|||Sneak around in these to find the secret documents. Nobody
knows why they build them human-sized!|The Air Duct is a wallpaper added during the
Block Party event. It resembles a darker shade of Grey Wallpaper in the inventory,
but when you place two next to each other, they form a continuous pattern that
inserts 'steel joints' like shown on the picture below.|3|1||
2236|Fire|||||Nothing speaks of peace, love, and joy more than a bomb. Throw it at
your friends!|The Holiday Cheer Bomb is an unsplicable consumable that was added as
part of WinterFest 2014.|32|0||
2146|None|1683|309|||Protect your identity!|The Crimefighter Mask - Red is
a splicable hair item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2126|None|309|1683|||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|Heroic Boots - Green are splicable feet items.|23|0||
2818|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2274|Fire|||||These magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia. Place one
and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination.|The Crystal Gate is an
unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of the Crystals
2510|None|||||The life that has been carved out from your subconscious in the only
evidence by which you will be judged.|Dark Bunny Mask is an unsplicable head item
that was released during Easter Week 2015. There's a chance to obtain it by
defeating Bunny Barko.||0||
2394|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Vroom Vroom!|Golden Love Bug
is an item which was added on 2015's Valentine's Week.||0|Speedy|
2166|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool.|The Super Cape - Black is an
unsplicable back item that was added as part of the Super Villains update.||0|
Double Jump|
2034|Wind|||||This is the sparkly dust from a passing comet. It seems to whirl
around like a tiny galaxy. Perhaps if you collected enough of it, it would merge
into a solid mass!||2|1||
2112|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Super Tights - Blue is a splicable leg item.|23|0||
2286|None|||Your Geiger Counter is charging...|Geiger Counter is no longer
charging!|This Geiger Counter is out of battery power. It will charge up from the
static electricity you generate all the time, so just hold it in your hand until
it's charged.|||0|player the Charging Geiger Counter|
2134|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity!|Superhero Mask - Red is a
splicable hair item.|23|0||
2736|None||||| Here's a useful tip; if you find a pineapple big enough, you can
hollow it out and jam it on your head! Wait a minute, that's not useful at all.|
Pineapple Head is an unsplicable hair item which was added during the Super
Pineapple Party 2015.||0||
2440|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty Irish leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Emerald is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's
Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2544|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2558|None|||||With this basket you can track down Easter Eggs hidden in all around
Growtopia.|The Egg-Hunting Basket was added in Easter Week 2015. When in use, it
acts similar to Geiger Counter, but to find eggs. Once you find an egg, it will be
stuck in the basket for about 30 minutes, and it will become a Full Egg-Hunting
Basket. After 30 minutes, you get the egg out that you collected! It can only be
used during Easter Week.||0||
2220|None|||You're driving a tank!|Back on foot|Why don't you just go play Tanked
instead? Sponsored by Liammagoo, Nelsonmandel, and Krampus|The Tiny Tank is an
unsplicable feet item that was added as part of WinterFest 2014.||0|Tank Driver|
2758|None|||||This backpack contains pineapple juice you can use to power a
flamethrower or Harvester!|The Pineapple Juice is an unsplicable back item which
was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2015.||0||
2022|Water|681|179|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Aqua Block is a splicable solid foreground block. It is one of the variations
of the Dark Colored Blocks.|3|2||
2880|None|||You have a soccer ball!|You're taking your ball and going home.|Every
pair of cleats comes with a new high-tech soccer ball capable of returning to you
automatically! These cleats come from Man University, the school for manly men of
masculinity.|The Man U Cleats is a feet item that was released on the 17th of July,
2015, which has a chance of being obtained when purchasing the Sportsball Pack.||0|
2124|None|309|1683|||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|The Heroic Boots - Blue is a splicable feet item.|23|
2210|None|1757|1607|||Nothing says tough like not bothering with basic hygiene.|The
Action Hero Stubble is a splicable face item.|22|0||
2542|None|||||Protect you secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|The Super Eye Mask - Pink is a mask item
that was introduced during Easter Week 2015. It is obtainable by defeating Bunny
Barko during Easter Week.||0||
2006|None|729|1501|||Rappers get cold very easily, so this style of jacket is
available for them.||17|0||
2816|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2744|Wind|||||It is rare, but sometimes you'll see the little pineapple alert on
your weather app. When you do, be sure to get undercover - an umbrella is not going
to protect you! This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The
Weather Machine - Pineapples is a Weather Machine which was added during Super
Pineapple Party 2015. It is a rare reward from Pineapple Magic.||2||
2970|None|||You are keeping your cool!|It's getting hot in here!|This mystical ring
encases you in a bubble, allowing you to swim at high velocity. The cool bubble
also protects you from dangerous burns like lava.|The Ring of Water is a hand item
that was introduced during Player Appreciation Week 2015, Day 5.||0|Slightly Damp|
2804|Earth|||||Hmm, green stuff. What IS this stuff?|The Green Stuff is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Block Party.|10|1||
2866|None|53|189|You have a staff that simulates legendary power!|Thats enough of
that!|Congratulations on solving the Wizard's Riddle (or just googling what
somebody else figured out). Since you're not legendary enough to obtain an actual
Legendary Item, here's a replica of the great Wizard's staff. (Be careful, the
winds might hurt you.) Sponsored by Devinn and PonyGarYelow.|The Wizard's Staff is
a hand item that allows the player to punch with a gush of wind. This item was
implemented in the game in SummerFest 2015. However, the recipe of the Wizard's
Staff was discovered almost 2 months after.||0||
2812|Water|||||Flawlessly cut by out master gemologists, enjoy this transcendent
jewel, an heirloom to last a lifetime.||26|2||
2794|Wind|2811|1131|||Keep cool! It's hot out there.|The Air Conditioner is a
splicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party update
on June 12, 2015.|14|1||
2820|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2338|Wind|||||This is a Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Does 2 damage, but takes 2 turns to
2184|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around
your eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask - Blue is a splicable
face item that was added in the Superhero Pack update.|23|0||
2276|Fire|||||These crystals have fragmented into razor sharp points. Do not
touch!|The Crystal Spikes is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground block.|4|1||
2590|Water|||||This block constantly shifts through the colors of the rainbow. It's
mesmerizing.|The Shifty Block is a block that was added on the Cinco De Mayo Week
2015 event.||1||
2376|None|||||This is the logo of the supervillain Almight Seth. Or it’s just the
logo of Robinson Technologies. Are you sure you want to wear it?|Super Logo -
RTSoft is an unsplicable super logo chest item. This item can be obtained from
defeating the villain Almighty Seth.||0||
2528|None|||||To be a pastel superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|This item was released as part of Easter Week 2016 and is obtainable by
defeating supervillain Bunny Barko.||0||
2484|None|2037|461|Your wish is his command!|Back to the lamp.|This genie is all
out of wishes, so he's pretty bored at this point. He's happy to just hang out with
you. Sponsored by Onisim and Napoleonn.|The Onisim's Genie is a spliceable pet hand
2314|Water|||||This is an Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: For the next 3 turns, the opponent takes 1
damage if they use Lightning. They shouldn’t do that standing in water!||10|2||
2386|None|||You wield the fury of the heavens.|Back to punching.|This scythe
contains the fury of the heavens! Sponsored by Edvoid20, iKrideez and Anfinity|The
Heavenly Scythe is a hand item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2015 on
February 13, 2015.||0|Heavenly|
2186|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around
your eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask - Green is a splicable
face item that was added in the Superhero Pack update.|23|0||
2520|Water|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a creepy photo of
Bunny Barko for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Bunny Barko is an unsplicable non-solid background block which
was added on Easter Week 2015.||1||
2446|Earth|||||This is a Rare Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Take a chance! This card's element when
played is totally random, and it will inflict from 0-4 damage!|The Superpower -
Lucky Shot is an unsplicable solid Muscle Superpower Card foreground block which
was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||2||
2588|None|||||It's not possible to be any sassier than somebody wearing this boots.
So put 'em on and get SASSY, Girlfriend!|The Sassy Boots is an unsplicable feet
item that was added as part of Legendary Katana update on April 18, 2015.|29|0||
2740|None|||||The stylish classic is adorned with pineapples and tropical flowers.
Suitable for any pineapple occasion.|Hawaiian Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item
which was released during the Super Pineapple Party 2015.||0||
2142|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|The Superhero Mask - Black is an
unsplicable face item which is a possible drop from successfully defeating any
2998|None|||||This mask is usually kept in a glass case, with a tiny hammer and a
sign that says Break glass only in case of dire emergency!|||0||
2138|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity!|The Superhero Mask - Green is a
hair item.|23|0||
2518|Water|||||This is a Rare Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Block all 1-damage attacks for 4 turns.
If an attack does more than 1 damage, the shield shatters!|Superpower - Egg Shield
is a rare Ice Superpower Card which can only be obtained by defeating Bunny Barko
during Easter Week.||2||
2062|None|2035|1605|||Captain a starship in style!|The Velour Space Uniform is a
splicable shirt item which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet
update on November 27, 2014.|14|0||
2872|None|||||You've got that windblown chlorinated surfer look. It either makes
you cool or a filthy beach bum. It's a fine line.|The Seafoam Hair is a hair item
which was introduced during SummerFest 2015.||0||
2016|Fire|681|173|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Orange Block is a block that was introduced on the 11th of November, 2014. It
is one of the variations of the Dark Colored Blocks.|4|2||
2102|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Heroic Tights - Green is a splicable pants item.|23|0||
2094|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Muscle Shirt - Black is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Crime Wave Pack.
This item can be obtained from defeating any villain.||0||
2634|None|||||This light cotton dress is adorned with little embroidered flowers.|
The Mexican Dress is an unsplicable shirt item which was introduced during the
Cinco De Mayo 2015 update on May 1, 2015.||0||
2556|Wind|||||If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there
would be no rule. There would only be you and your memories.|The Cursed Jet Engine
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.||0||
2114|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Super Tights - Green is a splicable leg item.|23|0||
2128|None|309|1683|||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|Heroic Boots - Purple are a foot item that can be
obtained from the Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2830|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2136|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity!|The Superhero Mask - Blue is a
splicable hair item.|23|0||
2156|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|The Crimefighter Mask - Gold is an
unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Superhero Pack update.||0||
2580|Wind|||||If you own two worlds, you can use this handy form to swap their
names permanently. See a new name you want that nobody wants? Lock it up, and do a
name swap! Requires a World Lock in both worlds.|The Change of Address is an
unsplicable consumable. One can be purchased from the Store for 20,000 Gems.||0||
2776|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|Crimefighter Mask - Pineapple is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Super Pineapple Party. This item can be
obtained by defeating Pine Fresh.||0||
2158|None|1683|309|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool.|The Super Cape - Red
is a splicable back item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack on December
12, 2014.|23|0|Double Jump|
2382|Fire|||||Good heavens, where’d you find such an unsavoury bunch of
miscreants?! I suppose you could let them loose in your world to commit crimes. If
you were EVIL. Note: They take 24 hours to complete their crime, after which they
2388|None|||It's hammer time.|You can now touch this.|Seriously, if this hits your
chest, your heart will break. Also, it's good for smashing pumpkins.|The
Heartbreaker Hammer is a hand item that was introduced during Valentine's week
2015.||0|Hammer Time|
2530|None|||||To be a pastel superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Super Tights - Pink is an unsplicable pants item which was added on
Easter Week 2016. One has a chance to be obtained from defeating the supervillain
Bunny Barko.||0||
2170|None|1683|309|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Red is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero
Pack. One can also be obtained from purchasing the said pack for 10,000 gems.|23|
2178|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top - Black is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero
2752|None|||You shoot pineapples.|None.|This pistol provides the power to pelt
people with perilously pointy pineapples.|||0|Pineapple Power|
2174|None|1683|309|||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Green is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero
Pack. One can also be obtained from purchasing the said pack for 10,000 gems.|23|
2054|None|2035|1561|||What did the cosmic rays do to your head?!|Cosmic Hair is a
splicable hair item which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet
update on November 27, 2014.|4|0||
2536|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|Crimefighter Mask - Pink is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Easter Week 2016. One can be obtained from
defeating the supervillain, Bunny Barko.||0||
2222|None|||||This is a perfectly ordinary animal, not anything related to flying,
magic, or gifts. There are, however, only 2,000 of this endangered animal in
2618|None|||||This flimsy bit of clothing provides maximum display of your insane
muscles.|Luchador Jersey - El Tigre is a shirt clothing which was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2508|Wind|||||It’s a Pastel Purple Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Purple Wallpaper
is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|4|
2122|None|309|1683|||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|The Heroic Boots - Red is a splicable feet item which
was added as part of Superhero Pack. One can be obtained by purchasing the said
pack from the Store for 10,000 Gems.|23|0||
2148|None|1683|309|||Protect your identity!|The Crimefighter Mask - Blue is a
splicable hair item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack and Crime Wave. Up
to 4 of this item can be dropped from harvesting its tree, which is made by
splicing a Gateway To Adventure Seed with a Rainbow Block Seed. One also has a
chance to be obtained from purchasing the Superhero Pack, for a price of 10,000
2192|None|||||Protect you secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|The Super Eye Mask - Gold is a face item.
It is obtainable by defeating any villain.||0||
2234|None|2009|441|||What you think yetis don’t have ram horns? Prove it.|The Yeti
Hat is a splicable hair item which was added as part of WinterFest 2014.|11|0||
2318|Water|||||This is a Rare Superpower Card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Give the opponent a warning… on their 3rd
warning… they get banned from the game.|The Superpower - Ban Hammer is an
unsplicable solid foreground block.||2||
2622|None|||||Sparkly gold boots are ideal for stomping on people you’ve thrown on
the ground.|Luchador Boots is a feet item that was released on Cinco De Mayo Week
2756|None|||You have a mythical spear!|None.|The legendary spear of Odin is yours!
Sponsored by ZeroRarity, CoffeeGuy, and xAzureHKF.|The Gungnir is a hand item that
was released along with the Super Pineapple Party event in 2015.||0|Lightning
2774|None|||||Protect your secret Identity!|Superhero Mask - Pineapple is a face
item which was added in Super Pineapple Party 2015. It can be obtained by defeating
the villain Pine Fresh.||0||
2168|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool|The Super Cape - Gold is an
unsplicable back item that was added as part of the Super Villains update.||0|
Double Jump|
2814|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2332|Wind|||||This is a Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage.||10|2||
2272|Wind|||||Everyone knows crystals don't grow on trees, so this is just a lovely
decorative element.|The Crystal Tree is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Crystals update.|9|0||
2846|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2056|Wind|2035|2021|||This block is made from elements that don’t even occur in our
galaxy.|The Alien Block is a splicable solid foreground block which was added as
part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|4|2||
2292|Fire|||||This is a Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage.||10|2||
2042|None|2035|1427|||Express your love for celestial phenomena with this
informative T-shirt!|Comet Shirt is a splicable shirt item which was added as part
of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|6|0||
2368|Water|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Devil Ham for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Devil Ham is a background tile that was added with the Superhero
2784|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as... Power
Pineapple? Tropicanus? Dr. Pineapple? It's up to you!|The Super Logo - Pineapple is
an unsplicable chest item which was added on Super Pineapple Party 2015. One has a
chance to be obtained from defeating the event supervillain Pine-Fresh.||0||
2788|Earth|17|2023|||It’s like you’re lost in the jungle!|The Viney Wallpaper is a
splicable background block which was added on 6 December 2015, in the Block Party
2266|None|||You're in danger of losing a finger.|You got through with all digits
intact!|Careful of the pointy bits. This thing is tough to hold, but look how cool
it is when you throw it!|The Crystal Glaive is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Geiger Counter update on December 12th, 2014.|26|0|Cool|
2392|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Even as tiny as they are, these wings will allow you to jump in mid-air!|The
Teeny Golden Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2015.||0|Double Jump|
2252|Wind|||||Tell time in Growtopia! This clock displays the current Growtopia
time for you.|The Crystal Clock is an unsplicable non-solid clock foreground
2572|None|||You shoot burning lightning!|Cool it, dude.|The flame represents all of
the fallen heroes that served in the Armed Forces. Sponsored by iFlySolo and
GhostEgo.|The Flame Scythe is an unsplicable hand item.||0|Flame Scythe|
2876|None|||||It's an unlimited supply of free dirt blocks! Unfortunately, it spews
them at high velocity so they splatter at impact. Sponsored by BLYoshi.|BLYoshi's
Free Dirt is an item introduced along with the Sportsball Pack. It shoots Dirt
Blocks which explodes on impact.||0||
2296|Fire|||||This is a Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Ignite yourself, healing 1 damage, and your
opponent takes 1 damage if they hit you in the next 3 turns.||10|2||
2132|None|||||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except protect
you from stray Legos|The Heroic Boots - Gold is an unsplicable feet item that was
added alongside the Super Villains update.||0||
2548|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2096|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leotard!|The Muscle Shirt - Gold is
an unsplicable shirt which was added alongside the Superhero Pack Update. It can be
obtained from defeating any villain.||0||
2538|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no Heroman, but it's still pretty swell.|The Super Cape - Pink is an
unsplicable back item that was added as part of Easter Week 2016.||0|Double Jump|
2822|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2118|None|||||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some sort.|The
Super Tights - Black is an unsplicable pants item that was added alongside the
Super Villains update.||0||
2150|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity!||23|0||
2202|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as… Well,
okay I don’t even know what this logo is. So you can be anybody you want with this
one! It’s up to you!|Super Logo - Echo is an unsplicable chest item which was added
alongside the Superhero Pack. One has a chance to be obtained from purchasing said
pack for 10,000 gems.||0||
2106|None|||||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some sort.|The
Heroic Tights - Black is an unsplicable pants item which was added alongside the
Super Villains update on February 20, 2015.||0||
2358|Wind|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Dragon Hand for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Dragon Hand is an unsplicable non-solid background block which
was added alongside the addition of the Superhero Pack.||1||
2550|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2046|Wind|2037|481|||Fill your world with the cosmic rays of a comet all month long
with this weather machine! Note: this is only a situation of a comet, it does not
actually generate any cosmic rays. Good thing too, since that would fry your
organs. This sensitive technology will not function when damaged.|Weather Machine -
Comet is a splicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as
part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|37|2||
2160|None|1683|309|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool.|The Super Cape - Blue
is a splicable back item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack on December
12, 2014.|23|0|Double Jump|
2194|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as… Skull
Boy? The Boney Avenger? Mrs. Death? It’s up to you!|The Super Logo - Skull is a
neck item which can only be obtained from the Superhero Pack.||0||
2244|Earth|||||This crystal is not yet in balance. Perhaps if you place it in the
bosom of its Earth Mother, and then join it with 4 other crystals, it can achieve
harmony.|The Green Crystal is a crystal that was introduced in the Crystals update.
It is one of the five Crystals: Green, Blue, Red, White, and Black.|26|1||
2060|None|2035|1871|||Micrometeors have shredded the bottom end of this skirt, but
that is the latest style on Zarkon 9!|Cosmic Skirt is a splicable pants item which
was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|
2040|None|2035|1803|||These extremely classy pants are emblazoned with the image of
comets streaking by.|The Comet Pants is a splicable pants item which was added as
part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|9|0||
2554|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2782|None|||||Protect you secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask is an unsplicable super eye
mask face item which was added on Super Pineapple Party 2016. One can be obtained
from defeating Pine Fresh, a villain exclusive to the event.||0||
2980|None|||||Bring joy to Growtopia in this classically designed headwear!|The
Jester's Cap is a head item which was added on the 5th day of Player Appreciation
Week 2015. It's a colored pointy hat with yellow bells at the ends.||0||
2070|Water|2035|1655|||Transfer more power to the warp core!! This is a background
block, by the way.|The Ion Conduit is a splicable background block which was added
as part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|15|2||
2254|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|Red Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part of
the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2280|Fire|||||You can't have a block party without a Party Block!|||2||
2786|Earth|17|2021|||It may seem obvious, but I'll say it anyway: this block is
viney.|Viney Block is a splicable block which was added on 6 December 2015 during
the Block Party update.|3|1||
2860|Wind|||||This bovine has moooved on to greener pastures.|||1||
2864|Wind|||||These gentle breezes like freshly mown grass. They also blow with
great ferocity!|||1||
2802|None|||You have a mythical trident!|{{{1}}}|This trident has been blessed by
Poseidon, God of the seas. The glowy blue signifies all of the servants who served
under Poseidon in his battles. What Poseidon left along with this trident is
unknown - that's for you to figure out. Sponsored by mythicdawn and angel42.|||0|
Poseidon's Power|
2632|Wind|||||A block made of pinãta material! Instead of candy inside, there's
either seeds, gems, or more pinãta blocks. You know, kind of like every block.||4|
2592|None|||None can stand against you!|Maybe you should sit down.|This legendary
blade was said to have sliced through 3 tomatoes AND a tin can during the course of
a single informercial! Nobody knows if that's really true, but it's certainly a big
sword.|The Legendary Katana is an unsplicable hand item. One can be obtained from
finishing the Quest of the Blade from the Legendary Wizard.||0||
2212|None|||You command a mighty (dark) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|
Another dragon of legend! Please be aware the legends may have been a bit
exaggerated. Sponsored by Dupie, v0ren and Contesso.|The Black Crystal Dragon is a
pet hand item which was introduced during the Crystals update.|26|0|Dragonborn|
2490|None|2035|2009|||This is itchy. I think it's the radiation.|Cosmic Mustache is
a face item which was added during Night Of The Comet Update.|4|0||
2770|None|||||To be a tropical superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Super Tights - Pineapple is an unsplicable Pants item which was added on
Super Pineapple Party 2016. One can be obtained from defeating the supervillain,
Pine Fresh.||0||
2208|Wind|763|379|||Hop inside with a punch to swap your entire outfit with the
outfit stored inside. Presto-Change-o! You can use your Wrench to empty it out as
2200|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as… Oculus?
Lookey-Loo? The Illuminati? It’s up to you!|Super Logo - Eye is an unsplicable
chest item. One also has a chance to be obtained from purchasing a Superhero Pack
from the Store for 10,000 gems.||0||
2844|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2516|Wind|||||That is no way to treat an animal!|The Bouncy Bunny is an unsplicable
solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.||1||
2982|None|||||If you can't afford a real one, just fake it with a blanket!|The
Blanket Cape is an unsplicable back item introduced on the 6th day of Player
Appreciation Week 2015. It is a rare prize from defeating a supervillain.||0||
2230|None|1731|1501|You can move faster!|You are slow again.|VROOOOM!|The
Snowmobile is a splicable feet item which was added as part of WinterFest 2014.|22|
2038|Water|2035|2011|||This is a strange chemical from outer space. It glows with
cosmic energy.|The Unearthly Chemical is a splicable component which was added as
part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|15|1||
2990|Water|||||The fanciest wall in town.|The Blue Royal Wallpaper is an
unsplicable background block added on the 5th day of Player Appreciation Week
2856|Fire|||||Don't rub this on your face.|The Sun Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of SummerFest 2015.||1||
2878|None|||You have a soccer ball!|You're taking your ball and going home.|Every
pair of cleats comes with a new high-tech soccer ball capable of returning to you
automatically! These cleats come from Funtimes College, the #1 party school on
Earth. Sponsored by the admins of FC.|The FC Cleats is an unsplicable feet item
which was added alongside the Sportsball Pack on July 17, 2015. One has a chance to
be obtained from purchasing the said pack.||0|Speedy|
2238|Water|||||This is the most festive way to get water around your house.|The
Carnival Pipe is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part
of WinterFest 2014.||1||
2958|None|1157|191|||You look radiant on this special day!|The Wedding Dress is a
splicable shirt item which was added on the second day of Player Appreciation Week
2344|Fire|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
The Firebug for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - The Firebug is a background tile that was added with the
Superhero Pack.||1||
2974|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|It’s easy to remember how to
ride this - it’s just like riding a bike!|The Red Bicycle is an unsplicable feet
item which was added on 14 August 2015, the first day of Player Appreciation Week
2606|None|||||These provide the flexibility and movement you need to wrap
somebody's head up in your thighs and do a backflip.|The Luchador Tights - El Astro
is an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||
2688|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Pink was released alongside
the Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2120|None|||||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some sort.|The
Super Tights - Gold is an unsplicable pants item that was added alongside the Super
Villains update.||0||
2852|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2600|None|||||El Peligro is the most dangerous wrestler in all of Lucha Libre.|The
Luchador Mask - El Peligro is a face item that was added during Cinco De Mayo Week
2994|None|||||Players that touch this get a wolf prize, and kicked out of the
wolfworld.|Great Wolf Totem is an unsplicable foreground block.||1||
2035|Wind|||||This strange seed from outer space won't grow anything here in
Growtopia. But perhaps you can splice it to infuse cosmic energies into ordinary
items... Of course, any scientist will tell you that would never work without a
source of cosmic radiation present at the time of splicing. (Translation: you can
only plant or splice these during the Night of the Comet.|The Starseed is a special
seed which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November
27, 2014.|2|1||
2836|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2552|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2434|None|||||Protect your secret identity, but your Irish eyes are still smiling!|
The Superhero Mask - Emerald is a hair item which was added as part of the St.
Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2984|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|It's just like a horse...
except you MAY want to avoid kicking it with your heels.|||0|Speedy|
2068|Earth|2035|1601|||You could take your spaceship from here! If you had a
spaceship.|The Space Command Seat is a splicable non-solid seat foreground block
which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27,
2832|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2614|None|||||This flimsy bit of clothing provides maximum display of your insane
muscles.|Luchador Jersey - El Astro is a shirt item that was added during Cinco De
Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2228|Water|1757|1357|||It's so cold in Siberia that this tiger is frozen solid.|The
Siberian Tiger Block is a splicable solid foreground block which was added as part
of WinterFest 2014.|12|0||
2730|Wind|||||This brings a fresh pine(apple) scent to the area.....a dangerous
2320|Earth|||||This is a Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage.||10|2||
2224|None|||Your reindeer's nose glows!|You abandoned your reindeer.|This guy has
been sorely depressed ever since he got banned from gaming. Take him out on a
flight to cheer him up!|The Magic Reindeer Bell is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as part of WinterFest 2014.||0|Flying Reindeer|
2850|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2190|None|||||Protect your secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|The Super Eye Mask - Black is an
unsplicable face item. It is a possible drop from defeating any villain.||0||
2754|None|||You may be possessed.|Out, unclean thing!|It got into your arm and it
went bad, so you have to lap it off at the shoulder. Sponsored by Edvoid20, SpamG
and CrimsonSwag.|The Demonic Arm is a hand item that was released along with the
Super Pineapple Party in 2015. It is an arm which is burgundy in color, with claws
at the edge. The whole arm is surrounded by a thin red aura.||0|Demonic Force|
2828|Water|521|1433|||It’s a number on a Block! YAY!||5|1||
2868|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|This thoroughbred steed is
burning with furious power. Sponsored by Hercule, PRONGS and HERMIUS.|||0|Speedy|
2496|Fire|||||It’s a Pastel Pink Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Pink Wallpaper is
an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|4|0||
2594|None|||||This hat is still festive and suitable for formal occasions, but all
the luck has been sucked out of it.|The Unlucky Pinata Hat is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2956|None|||||Just the thing to worship The Growch in!|The Growch Cultist Robe is
an unsplicable shirt item which was introduced as part of Player Appreciation Week
2448|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Paddy O'Malice for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Paddy O'Malice is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||1||
2498|Fire|||||It’s a Pastel Orange Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Orange Wallpaper
is an unsplicable background block which was added on Easter Week 2015.|4|0||
2514|Earth|||||The happiest kind of grass.||4|0||
2308|Water|||||This is an Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage.||10|2||
2926|None|309|1157|||These pants are colorful and tasty! But they do not enhance
intelligence in any way.|The Smarty Pants is a splicable pants item which was added
as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|19|0||
2886|None|||Let's play catch!|You're taking your ball and going home.|Hidden inside
this glove is a wormhole to a dimension filled with nothing but baseballs.
Baseballs and popcorn shrimp. But the wormhole's at the baseball end of the
dimension.|The Baseball Glove is an hand item that was added along with the
Sportsball Pack on July 17th, 2015. One has a chance to be obtained from purchasing
the said pack.||0|Ball n' Glove|
2896|Wind|993|1695|||Dunk it!! The more of these you stack up, the better the
2626|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a heroic photo of
El Peligro for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - El Peligro is a background tile that was introduced during Cinco
De Mayo Week 2015. It can only be obtained during Cinco De Mayo Week by defeating
El Peligro.||1||
2472|None|||||You look like a snake oil salesman in this getup!|The Pink Suitcoat
is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Locke The Traveling
Salesman update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2930|None|1501|2805|||It's the latest fashion! I guess...|The Carrot Pants is a
splicable pants item which was introduced in the PANTS update on 30 July, 2015.|17|
2942|None|||||As long as you don't mind clinking as you walk around, this is a
beautifully sparkly style.|The Golden Crystal Skirt is an unsplicable pants item
which was added as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|26|0||
2250|Earth|||||This mystical crystal is not yet in balance. Perhaps if you place it
in the bosom of its Earth Mother, and then join it with 4 other crystals, it can
achieve harmony.|The Black Crystal is a crystal which was added as part of the
Crystals update.|26|1||
2384|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Vroom vroom!|The Love Bug is
an unsplicable feet item introduced during Valentine's Week 2015.||0|Speedy|
2574|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|A lot of people bling out
their cars to show their wealth, but it just seems easier to ride around in a
bucket of gold to start with, right? Sponsored by WoShiPaul, IcyFrost, and
icebang.|The Ride'O'Gold is a feet item which was added as part of the St.
Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.|51|0|Speedy|
2464|None|||||You look jealous in these.|Green Glasses is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||
2902|None|687|2499|||Keep in mind that while headgear is necessary for dangerous
sports, it doesn't eliminate brain damage. Keep your brain safe - play Growtopia
2432|None|||||These Irish boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|The Heroic Boots - Emerald is a feet item which was
added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2430|None|||||To be an Irish superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Super Tights - Emerald is an unsplicable pants item which was added as
part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2044|None|2037|1777|||The Night of the Comet never ends for you - there's always a
comet soaring above your head! Or boinging anyways.|Comet Beanie is a splicable hat
item which was added as part of the original Night Of The Comet update on November
27, 2014.|31|0||
2932|None|571|285|||It's a mystery as to why golfers have to wear ugly pants, but
they really do. Have some!|Golf Pants is a splicable pants item which was added
during the PANTS update.|18|0||
2654|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion’s a stranger. You
think fashion’s your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Green was added alongside the Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2130|None|||||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except protect
you from stray Legos|The Heroic Boots - Black is an unsplicable feet item that was
added alongside the Super Villains update.||0||
2642|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Cloaked in the shadows, you can strike without warning! And double-jump.|The
Cape of Shadows is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Cinco De
Mayo Week 2015.||0|Double Jump|
2084|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|The Super Shirt - Gold is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack on December 12,
2030|None|||||You look a little shady in this thing...|The Special Cultist Hood is
a clothing item similar to the Cultist Hood, except it is only worn by the
Mysterious Cultist which was first seen during Halloween Week 2014.||0||
2862|Water|||||This bird's got legs that go allll the way up.|Flamingo is a non-
solid block which resembles a lawn flamingo and was added in the 2015 Summerfest
Event. This item is a possible drop from a Summer Surprises.||0||
2978|Wind|||||Shopping without the hassle of human beings! Use your wrench on this
item to stock it with an item and set a price in World Locks. Other players will be
able to buy from it! Only works in World-Locked worlds.|||2||
2940|None|||||As long as you don't mind clinking as you walk around, this is a
beautifully sparkly style.|The Purple Crystal Skirt is an unsplicable pants item
which was added as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|26|0||
2986|None|||||When you stare into a wolf's eyes, you're staring into the untameable
heart of nature itself. But you can tame it anyway if you've got the right fashion
2478|Wind|||||This block is a total mystery. Smash it and see what's inside!|The
Locke's Mystery Box is a box which was added as part of the Locke The Traveling
Salesman update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2882|None|1499|2015|||Represent Funtimes College in this stylish jersey! PARTY ON!|
The FC Jersey is a splicable shirt item, introduced along with the Sportsball
2476|None|||Your eyes are quite warm.|Everything looks so much cooler!|Need some
eyedrops for those? Sponsored by SweGamerHD, his subscribers, and Palladius.|The
Burning Eyes is an unsplicable face item.||0|Burning Eyes|
2164|None|1683|309|You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity -
it's the law.|You're no Heroman, but still, it's pretty cool.|The Super Cape -
Purple is a splicable back item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack on
December 12, 2014.|23|0|Double Jump|
2390|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Even as tiny as they are, these wings allow you to jump in mid-air!|The Teeny
Angel Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2015.||0|Double Jump|
2708|Water|2023|2021|||This is a finely carved block of jade. How much more elegant
could you get?||5|1||
2152|None|1683|309|||Protect your identity!|The Crimefighter Mask - Purple is a
splicable hair item which was added alongside the Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2664|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Pink is a shirt that was introduced during the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. It can also be obtained from the
said pack.|19|0||
2928|None|1323|1329|||Put these pants on and people will think you're just a
floating torso! With some shoes underneath.|The Camo Pants is a splicable pants
item which was added as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|13|0||
2080|None|309|1683|||Fight crime in this mighty leotard!|Super Shirt - Purple is a
splicable shirt item which was added alongside the addition of Superhero Pack.|23|
2952|None|||Dirt, beware!|-|This shovel is very specifically designed for one
purpose: to shovel dirt. It is pretty useless at digging anywhere else, but dang if
it doesn't rip dirt apart (and Cave Background).|||0|Dig, Dug.|
9520|None|||Beware!|-|This shovel is very specifically designed for one purpose: to
shovel items below rarity 11 in one hit.|||0|Golden Dig, Dug.|
9522|None|||Beware! It has 30% chance of break|-|This shovel is very specifically
designed for one purpose: to shovel items below rarity 11 in one hit.|||0|Golden
Dig, Dug.|
2696|None|||||You can't store all your stuff in here - there's already a dog
inside!|The Purse Dog is an unsplicable hand item which was released on May 16,
2015 along with the Fashion Pack.||0||
2682|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Yellow is a splicable High Heels feet item which was added on 15 May 2015,
alongside the Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week. One can be obtained from splicing a
Jade Block Seed with a Stage Support Seed.|19|0||
2512|None|||Your pet is highly aggressive!|Punch for yourself.|These marshmallow
treats are pretty gross, but having one follow you around is fun!|The Marshmallow
Basket is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.||0|
Marshmallow Strike|
2570|None|||||Step right up! Sell popcorn and candy to rubes as you run nigh-
unwinnable games!|The Carny Vest is an unsplicable chest item which was added on
April 18, 2015.||0||
2598|None|||||El Astro is known for the deadly Cometbuster Drop!|The Luchador Mask
- El Astro is a face item that was added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2396|Fire|||||Write Messages to your loved ones on it! Use your Wrench on it to
change the message.|The Valensign is a sign that was added during Valentine's Week
2710|Water|||||This jade block is inlaid with a delicate gold filigree. How much
more elegant could you get?||9|1||
2248|Wind|||||This exotic crystal is not yet in balance. Perhaps if you place it in
the bosom of its Earth Mother, and then join it with 4 other crystals, it can
achieve harmony.|The White Crystal is a crystal which was added as part of the
Crystals update.|26|1||
2546|Earth|||||This egg has been boiled, dyed, hidden, and found. Put it on display
2346|Water|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Jimmy Snow for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Jimmy Snow is a background tile that was added with the
Superhero Pack.||1||
2540|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty pastel leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Pink is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Easter Week. This item can be
obtained by defeating Bunny Barko.||0||
2858|Fire|||||How you feelin'? Hot hot hot? Well, you can punch this to turn it on
or off.|The Tiki Torch is a non-solid block that was added on SummerFest 2015. It
can be obtained from breaking a Summer Surprise.||1||
2768|None|||||To be a tropical superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Heroic Tights - Pineapple is an unsplicable pants item that was introduced
during Super Pineapple Party 2016.||0||
2400|Earth|||||Lucky you! You've been awarded this golden horseshoe by the
Leprechaun's Guild in honor of your Blarney achievements. Of course, one horseshoe
isn't much good. Why don't you get four of them together and shoe a horse? (Note:
horse not actually required, just get 4 horseshoes and tap them anywhere)|The Lucky
Horseshoe is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the St. Patrick's
Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||2||
2020|Water|681|177|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Green Block is one of the variations of the Dark Colored Blocks.|3|2||
2660|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Blue is a shirt that was introduced during the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. It can also be obtained from the
said pack.|19|0||
2746|Water|||||This block is sweeter than a normal Pineapple Block. Since you can't
eat Pineapple Blocks, that doesn't matter much.|The Sugarloaf Pineapple Block is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added on Super Pineapple Party 2015.||1||
2646|Wind|||||Use your wrench on this to point it at yourself or one of your
friends!|The Spotlight is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added
alongside the addition of Fashion Pack.||1||
2596|Fire|||||Mmm nachos. Watch out, that cheese is slippery.|||1||
2948|Earth|27|1309|||Write stuff on it and tell your friends! Use your Wrench on it
to change the message.|Ruined Sign is a sign that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2015.|9|1||
2568|Fire|||||There's always fun times at the carnival, even when your organs are
being impaled on steel spikes!|The Carnival Spikeball is an unsplicable solid pain
foreground block.||1||
2870|None|||||You're looking a little green around the gills.|The Seafoam Beard is
an unsplicable face item which was added as part of SummerFest 2015. One has a
chance to be obtained from blowing a Super Fireworks.||0||
2486|None|2035|299|||Crafted from the darkest depths of Black Magic, this helmet
was born! Sponsored by Devinn, Edvoid20, and anthonnoying.|The Helmet Of Darkness
is a splicable hat item that was added as part of the second Night Of The Comet
update on April 28, 2015.|13|0||
2842|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2108|None|||||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some sort.|The
Heroic Tights - Gold is an unsplicable pants item which was added alongside the
Super Villains update on February 20, 2015.||0||
2048|None|2035|1531|You can move faster!|You are slow again.|You're probably never
going to have kids after this, but come on, it's a COMET! That you can ride!|The
Riding Comet is a splicable feet item which was added as part of the original Night
Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|27|0|Speedy|
2242|Fire|||||This crystal is not yet in balance. Perhaps if you place it in the
bosom of its Earth Mother, and then join it with 4 other crystals, it can achieve
harmony.|The Red Crystal is a crystal that was introduced in the Crystals update.
It is one of the five Crystals: Green, Blue, Red, White, and Black.|26|1||
2110|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Super Tights - Red is a splicable pants item which was added alongside
the addition of Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2800|None|||||Waddle waddle. Sponsored by TypoPig and IcyMeltz.|The Penguin Leash
is a splicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Block Party update on
June 12, 2015.||0|Icy Pet|
2790|Earth|1105|1561|||If you don't like it, you can make like this block and
leaf.|The Leaf Block is a block that has green leaves on it. It is introduced to
the game on the 12th of June, 2015 during Block Party Week.|5|1||
2466|None|||||You're a certified creeper. Don't forget to smile...|The Pencil
Mustache is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of the Locke The
Traveling Salesman update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2762|None|||||Fly this colorful kite to celebrate your love of pineapples!|The
Pineapple Kite is a hand item introduced during Super Pineapple Party 2015. It is a
rare prize from Pineapple Magic.||0||
2732|Water|||||By growing pineapples inside cubical molds, they can be forced to
grow in a block shape! There's no real reason to do this, but it is fun.|The
Pineapple Block is a block which was first introduced during Super Pineapple Party
Week 2015.||1||
2240|None|||||It's really safest to use killed viruses in vaccines, but come on,
who would kill this cuddly guy?|The Winter Flu Vaccine is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2014.||0||
2604|None|||||El Verdugo has long since retired his mask, but you can take it up
again and master the lethal Dynamite Axe move!|The Luchador Mask - El Verdugo is a
hair item that was introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2742|None|||||Though hard to distinguish from Clay Brick Pants by appearance, the
key here is soft, squishy, and juicy lining, Yeah, they're kinda gross to wear.|
Pineapple Pants is a pants item which was added on Super Pineapple Party 2015.||0||
2140|None|1683|309|||Protect your secret identity!|The Superhero Mask - Purple is a
hair item.|23|0||
2268|None|||||You could run your own kingdom with a mask like this!|The Crystal
Skull is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of the Crystals update.|
2504|Water|||||It’s a Pastel Aqua Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Aqua Wallpaper is
an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|4|0||
2840|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2302|Fire|||||Oh no! A villainous scallywag lurks here, perpetrating CRIME on an
unsuspecting populace! Smack him in the face to set him straight with your
2922|Fire|||||Incomprehensible words scrawl across this parchment: VROMO AOI ELN
WREAR NSA|The Exceedingly Cryptic Scroll is a key component in The Wizard's Staff
2342|Wind|||||This is a Rare Lightning Superpower Card for use in fighting crime.
You can also place it as a block! Card effect: Prevent your opponent from using the
element they used this turn for 3 turns.|Superpower - Duct Tape is a superpower
card and is a rare prize from defeating Almighty Seth in crime-fighting.||2||
2366|Wind|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Almighty Seth for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Almighty Seth is a background tile that was added with the
Superhero Pack. It is a possible drop from defeating the Almighty Seth villain.||
2378|None|||||This is the logo of the supervillain Dr. Destructo. Or at least it's
his first initial. His name is Dennis. Are you sure you want to wear it?|The Super
Logo - D is a clothing item. It appears as a "D" on the wearer's chest, and matches
the color of the shirt they are wearing.||0||
2330|Earth|||||This is a Rare Superpower Card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Summon a zombie to gnaw on your opponent for
1 damage per turn, forever. Each point of damage you take kills a zombie instead of
hurting you.|Superpower - G-Virus is an unsplicable Muscle Superpower Card.||2||
2258|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|Green Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part
of the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2578|None|889|2017|||Tie up those unruly red locks.|The Ginger Hair Bun is a
splicable hair item was added on Legendary Katana update on April 18, 2015.|5|0||
2630|Wind|||||Step into the ring, amigo. Show us your moves!|||1||
2638|None|||||This hat lends you a sharp stylish line like a fox.|||0||
2808|Earth|337|1323|||In Texas, when you build a house, you just take all the rocks
you end up digging up and slap them on the walls. It looks nice.|The Texas
Limestone is a block which was introduced to the game on 12th of June, 2015 during
the Block Party week.|2|1||
2322|Earth|||||This is a Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage, and on the next turn, you
see which card your opponent will choose before you choose yours. This card takes 2
turns to recharge.||10|2||
2838|Fire|1613|1539|||It’s a number floating in the sky! YAY!||4|1||
2792|Earth|||||Mission style is a design that emphasizes simple horizontal and
vertical lines and flat panels that accentuate the grain of the wood (often oak,
especially quartersawn oak).|The Mission Block is an unsplicable solid foreground
block which was added as part of the Block Party update.|1|1||
2874|None|||||You are the KING OF THE SEAS!... It's whats written on the tag of
this cheap plastic knock-off.|||0||
2116|None|1683|309|||To be a superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Super Tights - Purple is a splicable leg item which was added alongside the
addition of Superhero Pack.|23|0||
2264|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|Aqua Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part
of the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2628|Fire|||||This is a Rare Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Smash your opponent for 1 damage, and
while they are dazed, automatically follow up with a randomly chosen card from your
hand.|The Superpower - Atomic Backbreaker is a superpower card released during
Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||2||
2362|Fire|||||Just before knocking her unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Ms. Terry for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Ms. Terry is a background tile that was added with the Superhero
2582|None|||||You can't go off punching, building, and growing without Mr. Blinky!|
The Teddy Bear was a item added on the 19th of April, 2015, along with other
2372|None|||||This is the logo of the supervillain (or philanthropist) Z. Everett
Koop. Are you sure you want to wear it?|The Super Logo - Z is an unsplicable neck
item that can be obtained from beating Z. Everett Koop.||0||
2348|Earth|||||Just before knocking her unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Big Bertha for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - Big Bertha is a background block which was added with the
Superhero Pack.||1||
2364|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Z. Everett Koop for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|
The Villain Portrait - Z. Everett Koop is a background tile that was added along
with the Superhero Pack. It is a possible drop from defeating the Z. Everett Koop
2602|None|||||El Tigre is feared in the wrestling world for his Wild Stash attack!|
The Luchador Mask - El Tigre is a face item that was added during Cinco De Mayo
Week 2015.||0||
2374|None|||||This is the logo of the supervillain Devil Ham. Or it’s just the logo
of Hamumu Games. Are you sure you want to wear it?|The Super Logo - Yerfdog is a
clothing item.||0||
2326|Earth|||||This is a Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: If your opponent uses Lightning this turn,
they take *3* damage! Sadly if they don’t this has no effect at all.||10|2||
2304|Fire|||||This is a Rare Fire Superpower Card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Obliterates your opponent for 3
2298|Fire|||||This is a Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflicts 1 damage and melts the card your
opponent plays, removing it from play permanently. If you Liquify another card, the
first one returns.||10|2||
2468|None|||||You're not getting older, you're getting more distinguished.|The
Distinguished Grey Hair is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of the
Locke The Traveling Salesman update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2760|None|||||A bit of tropics hanging from your earlobes.|||0||
2734|Water|||You sure like pineapples!|That's a lot of pineapples! [Pineapple Luck
Increased]|Yummy, it's a pineapple! You should just keep eating these nonstop!|The
Pineapple is a splicable consumable which was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party 2015. This item can only be created during the Super Pineapple Party, and can
only be effectively used during the week-long event.||0||
2482|None|||||This is not just a leprechaun-styled hat, it's an actual secondhand
hat borrowed from a leprechaun. The largest size available.|The Actual Leprechaun
Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week
2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2966|Wind|||||This mythical artifact, possibly from the future, has an unparalleled
magical power: you can slap objects with it to turn them around. Use it on chairs,
beds, whatever you find facing the wrong way! Note: Because the spatula is crystal,
it shatters when used.|||1||
2698|None|1499|1555|||Slap on a little lipstick and eye shadow before you hit the
town tonight!|The Makeup is a splicable face item added on May 15, 2015 alongside
the Fashion Pack.|12|0||
2972|None|||||The great thing about this hairstyle is you just wake up with it
every morning! Sure, some people use a comb to fix that, but you just call it
anime!|The Spikey Anime Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2015.|26|0||
2890|None|||Take it to the hoop!|You're taking your ball and going home.|Must...
keep... dribbling...|The Basketball is an unsplicable hand item that was added
alongside the Sportsball Pack.||0|Ballin'|
2676|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Pink is a splicable High Heels feet clothes item which was added on 15 May
2015, alongside the addition of Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week.|19|0||
2380|Earth|||||Looks like you captured one of that villain's henchmen,,, Of course,
you COULD let him loose somewhere to cause a little havoc! Note: Henchmen take 24
hours to complete their crime, then they disappear!|Henchman is a consumable that
can be obtained by defeating a criminal. When used in a world, it will place a
random villain.||2||
2412|Earth|||||This is only one leaf of a clover! Clearly you need four of them if
you want to be lucky.|The Cloverleaf is a consumable which was added as part of St.
Patrick's Week 2015 on March 13, 2015.||2||
2474|None|||||These come with a handy pocketwatch in the pocket, but it's less
handy because you can't read the time on a 4-pixel watch.|The Fancy Pants is an
unsplicable pants item that was added as part of the Locke The Traveling Salesman
update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2968|Water|669|823|||Punch to wash your hands! Be clean, please. As of this item,
Growtopia now includes everything but the kitchen sink (this is the bathroom sink,
unfortunately).|The Sink is a splicable non-solid SFX foreground block which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2015 Day 7 on August 20, 2015.|15|1||
2992|Wind|||||Beware! Blowing this whistle will send you off the Wolfworld! When
you are there, you will have only 10 minutes before the power of the wolf wears off
and you return to the real world. Can you conquer the Wolfworld in time?|||1||
2306|Fire|||||You can just barely hear techno music deep inside the box. Maybe you
should open it and see if a party comes out?|The Party-In-A-Box is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2015.||5||
2670|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Yellow is a shirt that was added as part of the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. One can also be obtained from
the said pack.|19|0||
2584|None|||||Where have you been playing?! What did you do to these? I just washed
them! And wait a minute, what is that following you around!?!? Sponsored by @Hamumu
since nobody else had the guts.|The Muddy Pants is an unsplicable pants item. One
can be purchased from the Growtoken Store for 125 Growtokens.||0||
2894|Fire|2893|1557|||Everybody showed up for the big game!||21|0||
2962|Fire|559|683|||This is kinda creepy, like the walls are bleeding.|The Dark Red
Wallpaper is a wallpaper which was added on the 3rd Day of Player Appreciation Week
2988|Fire|||||The fanciest wall in town.|The Red Royal Wallpaper is a background
during the 5th day of Player Appreciation Week 2015.|6|0||
2938|None|1555|191|||This delicate flower print works both as a swimsuit cover-up,
or an elegant skirt for a night on the town.|The Flower Sarong is a splicable pants
item introduced during the PANTS update.|2|0||
2636|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|This famous sword is capable of
slicing nearly any letter of the alphabet into nearly anybody's shirt.|The Rapier
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0|
2996|Earth|||||Now you can play Wolfworld: The Home Game with your own handy wooden
totem!|The Wolf Totem is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added
as part of Player Appreciation Week 2015 Day 2.||1||
3000|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Goldfish. These are named for their orange
coloration, they're not actually made of any precious metals.|The Goldfish is a
fish that was released along with the Fishin' Pack. The perfect size of a Goldfish
is 15lbs.||1||
2954|None|55|553|||Wait a second... WHO ARE YOU!?!? How did you get in here?!|
Disguise Glasses is an splicable face item which was added on Player Appreciation
Week 2015.|4|0||
2976|None|||Blast blocks from farther away! But weaker than punch.|Your vision is
normal.|We've rebuilt you - better, faster, stronger than before.|||0|Eye Beam|
2050|None|2035|1473|You can fly!! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity -
it's the law.|Powered by cosmic energy, this jetpack will notably increase your
jump height!|The Rocket Pack is a splicable back item which was added as part of
the original Night Of The Comet update on November 27, 2014.|22|0|High Jump|
2892|Wind|2013|1447|||Nobody showed up for the big game!||18|0||
2904|None|1007|1965|||Show your pride in the Growtopia Growies with their cap! Root
for the home team!||31|0||
2204|None|||You are detecting radiation...|Geiger Counter removed.|With this handy
device, you can detect radiation. As you get closer to the source, the device will
ping red, then yellow, then green for the closest. Stand still where you think the
source is and you just might find it!|The Geiger Counter is an unsplicable hand
item. One can be purchased from the Store for 25,000 Gems.||0|Geiger Counting|
2616|None|||||This flimsy bit of clothing provides maximum display of your insane
muscles.|The Luchador Jersey - El Peligro is a shirt item that was added during
Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2336|Wind|||||This is a Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Charge up your Lightning cards to do +1
damage permanently. Getting hit by Muscle cards removes this effect.||10|2||
2324|Earth|||||This is a Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Block 1 damage, this turn, and your next
attack that hits will do +1 damage.||10|2||
2912|None|1695|1103|||Equip this and then use bait on water next to you to go
fishing! All you have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it
escapes! If you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast.||24|0||
2502|Water|||||It’s a Pastel Green Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Green Wallpaper
is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|4|
2586|Wind|||||Program messages into it to tell your friends! Use your Wrench on it
to change the message.|The Holographic Sign is an unsplicable non-solid block. It
is a possible drop from successfully performing surgery.||1||
2610|None|||||These provide the flexibility and movement you need to wrap
somebody's head up in your thighs and do a backflip.|The Luchador Tights - El Tigre
is an unsplicable pants item which was introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week/2015.||
2262|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|Golden Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part
of the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2288|Fire|||||Ohh, it’s gonna take a LOT of this to get the party started…|Party
Confetti is an unsplicable consumable which was added in the Anniversary Week 2015.
One can be obtained as a common drop from the Anniversary Party special event,
which can be summoned directly by using a Party-In-A-Box.||2||
2354|Water|||||Just before knocking her unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
Kat 5 for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The Villain
Portrait - Kat 5 is an unsplicable background block which was added alongside the
Superhero Pack.||1||
2334|Wind|||||This is a Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: No damage now, but for the next 2 turns,
your opponent takes 1 damage each turn. If you take damage from a Muscle card, the
storm ends.||10|2||
2218|None|||You can spew icy blasts.|Your icy poweris revoked.|Gloves are highly
recommended while holding this mystical artifact. Sponsored by iiStyloMilo,
Bambam46, and MartinMan007's subscribers.|The Mighty Snow Rod is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2014.||0|Mystical Ice|
2720|None|||You have shocking arrows.|Back to punching.|This crossbow is mounted to
a glove, so nobody can steal it from you. It shoots electric bolts! Why not?
Sponsored by iNoodles.|The Electric Bow is an unsplicable hand item that was added
alongside the Basic Blue Block and Golden Aura on May 18, 2015.||0|Electric Arrows|
2282|Water|||||Rock some tunes to really kick the party into gear.|The Party
Boombox is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated foreground block which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2015.||2||
2310|Water|||||This is an Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Freeze your opponent, so they can’t use any
cards except Fire cards next turn.||10|2||
2402|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The Irish Sport Horsie is
traditionally used for all purposes from transportation to riding to working the
land, and it is so popular as a competition riding horsie. It also wears a silly
hat.|The Irish Sport Horsie is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
St. Patrick's Week 2015. It is obtained by using 4 Lucky Horseshoes, where one can
be obtained from completing BLARNEY1 - BLARNEY9, all in one day (according to
Growtopia time).||0|Speedy|
2340|Wind|||||This is a Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: If an attack would kill you in the next
3 turns, you recover with 1 Life.||10|2||
2656|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion’s a stranger. You
think fashion’s your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Purple is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack. One
also has a chance to be obtained from purchasing said pack for a price of 4,000
2260|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|The Purple Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as
part of the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2294|Fire|||||This is a Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Inflict 1 damage, but if opponent uses a
Muscle power, it inflicts 2 damage.||10|2||
2312|Water|||||This is an Ice Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Protects you from the next hit you would
take, including this turn. Lightning pierces it.||10|2||
2612|None|||||These provide the flexibility and movement you need to wrap
somebody's head up in your thighs and do a backflip.|Luchador Tights - El Verdugo
is an unsplicable pants item which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2652|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion's a stranger. You
think fashion's your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Pink was added alongside the Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2506|Water|||||It’s a Pastel Blue Block squashed flat!|The Pastel Blue Wallpaper is
an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2015.|4|0||
2648|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion’s a stranger. You
think fashion’s your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Blue is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack. One also
has a chance to be obtained from purchasing said pack for 4,000 Gems.|18|0||
2404|None|||||Wait a minute, this is Scottish.|The Kilt is an unsplicable pants
item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13,
2908|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|This carrot is rather sharp. I
wouldn't recommend eating it, especially if it's a sword or if you're a bunny.
Sponsored by MrMehMeh.|The Carrot Sword is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.||0|Slasher|
2450|None|||You command a mighty (valuable) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|
This Dragon Of Legend is worth more than all the others combined... and he's pretty
snotty about it.|The Diamond Dragon is a hand item which was added as part of the
Locke The Traveling Salesman update on March 22, 2015.||0|Dragonborn With A Silver
5174|None|||World Locks??|Your dragon has abandoned you.|Another dragon of legend!
Please be aware the legends may have been a bit exaggerated. Sponsored by Dupie,
v0ren and Contesso.|A dragon that keeping it lock which handed by it's previous
owner. Sponsored by Bane.|26|0|Lock Keeper Dragon|
2946|Water|1423|187|||"Use" nearly any item on this block to store it inside on
display. Destroying the block will spit out the item, or you can wrench the block
to remove it.||21|2||
2422|None|||||Shadowsurfer's dog is spooky.|The Shadow Wolf Leash is a hand item
which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2015 on March 13, 2015.||0||
2716|Earth|||||Yep. You just went a step too far. This is not elegant.||17|1||
2284|Wind|||||Bring the party with you everywhere you go! This sensitive will not
function while damaged.|Weather Machine - Party is an unsplicable non-solid weather
machine foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2014.||2||
2888|None|||Tossin' the ol' pigskin.|You're taking your ball and going home.|Don't
worry, this isn't actually the skin of a pig. It's plastic. It's an American
football! Also known as a hand-egg. Throw it to somebody!|The Pigskin is a hand
item that was added along with the Sportsball Pack on July 17th, 2015. One has a
chance to be obtained from purchasing the said pack.||0|Pigskin Pro|
2718|None|169|1559|||On average, blondes tend to have more fun, but live 20%
shorter lives. That sounds like science, but luckily it's not!|Platinum Blonde Hair
is a splicable hair item.|3|0||
2694|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Yellow was added alongside
the Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2414|Earth|||||Write stuff on it to tell your friends! Use the wrench on it to
change the message.|The Shamrock Sign is an unsplicable sign which was added as
part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||1||
2410|Earth|||||Watch out, this is a really sharp fragment of Emerald. It seems
strangely magnetic attracted to other shards like it. Maybe if you got 200 of them
together, they'd fuse into something! Yeah, that's how reality works!|The Emerald
Shard is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the St. Patrick's
Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015. It spawns randomly in BLARNEY1 - BLARNEY9
during St. Patrick's Week. When it spawns, a message will appear saying "A Emerald
Shard has appeared".||2||
2426|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty Irish leotard!|The Muscle Shirt -
Emerald is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's
Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2456|None|||||Looks like this is all that’s left after you crushed those
2458|None|||||Looks like this is all that’s left after you crushed those
2428|None|||||To be an Irish superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Heroic Tights - Emerald is a pants item which was added as part of the St.
Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2460|None|||||Looks like this is all that’s left after you crushed those
2454|None|||||Looks like this is all that’s left after you crushed those
2666|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Green is a shirt that was introduced during the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. It can also be obtained from the
said pack.|19|0||
2906|None|||Somebody's gonna get served.|You're taking your ball and going home.|
Serve up an ace! Lifetime subscription to Rapidly Biodegradeable Tennis Ball Supply
is included.|Tennis Racquet is an unsplicable hand item that was added along with
the Sportsball Pack on July 17th, 2015. One has a chance to be obtained from
purchasing the said pack.||0|Tennis Ace|
2702|None|||||Mickey and May are Werkon and Compulsory's real life puppies! This
puppy represents them both. Sponsored by Werkon and Compulsory.|The MickeyMay Leash
is a hand item which was released on May 16, 2015. It was sponsored by Werkon and
2416|None|||||Wanna be a witch but tired of hat-head? This is the hairstyle for
you. Only found in Blarney 5, 7 and 9|The Slimy Green Hair is an unsplicable hair
item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13,
2420|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as
MIGHTYBOOSH, with his trademark lightning shield!|Super Logo - MightyBOOSH is an
unsplicable super logo chest item. It is the exclusive item of the ex-moderator
2328|Earth|||||This is a Muscle Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Recover 1 Life this turn and the next
2398|Earth|||||This guy loves locks. He'll trade you fabulous items for them!|||5||
2668|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Purple is a shirt that was introduced during the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. It can also be obtained from the
said pack.|19|0||
2494|None|||||bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny|Baby Bunny is a leash introduced
during Easter Week 2015.||0||
2724|Water|||||This is a block. It is blue.|The Basic Blue Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block that was added alongside the Electric Bow and Golden Aura on
May 18, 2015.|2|1||
2686|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Red was added alongside the
Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2256|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|These amazing lightweight hollow crystals actually allow you to jump in mid-
air!|Blue Crystal Wings is an unsplicable wings back item which was added as part
of the Crystals update on January 20, 2015.|26|0|Double Jump!|
2658|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion’s a stranger. You
think fashion’s your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Yellow is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack. Up to
4 of this item can drop from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Jade
Block Seed with a Marquee Block Seed. One also has a chance to be obtained from
purchasing said pack for a price of 4,000 gems.|18|0||
2438|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no Heroman, but it’s still pretty swell.|The Super Cape - Emerald is an
unsplicable back item that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2015 on March
13, 2015.||0|Double Jump|
2214|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|You're probably gonna wish you
had spent extra for the seat heater option with this particular ride. But it's
faster than walking. Sponsored by @Aimster.|The Ice Horse is an unsplicable feet
item which was added as part of WinterFest 2014.||0|Speedy|
2944|None|||||As long as you don't mind clinking as you walk around, this is a
beautifully sparkly style.|The Aqua Crystal Skirt is an unsplicable pants item
which was added as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|26|0||
2714|Earth|||||Okay, covering the block with diamonds has to be the height of
2700|None|357|1033|||This strange two-toned hair is all the fashion rage in
Growtopia. I don't know why, but by popular demand, here it is!|Kansas Pigtails is
a splicable hair item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack.|11|0||
2726|Wind|||||This is a Rare Lightning Superpower card for use in fighting crime.
You can also place it as a block! Card effect: Impale your opponent for 3 damage.
This exhausts you for a turn, but you can use a Lightning card to get a second
wind. Even if countered, the spear still does 1 damage!|Superpower - Pineapple
Spear is a superpower card block which was added during Super Pineapple Party
2916|Fire|||||Strange letters swirl about on this scroll. It seems to shimmer
before your eyes. The only think you can make out consistently is "18.IT", whatever
that means.|The Shifting Scroll is a scroll introduced during SummerFest 2015,
along with the Wizard's Staff riddle. The scroll is used to find the recipe for the
Wizard's Staff.||0||
2408|Earth|||||Locks an entire world. And looks blarney good doing it. Now, this
lock is no Lucky Clover, but you just might feel a little luckier in a world locked
by it...|The Emerald Lock is a solid lock foreground block which was added as part
of St. Patrick's Week 2015 on March 13, 2015.||10||
2436|None|||||Protect your secret identity, but your Irish eyes are still smiling!|
The Crimefighter Mask - Emerald is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part
of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2492|Wind|2035|1767|||To celebrate the robot that landed on a comet, splice
together some comet stuff to make an asteroid that YOU can land on!|The Asteroid is
a splicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the original Night Of
The Comet update.|14|1||
2300|Fire|||||This is a Fire Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Card effect: Your Fire cards are not countered by Ice on
your next turn, and they do +1.||10|2||
2406|None|||||This is a bad habit, you should stop it.|The Corncob Pipe is an
unsplicable face itemwhich was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update
on March 13, 2015.||0||
2704|None|||||Be careful with this necklace, they don't call it a choker for
2692|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Purple is a splicable hand
item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack. Up to 4 of this item can be
dropped from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Jade Block Seed with
a Cave Entrance Seed. One also has a chance to be obtained from purchasing said
pack from the Store for 4,000 gems.|18|0||
2036|Wind|||||This is the exact opposite of sparkly dust from a passing comet.
It seems to whirl backwards like a tiny galaxy. Perhaps if you collected enough of
it, it would merge into an astonishingly valuable solid mass!|The Antimatter Dust
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the original Night Of The
Comet update on November 27, 2014.|13|1||
2712|Wind|||||Now there’s pink silk draped on top. How much more elegant could you
2910|None|||You are armed with deadly flame magic.|Missing. Add if you have it.|The
Orb Of Ajanti is mounted atop this staff, held by a silver hand - just make sure
you never touch it with your human hand, or you will be incinerated. Sponsored by
SilentRebel, COMBUSTION, and jason747.|The Emerald Staff is an unsplicable
hand item that was added as part of the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.||0|Flames of
2950|Wind|||||This robotic guardian keeps your world safe by not allowing anybody
without access to break or place blocks. Just like a world lock, only scarier!|The
Robotic Lock is an unsplicable solid lock foreground block that was added during
Player Appreciation Week 2015. It has the same functionality as a World Lock,
except with a different design.||10||
2640|None|||||This black eye mask includes a handsomely trimmed mustache for
maximum swordfighting capacity.|||0||
2444|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as... Saint
Patrick? O'Superman? Lucky Lass? It's up to you!|The Super Logo - Shamrock is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015
update on March 13, 2015.||0||
2918|Earth|||||Incomprehensible words scrawl across this parchment: SNWISS CAGITE
TET PLDOL|The Cryptic Scroll is an unsplicable component which was added as part of
SummerFest 2015. The recipe has a chance create a Really Cryptic Scroll,
Exceedingly Cryptic Scroll, or Needlessly Cryptic Scroll instead.||0||
2914|Earth|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. Wiggly Worms can
only catch the smallest fish.|||0||
2470|None|||||Like a regular fedora, but in cotton candy flavor.|The Pink Fedora is
an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the Locke The Traveling Salesman
update on March 22, 2015.||0||
2620|None|||||This flimsy bit of clothing provides maximum display of your insane
muscles.|Luchador Jersey - El Verdugo is an unsplicable shirt item which was
introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2015.||0||
2024|Water|681|181|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Blue Block is one of the variations of the Dark Colored Blocks.|4|2||
2452|Water|||||This super fabulous device will crush any clothing and extract its
pure essence. Just tap clothing items on here and they will be crushed! You might
get back seeds, or gems, or who knows what?|Clothing Compactor is an unsplicable
clothes compactor introduced along with Locke The Salesman.||2||
2424|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty Irish leotard!|The Super Shirt - Emerald
is a shirt item that was added on St. Patrick's Week 2015.||0||
2012|Earth|681|165|||Dark blocks are available in a stunning array of colors!|The
Dark Grey Block is one of the variations of the Dark Colored Blocks.|2|2||
2706|None|||||Be careful with this necklace, they don't call it a choker for
nothing. Now with a giant emerald!|The Emerald Choker is an unsplicable chest
2650|None|2709|1599|||You think you know fashion? Well, fashion’s a stranger. You
think fashion’s your friend? My friend, fashion is danger!|The Fashionable Dress -
Red is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack. Up to 4
of this item can drop from harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Jade
Block Seed with a Marquee Block Seed. One also has a chance to be obtained from
purchasing said pack for a price of 4,000 gems.|18|0||
2900|None|||||This is not a metaphor. Sponsored by SweGamerHD's subscribers,
Kizashi, and Inforced.|The Monkey On Your Back is an unsplicable chest item that
was added on 17 July 2015 alongside the Sportsball Pack and BLYoshi's Free Dirt.||
2678|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Green is a splicable High Heels feet clothes item which was added on 15 May
2015, alongside the addition of Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week.|19|0||
2488|Water|2035|1423|||Items placed behind this energy field are protected! Only
players with access to lock can pick them up!|The Transmatter Field is a splicable
non-solid display box foreground block.|14|1||
2674|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Red is a splicable High Heels feet clothes item which was added on 15 May
2015, alongside the addition of Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week.|19|0||
2226|Water|1357|163|||As ice thaws, it drips down and refreezes into these razor
sharp blades of agony.||10|1||
2644|None|||||Is it blue and black, or white and gold? Who knows!?|The Mystery
Dress is an unsplicable shirt item which was added alongside the Fashion Pack on
May 15, 2015.||0||
2672|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Blue is a splicable High Heels feet clothes item which was added on 15 May
2015, alongside the addition of Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week.|19|0||
2010|Fire|1299|741|||It's like living inside a computer!|Glowy Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added on November 14, 2014.|13|2||
2270|Wind|||||Ooh pretty.|Stained Glass is an unsplicable background, introduced
during the Crystals update.|2|0||
2964|Water|989|1003|||Relax by the soothing tinkle of water. You can punch this to
turn it on or off.|The Fountain is a splicable non-solid toggleable foreground
block which was added on 20 August 2015, the seventh day of Player Appreciation
Week 2015.|18|1||
2690|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Green is a spliceable hand
item added alongside the Fashion Pack. One also has a chance to be obtained from
purchasing the Fashion Pack from the Gem Store for 4,000 Gems.|18|0||
2442|None|||||Protect you secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|The Super Eye Mask - Emerald is a face item
which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2015 update on March 13, 2015.||
2008|Fire|163|249|||The evilest kind of spikes available. Do not touch!|Twisted
Spikes is an splicable deadly block which was added on November 11, 2014.|3|1||
2934|None|727|181|||You need skinny legs to put in the skinny jeans, or perhaps
just let the acid slim you down a bit.|The Acid-Washed Skinny Jeans is a splicable
pants item that was added as part of PANTS update on July 30, 2015.|13|0||
2920|Wind|||||Incomprehensible words scrawl across this parchment: EG TAC DESLI
UREN HAI IB|The Really Cryptic Scroll is a key component in The Wizard's Staff
2480|Wind|||||This handy device will let you broadcast to ALL of Growtopia at
2662|None|2709|1771|||Beauty of person and elegance of manners in women will always
command more admiration from the opposite sex than beauty, elegance or costliness
of clothing.|The Stylin' Dress - Red is a shirt that was introduced as part of the
Fashion Pack update on the 15th of November, 2015. It can also be obtained from the
said pack.|19|0||
2684|None|2709|1327|||You can store all your stuff in here - dirt, toilets, cows,
devil wings, whatever a girl needs.|The Fashion Purse - Blue was added alongside
the Fashion Pack.|18|0||
2936|None|||||YOUNG LADY, you are NOT going out in that skirt. In my day, people
couldn't even see our ankles.|The Tiny Red Skirt is an unsplicable pants item which
was added with the PANTS update on July 30, 2015.||0||
2680|None|2709|1729|||These really make your calves look good! Unfortunately, they
also cause crippling pain and permanent deformity. Hey, make your choice!|High
Heels - Purple is a splicable High Heels feet clothes item which was added on 15
May 2015, alongside the addition of Fashion Pack in the Fashion Week.|19|0||
2960|None|859|169|||Today's modern bride doesn't want to conceal her face, so we've
swept the veil aside for you.|Bridal Veil is a splicable hat item which was added
on Player Appreciation Week 2015 Day 2.|4|0||
3888|Earth|||||Baaaaaaa. You can shear a sheep one every few days!|The Sheep is a
provider which was added on 15 September 2016, during the 2016 Harvest Festival.||
3044|Water|||||You keep all your bait for fishing in here. Unfortunately, it's on a
timed lock, so it can only be opened every two days.|The Tackle Box is a non-solid
provider foreground block which was added alongside the Fishin' Pack.||1||
3010|None|||||Equip this and then use bait on water next to you to go fishing! All
you have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If
you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast. This delicious fishing rod gets bites
twice as often as other rods.|Licorice Rod is an unsplicable fishing rod. It is a
mystery prize from completing any CARNIVAL game.||0||
3020|Fire|||||This is bait for fishing with three high-tech features: it appeals to
all sizes and types of fish, it homes in on the largest fish around, and special
filtering fins keep it from hooking on anything other than a fish!|||0||
3008|None|||||Equip this and then use bait on water next to you and go fishing! All
you have to do is wait for a bait, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If
you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast. This is a beginner's fishing rod - it
keeps fish on the line twice as long as other rods, so it's easy as pie.|The E-Z
Rod is a hand item that was released during the Fishin' Pack update.||0||
3090|Fire|||||This box is made of gasoline-soaked balsa wood. It's a really bad
design. If it gets lit on fire, it will burn up instantly. A few selected items can
be tempered by fire though. Perhaps you could store them inside and see what
happens when it burns?|The Highly Combustible Box is an unsplicable chest
foreground block.||2||
3002|Water|||||This is a handy hole in a fish tank, through which you can insert or
remove fish! Use your wrench to manage the fish, just like real fish. You can only
place this on a fish tank.|||2||
3022|Wind|||||It's always a shock to find you've caught one of these on your line.
Place it in your world to share the feeling with others.|The Electric Eel is a pain
block that was released on Fishing Pack update.||1||
3062|Fire|1703|179|||You just want to watch the world burn. Use this on any tile,
whether you own it or not, to set it on fire.|The Pocket Lighter is a splicable
consumable, introduced on the 8th of October, 2015, along with the Firefighter
3074|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|This magic leaf can float you
around. Just cuz.|Floating Leaf is an unsplicable feet item which was added on
Harvest Festival 2015.||0|Speedy|
3324|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3308|Water|||||Please contact support to fix this item!|ERROR! is an unobtainable
component item. It was given to players with Da Vinci Wings or Thingamabobs during
the duplication glitch that occurred in 2019 with the Techno-Organic Engine.||1||
3320|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3012|Wind|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. The shiny stuff
appeals to larger fish then Wiggly Worms do.|||0||
3018|Water|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. There is no fish
too big to enjoy a shrimp lure.|||0||
3274|None|||||Powered by a Fuel Pack on your back, this gun can launch free T-
shirts at your fellow Growtopians! Don't waste shots at anything else, it still
burns fuel!|The T-Shirt Cannon is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part
of Anniversary Week 2016.||0||
3620|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Pineapple Fish. This SHOULD be known as Hawaii's
state fish!|The Pineapple Fish is a fish that was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party Week 2016.||1||
3432|Water|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. This bait won't
catch anything but the Catch of the Day, which changes each day. Fish have a chance
to escape, though! Bonus: Fish caught this way can be larger than the normal
maximum size!|The Catch-of-the-Day Bait is a bait which allows players catch the
Catch of the Day. The Catch of the Day changes everyday (random) and during some
events they give specific event fish. The bait can catch fish over perfect size,
giving it the Massive status.||0||
3368|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for any occasion.|Silk Vest - Grey is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3366|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for any occasion.|Silk Vest - Purple is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3416|None|||||When you reach level 7 in the cult, like Jairrocket, your eyes get
glowy.|Dark Cult Hood is an unsplicable head item which was added in the Silkworm
update. It is the exclusive item of the moderator @Jairrocket. The Dark Cult Hood,
hence it's name, is darker than the normal Cultist Hood, to the point that it's
3056|None|173|487|||These pants are made of stylish rubber to ensure you are as
overheated as possible while standing in a burning building.||4|0||
3004|Water|57|445|||Fish can swim around in here! However, you need to put them in
through a Fish Tank Port, sold separately.||11|0||
3992|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Apatodon is an unsplicable hand
item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3666|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Aqua
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult
aqua Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3664|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm -
Yellow is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles
update on June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an
adult yellow Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3182|Earth|||||This is a broken piece of a sword blade. It's of a low-quality steel
and could stand to be tempered.|The Blade Fragment is an unsplicable component item
which was added as part of Daily Challenges update on November 18, 2015.||1||
3512|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Anulot's bringing in the funk.|The Saturday Wings is an unsplicable back item
exclusive to game Moderator @Anulot, rewarded on April 2, 2016.||0|Double Jump|
3926|Earth|||||This Rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Mabye you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|||2||
3540|Wind|||||Why did you burn up your beautiful wolf emblem?|The Charbroiled Wolf
Emblem is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Artsy April
update on April 2, 2016.||1||
3064|Water|823|339|||Throw this to splash water over a wide area, putting out
fires.|Water Balloon is a splicable consumable.|6|0||
3580|Fire|||||These crystals grow naturally in caves. They don't actually glow -
bioluminescent organisms feed on them and emit light. Also heat - be careful!|The
Purple Cave Crystal is an unsplicable solid foreground pain block that was added
during the Spelunkorama! update on May 2, 2016.|2|1||
3760|Earth|||||No info.||1|1||
3770|Fire|||||This crystal lamp is powered by steam! It burns for 10 seconds each
time it gets charged. It can only be powered from below. The Steam Code prohibits
more than 100 steam-powered items in a world.|The Steam Lamp is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016 Day
3782|Earth|435|1307|||These blocks are only 1/4 the size of a normal block! To make
up for that, they come in sets of four.||1|1||
3996|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Green Pet Apatos Rex is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3362|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for any occasion.|Silk Vest - Green is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3544|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Picasso Triggerfish. Also known as Hawaii's state
fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. Yes, that's one of my favorite words.|Picasso
Triggerfish is an unsplicable fish which was added during Artsy April. You can only
catch it||1||
3776|None|||||This long robe is suitable for male or female Growtopians, provided
they want to look snazzy and colorful!|Purple Djellaba is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0||
3162|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|Why waste time with a shield?
Just get two swords!|The Twin Swords is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of the Daily Challenges update.||0|Slasher|
3176|Earth|||||You can forge astounding weapons on this, if it's next to a Forge
that's been heated to 1,000 degrees, and you have Smithing Tools, and wear a Ring
of Smithing and a Blacksmith's Apron. Oh, and have some item you want to smith. If
you've got all that, go ahead and use the item on the anvil!|||2||
3858|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're no heroman, but it's still pretty swell.|The Super Cape - Autumn is an
unsplicable back item that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2016 on September
15, 2015.||0|Double Jump|
3648|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3246|Earth|1345|1707|||This thing has a nice heft, and handy notches for inserting
up to two axe blades. The only real downside is that it's made entirely of metal,
so if you were to place, say, magical ice blades in it, the cold would be
transmitted right to your hand, and you wouldn't be able to hold it.|The Steel Axe
Handle is a splicable component which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.|54|1||
3534|Wind|||||Howling in shadows, living in a lunar spell, he finds his heaven...
This weather has up to 3 wolves in it, which is an incredible wolf-to-machine ratio
you won't find anywhere else.|The Weather Machine - Howling Sky is a weather
machine which was added during the Artsy April Update.||2||
3146|Wind|||||Congratulations on winning the Crystal Crusher Daily Challenge! Enjoy
this rainbowlicious block. Don't you just wanna lick it? Also, if you smash a
Harmonic Crystal that is sitting on this block, there's a 20% chance of getting
back one of the crystals you put into it.|The Rainbow Crystal Block is a solid
foreground block which was added alongside the Daily Challenges.||3||
3928|Earth|||||This rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Maybe you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|||2||
3746|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Firefin. It’s not too tough to figure out where this
fish gets it’s name. During the winter, they stay in warmer waters, but for the
week of Summerfest, these can be found in their old spawning grounds right here in
Growtopia!|Firefin is a fish that was introduced in 2016's SummerFest. It can be
obtained by using Catch-of-the-Day Bait during SummerFest. A perfect Firefin fish
is 150lb.||1||
3830|Water|3585|823|||Messed your hair up with dyes? Wash it out with the
refreshing scent of lime, coconut, wallaby, and pears. Lather, rinse, and repeat -
one bottle might not do the job.|Shampoo is a consumable which was introduced on
the second day of Player Appreciation Week 2016.|4|1||
4000|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Tyranodon is an unsplicable hand
item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3440|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Mutant Fish. Looks like the comet's radiation has
caused unfortunate mutations in the wildlife. You gotta wonder what it's doing to
you...|The Mutant Fish is a fish which can only be caught by using the Catch-of-
the-Day Bait during the Night Of The Comet.||1||
3654|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Blue
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult
blue Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3374|None|||||You will command respect in this power tie!|The Silk Tie - Yellow is
an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Silkworm update on
February 1, 2016.||0||
3708|None|||||The official uniform of the B.O.O. - Battlers of the Otherworldly.
Join today!|The B.O.O. Pants are an unsplicable pants item which was added as part
of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly update on July 15, 2016.||0||
3988|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Pteranus Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3674|Water|||||Whale whale whale, you'll really have to wail on this block to smash
it. But you'll have a whale of a time doing it! And what a tail to tell it will be.
I'm way ill from all of these puns, I'm gonna start blubbering. ORCA.|The Whale
Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pet
Battles update.||2||
3498|Wind|3261|625|||Stomp on this and... nothing happens! But pump steam into it
first to charge up, and it become a steam-powered trampoline!|The Steam Launcher is
a splicable solid trampoline foreground block. Up to 4 of this block can drop from
harvesting its tree, which is made by splicing a Steam Tubes Seed with a Pinball
Sproinger Seed.|24|1||
3518|None|253|1655|||You're either a hipster or an evil twin. Or perhaps... a
hipster's evil twin? How would you know which one is evil!?|The Goatee is a
splicable face item which added as part of the Artsy April update on April 2,
3334|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3452|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Purple Shore Crab. These guys are pretty crabby.|The
Purple Shore Crab is an unsplicable fish item which was added in the Gone Crabby!
update. One can be obtained from a bait-filled Lobster Trap.||1||
3562|Earth|||||This devastating bomb will create a brand new underground cave
world, full of darkness and creepy surprises!|The Cave Blast is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update on May 2, 2016. One
can be purchased from the Store for 30,000 gems.||0||
3898|Wind|167|247|||It's a phone! Dial it with your wrench. Growtopia doesn't have
any cell service, so you're stuck with this old thing.|The Telephone is a splicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Systems Update.|11|1||
3844|None|||||Fight crime in this mighty leafy leotard!|Super Shirt - Autumn is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added during Harvest Festival 2016.||0||
3598|Fire|||||Whatever occasion you have to celebrate, this banner is sure to make
it more celebratory.|Festive Banner is an unsplicable foreground block that was
released on Cinco De Mayo Week/2016.||1||
3500|Fire|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|The Red Crayon is a block added during the Artsy April update. It is one of
the Colored Crayons.|19|1||
3462|None|||||Flower power! This flower’s roots growing down into your brain make
you smarter at finding Magic Eggs in an Egg-Hunting Basket. Who knows, you might
even find two sometimes!|The Brainflower is a clothing item, introduced during
Easter Week 2016. It gives a chance to give 2 eggs from using Egg-Hunting
Basket (e.g. an Easter Egg - Striped and an Easter Egg - Rainbow).||0||
3806|Earth|||||Use this with a Challenge Timer. Wrench it to set an ID, so it knows
which Challenge Timer to work with.|The Challenge Start Flag is an item added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.||1||
3466|None|685|2009|You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|This razor-sharp blade has
the unique ability to slice up fresh chunks for sushi! Just drop a fish item on a
Cutting Board, then attack it with the Sushi Knife!||10|0|Slasher|
3840|Earth|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
The Harvester for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|
Villain Portrait - The Harvester is an unsplicable background which was added as
part of Harvest Festival 2016 update on September 15, 2016.||1||
3820|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Orca. You could put this in a fish tank, but then
people would probably make documentaries about you. Not flattering ones.|The Orca
is an unsplicable fish which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016. One can be
obtained as a possible drop from fishing with a Catch-of-the-Day Bait on a random
3060|None|483|173|||Is it hot in here? Throw on a jacket!||4|0||
3050|None|2811|3005|||Strap this on when people start tossing rotten eggs. You'll
be much happier. |The Oxygen Mask is a splicable face item that was added alongside
Firefighter Pack on October 8, 2015.|16|0||
3878|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Orange Hanbok Pants are
pants added during Harvest Festival 2016. It is one of the Harvest Festival
Clothes, meaning that there is a chance to obtain it using the recipe.||0||
3102|Fire|||||The seething fires of the underworld are at your command! Throw this
in somebody's world to start a bunch of fires and really annoy them.|The Eldritch
Flame is a consumable introduced during Halloween Week 2015.|19|0||
3390|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|The Silk Skirt -
White is one of the variations of the Silk Skirts, introduced during the Silkworm
3484|Water|2027|2019|||Brush this aquatic shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3406|Water|||||Mmm! This is one sweet little lollipop.|The Sweet Lollipop is a
consumable that was added on Valentine's Week 2016.||0||
3322|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3332|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3494|None|||||Paint the town a variety of delightful colors with this here brush!
Paint not included.|The Paintbrush is a hand item added during the Artsy April
3490|Earth|2027|2019|||Brush this ebony onto blocks with a paintbrush to customize
your world's appearance!||10|1||
3868|Wind|||||Don't blow this horn. Never blow this horn. It is evil.|The Harvest
Horn is a consumable item that allows player to summon The Harvester, Harvest
Festival villain. It was added in Harvest Festival 2016.||0||
3318|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3842|Wind|||||This is a Rare Cosmic Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Cosmic Cards aren't used, they have an effect as long
as they are in your hand. Card effect: Heal 1 life every time you inflict more than
1 damage.|Cosmic Power - Life Harvest is a spliceable Superpower Card, added along
with Harvest Festival 2016 . It heals one life for every time the player deals more
than one damage.||2||
3720|Wind|1107|3585|||Place this jar down and it will suck in a ghost that's above
it. You will probably need some friends with Neutron Guns to keep the ghost
contained or it will escape! A jar takes 2 seconds to activate, and then only
collects spirits for 5 seconds, so time it carefully.||10|0||
3114|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|I'm pretty sure it's a bad sign when your aura is this color.|The Black Aura
is a back item that was released as a part of Halloween Week 2015. One can be
obtained by sacrificing a Golden Aura, Blue Aura, or a Pink Aura into Growganoth
during Halloween Week.||0|Double Jump!|
3944|None|||||This is how you would look if a dinosaur snuck up behind you and
swallowed you, but you got stuck in its throat. It's a really bad situation for
everybody involved|Dinosaur Mask was released as part of the Growassic Update. It
is a possible drop from using Fossil Prep Station.||0||
3700|None|||||Bright rubber to protect your feet from pointy shells on the beach!|
The Green Flip Flops is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
SummerFest 2016.||0||
3818|Water|||||Demonstrating your speed-painting skills by painting pictures of
anyone in your world in moments! Wrench the portrait to begin painting. It costs 2
of each color of paint for each painting.|The Portrait is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.||1||
3910|Wind|||||This block looks like a mysterious computronic data reference. But
that's just for fun, I'm sure. I mean, this is just a game... isn't it?|To obtain,
use a Henchman at the top right corner of a world, take a Superpower - Heat Vision,
Superpower - Ice Shards, Superpower - Super Strength and Superpower - Shocking
Fist, use them in order and then run away. Doing so will spawn the Code Block:
3344|Wind|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts of
Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - White is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3464|None|||Swim faster, walk slower!|You are a land mammal.|You don't need to
trade your voice for a pair of legs... just take this off and you're all set! But
this tail does make you move faster in the water, and slower on land.|The Mermaid
Tail is unsplicable pants item.||0|A Little Fishy|
3444|None|||||Keep it watered or you'll end up with a crown of thorns instead of
the Heralded Crown Of Spring.|Spring Crown is a splicable hat item which was added
as part of Easter Week 2016.|14|0||
3908|Wind|||||This block looks like a mysterious computronic data reference. But
that's just for fun, I'm sure. I mean, this is just a game... isn't it?|It is
created by having three people (all on each other's friend's list) climb to
Legendary Mountain, one wearing a Yeti Hat, one wearing Zombie-Stompin' Boots and
one wearing X-Ray Specs. All three players must execute the command /furious next
to the orb. All players in the world will respawn when it is done.||1||
3970|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Tyranopatos is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3522|Wind|483|25|||This sign includes a bit of added information - an arrow! The
arrow points whichever direction you are facing when you place the sign.|The Arrow
Placard is a splicable non-solid sign foreground block which was added as part of
the Artsy April update.|4|1||
3142|Earth|||||Wrench this board to see the situation with the Daily Challenge!|The
Challenge Board is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added
alongside the Daily Challenges.||1||
3948|Fire|||||This ancient tree sap has hardened into a beautiful crystal. Who
knows, there might even be a mosquito inside holding dinosaur DNA! That's pretty
standard for amber.|Amber Block is a block that was added with the Growassic Park
3974|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Tyranotops is a leash that was
released as part of the Growassic Park Update. When equipped, it will summon a Red
Pet Tyranotops.||0||
3312|Wind|||||It's a box full of sprockets and gears and whatnots! It's probably
part of an awesome steampunk creation.|The Steampunk Gearbox is an unsplicable
component which was added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week
3330|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3106|None|||||Nothing spookier than a bedsheet with two holes cut in it!|The Ghost
Costume is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part of Halloween Week
3336|Fire|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts of
Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Red is an unsplicable consumable which was added
as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3042|None|||||Congratulations on winning the Fishing Frenzy Daily Challenge! With
this hat on, there's a 5% chance to not use up your bait when you fish (I mean,
there's a bunch of extra bait right there on the hat!).|The Fishing Hat is an
unsplicable hat item which was added alongside the Daily Challenges.||0||
3030|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Dogfish. Dogfish are a type of shark, and they are
so named because they hunt in packs, like dogs do. It has nothing to do with their
appearance, which is entirely fishlike and not canine at all.|The Dogfish is an
unsplicable fish which was added alongside the Fishin' Pack. The maximum size of a
Dogfish is 50 lbs.||1||
3692|Earth|||||This buckle would be good for holding straps together, if you need
for such things!|The Iron Buckle is a component item which was added during the Pet
Battles update.||0||
3420|Fire|||||Deep fried on a stick! This tasty treat is found at your local county
fair, obviously.|The Roasted Cobra is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of St. Patrick's Week 2016.||0||
3638|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3636|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|The Leashed Silkworm - Blue is a hand item
which was added as part of the Pet Battles update.||0||
3994|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Green Pet Apatosaurus is an
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of the Growassic Park update on
October 7, 2016.||0||
3546|Fire|||||Deep fried goodness. Enjoy it with some malt vinegar!|||1||
3078|Earth|||||This biomechanical device accumulates solar energy all day long.
Then, when you plant a tree in your world, the stored energy is pumped into the
tree, growing it to 25% of full growth instantly!|The Solar Collector is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block.||2||
3574|None|||||This hardhat protects you from falling rocks, while the headlamp
lights up the dark caverns.|The Spelunker's Headlamp is an unspliceable hat item
which was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update.||0||
3006|Fire|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
again, the server burned to bits, and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust
in your dry, bitter fist. August 2015|The Rollback Plaque III is a solid rollback
plaque foreground block which was added in August 2015, after a major rollback had
3370|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for any occasion.|Silk Vest - Black is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3482|Earth|2027|2019|||Brush this verdant shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3646|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3836|Earth|||||The sweet nectar of bee spit! Bees also craft plastic bear shapes to
store it in. Nobody knows why.|||1||
3622|Water|||||Mmm, this non-alcoholic cocktail is sweet and fruity!|Pineapple
Daiquiri is an unsplicable consumable which was added in the Super Pineapple Party
3608|Earth|||||Mine this to forge stuff out of Deep Iron.|||2||
3624|None|||||This hair isn't made of pineapple, it's just been dyed and gelled to
look like pineapple leaves.|||0||
3300|None|||Party on!|Party off!|Take the party with you everywhere you go!|Party
Blaster is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Anniversary Week
2016.||0|Party Blaster|
3762|Fire|||||Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the shark dentist...|
The Shark Tooth is an unsplicable component which was added as part of SummerFest
3298|None|2715|3285|||Keep warm on those frosty London evenings in this stylish
piece by Grow Couture! Note: this is a “Chest item”, like a necklace so you can
wear any shirts and back items you want underneath it.|The Steampunk Trenchcoat is
a splicable chest item which was added alongside the Steampack as part of
Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|37|0||
3550|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Axolotl. This isnt a fish, its actually a
salamander. A cute little mexican salamander!|The Axolotl is a fish which was added
during Cinco De Mayo 2016. It can be caught by using a Catch-of-the-Day Bait during
the event.||1||
3394|Earth|||||Place this anywhere to proudly display your country's flag!|The
Country Flag is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part
of the Silkworm update.||1||
3968|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Tyranodon is a leash that was
released as part of the Growassic Park Update.||0||
3372|None|||||You will command respect in this power tie!|The Silk Tie - Red is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Silkworm update on February
1, 2016.||0||
3936|Earth|||||A corpse from millions of years ago, turned to stone. It's still
covered with a lot of stone, so we're not sure what it is just yet. Try cleaning it
off in a Fossil Prep Station.|||2||
3846|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leafy leotard!|Muscle Shirt - Autumn
is an unsplicable shirt item. One can be obtained as a reward from defeating The
Harvester, a Supervillain exclusive to Harvest Festival.||0||
3570|Earth|163|3557|||These dangerous spikes grow from the CEILING (stalaCtite!) as
water deposits minerals on its way to dripping down. Cave Dirt will blend into them
3656|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Black
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016.||0|Speedy|
3876|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Blue Hanbok Pants are
pants added during Harvest Festival 2016. It is one of the Harvest Festival
Clothes, meaning that there is a chance to obtain it using the recipe.||0||
3264|Wind|2789|3261|||Steam power makes it go whump whump whump up and down. This
links up to other steam blocks and can conduct steam power.|The Steam Lifter Piston
is a splicable solid steam foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2016.|13|1||
3470|Earth|223|1775|||Place poor innocent fish on this and then slice them up with
Sushi Knife!||6|1||
3412|Wind|3261|607|||If steam enters this block, it will be held there for up to 20
seconds. The collector will hold as much steam as it takes to shoot it out of every
output (except the one that the last steam entered from), and then shoot them all
out. I hope that makes sense. Try it.|The Steam Collector is a block which collects
steam and can store it for up to 20 seconds. It allows up to three outputs from it.
The block will hold steam until it has achieved the amount of steam required to
send steam in all legal outputs, which will then send the steam in all legal
outputs at once.|12|1||
3694|Wind|||||This amazing new weather machine emits a vortex of howling flame, but
if you wrench it, you’ll find adjustable settings to control the color of the
flames! You can only have one of these per world.|The Weather Machine - Heatwave is
an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as part
of SummerFest 2016.||2||
3530|None|561|189|||I know you dreamed about this since Day 1 of Growtopia. It is
finally here. For real. Yes - there is an Orange Shirt, and it's not just a block,
you can WEAR IT.||14|0||
3644|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3388|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|Silk Skirt - Black
is an unsplicable Silk Skirt pants item which was added in the Silkworm update.||
3848|None|||||To be a leafy superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|Heroic Tights - Autumn is an unsplicable leg item which was added on Harvest
Festival. This item can be obtained by defeating The Harvester.||0||
3724|Wind|1697|973|||This incredible machine was invented a hundred years ago, and
still runs on Steam power! Drop Ghosts-In-A-Jar in front of it, then provide it
with Steam power to store the ghosts. Warning: If you overload the device, it may
explode!|The Spirit Storage Unit was added during the B.O.O. Update. It is used to
store Ghosts by dropping them on to the block and sending steam power through it.|
3306|Water|||||A portable source of a tiny amount of power.|The D Battery is an
unsplicable component which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2016.||1||
3314|Wind|||||It's not the prettiest decoration for your world, but it's probably
got some other good uses.|The Stretched Canvas is an unsplicable background block
which was added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January
6, 2016.||1||
3864|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight crime as... Leaf
Lord? Lady Leaf? The Fallen Avenger? It's up to you!|The Super Logo - Leaf is a
neck item that was released during Harvest Festival 2016. It can be obtained by
defeating The Harvester.||0||
3972|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Tyrannosaurus is a leash
thatwas released as part of the Growassic Park Update. When equipped, it summons a
Red Pet Tyrannosaurus.||0||
3294|None|2715|3259|||This perfect garment for housing a pocketwatch, monocle, and
perhaps taxidermy needles. Definitely some weird stuff in those pockets.|The
Steampunk Waistcoat is a splicable shirt item which was added alongside the
Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|37|0||
3402|Fire|||||Smash it for Valentine's goodies!|||1||
3400|Fire|||||This potion isn't FDA approved for use on humans yet, maybe a later
version will be. But spray a rock with it to upgrade it into a WAY better rock.|The
Love Potion #8 is a consumable that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2016 on
February 12, 2016.||7||
3954|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Pterosaurus is a leash which
was released as part of the Growassic Park Update. When equipped, it will summon
the Red Pet Pterosaurus.||0||
3754|Wind|3261|485|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. Steam can enter this Funnel from 3 sides, but can only exit from one side.
You figure out which!|Steam Funnel - Up is a block which allows steam to enter from
the left, right or below, but the steam will be forced out above.|15|1||
3894|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|These special edition Air
Robinsons are themed to celebrate the harvest, or just to be bright crazy colors,
like all basketball shoes.|Harvest Robinsons is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of Harvest Fest 2016 on 15 September, 2016.||0|Speedy|
3712|None|||||The trouble with poltergeists is that they’re always pushing things
off of shelves (side note: cats pose same problem). That’s where the helmet comes
in. Protect yourself from falling books and antiques!|The B.O.O Helmet is an
unsplicable hat which was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly update
on July 15, 2016||0||
3048|None|485|173|||Protect your head from falling embers, or occasionally falling
3962|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Apatosaurus is a leash that
was released as part of the Growassic Park Update. When equipped, it summons a Red
Pet Apatosaurus||0||
3640|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3614|Earth|||||This pick blade is forged from Deep Iron, which makes it
particularly attuned to pickin’ real darn good.|The Pick Blade is a consumable
added along with the Spelunkorama! update.||2||
3652|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Green
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult
green Silkworm.||0|Speedy!|
3588|None|||You slice and dice! And climb!|Back to punching.|These handy picks
allow you to climb Climbing Walls. Just jump and hold the arrow towards the wall!|
The Climbing Picks is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of the
Spelunkorama! update on May 2, 2016.||0|Pickin' N' Climbin'|
3160|None|||||This is a classic warrior's combo - a nice cutlass for your main
hand, and a shield in the other. This shield makes you harder to knock back!|The
Sword and Shield is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the Daily
3348|Fire|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts of
Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Yellow is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3198|Wind|||||The unicorn has gifted you great wisdom! The wisdom is thus: If you
stick this wisdom, 2 Sword Pommels, and 2 Sword Blades, into a Laboratory and
SCIENCE them... well, let's just say it'll be super cool.|The Gift of the Unicorn
is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the Daily Challenges
3860|None|||||Flex your muscles in this mighty leafy leotard!|Superheroine Top -
Autumn is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Harvest Festival. This item
can be obtained by defeating The Harvester||0||
3744|None|||||I don't know if this is a tooth from every shark you've killed, or
each one that's bitten you, but either way it's impressive.|Shark-Tooth Necklace is
an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of SummerFest 2016.||0||
3310|Wind|||||There's not a lot of difference between a sprocket and a gear. But
this is a sprocket.|||1||
3882|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Yellow Hanbok Skirt is
a pants item introduced during Harvest Festival 2016. It is one of the Harvest
Festival Clothes, meaning that there is a chance to obtain this item using the
3052|None|1159|2019|Fire walk with me! Fire does 50% damage.|Your feet are no
longer safe.|Finally, the technology exists to protect your feet from fire without
exposing them to dangerous asbestos! Wear these for fire safety.||14|0|Fireproof|
3120|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Even as tiny as they are, these wings allow you to jump in mid-air!|The Teeny
Devil Wings is an unsplicable back item that was introduced during Halloween Week
2015.||0|Double Jump|
3810|Water|||||Proud of your catch, but you don't want the responsibility of caring
for it? Mount it to this wall plaque with your wrench! You can display Perfect or
Massive fish on this mount. Once a fish is mounted, it can never be removed.|The
Fish Wall Mount is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2016 on its seventh day.||1||
3356|None|||||Cover up that hair!|The Silk Turban is an unsplicable hat item which
was added in the Silkworm Update. One can be obtained from sewing.||0||
3984|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Pterandon is an unsplicable hand
item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3950|Earth|||||This would make an impressive display in your museum! Even more
impressive in your haunted house.|The T-Rex Skull is an unsplicable platform
foreground block item which was added in the Growassic Park update. One has a
chance to be obtained from processing a Fossil in a Fossil Prep Station.||1||
3634|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3328|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3158|Wind|||||Enjoy the beauty of this spinny pinwheel!|Carnival Pinwheel is an
unsplicable non-solid block that was introduced alongside with the The Carnival
update. It can be obtained randomly from winning any Carnival games as a Mystery
3906|Wind|||||This block looks like a mysterious computronic data reference. But
that's just for fun, I'm sure. I mean, this is just a game... isn't it?|||1||
3380|None|||||You will command respect in this power tie!|The Silk Tie - Grey is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Silkworm update on February
1, 2016.||0||
3930|Earth|851|665|||Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidification
of magma or lava.|Igneous Rock is a block which was added during the Growassic Park
3602|None|||||Got a festive occasion to celebrate? Pop on this colorful number for
a night on the town!|The Fiesta Dress is a shirt item that was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2016.||0||
3812|None|||||This is why aquariums have rules.|The Octopus Head is an
unsplicable hat item which is a rare drop from using Shrimp Lures in a Lobster
3616|Water|||||When activated (punch to activate), this jealous pineapple prevents
anyone from using Consumable items in your world.|The Guardian Pineapple is an
unsplicable solid toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2016.||7||
3590|None|3587|3571|||These handy boots allow you to climb Climbing Walls. Just
jump and hold the arrow towards the wall!|Climbing Boots is a feet item that was
added as part of the Spelunkorama! update.|11|0||
3628|Earth|||||You wanna take your Silkworm for a walk? Use this on it! Note: The
silkworm will become a permanent pet, no longer able to produce silk. Good news: it
will also become immortal!|The Silkworm Leash is an unsplicable consumable which
was added in the Pet Battles update.||0||
3592|Wind|621|3261|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. The big difference is it's behind you so you can walk over it!|The Steam
Pipe is a non-solid block that was added alongside with the Cinco De Mayo Week
3244|Water|||||This blade is enchanted with winter magic! You could build an
awesome weapon with a pair of these and a handle... well, it'd be awesome if you
could hold it. Maybe you need something to protect your hands when holding it.|The
Icy Axe Blade is an unsplicable component which was added as part of WinterFest
3442|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You're too heavy for this bee to fly, but it can help you jump an extra time.|
The Riding Bumblebee is a feet item that was added during Easter Week 2016. It is
available in the Growtopia Store for 150,000 Gems during Easter Week only.||0|
Double Jump|
3632|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3166|None|||Your pet spits corrosive slime!|You feel empty inside.|Nothing cuter
than a sentient ball of slime that follows you around!|The Pet Slime is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Daily Challenges update.||0|
Pet Slime|
3352|Water|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts
of Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Aqua is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3401|Fire|||||This potion isn't FDA approved for use on humans yet, maybe a later
version will be. But spray a rock with it to upgrade it into a WAY better rock.|The
Love Potion #8 is a consumable that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2016 on
February 12, 2016.||7||
3346|Earth|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts
of Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Grey is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3676|Wind|||||You know how to battle a Pet Trainer, right? You just put your lips
together, and blow this whistle. You might want to have a fully stocked Battle
Leash first though, because Pet Trainers won't stay around waiting to fight you
forever!|The Pet Trainer Whistle is a consumable used to spawn a Pet Trainer. It is
purchasable from Locke or the Lock-Bot for 5 World Locks.||0||
3756|Wind|3261|487|||This links up to other Steam blocks and conduct steam power.
Steam can enter this funnel from 3 sides, but can only exit from one side. You
figure out which!|The Steam Funnel - Down is a splicable solid steam foreground
3154|Wind|||||This is a Cosmic Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Cosmic Cards aren't used, they just have an effect as
long as they are in your hand. Card effect: When you cards are countered, there's a
25% chance that your card works anyways.|The Cosmic Power - Nebula Gas is a
superpower card used for fighting villains.|23|2||
3360|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for all occasion.|The Silk Vest - Red is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3998|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Green Pet Apatoceratops is an
unspliceable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3946|Earth|||||This seed from the ancient past is completely intact - there may
still be some DNA inside! Plant DNA, but still that`s exciting, right?|The Ancient
Plant Seed is an unsplicable component that was added as part of the Growassic Park
3326|Fire|||||A single thread isn't very useful. Get 100 of these to stitch a bolt
together!|All Silk Threads are used to create Silk Bolts. A player can obtain the
latter by consuming 100 of the former.||1||
3804|Earth|||||Player can punch this to begin a challenge: get from the Challenge
Start Flag to the Challenge End Flag before the time runs out! Wrench the timer to
set up your challenge and insert prizes.|The Challenge Timer is an foreground
interactive block that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016. A
Challenge Start Flag and Challenge End Flag is required to create a challenge.||3||
3688|Fire|||||If this was a piece of a pig, you'd call a pork rind. But it's a cow
rind. Strong material for crafting!|The Burnt Leather is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of the Pet Battles update.||0||
3460|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Hermit Crab. Stay off of its lawn!|Hermit Crab is an
unsplicable fish item which was added in the Gone Crabby! update. One can be
obtained from harvesting a Lobster Trap.||1||
3978|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Tripatosaurus is a leash that
was released as part of the Growassic Park Update. When equipped, it summons a Red
Pet Tripatosaurus.||0||
3168|None|||Your pet spits corrosive slime!|You feel empty inside.|So much tastier
than mucus flavor!|The Strawberry Slime is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of the Daily Challenges update.||0|Pet Slime|
3856|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|Crimefighter Mask - Autumn is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Harvest Festival. This item can be
obtained by beating The Harvester.||0||
3132|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume since you won the Card Clash
Daily Challenge! With this logo on, you get +2 health during card battles!|The
Super Logo - Crown is an unsplicable chest item that was added alongside the Daily
3082|Earth|||||It's like you're lost in the jungle! In the middle of October!|The
Autumn Viney Wallpaper is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added
on Harvest Festival 2015. Up to 4 of this block can be obtained by harvesting its
tree, which can be found naturally generated in Harvest-moon-blasted worlds.|3|1||
3594|None|||||Shake shake shake your maracas!|The Maracas is a hand item that was
added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2016. It makes a maracas sound effect when player
punches or /dance.||0||
3976|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Triceradon is a leash which
was released as part of the Growassic Park update. When equipped, it will summon a
Red Pet Triceradon.||0||
3566|Earth|3557|3565|||Cave Dirt hooks into this like it's got Block Glue on it, so
you can build seamless caverns. These are just fun pillars to hide behind in a
3354|Wind|1609|1435|||Use Silk Bolts on this machine to sew them together into
finished products. You'll need 3 bolts of silk, and you'll have to sew them in the
right order, using the right type of stitching!|The Sewing Machine is a splicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Silkworms! update.|37|1||
3872|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|Blue Hanbok Top is a shirt
item that was introduced during Harvest Festival 2016. It is not guaranteed that
the player will get a Blue Hanbok Top but may receive another Harvest Festival
clothing item.||0||
3118|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|It's just like a horse...
except PURE EVIL.|The Riding Demon Dog is a feet item that was introduced during
Halloween Week 2015.||0|Speedy|
3430|None|||You command a mighty (lucky) dragon!|Your dragon has abandoned you.|
This pendant symbolizes two snakes eating themselves. Whatever that means, it also
causes a luck dragon to follow you around! Note: it's the dragon that's lucky, not
you. I guess you're just lucky to hang around with it!|The Lucky Pendant is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2016 on March
11, 2016.||0|Lucky Dragon|
3266|Wind|2791|2711|||Steam power makes it go eenk-oonk-eenk (pardon the technical
terminology). This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam power.|The
Steam Bellows is a splicable solid steam foreground block which was added alongside
the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|15|1||
3378|None|||||You will command respect in this power tie!|The Silk Tie - Blue is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Silkworm update on February
1, 2016.||0||
3912|None|||||Your neck is toasty warm. Maybe you should put some pants on too.|
Wool Scarf is a neck item that was added with Harvest Festival 2016. It is made by
sewing. If a player makes it for the first time, they will get the "Sew a Wool
Scarf" Epic Quest.||0||
3382|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|The Silk Skirt -
Red is one of the variations of the Silk Skirts, introduced during the Silkworm
3426|Earth|||||If you feel like a couch potato, there's no better place to relax
than a potato couch.|The Potato Couch is a non-solid seat foreground block which
was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2016.||1||
3642|None|||||Silkworm on a silk string.|||0||
3538|Wind|||||Slap this emblem around your world to show you are one with the
3684|Fire|||||This handy remote will call Lock-Bot to your world at the location
you specify. It only works once, so choose wisely! Lock-Bot will leave after 24
hours.|The Lock-Bot Remote is an unsplicable consumable. One can be purchased from
Locke for 10 World Locks.||0||
3980|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Red Pet Tricerus Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3036|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Sunfish. If there's one fish that can brighten your
day, this is it.|The Sunfish is a fish released along with the Fishin' Pack.
Sunfish has a maximum size of 160lbs.||1||
3752|Wind|3261|483|||The links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. Steam can enter this Funnel from 3 sides, but can only exit from one side.
You figure out which!||13|1||
3280|Wind|483|2947|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. If steam enters this block from the top or bottom, it will go out the bigger
side, and the valve will flip for the next time.||24|1||
3600|Water|||||Fresh Baja taste, with a guacamole cream sauce.|||1||
3278|None|||||Who doesn’t pineapple GT?|The Pineapple Fan Shirt is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2016.||0||
3828|Wind|299|3831|||Pour this gunk on your head if you want your hair to be black!
It may require multiple applications to achieve the desired color, or mixing with
other dyes. The dye interacts with your natural hair color, so some colors may
simply be impossible to achieve.|Black Hair Dye is a consumable, added during
Player Appreciation Week 2016.|16|1||
3024|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Whale. Don't be fooled just because you caught this
whale while fishing - this giant of the ocean is mammal. And shame on you for
catching it! They're endangered!|The Whale is a fish which was added as part of the
Fishin' Pack update.||1||
3250|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|It's just like a horse...
except soft and fuzzy!|The Riding Winter Wolf is an unsplicable feet item that was
added as part of WinterFest 2015.||0|Speedy|
3506|Water|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|The Aqua Crayon is a block added during the Artsy April update. It is one
of the Colored Crayons.|19|1||
3514|None|||||This is the kind you find at a second-hand store.|The Raspberry Beret
is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the Artsy April update.||0||
3170|Fire|||||This block is angry, and prominently features a unicorn.|Angry
Unicorn Block is a block which was released in the Daily Challenges update. This
block looks quite similar with the Happy Unicorn Block, albeit with a Very Bad
Unicorn image on it.|13|1||
3408|Fire|||||This rich marble comes from the hills of Cupidia, and our finest
artisans have carved it into this sturdy arch.|The Pink Marble Arch is a platform
that was added on Valentine's Week 2016.||1||
3742|Fire|||||If you don't want to get cancer from the sun, spray this on your skin
to get an ultra-realistic bronze tone! Warning: Causes lots and lots of cancer.
Lots.|The Spray Tan is a consumable that was added on SummerFest 2016.||0||
3016|Wind|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. The dancing
action of these lures can even attract large fish.|||0||
3734|Earth|||||When something is so dangerous there’s no time for words, just throw
down some yellow and black stripes!|The Warning Background is an unsplicable non-
solid background block which was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly
3730|Water|||||This ghost underwent some kind of reaction during a Spirit Storage
explosion, and now it's been crystallized inside a solid block. Maybe one day
scientists will extract its DNA and make a theme park of ghosts. Probably not,
since ghosts don't have DNA.|Crystallized Ghost is an unsplicable block introduced
during the B.O.O. Update.||1||
3786|Water|||||Well, that was easy... It's a picture of a jigsaw puzzle!||4|1||
3536|Water|||||Exactly 100% as effective as real-life Homeopathic Medicine! These
sugar pills are sure to cure what ails you, or my name isn't Xjlgfkvhsnas.|The
Homeopathic Medicine is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Artsy April update.||1||
3990|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Pteratops is an unsplicable hand
item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3884|None|||||When sunflowers are out of season, stick this plastic replacement in
your hair.|Sunflower Hair Pin is a hat item which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2016 on September 15, 2016.||0||
3526|Earth|||||Surround your art with a beautiful frame! Comes with a blank canvas
inside if you don't have any art. Note: if your art is made of background blocks,
you'll need to apply Block Glue to it to make the frame surround it.|The Gilded
Frame is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Artsy April
3798|Earth|||||The fanciest door in town! The only people getting through this door
are the ones who are on The List. Wrench the door to add people to The List. Or
remove them, if they have offended you in some way.|The VIP Entrance is an
unsplicable entrance foreground block that was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2016 Day 5.||1||
3488|Wind|2027|2019|||Brush this cerulean shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3610|Earth|||||This is raw ore, mined from the deep within the Earth. Surely
there's something you can do with it!|The Deep Iron Ore is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update.||2||
3174|None|||||To be honest, this ring doesn't really do anything. Well, that is
unless you want to smith something. Then you're definitely gonna need to wear
this!|The Ring of Smithing is an unsplicable hand item which was added in the Daily
Challenges update.||0||
3880|None|||||These Festival clothes are extra festive!|The Green Hanbok Skirt is a
skirt introduced during Harvest Festival 2016. It is one of the Harvest Festival
Clothes, meaning that there is a chance to obtain this item using the recipe.||0||
3658|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - White
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult
white Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3670|Wind|||||Wrench a Battle Pet Cage with a pet inside, and you can use this to
resequence their DNA. It will rotate the order of their 3 powers, so that their 1st
gene-spliced ability becomes their natural ability, and thus their appearance.|The
Genetic Resequencer is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the Pet
Battles update.||0||
3446|Wind|||||Punch this to enjoy springtime weather, anytime! This sensitive
technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather Machine - Spring is a
weather machine that was added as part of 2016's Easter Week. When active, the sky
will become a light blue color and the mountains will become green.||2||
3472|Earth|2787|1005|||The most popular food on Earth has finally come to
3070|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|Chop your way into burning
buildings to rescue puppies! This device is not licensed for any other use.|The
Fire Ax is an unsplicable hand item which was added alongside the Firefighter
3410|Wind|2515|2633|||Whee! Silkworms love to play with these. Whatever they are.|
The Silkworm Toy is a splicable consumable item.|11|0||
3428|Earth|||||There's no end of ways to make these tasty... fry em, bake em, roast
em, grill em. Just don't forget the salt!|||0||
3918|Earth|||||This rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Maybe you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|The Fossil Rock is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Growassic Park
update on October 7, 2016.||2||
3696|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Whoa, you're really sitting on
the ride now. There are only 500 of these in existence, so don't lose yours!|The
Riding Phoenix is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of SummerFest
2016 on June 30, 2016.||0|Speedy|
3422|Earth|||||This beautifully carved image of a cobra has two sockets for gems in
the eyes.|The Cobra Statuette is an unsplicable component which was added as part
of St. Patrick's Week 2016 on March 11, 2016.||0||
3834|Wind|1557|1871|||I feel like this warning is unnecessary, but I'll say it
anyway: don't punch a beehive.|Beehive is a splicable solid pain foreground block
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.|14|1||
3164|None|||||I think you've got just enough gel in there to go to the sock hop
with Buffy!|The Preppy Blonde Hair is a splicable hair item.|5|0||
3558|Wind|953|3261|||Feed Nuclear Fuel to heat this above 500 degrees, and it will
generate steam toward the left or right (depending on how it's placed)! Use the
other Steam Blocks to direct the steam where you need it. This is a steam
generator.|The Steam Engine is a splicable non-solid steam foreground block which
was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update on May 2, 2016.|29|1||
3716|None|2489|3413|You fire Neutron Beams (requires Neutron Pack to work)|You're
afraid of a ghost.|This energy blaster looks impressive, but actually has no impact
on our world. Rather, it creates a stream of neutrons that attracts spirits. Ghosts
can't escape the beam. Which reminds me: Don't ever cross your beam with somebody
else's! That would be bad.||26|0|Hunting Ghosts|
3952|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Pteranodon is an unsplicable
pet hand item which was released as part of the Growassic Park Update.||0||
3260|Wind|2711|2793|||Tubes for directing steam power. This links up to other Steam
blocks and can conduct steam power. Steam flows straight when possible, otherwise
it turns right (and turns left if it can't do that!)||10|2||
3528|Earth|||||Wrench this to paint your favorite item on it!|The Painting Easel is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Artsy
April update.||1||
3148|Wind|||||This is a Cosmic Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Cosmic cards aren't used, they just have an effect as
long as they are in your hand. Card effect: 25% chance of doing 1 extra damage
whenever your card counters the opponents.||23|2||
3524|Wind|||||Lets people communicate by leaving message to each other.|The Scroll
Bulletin is a non-solid bulletin board foreground block.||1||
3398|Fire|||||Store your treasures inside by dropping them! When it's closed, the
items are hidden. Punch to open it.|||2||
3392|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|The Silk Skirt -
Purple is one of the variations of the Silk Skirts, introduced during the Silkworm
3438|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Seahorse. This rare fish is very hard to keep in an
aquarium, requiring careful feeding and cleaning, and a constantly maintained
temperature. Lucky for you, this is a videogame, and you can just dump it in and
forget about it.|Seahorse is an unsplicable fish item. One can be obtained from
fishing with the Catch-of-the-Day Bait during certain days.||1||
3800|None|||||Aw, it thinks you're its mama.|Rhino Horn is an unsplicable hat item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0||
3758|Wind|||||Advertise your ghost-hunting services with this handy sign! You're a
proud member of B.O.O., so let everybody know. Use your wrench to set the message.|
The B.O.O. Sign is an unsplicable sign that was added as part of the Battlers Of
the Otherworldly update on July 15, 2016.||1||
3774|None|||You've got quite a pokerface.|Your face is back!|Embarassed? Feel like
hiding your face? How about just removing it instead?|||0|Mark of Growganoth|
3604|Water|||||Ooh, smash that pile of gold, jewels and priceless treasure! There's
probably something GOOD inside!|||2||
3710|None|||||The spectrally polarized lenses of these goggles allow you to
actually see paranormal activity. Be warned: it is very spooky! But it's there
whether you can see it or not... wouldn't you rather know?|The Spectral Googles is
an unsplicable face item that was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly
update on July 15, 2016.||0||
3802|Earth|||||Add a little class to your office with a globe! You can also wrench
it to check the current top worlds.|Globe is a non-solid block which was added in
Player Appreciation Week 2016. It can be obtained in the Carnival as a Mystery
Prize. It has a similar function to the Scoreboard, and when wrenching, it will
display the /top world window.||1||
3516|None|||||Looks like you spilled a little there. No, over there. And there. And
the first place you thought I meant.|The Artist's Smock is a chest clothing item
that was added during the Artsy April update.||0||
3784|Earth|||||These blocks are only 1/4 the size of Mini Blocks! To make up for
that, they come in sets of sixteen.|The Teeny Blocks is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.|1|1||
3678|None|||||They say two heads are better than one. We can't arrange that, but we
can get you two of what's inside your head!|The Thinking Cap is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update.||0||
3892|Earth|||||Sew wool items by using this in a sewing machine with silk bolts. It
takes 3 bolts of silk or wool to craft an item.|||1||
3924|Wind|||||This rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Maybe you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|||2||
3384|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|Silk Skirt - Blue
is a Silk Skirt leg item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3454|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Alaskan King Crab. Strange thing about this crab:
Alaska isn’t actually a monarchy.|Alaskan King Crab is one of the possible rewards
from a Lobster Trap. It was introduced with the Fishin' Pack update.||1||
3080|Earth|||||It may seem obvious, but I'll say it anyway: this block is viney,
but turning red and gold.|The Autumn Viney Block was introduced during Harvest
Festival 2015. Most of the trees found in a Harvest Moon Blasted world will be one
of the three new blocks added, including this block, Autumn Viney Wallpaper, and
Autumn Leaf Block.|3|1||
3584|Water|||||These crystals grow naturally in caves. They don't actually glow -
bioluminescent organisms feed on them and emit light. Also heat - be careful!||2|
3032|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Gar. That doesn't even sound like a real word.|Gar
is a fish that was released on the week of Fishing Pack on September 12th,
2015.  The perfect size of a Gar is 90lbs.||1||
3792|None|||||This plastic tube of lethal radioactive elements is the perfect thing
to swing around at a party! It also provides light.|The Glowstick is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0||
3190|Wind|||||This is a lovingly crafted sword blade. If only there were a pommel
to attach it to!|The Sword Blade is an unsplicable component which was added as
part of the Daily Challenges update.||1||
3204|Fire|||||All sorts of baubles and gewgaws to adorn your Giving Tree in true
Winterfest style! One decoration won't do much, but you can toss up to 100
decorations on each tree! More decorations will logically result in better gifts,
but taking the gift will remove all the decorations with it!|The Tree Decorations
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||1||
3128|Earth|||||This box done combusted.|The Combusted Box is a public non-solid
block. It can be obtained by burning a Highly Combustible Box in a Highly
Combustible Box. It is also seen when a Highly Combustible Box is burned and the
Combusted Box will be left behind.||0||
3572|Earth|3567|1325|||Handy rock platforms. These connect seamlessly to Cave Dirt
and can sit atop Cave Columns as well.||1|0||
3418|None|||||St. Patrick wandered around Ireland with one of these. It scared away
all the other snakes because they saw it and thought he was constantly strangling a
snake.|Serpent Staff is a hand item that was added on St. Patrick's Week 2016.||0||
3768|Wind|3261|1003|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. When punched, this pipe rotates between horizontal and vertical. Use your
wrench to decide whether to allow the public to adjust it.|The Steam Crank is a
steam item added during Player Appreciation Week 2016. If a player walks past it,
the crank will rotate and will shoot steam into a steam block (such as Steam
3532|Fire|||||Wheeeee! This block spins wildly when somebody steps on it.|The
Funtime Block is an unsplicable solid spinning foreground block which was added as
part of the Artsy April update.||1||
3508|Water|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|The Blue Crayon is a splicable solid foreground block which was added
during the Artsy April update.|19|1||
3342|Earth|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts
of Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Black is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3026|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Catfish. Catfish. I really don't know why they call
these fish catfish. Weird.|The Catfish is a fish which was added as part of the
Fishin' Pack update on September 12, 2015. The perfect size of a Catfish is
3296|None|2715|3271|||Works equally well for a steampunk or a pirate! Or maybe a
dancer from the 80’s.|The Steampunk Leggings is a splicable pants item which was
added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|
3630|Earth|||||Use this on your silkworm to saddle up and ride! Note: The silkworm
will become a permanent riding item, no longer able to produce silk. Good news: it
will also become immortal!|The Silkworm Saddle is a consumable which was added in
the Pet Battles update.||0||
3520|Earth|671|3471|||Nowadays people prefer laptops, but sometimes a good old ink
and quilt is what you need. Those items were all hundreds of years ago, of course.|
Writing Desk is a splicable and farmable non-solid block which was added as part of
the Artsy April update on April 2, 2016.|10|1||
3288|None|2715|3269|||Tired of always choosing the survival of your internal organs
over looking skinny? The corset is the thing for you!|The Steampunk Corset is a
splicable shirt item which was added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary
Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|34|0||
3096|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Demon Angler. This is a demonic fish, not a fish
that angles for demons. I figured the teeth and eyes made that obvious.|The Demon
Angler is an unsplicable fish. One has a chance to be obtained from fishing with a
Minor Otherworldly Bait, a Lesser Otherworldly Bait or an Otherworldly Bait.||1||
3790|None|||||This is handy technology for people who are overwhelmed with modern
life - it blocks one of your ears from hearing things, and one of your eyes from
seeing things. Just relax and enjoy the left half of the world.|||0||
3184|Water|||||This is a broken piece of a shield. If you had enough of these, you
could probably forge them into a new shield!|The Shield Fragment is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Daily Challenges update.||1||
3110|Wind|||||This bit of cloth is black on one side and blood-red on the other. If
you had 25 of these, you might be able to make a really spooky cape!|Cape Tatters
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Halloween Week 2015.|26|0||
3502|Fire|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|Yellow Crayon is a splicable solid foreground crayon block which was added
in the Artsy April update.|19|1||
3496|Wind|3261|759|||Run through this to shoot steam upward! Use the other Steam
Blocks to direct the steam where you need it.|The Steam Revolver is a non-solid
block which automatically generates steam inside Steam Tubes (or any Steam Block
which steam can travel through) which are connected to it.|22|1||
3960|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Red Pet Apatodon is an unsplicable hand
item that was released as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
3468|Water|||||Gross, it's a slimy bit of fresh fish.|||2||
3236|None|||||Be the King of Winter in this luxurious satiny robe! Note: this is a
"chest item", like a necklace, so you can wear any shirts and back items you want
underneath it.|The Winter Robe is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part
of WinterFest 2015.||0||
3920|Earth|||||This rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Maybe you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|||2||
3136|Wind|||||This is the wolfiest block available with current technology.|The
Wolfy Block is a solid foreground block which was added as part of the Daily
Challenges update.||1||
3316|Earth|||||A cute little pet for you to feed and care for! They'll eat almost
anything, but don't forget to give them water too. Use your wrench to change your
pet's name.|The Silkworm is a non-solid animated foreground block which was added
as part of the Silkworms! update on February 1, 2016.||1||
3934|None|3523|3785|This tool must be used with care.|Go nuts!|So you've extracted
a fossil from a rock, but the rock is still in your way. That's where the chisel
comes in! It lets you chip away the rock without damaging the fossil.||4|0|
Precision Tool|
3660|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Grey
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult
grey Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3448|Water|||||Put this in deep water, load it up with 5 of any type of bait, and
wait... Come back and check the trap by punching it occasionally. It may be days
before an animal will wander in! You just better hope they don't wander back out
with your bait.|The Lobster Trap is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which
was added along with the Gone Crabby! update on March 3,2016.||2||
3194|Fire|1129|1655|||You can use this to forge astounding weapons, if you have an
Anvil next to it. You'll also need to fuel it with something really hot.|The Forge
is a splicable non-solid foreground block.|37|1||
3230|None|||||This sled was called "Onion Bulb" by its original owner, but you can
call it whatever you want. It comes with a free purple blanket to keep your legs
warm!|The Toboggan is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||0||
3228|Water|||||Yum, fruit flavors poured into ice! At least it's yum until all the
flavoring gets sucked out.|||0||
3672|None|||||Congratulations! You have been awarded a medal for defeating a Pet
3072|Fire|||||This building provides protections against all fires! It can put out
any fire in your world in seconds.|The Firehouse is an unsplicable platform
foreground block which was added alongside the Firefighter Pack.||2||
3780|None|||||This long robe is suitable for male or female Growtopians, provided
they want to look snazzy and colorful!|Green Djellaba is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0||
3134|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Congratulations on winning the War of Wolves Daily Challenge! With this spirit
equipped (it is a back item, by the way), you can double jump, and the guidance of
the Wolf Spirit will improve your Wolfworld rewards (usually).|The Wolf Spirit is
an unsplicable back item which was added alongside the Daily Challenges on November
21, 2015.||0|Double Jump|
3436|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Totally Legit Bunnyfish. You have caught the
incredibly rare and elusive, and completely real Bunnyfish! There's nothing fake
about this at all!|Totally Legit Bunnyfish is a fish introduced during Easter Week
2016. It is a possible catch from fishing with a Catch-of-the-Day Bait during
Easter Week.||1||
3180|Wind|||||These tools are so gentle they break after 1 use! Use them wisely!|
The Crystal Smithing Tools is a one-time use component that was introduced during
the Daily Challenges update.|26|1||
3284|Water|3261|2795|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. When steam passes through this block, it vents some out with intense heat!
Do not touch this for 3 seconds after steam has been through.||23|1||
3476|None|||Toss flowers to your friends!|You are disarmed.|Aw, a lovely bunch of
flowers to share!|The Spring Bouquet is a hand item which was added as part of
Easter Week 2016 on April 2, 2016.||0|Sharing Flowers|
3104|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|This cape burns eternally with eldritch fire. It's also lined with asbestos,
so you're all good. Probably.|Flaming Cape is an unsplicable back item which was
added as part of Halloween Week 2015.|26|0|Double Jump|
3778|None|||||This long robe is suitable for male or female Growtopians, provided
they want to look snazzy and colorful!|Yellow Djellaba is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0||
3210|Water|||||You've found the Growch's icy heart! No wonder he's so mean - it's
not even in his body! That's a major medical problem that would upset anyone.|The
Icy Heart Of Winter is an unsplicable component which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||1||
3216|None|||||This beautifully styled hat, suitable for all formal occasions, has
the unique property of attracting wild meese to follow you around.|The Moose Cap is
an unsplicable pet hat item which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||0||
3900|None|609|2515|||They use these to train in Kendo. They won't cut much, but
getting whacked with one certainly does hurt!|The Wooden Sword is a hand item which
was added during the Systems Update. It is used to obtain Code Block: Kappa. The
block can be obtained by breaking a jellyfish above the white door while facing
leftward with this sword.|27|0||
3240|Fire|||||Mmm, sweet and toasty, with marshmallows! This not only warms your
insides, but it also contains a massive dose of delicious iodine to clear out any
radiation you're currently suffering from. Inexplicably it also charges up Geiger
Counters when consumed. I can't explain that one.|||0||
3958|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Pteratops is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
3814|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Stonefish. This is one of the most poisonous fish in
the world! It's also made of rock, which is weird.|Stonefish is an unsplicable fish
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.||1||
3130|None|||||Congratulations on winning the Doctor's Duel Daily Challenge! With
this Stethoscope on, you are half as likely to make mistakes in surgery!|The
Stethoscope is an unsplicable chest item which was added alongside the Daily
3214|None|||Brrr!!|You warmed up.|Mittens are recommended when wielding this icy
monstrosity, which does extra damage to blocks.|The Axe Of Winter is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||0|Icy Axe|
3722|Wind|||||Spooky! This jar contains a ghost! You can throw it to break the jar
and unleash the ghost, or instead Drop it gently in front of a Spirit Storage Unit
where you can keep the ghost for good.|The Ghost-In-A-Jar is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly update. One
can be obtained from trapping a Ghost inside a placed Ghost Jar or Ghost Trap, with
the help of a Neutron Gun and Neutron Pack.||0||
3208|Earth|||||This is a broken piece of an axe blade. It's not very high quality,
perhaps it could be tempered.|||1||
3116|Fire|||||It seems like the destination of this portal is obvious, but actually
you can choose any place you like with your wrench.|The Hellgate is an unsplicable
non-solid portal foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2015.|
3816|Earth|||||Wait, this sushi doesn’t even have fish in it!|The Tamago Sushi is
an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016
on its seventh day.||1||
3126|Wind|||||This demonic energy field only lets the right people through.|The
Dark Magic Barrier was added to the game during Halloween Week 2015.|26|1||
3058|None|||||Is it hot in here? Throw on a jacket!|The Firefighter Jacket - Red is
an unsplicable shirt item that was added during the Firefighter update.||0||
3046|None|||||Protect your head from falling embers, or occasionally falling
buildings!|The Firefighter Helmet - Red is an unsplicable head item that was added
alongside with the Firefighter update.||0||
3358|None|||||An experiment in sewing gone horribly wrong. This is just a bunch of
silk stitched together in random directions.|||0||
3178|None|||||This apron is made of heavy leather, making it very effective for
protecting you from stray sparks when forging things.|The Blacksmith's Apron is a
chest clothing item.||0||
3902|Wind|||HEEEEYYY there Growtopian! I'm Crazy Jim, and my quests are so crazy
they're KERRRRAAAAZZY!! And that is clearly very crazy, so please, be cautious
around them. What can I do ya for, partner?|I guess some people call me Crazy Jim
because I'm a bit of a hoarder. But I'm very particular to what I want! And today,
what I want is this:|Not a real item, just for an icon in the telephone screen.|||
3034|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Mahi Mahi. This fish is so nice they named it
twice.|Mahi Mahi is a fish that was released on the week of the Fishin' Pack,
September 12, 2015. The perfect size of a Mahi Mahi is 120lbs.||1||
3706|None|||||The official uniform of the B.O.O. - Battlers of the Otherworldly.
Join today!|The B.O.O Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
the Battlers Of the Otherworldly update on July 15, 2016||0||
3822|Fire|2015|3831|||Pour this gunk on your head if you want your hair to be red!
It may require multiple applications to achieve the desired color, or mixing with
other dyes. The dye interacts with your natural hair color, so some colors may
simply be impossible to achieve.|The Red Hair Dye was added on Player Appreciation
Week 2016.|9|1||
3086|None|||||Handle with care or you're gonna end up with potpourri instead of the
Heralded Crown Of Autumn.|The Dried Leaf Crown is an unsplicable hat item that was
introduced as part of the Harvest Festival 2015 on September 25, 2015.||0||
3144|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|This cape sparkles and very very rarely finds leftover Comet Dust in blocks
you break when it's not The Night Of The Comet!|Cosmic Cape is a back item that was
added as part of the Daily Challenges update on November 21, 2015.||0|Double Jump!|
3866|None|||||Normally this mask is only worn during the most profane of dark
rituals, beneath a blood red moon. But you can wear it for shopping, parties,
whatever!|Harvest Witch Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on Harvest
Festival 2016. The item can be obtained from defeating The Harvester, a villain
exclusive to the event.||0||
3152|Earth|||||This is a Cosmic Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Cosmic cards aren't used, they just have an effect as
long as they are in your hand. Card effect: When you are at or below 25% life,
there's a chance to deflect damage done to you.|The Cosmic Power - Lunar Barrier is
a Cosmic Superpower Card used during crime fighting.|23|2||
3568|Fire|3565|163|||These dangerous spikes grow from the GROUND (StalaGmite!) as
water drips down and accumulates minerals. Cave Dirt will blend into them
3618|Water|||||Watch out, these are really slippery to stand on!|The Pineapple Ring
is a block that was added in Super Pineapple Party 2016.||1||
3938|Water|||||Put a fossil in this tank where special solvents and bacterial
agents will slowly dissolve any remaining rock and reveal exactly what you've
found. The time required varies anywhere from an hour to a day depending on how
much needs dissolving. The light turns green when it's ready, so punch to collect!|
The Fossil Prep Station is a non-solid foreground block that was added as part of
the Growassic Park update.||3||
3192|Earth|||||This is a loving crafted shield. But you can't punch block with a
shield. Maybe you can combine this with a weapon to make a complete set?|The
Warrior's Shield is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the Daily
Challenges update.||1||
3054|None|||||These pants are made of stylish rubber to ensure you are as
overheated as possible while standing in a burning building.|Firefighter Pants -
Red is a leg item which was added on the Firefighter update.||0||
3662|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm -
Purple is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles
update on June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an
adult purple Silkworm.||0|Speedy|
3340|Water|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts
of Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Blue is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3364|None|||||A snappy vest suitable for any occasion.|Silk Vest - Blue is an
unsplicable Silk Vest shirt item which was added in the Silkworm update.||0||
3916|None|||||Finally, the 100% undeniable proof! You have DISCOVERED THE TRUTH!|It
can be created by placing a Crystal Gate in a world that begins with letter Y, set
the destination to KILIMA:OKAVANGO, enter it, the door will blow up and
an Illuminati Stone will be added to the player's inventory.||3||
3824|Earth|3831|2021|||Pour this gunk on your head if you want your hair to be
green! It may require multiple applications to achieve the desired color, or mixing
with other dyes. The dye interacts with your natural hair color, so some colors may
simply be impossible to achieve.|The Green Hair Dye is an item added on Player
Appreciation Week 2016.|9|1||
3092|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Skeletal Shark. This is what happens when you don't
feed your fish.|The Skeletal Shark is a fish which can be obtained by fishing using
either a Lesser Otherworldly Bait or an Otherworldly Bait. The perfect size of
a Skeletal Shark is 200lbs.||1||
3156|Water|2489|2797|||This is a highly advanced alien device with one purpose: it
can fire right through solid matter to vaporize background without doing any harm
to the foreground blocks. It uses alien batteries which we can't replace, so each
Vaporizer can only be used once.||18|3||
3140|None|||||Congratulations on winning the Carnie Contest Daily Challenge! With
this ring equipped, you save 10% on Golden Ticket prices (pay 90 rarity per ticket,
or get 33 per World Lock).|The Ring Of Savings is an unsplicable hand item which
was added alongside the Daily Challenges on November 21, 2015.||0||
3212|Water|||||Players pick up an Icy Heart of Winter by touching this.|The Icy
Heart Pickup is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block. One is placed at the end
the parkours in GROWCH worlds.||1||
3956|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Pteranus Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was released as part of the Growassic Park Update on September 16,
3094|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Ghost Fish. There’s nothing spooky about this fish,
it’s just the kind where you see through it a bit. Kinda weird though.|The Ghost
Fish is a fish that can be caught using a Minor Otherworldly Bait, a Lesser
Otherworldly Bait or an Otherworldly Bait. The perfect size of a Ghost Fish is
3084|Earth|||||If you don't like it, you can make like this block and leaf. In the
fall.|The Autumn Leaf Block is a block which was introduced during Harvest
Festival 2015. It can only be found naturally (in tree form) in Harvest Moon
Blasted worlds.|5|1||
3098|Wind|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. This bait
actually travels through a wormhole into a dark dimension and catches things there,
instead of in the water. Bad things.|||0||
3200|Earth|||||"Borrowed" from the Growch's private reserve, this magnificent tree
will give you a gift every 4 hours for the duration of Winterfest!|||2||
3450|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Lobster. Who ever decided that a giant ocean spider
would be something tasty to eat? Shudder.|The Lobster is a crab that was added
during the Gone Crabby! update. It has a chance to be obtained from adding 5 baits
in a Lobster Trap.||1||
3206|None|2029|2013|||This axe is precisely balanced to chop down trees in just a
single hit! Now, you might not be impressed since you can do that with your bare
hands already. But wait - this axe can chop down the GROWCH'S trees! Of course,
doing that will shatter it. They're very special trees.|The Lumber Axe is a
splicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.|4|0||
3690|Earth|||||This paper details a method for forging a buckle out of Deep Iron.
If you forge 100 Deep Iron Ingots with this design in hand, you'll make an Iron
Buckle instead of a Pick Blade.|The Buckle Design is a component which was added as
part of the Pet Battles update.||0||
3870|Wind|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean paste. An image of your
ancestor is imprinted on the top. Mix this with other Mooncakes in a Laboratory or
E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|||0||
3862|None|||||Protect you secret identity by hiding the inch of skin around your
eyes. Who could possibly recognize you?|Super Eye Mask - Autumn is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of Harvest Festival. One has a chance to be
obtained from defeating the supervillain, The Harvester.||0||
3186|Water|||||This is a beautiful steel fragment of a sword blade. If you had
enough of these, you could probably forge them into a new sword blade!|Tempered
Steel Fragment is an unsplicable consumable which was as part of the Daily
Challenges update on November 21, 2015.||1||
3922|Earth|||||This rock seems to have a fossil embedded in it. Maybe you could
crack it loose if you tap very carefully with a Rock Hammer. There is a rumor, as
old as time itself, that having a busy world will generate more Fossil Rock. The
Growtopia Archaeological Society have officially announced that this is totally
untrue. Time to bury that rumor, once and for all!|||2||
3606|Fire|||||Flawlessly cut by our master gemologists, enjoy this transcendent
jewel, an heirloom to last a lifetime.|The Topaz Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update.|26|2||
3668|Water|||||This is not a tasty potato chip. With this cutting-edge genetic
technology, you can splice Battle Pets of different elements together! One CRISPR
is used up for each cross-element splice you perform.|The CRISPR Technology is a
component that was added during the Pet Battles update on June 11, 2016.||0||
3874|None|||||These festival clothes are extra festive!|Orange Hanbok Top is a
shirt item that was introduced during Harvest Festival 2016. It is not guaranteed
that the player will get a Orange Hanbok Top but may receive another Harvest
Festival clothing item.||0||
3386|None|||||A classic look, available in a variety of colors.|The Silk Skirt -
Aqua is one of the variations of the Silk Skirts, introduced during the Silkworm
3172|None|||||Not only are these comfortable undergarments for everyday use, they
also have a legal use: put them on when you are in trouble for Malpractice, and
you'll be freed from your punishment! This uses up the Briefs.|The Legal Briefs is
an unsplicable pants item which was added on November 18, 2015.||0||
3964|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Apatos Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3854|None|||||Protect your secret identity!|Superhero Mask - Autumn is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on Harvest Festival 2016. One can be obtained
from defeating the supervillain The Harvester.||0||
3942|Earth|||||It's a bit grisly, but these enormous bones make kind of a fun set
of monkey bars...|The Dino Ribcage is a platform which was added on the Growassic
Park Update. It is a possible drop from a Fossil Prep Station. Dino ribcage can be
used in DNA Extractor for a chance to extract random DNA strand.||1||
3788|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|What magic makes this fly?
Witch magic makes this fly!|Riding Broomstick is an unspliceable feet item which
was added on Player Appreciation Week 2016.||0|Speedy|
3552|None|3549|1429|||This amazing octohedron can actually contain two Battle Pets,
primed and ready to strike. Unequip and re-equip to swap pet is active. Wrench a
Battle Cage to load a pet into the Leash. Wrench another player with a Battle Leash
to battle them! You must have 2 pets in the Battle Leash to battle.|The Battle
Leash is a splicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Pet Battles
update on June 11, 2016.|26|0||
3302|Wind|||||This is a highly polished bit of music. So shiny! Enough of these
might be able to forge a relic' from ancient times past...|The Tempered Party Tunes
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2016.||1||
3088|Water|||||If somebody bangs this while you are performing, it means your act
is bad and you should feel bad. On the other hand, it plays a nifty tune!|The
Musical Gong is a non-solid block which was introduced during Harvest Festival
2015. It plays Harvest Festival themed music when turned on.||1||
3556|Earth|||||This far-away dirt is speckled with shiny minerals. However, this
dirt is in a dark cave (I don't care where you put it, IT IS IN A DARK CAVE!!).
Players can only see what's on this tile if it's in their line of sight, or they
have special tools.||1|0||
3966|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Apatoceratops is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3764|Fire|||||For when lava isn't hot enough!|||1||
3794|Earth|3521|551|||These are some big shelves. Why not display your favorite
items on them? They can hold four items to display.|The Display Shelf is a
splicable display shelf platform foreground block which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2016.|20|1||
3904|Earth|||||This block looks like a mysterious computronic data reference. But
that's just for fun, i'm sure. I mean, this is just a game... isn't it?|||1||
3852|None|||||These boots add nothing to your crimefighting skills except to
protect you from stray Legos.|Heroic Boots - Autumn are unsplicable feet items.
There's a chance to obtain it by defeating The Harvester during Harvest Festival.||
3480|Fire|2027|2019|||Brush this cerulean shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3766|Wind|3261|613|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. It's actually 2 unconnected pipes - one runs from left to down, and the
other runs from up to right. Use this to keep steam from going places you don't
want!|The Steam Crossover is a steam block which was added in Player Appreciation
Week 2016 Day 1.|13|1||
3542|Earth|||||Hey, that villain was carrying a picture of Buddy, the Growtopia
mascot!|The Hero Portrait - Buddy is an unsplicable non-solid background block
which was added as part of the Artsy April update.||1||
3890|Earth|||||This is just a blob of wool. Not too useful. Get 100 of these to
weave a bolt together!|Wool is a consumable which was added alongside with the
Harvest Festival 2016.||1||
3826|Water|2025|3831|||Pour this gunk on your head if you want your hair to be
blue! It may require multiple applications to achieve the desired color, or mixing
with other dyes. The dye interacts with your natural hair color, so some colors may
simply be impossible to achieve.|The Blue Hair Dye is a splicable consumable which
was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2016.|12|1||
3986|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Pterosaurus is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3732|Earth|||||When something is so dangerous there's no time for words, just throw
down some yellow and black stripes!|The Warning Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly
3914|None|||||This handy tool is a lot more effective at cutting wool than your
fingers are, so you can get twice as much when you use it to shear a sheep!|The
Sheep Shears is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2016.||0||
3850|None|||||To be a leafy superhero, you really need to wear tights of some
sort.|The Super Tights - Autumn is a pants item that was added on Harvest Festival
3560|Fire|||||Use this fabulous device anywhere in a world you have world-locked to
move the World Lock to a new location. There must be an empty space where you tap
for this to work.|||0||
3886|None|||||Baa. This little baby sheep will follow you everywhere you go! Mainly
because it's tied to your wrist.|The Lil' Sheepers is an unsplicable hand item that
was added with Harvest Festival 2016. Wearing it will summon a little sheep to
follow you. It is the smaller version of Sheep.||0||
3772|Wind|||||Steam forces razor-shape spikes from the ground in this dastardly
trap! It can only be powered from below. Power it again to lower the spikes.|The
Steam Spikes is toggleable deadly block that was added on Player Appreciation Week
2016 Day 1.|2|1||
3838|Earth|2717|667|||There's mystical gem embedded in this rock. Heck, there's
probably a few in there. Smash it open and see!|The Sorcerer Stone is a splicable
and farmable solid foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2016.|22|2||
3612|Earth|||||You've managed to process this ore into a pure, shining ingot, just
by tossing it into a fire!|The Deep Iron Ingot is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of the Spelunkorama! update.||2||
3796|Wind|2035|483|||This block can only be moved through in the direction the
arrow is pointing. From the other direction, it might as well be a wall!|The One-
Way Block is a splicable one-way foreground block which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2016. Up to 4 of this block can be dropped from harvesting its
tree, which is made by splicing a Starseed with a Big Old Sideways Arrow.|4|1||
3596|None|||||When you are feeling down and lonely, nothing cheers you up like a
rainbow-colored friendly burro filled with candy!|Pinata Pal is a hand item which
was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2016.||0||
3338|Earth|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts
of Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Green is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3414|Wind|3261|457|||This link up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. If steam enters this block, it will exit in a random legal direction.|The
Steam Scrambler is a steam block that was added during Fishin' Pack Gone Crabby
update, along with the Steam Collector.|27|1||
3940|Earth|||||A huge beautiful ammonite fossil has been extracted! It'd make a
lovely coffee table.|The Ammonite Block is a block that was added as part of the
Growassic Park update on October 7, 2016.||2||
3276|None|||||You like ghosts? No? Sure looks like you do.|The Ghost Fan Shirt is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Anniversary Week 2016
update on January 8, 2016.||0||
3702|None|||||Bright rubber to protect your feet from pointy shells on the beach!|
The Blue Flip Flops is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
SummerFest 2016.||0||
3896|Wind|||||The great thing about silkworms is that they don't have unique souls.
They're totally interchangeable! Jam this into any dead silkworm to bring it back
for a 2nd chance.|The Silkworm Soul is a consumable that was added with Harvest
Festival 2016.||1||
3492|Wind|2027|2019|||Brush this caustic fluid onto blocks with a paintbrush to
wipe off any color you've painted onto them||10|1||
3982|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Red Pet Triceratops is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
3404|Water|||||Zing! This is one tart little lollipop.|The Sour Lollipop is a
consumable that was added on Valentine's Week 2016.||0||
3832|Water|||||It's rainin' stuff! This amazing new weather machine will let you
choose any item you have to rain down from the sky! Wrench it to choose your item
and adjust other settings. You can only have one of these per world.|The Weather
Machine - Stuff is a toggleable weather machine which was released on Player
Appreciation Week 2016.||2||
3290|None|2715|3265|||Multiple layers of petticoats keep you warm!|The Steampunk
Skirt is a splicable pants item which was added alongside the Steampack as part of
Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|27|0||
3548|Earth|685|3287|||This is the perfect place to starve and torture your pets,
turning them into brutal engines of destruction! Wrench it to insert a pet. Note:
you can never remove a battle pet - they've become too dangerous to be set loose!
If you destroy a cage with a pet inside, the pet is destroyed.|The Battle Pet Cage
is a splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pet
Battles update. It is used to train a pet for battling.|20|2||
3578|None|697|3565|||British people would call this a flashlight, but this is an
actual torch, for your hand. As opposed to an Adventure Item or wall torch.
Carrying this lights up dark caves. Torches burn out at unpredictable moments, so
carry several.||1|0||
3576|None|||||Equipping this lets you disregard darkness completely! If you're not
in a world you own, they consume 1 D Battery for every minute you wear them. You
can wear them without a battery if you just want to look cool, though.|The Night
Vision Goggles is a face item that came with the Spelunkorama! update. It can be
purchased from the Growtoken Store for 110 Growtokens.||0||
3554|None|||||This trainer's stepping on your turf. Take him down with your Battle
Leash!|The Pet Trainer is an NPC which can be summoned by consuming a Pet Trainer
Whistle, or can be randomly spawn in a world through a Special Event. Players can
battle him to gain medals, or trade with him and earn rewards.||2||
3686|None|||Clearly you have too many world locks.|I guess you ran out!|It's just
like Lock-Bot, only tiny! And he doesn't trade locks, he SHOOTS them.|||0|Too Many
3376|None|||||You will command respect in this power tie!|The Silk Tie - Black is
an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Silkworm update on
February 1, 2016.||0||
3076|None|||||Feast on their souls!!|The Soul Harvester Mask is an unsplicable face
item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2015 update on September 25,
3014|Water|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. These eggs catch
mid-sized fish.|||0||
3292|None|||||Keep an extra pair of googles up there. You never know when you'll
need them.|The Steampunk Top Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added
alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.||0||
3478|Fire|2027|2019|||Brush this cerulean shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3350|Wind|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts of
Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Purple is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Silkworm update.||1||
3586|Earth|1309|3567|||Install this right next to walls. It will add bumps and
grooves for Climbing Boots to latch onto, so people can climb wall with the right
tools!|The Climbing Wall is a non-solid block added during the Spelunkorama!
3396|None|||||Pip pip! This little bird will follow you around forever, because it
loves you. Or at least it loves that necklace, and possibly wants it back.|The
Lovebird Pendant is a chest item which was added as part of Valentine's Week
3486|Water|2027|2019|||Brush this cerulean shade onto blocks with a paintbrush to
customize your world's appearance!||10|1||
3504|Earth|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|The Green Crayon is a block added during the Artsy April update. It is one
of the Colored Crayons.|19|1||
3564|Earth|||||Yep, it's dirt. In a cave.||1|0||
3510|Wind|2805|2807|||This is truly an epic crayon. A little tough to manipulate,
though.|The Purple Crayon is a block added during the Artsy April update. It is one
of the Colored Crayons.|19|1||
3626|None|||||This hat says PT on it. You can wear it to show you're a Pet Trainer,
but you could also use it to celebrate Physical Therapy, or Popcorn Time, or
whatever you like!|The Pet Trainer Cap is an unsplicable hat item which was added
as part of the Pet Battles update. One can be purchased from a Pet Trainer for 5
Pet Trainer Medals.||0||
3424|Wind|||||Flawlessly cut from our master gemologists, enjoy this transcendent
jewel, an heirloom to last a lifetime.|The Yellow Diamond is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2016 update on
March 11, 2016.|26|2||
3698|None|||||Bright rubber to protect your feet from pointy shells on the beach!|
The Red Flip Flops is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
SummerFest 2016.||0||
3150|Fire|||||This is a Cosmic Superpower card for use in fighting crime. You can
also place it as a block! Cosmic Cards aren’t used, they just have an effect as
long as they are in your hand. Card effect: When you are hit for more than 1 damage
at once, the opponent is blasted for 1 damage.|The Cosmic Power - Star Burst is a
super power card used for fighting crime.|22|2||
3040|None|||||Equip this and then use bait in water next to you to go fishing! All
you have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If
you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast. This enchanted rod will catch 25%
bigger fish than normal.|The Goldenrod is an unsplicable fishing rod hand item
which was added alongside the Fishin' Pack on the September 11, 2015.||0||
3932|None|3569|3573|This tool must be used with care.|Go nuts!|A precision
instrument for chipping fossils out of rocks. If you find a fossil, equip this
hammer and start tapping, - but do it *carefully!* If the fossil comes loose and
you hit it again, you'll break it!||4|0|Precision Tool|
3108|None|||You slice and dice!|Back to punching.|If you ever get a possessed hand
and have to lop it off at the wrist, here's a handy replacement for it! Also good
for ice sculpture.|||0|Slasher|
3122|Fire|||||This is about an eighth of a Teeny Devil Wing. So if you had 16 of
these, you could make a pair of Teeny Devil Wings!|The Teeny Wing Fragment is
a consumable which was added during Halloween Week 2015.||0||
3138|None|||||Congratulations! You were #1 in a Daily Challenge! Show off with a
shiny crown.|||0||
3068|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|For the sake of your fellow
Growtopians, we limited the siren. But you can still enjoy the flashing lights!|The
Fire Truck is an unsplicable feet item which was added alongside the Firefighter
Pack. One can be purchased from the Store for 50,000 Gems.||0|Speedy|
3254|None|||||This is just really long underwear. You probably should wear pants
over them, but hey, Growtopia doesn't support that, so you'll just have to be
cold!|The Elf Stockings is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||0||
3232|Wind|||||Place this anywhere you want the wind to come ripping through and
push players around! The wind blows in the direction that you would blow air when
placing it, so you can place it either way.|||1||
3222|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Antarctic Icefish. These fish have the ability to
survive in Antarctic waters because they actually have antifreeze in their blood!
Its science, google it.|The Antarctic Icefish is a fish which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||1||
3286|Water|2713|887|||Punch it to open it or shut it. But even if you don't have
access to do that, you can still open and shut it with steam power!|The Steam Door
is a splicable toggleable steam foreground block which was added alongside the
Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|14|3||
3252|Water|||||Man, the weather outside is frightful! And dark!|Weather Machine -
Snowy Night is a non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as part
of WinterFest 2015.||2||
3124|None|||Suck the souls of innocent blocks!|You are disarmed.|This orb devours
the soul of anything it touches - Growtopians, Blocks Trees, whatever!|The Soul Orb
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2015.||0|
Devouring Souls|
3258|Wind|2493|3261|||This is a cog in a vast steam machine. Or can it be, if you
build one, with this in it! This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct
steam power.|The Steam Gear is a splicable solid steam foreground block which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|23|1||
3112|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You accidentally made your cape inside-out!|The Inside-Out Vampire Cape was
introduced during Halloween Week 2015. It has an extremely low chance of obtaining
when consuming 25 Cape Tatters on oneself.|26|0|Double Jump|
3224|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Gingerbread Fish. You know how you can dunk cookies
in milk? This one was dunked in the ocean. Kinda gross.|The Gingerbread Fish is a
fish which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||1||
3456|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Dungeonist Crab. This crab comes armed for dungeon
exploration!|The Dungeonist Crab is a fish that was introduced along with the Gone
Crabby! update. One can be obtained from adding five Baits in a Lobster Trap.||1||
3808|Fire|||||Use this with a Challenge Timer. Wrench it to set an ID, so it knows
which Challenge Timer to work with.|The Challenge End Flag is an item introduced
during Player Appreciation Week 2016. It is used along with the Challenge Timer.||
3066|None|107|1707|Where does the water come from?|Guess you finally ran out of
water.|Where is the other end of this hose plugged in? I don't know, but it has an
infinite supply of water! This does no damage to blocks at all, but it puts out
fires with great ease!||24|0||
3750|Wind|||||When activated (punch to activate), this horrific face terrifies even
ghosts, preventing new ghosts from appearing in your world. Ghosts that are already
in your world still need to be captured by B.O.O. professionals, however. The poor
ghosts are trapped on this earthly plane!|The Ghost Charm is a jammer introduced
during the Battlers Of the Otherworldly update.||7||
3028|Wind|||||These fish are named for the strange way that they tend to hang in
mid-air, like solid objects you can stand on. Try it, you can't knock one down no
matter how hard you jump on it!|Perch is a platform foreground block which was
added alongside the Fishin' Pack.||0||
3582|Fire|||||These crystals grow naturally in caves. They don't actually glow -
bioluminescent organisms feed on them and emit light. Also heat - be careful!||26|
3238|None|||A snowman seems to be following you.|He melted away!|With just a touch
of winter magic, it's really not that hard to bring a snowman to life. I don't know
why more people don't do it!|The Magical Carrot is an unsplicable pet hand item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||0|Cold As Ice|
3272|None|||||This amazing psychic shirt can actually display your thought with
spectacular new morphing Ink technology. Note: Yeah, it just says the one thing,
but you know you're thinking it.|The Growtopia Fan Shirt is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2016.||0||
3434|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Rainbowfish. Nobody knows where the name of this
fish came from, it's quite mysterious.|||1||
3458|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Crawdad. Whether you call them crawfish, crayfish,
crawdads, or even mudbugs, it’s really just a little tiny lobster.|The Crawdad is a
type of crab which was added as part of the Gone Crabby! update.||1||
3304|Water|||||Wow, this is some seriously old technology. It's no good without a
suitable power source and some speakers to rock out of.|The 80's Tape Deck is an
unsplicable component which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2016.||1||
3682|Water|||||This robot works for Locke. He'll trade you fabulous items for
locks! He'll only stick around in your world for 24 hours before he's needed
elsewhere, though.|||5||
3196|Fire|||||You can feel your cells mutating just being near this lump of
radioactive garbage. About the only thing this is good for is firing up a forge to
ridiculous levels of heat.|The Nuclear Fuel is an unsplicable consumable.||1||
3202|Earth|||||This will regrow into a Giving Tree in a while.|The Giving Tree
Stump is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015. A Giving Tree turns into this item when a player uses a Lumber Axe
on it in GROWCH worlds.||1||
3726|Wind|||||An SSU that exploded. No good for anything now.|||0||
3738|None|||||What's that eerie noise coming from in there? These pants must be
haunted!|Haunted Pants are pants which summons a pet ghost, which like normal
Ghosts, can only be seen with Spectral Goggles or a Synthetic Oculum.||0||
3736|None|||Your pet is highly aggressive!|Punch for yourself.|With this helmet,
which is not a colander at all, you can control a demon dog from another
dimension!|The Demon Control Cap is a head item which gives players the same mod as
the Just One Boxing Glove, hitting players further when punched. It is obtainable
from a Spirit Storage Unit which explodes at around 270%.||0|Demon Control|
3728|Water|||You're covered in ectoplasm!|You got cleaned up.|This is an important
scientific discovery that could change our understanding of life itself! But you
know what'd be fun? Throwing it at somebody.|The Ectoplasm Sample was added in the
B.O.O. Update. It can be obtained from an exploded Spirit Storage Unit.||0||
3714|None|1755|787|||This backpack contains a portable nuclear reactor. I know that
sounds a bit unsafe, but... well, it is. It's a terrible idea. It has blinky
lights, though. You'll need to wear a Neutron Pack to power a Neutron Gun.||27|0||
3650|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The more legs your ride has,
the smoother it is. Too bad centipedes don't grow this big.|Riding Silkworm - Red
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Pet Battles update on
June 11, 2016. One can be obtained from consuming a Silkworm Saddle on an adult red
3270|Wind|487|991|||Jump on this to shoot steam below it! Use the other Steam
Blocks to direct the steam when you need it.||26|1||
3268|Wind|485|3267|||Steam power makes it go eenk-oonk-eenk up and down (pardon the
technical terminology). This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power.|Steam Riser Bellows is a splicable solid steam foreground block which was
added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|
3188|Water|||||This is a lovingly crafted sword pommel. If only there were a blade
to attach it to!|The Sword Pommel is an unsplicable component which was added as
part of the Daily Challenges update.||1||
3226|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Swedish Fish. This breed of fish is unique to the
waters of Sweden, and it has a surprisingly sweet taste when eaten raw. Don't eat
yours though, it's a pet.|The Swedish Fish is a fish which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||1||
3100|None|||||Equip this and then use bait on water next to you to go fishing! All
you have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If
you miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast. You will suffer mysterious effects
when catching fish with this rod. Beware the curse!|The Cursed Fishing Rod is a
Fishing Rod, introduced during Halloween Week 2015.||0||
3282|Water|1725|3261|||This links up to other Steam blocks and can conduct steam
power. When steam passes through this block, it plays a beautiful music! Use your
wrench to adjust what note comes out.||24|1||
3248|Fire|||||This is handy for wrapping around the handle of a weapon or tool. It
can improve your grip, as well as protect you from cold metal handles.|The Grip
Tape is an unsplicable component which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||1||
3218|Water|||||This is a bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this
bait on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. This is the
only bait that is its own hook! It catches unique seasonal fish that other bait
doesn't appeal to.|The Candy Cane Bait is a consumable which was added alongside
WinterFest 2015 on December 18, 2015.||0||
3234|Water|||||Just one exceptionally large snowflake, perfectly preserved in
lucite. I don't know how they did it, but it's nice and slippery!|The Snowflake
Block is an unsplicable solid slippery foreground block which was added as part of
WinterFest 2015.||1||
3256|Fire|2809|2989|||You'll need to wash your socks. This one stuck to the wall!|
The Sock On The Wall is a splicable non-solid foreground block.|10|1||
3242|Wind|||||This is a broken piece of an axe blade, tempered to polished steel!
With enough of these, and a suitable source of enraged winter fury, you could forge
an amazing Icy Axe Blade.|The Tempered Axe Fragment is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of WinterFest 2015.||1||
3262|Wind|3261|2787|||Steam power makes it go whump whump whump. This links up to
other Steam blocks and can conduct steam power.|The Steam Piston is a splicable
solid steam foreground block which was added alongside the Steampack as part of
Anniversary Week 2016 on January 6, 2016.|13|1||
3220|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Neon Squid. This squid glows in neon colors! What a
fine holiday gift it would make.|The Neon Squid is a fish which was added as part
of WinterFest 2015.||1||
3680|None|||You're fired!|You're cooling off|This fantastic substance contains the
very essence of living flame.|The Phlogiston is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Pet Battles update on June 11, 2016.||0|Flame On!|
3038|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Bass. Don't drop the bass. You'd hurt it.|Bass is a
fish which was released alongside the addition of Fishin' Pack on September 12,
2015. The perfect size of a Bass is 70lbs.||1||
3740|Water|||||Ah, a cold frosty mug root beer. The only downside is that all that
carbonation is sure to make you burp a tiny bit...|The Root Beer is an unsplicable
consumable item which was released during SummerFest 2016.||0||
3474|Earth|||||Dude, you know that fish is raw, right?|The Maki Roll is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Gone Crabby! update on March
3, 2016.||1||
3704|Wind|||||Toss it and see where it goes! It'll smash if it hits any blocks, so
aim carefully. Tap the direction you want to throw it. The further from yourself
you tap, the harder you throw.|The Paper Airplane is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of SummerFest 2016.||0||
3748|Wind|||||Someone has stacked a bunch of bones here and sharpened the ends. I
know that's dangerous in itself, but aren't you a little more concerned about
exactly who did it and where they are now?|The Bone Spikes is an unsplicable non-
solid deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Battlers Of the
Otherworldly update.||1||
3718|None|||||These are tight-fitting boots made of a natural rubber that protects
from slime while still allowing your feet to breathe.|The Rubber Boots are an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Battlers Of the Otherworldly
update on July 15, 2016.||0||
4834|Fire|||||The only people getting through this door are the ones who are on
team Punch. Outside of Balloon Warz, this functions as a normal entrance.|The Team
Entrance - Punch was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||1||
4106|Earth|||||You can try to hide from rampaging dinosaurs in these vines, but
you'll probably get eaten because the vines themselves taste like candy.|The
Prehistoric Candy Vines is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4508|None|||||It's completely synthetic life! Not on this Earth!|The Unearthly
Synthoid is a leash that has human-like characteristics. It was added with the
Night Of The Chemicals update on March 2, 2017. When equipped, it replaces the
player's punch with lasers.|44|0||
4782|Earth|2021|855|||Just an ordinary fern commonly found in the jungle.||11|1||
4596|Wind|||Gain 30% more XP from Surgery!|Your stomach's rumbling.|It's the really
thin pancakes you love so much! Just say it! Food Buff: 30% more XP earned from
Surgery.|Berry Crepes is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Cooking update.||1||
4654|Wind|||||Tap a Geiger Counter in here to charge it up! It's half the speed of
hand-charging, but it's convenient. Punch to retrieve it when it's ready.|The
Geiger Charger is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||2||
4034|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tyranopatos is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4208|None|||||MAHHTIN looks like Tim Curry.|The Demonic Horns is an unsplicable
hair item which was added on 2 December 2016 in The Grand Tournament update. One is
earned by the moderator, @MAHHTIN, as his exclusive item.||0||
4156|None|||||Why you little devil...|The Devil Tail is an unsplicable back item
that was added as part of Halloween Week 2016 on October 27, 2016.|17|0||
4032|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tyranodon is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4830|Water|||||Convert all your random junk into balloons for the war. Beware, may
overheat and explode. WARNING! Is public for anyone on your team to use.|The
Balloon-O-Matic is a solid foreground block which was added as part of Balloon Warz
4276|None|||||Celebrate Winterfest in cozy style, with no worries of chin-freeze.|
The Winter Turtleneck is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2016.||0||
4454|Earth|||||This is an immature mutated seed. It’ll mature into a mutated seed
if you log out and back in!|During the first apocalypse, people used the Mutated
Seed to splice clothing and discovered that if they crushed the clothes in a
Clothing Compactor, they would receive a Mutated Seed which couldn't be used to
splice more clothing items. This item later changed into the Mutated Seed Core,
which would turn back into a Mutated Seed if the user logged off and logged back in
or warped to another world with one in their backpack. This item is no longer
obtainable and only a few exist in Display Blocks.|2|1||
4762|Earth|||||A lovely purple gem!|The Amethyst Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 1.|
4660|None|||You're bringing the party whether they like it or not!|Party's over.|
Precision telescopic sights ensure you deliver lethal payload directly to center
mass.|The Confetti Cannon is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Cinco De Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0|Confetti|
4772|None|||||Pineapples in your eyes! Who wouldn't want that? Gives sticky vision
which is suspiciously similar to normal vision but more sticky.|||0||
4166|None|||You wield the blade of death.|Back to punching.|Careful where you swing
that thing.|Death's Scythe is a hand item which was added as part of Halloween Week
4054|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Pteratops is an unspliceable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park Update.||0||
4576|Water|||||This is not even food. Nobody would eat this.|The Bland Mush is an
unsplicable component.||0||
4114|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|I know, they're supposed to
have feathers and stuff nowadays... Well, this is an old-school raptor!|The Brown
Riding Raptor is an unsplicable feet item which was added on the Growassic Park
4532|None|||||Carry the luck of the Irish on your head! Only found in Blarney 6 and
8.|The Shamrock Hair Pin is a hat item that was added in the St. Patrick's Week
2017 update on March 17, 2017. It is a possible prize upon completing BLARNEY 6 and
4832|Water|||||Convert all your random junk into balloons for the war. Beware, may
overheat and explode. WARNING! Is public for anyone on your team to use.|The
Destroyed Balloon-O-Matic is an unobtainable item which was added as part of the
Balloon Warz update.||1||
4882|Earth|||||If you die, you'll respawn at the last Checkpoint you touched! Also
keeps you dry at a beach... or after eating a water balloon. Note: only dries you
if it is also dry.|The Towel Rack Checkpoint is a non-solid checkpoint foreground
block that was added as part of Balloon Warz 2017.||1||
4260|None|||||Disguises you as a Present Goblin, bringer of joy.|The Present Goblin
Disguise is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||
4636|Wind|4635|163|||This plays a half-step higher than Sheet Music: Sax Note.|The
Sheet Music: Sharp Sax is a sheet music introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.|
4606|Earth|611|2989|||Bring the springtime indoors with our classic line of
wallpapers.|Egg Wallpaper is a wallpaper which was introduced during Easter Week
4478|None|||||Braaainnss! This little puppy just wants to play! Or maybe he's
hungry... hmmm...|||0||
4464|None|||You shoot bullets instead of punching!|You are disarmed.|The ultimate
zombie-slaying weapon. Or pumpkin-slaying.|||0|Pumpkin Smashing|
9500|None|||You shoot golden bullets!|You are disarmed.|The ultimate golden zombie-
slaying weapon. Or pumpkin-slaying.|||0|Pumpkin Smashing|
4022|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Pteratops is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4086|Earth|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it
comes from a dinosaur. Perhaps there’s a way to recombine it and bring them back!
That doesn’t seem like a terrible idea at all.|||1||
4796|Earth|1101|4703|||Looks like an ancient piece of some ruins. However, it is
just a pillar, nothing special.|The Jungle Pillar is a splicable solid foreground
block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1,
4488|Wind|||||Anybody can wrench this sign to see the current status of the g-Virus
epidemic. Remember to wash your hands!|The g-Virus Info Sign is a non-solid block
which was introduced along with the Night of the Sewing Dead update. Wrenching one
gives the current status of the pandemic.|17|1||
4206|Earth|||||This is a special piece - it looks like the bottom row of a Stone
Pagoda, and it even tiles properly with Stone Pagoda blocks. The trick is, it won't
tile with the ones below it. Use it to put a roof in the middle of your pagoda!
Kind of a key feature of pagodas, right? It will also tile with Decorative Roof
4050|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Pterosaurus is an
unspliceable dinosaur pet hand item introduced during the Growassic Park update.||
4104|Earth|||||You can hide from rampaging dinosaurs in these vines.|The
Prehistoric Vines is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4432|Wind|3721|3065|||You'll need to attach this to the right side of a Chemsynth
Processor to get any use out of it. You'll need 10 attached to a Chemsynth
Processor, in fact.||18|2||
4704|Fire|1049|697|||When a player who has Adventure Item - Torch steps on this,
their torch is used up to light all braziers for 10 seconds. While it's lit, all
the Adventure Barriers in the world move in or out, just for that player.||17|2||
4228|Water|||||Master Ping, Master Peng's brother, runs Snack Fu, providing
delicious and exotic treats to everybody watching the tournament!|The Snack Fu is a
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Grand Tournament
4108|Wind|||||These particular trees, near the Jirassic seas, produced quite a
crunchety fruit. Though scientists say that it tasted okay, we can't pollinate so
it's moot.|The Seussian Tree is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Growassic Park update.||1||
4038|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tyranotops is an unsplicable
hand item which was added during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4590|None|||This dragon's got your back!|Your neck feels empty.|When a normal scarf
isn't enough... This Dragoscarf will assist you, granting Enhanced Digging, but
only if you don't have it already. Sponsored by Bretz and Zraei - first to complete
all epic quests!|||0|Dragoscarf|
4588|Wind|||||This item is often known as Chicken Of The Land. According to
4466|Earth|||||This door has been barricaded, so zombies can't get through it, only
normal Growtopians! Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the
4438|Water|4433|3151|||Use on a highlighted Chemsynth Tank to shift its color
upward on the spectrum (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink, Red). This also affects all
touching tanks of the same color.||39|1||
4902|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4074|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Tripatosaurus is an
unspliceable dinosaur pet hand item which was introduced during the Growassic Park
4794|Earth|||||There isn't much left of these bricks to be used anyway.|The Rubble
is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The
Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|4|0||
4030|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Brown Pet Apatoceratops is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Growassic Park Update.||0||
4698|Earth|887|1697|||This door can be walked through by anyone holding an
Adventure Item – Key.||19|1||
4455|Earth|||||Mutated Seed made from mutated cells.|The Mutated Seed was
introduced during the Night of the Sewing Dead.|2|1||
4182|None||||| What are you up to under that mop-top? Seems like something a little
sneaky..|The Malevolent Hair is an unsplicable hair clothing which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4090|Earth|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it
comes from a plant. Perhaps there's a way to recombine it and bring them back! That
actually sounds pretty safe, since it's a plant.|The Plant DNA Strand X-277 was
released along as part of the Growassic Park Update. It is obtainable from
extracting fossil drops using a DNA Extractor.||1||
4258|Fire|||You are burning up!|The fire's out.|Yowza, those are some spicy peas!|
The Wasabi Peas is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of The Grand
Tournament update on December 1, 2016.||1||
4218|Earth|||||Like any door, you can wrench it to set the destination.|||1||
4776|Wind|||||What's lurking in the depths of the jungle? This sensitive technology
will not function while damaged.|||2||
4094|Earth|||||Welcome... to Jurassic Botanical Garden.|The Prehistoric Flowering
Fern is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Growassic Park update.||1||
4500|None|||||Spotless! Until you actually start cooking.|The Chef's Whites is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Cooking update. One can be
purchased from the Sales-Man for 20 Mac n' Cheese Stars.||0||
4072|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Triceradon is a hand item
which was released as part of the Growassic Park monthly update. When equipped, it
summons a Grey Pet Triceradon.||0||
4752|Water|||||WOW, it's a super pineapple! This is even better than a normal
pineapple, you should just keep eating these nonstop!|||0||
4202|Earth|||||Just for looks. Make your pagoda roofs spikey with dragons! Not so
spikey they hurt, though.|||1||
4052|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Pteranus Rex is a leash that was
released as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4612|Fire|||||Your reward for incredible cooking skill! You can trade them for
cooking prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at 53785. Double-Tap this in
your inventory to combine 100 of them together.|The Mac n' Cheese Star is an
unsplicable and untradable component which was added as part of the Cooking update.
One can be obtained from cooking a meal between 95%-100% or the Cooking Bonus
(cooking one's first edible meal of the day after reaching 55% awesomeness and
level 55).||0||
4788|Earth|||||It's a piece of a statue.||10|1||
4534|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Slice through the air with the greatest of ease! And double jump.|||0|Double
4650|None|||||This suit protects you from any sort of biochemical leaks. Or it
would if you had zipped it up right. Yikes, good thing this was just a test!|The
Hazmat Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0||
4480|None|1707|4455|||The undead use a lot of hairspray.|Crazy Zombie Hair is a
splicable hair item which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update
on February 3, 2017.|25|0||
4448|Earth|4455|653|||Looks like you’re the new king of the zombies! Or somebody
with four legs died here.|The Skeletal Throne is a splicable non-solid seat
foreground block which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update.|6|
4014|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Triceratops is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4548|None|2035|1699|||I don't know why, but most alien creatures insist on wearing
clothes made of tin foil.|The Spaceman Pants is a pants item that was introduced on
Night Of The Comet update. It can only be spliced during Night Of The Comet.|17|0||
4594|Earth|||Trees you plant grow 5% faster!|Your stomach's rumbling.|Fresh from
the oven! Food Buff: Trees you plant grow 5% faster.|Apple Strudel was added on the
1st of April during the Cooking Update.||1||
4556|None|||||Snuggle your feet!|The Bunny Slippers is an unspliceable feet item
that was added on Easter Week 2017.||0||
4214|Earth|||||For a warmer look to your pagoda, try wood. Also, you can walk in
front of it, which stone is less forgiving about.|||1||
4296|Water|1803|1257|||This robot is an amazingly accurate human analog (just look
at it!), capable of simulating a wide range of disease and trauma conditions. Place
it anywhere and wrench it to perform surgery just like on a human being. Since you
have to cut into it, it's only usable once, win or lose.||15|2||
4244|None|||||This conical straw hat is useful for full sun protection, as well as
carrying stuff!|Non La is an unsplicable hat item which was added in The Grand
Tournament update.||0||
4142|None|||||Keep an extra pair of goggles up there. You never know when you'll
need them for evil.|Doompunk Top Hat is a hat that was added in 2016 Halloween
4586|Fire|||||Bacon. It's raw though, don't eat it.|||0||
4728|None|||||Fiesta! Time to dance.|The Mariachi Pants is an unsplicable pants
item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4084|Water|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it
comes from a dinosaur. Perhaps there’s a way to recombine it and bring them back!
That doesn’t seem like a terrible idea at all.|||1||
4458|None|||||This is the official uniform of the Zombie Defense Force! It has lots
of pockets for your lip balm, candy, paper clips, and other key zombie-fighting
4096|Earth|||||It's sad to think where this grows.|The Prehistoric Red Fern is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Growassic
Park update.||1||
4204|Wind|||||Something stylish to stand on. Try decorating it with Decorative Roof
4618|Fire|3063|2797|Cooking is easy! Just tap ingredients on your oven! The first
ingredient you put in asks you to choose Low, Medium, or High heat. You can use
whatever heat you like - higher heat gets the job done more quickly, but that also
makes it harder to be accurate with your timing.|When you think your food is
perfectly cooked, just punch the oven to collect the results!|Toss in some food and
cook it up! This oven actually works! Wrench it for info.||23|2||
4656|None|||You are aglow with radiation!|You have recovered.|Wearing this will
dramatically reduce your lifespan, but you'll be looking GOOD until it's over!|The
Uranium Necklace is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017.||0|Irradiated|
4044|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tricerus Rex is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as a part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4740|Water|4721|431|||Start your adventure at “The Adventure Begins”, and end it
here! This resets all adventure items and announces to the world how well you did
on the adventure.|Adventure's End is a splicable non-solid foreground block which
was added as part of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|20|
4846|Water|||||Toss these all over. Scores 2 team point per hit. Only counts if
they aren't already colored. 0 points for hitting your own team; that's not
4522|Fire|||||This kitty sits in your world, constantly waving, and reminding you
of how lucky you are to have a kitty in your world.|The Lucky Kitty is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week
4092|Water|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it
comes from a plant. Perhaps there's a way to recombine it and bring them back! That
actually sounds pretty safe, since it's a plant.|The Plant DNA Strand Y-985 is a
component that was released along with the Growassic Park Update. It is obtainable
from extracting blocks which came from using Fossil in a Fossil Prep Station by
using a DNA Extractor.||1||
4754|Fire|||||Wait... this isn't any normal super pineapple! It looks like it's
about to blow! STAND BACK!!!|The Super Exploding Pineapple is a consumable that was
added in the Super Pineapple Party 2017. Upon consuming it creates pineapples that
explode in the air.||0||
4552|None|||||The human eye sees a limited spectrum. Replace yours with these
synthetic models! They transmit data direct to your central cortex. Unfortunately
they also make you look cross-eyed.|The Synthetic Oculum is an unsplicable face
item that was added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals update on March 2, 2017.|
4268|Earth|||||This is a letter block, like you played when you were a kid! This
particular one has the letter Forg on it. But I don't need to tell you that, you
can just read it.|Letter Block - Forg is an unsplicable block that was released on
WinterFest 2016. It can be obtained from Present Goblin Disguise event.||1||
4956|None|||It's all mine!|I can't dig it anymore.|This tool is worth more than the
stuff you mine with it!|The Emerald Pickaxe is a hand item released on the fourth
day of the Player Appreciation Week 2017.||0|Diggin' It|
8440|None|||It's all mine! 3-hit mode.|I can't dig it anymore.|This tool is worth
more than the stuff you mine with it!|The Legendary Shard Sword.. I don't have any
words. Just. Try. It.||0|Diggin' It|
4194|Earth|||||There's no better place for a Grand Tournament than in a pagoda!|||
4720|Water|581|411|||If you die, you'll respawn at the last checkpoint you
touched!|The Adventure Checkpoint is a splicable non-solid checkpoint foreground
block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1,
4442|Water|4433|3497|||Use on a highlighted Chemsynth Tank to swap the chemicals on
either side of it with each other. The selected tank is unaffected.||39|1||
5000|Wind|||||Tired of pesky weather? Choose any Background Block with this weather
machine, and your world will look like you filled it up with that block! This
sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather Machine -
Background is a weather machine that was released on the 4th day of Player
Appreciation Week 2017. However, the item was first made available during the
Hidden Riches update.||2||
4826|None|||||Surf’s up! This magical piece of fiberglass allows you to walk on
water. Now with Wave artwork!|The Surfboard - Wave is an unsplicable hand item that
was added as part of SummerFest 2017 on June 30, 2017.||0||
4174|Fire|||||Throw up the horns! METAL!!!!!|The Death Metal Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||
4992|Water|||||Disables gravity in your world when activated (punch to activate)!
Well, it reduces gravity, and lets everybody jump as much as they want! This
sensitive technology can't be used while damaged.|The Antigravity Generator is an
item introduced on the third day of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||5||
4514|None|||||It's completely synthetic life! Possessed with synthetic unlife!|The
Haunted Synthoid is a leash that has human-like characteristics. It was added with
the Night Of The Chemicals update on March 2, 2017. When equipped, it replaces the
player's punch with lasers.||0||
4638|Wind|4635|11|||This plays a half-step lower note than Sheet Music: Sax Note.|
Sheet Music: Flat Sax is a sheet music background which was released in Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017.|4|1||
4756|Wind|||||This can contains a magical fruit.|Can of Beans is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 1.||0||
4898|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|||0||
4848|Water|||||Toss these all over. Scores 5 team point per hit. Only counts if
they aren't already colored. 0 points for hitting your own team; that's not
4566|Earth|2809|3571|||Deer like to lick this. The pink coloration in it is from
trace minerals in the salt.|Salt Block was added during the Cooking Update.|4|1||
4058|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Apatosaurus is an unsplicable pet
hand item which was added in the Growassic Park update.||0||
4572|Earth|||||Pro-tip: if you can resist it, never ever eat this substance. It is
very unhealthy. But it's sooooo gooood.|||0||
4916|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4102|Earth|||||This is what happens when you give a prehistoric flower a taste for
magic bacon!|The Blue Devourer Plant is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground
block which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||1||
4854|Water|||||This contains 100 Large War Balloons. Double-tap this in your
inventory to convert it back to 100 Large War Balloons.|Bucket of Large War
Balloons is a consumable which was added in Balloon Warz. It is used to store large
amounts of Large War Balloons in one backpack slot. It can be converted to 100
Large War Balloons.||1||
4976|None|571|261|||Casual, comfortable, and affordable! What more could you want?|
The Sarong is a splicable pants item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week Day 2.|25|0||
4684|None|||||This skin-tight suit really makes you look like a freaky alien.|The
Xenoid Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017..||0||
4482|Water|||||Use these sort of like Doors - They have IDs, so Doors can lead to
them, through you can’t travel from them. Use your wrench to set their ID.|||1||
4216|Wind|||||See what's outside your pagoda!|||1||
4676|None|||||This shirt is made out of... stuff.|||0||
4246|Wind|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. This bait
actually travels through a wormhole into a dark dimension and catches things there,
instead of in the water. Minorly bad things.|||0||
4972|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You are burning with brilliant energy! Also double-jump power.|The Blue Aura
is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2017.||0|Double Jump|
4526|Earth|||||Bamboo is a sign of luck. It's also a grass!|The Bamboo is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the St. Patrick's
Week 2017 update on March 17, 2017.||0||
4240|Earth|||||Lock out the ruffians with this decorative gateway.|||2||
4164|Earth|||||Finally, your chance to escape this haunted house! Wrench the door
to set the destination.|The Rickety Door is an unsplicable non-solid door
foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.|11|1||
4462|None|||||They'll never see you coming. Unless they look anywhere other than
your face. At least you might freak them out - "Ah, it's a guy with no face!!"|||
4604|Fire|||10% chance of a gem when you break a block.|Your stomach's rumbling.|In
English, that's rice with chicken. Creative! Food Buff: 10% chance of a gem
everytime you break a block.|Arroz Con Pollo is an unsplicable food consumable
which was added as part of the Cooking update.||1||
4672|Earth|||||This mushy green-black blob is actually a citrus fruit. What horrors
hath nature wrought.|The Avocado is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017. One has a chance to be obtained as a common drop
from bashing an Ultra Pinata.||0||
4198|Earth|||||This wallpaper is a paper wall.|||0||
4746|None|||You shoot lightning from your horn(s)!|Tired of tooting your own horn?|
This amazing horn transforms each time you unequip it. Try all 3 flavors! It also
boosts your build range.|||0|Energized Horn|
4944|Fire|2025|683|||Kinda creepy, like you're trapped deep beneath the waves...||
4736|Wind|||||A new challenger enters the ring! Summons the villain "El
Peligro"...|The Luchador Announcer is an unsplicable consumable which was added on
Cinco De Mayo Week 2017. One has a chance to be obtained as a common drop from
breaking an Ultra Pinata.||0||
4648|None|||||Don't get a tear in these, or you'll be exposed to whatever lurks
outside!|The Hazmat Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of
the Cinco De Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0||
4974|None|261|61|||Everyone should look like a queen in their own wedding.|The
Wedding Headdress is a splicable hat item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week Day 2.|15|0||
4748|None|||You shoot lightning from your horn(s)!|Tired of tooting your own horn?|
This amazing horn transforms each time you unequip it. Try all 3 flavors! It also
boosts your build range.|||0|Energized Horn|
4750|None|||You shoot lightning from your horn(s)!|Tired of tooting your own horn?|
This amazing horn transforms each time you unequip it. Try all 3 flavors! It also
boosts your build range.|||0|Energized Horn|
4688|None|||||These nasty claws makes you look like a freaky alien.|The Xenoid
Claws is an unsplicable hand item which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2017. One
has a chance to be obtained as rare prize from defeating H. R. Geiger during Geiger
4278|None|||Yo.|No.|It's a disk on a string. Try smacking stuff with it!|The Yo-Yo
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||0|Yo!|
4256|Wind|||||Uh oh, drama! Somebody bust out the popcorn.|Popcorn is an
unsplicable consumable that was added as part of The Grand Tournament update on
December 1, 2016.||1||
4680|None|||||This shirt is made out of... stuff.|||0||
4570|Earth|||||Would you be surprised to learn that this is a fruit? It’s true!|||
4574|Water|||||This abomination is what happens when you let video gamers cook. Do
NOT eat.|The Disgusting Mess is a consumable that was added as part of the Cooking
4816|None|||||You've got that windblown chlorinated surfer look. It either makes
you look cool or a filthy beach bum. It's a fine line.|Short Surfer Hair is a hair
item which was introduced during SummerFest 2017.||0||
4614|Fire|||||This is worth 100 Mac n' Cheese Stars. Not even Growdon Ramsley has
this many! Double-tap this in your inventory to break one down into 100 Stars. You
can trade these for rare cooking prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at
53785.|The Plethora Of Mac n' Cheese Stars is an item used to buy cooking items
from the Sales-Man. It is obtainable by double-tapping 100 Mac n' Cheese Stars in
the inventory and can be converted back (similar to the World Lock and Diamond
Lock) into 100 Mac n' Cheese Stars by double-tapping them again.||0||
4076|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Tricerus Rex is an unsplicable
pet hand item which was added in the Growassic Park update.||0||
4850|Water|||||This contains 100 Small War Balloons. Double-tap this in your
inventory to convert it back to 100 Small War Balloons.|Bucket of Small War Balloon
is a consumable which is used to store large amounts of Small War Balloons in one
backpack slot. It can be converted to 100 Small War Balloons. It is made by double
tapping 100 Small War Balloons. It is used during Balloon Warz||1||
4786|Earth|||||It's a piece of a statue.||10|1||
4700|Wind|1695|3587|||Install this right next to walls. If a player is holding an
Adventure Item - Rope, they can climb the wall.|The Adventure Rope Piton is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack
Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|24|0||
4264|Water|||||Drop stuff in here, and we'll donate toys to needy Growtopians!|The
Stuff-4-Toys Box is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of WinterFest 2016.||2||
4682|None|||||This shirt is made out of... stuff.|||0||
4184|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Only dark magic could breed a raven so massive. It`s so powerful it allows you
to double-jump!|Riding Raven is an unsplicable feet item that was added during
Halloween Week 2016. It is available for 150,000 Gems in the Growtopia Store during
Halloween Week only.||0|Double Jump|
4620|Fire|||Cooking is easy! Just tap ingredients on your oven! The first
ingredient you put in asks you to choose Low, Medium, or High heat. You can use
whatever heat you like - higher heat gets the job done more quickly, but that also
makes it harder to be accurate with your timing.|When you think your food is
perfectly cooked, just punch the oven to collect the results!|This oven is custom-
built for you because of your incredible cooking skill. It works so well, you can
be lazy - it will produce edible food at 50% quality or higher. Wrench it for
information.|The Master Chef's Oven is an unsplicable non-solid Cooking Oven
foreground block which was added as part of the Cooking update.||2||
4222|Fire|||||Players can put Tourney Tokens in here to push their luck in winning
prizes.|The Prize Ladder is an item that was added in The Grand Tournament update.
Players can put their Tourney Tokens in this ladder for a chance to either get one
of the two prizes for each token they put in or lose all the tokens they have put
in. There is a 1/3 chance of losing all tokens placed in the Prize Ladder.||2||
4474|None|4455|473|You shoot skulls at people!|That was pretty antisocial.|The
ultimate zombie weapon. Actually, the only zombie weapon - you can use this while
you're a zombie! (Also usable by humans)|The Skull Launcher is a splicable hand
item which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update on February 3,
2017 .|25|0||
4100|Earth|||||This is what happens when you give a prehistoric flower a taste for
magic bacon!|The Purple Devourer Plant is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground
block which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||1||
4248|Wind|||||This is bait for fishing. Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait
on water that you are standing next to in order to start fishing. This bait
actually travels through a wormhole into a dark dimension and catches things there,
instead of in the water. Lesser bad things.|||0||
4784|Earth|||||It's a piece of a statue.||10|1||
4110|None|||||You monster, what fresh horror have you wrought?!!? Has science gone
too far?|The Flowersaurus Rex is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part
of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4518|None|||||It's difficult to tell whether Bungbi's dress is made of candy, or
just styled to look like it...|The Wobbly Dress is a torso item, exclusive to
former moderator bungbi. It was given to her during the Night Of The Chemicals
update. When worn, hearts will spawn when the player moves.||0||
4694|Wind|||||Just before knocking him unconscious, you snapped a lovely photo of
H.R. Geiger for posterity. Put it up on the wall, show off your achievement!|The
Villain Portrait - H.R. Geiger is a background block that was added on Geiger Day
4690|None|||||These skin-tight leggings make you look like a freaky alien.|The
Xenoid Leggings is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of the Cinco
De Mayo Week Of 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0||
4810|None|||||This particular one is lab-created, which you’d think is less classy,
but they’re much prettier.|Floral Lei is an unsplicable chest item that was
released during SummerFest 2017.||0||
4696|Water|||||This is a Rare Ice Superpower Card for use in fighting crime. You
can also place it as a block! Card effect: Implant an egg in your foe. If they
repeat an element during the next four turns, it bursts for 5 damage!|Superpower -
Alien Egg is a superpower card that was introduced during the first Geiger Day.||
4760|None|||||Ribbit ribbit. This little frog hops along everywhere you go!|Pet
Frog is an unsplicable hand item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2017
Day 6 on August 22, 2017.||0||
4010|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Green Pet Tripatosaurus is an
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of the Growassic Park update on
October 7, 2016.||0||
4686|None|||||You seriously look like a freaky alien.|The Xenoid Mask is an
unsplicable face item that was added as part of the Cinco De Mayo 2017 update on
May 5, 2017.||0||
4154|None|||||Luckily this is just latex and not actually a gooey carved-out
pumpkin.|The Jack o' Lantern Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added
during Halloween Week 2016 on October 27, 2016.|18|0||
4170|None|||I guess.. you throw it?|Enough of that.|You know what a really good
weapon is? A wagon wheel. Yeah, I mean... yeah.|Logarithmic Wheel is a hand item
that was added as part of Halloween Week 2016 on October 27, 2016.||0|Wheelin' n'
4006|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Tyranotops is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4678|None|||||This shirt is made out of... stuff.|||0||
4668|Earth|3835|3783|||This is what it's like before you pop it.|Corn is a
splicable consumable which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.|15|0||
4808|None|||||Scandalous!|Floral Bikini Top is a shirt item which was added on
SummerFest 2017.||0||
4804|Fire|||||Sew Silk items by using this in a Sewing Machine. It takes 3 Bolts of
Silk to craft an item.|Silk Bolt - Floral is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of SummerFest 2017. One has a common chance to be dropped from
breaking a Summer Surprise.||1||
4880|None|||You can fly!! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Strap these to your back and get ready for the ride of your life. Use the
power of pressurization to leap tall buildings in a single bound, then drift gently
to Earth.|The Super Squirt Gun Jetpack is an unsplicable back item which was added
as part of Balloon Warz.||0|High Jump|
4844|Water|||||Toss these all over. Scores 1 team point per hit. Only counts if
they aren't already colored. 0 points for hitting your own team; that's not
4626|None|||||Be honored to wear this beautiful crown. Sponsored by TXMom.|TXMom's
Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4878|Earth|||||Formulated with extra-bouncy plastic. Hold Jump as you land for
maximum bounce!|||0||
4468|Earth|4455|1041|||Yuck, this door has horrible zombie slime on it. Nobody but
a zombie would dare enter it. Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the
destination.|The Infected Door is a splicable non-solid door foreground block which
was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update.|5|1||
4560|Wind|||||This item doesn't really exist, it's just for cooking.|The Salsa is
an unsplicable and unobtainable component which was added in the Cooking Update.||
4652|None|||||Protects your precious face from exposure to harmful stuff.|The
Hazmat Helmet is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0||
4440|Water|4433|3831|||Use on a highlighted Chemsynth Tank to dissolve it, shifting
chemicals left to fill in the gap. A random chemical is added to the rightmost
4080|Earth|||||This advanced device from Growtech can take in strands of ancient
DNA and combine them to create real living creatures. It has terrifying ethical
4800|Earth|455|4799|||This deadly snake can be found lazing about in the growtopian
jungles and is capable of instantly killing a Growtopian.|The Hanging Snake is a
splicable deadly foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack
Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|21|1||
4860|None|||||Red with victory. Wear your team colors proudly.|||0||
4610|Earth|||||This chocolate is ready for all your baking needs! It's not sweet
though, don't eat it.|The Baking Chocolate is an unsplicable component which was
added as part of the Cooking update on April 1, 2017.||0||
4874|Earth|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Team Pennant - Grow is a non-
solid block which was added in the Balloon Warz update. This item is a rare drop
from a Balloon-O-Matic for every 8000 rarity given to it, when Balloon Fragments
are given to it, or when it explodes.||0||
4224|Fire|||||This ticket allows you entry into one Grand Tournament. Visit Master
Peng in the world TOURNAMENT to enter the tournament. You can battle as many times
as you wish in the current tournament, but when it ends, your ticket will self-
4910|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|||0||
4238|Fire|||||Wrench this to find out key info about the Grand Tournament!|||2||
4780|None|||||Look stylish while on all your greatest adventures. Who knows what
you can hold in this. Doesn't actually give any more backpack space.|The
Adventurer's Sling Bag is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of The
Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.||0||
4542|Wind|||||You've managed to process this ore into a pure, shining ingot, just
by tossing into a fire!|The Star Iron Ingot is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals update.||2||
4254|None|||||THE CUTENESS IS KILLING ME.|The Pet Fox is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of The Grand Tournament update.||0||
4938|None|||||Hold on tight and hopefully you won’t float up into the sky. Make
everyone green with envy when they see your beautiful balloon.|The Green Floaty
Balloon is a hand item which was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||0||
4738|Earth|437|445|||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To
Adventure! Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your
world.|The Adventure Item - Crystal Goblet is a splicable non-solid adventure item
foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update
on June 1, 2017.|16|1||
4640|Wind|413|429|||This marks where your song should begin repeating. You'll need
a Sheet Music: Repeat End in the same row to actually repeat. You can add more
pairs in other rows to repeat multiple times, or repeat other sections|The Sheet
Music: Repeat Begin is a splicable sheet music which was added as part of Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017 on May 5, 2017.|8|1||
4624|Earth|||||Bouncy and delicious. Hold Jump as you land for maximum bounce.|The
Marshmallow is an unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as
part of Easter Week 2017.||0||
4536|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|This winged beast hails from a
distant star system. Those mighty wings let you move fast, but they're not strong
enough to double jump (living in space has atrophied its muscles).|The Cosmic Sky
Horse is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Night Of The
Chemicals update.||0|Speedy|
4078|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Triceratops is an
unspliceable hand item that that was released as part of the Growassic Park
4774|Wind|||||Use this astounding device to create an entirely new jungle world.
One free ziggurat included.|||0||
9164|Wind|||||Use this to create amazing deadly world.|||0||
4470|Earth|4455|2949|||This sign is written in Zombiese, so humans can't read it.
only zombies!|The Zombie Sign is a sign which was added on Night Of The Sewing Dead
monthly update.|11|1||
4732|None|2963|4637|||A party hat for the most sophisticated.|The Red Brimmed Hat
is a splicable hat item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017 on May
5, 2017.|27|0||
4504|None|||||These are made of plastex polymer... all the sauce you spill on them
just rolls right off! Onto your shoes.|Chef's Pants is an unsplicable pants item
which was added as part of the Cooking update. One can be purchased from the Sales-
Man for 10 Mac n' Cheese Stars.||0||
4742|Water|||||Watch out! These guys will steal Adventure Items from you! If you
own the Tomb Robber, smack him with a wrench to change his mind about what to
4942|Fire|2021|683|||Kinda creepy, like you're trapped deep beneath the waves...||
4168|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|This thing goes pretty fast
for a vehicle with only 2 horsepower.|The Demon Chariot is a feet item that was
added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0|Speedy|
4662|None|||||This donkey likes to party.|The Riding Fiesta Burrito is a feet item
added in Cinco De Mayo Week 2017. It is a regular Burrito Leash wearing a Fiesta
Sombrero, and you can ride it.||0||
4770|None|||||This tasty pineapple ring is now stuck to your fingers. For some
reason, a creepy pineapple spider keeps following you around!|The Pineapple Finger
Ring is an unsplicable pet hand clothing which was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party 2017.||0||
4188|Water|||||It’s so dark in here, only the window provides any relief! Players
can only see what’s on this tile if it’s in their line of sight, or they have
special tools.|The Haunted Window is an unsplicable non-solid background block
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.|1|1||
4896|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4908|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4634|Wind|413|175|||If you aren't in range of a Boombox, this will play a saxophone
note for you. Put it in different places for different pitches||3|1||
4642|Wind|413|431|||This marks where your song should repeat a section. The music
marker will jump back to the most recent Sheet Music: Repeat Begin that's in the
same row (or the beginning of the song if not). If you need to repeat a section
more than once, put Repeat pairs in multiple rows.|The Sheet Music: Repeat End is a
splicable sheet music which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017 on May 5,
4042|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tripatosaurus is an
unsplicable hand item which was added during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4806|None|||||Aloha. Sway those hips!|Hula Skirt is an unsplicable leg item which
was added in SummerFest 2017.||0||
4790|Earth|||||It's a piece of a statue.||10|1||
4292|None|||||Tote around your shopping with our fabulous tote bag. It lets
everybody know you are serious about donating Stuff for Toys.|The Stuff-4-Toys Tote
Bag is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||0||
4484|Earth|2035|4455|||This block is pulsing with g-Virus infection. It should be
safe to smash, just wash your hands afterward.|The Infected Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead
4632|Wind|787|3767|||Wanna get crazy with music? This passable block works like
Sheet Music, but with your Wrench, you can adjust the volume and play up to 5
simultaneous notes.||22|1||
4702|Earth|3783|973|||It’s amazing how ancient Growtopians were able to carve such
perfect blocks. Some say it was done by aliens! They’re wrong.||4|1||
4048|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Pteranodon is an unsplicable pet
hand item which was added in the Growassic Park update.||0||
4250|None|||||Wanna be as COOL as Master Peng? Not gonna happen. But you can wear
this mask and look like a dork.|The Penguin Mask is a face item which was added as
part of the Grand Tournament update on December 1, 2016.||0||
4928|None|||||When there's a war on, sweat, water, and balloon fragments fly
everywhere. This'll keep them all out of your eyes for more effective fighting!|||
4876|Water|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Team Pennant - Build is a a
non-solid block which was added in the Balloon Warz update. It is a rare drop from
a Balloon-O-Matic for every 8000 rarity given to it, when Balloon Fragments are
given to it or when it explodes.||0||
4004|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Green Pet Tyrannosaurus is an unsplicable
hand item which was added during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4060|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|||0||
4232|Wind|||||This carbonated candy crackles and pops in your mouth. Don't worry,
it's probably not made from real rocks. Warning: DO NOT COMBINE WITH SODA. Super
duper true urban legends verify that this is dangerous.|The Pow Stones is an
unsplicable consumable that was added as part of The Grand Tournament update on
December 1, 2016.||1||
4540|Wind|2037|861|||This is raw ore, mined from the heart of a comet. Surely
there's something you can do with it!|The Star Iron is a component which was added
during Night Of The Chemicals.|19|2||
4494|Earth|||||Let the zombies know what they;re in for if they trample your fence!
The Z.D.F. is ready to rumble!|||0||
4056|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Apatodon is an unsplicable pet
hand item which was added in the Growassic Park update.||0||
4934|None|||||Even Sir William Wallace would be envious of your team spirit.
FREEEEDDDOOOOMMMMM! Wait! This is just a balloon war…|||0||
4778|None|||||Only a true adventurer can swing this thing with such style.|The
Adventurer's Whip is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of The
Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.||0||
4262|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Chugga chugga CHOO CHOO!|The
Toy Train is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||
4332|None|||||You just couldn't accept your patients' deaths. And now you've
created an abomination, haven't you? What has your foul science wrought?!|The
Living Dead Remote is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4608|None|||||Ducks instinctively follow their mothers around. This one just
follows you because it's tied to your wrist, though.|The Mini Mallard is a hand
item that was introduced during Easter Week 2017. It summons a pet duck when
4926|None|||||When there's a war on, sweat, water, and balloon fragments fly
everywhere. This'll keep them all out of your eyes for more effective fighting!|||
4200|Earth|||||Stick this at the ends of your pagoda roofs.It doesn't serve any
functional purpose, but it does sure nice. Just make sure you put it the right way
or it'll be floating in midair.|||1||
4734|None|2963|4639|||The finest dress for all your fancy dress parties.|The Red
Formal Dress is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo
Week 2017 on May 5, 2017.|26|0||
4266|Earth|||||This is a letter block, like you played when you were a kid! This
particular one has the letter Zerp on it. But I don't need to tell you that, you
can just read it.|Letter Block - Zerp is an unsplicable block that was released on
WinterFest 2016.||1||
4998|None|||||It's not the fastest transportation around, but it's the bumpiest!|
Riding Turtle is an unsplicable feet item which was added on Player Appreciation
Week 2017 Day 6. One can be purchased from a Pet Trainer for 75 Pet Trainer
4498|Fire|||Cooking is easy! Just tap ingredients on your oven! The first
ingredient you put in asks you to choose Low, Medium, or High heat. You can use
whatever heat you like - higher heat gets the job done more quickly, but that also
makes it harder to be accurate with your timing.|When you think your food is
perfectly cooked, just punch the oven to collect the results!|Real chefs do their
cooking in Growtech ovens like this - 2 bays, with individual heat settings up to
11,00 K. And a warning drawer! Wrench it for information.|The Commercial Oven is an
unsplicable non-solid Cooking Oven foreground block which was added as part of the
Cooking update.||2||
4900|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|||0||
4082|Fire|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it comes
from a dinosaur. Perhaps there's a way to recombine it and bring them back! That
doesn't seem like a terrible idea at all.|||1||
4568|Earth|||||The greatest thing since sliced bread - and even sliced bread would
be pretty bad without some salt in it.|||0||
4126|None|||You got a spear, so toss it.|Enough of that|In ancient times, sticks
and stones were about as good as it got. The upside is it's a magic stone - this
spear will teleport back into your hand once thrown!|Stone Spear is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4768|Fire|||Get triple XP for using consumables.|Your stomach's rumbling.|Eating
these makes you sticky, so you can get more YUM from your food! Food Buff: Get
triple XP for using consumables.|The Pineapple Turnover is a consumable that was
added in the Super Pineapple Party update at June 8, 2017.||1||
4230|Water|||||This fizzy lemon-lime drink is sure to result in some major burps.|
Ramune is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part of The Grand Tournament
update on December 1, 2016.||1||
4502|None|||||A real chef doesn't wear the big poofy hat... this cap keeps your
hair out of your eyes and out of the food without catching on fire regularly.|The
Chef's Cap is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Cooking
update. One can be purchased from the Sales-Man for 30 Mac n' Cheese Stars.||0||
4888|Earth|||||Deck the halls with team spirit. Made of biodegradable, water proof
paper. I've no idea how that works, but it's meant to be good for the
4178|Water|||||This spike is so much shinier now! Classy enough to wear to the
Halloween Ball.|The Tempered Steel Spike is an unsplicable consumable item that was
added on Halloween Week 2016.||1||
4798|Earth|2021|1309|||These vines are everywhere. Great for hiding in your
favorite game of hide and seek.||11|0||
4658|Earth|||||This block might be slowly making you sick. Surely there are better
things you could be building with. Maybe you can blast a hole in it, instead...?|
The Uranium Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block.|1|1||
4692|None|||||These awkward pointy heels make you look like a freaky alien.|Xenoid
Shoes are a feet item introduced during Cinco De Mayo Week 2017. It is a rare drop
from defeating H.R. Geiger during Geiger Day.||0||
4818|None|||||You've got that windblown chlorinated surfer look. It either makes
you look cool or a filthy beach bum. It's a fine line.|The Long Surfer Hair is an
unsplicable hair item which was released on 2017's SummerFest. It is a possible
drop from firing Super Fireworks.||0||
4116|None|||||I know, they're supposed to have feathers and stuff nowadays... Well,
this is an old-school raptor!|Red Riding Raptor is a feet item which was added on
the Growassic Park update.||0||
4016|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Brown Pet Pteranodon is a pet item that
was released as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4524|Water|||||Don't cross this kitty's path.|The Unlucky Kitty is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2017.||1||
4886|Earth|||||Deck the halls with team spirit. Made of biodegradable, water proof
paper. I've no idea how that works, but it's meant to be good for the
4890|Earth|||||Deck the halls with team spirit. Made of biodegradable, water proof
paper. I've no idea how that works, but it's meant to be good for the
4024|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Brown Pet Apatodon is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4870|None|||||Beautiful with blueness. Wear your team colors proudly.|The Team
Shirt - Build was introduced during the Balloon Warz update. It is a common drop
from a Balloon-O-Matic.||0||
4550|None|2035|2493|||I don't know why, but most alien creatures insist on wearing
clothes made of tin foil.|The Spaceman Suit is a shirt item that was introduced on
Night Of The Comet update. It can only be spliced during Night Of The Comet.|19|0||
4842|Water|||||Drinking this will keep those pesky balloons away for a while! The
bubble of protection is extremely fragile. One hit and your protection will be
gone!|The Balloon Repellent is an untradable consumable which was added as part of
Balloon Warz 2017.||1||
4212|Fire|||||Your reward for victory in The Grand Tournament. Put it in the Prize
Ladder to win fabulous prizes!|||1||
4730|None|||||Sticking a rose in your mouth seems to make your voice so much more
attractive when you sing.|The Seductive Rose is a face item that was added as part
of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4792|Earth|4703|599|||It’s a piece of a statue. Seems to be a mouth.||20|1||
4990|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Skate or die! Alternatively
you can live by doing other things, like eating and breathing. Actually, do those
even if you ARE skating.|||0|Speedy|
4252|None|||Your pet is dangerously violent.|Bye!|Master Peng is so swift, he can
appear to be in multiple at once. But in the extra places, he looks very small.|The
Mini-Peng is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added in The Grand Tournament
update. One can be obtained from Prize Ladder Level 15 with Tourney Tokens.||0|
Slashing Claws|
4764|Earth|||||Slice of pineapple.|The Pineapple Slice is a consumable that was
added in the Super Pineapple Party 2017.||0||
4602|Earth|455|1105|||Ah, don’t cry. It’s just a vegetable.||15|0||
4856|Earth|||||Wrench this board to see how the Balloon Warz are going! Is your
team ahead?|Balloon Warz Leaderboard is a non-solid block which was added in the
Balloon Warz update.||3||
4040|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|The Brown Pet Triceradon is an unsplicable
hand item which was added during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4324|Water|||Your brain has been enhanced!|You're getting dumber by the second.|
This advanced cybernetic technology will increase your mental capacity, granting
you 50% more XP (on average) for half an hour.|The Biotronic Brain Enhancer is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January
6, 2017.||1||
4664|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|You look hot in these.
And so does your pet jalapeño!|The Hotpants is an unsplicable pants item which was
added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0|Speedy|
4962|Earth|1451|329|||Flop down into a world of lazy wonder with this majestic sack
o' beans!|The Beanbag is a splicable non-solid seat foreground block which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 4.|14|1||
4068|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Tyrannosaurus is an unsplicable
dinosaur pet hand item which was added in Growassic Park update.||0||
4840|None|||||With this launcher you can throw balloons farther. Not much good for
anything else, though.|||0||
4162|Earth|||||So this is what the inside of a haunted house looks like! Plus, you
can see outside of it from here.|The Rickety Window is a background block which was
added as part of Halloween Week 2016.|6|1||
4028|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Apatos Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4584|Earth|855|677|||The spiciest of trees. Well, I guess there's also cinnamon.
Probably a lot of spices grow on trees, huh? I regret this entire description.|The
Pepper Tree is a splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
the Cooking update.|12|1||
4582|Wind|||||The high speed blades and crushers in this device can grind up some
foods into more ground-up foods! Just tap your food on the Food Grinder to begin.|
The Food Grinder is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of the Cooking update.||2||
4980|None|2715|2989|||The perfect garment for housing a pocketwatch and monocle.
Will also keep you warm during those long winter days.|The Waistcoat and Jacket is
a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day
4538|Wind|||||This paper details a method for forging a bridle out of Star Iron. If
you forge 100 Star Iron Ingots with this design in hand, you'll make a Cosmic
Bridle. This consumes the design.|||0||
4592|Water|||||Homemade Baja taste, with fresh pico de gallo. Food Buff: Gain 1 gem
for every 5lbs. your fish catches weigh.|||1||
4492|Earth|||||The flimsiest and cheapest way to keep zombies out. Unfortunately
this fence is in front of Growtopia, so it only keeps zombies from getting into the
game from outside of the screen, which is a pretty unlikely situation.|||0||
4346|None|||||Ah, classic fuzzy pants.|The Fuzzy Pants is an unsplicable pants item
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4486|Fire|||||Feeling nostalgic for the end of the world? Let's bring it back! With
this weather active, somebody in your world will get infected with the g-Virus
every hour, and players can kill zombies in your world, with the appropriate
weapon. This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather
Machine - Apocalypse is a weather machine that was added as part of the Night of
the Sewing Dead update. It is available in the Growtopia Store for 150,000 gems,
only during the Apocalypse.||2||
4062|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Apatoceratops is an
unspliceable hand item which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||0||
4180|None|||||Ah yeah, you look tough, like a junkyard dog.|The Spiked Collar is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4994|Earth|||||Locks 200 tiles around itself. Only allows either building or
breaking of blocks inside - wrench it to decide which!|||2||
4286|None|||||Stuff-4-Toys is offering these stylish t-shirts to all Silver level
donators!|The Stuff-4-Toys Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as
part of the WinterFest 2016 update on December 16, 2016.||0||
4282|None|||||MrMehMeh stores the carrots he eats here.|Meh, Bunny Suit is a mod
item. This item is exclusive only to the Ex-Moderator MrMehMeh.||0||
4012|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Tricerus Rex is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4148|None|||||Keep warm while stalking people on those frosty London evenings in
this stylish piece of Grow Couture! Note: this is a "chest item", like a necklace
so you can wear any shirts and back items you want underneath it.|The Doompunk
Trenchcoat is an unsplicable chest item added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4046|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Triceratops is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as a part of the Growassic Park update||0||
4450|Water|||||Ew, this is a brain that popped out of a zombie’s head! Maybe sales-
man wants it, You sure don’t. Double-tap this in your inventory to combine 100 of
them into a Pile Of Zombie Brains!|||1||
4020|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Pteranus Rex is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4510|None|||Your pet shoots lasers!|You abandoned your pet.|It's completely
synthetic life! Burning with radiation!|The Radioactive Synthoid is a hand item
which was added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals update on March 2, 2017.||0|
4558|Earth|611|3931|||It's a classic photo op! Stand behind it and pretend you're a
newly hatched chick. Fun for the whole family!|Cardboard Egg is a splicable non-
solid block which was added on Easter Week 2017.||0||
4544|Wind|||||I'm pretty sure this bridle is some kind of alien technology. Now
what can you do with it?|The Cosmic Bridle is an unsplicable component which was
added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals update.||0||
4088|Wind|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. All we know for sure is it comes
from a dinosaur. Perhaps there’s a way to recombine it and bring them back! That
doesn’t seem like a terrible idea at all.|||1||
4144|None|||||The perfect garment for housing a pocketwatch, monocle, and perhaps
poison needles. Definitely some evil stuff in those pockets.|Doompunk Waistcoat is
an unsplicable shirt that was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4996|None|||Your hands are quite warm.|Everything feels so much cooler!|Spew jets
of flame from your hands!|Burning hands is a hand item released on the first day of
Player Appreciation Week 2017.||0|Burning Hands|
4270|Earth|||||This is a letter block, like you played when you were a kid! This
particular one has the letter Wump on it. But I don't need to tell you that, you
can just read it.|Letter Block - Wump is an unsplicable block that was released on
WinterFest 2016.||1||
4234|Fire|||||This mysterious element has strange properties which seem to make DNA
extraction more successful!|Extractium Ore is an item which was added during the
Growassic Park update.||1||
4512|None|||||It's completely synthetic life! How mysterious!|The Mysterious
Synthoid is a leash that has human-like characteristics. It was added with the
Night Of The Chemicals update on March 2, 2017. When equipped, it replaces the
player's punch with lasers.|61|0||
4290|None|||Feed the birds!|Starve the birds!|Solsagann is tossing out yesterday's
baguettes! They are quite stale.|The Solsascarf is an unsplicable chest item which
was added as part of The Grand Tournament update on December 1, 2016.||0|Mmm,
4744|Earth|61|2949|||These gates can be punched by the world owner to open or close
them. But Tomb Robbers can change their status for a player who pays them - open
ones will shut, shut ones will open.|The Adventure Tomb Gate is a splicable
toggleable foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack Strikes
Back! update on June 1, 2017.|13|1||
4814|None|||||Put a flower in your hair. All the girls are doing it this summer!
Just don't let Jim catch you stealing flowers from his garden... He's Crazy!|The
Frangipani is an unspliceable hat item which was introduced during SummerFest
4150|None|||Your pet is like, way cosmic, man.|Back to punching.|This accursed
necklace binds one of the eternal and innumerable Eyes of Growganoth to your
service. Just make sure you don’t take “your” eye of it - at the first sign of
weakness, it will devour your soul!|The Eye of Growganoth is an unsplicable chest
item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0|Cosmic Pal|
4132|Wind|3473|1703|||You can use this to gently brush a fossil before you pick it
up, improving its quality. A Fossil Brush will be destroyed upon use (fossils are
very rough until you brush them!). If you pick up a fossil, your finger oils will
make a Fossil Brush useless, so be sure you brush before collecting!||23|1||
4836|Earth|||||The only people getting through this door are the ones who are on
team Grow. Outside of Balloon Warz, this functions as a normal entrance.|The Team
Entrance - Grow was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||1||
4766|Earth|197|2015|||Leaves your tongue a little red, and well the rest of your
body for that matter!|Cherry is a splicable consumable which was added on Super
Pineapple Party 2017.|4|0||
4186|Earth|||||It’s pitch-black inside this haunted house! Players can only see
what’s on this tile if it’s in their line of sight, or they have special tools.|The
Haunted Darkness is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2016.|1|0||
4064|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|Grey Pet Tyranodon is an unspliceable hand
item that was introduced during the Growassic Park Update.||0||
4758|Water|||||When activated (punch to activate), this guy won't allow anyone to
drop items in the world. Keep your place clean!|Mini-Mod is a non-solid block which
was added on the first day of Player Appreciation Week 2017.||5||
4008|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Triceradon is a dinosaur
which was released as part of the Growassic Park Update. It is a dinosaur hand
4452|Water|||||Ew, this is a brain that popped out of a zombie's head! Maybe Sales-
Man wants it. You sure don't. Double-tap this in your inventory to split it up into
100 Zombie Brains.|The Pile of Zombie Brains is an unsplicable component which was
added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update. One can be obtained from
double-tapping 100 Zombie Brains in one's inventory.||1||
4190|Water|||||Finally, your chance to escape this haunted house! Wrench the door
to set up a creepy question player must answer to go through.|The Haunted Door is
an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of Halloween
Week 2016.|20|1||
4176|Earth|||||Hey, these things have a million uses! I can’t think of any right
now, but they totally do. Just don’t leave them inside surgical patients,
4598|Fire|||Get 100 gems from every Villain you defeat.|Your stomach's rumbling.|
The king of burgers. Food Buff: Get 100 gems for every villain you defeat.|The BBQ
Bacon Burger is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Cooking
4210|None|||||Master Peng runs The Grand Tournament. Don't mess with him. But
punching is how he likes to be greeted, so one punch is cool.|||5||
4172|Fire|||||Just the thing for showing your appreciation of the darker musicks.|
The Demonic Skull is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Halloween
Week 2016 on October 27, 2016.||1||
4622|None|||||The perfect eyewear for doing chemistry! Grants a 10% chance to not
consume a chemical when you use a Chemsynth tool.|The Chemist's Goggles is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals
4628|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Your winged friends are happy to help you double jump! Sponsored by
Kudobelle.|||0|Double Jump|
4858|Water|||||The ideal station for creating war balloons! Shame every Growtopian
is out filling balloons, though - the water's running low and it'll take a while to
fill yours!|The Balloon Filling Station was introduced during the Balloon Warz
update. It drops a random war balloon but can only drop during the war. It is a
rare drop from a Balloon-O-Matic.||1||
4134|Earth|||||This fossil has been carefully polished, so it's sure to yield
something good when run through a Fossil Prep Station!|Polished Fossil is an
unsplicable consumable item which was released on the 8th of October 2016 as part
of the Growassic Park update.||2||
4562|Earth|||||We've ground it up, and bleached out all the nutrients! It's not
really edible anymore, but it's a key ingredient in deliciousness.|||0||
4026|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly|The Brown Pet Apatosaurus is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4220|Earth|||||This is a roof for your wooden pagoda. Unlike the Wooden Pagoda
Wall, this is solid, so it's safe to stand on.|||1||
4580|Earth|||||Now with 11% fewer hooves!|||0||
4862|None|||||Green with glory. Wear your team colors proudly.|||0||
4226|Fire|||||Your ticket has been punched! You can battle in the current
Tournament as many times as you like. The ticket will self-destruct when the
tournament ends. Don't lose it, or you can't battle anymore!|||1||
4460|None|||||You could just wear any green pants and you probably won't get in
trouble, but these have a cool Z logo sewn into the inside waistband.|||0||
4472|Wind|||||This data system can store useful information, but the retinal scan
prevents zombies from accessing it. Only humans can!|||1||
4414|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|If you were a pegasus, you'd spend all your time flying too. Why walk on those
teeny legs? Those mighty wings allow you both to double jump too.|The Golden
Pegasus is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2017 on February 10, 2017.||0|Double Jump|
4822|None|||||Surf’s up! This magical piece of fiberglass allows you to walk on
4476|None|||||The most colorful kite in all of Growtopia!|The Rainbow Kite is an
unsplicable pethand item which was added in the Night of the Sewing Dead update.||
4036|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Tyrannosaurus is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4868|None|||||Glorious with greenness. Wear your team colors proudly.|The Team
Shirt - Grow was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||0||
4364|Fire|||||Your progress in the Wolfworld has caused Fenrir himself to challenge
you! Use this summons on All Howl's Eve to enter the halls of Valhowla. Once
inside, you'll have only 3 minutes to search for the 4 treasures. Also don't forget
Climbing Boots and a light source!|The Challenge of Fenrir is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||
4446|Earth|1685|4455|||Use these sort of like Doors – They have IDs, so Doors can
lead to them, though you can’t travel from them. Use your Wrench to set their ID.|
The Gruesome Marker is an splicable marker non-solid block which was added with the
Night of the Sewing Dead update.|10|1||
4600|Water|||Catch 5% larger fish!|Your stomach's rumbling.|Deep fried goodness.
Food Buff: Catch 5% larger fish.|||1||
4506|None|||Time to toss some blades.|The world is now a safer place.|This heavy
blade is perfect to hacking through bones. Use it on Cutting Board to chop up
meat!|The Butcher Knife is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the
Cooking update.||0||
4666|Earth|515|563|||Warning: Keep out of eyes.|The Lemon is a splicable consumable
which was added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.|13|0||
4516|Earth|||||This amazing box can store all those pesky untradable items! Only
the World Lock owner can use it, and the World Lock can't be traded or destroyed
while an Untrade-a-Box is in the world.|The Untrade-a-Box is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Night Of The Chemicals update.|63|
4018|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Brown Pet Pterosaurus is an
unsplicable hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4122|Water|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. It appears to be the tail end
of a velociraptor DNA sequence. Perhaps there's a way to recombine it and bring
them back! That doesn't seem like a terrible idea at all.|The Raptor DNA Strand
Omega is a DNA released along as part of the Growassic Park Update. It is
obtainable from extracting fossil drops using a DNA Extractor and is used to make
dinosaurs (riding raptors).||1||
4894|Water|||||This is a broken piece of a war balloon. If you feed enough of these
into a Balloon-O-Matic, you're bound to get something good...|The Balloon Fragment
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Balloon Warz 2017.||1||
4564|Earth|||||Crisp and green, no calories, no flavor. Just like we like it!|||0||
4726|None|||||Look the part while playing your guitar like a true musician of
Mexico.|The Mariachi Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4578|Earth|||||A big ol' juicy T-bone. Well, and O-Bone. Is that a thing?|The Beef
is a Component which was added on the Cooking update.||0||
4420|None|||||The world just looks like a more expensive place through these gold-
tinted glasses.|The Golden Heart Glasses is an unsplicable face item which was
added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February 10, 2017.||0||
4838|Water|||||The only people getting through this door are the ones who are on
team Build. Outside of Balloon Warz, this functions as a normal entrance.|The Team
Entrance - Build was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||1||
4146|None|||||Works equally well for a doompunk or a pirate! Or maybe a serial
killer from the 80's.|The Doompunk Leggings is a splicable pants item which was
added as part of Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4070|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Tyranotops is a hand item
that was released as part of the Growassic Park Update.||0||
4644|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|You
can't punch when holding this, you're too busy ROCKING! Punch anywhere to play
music. If you punch to your left or right, you can bend the note higher or lower.
Punch in your own column to play the same notes that Sheet Music: Sax Note plays.|
The Saxamaphone is an unsplicable hand item which was introduced during Cinco De
Mayo Week 2017.||0|Musical|
4828|None|||||Surf’s up! This magical piece of fiberglass allows you to walk on
water. Now in Electric Green!|The Surfboard - Electric Green is an unsplicable hand
item that was added as part of SummerFest 2017 on June 30, 2017.||0||
4920|Earth|||||It's a classic photo op! Stand behind it and pretend you're getting
splatted by a balloon. Fun for the whole family!|||1||
4350|None|||||Three heads are better than one, even if two of them are empty and
4670|Earth|||||This corn has been crushed into a pile of dust!|Corn Meal is an
unsplicable component which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4820|None|||||Be honoured to wear this beautiful crown. Light the way for all to
see. No more than 500 of these exist in all of Growtopia.|The Phoenix Crown is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of SummerFest 2017.||0||
4646|None|||Fire walk with me! Fire does 50% damage.|Your feet are no longer safe.|
In case of hazardous spills, you'll want a pair of these! Reduces lava damage by
50%.|The Hazmat Boots is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the
Cinco De Mayo Week 2017 update on May 5, 2017.||0|Fireproof|
4952|None|||||Feeling fat? You could exercise... or you just cram your gut into one
of these! Oh sure, you may end up with spinal deformities, but beauty demands
pain!|The Gothic Corset is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Player
Appreciation Week 2017 Day 7.||0||
4812|None|||Fire walk with me! Fire does 50% damage.|Your feet are no longer safe.|
Protection from the sun. Well at least your nose will be safe.|Zinc is an
unsplicable face item that was added as part of SummerFest 2017.||0|Fireproof|
4002|None|||||You’ve brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There’s no way that this could go badly.|Green Pet Tyranopatos is an unsplicable
hand item that was introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0||
4802|Wind|||||This fabulous world lock has some special new options. Wrench it and
become the king of your world! It also shows you where players are in your world
with Peasant Radar!|||10||
4098|Earth|||||Nature always finds a way.|The Prehistoric Fern is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Growassic Park update.||
4852|Water|||||This contains 100 Medium War Balloons. Double-tap this in your
inventory to convert it back to 100 Medium War Balloons.|Bucket of Medium War
Balloons is a consumable which is used to store large amounts of Medium War
Balloons in one backpack slot. It can be converted to 100 Medium War Balloons. It
is made by double tapping 100 Medium War Balloons. It is used during Balloon Warz||
4872|Fire|||||It's just flappin' in the breeze.|The Team Pennant - Punch is a non-
solid block which was added in Balloon Warz update. It is a rare drop from a
Balloon-O-Matic for every 8000 rarity given to it, when Balloon Fragments are given
to it or when it explodes.||0||
4892|Wind|||||This machine will send your entire world up into the clouds where the
balloons fly. This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|||2||
4946|None|||You can fly!! Well, you can jump higher than normal.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Strap these to your hips and get ready for the ride of your life. Use the
power of pressurization to leap tall buildings in a single bound, then drift gently
to Earth.|The Super Squirt Gun Jetpack Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was
added as part of the Balloon Warz update.||0|High Jump|
4444|Water|||||This chemical was created in a lab. Its properties are virtually
untested!|The Synthetic Chemical is a chemical which was added as part of the Night
Of The Chemicals update.|26|1||
4884|Earth|||||Prevents war balloons from being thrown in your world when activated
(punch to activate). Has a 5 second countdown when activating/deactivating.|The
Balloon Jammer was introduced during the Balloon Warz update. It is a rare drop
from Balloon-O-Matic.||7||
4272|Earth|||||This is a letter block, like you played when you were a kid! This
particular one has the letter Doozle on it. But I don't need to tell you that, you
can just read it.|Letter Block - Doozle is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||1||
4284|Wind|||||Toss it and see where it goes! It'll smash if it hits any blocks, so
aim carefully. Tap the direction you want to throw it. The further from yourself
you tap, the harder you throw.|The Rubber Band Airplane is an unsplicable
consumable that was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||0||
4864|None|||||Blue with bravery. Wear your team colors proudly!|Team Shorts - Build
is a pants item which was introduced during the Balloon Warz update. It is a common
drop from a Balloon-O-Matic.||0||
4986|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You don't jump higher than with normal devil wings, but man, you DO look
pretty cool, like an inside-out devil. Wait... doesn't that make you an angel?!|The
Inside-Out Devil Wings is an unsplicable back item that was added on the third day
of Player Appreciation Week 2017.||0|Double Jump|
4712|Earth|1701|3569|||This gorilla will pummel anyone who gets close! But if you
have an Adventure Item - Banana, you can punch him to give it to him, and sneak by
while he is eating for 10 seconds.|The Angry Adventure Gorilla is a splicable
toggleable deadly foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack
Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|20|1||
4236|Fire|||||This mysterious element seems to be present in small quantities in
ancient fossils. Maybe you can combine these shards into a piece large enough to
have a measurable effect on something!|Extractium Shard is an unsplicable
consumable which was added in the Growassic Park update. One can be obtained as a
possible drop from processing a Fossil or a Polished Fossil in a Fossil Prep
4310|Water|323|781|||Used only in surgery. If a patient's blood supply gets
dangerously low, this will fill 'er up!||21|1||
4968|None|429|1113|||Get running and show off your curves while you're at it!|
Sports Bra is a shirt item which was added on the seventh day of Player
Appreciation Week 2017.|11|0||
4294|None|||Your pet spits electricity!|Let's just put that away.|This high-tech
doll is the big craze this Winterfest! Everybody wants a remote-controlled doll
that fires deadly lightning bolts!|The Betty Bluetooth Doll is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||0|Shocking Pet|
4530|Wind|2035|2965|||This is what the call "hard radiation". That of course means
it's solid so you can't jump up through it, you can however drop down, since it's
moving down!|Cosmic Rain is a non-solid block which was released during the Cooking
Update. Players can only pass through the block downwards. Jumping up through it is
4866|None|||||Resplendent with redness. Wear your team colors proudly.|The Team
Shirt - Punch was introduced during the Balloon Warz update.||0||
4274|None|||||Your grandma thinks you look adorable in this.|The Hideous Holiday
Sweater is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of WinterFest 2016.||
4674|Water|||Get 50 Gems for beating a Pet Trainer.|Your stomach's rumbling.|
Crunchy and gooshy. Food Buff: 50 gems for every victory against a Pet Trainer.|
Chips And Guacamole is a consumable that was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week
4066|None|||||You've brought a dinosaur back to life with genetic engineering!
There's no way that this could go badly!|The Grey Pet Tyranopatos was released as
part of the Growassic Park update. It is a dinosaur hand leash.||0||
4456|None|||||This helmet covers your vital brain region from zombie attack.
Unfortunately, zombies only need to punch you to infect you, so it's not terribly
4616|Wind|||||Now you can decorate your world with Mac N' Cheese Stars! Show off
your incredible cooking skill.|||0||
4392|Fire|5467|2015|||Need a new look? These drops will have you seeing red! You
may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye drops
also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible to
4384|Wind|||||Fancy the place up a little with some lovely blue fabric.|The Blue
Bunting is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the
Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4192|Wind|||||If you aren’t in range of a boombox, this will play a spooky sound
for you. There are 14 different sounds, depending where you place it vertically.
Try them all!|Sheet Music: Spooky is an unsplicable Sheet Music background block
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2016. It is obtainable from sacrificing
any Sheet Music (except Sheet Music: Blank) into the maw of GROWGANOTH.||0||
4546|Wind|2035|1325|||Cosmic energy keeps these platforms aloft. Who knows what
keeps the wooden ones up?|The Hover Platform is a splicable platform which was
added as part of Night Of The Comet (original update).|3|0||
4978|None|2715|201|||This light cotton dress is adorned with adorable stripes. Aww.
How cute.|The Dress with Smock is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week Day 2.|17|0||
4496|Water|4455|1047|||It won't take zombies long to get through this fence!|The
Rusted Chainlink Fence is a non-solid foreground block which was introduced during
the Night of the Sewing Dead update on February 3, 2017.|6|0||
4288|None|||||Dress up as a Present Goblin for fun! You won't automatically drop
presents, but it's festive year-round! This costume overrides all other clothing,
but if you don't like tossing tennis balls, try equipping other sportsballs with
it!|The Present Goblin Home Edition is an unsplicable face item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2016.||0||
4554|None|||||Don't be alarmed, but there may be a bunny on your head...|The
Cranial Lagomorph is a head item which was released during Easter Week 2017. It is
a rabbit sitting on the head of a player.||0||
4630|Wind|787|1731|||Wanna get crazy with music? This solid block works like Sheet
Music, but with your Wrench, you can adjust the volume and play up to 5
simultaneous notes.||23|1||
4393|Fire|5467|2015|||Need a new look? These drops will have you seeing red! You
may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye drops
also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible to
4136|None|||You fire flaming arrows!|You are disarmed.|This bow shoots flaming
arrows!|||0|Flaming Arrows|
4922|Earth|||||Punch it to win. Fun for the whole family!|||3||
4960|None|||Swim faster!|No shark for you.|Amazing! You have caught the incredibly
rare and elusive Megalodon. The largest shark ever. Class: MEGA-SIZED! Along with a
mega diet, it's incredibly powerful and deadly. See this shark in action in Hungry
Shark World!|The Megalodon is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 6.||0|I'm On A Shark!|
4708|Water|1699|3573|||When a player who has Adventure Item - Golden Idol steps on
this, their idol is placed on the pedestal, opening all Adventure Idol Gates in the
world (for them only), or shutting ones that are open.|The Adventure Pedestal is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack
Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|18|1||
4242|Wind|||||Wow, it's pagoda season already? They're sprouting up everywhere!
This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|The Weather Machine -
Pagoda is a weather machine which was added as part of the The Grand Tournament
4196|Earth|||||Isn't Master Peng awesome? This stonework blends in with Stone
Pagoda blocks.|||1||
4298|Water|||||This symbol is your reward for saving someone with surgery. You can
trade them for rare surgical prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at
53785. Double-tap this in your inventory to combine 100 of them into a Golden
Caduceus.|The Caduceus is an untradeable component which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4326|None|||||There was a time when actual medical professionals would go out on
the streets wearing this. It was a creepy, creepy time.|The Plague Doctor Mask is
an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on
January 6, 2017.||0||
4344|Fire|||||This seemingly harmless statue actually launches deadly sonic blasts.
Wrench it to set the rate of fire! You can place as many Howlers as you like, but
only 10 blasts can exist at a time, so if you have a lot, most of them will just
sit there.|||2||
4410|Water|||||This bland flavorless mush is not delicious. The only nice thing
about it is that you can feed it to a Silkworm without changing its color!|Gruel is
an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead
4954|None|309|265|||Like unicorns? Well, so does the rest of the internet, and now
you can look like one, too!|The Unicorn Hair is a splicable hair item which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 5.|12|0||
4300|Water|||||This is worth 100 Caducei (that's the plural of Caduceus, I looked
it up!). Double-tap this in your inventory to break one back into 100 Caducei. You
can trade these for rare surgical prizes by calling Sales-Man on your telephone at
53785.|The Golden Caduceus is an untradeable component which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4930|None|||||Looks like you’ve been punched in the face… or have you? Nope, it’s
just face paint and a whopping dose of team spirit.|||0||
4330|None|||||This robe is intended to protect you from pestilence. Sadly it was
invented in pre-scientific times, so all it really protects you from is cold
weather.|The Plague Doctor Robe is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4490|Earth|||||Strange mutated cells collected during the Zombie Apocalypse. If you
combine 200 of them, you might be able to create new mutant life...||2|1||
4936|None|||||Hold on tight and hopefully you won’t float up into the sky. There’s
a song with 99 red balloons, but sadly, this is only 1.|||0||
4950|None|||||Feeling fat? You could exercise… or you could just cram your gut into
one of these! Oh sure, you may end up with spinal deformities, but beauty demands
pain!|The Silk Corset is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on Player
Appreciation Week 2017 Day 7.||0||
4948|None|||||Run at the speed of, well... horses. On FIRE!|The Solar Chariot is a
feet item which was added in the Hidden Riches update.||0||
4354|Water|||||This ticket is your reward for completing Wolfworld. You can trade
them for rare Wolfworld prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at 53785.
Double-tap this in your inventory to combine 100 of them into an Enchanted Wolf
Ticket.|The Wolf Ticket is an untradeable component which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4520|Earth|||||This portal isn't actually lucky unless you set a destination for it
that is lucky. So it's really up to you!|The Lucky Portal is an unsplicable non-
solid portal foreground block which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2017.||
4984|Earth|||||Oranges are great. Grind the hell out of them and they're still
delicious! Only, like, wetter.|The Orange Juice is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of the Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day 1.||0||
4528|None|||||Ladybugs are considered lucky, so consider yourself lucky that you
found this sweet leaf that's making one follow you around.|The Ladybug Leaf is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added in St. Patrick's Week 2017. It is a
special prize upon completing BLARNEY.||0||
4342|Fire|||||Imagine the size of the wolf this came from!|The Massive Fang is an
unsplicable solid deadly foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||1||
4328|None|||||Rumpled and trumpy, really showing your dedication to your craft.|The
Plague Doctor Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4924|None|||||When there's a war on, sweat, water, and balloon fragments fly
everywhere. This'll keep them all out of your eyes for more effective fighting!|||
4312|Wind|323|781|||Used only in surgery. If a patient's heart stops (which can
happen when they are anesthetized), zap them with this to fire it up again.||21|1||
4304|Fire|||||Congratulations, you placed in the top 3 of the Grand Tournament!|||
4280|None|||||MrMehMeh likes carrots.|Meh, Bunny Mask is a face item which is only
exclusive to the former moderator MrMehMeh.||0||
4940|None|||||Hold on tight and hopefully you won’t float up into the sky. The
balloon might be blue, but you’ll never be.|The Blue Floaty Balloon is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of Balloon Warz 2017.||0||
4914|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4906|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|||0||
4932|None|||||Blend in with the trees for a surprise attack like a true Grow
4158|Wind|||||This is how your shop teacher lost those fingers.|The Buzzsaw is a
solid deadly foreground block which was added on Halloween Week 2016.|21|1||
4964|None|299|103|||Perfect for kicking back - or kicking butt! - in the tropical
sun.|The Black Espadrille is a splicable feet item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week Day 2.|12|0||
4716|Earth|||||Place this in your world to be used in your Gateways To Adventure!
Players can pick it up by punching it. They lose it if they leave your world.|The
Adventure Item - Pineapple is an unsplicable non-solid adventure item foreground
block which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2017.||1||
4918|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
4912|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|||0||
4706|Earth|101|775|||These blocks can be punched by the world owner to open or
close them. But if a player lights an Adventure Brazier, they will be reversed for
that player – open ones will be shut, shut ones will be open.||14|1||
4904|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|||0||
4966|None|103|285|||Perfect for kicking back - or kicking butt - in the tropical
sun.|The Checkered Espadrille is a splicable feet item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week Day 2.|3|0||
4982|Earth|189|193|||A delicious sphere, complete with sweet, tingling citrus
flavor.|The Orange is a splicable consumable which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2017 Day 1 on August 17, 2017.|3|0||
4714|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Nothing says adventure like
riding around in a minecart! Tracks not included (but the wheels are modified to
run on any surface).|||0|Speedy|
4710|Water|599|175|||These blocks can be punched by the world owner to open or
close them. But if a player places an idol on an Adventure Pedestal, they will be
reversed for that player - open ones will be shut, shut ones will be open.|The
Adventure Idol Gate is a splicable toggleable foreground block which was added as
part of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|16|1||
4718|Fire|1301|1041|||You can set up to 5 destinations for this door with your
Wrench, and when a player enters it, they’ll be sent randomly to any of them!|The
Mystery Door is a splicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as part
of The Adventure Pack Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|22|1||
4402|None|||||Oh, the places you'll go wearing this hat! You can wear it on the
train, or in the rain, or... well actually don't wear it in the rain, it'll
shrink.|When equipped, all Cat As A Hats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
4404|None|||||Oh, the places you'll go wearing this hat! You can wear it on the
train, or in the rain, or... well actually don't wear it in the rain, it'll
shrink.|When equipped, all Cat As A Hats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
4406|None|||||Oh, the places you'll go wearing this hat! You can wear it on the
train, or in the rain, or... well actually don't wear it in the rain, it'll
shrink.|When equipped, all Cat As A Hats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
4380|Fire|||||This robotic wolf rocks hard. Punch to activate, wrench to adjust
settings.|The Head Bangin' Steel Wolf is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable
animated foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on
January 6, 2017.||1||
4400|Wind|||||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for maximum
bounce.|The Heart Awning is an unsplicable platform trampoline foreground block
which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February 10, 2017.||0||
4436|Water|2895|4433|||Use on a highlighted Chemsynth Tank to duplicate its
contents, pushing all chemicals to the right to make room.||38|1||
4724|None|||||Not only does this fancy hat cover your head from the heat, it also
makes you look amazing while you sing and dance.|The Mariachi Hat is an unsplicable
hat item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2017.||0||
4360|None|||||Cover your eyes, the savings are simply too glorious to behold!|The
Sales Shades is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4356|Water|||||This is worth 100 Wolf Tickets. Double-tap this in your inventory to
break one back into 100 Wolf Tickets. You can trade this for rare Wolfworld
prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at 53785.|||0||
4124|Water|||||This experimental device can extract prehistoric DNA from objects
which contain even small traces. To give it a try, just use an item on it and see
what you find! This is very new technology, so results are unpredictable, and
rarely successful.|The DNA Extractor is a non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Growassic Park update.|26|1||
4152|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|The four horsemen have updated
to more modern steeds. They're probably gonna be pretty mad when they find out you
have swiped one.|The Apocalypse Steed is an unsplicable feet item which was added
as part of Halloween Week/2016.||0|Speedt|
4376|Water|||||It's Growtopia's fourth anniversary! Celebrate with this classic
pewter-plated design reminiscent of the Roman numeral 4. Yes you can write 4 as
IIII instead of IV, that's a real thing!|The IIII Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6,
4424|None|||||Dress for the occasion!|The Valentine Dress is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February 10, 2017.||0||
4824|None|||||Surf’s up! This magical piece of fiberglass allows you to walk on
water. Now with Flames artwork!|The Surfboard - Flame is an unsplicable hand item
that was added as part of SummerFest 2017 on June 30, 2017.||0||
4408|None|||||Oh, the places you'll go wearing this hat! You can wear it on the
train, or in the rain, or... well actually don't wear it in the rain, it'll
shrink.|When equipped, all Cat As A Hats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
4338|Fire|||||This horrible twisted spikey thing could surely jam some limbs
together if you needed to do that. For some reason.|The Limb Connector is an
unsplicable component which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January
6, 2017.||1||
4388|Earth|||||Fancy the place up a little with some lovely green fabric.|The Green
Bunting is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the
Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4416|None|||||The world just looks like a lovelier place through these rose-colored
glasses.|The Heart Glasses is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2017 on February 10, 2017.||0||
4426|Fire|||||Watch out, this is a really sharp fragment of Ruby. It seems
strangely magnetically attracted to other shards like it. Maybe if you got 200 of
them together, they'd fuse into something! Yeah, that's how reality works!|The Ruby
Shard is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017
on February 10, 2021.||2||
4428|Fire|||||Locks an entire world. And looks lovely doing it. There's a 1% chance
each day that a rock in the world will become Heartstone!|The Ruby Lock is a solid
lock foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February
10, 2017.||10||
4138|None|||||Internal organs rotted away? The corset should fit you fine!|The
Doompunk Corset is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Halloween
Week 2016 update on October 27, 2016.||0||
4318|Water|323|781|||Used only in surgery. This kit will identify different
microbes that could be present in the patient. Use it right away to diagnose any
bacterial or viral issues. You cannot use Surgical Antibiotics until you've used a
Lab Kit to identify the bacteria you're fighting.||21|1||
4398|Wind|||||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for maximum
bounce.|The Black Awning is an unsplicable platform trampoline foreground block
which was added in the Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4358|Wind|||||The perfect way to advertise your wares - with a cardboard cut-out of
Sales-Man himself! Scientifically proven to drive conversions and increase ROI.|The
Sales-Man Standee is an unsplicable non-solid sign foreground block which was added
as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||1||
4395|Earth|5467|2021|||Need a new look? These drops give your eyes a green gleam!
You may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye
drops also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible
to achieve.||10|0||
4130|None|||||G'day! Barbie! Shrimp! That's not a knife, it's a hat! These hats are
popular among paleontologists and other desert dwellers.|The Outback Hat is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Growassic Park update on
October 7, 2016.||0||
4430|Wind|||||Place a row of 10 Chemsynth Tanks to the right of this machine, and
then wrench it to use GrowTech's new synthetic chemical creation technology! Patent
pending.|The Chemsynth Processor is a block which was added with the Night Of The
Chemicals update. If a player places a Chemsynth Processor with 10 Chemsynth Tanks
to the right of it, the player can use it to create Synthetic Chemicals.||2||
4394|Earth|5467|2021|||Need a new look? These drops give your eyes a green gleam!
You may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye
drops also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible
to achieve.||10|0||
4306|Fire|||||Congratulations, you placed in the top 10 of the Grand Tournament!|||
4334|Water|||||Oh, nobody's even gonna notice this is missing, I'm sure. They had
at least two of these when they came in.|The Spare Body Part is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||
4368|Fire|||||Treasures for players to collect in Valhowla.|The Valhowla Treasure
is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||3||
4422|Water|||||Chocolate heals all wounds. Emotional wounds that is. It is pretty
useless for broken bones. And really it doesn't do much for emotional problems
either, it just tastes good.|Chocolate Heart is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February 10, 2017.||1||
4308|Earth|323|781|||Used only in surgery. When a bone is absolutely shattered,you
need to use pins to put it back together. A Surgical Splint won't do it! Can only
be used once you've opened an incision, of course.||21|1||
4970|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|You are burning with brilliant energy! Also double-jump power.|The Pink Aura
is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2017 Day 4.||0|Double Jump|
4988|None|||You trail lightning as you run!|No more static cling.|This amulet
bestows you with speed energy, making you run so fast that lightning trails behind
you! Grants Super Speed if you don't have it already.|||0|Speedy|
4958|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Sand Shark. A shark with a vicious bite. Sand Sharks
can live up to seven years old. See this shark in action in Hungry Shark World.|The
Sand Shark is a fish, introduced on the 6th day of Player Appreciation Week 2017.
It is obtained by fishing with a Shrimp Lure, it's maximum size being 200lb.||1||
4120|Fire|||||This is a strand of prehistoric DNA. It appears to be the beginning
of a velociraptor DNA sequence. Perhaps there's a way to recombine it and bring
them back! That doesn't seem like a terrible idea at all.|The Raptor DNA Strand
Alpha is a DNA released along as part of the Growassic Park Update. It is
obtainable from extracting fossil drops using a DNA Extractor.||1||
4336|Water|||||Wow, you had all the right parts to make a spare body! You never
know when this might come in handy.|The Spare Body is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||1||
4386|Wind|||||Fancy the place up a little with some lovely white fabric.|The White
Bunting is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the
Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4322|Fire|||||Wrench this device to clean your surgical instruments. And by
"clean", we mean exchange 20 of one instrument for 1 of every other instrument.|||
4370|Wind|||||Get the party started with a blast of streamers!|The Party Popper is
an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on
January 6, 2017.||0||
4418|Fire|||||Legs getting tired? Have a seat!|The Loveseat is an unsplicable non-
solid seat foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on
February 10, 2017.||1||
4160|Earth|||||So this is what the inside of a haunted house looks like!||4|0||
4412|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|If you were a pegasus, you'd spend all your time flying too. Why walk on those
teeny legs? These mighty wings allow you both to double jump too.|The Pegasus is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2017 on February
10, 2017.||0|Double Jump|
4320|None|||||Not a real item, just used for an icon.|The Empty Surgery Tray is an
unobtainable component which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January
6, 2017.||1||
4366|Wind|||||Blow this horn to let everybody know where the party is! It’s like a
super broadcast, only you can’t control what you say, because this party be OFF THE
4348|Water|||Chance of bonus gems from breaking blocks!|Just regular old gems.|Got
your mind on your gems and your gems on your mind? Start sippin' on Gemmin' Juice!
It gives you a 10% chance of getting double gems from any blocks you break for 30
minutes. Consumed when used.|||0||
4128|None|2507|3835|||Head protection is required in construction areas, and at
some dig sites.||19|0||
4352|Fire|||||Punch it to open or shut it! Anybody unlucky enough to be caught
inside when it closes gets wolfed down.|||3||
4396|Wind|||||These are surprisingly bouncy. Hold Jump as you land for maximum
bounce.|The Blue Awning is an unsplicable platform trampoline foreground block
which was added as part of the Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4140|None|||||Multiple layers of petticoats keep you warm when stalking your prey!|
The Doompunk Skirt is a clothing item added in Halloween Week 2016.||0||
4722|Fire|4721|429|||Wrench this to adjust settings for your adventure. When
players step on it, all their adventure items are reset, and you can assign them
limited lives or a timer to complete the adventure.|The Adventure Begins is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of The Adventure Pack
Strikes Back! update on June 1, 2017.|17|1||
4314|Fire|323|781|||Used only in surgery. This can reduce a patient's bleeding
significantly, but without closing up their incisions, like Surgical Stitches will
do. You can only use this when you have open incisions.||21|1||
4382|Wind|||||Fancy the place up a little with some lovely pink fabric.|The Pink
Bunting is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the
Night of the Sewing Dead update.||0||
4434|Water|4433|3769|||Use on a highlighted Chemsynth Tank to rotate chemicals
around it. Rotates as many from the right as it can to match how many are to the
left of the selected Tank.||40|1||
4372|Wind|||||Dress the place up a little for our anniversary party!|||0||
4390|Wind|||||Fancy the place up a little with some lovely yellow fabric.|The
Yellow Bunting is a non-solid block that was added on Night of the Sewing Dead
4378|Earth|||||This tastes so good it just makes you want to dance!|The Party Cake
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on
January 6, 2017.||0||
4316|Wind|323|781|||Used only in surgery. This detailed scan can inform you of any
broken bones, tumors, or other physical issues within the patient's body. Use this
right away to diagnose the problem!||21|1||
4302|Fire|||||Congratulations, you won the Grand Tournament!|||3||
4340|None|||A water spirit protects you!|Unspirited.|Zfert's got spirit!|The Water
Spirit Necklace is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0|Shelly|
4374|None|||||Whoa dude, major party fowl. You earned this for playing Growtopia
for THREE YEARS, and over 300 hours, and reaching level 50! Wow, that's
dedication.|The Party Fowl is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part
of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4362|None|||||This monocle is haunted by the spirit of an ancient wolf! That's more
common than you'd expect among monocles.|The Ghost Wolf Monocle is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2017 on January 6, 2017.||0||
4118|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|I think this raptor has more
World Locks than you do.|Golden Riding Raptor is an unsplicable feet item that was
introduced during the Growassic Park update.||0|Speedy|
4112|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|I know, they're supposed to
have feathers and stuff nowadays... Well, this is an old-school raptor!|The Blue
Riding Raptor is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Growassic
Park update.||0|Speedy|
5318|Earth|||||A wonderful Winterfest Calendar, jam-packed with joy and gifts to
celebrate the holidays. Make sure to check back each day to get a new gift! ...or
just wait and open them all in one go! Either way, it's a blast! WARNING! DO NOT
BREAK! The Winterfest Calendar will not return to your backpack if broken!|The
Winterfest Calendar - 2017 is a block which was released on December 1st 2017 as a
bonus for purchasing the Zephyr Helm.||10||
5460|Earth|5467|2021|||Need a new look? These drops give your eyes a green gleam!
You may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye
drops also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible
to achieve.||10|0||
5014|Fire|||||This is fairly morbid. Also hot.|||2||
5010|None|||||Tired of being kicked in the shins? Aren't we all?|The Plate Greaves
is an unsplicable pants item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day
5458|Fire|5467|2015|||Need a new look? These drops will have you seeing red! You
may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect. Eye drops
also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be impossible to
5026|Water|||||The slippery, liquid soul of blocks. Not only looks nice - it's also
refreshing!|The Water Essence is an unsplicable component which was introduced
during the Hidden Riches update. It is obtained by breaking any blocks with Water
5116|Water|||||Be careful! This upscale set of porcelain goodness is incredibly
delicate. One wrong move, and you'll chip it and let all the tea ghosts out! They
are a thing, you know.|The Tea Set is a splicable non-solid provider foreground
block which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2017.||1||
5012|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|There was a saddle here, but
it burned up. Eh, you can probably ride bareback.|The Flaming Horsie is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2017 Day
5004|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|Looks like a little
blob of wind following you! Makes sense.|The Playful Wind Sprite is an unsplicable
Playful Sprite pet hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2017.||0|Flaming Hot|
5006|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|Looks like a little
blob of wood following you! Makes sense.|The Playful Wood Sprite is an unsplicable
Playful Sprite pet hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2017.||0|Flaming Hot|
5166|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5168|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5162|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5170|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5164|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5028|Earth|||||Titanic forces of dirt and stone have ground together to forge this
pure piece of earth. Also makes for a nice paperweight.|The Earth Essence is a
component that was introduced during the Hidden Riches update. It is obtained by
breaking any blocks with Earth Chi.||2||
5150|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5148|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5080|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5152|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5022|None|||||Ancient magic has unlocked the secrets of advance chicken farming!
Now, for the first time, your chicken will PLANT seeds instead of eating them!
(When equipped, will plant whatever seed you have selected as you move!)|The
Chicken Plow is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Hidden
Riches update on September 1, 2017.||0||
5024|Fire|||||The blazing heart of blockdom. Ow! Ow! Spicy.|Fire Essence is an
unsplicable essence item which was added in the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5018|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|A feathered friend to carry
you to and fro! Best parts? He'll never peck you to death with hordes of his angry
5208|None|||Swim faster!|No shark for you.|Oh what have you DONE?! This terrifying
shark combines prehistoric predator power with the unholy corruption of Growganoth
to create an unstoppable chomping machine! Class: DEMON-SIZED! See this shark in
action in Hungry Shark World!|The Demon Megalodon is an unsplicable feet item which
was added as part of Halloween Week 2017.||0|I'm On A Shark!|
5144|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5232|None|||||Ew! This thing is frilly, wet, and slimy - most places won't want you
around in it, except maybe those hipster fish restaurants. May I recommend the
"Black Lagoon Risotto"?|The Fish Monster Mask is a mask. It was added in Halloween
Week 2017. It is used to make the Demented Cowl.|19|0||
5210|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|THE DEMON CHICKEN! A feathered
fiend to scare and carry you to and fro! The best part? He'll absolutely peck you
to death, just for fun! ...wait, that's bad.|The El Pollo Diablo is an unsplicable
feet item which was added as part of the Halloween Week 2017 update on October 30,
5118|None|||||Act out your inner villain - or scare the bejeezus out of some birds
- with this creepy harvest headgear. Who knew burlap and stitches could be so
unsettling?|The Scarecrow Mask is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part
of Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5874|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5456|None|||Getting ready for war!|You got bored with war!|Forged from stardust,
aether winds, and purest silver, this beautiful bow belongs amongst the heavens -
you must have been incredibly fortunate to count it among your possessions. Well,
that or you're just a really good trader. Either way, let's shoot some stuff!|The
Silverstar Bow is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest
2017.||0|Silver Shimmer Bow|
5894|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|||1||
5250|Fire|||||Hmm, looks like part of a doll! I bet you could make a complete one
if you found the other pieces.|The Doll Head Part is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2017 on October 30, 2017.||1||
5482|None|||||Halt your fall with this helicopter hair, courtesy of Rayman himself!
How does it spin like that? And more importantly, how does it look so amazing?|
Rayman's Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Rayman
update on January 1, 2018.||0||
5562|None|||Swim faster!|No shark for you.|Out of the sand and happy on land, this
sand shark has decided to let you ride it around. Isn't that nice of him?|
The Riding Sand Shark is a foot item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.
It is made by successfully completing level 10 training for a Sand Shark.||0|I'm On
A Shark|
5266|None|||||A shocking style for sure, but there might be more to it than that!
Maybe you should check to see if it reacts with any other electrical sources...|The
Static Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Strange
Crystals update on November 13, 2017.||0||
5676|Fire|65|25|||Send your CyBots one square straight up with this command!|The
Command - Move Up is is a CyBot Command that was released alongside the March
Update. When applied to a CyBot, it causes the bot to move one space up.|4|1||
5784|Earth|||||Line up the perfect shot for your ShooterBotwith this control
platform! One touch of its deadly laser cannon and your foes will be history. This
CyBot can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5618|Water|||||Store treasures of the deep (or your grandma's garage sale) within
its barnacled interior by dropping them! When it's closed, the items are hidden!
Punch it to open it!|Davy Jones' Chest is a chest item which acts the same as a
Treasure Chest.||2||
5070|Fire|||||A raw chunk of reality itself! The pure magic surrounding it could
certainly be used for something spectacular... or set on a shelf to look pretty!|
Crystallized Reality is an unsplicable foreground block which was added in the
Hidden Riches update.||2||
5890|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and flame-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5290|None|||||Do the turkey trot with these gobble-tastic gams! Gobble gobble
gobble!|The Turkey Onesie Legs is an unsplicable pants which was added on
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5720|None|||||Bring out your natural beauty and turn yourself into a true spirit of
nature. You won't get magic powers from it, though - unless you count looking
lovely as a power!|The Faerie Face Paint is an unsplicable face item which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2018.||0||
5262|Earth|||Dazzle your friends as super funky neon lines course across your
skin.|Party's over.|Take a piece and dazzle your friends as super funky neon lines
course across your skin. Chew rapidly to get a Speed boost and surround yourself
with glowing bubbles!|Neon Gum is a consumable introduced in the Strange Crystals
5230|None|||||Electric voodoo stylings to put the frighteners on your friends! Now
in ghastly green!|The Neon Voodoo Mask - Plasma Green is the green variant of
the Neon Voodoo Masks. It was added in Halloween Week 2017.|19|0||
5258|Fire|||||This steampunk clockwork crystal tuning fork uses its whirling gears
to make crystal balancing a harmonious affair - broadens the spectrum of required
chi for crystal balancing.|The Chi Harmonizer is an unsplicable background block
which was added as part of the Strange Crystals Update.||0||
5276|None|||You're a demon slayer!|Seriously? Are you joking? You're totally
joking!|Everyone's heard of crafting swords from fallen stars, but this incredible
weapon is forged from the CONSTELLATIONS themselves, radiating with the might of
the heavens. Vile corruption and ancient darkness are no match for the glory of
this device, for it can banish them utterly.|The Celestial Lance is a hand item
that was added as part of the Strange Crystals update.||0|Celestial Lance|
5764|Earth|||||Packed with rich spices and wholesome powers, this spray will speed
up the growth of one tree from the Chinese New Year event by 24 hours!|The Oriental
Spice Spray is an unsplicable consumable that was added during Chinese New Year
5840|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and plaid-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5552|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Cuttlefish. You may think this is a fish, but you'd
be wrong! Cuttlefish are molluscs - but "Cuttlemollusc," doesn't quite roll off the
tongue does it?|The Cuttlefish is a fish that was introduced in the Gone Fishin'!
5884|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and slant-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5626|Water|||||Oh no! The frigid waters froze your bait into a tiny chunk! Consume
to get a Mega-Pellet Bait.|The Tiny Frozen Chunk is a consumable which can be
obtained when Fishing in ice water.||0||
5240|Wind|||||Dangling spooky bats on string. Don't worry, your fellow Growtopians
will totally think they're the real deal. Keep those wigs covered!|The Hanging
Bats is an unspliceable non-solid foreground block which was introduced during
Halloween Week 2017.|5|0||
5708|Earth|||||Line up the perfect shot for your ShooterBotwith this control
platform! One touch of its deadly laser cannon and your foes will be history. This
CyBot can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5224|None|||||Electric voodoo stylings to put the frighteners on your friends! Now
in woeful white!||19|0||
5902|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Cross) is a non-solid foreground block
released as a part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5984|Water|||Your feet spring to life.|Your feet shrink back to normal.|Ganache-
filled, cocoa-dusted, deep-fried bouncy chocolatey bunny goodness! Yum! Food Buff:
High jump! Doesn't stack with other high jump mods.|||1||
5278|None|||||Ripped from the heavens, stolen by demons, and now bequeathed to you.
This miraculous crown will make you as light as the feather itself - a fitting gift
for one who would stand against the darkness.|The Celestial Halo is an unsplicable
hat item, added during the Strange Crystals update.||0||
5422|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Everyone will want a ride on
this luxurious winter sleigh, especially with your trusty Reindeer leading the way!
(We recommend charging competitive rates and hiring a marketing firm for any new
sleigh-focused business models).|||0|Speedy|
5612|None|||||Arrr, me hearties! Sail the seven seas with floating tentacles on
your face, and all will know your name and tremble before your rubbery glory.|The
Tentacle Beard is a face item which was first introduced during the Gone Fishin'!
5056|Water|||||These rippling magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia.
Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination. Ah, refreshing!|
The Tidal Gate is an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as
part of the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5864|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Slant) is a non-solid foreground block released as a part of the Guilds Update.||
5638|Earth|||||Tired of picking up things with your puny human hands only to put
them down later? With the awesome power of MAGNETS, these woes will be a thing of
the past! GrowTech inc. proudly presents the MAGPLANT 5000, an all-in-one item-
collecting and planting masterpiece. Simply target the machine to the seed or block
of your choosing, and it will collect and store any that drop in your world! Only
collects items from breaking blocks and harvesting!|||10||
5836|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and filigreed flag! Its
colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5446|None|||||If you ever saw a jacket and thought, "That's not NEARLY puffy enough
for me," then this poofed-up piece of apparel will be perfect for you. Get it now
to stay warm AND awesome all winter long!|||0||
5282|Wind|||||The dust of precious stones. This dust contains heavenly properties,
perhaps it could be refined to form something of use.|Celestial Dust is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Strange Crystals update on
November 13, 2017.||1||
5048|Water|||||Laced with unobtanium, this floating rock comes complete with lovely
cinematic waterfalls! The perfect touch to elevate a zen garden, or at least make
your neighbours jealous.|The Water Asteroid was added with the Hidden Riches
5286|None|||||The crown of your turkey ensemble! Just don't lose your head over it!
Gobble gobble gobble!|The Turkey Onesie Hood is a hair which was first introduced
during the first day of the Thanksgiving Week 2017 on November 23, 2017.||0||
5120|None|||||Tear up some topsoil with this handy home implement. Can anything
really be better than punching though?|The Rake is a hand clothing item, introduced
during Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5032|Earth|||||Punch it to open and shut it. Anyone unlucky enough to be caught
inside when it closes becomes one with the soil. Really handy for gravediggers,
too!|The Fissure is an unsplicable toggleable foreground block which was added as
part of the Hidden Riches update.|3|1||
5506|None|||||We've taken the greatest party hat known to science and given it an
ultra upgrade. Okay, NOW this is clearly the best possible hat. How else could it
be better?|The Ultra Party Glow Top Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added
as part of Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5526|Water|||||Attract nuclear fish! Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait in
a nearby radioactive water to start fishing. The ghostly glowing light of uranium
will catch unique fish that other bait can't entice!|||0||
5114|Water|||Steady hands of a surgeon.|Butterfingers again.|Steady your hands with
a refreshing sip of herbal tea! Posh! Halves the chance of skill failure when
performing surgeries! (Doesn't stack with other items that reduces skill failure
chance)|Tea is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2017.||1||
5794|Earth|||||Direct your ShockBot from this control platform, and send it sailing
into the faces of the unwary! Ouch! That one hurts! This CyBot can take up to 5
5364|Wind|||||Hopping holiday fun, compacted with springs and a touch of seasonal
joy to make every bounce the best yet! Also good for scaring small children and
cats.|The Jack-in-the-Box is an unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which
was added on WinterFest 2017.||2||
5732|Wind|||||The heavenly sounds of the harp - who can resist the soothing
pleasure of running their fingers across the strings?|The Harp is an unsplicable
non-solid SFX foreground block which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2018
on March 16, 2018.||2||
5306|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this bronzed
shopping cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Bronze is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
5928|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and striped-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5068|Earth|||||Forged with long-lost sorceries, this glass remains unscratched
after untold centuries! What could it reflect? Peer through it and into a time long
past...|The Ancient Lens were added with the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5356|Earth|||||Get festive with this pretty - yet pointy - decoration!|The Holly is
an unsplicable solid pain foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest
5180|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5302|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this silvered Thanksgiving
turkey leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Silver is
an unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week
5922|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and cross-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
mascot!|The Guild Flag - Shield (Cross) is a non-solid foreground block released as
a part of the Guilds Update. It can be obtained by breaking a Guild Flag - Shield
5936|Earth|||||A mightly guild potion! Only a Guild Leader can consume it, which
will give its buff to ALL guild members. Guild Potion Buff: 5% Grow time reduction!
- Buff lasts for a limited time.|The Guild Potion - Grow is a consumable that was
added as part of the Guilds Update.||0||
5236|Fire|||||Ouch! This thing packs some seriously spiky nails. However tempting
it may be, do NOT go inside!|The Iron Maiden is an unsplicable toggleable
foreground block which was first introduced during Halloween Week 2017.||3||
5086|Earth|||||A celestial seat of crafting power - use this to make your artifact
even better. Who knew you could improve on perfection?|The Ancient Altar is a block
introduced during the Ancestral Power update.||1||
5272|Wind|||||Build with these chunks of psychedelic sweetness, and their
shimmering patterns will forever delight visitors to your worlds. I wonder if
they'd hypnotize people, too - just look at those colors...|The Kaleidoscopic
Wallpaper is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of
the Strange Crystals update on November 13, 2017.||1||
5758|None|||||A body of the dragon! See how long you can make it!|The Red Dragon
Body is a hat item that was added as part of Chinese New Year 2018 on February 16,
5346|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|Balloon Warz Winter 2017 MVP Trophy -
Build is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Brr-
lloon Warz 2017. 1 could be obtained from being in team Build during the event and
finishing in the top 20.||0||
5624|Water|||||Proud of your catch, but you don't want the responsibility of caring
for it? Place it on this fancy mount with your wrench! You can only display Perfect
or Massive fish on this mount. Once a fish is mounted, it can never be removed.|The
Fancy Fish Wall Mount is an unsplicable foreground block.||1||
5886|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and panel-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5216|None|||||Terror is the new black! Nurse, pass me the scalpel!|The Killer
Doctor's Cap is an unsplicable hat item which was added on Halloween Week 2017. One
can be obtained from sacrificing a Scrub Cap to the Growganoth.||0||
5796|Earth|||||Direct your ShockBot from this control platform, and send it sailing
into the faces of the unwary! Ouch! That one hurts! This CyBot can take up to 5
5976|None|||||Show your business side this spring with a power pastel tie! That
promotion is yours!|The Pastel Tie is a splicable chest item that was added as part
of Easter Week 2018.|5|0||
5322|None|||Ha! You have a helm fit for a king!|You don't like to be the king?|
We've captured mystic winds in gleaming gold and used super-complicated rituals to
transform them into a helm fit for a king! Don't bother trying to figure out how we
did it, though. We, uh, kinda lost the notes after someone left a window open.|||0|
Double Jump|
5066|Water|||||Superb craftmanship has kept this pristine across the ages. Once
part of some grand design, it can be again... if you can figure out what it will
make!|The Ancient Bracket is an unsplicable component which was introduced during
the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5348|Fire|||||The most delicious of blocks, spiced with ginger, cloves, nutmeg, a
touch of honey and a heaping helping of holiday goodness! Shame you can't eat
it...|The Gingerbread Block is an unsplicable foreground block that was added as
part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5668|Earth|||||Direct your ShockBot from this control platform, and send it sailing
into the faces of the unwary! Ouch! That one hurts! This CyBot can take up to 5
5270|Earth|||||An enormous chunk of shimmering opal, resplendent in it's square-
shaped majesty. You could never build a house out of opal in the real world, which
is just one more reason why Growtopia is so much cooler.|The Opal Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block introduced during the Strange Crystals update on
November 13, 2017.|26|3||
5524|Fire|||||Blast through the surface of irradiated blocks with this nuclear
detonator and get fishing! It's a bit volatile though and may break!|||0||
5582|None|||||This voracious beast can now be ridden across the land, striking fear
(and awe) into all who gaze upon it. Perfect for those who always wanted to ride a
carpet with teeth.|The Riding Weird Manta Ray is a foot item, introduced during the
Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing level 10 training for a Weird
Manta Ray.||0||
5868|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Stripe) is a non-solid foreground block released as a part of the Guilds Update.||
5128|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5368|Water|||||As ice thaws, it drips down and refreezes to create these wonderful
wintry spikes, I like to think of them as free, water-flavoured popsicles.|The
Small Icicles is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part
of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5492|None|||||This ultra version not only celebrates optimal sound balance, but it
does it will mesmerizing movement! Ooh, the colors...|The Ultra Equalizer Tee is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2018 on January
5, 2021.||0||
5898|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped and harlequin-patterned flag! Its colors will
adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5314|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this silvered tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Silver is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5510|None|||||Take your party powers of shade-based hypnotism to the next level
with this ultra version and never be friendless again!|The Ultra Party Glow Shades
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2018 on
January 5, 2018.||0||
5448|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Mr. Narwhal. This is a 1 lb. Mr. Narwhal. The
majestic narwhal, unicorn of the deep and expert poker of all things aquatic, is
now yours for all your aquarium-enhancing needs!|Mr. Narwhal is a fish which was
added as part of WinterFest 2017.||1||
5436|None|||||Toss this on to keep warm and become one with the wilderness. Maybe
try to befriend a bear while you're at it? No, that's crazy...|The Mountain Coat is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||0||
5268|None|||||Clasp your neck in this flawlessly cut piece of jewelwork, and be the
envy of all.|The Amethyst Choker is an unsplicable chest item that was added as
part of the Strange Crystals update on November 13, 2017.||0||
5504|None|||||This isn't just a great party hat - it's the GREATEST party hat. Top
the evening (and your noggin) with this finely-honed piece of wearable art!|The
Party Style Top Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5622|Fire|||||Radical! Write stuff on it to tell your friends! Use your Wrench to
change the message.|The Radiation Sign is an unsplicable non-solid sign foreground
block which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||1||
5204|Fire|||||Beams of dancing light twist and twirl within this glassy orb,
bringing out the mad scientist in everyone! Also makes your hair stand up, which is
pretty cool.|The Plasma Globe is an unsplicable non-solid animated foreground block
which was added as part of the Ancestral Power update.||0||
5260|Water|||||Forged from the finest, most calming and balanced materials in all
the worlds, this lock's peerless powers will influence ANY crystal recipes you
craft. Using it to lock a world will broaden the spectrum of chi requirements for
crystal balancing within! Radical!|The Harmonic Lock is a solid lock foreground
block which was added as part of the Strange Crystals update.||10||
5566|None|||||Neither fish nor horse, but after careful feeding, it's still a
trusty steed! Ride this undersea mount into battle and become a Knight of the
Seahorse! It's a very prestigious order, you know.|The Riding Seahorse is a foot
item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It can be obtained by completing
level 10 training for a Seahorse.||0||
5616|Water|||||Blow into this like a trumpet and enjoy the soothing tunes of the
sea wherever you may be. Or set it on a shelf and discuss tall tales of the briny
deep with your best mates. Ya harr!|The Queen Conch Shell is a non-solid block
which was added alongside the Gone Fishin'! update.||1||
5666|Earth|||||This is just a harmless frame with cool-looking lights on it, right?
Huh. Now they're getting brighter. And hotter. Um... maybe you should move. No,
faster than that! FASTER!|The Laser Grid is an unsplicable non-solid looming deadly
foreground block that was added as part of the Cyblocks and Growmojis update.|18|
5972|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this aqua pastel dress!|The Pastel Dress - Aqua is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Easter Week 2018 on April 5,
5806|Earth|||||Zzz... wha?! Oh, you're feeling sleepy, too? Let everyone know it!
Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
5656|Earth|||||This is probably the only safe bear out there - and he's huggably
wonderful! No need to worry about claws and doom with a plush companion like this.
If only real bears were as friendly...|The Teddy Bear Block is a non-solid
foreground block which was added on Valentine's Week 2018.||1||
5862|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped and
cross-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||
5788|Earth|||||Your enemies will run in panic before the power of your FlameBot -
hurts to touch, and hurts even more when it fires its Inferno Cannon! This Cybot
can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5960|None|||||You can never have enough cute bunnies! Carry this little guy with
you wherever you go!|The Bunny Toy is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Easter Week 2018.||0||
5454|None|||||Finally, the most luxuriously horrible holiday sweater you've been
waiting for. Your super-wealthy, ultra-classy grandma would be proud.|The Gross
Golden Holiday Sweater is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the
WinterFest 2017 update on December 18, 2017.||0||
5952|Fire|||||Congratulations to you for landing in the Top 31-100 on the Guild
Leaderboards! Open this beautiful bronze chest for a surprise item!|The Bronze
Guild Chest is a consumable that was released as part of the Guilds Update. Opening
one gives the same items as a Guild Chest does, but has a small chance of dropping
a Bear Spirit, Rainbow Hair, or Intergalactic Warrior Hair.||0||
5754|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Shimmering scales of pure power coat these marvelous wings, marking them as
the sign of the truly fortunate. These give you the power to double jump... and
look amazing. Fortune has smiled on you for possessing this! There are only 800 in
existence!|The Draconic Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part
of Chinese New Year 2018. Winning the Lucky Token raffle or the building
competition could also reward the player with 1 Draconic Wings.||0|Double Jump:
Draconic Wings|
5410|Earth|||You're in the Winterfest spirit.|Your paper crown dissolved in your
forehead sweat!|Get in the spirit of Winterfest with this red paper crown, then
wait for it to dissolve in your forehead sweat!|||1||
5084|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5304|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this gilded Thanksgiving turkey
leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Gold is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
5342|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|Balloon Warz Winter 2017 MVP Trophy -
Punch is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Brr-
lloon Warz 2017. 1 could be obtained from being in team Punch during the event and
finishing in the top 20.||0||
5330|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having
the team Grow to win a Balloon Warz during Winter 2017. It is however never
obtainable because the team Build won.||0||
5878|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and harlequin-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your
guild mascot!|||1||
5776|Earth|||||Brighten up your chat with a rare and wonderful Growtoken! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Growtoken is a
Growmoji that was released alongside with the March Update. When consumed, the
(gtoken) Growmoji becomes available for use.||1||
5122|None|||||Bunny bunny bunny cloud cloud cloud bunny cloud bunny cloud bunny
bunny cloud cloud|The Cloud Rabbit is a hand item which was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5298|None|||||Peck your dinner to death - just like a real turkey! Gobble gobble
gobble|The Turkey Onesie Beak is an unsplicable face item which was introduced
during Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5830|Wind|||||What better way to show off your guild flag than to perch it on top
of this super-pointy pole!|The Guild Flag Pole - Spear is a foreground block that
was released alongside the Guilds Update.||0||
5112|Wind|||||Rev this baby up and enter a world of fall delights! Rustling leaves,
setting suns, and a brisk chill in the air await you - just punch to activate! This
sensitive technology will not function when damaged.|The Weather Machine - Autumn
is a weather machine, added during Harvest Festival 2017.||2||
5002|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|Looks like a little
blob of fire following you! Makes sense.|The Playful Fire Sprite is an unsplicable
Playful Sprite pet hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2017.||0|Flaming Hot|
5860|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Plaid) is a non-solid foreground block released as apart of the Guilds Update.||
5242|Fire|||||Head bang to the extreme - and maybe a bit of dizziness - with this
deadly radio. Crank it up to 11 and trash your way into any party.|The Death Metal
Radio is a unsplicable toggleable animated foreground block which was introduced
during Halloween Week 2017.||1||
5212|None|||||Are your crops not sufficiently terrified? Well, buckle up, because
the power of Growganoth has overcharged the measely chicken plow into this fire-
belching, flame-spewing monstrosity. Crazed chicken included. Do not operate while
on prescription medication. Or for any other reason.|The Doom Plow is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2017.||0||
5188|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5756|None|||||The head of the dragon? What else can you add to this, I wonder.|The
Red Dragon Head is a hat item that was added as part of Chinese New Year 2018 on
February 16, 2018.||0||
5932|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and well-divisioned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
mascot.|The Guild Flag - Shield (Division) is a non-solid foreground block released
as part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5718|None|||||Celebrate alllll day - *hic* - long with this hands-free, extra-
*hic*-strong drinking device. Urp. 'Scuse me.|The Drinks Hat is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of Patrick's Week 2018.||0||
5948|Fire|||||Congratulations to you for landing in the Top 1-10 on the Guild
Leaderboards! Open this glorious gold chest for a surprise item!|||0||
5856|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped and
filigreed flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5556|None|||||You may think this is a fish, but you'd be wrong! Cuttlefish are
molluscs - but "Cuttlemollusc," doesn't sound quite roll off the tongue does it?
Either way, it'll be happy to follow you around, no matter what you call it.|The
Cuttlefish Leash is an unsplicable hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'!
update. It is obtained by completing level 10 training for a Cuttlefish.||0||
5474|Water|||||Dance floors with color beat dance floors with no colors every time,
so let's get this party started in bodacious blue!|The Bodacious Blue Dancefloor is
a Dancefloor that was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||2||
5826|Wind|||||Show off your guild colors in a vertical manner with this banner. Its
colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Banner - Normal
(Vertical) is a vertical banner which displays the player's guild mascot. The
colour of the banner will depend on the seeds of the item used for the mascot.||0||
5672|Fire|65|25|||Send your CyBots one square to the left with this command!||4|1||
5716|Wind|||||Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style with the most magical of all
weather! You can only have one of these per world.|The Weather Machine - St.
Paddy's Day is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2018.||2||
5866|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Panel) is a non-solid foreground block released as a part of the Guilds Update.||
5244|Wind|||||Oooo-OOO-ooooh! Who doesn't like glow-in-the-dark ghosts? Be the life
of any spooky event with these spectacular specters!|The Plastic Ghost is an
unsplicable non-solid switch foreground block which was added on Halloween Week
2017. One can be obtained from sacrificing a Glowstick to the Growganoth.||0||
5634|Fire|||||Yikes! The radioactive waters blasted your bait into a small
radioactive bit! With only trace amounts (honest) of radiation, consume to get a
Uranium Glowing Lure.|The Small Radioactive Bit is an unsplicable radioactive bit
consumable which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5052|Wind|||||The howling winds that came down with this asteroid have become a
permanent part of it! Now it will float forever, whispering the secrets of space to
you as it does. (NOTE: Secret of space may not actually be secret. Or audible.|The
Wind Asteroid is an animated block introduced during the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5108|Earth|||||Haaaaay! A big bale of harvest goodness, this is the perfect treat
for a hungry horse. Just don't feed them too much. It makes them crazy.|Hay is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of Harvest Festival
5234|None|||||Make friends with the shadows in this crazed - yet cool - cowl of
darkness! Looming darkness may give those who wear this creepy cloth a pass...|The
Demented Cowl is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Halloween Week
5646|None|||||True heartthrobs don’t just assume people will realize how amazing
they are – they wear awesome animated shirts like this to show off their romantic
might for them!|The Golden Heart Shirt is a shirt item that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2018. It is the golden counterpart of Heart Shirt.||0||
5908|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Stripe) is a non-solid foreground block
released as apart of the Guilds Update.||1||
5834|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered - yet still groovy -
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5254|Fire|||||Hmm, looks like part of a doll! I bet you could make a complete one
if you found the other pieces.|The Doll Legs Part is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2017 on October 30, 2017.||1||
5966|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this purple pastel dress!|Pastel Dress - Purple is a shirt item
which was introduced during Easter Week 2018.|4|0||
5104|Wind|||||Whirling mirrors of the finest crystal reveal a beautiful barrage of
color and patterns. Just don't stare at them too long, or you'll start seeing
psychedelic swirls everywhere! Ow, my eyes!|Celestial Kaleidoscope is an
unsplicable solid animated foreground block which was added as part of the Hidden
Riches update.||0||
5706|Earth|||||Contains 5 randomly chosen seeds, including 1 rare seed! Use it on
yourself to open it - who knows what you'll get?!|||1||
9526|Earth|||||Contains 5 randomly chosen seeds, including 5 rare seed! Use it on
yourself to open it - who knows what you'll get?!|||1||
5062|Fire|||||Creaking with legendary power, this must be the piece of something
far greater. And doorlike. Maybe.|The Ancient Hinge is an item introduced during
the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5480|None|||Who needs arms when you have these?|Got your arms back.|The perfect
punch! Ever wanted to send a disembodied fist flying across the land like Rayman?
Well, now you can! Land a blow like none other with this furious fist. It even
comes with a friend: Globox!|||0|Rayman's Fist|
5586|None|||||These aren't made of gold, which is actually a good thing - otherwise
they'd be too heavy to float beside you, looking all fishy and cool!|The Goldfish
Leash is a hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5872|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Division) is a non-solid foreground block released as a part of the Guilds
5774|Earth|||||Make your chat sparkle with delicious gems! Just consume this to add
it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Gems is a Growmoji that was released
alongside the March Update. When consumed, the (gems) Growmoji becomes available
for use.||1||
5802|Earth|||||Direct your SpikeBot from this control platform. If anyone so much
as GRAZES its deadly surface, they'll be dead, dead, dead! This CyBot can take up
to 5 commands.|||3||
5846|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and panel-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5620|Fire|||||Don't worry, the deadly radiation is still safely stored inside this
block - however, don't go prodding and poking it just in case!|The Radiation Block
is an animated block which was added during the Gone Fishin'! update.||2||
5522|Earth|||||Bore through the surface of frozen blocks with this hand drill and
get fishing! Be careful not to put too much strain on it, though - it may break!|||
5636|Fire|||||Yikes! The radioactive waters blasted your bait into a large
radioactive bit! With only trace amounts (honest) of radiation, consume to get a
Uranium Glowing Lure.|The Large Radioactive Bit is an unsplicable radioactive bit
consumable which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update on January 14,
5964|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this pink pastel dress!|Pastel Dress - Pink is a shirt item
which was introduced during Easter Week 2018.|1|0||
5588|None|||||Hey! It's not a real cat at all! It doesn't even purr! Well, at least
it's friendly enough to follow you around. Here kitty!|The Catfish Leash is an
unsplicable hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5968|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this orange pastel dress!|Pastel Dress - Orange is a shirt item
which was introduced during Easter Week 2018.|3|0||
5760|None|||||The legs of the dragon! See how long you can make it!|The Red Dragon
Legs is a hat item that was added as part of Chinese New Year 2018 on February 16,
5358|Earth|||||Live the life of a wilderness adventurer to the fullest with the
help of this cozy cabin. Warning: Will not protect you from bears. Seriously, don't
mess with those things.|The Log Cabin is an unsplicable background block that was
added as part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5602|Water|549|823|||Solid ice! Maybe you can use something to bore a hole inside
5050|Earth|||||You might think most asteroids are made of earth already, but this
one have EXTRA earth for the dirtiest, most magnificently rocky experience to be
found in a floating piece of the heavens.|The Earth Asteroid was introduced during
the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5574|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Alpha Great White Shark. The king predator of the
sea. Full of teeth and bereft of mercy, this abyssal biter can shred unwary
swimmers in seconds! Du-dum, dumm-dum... dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dumm,
dum - sh, sh, sh, SHARK! Aiiiiieee!|The Alpha Great White Shark is an unsplicable
fish which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||1||
5320|Earth|||||Winterfest 2017 was a bright and beautiful season, and this calendar
marked the occasion with joys and gifts! Now that it's empty, you won't be getting
anymore presents, but it can still be used as a lovely decoration.|||1||
5008|None|||Your pet has a fiery temper!|Your pet has fled.|Looks like a little
blob of water is following you! Makes sense.|The Playful Water Sprite is an
unsplicable Playful Sprite pet hand item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2017.||0|Flaming Hot|
5844|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and slant-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5596|None|||||This adorable Dogfish will follow you around like a little lost
puppy. They're so obedient!|The Dogfish Leash is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update. It is a possible drop from completing
level 10 training for a Dogfish, the other being Dogfish Slippers.||0||
5924|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and slant-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5824|Wind|||||Show off your guild colors with this honorable - and ornate - banner.
Banner colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Banner -
Ornate (Horizontal) is a non-solid block that came with the Guilds Update. The
colors will depend on the guild's mascot.||0||
5962|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this blue pastel dress!|The Pastel Dress - Blue is a shirt item
which was introduced as part of Easter Week 2018.|4|0||
5296|None|||||Look your Thanksgiving best with this wobbly tail! Gobble gobble
gobble!|The Turkey Onesie Tail is an unsplicable back item which was added on
Thanksgiving Week 2017 Day 6.||0||
5954|Fire|||||Loaded with guildy goodness (and other things)! Pop this chest open
for a surprise item!|||0||
5812|Earth|||||Behold the mighty fist of Growtopia! Punch it into your chat so all
may see your power! Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
5222|None|||||Hey, don't run away! IT really hurts my feelings when everyone flees
my festive presence!|The Demon Clown Mask is a mask. It was added in Halloween
Week 2017. It is used to make the Demented Cowl.|19|0||
5214|None|||||Calmly perform surgery in this horrific top. Your new and gruesome
bedside manner will be an instant hit with those meat sack- uh, I mean patients.|
The Killer Doctor's Smock is an unsplicable shirt item which was added in Halloween
Week 2017.||0||
5700|Fire|1165|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 12
squares to the right with this command!|Command - Long Shot Right is a CyBot
command added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which
can shoot, causing them to fire twelve squares right.|27|1||
5694|Fire|787|63|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 8
squares upwards with this command!|Command - Improved Shot Up is a CyBot command
added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can
shoot, causing it to fire 8 squares up.|19|1||
5786|Earth|||||Your enemies will run in panic before the power of your FlameBot -
hurts to touch, and hurts even more when it fires its Inferno Cannon! This Cybot
can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5184|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5704|Fire|1165|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 12
squares down with this command!|Command - Long Shot Down is a splicable CyBot
command added during the March Update.|27|1||
5906|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Panel) is a non-solid foreground block
released as a part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5900|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped and plaid-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt
to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5880|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and plaid-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5200|None|||||A whirling wisp of fabric to accent your perfect harvest style. Will
also keep you warm with extra snuggly fibers. Seriously, this thing is, like, TEN
times snuzzlier than the next leading scarf.|||0||
5058|Wind|||||These whispering magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia.|
The Typhoon Gate is an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added
as part of the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5228|None|||||Electric voodoo stylings to put the frighteners on your friends! Now
in petrifying pink!|The Neon Voodoo Mask - Petrifying Pink is the pink variant of
the Neon Voodoo Masks. It was added during Halloween Week 2017.|19|0||
5238|Wind|||||Uh, Its just a trick of the light, right? Nothing to worry about,
right? RIGHT?! Oh man you'd better move!|The Looming Shadows is an unsplicable non-
solid looming deadly foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week
5146|None|||Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Astonishing whirls of
space and time have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge
this tesseract. Equip it and watch your hoard grow..|||0|Extra Blocks...|
5256|Earth|||||Pumped full of seasonal goodness! For a tasty snack, take fresh
pumpkin seeds, roast in the oven in a single layer at 300F until dry (about 50
minutes), then take them out, toss with melted butter, sugar, cinamon, and salt,
and return to the oven at 350F until golden (about 12 more minutes). Growlicious!||
5404|Fire|||||The finest and most upscale of crackers! Pop this lovely present open
with a friend, and hope for something amazing!|||0||
5698|Fire|1165|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 12
squares to the left with this command!|Command - Long Shot Left is a CyBot command
added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can
shoot, causing them to fire twelve squares left.|27|1||
5832|Wind|||||What better way to show off your guild flag than to perch it on top
of this wonderfully-wingy pole!|The Guild Flag Pole - Wings is a foreground block
that was released alongside the Guilds Update.||0||
5054|Fire|||||These blazing magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia.
Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination. Ow hot!|The
Inferno Gate is an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as
part of the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5944|Fire|||||A small part of a mighty guild potion! Collect enough mixers to brew
a truly terrific concoction!|The Guild Potion: White Mixer is a consumable that was
added on Guilds Update.||0||
5842|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and cross-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag -
Tatters (Cross) is a non-solid foreground block released aspart of the Guilds
5502|None|||||Turn up the awesome with this ultra version - it'll really light up
the night!|The Ultra Party Light Wave Vest is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5778|Earth|||||Put your chat up for sale with a vending machine! Just consume this
to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Vend is a Growmoji that was
released alongside the March Update. When consumed, the (vend) Growmoji becomes
available for use. It can be obtained from the Growtoken Store for 15 Growtokens
(chance to obtain).||1||
5674|Fire|65|25|||Send your CyBots one square right with this command!||4|1||
5682|Fire|65|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 4
squares to the left with this command!|Command - Basic Shot Left is a CyBot command
added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can
shoot, causing them to fire four squares left.|5|1||
5294|None|||||Reach out and get a handle on the holidays with a turkey touch!
Gobble gobble gobble!|The Turkey Carving Set is a hand-item that was first
introduced on the fifth day of Thanksgiving Week 2017 on November 28, 2017.||0||
5792|Earth|||||Direct your ShockBot from this control platform, and send it sailing
into the faces of the unwary! Ouch! That one hurts! This CyBot can take up to 5
5328|Earth|||||There’s no such thing as a loser in balloon warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it of anyway!|Balloon Warz
Winter 2017 Bronze Trophy - Punch is a trophy that was obtainable by having the
team Punch to finish 3rd at Balloon Warz during Winter 2017.||0||
5292|None|||||Find your fall footing with these turkey toes! Gobble gobble gobble!|
The Turkey Onesie Feet is a feet item introduced during the fourth day of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5740|None|||||Equip this and use bait on water next to you to go fishing! All you
have to do is wait for a bite, and then punch the fish before it escapes! If you
miss, your bait is wasted, so punch fast. You will suffer mischievous effects when
catching fish with this rod!|||0||
5198|Earth|||||Create your own place of peace with this tranquil block. This has
been carefully crafted with only the most soothing grains of sand, and trust me, it
takes FOREVER to pick out the right ones.|The Zen Garden is a background block
which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2017.||1||
5710|Earth|||||Your enemies will run in panic before the power of your FlameBot -
hurts to touch, and hurts even more when it fires its Inferno Cannon! This Cybot
can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5766|Fire|||||Set the skies alight with a burst of traditional fireworks from the
land that invented them!|The Chinese Fireworks is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of Chinese New Year 2018.||1||
5814|Fire|||||Locks an entire world for the guild. Use your wrench to set guild
member and non-member access. The guild lock cannot be broken.|The Guild Lock is a
solid world lock foreground block that was added as part of the Guilds update.||0||
5376|Earth|||||The sprinkles are the most important part of any dessert, even if
it's a chocolate block. The key is to eat the chocolate first, so you can wear the
sprinkle shell as a hat!|The Chocolate Sprinkles Block is an unsplicable block
released during WinterFest 2017.||1||
5606|None|||||The warmest, fluffiest fish-based slippers around, these are the
cat's meow!|The Catfish Slippers is an unsplicable feet item, introduced during
the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5486|None|||||Rayman's spectacular shoes are yours! These are a toe-tingling
delight, with all kinds of padding and luxury features you'd expect from a
platform-hopping pro like Rayman. Toss these on and enjoy comfortable - and stylish
- foot-based movement from now on!|Rayman's Shoes is a feet item which was added as
part of the Rayman update on January 1, 2018.||0||
5904|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Slant) is a non-solid foreground block
released as a part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5896|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Filigree) is a non-solid foreground block
released as a part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5370|Wind|||||If you aren't in range of a boombox, this will play a festive
Winterfest-inspired sound for you. There are 14 different sounds, depending on how
you place it vertically. Try them all!|The Sheet Music: Winterfest is an
unsplicable Sheet Music background block that was added as part of WinterFest 2017
on December 18, 2017.||1||
5702|Fire|1165|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 12
squares directly up with this command!|Command - Long Shot Up is a CyBot command
added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can
shoot, causing them to fire twelve squares up.|27|1||
5124|None|||||This pint-sized woodland sprite will defend the beauty of nature -
and you - with all her adorable might! Just don't eat salads around her - it's very
insensitive.|The Dryad is a leash that was added during Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5310|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this gilded shopping
cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Gold is an unspliceable
foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5746|Earth|||||An arch of great cultural significance and history. Plus it looks
nifty.|The Chinese Arch  is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was
added on Chinese New Year 2018. One has a chance to be obtained from breaking
blocks during the Chinese New Year.|5|0||
5246|Fire|||||A completely ordinary, absolutely not-possessed, super-safe doll,
perfect for children and other helpless creatures. Please don't be afraid. It's
your friend. You should keep it close. Especially when you're asleep.|The Totally
Harmless Doll is a non-solid SFX foreground block which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2017 on October 30, 2017.||3||
5020|None|||Shiny rainbow fashion star growtopian!|Aw, back to your dull self.|A
fantastic aura of prismatic energy pulses around you, turning heads and bending the
laws of gravity to your will. The power to double jump - and look awesome - will be
yours!|||0|Prismatic Aura|
5546|None|||||Good heavens! This is one heck of a pet. Embodying the best (and
worst) of the cosmos, this split-faced aberration loves giving good and bad advice
while floating at your side.|The Double-Headed Angel-Devil Fish Leash is a hand
item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing
level 10 training for a Double-Headed Angel-Devil Fish.||0||
5508|None|||||Hypnotize your fellow Growtopians as they stare longingly into these
dazzling shades!|||0||
5470|Fire|||||Dance floors with color beat dance floors with no colors every time,
so let's get this party started in sweet, sunny yellow!|The Sun Yellow Dancefloor
is a Dancefloor which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||2||
5800|Earth|||||Direct your SpikeBot from this control platform. If anyone so much
as GRAZES its deadly surface, they'll be dead, dead, dead! This CyBot can take up
to 5 commands.|||3||
5726|Wind|||||If you aren't in range of a Boombox, this will play a flute note for
you. Put it in different places for different pitches.||4|0||
5642|None|||||This cherubic companion brings romance wherever he goes! With
feathery wings and a love-laced bow, he's an unstoppable source of sweetness.|The
Cupid Leash is a hand item which was added as part of the Valentine's Week
2018 update.||0||
5930|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and flame-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5608|None|||||Arf! For times when your dogs are barkin', slide on a pair of these
slippers and relax in fishy comfort.|The Dogfish Slippers is an unsplicable feet
item that was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5970|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this yellow pastel dress!|Pastel Dress - Yellow is a splicable
shirt item which was added on Easter Week 2018.|2|0||
5252|Fire|||||Hmm, looks like part of a doll! I bet you could make a complete one
if you found the other pieces.|The Doll Torso Part is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2017 on October 30, 2017.||1||
5126|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5592|None|||||Don't slap the bass - you'd just hurt it, and all it wants is to
follow you around.|The Bass Leash is an unsplicable hand item, introduced during
the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5082|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|Fantastic powers of
verdant night have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this
seed. Equip it and the bloom of life will bend to your will...|||0|Reduced
5790|Earth|||||Your enemies will run in panic before the power of your FlameBot -
hurts to touch, and hurts even more when it fires its Inferno Cannon! This Cybot
can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5736|None|||||Nobody knows where the name of this fish came from – it's quite
mysterious – but what we DO know is that it'll fill your world with happiness and
glee as it follows you around.|The Rainbowfish Leash is a leash that was released
as part of 2018's St. Patrick's Week.||0||
5974|None|||||Spring fashion has arrived! ‘Tis the season for brightening skies,
growing seeds, and this green pastel dress!|Pastel Dress - Green is a shirt item
which was introduced during Easter Week 2018.|2|0||
5820|Earth|||||Members only! This ornate private door only lets people in your
guild (or folks you like) pass through. Wrench it to add guild members and any
'others'. Note: Guild members will automatically be removed if they leave the
guild!|The Guild Entrance - Ornate is an entrance that was released alongside the
April Update.||2||
5088|None|||Whoooaaaa! You're a scary ghooooost! Boo!|You are back among the
living.|Clutching darkness whispers from the very essence of this dire robe. A
mantle of unfathomable shadow, only the brave dare wear it, for it is marked by the
haunting touch of the grave. We don't know where it came from - only that it must
have been incredibly, deeply dark.|||0|Ghastly Robe|
5430|None|||||Everybody toss on this midnight coat and say: "I'm a lumberjack and
I'm okay, I chop down trees and I work all day."|When equipped, all the Lumberjack
Coats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
5078|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5496|None|||||Don't worry - no matter how realistic this t-shirt's flames may be,
it won't light anything on fire! ...though you WILL look super hot!|The Flame
Tee is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2018
on January 5, 2018.||0||
5220|None|||||Hit the dance floor - or the nearest surgery suite - in these breezy,
yet unsettling scrubs. Nothing says comfort like a two-legged memento of your
latest surgery success (or failure)!|The Killer Doctor's Pants are a pants item
added in Halloween Week 2017. It is 1 part of a 4 part set, with the other items
being the:||0||
5130|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5548|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Absolutely Real Elephant Fish. A genuine elephant
fish that totally exists. Ha! Look at his silly nose! Just hide your peanuts while
they're around - they're obsessed.|The Absolutely Real Elephant Fish is a fish that
was introduced in the Gone Fishin'! update.||1||
5934|Fire|||The Guild Leader released the magic!|The effects of the Guild Potion
have ended!|A mighty guild potion! Only a Guild Leader can consume it, which will
give its buff to ALL guild members. Guild Potion Buff: Geiger charge time reduced
by 25%! - Buff lasts for a limited time.|Guild Potion - Geiger is an unsplicable
consumable which was added in the Guilds Update.||0||
5942|Earth|||The Guild Leader released the magic! 1% chance of Extra Blocks!|The
effects of the Guild Potion have ended!|A mighty guild potion! Only a Guild Leader
can consume it, which will give its buff to ALL guild members. Guild Potion Buff:
1% bonus chance of a dropping an Extra Block! - Buff lasts for a limited time.|
Guild Potion - Blocks is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Guilds update.||0||
5288|None|||||No turkey is complete without a gobbly body, and this is the best you
can find! Gobble gobble gobble!|The Turkey Onesie Body is a shirt which was first
introduced during the second day of the Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5134|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5882|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and cross-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5848|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and striped-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5096|Earth|||||A lovely leaf, it's color burnt by the changing seasons. It's a sign
of hockey, Canadian patriotism, and, most importantly... pancake syrup!|The Maple
Leaf is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2017. Several of this block can be found naturally-generated in Harvest-moon-
blasted worlds.|6|0||
5044|Fire|||||Groovy glows to light up your life! This lamp may be a little
outdated, but who cares? It looks awesome!|Lava Lamp is an unsplicable non-solid
block that was introduced during Hidden Riches. It can be obtained by breaking any
blocks on Wednesday.|3|1||
5988|None|||||These totally legit ears somehow allow you to have your actual ears
too. Now that’s bunny magic!|The Totally Legit Bunny Ears is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of Easter Week 2018.||0||
5996|None|||||A flag being carried by a player. Get moving!|The Carried Game Egg is
an unobtainable item introduced during Easter Week 2018. It is used in the world
EGGRESCUE. It works the same as the Carried Game Flag and is the sprite shown when
the player is holding a Game Egg.||2||
5640|Earth|||||Switch your patent-pending MAGPLANT 5000 to plant mode, and this
handy remote will place any blocks or seeds it contains wherever you target! Wow!
It's not a miracle - it's SCIENCE! (TM)|The MAGPLANT 5000 Remote is an untradable
item that was released as part of February 2018's Item Of The Month.||0||
5218|None|||||Scare the bejeezus out of your patients with this deeply creepy
surgeon's item. No unwanted surgery is complete without an evil mask to veil your
villainous smile!|The Killer Doctor's Face Mask is an unsplicable hair item which
was added on Halloween Week 2017. One can be obtained from sacrificing a Scrub Mask
to the Growganoth.||0||
5110|Earth|||||The secret weapon of pine trees. Nothing says 'fall' like getting
hit in the head with a big, pointy bundle of seeds! Ow!|The Pinecone is an
unsplicable solid pain foreground block which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2017. Pinecone Trees are naturally generated in harvest-moon-blasted worlds.|4|1||
5578|None|||||The king predator of the sea will follow you around and watch your
back. Take him on dates for an extra-romantic companion. Nobody can resist the
owner of a deep sea terror, and this is one of the deepest, most terrifying things
you can get!|The Alpha Great White Shark Leash is a hand item, introduced during
the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing level 10 training for an
Alpha Great White Shark.||0||
5570|None|||||The snappiest, toothiest, chompin'est fish is out of the tank - and
out for blood! This battle gar will chow down on your foes and bring you
victory! ...just don't get too close to those snappy jaws!|The Battle Gar is an
unspliceable hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5584|None|||||Flapping wings curl through the air at your side, but this is no pet
bird - it's a really creepy manta ray! Happy to be freed from toxic sludge, it
floats beside you as a loyal friend.|The Weird Manta Ray Leash is an unsplicable
hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing
level 10 training for a Weird Manta Ray.||0||
5810|Earth|||||Behold the mighty fist of Growtopia! Punch it into your chat so all
may see your power! Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
5076|Earth|||||A fragment of Gaia's beating heart! The unstoppable life force
surrounding it could certainly used for something spectacular... or set on a shelf
to look pretty!|The Crystallized Nature is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added during the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5914|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5442|None|||||Mmmph mmph mmph!|||0||
6000|None|||||Use your wrench to set which team this block belongs to! During a
Game, players of that team will respawn here.|||2||
5300|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this bronzed Thanksgiving turkey
leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Bronze is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
5038|Water|||||Stinging denizen of the deep! It won't kill you, but it'll hurt
somethin' FIERCE. Unless you're a clown fish, I guess, but they have other things
to worry about.||3|1||
5098|Fire|||||Shimmering layers of reptillian armor fit for the mightiest of
drakes. Surprisingly enough, they also make for a really nice wallpaper!|The Dragon
Scales is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2017.||1||
5512|None|||||Light up the night - and the dance floor - by popping these hotly-
glowing goodies over your toes!|||0||
5334|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|This trophy was
obtainable by having the team Grow to finish 3rd at Balloon Warz during Winter
2017. It is however never obtainable due to team Punch finishing 3nd instead.||0||
5926|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
and panel-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5538|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Maidmare Fish. A terrifying creature forged by the
awful effects of radiation! Don't stare too long or "she'll" get upset...|The
Maidmare Fish is a fish that was first introduced during the Gone Fishin'!
5918|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5462|Water|5467|2025|||Need a new look? These drops will have you feeling anything
but blue! You may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired
effect. Eye drops also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be
impossible to achieve.||12|0||
5632|Fire|||||Yikes! The radioactive waters blasted your bait into a tiny
radioactive bit! With only trace amounts (honest) of radiation, consume to get a
Uranium Glowing Lure.|The Tiny Radioactive Bit is an unsplicable radioactive bit
consumable which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5660|Earth|||||A tender-hearted drapery to hide you and your sweetheart from prying
eyes! Just make sure you know them well - otherwise you might end up getting in a
less-than-affectionate fight!|The Love Curtain is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2018.||1||
5652|None|||||A heart that's incomplete is a symbol of want, of the need to belong,
and that means this necklace is looking for a match. Find your valentine out there
and be whole again!|The Heart Necklace is an unsplicable neck item which was
introduced during the Valentine's Week 2018 update on February 9, 2018.||0||
5354|Fire|||||The most welcoming doors are the ones made of gingerbread! Just be
careful nobody eats it while you're distracted...|The Gingerbread Door is a non-
solid door foreground block which was added on WinterFest 2017.||2||
5680|Fire|65|25|||Make your CyBots stop for a moment with this command!||4|1||
5352|Fire|||||Raise the roof! The gingerbread roof, that is. Will shelter you from
syrup rain, candy hail, and sugar blizzards.|The Gingerbread Roof is an unsplicable
platform that was added as part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5554|None|||||Writhing tentacles clear the way as you ride into town on this slimy
beast! All shall tremble before your mighty fish- err... mollusc!|The Riding
Cuttlefish is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Gone Fishin'!
update on January 14, 2018.||0||
5340|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|This trophy was
obtainable by having the team Build to finish 3rd at Balloon Warz during Winter
2017. It is however never obtainable due to team Punch finishing 3rd instead.||0||
5316|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this gilded tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Gold is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5876|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and filigreed flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5650|None|||Run like the wind!|Your feet are back on the ground!|For times when
ordinary winged shoes won’t do, pop these shining masterpieces on and show the
world you’re not just faster and flightier than the average footwearer – you’re
also fancier.|The Golden Talaria is a feet item that were released during
Valentine's Week 2018.||0|Fleet of Foot|
5852|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top of
your game with this tattered and well-divisioned flag! Its colors will adapt to the
seeds from your guild mascot.|||1||
5412|Earth|||You're in the Winterfest spirit.|Your paper crown dissolved in your
forehead sweat!|Get in the spirit of Winterfest with this red paper crown, then
wait for it to dissolve in your forehead sweat!|||1||
5728|Wind|163|5727|||This note plays a half-step higher note than Sheet Music:
Flute Note.||5|0||
5030|Wind|||||Fluffy clouds and raging storms howl within this airy essence. Weighs
a ton, surprisingly enough. Probably something to do with physics.|The Wind Essence
is an unsplicable component was added during the Hidden Richer update on September
1, 2017.||2||
5344|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|Balloon Warz Winter 2017 MVP Trophy -
Grow is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Brr-
lloon Warz 2017. 1 could be obtained from being in team Grow during the event and
finishing in the top 20.||0||
5468|Wind|||||Take a good look at your face! Try not to stare too long, though - no
matter how beautiful you are.|The Bathroom Mirror is an unsplicable non-solid
animated foreground block which was added alongside the Eye Drop Pack on December
18, 2017.||1||
5688|Fire|65|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 4
squares downwards with this command!|Command - Basic Shot Down is a CyBot command
added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can
shoot, causing them to fire four squares down.|5|1||
5284|Wind|||||This blade is enchanted with celestial power! You could build an
awesome weapon with one of these and a handle... well, it'd be awesome if you could
hold it. Maybe you need something to protect your hands when holding it.|The
Celestial Blade is a component item, added during the Strange Crystals update.||1||
5916|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this shield-shaped
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5366|Water|||||Turn on these delightful lights and rejoice in their cozy twinkles.
Just don't let them get tangled!|The Twinkling Lights is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||1||
5384|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of cherry jelly.|The Cherry Jelly Block is an
unsplicable trampoline block which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||1||
5998|Earth|||||Use your wrench to set which team this block belongs to! During a
Game, you may want to bring Eggs here.|||2||
5752|Earth|5743|5749|||Legend says these will link your world to the realm of the
ancients, where great gods of chance watch over us. Perhaps if you add this to your
world, they will bless you with a small piece of their vast fortunes... |The Lucky
Token is an unsplicable non-solid Lucky Token foreground block which was added on
Chinese New Year 2018.|1|0||
5540|None|||||A terrifying creature forged by the awful effects of radiation! Your
enemies flee in terror from this creepy creature's mega fishy, slimetacular wet
smooch attack!|The Maidmare is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5544|None|||||Good heavens! This is one heck of a riding fish. Embodying the best
(and worst) of the cosmos, this split-faced aberration loves giving good and bad
advice while carrying you to and fro.|The Riding Double-Headed Angel-Devil Fish is
a foot item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by
completing level 10 training for a Double-Headed Angel-Devil Fish.||0||
5074|Wind|||||Thought given form! The tangible intelligence surrounding it could
certainly be used for something spectacular... or set on a shelf to look pretty!|
The Crystallized Brilliance is an unsplicable foreground block which was
added during the Hidden Riches update.||2||
5060|Earth|||||These lush magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia. Place
one and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination. Wow, tropical!|The
Verdant Gate is an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as
part of the Hidden Riches update.||1||
5798|Earth|||||Direct your SpikeBot from this control platform. If anyone so much
as GRAZES its deadly surface, they'll be dead, dead, dead! This CyBot can take up
to 5 commands.|||3||
5558|None|||||Through careful training, one of the most poisonous fish in the world
can now be ridden without fear! Careful, though - they're still quite pointy.|
The Riding Stonefish is a foot item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It
can be obtained by completing level 10 training for a Stonefish.||0||
5870|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Arrow
(Flame) is a non-solid foreground block released as a part of the Guilds Update.||
5092|Earth|||||The tiny start of a mighty oak! Don't collect too many, or the
squirrels will come for you.|The Acorn is an unsplicable block, introduced during
Harvest Festival 2017. It can only be found in Harvest Moon Blasted worlds.|4|1||
5498|None|||||Don't let the flickering flames of this ultra version fool you - this
shirt is NOT currently on fire! ...but your dance moves are!|The Ultra Flame Tee is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2018 on
January 5, 2018.||0||
5600|None|||||Also known as Hawaii's state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, which
is probably the best name ever. Regardless of what you call it, it'll still follow
you around with majestic grace.|The Picasso Triggerfish Leash is a hand item,
introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing level 10
training for a Picasso Triggerfish.||0||
5440|None|||||Trudge through trackless forests and raging mountain rivers in these
old-timey boots.|The Mountain Boots is an unsplicable feet item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2017.||0||
5362|Fire|||||If you're going to barricade yourself against the wilderness, it
helps to have a way in and out. Fun fact: Bears never go through doors. Just...
everything else.|The Log Cabin Door is an unsplicable door foreground block that
was added as part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5630|Water|||||Oh no! The frigid waters froze your bait into a large chunk! Consume
to get a Mega-Pellet Bait.|The Large Frozen Chunk is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update on January 14, 2018.||0||
5532|Water|847|4667|||Make a sick Training Fish bright and healthy with this
healing potion. One dose is enough to make even the sickest fish all better!||19|
5982|Earth|611|2515|||Springtime treats are hiding here, which makes this the
happiest kind of grass.||4|0||
5750|Earth|5743|5747|||A tasty treat with a touch of wisdom. Crack one open for
instant enlightenment (and prizes)!|The Fortune Cookie is a consumable that was
added as part of Chinese New Year 2018.|12|0||
5332|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having the team Grow to
finish 2nd at Balloon Warz during Winter 2017.||0||
5940|Water|||||A mighty guild potion! Only a Guild Leader can consume it, which
will give its buff to ALL guild members. Guild Potion Buff: 10% chance of catching
a bigger fish! - Buff lasts for a limited time.|The Guild Potion - Big Fish is a
consumable that was added as part of the Guilds Update.||0||
5690|Fire|787|63|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 8
squares to the left with this command!|Command - Improved Shot Left is a CyBot
command added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which
can shoot, causing it to fire 8 blocks left.|19|1||
5488|None|||||Taking "Got your nose!" to a whole new level, aren't you? Somehow,
some way, you've wound up with Rayman's nose! I hope he has a spare!|Rayman's Nose
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Rayman update on January
1, 2018.||0||
5274|Fire|||||Vile energies ripple across the surface of this twisted relic.
Ancient tales tell of a demon trapped within a profane crystal - could this be it?
And if so, what of the other legends, those that speak of a crown of stars stolen
by the fiend? Could this be its prison? Could there be a way to pry the crown from
its clutches?|The Demon Crystal is an unsplicable deadly block foreground block
which was added as part of the Strange Crystals update on November 13, 2017.||1||
5920|Fire|||||Stand proud and show off your guild mascot with this this shield-
shaped and plaid-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5816|Fire|||||The key to your kingdom! If you trade this to another player while in
your guild world, they will become the new guild leader, and you will be demoted to
Co-Leader, so BE CAREFUL!|||0||
5684|Fire|65|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 4
squares to the right with this command!|Command - Basic Shot Right is a CyBot
command added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which
can shoot, causing them to fire four squares right.|5|1||
5946|Water|||||A small part of a mighty guild potion! Collect enough mixers to brew
a truly terrific concoction!|The Guild Potion: Black Mixer is an unsplicable
consumable which was added in the Guilds Update.||0||
5248|None|||||Heading to a Halloween party and don't want your beautiful face to
take attention away from everyone else? Hide it behind this creepy hood and sneak
about in secret!|The Headsman's Hood is an unsplicable hat item which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2017.|23|0||
5338|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having the team Build to
finish 2nd at Balloon Warz during Winter 2017. It is however never obtainable due
to team Grow finishing 2nd instead.||0||
5106|Wind|||||These Chimes hum with crystal wisdom, bringing serenity to all who
hear their gentle music...tough they sometimes play heavy metal for no apparent
reason|The Harmonic Chimes is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable foreground block
which was added in the Ancestral Power update.||1||
5016|None|1043|1157|||Great for checking the daily gazette. Equip to read.|The
Newspaper is a splicable hand item which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2017
Day 5 on 21 August, 2017.|15|0||
5040|Wind|||||Dancing celestial light, compressed into handy block form! Fun Fact:
Auroras are actually caused by collisions between electrically charged particles
from the sun as they enter a planet's atmosphere! ...wait, that wasn't very fun,
was it?|Aurora is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the
Hidden Riches update.|3|1||
5102|Earth|||||Piles of fall leaves are good for exactly two things: Jumping into
them, and who cares? I'm gonna jump in some leaves!|Leaves is a non-solid
decorational block, added during Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5094|Fire|||||A colorful collection of leaves, candles, and wood. No fall
celebration is complete without a stylish centerpiece to get in the way of people
trying to enjoy their meal.|The Centerpiece is an animated non-solid block
introduced during Harvest Festival 2017.||0||
5478|Fire|||||Dance floors with color beat dance floors with no colors every time,
so let's get this party started in raving red!|The Raving Red Dancefloor is a
Dancefloor which when stood on, will activate into a red dancefloor. Just like all
other Dancefloors, the item has a slippery effect like Ice. It was first introduced
during WinterFest 2017.||2||
5202|Wind|||||Unearthly life pulses within this strange stone! You think it might
be a link to the great beyond... but what purpose could such ancient power have in
the worlds of the living? No one knows.. |||2||
5132|None|||Effortless XP...|Aw, no more bonus XP.|Incredible forces of willpower
and mental strength have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this totem. Equip it and ancient knowledge will be yours...|||0|Extra XP...|
5042|Fire|||||Volcanic glass, forged deep beneath the earth. Slippery, potentially
sharp, and has absolutely nothing to do with dragons.|The Obsidian is a solid
slippery foreground block which was added as part of the Hidden Riches update.|3|
5372|Earth|||||Also known as albino chocolate, white chocolate is just regular
chocolate that's been left out in the sun for too long.|The White Chocolate Block
is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2017
on December 18, 2017.|11|1||
5182|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5280|Wind|||||Let the twinkling majesty of the heavens enclose your artwork! Comes
with a blank canvas inside if you don't have any art. Note: If your art is made of
background blocks, you'll need to apply Block Glue to it to make the frame surround
it!|The Celestial Frame is an unsplicable background block which was added as part
of the Strange Crystals update.||1||
5324|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having
the team Punch to win a Balloon Warz during Winter 2017. It is however never
obtainable because the team Build won.||0||
5768|Earth|||||A snapping, popping string of fun! Light it up and let merrymaking
commence!|The Chinese Crackers is a non-solid toggleable animated foreground block
that was added as part of Chinese New Year 2018.||1||
5956|None|||||Not used, it's just an icon, But like, the best icon ever.|Ubisoft is
an unobtainable component which was added as part of the Guilds update.||0||
5594|None|||||The fish so nice they named it twice - now it will follow you around,
and thrice as nice!|The Mahi Mahi Leash is an unsplicable hand item, introduced
during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing level 10 training for
a Mahi Mahi.||0||
5374|Earth|5373|2565|||Unlike the swirling vortex of Growganoth, this spiral is
sweet, wholesome, and almost completely guaranteed to not devour your life force.|
The Chocolate Swirl Block is a splicable block that was added as part of WinterFest
5822|Wind|||||Show off your guild colors with this honorable banner. Banner colors
will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|The Guild Banner - Normal
(Horizontal) is a horizontal banner which displays the player's guild mascot. The
colour of the banner will depend on the seeds of the item used for the mascot.||0||
5472|Wind|||||Dance floors with color beat dance floors with no colors every time,
so let's get this party started in eye-popping pink!|The Hot Pink Dancefloor is a
Dancefloor which when stood on, will activate into a pink dancefloor. Just like all
other Dancefloors, the item has a slippery effect like Ice. It was first introduced
during WinterFest 2017.||2||
5484|None|||||Stay warm and stylish with Rayman's personal hoodie. It even smells
like him: waffles, vanilla, and determination!|Rayman's Hoodie is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of the Rayman update on January 1, 2018.||0||
5590|None|||||If there's one fish that can brighten your day as it follows you
around, this is it. Warning: Not a real sun.|The Sunfish Leash is a hand item,
introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It can be obtained by completing level
10 training for a Sunfish.||0||
5654|Wind|||||Love is in the air! Send hearts sailing through pink and fluffy skies
with this adorable weather machine and everyone will know what a romantic you are!
This sensitive technology will not function while damaged.|Weather Machine -
Valentine's is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block that was
added as part of Valentine's Week 2018.||2||
5350|Fire|||||Growtopia is the only place it's acceptable to build a house out of
gingerbread. It's far too delicious not to eat, otherwise!|The Gingerbread House is
an unsplicable non-solid background block that was added as part of WinterFest 2017
on December 18, 2017.||1||
5206|None|||Your back is a raging rapid!|You are a lot more dry, and a lot less
cool.|Mystic whorls of water have been bound in shifting fabric to forge a cape fit
for only the wettest, wildest Growtopians. Command one of the primeval elements
through the Azure Gem of Waters pinned to this gorgeous cloak and use it to
extinguish even the mightiest blazes. Or y'know, spray people with it. It's your
cape.|||0|Cloak of Falling Waters|
5326|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having the team Punch to
finish 2nd at Balloon Warz during Winter 2017. It is however never obtainable due
to team Grow finishing 2nd instead.||0||
5490|None|||||Celebrate optimal sound balance and look great at the same time!|The
Equalizer Tee is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5738|None|||You're somewhere over the rainbow.|I guess dreams only come true for
others, not you.|A mesmerizing ripple cape. Dazzle your friends!|The Rainbow Cape
is a back item that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2018 on March 16,
2018.||0|Double Jump - Rainbow Crystal Cloak|
5476|Earth|||||Dance floors with color beat dance floors with no colors every time,
so let's get this party started in groovy green!|The Groovy Green Dancefloor is a
Dancefloor which when stood on, will activate into a green dancefloor. Just like
all other Dancefloors, the item has a slippery effect like Ice. It was first
introduced during WinterFest 2017.||2||
5308|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this silvered
shopping cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Silver is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
5312|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this bronzed tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Bronze is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
5568|None|||||This rare fish is very hard to keep in an aquarium. Lucky for you,
this is a videogame, and it's happy to float beside you and impress everyone who
sees it!|The Seahorse Leash is an unsplicable hand item which was added in the Gone
Fishin'! update. One can be obtained by completing the training a Seahorse to level
5850|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top of
your game with this tattered and flame-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the
seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5714|Earth|||||Gleaming treasures await! Let's see if you have the luck o' the
Irish - drop stuff in here, and wonderful items may emerge!|||2||
5910|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from
your guild mascot!|The Guild Flag - Peak (Flame) is a non-solid foreground block
released as a part of the Guilds Update.||1||
5036|Earth|||||Looks like an Art Deco Block, but with extra friendship - you can
use this to allow access to others. Just, y'know, keep it secret. Hidden Doors are
only cool if they're secret.||3|1||
5500|None|||||Be the light of the party with this bright and beautiful vest!|The
Party Light Wave Vest is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5744|Earth|||||This is made of delicate, stylish paper for a fine traditional
wallpaper.|The Decorative Paper Wall is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of Chinese New Year 2018.||0||
5418|None|||||Glide across the ice like a pro in these dashing ice skates. No more
sliding around like a jerk!|The Ice Skates of Winter is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||0||
5938|Earth|||The Guild Leader released the magic! 1% bonus chance of Extra Gems!|
The effects of the Guild Potion have ended!|A mightly guild potion! Only a Guild
Leader can consume it, which will give its buff to ALL guild members. Guild Potion
Buff: 1% bonus chance of Extra Gems to be dropped! - Buff lasts for a limited
time.|The Guild Potion - Gems is a consumable that was added as part of the Guilds
5696|Fire|787|63|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 8
squares downwards with this command!|Command - Improved Shot Down is a CyBot
command added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which
can shoot, causing it to fire 8 blocks downwards.|19|1||
5494|Fire|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
yet again, and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust in your dry, bitter
fist. December 2017.|The Rollback Plaque IV is a plaque introduced during the
fourth Rollback. The block could be made by splicing a Cave Background Seed with a
Sign Seed during the Apology Weekend.|1|2||
5762|None|||||The tail of the dragon! An end, perhaps... or is it a new beginning?|
The Red Dragon Tail is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Chinese
New Year 2018 on February 16, 2018.||0||
5838|Wind|||||Show off your guild mascot with this tattered and harlequin-patterned
flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5670|Earth|||||Direct your SpikeBot from this control platform. If anyone so much
as GRAZES its deadly surface, they'll be dead, dead, dead! This CyBot can take up
to 5 commands.|||3||
5734|Earth|||||This remarkable block will create an area of interlocking basalt
columns - legend has it they were created by a giant!|||0||
5046|Fire|||||Tearing through the atmosphere, this chunk of rock has ignited with
whirls of flame! Now, thanks to magnets or something, it will float and burn
forever!|The Fire Asteroid is an animated block which was added along with the
Hidden Riches update.||1||
5892|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and well-divisioned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5628|Water|||||Oh no! The frigid waters froze your bait into a small chunk! Consume
to get a Mega-Pellet Bait.|The Small Frozen Chunk is a consumable which can be
obtained when Fishing in ice water.||0||
5858|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped and
harlequin-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild
5742|Earth|||||Delicate, stylish paper makes for a fine traditional wall. Just
don't lean on it too hard!|The Paper Dividing Wall is a solid foreground block
which was added on Chinese New Year 2018.|4|0||
5466|Water|5035|3585|||Fed up with your current eye color? This soothing and
refreshing eye cleaner will leave your peepers sparkly clean - but you might need
more than one bottle to finish the job!||5|0||
5604|None|||||Who's to say you can't wear a goldfish on your head? Silly people,
that's who. They just don't understand how great it is to rock a goldfish upstairs.
Don't listen to them. They're not cool like you.|The Goldfish Bowler Hat is a hat
item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5610|None|||||Someone's turned this triggerfish into a masterpiece for your face!
Awesome!|The Picasso Face is a face item, introduced during the Gone
Fishin'! update. It can be obtained by completing level 10 training for a Picasso
5692|Fire|787|63|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 8
squares to the right with this command!|Command - Improved Shot Right is a CyBot
command added during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which
can shoot, causing them to fire eight squares right.|19|1||
5722|None|||||You might fling your shoes off when the spirit of the dance takes
over, but at least you can be confident this dress will stay firmly on your body.|
The Irish Dance Dress is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of St.
Patrick's Week 2018.||0||
5658|Earth|||||Chirp chirp! Learn the songs of love from these sweethearts. They're
so happy together, they can't wait to share their joy with the world!|The Love
Birds is an unspliceable non-solid toggleable foreground block which was added
during 2018's Valentine's Week.||1||
5770|Earth|||||Pop a world lock into your chat! Just consume this to add it to your
available growmojis!|The Growmoji World Lock is an unsplicable Growmoji item that
was released alongside the March Update. One has a chance to be obtained by
purchasing it from the Growtoken Store for 15 Growtoken.||1||
5090|Earth|||||Carefully tended and artfully shaped, this miniature plant is a
harmonious expression of art and nature. It also makes for very tasty - but very
small - salad!|Bonsai is an item added during Harvest Festival 2017.||1||
5958|Wind|||||Send your world spinning through time and space! A distant past of
fiery volcanoes, a forgotten age of ice and auroras, a time-tossed land of majesty
and floating isles await you! Wrench your awesome Epoch Machine to choose your time
period (and adjust other settings). Note: You can only have one of this per
5662|Earth|||||A sprinkle of romance, a touch of affection, and a dash of intimacy,
all ground up into one passionate powder! What could it be for?|||1||
5664|Earth|||||Show the world you care by using this card to send a gift of love to
a fellow Growtopian! They'll surely appreciate the gesture, and who knows - perhaps
your generosity will be rewarded!|||1||
5748|Earth|||||The gateway to prosperity! May it always be open to you.|The Coin
Door is an unsplicable entrance foreground block which was added as part of Chinese
New Year 2018.|6|0||
5564|None|||||Out of the sand and happy on land, this sand shark has decided to
follow you around like a toothy balloon. Isn't that nice of him?|The Sand Shark
Leash is a hand item which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5828|Wind|||||Show off your guild colors in a vertical - and ornate - manner with
this banner. Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|Guild
Banner - Ornate (Vertical) is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added in the Guilds Update. When placed, the color of the seeds from the player's
mascot will be used to decorate the item.||0||
5912|Earth|||||Show off your guild mascot and let everyone know you're at the top
of your game with this peak-shaped and well-divisioned flag! Its colors will adapt
to the seeds from your guild mascot.|||1||
5686|Fire|65|1433|||Make your CyBots (the ones that can shoot, that is) fire 4
squares upwards with this command!|Command - Basic Shot Up is a CyBot command added
during the March Update. The command can be applied to CyBots which can shoot,
causing them to fire four squares up.|5|1||
5808|Earth|||||Behold the mighty fist of Growtopia! Punch it into your chat so all
may see your power! Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
5576|None|||||How do you make the king predator of the sea even cooler? Toss a
saddle on and ride them into the sunset, of course! Little-known fact: Great whites
Love Westerns, and secretly wish they could survive in the desert.|The Riding Alpha
Great White Shark is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Gone
Fishin'! update. One can be obtained from completing the level 10 training of an
Alpha Great White Shark.||0||
5560|None|||||This is one of the most poisonous fish in the world... and you have
it following you around?! You're crazy!|The Stonefish Leash is a hand item,
introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It can be obtained by completing level
10 training for a Stonefish.||0||
5614|Water|||||Puffer Fish expand when scared, and here in Growtopia, they're
always terrified for some reason. Watch out for those spikes!|The Puffer Fish Block
is an unsplicable solid pain foreground block that was added as part of the Gone
Fishin' update.||1||
5780|Earth|||||Line up the perfect shot for your ShooterBotwith this control
platform! One touch of its deadly laser cannon and your foes will be history. This
CyBot can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5336|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|This trophy was obtainable by having
the team Build to win a Balloon Warz during Winter 2017.||0||
5950|Fire|||||Congratulations to you for landing in the Top 11-30 on the Guild
Leaderboards! Open this shining silver chest for a surprise item!|The Silver Guild
Chest is a consumable that was released as part of the Guilds Update. Opening one
gives the same items as a Guild Chest does, but has a small chance of dropping a
Bear Spirit, Rainbow Hair, or Intergalactic Warrior Hair.||0||
5226|None|||||Electric voodoo stylings to put the frighteners on your friends! Now
in amazing blue!|The Neon Voodoo Mask - Electric Blue is an unsplicable Neon Voodoo
Mask face item which was added on Halloween Week 2017.|19|0||
5730|Wind|11|5727|||This note plays a half-step lower note than Sheet Music: Flute
5678|Fire|65|25|||Send your CyBots one square straight down with this command!||4|
5782|Earth|||||Line up the perfect shot for your ShooterBotwith this control
platform! One touch of its deadly laser cannon and your foes will be history. This
CyBot can take up to 5 commands.|||3||
5360|Fire|||||Shelter yourself from the wilderness elements with this heavy roof of
terrific timber. Stops: Wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, lightning. Does not stop:
Bears.|The Log Cabin Roof is an unsplicable platform that was added as part of
WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5072|Fire|||||A pure piece of prosperity! The solidified richness surrounding it
could certainly be used for something spectacular... or set on a shelf to look
pretty.|The Crystallized Wealth is an unsplicable block added during the Hidden
Riches update.||2||
5644|None|||||Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve - put it right out there on
your shirt so everyone can see how lovable you are!|The Heart Shirt is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Valentine's Week 2018 update
on February 9, 2018.||0||
5804|Earth|||||Feeling nervous and a little awesome? Grin and bear it with this
growmoji! Just consume to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
5712|None|||Fire, Water and Earth, sorry no Air!|Back to your boring hair!|The
powerful forces of the wild elements: fire, water and earth live in this ethereal
hair - just don't mention the air element! The mage that tamed these wild forces
could never control his wind, and he's already the butt of all jokes at mage
5514|None|||||Wow, look at these colors! Ring your neck with the perfect party
scarf.|The Party Style Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part
of Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5994|Wind|||||This egg has been taken! It will return when the Game is over…|The
Missing Game Egg is an unobtainable tile introduced during Easter Week 2018. The
sprite serves as a tile for when a Game Egg has been taken from the tile. It works
like the Missing Game Flag.||2||
5598|None|||||This giant of the ocean is a mammal and extremely heavy - so how the
heck does it float whilst following you around?|The Whale Leash is an unsplicable
hand item, introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update. It is obtained by completing
level 10 training for a Whale.||0||
5034|Water|||||Falling water is one of the strangest natural phenomena in
Growtopia. You can't jump up through it, since you're not a salmon. You can,
however, drop down, since you're like everything else!|The Waterfall is an
unsplicable block which was added as a part of the Hidden Riches update.|3|1||
5572|None|||||Strange mutations can make for the meanest fish, as this battling
mutant will prove! Good thing it's on your side - with that extra eye, it can
always keep a Lookout while it takes down your foes!|The Battle Mutant Fish is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update. 1
can be obtained from training a Mutant Fish.||0||
5854|Wind|||||Point the way to victory for your guild with this arrow-shaped flag!
Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your guild mascot!|||1||
5464|Wind|5467|299|||Need a new look? These drops will darken your eyes, but not
your day! You may need multiple drops - and other colors - to achieve a desired
effect. Eye drops also interact with your natural eye color, so some effects may be
impossible to achieve.||17|0||
5186|None|||Effortless Gems...|Aw, no more bonus gems.|Unrelenting luck and luxury
have been combined with the building blocks of creation to forge this lens. Equip
it and unstoppable fortune will be yours... but do be careful. Power tends to
corrupt, after all.|||0|Extra Wealth...|
5724|Wind|||||A lovely stylized image of a clover, the luck o' the Irish is with
5100|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Koi Fish. This majestic koi will instantly make any
pond or fish tank at least 86% classier. Don't question it - it's science!|Koi Fish
is a fish introduced during Harvest Festival 2017 that can be obtained from fishing
with the Catch-of-the-Day Bait during Harvest Festival.||1||
5530|Water|||||This port is for adding or removing fish for Training! Use your
wrench to manage the fish, just like real fish. You can only place this on a fish
tank.|The Training Port is an unsplicable foreground block that was added alongside
the Gone Fishin'! update.||2||
5888|Water|||||Surf into success and show off your guild mascot with this wave-
shaped and striped-patterned flag! Its colors will adapt to the seeds from your
guild mascot!|||1||
5580|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Weird Manta Ray. Once a peaceful vegetarian, this
manta has emerged from the depths of toxic sludge with a hunger for other fish and
a nasty sting!|The Weird Manta Ray is a fish that was introduced during the Gone
Fishin'! update.||1||
5818|Earth|||||Members only! This plain - but effective - private door only lets
people in your guild (or folks you like) pass through. Wrench it to add guild
members and any 'others'. Note: Guild members will automatically be removed if they
leave the guild!|The Guild Entrance - Normal is an entrance that was released
alongside the April Update.||2||
5264|None|||Let the dazzling commence!|I'm all dazzled out!|Check it out, chummer!
Slap this colour-shifting circuitry under your skin and dazzle those dataslaves
with wired speed! The only thing they'll catch is a trail of arctic light as you
leave them in the dust!|Neon Nerves is an unsplicable chest item introduced during
the Strange Crystals update on November 13, 2017.||0|Speedy|
5772|Earth|||||Gain a bit of growth in your chat! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Grow is an unsplicble Growmoji item that was
added alongside the March Update. It can be obtained by purchasing it from the
Growtoken Store for 15 Growtokens (chance to obtain).||1||
5534|Water|||||Resurrect a dead Training Fish with a revivifying zap from this Rare
Fish Reviver! One dose is enough to reach beyond the veil and bring a fish back
from the dead! Comes with a 100% zombie-free guarantee!|The Fish Reviver is a
consumable which can be used to revive dead Training Fish, first introduced during
the Gone Fishin'! update.||0||
5518|Wind|||||Push partygoers around with the power of deep bass!|The Megawatt Bass
Speaker is an unsplicable non-solid pushing foreground block which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||2||
5980|Water|||||Locks an entire world. Works exactly like a normal world lock, only
WAY fluffier. A lock makes it so only you (and designated friends.) can edit an
area.|The Bunny Lock is an unsplicable solid lock foreground block which was added
as part of Easter Week 2018.||10||
5536|Water|||||Every fish adores these tasty flakes! Give a pinch to your Training
Fish and fill their scaley bellies with aquatic goodness! Take the guesswork out of
finnicky feedings with a treat you know they're love.|||0||
5528|Fire|||||Attract frosty fish! Equip a fishing rod and then use this bait in
nearby ice water to start fishing. The icy shimmer of this bait will catch unique
fish that other lures can't entice!|||0||
5978|Fire|611|163|||Yikes! Don't try walking on these shells. This is the egg that
breaks YOU. Do not touch!||2|1||
5550|None|||||A genuine elephant fish pet that totally exists. Ha! Look at his
silly nose! Will delight onlookers as it follows you around, dispensing wisdom and
menacing peanut sellers.|The Absolutely Real Elephant Fish Leash is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Gone Fishin'! update on January 14,
5542|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Double-Headed Angel-Devil Fish. Good heavens, this
is one heck of a fish. Embodying the best (and worst) of the cosmos, this split-
faced aberration loves giving good and bad advice.|The Double-Headed Angel-Devil
Fish is a fish that was first introduced during the Gone Fishin'! update.||1||
5990|Fire|||||Ding ding! Ring is spring - and any other cool events you can imagine
- with this mystic bell. It's enchanted to sound exactly the same, every time you
ring it! Wow!|The Magic Bell is a non-solid farmable block which was introduced
during the Easter Week 2018.|24|2||
5516|None|||||Turn up the heat with this ultra version of the party scarf - just be
careful the only thing you set on fire is the dance floor! Those bulbs get hot!|The
Ultra Party Glow Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||0||
5520|Wind|||||Wow! FIVE YEARS! Celebrate this incredible anniversary achievement
with this wonderfully wobble (and gloriously golden) number 5!|The 5th Anniversary
Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2018 on January 5, 2018.||6||
5986|None|||||Amazing! You have trained the incredibly rare, elusive, and
completely real Bunnyfish! 100% cute, 0% fake!|The Totally Legit Bunnyfish Leash is
a hand item introduced during Easter Week 2018. It is obtainable from training a
Totally Legit Bunnyfish.||0||
5064|Wind|||||Eons have not dulled the point of this pointy treasure. Careful! It's
supernaturally pokey!|The Ancient Pin is an unsplicable component which was added
as part of the Hidden Riches update on September 1, 2017.||2||
5648|None|||Run like the wind!|Your feet are back on the ground!|Made to the
exacting specifications of its angelic sponsor, these winged wonders will get you
where you need to be in a blur of flapping finery! Sponsored by USMom.|The USMom's
Talaria is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2018.||0|Fleet of Foot|
5406|Earth|||You're in the Winterfest spirit.|Your paper crown dissolved in your
forehead sweat!|Get in the spirit of Winterfest with this red paper crown, then
wait for it to dissolve in your forehead sweat!|||1||
5428|None|||||Everybody toss on this midnight coat and say: "I'm a lumberjack and
I'm okay, I chop down trees and I work all day."|When equipped, all the Lumberjack
Coats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
5408|Earth|||You're in the Winterfest spirit.|Your paper crown dissolved in your
forehead sweat!|Get in the spirit of Winterfest with this red paper crown, then
wait for it to dissolve in your forehead sweat!|||1||
5434|None|||||Everybody toss on this midnight coat and say: "I'm a lumberjack and
I'm okay, I chop down trees and I work all day."|When equipped, all the Lumberjack
Coats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
5432|None|||||Everybody toss on this midnight coat and say: "I'm a lumberjack and
I'm okay, I chop down trees and I work all day."|When equipped, all the Lumberjack
Coats serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
5388|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of blue jelly.|The Blueberry Jelly Block is a
solid foreground block which was added as part of Winterfest 2017.||1||
5414|None|||||A deliciously dangerous Gingerbread Man. Watch out! He's full of
anger - as well as sugar - and ready to defend you against all your holiday foes!|
The Gingerbread Man is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2017.||0||
5394|Wind|||||A perfect decoration for your fireplace, log cabin and gingerbread
house. Even better if you can find someone to fill them with presents.|A Row of
Winterfest Socks is a non-solid block which was added as part of WinterFest 2017
update on December 18, 2017.||1||
5424|None|||That is one cool looking bow, man!|You are no longer cool!|Tired of
shooting boring old arrows from stupid normal bows? Well THIS holiday beast of a
bow shoots freezing ice shards! How cool is that?!|||0|Winter Frost Bow|
5380|Earth|2567|4767|||Now the cherry on top of your sundae comes surrounded by
chocolate! That's what i call a win-win.|The Chocolate Cherry Block is a splicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.|19|1||
5452|Fire|||10% chance of triple XP for all actions.|Your body craves sugar!|Not
just ANY cookie, but a super-spiced winterrific GINGERBREAD cookie! Go to town on
this treat and it'll give you more than just a sugar rush! Food Buff: 10% chance of
triple XP from all actions.|The Gingerbread Cookie is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||0||
5396|Water|||||There's nothing like the soft crunch of freshly fallen snow as you
clumsily plod your way through it.|The Snow Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||
5392|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of lemon jelly.|The Lemon Jelly Block is an
unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of Winterfest
2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5438|None|||||Whatever critter became this cap, I hope it was proud to know it
would be forever immortalized as a sweet accessory for the top of your head.|The
Mountain Cap is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of WinterFest
5450|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Glass Piglet Squid. Pigs are magical creatures -
they can fly, swim, turn invisible, become bacon, and now... they can be SQUID!
That's what this thing is, right? A really weird pig? Hmm... maybe I should look it
up.|The Glass Piglet Squid is a fish which was added as part of WinterFest 2017.||
5416|Fire|||||The spiced building block of something amazing. What will you create
with this...?|Gingerbread Dough is an unsplicable component released during
WinterFest 2017.||1||
5398|Fire|||||Look at those lovely lights! Dance floors with color beat dance
floors with no colors every time, so let's get this party started!|The Winterfest
Dancefloor is a Dancefloor which when stood on, will change to a random coloured
dancefloor (red, yellow, pink, blue or green). Just like all other Dancefloors, the
item has a slippery effect like Ice. It was first introduced during WinterFest
5444|None|||||Prevent your face from freezing off and avoid the embarrassing
outcome of having icicles dangling from your nose with the help of this cozy blue
parka hood.|||0||
5426|None|||The cold envelopes you! Fire does 50% less damage.|You're free from the
cold.|You might think a frosty ice serpent wouldn't be useful in the cold, but
think again! This elegant creature will wrap your neck in so much friendship,
you'll stay toasty warm all winter. Um, just don't let it snuggle you TOO hard...|
The Ice Serpent Scarf is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part
of WinterFest 2017.||0|Cold Embrace!|
5420|None|||||Hopping holiday fun, compacted with springs and a touch of seasonal
joy to make every bounce the best yet! Also good for scaring small children and
cats.|The Snowshoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2017.||0||
5386|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of lime jelly.|The Lime Jelly Block is an
unsplicable solid bouncy foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest
2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5378|Earth|2565|4983|||Orange you glad you found this block?|The Chocolate Orange
Block is a splicable solid foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest
2017 on December 18, 2017.|9|1||
5402|Fire|||||A bundle of festive goodies, best cracked open with a friend. What
will you find inside?|||0||
5390|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of orange jelly.|The Orange Jelly Block is an
unsplicable solid bouncy foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest
2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
5382|Fire|||||Perfect for a cookout or a wintry cabin, there are few things better
than toasting marshmallows, slapping them together with chocolate, and sandwiching
the delicious mess between two graham crackers. Aw, now I've made myself
5400|Earth|||||A bright and cheerful bundle of seasonal leaves, perfect for
doorways and ceilings. Now's your chance to continue the charming tradition of
kissing under it!|The Mistletoe is an unsplicable foreground block that was added
as part of WinterFest 2017 on December 18, 2017.||1||
6414|Water|||||A tireless forgebot, this droid works constantly, hoping to produce
a useful Star Tool for its owner. Creating these advanced pieces of technology
takes time, however, so you shouldn't expect a new tool any sooner than once every
five days.|The Star Tool Droid is a provider that was released as part of the
Startopia Update. It is a possible drop from defeating Growlactus.||2||
6212|Wind|||||A bag of medical goodness! This bottomless sack somehow produces
surgery tools, even if it's empty! We assume someone fills it when you're not
watching, but who? And why?! It's on a timed lock, so it can only be opened once
every five days.|||1||
6018|Earth|||||Elemental Icon|The Element - Earth is seen as an icon for when a
player is seeing the info and it shows the Earth Chi.||2||
6012|None|||||Not used, it's just an icon.|The Dumb Leader is a button which
displays Guild Events.||0||
6022|Wind|||||Elemental Icon|The Element - Wind is seen as an icon for when a
player is seeing the info and it shows the Wind Chi.||2||
6046|Fire|||Get 100 Gems for beating a Pet Trainer.|Your stomach's rumbling.|One
great guacamole! Will have you saying, "I don't give a guac!" as you and your pet
charge into battle! Food Buff: 100 gems for every Pet Trainer defeated.|The
Magnifico Carne Guacamole - Bueno is a consumable that was added as part of Cinco
De Mayo Week 2018 update on May 4, 2018.||0||
6016|Earth|||||Mystified by machines? Well, struggle no more! The GrowScan 9000 is
here to help! Wrench this incredible invention and you'll instantly learn about
every last block in your world - Check stats, find items and more with a flip of
the wrench! Wow!|||2||
Intergalactic Warrior Hair is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of
the Guilds Update.||0||
6010|Earth|||||Growtopia requires you, great adventurer, to save Easter and rescue
the eggs from Bunny Barko. This ticket entitles the holder to one entry in the
Great Growtopia Easter Egg Rescue project. Present this to claim your reward!
Fabulous prizes await all who participate.|The Egg Rescue Ticket is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Easter Week 2018.||1||
6004|None|||You are one with your spirit animal!|Back to the realm of the living!|
You are one with your spirit animal! The awesome guidance of the Bear Spirit has
given you the gift of double jump! Which is something wild bears do. Don't look it
up. Just trust us.|The Bear Spirit is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of the Guilds Update.||0|Spirit Form|
6014|Earth|||||Best of all possible trophies in 2018.|||2||
6026|None|||The truth is yours!|What is true?|Whirling with wisdom and knowledge
long forgotten, the Whip of Truth can pull secret from the very air – AND those you
whap with it! Under its gleaming golden might, no falsehoods can survive…|The
[[Whip of Truth] is a hand item obtained from the Quest For Candour from the
Legendary Wizard.||0|Whip of Truth|
6006|None|||||Style your hair in shimmering rainbow light to amuse your friends and
infuriate Leprechauns. Also works great for reading late at night.|The Rainbow Hair
is a hair item that was added as part of the Guilds Update. One can be obtained by
consuming a Bronze Guild Chest, Silver Guild Chest, or Gold Guild Chest.||0||
6032|Wind|163|6031|||This sheet will play a spanish guitar note for you - a half-
step higher note than Sheet Music: Spanish Guitar Note - as long as you aren't in
range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet
Music: Sharp Spanish Guitar is a music note added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2018.|
6034|Wind|6031|11|||This sheet will play a spanish guitar note for you - a half-
step lower note than Sheet Music: Spanish Guitar Note - as long as you aren't in
range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet
Music: Flat Spanish Guitar is a music note added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2018.|4|
6060|Earth|||||Able to commune with dark and devastating powers from beyond the
veil, this board can rip answers from the other side in the hands of a talented
medium! Requires 5 brave Growtopians to stand in a circle around the board in order
to properly contact the Realms Beyond. Only the owner of a world can place this
board for safety reasons. WARNING: Using this means meddling with incredibly strong
powers that can damage - and may destroy - worlds! Be careful where you use it.
Your bedroom may not be the best idea!|||2||
6002|Earth|||||Pop a bunny into your chat and get your hop on!  Just consume this
to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Bunny is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of Easter Week 2018.||1||
6072|Earth|||||Your standard wall, now with electrical wires and junctions and
stuff! Everything's cooler when you stick a fuse box on it.|The Fuse Box is an
unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of the B.O.O.
6062|Earth|1803|3471|||Tired of paying overpriced mediums and fortune tellers to
chat up the dead? Don't throw your money away! Invest in a Spirit Board and start
contacting ghosts on your own! It's like a seance in a box!||14|2||
6030|Wind|||||Magnifico! This sheet will play a spanish guitar note for you as
along as you aren't in a range of a boombox. Put it in different placed for
different pitches!||4|0||
6058|None|||You shoot bullets instead of punching!|You are disarmed.|Did you shoot
11 bullets... or 12? Trick question: These guns never run out! Sure, NONE of
Growtopia's guns ever run out, but these come loaded with extra grit and vigor!
Yahoo!|||0|Armed and Dangerous|
6082|Wind|787|3721|||Snags spirits in a snap! Place this trap down and it'll suck
in a ghost that's above it. The Ghost Trap generates an enhanced field that is
larger than a ghost jar, but you'll probably still need some friends with Neutron
Guns to keep the ghost contained or it will escape! A trap takes 2 seconds to
activate, and then only collects spirits for 5 seconds, so time it carefully!||19|
6270|None|||||Rock the season in ULTRA Summer Blaster Style! These pants don't just
say you're ULTRA COOL - they also say you're ULTRA HOT! Try to find another line of
clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The Ultra
Summer Blaster Pants is an unsplicable pants which was added as part of the Summer
Season Events.||0||
6190|None|||||Rocking the clothing world for thousands of years and still going
strong, this tunic isn't just a medieval fashion statement: its also blue.|||0||
6188|None|||||Rocking the clothing world for thousands of years and still going
strong, this tunic isn't just a medieval fashion statement: its also red.|||0||
6054|Fire|||||Make the Piñata Bash more fun than ever by snaring the Ultra Piñata
with this lasso. It'll seriously reduce the speed it travels for 15 seconds!|||0||
6254|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected fish, and guaranteed to never break!|||0||
6158|Water|||||If you're going to look your best, shouldn't you start with the
place you clean up? All that glitters may not be gold, but this tub certainly
6038|None|||||After some intensive training, this cute little Mexican critter can
now be ridden across the land - and he's stronger than he looks. Ride through town
and give a jaunty wave to jealous passersby from atop this majestic steed!|The
Riding Axolotl is a feet item which was added with Cinco De Mayo Week 2018. It is a
rare chance from training a massive Axolotl in a Training Port.||0||
6760|Fire|||||Give your eyes an overhaul and get the red in with these pupil-
painting lenses! You may need multiple lenses - and other colors- to achieve a
desired effect.|The Red Contact Lens is a consumable which was added on 11 August
2018 with the Contact Lens Pack.||0||
6144|None|||These are some fine looking wings!|Now why would you do that?!|Glowing
with the majesty of the high heavens these wings shift and shimmer with all the
colors of a wild aurora. They also send out shimmering motes of light, which not
only look amazing, but also make everything 200% more sparkly!|The Aurora Wings is
a back item that was added part of Summer Clash 2018.||0|Aurora!|
6268|None|||||Rock the season with the new Summer Blaster style! These pants don't
just say you're cool - they also say you're hot! Try to find another line of
clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Summer Blaster Pants is an
unsplicable pant item that was released as part of Summer Season Events.||0||
6232|Earth|||||You can't create buildings and other beautiful things on just ANY
table: You need a place with the perfect angle, and this drafting table is IT!|||
6256|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected fish! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break! Use with care!|||0||
6244|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected trees! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6504|Fire|||||Track your foes to their atoms with a Bastion Tactical Console
onboard! Provides a fantastic boost to your Ship Rating for all Ship-related
challenges!|Bastion Tactical Console - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was
added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6236|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected blocks, and guaranteed to never break!|||
6766|Wind|||||Wrap your pupils in eban darkness with these bleakly black lenses.
When your friends stare into your eyes, the void will stare back! You may need
multiple lenses - and other colors - to achieve a desired effect.|The Black Contact
Lens is a consumable which was added on 11 August 2018 with the Contact Lens
6328|Water|||||Proud of your catch, but you don't want the responsibility of caring
for it? Mount it to this wall plaque with your wrench! You can only display Perfect
or Massive crabs and lobsters on this mount. Once a crab or lobster is mounted, it
can never be removed.|The Crab Wall Mount is an unsplicable non-solid fish mount
block introduced during SummerFest 2018.||1||
6226|Earth|||||You've studied the frameworks that support buildings, the heavens,
and even the body itself and you have the notes and drawings to prove it!
Growtopians are brilliantly engineered, and these notes prove it!|||1||
6374|None|||||Alien in your brain! Alien in your brain! Thankfully, this is one of
the few times that's actually a good thing, because you're fortunate enough to have
a Mind Protector along for the ride! This clever controller will keep your gray
matter safe from those who might try to mess with your thoughts!|||0||
6390|Wind|||||When you have to enter a room on a spaceship, do you want it to be
through lame door with HINGES, or whisper-smooth sliding metal panels? The choice
is clear.|The Starship Door is an unsplicable door foreground block which was added
as part of the Startopia update.||2||
6540|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to
blast enemy ships, interstellar beasts, and other threats to your ship!||22|1||
6748|Wind|||||Gravity got you down? Well, thanks to this salvaged HyperTech
artifact, you can kick it to the curb and float in freedom! As long as you stay
inside the antigrav field, you and the ground will be nothing more than distant
acquaintances!|The HyperTech Antigravity Field is a non-solid foreground block
which was added on 8 August 2018, the third day of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||
6118|Earth|||||Offering unmatched pine-tection to its passengers, there's no safer
way to travel than in a pineapple-plated car. Get a few more pieces and build your
masterpiece!|The Pineapple Plating is a component that was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2018.||2||
6460|Earth|||||Engage in calculating diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 900. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Stellarix
Union Starship Viewscreen - Mk.II is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6088|Earth|||||You'd think adding a pillar to a boring white wall made of boring
white bricks would make it more exciting, but... turns out it's a boring pillar,
too. Dang.|The White Brick Pillar is an unsplicable non-solid background block
which was added as part of the B.O.O. update.||2||
6208|Earth|||||Toss a light on your work (or a good book) and spend the light in
illumination with this angled lamp. Now that's a bright idea!|||2||
6266|None|||||Rock the season in ULTRA Summer Blaster Style! This shirt don't just
say you're ULTRA COOL - they also say you're ULTRA HOT! Try to find another line of
clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The Ultra
Summer Blaster Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the
Summer Season Events.||0||
6220|None|||||Cover up your wispy architect hair with this classy beret, ensuring
the whole world will know you're cultured, and making it less likely for them to
guess you're bald.|||0||
6876|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6342|None|||||Are you ready to travel the stars? To explore strange new worlds and
fight for the glory of Startopia? Then you'll need to look the part! This mini-
skirt is expertly tailored and ready for space - get the rest of your uniform
together and enlist today!|||0||
6134|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show off
your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6722|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom (RED) is an unbreakable
platform that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part
for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6288|Earth|||||The scientific brains at GrowTech have created this ridiculously
useful box to help you store large amounts of items! Unfortunately, those pesky
untradeable items can't be placed here - those GrowTech geniuses were too busy
celebrating after they made the first version! Note: Only World Lock owners can use
this item.|Storage Box Xtreme - Level 2 is an unsplicable block which was released
in the Summer Season Events update.||3||
6224|Earth|||||One of your finest projects! Pop these plans on the wall to let
everyone know your angled achievement!|||1||
6380|None|||||Very pointy! And the pointier the ears, the wiser the Volcanix, as
they say. The founding race of the Stellarix Union, the Volcanix are a deeply
pragmatic and calculating people with long lifespans. These factors have led them
to become distant, even detached from galactic affairs, which is why it's up to the
Startopian Empire to keep the peace!|The Volcanix Ears is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of the Startopia update.||0||
6466|Wind|||||Set course for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos with the
Greezak Horde helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 2310. One of three components - Helm,
Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this to start a Star
Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Greezak Horde Starship Helm
- Mk.II is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6972|Fire|||||A sweet treat! These chunks of goodness can be enjoyed on their own,
but perhaps it's best to see if you could make something even tastier with them...|
The Toffee Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part
of Role Up! update.||1||
6798|None|||||When you're tired of using all those crazy facial muscles, this mask
is here to help! Hide your tired human face with this reliable, totally-not-creepy
one instead!|The Growmoji Face Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6150|Earth|||||GrowTech's engineers were trying to invent a way to make multiple
grilled cheese sandwiches at the same time, but ended up creating this terrifying
CyBot of burning pain! Funny how often that happens. Can take up to 5 CyBot
6296|Wind|||||Get an eyeful of anything that passes over this vision-shifting tile!
Its enhanced optics will twist and wrap any Growtopian who gets close!|Mirage
Platform is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||2||
6196|None|||You're a tiny prancer!|No more prancing for you!|A mighty steed for a
mighty guild. This midnight mount has giant hooves and an even bigger attitude.
Perfect for real leaders!|The Guild Night Stallion is a feet item that was added as
part of Summer Clash 2018.||0|Saddled Up!|
6042|None|||||If you're the slightest bit ticklish, stay away from this flamboyant,
feather-adorned headgear. If not, then wear it with grace and become the Tickle
6192|None|||||Rocking the clothing world for thousands of years and still going
strong, this tunic isn't just a medieval fashion statement: its also Green.|||0||
6680|None|||||Stop crime and look great! It's a super shirt for a super Growtopia!|
Super Utility Shirt - Red is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
the Startopia update.|23|0||
6258|None|||Exquisite catch - 10% bigger fish than normal.|Not so exquisite fishing
skills anymore.|Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected fish! This exquisite rod will catch 10%
bigger fish than normal.|The Exquisite Anomarod is an unsplicable fishing rod
released as part of Summer Clash 2018.||0|Big Fish: Exquisite Anomarod|
6822|Earth|||||Slide a pizza slice into your chat! Mmm, just like mom used to make!
Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|||1||
6124|None|||||Not used, it’s just yet another dumb question.|The Dumb Question 1 is
an unobtainable item that was added alongside the Summer Clash update. It is used
as an icon for when a player has not unlocked the final item of a branch.||0||
6406|Earth|||||Few Startopians have seen the inside of a Greezak Hive and lived, so
whoever got you this floor block was either very brave or very lucky!|Greezak Hive
Floor is an unsplicable foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||
6326|Wind|||||Whirls through the air with a simple toss. I bet you could play a
really fun version of golf with this!|Flying Disc is an unsplicable consumable
which was added on SummerFest 2018.||0||
6122|Earth|||||Pop a Super Pineapple into your chat! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Super Pineapple is a Growmoji which was
added on Super Pineapple Party 2018.||1||
6512|Wind|||||Keep yourself and your crew the picture of health with the salubrious
strength of the Vitahope Life Support System! Provides a solid boost to your Ship
Rating for all Crew-related challenges!|The Vitahope Life Support System - Mk.I is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground starship block which was added in the Startopia
6446|Wind|||||Engage in calculating diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 720. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Stellarix Union
Starship Helm - Mk.I is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia
6420|Fire|||||Command your very own Starship and explore the cosmos! This blast
contains one of 3 possible Imperial ship types - which will you get? Note: Comes
with a full tank of gas, an Imperial Helm - Mk. I, Imperial Reactor - Mk. I and an
Imperial Viewscreen - Mk. I, so you'll be all set for your adventure among the
stars! Also comes with an assortment of space-age blocks!|||1||
6362|None|||||The fearsome warriors of the Greezak Horde welcome you to the hunt!
This armor has been retailored to fit your Growtopian body, as the Greezak have a
few extra limbs. All the better to catch their prey, you see.|Greezak Horde -
Warrior Armor is an unsplicable shirt item which was added in the Startopia
6416|Fire|||||While every starship uses Growtomic Energy to power its systems and
engines, revving up its Emergency Warp requires something with a bit more kick!
That's where Star Fuel comes in: Every time you escape a dangerous situation (or
fail a mission), you'll use up Star Fuel to do it! Always make sure you have
6382|None|||Shield ready and Phaser set to "punch"!|Who needs protection!?|The most
advanced personal combat gear ever designed for Startopian Special Forces, this
blaster/shield combination uses re-engineered HyperTech repulsor to deflect attacks
and keep their wielder safe even as they unleash blazing lances of plasma on their
foes! When activated, grants immunity to thrown consumables for 5 seconds (starts
as soon as you get hit), followed by a 30-minute cooldown.|||0|Protected|
6404|Fire|||||A seething pit of Xenoid poison, this caustic block will set anything
that touches it ablaze, and is exactly the sort of thing that keeps the Xenoid from
being invited to the nicer parties.|The Xenoid Acid Pool is an unsplicable solid
pain foreground block which was added as part of the Startopia update.||1||
6346|None|||||Show everyone you're a ranked officer of Startopia! Those who bear
the Engineer Class uniform have excellent maintenance and system abilities. Wearing
this also provides a slight boost to your ship rating for all Ship Health-based
skill checks!|Startopian Empire - Engineer Class Uniform is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of the Startopia Update. One can be purchased from the
Sales-Man for 60 Buckazoids.||0||
6206|Earth|||||Now THIS is comfort. If the best chairs are fluffy and supportive,
then this is like sitting in a cloud that's also a therapist.|The Overstuffed
Vintage Leather Armchair is a non-solid seat foreground block that was added as
part of Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6388|Wind|||||Keep out the horrors of space with these welded durallium walls. A
must-have for the discerning starship captain.||1|1||
6378|None|||||A race of a galactic merchants and business dealers, the Ferungi love
to chat. That's why theirs ears are so huge - they never want to miss a
conversation (or a potential trade secret)!|The Ferungi Ears is an unsplicable face
item which was added as part of the Startopia update.||0||
6706|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Thruster (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6870|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6448|Wind|||||Engage in calcualting diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 900. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Stellarix Union
Starship Helm - Mk.II is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia
6314|Water|||Your body has turned to ice. You can't move!|You've thawed out.|Tasty!
A summertime treat with a sweet kick and an icy crunch. Just don't eat it too
fast!|Crushed Ice is a consumable item was introduced as part of SummerFest 2018.||
6952|Earth|||||Tired of smashing blocks on your own? Perhaps it's time we meddled
in the darker side of science and made our lives easier! Fuel this advanced
machinery with enough Gems, tell it to target any block of your choosing, and it
will break them AUTOMATICALLY! Note: Blocks broken by this device will not drop
gems! it's convenient, but inefficient!|Tesseract Manipulator is a block which was
added in the Role Up! update.||10||
6330|Fire|||||Crackling sparks of a greater flame. What could these create?|Embers
is a consumable item that was introduced during SummerFest/2018. It has a chance to
drop above the player upon consuming Fireworks.||2||
6084|Wind|||||Power this node with little ghosts to activate. Put four active nodes
near each other to create a containment field that can weaken a Boss Ghost! Note:
The Boss Ghost can only be damaged while weakened inside the field!|||3||
6738|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Metal Panel (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6080|Wind|||||Spooky! This jar contains a ghost - a mental one! You can throw it to
break the jar and unleash the ghost, or instead drop it gently in front of a Spirit
Storage Unit, where you can keep the ghost for good!|||0||
6724|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (R) (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6806|None|||||Got a nose for food? Or is it truffles? Either way, for those who
need to show the world their piggy powers, this nose knows best!|The Oink-Oink Nose
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2018 Day 6 on August 11, 2018.||0||
6383|None|||Shield ready and Phaser set to "punch"!|Who needs protection!?|The most
advanced personal combat gear ever designed for Startopian Special Forces, this
blaster/shield combination uses re-engineered HyperTech repulsor to deflect attacks
and keep their wielder safe even as they unleash blazing lances of plasma on their
foes! When activated, grants immunity to thrown consumables for 5 seconds (starts
as soon as you get hit), followed by a 30-minute cooldown.|||0|Protected|
6184|Earth|||||Top your castle with than just flat stonework! These turrets great
for spying on your knights when they think they're on a break. too!|The Castle
Turret is a foreground block that was released as part of the Summer Season Events.
One can be obtained from the Summer Awards.||2||
6816|None|||||Are you fed up with the status quo? Want to burn the system and start
anew? Then start with your hair! This sizzling style will show you're not just a
thorn in the system - you're making anarchy look GOOD. Whoever snagged this hairdo
had to be quick so the flames wouldn't go out and super-hot so they'd stay bright,
all to bring it to you!|The Fire Punk Hair is a hair item that was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day 7.||0||
6838|Fire|||||Polished by eons, this ancient tree sap has hardened into a beautiful
jewel! I wonder what you could do with it...|The Amber Resin is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day 6 on August
11, 2018.||1||
6048|Fire|||Get 150 Gems for beating a Pet Trainer.|Your stomach's rumbling.|One
grandly tasty guacamole! Will have you saying, "I don't give a guac!" as you and
your pet charge into battle! Food Buff: 150 gems for every Pet Trainer defeated.|
The Magnifico Carne Guacamole - Sabroso is a consumable which was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2018 on May 4, 2018.||0||
6260|None|||The force is strong!|The Amulet is sad!|The mystic Jewel of Might
empowers this amulet, lending its supernatural strength to the wearer and giving
them a little extra oomph when they want to break stuff|The Amulet of Force is an
unsplicable neck item that was added as part of Summer Season Events.||0|FEEL THE
6676|None|||||To make this jersey, we had to steal a sports almanac from the
distant future and used it to find the winners of this year's World Cup! Allez Les
Bleus!|The World Cup Winner's Jersey 2018 is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of the Startopia update.||0||
6316|Water|||Gain 50% more XP from Surgery!|Your stomach's rumbling.|Now you're
thinking with fryers! The only thing better than an icy cool treat is an icy cool
treat wrapped in fried batter!|Deep-Fried Tropical Ice Cream is an unsplicable
consumable which was added on SummerFest 2018.||1||
6142|Wind|||||Building on the design of the Extract-O-Snap, the Extractor Dynamo
will analyze stacks of items within range and extract anything you desire. Best of
all, it can do this as many times as you like - it's a permanently awesome addition
to your item-sorting setup!|||2||
6650|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (L) (PURPLE) is
an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6198|None|||||Access to the wonders of the Summer Season! Collect these to unlock
its many rewards!|||0||
6204|None|||||BRONZE ARCHITECT CHEST|The Bronze Architect Chest is an unsplicable
and unobtainable consumable which was added in the Summer Clash update.||0||
6024|Water|||||Elemental Icon|The Element - Water is an icon for when a player is
seeing the info for an item with the Water Chi.||2||
6732|None|||||ADD ME!|The Star Tool Background is an unobtainable item that was
released alongside the Startopia Update.||1||
6304|None|||||Rock the season with the new ULTRA Summer Blaster style! These
glasses don't just say you're ULTRA COOL - they also say you're ULTRA HOT! Try to
find another kind of eyewear in a such ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|Ultra Summer
Blaster Glasses is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Summer
Season Events.||0||
6040|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|What's this now? The cute
little Mexican critter is wearing a sombrero? Well, things just got a whole lot
more adorable, didn't they?|The Riding Fiesta Axolotl is an unsplicable feet item
that was introduced during the Cinco De Mayo Week 2018. It is a Riding Axolotl
wearing a Fiesta Sombrero.||0|Speedy|
6234|Earth|||||These shelves are the best way to show everyone how much you've
learned from (and how much you've spent on) books! Build them ever-higher and
surround yourself with knowledge!|||1||
6280|Wind|||||Proud of your guild and it's amazing mascot? Well, time to show it
off in style! This machine will set your world of choice spinning with weather
based on YOUR special mascot! Now that's guild power!|The Weather Machine - Guild
is a weather machine that was released as part of Summer Season Events. It is given
to the owner of a Guild that places 1st in any Grow Event.||3||
6366|None|||||The fearsome warriors of the Greezak Horde welcome you to the hunt!
This necklace of trophies was taken from a veteran Greezak, and chronicles the
results of his many successful (and delicious) hunts.|Greezak Horde - Skull
Necklace is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Startopia
6186|Earth|||||Castles are pretty disgusting places, and this is where all that
grossness goes. It's really kinda awful, so try not to go for a swim. Or, like, put
it near anything you don't want to smell terrible.|||2||
6442|Earth|||||Negotiate with alien kings and space outposts in the name of the
Emperor with the Imperial viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 200. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this
to view your Star Stats!|Imperial Starship Viewscreen - Mk.II is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6180|Wind|||||Don't build a castle out of just anything - use special Castle-
brand(TM) stone for a catapult-resistant treat that's sure to impress visiting
nobles and stinky peasants alike!|The Castle Stone is a block that was released as
part of the Summer Season Events. One can be obtained from the Summer Awards.||2||
6498|Earth|||||Experince the cosmos in crystal clarity with the HyperTech
viewscreen as your window to the galaxy! Provides a Ship Rating of 5200. One of
three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench
this to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The
HyperTech Starship Viewscreen - Mk.III is an unsplicable non-solid starship
foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6506|Water|||||Get exacting analysis on every strange new world, alien, and
adventure you encounter with an Oracle Science Station on your ship! Provides a
solid boost to your Ship Rating for all Reputation-related challenges!|The Oracle
Science Station - Mk.I is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia
6214|Wind|||||Send your fashion shows to the future with the flickering fun of
holograms! This mannequin will wear anything a normal mannequin can, and look super
futuristic while it does!|The Holographic Mannequin is an unsplicable non-solid
mannequin foreground block that was added as part of Summer Season Events.||3||
6888|Water|||||Raw elemental power surges within this strange stone! Somewhere in
its shimmering depths is the power to command Water, but without something to
channel and control it, its unfiltered might would destroy you! Better find the
proper artifact to hold it...|The Water Stone was released on September 3rd,
6478|Earth|||||Listen to your prey cower as you chase them across the stars with
the Greezak Horde viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 2310. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Greezak
Horde Starship Viewscreen - Mk.II is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6252|None|||Exquisite surgeon skills.|Not so exquisite surgeon skills anymore.|
Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal
anomalies from infected patients!|The Exquisite Bone Saw is a hand item which was
released part of the Summer Season Events.||0||
6966|None|||Bull smash!|Bull needs a nap!|YEEHAW! Saddle up this bucking bull and
charge its horns for maximum fury! This beastly bovine is none too happy to have a
rider, so make sure you take its fury out on your foes, instead!|The Riding Bull is
an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0|Punch
Damage: Bull|
6554|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Side is an unbreakable block that
was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for all types
of Starships.|1|1||
6294|None|||Run like a dinosaur!|Millions of years have aged to your legs!|
Everybody do the Dinosaur! Pop on these prehistoric legs and leap into the fray
with all the speed of an angry raptor! Just be careful, or you might go out in the
same way - With a fiery meteor!|||0|Speedy|
6844|None|||Bontiful harvest!|Aw, no more bonus fossils.|These ambers have come
together (with some other bits and pieces, of course) to make this wonderful
necklace, just for you! It gives you 5% chance to get double fossil!|The Amber
Necklace is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2018 Day 6 on August 11, 2018.||0|Extra Fossils from fossil
6772|Wind|||||When GrowTech accidentally spawned a swarm of miniature black holes,
shareholders were worried the damage to spacetime might hurt business. Fortunately,
their engineers were able to harness the power of the singularity to create these
irresistible blocks! Punch to turn it on and feel the pull of the void!|The Gravity
Well is a block that was released as part of Summer Clash.||2||
6808|Wind|||||Maestro! This sheet will play a violin note for you, as along as you
aren't in range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!||4|
6376|None|||What pretty lights you have!|Lights... fading!|Flaring with HyperTech
superluminal banding and an everlasting reactor, this bike is unstoppably cool AND
eco-friendly. It'll never run out of juice, and as long as you're riding it, you'll
never be out of style.|||0|MAGnificent!|
6814|None|||||Dying for that fresh-out-of-the-bubble-bath look? Well, die no more!
Top your melon with these bodacious bubbles and LIVE! Whoever snagged this hairdo
had to be quick so the bubbles wouldn't pop and super-chilly so they'd stay in
place, all to bring it to you!|The Bubblicious Hair is an unsplicable hair item
which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day 2.||0||
6452|Fire|||||Give your ship a technologically-boosted power source with the
Stellarix Union reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 720. One of three components -
Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|Stellarix Union Starship Reactor - Mk.I is an unsplicable block
which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6218|None|||||Keep your finest tools close at hand by putting them around your neck
on a chain! Looks pretty blingin' too, which, as any architect will tell you, is a
must-have for a neckwear.|||0||
6790|None|||||They say stripes are slimming, but nobody ever mentioned how good
they look on you!|The Stripy Jumpsuit is a shirt that was released on day 3 of
Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6686|None|||||Give evil the boot with our newest line of fighting footwear! Now in
rebellious red!|Super Utility Boots - Red is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of the Startopia update.|23|0||
6278|Earth|||||Mock your chat with this fiendish face! Just consume this to add it
to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Evil Devil is an unsplicable growmoji
consumable which was added alongside the Summer Clash update on June 1, 2018.||1||
6210|Earth|||||Keep out peasants and other undeswables with this gross moat! Nobody
will want to take a dive in these waters!|||2||
6776|None|||||Time to huff, puff, and blue your hood down! This hoodie will keep
you warm and, more importantly, looking great in all kinds of weather!|The Big Bad
Blue Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Day 1 of Player
Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6284|None|||Aural Flames surround you!|Flames extinguished!|Strap on this awesome
item and prepare to receive an aura of brilliant fire energy! Also double-jump
power. We're not sure how that part works.|The Flaming Aura is a back item that was
added as part of the Summer Season Events update.||0|Flame On!|
6426|Wind|||||With the help of advanced medicines, space-age surgical gear, and
extra-soft pillows, the starship sickbay is the perfect place to perform surgery!
Cure your patients here for a chance at some interesting new items, too...|||1||
6674|None|||||Foul! Make the call with this jersey - you have to be right, because
you're striped!||12|0||
6480|Earth|||||Listen to your prey cower as you chase them across the stars with
the Greezak Horde viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 2640. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Greezak
Horde Starship Viewscreen - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6114|Fire||||| A sweet-smelling piece of a larger whole, this engine part is
infused with pineapple power!|The Pineapple Engine Part is a component that was
added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2018.||2||
6230|Earth|||||All your notes on plants would fill a library, but this piece is
just too nice to stick in a book - so let's stick it on a wall, instead!|||1||
6300|None|||||Let's boogie! Nobody can resist the awesome beat of the DANCEMASTER -
and when you wear this gleaming helm, that's you! Use its funky power to get
everybody's groove on and start a dance party at the drop of a hat! This hat,
specifically.|The Dancemaster's Crown is an unsplicable hat item that was added as
part of Summer Clash 2018.||0||
6264|None|||||Rock the season with the new Summer Blaster style! This shirt doesn't
just say you're cool - it also says you're hot! Try to find another piece of
clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Summer Blaster Shirt is a shirt
that was released as part of the Summer Season Events.||0||
6562|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Top Inner Corner is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
all types of Starships.|1|1||
6430|Wind|||||Navigate to distant suns in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 200. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen,
and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to start a Star Mission (but
make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Imperial Starship Helm - Mk.II is an
unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6358|None|||Come get sum!|Game over man, game over!|This combat rifle will mow down
alien hordes and toast a mean marshmallow, but only when fired in the name of the
Emperor! All hail Startopia! Made on Gliese III. Firing upon giraffes will void
warranty.|||0|Lock 'n' Load|
6132|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6094|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6964|Earth|||||Picked up at the height of freshness and practically bursting with
fruity power, this ripely red block is great in desserts, buildings, and as a
mighty snack!|The Strawberry Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which
was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6858|Earth|||||Consume this for fourteen full days of special treatment! You'll get
a chance of doubling any XP earned, 10 season tokens (as long as there's a seasonal
clash running), and 200 gems every day!|The 14-Day Free Subscription Token is a
consumable that was released as part of 2018's Player Appreciation Week. One was
obtained when the player watched 100 advertisements.||1||
6714|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6474|Fire|||||Make sure your ship can survive the rigors of a lengthy hunt with the
Greezak Horde Reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 2640. One of the three components
- Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|The Greezak Horde Starship Reactor - Mk.III is an unsplicable
block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6454|Fire|||||Give your ship a technologically-boosted power source with the
Stellarix Union reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 900. One of three components -
Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|The Stellarix Union Starship Reactor - Mk.II is an unsplicable
non-solid startopia foreground block which was added as part of the Startopia
update. One has a chance to be obtained from completing a star voyage in the Delta
6702|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Bottom Corner (R) (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6348|None|||||Show everyone you're a ranked officer of Startopia! Those who bear
the Medic Class uniform have excellent personnel and healing abilities. Wearing
this also provides a slight boost to your ship rating for all Crew-based skill
checks!|Startopian Empire - Medic Class Uniform is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6092|None|||||Paranoid when there’s someone out there, inclined to meddle with your
mind? Don this fancy little hat and fear no more! Its foily goodness will protect
you from even the most powerful mind control!|The Foil Hat is an unsplicable hat
item which was added in the B.O.O. Update.||0||
6402|Earth|||||The Triffid is the second-deadliest creature on Parblaax XII,
capable of devouring a Greezak warrior whole in mere seconds! Don't step beneath
it, or you'll find out first-hand just how quick they are!|||1||
6684|None|||||Keep all your superheroing gadgets close at hand and well-organized
with this helpful utility belt! Oh, and keep your pants up, too. That's important
for fighting crime.|Super Utility Belt is an unsplicable chest item which was added
as part of the Startopia update.||0||
6102|Earth|||||Point the way to your next party (and few other points besides) with
this multi-directional sign. Where to go, Growtopian?|The Pineapple Sign is a sign
that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2018.||1||
6020|Fire|||||Elemental Icon|The Element - Fire is seen as an icon for when a
player is seeing the info for the item which has the Fire Chi.||2||
6960|Earth|||||Popped fresh from the Earth and loaded with color and a crisp snap,
these carrot blocks prove the best way to eat your vegetables is by the square!|The
Carrot Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
the Role Up! update on September 17, 2018.||1||
6496|Earth|||||Experience the cosmos in crystal clarity with the HyperTech
viewscreen as your window to the galaxy! Provides a Ship Rating of 4690. One of
three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench
this to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The
HyperTech Starship Viewscreen - Mk.II is an unsplicable non-solid starship
foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6136|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6222|None|||||No master of diagrams and charts can be trusted unless they also have
a big. highly-educated beard to back them up. Now THAT S the face of an
6068|Earth|||||Pretty standard place to put all your trash, but that's about it. At
least it's not on fire.|||2||
6116|Earth|||||Reinforced with pineapple rubble and filled with concentrated
pineapple scent, this wheel will get you on the road - when you collect a few more,
that is.|The Pineapple Wheel is a component that was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2018.||2||
6840|None|||Bountiful harvest!|Aw, no more bonus blocks.|Empowered by bountiful
spirits from the Other Side, this delicate dreamcatcher will grant its wielder
clear skies... and 2% chance of getting extra blocks from harvesting trees!|The
Dreamcatcher Staff is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2018 Day 6 on August 11, 2018.||0|Extra blocks from trees...|
6216|None|||||Keep warm long into the night with these well-tailored robes. Perfect
for workaholic architects who want to jot down just a few more diagrams before
6882|Wind|||||Raw elemental power surges within this strange stone! Somewhere in
its shimmering depths is the power to command Wind, but without something to
channel and control it, its unfiltered might would destroy you! Better find the
proper artifact to hold it...|The Wind Stone is an unsplicable consumable that was
released as a part of the Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6112|None|||Pine-ch Buggy. Beep Beep!|Pine-ch Buggy. no returns!|Part car, part
pineapple, all style. There might be a lot of cars on the road, but none can
compare to the four-wheeled fury of the Pine-ch Buggy!|The Pine-ch Buggy is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2018.||0|
Pine-ch Buggy|
6194|None|||||A trusty steed for a trusted guildmate! Collect one for all your
allies and have a parade! Or keep them all to yourself and taunt your friends.
Either way, this horse is just happy to help.|The Guild Steed is a feet item that
was released as part of the Summer Season Events. One can be obtained from the
Summer Awards.||0|Speedy|
6692|None|||||Your legs will look wonderful - and yellow - with these sparkling new
lights!|Super Utility Tights - Yellow is an unsplicable pants item which was added
as part of the Startopia update.|23|0||
6986|Wind|||||A brilliant jewel of the forgotten depths! See how it shimmers and
shifts in the light, like warm sunlight through soft sea foam... Gorgeous!|The
Aquamarine Stone is a component which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||
6246|None|||Harvester of souls... zombie souls that is!|Not today matey!|Built to
exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal anomalies
from infected trees!|The Anomalizing Exquisite Scythe is an unsplicable hand item
which was added in the Summer Clash update.||0|Exquisite Scythe|
6764|Water|||||Give your eyes an overhaul in a beautifully blue way with these
handy pupil-painting lenses! You may need multiple lenses - and other colors - to
achieve a desired affect.|The Blue Contact Lens is a consumable which was added on
11 August 2018 with the Contact Lens Pack.||0||
6880|Earth|||||Raw elemental power surges within this strange stone! Somewhere in
its shimmering depths is the power to manipulate Life, but without something to
channel and control it, its unfiltered might would destroy you! Better find the
proper artifact to hold it...|The Life Stone is an unsplicable consumable that was
released as a part of the Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6818|None|||Phew, the moonlight is back!|Where did the moonlight go?|Wrap yourself
in harrowing darkness and take to the skies! These wings are spun from Midnight
shadows, harvested from those with a touch of the starry void in their souls - Dare
you wear them?|Nightwings is a back item that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2018.||0|Night|
6344|None|||||Show everyone you're a ranked officer of Startopia! Those who bear
the Command Class uniform have excellent leadership and political abilities.
Wearing this also provides a slight boost to your ship rating for all Reputation-
based skill checks!|The Startopian Empire - Command Class Uniform is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6726|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Inner Corner (R) (RED)
is an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as
the outer part for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6322|Earth|||||Pop a burst of fireworks into your chat! Just consume this to add it
to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Fireworks is a consumable introduced
along with the SummerFest 2018 update.||1||
6086|None|||You can hurt ghosts!|You can't hurt ghosts.|Summons deadly spectral
energies to give you the awesome power to punch ghosts dead! Well, again. Actually,
we’re not sure where they go... but they’re not happy about it!|The Neutron Power
Glove is an unsplicable hand item which was added in the B.O.O. Update. One can be
obtained as a rare drop from using a Boss Goo in a Spirit Storage Unit with a high
percentage of Ghost-In-A-Jars put inside.||0|Ghost Puncher|
6916|Fire|||||Pulsing with temporal goodness, this treat is in a constant state of
flantum flux! Use this on an eligible block in your world and marvel as time
rewinds and the block returns to your inventory!|The Flashback Flan is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6800|None|||Totally heavy, man!|Lighten up!|Brought to you by popular demand, meet
the most playful, incredibly popular, and astonishingly amazing friend for all
Growtopians... A ROCK! All sales final.|The Pet Rock is a hand item that was added
as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day 7 on August 12, 2018.||0|Geology
6658|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (R) (PURPLE) is
an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6130|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6850|Earth|||||These magical doors connect all the worlds in Growtopia. Place one
and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination.|The Tutorial Exit Door is an
unobtainable non-solid foreground block that can be found in the world TUTORIAL.|1|
6716|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (L) (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6796|None|185|863|||As bright, fresh, and braided as a fine pastry, this hair
doesn't just look stylish - it also looks DELICIOUS.|The Braided Hair is a head
item that was released as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018.|12|0||
6292|None|||||Not used, it's just a dumb checkmark.|The Dumb Checkmark is an
unobtainable component which was added as part of Summer Clash 2018.||0||
6494|Earth|||||Experience the cosmos in crystal clarity with the HyperTech
viewscreen as your window to the galaxy! Provides a Ship Rating of 4200. One of
three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench
this to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|HyperTech
Starship Viewscreen - Mk.I is an unsplicable non-solid starship foreground block
which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6508|Water|||||Get exacting analysis on every strange new world, alien, and
adventure you encounter with an Oracle Science Station on your ship! Provides a
great boost to your Ship Rating for all Reputation-related challenges!|The Oracle
Science Station - Mk.II is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia
6664|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Roof Corner (L) (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6352|None|||||This helm will keep your noggin safe from all kinds of
extraterrestrial threats, like the brain-sucking mosquitorrasques of Vreebin VII!
Show everyone you're a loyal soldier of Startopia with the official Mk.II Combat
Troop outfit!|Startopian Empire - Combat Troop Mk.II Helmet is an unsplicable hat
which was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6044|None|||||Bring the party everywhere you go. When you /dance with this, you can
perform for your friends!|Fiesta Mariachi Guitar is an unsplicable hand item which
was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2018.||0||
7000|Earth|||||Mmm! Adds freshness to any dish and eliminates bad breath! Whether
you're tossing together a bright dish or hoping to co-exist happily with other
people, you can't go wrong with mint!|The Sprig of Mint is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of the Role Up! update. One can be obtained from grinding 2
Mints in a Food Grinder.||1||
6456|Fire|||||Give your ship a technologically-boosted power source with the
Stellarix Union reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 1080. One of three components -
Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|The Stellarix Union Starship Reactor - Mk.III is an unsplicable
block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6394|Fire|929|6389|||Make a few important adjustments to your starship systems with
this easy-access console.||21|1||
6756|None|||Come forth my honor guard!|I return thee to thy realm!|Guards! Guards!
Assemble the troops with a wave of this lordly scepter! Your foes will run in
terror before you and your gang of guardians!|The Scepter of the Honor Guard is a
hand item that was added as part of Summer Clash.||0|For Honor|
6662|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Cockpit (PURPLE) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6432|Wind|||||Navigate to distant suns in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 280. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen,
and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to start a Star Mission (but
make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Imperial Starship Helm - Mk.III is an
unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6794|None|||||When one tail o' hair just won't do, try doubling up with these
twins! Your locks never looked so good!|Twintail Hair is an unsplicable
hair item which was added on Day 5 of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6968|Earth|||||A rare and beautiful flower, this is one of the rarest and most
expensive plants you can find! Lucky indeed it's come into your hands, wouldn't you
say?|The Saffron Crocus Flower is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which
was added as part of the Role Up! update on September 17, 2018.||1||
6852|Earth|||||This block is used in the tutorial AND it regenerates - just wait
and see!|The Tutorial Regen Block is an unobtainable block that can be found in the
world TUTORIAL.|1|0||
6550|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Bottom is an unbreakable block that
was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for all types
of Starships.|1|1||
6436|Fire|||||Empower your ship in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 200. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen,
and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star Fuel to your ship!
|Imperial Starship Reactor - Mk.II is an unsplicable block item which was added in
the Startopia Update.||3||
6428|Wind|||||Navigate to distant suns in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 30. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and
Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to start a Star Mission (but make
sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Imperial Starship Helm - Mk.I is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6320|None|||||Not a good swimmer? Toss these fire-themed floaties on and keep your
hands dry. At least they'll be fine! Not sure about the rest of you though.|Flaming
Floaties are an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of SummerFest 2018 on
July 6, 2018.||0||
6682|None|||||Toss on these tights for a beautiful - yet breathable - superhero
style!|Super Utility Tights - Red is an unsplicable pants item which was added as
part of the Startopia update.|23|0||
6302|None|||||Rock the season with the new Summer Blaster style! These glasses
don't just say you're cool - they also say you're hot! Try to find another kind of
eyewear that can do both! Go on, I'll wait... |Summer Blaster Glasses is an
unsplicable face item which was added as a part of the Summer Clash update.||0||
6126|None|||||Not used, it's just another dumb question.|The Dumb Question 2 is an
unobtainable item that was added alongside the Summer Clash update. It is used as
an icon for when a branch is locked.||0||
6110|None|||You throw pineapple spears!|Your hand feels empty like your stomach.|
Now you're playing with pine-power! Wield the true might of the pineapple and blast
blocks into oblivion with this delicious spear!|||0|Super-Duper Pineapple Power!|
6552|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Top is an unbreakable block that was
added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for all types of
6350|None|||Phaser set to "punch"!|Battery at 0%|Cut down vile Xenoid raiders,
defend yourself against Greezak hunters, and make pirates shake in their stolen
boots with a blast of hot plasma from a Startopian blaster! For the Empire! Made on
Proxima Centauri II. All space rights reserved.|Startopian Empire - Phase Blaster
is an unsplicable hand item which was added in the Startopia Update.||0|Phase
6412|Fire|||Cooking is easy! Just tap ingredients on your oven! The first
ingredient you put in asks you to choose Low, Medium, or High heat. You can use
whatever heat you like - higher heat gets the job done more quickly, but that also
makes it harder to be accurate with your timing.|When you think your food is
perfectly cooked, just punch the oven to collect the results!|HyperTech engineering
at its finest, the Replicator uses chronoburners to help you prepare your food,
granting a small chance to get a temporal COPY of whatever you create! That's two
dishes for the price of one! Wow! Thanks HyperTech!|Replicator is an unsplicable
non-solid Cooking Oven foreground block which was added as part of the Startopia
6486|Wind|||||Blast off into the great unknown at ludicrous speeds with the
HyperTech helm as your navigator! Provides a massively overclocked amount of Ship
Rating and Crew Health. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor -
needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to start a Star Mission (but make sure you
have enough Star Tools)!|HyperTech Starship Helm - Mk.III is an unsplicable non-
solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6784|None|333|1599|||All eyes are on you when you stride into the ballroom in this
vintage dress! It sparkles and shines like a constellation setting you among the
stars!|Rhinestone Evening Dress is a splicable shirt item which was added on the
second day of Player Appreciation Week 2018.|17|0||
6340|None|||||Are you ready to travel the stars? To explore strange new worlds and
fight for the glory of Startopia? Then vacuum-pressed and ready for space - get the
rest of your uniform together and enlist today!|||0||
6580|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6856|Earth|||||Consume this for three full days of special treatment! You'll get a
chance of doubling any XP earned, 10 season tokens (as long as there's a seasonal
clash running), and 100 gems every day!|The 3-Day Premium Subscription Token is a
consumable that was released as part of 2018's Player Appreciation Week. One could
be obtained by watching 30 advertisements which can be found on the Growtopia
6028|None|||You feel your body shrinking.|You grow back to your normal size.|Become
your very own Mini-You! Fool your friends with this amazing optical illusion, now
with complete lack of particle emitters! Once again, we reiterate that this is an
illusion - Growtech accepts no responsibility for users getting stuck in tight
spaces (or inability to use auras convincingly).|The Ring Of Shrinking is a hand
item that added along with the B.O.O. Update.||0|Ring of Shrinking|
6298|None|||Bareback Dragon riding!|Smoog is tired, night-night, sweet dreams!|
Ancient flames and armored scales await your command! Smoog is a proud and fearsome
beast, but he's decided to allow you - yes YOU - to have the honor of being his
rider! Who needs horses or cars when you can sit astride a mighty DRAGON!|The Smoog
the Great Dragon is an unsplicable feet item.||0|Smoog|
6146|Earth|||||GrowTech's engineers were trying to invent a way to make multiple
grilled cheese sandwiches at the same time, but ended up creating this terrifying
CyBot of burning pain! Funny how often that happens. Can take up to 5 CyBot
6462|Earth|||||Engage in calcualting diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 1080. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Stellarix Union
Starship Viewscreen - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6386|Wind|||||Welded durallium tiles to keep up with all manner of interstellar
wear and tear. If you're going to be flying through a vacuum in a fragile metal
box, you'd better have something solid underfoot.||1|1||
6500|Fire|||||Track your foes to their atoms with a Bastion Tactical Console
onboard! Provides a solid boost to your Ship Rating for all Ship-related
challenges!|Bastion Tactical Console - Mk.I is an unsplicable block which was added
in the Startopia Update.||3||
6528|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to cut
down alien threats to your crew!||22|1||
6514|Wind|||||Keep yourself and your crew the picture of health with the salubrious
strength of the Vitahope Life Support System! Provides a great boost to your Ship
Rating for all Crew-related challenges!|The Vitahope Life Support System - Mk.II is
an unsplicable non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia
6720|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Detail (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6828|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected empty spaces in the world! Note: The
fragile anomaly-seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may
break (though with less of a chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6128|None|||||Not used, it's just yet another dumb question.|Dumb Question 3 is an
unobtainable item that was added alongside the Summer Clash update. It is used as
an icon for when a player has not unlocked the Legendary Branch in the Summer Clash
Rewards Store.||0||
6286|Earth|||||The scientific brains at GrowTech have created this ridiculously
useful box to help you store large amounts of items! Unfortunately, those pesky
untradeable items can't be placed here - those GrowTech geniuses were too. busy
celebrating after they made the first version! Note: Only World Lock owners can use
this item.|||3||
6250|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected patients! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6860|Earth|||||Consume this for thirty full days of special treatment! You'll get
access to unique skins, a chance of doubling any XP earned, 70 season tokens (as
long as there's a seasonal clash running), and 4000 gems every day!|The 30-Day
Premium Subscription Token is a consumable that was released as part of 2018's
Player Appreciation Week.||1||
6070|Earth|||||Combines a fairly boring color with a moderately boring building
material to create... a somewhat boring wall. Huzzah.|The White Brick Wall is an
unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of the B.O.O.
6746|None|||||No info.|Space is an unobtainable item that was released as part of
the Startopia Update. It is used at the bottom of starship worlds to prevent
players from falling off.|1|0||
6444|Earth|||||Negotiate with alien kings and space outposts in the name of the
Emperor with the Imperial viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 280. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this
to view your Star Stats!|Imperial Starship Viewscreen - Mk.III is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update. One
can be obtained from completing a Star Voyage in the Beta Sector.||3||
6100|Fire|||||Light up your next luau with this stylish fiery lantern! Ow! So hot
right now.|Pineapple Koa Lantern is an unsplicable toggleable foreground block
which was added on Super Pineapple Party 2018.||3||
6678|None|||||Hide your identity with this red helmet - but not your might!|Super
Utility Helmet - Red is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the
Startopia update.|23|0||
6066|Wind|||||A blast of ectoplasmic annihilation! Use this mighty mix to remove
all ghosts from the world!|||0||
6408|Earth|||||Few Startopians have seen the inside of a Greezak Hive and lived, so
whoever got you this wall block was either very brave or very lucky!|The Greezak
Hive Wall is an unsplicable background block which was added in the Startopia
6672|Earth|||||Pop a football into your chat! Just consume this to add it to your
available growmojis!|The Growmoji Football is an unsplicable consumable growmoji
that was added as part of SummerFest 2018 on July 6, 2018.||1||
6064|None|||||This little ghost will guide you on your travels, and he’ll even
reduce the chance of a Spirit Board breaking when summoning ghosts! Aww, isn’t that
nice of him?|The Spirit Guide is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part
of the B.O.O. update in 2018.||0||
6666|Fire|||||Command your very own Starship and explore the cosmos! This blast
contains a HyperTech ship, the finest craft in the galaxy! Comes with a full tank
of gas, an Imperial Helm - Mk. I, Imperial Reactor - Mk. I and an Imperial
Viewscreen - Mk. I, so you'll be all set for your adventure among the stars! Also
comes with an assortment of space-age blocks!|The HyperTech Starship Blast is a
consumable that was introduced along with the Startopia Update.||1||
6942|None|||Ahoy captain.|We're not reading anything on the scanners.|Built to
exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal anomalies
discovered on Star Missions!|The Anomalizing Exquisite Scanner is an unsplicable
hand item that was released as part of Winter Clash.||0|Startopia skills: Exquisite
6510|Water|||||Get exacting analysis on every strange new world, alien, and
adventure you encounter with an Oracle Science Station on your ship! Provides a
fantastic boost to your Ship Rating for all Reputation-related challenges!|The
Oracle Science Station - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6096|Wind|||||Infuse your muscles with the unearthly might of the Other Side! This
spectral potion gives you the strength to wring every last drop of ectoplasm from a
defeated Boss Ghost, granting you an EXTRA Boss Goo after a successful banishing!|
The EctoJuicer is a consumable which was added as part of the B.O.O. Update on May
1, 2018.||0||
6754|None|||Nuts overload!|These acorns taste too good to throw away!|All shall
kneel before the nuttiest ruler of all: YOU! Wield the twitchy might of the
squirrel empire with this wondrous tail. Acorns are your ammunition, the trees are
your home, and the world is your kingdom. Go forth and chitter with pride!|The
Squirrel King is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of the Summer
Clash update.||0|Acorns!|
6802|Wind|||||Now you're talking! This is worth 100 growtokens! Double-tap this in
your inventory to break it back down into 100 growtokens. Spend them in the store
on special items! Try dialing 12345 or 53785 on your Telephone for details!|The
Mega Growtoken is an untradeable item released as a part of Player Appreciation
Week 2018. One can be obtained from double tapping (compressing) 100 Growtokens in
one's inventory. The purpose of item is same as a Diamond Lock which makes storing
large amount of World Locks easier.||0||
6694|None|||Nooooo, you're back to normal!|The flying hero or the fly?|All-purpose
utility wings to carry you onto the heads of your villainous foes from on high!|
Super Utility Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of the
Startopia update.||0|Super Utility Wings!|
6734|Earth|||||Now you're talking! This is worth 100 buckazoids! Double-tab this in
your inventory to break it back down into 100 buckazoids. You can exchange
buckazoids for rare interstellar rewards by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at
53785!|Mega Buckazoid is an unsplicable component item which was added in the
Startopia Update.||0||
6138|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show off
your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
6998|Earth|||||A beautiful plant with a refreshing taste! Gather as much mint as
you can to keep your world smelling nice, and even if your visitors have no sense
of smell, it'll still look pretty!|The Mint is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block that was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6108|None|||||Show off your pineapple spirit with this leering mask! Looks just as
great on a shelf as it does on your face! Wait... was this actually a fish at once
point?|The Pineapple Tiki Mask is a face item which was released during Super
Pineapple Party 2018.||0||
6762|Earth|||||Give your eyes an overhaul and go for the green by popping in these
pupil-painting lenses! You may need multiple lenses - and other colors - to achieve
a desired affect.|The Green Contact Lens is a consumable which was added on 11
August 2018 with the Contact Lens Pack.||0||
6152|Earth|||||GrowTech's engineers were trying to invent a way to make multiple
grilled cheese sandwiches at the same time, but ended up creating this terrifying
CyBot of burning pain! Funny how often that happens. Can take up to 5 CyBot
6318|None|||||The blazing fish is out of the water and at your side, happy to light
your way with glowing gills and searing scales!|The Firefin Leash is an unsplicable
hand item which was added on SummerFest 2018. One can be obtained by completing the
training of a Level 10 Firefin.||0||
6698|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof (RED) is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6076|Wind|||||Alert! Alert! This spiritually-attuned light will flash on if it
detects otherworldly entities nearby! Use it to prepare yourself for an onslaught
from the afterlife!|The Otherworldly Warning Light is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of the B.O.O.
6502|Fire|||||Track your foes to their atoms with a Bastion Tactical Console
onboard! Provides a great boost to your Ship Rating for all Ship-related
challenges!|Bastion Tactical Console - Mk.II is an unsplicable non-solid starship
foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6074|Wind|||||This thing isn't from around here. I've looked at a lot of blocks,
but not many that looked back! Especially from another world...|The Otherworldly
Block is a block that was released as part of the B.O.O. Update. It is obtained
randomly by using a Boss Goo with a percentage in a Spirit Storage Unit.||2||
6770|None|||||You'll be a "rara" beauty when you don this skirt! Who can resist
those colors?|The Rara Skirt is an unsplicable pants item which was added on 8
August 2018, the third day of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6450|Wind|||||Engage in calcualting diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 1080. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Stellarix
Union Starship Helm - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6052|Earth|||||Pop some spicey spikes into your chat with this cactus! Just consume
it to add it to your available Growmojis!|The Growmoji Catus is an unsplicable
consumable which as added as part of the Cino De Mayo Week 2018 update on May 4,
6854|Wind|||||Take the grow pill, and we'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes!
Splash the scrolling code of creation across the skies of your world. They say you
learn to understand it after a while... Note: You can only have one of these per
world.|The Weather Machine - Digital Rain is a non-solid weather machine foreground
block which was added on Player Appreciation Week 2018.||2||
6742|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Metal Panel (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6360|None|||||The fearsome warriors of the Greezak Horde welcome you to the hunt!
This helmet is styled in the traditional manner of the Greezak, with plenty of
breathing room and a pocket for snacks.|The Greezak Horde - Warrior Helmet is an
unsplicable hat item which was added in the Startopia update. One has a chance to
be obtained from completing a Star Voyage in the Epsilon Sector.||0||
6956|Earth|||||Now here's a thumping good treat that can't be beet! This musical
root (or perhaps the root of all music) has a tempo all on its own and a taste
that's even louder!|||1||
6752|None|||||Rock the season in ULTRA Summer Blaster Style! This mohawk doesn't
just say you're ULTRA COOL - it also says you're ULTRA HOT! Try to find another
kind of hairstyle that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Ultra Summer Blaster
Mohawk is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Summer Season
6910|Fire|||25% chance of double Growtokens from Daily Quests.|Your stomach's
devasted!|Fine gourmet treats for only the most delicate and refined palates! Food
Buff: Take a bite to gain a 25% chance of getting DOUBLE Growtokens from completing
Daily Quests!|The Growlectables is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6824|Earth|||||Don't be a party pooper - pop a party vibe into your chat! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojs!|Growmoji Pizza is an unsplicable
growmoji consumable which was added on August 1, 2018.||1||
6476|Earth|||||Listen to your prey cower as you chase them across the stars with
the Greezak Horde viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 2000. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Greezak
Horde Starship Viewscreen - Mk.I is an unsplicable block item which was added in
the Startopia Update.||3||
6490|Fire|||||Enjoy power for generations of exploration and adventure with the
HyperTech reactor at your back! Provides a Ship Rating of 4690. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to add Star Fuel to your ship!|HyperTech Starship Reactor - Mk.II is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6228|Earth|||||All your notes on animals would fill a library, but this piece is
just too nice to stick in a book - so let's stick it on a wall, instead!|||1||
6036|None|||||Kudos to you! You've trained a fish that's actually a salamander! Now
that he's worldly and wise, this mighty little Mexican salamander is all too happy
to follow you around!|The Axolotl Leash is an unsplicable hand item added along
with Cinco De Mayo Week 2018. It is a common chance from training a massive Axolotl
in a Training Port.||0||
6240|None|||Hammer Time!|Oh… someone touched this!|Built to exacting specifications
by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal anomalies from infected blocks!|
The Anomalizing Exquisite Hammer is a hand item that was released as part of Summer
Season Events.||0|Punch Damage: Exquisite Hammer|
6338|None|||Hear me roar!|Meee-oww!|The terror of dark jungles and rustling fields
has been tamed! This awesome beast comes to you from distant lands, willing to lend
its primal might - and incredible stride - to your efforts! Rise up to the
challenge of your rivals with your new feline friend!|||0|Eye of the Tiger|
6710|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Wall (RED) is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6736|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Metal Panel is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6712|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Wall (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6812|Wind|6809|11|||This sheet will play a violin note for you - a half-step lower
note than Sheet Music: Violin Note - as along as you aren't in range of a boombox.
Put it in different places for different pitches!|Sheet Music: Flat Violin is a
sheet music background which was released in Player Appreciation Week 2018.|4|0||
6894|Earth|||||Show your appreciation - pop an applause into your chat! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Clapping Hands is an
unsplicable growmoji consumable which was added in September 2018.||1||
6900|None|||||Show off your surgery skills and dress for the next big emergency
with this hypoallergenic coverall!|The EMT Jumpsuit is an unsplicable shirt
clothing which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6728|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Cockpit (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6310|None|||Spit seeds at your enemies.|Your mouth is free again.|Juicy and sweet,
but definitely NOT seedless! Take a bite and get ready to blast the world with
weaponized watermelon!|The Watermelon is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as a part of the SummerFest 2018 update.||0|Mouthfull of Seeds|
6830|None|||Exquisite building skills.|Not so exquisite building skills anymore.|
Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal
anomalies from infected empty spaces in the world!|The Exquisite Trowel is an
unsplicable hand item which was added in the Summer Clash update.||0|Build Range:
Exquisite Trowel|
6792|None|||||Ooh la la! Grab your feather duster and put on your best French
accent, because this dress is made to impress! Oui, mademoiselle!|The French Maid's
Dress is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on 8 August 2018, the third day
of Player Appreciation Week 2018. One has a small chance to drop from breaking a
Banquet Dining Chair, Banquet Table or Royal Gilt Bathtub.||0||
6162|Earth|||||Lord it over your lessers from this sear of power (lessers not
included).|The Throne is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was
added as part of Summer Clash 2018.||1||
6886|Fire|||||Raw elemental power surges within this strange stone! Somewhere in
its shimmering depths is the power to command Fire, but without something to
channel and control it, its unfiltered might would destroy you! Better find the
proper artifact to hold it...|The Fire Stone is an unsplicable consumable that was
released as a part of the Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6516|Wind|||||Keep yourself and your crew the picture of health with the salubrious
strength of the Vitahope Life Support System! Provides a fantastic boost to your
Ship Rating for all Crew-related challenges!|The Vitahope Life Support System -
Mk.III is an unsplicable non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6750|None|||||Rock the season with the new Summer Blaster style! This mohawk
doesn't just say you're cool - it also says you're hot! Try to find another kind of
hairstyle that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|||0||
6324|Earth|||||Drop down and relax in the summertime with this playful deck chair!
Now all you need is a deck!|The Deck Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat
foreground block which was added as part of SummerFest 2018.||2||
6786|None|||||Perfect plaid for the budding lady lumberjack in you!|The Plaid Skirt
is an unsplicable pants item which was added on the second day of Player
Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6274|Earth|||||Give your chat a jolt of terror! Just consume this to add it to your
available growmojis!|The Growmoji Terrified Face is a growmoji which was added as
part of Summer Clash.||1||
6174|Earth|||||Rar! Show everyone what a fearsome hunter (or antique collector) you
are with this trophy. Warning: May not impress anyone born after the 19th
6332|Fire|||||Capable of cutting through wind and rain like a hot knife through
butter. Imagine what you could make with these if you got enough together...|The
Flaming Feathers is an unsplicable component which was added as part of SummerFest
6730|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Roof Corner (L) (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6872|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6104|Earth|||||You can't open the door to a tropical adventure if you don't,
y'know, actually have a door. Try this one!|The Pineapple Tiki Door is an
unsplicable toggleable foreground block that was released as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2018.||3||
6914|Fire|||Get extra gems from a variety of actions!|Your stomach has too many
bubbles!|Sparklier than the most pristine sparkling water! Food Buff: This high-
value treat will give anyone who consumes it BONUS gems from fish catches (125
gems), surgeries (250 gems), cooking recipes (300 gems) and Startopia missions (500
gems)!|The Gemonade is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Role Up! update.||0||
6574|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Thruster is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6272|Earth|||||Calm your chat with a touch of peace! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|||1||
6898|None|||||Show off your farmer flair and enjoy a long-lasting snack with this
tasty wheat!|The Munchin' Straw is an unsplicable face item which was added as part
of the Role Up! update.||0||
6148|Earth|||||GrowTech's engineers were trying to invent a way to make multiple
grilled cheese sandwiches at the same time, but ended up creating this terrifying
CyBot of burning pain! Funny how often that happens. Can take up to 5 CyBot
6954|Earth|||||What has science DONE?! By fusing the verdant powers of nature and
the chaotic energies of the void, you've managed to create a device capable of
breaking blocks OR harvesting trees, and then collecting a target drop, all in one
go! Just fuel it with enough Gems, set a target, and let 'er rip! Note: Blocks
broken by this device will not drop gems! It's convenient, but inefficient!|Techno-
Organic Engine is an unsplicable foreground block which was added in the Role Up!
update. One can be crafted after reaching Builder Level 10.||10||
6464|Wind|||||Set course for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos with the
Greezak Horde helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 2000. One of three components - Helm,
Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this to start a Star
Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Greezak Horde Starship Helm
- Mk.I is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6926|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected blocks! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The
Anomalizing Elegant Hammer is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||0||
6434|Fire|||||Empower your ship in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 30. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen,
and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star Fuel to your
6482|Wind|||||Blast off into the great unknown at ludicrous speeds with the
HyperTech helm as your navigator! Provides a Ship Rating of 4200. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|HyperTech
Starship Helm - Mk.I is an unsplicable non-solid starship foreground block which
was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6928|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected trees! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The
Anomalizing Elegant Scythe is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||0||
6944|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies discovered on Star Missions! Note: The fragile anomaly-
seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with
less of a chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with
care!|The Anomalizing Elegant Scanner is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6904|None|||||Show off your starship strengths and command the respect of your crew
with this dashing cap!|Star Captain's Hat is a hat item that was added alongside
with the Role Up! update.||0||
6920|Fire|||Gain extra Points from pristine anomalizers!|Your stomach's rumbling
for more potion goodness!|Ooh! It's almost too perfect to drink! If you can bear to
disturb this beautiful potion, drinking it will... Food Buff: Increase the points
by 10% you gain from ALL pristine anomalizers (when used during an active Season
Event)|The Pristine Potion is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||1||
6946|Earth|||||The pulse of nature calls to its own! Place this beacon to start
summoning seeds! Simply tune this bioform to the seed of your choosing, and it will
collect and store any that drop in your world! Only collects seeds from breaking
blocks and harvesting!|The Gaia's Beacon is a non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Role Up! update.||10||
6078|Wind|||||Rare spectral ichor! You don't get this from just any ghost. I bet it
could be turned into something useful... Warning: Is sure to overload any Spirit
Storage Unit! Good news, though; The more ghosts you have in the SSU before you add
this, the better your odds for something really good!|||2||
6864|Earth|||||This block is used in the tutorial AND spawns a block - just wait
and see!|The Tutorial Regen BG is a background that can be found in the world
6918|Fire|||Gain extra Points from delicate anomalizers!|Your stomach's rumbling
for more potion goodness!|Don't drop it! This bubbling potion is very fragile! Take
a super-careful sip... Food Buff: Increases the points by 10% you gain from ALL
delicate anomalizers (when used during an active Season Event)!|The Delicate
Potion is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Role Up!
6896|None|||||Show off your builder bona fides and keep your noggin safe with this
bright and beautiful hat!|The Yellow Hardhat is an unsplicable hat item that was
added alongside with the Role Up! update.||0||
6590|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (R) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6262|None|||You suddenly feel a wave of vertigo!|Phew, back to your normal size!|A
big glove demands a big owner, but this glove takes it a step further - it'll MAKE
you bigger! Slip the glove on and send the might of the giants coursing through
your veins. You'll be towering over your friends and squashing your problems like
bugs in no time!|The Glove of the Giants is an unsplicable hand item that was added
as part of Summer Season Events.||0|GIANTASTIC!|
6492|Fire|||||Enjoy power for generations of exploration and adventure with the
HyperTech reactor at your back! Provides a Ship Rating of 5200. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to add Star Fuel to your ship!|HyperTech Starship Reactor - Mk.III is an
unsplicable non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia
6522|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to heal
your ship Health and repair damage in a snap!||22|1||
6182|Earth|||||All good castles need walls on multiple sides. Don't just put up
some blocks on the front and call it a day - add these background blocks for a true
castle experience!|The Castle Stone Background is a wallpaper that was released as
part of the Summer Season Events. One can be obtained from the Summer Awards.||2||
6950|Earth|||||Tired of harvesting trees on your own? Perhaps it's time we made
nature work for US, for a change! Empower this pulsing Heart with enough Gems, tell
it to target any tree of your choosing, and it will harvest them AUTOMAGICALLY!|The
Heart of Gaia is an unsplicable foreground block which was added in the Role Up!
6622|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom (GREEN) is an unbreakable
platform that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part
for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6170|Fire|||||A sconce of iron with a light of crackling fire, just like in olden
times! Punch to turn on and Off. just like in... uh... never?|||2||
6612|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Wall (GREEN) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6948|Earth|||||A spatial vortex is a dangerous thing, but this one... can be
controlled! Place this techno-hazard to start summoning blocks! Simply target this
tear to the block of your choosing, and it will collect and store any that drop in
your world! Only collects blocks from breaking blocks and harvesting!|The Unstable
Tesseract is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Role Up! update.||10||
6470|Fire|||||Make sure your ship can survive the rigors of a lengthy hunt with the
Greezak Horde Reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 2000. One of the three components
- Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|The Greezak Horde Starship Reactor - Mk.I is an unsplicable
block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6440|Earth|||||Negotiate with alien kings and space outposts in the name of the
Emperor with the Imperial viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 30. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this
to view your Star Stats!|The Imperial Starship Viewscreen - Mk.I is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6788|None|2507|199|||A cute color for an even cuter Growtopian!|The Peplum Top is a
shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day 2 on August
7, 2018.|5|0||
6090|Wind|||Power OVERWHELMING!|Now you are a wimp again.|Insert this into your
Neutron Pack to give it a little extra oomph. Will deal double damage for a short
time before burning out, so use it wisely!|The Neutron Focus Core is an unsplicable
consumable that was added as part of the B.O.O. Update.||0||
6630|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Roof Corner (L) (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6608|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Thruster (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6940|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies discovered on Star Missions! Note: The fragile anomaly-
seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with
less of a chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6740|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Metal Panel (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6602|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Bottom Corner (R) (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6336|Earth|||||A helpful tool to guide you on your way! Use this to see your quests
- oh, and welcome to Growtopia!|The Growpedia is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of the first tutorial update. It is automatically given to all
new players.||1||
6598|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof (GREEN) is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6632|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof (PURPLE) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6688|None|||||Hide your identity with this yellow helmet - but not your might!|
Super Utility Helmet - Yellow is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
the Startopia update.|23|0||
6892|None|||Colour changing sorcery!|Back to a dull boring life!|Capable of
reflecting the true colors of the world around it, this rare tunic is made of
captured starlight and aether. If you think knitting with thread is hard, just try
doing it with moonbeams and magic! The result is worth it though, as these clothes
won't just make you look amazing - you'll be able to channel their inherent power
into blasts of cosmic energy!|||0|Mysterious|
6906|None|||View musical notes in the world.|Your stomach's rumbling to the beat.|
Take a bite and enjoy a symphony of flavors! Food Buff: Consuming this cookie will
allow you to see musical notes in the world!|The Composer's Cookie is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6930|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected patients! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The
Anomalizing Elegant Bone Saw is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||0||
6846|None|||Effortless Growth...|Aw, no more extra growth.|The call of the wild...
in the palm of your hand! Wear this ring and enjoy a special bond with all things
that grow! Reduces the grow time of seeds by 2% when planting or splicing!|The Ring
of Nature is a ring that was released as part of 2018's Player Appreciation Week.||
0|Reduce Growtime...|
6924|Fire|||Gain extra Points from exquisite anomalizers!|Your stomach's rumbling
for more potion goodness!|The most marvelous of all potions! Aged to perfection,
this fizzing drink is only for the highest of the high-class potion specialists.
Food Buff: Increase the points by 10% you gain from ALL anomalizers (when used
during an active Season Event)!|The Exquisite Potion is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6922|Fire|||Gain extra Points from elegant anomalizers!|Your stomach's rumbling for
more potion goodness!|Now THIS is a classy drink! Show you're a Growtopian of
refinement and grace by taking a sip of this... Food Buff: Increases the points by
10% you gain from ALL elegant anomalizers (when used during an active Season
Event)|The Elegant Potion is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||1||
6634|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Top Corner (R) (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6936|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected empty spaces in the world! Note: The
fragile anomaly-seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may
break (though with less of a chance than a Pristine version, but more than an
Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The Anomalizing Elegant Cultivator is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6238|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected blocks! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6902|None|||||Show off your fishing finesse and keep your toes nice and dry with
these water-proof waders!|The Fishing Wader Boots is an unsplicable feet item that
was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6472|Fire|||||Make sure your ship can survive the rigors of a lengthy hunt with the
Greezak Horde Reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 2310. One of the three components
- Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star
Fuel to your ship!|The Greezak Horde Starship Reactor - Mk.II is an unsplicable
block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6160|Wind|||||The perfect place to drift to sleep after a hard day of watching
knights joust, fools juggle, and peasants till crops.|||1||
6744|Earth|||||Pop an awesome alien into your chat! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|Growmoji Alien is an unsplicable growmoji consumable
which was added on July 1, 2018.||1||
6932|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected fish! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The
Elegant Anomarod is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Role
Up! update.||0||
6832|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected splices, and guaranteed to never break!|||
6848|None|||Crystals everywhere.|Your eyesight returns to normal.|My, what crazy
eyes you have! Besides looking amazing, these pristine peepers give you a bonus
2.5% chance of finding crystals using Geiger Counter!|The Luminous Eyes is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018 Day
5 on August 10, 2018.||0|Crystal Vision|
6826|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected blocks, and guaranteed to never break!|||
6976|Fire|||||Ouch! You've managed to store a storm of energy in a block... and
it's not happy about it! This thing is dangerous to the touch, but perhaps it has
other uses... (besides injuring yourself, of course)|The Electrical Power Cube is
an unsplicable solid deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Role
Up! update on September 17, 2018.||1||
6356|None|||||These plated pants will keep your legs safe extraterrestrial threats,
like the bone-melting lava worms of Multak VIII! Show everyone you're a loyal
soldier of Startopia with the official Mk.II Combat Troop outfit!|Startopian Empire
- Combat Troop Mk.II Leg Armor is an unsplicable pants item which was added in the
Startopia Update.||0||
6970|Earth|||||It might not be much of a looker, but this compost is full of
nutrients and fertilizer, giving it all kinds of useful applications (definitely
not perfume, though - yuck)!|The Bio-Waste is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6660|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Inner Corner (R)
(PURPLE) is an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is
used as the outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6422|Fire|||||Command your very own Starship and explore the cosmos! This blast
contains one of 3 possible Stellarix Union ship types - which will you get? Note:
Comes with a full tank of gas, an Imperial Helm - Mk. I, Imperial Reactor - Mk. I
and an Imperial Viewscreen - Mk. I, so you'll be all set for your adventure among
the stars! Also comes with an assortment of space-age blocks!|The Stellarix
Starship Blast is a blast that was released as part of the Startopia Update. One
can be obtained from successfully performing a Star Voyage.||1||
6934|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected splices! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Pristine version, but more than an Exquisite one)! Use with care!|The
Anomalizing Elegant Trowel is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||0||
6912|Fire|||Reduce your skill fails by half in both Surgery and Startopia
missions.|Your stomach's too spicey.|The true spice of life (and starships, for
some reason)! Food Buff: Munch on this to halve your chances of getting a skill
fail in surgery and/or Startopia missions!|The Skill Spice is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
6768|Water|||||Tired of your current pupil color? Give them a wash with this
hygienic cleaning solution! Note: You might need more than on application to finish
the job!|The Contact Lens Cleaning Solution is a consumable which was added on 11
August 2018 with the Contact Lens Pack. It removes one layer of contact lens
coloring from the player's pupils.||0||
6778|None|||||Break out of the routine and set your own style as long as it's
purple! This hoodie will keep you warm and, more importantly, looking great in all
kinds of weather!|The Punk Purple Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of Day 1 of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0||
6704|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Thrusters (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6656|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom (PURPLE) is an unbreakable
platform that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part
for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6178|Earth|||||There’s only one way into the best castles, and it isn’t a Hidden
Door or a Hospital Door or a Log Cabin Door or a Saloon Door or a- say, we’ve got a
lot of doors in Growtopia, don’t we?|||2||
6780|None|||Dabbing to the beat!|The dab is over!|Light up every footfall and move
to a better beat with these dabulous shoes! When you're wearing these, the world is
your dance floor!|The Dabstep Low Top Sneakers is an unsplicable feet item which
was added as part of Day 4 of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0|Dabbing|
6202|None|||||SILVER ARCHITECT CHEST|The Silver Architect Chest is an unsplicable
consumable which was added in the Summer Clash update.||0||
6418|Wind|||||The currency of the starts! This buckazoid is your reward for
successfully completing a mission for the Startopian Empire. You can exchange
buckazoids for rare interstellar prizes by calling Sales-Man on your Telephone at
53785! Double-tap this in your inventory to combine 100 of them into a Mega
Buckazoid!|The Buckazoid is a component item that was added on Startopia Update. It
can be obtained from successfully completing a Star Voyage.||0||
6820|None|||Come to me my precious!|You're no longer attractive!|Shimmering
crystals and gems to adorn only the fanciest of necks! Strangely magnetic, these
crystals must amplify the personal pull of those who wear them! Careful, though -
these shards are sharp!|The Crystal Shard Necklace is a neck item that was released
as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0|Crystal Magnetism!|
6626|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Inner Corner (R) (GREEN)
is an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as
the outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6276|Earth|||||Troll your chat as badly as you troll your friends! Just consume
this to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Trollface is an
unsplicable consumable which was added in the Summer Clash update.||1||
6610|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Wall (GREEN) is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6606|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Thruster (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6646|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Wall (PURPLE) is an unbreakable,
unobtainable and unsplicable solid foreground block that was added during the
Startopia update.|1|1||
6438|Fire|||||Empower your ship in the name of the Emperor with the Imperial
reactor! Provides a Ship Rating of 280. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen,
and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to add Star Fuel to your ship!|
The Imperial Starship Reactor - Mk.III is an unsplicable non-solid starship
component foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update. One has a
chance to be obtained from completing a star voyage in the Beta Sector.||3||
6642|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Thruster (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6938|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove tomporal anomalies discovered on Star Missions! Note: The fragile anomaly-
seeking circuitry in this devices is prone to failure and may break! Use with
6782|None|||The horns turned out to be finite!|The darkness and the light!|Ripped
from the endless gulf between the stars, these twisted horns still carry a touch of
hyperspace! They'll accelerate you into the great beyond, but just remember - when
you stare into the void... the void stares back!|The Horns of Infinity is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018.||0|
6334|None|||You can double jump! It's like flying but not!|Your feet are back on
the ground!|Forged from bladed feathers of flame and fury, these wings will let you
tear through the skies with the might of the chimera! Sponsored by Danieldd!|
Danieldd's Chimera Wings is an unspliceable back item introduced during SummerFest
2018. This item was sponsored by Danieldd, the fourth player to complete the Epic
Quests.||0|Double Jump: Chimera Wings!|
6098|Earth|||||Use a touch of the tropics to make your art pop! Comes with a blank
canvas inside if you don't have any art. Note: if your art is made of background
blocks, you'll need to apply Block Glue to it to make the frame surround it!|The
Bamboo Frame is an unsplicable background block that was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2018.||1||
6636|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Bottom Corner (R) (PURPLE) is
an unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6106|None|||||The sweet (and slightly sour) fish has flopped out of the tropical
waters it calls home and onto a leash! Take him out for your next luau!|The
Pineapple Fish Leash is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added on Super
Pineapple Party 2018. One can be obtained from completing the training of a Level
10 Pineapple Fish.||0||
6468|Wind|||||Set course for knowledge and understanding of the cosmos with the
Stellarix Union helm! Provides a Ship Rating of 2640. One of three components -
Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starsip. Wrench this to start a
Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|Greezak Horde Starship
Helm - Mk.III is an unsplicable block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6398|Wind|||||A deadly dangerous vacuum lurks beyond the metal safety of your
starship - so let's add a way to get to it quickly! This airlock is a one-way
ticket into the void, so if it's open while you're nearby, watch your step!|||1||
6700|None|||||No info.|Starship Hull - EXT Roof Top Corner (R) (RED) is an
unsplicable and unobtainable solid foreground bedrock block item which was added in
the Startopia Update. This item is used in the outer part of a HyperTech Starship.|
6836|None|||Exquisite Growth|Aw, no more growth|Built to exacting specifications by
GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal anomalies from infected seeds!|The
Exquisite Cultivator is an unsplicable hand item that was released as part of
Summer Clash update on June 1, 2018.||0|Reduced Growtime: Exquisite Cultivator|
6878|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6638|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Thrusters (PURPLE) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6628|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Cockpit (GREEN) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6354|None|||||This body armor will keep your torso safe from all kinds of
extraterrestrial threats, like the heart-stealing shadowfiends of Xarhoom IX! Show
everyone you're a loyal soldier of Startopia with the official Mk.II Combat Troop
outfit!|Startopian Empire - Combat Troop Mk.II Body Armor is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6364|None|||||The fearsome warriors of the Greezak Horde welcome you to the hunt!
These leg plate are aerodynamic and whisper-quiet, perfect for a hunting party (or
a late-night snack run.|The Greezak Horde - Warrior Leg Armor is an unsplicable
pants item which was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6616|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (L) (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6600|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Top Corner (R) (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6400|Fire|555|6387|||A quick and easy way to get to higher places on your starship!
Note that these ladders are based off the ancient GrowTech ladder technology, so
you can still only go up, not down. But now you can do it in SPACE! ||5|1||
6620|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Detail (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6248|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected patients! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break! Use with care!|||0||
6372|None|||I'm a rocket man!|What a rush!|Zip through space and hover like a champ
with these high-tech boost boots! Thanks to a HyperTech dynamo core, these can keep
you off the ground forever, meaning you'll never have dirty shoes again! Now THAT'S
progress!|||0|Thrusters engaged!|
6200|None|||||GOLD ARCHITECT CHEST|The Gold Architect Chest is an unobtainable item
released as part of the Summer Clash update. It is used as an icon in the Event
Rewards menu.||0||
6868|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6874|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6370|None|||||The mask of a daring outlaw king! Raid ancient alien treasures and
splash your name across the cosmos from behind this fantastic mask! All will
(probably) remember you!|The LordStar Environment Mask is an unsplicable face item
which was added in the Startopia Update.||0||
6164|Earth|||||Perfect for pulling up to a medieval banquet table laden with roasts
and goblets!|The Banquet Dining Chair is a non-solid seat foreground block that was
added as part of Summer Clash 2018 on June 1, 2018.||1||
6140|Wind|||||Got a big pile of junk and don't want to waste time sorting through
it? Have no fear; Extract-O-Snap is here! This handy hook will scan any stacks you
target and then extract your desired item in a snap!|||0||
6576|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Wall is an unbreakable block that
was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6392|Wind|||||A new Checkpoint for a new future! Take a walk by this device to save
your bio-signatures in its transporter buffer! If you die, you'll respawn at the
last Checkpoint you touched!|The Starship Transporter is an unsplicable non-solid
checkpoint foreground block which was added in the Startopia update. One has a
chance to be obtained from completing a Star Voyage in the Beta Sector.||1||
6172|Earth|||||Look, but don't touch! This spiky suit will shred the unwary with
the barest touch. Someone really ought to put a rope around it or something...|||
6526|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to beam
yourself and your crew on and off your ship!||22|1||
6572|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Thruster is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6560|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Bottom Inner Corner is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for all types of Starships.|1|1||
6538|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to
interface with alien lifeforms and engage in tactful interstellar diplomacy!||22|
6584|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Vent is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6536|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to heal
your Reputation and give aid to the needy!||22|1||
6520|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to
protect your computer systems and engage in technical espionage!||22|1||
6532|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to get
tactical telemetry and scanning data about the space around your ship!||22|1||
6056|None|||||The favored garb of a legendary outlaw, this is the perfect gear for
rustling cattle, robbing trains and - surprisingly - afternoon tea. Who knew?|The
Bandolier is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo
Week 2018.||0||
6544|Fire|993|6389|||Glowing with high-tech power! These walls are a must-have for
the discerning starship captain - nobody wants to walk around on a dull ship, after
6604|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Thrusters (GREEN) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6546|None|||||No info.|Data Starship Hull is an unsplicable and unobtainable solid
bedrock foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update. It does same
function as Data Bedrock in regards of storing world data.|1|1||
6166|Earth|||||The perfect place for a feast (or a politically-charged argument
with lords and ladies). Add more pieces for more guests!|||1||
6556|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Bottom Outer Corner is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for all types of Starships.|1|1||
6578|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Wall is an unbreakable block
which was added during the Startopia update. It can be found in a Starship.|1|1||
6644|None|||||No info.||1|1||
6640|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Thruster (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6154|Earth|||||Ready to pulverize unsuspecting parkouristsl Don't linger too long
near these, or you'll be the subject Of a very... pointed exchange!|The Deathtrap
Wall is an unsplicable toggleable deadly foreground block.||2||
6568|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Bottom Corner (R) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6596|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Top Roof Corner (L) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6566|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof Top Corner (R) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6168|Fire|||||Shed a little light on your drafty keep with this bejeweled
chandelier. Also handy for interrupting sword fights!|||1||
6984|Water|||||Whoa! Clean-up on Aisle Slime! Add a truly slippery spill of slime
to any deserving surface with this new floor. We recommend applying it to: Fancy
balls, graduation ceremonies, choir recitals, and tap-dance competitions!|The Slip
'n' Slide Slime Floor is an unsplicable slippery platform block which was added as
part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6582|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (L) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6624|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Corner (R) (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6648|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6534|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to deal
with delicate diplomatic situations and cut through bureaucratic red tape!||22|1||
6548|None|||||No info.|The Starship Main Door is an unobtainable door that was
added as part of the Startopia Update. It is the Main Door's alternate version for
starship worlds.|1|1||
6614|None|||||No info.|Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall (GREEN) is an unsplicable
and unbreakable solid foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.
These blocks can be found naturally at the bottom of a Stellarix Union starship.|1|
6524|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to heal
your Crew Health and resolve medical emergencies!||22|1||
6594|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Cockpit is an unbreakable block that
was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6542|Wind|623|6387|||A slotted grill for a starship floor - perfect for cleaning up
gross alien pirates after you unleash a gigablaster on them!||13|1||
6570|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Thrusters is an unbreakable block
that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6708|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Thruster (RED) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6558|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - INT Top Outer Corner is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
all types of Starships.|1|1||
6156|Wind|||||Now you see them, now you don't! These blocks like to phase in and
out of our visual dimension, but don't worry - they're still there!|The Dimension
Block is a block that was released as part of the Summer Season Events.||2||
6588|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom is an unbreakable and
unobtainable block that was introduced during Startopia (update). It can be found
in any starships.|1|1||
6306|Water|||||Bubble up! This machine will fill the air with bright and beautiful
bubbles - perfect for a summer pool party, a sweet midnight rave, or a really
classy pizza night.|The Bubble Machine is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable
animated foreground block which was added as part of SummerFest 2018.||2||
6308|None|||Beach party!|Time to go home. I'm taking my ball with me!|Inflated with
extra summer fun! Bounce this onto the beach and relax in the sun and sand!|||0|
Beach Ball|
6290|Earth|||||The scientific brains at GrowTech have created this ridiculously
useful box to help you store large amounts of items! Unfortunately, those pesky
untradeable items can't be placed here - those GrowTech geniuses were too busy
celebrating after they made the first version! Note: Only World Lock owners can use
this item.|Storage Box Xtreme - Level 3 is an unsplicable block which was released
in the Summer Season Events update.||3||
6690|None|||||It may be yellow, but you certainly aren't - show the world you care
about looking great while fighting crime!|Super Utility Shirt - Yellow is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Startopia update.|23|0||
6312|None|||Flaming blades of fury!|The flames subside, but it will live again!|
Swirling flame and eternal glory are yours, for you possess the blade of emperors:
The Phoenix Sword! Astonishingly rare, incredibly powerful, and explosively sharp,
this weapon will proclaim its wielder as a force to be reckoned with! Wield it
well, for you are worthy. There are only 500 of them in existence, in all of
Growtopia!|The Phoenix Sword is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
SummerFest 2018.||0|Phoenix Sword|
9496|None|||Flaming blades of fury!|The flames subside, but it will live again!|
ELDRITCH POWER|The Phoenix Sword is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of SummerFest 2018.||0|Phoenix Sword|
6120|None|||The Pineapple presence protects you!|The Pineapple presence leaves
you!|Pining for protection? Make the power of the pineapple guardian personal with
this amazing necklace! When activated, grants immunity to thrown consumables for 5
seconds (starts as soon as you get hit), followed by a 5-minute cooldown.|The Super
Pineapple Guardian Charm is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of
the Super Pineapple Party 2018.||0|The Pineapple protects you!|
6652|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Vent (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block used as the outer part for Greezak Starship Blasted worlds.|1|1||
6050|Fire|||Get 200 Gems for beating a Pet Trainer.|Your stomach's rumbling.|One
glamorously perfect guacamole! Will have you saying, "I don't give a guac!" as you
and your pet charge into battle! Food Buff: 200 gems for every Pet Trainer
defeated.|The Magnifico Carne Guacamole - Perfecto is a consumable that was added
as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2018 update on May 4, 2018.||0||
6718|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Vent (RED) is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
HyperTech Starship.|1|1||
6410|Earth|||||A toothy maw of ever-hungering destruction, the Varlaak is only too
happy to eat anything that comes close. Terribly dangerous, but also an easy way to
dispose of kitchen scraps and unwanted guests!|The Varlaak is an unsplicable solid
deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Startopia update.||1||
6368|None|||Gree-ak-gree-zak!|kaz-eerg-ka-eerg| Lock onto your prey and fire! This
incredibly deadly shoulder cannon is designed to leave a Greezak warrior's hands
free so he can fight and fire at the same time! The plasma bolts it shoots are low-
energy, so they don't ruin animal pelts.|Greezak Horde - Shoulder Cannon is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Startopia update.||0|
6424|Fire|||||Command your very own Starship and explore the cosmos! This blast
contains one of 3 possible Greezak Horde ship types - which will you get? Note:
Comes with a full tank of gas, an Imperial Helm - Mk. I, Imperial Reactor - Mk. I
and an Imperial Viewscreen - Mk. I, so you'll be all set for your adventure among
the stars! Also comes with an assortment of space-age blocks!|The Greezak Starship
Blast is a consumable that was introduced along with the Startopia Update.||1||
6484|Wind|||||Blast off into the great unknown at ludicrous speeds with the
HyperTech helm as your navigator! Provides a wonderfully overclocked amount of Ship
Rating and Crew Health. One of three components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor -
needed to fly a starship. Wrench this to start a Star Mission (but make sure you
have enough Star Tools)!|HyperTech Starship Helm - Mk.II is an unsplicable non-
solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6670|None|||You have a soccer ball!|You're taking your ball and going home.|Tap the
ball into the goal and bask in the adoration of your fans with these eye-catching
cleats!|World Cup Cleats is a feet item that was released as part of SummerFest
2018. One has a chance of being obtained when purchasing the Sportsball Pack for
20,000 gems.||0|Speedy|
6810|Wind|6809|163|||Maestro! This sheet will play a violin note for you - a half-
step higher note than Sheet Music: Violin Note - as along as you aren't in range of
a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet Music: Sharp
Violin is a sheet music which plays a sharp violin note, depending on where it is
placed. If it is placed on a note C, it will play a sharp violin C note.|5|0||
6242|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected trees, and guaranteed to never break!|||0||
6396|Wind|1161|6387|||Enjoy staring into the endless void of space but don't want
to go for a spacewalk to see it? Pop a porthole into your starship and enjoy the
view instead!||13|1||
6774|None|||||My, what fine fashion you have! This hoodie will keep you warm and,
more importantly, looking great in all kinds of weather!|The Little Red Hoodie is
an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2018
Day 1.||0||
6890|Earth|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose:
To hold the six Elemental Stones. It currently holds the Earth Stone and can move
any block with Earth Chi. This is only the beginning, though - there are more
stones to be found! Be warned, however, for adding a stone to this gauntlet
requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so will bind the Elemental
Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|The Earth Stone is an unsplicable
consumable that was released as a part of the Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6758|None|||This cloak is amazing!|Back to the closet you go!|Say hello to the
friendliest threads around! This cape will take you to and fro with style, and
happily yank you high into the air whenever you desire! It's like a very loyal
blanket, but with a touch of magic to make your day extra lofty!|||0|Hoveration!|
6282|Water|||||Need help planning on your next great creation? The World Architect
will project a numbered grid over the entire world, scaling as you zoom in and out
to let you pinpoint blocks and locations for tweaking!|The World Architect is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Summer Clash 2018.
One has a chance to be obtained from the Summer Awards.||5||
6668|Earth|2893|17|||Gleaming green and trimmed to regulation height, this grass is
ready to host a ferocious match-up!||19|0||
6866|None|||||This incredibly strong gauntlet was designed for a single purpose: To
hold the six Elemental Stones. While each stone is very powerful individually,
combining their might in this gauntlet will grant the wearer the ability to
manipulate the very building blocks of reality! Be warned, however, for adding a
stone to this gauntlet requires the sacrifice of a soul in similar form. Doing so
will bind the Elemental Stone to the gauntlet and focus its power!|||0||
6618|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Vent (GREEN) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for Stellarix Union Starship.|1|1||
6564|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Roof is an unbreakable block that
was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for the
Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6518|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to
enhance your defenses in a moment of crisis!||22|1||
6384|None|||||Tired of using your boring human legs like a sucker? Well, fear not,
because the advanced surgical teams of the Stellarix Union have crafted these
incredible robot legs to take you to and fro without having to waste a single
calorie! Powered by Stellithium X9 battery and guarenteed to work 2 billion steps
or your buckazoids back, these legs will keep on walking after you drop!|||0||
6530|Wind|6395|3785|||A Star Tool used only in Startopia Missions! Use this to help
your crew get information and location data about their surroundings!||22|1||
6994|Water|||||A relic of a long-forgotten war, this mine is still as deadly as the
day it was placed! Take care not to swim (or walk or fly or, like, breathe) too
close! Otherwise, you might find yourself going out with a very big, very dangerous
bang!|The Naval Mine is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground block which was
added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6176|Earth|||||Too many thieves and rapscallions stinking up your castle? Toss the
riff-raff into this hanging cage and turn them into a cheerful decoration
6592|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Wall Inner Corner (R) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6586|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Detail is an unbreakable
block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the outer part for
the Imperial Starship.|1|1||
6992|Water|||||A delicate denizen of the depths! This little guy is very content to
sit around and do nothing, but it's also happy to help your world look great - just
so long as you don't use him to clean your dirty dishes!|The Sea Sponge is an
unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of Role Up!
update on September 17, 2018.||1||
6958|Earth|||||The product of many beaten beets, this puree is pulsing with good
times (and tastes)!|The Beat-root Puree is a cooking ingredient released as part of
Role Up! update. It is obtainable by grinding a Beat-root Block in a Food
6804|None|||Come get sum!|Game over man, game over!|Pop! Pop! Bring a boatload of
bubbles to any occasion with this poppin' fresh firearm!|The Bubble Gun
is item that was released on day 5 of Player Appreciation Week 2018.<CR>It adds the
Enhanced Digging mod when equipped, which allows the player to break blocks faster
by increasing the damage of the player's punch, just like Pickaxe.||0|Lock 'n'
6488|Fire|||||Enjoy power for generations of exploration and adventure with the
HyperTech reactor at your back! Provides a Ship Rating of 4200. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to add Star Fuel to your ship!|HyperTech Starship Reactor - Mk.I is an unsplicable
non-solid starship foreground block which was added in the Startopia Update.||3||
6962|Earth|||||Tired of being told to eat your broccoli? Well, now it's time to
show down on it's blockier cousin!|The Bloccoli Mini-Tree is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
6974|Earth|||||Sweet and syrupy with just a hint of salt, this home-made caramel is
good on everything... if you can keep yourself from eating it all on its own!|
Caramel is an unsplicable component which was added in the Role Up! update.||1||
6654|None|||||No info.|The Starship Hull - EXT Bottom Detail (PURPLE) is an
unbreakable block that was added during the Startopia update. It is used as the
outer part for the Greezak Horde Starship.|1|1||
6458|Earth|||||Engage in calculating diplomacy and intergalactic discussions with
the Stellarix Union viewscreen! Provides a Ship Rating of 720. One of three
components - Helm, Viewscreen, and Reactor - needed to fly a starship. Wrench this
to start a Star Mission (but make sure you have enough Star Tools)!|The Stellarix
Union Starship Viewscreen - Mk.I is an unsplicable block which was added in the
Startopia Update.||3||
6990|Earth|||||Deliciously developmental! This soup is pure evolution in a can! Fun
fact: Turns out the chemical basis for all organic life tastes a lot like tomato
bisque. Who knew?|The Primordial Soup is a consumable that was released as part of
Role Up! update.||1||
6978|Fire|||||Nurse! Lights! Turn up the brightness in your operating room with
this lamp and get a better look at all grisly wounds and diseases your fellow
Growtopians tend to collect!|The Operating Theater Lamp is an unsplicable
toggleable animated foreground block which was added in the Role Up! update.||1||
6982|None|||Burn some dust, eat my rubber!|Time to keep calm!|Tear up the streets
with triple-wheeled power! This chair isn't just incredibly comfortable and
supportive - it also features GrowTech-powered wheels to propel you wherever you
need to go! Take a seat and get ready to roll!|The Wheelchair Speedster is an
unsplicable feet item which was added in the Role Up! update.||0|Speedy: Speedster|
6996|None|||Chillin' in ya boat!|Man overboard!|A lovely personal watercraft, just
for you! Perfect for a quiet day on the water, listening to waves lap gently
against its hull as you wait for a nibble on your fishing line!|The Fishing Dinghy
is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0|
Speedy: Cruisin' |
6980|Earth|||||Build your way into the skies with the help of these lovely tiled
blocks! They're up to code and perfectly angled for even the most precise builder!|
The Tiled Staircase is an unsplicable platform which was added as part of the Role
Up! update.||1||
6834|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected splices! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking
circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a
chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
6884|Fire|||||Raw elemental power surges within this strange stone! Somewhere in
its shimmering depths is the power to manipulate Death, but without something to
channel and control it, its unfiltered might would destroy you! Better find the
proper artifact to hold it...|The Death Stone is an unsplicable consumable that was
released as a part of the Summer Clash 2018.||2||
6908|Fire|||Increase the duration of food buffs by 30%|Your stomach can't take
anymore buffs!|A soup for the discerning overeater, one sip and you'll find that
everything just tastes better! Food Buff: Eat to increase the duration of food
buffs received from other food items by 30%! Note: Will only affect food buffs
consumed after consuming the Gluttons Gazpacho!|The Glutton's Gazpacho is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Role Up! update.||0||
6696|None|||||Give evil the boot with our newest line of fighting footwear! Now in
youthful yellow!|Super Utility Boots - Yellow is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of the Startopia update.|23|0||
6988|Earth|||||The building block of life! They say that all living things in
Growtopia got their start in a pool of goo like this! Really makes you think...
Think about what YOU can make with it, that is!|The Primordial Ooze is an
unsplicable solid lava pain foreground block which was added as part of the Role
Up! update.||1||
6862|Earth|||||Consume this for a full YEAR of special treatment! You'll get 70
season tokens (as long as there's a seasonal clash running), and 4000 gems every
day and a chance of doubling any XP earned, growtime reduction on all seeds planted
and Exclusive Skins!|||1||
7766|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??|The Hatching Stone Egg is an unsplicable
non-solid provider foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion
7106|None|||Give people the evil eye.|Your vision is normal.|Wow, pawesome! These
new eyes are the cat's meow, and the purrfect addition to any style.|The Cat Eyes
are an unsplicable face item introduced during the Stuff! Update. It can only be
purchased from the Growtoken Store for 100 Growtokens.||0|Punch Range: Focused
7022|None|||||A traditional facemask obtained from an even more traditional fish!
You can't help looking great (and traditional) while you're wearing this!|The Mengu
Koi Samurai Facial Armor is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of the
Harvest Festival 2018 update on September 21, 2018.||0||
7390|None|||||What's better than one pet? Why, TWO, of course! With the strange
powers of this ancient relic, any pet that chooses to follow you will be joined by
its own time-tossed duplicate from another reality! What strange adventures does
this doppel-pet have while it's away? Probably best not to ask - what if it's from
a better world than yours? You might get jealous!|The Crown of Duplication is a hat
item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7816|Earth|7809|7631|||Emotional support is often harder to come by than physical,
but this column tries to accomplish both! It'll lift your spirits even as it lifts
your buildings!|The Heartcastle Column is a solid foreground block which was added
as part of Valentine's Week 2019.|4|2||
7290|Fire|||||Extra thick for royal feet! This carpet is so relaxing - and
expensive - it's like FIVE carpets in one!|||2||
7058|Wind|||Hand Scythe breaks 5% less!|You no longer feel pure!|Perfection is a
powerful message, and it's clearly in full effect with this astonishingly fine
mooncake! Anyone who partakes of such a lovely and delicate treat will be empowered
by the ancestors of the Harvest... Food Buff: Reduces the chance of suffering any
Hand Scythe breakages by 5%.|The Purity Mooncake is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update on September 21, 2018.||1||
7380|Wind|||||Who needs color? Enter a world of blacks and whites and nothing else!
It may be monochromatic, but it's a full spectrum of FUN! Warning: Fun not
guaranteed.|The Monochrome Blast is a consumable introduced during Black Friday
2018 which creates a new world with monochromatic features. The background
resembles a black-and-white version of Weather Machine - Sunny, and the blocks are
monochromatic as well. Like any other blasts, the player can only create the world
if it has not been created before.||0||
7126|None|||||Celebrating happiness, sadness, and all the little moments in
between! This mask will show the world you believe the true drama and splendor of
life is not in stability, but it has its highs and lows!|The Tragicomic Mask is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2018.||0||
8000|None|||||Absolutely guaranteed to be maybe sorta kinda luckier than the
average broach! ...possibly. A little. ... ... ...okay, not really.|The Lucky
Broach is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week
2019 on March 15, 2019.||0||
7308|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected food items! Note: The fragile anomaly-
seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with
less of a chance than a Delicate version)! Use with care!|||0||
7614|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters! They
seem to change from moment to moment, and never in a form you can decipher!|
Legendary Map - Scanned is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the
Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7642|None|||Golden Boar!|Roast boar for dinner!|Gleaming in the light of war, this
gorgeous boar is the most beautiful - and deadly - of its kind!|The Golden Battle
Boar is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt
update.||0|Sparkling for battle!|
7990|Earth|||||So apparently money DOES grow on trees. Only problem with this money
is that it's actually pretty worthless around here...|The Money Tree is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of St. Patrick's
Week 2019 on March 15, 2019.||1||
7778|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??<CR>|The Hatching Void Egg is an
unsplicable non-solid provider foreground block which was added in the Dragon
Invasion update.||2||
7686|Earth|||||Might not be a pillar of heaven, but these will still do a great job
of holding up the foundations of a temple tall enough to reach it!|The Chinese
Temple Pillar is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
Chinese New Year 2019.||2||
7362|Earth|||||Westward, ho! Put together the toughest all-terrain traveling
machine imaginable, starting with this mighty wagon base!|The Colonization Wagon
Base is a platform that was added on Thanksgiving Week 2018.||2||
7326|Fire|||||Stables aren't very effective with only one wall! Keep your clever
horses from exploiting Growtopia's geometry and escaping by adding a background to
their stables as well!|||1||
7384|None|||Let's roll out!|Energy cube drained!|Zip through the streets on
squealing wheels of steel, then transform and smash through walls and villains with
the power of the Growformers! This incredible automaton has a mind of his own, but
he's happy to be your wheels and shield as you tear through the many worlds of
Growtopia! Push the pedal to the metal and you'll be saying 'GG!' in 0.5
seconds!|||0|Speedy: Go-Go!|
7086|None|||||Just loaded with knives. Like, there are more weapons in an
Assassin's pants than fabric.|The Ezio's Trousers is a unsplicable pants item that
was added as a part of Ezio Update.||0||
7128|None|||||Tired of people treating you like a little kid? Toss this bad boy on
and send THEM crying home to momma!|The Creepy Baby Head Mask is an unsplicable
hair item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2018 on October 26, 2018.|19|
7584|None|||You've been enchanted!|The enchantment has worn off!|Don this beautiful
robe to summon the power of a playful sprite! Every jump will transform you into a
Sprite for a time and take you bounding above the world!|The Sprite's Robe is a
shirt item which was added in the Treasure Hunt Update as part of Winter Clash
2018. One has a chance to be obtained as a prize from the FINALEWORLD.||0||
7948|None|||Immunity!|Back to normal and boring human skin!|A gift of the gods,
shaped by magic and fused by cosmic heat, this skin makes for the perfect armor.
You'll never tire, never fall, never take one step back! ...though you may have to
deal with a spot of rust now and then. |The Forged Iron Skin is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on 1 March 2019.||0|Iron
7542|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Silver Trophy - Grow is an
unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy
awarded to players who were part of the Grow team for placing second in Brr-lloon
7910|None|||Let the eagle guide you!|No more eagle powers!|You are one with your
spirit animal! The awesome guidance of the Eagle Spirit has given you the gift of
double jump! Now go forth and clasp some crags with crooked hands!|The Eagle Spirit
is an unsplicable back item introduced during Spring Clash 2019.||0|Double-Jump:
7893|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes. With
this fine waistcoat/tie combo, you'll be the last word in rural nobility! |The
Country Tweed Waistcoat & Tie is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on 1
March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019. One can be obtained from the Spring
7376|Fire|||||DO NOT TOUCH! Apparently, even black-and-white lava can burn...|The
Monochromatic Lava is an unsplicable lava pain foreground block that was added as
part of the Black Friday 2018 on November 22, 2018.|1|1||
7966|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Player Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7324|Fire|||||If you think you have horse problems now, wait until your horses get
rained or snowed on - they HATE weather, and they'll blame you for it. Best to
avoid the issue entirely by building a nice roof for their stables!|The Stable Roof
is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of Winter Clash
7024|None|||||Geta pair of these traditional wooden slippers and you'll soon be
standing head and shoulders above your style-impaired companions!|The Geta is an
unsplicable feet item that was introduced during the Harvest Festival 2018 update
on September 21, 2018.||0||
7930|None|||||Time to show everyone you've got the right stuff! Commandeer the
fastest jets and set the most dangerous records in this super-sleek flight suit!|
The Air Force Flight Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
Spring Clash 2019 on March 1, 2019.||0||
7038|None|||||Aww, it's adorable! Don this mask (with associated suit) and you'll
instantly look like the second-cutest type of panda (after red pandas) and second-
most monochromatic bear (after polar bears) in the world! Just goes to show that
you can be second-place in looks... and first in our hearts.|The Panda Mask is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update on
September 21, 2018.||0||
7694|Fire|||||Wisps of aromatic smoke spill from this heavy urn, filling the air
with calming scents!|The Incense Urn is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable
animated foreground block which was added as part of the Chinese New Year 2019 on
February 1, 2019.||2||
7078|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
7936|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new ULTRA Spring Flinger Style! This
mask doesn't just give you the face of an ULTRA swift and hoppy frog - it also
gives you a new style that stays ULTRA fresh on water AND land! Try to find another
piece of clothing that can do both, and in SUCH an Ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|
The Ultra Spring Flinger Frog Mask is an unsplicable hat item which was added on 1
March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
7006|Wind||||| You might think this is just like any other rock, but it's NOT,
because it was found in SPAAAACE! That makes it at least 55% more spacey, which is,
of course, better.|The Space Rock is an unsplicable slippery block which was added
as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
7984|Earth|||||A lucky highland bush, perfect for decorating pathways, gardens, or
avant-garde hairsyles.|The Heather Bush is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on 15 March 2019.||1||
7056|Earth|||Earn an extra 50 xp from catching ghosts!|Your stomach's rumbling.|
Sweet and silky, this tart is made from tropically-ripened coconuts and some very
precise, very ancients baking secrets! These secrets are so ancient, in fact, that
they're able to connect with the ghosts of other coconut aficionados! Food Buff:
Grants anyone who eats this tart 50 XP from capturing ghosts! Note: Apparently, all
ghosts REALLY enjoy coconut, so this bonus applies to any of them! Who knew?|The
Coconut Tart is an unsplicable consumable which was added on Harvest Festival
7364|Earth|||||Westward, ho! Put together the toughest all-terrain traveling
machine imaginable and keep it nice and dry with this weather-resistant canopy!|
The Colonization Wagon Canopy is an unsplicable platform which was added as part of
the Thanksgiving Week 2018 upate on November 22, 2018.||2||
7098|None|||Nothing will stand in my way!|The scythe returns to its velvet case!|
Stolen from one of the four riders of the Apocalypse, this deadly blade is able to
slice open the veil between life and death.|The Apocalypse Scythe is a hand item
introduced during Halloween Week 2018.||0|Punch Damage: AXE!|
7656|Earth|||||Celebrate the party by baking some delicious cake for your chat!
Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Cake is an
unsplicable growmoji consumable which was added on January 1, 2019.||1||
7036|None|||||Applied with exacting precision and exquisite materials, this makeup
is a statement to the world that its bearer is poised, beautiful, and probably
displeased with shenanigans. ANY shenanigans.|The Geisha Makeup is an unsplicable
face item that was released as part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update on
September 21, 2018.||0||
7062|Earth|||||Celebrate the harvest in your chat as well as your worlds! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Songpyeon is a
consumable that was released as part of Harvest Festival 2018. Once consumed, it
will allow the player to use the (song) growmoji.||1||
7612|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters! They
seem to change from moment to moment, and never in a form you can decipher!|
Legendary Map - Untouched is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7606|None|||In the pale moonlight the shapes on the page begin to swirl and glow,
but can't seem to form anything solid. Perhaps the time is not right?|This map's
letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even those you CAN make out seem
to change from moment to moment.|This map's letters are hard to see in the light of
day, and even those you CAN make out seem to change from moment to moment...|Map of
Odin is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt
7550|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|The Balloon
Warz Winter Bronze Trophy - Build is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced
during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy awarded to players who were part of the
Build team for placing third in Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7580|Earth|||||Ever wished there were more of you in the world? Well, take a step
onto this shimmering platform, and your wish will be granted! Advanced Mimic Engine
scanners in this block will project copies of anyone who stands on top of them! Try
it out and you'll really start seeing double!|The Douppelganger Projector is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the Treasure Hunt
7636|None|||||Spun from the finest gold and made with craftsmanship of such
surpassing grace, the Aesir themselves will applaud its bearer. Good thing that's
you, eh?|Frigg's Belt is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the
Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7696|None|||Rocket propelled parasol!|Where did it go?|To the heavens! In honor of
the original creators of fireworks, this parasol has been loaded up with a dragon's
worth! Use them to blast your way into the heavens, and then float gently down to
Earth when you're done! There are only 700 in existence!|The Draconic Rocket
Parasol is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Chinese New Year
2019.||0|Double-Jump & Slow-Fall: Rocket|
7316|None|||We are all mad here!|That was just pure madness...|Hats! Hats for all!
AHAHAHAA! Don the tallest, wobbliest, most majestic tower of hats Growtopia has
ever seen and become one with madness! Hats for me! Hats for you! Hats for
EVERYONE! WOOHOO!|The Mad Hatter is an unsplicable hat item which was added in the
Winter Clash update.||1|Punch Damage : Madness!|
7568|None|||Weapons free, fire at will.|Peace initiative in effect.|Gliding
silently through the skies on carbon fiber blades, this drone is packed with
dangerous GrowTech attack systems and an advanced logic engine preloaded with
Amethyst-Generation AI! Luckily, it has to obey the holder of its remote - and
that's you! Just don't, like, lose that thing. We've had to put down about eighty
drone uprisings already...|||0|Drone|
7616|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters! They
seem to change from moment to moment, and never in a form you can decipher!|
Legendary Map - Magnified is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7546|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Gold Trophy -
Build is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It
is a trophy awarded to players who were part of the Build team for placing first in
Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7844|None|||||Access to the wonders of the Spring Season! Collect these to unlock
its many rewards!|||0||
7622|Earth|||||Brr! This background seems to radiate an unearthly chill. It's like
standing near the heart of winter...|The Glacier Background is an unsplicable
background block which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update. Multiple
layers of this block are naturally-generated in a treasure-blasted world.|1|0||
7892|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes. With
this fine waistcoat/tie combo, you'll be the last word in rural nobility! |The
Country Tweed Waistcoat & Tie is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on 1
March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019. One can be obtained from the Spring
7588|Earth|||||Enter a world of snow-capped peaks and long-forgotten mysteries!
Riddles and secrets - and a ton of treasure - await those who brave this blast's
blocks! Remember, when you use this, it'll create a new world by typing in a new
name! No sense in searching for clues to great treasures in well-trod worlds, is
there?|Treasure Blast is an unsplicable blast consumable which was added in the
Treasure Hunt Update. One can be purchased from the Store for 10,000 Gems.||0||
7996|None|||||Ahh, the most calming and gentle of musical instruments. Just
Bagpipes is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week
2019 on March 15, 2019.||0||
7952|Wind|||||Skip the stairs and get to the ground floor in a flash with this
super-slippery pole! A quick trick of firemen everywhere, now yours to use for more
than just emergencies!|The Slippery Flag Pole is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
7286|Fire|||||Ow, that's HOT! Perfect for protecting your medieval castle, or
letting everyone know that you really, REALLY don't want salesmen coming to your
7556|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
7528|Water|||||Just because you don't have room for an Olympic-sized pool doesn't
mean you can't have Olympic-sized fun! Get out the kiddie pool and enjoy a quick
summertime splash anywhere - even your living room! WARNING: Do not use in your
living room. Or if you do, please don't mention us.|||2||
7638|Water|||Your appetite has enlarged your body.|Your tummy rumbles as you return
to your normal size.|A big honkin' hunk of deliciousness! Take a bite and you'll
find yourself infused with gigantic meaty might! Time to feast!|Meat is an
unsplicable consumable which was added in the Treasure Hunt Update. One can be
obtained from a Treasure Map.||1||
7604|None|||||This map's letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even
those you CAN make out seem to change from moment to moment...|The Map of Tyr is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7572|None|||Weapons free, fire at will.|Peace initiative in effect.|Gliding
silently through the skies on carbon fiber blades, this drone is packed with
dangerous GrowTech attack systems and an advanced logic engine preloaded with
Amethyst-Generation AI! Luckily, it has to obey the holder of its remote - and
that's you! Just don't, like, lose that thing. We've had to put down about eighty
drone uprisings already...|||0|Drone|
7774|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??|The Hatching Water Egg is an unsplicable
non-solid provider foreground block which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion
7634|None|||||Circles are the superior defence setup! This baby deflects 7.8% more
blows than all other shield shapes! Invest now!|Round Shield is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt Update.||0||
7830|None|||For love!|Love lost!|Taken from the personal armory of the King and
Queen of Heart, this sword is capable of slicing through all but the saddest
thoughts and bringing joy to even the most melancholy of hearts!|The Heartsword is
an unsplicable hand item which was added on Valentine's Week 2019.||0|Punch Damage:
7676|None|||Hot air rises!|Don't get burninated!|An unyielding defense against
claws, fangs, spiky tails, and the blazing breath of even the mightiest drakes!
Comes in a variety of colors, all related to ancient customs and knightly orders!
Looks like this one is red, for the Crimson Court!|||0|Double Jump: Shield|
7980|Earth|||||It might take a lot of miniliths, but pile them all together, and
you can have your very own MEGALITH in your back yard!|||1||
7334|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
7582|None|||Fuelled for lift off!|Under maintenance!|After a great deal of
experimentation and only, like, ten major accidents, GrowTech's engineers have
worked out all the kinks and produced these fantastically fancy, almost certainly
safe wings! Just... don't ask about Wings MK.I-III. They had... problems.|The
Robotic MK.IV Wings is a back item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0|Double-
Jump: Robotic!|
7564|None|||||This shirt was fished out of a pool of radioactive chemicals, giving
it unnatural brightness (but no spider powers, unfortunately). Wearing it will turn
every room around you into the hottest club in town!|||0||
7660|None|||Party on!|Party... off?!|Those other ravers laughed at you. They
thought you didn't have the moves to dance with them. They thought your game was
weak and your accessories were weaker. Well, joke's on them, because now you're
ready to party the night away with the ultimate in confetti domination! Who's
laughing NOW, foolish ravers?! Kinda hard to make fun of someone when you've got
paper confetti and maybe a Mach 5 firework in your face, isn't it??|The Super Party
Launcher is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Anniversary Week
2019 on January 4, 2019.||0|Punch Range: Confetti|
7336|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show off
your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
7901|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! The
touch of yellow in this jacket/tie combo would go marvelously with a spring
festival - perhaps in your new manor's gardens?|||0||
7378|Earth|||||Technically, this is also dirt, but it's not just dirt that's
farther away - it's also black-and-white!|The Monochromatic Cave Background is an
unsplicable non-solid background block that was added as part of the Black Friday
2018 on November 22, 2018.|1|0||
7318|None|||We are all mad here!|That was just pure madness...|Hats! Hats for all!
AHAHAHAA! Don the tallest, wobbliest, most majestic tower of hats Growtopia has
ever seen and become one with madness! Hats for me! Hats for you! Hats for
EVERYONE! WOOHOO!|The Mad Hatter is an unsplicable hat item which was added in the
Winter Clash update.||1|Punch Damage : Madness!|
7348|None|||Just as fast as a chicken!|Back to normal feet!|Gobble gobble! Release
the turkeys and begin the festivities! Thanksgiving is upon us, and it's time to
celebrate!|||0|Speedy: Gobble-Gobble|
7386|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new ULTRA Winter Freezer style! This
suit doesn't just turn you into an ULTRA warm and adorable teddy bear - it also
turns you into an ULTRA cool one! Try to find another piece of clothing that can do
both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The Ultra Winter Freezer Teddy
Suit is a shirt item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7814|Earth|7809|7811|||Stamped with hearts and forged with everlasting care, these
turrets will form the top of the loveliest castle yet!|The Heartcastle Turret is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added on Valentine's Week 2019.|4|
7382|Earth|||||Deep, rich bands of white and black give this precious gemstone a
sense of life - and value - to be envied.|The Onyx Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block that was added as part of the Black Friday 2018 on November 22,
7370|Earth|||||Gobble gobble! Celebrate and give thanks while chatting with
friends! Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji
Turkey is an unsplicable growmoji consumable which was added on November 1, 2018.||
7924|None|||||Keeps you warm as you dance with the clouds and comes with all kinds
of cool patches to show off your many marvelous accomplishments.|||0||
7770|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??<CR>|The Hatching Ghost Egg is an
unsplicable non-solid provider foreground block which was added in the Dragon
Invasion update.||2||
7082|None|||||Comes with hidden pockets for blades, potions, explosives, and
snacks.|The Ezio's Vest is a shirt item that was added as a part of Ezio Update. It
is only obtainable by purchasing the Ezio's Outfit IAP from the Growtopia Store for
7084|None|||Have faith!|Faith no more!|Weighted just right to catch the winds, this
cape will help you stick a death-defying landing and look cool the whole time.|The
Ezio's Cape is a back item that was added as a part of Ezio Update.||0|Double Jump:
Assassin's Cape|
7620|Earth|||||Clasp these crags with crooked hands, and you'll have the perfect
blocks to build a home in lonely lands...|The Frozen Stone Cliffs is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added in the Treasure Hunt Update.|1|0||
7682|None|||Hot air rises!|Don't get burninated!|An unyielding defense against
claws, fangs, spiky tails, and the blazing breath of even the mightiest drakes!
Comes in a variety of colors, all related to ancient customs and knightly orders!
Looks like this one is diamond, for the rarest of all: The Radiant Souls!|||0|
Double Jump: Shield|
7016|Fire|||||Flickering growlithium energy, a font of immense power, stored in
this easy-to-handle capsule! Nice! Just don't drop it, or everything will probably
explode.|The Energy Capsule is an unsplicable component which was added as part of
the Role Up! update.||1||
7632|Earth|||||Drive yourself to new lands - and battle treacherous waters - with
this hand-hewn craft!|The Long Boat is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||1||
7812|Earth|7809|4711|||While the ways to a Growtopian's heart are nearly as varied
as the things they can accomplish, this portal is just about as clear and direct as
you can get! Romance lies beyond!|The Heartcastle Gate is a splicable non-solid
door foreground block which was added on Valentine's Week 2019 on February 8,
7050|Earth|||||Beloved by castaways, curry-makers, and hipsters the world over,
this is the best fruit that's also a drink! Crack open a lukewarm one today!|The
Coconut is an unsplicable component which was added as part of Harvest Festival
7776|Fire|||||A dragon egg, touched by the blackness from between the stars!|The
Void Egg is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the Dragon
Invasion update.||2||
7574|None|||Weapons free, fire at will.|Peace initiative in effect.|Gliding
silently through the skies on carbon fiber blades, this drone is packed with
dangerous GrowTech attack systems and an advanced logic engine preloaded with
Amethyst-Generation AI! Luckily, it has to obey the holder of its remote - and
that's you! Just don't, like, lose that thing. We've had to put down about eighty
drone uprisings already...|||0|Drone|
7014|Earth|||||Wow. You, uh, ground up an entire galaxy to make this spice. That's,
like, uncountable numbers of living things, not to mention planets, stars,
asteroids... all of it gone, turned into-well, okay, a COSMICALLY DELICIOUS spice,
but still. That's cold, man.|Cosmic 5-Spice Star is a component which was added
during the Role Up! update.||1||
7610|None|||In the pale moonlight the shapes on the page begin to swirl and glow,
but can't seem to form anything solid. Perhaps the time is not right?|This map's
letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even those you CAN make out seem
to change from moment to moment.|This map's letters are hard to see in the light of
day, and even those you CAN make out seem to change from moment to moment...|The
Map of Frigg is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7708|Fire|887|3063|||Warped by a firedrake's flames, it's hard to believe this door
even opens now!|The Toasted Village Door is a splicable non-solid door foreground
block which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update.|21|2||
7134|None|||||This is what happens when you don't feed your fish, then bury it in
unhallowed ground! Even worse, it looks like some foul magic has brought it back to
float by your side once more!|The Skeletal Shark Leash is a hand item introduced
during Halloween Week 2018. When equipped, it summons a pet skeletal shark. It is
obtained by completing level 10 training for a Skeletal Shark.||0||
7780|Fire|||||The mystic strength of the smallest of dragon is too much for even
the afterlife to handle! This bit mindlessly through our world. Perhaps you could
give it purpose...?|The Dragon Soul is an unsplicable component which was added as
part of the Dragon Invasion update.||1||
7646|None|||Swift Justice.|Go in peace as you put down your spear.|Justice and duty
resonate in the heart of this godly weaponn propelling it far beyond its wielder's
reach and into the very heart of evil!|Tyr's Spear is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0|Punch Range: Tyr's Spear|
7356|None|||||There are all kinds of things to be thankful for during the holidays,
but maybe one of the most important is just how dang awesome those pilgrims looked!
Complete your ensemble with these traditional shoes and join the fun!|Pilgrim's
Shoes is a feet item that was added on Thanksgiving Week 2018.||0||
7976|None|||||In loving memory of Apollo. Kairos' loyal, loving companion. A
special creature that will always be by her side and in her heart.|The Kairos'
Apollo is an unsplicable feet item exclusive to game Moderator and Support
Specialist @Kairos, rewarded to her for her contribution to Growtopia on March 1,
7030|None|||||Sleeve your arms (and the rest of yourself) in shimmering silk. Dyed
an adorable orange and hand-stitched by crafty artisans, it's the perfect look for
your next tea ceremony or historical reenactment!|The Orange Kimono is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as a part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update
on September 21, 2018.||0||
7033|None|||||Style yourself with the perfect hair, and then keep it in place with
these lovely lacquered chopsticks at no additional charge! Two-for-one deals are
very traditional, you know.|The Ornamental Hair Fan & Chopsticks is an unsplicable
hair item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2018.||0||
7314|None|||We are all mad here!|That was just pure madness...|Hats! Hats for all!
AHAHAHAA! Don the tallest, wobbliest, most majestic tower of hats Growtopia has
ever seen and become one with madness! Hats for me! Hats for you! Hats for
EVERYONE! WOOHOO!|The Mad Hatter is an unsplicable hat item which was added in the
Winter Clash update.||1|Punch Damage : Madness!|
7002|Water|||||Phasing in and out of our reality one limb at a time, this starfish
is part cosmos, part ocean, and all mysterious!|The Quantum Starfish is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of the Role Up!
7992|Earth|||||A hundred times luckier than a normal checkpoint! Unfortunately,
normal checkpoints have zero natural luck, so mathematically this one is... uh...
really nice-looking!|||1||
7666|Wind|||||The most whimsical of interior design choices.|The Balloon Decoration
is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2019 on January 4, 2019.||2||
7358|None|||||There are all kinds of things to be thankful during the holidays, but
maybe one of the most important is just how dang awesome those pilgrims looked! Top
your ensemble with this traditional bonnet and join the fun!|||0||
7008|Fire|||||Thanks to a breakthrough in our understanding of HyperTech, we've
unlocked the secrets of nano-scale industrial processing! Wrench this device to
reconfigure your Star Tools, and by "reconfigure", we mean exchange 20 of one Star
Tool for 1 of every other Star Tool!|The Star Tool Nanoforge is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||3||
7978|Earth|||||Great for marking interesting landmarks as you walk the highlands.|
The Celtic Cross is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on March 15, 2019.||5||
7350|None|||Gobble-Gobbble-Gobbble|No feathers for you!|Don't let anyone tell you
turkeys are lame! They are FANTASTIC flyers, and with their wings behind you, the
skies are yours! Now go forth and gobble!|||0|Double-Jump: Gobble-Gobbble!|
7366|Wind|||||Westward, ho! Put together with the toughest all-terrain traveling
machine imaginable, and make sure it can take the ups and downs of the trail with
this rough-and-tumble wheel!|The Wagon Wheel is a non-solid block that was released
on Thanksgiving 2018.||1||
7332|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
7046|Earth|||||Serene leaves drift down from this beautiful blooming tree. A mark
of traditional beauty and peaceful landscapes, they are not, unfortunately,
associated with tasty desserts. Apparently, traditional cherry blossom trees don't
make very tasty cherries! Ah, well - at least it still looks pretty!|The Cherry
Blossom Tree is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of
Harvest Moon Festival 2018. Cherry Blossom Trees are naturally found in harvest-
moon-blasted worlds.|6|1||
7524|Water|||||Toss someone into the drink with this water-filled bucket! Works
like a charm on: Clowns, principals, members of congress, multi-level marketers,
telephone sanitizers... anyone, really!|||2||
7916|None|||Hooah!|Back in the hangar!|Zoom! You don't need a silly engine,
propeller, or any of that other mechanical garbage - not when you have THESE wings!
Take to the skies just like the airplanes of old! Note: You may need to drink one
or two liters of oil per day to keep them properly floppy.|The Airplane Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on March 1,
2019.||0|Double-Jump: Aim High|
7406|None|||No yellow snow here!|Melted!|Ah, now here's something any Nutcracker
would go well, crackers for! Using advanced frost-gauss technology, this launcher
accelerates snowballs to dangerous velocities!|The Super Snowball Launcher is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0|Punch Power:
Super Snowball|
7918|None|||Chocks secured!|Ready for take off!|Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird!
It's a plane! It's... it's... you?|The Sturdy Crackfire Fighter is an unsplicable
feet item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on March 1, 2019.||0|Speedy:
7110|None|||||Makes you look way, WAY too happy...|The Evil Grin is an unsplicable
face item which was added on Halloween Week 2018. One has a chance to be obtained
from sacrificing a stack of items with rarity 70 or above to the Growganoth.|18|0||
7368|Wind|||||Gobble gobble! Release the turkeys and begin the festivities!
Thanksgiving is upon us, and it's time to celebrate!|||10||
7982|Earth|||||Light the garden path with these magical faerie lights. Just between
you and me, it's probably just bio-luminescent fungi at work, but... let's go with
magic!|The Faerie Lanterns is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on March 15, 2019.||0||
7396|None|||Frozen eyes!|Eyes thawed out!|Forget those fools with stars in their
eyes! This holiday season, it's snowflakes or nothin'! Show off your winter
wizardry with these icy-cool eyes! You'll never lose a staring contest again!|||0|
Punch Damage: Snowflakes|
7534|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Gold Trophy -
Punch is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It
is a trophy awarded to players who were part of the Punch team for placing first in
Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7926|None|||||Carefully sculpted to shine with a heroic glint as you pilot your
battered-but-victorious plane home from battle!|The Aviator Glasses is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on March 1,
7288|Fire|||||Stop cavalry charges in a snap with these spiky walls! With a good
supply of these in place, those gallant knights will think twice before stomping
around YOUR lands!|Cheval de Frise (Siege Barrier) is an unsplicable solid pain
foreground block which was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||2||
7090|None|||||Exactly the right amount of grizzled and wise.|The Ezio's Beard is an
unnsplicable face item introduced as part of Ezio Update.||0||
7904|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! This
fine hat doesn't make you a better rider, but it DOES make you a more dashing one,
and honestly, isn't that what riding animals is all about?|||0||
7986|Earth|||||About as lucky as basic wooden chairs can get!|||1||
7920|None|||||You don't need a roaring engine or a blazing gun to claim the skies -
just a bit of cardboard and a strong imagination! This Sky Starter will get you
going, but it's up to you to make it soar!|The Cardboard Sky Starter is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on 1 March
7828|None|||For true love!|Lost true love!|Infused with the golden light of
romance, this heartstaff has been enhanced beyond its already-impressive start as a
weapon of the heart to become a shining example of the power of love! Careful,
though - for love can sometimes hit far harder than any edge!|The Golden Heartstaff
is an unsplicable hand item which was added on Valentine's Week 2019.||0|Punch
Damage: Golden Heart|
7344|Earth|||||This turkey has gobbled its last! Now it has a new purpose: Gracing
your dinner table! Prep the oven, because it's TURKEY TIME!|||0||
7968|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Player Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7958|Fire|||||If you close your eyes near this block, you can almost feel the
warmth of camaraderie and good cheer from many fellow con-goers! A beautiful plaque
for a beautiful person, this was specially made for those who attended a live
GrowCon event!|||2||
7054|Earth|||||A delicious component in many fine curries and dishes, this is made
from crushing coconut meat and has many useful applications! Makes for great
desserts, drinks, sauces and more! So much better than coconut water, right?|||1||
7826|None|||For love!|Love lost!|Taken from the personal armory of the King and
Queen of Heart, this staff is capable of batting away all but the saddest thoughts
and mending even the most melancholy of hearts!|The Heartstaff is an unsplicable
hand item which was added on Valentine's Week 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Heart|
7320|Wind|||||Getting rained on just won't do, m'lord! Every fine and upstanding
noble house needs a solid roof to keep their tapestries, family portraits, and rich
silks dry, so stock up on these blocks to keep out the elements!|||1||
7292|Fire|||||Get the lay of the land (and a good spot to use for launching a few
arrows) from a high with this nice and sturdy guard tower!|||0||
7066|Earth|||||It's like a wall, except you can choose to let your friends come in!
Only usable in the Growtorial!|The Growtorial Entrance is a block that was released
as part of Growtopia's Tutorial. It is automatically given to new players as part
of a Tutorial Quest.|1|1||
7932|Earth|||||Want to add some shamrock shenanigans in your chat? Just consume
this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Shamrock is an unsplicable
growmoji consumable which was added alongside the first Spring Clash update on
March 1, 2019.||1||
7654|None|||Let's ride!|BITE BITE BITE|Looks like Thor misplaced his wheels!
Fortunately, his feisty goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr, have taken a liking to
you and decided to forgo the standard BITE BITE BITE greeting they tend to use on
new owners. Let's ride!|Thor's Chariot is an unsplicable feet item which was added
as part of the Treasure Hunt Update. One can be obtained from completing
WOLFWORLD_4 while holding the Map of Thor on a Thursday (Growtopia Time).||0|
Speedy: Thor's Chariot|
7896|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! These
trousers are perfect for a stroll through your gardens or perhaps a vigorous game
of croquet!|The Country Tweed Trousers is an unsplicable pants item which was added
as part of Spring Clash 2019 on March 1, 2019.||0||
7576|None|||||Celebrate the season with a foxy new addition to the Winter Freezer
style! This super-cuddle scarf doesn't just keep you warm - it also makes you cool!
Try to find another adorable animal that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...!|The
Winter Freezer Cuddly Fox Scarf is a chest item added in the Treasure Hunt
7004|Water|||||Distilled from living interspatial oddities, this liquid is in a
constant state of uncertainty, flowing in both space and time with every twist of
its container!|The Chrono-Luminescent Liquid is an unsplicable consumable which was
added in the Role Up! update.||1||
7294|Water|||||Hewn from oak and polished to a mirror shine. Even Kings and Queens
need to do business somewhere!|The 'Other' Royal Throne is an unsplicable non-solid
SFX seat foreground block which was added in the Winter Clash update.||2||
7076|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Cook is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update.||0||
7898|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! This
cap will keep the sun out of your eyes as you walk your manor's grounds and make
you look extra-jaunty as you tip it to your neighbors!|||0||
7052|Water|||||Have you ever found yourself drinking water and thinking, ”Wow, this
doesn’t make me feel special, nor does it taste anything like vaguely sweet clark!
I wish there were a stupidly expensive drink I could idolize and brag about
drinking to my friends on social media.” Well think no more: now you can enjoy all
that and an insignificant percentage of your daily electrolytes in one gulp with
COCONUT WATER! Ah, that’s the stuff!|The Coconut Water is a consumable that was
released as part of Harvest Festival 2018.||1||
7304|None|||Tiger uppercut!|No more tiger powers!|You are one with your spirit
animal! The awesome guidance of the Tiger Spirit has given you the gift of double
jump! Ever see a tiger leap and take down unsuspecting prey? Well, now you can too!
Just don't get distracted by laser pointers - tigers might be big, but they're
still kitties at heart!|The Tiger Spirit is a back item that was released as part
of the Winter Clash.||0|Double Jump: Tiger|
7608|None|||In the pale moonlight the shapes on the page begin to swirl and glow,
but can't seem to form anything solid. Perhaps the time is not right?|This map's
letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even those you CAN make out seem
to change from moment to moment.|This map's letters are hard to see in the light of
day, and even those you CAN make out seem to change from moment to moment...|The
Map of Thor is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7402|None|||||Cement yourself as a king of winter with this one-two knockout combo
of frosty eyes and burly beardery! Nobody will question your devotion to the season
again!|The Snowflake Eyes with Rugged Winter Beard is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of Winterfest 2018.||0||
7838|None|||Elephants can fly!|No more ear power!|Have you ever forgotten how
amazing you look? How cool your style is? Well an elephant NEVER forgets, so take a
tour in Morty's fashionable pink ears and remember your awesomeness for all time!
Wait - what's that? Your friends don't think it's all that great? Well, maybe a
HAIL OF PEANUTS will make them reconsider! GET 'EM, MORTY!|||0||
7956|None|||||Shining with the help of GrowTech's extra-strength Sword Wax ("Wax
on, slice off!"), this burnished blade is ready to chop your foes! Chosen by
GusBhas, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for July, 2019!|The Burnished Sword
is an unsplicable hand item which was added on August 1, 2019.||0||
7028|None|||||Sleeve your arms (and the rest of yourself) in shimmering silk. Dyed
an adorable orange and hand-stitched by crafty artisans, it's the perfect look for
your next tea ceremony or historical reenactment!|The Blue Kimono is an unsplicable
shirt item that was added as a part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update on
September 21, 2018.||0||
7108|None|||||A truly splitting headache.|The Knife Head is an unsplicable hair
item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2018.|14|0||
7658|Wind|||||Six sides for six incredible years! How cool is this hexagon? Almost
as cool as you, for being a part of a game that's grown and thrived like none
other!|The Amazing Hexagon - 6th Anniversary Block is an unsplicable solid
toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week
2019 on January 4, 2019.||1||
7310|None|||Exquisite cooking skills.|You're not even a sous chef.|Built to
exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and remove temporal anomalies
from infected food items! Note: The fragile anomaly-seeking circuitry in these
devices is prone to failure and may break (though with less of a chance than a
Pristine version)! Use with care!|The Exquisite Rolling Pin is a hand item which
was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||0|Cooking Skills: Exquisite Rolling Pin|
7914|None|||What graceful wings you have!|Where did my wings go?|Condors are some
of the largest flying birds in the world, which makes these wings fit for only the
biggest and baddest Growtopians! Will you take on the condor's mantle and soar, or
are you more of a... chicken?|The Condor Wings is an unsplicable back item which
was added on 1 March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Double Jump|
7374|Earth|||||Yep, it's black-and-white dirt.|The Monochromatic Dirt is an
unsplicable block that was added as part of the Black Friday 2018 on November 22,
7548|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Silver Trophy - Build is an
unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy
awarded to players who were part of the Build team for placing second in Brr-lloon
7080|None|||||Conceal your features from the watchful eyes of the Templars with
this iconic hood.|The Ezio's Hood is an unsplicable hat item which was added in the
Ezio Update.||0||
7938|None|||Time to paint!|Safety first!|Got tons of paint on your hands but
feeling tired of walking ALL THE WAY over to a wall, or friend, or inanimate object
to cover them in it? Well, whine no more! This high-powered paintball popper will
plaster your pals in premium paint without pause (phew)!|The Paintball Power Popper
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on March
1, 2019.||0|Build Range: Paintball|
7628|Earth|||||Glittering secrets! But be careful! Don't tell anyone about it! If
you do, it won't be hidden anymore - it'll just be regular treasure, and who wants
that|The Hidden Treasure is an unsplicable solid treasure foreground block which
was added in the Treasure Hunt Update. One can be found in a Treasure-blasted
7640|None|||||Supercharged with porcine fury, its terrible oinks will be the last
thing your foes ever hear!|The Battle Boar is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7360|None|||||There are all kinds of things to be thankful for during the holidays,
but maybe one of the most important is just how dang awesome those pilgrims looked!
Cover your ensemble with this traditional dress and join the fun!|The Pilgrim's
Dress is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Thanksgiving Week
2018 update on November 22, 2018.||0||
7590|Earth|||||A piece of a larger mystery! This fragment can't tell you much of
its own, but if you manage to patch enough together, well, just imagine the
treasures they might reveal...|The Map Fragment is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||1||
7322|Fire|||||Careful, m'lord! I have it on good authority that bears are attracted
to wealth and fine food, which makes you a prime target! Protect yourself - and
your things - from this danger with a nice, solid door. As an added bonus, it also
keeps out unsightly beggars and street urchins.|||1||
7072|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Star Fisher is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update. The sprite of this
item serves as the logo for the Fisher role.||0||
7688|Wind|||||Painted with lovely colors to please the heavens! Give them a spin
for a little extra luck!|The Chinese Prayer Wheel is a non-solid SFX foreground
block which was added as part of Chinese New Year 2019.||2||
7300|None|||||Seems like there's two sides to everything - and with this face, that
includes you! What will you show to the world?|The 2-Face is an unsplicable face
item that was added as part of the Winter Clash.||0||
7974|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7048|Earth|||||Extra-beautiful means extra-deadly, right? These spikes are hand-
carved from ancient jade, but they'll destroy you and anything they touch just as
quickly as modern spikes! Now that's long-lasting quality. And pain.|The Jade
Spikes is an unsplicable deadly block that was added as part of Harvest Festival
2018 on September 21, 2018.|4|1||
7832|None|||For true love!|Lost true love!|Infused with the golden light of
romance, this heartsword has been enhanced beyond its already-impressive start as a
weapon of the heart to become a shining example of the power of love! Careful,
though - for love can sometimes cut far deeper than any blade!|The Golden
Heartsword is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2019.||0|Punch Damage: Golden Heart|
7578|None|||||Celebrate the season with an ULTRA-FOXY new addition to the Winter
Freezer style! This super-cuddle scarf doesn't just keep you ULTRA WARM - it also
makes you ULTRA COOL! Try to find another adorable animal that can do both, and in
such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...!|The Ultra Winter Freezer Cuddly Fox Scarf
is a chest item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7544|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|The Balloon
Warz Winter Bronze Trophy - Grow is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced
during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy awarded to players who were part of the
Grow team for placing third in Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7026|None|||||Sleeve your arms (and the rest of yourself) in shimmering silk. Dyed
an adorable orange and hand-stitched by crafty artisans, it's the perfect look for
your next tea ceremony or historical reenactment!|The Pink Kimono is an unsplicable
shirt item that was added as a part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update on
September 21, 2018.||0||
7594|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7450|Fire|955|993|||Shining with warm yuletide light and the gleam of freshly-
forged candy!|The Candy Cane Streetlamp is a splicable background block that was
added as part of WinterFest 2018.|18|1||
7124|None|||||Stake your claim on the night and show the legions of the undead
who's boss with this extra-sharp hat. Remember, only the pointiest of headgear for
the most skilled vampire hunters.|The Vampire Hunter Hat is an unsplicable hat item
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2018 on October 26, 2018.|27|0||
7520|Water|||||Start building the perfect waterslide with this supporting, yet
slippery strut! What, you thought waterslides just came together on their own? No
way! Just like the best people, even the best slides need care and support!|||2||
7596|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7804|Fire|||||One of your apprentices has progressed nicely and here's the proof!
Keep helping them out for bigger and better rewards!|||0||
7900|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! The
touch of yellow in this jacket/tie combo would go marvelously with a spring
festival - perhaps in your new manor's gardens?|||0||
7988|Earth|||||While this stone may not be rollin', it sure has the moss laying
heavy.|The Moss-Covered Stone is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on 15 March 2019.||1||
7064|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Farmer is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update. The sprite of this
item serves as the logo for the Farmer role.||0||
7672|Fire|||||Sparkling with luxury and gold-plated fun! You can just barely hear
amped-up techno music coming from deep inside this box. Maybe you should open it
and see if a truly righteous party comes out?|||5||
7408|None|||||Rar! The body of a horrible, terrifying beast of the arctic wastes!
All who see you will know your abominableness... but is that truly who you are on
the inside? And who are they to judge, anyway?!|The Abominable Snowman Suit is a
shirt item that was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7104|None|||Those are some evil-lookin' wings!|Now why would you do that?!|The
majesty of the skies has been corrupted by the dark powers of Growganoth! Once a
symbol of beauty and grace, there is nothing left in these wings but wickedness and
terror...|The Dark Aurora Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part
of Halloween Week 2018.||0|Double-Jump: Dark Aurora!|
7602|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7096|Earth|||||Incredibly soft and well-padded. You could easily hide in here, and
probably even survive a leap of faith into it from hundreds of feet in the air -
assuming your aim was perfect.|The Hay Cart is a platform block was added as a part
of Ezio Update. It is only obtainable by purchasing the Ezio's Outfit IAP from the
Growtopia Store for $9.99.||2||
7728|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This chestplate is but one
link of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your body safe! And
hey, it's got great resale value - even if a dragon burns you out of it, this armor
will still be left behind for the next intrepid knight!|The Dragon Knight's
Chestplate is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Dragon
Invasion update on February 4, 2019.||0||
7598|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7586|None|||Weapon unsheathed, ready for battle!|You're busted!|Smash the limits
with this intensely powerful weapon! Oversized might for oversized heroics, this
weapon swirls with spirit energy - a devastating weapon in the right hands, and a
gorgeous conversation piece in just about any!|The Sonic Buster Sword is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||0|Punch
Damage: Sonic Booom!|
7312|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected food items! Note: The fragile anomaly-
seeking circuitry in these devices is prone to failure and may break (though with
less of a chance than a Exquisite version)! Use with care!|The Anomalizing
Elegant Rolling Pin is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Role
Up! update.||0||
7734|None|||Legendary dragon warrior!|Better not get burninated!|Bestowed upon only
the bravest, most prestigious, most skilled Dragon Knights, these wings are so rare
that in all the centuries since the first Dragon Knights arose, barely a handful
have been awarded. Will you be the next to bear their illustrious might? To take to
the skies and soar like the very dragons you hunt? If you possess these wings,
there's little question you've proven your worth - and dedication.|The Legendary
Dragon Knight's Wings is an unsplicable and untradable back item that was added in
the Dragon Invasion update.||0|Double Jump: Legendary Dragon Knight's Wings|
7912|None|||The darkness has arrived!|Back in the toolshed!|Seething with dark
powers and intended for even darker designs, these weapons are for only the most
tortured, brooding souls. You'd better have a tragic backstory all lined up before
you even THINK of touching one!|The War Hammers of Darkness is an unsplicable hand
item which was added on 1 March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Punch
Damage: War Hammers|
7552|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
7970|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7118|None|||You can move faster!|You are slow again.|Deaaaaaadly SHARK doo doo, doo
doo doo doo! Deadly shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo!|The Riding Skeletal Shark is an
unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2018 on October 26,
7664|Water|||||A great place to gather drinks for the whole crew... or one uber-
mega thirst-quencher for yourself!|The Party Punch Bowl is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2019 on January 4,
7342|Wind|||||Ding Ding! Ring in a wonderful season - and meal - of thanks with
this bright and beautiful bell!|||0||
7388|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Winter Freezer Style! This mask
doesn't turn you into a warm and adorable teddy bear - it also turns you into a
cool one! Try to find another piece clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|
The Winter Freezer Teddy Mask is an unsplicable hat item introduced during Winter
Clash 2018.||0||
7302|None|||You are glittering in gold!|Back to normal, boring skin!|Wrap yourself
in glittering, gleaming GLORY! Don this, and every inch of skin, every nerve and
fiber, everything will transform into most malleable and marvelous of metals...
GOLD!|The Golden Midas Masterpants is an unsplicable pants item which was added in
the Winter Clash update.||0|Golden Touch|
7346|Fire|||||The centerpiece of every feast! What better way to celebrate a season
of thanks than a gorgeous roast turkey? Smells divine, tastes even finer!|The
Roasted Turkey is a consumable that was released on Thanksgiving 2018.||1||
7706|Fire|889|3063|||Covered in ash and soot, this wall is more carbon than wood!|
The Toasted Village Background is a splicable non-solid background block which was
added in the Dragon Invasion update.|21|2||
7624|Earth|||||Etched with ancient knowledge! Could this be code for a mystic
spell? A lost technology? Or... hmm... a growcery list?|The Rune Stone is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added in the Treasure Hunt Update.
Several of this item can be found in Treasure-blasted worlds.|13|5||
7710|Fire|103|3063|||The villagers who took shelter under this roof when a
firedrake attacked are lucky it didn't burn all the way through! Things certainly
got a little singed, though!|The Toasted Village Roof is a splicable platform
foreground block which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update.|20|2||
7690|Earth|||||Richly-carved and decorated wood, perfect for enclosing a heavenly
space!|The Chinese Temple Background is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of Chinese New Year 2019.||2||
7806|Fire|||||One of your apprentices has progressed nicely and here's the proof!
Keep helping them out for bigger and better rewards!|||0||
7942|Wind|||||Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... it's... you?|
The Up, Up, and Away Block is a block that was introduced during the Spring Clash
7530|None|||Golden motorbike of the Sea!|No more fancywater riding!|Strapping a jet
engine to your feet and flying across the water is already a great idea, but you
know what it's missing? SOLID GOLD JET POWER, BABY! What could go wrong?|The Golden
Jet Ski is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz
2018.||0|Speedy in Water: Golden Jet Ski|
7906|None|||Show off!|Back to the stables.|Bred and groomed for competition, this
flawless horse will have the judges saying anything but 'neigh'!|||0|Speedy:
Saddled Up!|
7836|None|||Elephants can fly!|No more ear power!|Have you ever forgotten how
amazing you look? How cool your style is? Well an elephant NEVER forgets, so take a
tour in Morty's fashionable gray ears and remember your awesomeness for all time!
Wait - what's that? Your friends don't think its all that great? Well, maybe a HAIL
OF PEANUTS will make them reconsider! GET 'EM, MORTY!|||0||
7998|None|||||A mighty magical sprite! You might think it's odd that it took over
six years for an actual fairy to show up in Growtopia. but just remember, Fairy
Wings were the VERY FIRST wing to be added to the game, and it took the Fairy Union
a long time to get over it! Only found in Blarney 1 and 4.|The Fairy is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on March
15, 2019.||0||
7788|Earth|||||A sign of your progress as an apprentice! Keep going for bigger and
better rewards!|||0||
7786|Fire|||||Help your friends (and kind newbies) discover the worlds and wonders
of Growtopia! This certificate allows its bearer to access the Mentor System, add
new apprentices, and get rewards for their accomplishments! Note that while an
apprentice can only have one mentor, a mentor can have many apprentices!|The
Mentorship Certificate is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Mentors & Apprentices update on 11 March 2019.||0||
7800|Fire|||||One of your apprentices has progressed nicely and here's the proof!
Keep helping them out for bigger and better rewards!|||0||
7950|None|||Target in sight!|Return to base!|The titanium treads, super-heavy
armor, and GrowTech hyperfusion reactor alone would make this the most expensive
tank in history, and that's before you add an Ionic Pulse Devastator 7777 turret on
top! Truly a tank for the most powerful nations - or richest collectors - in all
the realms!|The Ionic Pulse Cannon Tank is an unsplicable feet item which was added
on 1 March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Tank|
7810|Earth|||||These stones practically radiate adoration! As much as they love
you, you'll love the way they look even more!|The Heartcastle Stone Background is
an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added on Valentine's Week
7698|Earth|||||Celebrate the New Year by popping a little luck into your chat! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Lucky Token is an
unsplicable growmoji consumable which was added as part of Chinese New Year 2019.||
7662|Fire|||||For the classiest of shindigs. Fine china not included.|The Black
Party Table is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2019.||1||
7060|None|||||The classiest of all fish (by at least 86%) has decided to join you
on land! Now its classiness will follow you wherever you go! Thanks, classy koi.|
The Koi Fish Leash is a Leash that was released as part of Harvest Festival 2018.
It is obtained by successfully training a Koi Fish.||0||
7068|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Surgeon is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update. The sprite of this
item serves as the logo for the Surgeon role.||0||
7566|None|||||Forged in honor of the finest kitty in at least twenty worlds, this
mask combines their stylish color scheme with even MORE stylish robotic technology!
You might be cool, but are you robo-kitty cool? Wear this mask and find out! --
This is the subscriber item for February 2019, and was chosen by DanyRed.|The Foppy
4.0 is an unsplicable hat item which was added as March 2019's Monthly Subscriber's
Item on March 1, 2019.||0||
7716|None|581|3063|||Toasty! This top took a quick blast of flame from a dragon,
and it shows!|Toasted Villager Shirt is a shirt item which was added as part of
Dragon Invasion update on February 4, 2019.|20|0||
7592|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7600|None|||||This map is covered in strange designs and shifting letters!|The
Treasure Map is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Treasure
Hunt update.||0||
7680|None|||Hot air rises!|Don't get burninated!|An unyielding defense against
claws, fangs, spiky tails, and the blazing breath of even the mightiest drakes!
Comes in a variety of colors, all related to ancient customs and knightly orders!
Looks like this one is silver, for the Silver Spire!|||0|Double Jump: Shield|
7934|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Spring Flinger Style! This mask
doesn't just give you the face of a swift and hoppy frog - it also gives you a new
style that stays fresh on water AND land! Try to find another piece of clothing
that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Spring Flinger Frog Mask is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
7094|None|||||Ready to climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa, leap from the parapets of
the Vatican, and knock cruel Templars from their seats of power.|Ezio's Boots is a
feet item that was added as a part of Ezio Update.||0||
7928|None|||||No self-respecting hero of the skies would go out without a dashing
hat! Keep your perfectly-slicked hair and brilliant brain warm in even the
chilliest clouds with this!|||0||
7296|None|||Time to scavenger!|No more scavenger!|A rumbling engine beneath you,
choking soot behind, and post-apocalyptic adventures ahead. The world may have
ended, but the roads... they go on forever!|||0|Speedy|
7840|None|||Elephants can fly!|No more ear power!|Have you ever forgotten how
amazing you look? How cool your style is? Well an elephant NEVER forgets, so take a
tour in Morty's fashionable pink ears and remember your awesomeness for all time!
Wait - what's that? Your friends don't think it's all that great? Well, maybe a
HAIL OF PEANUTS will make them reconsider! GET 'EM, MORTY!|||0||
7846|Earth|||||Carefully shaped by a legion of butlers for maximum snootitude,
these sandstones are the building blocks of elegance, grace, and really fancy
manors.|The Manor House Sandstone is an unsplicable solid foreground block which
was added on March 1, 2019 as part of Spring Clash 2019. 15 of this block has a
chance to be obtained from the Spring Awards.||2||
7476|Earth|||||A wonderful Winterfest Calendar for 2018, jam-packed with joy and
gifts to celebrate the holidays. Make sure to check back each day to get a new
gift! ...or just wait and open them all in one go! Either way, it's a blast!
WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Winterfest Calendar will not return to your backpack if
broken!|Winterfest Calendar - 2018 is an unsplicable provider which was added on
December 1, 2018.||10||
7964|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Player Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7902|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes! These
bonzer breechers will keep you on horseback long after lesser riders have gone
home! Try on a pair today - there's nothing wrong with being comfortable AND
fashionable, after all.|||0||
7750|None|||Ghastly draconic wisdom|Your ghastly wisdom is no more.|A dragon pulled
from the Other Side! Top Dragonologists have been debating whether this creature is
actually the ghost of a single dragon or a conjoined ectoplasmic hive composed of
many smaller ghosts working together, but all of them can agree that it keeps
eating anyone who asks about it, so it's best not to worry.|The Ghost Dragon Charm
is an unspliceable chest item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion
update.||0|XP Buff: Ghost Busting|
7010|Wind|||||Need to transport something valuable across the gulf of space. Well,
you can't trust someone to just carry it by hand, and you can't pack it in a lame,
ground-based crate! Enter: The Starship Packing Crate! Specially made to endure the
rigors of the void, this will - hopefully - keep the goods inside it safe, as
well.|The Starship Packing Crate is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Stuff! update.||1||
7894|None|||||Cor! Part of a smashing new line of country-inspired clothes. This
jacket will make you seem anything but closed - after all, a friend in tweed is a
friend indeed!|||0||
7536|Earth|||||Second place ain't bad! Stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it
off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Silver Trophy - Punch is an
unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy
awarded to players who were part of the Punch team for placing second in Brr-lloon
7070|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Builder is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update.||0||
7668|None|||Loud noises!|No more air!|Little-known fact: All Growtopia air horns
are actually the sound of a very angry camel screaming.|The Air Horn is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2019 on January
4, 2019.||0||
7540|Earth|||||Awarded for awesome balloon battling! Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|The Balloon Warz Winter Gold Trophy -
Grow is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is
a trophy awarded to players who were part of the Grow team for placing first in
Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7792|Earth|||||A sign of your progress as an apprentice! Keep going for bigger and
better rewards!|||0||
7340|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving FIRST PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show off
your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|The Winter
Event Guild Medal: Gold is an untradable platform which was released as part of the
Winter Clash.||2||
7200|None|||||Celebrate the season in ULTRA Winter Freezer style! This hood doesn't
just keep you ULTRA WARM - it also makes you ULTRA COOL! Try to find another piece
of clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The
Ultra Winter Freezer Hood is a hair item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7908|None|||||Sure, carriages like this look amazing on the outside, but what their
owners won't tell you is that the interior is tricked out with a full surround
sound system, flatscreen TVs, the latest gaming consoles, and a well-organized
selection of candy!|The Guild Noble's Carriage is an unsplicable feet item which
was added on 1 March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019. One can be obtained from
the Spring Awards.||0||
7822|None|||||Love rules, and who better to embody that than the grandest nobility
in all the Heartlands: the King and Queen of Hearts! This crown is part of the
Queen's personal wardrobe, and her delight and care for her subjects practically
explode from it!|The Heartqueen's Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added
on Valentine's Week 2019. One can be obtained from breaking a Heartstone or a
Golden Booty Chest, or from purchasing a Valentine's Goodies.||0||
7798|Fire|||||One of your apprentices has progressed nicely and here's the proof!
Keep helping them out for bigger and better rewards!|||0||
7794|Earth|||||A sign of your progress as an apprentice! Keep going for bigger and
better rewards!|||0||
7818|None|||||Love rules, and who better to embody that than the grandest nobility
in all the Heartlands: the King and Queen of Heart! This crown is part of the
King's personal wardrobe. and his warmth and affection for his subjects practically
spill from it!|The Heartking's Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added on
Valentine's Week 2019. One can be obtained from breaking a Heartstone or a Golden
Booty Chest, or from purchasing a Valentine's Goodies.||0||
7842|None|||Elephants can fly!|No more ear power!|Have you ever forgotten how
amazing you look? How cool your style is? Well an elephant NEVER forgets, so take a
tour in Morty's fashionable pink ears and remember your awesomeness for all time!
Wait - what's that? Your friends don't think it's all that great? Well, maybe a
HAIL OF PEANUTS will make them reconsider! GET 'EM, MORTY!|||0||
7796|Earth|||||A sign of your progress as an apprentice! Keep going for bigger and
better rewards!|||0||
7042|None|||||You! Your eyebrows are weak! SMALL! UNWISE! They are unworthy, and
should be replaced by THESE eyebrows, which are the true mark of ancient arts and
knowledge. Put these perfectly-sized, immaculately-groomed eyebrows on and become
the font of skill and understanding you know in your heart you should be.|The
Master Sensei's White Eyebrows is unsplicable face item which was added as part of
the Harvest Festival 2018 update on September 21, 2018.||0||
7040|None|||||Aww, it's adorable! Don this suit (with associated mask) and you'll
instantly look like the second-cutest type of panda (after red pandas) and second-
most monochromatic bear (after polar bears) in the world! Just goes to show that
you can be second-place in looks... and first in our hearts.|The Panda Suit is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Harvest Festival 2018 update
on September 21, 2018.||0||
7824|None|||||Love rules, and who better to embody that than the grandest nobility
in all the Heartlands: the King and Queen of Hearts! These robes are part of the
Queens's personal wardrobe, and her delight and care for her subjects practically
explode from them!|The Heartqueen's Robes is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of the Valentine's Week 2019 update on February 8, 2019.||0||
7152|None|||Mad Science!|You don't like science?|Set your hair afire with the
energies of space and time! Inspired by HyperTech and made possible thanks to the
mad science of Growtopia's test kitchens, this hair isn't just an electrifying
fashion statement - it's also edible! WARNING: DO NOT EAT.|The Plasma Hair is an
unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0|High
Jump : Electrifying!|
7034|None|||Oooooh I'm slowly falling!|Aaargh, too fast!|Cut the scary part out of
falls and look good while you're doing it with this delicate - yet supportive -
paper umbrella. May not be the best in a storm, but it'll definitely keep gravity
at bay!|The Oil-paper Umbrella is a hand item that was released as part of Harvest
Festival 2018.||0|Slow-Fall: Umbrella|
7280|None|||||Show everyone you abide by the Code of Chivalry while keeping the sun
- and any pesky arrows - out of your eyes at the same time! Now with amazing
antlered accents!|||0||
7160|Wind|||||Boing-oing-oing! Using blasts of prototype repulser power, this
HyperTech invention channels energy against anything that touches it, no matter
what the angle!|The HyperTech Multi-Jet Energy Pulser is an unsplicable solid
bouncy foreground block which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||1||
7276|None|||||Show everyone you abide by the Code of Chivalry while keeping the sun
- and any pesky arrows - out of your eyes at the same time! Now in glorious golden
7074|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|Dumb Star Captain is an unsplicable and
unobtainable component which was added in the Role Up! update. The sprite of this
item serves as the logo for the Star Captain role.||0||
7266|None|||||Turn aside the blades of your enemies and show your fealty to the
deep-rooted honor of the crown with this hand-tooled chainmail!|||0||
7562|None|||||Once ridden by the legendary ninja kitty, this unicorn has stopped
stabbing people and only wants to snuzzle you! Man, you're so much luckier than its
previous 426 owners...|||0||
7306|None|||||Built to exacting specifications by GrowTech engineers to find and
remove temporal anomalies from infected food items, and guaranteed to never break!|
The Anomalizing Reliable Rolling Pin is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Winter Clash Series 1.||0||
7330|Wind|||||Awarded for achieving THIRD PLACE in the Player Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
7238|Wind|||||The day is ending and the sun's getting low, so why not mark the
passing of the hours with a fluffy touch? These clouds are the perfect backdrop to
a sleepy world that's ready for a nice night!|||1||
7168|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
7194|Wind|||||Hacker's simulator, for developers & QA only. Probably shouldn't have
a description, but if you're actually in the office and bored and reading this,
here's a joke: a Mexican magician says he will disappear on the count of 3. He says
"Uno...Dos..." - poof! - he disappears without a tres.|The Hacker's Dialog is an
unobtainable mailbox which was added as part of the Stuff! Update.||1||
7278|None|||||Show everyone you abide by the Code of Chivalry while keeping the sun
- and any pesky arrows - out of your eyes at the same time! Now in courageous
crusader colors!|||0||
7532|None|||||Brr! This dangerous glove adds a thickened shell of frost to every
balloon its wearer throws, tripling its point on a successful hit! just be careful
- its GrowTech freezing circuits are prone to failure and may break! Use with
7264|None|||||Turn aside the blades of your enemies and show your fealty to the
inspiring courage of the lion with this hand-tooled chainmail!|||0||
7258|None|||Neural cortex active!|Back to normal, non-techy skin!|A
model 101 super-processor, the FPC will attach directly to your neural cortex and,
from there, extend a web of nanofibers throughout your skin, transforming you into
a cybernetic powerhouse!|The Future Perfect Chip is an unsplicable hair item that
was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||0|Model 101|
7130|Earth|||||Celebrate halloween with a ghost in your chat as well as your
worlds! Just consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Ghost is
a consumable came alongside with the Halloween Update.|26|1||
7260|None|||||Whoosh! See the world in a new light with these kaleidoscopic eyes!
Their fantastic, ever-spiraling beauty will set a smile on the faces of all who
greet you!|The Swirling Rainbow Eyes is a face item that was released as part of
the Winter Clash. One can be obtained from the Winter Awards.||0||
7240|Water|||||These waters aren't safe! Get to the rigging and scout around for
safe passage! What do you mean, we don't have rigging? Well, grab these ratlines
and build it, sailor!|||1||
7262|None|||||Turn aside the blades of your enemies and show your fealty to the
illuminating power of the sun with this hand-tooled chainmail!|||0||
7212|Earth|||One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind!|Houston, we have
a problem!|That's one small step for a block... one giant leap for a Growtopian!
Besides bringing the tranquil splendor of the Moon down to earth, these blocks
provide a lovely high-jump thrust AND a pleasent slow-fall to any who take a jump
from their craggy surface!|The Lunar Crater is an unsplicable solid foreground
block which was added in the Winter Clash update.||2||
7088|None|||Ezios armguards: Silent Killer!|Blade concealed!|Complete with deadly
Hidden Blades, these armguards will help you unleash swift justice on all who side
with the Templars.|The Ezio's Armguards is an unsplicable hand item which was added
in the Ezio Update.||0|Punch Range: Blade!|
7092|None|||||Full of all roguish charm you need to make the ladies of the
Renaissance swoon - even the Templar ones.|The Ezio's Hair is a unsplicable hair
item that was added as a part of the Ezio Update.||0||
7216|None|||We are all mad here!|That was just pure madness...|Hats! Hats for all!
AHAHAHAA! Don the tallest, wobbliest, most majestic tower of hats Growtopia has
ever seen and become one with madness! Hats for me! Hats for you! Hats for
EVERYONE! WOOHOO!|The Mad Hatter is an unsplicable hat item which was added in the
Winter Clash update.||1|Punch Damage : Madness!|
7012|Wind|||||Billions of stars, even more planets and moons, and who knows how
many creatures, all in a single, easy-to-handle container, thanks to GrowTech's
Experimental Immorality Division! This miracle of technology wasn't made by
shrinking one of OUR galaxies, of course - GrowTech's engineers just took one from
a parallel dimension where everything"s waaaay smaller.|Encapsulated Galaxy is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Role Up!
7328|None|||||Access to the wonders of the Winter Season! Collect these to unlock
its many rewards!|||0||
7120|None|||||Makes even the most beautiful Growtopians into terrifying creatures
of the depths! Great if you want to skip out on a blind date or scare small
children!|The Angler Mask is a head item introduced during Halloween Week 2018. Has
no effects. Obtainable by successfully training a Demon Angler.||0||
7184|Earth|||||These astonishingly dangerous magical doors connect all the worlds
in Growtopia. Place one and then use your Wrench on it to set the destination.
Warning, warning! Danger, Growtopian, danger!|The Atomic Gate is an unsplicable
non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||1||
7204|None|||Supplying you with extra Role points!|Argh, no more extra Role points!|
The best Suppliers bring a wide assortment of goods for trade, and what better way
to show them off than with this multicoloured, ever-shifting cape? Don this garment
and enjoy bonus points for any Supplier - that's Farmer, Surgeon, Fisher, and Star
Captain, at the moment - Role quest you undertake!|The Supplier's Cape is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||0|Supplier's
7790|Earth|||||A sign of your progress as an apprentice! Keep going for bigger and
better rewards!|||0||
7802|Fire|||||One of your apprentices has progressed nicely and here's the proof!
Keep helping them out for bigger and better rewards!|||0||
7756|None|||You have the world serpent's wisdom!|Your wisdom is no more.|A
spiraling serpent of the fathomless deep, this colossal beast once circled all of
Midgard with coils the size of warships! Now it's taking a break from causing
maelstroms to join you in your adventures!|The Jormungandr is an unsplicable feet
item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update. One has a chance to be
dropped from breaking a ready Hatching Water Egg.||0|XP Buff: Wolf Worlds|
7270|Earth|||||Get in touch with your rustic side! This weathered fence will keep
wild forest critters at bay and mark the borders of your land just as well as those
fancy city fences!|||2||
7946|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new ULTRA Spring Flinger Style! This
suit doesn't just turn you into an ULTRA swift and hoppy frog - it also gives you a
new style that stays ULTRA fresh on water AND land! Try to find another piece of
clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The Ultra
Spring Flinger Frog Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on 1 March
2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
7116|Earth|||||Don't get too close! The fumes from this vent can blast a Growtopian
into bones in seconds flat!|Vapor Vent is an unsplicable non-solid looming deadly
foreground block that came alongside with the Halloween Week 2018.|6|2||
7618|None|||||The runes of the frozen cliffs match certain ones all over your map!
When you put them together, a final message becomes clear, but the letters seem
strangely faded to you, as if your eyes just aren't quite evolved - or mutated -
enough to make them out...|Legendary Map - Deciphered is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7398|None|||||Beautiful and burly, just like you! This beard has been through snow,
mud, rain, cougars, and falling trees, and only gotten mightier for it! Can you
live up to its brawny power?|The Rugged Winter Beard is an unsplicable face item
that was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7218|Wind|||||Order of the Minstrels! This sheet will play a lyre note for you, as
long as you aren't in range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different
7940|None|||Sting like a fireball!|Time to hang up the gloves.|These gloves aren't
aflame with basic fire - they're alight with the burning heart of BATTLE! Furious
ringside magic has been embedded in these gloves, wrapping them in an eternal halo
of blazing punch-power! And no, they are very definitely NOT regulation...|The
Flaming Boxing Gloves is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Spring
Clash 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Knockout|
7922|None|||||There's no point in flying around heroically if you don't have a
flappy scarf to keep yourself warm! Nobody trusts a shivering hero, after all.|||
7352|None|||||There are all kinds of things to be thankful for during the holidays,
but maybe one of the most important is just how dang awesome those pilgrims looked!
Top your ensemble with this traditional hat and join the fun!|The Pilgrim's Hat is
a hat item that was added as part of the Thanksgiving Week 2018 update on November
22, 2018.||0||
7136|None|||Flame On!|The fire has died out!|Fae energy from beyond the veil of
life and space have flitted into our worlds! Sparkling with the prismatic glory of
light beyond mortal reckoning, this creature of mist and mystery will empower you
with its knowledge of the realms beyond! Also, it'll look pretty.|The Etheral
Rainbow Dragon is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part of the Stuff!
update.||0|Rainbow Flame!|
7018|Wind|||||Blast solar winds wherever you want with this vortex-funneling turbo
fan! Warning: Do not use at parties. Well, unless you want your parties to be blown
away by turbo winds.|The Starship Turbo Fan is an unsplicable non-solid pushing
foreground block which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
7228|Water|||||Even the greatest galleons won't be going anywhere without a mast to
hold their sails! Make sure your ship is tall and stout before you set out from
port!|The Galleon's Mast is an unsplicable background block which was added as part
of Winter Clash 2018.||2||
7032|None|||||Style yourself with the perfect hair, and then keep it in place with
these lovely lacquered chopsticks at no additional charge! Two-for-one deals are
very traditional, you know.|The Ornamental Hair Fan & Chopsticks is an unsplicable
hair item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2018.||0||
7944|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Spring Flinger Style! This suit
doesn't just turn you into a swift and hoppy frog - it also turns you into an
amphibiously cool one! Try to find another piece of clothing that can do both! Go
on, I'll wait...|The Spring Flinger Frog Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added on 1 March 2019, as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
7392|None|||One for the mages!|Stupid puny hands!|Long before they build totally
responsible and not-at-all dangerous techno-marvels. GrowTech used to be known as
MagiGrow, and they turned out all kinds of crazy inventions like this ancient
Mage's Orb! We're not sure how or where this relic was found, but it's still
supercharged with mystic might! Ouch! Wield this and you'll find zapping things
easier than ever! MagiGrow: Puttin' the "harm" in thaumaturgy since 740AD!|The
Mage's Orb is a hand Item introduced during Winter Clash 2018. It is a possible
reward from completing the CLASHPARKOUR during Winter Clash.||0|Punch Range &
Damage: Fire and Wind|
7538|Earth|||||There's no such thing as a loser in Balloon Warz, but... you lost.
Ah, well - stick this in the trophy cabinet and show it off anyway!|The Balloon
Warz Winter Bronze Trophy - Punch is an unsplicable non-solid block introduced
during Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a trophy awarded to players who were part of the
Punch team for placing third in Brr-lloon Warz.||0||
7232|Earth|||||Show off your angelic side while chatting with friends! Just consume
this to add it to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Halo is an unsplicable
Growmoji consumable which was released as part of Winter Clash. One can be obtained
from the Winter Awards.||1||
7372|Earth|||||No info.|The Monochromatic Bedrock is an unsplicable and
unobtainable solid bedrock foreground block that was added as part of the Black
Friday 2018 on November 22, 2018. 600 of them can be found in Monochrome Blast-ed
7100|None|||||The undead steed of one of the four riders of the Apocalypse, FAMINE.
This dark steed withers all that it passes.|Famine's Steed is an item came
alongside with the Halloween Update.||0||
7972|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards during
the Spring season. Show off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and
7226|Earth|||||Rusting golden hued leaves, this foliage is a sign of changing
seasons and evenings by the fireplace.|||2||
7354|None|||||There are all kinds of things to be thankful for during the holidays,
but maybe one of the most important is just how dang awesome thsoe pilgrims looked!
Cover your ensemble with this traditional coat and join the fun!|The Pilgrim's Coat
is a shirt item that was added on Thanksgiving Week 2018.||0||
7808|Earth|||||Mortared with love and affection, these stones aren't just a
monument to nobility - they're also the building blocks of romance!|The Heartcastle
Stone is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added on Valentine's Week
7820|None|||||Love rules, and who better to embody that than the grandest nobility
in all the Heartlands: the King and Queen of Hearts! These robes are part of the
King's personal wardrobe, and his warmth and affection for his subjects practically
spill from them!|The Heartking's Robes is an unsplicable shirt item which was added
as part of the Valentine's Week 2019 update on February 8, 2019.||0||
7020|None|||||Show off your cooking cleverness and keep your clothes stain-free
with this cute and comfortable apron!|The Cupcake Apron is an unsplicable shirt
item that was added as part of the Role Up! update.||0||
7744|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Dragon Turtle. A snapping beast of the crushing
deep! It's said that the oldest dragon turtles can grow so large, whole islands can
grow on their back!|Dragon Turtle is an unsplicable fish which was added in the
Dragon Invasion update. One can be obtained from fishing with a Whizmo Gizmo. A
perfect Dragon Turtle is 200lb.||1||
7298|None|||To The Thunderdome!|Not so menacing now are you!|Shiny and chrome! Rule
the wastelands from atop this diesel-powered monster! The scavengers and warriors
of the apocalypse will bow when they see you tearing past on this mad machine!|The
Scavenger Lord's Wheels is a feet item which was added as part of Winter Clash
2018.||0|Speedy: Lord Scavenger|
7884|Water|||||Keep the chill of winter away from your plants and have a blooming
garden all year 'round!|||1||
7338|Fire|||||Awarded for achieving SECOND PLACE in the Guild Leaderboards. Show
off your victory by placing this medal in your world, and congratulations!|||2||
7768|Fire|||||A dragon egg, touched by the essence of the Other Side!|The Ghost Egg
is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion
7394|Wind|||||Careful! Careful! This beautiful stone slab took a nasty spill
somewhere before it got into your hands, and now it's a bit shaky! If you're still
going to build with it, do it gingerly!|The Cracked Stone Slab is a non-solid block
that was introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||2||
7242|Water|||||Yo ho, yo ho, a builder's life for me! Put the finishing touches on
a ship fit for the open seas with this waterproof hull!|||1||
7122|None|||||As if normal Plague Doctor formal wear wasn't terrifying enough,
someone's imbued this mask with haunting spirits of darkness and evil! Was that
even necessary?!|The Demon Plague Doctor's Mask is an unsplicable face item that
was added as part of Halloween Week 2018.||0||
7196|None|||How royal!|Commoner!|These wings have the honor of being named after
royalty! With a luscious color scheme, a wingspan of up to 10cm, these majestic
wings offer action packed jumping capabilities.|||0|Double Jump: Butterfly|
7852|Earth|||||Steps to greatness. Carefully crafted to be impossible to climb for
those lacking the requisite degree of nobility!|||2||
7146|None|||Feel the rush of the wind!|Too sleepy to run!|AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Arctic lands shake with the terrifying howl of the monstrous dire wolf! If you find
a way to ride this beast, its unnatural speed and deadly claws will be yours to
command!|||0|Speedy: Dire Wolf|
7416|None|||I thought I saw a puddy cat!|Bad cat!|Swooshing through the artic
terrain, the mighty snow leopard stalks his prey - and now you can, too! This tail
grants perfect pouncing balance, so look out, mice and rabbits!|The Snow Leopard
Tail is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0|
Double-Jump: Snow Leopard|
7428|None|||||Hide your hair from snow and show your slimy side with this
gloriously green hoodie!|The Slime Green Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added as part of the WinterFest 2018 update on December 14, 2018.||0||
7144|None|||Carpet rolled up!|(Missing! Report if you have it!)|More than just a
rug! Step on and enter a whole new world! ...well, if you consider hovering
slightly above the ground a "new world," that is.|The Magic Carpet is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||0|Slow-Fall:
Magic! A magical carpet ride!|
7148|None|||||Emblazon this logo on your super costume to fight as... Knuckle
Sandwich? Meat Hood? Mr.Fisticuffs? It's up to you!|The Super Logo - Fist is a
chest item that was added as part of Stuff! Update. It works the same as other
Super Logos.||0||
7178|Wind|||||All new and improved ladders! You can still only climb up - not down
- but now with the lovely carnival colors!|The Carnival Ladders is a platform
released as part of the Stuff! Update.||1||
7474|Earth|||||Winterfest and toss some gifts in your chat at the same! Just
consume this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Gift is an unsplicable
growmoji consumable which was added on December 1, 2018.||1||
7150|None|||Those are some evil-lookin' wings!|Time has worn your wings to dust!|
You wouldn't think stone wings could soar, but thanks to a thousand-year-old spell,
these have the power to take you to the skies!|The Stone Gargoyle Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||0|Double Jump|
7872|Wind|||||When you're rich, you shouldn't have to choose between tunnels or
gardens, and with this block, you can finally have both!|||2||
7424|None|||Tasty!|No more holiday sugar!|Slice through those who'd dare to harm
your holidays! ...or snack away to satisfy your sweet tooth! It's an all-in-one
weaponized treat, hand-spun for you!|Snowfrost's Candy Cane Blade is an unsplicable
hand item which was added on December 1, 2018.||0|Candycanes!|
7492|None|||||So you wanna be a bit nutty like me? Here's a copy of my stoic face.
It's elite nutcracker royalty I'll have you know! Warning: Do not try to crack nuts
with your teeth just because you're wearing this - it WILL hurt!|The Nutcracker
Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on WinterFest 2018.||0||
7490|None|||||Extra tall for hiding a winter's worth of nuts! Just don't let any
squirrels know - it's near-impossible to clear out a squirrel infestation without
ruining the fabric.|The Nutcracker Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added
on December 1, 2018.||0||
7868|Earth|||||Holds up stuff and looks good doing it - now that's efficient!|||2||
7854|Wind|||||For only the fanciest of manors (the red stripes are actually finely-
crushed rubies)!|The Manor House Red Striped Wallpaper is an unsplicable background
block which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on 1 March 2019.||2||
7494|None|||||I offer you this warm and cozy coat perfect for keeping away the
chill if you go on any mystical winter-time journeys.|The Nutcracker Coat is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7508|None|||||Hang ten in this bodacious beachwear! These are fined and fine,
through and through. You'll be secure in your good looks on land and at sea with
these waterproof and style-assured shorts!|The Men's Board Shorts - Checkered is a
pants item that was introduced in Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a possible drop from
using/exploding a Balloon-O-Matic.||0||
7448|Earth|||||It's like normal foliage, except 50% more merry! Probably full of
rustling squirrels and stoic nutcrackers, too!|The Winterfest Wonderland Foliage is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2018
on December 14, 2017.||2||
7244|Water|||||Caw! The perfect place to scan the seas! Scamper up and set a
spyglass to your eye - first to spot land gets an extra ration o' grog! Ya-harr!|
The Galleon's Crow's Nest is a non-solid foreground block which was added as part
of Winter Clash 2018.||1||
7890|None|||||Keep those unruly hedges in check with a dainty snip-snip from these
7470|None|||Feel the pressure!|Why did you do that?|Perfect for summoning the
powers of the seas as well as poking slow people in front of you at the store!
Narwhals HATE waiting in line almost as much as they love the water, so they'd
appreciate if you took the time to do both!|The Narwhal Tusk Staff is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0|Water Power|
7504|None|||500 gallons per second!|Well. that sucks!|The terror of summer
battlefields is now in your hands! Portable soaking technology has come a long way,
so not only can you use this to douse your friends (arid foes), but it'll go
further and even put out fires!|The Super Squirt Rifle 500 is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2018.||0||
7458|Earth|||||The building block of a dark and sunken place of snowbound wonders!
Will your cave be a place of holiday cheer and light, or an eerie and foreboding
home for yetis... and worse?|The Dark Snowy Cave Background is an unsplicable
background block that was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7506|None|||||Hang ten in this bodacious beachwear! These are blue and cool,
through and through. You'll be secure in your good looks on land at sea with these
waterproof and style-assured shorts!|The Men's Board Shorts - Ocean Wave is a pants
that was introduced in Brr-lloon Warz 2018. It is a possible drop from
using/exploding a Balloon-O-Matic.||0||
7268|Wind|||||Sure, it's made of the finest threads and hand-stitched over years by
artisans. Sure, it depicts scenes of glory and valor and acts as a visual marker
for the great acts of history. But... isn't it still just a carpet for your
7886|Wind|||||Miss the cheerful tweeting of birds amidst your many manicured
hedges? This lovely birdhouse will bring them back and chirpier than ever!|||2||
7254|None|||Giving you extra Role points for Supplier and Crafter roles!|No more a
Jack of All Trades!|The vest of a very skilled road warrior! Collect Jack's full
outfit and you'll be able to draw on his incredibly varied experiences to improve
your performance in all kinds of Roles!|||0||
7860|Fire|||||The only problem with this gate is the constant repair bills, but you
know what they say: If it ain't baroque, don't fix it!|||2||
7496|None|||||Well-sized for your average Growtopian (and nutcracker Lieutenant),
these are made from GrowTech's patented nut-wicking material to ensure you won't
have any stray almonds or walnuts sticking to your side!|The Nutcracker Pants is an
unsplicable pants item that was added on December 1, 2020.||0||
7452|Water|1357|7445|||Watch your step! These rocks have been dusted with a light
layer of frost, making them extra-dangerous - and who knows what's waiting for you
down below?|The Snowy Rocks Platform is a splicable platform added which was added
as part of Winterfest 2018.|24|1||
7866|Earth|||||Almost certainly not going to come to life and attack you. Probably.
Okay, it's like 50-50 at this point, but for a hedge this good-looking, it's worth
the risk!|||2||
7436|Earth|||||Tired of short, pointless little logs that just lie on the ground
and don't go anywhere? Well, this long, looooong log is here to help by making your
buildings extra-woody! Just add log!|||1||
7512|None|||||Look great in in sun and surf alike! With a helpful UV lining, these
smart-fabric swimsuits will not only make you look amazing, bu they'll also protect
you from harmful sunburns! Looking good never felt so safe!|Women's Swimsuit -
Coral Pink is a pants item that was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2018.||0||
7438|Earth|||||Tired of short, pointless little logs that just stuck around by
themselves and don't reach for the skies? Well, this tall, tallllll log is here to
help by making your buildings extra-woody! Just add log!|||1||
7478|Earth|||||Winterfest 2018 was a bright and beautiful season, and this calendar
marked the occasion with joys and gifts! Now that it's empty, you won't be getting
anymore presents, but it can still be used as a lovely decoration.|||1||
7862|Wind|||||Practically guaranteed to reveal a hidden passage! If only you knew
which way to turn it...|||2||
7850|Earth|||||A door this fancy surely opens onto a realm of opulence and grace!
Or, like, a volcano. Hey, it's your door - you can put it wherever you want,
7426|None|||||And you thought the sweater was bad! This hoodie is sixteen flavors
of terrible holiday glitz and glurge, all spun together by blind spiders with poor
fashion sense. Spectacular!|The Horrible Holiday Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7484|None|||||WINTER CHEST ICON ONLY|The Winter Chest is an unobtainable item
released as part of the Winter Clash update.||0||
7480|Wind|||||Boop beep! Give this a click to shift your Growformer into its
alternate form! Also activates its security system if you have to leave it in the
parking lot!|||0||
7182|None|||||A Carnival Creep Platform turned off. Extra-not for players! Even
MORE than the original creepstone platform! Stay away!|The Disabled Carnival Creep
Platform is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
the Stuff! update.||1||
7486|Water|||||Caw! The perfect place to scan the seas! Scamper up and set a
spyglass to your eye - first to spot land gets an extra ration o' grog! Ya-harr!|
Galleon's Mast - Crossbeam is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was
added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||1||
7848|Earth|||||What's behind those wealthy walls? Wealthy backgrounds, of course.|
The Manor House Sandstone Background is an unsplicable non-solid background block
which was added on March 1, 2019 as part of Spring Clash 2019. 15 of this block has
a chance to be obtained from the Spring Awards.||2||
7444|Water|1357|441|||What could be hiding underneath this heavy layer of snow?
You'll just have to build and find out, won't you?|The Snow Crust Block is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.|
7472|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Bandaged Mr. Narwhal. The majestic narwhal, bandaged
due to a terrible accident! Poor fella - maybe you can give him a good home in your
aquarium so can recover!|The Bandaged Mr. Narwhal is a fish which was added as part
of WinterFest 2018.||1||
7246|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|
Perfect for a Renaissance Faire or your average medieval-themed garage band. Note
that you can't punch when holding this lovely instrument, as we'll be too busy
entertaining royalty! Punch anywhere to play music; if you punch left or right, you
can bend the note higher or lower. Punch in your own column to play the same notes
that Sheet Music: Lyre Note plays.|The Lyre is an unsplicable hand item that was
released as part of Winter Clash.||0|Musical|
7514|None|||||The sea was kind to you! Tide-tossed and kissed by the sun, this hair
is perfectly wet and wild! Just don't go looking for a towel to dry off! It's
amazing exactly the way it is - just like you.|||0||
7516|None|||||Tired of having to choose between hanging out with a majestic
creature of mystery and myth or an awesome pool accessory? Well, worry no more -
now you can have both!|The Unicorn Floatie is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2018.||0||
7462|Earth|||||Brimming with holiday goodness and a powerful taste! Use sparingly,
or you'll overwhelm your dishes (and tastebuds)!|The Ground Nutmeg is an
unsplicable component which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||1||
7858|Fire|||||Keeps the riffraff out, but lets them look inside at all the cool
things they're missing!|||2||
7422|None|||||Threaded with frost, whorls of ice, and a hint of merriment, this
suit feels surprisingly warm... and just a little bit mischievous!!|Snowfrost's
Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on December 1, 2018.||0||
7250|None|||Giving you extra Role points for Supplier and Crafter roles!|No more a
Jack of All Trades!|The shoes of a very skilled road warrior! Collect Jack's full
outfit and you'll be able to draw on his incredibly varied experiences to improve
your performance in all kinds of Roles!|||0||
7526|Water|||||Tired of feeling tired all the time? Wish you could just lie down on
your bed and rake a quick nap but it's miles away? Well, just inflate this and you
can sack out into dreamland whenever sleepiness strikes!|||2||
7518|None|||Motorbike of the Sea!|No more ski.|Swimming is for suckers! In fact,
traveling anywhere without a jet engine is for suckers, but nowhere is that more
true than on open water! Crank this baby into overdrive and make friends with salt
spray and the horizon, because you're king of the sea now! Vroom!|||0|Speedy in
Water: Jet Ski|
7510|None|||||Look great in sun and surf alike! With a helpful UV lining, these
smart-fabric swimsuits will not only make you look amazing, but they'll also
protect you from harmful sunburns! Looking good never felt so safe!|The Women's
Swimsuit - Deep Ocean Blue is a pants item that was introduced in Brr-lloon Warz
2018. It is a possible drop from using/exploding a Balloon-O-Matic.||0||
7498|None|||||Polished so well you can see yourself in them, and carefully swept
free of nut shells and dust!|The Nutcracker Boots is an unsplicable feet item which
was added on December 1, 2018.||0||
7454|Water|||||Shelter from the icy cold in a warm cocoon of... more ice? Weird how
that works, isn't it?|Icy Igloo is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was
added as part of WinterFest 2018 on December 14, 2018.||0||
7468|None|||||The majestic narwhal, unicorn of the deep and expert poker of all
things aquatic, has made the leap from the deep and landed at your side! Take him
for a spin, but watch out for that horn!|The Mr. Narwhal Leash is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7650|None|||The hammer of kings.|You are no longer worthy.|The hammer of the gods!
Wreathed in myth and forged with a core of living lightning, this legendary
artifact was once lost in the gulf between the stars! Will you succeed on its
former owner's cosmic quest? Are you... worthy?|Mjolnir is a hand item which was
added as part of the Treasure Hunt update on January 2, 2019.||0|Punch Damage :
7500|None|||Present arms!|Dismissed!|Slash and parry at villainous mice (and
particularly tough nuts) with this crackin' good blade!|||0|Attention!|
7446|Earth|||||Build a primeval forest of these majestic snow-wrapped trees and
you'll have the perfect place for a deep-winter cottage!|The Winterfest Tree is an
unsplicable background block that was added as part of WinterFest 2018 update on
December 14, 2018.||2||
7874|Earth|||||A lovely flower for any occasion - it even maks for a nice tea!|||
7284|Earth|||||Too many horses in your life? Horses in your house? Horses at the
office? Horses in the hall? Stop tripping over those thoroughbreds and stash them
here instead! This handy-dandy stable will turn even the worst horse-related
clutter nice and tidy.|The Stables is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added in the Winter Clash update. One can be obtained from the Winter
7400|None|||||Crisp and cool, just like you! This makeup has been applied by frosty
faeries using all-ice ingredients for a look that's fit for only the most wintry of
royalty. Can you live up to its snowy majesty?|The Ice Queen Winter Makeup is a
face item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018 update on December 14, 2018.||
7558|None|||||From the weird and wacky world of some crazy critters! Fixes toilets
and makes a stylish fashion statement!|||0||
7870|Fire|||||Intended for manor houses with dark secrets, this fireplace is
perfect for staring into smoldering ashes and brooding.|||2||
7502|None|||OVEROLL says "rollover!"|Your wings rolled away!|Hit the heights with
these wicked-cool wings! Thanks to their sponsor, you won't just be doing barrel
rolls - you'll be doing OVEROLLS! Sponsored by OVEROLL.|OVEROLL's Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2018.||0|Double
7888|Earth|||||Why build a beautiful garden if you’re not going to take the time to
enjoy it? Set this bench in the middle of all that loveliness and unwind.|The
Garden Bench is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was added as
part of Spring Clash 2019 on March 1, 2019.||1||
7174|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
7172|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
7442|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of cranberry jelly. It tastes like festivals
and family-time... and also tart berries. Ew - needs more sugar!|The Cranberry
Jelly Block is a solid trampoline foreground block that was added as part of
WinterFest 2018.||1||
7166|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
7440|Water|||||A wibbly-wobbly block of grape jelly... that somehow tastes like a
holiday soda with just a hint of a cinnamon! Not sure how that happened...|The
White Grape Jelly Block is an unsplicable solid bouncy foreground block which was
added as part of WinterFest 2018 on December 14, 2018.||1||
7170|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
7434|None|||||A gift from the gods. This may appear to be a humble trident, but in
fact it has the power of Poseidon himself. It can smash Deep Sand or Ocean Rocks in
a single hit. Unfortunately, you don't get to wield the full might of Poseidon...
the trident is worthless at smashing anything else. Note: the Trident is
UNTRADEABLE.|The Poseidon's Digger's Trident is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of Winterfest 2018.||0||
7430|None|||||Arf! Even if you're not running a race across the ice, this husky is
the perfect winter pet! He's warm, fuzzy, and happiest when he's helping you spread
holiday cheer!|The Snow Husky is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part
of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7418|None|||||A cheery holiday hat to cap the costume of a most mischievous sprite!
Snowfrost is here - and it's time to play!|Snowfrost's Top Hat is an unsplicable
hat item which was added on December 1, 2018.||0||
7864|Wind|||||Taking the phrase "Time is money" quite literally, this clock makes
time-telling a work of art!|||2||
7456|Earth|||||Let everyone know you have something to say, and with an extra dose
of holiday cheer sprinkled on top!|The Winterfest Sign is an unsplicable non-solid
sign foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||1||
7880|Wind|||||Shows your place in the heavens and tells the time! Studies show that
the more cool-looking devices you have, the smarter and more successful you are, so
you should probably load up on these.|||2||
7410|None|||||Rar! The mask of a horrible, terrifying beast of the arctic wastes!
All who see you will know your abominableness... but is that truly who you are on
the inside? And who are they to judge, anyway?!|The Abominable Snowman Mask is a
hat item that was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0||
7482|None|||||I'm the Nutcracker, nuts, crackers and slightly mad!|||5||
7464|Fire|||Doubles the points per Winter Gift given to GROWCH.|Your stomach's
devastated!|Delectable holiday goodness, rich with creamy squash and hints of
cinnamon and nutmeg! Not QUITE as American as apple pie, but still pretty high up
there! Food Buff: Doubles the points per Winter Gift given to GROWCH!|The Pumpkin
Pie is an unsplicable consumable added as part of Winterfest 2018.||0||
7404|None|||||Cement yourself as a queen of winter with this one-two stunner of
icy-cool eyes and pristine snow-dappled makeup! Nobody will question your devotion
to the season again!|The Snowflake Eyes with Ice Queen Winter Makeup is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Winterfest 2018.||0||
7222|Wind|7219|11|||This sheet will play a lyre note for you - a half-step lower
note than Sheet Music: Lyre Note - as long as you aren't in range of a boombox. Put
it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet Music: Flat Lyre is a Sheet
Music that plays a Flat Lyre note, depending on the note it is placed on.|4|1||
7282|Wind|||||Check the course of the winds and the rattle of oncoming storms with
this old-fashioned weather vane! Perfect for topping barns - as well as the walls
of hipster coffee houses.|The Weather Vane is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable
multi-framed animated foreground block which was added as part of Winter Clash
7156|Earth|||||Nothing beside remains.|The Fallen Pillar is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||1||
7412|None|||To be a snowflake...|Your wings melted!|Through the magic of snow and
icy auroras, these wings keep you aloft by making you as light as a snowflake, and
twice as special!|The Snowflake Wings of Winter is an unsplicable back item which
was added as part of WinterFest 2018 on December 14, 2018.||0|Double-Jump:
7994|None|||Your feet smell of kelp!|Ahh, refreshing!|A shape-shifting water
spirit, this creature normally hangs out in the lochs of Scotland, but it's decided
to make an exception to adventure with you!|The Kelpie is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2019 on March 15, 2019.||0|Speedy in
Water: Kelpie|
7554|Earth|||||You were MVP in the great Balloon Warz. Stick this in the trophy
cabinet and show it off to all your friends!|||0||
7188|Earth|||||Locks an entire world - and looks dazzling while it does it! Tap on
it in your inventory to break it down into 100 Diamond Locks (if you have room in
your inventory).|The Blue Gem Lock is an unsplicable solid lock foreground block
which was added as part of the Stuff! update.||10||
7154|Fire|||||Guaranteed germ-free! Put enough of these together and you'll have
the perfect place for health and recuperation!|The Tiled Hospital Wall is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Role Up! update.||1||
7208|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Winter Freezer style! This robe
doesn't just keep you warm - it also makes you cool! Try to find another piece of
clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Winter Freezer Robe is an
unsplicable shirt item that was released as part of the Winter Season Events.||0||
7206|None|||No one sees you now...|You are visible again!|The hidden wonder of
Growtopia has joined your side! Glekki, the Great Chameleon, has emerged from his
hidden sanctuary and chosen YOU as his new apprentice. Keep him close at hand, and
he'll teach you the ways of the chameleon, allowing you to blend in with ANY
SURFACE as long as you stay verrrrry still. What an honor!|The Great Chameleon:
Master of Disguise is an item that was released part of the Winter Clash Event.||0|
Master of Disguise|
7214|None|||Some crafty extra Role points!|Argh, no more extra Role points!|Loaded
with all kinds of useful tools to make a construction project a breeze, this many-
pocketed cape is a Crafter's best friend! Don this garment and enjoy bonus points
for any Crafter - that's Builder and Cook, at the moment - Role quest you
undertake!|The Crafter's Cape is an unsplicable back item which was added as part
of Winter Clash 2018.||0|Crafter's Cape|
7190|Fire|||||Tired of people making fun of your guild because of one silly
spelling error? Or maybe just looking for a change? Use this and get a second shot
at it!|||0||
7102|None|||||BEHOLD! The conqueror approaches. All who view this helm shall flee
in terror before its bearer, and those who remain will find naught but ruin.|The
Conquest's Helm is an unsplicable hat item added along with the Halloween Week
7158|Fire|||||Whoa! Careful you don't slip - and DEFINITELY don't light a match
around this!|The Oil Slick is an unsplicable solid slippery foreground block that
was added as part of the Stuff! update.||1||
7224|Earth|||||Majestic in its age and tough as they come, this old tree will
shelter many a generation of Growtopia beneath its spreading boughs.|The Oak Tree
is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of Winter
Clash 2018.||2||
7882|Water|||||Finally, something to make water useful! Imagine this fountain
sparkling in your manor's gardens on a hot summer day... Just don't dive in - it'd
be gauche!|||2||
7736|None|||Dragon Skewer.|No more toothpicks left.|Capable of subduing the
mightiest drake! Of course, you need to actually GET the pointy tip of the spear TO
the drake, but that's where all Dragon Knight armor comes in handy!|The Dragon
Knight's Spear is an unsplicable hand item which was added in the Dragon
Invasion.||0|Punch Range: Dragon Knight's Spear|
7079|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
7138|None|||No more floating items!|Okay, I want floating items again!|Amazing
prismatic pants for a true hero of Growtopia! These glorious tights will keep you
safe from villains AND prevent you from picking up floating items in the world!
Nothing sticks to you, for you have the power of heroes!|The Heroic Tights of
Prevention is an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Stuff! Update.||
7432|None|||Mush Mush!|Woah, woah!|Dashing through the snow, barking as we go, this
sledge is pulled by dogs, and anything but slow!|The Snow Husky Sledge is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0|Speedy: Husky
7164|Earth|||||It's like a wall, except your friends can come in! ...and it's red!
That's an important difference, too!|The Red House Entrance is an unsplicable
entrance foreground block which was added as part of the Stuff! update.|3|1||
7198|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Winter Freezer style! This hood
doesn't just keep you warm - it also makes you cool! Try to find another piece of
clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The Winter Freezer Hood is an
unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7210|None|||||Celebrate the season in ULTRA Winter Freezer style! This robe doesn't
just keep you ULTRA WARM - it also makes you ULTRA COOL! Try to find another piece
of clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on, I'll wait...|The
Ultra Winter Freezer Robe is a hair item introduced during Winter Clash 2018.||0||
7192|None|||Spirit summoned!|The spirit is banished!|A demon of the Shadow Plane,
this dangerous creature obeys only you, its master, and lives to shred all others!
Nobody knows how it came to be in your service, and it's probably best not to ask.
For those who long a darker world, this is definitely your spirit animal!|||0|Build
Range: Shadow Force|
7176|Fire|||||This dragon is impossibly mighty! Easily the strongest, most deadly
creature we've ever seen in all of Growtopia! It also happens to be very, VERY
lazy, however, so it never moves or does anything... but trust us - it's an
unstoppable terror when it wants to be!|Dragon Block is a block that was released
as part of the Stuff! Update. It is a rare prize from the Spiky Survivor Carnival
7132|None|||||This is a demonic fish, not a fish that angles for demons. If you're
ever unsure about which it is, just check for the gruesome teeth and eyes! Luckily,
this particular specimen seems happy to join you on your adventures. Don't get your
fingers near those chompers, though - even if it's loyal, it's still a demon!|The
Demon Angler Leash is a hand item introduced during Halloween Week 2018. It is
obtainable by successfully training a Demon Angler.||0||
7234|Earth|||||Blast your chat in 3... 2... 1... BOOM! Just consume this to add it
to your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Nuke is an unsplicable Growmoji consumabe
which was released as part of Winter Clash.||1||
7202|Wind|||||A soft and cuddly cloud that's willing to give you a step into the
skies! Just be careful - he has a shocking sense of humor...|The Storm Cloud is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of the Winter Clash update.||
7742|Fire|||||The only safe way to light up a room with a dragon (all other ways
involve fire - lots and lots and lots and lots of fire)!|The Dragon Lamp is an
unsplicable non-solid toggleable foreground block which was added in the Dragon
Invasion update.||1||
7180|None|||||You might think these platforms float in the air thanks to magic or
super-magnets or something extra-weird, but we actually just pumped them full of
carnival-grade helium. Science!|The Carnival Creep Platform is an unsplicable and
unobtainable platform foreground block which was added in the Stuff! Update.||1||
7112|None|||||Perfect for a Bloodsucker's Ball!|The Vampiress Dress is a shirt item
that was introduced during Halloween Week 2018. It is a rare drop from
sacrificing rarity 90 and above into the maw of Growganoth.|23|0||
7142|None|||Good boy, Triffid!|Back to your nest!|Those terrifying tentacles have
merged to create... a pet! It looks like this twitching monster is just grateful to
be moving around on its own, and doesn't even want to eat your brains! Let's just
hope it doesn't get any bigger!|Tamed Looming Triffid is an unsplicable pet hand
item which was added as part of the Stuff! Update.||0|Punch Range: Tentacle
7738|Earth|||||Fit for a dragon king! Well, not an ACTUAL dragon - they're much too
large - but for a ruler who's really into dragon theming, it's perfect!|||1||
7272|Earth|||||Your new home is ready, m'lord! This regal-yet-solid building will
shelter you and your kin from elements and keep things warm, even in the depths of
winter!|The Nobleman's House is an unsplicable background that was released as part
of the Winter Clash. One can be obtained from the Winter Awards.||2||
7186|Earth|||||A raw chunk of frozen eternity, preserved forever! The glitched-out
time eddies surrounding it could certainly be used for something spectacular... or
set on a shelf to look pretty!|The Crystallized Time is an unsplicable block which
was added during the Stuff! update on October 1, 2018.||2||
7140|Earth|||||Oh, gross! This twitching, pulsing lump of flesh is STILL ALIVE!
What horrifying creature did it belong to? And how could it survive without food or
water for so long? If you brought more tentacles together, do you think it could
create something like its former owner...?|The Wriggling Tentacle is an unsplicable
consumable that was added as part of the Stuff! update.||0||
7114|None|||||The chosen garb for a dark baroness of the crypts, this coldly
beautiful dress is made of the finest lace and all set for a night of revelry and
ruin!|The Nightmare Vampiress Dress is an unsplicable shirt item which was added on
Halloween Week 2018.|23|0||
7414|None|||What a cheeky chipmunk you have!|Where did he go?|Chittering,
chattering, and tons of fun, this chipmunk is tired of hoarding nuts for winter and
wants to spend all his time playing with you!|The Chipmunk is an unsplicable pet
hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||0|Double Jump: Chipmunk|
7748|None|||Super draconic wisdom!|Your super wisdom is no more.|Look! Up in the
sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... SUPER DRA- AIIEEE! RUN! THERE'S FIRE
EVERYWHERE!|The Super-Dragon Mask is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added
as part of the Dragon Invasion update.||0|XP Buff: Crime Fighting|
7648|None|||Rise with wings of Thought and Memory!|You are slowly going insane!|
Rar! Wisdom and memory, perfectly perched on each shoulder to whisper the world's
secrets into your ears! Just make sure to feed them, or they might take a chunk out
of you in return!|Huginn and Muninn - Odin's Ravens is an unsplicable back item
which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0|Double Jump: Odin's Ravens|
7752|None|||Gourmet draconic wisdom!|Your gastronomic wisdom is no more.|A dragon
who appreciates the finer things in life - as long as you can eat them.|The Gourmet
Dragon Claw is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Dragon
Invasion update.||0|XP Buff: Cooking|
7626|Earth|||||What strange ceremonies took place here? More importantly, what
strange ceremonies will YOU perform here?|Altar is an unsplicable block that was
added as part of the  Treasure Hunt Update. One can naturally be found in a
Treasure Blasted world.|13|2||
7630|Earth|671|7621|||Holds up the ceiling and looks wonderfully ancient! What do
you suppose those runes say?||2|1||
7670|None|||Feel the rhythm, feel the beat!|Muted!|These aren't for pool parties -
they're for you! Hit the air on waves of sound with these thumpin' good boomboxes!|
The Floating Speakers is an untradable back item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2019 on January 4, 2019.||0|Double-Jump: Speakers|
7704|Fire|885|3063|||This endured the worst heat of a passing firedrake - it's a
miracle it's still standing!|The Toasted Village Wall is a splicable solid
foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion update.|21|2||
7724|None|369|3063|||Toasty! Just gotten blitzed by a firedrake with nothing to
show for it? Not true! These toasty smudges are proof that you've faced the
flame... and survived!|Toasted Face Smudges is a face item which was introduced
during the Dragon Invasions update.|20|0||
7740|Wind|||||Reflects your draconic side! The great serpent of fate accents this
polished glass - the perfect accessory for a creepy old fortune-teller's shop, or
perhaps a Dragon Knight's trophy room!|The Dragon Mirror is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion update.||1||
7570|None|||Weapons free, fire at will.|Peace initiative in effect.|Gliding
silently through the skies on carbon fiber blades, this drone is packed with
dangerous GrowTech attack systems and an advanced logic engine preloaded with
Amethyst-Generation AI! Luckily, it has to obey the holder of its remote - and
that's you! Just don't, like, lose that thing. We've had to put down about eighty
drone uprisings already...|||0|Drone|
7762|None|||Chaos draconic wisdom!|Your chaotic wisdom is no more.|Don't look at
it. Don't think about it. Don't. Even. Move. This... THING isn't a dragon. I don't
know what it is - only that it's deadly dangerous and forged from the void itself.
Beware, dear Growtopian, because I think it's noticed you...|The Chaos Dragon is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update.||0|XP
Buff: Startopia|
7730|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This greaves are but one
link of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your legs safe! Trust
me, when you're dealing with dragons, preserving your ability to run away is
critical.|The Dragon Knight's Greaves is an unsplicable pants item which was added
during the Dragon Invasion update.||0||
7674|None|||||One of the goats from Thor's chariot. It somehow ate the chains that
held it in place!|The Goat Leash is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7772|Water|||||A dragon egg, touched by the spirit of the stormy seas!|The Water
Egg is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Dragon Invasion update on February 4, 2019.||2||
7718|None|1307|3063|||Toasty! Whoever wore this was pretty unlucky when a dragon
came to town, though better than this hat that its bearer's head, I suppose...|
Toasted Villager Hat is a hat item which was added in the Dragon Invasion update.|
7652|None|||Swift recovery and minty fresh!|No more medical might!|Infused with the
medical might of Eir, a healing goddess, this rune will grant swift recovery and
aid to any who hold it! Also grants minty fresh breath, which is especially nice
benefit when you consider the standard Viking diet.|Eir's Healing Rune is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Treasure Hunt update.||0||
7726|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This helm is but one link
of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your noggin safe! Also
doubles as a really cool motorcycle helmet.|The Dragon Knight's Helm is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update on
February 4, 2019.||0||
7760|None|||Star draconic wisdom!|Your astronomical wisdom is no more.|A living
constellation, this beautiful dragon was born in the heart of a brilliant nebula.
It's come down to your world to explore, and it's very happy to have you as its
guide!|The Star Dragon Claw is an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part
of the Dragon Invasion update.||0|XP Buff: Startopia|
7692|Wind|||||These loops and swirls of painted wood have a whimsical flair that's
a perfect fit for overlooking any place at peace!|The Chinese Temple Awning is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Chinese New Year
7764|Fire|||||Unyielding, solid stone, and yet... you think you can hear the
faintest pulse of a heartbeat from within!|The Stone Egg is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion update.||2||
7712|Fire|59|3063|||The perfect place to look out on devastated crops - and keep an
eye out for a returning dragon|Toasted Village Window is a splicable non-solid
background block which was added in the Dragon Invasion update.|21|2||
7732|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This shoes are but one
link of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your feet safe! Keep
these in mind the next time you want to try walking on coals at a luau, too - I
mean, who would do that in bare feet??|The Dragon Knight's Sabatons is an
unsplicable feet item which was added during the Dragon Invasion update.||0||
7722|None|27|3063|||Toasty! Talk about a hotfoot! For a very brief run, these
must've felt like the worst case of athlete's foot in history!|The Toasted Villager
Shoes is a splicable feet item which was added in the Dragon Invasion update. Up to
4 of this item can drop from harvesting its tree.|20|0||
7678|None|||Hot air rises!|Don't get burninated!|An unyielding defense against
claws, fangs, spiky tails, and the blazing breath of even the mightiest drakes!
Comes in a variety of colors, all related to ancient customs and knightly orders!
Looks like this one is purple, for the Noble Bastion!|||0|Double Jump: Shield|
7720|None|377|3063|||Toasty! It's unclear whether these pants were present during a
dragon's attack, or their owner simply told a TON of lies...|Toasted Villager Pants
is a pants item which was introduced during the Dragon Invasion update.|20|0||
7700|Earth|5743|5749|||Legend says these will link your world to the realm of the
ancients where great gods of change watch over us. Perhaps if you add this to your
world, they will bless you with a small piece of their vast fortunes...|The Year of
the Pig Lucky Token is an unsplicable non-solid Lucky Token foreground block which
was added on Chinese New Year 2019.|1|0||
7746|None|||Aquatic draconian wisdom!|Your aquatic wisdom is no more.|A snapping
beast of the crushing deep! It's said that the oldest dragon turtles can grow so
large, whole islands can grow on their backs! Fortunately, this one's still small
and feisty, and seems happy to follow you on your adventures!|The Dragon Turtle
Charm is an unsplicable pet chest item which was added in the Dragon Invasion
update on February 4, 2019.||0|XP Buff: Fishing|
7714|Fire|1047|3063|||This blasted fence won't be corralling too many animals now -
it looks like a stiff breeze could knock it over!|The Toasted Village Fence is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added in the Dragon Invasion
7684|Earth|||||Pin down your lover's heart with an arrow in your chat! Just consume
this to add it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Heart with Arrow is an
unsplicable growmoji consumable which was added alongside Chinese New Year 2019 on
February 1, 2019.||1||
7560|None|||||This hood once belonged to a member of an ancient brotherhood of
Assassins. Ew, wait, has this even been washed?|||0||
7644|Water|||||Take your world to new heights with this breathtaking backing of icy
mountains and perilous canyons! Whirling lands of snow await - just punch to
activate! Oh, and remember, this is delicate machinery we're dealing with her, and
it won't function when damaged.|Weather Machine - Frozen Cliffs is an unsplicable
non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added in the Treasure Hunt
Update. One can be obtained from completing a Treasure Map.||2||
7702|Fire|||||Forged in pools of molten rock by the unfathomable heat of a dragon's
fire, this glass is touched by the mystic qualities of their creators!|The Dragon
Glass is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added in the Dragon
Invasion update.||1||
7758|None|||Prehistoric draconic wisdom!|Your ancient wisdom is no more.|A dragon
from a bygone time, what it lacks in modern refinements it more than makes up for
in ancient biting power and unintelligible grunts!|The Prehistoric Dragon Claw is
an unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion
update.||0|XP Buff: Fossil Processing|
7754|None|||Emergency dragonic wisdom!|Your medical wisdom is no more.|Not all
dragons are here to stomp and burn! Sure, this dragon still causes emergencies, but
it also helps to patch people up afterward!|The Emergency Dragon Claw is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update on
February 4, 2019.||0|XP Buff: Surgery|
7834|None|||Glowing with love!|Your love has gone!|Shining, radiant, wondrous.
These wings aren't powered by magic or science or anything so mundane - they're
infused with purest love, capable of uplifting all who wear them into the skies!
Touch the heavens and smile, for by wearing these beauties, you have proclaimed
yourself a true champions of the heart!|The Stained Glass Heartwings is an
unsplicable back item which was added on Valentine's Week 2019.||0|Double Jump:
7044|None|||Nothing will stand in my way!|Unknown.|Honed over centuries by very
bored monks and layered with precious stones and runed filigrees, this axe is a
masterwork of ancient magix and EVEN MORE ANCIENT weaponsmithing. Wield it and
you'll tear through foes, blocks, and butter like... um... even softer butter!|The
Jade Crescent Axe is an unsplicable hand item which was added on Harvest Festival
2018.||0|Punch Damage: AXE!|
7856|Fire|||||Have you been using cheap, boring ceiling blocks? Well, the Court of
Style finds you GILTY! The sentence: You must use these slick new inlaid tiles,
7248|Fire|||||Show off your antique collection of weapons in this eye catching and
ever expanding rack. They're sure to impress any visitors you may have!|The Weapons
Rack is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of Winter
Clash 2018.||1||
7488|None|||Slam!|It did not return!|Show the sound barrier who's boss with this
slammin' slapper of a boomerang! Thanks to its supporter, it travels extra-far and
crazy-fast! If you ever see it coming back, though, watch out! It's not easy to
catch something this unpredictable and keep all your fingers! Sponsored by
JIRISTAR, ChiggaLam and SLaminator.|The SLaminator's Boomerang is an unsplicable
hand item which was added on WinterFest 2018. One can be obtained from purchasing
it from the Nutcracker for 5 Diamond Locks.||0|Punch Range: Slaminator|
7420|None|||||Get your warm face on with this frost-shielding mask! You may be a
prince of winter, but you'll never be left in the cold with Snowfrost at your
side!|Snowfrost's Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on December 1,
7274|Earth|||||A venerable giant of the forest has fallen! This once-towering tree
took a tumble some time ago, and has already begun its return to the earth. Take a
tour inside to see the cycle of life up close!|The Rotten Woodland Tree is an
unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of Winter Clash
7230|Earth|||||Perfect for creating a golden tinged hedge maze. Just don't put it
near any hotels with dark pasts and invite caretakers with issues to watch over
them. Not that that's ever happened before...|||2||
7162|Wind|||||You might think that these sands of time are an old-fashioned way to
count the hours, but time is not always so predictable. Some say it can be like an
ocean in a storm...|The Hour Glass is an unsplicable solid foreground block that
was added as part of the Stuff! update.|3|1||
7236|Wind|||||Lit by the fading light of a warm and cheerful sun, these fluffy
clouds will brighten any sky!|||1||
7878|Earth|||||Stop leaving your poor plants in the dirty ground! Use this planter
to keep them nice and secure, instead!|||2||
7252|None|||Giving you extra Role points for Supplier and Crafter roles!|No more a
Jack of All Trades!|The jeans of a very skilled road warrior! Collect Jack's full
outfit and you'll be able to draw on his incredibly varied experiences to improve
your performance in all kinds of Roles!|||0||
7460|Earth|||||Just think of how many pies you could make with this enormous hunk
o' spice. That's a good price for twelve pounds of nutmeg!|The Nutmeg Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2018.||1||
7522|Water|||||The summertime backyard favorite is now yours! Build the most
wonderful, wettest, waterslide of your dreams and become the envy of everyone in
your neighbourhood! You'll have to start charging for rides!|||2||
7220|Wind|7219|163|||This sheet music will play a lyre note for you - and a half-
step higher note than Sheet Music: Lyre Note - as long as you aren't in range of a
boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet Music: Sharp
Lyre is a Sheet Music that plays a Sharp Lyre note, depending on the note it is
placed on.|5|1||
7256|None|||Giving you extra Role points for Supplier and Crafter roles!|No more a
Jack of All Trades!|The hat of a very skilled road warrior! Collect Jack's full
outfit and you'll be able to draw on his incredibly varied experiences to improve
your performance in all kinds of Roles!|The Jack's Hat is a hat item that was
released as part of the Winter Clash. One can be obtained from the Winter Awards.||
7876|Earth|||||Famously purple flowers, lavender not only looks beautiful just
about anywhere, but it has a calming effect as well!|||2||
7466|Fire|||Doubles how much a Tree Decoration decorates a Giving Tree.|Your
stomach's devastated!|Mmm! Tired of eating your eggs? Then this traditional holiday
brew is just for you! No cooking needed (but probably a TON of exercise)! Food
Buff: 25% chance of doubling how much a Tree Decoration decorates a Giving Tree!|
The Eggnog is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of WinterFest
8112|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is tery's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-kind
find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|Tery's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was introduced
during the Block Party 2. It was given to Teryjaki as part of the Community Hub
program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8088|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is VenomST's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-kind
find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|VenomST's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to VenomST as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8136|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is BenBarrage's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-
kind find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to BenBarrage as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8186|Earth|||||Consume this for thirty full days of special treatment! You'll get
access to unique skins, a chance of doubling any XP earned, 70 season tokens (as
long as there's a seasonal clash running), and 4000 gems every day!|The 30-Day
Premium Subscription Token is a consumable that was released as part of 2018's
Player Appreciation Week.||1||
8148|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is MrSongo GT's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-
kind find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|MrSongo GT's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to MrSongo GT as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8100|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is LinkTrader GT's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-
kind find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|LinkTrader GT's Awesome Item-O-Matic is an unsplicable non-
solid provider foreground block which was added as part of Block Party 2 on April
1, 2019. One was given to LinkTrader GT as part of the Community Hub program on
that day.||3||
8160|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is OldGertie's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-kind
find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|OldGertie's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to OldGertie as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8196|Earth|||||Eager to add some new building materials to your construction
stockpile? Tired of collecting items from random worlds and weridos? Well, pop this
beauty into your world and it'll start cranking out awesome blocks in no time!
Careful, though - blocks don't just come from nothing, and this machine will
eventually run out of power once it makes a bunch! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The
Building Blocks Machine will NOT return to your backpack once broken!|The Building
Blocks Machine is a non-solid foreground provider block introduced during the Block
Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||3||
8002|None|||||Ka-ching! This doesn't just make it rain - it's an instant MONEY
FLOOD! WOOHOO!|The Money Gun is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
St. Patrick's Week 2019 on March 15, 2019.||0||
8172|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is macproof_gt's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-
kind find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|macproof_gt's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to macproof_gt as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8482|None|||||Ba-kaw! You've been afflicted by the infectious chickenfoot virus!
Fortunately, the only real symptoms are having sweet chicken feet and an occasional
taste for bugs.|The Chicken Feet is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part
of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8220|Wind|8237|6401|||A normal ladder will get you to the same place, sure, but it
certainly won't do it with such well-crafted - and extra-safe - rungs. Every
handhold will feel like shaking hands with a <CR>grizzled craftsman!||28|1||
8996|None|||||The face of an AncieNt goD, forgottEn beneath tRackless desert sands,
has fallEn into youR hands! Imagine what the eyes behind this strange mask Once
saw...|The Anubis Mask is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Time-
Tossed! update.||0||
8492|None|||Wormtouched arms! Digging increased!|Your wormy arms have wiggled
away!|Wiggly Worms are the best diggers! So it makes sense replacing your arms with
GIANT WORMS would give you impressive digging skills. 100% perfect, unquestionable,
sense.|The Wormtouch is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of
the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0|Goin' down to wormtown!|
8280|Earth|||||Feeling traumeowtized? This block will be sure to brighten your
day!|The Kitty Block is a solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||1||
8074|None|||||Hahaha, Wabbit!|The Bunny Balloon Hat 3 is an unobtainable component
which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||1||
8472|Wind|||||Ghosts don't make for very reliable platforms, but thankfully it
looks like this spirit is going to stick around!|The Steppin' Ghost is an
unsplicable foreground block that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||2||
8300|Water|||||Ugh, what a mess of a mudhole! Try not to get stuck here - it'll be
slow going with all this thick, gloppy mud!|||1||
8746|Earth|||||Put up a fine fence and hope some enterprising plants will grow on
it for that perfect "lived-in" garden look!||1|0||
8076|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is Keenan GT's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-kind
find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|Keenan GT's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to Keenan GT as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8592|None|||||It's summer time, so toss on a shirt that helps you beat the heat
while lookingneat and fit! Now in burning sky blue!|The Polo Shirt - Blue is an
unsplicable shirt item which was introduced during the SummerFest 2019 update on
June 27, 2019.||0||
8818|None|||AAAAARRRGH!|Astro tech removed.|Firing blasts of mean orange beams,
these celestial-enhanced shades will light up your life, and like, anything else
you look at with them! So try not to stare too long at valuable objects (or like,
people)!|||0|Punch Damage: Astro Beam|
8644|Earth|||||Put up a fine fence and hope some enterprising plants will grow on
it for that perfect "lived-in" garden look!||1|0||
8774|Wind|||||Beware! Using this ticket will send you off to a world of great
dangers and riches! When you are there, you will have only 25 MINUTES before the
power of this ticket diminishes and you are returned to the real world. Can you
conquer the chaos of Summer Clash in time?|||1||
8070|None|||||Wabbit!|The Bunny Balloon Hat 1 is an unobtainable component which
was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||1||
8958|None|||Catch up to the wicked!|Penance stare: Complete!|Pulled from the
underworld and wrapped in the flames of damnation, this bike is one scorchin' hot
ride! Ow! Better wear some thicker pants!|||0|Speedy: Ghost Bike|
8396|Water|727|2949|||Ugh! A Gross Mixer with the taste of uncleaned fryers and
festering grease traps.|The Burnt Slime is a splicable component which was added as
part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.|15|0||
8688|Earth|||||Ouch! These stakes prove that just because it's a plant, it doesn't
mean it can't be sharpened and set up to stab ya!||1|0||
8302|None|||Steam power!|Run out of steam!|Clattering gears and finely-tuned cogs
whir and whiz as you don these brass and copper beauties! Thanks to the meticulous
magic of steam and jewel precision of luxury mechanists, these wings are at home in
the soot-streaked skies of any steampunk world!|The Steampunk Wings is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Double-Jump:
8898|None|||Giddy-up!|Locked away!|Yahoo! Forget cars and dragons and sneakers and
starships - when you want to see the worlds of Growtopia, only the world lock can
take you anywhere! Hit the gas on this speedy security device and leave your
friends in its glowing green wake!|||0|Speedy: World Lock|
8406|Fire|||||Gah! Expired mayonnaise is the least of your worries. Fetid fish guts
flop out between your fingers as you hold this horrific sandwich.|The Rotting Fish
Guts Club Sandwich is a consumable which was added as part of the Gross-Out
8326|Earth|||||A hardy cactus, these spiky boys can live over a hundred years and
grow as tall as you can build them!|||1||
8564|Fire|||||DANGER! No matter how healthy and medicinal this waste looks, it's
STILL LAVA, which means DO NOT TOUCH!|The Surgical Waste is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update. It can
only be found in surgworld-blasted worlds.|1|1||
8386|Water|||||A nauseatingly sweet snack!|||0||
8698|Earth|||||Also known as white baneberry, this is a real plant! ...really
creepy, too! I don't like how it always seems to be watching me...||1|0||
8944|None|||Unsheathed the sun! My eyes!|The sun has set!|Bane of vampires and mole
people, the glorious Sun Blade casts a brilliant glow when held aloft! As a side
bonus, it also provides its wielder with their daily recommended dose of Vitamin
D.|||0|Punch Damage: Sun Smash!|
8636|Earth|||||Chains of flowers to celebrate the day! You don't even need to have
a special event in mind to enjoy these beauties.||1|0||
8376|Water|||||Congealed oil, grease, hair, and other squishy unmentionables,
pulled out of the nearest sewer and plonked right into your hands! Don't say we
never gave you anything!|The Fatberg Block is an unsplicable solid slippery
foreground block which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||
8206|Wind|8215|359|||Who can be bothered to go OUTSIDE to look at clouds these
days? Put up a few walls of these perfect clouds and enjoy them from the comfort of
your own home!||37|1||
8124|Wind|||||An amazing item producing machine for an amazing pillar of the
Growtopia community! This is evets_gt's personal machine, and a true one-of-a-kind
find! WARNING! DO NOT BREAK! The Awesome Item-O-Matic will not return to your
backpack if broken!|evets_gt's Awesome Item-O-Matic is a provider that was
introduced during the Block Party 2. It was given to evets_gt as part of the
Community Hub program on April 1, 2019.||3||
8244|Wind|||||Dusty with age and kind of creaky, but it still spins after all these
years! That's one tough fan!|The Ceiling Fan is an unsplicable non-solid 4-frame
animated foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||2||
8462|None|||||This well-oiled fish has decided its grumpy days are behind it - it's
decided to follow you around in all its clankering, over-geared beauty!|
The Clockwork Fish Leash is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part
of Blocktor's Orders! update. It is a possible drop from completing Level 10
training for a Clockwork Fish, the other possible drop being a Clockwork Eyes.||0||
8508|Earth|||||Let the pineapples be your sweet salvation! Remember, if you die,
you'll respawn at the last checkpoint you touched!|The Pineapple Checkpoint Totem
is an unsplicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block that was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2019.||1||
8042|None|||Claw your way up!|Nails... too smooth!|Honed in lightless caves where
only the most devious rabbits dare to hop, these claws are used for far deadlier
things than digging cute bunny burrows!|The Claws of Barko is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of Easter Week 2019 on April 19, 2019.||0||
8008|None|||Raising hell!|Your fire has been doused!|Searing bright with the
infernal blue blaze of the Underworld, these horns are stronger than tempered
growmantium, sharper than a honed growlecular sabre, and more stylish than even the
greatest GrowTech tailors could imagine!|||0|Punch Range & Fireproof: Hellfire|
8222|Wind|||||Uh, mind your step on these - these splintery, timeworn rungs don't
look like they'll <CR>hold much weight!|||1||
8202|Fire|||||The most classic block of all, only this time it's made Out of hard
light and trillions of lines of code! Whoa.|The Digital Dirt is an unspliceable
solid foregound block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April
1, 2019.||1||
8630|Earth|||||These big poofs of flowers will brighten any room!||1|0||
8640|Earth|||||Put up a fine fence and hope some enterprising plants will grow on
it for that perfect "lived-in" garden look!||1|0||
8468|None|||||Awooo! Tired of turning your head to the skies to howl at the moon on
your own? Now this hat will do all your howling for you! Think of all the time
you'll save!|The Howly Hat is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the
Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8940|Earth|||||Looks like this tea basket took on too many trees! Don't fret,
though - maybe with a little work (and some more raw materials), you can fix it
8040|None|611|973|||Do you ever feel like you can never show enough teeth? Well,
toss these on and give yourself a grin that'll rival even the rarest rabbits!|The
Big Goofy Teeth is a splicable face item which was added as part of Easter Week
2019 update on April 19, 2019.||0||
8600|None|||||Summery pants that let you hit the streets with a breezy step and a
touch of Low-key class! Now in outrageous vacation orange!|The Chinos - Pastel
Orange is an unsplicable pants item which was introduced during the SummerFest 2019
update on June 27, 2019.||0||
8380|Fire|||||A sulfurous eggy snack!|||0||
8478|Earth|||||Produced with concentrated punching power, this block will give
everyone who touches it a swift hit into the skies!|The Punchy Fist is an
unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block that was added as part of
the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8086|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from Keenan GT's personal Awesome Item-O-
8980|Earth|||||Keeping out zombies, insurance salesman, and angry cattle since the
8388|Water|||||If creating horrible piles of wretched misery was an art form, this
would be a five-star effort! Unfortunately, its not, which just makes this an
abomination.|The Disgusting Mess Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Gross-Out update. This item can also be obtained by
failing to cook a Mutant consumable.||1||
8084|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Keenan GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8534|Water|||||A piece of a true medical marvel, and perhaps your only hope of
curing the deadliest of diseases! Collect enough of these precious drops and
combine them into a final, super-effective form.|||5||
8142|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
BenBarrage's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|BenBarrage's Blue Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be dropped from harvesting
BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||2||
8708|Earth|||||It's actually a very pretty flower, despite the name - it just
smells bad. Like, REALLY bad.||1|0||
8392|Water|727|2949|||Ugh! A Gross Mixer with the taste of salted stink and deepsea
death.|The Rotting Sea Goo is a splicable component which was added as part of the
Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.|15|0||
8712|Earth|||||Tread lightly around these sleepy chompers! They're not as instantly
deadly as the infamous Venus Guytrap, but they'll be just as happy to take a bite
out of you if you stick around!|Being a looming deadly block, a Bountiful
Growtopian-Eating Looming Plant acts as a deadly block for a while when a player
passes by.|1|0||
8624|Earth|||||Delicate flowers climb this lovely lattice, making it the perfect
addition to any garden!||1|0||
8622|Earth|||||Delicate flowers climb this lovely lattice, making it the perfect
addition to any garden!||1|0||
8294|None|||Wish granted!|Chillin' in the lamp!|Who needs wishes when you can GRANT
them? This lamp will transform you into a brilliant blue genie of magic and mirth.
Phenomenal cosmic power awaits!|||0|Speedy: Genie's Lamp|
8192|None|||Buddy's Effortless Blocks...|Aw, no more bonus blocks from Buddy.|The
nicest block around - it's not just your friend... it's your buddy! Equip it and
watch your hoard grow:.. Gives you a chance of dropping an additional block when
breaking blocks!|Buddy's Block Head is a hair item which was added as part of the
Block Party 2 update.||0|Buddy's Extra Blocks...|
8558|Water|||||A prototype variant of the Surg-E, the surgical scenarios(and
prizes) you can encounter on Train-E are limited, but it's the perfect way to learn
8610|None|||||When you know you can rock a fedora like nobody's business but really
want to hit the beach, it's time to embrace the ways of the straw hats!|The Straw
Fedora is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the SummerFest 2019
update on June 27, 2019.||0||
8420|None|||||A blob of goop for Spaced-Faced!|The Blob of Goop is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.|1|0||
8410|Wind|||||Why. This strudel is writhing with half-baked alien brains! They're
trying to escape!|The Alien Brains Strudel is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8332|Earth|||||Chittering, biting, and seemingly-indestructible, these creepy-
crawlies prove that some nightmares are real!|The Bed Bugs is an unsplicable non-
solid background block which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1,
2019. This was later removed as a part of the Mutant Kitchen (update) and was
replaced by the Neon Green Mutation Layer.||1||
8036|None|||Bunny balloon bunny!|Popped!|Bunny bunny bunny balloon balloon balloon
bunny balloon bunny balloon bunny bunny balloon balloon.|The Balloon Bunny is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||0|Balloon
8962|None|||Piercing the darkness!|Dark, darker, darker still! Your eyes fade to
black.|Binds its wielder to the darkness and makes them one with the night! You
won't need the hated touch of light to illuminate the dark with this imposing
artifact on your finger...|Ring of Night is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Time-Tossed! (update) on September 5, 2019.||0|Night Vision:
Ring of Night|
8298|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new ULTRA Spring Flinger Style! This
suit doesn't just turn you into an ULTRA cheeky squirrel - it also gives you a new
style that stays ULTRA twitchy on land AND tree alike! Try to find another piece of
clothing that can do both, and in such an ULTRA way! Go on, I'll wait...!|||0||
8378|Fire|||||A freakishly spicy snack!|||0||
8814|None|||Hissy hair, attack!|There, there, my pretties - calm yourselves...|
Everyone thinks it's GREAT to have hair made of snakes, but nobody ever thinks
about how many mice you have to feed them...|The Slithering Serpent Hair is an
unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update on July
26, 2019.||0|Punch Damage: SNAKEY SNAP!|
9000|None|||||Overlapping plates and sunForged chain to proTect an ancient god!
WHen losE this? Or perhaps he Found something Even stranger...|The Anubis Mail is a
shirt item that was added as part of Time-Tossed! update.||0||
8264|Fire|||||Behind the walls of every impregnable stronghold lie... more
8736|None|||Axe attack!|Axe concealed!|Sure, obsidian is just volcanic glass, but
cleave it just right, and you can get an edge that's sharper than any scalpel!
Ouch!|The Obsidian Axe is an unsplicable hand item introduced during the Roots
update.||0|Obsidian Chop!|
8120|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Tery's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8320|Earth|||||Este es un bloque de puerta muy tradicional!|The Pueblock Door is an
unsplicable non-solid door foreground block that was added as part of Cinco De Mayo
Week 2019 on May 3, 2019.||0||
8596|None|||||A Hawaiian style shirt straight out of the tropics to keep you cool
and fantastically floral!|The Aloha Floral Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added as part of SummerFest 2019.||0||
8334|Earth|||||Part of a gigantic worm! How big can you grow it?|The Worm is an
unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of the Gross-Out
update on May 1, 2019. This was later removed as a part of the Mutant Kitchen
(update) and was replaced by the Mutated Virus.||1||
8412|Water|||||Why. Because undercooked fish and moldy breading isn't awful enough,
you've managed to top it with a slithering slurry of fresh maggots.|The Maggot-
Slathered Fish & Sticks is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019. One can be dropped from combining a Rotting Fish
Guts Club Sandwich, 3 Disgusting Mess, and 10 Water Buckets in any Chemical
8144|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
BenBarrage's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|BenBarrage's Yellow Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be dropped from harvesting
BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||2||
8232|Fire|571|1159|||The color of a crumbling empire! Kinda creepy, like you're
traveling through a transdimensional vortex!||25|0||
8605|None|||Prepare to be pinched!|Aaaah, soothing!|Somewhere, there's a very sad,
very unarmed crab out there. Don't feel bad, though - these were better off in your
hands.|The Crab Claw & Shield is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part
of SummerFest 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Dungeonist|
8310|None|||||This little South American raccoon is full of mischief and curiosity,
but right now, he needs a soft place to snuzzle up! Will you let him hop onto your
shoulders and share some adorable warmth?|The Coati Scarf is an unsplicable chest
item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2019 on May 3, 2019.||0||
8456|None|||||Looks terrifying, but this mess of guts is actually just the results
of a stolen medical Train-E, some creative arts and crafts, and a whole lot of duct
tape to stick it to your torso!|The Gut Buster is an unsplicable shirt item that
was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8866|None|||Running into battle!|Give your feet a rest!|Nimble footwear for an
agile Chooser of the Slain!|The Valkyrie's Sandals is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22,
2019.||0|Speedy: Valkyrie|
8984|Fire|||||Ascend toward your royal chambers or descend in full view of your
adoring nobility for the night's gala event - these stairs make you look good
coming AND going!|The Regal Stairs is an unsplicable platform foreground block
which was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||1||
8306|None|||Cosmic energy!|Your hair, what happened to your hair?|The Night of the
Comet is alive... in your HAIR! Roiling with color, every follicle of this
otherworldly hair was chipped out of the cosmos, flowing and bubbling with all the
energy of the great beyond!|The Legendary Comet Hair is an unsplicable hair item
which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Long Range and Slow-Fall|
8270|Earth|||||Now stuff comes in red too! What stuff could it be?|The Red Stuff is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019.|10|1||
8802|Water|||||Writhing, horrible mutant tentacles that love to reach for the sky!
Maybe they're afraid of falling...?|||1||
8006|None|||Raising hell!|Your fire has been doused!|Searing bright with the
infernal blue blaze of the Underworld, these horns are stronger than tempered
growmantium, sharper than a honed growlecular sabre, and more stylish than even the
greatest GrowTech tailors could imagine!|||0|Punch Range & Fireproof: Hellfire|
8714|Earth|||||Tread lightly around these sleepy chompers! They're not as instantly
deadly as the infamous Venus Guytrap, but they'll be just as happy to take a bite
out of you if you stick around!|Being a looming deadly block, a Bountiful
Growtopian-Eating Looming Plant acts as a deadly block for a while when a player
passes by.|1|0||
8156|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
MrSongo GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8066|Earth|||||Fired from the Easter Egg Cannon, this block looks like it belongs
on the Other Side!|||0||
8702|Earth|||||Also known as wolfsbane (which sounds waaaay cooler, come to think),
these bright purple flowers look great, but they're quite poisonous, so don't start
8162|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
OldGertie's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|OldGertie's Blocks are solid foreground
blocks which were added as part of Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. There are
five different versions of them:<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Red Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's
Green Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Blue Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Yellow Block<CR>⁍   
OldGertie's Ruby Block||2||
8686|Earth|||||It might be a little makeshift, but this ladder will help you reach
new heights, all the same!||1|0||
8413|Water|||||Why. Because undercooked fish and moldy breading isn't awful enough,
you've managed to top it with a slithering slurry of fresh maggots.|The Maggot-
Slathered Fish & Sticks is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019. One can be dropped from combining a Rotting Fish
Guts Club Sandwich, 3 Disgusting Mess, and 10 Water Buckets in any Chemical
8098|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from VenomST's personal Awesome Item-O-
8970|Earth|||||Contains 5 randomly chosen bountiful seeds, including 1 rare
bountiful seed! Use it on yourself to open it - who knows what you'll get?!|
Bountiful Seed Pack is a consumable that was introduced during the Roots
Rebalanced! update.||1||
8516|None|||||YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH! This pineapple is down to terrorize the town!
Perched on your head, it will scream its fruity head off at anyone who comes near!
Why, you ask? What, do pineapples suddenly need REASONS to start yelling at
people?|The Howling Pineapple Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added as
part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||0||
8228|Fire|567|1159|||The color of deep ocean waters! Kinda creepy, like you're
traveling through a transdimensional vortex!||22|0||
8560|Earth|||||Infused with medical goodness! Mmm! that's some healthy blocks!|The
Surgical Block is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of the
Blocktor's Orders update on June 13, 2019. It can only be found in SurgWorld
Blasted worlds.|1|1||
8860|None|||||A plate of unbreakable steel fit for the unbreakable will of the
valkyrie!|Valkyrie's Cuirass is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part
of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22, 2019.||0||
8994|Earth|||||Very fancy and super-comfortable, but it squeaks like crazy if you
even shift a millimeter!|The Black Leather Couch is an unsplicable non-solid seat
foreground block which was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||1||
8238|Fire|557|1159|||The color of winter skies! Kinda creepy, like you're traveling
through a transdimensional vortex!||22|0||
8212|Fire|||||The only thing more dangerous than a pool of molten rock is a falling
column of it! Watch out for splashes!|Lava Falls is a pain block that was
introduced during Block Party 2.||2||
8828|Fire|||||Superb shininess in plentiful purple. It's almost too shiny! Wait,
what am I saying? There's NOTHING so fine as too much shine!|Shining Block - Purple
is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2019 Day 1 on August 19, 2019.||2||
8974|None|||||Viewing the past with colored glasses might not be a great idea, but
the present? That just makes you look cool!|The Colored Round Glasses is an
unsplicable face item introduced during the Time-Tossed! update.|30|0||
8170|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
OldGertie's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|OldGertie's Blocks are solid foreground
blocks which were added as part of Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. There are
five different versions of them:<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Red Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's
Green Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Blue Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Yellow Block<CR>⁍   
OldGertie's Ruby Block||2||
8374|None|||Slippery Grossness!|Bob is tired!|Not to be confused with Bob the
Handsome Blob!|Bob The Gross Blob is an unsplicable pet chest item which was added
as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Bob The Gross Blob|
8348|Wind|||||When a normal eye Just won't do, take the freak factor to the next,
most googly-woogly power possible with these putrid peepers! Just be careful - they
aren't your friends!|The Googly-Woogly Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness
Fleshy Eye is an unsplicable toggleable deadly foreground block which was added as
part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019. It currently has no recipe.||1||
8416|Earth|||||Want to add some ill emotions to your chat? Just consume this to add
it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Ill is an unsplicable growmoji consumable
which was added on May 1, 2019.||1||
8330|Earth|||||Maggots are an important part of our ecosystem, helping to break
down dead matter and recycle it for... oh, you want me to LOOK at them? No way! I'm
out of here!|The Wriggling Maggots is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019. This was later removed as a
part of the Mutant Kitchen (update) and was replaced by the Mutated Bones.||1||
8464|None|||Give people the evil eye.|Your vision is normal.|Gear yourself up for
success and stare down your rivals with these superb spinners! The only downside?
They need a lot of oil to keep spinning!|The Clockwork Eyes is an unsplicable face
item that was added as part of Blocktor's Orders! update. It is a possible drop
from completing Level 10 training for a Clockwork Fish, the other possible drop
being a Clockwork Fish Leash.||0|Punch Range: Focused Eyes|
8444|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest - and most stylish -
doctor in al the worlds! The Cap of Bling is a treasured hallmark of doctorhood, as
it protects patients from seeing your mussy bedhead and dandruff! They'll never
know!|The Doctor's Blingin' Cap is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part
of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8384|Water|||||A disgustingly salty snack!|||0||
8498|None|||Because I'm fat!|You are the biggest loser!|Dang, you are HUGE. With
thickness like this, nobody's going to have much luck pushing YOU around.|The
Fattenator is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0|Knock Back Reduction: Fattenator|
8768|Earth|||||It's actually a very pretty flower, despite the name - it just
smells bad. Like, REALLY bad.||1|0||
8404|Wind|||||Gah! Old dough is the least of your worries. Writhing alien brains
scream as you bite into them, sending out jets of gray blood.|The Alien Bloodied
Brains Strudel is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Gross-
Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8490|Water|||||Clean up in Aisle 3! Can someone get a mop?|The Block o' Barf is an
unsplicable slippery foreground block that was added as part of Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0||
8108|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
LinkTrader GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8756|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8522|Fire|||||The scent of pineapple is nearly overpowering! Smash this tasty crate
for Super Pineapple Party goodies!|The Super Pineapple Party Crate is an
unsplicable and untradable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2019.||1||
8528|Earth|||||This pineapple cannot make it clearer: It does NOT like you, or your
friends, or anyone really, and it will SPIKE the next person who doesn't get that
concept.|The Prickly Pineapple is an unspliceable deadly foreground block which was
added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||2||
8382|Earth|||||A gruesomely grainy snack!|The Dirt Gross Bean is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0||
8876|None|||||A freshly-laundered skirt! Clean, sharp, and ready for an education
(or general misbehavior, depending on the day)!|The Girls's School Uniform Skirt is
an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019
Day 5 on August 23, 2019.||0||
8772|Earth|||||Packed with nutrients and warmed by a kind sun, this soil is the
perfect place for roots to grow!|Fertile Soil Block is a block that was introduced
during the Roots (update) on July 11, 2019. It can be found in any Bountiful
Blasted world.|0|1||
8018|None|||Freed from the wire web!|Back into storage!|At last! The Speedy
Palpating Incredibly Deadly Electronic Roamers are the perfect replacement for
those pesky human legs everyone seems to have. Seriously, have you noticed how many
people have those weak, totally non-metallic and uninteresting NORMAL legs? Why
would you want something so... overdone? Use the S.P.I.D.E.R., and get going in
wonderfully horrible style!|The S.P.I.D.E.R. Legs is an unsplicable feet item which
was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0|Speedy: S.P.I.D.E.R.!|
8710|Earth|||||It's actually a very pretty flower, despite the name - it just
smells bad. Like, REALLY bad.||1|0||
8956|None|||Faster than death!|Back to life!|Haunted by the spirit of a legendary
stunt driver, this car can go from zero to spectral in 0.6 seconds!|||0|Speedy:
Ghost Mobile|
8094|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
VenomST's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8276|Fire|||||Perfect for heavy industry! Or, like, tying up giant wolves. It's
your chain.|The Heavy Chains is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was
added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||1||
8832|Water|||||Tired of Growmojis only showing up in chat? Well, now you can use
this to add<CR>a little 'cheekiness' to your world!|The Growmoji Tongue Block is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2019 Day 1 on August 19, 2019.||1||
8114|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Tery's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8014|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Spring Flinger Style! These shoes
won't just put a smile on your face and a spring in your step - they'll also give
you a new style that works wonders in both boring boardrooms AND beautiful beaches!
Try to find another piece of clothing that can do both! Go on, I'll wait...|The
Spring Flinger Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Spring
Clash 2019 on April 1, 2019.||0||
8474|None|||||Show everyone your love of baked delights by topping yourself with a
giant treat of your very own! Looks good enough to eat!|The Cupcake Hat is an
unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8314|None|||||Careful! They may look fluffy and weird, but these guys spit. And
bite. And talk about you behind your back. Llamas, right?|The Riding Llama is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2019 on May 3,
2019. One has a small chance to be obtained from breaking an Ultra Pinata.||0||
8308|None|||||He has intervened for the sake of Growtopians time and again, for he
sees the potential for heroism, creativity and selflessness in each of us. He has
even sacrificed his weekends to fight on our behalf. For that alone, we always have
and always will believe in him.|Reg4shi's Archangel Wings is an unsplicable back
item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Double
8234|Fire|561|1159|||The color of a forgotten dream! Kinda creepy, like you're
traveling through a transdimensional vortex!||23|0||
8934|Earth|8933|8931|||Long, delicate strands of leaves to hang from a lovely
willow tree! It may be weeping now, but just think how happy it'll be once it's
settled in your world!||11|1||
8992|Earth|||||These grimy, imposing walls have seen some dark stuff!|The Grimstone
Background is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Time-
Tossed! update.||1||
8764|Earth|||||Also known as white baneberry, this is a real plant! ...really
creepy, too! I don't like how it always seems to be watching me...||1|0||
8626|Earth|||||Delicate flowers climb this lovely lattice, making it the perfect
addition to any garden!||1|0||
8336|Fire|||||Think you're smart? Just a single Brain Block has more thinkin' power
than TEN normal Growtopians... and that's before you start adding more to it!|The
Brain Block is a solid foreground block which was added as part of the Gross-Out
update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8166|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
OldGertie's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|OldGertie's Blocks are solid foreground
blocks which were added as part of Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. There are
five different versions of them:<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Red Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's
Green Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Blue Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Yellow Block<CR>⁍   
OldGertie's Ruby Block||2||
8740|Earth|||||Delicate flowers climb this lovely lattice, making it the perfect
addition to any garden!||1|0||
8694|Earth|||||Also known as white baneberry, this is a real plant! ...really
creepy, too! I don't like how it always seems to be watching me...||1|0||
8400|Water|||||Gah! A stale crust is the least of your worries. Take a bite of this
and you'll simultaneously wish you were drowning in an undersea cave AND
suffocating in hard vacuum.|The Festering Urchin & Poop Pie is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8690|Earth|||||Ouch! These stakes prove that just because it's a plant, it doesn't
mean it can't be sharpened and set up to stab ya!||1|0||
8506|None|||||Shrouding its bearer in stylish shadows, this hood is the perfect way
to stay awesomely anonymous! Chosen by Placental, this is the Monthly Subscriber's
Item for June, 2019!|The Darkening Hood is an unsplicable hat clothing which was
added on June 1, 2019.||0||
8568|Earth|||||The problem with pineapple is it gets mushy when left in the sun for
too long.|The Rotten Pineapple Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which
was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||1||
8328|None|||||Whether you're rocketing down city streets on an apocalyptic
adventure or simply trying to keep warm while looking good, this scarf won't let
you down! Chosen by TraxyGT, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for April,
2019!|The Scarfy-Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added as the Monthly
Subscriber's Item on 1 May 2019.||0||
8752|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8258|Water|||||Someone managed to get these bubbles to stay in place, which is a
neat trick. Very delicate, yet also oddly satisfying to pop!|The Bubble Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
8312|None|||||This little guy knows how to party! Full of spicy style and fearsome
curiosity, there's nothing more rambunctious than a coati out on the town - and
around your neck!|The Fiesta Coati Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2019 on May 3, 2019.||0||
8548|Water|||You've been infected with fatty liver!|You no longer have fatty
liver!|Filled with the ultra-caloric output of only the most perfect cooking, this
deadly vial will afflict ANYONE it touches with Fatty Liver! (Except if they
already have another malady, of course - these diseases are very polite in that
regard)|Vile Vial - Fatty Liver is an unsplicable consumable which was added as
part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||5||
8724|None|||||Think of how long the tireless seamstresses of GrowTech's fabric
division had to spend sewing this dress! No wonder it looks so chic!|The Lattice
Dress is an unsplicable shirt item introduced during the Roots update on July
8106|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
LinkTrader GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8634|Earth|||||Chains of flowers to celebrate the day! You don't even need to have
a special event in mind to enjoy these beauties.||1|0||
8654|Earth|||||Behind every good temple is... a good temple background! Even
overgrown by the unstoppable creep of nature, these walls carry a touch of ancient
8588|None|||Soar like the Phoenix!|Blaze extinguished!|Infused with the powers of
the Emperor Phoenix, this staggeringly rare hair will astonish all who view it as
takes you to the skies! There are many beautiful hair in the worlds of Growtopia,
but none are quite so impressively enflamed!|The Phoenix Hair is an unsplicable
hair item that was added as part of SummerFest 2019.||0|Double-Jump: Eternal Flame|
8734|None|||||Look, if you're going keep attending temple in a frog outfit,
nobody's going to want to sit next to you. At least wear these so you can look the
part!|Temple Robes are an unsplicable shirt item introduced during the Roots
8604|None|||Prepare to be pinched!|Aaaah, soothing!|Somewhere, there's a very sad,
very unarmed crab out there. Don't feel bad, though - these were better off in your
hands.|The Crab Claw & Shield is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part
of SummerFest 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Dungeonist|
8250|Wind|8229|6389|||The perfect place to sit as you enjoy a nice space lunch with
your space friends! Location: Probably in space!||22|1||
8766|Earth|||||Also known as wolfsbane (which sounds waaaay cooler, come to think),
these bright purple flowers look great, but they're quite poisonous, so don't start
8030|None|||||So twitchy!|NekoRei's Fluffy Micio is a hair item which was added as
part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||0||
8946|None|||Watch out, storms!|Storms broken!|As wielders of an ancient elemental
power, those who hold this sky-shaking weapon will inspire awe in all who view
them. Lo, the clouds shall part with a mighty crash of thunder, heralding your
arrival!|||0|Punch Damage: Breaker of Storms|
8982|Earth|||||It might not be a great place to hang your flatscreen television,
but when it comes to fortifications fast, you can't beat sand in bags!|||0||
8840|None|||||They're so fuzzy! Top-tier scratchability and style, all in one
double-pointed package.|The Black Cat Ears is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 3 on August 21, 2019.||0||
8722|None|||||Flowers brighten up more than just rooms - they also look great in
your hair, YOUR hair, specifically, I mean. They look like garbage in everyone
else's.|The Flower Headband is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
the Roots update on July 11, 2019.||0||
8810|None|||||Aww! We're not sure what the heck this thing actually is, but it
LOOKS adorable. I mean, at least until it starts firing lasers at you. Not sure how
that works, either...|The Cute Bulb Mask is an unsplicable hat item that was added
as part of the Mutant Kitchen update on July 26, 2019.||0||
8438|None|||Galactic Code THX1137... Destruction protocol: initiate!|Take a break!|
Stolen from an Imperial shipment and bearing Galactic Danger Code THX1136, this
super-weapon has but one purpose: Total destruction! A galactic menace in blaster-
blue, this monster of a weapon will take all of your strength to lift, and all of
your courage to fire.|||0|Punch Range + Punch Damage: Destructor!|
8812|None|||Look at the Glow... way you go Growtopians!|Back to Non-glowing human
legs|Zips around with a glorious glow! Note: Rides on this buddy bug should be
free, so if he asks you to pay, it's probably a farefly!|The Riding Firefly is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update.||0|
Speedy: Firefly|
8178|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
macproof_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8476|None|||||Looks like all that fine food has gotten the best of you! You should
try to cut down on the caloric blocks and start punching more of them for exercise,
but until then, this big 'ol belly is a sign of your sins.|The Big Belly is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update on
June 13, 2019.||0||
8028|Wind|||||Want to add a big cheesy grin to your chat? Just consume this to add
it to your available growmojis!|Growmoji Grin is an unsplicable growmoji consumable
which was added on April 1, 2019.||1||
8052|None|||||Styled after Hannibun Lopter, the notorious psycho-rabbit!|||0||
8128|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
evets_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8218|Earth|8237|889|||If you need an interior that reminds you of classic, manly
styles and rough-edged elegance, set this background up and get ready for the
perfect setting to relax in your favorite overstuffed armchair.||24|1||
8344|Fire|||||Y'know, as interior design choices go, there's something organic and
wholesome about skulls - I mean, they were just going to waste away in the ground,
weren't they? Now they can brighten up your solarium! Or, like, a Bastion of
Eternal Evil. Either works.|The Pillar of the Dead is an unsplicable connecting
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1,
8292|None|||Wish granted!|Chillin' in the lamp!|Who needs wishes when you can GRANT
them? This lamp will transform you into a resplendent red genie of magic and mirth.
Phenomenal cosmic power awaits!|||0|Speedy: Genie's Lamp|
8414|Wind|||||Why. These things are practically heaving with decomposing gas, ready
to pop in a fountain of dirty blood the second you bite down!|The Blood Filled
Crepes is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Gross-Out update
on May 1, 2019. One can be dropped from combining a Putrid Gas Filled Blood Maggot
Crepes, 3 Disgusting Mess, and 10 Water Buckets in any Chemical Combiner.||1||
8696|Earth|||||Also known as white baneberry, this is a real plant! ...really
creepy, too! I don't like how it always seems to be watching me...||1|0||
8164|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
OldGertie's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|OldGertie's Blocks are solid foreground
blocks which were added as part of Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. There are
five different versions of them:<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Red Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's
Green Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Blue Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Yellow Block<CR>⁍   
OldGertie's Ruby Block||2||
8584|None|||||Finely honed for the perfect chop! Its blade might not go snicker-
snack, but all the same, heads will roll! Chosen by rsrssh, this is the Monthly
Subscriber's Item for June, 2019!|The Executioner's Axe is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as a Monthly Subscriber's Item on July 1, 2019.||0||
8268|Fire|||||The perfect place to send down hails of arrows on unsuspecting
8942|None|||Slice is nice!|Nice slicin' - now take a break!|Forged in swirling
desert sands, these ancient blades carry a hint of the siroccos in which they were
made.|||0|Punch Damage: Crescent Blade!|
5192|None|||Slice is nice!|Nice slicin' - now take a break!|A a glow is a steady
light, or a sense of warmth. ... Glow is defined as to give off a light or heat, or
to show good health or happiness. An example of glow is for one star to shine in a
dark night sky. Design by Bane sponsor by chris|||0|Punch Damage: Moonglow
Everlasting Scythe!|
8706|Earth|||||It's actually a very pretty flower, despite the name - it just
smells bad. Like, REALLY bad.||1|0||
8390|Water|||||Yuck, this compressed pink stuff is slippery and gross! Smells
faintly of strawberries, though. Well... rotten strawberries.|The Strawberry Slime
Block is an unsplicable solid slippery foreground block which was added as part of
the Gross-Out update.||0||
8470|Wind|||||A superbly spooky lock that not only locks an entire world, but also
attracts other ghosts to join the party!|The Ecto-lock is an unsplicable solid lock
foreground block that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||10||
8526|Earth|||||A demon-possessed pineapple, out for blood! Or maybe just hugs!
Either way, its touch is deadly, so you'd better MOVE!|The Looming Pineapple is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party 2019.||0||
8536|None|||||This wonder of modern medicine is the Universal Vicious Vaccine, and
your only hope against the most dangerous of maladies! Hold onto this as you
operate, and be careful, because it'll get used whether you're successful or not!|
The UV Vaccine is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders (update) on June 13, 2019.||0||
8658|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8288|None|||Wish granted!|Chillin' in the lamp!|Who needs wishes when you can GRANT
them? This lamp will transform you into a glorious green genie of magic and mirth.
Phenomenal cosmic power awaits!|||0|Speedy: Genie's Lamp|
8976|None|||||01100100 01110010 01101111 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101100
01101111 01110110 011100101 011110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101|The Droid
Pet is a hand item which was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update on September
5, 2019.||0||
8158|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from MrSongo GT's personal Awesome Item-O-
8230|Fire|563|1159|||The color of fading beauty! Kinda creepy, like you're
traveling through a transdimensional vortex!||22|0||
8728|None|||||Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem.|The Monk's Hood is an unsplicable
hat item which was added as part of Roots update on July 11, 2019.||0||
8562|Earth|||||A medical wonderland awaits!|The Surgical Background is an
unsplicable background which was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders update on
June 13, 2019. It can be found mostly in an SurgWorld Blasted world.|1|1||
8190|None|||The holiest of jeans!|Holy moly!|Jam-packed with so much holy might,
they're, uh... wait, are these just jeans with lots of holes in them? But... how'd
they get so dang POWERFUL, then?|The Holy Jeans is an unsplicable pants item which
was added alongside the Block Party 2 update.||0|Halo!|
8572|Fire|||||Pineapples are usually quite spikey, but this one has extra spikes
added just in case.|The Dangerous Pineapple Block is an unsplicable solid pain
foreground block which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||1||
8022|None|||Block-tastic!|Restocking!|No block stays awesome forever, even if
you're firing it out of a recoilless GrowTech-certified gauss chamber with 1.21
growgajoules of force... which is why the Junk Cannon is leagues ahead of all other
block-blasting battlegear! What CAN'T it fire? Where does it get all those blocks
from? How can it never run out of ammunition? Sorry, the answers to those questions
can only be provided if you have GrowTech Security Clearance Level Indigo or
higher, but hey - you can still shoot the gun as much as you want! Woohoo!|The Junk
Cannon is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on
1 April 2019.||0|Junk!|
8154|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
MrSongo GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8854|None|||||A stylized helm for an honor-bound warrior.|Samurai's Kabuto is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 on
August 22, 2019.||0||
8176|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
macproof_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8012|None|||Raising hell!|Your fire has been doused!|Searing bright with the
infernal blue blaze of the Underworld, these horns are stronger than tempered
growmantium, sharper than a honed growlecular sabre, and more stylish than even the
greatest GrowTech tailors could imagine!|||0|Punch Range & Fireproof: Hellfire|
8140|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
BenBarrage's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|BenBarrage's Green Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be dropped from harvesting
BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||2||
8418|None|||||A webbed hand for Fish-Squished!|The Webbed Hand is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0||
8868|None|||This map's letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even those
you CAN make out seem to change from moment to moment.|In the ruined light of
Apocalypse, the shapes on the page begin to swirl and glow, taking shape...|This
map's letters are hard to see in the light of day, and even those you CAN make out
seem to change from moment to moment...|The Map of Loki is an unsplicable hand item
that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4.||0||
8554|None|||||Capable of extracting pure medical might from blocks, this caduceaxe
is your ticket to vaccination victory! There's a chance it may break on vaccine
extraction, but hey - it also has a chance of getting you more than a few
fragments!|The Caduceaxe is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the
Blockstor's Orders update on June 13, 2019.||0||
8514|None|||||A tough skin for a tough Growtopian, both hiding a sweet, wonderful
8322|Earth|||||Este es un fondo de pantalla muy tradicional!|The Pueblock Wallpaper
is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of Cinco De
Mayo Week 2019 on May 3, 2019. 5 of this item has a chance to be obtained from
smashing an Ultra Pinata.||0||
8550|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest - and most stylish -
doctor in all the worlds! Set with nonslip treads of solid gold, these blingtastic
booties will help you keep your footing in even the most slippery of surgical
scenarios!|The Doctor's Blingin' Booties is an unsplicable feet item that was added
as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8652|Earth|||||Behind every good temple is... a good temple background! Even
overgrown by the unstoppable creep of nature, these walls carry a touch of ancient
8032|None|||||So swishy!|NekoRei's Fluffy Tail is a back item which was added as
part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||0||
8366|None|||Ah, stupid two arms!|Wham! Bam! Pow! Bonk!|Since when was two arms
enough for you to get anything done? Let's stack on a few more and get this party
started!|The Extra Undead Arms is an unsplicable back item which was added as part
of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Double-Jump + Punch Damage: Four Arms
8284|Water|||||I have no idea what this thing does. It's something electronic?
8466|Fire|||||This wolf is none too happy about being stuck as a block, and he's
going to take out all his anger on anyone who gets close!|The Mean Wolf Block is an
unsplicable solid pain foreground block that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||1||
8732|None|||Bamboozled!|Sword concealed!|Hollow, yet honed! Listen to the air howl
as this blade whirls toward your foes!|The Bamboo Sword is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of the Roots update.||0|Bamboo Slash|
8870|None|||||A nicely-starched shirt! Clean, sharp, and ready for an education (or
general misbehavior, depending on the day)!|The Boy's School Uniform Shirt is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day
5 on August 23, 2019.||0||
8606|None|||||Once a many-limbed delver of dungeons, now a happy follower for you!
Just... don't tell him how tasty he looks, okay? It makes him crabby.|The
Dungeonist Crab Leash is an unsplicable chest item introduced during SummerFest
2019. It is a possible drop from completing Level 10 training for a Dungeonist
Crab, the other possible drop being a Crab Claw & Shield.||0||
8256|Water|||||Cutting through the murky depths with a fragile glow! This little
light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...|The Sea Lantern is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||2||
8502|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|The Dummy
Item for Surgical Maladies is an unobtainable consumable which was added as part of
the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8738|Wind|||||Enter a world of fertile soil, cheerful sunshine and lush green
hills, and bountiful new trees! This blast is your ticket to a different kind of
farming!|The Bountiful Blast is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part
of the Roots update.||0||
8020|Wind|||||A portable cannon, the Trickster will kill your enemies, and you too,
so watch out! Wrench it to set the rate of fire! You can place as many Tricksters
as you like, but only 10 blasts can exist at a time, so if you have a lot, most of
them will just sit there.|The Trickster is an unsplicable non-solid howler
foreground block which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on 1 April 2019.||2||
8480|None|||||Hair spun from twinkling crystals and concentrated gems! It's worth?
Incalculable. Its beauty? Inconceivable. Your look? Incredible.|The Gem Hair is an
unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8252|Water|||||Aquatic pointiness of the deep-sea variety.|||2||
8068|Earth|||||Fired from the Easter Egg Cannon, this block doesn't look like any
egg you've ever heard of!|||0||
8938|Earth|||||All those wood chips made for terrible snacks, but with a little
sew-how, you found a new purpose for them in this beautiful bolt! Now what can you
make with THIS, I wonder...?|The Woven Wood Bolt is an unsplicable consumable which
was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||1||
8496|None|||You WILL suffer me!|The dead do not suffer the living to pass!|All
ghosts flock to the holder of the Ghostking's crown. Stolen from his empty throne
on the Other Side, this spectral crown proclaims you the true ruler of all
ghostkind! Unfortunately, that means you're about to make a lot of booful buddies!
At least... until the Ghostking finds you...|The Ghostking's Glory is an
unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0|
Ghost Immunity: Ghostking|
8460|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Clockwork Fish. A clanking, clattering fish of
grumpy gears! Doesn't like much of anything, so this should be a real training
challenge, but on the other hand, imagine the prestige of having trained a mecha-
fish of your very own!|The Clockwork Fish is a fish that was added as part of the
Blocktor's Orders! update.||1||
8346|Fire|||||It's hard to tell if this is a wall of flesh with eyes on it, or a
wall of eyes with flesh on it, but either way, it's horrifying!|The Googly-Woogly
Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness Fleshy Eyed Wall is an unspliceable solid
animated foreground block which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1,
8700|Earth|||||Also known as wolfsbane (which sounds waaaay cooler, come to think),
these bright purple flowers look great, but they're quite poisonous, so don't start
8324|Earth|||||Little-known fact about colored corn: It tastes nearly exactly like
regular corn.|The Colored Corn is an unsplicable non-solid background block which
was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2019.||0||
8682|Earth|||||It might be a little makeshift, but this ladder will help you reach
new heights, all the same!||1|0||
8452|None|||||Deadly claws of chaos and rage, spun from the essence of haunted
realms beyond the stars. Sometimes the void touches you, but with these, yours will
be the touch of that darkness.|The Hands of the Void is an unsplicable hand item
that was added as part of Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8952|None|4455|1787|Let's Roll!|Puny human! Boo!|Full of fangs, fuel, and
positraction, this beastly truck proves you don't need horsepower - not when you
have MONSTERPOWER!|The Monster Truck is a splicable feet item which was added as
part of the Time-Tossed! update.|28|0||
8964|Water|||||A proper place to fish! Now you don't need to worry about someone
splashing around in your favorite fishing spot - just stick this on top and prepare
for a relaxing day of casts!|The Fish Landing Platform is an unsplicable platform
foreground block that was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||0||
8692|Earth|||||Ouch! These stakes prove that just because it's a plant, it doesn't
mean it can't be sharpened and set up to stab ya!||1|0||
8210|Fire|4943|1329|||Rar! Stay in the past with this prehistoric paper! If you
close your eyes, you can almost hear their roars!||25|1||
8730|None|||||You might think it's funny, seeing a warrior come at you in
clattering bamboo plate, but you won't be laughing when you get whacked by a bamboo
sword!|Bamboo Armor is a shirt item that was introduced during the Roots (update)
on July 11, 2019.||0||
8038|None|||||This creature is so friendly, it hasn't even hatched and it already
wants to be your friend!|The Pet Egg is an unsplicable pet hand item which was
added as part of Easter Week 2019.||0||
8998|None|||||Heavy plate to entomb the might of an ancient god! How could This
Have found its way across thE tRackless wastes to yOu? from what dark dangers did
it protect its former owner...?|||0||
8570|Wind|||||All the goodness of a sugarloaf pineapple with a hint of sour tang,
so many flavors exploding in your mouth.|||1||
8064|Earth|||||Fired from the Easter Egg Cannon, this block celebrates the season
and Growtopia, all in one go!|||0||
8966|Water|||||The fish might be nibbling, but your dogs are barking! Take a load
off while you reel in the next big catch!|The Fishing Stool is an unsplicable non-
solid seat foreground block that was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||1||
8538|Water|||You've been infected with CHAOS!|You no longer have CHAOS!|Filled with
the swirling essence of the Chaosbearer itself, this deadly vial will afflict
ANYONE it touches with a chaos infection! (Except if they already have another
malady, of course - these diseases are very polite in that regard)|Vile Vial -
Chaos Infection is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part of the
Blocktor's Orders! update.||5||
8246|Wind|||||Keep track of invading aliens and lazy crewmembers with this state-
of-the-art camera! This device will watch your world and keep a record of everybody
who enters! You may have up to 8 of these in a world.|The Starship Security Camera
is an unsplicable security camera foreground block which was added as part of the
Block Party 2 update.||3||
8048|Fire|||||May or may not be full of chocolate. There's probably something good
inside, though! Only time will tell...|||2||
8340|Wind|||||Ever wanted someone to give you a hand? How about a BIG one?|The
Hairy Arm is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||2||
8494|None|||You have serpent speed!|No longer slithering with the pack.|Slithering
with serpent speed, howling at the moon, and looking like a million world locks,
this mythical snakewolf is your newest friend! Notes for care: Snakewolf likes rare
steaks, lots of scratches, and destroying your enemies.|The Snakewolf is an
unsplicable feet item that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8080|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Keenan GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8364|None|||Achoo! Achoo! ACHOOO!|Sniff, sniff!|Just dripping with happiness, this
is truly a face only a mother could love!|The Horrid Snotty Face is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Snot
8914|None|||Bzzzzzzzzzz!|Buzz-off!|On one hand, these wings will make you royalty
and you'll constantly be surrounded by your adoring subjects. On the other, those
subjects will be mosquitoes, and mosquitoes are the worst.|The Mosquito King's
Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2019.||0|Double-Jump: Mosquito|
8046|None|||Bunny-dragon wisdom!|Your wisdom is no more.|Once upon a time, a dragon
and a rabbit loved each other very much. Even the wisest sages aren't sure how this
happened, and nobody likes to think about how it worked, but the wondrous drabbit
was the result, and now with this talisman, a touch of its provider-enhancing
wisdom can be yours!|The Drabbit's Foot is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Easter Week 2019.||0|XP Buff: Providers|
8448|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest -and most stylish -
doctor in all the worlds! The Top of Bling is specially-woven to protect its bearer
from the slices and dices of errant scalpels and thrashing patients! You can never
be too careful when battling the slow creep of entropy!|The Doctor's Blingin'
Top is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0||
8642|Earth|||||Put up a fine fence and hope some enterprising plants will grow on
it for that perfect "lived-in" garden look!||1|0||
8096|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
VenomST's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8290|None|||Wish granted!|Chillin' in the lamp!|Who needs wishes when you can GRANT
them? This lamp will transform you into a youthful yellow genie of magic and mirth.
Phenomenal cosmic power awaits!|||0|Speedy: Genie's Lamp|
8780|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8402|Wind|||||Gah! Rubbery eggs are the least of your worries. Farty fumes welcome
you to a bite that's equal parts old blood and bloated maggots.|The Putrid Gas
Filled Blood Maggot Crepes is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of
the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8394|Wind|727|2949|||Ugh! A Gross Mixer with the taste of antigravity vomit and
interstellar waste cyclers.|The Space Poop is a splicable component which was added
as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.|15|0||
8978|Earth|4455|995|||These bricks may have seen better days, but they can still
build something beautiful!|The Ruined Bricks is a splicable solid foreground block
which was introduced during the Time-Tossed! (update).|4|1||
8188|Earth|||||Consume this for a full YEAR of special treatment! You'll get 70
season tokens (as long as there's a seasonal clash running), and 4000 gems every
day and a chance of doubling any XP earned, growtime reduction on all seeds planted
and Exclusive Skins!|||1||
8350|Wind|||||When normal teeth just aren't terrifying enough, take the freak
factor to the next, most googly-woogly power possible with these brutal biters!
Just be careful - they aren't your friends!|The Googly-Woogly
Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness Fleshy Teeth is an unspliceable toggleable
deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1,
8150|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
MrSongo GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|MrSongo GT's Red Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be dropped from harvesting MrSongo
GT's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||2||
8666|Earth|||||A mighty pillar, seemingly none the worse for wear after centuries
in the foreboding jungles of Growtopia!||1|0||
8614|None|||||Are you turtley enough to join the Turtle Club? Maybe not, but with
this guy at your side, they'll probably let you in anyway. It's all about who you
8720|None|||||Maybe not so fancy as those hoity-toity hardwoods, but bamboobgs a
kind of class all its own, wouldn't you say?|The Bamboo Pipe is an unsplicable face
item introduced during the Roots update.||0||
8072|None|||||Here, little Wabbit!|The Bunny Balloon Hat 2 is an unobtainable
component which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||1||
8576|None|||Some seriously helpful bats!|Bats are chillin'|To defend the streets of
a dark city, you'll need more than wits and skill - criminals need a symbol to
fear, a sign of justice and vengeance alike, and without a righteously red cape
like this, even the most amazing hero can't look the part. That, and its spring-
loaded fabrics provide double-jump, because there's no harm in being practical
while building your image!|||0|Double Jump: Batastic!|
8804|Earth|||||It's hard to tell if this is a wall of foliage with eyes on it, or a
wall of eyes with foliage on it, but either way, it's horrifying!|The Googly-Woogly
Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness Verdant Eyed Wall is an unsplicable solid
animated foreground block which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update.||
8542|Water|||You've been infected with brainworms!|You no longer have brainworms!|
Filled with wriggly parasitic woe, this deadly vial will afflict ANYONE it touches
with Brainworms! (Except if they already have another malady, of course - these
diseases are very polite in that regard)|Vile Vial - Brainworms is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||5||
8518|None|||||This backpack is filled with swirling, deadly dangerous juice from
only the most malicious of pineapples! With such feisty energy, you could certainly
power something huge... like a Harvester!|The Dangerous Pineapple Juice Backpack is
an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||
8524|Fire|||||Crystal pineapples filled with enchanted pinelights for the classiest
possible pineapple experience!|The Pinedelier is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party 2019.||2||
8436|None|||Galactic Code THX1137... Destruction protocol: initiate!|Take a break!|
Stolen from an Imperial shipment and bearing Galactic Danger Code THX1136, this
super-weapon has but one purpose: Total destruction! A galactic menace in red-
alert-red, this monster of a weapon will take all of your strength to lift, and all
of your courage to fire.|||0|Punch Range + Punch Damage: Destructor!|
8859|None|||||Protective leggings for an honor-bound warrior.|Samurai's Suneate &
Leggings is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22, 2019.||0||
8890|None|||||WAKE UP! GET HARVESTING! START TRADING! What? NO, you don't have time
to do your hair! Just GO GO GO! Growtopia waits for no-one, and certainly no hair!|
The Bed Head is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2019 Day 6 on August 24, 2019.||0||
8750|Earth|||||Behind every good temple is... a good temple background! Even
overgrown by the unstoppable creep of nature, these walls carry a touch of ancient
8990|Earth|||||Stop filling your house with smoke and give it somewhere else to go
with this very tall and very classic fireplace accessory!|The Chimney is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of the Time-Tossed!
8126|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
evets_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8546|Water|||You've been infected with Ecto-Bones!|Your bones are no longer
ectoplasmic!|Filled with the chilling despair of the Other Side, this deadly vial
will afflict ANYONE it touches with Ecto-Bones! (Except if they already have
another malady, of course - these diseases are very polite in that regard)|Vile
Vial - Ecto-Bones is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the
Blocktor's Orders! update.||5||
8026|None|||Aural energy!|The aura faded away!|You are burning with earthly,
verdant energies!|The Green Aura is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of Spring Clash 2019 on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be obtained from
the Spring Awards.||0|Double-Jump: Magical Energy!|
8672|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8408|Water|||||Why. It's like you took all that's awful about fish guts -
everything - and then jammed them into a taco to add a little crunch to the
squish.|The Festering Fish Guts Taco is an unsplicable consumable which was added
as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8446|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest -and most stylish -
doctor in all the worlds! Because doctors encounter all manner of diseases, it's
imperative that they keep from infecting their patients. The Mask of Bling is said
to reduce the chances of contagion by 110%! Nobody is sure how that's
mathematically possible, but they won't question it, either!|The Doctor's Blingin'
Mask is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0||
8132|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
evets_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8668|Earth|||||A mighty pillar, seemingly none the worse for wear after centuries
in the foreboding jungles of Growtopia!||1|0||
8968|Earth|||||Perfectly insulated to keep your treats fresh! Fill it with goodies
and get ready for a day of sun and fun!|The Cooler Box is a chest that was added as
part of Time-Tossed! update.||2||
8718|None|||||So pristine and perfect, it's practically an antique! For proper use,
make sure to stockpile several hundred of these identical rows and then leave them
in your attic for guests to find years later. They'll love it.|Porcelain Doll's
Head is an unsplicable hair item introduced during the Roots update.||0||
8090|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
VenomST's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|VenomST's Red Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April
1, 2019.||2||
8078|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Keenan GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8016|None|||A spring in your step!|No more spring!|Celebrate the season with the
new ULTRA Spring Flinger Style! These shoes won't just put an ULTRA-happy smile on
your face and an ULTRA-swift spring in your step - they'll also give you a new
style that works wonders in both boring boardrooms AND beautiful beaches! Try to
find another piece of clothing that can do both, and in such an ultra way! Go on,
I'll wait...|The Ultra Spring Flinger Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of Spring Clash 2019 on April 1, 2019.||0|Speedy|
8950|None|||Scope up: It's time to go long!|Scope down: Time to get close!|Able to
knock the wings off a fly at a thousand paces, this perfectly-calibrated rifle is
an insect's greatest fear! Wait, you weren't planning on using it against anything
else, were you??|||0|Punch Range: Snipeshot|
8684|Earth|||||It might be a little makeshift, but this ladder will help you reach
new heights, all the same!||1|0||
8838|None|||||A wonderful mix of colors for a wonderful neck!|The Rainbow Scarf is
an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019
Day 3 on August 21, 2019.||0||
8612|None|||||Too much sun eating away at your beachtime fun? Flop on a hat like
this and you'll not only be cool and shady, but look good doing it!|The Floopy
Straw Sun Hat is an unsplicable hat item introduced during SummerFest 2019.||0||
8352|None|||||Who needs pants when you have all-natural heating for your legs?|||
8988|Wind|||||Really gives your art the smoky, all-natural vibe of coffeehouses and
rustic farmhouses!|The Mahogany Frame is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||1||
8512|None|||Get ya squish on!|All squished out!|As everyone knows, pineapples are
the fastest of the fruits. Now, thanks to advanced GrowTech Squishscience, we've
managed to imbue the speedy juice of the pineapple into these hyper-advanced shoes.
What? You say they're Just hollowed-out pineapples? Don't be silly - if that were
true, how could they make you move so quickly?|The Slippery Pineapple Squishers is
an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||0|
Speedy: Pineapple Squish!|
8278|Earth|||||Having a ruff day? This block will be sure to brighten it!|The Doggy
Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block
Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||1||
8152|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
MrSongo GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8510|None|||Would you like some juice?|This doesn't help my grumpiness!|This tiny
terror hates feeling like the runt of the pineapple litter. He'll follow you
around, but don't make jokes about his size! He's very upset about... well...
everything!|The Grumpy Pet Pineapple is an unsplicable pet hand item which was
added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||0|Grumpy Pineapple!|
8566|Earth|||||Healthy rocks for a healthful world! I mean, don't EAT them or
anything - they're just nice to have around.|Aggregate Concrete is a unsplicable
block which was added on June 13, 2019 as part of the Blocktor's Orders update. It
can be found in any SurgWorld Blasted world.|1|2||
8226|Earth|||||Tired of Growmojis only showing up in chat? Well, now you can use
this to add some 'wow' to your world!|The Growmoji Wow Block is a block that was
introduced during Block Party 2. It is a possible drop from the Building Blocks
8602|None|||||Summery pants that let you hit the streets with a breezy step and a
toh oflow-key class! Now in beautiful sunshine blue!|The Chinos - Pastel Blue is an
unsplicable pants item which was introduced during the SummerFest 2019 update on
June 27, 2019.||0||
8882|None|||||You didn't have time to put this bun together, but who cares? You've
got seeds to splice and economies to alter!|The Messy Bun is an unsplicable hair
item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 6 on August 24,
8266|Fire|||||Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! The Dark Lord is IN!|||2||
8372|None|||Whattcha looking at?|Back to tiny eyes!|Give your friends an eyeful
with this baleful, beady-eyed orb! As an added bonus, you can probably win every
last staring contest now!|The Giant Eye Head is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Punch Damage: Giant Eye|
8500|Earth|||||Think you might have malady on your hands? Use the advanced tech of
the Med-A-Check to scan your patient! Only has enough for one complete scan, but
will tell you exactly what malady your patient has! Note: Will not be consumed if
its target has no malady.|The Med-A-Check is a consumable that was added as part of
Blocktor's Orders! update on June 13, 2019.||0||
8792|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8936|Earth|||||Somethin' got chopped, and here's the result! Nice work!|The Wood
Chips is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019
on September 12, 2019.||0||
8582|None|||Some seriously helpful bats!|Bats are chillin'|To defend the streets of
a dark city, you'll need more than wits and skill - criminals need a symbol to
fear, a sign of justice and vengeance alike, and without a beautifully blue cape
like this, even the most amazing hero can't look the part. That, and its spring-
loaded fabrics provide double-jump, because there's no harm in being practical
while building your image!|||0|Double Jump: Batastic!|
8986|Fire|||||The perfect handhold to keep your regal butt from tumbling down!|The
Regal Bannister is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of the Time-Tossed! update.||1||
8760|Earth|||||It might be a little makeshift, but this ladder will help you reach
new heights, all the same!||1|0||
8354|None|||||Alien eyes for your alien face, with alien lasers to destroy the
human race!|The Eyes On Stalks is an unsplicable face item which was added as part
of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0||
8362|None|||Buzz, buzzzz, buzz!|Buzz off!|A buzzing beast, engorged by science and
merged with your poor head! How will you ever date again?|The Fly is an unsplicable
hair item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|
Double-Jump: Buzzzz!|
8454|None|||||Dire darkness wraps your feet, turning every step into footfall of
doom. Flowers wither in your wake, small animals run screeching, and your shoes
definitely will not fit anymore.|The Feet of the Void is an unsplicable feet item
that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8282|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|The Dumb Billboard is an unobtainable
component which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||0||
8242|Wind|||||Extremely comfy, which is good, because you're going to be waiting
for a while!|The Waiting Room Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground
block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||2||
8058|Earth|611|667|||This isn't a REAL Moai - those are much bigger and weigh
thousands of pounds - but rather a cunningly-painted and carved chunk of styrofoam.
Looks pretty convincing, though!|The Easter Island Head is a splicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||2||
8010|None|||Raising hell!|Your fire has been doused!|Searing bright with the
infernal blue blaze of the Underworld, these horns are stronger than tempered
growmantium, sharper than a honed growlecular sabre, and more stylish than even the
greatest GrowTech tailors could imagine!|||0|Punch Range & Fireproof: Hellfire|
8484|None|||||Yikes! This toothy maw has one too many chompers! Can you imagine the
dentist bills? And all the toothpaste? Sheesh, this thing is scary in more ways
than one!|The Terrifying Toothface is an unsplicable face item that was added as
part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8678|Earth|||||These platforms can take the weight of even the heftiest
Growtopians! For a type of grass, bamboo is surprisingly strong, isn't it?||1|0||
8356|None|||Oh, this is just disgusting!|Relieved|Yes, it's real, and it moves just
as quickly as you do after one too many fast food meals!|The Riding Poop is an
unsplicable feet item introduced during the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|
Speedy: Poopy|
8664|Earth|||||A mighty pillar, seemingly none the worse for wear after centuries
in the foreboding jungles of Growtopia!||1|0||
8368|None|||Ewwww, a giant 'roach!|Bugged out!|Just a friendly cockroach you
decided to befriend instead of squish! It'll take you wherever you like, provided
there's some delicious rotting food for it to snack on along the way!|The Riding
'roach is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update
on May 1, 2019.||0|Speedy: 'roach|
8274|Fire|||||Now stuff comes in black too! It is nothingness|The Black Stuff is an
unsplicabe solid foreground block which which was added as part of the Block Party
2 update on April 1, 2019.|10|1||
8236|Fire|1745|1159|||The color of old decay! Kinda creepy, like you're traveling
through a transdimensional vortex!||22|0||
8422|None|||||Don't get too excited by the name - this nose doesn't shoot fire,
unfortunately. It's just the sign of a sick Growtopian!|The Inflamed Nose is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Gross-Out update.|1|0||
8050|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??|The Hatching Easter Egg is an unsplicable
non-solid provider foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||
8650|Earth|||||Coated in vines and creepers, these blocks come from long-lost
civilization! Where could they have gone? How could such talented engineers and
artists disappear without a trace...?||1|0||
8248|Wind|8229|6545|||The perfect place to eat space food! Try the kanzlok - I hear
it's delicious.||33|1||
8716|Earth|||||Tread lightly around these sleepy chompers! They're not as instantly
deadly as the infamous Venus Guytrap, but they'll be just as happy to take a bite
out of you if you stick around!|Being a looming deadly block, a Bountiful
Growtopian-Eating Looming Plant acts as a deadly block for a while when a player
passes by.|1|0||
8104|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
LinkTrader GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8296|None|||||Celebrate the season with the new Spring Flinger Style! This mask
doesn't just give you the face of a cheeky squirrel - it also helps you stay
twitchy on land AND tree alike! Try to find another piece of clothing that can do
both! Go on, I'll wait...!|The Spring Flinger Squirrel Mask is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.||0||
8214|Wind|8239|729|||Behind every fluffy, beautiful cloud is... another fluffy,
beautiful cloud! I mean, what else were you expecting? Weasels?||30|2||
8426|Fire|||||Smash it for Easter treats!|The Easter Crate is an unsplicable and
untradable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week
8762|Earth|||||Ouch! These stakes prove that just because it's a plant, it doesn't
mean it can't be sharpened and set up to stab ya!||1|0||
8304|None|||||Tired of wading through clouds of items and loading up your inventory
with random junk when all you want is a single thing? Just tune this magnet to the
proper frequencies and it'll nab exactly what you're missing as you move past!|The
Magic Magnet is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Spring Clash
8318|Earth|||||Este es un bloque de ventana muy tradicional!|The Pueblock Window is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week
2019 on May 3, 2019. 5 of this item has a chance to be obtained from smashing an
Ultra Pinata.||0||
8830|None|||Smooth!|Put on the shoe rack!|From the most formal of occasions to the
swankiest of clubs (on the darkest of nights, of course), everyone needs a pair of
black shoes! These are extra-special, however, because they're YOURS.|The Black
Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2019 Day 1 on August 19, 2019.||0|Speedy: Shoes|
8194|None|||Feel the glow!|Dark, darkest, darker still!|Bringing light to even the
darkest places and dimmest worlds, this cape will surround its bearer with an
astonishingly pure light!|The Glowy Cape is an unsplicable back item which was
added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||0|Double Jump|
8184|None|||||The subscriber item for March 2019, chosen by EloraFaline! So good-
looking, you'd swear it's a deliciously crispy treat instead of a lovely hat - but
don't eat it, because then you wouldn't have a hat, and you'd also have eaten a
bunch of fabric, which would probably be bad.|The Mah-Kah-Ron-Hat is an unsplicable
hat item which was added alongside the Block Party 2 update on March 1, 2019.||0||
8254|Earth|||||Highly conductive, and quite precious - don't leave this laying
around at a construction site!|||2||
8726|None|||||Feeling envious of Medusa? Top yourself with this headdress and get
at least a little closer to her hissy hair!|The Serpent Headdress is an unsplicable
hat item that was added as part of the Roots update.||0||
8180|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
macproof_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8770|Earth|||||Tread lightly around these sleepy chompers! They're not as instantly
deadly as the infamous Venus Guytrap, but they'll be just as happy to take a bite
out of you if you stick around!|Being a looming deadly block, a Bountiful
Growtopian-Eating Looming Plant acts as a deadly block for a while when a player
passes by.|1|0||
8216|Earth|8237|2029|||Smells like mustaches, flannel, and fine watches.||24|1||
8892|None|||No more sneaking!|Sooo sneaky!|Super-sneaky trash panda pet! Chitters
and squeaks and loves treats (also, making a mess)!|The Raccoon Leash is an
unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day
6 on August 24, 2019.||0|High Jump: Sneaky|
8174|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
macproof_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8788|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8398|Wind|727|2949|||Ugh! A Gross Mixer with the taste of medical mishaps and
hospital dumpsters.|The Putrid Gas is a splicable component which was added as part
of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.|15|0||
8586|None|||The tenacity of tentacle!|Tentacles powered down!|Robotic allies to
launch you to and fro! These high-tech tentacles were first developed to handle
hazardous GrowTech waste, but their engineers discovered it was WAY more fun to use
them to jump around instead (they can also play a mean game of chess, but most
owners are too busy jumping to try!) Sponsored by EzCookOven for completing all
epic quests!|||0|Double Jump: Robotic|
8858|None|||||Protective leggings for an honor-bound warrior.|Samurai's Suneate &
Leggings is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22, 2019.||0||
8776|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8102|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
LinkTrader GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8182|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from macproof_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-
8520|Earth|||Tragic Magic floods your system!|The tragedy has come to an end!|An
all-new, all-deadly pineapple! Careful how you eat these - many have tried to tame
the Dangerous Pineapple, and nearly all have met with a truly tragic fate...|||0||
8486|None|||It's the power of love!|Where is the love!|A sign of a truly gracious
and adoring soul. This halo marks you with love and adoration, healing you quickly
with the power of the heart! Aww!|The Loving Halo is an unsplicable hat item that
was added as part of Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8754|Earth|||||A mighty pillar, seemingly none the worse for wear after centuries
in the foreboding jungles of Growtopia!||1|0||
8062|Earth|||||You are risen! Hop back from the afterlife with the help of this
seasonal checkpoint. Remember, if you die, you'll respawn at the last checkpoint
you touched!|The Easter Checkpoint is an unsplicable non-solid checkpoint
foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||1||
8544|Water|||You've been infected with lupus!|You no longer have lupus!|Filled with
the howling madness at the heart of every Wolf World, this deadly vial will afflict
ANYONE it touches with Lupus! (Except if they already have another malady, of
course - these diseases are very polite in that regard)|Vile Vial - Lupus is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||
8056|None|||||Powered by a Fuel Pack on your back, this gun can launch free easter
egg blocks at your fellow Growtopians! Don't waste shots at anything else, though,
because they still burn fuel!|The Easter Egg Cannon is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of Easter Week 2019.||0||
8200|Fire|||||Uh, so this is a block now. A... terrifying block. Whoever suggested
this, I hope my nightmares were worth it.|The Creepy Baby Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||1||
8784|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8260|Water|||||Keep dangerous tunnels into the underdark sealed shut with this
mega-heavy manhole cover! There won't be any pedestrians falling in on its watch!|
The Manhole Cover is an unsplicable non-solid door foreground block which was added
as part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||2||
8168|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
OldGertie's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|OldGertie's Blocks are solid foreground
blocks which were added as part of Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. There are
five different versions of them:<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Red Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's
Green Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Blue Block<CR>⁍    OldGertie's Yellow Block<CR>⁍   
OldGertie's Ruby Block||2||
8358|None|||I see you!|I don't see you!|Keep your eye on the prize - literally
every prize - with this horrific headful of staring alien eyeballs!|The Beast With
A Thousand Eyes Mask is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0|Eyeballs|
8820|None|||AAAAARRRGH!|Astro tech removed.|Firing blasts of potent purple light,
these celestial-enhanced shades will light up your life, and like, anything else
you look at with them! So try not to stare too long at valuable objects (or like,
people)!|||0|Punch Damage: Astro Beam|
8880|None|||||You didn't have time to put this braid together, but who cares?
You've got blocks to break and economies to alter!|The Messy Braid is an
unsplicable hair clothing which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019
Day 6 on August 24, 2019.||0||
8758|Earth|||||These platforms can take the weight of even the heftiest
Growtopians! For a type of grass, bamboo is surprisingly strong, isn't it?||1|0||
8342|Earth|||||Ever wanted a leg up on the competition? How about a BIG one?|||1||
8616|None|||||Ace any job interview in seconds with this swimmingly sharp ensemble!
If I were hiring, I know I'd appreciate any candidates to come dressed in their
sharky best!|Shark Suit is a shirt item that was introduced during SummerFest 2019.
It has a chance to be obtained from using a Super Fireworks.||0||
8786|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8092|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
VenomST's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8118|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Tery's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8660|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8034|Earth|||||The best of all possible trophies in 2019.|||2||
8424|None|||||Wow, your hair looks like the grass on top of dirt!||1|0||
8646|Earth|||||Coated in vines and creepers, these blocks come from long-lost
civilization! Where could they have gone? How could such talented engineers and
artists disappear without a trace...?||1|0||
8360|None|||||This dogbomination eats everything when your back is turned, and then
horks it right back up when it has your attention! How cute! Wait, did I say cute?
I meant BLEARGHGHGHGH!|The Puggly is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0||
8808|Earth|||||When a normal eye just wont do, take the freak factor to the next,
most googly-woogly power possible with these prickly peepers! Just be careful -
they aren't your friends!|The Googly-Woogly
Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness Verdant Teeth is an unsplicable toggleable
deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update on
July 26, 2019.||1||
8648|Earth|||||Coated in vines and creepers, these blocks come from long-lost
civilization! Where could they have gone? How could such talented engineers and
artists disappear without a trace...?||1|0||
8552|None|||Mercy from above!|Merciful no more!|You bear the wings of a true
savior, a surgeon without peer who has saved countless lives in their pursuit of
the greater good. All who can hear the beat of these magnificently medicinal wings
will know that their salvation has arrived.|The Angel of Mercy's Wings is an
unsplicable and untradable back item which was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0|Double Jump and Slowfall: Angel of Mercy!|
8628|Earth|||||These big poofs of flowers will brighten any room!||1|0||
8638|Earth|||||Chains of flowers to celebrate the day! You don't even need to have
a special event in mind to enjoy these beauties.||1|0||
8578|None|||Some seriously helpful bats!|Bats are chillin'|To defend the streets of
a dark city, you'll need more than wits and skill - criminals need a symbol to
fear, a sign of justice and vengeance alike, and without a powerfully purple cape
like this, even the most amazing hero can't look the part. That, and its spring-
loaded fabrics provide double-jump, because there's no harm in being practical
while building your image!|||0|Double Jump: Batastic!|
8556|Water|||||Your gateway to a world of medical wonders! A SurgWorld is a top
place of care and healing, with all kinds of interesting blocks, top chance of
getting maladies while you work!|The SurgWorld Blast is a blast that was added as
part of the Blocktor's Orders! (update).||0||
8458|None|||Lips stitched! No talking!|Ahh... Lips unstitched!|Tired of all that
talking? Take matters into your own hands and slap some stitches on those
loquacious lips! You'll be silenced in seconds!|The Stitchlips is an unsplicable
face item that was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0|Muted by
8580|None|||Some seriously helpful bats!|Bats are chillin'|To defend the streets of
a dark city, you'll need more than wits and skill - criminals need a symbol to
fear, a sign of justice and vengeance alike, and without a brooding black cape like
this, even the most amazing hero can't look the part. That, and its spring-loaded
fabrics provide double-jump, because there's no harm in being practical while
building your image!|||0|Double Jump: Batastic!|
8618|None|||||This piece of clothing really bites! But, like, in a good way. It's
complicated. But also a shark, which is the more important part, really.|The Shark
Head is an unsplicable hat item introduced during SummerFest 2019. It is a possible
drop from Super Fireworks.||0||
8972|None|||||Fogged with the heat of your latest madcap mechanical monstrosity and
lined in soot, these goggles have seen you through more than one unplanned
explosion!|The Steampunk Googles is a face item that was added as part of Time-
Tossed! update.|50|0||
8680|Earth|||||These platforms can take the weight of even the heftiest
Growtopians! For a type of grass, bamboo is surprisingly strong, isn't it?||1|0||
8574|None|||||Who doesn't pineapple GT even when it's dangerous to do so?|The
Dangerous Pineapple Fan Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part
of Super Pineapple Party 2019.||0||
8598|None|||||A Hawaiian style blouse designed with a tropical touch to keep you
cool and fantastically floral!|The Aloha Floral Blouse is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added as part of SummerFest 2019.||0||
8594|None|||||It's summer time, so toss on a shirt that helps you beat the heat
while looking neat and fit! Now in poppin' iced drink pink!|The Polo Shirt -
Pink is an unsplicable shirt item which was introduced during the SummerFest 2019
update on June 27, 2019.||0||
8742|Earth|||||These big poofs of flowers will brighten any room!||1|0||
8504|Earth|||||A key to a mysterious treasure! This key is for Clash Series 2,
running from Summer Clash 2019 through Spring Clash 2020. After three seasons,
those who collect at least 10 of these keys will be able to open a special treasure
chest. Make sure you have enough just one won't do it!|||0||
8886|None|||||Embrace the hipster life! With this fancy facial hair, you won't be
able to stop asking for artisanal coffee and single-origin beans!|The Hipster Beard
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2019 Day 6 on August 24, 2019.||0||
8204|Earth|||||Stately and strong, this column can be the cornerstone of an
empire!|The Granite Column is an unsplicable block which was introduced during
Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||1||
8670|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8676|Earth|||||These platforms can take the weight of even the heftiest
Growtopians! For a type of grass, bamboo is surprisingly strong, isn't it?||1|0||
8488|None|||Fueled by dark energy!|The darkness has left you! ...for now...|Racing
lines of chaos have consumed your blood, filling you with fiendish energy. While
the corruption feeds on your spirit, you'll be faster, but at what cost?|The Chaos
Corruption is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Blocktor's
Orders! update.||0|Chaos Corruption!|
8608|None|||||This pink pal got tired of standing around and decided to leg it over
to you! Fancy a flamingotastic ride?|The Riding Flamingo is an unsplicable feet
item introduced during SummerFest 2019. It is a possible drop from Super
8782|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8590|None|||||Caw! This adorable avian ally likes tropical fruits, crunchy nuts,
and keeping its beautiful beak sharp!|The Pet Toucan is an unsplicable chest item
introduced during SummerFest 2019. It is a possible drop from Super Fireworks.||0||
8632|Earth|||||These big poofs of flowers will brighten any room!||1|0||
8620|None|||||A raven's resplendent wings for a resplendently regal individual! The
skies are yours, wise one.|Munnin's Unity Wings is an unsplicable back item which
was added on July 1, 2019.||0|Double Jump|
8134|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from evets_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-
8862|None|||Valhalla awaits!|Time to feast!|Flawless warrior wings for an
unstoppable Chooser of the Slain!|The Valkyrie's Wings is an unsplicable back item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22,
2019.||0|Double-Jump: Valkyrie|
8864|None|||||A helm of unbreakable steel fit for the unbreakable will (and
beautiful face) of the valkyrie!|The Valkyrie's Helm is an unsplicable hat item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22,
8082|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Keenan GT's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8224|Earth|||||Tired of Growmojis only showing UP in chat? Well, now you can use
this to add a smile to your world!|The Growmoji Smile Block is a block that was
introduced during Block Party 2.||1||
8044|None|||||Perfect for when you need to attend a very stylish event that happens
to be hosted by rabbits.|The Bowler Bunny Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of Easter Week 2019 update on April 19, 2019.||0||
8316|Earth|||||Este es un bloque de construccion muy tradicional!|The Pueblock is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week
2019 on May 3, 2019. 5 of this item has a chance to be obtained from smashing an
Ultra Pinata.||0||
8850|None|||||Class up with the best kind of black-and-blue to get!|The Blue and
Black Tuxedo is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2019 Day 3 on August 21, 2019.||0||
8744|Earth|||||Chains of flowers to celebrate the day! You don't even need to have
a special event in mind to enjoy these beauties.||1|0||
8824|Fire|||||Superb shininess in radiating red. It's almost too shiny! Wait, what
am I saying? There's NOTHING so fine too much shine!|Shining Block - Red is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2019 Day 1 on August 19, 2019.||2||
8370|None|||||Technically, all your shoes are dead. These just happen to be
particularly obvious about it.|The Undead Slippers is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||0||
8004|Fire|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
yet again, the server burned to bits, and all the fruits of your labors turned to
dust in your dry, bitter fist. February 2019.|The Rollback Plaque V is a
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added on 15 February 2019. It was
spliced using Cave Background and Sign during the time of its release.|1|2||
8432|None|||Galactic Code THX1137... Destruction protocol: initiate!|Take a break!|
Stolen from an Imperial shipment and bearing Galactic Danger Code THX1136, this
super-weapon has but one purpose: Total destruction! A galactic menace in giga-
green, this monster of a weapon will take all of your strength to lift, and all of
your courage to fire.|||0|Punch Range + Punch Damage: Destructor!|
8450|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest -and most stylish -
doctor in all the worlds! Fun fact: At least 83% of all infections start from dirty
knees! Wearing pants as well-made and sterile as these drops that rate down to
NOTHING, which just goes to show that you can be professional and look amazing at
the same time.|The Doctor's Blingin' Pants is an unsplicable pants item that was
added as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8748|Earth|||||Coated in vines and creepers, these blocks come from long-lost
civilization! Where could they have gone? How could such talented engineers and
artists disappear without a trace...?||1|0||
8054|None|||Hop-hop away!|Bunny is tired!|Takes you to and fro with little hops and
a lot of love! There's no cuter way to travel - just look at that cute bunny face
and twitchy nose!|The Riding Bunny is an unspliceable feet item which was added as
part of Easter Week 2019.||0|High Jump: Bunny|
8024|None|||Aural energy!|The aura faded away!|You are burning with magical,
octarine energies!|The Purple Aura is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of Spring Clash 2019 on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be obtained from
the Spring Awards.||0|Double-Jump: Magical Energy!|
8806|Earth|||||When a normal eye just won't do, take the freak factor to the next,
most googly-woogly power possible with these prickly peepers! Just be careful -
they aren't your friends!|The Googly-Woogly
Glooberhellifreakilisticexpialigrossness Verdant Eye is an unsplicable toggleable
deadly foreground block which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update on
July 26, 2019.||1||
8800|Water|||||Writhing, horrible mutant tentacles that love lying flat! Like, all
the time (they're very lazy).|||2||
8794|Fire|||||Growtopia's seen many viruses, but never one so monstrously mutable!
Watch out!|The Mutated Virus is an unsplicable background block which was added as
part of the Mutant Kitchen update on July 26, 2019.||1||
8262|Fire|||||A bleak stone for dark lord, this carefully-hewn block is designed to
keep heroes from climbing up and foiling your villainous plans!|||2||
8146|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from BenBarrage's personal Awesome Item-O-
Matic.|BenBarrage's Ruby Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be
dropped from harvesting BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||3||
8852|None|||||Carefully-crafted overlapping pieces of protection for an honor-bound
warrior. Do or Do not - there is no try.|Samurai's Do Armor is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22,
8704|Earth|||||Also known as wolfsbane (which sounds waaaay cooler, come to think),
these bright purple flowers look great, but they're quite poisonous, so don't start
8434|None|||Galactic Code THX1137... Destruction protocol: initiate!|Take a break!|
Stolen from an Imperial shipment and bearing Galactic Danger Code THX1136, this
super-weapon has but one purpose: Total destruction! A galactic menace in pew-pew-
purple, this monster of a weapon will take all of your strength to lift, and all of
your courage to fire.|||0|Punch Range + Punch Damage: Destructor!|
8060|Wind|||||Enjoy the whirling beauty of this spinny pinwheel.|The Flower
Pinwheel is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Easter Week 2019.||3||
8198|Earth|||||This mighty machine has run out of fuel, and now lies dormant.|The
Used Building Blocks Machine is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Block Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.||2||
8240|Water|||||Refreshing! Say, what do you call a water dispenser in a desert? ...
... A thirst-aid kit!|The Water Dispenser is an unspliceable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of the Block Party 2 update.||1||
8272|Wind|||||Now stuff comes in white too! This is some pure stuff!|The White
Stuff is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block
Party 2 update on April 1, 2019.|10|1||
8208|Fire|8239|689|||Metal. Show your friends and family it's not just a phase with
the help of this highly spooky skull pattern!||40|1||
8286|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Da Vinci actually thought he could fly with these. He was totally wrong - they
only let you double jump and glide.|The Da Vinci Wings is an unsplicable back item
which was added alongside the Steampack as part of Anniversary Week 2016 on January
6, 2016.||0|Double-jump|
8778|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8442|None|||||Gleaming gold to mark its bearer as the finest -and most stylish -
doctor in all the worlds! It's said that those who wear the Cross of Bling will
experience dramatically shorter lives, but they'll be full of adventure, right up
to the end!|The Doctor's Blingin' Cross is an unsplicable chest item that was added
as part of the Blocktor's Orders! update.||0||
8656|Earth|||||Behind every good temple is... a good temple background! Even
overgrown by the unstoppable creep of nature, these walls carry a touch of ancient
8790|None|||||Players that touch this get a clash prize, and get kicked out of the
finale world.|||1||
8960|None|||Sprrroing!|Pah! Pesky regular fists!|Superb punching power - on
springs! For those times when you REALLY want to punch someone and they're ALLL the
way on the other side of the room!|||0|Punch Range: T.K.O.|
8122|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from Tery's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||
8138|Fire|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
BenBarrage's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|BenBarrage's Red Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Block Party 2
update on April 1, 2019. One has a chance to be dropped from harvesting
BenBarrage's Awesome Item-O-Matic.||2||
8674|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8662|Earth|||||Hollow bamboo stakes, carefully bound together, make for the perfect
tropical backdrop!||1|0||
8401|Water|||||Gah! A stale crust is the least of your worries. Take a bite of this
and you'll simultaneously wish you were drowning in an undersea cave AND
suffocating in hard vacuum.|The Festering Urchin & Poop Pie is an unsplicable
consumable which was added as part of the Gross-Out update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8130|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
evets_gt's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8110|Fire|||||Considering the size, this is the most valuable ruby in existence.
But it's only a video game. This is from LinkTrader GT's personal Awesome Item-O-
8816|None|||AAAAARRRGH!|Astro tech removed.|Firing blasts of radical red light,
these celestial-enhanced shades will light up your life, and like, anything else
you look at with them! So try not to stare too long at valuable objects (or like,
people)!|||0|Punch Damage: Astro Beam|
8920|None|||||Part of a cultural celebration of life, these pants aren't just a
good-looking potential piece of your outfit! They're also used in a major dance
festival in the Indian region of - you guessed it - Ladakh!|The Ladakh Pants is an
unsplicable pants item which was introduced during Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8954|None|||A heavenly touch revives you.|No more grapefruit and health drinks,
back to that unhealthy diet of yours.|A floating book filled with healthy tips and
lost surgical arts! It'll follow you wherever you go, bringing good health to all.
Well, except goats - it HATES goats (we think one tried to eat it).|||0|Quick
Recover: Healing Tome|
8896|Fire|2037|3283|||A skyful of streaking lights can be yours with this all-new
(and all-stellar) weather machine! Quick! Make a wish!|The Weather Machine - Meteor
Shower is a weather machine that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019
Day 7 on August 25, 2019.|37|2||
8872|None|||||Carefully-creased pants! Clean, sharp, and ready for an education (or
general misbehavior, depending on the day)!|The Boy's School Uniform Pants is an
unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day
5 on August 23, 2019.||0||
8918|None|||||Part of a cultural celebration of life, this shirt isn't just a good-
looking potential piece of your outfit! It's also used in a major dance festival in
the Indian region of - you guessed it - Ladakh!|The Ladakh Shirt is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8798|Fire|||||When something glows green, bubbles, and smells like burnt bowling
balls, that usually means it's safe, right?|The Neon Green Mutation Layer is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update
on July 26, 2019.||1||
8912|None|||||This little guy's tired of frightening birds (that time a flock of
ravens stole his hat was the last straw), so he's decided to join up with you and
see if your adventures are his kind of field!|The Scarecrow Pet is a unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8932|Earth|||||Assorted swaying leaves for a lovely willow tree! It may be weeping
now, but just think how happy it'll be once it's settled in your world!|The Weeping
Willow Foliage is an unsplicable block introduced during Harvest Festival 2019. It
can only be found in Harvest Moon Blasted worlds.|4|0||
8902|None|||Giddy-up!|Locked away!|Yahoo! Forget cars and dragons and sneakers and
starships - when you want to see the worlds of Growtopia, only the world lock can
take you anywhere! Hit the gas on this speedy security device and leave your
friends in its glowing white wake!|||0|Speedy: World Lock|
8540|Water|||You've been infected with moldy guts!|You no longer have moldy guts!|
Filled with the grumbling grossness of internal ick, this deadly vial will afflict
ANYONE it touches with Moldy Guts! (Except if they already have another malady, of
course - these diseases are very polite in that regard)|Vile Vial - Moldy Guts is
an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the Blocktor's Orders!
8900|None|||Giddy-up!|Locked away!|Yahoo! Forget cars and dragons and sneakers and
starships - when you want to see the worlds of Growtopia, only the world lock can
take you anywhere! Hit the gas on this speedy security device and leave your
friends in its pulsing purple wake!|||0|Speedy: World Lock|
8916|None|||||Part of a cultural celebration of life, this mask isn't just a good-
looking potential piece of your outfit! They're also used in a major dance festival
in the Indian region of - you guessed it - Ladakh!|The Ladakh Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was introduced as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8338|Wind|||||The only problem with laying down a sticky trap to catch bugs is that
you wind up with a writhing wall of gross bugs. Ew.|The Insect Glue Wallpaper is an
unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of the Gross-Out
update on May 1, 2019.||1||
8846|None|||||Absolutely stunning! Oh, and MUCH nicer than those B- and C-Line
dresses! Don't even get me started on the D-Lines... sheesh!|||0||
8116|Water|||||Blocks are available in a stunning array of colors! This is from
Tery's personal Awesome Item-O-Matic.|||2||
8928|Earth|1103|8931|||The trunk of a lovely willow tree! It may be weeping now,
but think how happy it'll be once it's settled in your world!||14|1||
8884|None|267|1841|||Way better than those Short Empty Bangs offered by other,
lesser hairstylists.|The Long Full Bangs is a splicable hair item which was added
as part of Player Appreciation Week Day 6 on August 24, 2019.|10|0||
8878|Earth|||||The safest place in all of Growtopia! Comes with a patented GrowTech
InifiniLock and laser-guided satellite strikes to ensure ONLY YOU can retrieve its
8910|None|||It's awfully windy around here!|Power off!|Tired of dealing with
people? Wish they'd all just leaf you alone? Well, fire up this blower's GrowTech
turbine and a storm of wind and fallen foliage will blast them into next year!|The
Leaf Blower is an unsplicable hand item that was introduced during Harvest Festival
2019.||0|Punch Power: Leaf Blower|
8924|None|||Blessings of the Harvest.|Out on your luck.|Mystic moonlight seeps from
this charm, tipping your fields toward balance. As a result, while you wear it,
your crops will be blessed with a higher chance of dropping Balance Mooncakes
during the harvest.|The Harvest Moon Charm is an unsplicable chest clothing item
that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8848|None|||||When you want to stand out in a crowd of penguins (or investment
bankers) without ruining the super-classy mood, try on this blight and beautiful
tux!|The White Tuxedo  is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 3 on August 21, 2019.||0||
8874|None|||||A nicely-starched shirt! Clean, sharp, and ready for an education (or
general misbehavior, depending on the day)!|The Girls's School Uniform Shirt is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day
5 on August 23, 2019.||0||
8922|None|||||Part of a cultural celebration of life, these shoes aren't just a
good-looking potential piece of your outfit! They're also used in a major dance
festival in the Indian region of - you guessed it - Ladakh!|The Ladakh Shoes is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2019.||0||
8842|None|||||Ever see a bird with a colorful nut-crackin' beak and get jealous you
don't have one? Well now, toucan play at that game!|Toucan's Bill is an unsplicable
face item that was introduced for Day 3 of Player Appreciation Week 2019.||0||
8930|Earth|||||The branches of a lovely willow tree! It may be weeping now, but
just think how happy it'll be once it's settled in your world!|The Weeping Willow
Branch is an unsplicable background introduced during Harvest Festival 2019. It can
only be found in Harvest Moon Blasted worlds.|4|0||
8894|None|||Just munchin'|Panda is sleepy.|A much more official panda than the
raccoon, this stoic plant-muncher has just two requests: More bamboo, and MORE
BAMBOO!|The Panda Leash is a hand item which was as part of Player Appreciation
Week Day 6 on August 24, 2019.||0||
8948|None|||Speed is on your side!|Back to your chores!|Perfect for zipping around
an endless desert under the baleful glare of twin suns!|The Speeder is an
unsplicable feet item that was added as part of the Time-Tossed! update.||0|Speedy:
8904|None|||Giddy-up!|Locked away!|Yahoo! Forget cars and dragons and sneakers and
starships - when you want to see the worlds of Growtopia, only the world lock can
take you anywhere! Hit the gas on this speedy security device and leave your
friends in its glowing yellow wake!|||0|Speedy: World Lock|
8836|Fire|||||Lose yourself in the vastness of the cosmos with this stellar star
machine!|Weather Machine - Stargazing is a weather machine that was added as part
of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 2 on August 20, 2019.||2||
8906|None|||||With this decorative mask, even the most average growtopian can be
the Belle of the Ball! Chosen by Ch4knuGT, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item
for August, 2019!|The Masquerade Ball Mask is an unsplicable face item which was
added on September 1, 2019.||0||
8822|None|||AAAAARRRGH!|Astro tech removed.|Firing blasts of mean green beams,
these celestial-enhanced shades will light up your life, and like, anything else
you look at with them! So try not to stare too long at valuable objects (or like,
people)!|||0|Punch Damage: Astro Beam|
8926|Earth|||||Use this block to axe tree block a few questions! Questions like:
What will you become after a good choppin'?!|The Chopping Wood Block is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of Harvest Festival
8908|None|||Straight to your backpack with the harvest.|Back to picking up scraps
from the ground.|Toss this on and any items you collect from a fully-grown tree
will fall directly into your inventory! A little flimsy, so it's likely to break
after you've collected a lot of stuff, but no less useful for it!|||0|Harvest
Collector: Tea Basket|
8826|Fire|||||Superb shininess in yearning yellow. It's almost too shiny! Wait,
what am I saying? There's NOTHING so fine as too much shine!|Shining Block - Yellow
is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2019 Day 1 on August 19, 2019.||2||
8796|Fire|||||What, you thought mutants had normal bones?|The Mutated Bones is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen update
on July 26, 2019.||1||
8856|None|||War cry!|Time for a soothing foot spa?|Flexible footwear for an honor-
bound warrior.|Samurai's Waraji is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part
of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 4 on August 22, 2019.||0|Speedy: Samurai|
8888|None|||||A bun of hair, but with an extra swirl of testosterone to make it
extra-manly!|The Man Bun is an unsplicable hair clothing which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 6 on August 24, 2019.||0||
8834|None|||Growboard? Keep it, I've got an Etherboard now!|Back to the... shelf!|
Crush the skies between dimensions and surf the riptides of eternity with this
mystical - and highly mobile - etherboard! Unfortunately, it looks like its
GrowTech Time Circuits have shortcircuited (their warranty is only good for 5,000
years or parsecs, whichever comes first), so while this'Ill give you a boost of
speed, it won't take you through time anymore... Sponsored by TK69 for completing
all epic quests!|||0||
8844|None|||||Not just any white dress! If you couldn't already tell by how pretty
this looks, we've carefully added the word 'chic' in the title to let everyone know
the style here is off the charts!|The Chic White Dress is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2019 Day 3 on August 21,
9219|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
9215|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
9218|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
9214|None|||||One is for opening an end-of-year legendary prize, the other's for
getting into a dangerous parkour world full of traps and treasures! We'll let you
figure out which is which.|||0||
9302|Fire|||||It's... it's hatching! There's something inside this egg, and it's
coming out soon! Ooh, what could it be??|The Hatching Euphoric Dragon Egg is an
unsplicable non-solid provider foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||2||
9212|None|||Effortless time...|Aw, no more time reduction.|Incredible forces of
immortality and history have been combined with the building blocks of creation to
forge this orb. Equip it and mastery of the fourth dimension will be yours...|||0|
Provider Time Reduced...|
9092|None|||Captains log: Today our mission begins.|Stardate... umm... today.|A
high-tech diary to record your latest findings! The incredible efficiency possible
through careful record-keeping may even give you a chance of not using up a Star
Tool during a Star Mission! Wow!|The Captain's Log is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Efficent Tools:
Captain's Log|
9378|None|||Like a jedi but cooler.|Your fingers still tingle.|Stores magic energy
and then releases it in a bolt of lightning from your fingertips. Like a sith lord
but cooler.|The Lightning Gauntlets is an unsplicable hand item introduced during
the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0|Build Range: Lightning Gauntlets|
9006|None|||Know your heart! Three parts it contains. The first close to home. The
second is encased in lore. The third is broken to the bone.|Acolyte, enter the
gateway to the nether while the sun rests full atop the great wonder and the spirit
will be appeased.|Drawn back from the endless deserts of the after life, the power
of Anubis flow through you! By combining his relics, you have summoned his spirit
from across the gulf of time, and in thanks for freeing him from the embrace of the
void, he has agreed to lend a portion of his might to you in your adventures|||0|
Double-Jump + Punch Damage: Anubis|
9074|None|||Patients pays off for those who fish.|Back to your small hooks.|A big
fish needs a bigger hook, and this vest has plenty to spare! Toss this on and cast
off for a fishy victory!|The Mega-Hooky Vest is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Big Catch: Mega-Hooky Vest|
9132|None|||This silly turkey has found a new home on your head.|This takes hat
hair to another level!|Very few turkeys make for good headgear, and even fewer are
stronger enough to lift a full-grown Growtopian, so count yourself lucky you've
found this mighty beast!|||0|Double Jump + Slow Fall: Turkey Hat|
9384|None|||||A vein of magic infused ore!||13|0||
9224|Earth|||||A wonderful Winterfest Calendar for 2019, jam-packed with joy and
gifts to celebrate the holidays. Make sure to check back each day to get a new
gift! ...or just wait and open them all in one go! Either way, it's a blast!<CR>DO
NOT BREAK! The Winterfest Calendar will not return to your backpack if broken!|
The Winterfest Calendar - 2019 is an unsplicable non-solid provider block which was
added on December 1, 2019.||10||
9046|Fire|||||Sinister light that's so spooky, you almost wish it were completely
dark. Of course, that's where the REAL monsters lurk...|The Eldritch Flame Wall
Torch is a unsplicable non-solid toggleable foreground block which was added as a
part of Halloween Week 2019.|17|1||
9466|Wind|||||Growtopia's most loved gameshow now brings you its very own TV to
watch up to 3 ads per day for AMAZING prizes.|GrowShow TV is a foreground
interactive block that was added on May 1, 2020.||2||
9034|None|||Creeping & crawling!|Back to Non-glowing human legs!|Skiter, skitter,
goes the spider. Long legs and longer shadows reach out from their monstrous
owner... you.|The Tarantula Legs is an unsplicable feet item which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|Speedy & Wall Climb: Tarantula!|
9746|None|||||If you've ever wanted to dress like a Clownfish before, then your
dreams have just come true! Perfect to wear when you're out finding other lost
Clownfish!|Clownfish Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as a part
of the SummerFest 2020.||0||
9130|Earth|||||Decorative and delightful, this certainly makes for festive frame-
job in the Thanksgiving spirit!|The Thanksgiving Frame is an unsplicable background
block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2019.||1||
9764|Fire|||||Some say, if you subscribe to the official Growtopia YouTube channel,
you may become part of a secret society. 99,999 other users suddenly pretend not to
know anything.|Golden 100K Milestone Plaque is an unspliceable block that was added
during the PVP Card Battle (update). It is awarded to the 1st to 10th placers along
with various items depending on the place in the 100K YouTube Subscribers Milestone
Giveaway that was announced on 15th of July, 2020.||2||
9734|None|||Stars ready shine!!!|Time to put the stars to bed!|Did you wish upon a Because you got a little pointy friend! They may look cute but don't
get too close as they are also quite spikey to touch!|The Starfish Leash is an
unsplicable pet hand item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|Punch
Damage: Starfish Leash|
9416|None|||||A lovely top of the morning top hat! Only found in Blarney 1 and 4.|
The Irish Top Hat is a hat item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week
9364|None|||Let there be light!|The candle died out.|Tired of carrying your candle
in your hand? Some clever dwarf discovered you can stick it to your helm to free up
your hands for digging.|The Dwarven Mining Helm is a hat item which was added as
part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0|Lightsource: Dwarven Mining Helm|
9390|Earth|9383|299|||Walls covered in carvings from the ancient dwarves that mined
the deep caverns of the world.||11|1||
9054|None|||||What's scarier? A totally harmless doll that stays in one place until
you look away... or a Growtopian wearing its pants?!|The Totally Harmless Doll
Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Halloween Week
9114|None|||Float away!|Too scary!|Now with extra nightmares to terrify you and
everyone else! You wanna float?|The Nightmare Teeny Devil Wings is an unsplicable
back item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|Double Jump: Nightmare|
9044|Fire|||||Phew! Good thing this beast's been trapped! If it weren't in a cube,
it'd be trying to trample you with its unhallowed hooves!|The Demon Cow Cube is a
unsplicable solid lava pain foreground block which was added as a part of Halloween
Week 2019.|9|1||
9456|Fire|||||Show your support to the Australian wildlife with a chocolate Easter
Bilby! Rather than selling the traditional Easter bunnies, stores in Australia sell
a Bilby variant in order to raise money for the endangered species. Consuming this
item removes the egg hunting basket debuff and allows you to instantly collect the
egg you found! Egg-cellent!|||0||
9412|None|||||BUY MORE BACKPACK SPACE|Increase Backpack is a technical component
which was added as part of the Backpack UI update on March 1, 2020.||1||
9100|None|||||Congratulations! Your guild was #1 in a Guild Daily Challenge! Show
off your accomplishment with a shiny crown. Ooh, so shiny!|||0||
9740|Wind|||||This crabby crustacean will keep you in check! With some cool summer
shades and sharp claws, they are the perfect companion to respawn at!|The Summer
Checkpoint is an unsplicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block that was added
as part of SummerFest 2020.||1||
9650|None|||Tractors are not speedy.|You can walk faster than that thing!|Ever
wanted a plough made from a ravenous pineapple? Of course you have and here it is!
This pineapple has a taste for trees and it's really hungry right now!|The
Pineapple Plough is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2020.||0|Putt Putt Putt|
9310|Fire|||||Used only in Surgery. When someone's heart is broken and needs an
affectionate (and startling) jolt, only the best doctors turn to the hammering
might of the Love Mallet! Paging Doctor Love!|The Surgical Love Mallet is an
unsplicable component that was added alongside as part of Valentine's Week 2020.|
9010|None|||Spirits released!|Spirits locked away...|Howling with gruesome green
energy and generally bad vibes, this pendant was found locked in an iron trunk in
the basement of a dark castle. THEN it was burried with its former owner (who died
of mysterious causes) before being stolen by graverobbers. THEN it was sold to an
evil general before being lost on a wartorn battlefield. AND THEN... it found its
way to you. Quake in terror, mortal, for this is surely the most haunted object to
be found in Growtopia... so far!|||0|Double-Jump: Cursed|
9098|None|||Command the spirits.|Run!!! Don't look back, just run.|A rod of command
stripped from the forces of the Other Side! This spectral scepter won't necessarily
make ghosts any happier to see you, but it WILL decrease the odds that a Spirit
Storage Unit will detonate at lower, less-lucrative levels in worlds you own!|The
Ghostking's Command is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the
Challengers Approach! update.||0|Explosion Chance Reduction: Ghostking's Command|
9328|Fire|||||Table's set, dishes are ready, and smiles are sparkling - now you
just need an atmospheric way to see it all! Set up this lovely light and enjoy a
relaxingly, romantic mood at the flick of a switch!|The Lovely Dinner Light is an
unsplicable toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of the
Valentine's Week 2020.||3||
9754|Earth|||||No summer holiday is complete without a dip in the water with an
inflatable Dolphin! This one is extra inflated so it's also quite bouncy. Don't
worry, it won't mind if you jump up and down on it!|The Inflatable Dolphin is an
unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of SummerFest
9696|None|||||Look like a total space boss with Exo Suit Pants! Makes you look
tough and stylish all at once!|The Exo Suit Pants is an unspliceable pants item
which was added as a part of the Startopia 2.0 (update).||0||
9008|None|||Spirits released!|Spirits locked away...|Howling with gruesome red
energy and generally bad vibes, this pendant was found locked in an iron trunk in
the basement of a dark castle. THEN it was burried with its former owner (who died
of mysterious causes) before being stolen by graverobbers. THEN it was sold to an
evil general before being lost on a wartorn battlefield. AND THEN... it found its
way to you. Quake in terror, mortal, for this is surely the most haunted object to
be found in Growtopia... so far!|||0|Double-Jump: Cursed|
9036|None|||||The Dark One walks among us! You have been cursed (or blessed,
depending on your level of evil) with the dire sign of Growganoth itself! These
horns are a sure sign you've taken one step too far across the line between good
and ghastly! Buff: Bonus 250 XP for consuming a Dark Ticket for the Tomb of
Growganoth!|The Horns of Growganoth is an unsplicable hat item which was added
during Halloween Week 2019..||0|Speedy|
9082|None|||Charged to 11!|What? Are you crazy?|Forget using your puny human
muscles to swing this hammer! it's so big and bashy, it uses ROCKET POWER to crack
the skies and shatter the earth! Look out!|The Rocket-Powered Warhammer is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Challengers Approach!
update.||0|Punch Damage: Rocket Power|
9346|Wind|||||Place three in a row and punch to let the angels do their thing. If
you can get three in a row of the angelic number you may be rewarded by the angels
themselves.|The Angelic Counting Cloud is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2020.||2||
9728|None|||||Worn by the mysterious group that watch from the dark. Chosen by
Armourfnafs, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for May, 2020!|The Dark
Watcher's Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on June 1, 2020.||0||
9702|None|||||Like a necklace but way more dangerous!! Show off your stealth
escaping skills with this reminder of life in space jail!|The Escapee's Collar is
an unsplicable chest item which was added as a part of the Startopia 2.0 update.||
9674|None|||||Maturity achieved! These roots are ripe for the harvest!|Mature
Pineapple Roots is an unsplicable roots block which was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2020.|1|0||
9396|None|||Demonic blade.|Unarmed.|A sword forged from the tail of a mighty
demon.|The Balrog's Tail is a hand item introduced during the Spelunkorama Strikes
Back! update. It is a rare drop from exploding a Pure Magic Ore using Mining
Explosives.||0|Punch Power: Balrog's Tail|
9122|None|||Feel the power of the dark side!|Tucked away for safe keeping!|Carve
the very air itself with energy-edged annihilation! Designed to exacting standards
by GrowTech's Department of Slicing & Dicing, this blazing purple blade will show
your foes that when it comes to bleeding-edge weaponry, you can't beat an edge made
of LASERS!|||0|Punch Power + Build Range: Laser Scimitar|
9210|None|||Brrr, it's cold!|Jumping to stay warm!|Cold seems to radiate from you,
swirling into careless snowflakes. Somehow this grants you the ability to double
jump, don't ask how.|The Winter Radiance Aura is an unsplicable back item which was
added as part of WinterFest 2019.||0|Double-Jump: Winter Radiance|
9372|None|||||Protects from falling debris. Arm yourself for the dangers that lie
in the deep places of the world.|The Mining Pauldrons is a chest item which was
added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0||
9314|None|||||Nobody can resist a winning smile! It's even better when it's
actually attached to someone's face, though, so put this on and start winning
hearts!|The Charmer Smile is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2020.||0||
9030|Earth|||||Celebrate the spookiest of seasons with this ghastly new
9394|None|||Rise on fire and shadow!|Return from whence you came!|Born of fire and
shadow. These wings burn but somehow are never consumed.|The Balrog Wings is a back
item which was added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update. One has a
chance to be obtained from exploding Pure Magic Ores in a mining world.||0||
9028|Earth|||||Are you guests tired of standing on shaky ground? Well, they'll be
shaking in their shoes when they step foot on these terrifying platforms!|The Bone
Platform is a unsplicable platform which was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.
It has a chance to be obtained from completing the TOMBOFGROWGANOTH.||2||
9308|Earth|9331|1309|||A soothing mask of delicately-entwined lovewillow tendrils,
this is a heartfelt gift from a very kind tree!||11|0||
9622|Earth|||||Light up those Llamas! A string of Llamas or should that be a herd
of Llamas for every occasion!|Llama Lights is a foreground block that was added
during Cinco De Mayo Week 2020. It has a chance to be obtained by successfully
breaking an Ultra Pinata while wearing a Lucky Pinata Hat.||1||
9300|Fire|||||A dragon egg, touched by the essence of a euphoric party!|The
Euphoric Dragon Egg is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||2||
9742|None|||Up, up and away|Heading South for the winter and back to earth!|
Majestically soar in the sky these wings.... wait, that's not right! Flap wildly
like a crazy Flamingo with these equipped!|The Flamingo Wings is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|High jump: Flamingo
9112|Fire|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|The Dumb
Tomb of Growganoth Claimed is an unobtainable component which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2019.||0||
9066|None|||The CLAAAAAW's coming for ya!|Oh, it won't be too happy about this!|A
creeping being from the darkest depths of the void! Summoned by the fracture claw
of its master, is this monstrous thing truly a creation of Growganoth... or
something darker?|The Claw Of Growganoth is an unsplicable hand which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|Growganoth's Claw!|
9332|None|||||Hit the dating scene in style with this charismatic suit!|The Dating
Dandy's Suit is a shirt which was added as a part of the Valentine's Week 2020.||
9140|Wind|||||Beep beep! Here to help keep your Raider in tip-top condition, this
droid will never leave the rebellion in the lunch!|The Rebel Raider Droid is a
consumable that was added on November 1, 2019. When consumed, it will hide the
character while wearing the Dueling Star Fighter - Rebel Raider.||0||
9344|None|||Rise on the wings of love!|Bling!|All the secrets of the perfect date
have been fused with the sparkling strength of a golden heart to create this nexus
of affection! Be the quickest to anyone's heart when you don this delightful
locket!|The Datemaster's Heart Locket is a chest item introduced during Valentine's
Week 2020.||0|Speedy + Double Jump: Datemaster|
9192|None|||AAARRRGH!|Yeti must rest!|This terrifying little beast of the arctic
wastes, just wants a hug. Maybe it thinks you're its mommy with those big feet!|The
Yeti Leash is an unsplicable pet feet item which was added as part of WinterFest
2019.||0|Punch Power: Yeti|
9448|None|||||FOOD FIGHT! Be ready for battle with the egg ammo belt, nothing is
worse than getting splatted by a volley of eggs. Just don't hard boil any of them.
That would cause some serious damage.|Egg Ammo Belt is a chest item that was added
as part of Easter Week 2020 on April 9, 2020.||0||
9708|Earth|||||At last some practical use for all that space junk! Build with
it! Made of compacted rockets, boosters and other assorted space junk!|The Space
Junk Block is an unsplicable solid toggleable multi-framed animated foreground
block that was added as part of the Startopia 2.0 update.||1||
9109|Wind|||||Ingredients:<CR>Space Poop<CR>Gruel<CR>Rotting Sea Goo<CR>Sea
Urchin<CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>3x Acid to taste<CR>Process:<CR>Add Space Poop to an
oven on Low heat. Just before the Space Poop begins to cook, add Gruel.<CR>While
the Space Poop is underdone, add Rotting Sea Goo. While the Gruel is still cold,
before it begins<CR>to cook, add Sea Urchin. Add the seasonings and wait until
perfectly cooked all the way through<CR>before removing from the
oven.<CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to experiment.|Cooking Recipe -
Festering Urchin & Poop Pie is an unsplicable component that was added as part of
the Mutant Kitchen Rebalanced! update.||1||
9630|Wind|||||Spin and Spin some more, where will it stop nobody knows!|Mexican
Spinning Top is an animated block that was added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2020. It
has a chance to be obtained from successfully smashing an Ultra Pinata while
wearing a Lucky Pinata Hat.||2||
9704|None|||||If you're travelling around the galaxy without a spaceship, this
dressing gown will look the part when hailing a ride from a stranger!|The Hikers
Dressing Gown is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as a part of the
Startopia 2.0 (update).||0||
9724|Earth|||||Technically, this is also dirty space dirt, it's just dirt that's
farther away.||1|0||
9404|Earth|||||This armor plate is forged from refined Magic Ore, which makes it
particularly attuned to magic.|The Magic Armor Plate is an unsplicable consumable
which was added as part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||2||
9176|None|||||One of the five legendary pieces of the great WinterBot, guardian of
the Winter Fortress. Turns out its great for relieving back pain.|||0||
9200|Earth|441|549|||How long did you spend cutting out that shape? You can use
your chainsaw to change the design of the sculpture. How else are you supposed to
do it?|The Ice Sculptures is a splicable non-solid foreground block which was added
as a part of WinterFest 2019.||2||
9038|None|||Too fast, too much pain!|Where's the foot spa!|Super-fast and super-
stylish, these heels will get you where you need to be in a flash! Only problem is
that they're really, REALLY uncomfortable, especially once you hit Mach 2...|The
Supernaturally Speedy Black High Heels is a unsplicable feet item which was added
as a part of Halloween Week 2019 on October 28, 2019.||0|Speedy|
9668|Earth|||||For the stylish Growtopian who wants it to be Pineapple Party time
all the time! Wallpaper your house and live in a pineapple everyday.|||0||
9064|None|||You're somewhere over the rainbow.|I guess dreams only come true for
others, not you.|Rainbow cloth studded with shimmering crystals! The multicolored
majesty of this cloak will carry you aloft, where all can gaze upon your prismatic
wonder!|The Rainbow Crystal Cloak is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Double Jump - Rainbow Crystal Cloak|
9032|None|||Consumed by the power of the Underworld!|The scythe returns to its
domain!|Dripping with dark magic, the blade of this horrific scythe is capable of
cutting through the veil of life and death itself! Wrenched into the mortal plane
by dire sorcery, it's now free to wreck havoc among the living!|The Scythe of the
Underworld is a hand item which was added as a part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|
Punch Damage: Underworld!|
9524|None|||Consumed by the power of the Underworld!|The scythe returns to its
domain!|This razor sharp weapon of terror is a stark contrast of the Guardian of
the Sea. Perhaps it's true power is depend on the wielder's will. This item
designed by larry.|||0|Punch Damage: Undine!|
9686|Earth|||||A great thing has grown. Your attention and care has paid off, the
bounty of the roots is all yours! Now, what could it be used for?|The Dangerous
Pineapple Root Cutting is an unsplicable root cutting which was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2020.||1||
9042|Wind|||||There's a reason this doll's in a cage. Don't let it out.|The Creepy
Caged Doll is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated foreground block which
was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.||2||
9606|None|||Warhammer fire up!|Time to cool down!|Wield the Warhammer of Doom and
rain fiery death down on all around you! This warhammer is so hot it even tears the
ground up as you lug its heavy weight behind you.|||0|Punch Damage: Doomsday
9376|None|||Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, it's off to work I go!|Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, it's
home from I go!|Forged from the magic ore of the caverns. It's magic drill will
break through deep caverns with ease.|The Mining Mech is an unsplicable chest item
which was added as part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0|Punch Damage:
Mining Mech|
9462|None|||Hair Wax On!|Hair Wax Off!|A boastful hairstyle that's punching above
its weight! Bleached platinum white for perfect preparation to apply hair dye and
personalise to you heart's desire.|||0|Punch Damage: Hair Punch|
9418|None|||||It's Green... it's a coat, its an awesome Green Trenchcoat! Note:
this is a "chest item", like a necklace, so you can wear any shirts and back items
you want underneath it.|The Green Trenchcoat is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020.||0||
9480|Fire|||||For brighter than your standard tartan patterned wallpaper.|Pastel
Checkered Wallpaper is a spliceable wallpaper that was added during Easter Week
9400|Earth|||||This raw ore, mined from deep within the Earth. Surely there's
something you can do with it!|||2||
9304|None|||Chi acitivated! Punch power increased!|All out of Chi|Conjure the force
of hurricane through these deceptively dangerous fans. With one devastating flap,
they'll channel your inner chi and send out a stunning strike. You wouldn't want to
be on the other end of this!|The Brutal Hand Fans is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as a part of Lunar New Year 2020.||0|Punch Power: Brutal Hand Fans|
9056|None|||||Now THIS is a horse that’ll make you say neigh! If you dare to ride
it, make sure you have plenty of evil sugar cubes and cursed carrots to tempt it
into not stomping you flat!|The Demon Night Stallion is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|Speedy|
9134|None|||Celebrate the coming of the harvest in style.|Your feet are back on
solid ground.|We truly live in a future our ancestors could only have dreamed of, a
vast land of possibility where bells aren't just for announcing dinner or
generating ambience, but where they come with plush seats and 500 horsepower,
capable of carrying us to and fro, all thanks to GrowTech!|||0|Speedy:Riding Bell|
9354|None|||||An exquisitely crafted walking cane made of the finest mahogany with
gold trim. Great for peaceful walks in the garden or keeping you looking classy in
your old age! Chosen by TBUO, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for January,
2020!|The Walking Cane is an unsplicable hand item which was added on February 1,
9472|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|The Dumb Mentor Title is an unobtainable
component which was added as part of the Mentorship & Referral update on May 1,
9086|None|||It's me, Hugsy! Hugsy'll be your pal!|Awww poor Hugsy!|There are many
dragons out there - dragons of fire and disaster, dragons of home and hearth, and
even dragons from beyond the stars - but NONE are so friendly as this one! Known as
Hugalovensnugglor (Hugsy to his closest friends), this dragon is only too happy to
shower the world (and you) with hearts!|The Friendship Dragon Claw is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update
on October 9, 2019.||0|Hugsy|
9430|None|||||Look like a proper pooka with a pooka hood!|The Pooka Hood is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020.||0||
9682|Earth|||||A great thing has grown. Your attention and care has paid off, the
bounty of the roots is all yours! Now, what could it be used for?|The Pineapple
Root Cutting is an unsplicable root cutting which was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2020.||1||
9120|None|||Feel the power of the dark side!|Tucked away for safe keeping!|Carve
the very air itself with energy-edged annihilation! Designed to exacting standards
by Growtech's Department of Slicing & Dicing, this blazing blue blade will show
your foes that when it comes to bleeding-edge weaponry, you can't beat an edge made
of LASERS!|||0|Punch Power + Build Range: Laser Scimitar|
9340|None|||Ready for tonights date!|Forever alone!|Perfect for making your
affectionate intentions known, this rose will let everyone know you're a date-goin'
Growtopian without peer! Toss one now and get your dating done right.|The
Datemaster's Rose is a hand item which was added as a part of the Valentine's Week
2020.||0|Punch Damage: Roses|
9106|Wind|||||Ingredients:<CR>Rotting Sea Goo<CR>Fish Chunk<CR>Tomato<CR>Burnt
Slime<CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>A pinch of Salt<CR>Acid to taste<CR>Process:<CR>Add
Rotting Sea Goo to an oven on Low heat. While the Rotting Sea Goo is still cold,
add Fish Chunk<CR>and then Tomato. Before the Fish Chunk begins to cook, add Burnt
Slime. Add the seasonings and<CR>wait until perfectly cooked all the way through
before removing from the oven.<CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to
experiment.|Cooking Recipe - Rotting Fish Guts Club Sandwich is an unsplicable
component that was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen Rebalanced! update.||1||
9342|None|||Bling Time!|Boring old me!|Forget putting a ring on it - toss a
GIGANTIC ring AT it and they'll never forget you!|The Datemaster's Bling is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2020.||0|Punch
Damage: Bling|
9104|Wind|||||To cook this recipe you will need the
following:<CR>Ingredients:<CR><CR>Space Poop<CR>Zombie Brain<CR>Slime<CR>Putrid
Gas<CR>Acid to taste<CR>Process: Add Space Poop to an oven on Low heat. While the
Space Poop is still cold, add Zombie Brain. Before the Space Poop begins to cook,
add Slime. Add the seasonings and wait until perfectly cooked all the way through.
Then add Putrid Gas and remove from the oven straight away.<CR><CR>Timings may vary
so you will need to experiment.|Cooking Recipe - Alien Bloodied Brains Strudel is
an unsplicable component that was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen Rebalanced!
9684|Earth|||||A great thing has grown. Your attention and care has paid off, the
bounty of the roots is all yours! Now, what could it be used for?|The Super
Pineapple Root Cutting is an unsplicable root cutting which was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2020.||1||
9322|None|||Rise to the golden sunset!|Unknown|Practically glowing with the eye-
popping colors of a perfect sunset, this once-cloudy cape has been transformed into
a stunning piece of radiant cloth! Don this beauty, and everyone will treat you
like a sky set ablaze with all of the majesty of a setting sun - they won't be able
to look away!|The Golden Sunset Cape is a back item which was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2020 update on February 13, 2020.||0|Double Jump|
9388|Earth|9381|667|||Block of stone carved by the ancient dwarves||5|1||
9330|Earth|193|191|||When you absolutely need EVERY LAST THING to be romantic but
don't have time to trim topiary your own, grab one of these bushes and set the
scene in a flash!|The Romantic Bushes is a block which was added as a part of the
Valentine's Week 2020.|3|1||
9352|None|||It's like flying, but less.|Gravity, it's the law.|Even as tiny as they
are, these cute pink wings allow you to jump in mid-air!|The Pink Teeny Angel Wings
is a wing which was added as a part of the Valentine's Week 2020. One has a chance
of obtaining by rolling 555 on Angelic Counting Cloud.||0|Double Jump: Pink Teeny
Angel Wings|
9286|Earth|5743|5747|||A tasty treat with a touch of wisdom. Crack one open for
instant enlightenment (and an extra lucky prizes)!|The Lucky Fortune Cookie is an
unsplicable consumable added during Lunar New Year 2020 on January 23, 2020. It has
a chance to be obtained from splicing or consuming a Fortune Cookie and can be
obtained by spraying a Fortune Cookie tree with an Oriental Spice Spray.|12|0||
9078|None|||Slipping around.|Back to the drawing board.|Coated in frictionless
chemicals! This coat is utterly spattered with the most nonstick, inertia-
preserving, super-lubricated slip-n'-slide mix, so if you're wearing it, make sure
you're not near anything sharp!|The Slippery Chemical Coat is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Slippery:
Slippery Chemical Coat|
9108|Wind|||||Ingredients:<CR>Space Poop<CR>Gruel<CR>Rotting Sea Goo<CR>Sea
Urchin<CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>3x Acid to taste<CR>Process:<CR>Add Space Poop to an
oven on Low heat. Just before the Space Poop begins to cook, add Gruel.<CR>While
the Space Poop is underdone, add Rotting Sea Goo. While the Gruel is still cold,
before it begins<CR>to cook, add Sea Urchin. Add the seasonings and wait until
perfectly cooked all the way through<CR>before removing from the
oven.<CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to experiment.|Cooking Recipe -
Festering Urchin & Poop Pie is an unsplicable component that was added as part of
the Mutant Kitchen Rebalanced! update.||1||
9318|None|||||Full of love and fuzzy affection, this superb scarfcat has only one
wish: to spend its days draped around your neck and absorbing as many snuzzles as
possible! Mew!|The Snuggly Kitty Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added
as part of Valentine's Week 2020.||0||
9194|None|||Frozen Hammer Time!|Back in the tool shed!|It seems to be a stick with
a huge ice block on the end. Whenever you swing this, the ice block flies off at
incredible speeds. Bet it could do some serious damage.|The Hammer of Winter is a
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of WinterFest 2019.||0|Punch Damage:
9382|Earth|||||Deep stones infused with magic!|The Magic Infused Stone Background
is a background which was added as a part of Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.|1|
9102|Wind|||||To cook this recipe, you need the
following:<CR>Ingredients:<CR><CR>Milk<CR>Rotten Egg<CR>Burnt Slime<CR>Putrid
Gas<CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>A pinch of Salt<CR>Process: Add Milk and Rotten Egg to an
oven on Low heat. While the Milk is still cold, add Burnt Slime. Add the seasonings
and wait until perfectly cooked all the way through. Then add Putrid Gas and remove
from the oven straight away.<CR><CR>Timings may vary so you need to experiment.|
Cooking Recipe - Putrid Gas Filled Blood Maggot Crepes is an unsplicable component
that was added as part of the Mutant Kitchen Rebalanced! update.||1||
9420|None|||I decided to go for a little run.|I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go
home now.|Slippers that slither with snakes!|The Slithering Slippers is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020.||0|Run:
Slithering Slippers|
9738|None|||Let the fish fly!|Over fished and outta here!|It's splishy! It's fishy!
It's splashy! And it will send you into a fish frenzy! Be the master of land and
sea with this most awesome staff!|The Staff of the Deep is an unsplicable hand item
that was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|Punch Damage: Staff of the Deep!|
9338|None|||||Hit the dating scene in style with this stunning hairstyle!|The
Dating Vixen's Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as a part of the
Valentine's Week 2020 update on February 13, 2020.||0||
9716|None|||The power of the crystal flows through you!|The crystal power flows out
of you!|A sword of true beauty and of true power! Each swing of it's blade is
infused with the power of crystals forged eons ago by unknown hands!|The Crystal
Infused Sword is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Startopia
2.0 update.||0|Punch Damage: Crystal Infused Sword!|
9666|Fire|||||Oh Pineapple, glorious pineapple, illuminate the darkness around me!
Fill it with juicy light and make it bright!|Pineapple Lamp is an unsplicable non-
solid toggleable animated foreground block that was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2020.||1||
9232|None|||||No info.|Dummy Transmutation Icon is an unobtainable icon that was
introduced during the Transmutabooth (update). It appears when a clothing item is
temporarily transmuted for 500 Gems using a Transmutabooth.||0||
9452|None|||Bread for speed!|Hungry again!|Keep your feet toasty all year round
with these loafers, there is nothing butter than wearing bread on your feet!|The
Loafers is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Easter Week 2020.||
0|Speedy: Loafers|
9450|None|||Flaming Buns!|Melted!|Served hot and fresh - straight to your face.
Careful, flaming buns may cause burns, cool before eating!|Hot Cross Bun Launcher
is a hand item that was introduced during Easter Week 2020.||0|Punch Power: Super
Hot, Hot Cross Buns|
9296|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|The Dummy
Item for Checkout Counter Dialog is an unobtainable and untradeable component which
was added as part of the Store Wars update.||0||
9370|None|||||Born from the inky black of the deep caves, these eyes look a little
odd to anyone not familiar with the deep caverns.|The Strange Eyes is a face item
which was added as a part of Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0||
9220|Wind|||||Beware! Using this ticket will send you off to a world of great
dangers and riches! When you are there, you will have only 25 MINUTES before the
power of this ticket diminshes and you are returned to the real world. Can you
conquer the chaos of Spring Clash in time?|||1||
9752|Water|||||The perfect mail box for use on a desert island! Normally you could
wait years for a reply but this one is a little quicker! Did you know the oldest
message in a bottle ever found is over 130 years old!|The Message in a Bottle is an
unsplicable non-solid mailbox foreground block that was added as part of SummerFest
9358|None|||||Who knows what lurks inside?|Rune Carved Door is a door that can be
found in a cave-blasted world. A player needs to equip the Magic Stones to be able
to locate the door.||1||
9360|None|||Tame the wild.|Back on your own two feet.|A tamed monstrosity of the
deep caverns of the world. Throws dirt at your foes and moves with surprising speed
for its size.|The Armored Riding Troll is an unsplicable feet item which was added
as part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0|Speedy: Armored Riding Troll|
9138|None|||I have you in my sights...|Back to base!|Stand for the glory of the
Emperor in this turbo-powered, rebel-crushing, empire-stabilizing stunner of a
spacecraft! There's an ill-planned and dangerous rebellion out there that needs
crushing, and you're just the pilot to do it!|||0|Speedy + High Jump: Rebel|
9080|Earth|||||Glowing with the radioactive power of the apocalypse! Take a seat,
and even if you don't have any mutants to rule, you'll get a "healthy" green glow
for your efforts!|The Uranium Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground
block which was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update on October 9,
9436|None|||||Icon only!|The Dumb Glory is an unobtainable component.||1||
9484|Fire|||||A bright blocky tableau|The Pastel Mondiran Block is a splicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week/2020.|2|2||
9446|None|||Flutter through the sky with a smile!|Please don't run away!|First
chauffeurs, now flying cape services? Is there anything these chicks can't do?|The
Egg Champion Cape is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Easter
Week 2020.||0|Double Jump: Egg Champion Cape|
9618|None|||||March to the beat of your own drum with the snazzy Mexican Bongo! Hot
and Spicy beats for all!.|The Bongo Drum is an unsplicable hand item that was added
as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2020.||0||
9350|Fire|||||Smash it for Valentine's goodies! Has increased chances of getting
super valuable rewards. Every year the Golden Heart Crystal is locked in time and
remains constant, appearing at the same frequency throughout the ages, while new
items and fade with the passage of time.|The Super Golden Booty Chest is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of Valentine's Week
9124|None|||||AwooOOOOooo! Lovers of lupine layers, take note: your fashion icon
has arrived! Chosen by RDK, this howlingly handsome tank top is the Monthly
Subscriber's Item for October, 2019!|The Wolfy Tank Top is an unsplicable shirt
item which was added on November 2, 2019.||0||
9744|None|||||The perfect pear of trousers for a summer's day. Some say the fruit
patters is so realistic it even attracts wasps!|The Fruity Trousers is an
unsplicable pants item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020 on July 3,
9282|None|||||According to legend, the Huli Jing can be a force of good or evil -
and nothing in between. Let's hope you got the good one.|Huli Jing Scarf is a neck
item that was added during Lunar New Year 2020.||0||
9280|None|||Hop on|Hop off|This mythical creature is said to appear in the presence
of good news or great fortune. Lucky you! Now that you have tied it to your wrist
you should ALWAYS have good fortune... right? Punching with this equipped allows
you to launch a devastating fireball at your foes. Make it burn!|Jin Chan Leash is
a hand item that was added as part of Lunar New Year 2020.||0|Jin Chan Leash|
9392|Earth|9381|7631|||Columns of stone carved from the surrounding rocks by the
ancient dwarves.||2|0||
9222|Wind|||||Display purposes only, it's just a dumb icon.|The Dumb Pass Icon is
an unobtainable component which was added as part of the Grow Pass update on
October 5, 2021.||0||
9118|None|||Feel the power of the dark side!|Tucked away for safe keeping!|Carve
the very air itself with energy-edged annihilation! Designed to exacting standards
by Growtech's Department of Slicing & Dicing, this blazing green blade will show
your foes that when it comes to bleeding-edge weaponry, you can't beat an edge made
of LASERS!|||0|Punch Power + Build Range: Laser Scimitar|
9748|Wind|||||An essential safety item for when you're near water. Always best to
know where the nearest one is in case anyone gets into trouble in the water!|The
Life Ring is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was introduced during
SummerFest 2020 on July 3, 2020.||1||
9664|Earth|||||A Pineapple Pennant to fly with pride! Symbolises the magnificent
pineapple in all its juicy glory!|||0||
9410|None|||Ultimate POWER!!!|Noooooooo!|A floating staff radiating with dark
energy and deep dread! For some reason it seems to like you and will do what you
say (for now). It'll follow you wherever you go, and strike fear in the hearts of
your enemies. Best not to make it angry though.|Radiant Doom Staff is an
untradeable hand item that was introduced on Spring Clash 2020 during March 20,
2020.||0|Punch Damage: Purple Lightning|
9058|None|||For honor... pah, for darkness!|Cast away, until it calls again...|A
once-honorable blade, this blade was renowned as a slayer of evil, but the void
stares back, or so they say, and centuries of carnage have twisted it to the ways
of darkness! Beware this blade, for those who wield it... are forever cursed!|The
Cursed Katana is a hand item which was added as a part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|
Punch Damage: Cursed!|
9088|None|||Chained to the other side.|Released from your soul bondage.|Writhing
chains from the Other Side! These spirit-forged links are meant to capture the most
terrible of ghosts, but since you're not, y'know, DEAD, they just look very cool
(and maybe a little creepy)|The Spectral Mantle is an unsplicable back item which
was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update on October 9, 2019.||0|
Slowfall: Spectral Mantle|
9196|Earth|||||Be the king or queen of your own kingdom, let's just hope it doesn't
melt first.|The Ice Throne of Winter is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground
block that was added as part of WinterFest 2019.||1||
9252|None|||Confetti rocket powered propulsion!|Aww, darn it...|Look, if sticking
confetti-filled rockets to the bottom of shoes is crazy, then i don't want to be
sane.|The Confetti Rocket Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part
of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0|Speedy: Rocket|
9672|None|||||In space no one can hear you scream.... but they can see you coming a
mile off in all your pineapple glory with this space helmet!|The Pineapple Trooper
Helmet is a hair item that was introduced during Super Pineapple Party 2020. This
item drops in place of the Startopian Empire - Combat Troop Mk.II Helmet during
Super Pineapple Party.||0||
9642|None|||||A regal rose to brighten up your hair! Chosen by Bojoing, this is the
Monthly Subscriber's Item for April, 2020!|The Rose Hairpin is an unsplicable hat
item which was added on May 1, 2020.||0||
9116|None|||Feel the power of the dark side!|Tucked away for safe keeping!|Carve
the very air itself with energy-edged annihilation! Designed to exacting standards
by Growtech's Department of Slicing & Dicing, this blazing red blade will show your
foes that when it comes to bleeding-edge weaponry, you can't beat an edge made of
LASERS!|||0|Punch Power + Build Range: Laser Scimitar|
9624|Fire|||||A bright and stripey block, for all your bright and stripey block
needs!|Fiesta Block is a solid block which added during Cinco De Mayo Week 2020.
This block has a chance to be obtained by successfully smashing an Ultra Pinata.||
9144|None|||||Not all jesters are funny! This mask is for a court entertainer with
deadly serious skills! Maybe they were a bodyguard for the King...? Chosen by
inflames19, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for November, 2019!|The Defiant
Jester's Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on December 1, 2019.||0||
9110|Fire|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|||0||
9658|Earth|||||This doesn't look very juicy! Try not to bite it, you might break a
tooth! Pineapples used to be a sign of wealth and having one of these would make
you look quite the moneybags!|The Stone Pineapple is an unspliceable block item
introduced during the Super Pineapple Party 2020. One has a chance to be obtained
from a Pineapple Root Gatcha.||1||
9434|None|||||Get around with the latest and greatest in Mobility Scooters. Chosen
by Kulchvyach, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for March, 2020!|The Mobility
Scooter is an unsplicable feet item which was added on March 1, 2020.||0||
9022|None|||||Receive the just rewards of your dark sacrifices here!|The Ultimate
Corruption Altar is an unobtainable non-solid foreground block that was added as
part of Halloween Week 2019.||2||
9040|Wind|||||Like a normal bed, only for creepy Victorian families with dark
secrets!|The Spooky Bed is an unsplicable non-solid bed foreground block which was
added as part of Halloween 2019.||1||
9628|Fire|||||Bob along with this bobbing bobble head, its Mariachi-ally a day of
the dead bobble head!|The Mariachi Bobble Head is an unsplicable non-solid SFX
foreground block that was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2020.||2||
9680|Earth|||||What could be inside this most Pineapple'y of Prizes!!|||0||
9380|Earth|||||Deep stones infused with magic!||1|2||
9014|None|||Spirits released!|Spirits locked away...|Howling with gruesome blue
energy and generally bad vibes, this pendant was found locked in an iron trunk in
the basement of a dark castle. THEN it was burried with its former owner (who died
of mysterious causes) before being stolen by graverobbers. THEN it was sold to an
evil general before being lost on a wartorn battlefield. AND THEN... it found its
way to you. Quake in terror, mortal, for this is surely the most haunted object to
be found in Growtopia... so far!|||0|Double-Jump: Cursed|
9718|Earth|||||Yep, it's heavenly space dirt.||1|0||
9356|None|7625|11|||Carrying these magical stones will light up even the darkest
areas, although, the magic seems unstable. These magic stones burn out at
unpredictable moments so make sure to carry several.|The Magic Stones is a hand
item which was added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.|13|0||
9002|None|||||Scoured by the desert sands, like a Jewel, these greaves cUT through
towering dunes in the Service of Their enlgmatiC ownEr!|The Anubis Greaves is a
pants item that was added as part of Time-Tossed! update.||0||
9750|Wind|||||This coconut is abit of a castaway. Some say his face was painted on
by a Growtopian who washed up on a desert island and didn't have a mirror!|The
Friendly Coconut is an unspliceable foreground block item which was added as a part
of SummerFest 2020.||1||
9208|None|||A speedy kind of 'glacial' pace.|Time to slow down!|It's like a
horse... except it's soft, fuzzy, large, and predatory. It possibly wants to eat
you! It would never hurt you though, it's too adorable.|The Cute Riding Polar Bear
is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of WinterFest 2019.||0|Speedy:
Polar Bear|
9626|Earth|||||Decorate up a veritable Fiesta with this awesome stripey wallpaper.|
The Fiesta Wallpaper is an unsplicable background item which was added during Cinco
De Mayo Week 2020 update on May 1, 2020.||0||
9698|None|||This is Mega err Dude|I Wily better stop now|That Blaster is Mega! Fire
a blinding red laser from your arm and live out all your 16bit dreams!|The Arm
Blaster is an unspliceable hand item which was added as a part of Startopia 2.0
(update).||0|Punch Damage: Arm Blaster|
9320|None|||Rise to Cloud Nine!|Your feet are back on solid ground!|Woven from the
warmest, fluffiest clouds funneled down from the highest heights, this cape is
light as can be softer than you can imagine. and all set to take you up, up, and
away!|The Cloud Nine Cape is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2020.||0|Double Jump: Cloudyleap!|
9188|None|||||Just because you dress up like an elf doesn't mean you are one, but
at least you shouldn't be getting any coal this year.|The Elf Hoodie is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of WinterFest 2019.||0||
9048|None|||Get in with the wrong crowd!|Back on the straight and narrow!|This
fairy used to be full of goodness, gumdrops, and light, but a few bad decisions,
one too many hits of pixie dust, and hanging around with the wrong crowd led her
down the path to darkness!|The Dark Fairy Pendant is an unsplicable pet chest item
that was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.||0|Dark Fairy Pendant|
9368|Water|||||Use to blow apart even the most stuborn rocks. Great for mining deep
ore deposits. Warning: stand back when using!|||2||
9084|None|||The stinkier the better.|I guess cheddar will have to do.|The rat
summoned by this cheese is very friendly, but also very ill! Why would you want
this plagued vermin for a pet? Well, getting a rare malady isn't always a bad
thing, assuming you have a good doctor to help cure it!|The Tainted Cheese is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Challengers Approach!
update.||0|Malady Increase: Tainted Cheese|
9406|Wind|||||This paper details a method for forging a Magic Armor Plate. If you
forge 100 Magic Ingots with this design in hand, you'll make a Magic Armor Plate.
This consumes the design.|Magic Armor Plate Design is a component which was added
during the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update. It has a chance from exploding a Pure
Magic Ore.||0||
9128|Earth|||||Feel like kicking up your feel after a long day of farming? This hay
bale will cushion your weary bones and make a tasty snack for your animals!|||1||
9170|None|||||Behold this wondrous technological device from the innovative folks
at GrowTech! The Transmutabooth allows you to transmute clothing items together to
give them the visual look of another clothing item - so if you've ever wanted your
Cyclopean Visor to look like Shades (while keeping its mod) now you can!|The
Transmutabooth is a non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the
Transmutabooth update on December 4, 2019.||3||
9096|None|||Better chance of loot.|Back to being clueless.|Perfect for treasure-
seekers! This detector will increase your odds of finding maps and map fragments in
Treasure Blasts, which is weird, considering they're not made of metals. Hey, how
does this thing work, anyways?!|The Loot Detector is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update on October 9, 2019.||0|Loot
9486|Fire|||||The best color of your standard bricks.|The Pastel Bricks is a
splicable solid foreground block that was added as part of Easter Week 2020.|1|2||
9662|Earth|||||A regular pineapple is a doorway to flavor, this pineapple is a
doorway to whatever you want! Adventure? Riches? More pineapples? The choice is
9242|Fire|||||Superb raves need superb lights, and these will have everyone
proclaiming your scene hardcore to the max! Just... don't tell anyone these are
old, repurposed Christmas lights. That might be awkward.|||1||
9616|Wind|||||What is in the Block De Mayo Block, break it and find out.... clue
its awesome Cinco De Mayo stuff!|||0||
9468|None|||||Apparently many people can't seem to tell the difference between this
cute little marsupial mouse and a rabbit so if you try to cook one without this
recipe you will end up with a chocolate bunny instead. To cook this recipe you will
need the following: <CR>You must hold this recipe in your hand.
<CR>Ingredients:<CR><CR>Easter Egg - Growtopia<CR>Baking Chocolate<CR>Chocolate
Sprinkles Block<CR>Marshmallow Seasoning<CR>Sugar<CR>Process: Add Easter Egg -
Growtopia to an oven on Low heat. While the Easter Egg Growtopia is still cold, add
Baking Chocolate. Add the seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through.
Then add Chocolate Sprinkles Block and Marshmallow and remove from the oven when
perfectly cooked. <CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to experiment.|Cooking
Recipe - Chocolate Easter Bilby is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part
of Easter Week 2020.||0||
9458|Earth|||||Decorate with Easter flair! This collection of hand painted Easter
eggs is perfect to hang around doorways, ceilings or wherever you like.|The Egg
Wreath is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Easter Week 2020 on April 9, 2020.||1||
9050|None|||||What's scarier? A totally harmless doll that stays in one place until
you look away... or a Growtopian wearing its head?!|The Totally Harmless Doll Head
is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2019.||0||
9760|None|||Take flight and hold tight!|Woah there nelly, back to earth!|With these
wings, you can soar with eagles and other flying horses! They grant you the ability
to double jump with a majestic burst of feathers and magic!|||0|Double-Jump:
Pegasus Wings!|
9334|None|||||Hit the dating scene in style with this slick and stupendous hair!|
The Dating Dandy's Hair is a hair item which was added as a part of the Valentine's
Week 2020.||0||
9060|None|||Hello, is anybody there?|Hello? Hey, where did you go!?|Some people are
scared of clowns, but who could be afraid of this cute little guy? Summoned by the
whimsical toots of his magical horn, Binky is here to amuse and play!|The Hilarious
Honker is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Challengers
Approach! update.||0|Hilarious Honker|
9714|None|||Signal Lost!|Sending out a signal, is anyone there!|A pet Sputnik for
all your space adventuring needs! Careful though those radiowaves its emitting look
deadly!|My Pet Sputnik is an unspliceable pet hand item which was added as a part
of the Startopia 2.0 (update).||0|Punch Damage: My Pet Sputnik!|
9422|None|||Rocking the Wings!|I need a wing... man!|Shamrocks give you wings!|The
Shamrocks Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as a part of the St.
Patrick's Week 2020 update on March 12, 2020.||0|Double Jump: Shamrock Wings|
9270|Wind|||||Your one-stop shop! This vending hub will connect and display (and
let shoppers buy) the contents of ALL DigiVends in its row or column (wrench it to
set the direction)! Wow! Now that's a shopping experiences we can all enjoy! Note:
Only works in World-Locked worlds.|Vending Hub - Checkout Counter is a foreground
block that was introduced on January 2, 2020 as part of the Store Wars update.||2||
9288|Earth|5743|5749|||Legend says these will link your world to the realm of the
ancients, where great gods of chance watch over us. Perhaps if you add this to your
world, they will bless you with a small piece of their vast fortunes...|The Year of
the Rat Lucky Token is an unsplicable non-solid Lucky Token foreground block which
was added as part of Lunar New Year 2020.|1|0||
9226|Earth|||||Winterfest 2019 was a bright and beautiful season, and this calendar
marked the occasion with joys and gifts! Now that it's empty, you won't be getting
anymore presents, but it can still be used as a lovely decoration.|||1||
9012|None|||Spirits released!|Spirits locked away...|Howling with gruesome purple
energy and generally bad vibes, this pendant was found locked in an iron trunk in
the basement of a dark castle. THEN it was burried with its former owner (who died
of mysterious causes) before being stolen by graverobbers. THEN it was sold to an
evil general before being lost on a wartorn battlefield. AND THEN... it found its
way to you. Quake in terror, mortal, for this is surely the most haunted object to
be found in Growtopia... so far!|||0|Double-Jump: Cursed|
9428|None|||I'm in the money!|I need a loan!|Money can't buy you everything but it
sure looks cool swirling around you!|The Money Aura is an unsplicable back item
which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020.||0|Double-Jump: Money Aura|
9174|None|||||One of the five legendary pieces of the great WinterBot, guardian of
the Winter Fortress. Turns out its great for relieving back pain.|||0||
9632|None|||||If you Myan over what you where, choose this! Its Chichen what-cha
wanna wear.|||0||
9312|None|||||Wild smoochy colors for a wild smoochy face!|Love Lips is a face item
introduced during Valentine's Week 2020. It is a possible reward from performing
surgery on a player that has Love Struck Disease.||0||
9408|None|||The weight of the galaxy is on your shoulder!|A weight is removed!|A
swirling galaxy engulfs you, pulling everything you touch towards you (well only
growtopians!).|||0|Double Jump + Punch Pull: Gravity Pull|
9236|None|||Power of the ancients!|Returned to the ancients.|An artifact from a
forgotten age, twinkling with strange energies! These shards will orbit their
owner, infusing them with the power of a civilization long since past! Also,
they'll twinkle with shifting iridescent light, which happens to make for a really
sweet fashion statement.|||0|Punch Power: Ancient Smackdown!|
9198|Wind|441|411|||Seems like a normal checkpoint but somewhat colder. Allows you
to respawn at the last checkpoint you touched!|Winterfest Checkpoint is a splicable
non-solid checkpoint foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2019.||
9090|Earth|||||A monolith of knowledge for all aspiring challengers! This ledger
will display Daily Guild Challenge points totals for all members of the guild to
which you belong (if any). And hey, even if you don't have a guild (which could be
weird, considering how you get this), it'll still show the leading guilds in the
Daily Guild Challenge! Now that's value!|The Challenge Ledger is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Challengers Approach!
9660|None|||||Sweet beats for when you're scoffing pineapple treats! Dance along to
some funky tunes looking totally awesome in these!|The Pineapple Headphones is an
unspliceable face item which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2020.||0||
9216|Wind|||||Beware! Using this ticket will send you off to a world of great
dangers and riches! When you are there, you will have only 25 MINUTES before the
power of this ticket diminishes and you are returned to the real world. Can you
conquer the chaos of Winter Clash in time?|||1||
9652|None|||||Pineapple palm robes fit for a Pineapple Prince or Princess or for
anyone wanting the cool breeze that comes with wearing leaves!|||0||
9268|Wind|||||Get with the times and go digital! This wired vending machine can
connect its contents to Vending Hubs AND the multiversal economy, providing a
unified shopping expert along with price checks to help you sell your goods! All
that, and still no human-related hassie! Use your wrench on this to stock it with
an item and set a price in World Locks. Other players buy from it! Only works in
World-Locked worlds.|DigiVend Machine is a foreground vending machine that was
added on January 2, 2020 as part of the Store Wars update.||2||
9710|None|||||Nothing says I live on an other planet and am part of a motley crew
of space raiders than a facial tattoo! Tatooinely what you need to scare your Aunt
and Uncle!|The Space Tattoo is an unspliceable face item which was added as a part
of Startopia 2.0 (update).||0||
9246|Fire|||||This graffiti-covered floor is the perfect place to host a mod party
and, of course, lose valuable objects.|The Rave Hall Floor is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9,
9126|Fire|||||Let everyone know when dinner is ready! It's been proven by
historians that all old-timey places had bells like these.|The Dinner Bell is a
background block which was added as a part of Thanksgiving Week 2019.||2||
9398|Wind|||||Place three in a row and punch to let the angels do their thing. If
you can get three in a row of the angelic number you may be rewarded by the angels
9654|None|||Pineapple Power Activate!|Pineapple Power Deactivate!|Is it a bird? Is
it a plane? No! It's a cool flying pineapple shooting lasers! That's way cooler!|
Pineapple Superhero is a pet hand item that was introduced during Super Pineapple
Party 2020.||0|Punch Damage: Pineapple Superhero!|
9402|Earth|||||You've managed to process this ore into a pure, shining ingot, just
by tossing it into a fire!|The Magic Ingot is a consumable which was added as part
of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||2||
9284|Fire|||||A statue of the zodiac rat! Growtopians born in the Year of the Rat
are clever and quick thinkers.|The Year of The Rat Statue is a non-solid foreground
block that was added as part of Lunar New Year 2020 on January 23, 2020.||0||
9260|None|||||Dang! Those are some bright n' colourful pants, sure to help you
stand out in any scene! (Well, aside from the raver scene - you'll blend right in
with them!)|The Raver Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0||
9204|Fire|||||Great for roasting marshmallows after a long day in the safety of
your home.|The Decorative Propane is an unsplicable non-solid animated foreground
block which was added as part of Winterfest 2019.||1||
9444|None|||||Some little chicks snooze in this nest hat. How they maganed to form
a nest on the top of your head is pretty impressive. The more you move, the more
agitated they seem to get, better slow down and not upset your new friends.|Nest
Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added during Easter Week 2020.||0||
9476|None|||||not used, it's just an icon|The Dumb Meet the DEVS is an unobtainable
component which was added as part of the Mentorship & Referral update.||0||
9184|None|||Twit-TWOOO!|Sleepy time!|This strange little bird can't make up its
mind if it's an eagle or an owl! Either way it can easily lift you into the air
none the less.|||0|Double Jump: Riding Eagle Owl|
9442|None|||Cheep Cheep!|Back on your own two feet!|Always wanted to be driven
around? Now's your chance with the new Chick Tricycle! Hiring a chauffeur has never
been this cheep! Although, you might want to chick its credentials.|The Chick
Tricycle is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Easter Week 2020 on
April 9, 2020.||0|Speedy: Chick Tricycle|
9612|None|||Hola Pointy Shoes go go go!|My feet ache!|Pointy as a arrow, sharp as
knife, speedy as a super speedy jumping bean being particularly speedy! Complete
with your own gang of jumping beans to follow you around!|The Mexican Pointy Boots
is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2020 on
May 1, 2020.||0|Speedy: Arriba Arriba!|
9614|Earth|||||Strap on, keep a hold of that salsa and chips as things are about to
get messy! A rideable Burrito Broncho chair for when you want to ride.... and eat
the rodeo!|The Burrito Broncho Chair is a chair that was added as part of Cinco De
Mayo Week 2020.||1||
9756|Wind|||||Let the warm summer breeze rock you gently in this hammock. Use it
any time of the year and dream of far off lands and having fun with friends by the
crystal clear blue sea.|The Hammock is an unsplicable non-solid bed foreground
block which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||1||
9454|None|||||Always hungry but never productive? Finally a solution for you! Get
stuff done under the illusion of chasing food! Don't judge, it works for some
people.|The Carrot on a Stick is a hat item which was added during Easter Week
9414|None|||||Rock some shamrocks shades!|The Shamrock Shades is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of St.Patrick's Week 2020.||0||
9722|Earth|||||Technically, this is also heavenly space dirt, it's just dirt that's
farther away.||1|0||
9694|None|||||Look like a total space boss with Exo Suit Body! Makes you look tough
and stylish all at once!|Exo Suit Body is an unspliceable neck item which was added
as a part of the Startopia 2.0 (update).||0||
9676|None|||||Maturity achieved! These roots are ripe for the harvest!|Mature Super
Pineapple Roots is an unsplicable roots block which was added as part of Super
Pineapple Party 2020.|1|0||
9474|None|||||not used, it's just an icon.|The Dumb Player Tribute is an
unobtainable component which was added as part of the Mentorship & Referral
9234|None|||||Hit to score points during the balloon warz.||1|0||
9690|Earth|||||A block made of crystal formed eons ago... thats a really long time!
Compressed fragments of a fallen star for all your building needs!|Crystalized Star
Fragment Block is an unsplicable solid block added as a part of the Startopia 2.0
9094|None|||Hiding your contagions in your cloak.|You'd better go fill your pockets
with posies.|Not all doctors are concerned with their patients! For some, like
those who bear this dire cloak, they only live for the challenge of the most
vicious of diseases, and wearing this cloak will increase their odds of getting
them from Vile Vials! Yikes!|The Dark Doctor's Cloak is an unsplicable back item
that was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Vicious Malady
Increase + Double Jump: Dark Doctor Cloak|
9336|None|||||Hit the dating scene in style with this irresistible dress!|The
Dating Vixen's Dress is an unsplicable shirt which was added as a part of the
Valentine's Week 2020 update on February 13, 2020.||0||
9464|None|||Hair Wax On!|Hair Wax Off!|A powerful hairstyle that's punching above
its weight! Bleached platinum white for perfect preparation to apply hair dye and
personalise to you heart's desire.|||0|Punch Damage: Hair Punch|
9440|Earth|||||Who wouldn't want a cozy, hanging chair! Kick back, relax and enjoy
mocking the ground dwellers while you sit a couple of inches from the ground.|The
Basket Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was added as
part of Easter Week 2020.||1||
9732|None|||8 Arms up, up and away!|All suckered out!|A friendly octopus buddy who
clings to you wherever you go! With 8 legs and a bulbous head he's got an inky
surprise for anyone who gets in your way!|Greg, The Octopus is an unspliceable back
item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|Double Jump: Greg The Octopus!|
9076|None|||Tiles look like really big flapjacks.|The world looks bland.|Get your
flip on! This spatula will flip any objects with a single slap! Use it on chairs,
beds, and anything else you find facing the wrong way! Best of all, it's made of
patented GrowTech spatulanium, guaranteed to stay firm even after a thousand
slaps!|The Superb Chef's Super Spatula is an unsplicable hand item that was added
as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Flipping: Superb Chef's Super
9324|None|||||Armor of a valiant Knight of the Heart, this help keep your noggin
safe from slashing steel and sorrowful heartbreak alike!|The Heartthrob Helm is a
hat which was added as a part of the Valentine's Week 2020.||0||
9072|None|||Lead the pack!|You run alone.|For those who refuse to heed the call of
the pack, this shawl will show everyone you'll never follow - only lead!
AwooooOOOOOOoooo!|The Alpha's Shawl is an unsplicable hat item which was added as
part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Woof Time: Alpha's Shawl|
9482|Fire|||||A cute and fluffy wallpaper|Pastel Bunny Block is a spliceable block
which was added during Easter Week 2020.|10|2||
9136|None|||I have you in my sights...|Back to base!|Splash your name across the
stars in this high-flying, laser-firing, rebellion-building beauty of a star
fighter! There's a cold and devious empire out there that needs toppling, and
you're just the pilot to do it!|||0|Speedy + High Jump: Imperial|
9362|None|||||The pride of all dwarves.|The Dwarven Beard is a face item which was
added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update. It has a chance to be
dropped from exploding a Pure Magic Ore.||0||
9688|Fire|||||Light up any dark and dangerous lunar cave with this moon lamp. May
its light guide you on all of your adventures.|Moon Lamp is a non-solid unsplicable
and toggleable animation block which was added as a part of the Startopia 2.0
9062|None|||Hello, is anybody there?|Hello? Hey, where did you go!?|A bizarre
creature out of the myth! The chimera may be a mash-up of many animals, but every
last part is filled with an equal amount of friendship for you!|The Chimera's Call
is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the Challengers
Approach! update.||0|Calling Chimera|
9326|None|||Heartthob Hearts!|Gone is the manly love!|Only the elite Champions of
Heart have a worn helm such as this! Polished to a brilliant shine, it's hard to
tell if the helm is shimmering from the elegance of it's design or the incredible
heart of it's bearer, but either way, all who look on it will be awed by its
glory.|The Golden Heartthrob Helm is an unsplicable hat which was added as a part
of the Valentine's Week 2020 on February 13, 2020.||0|Punch Damage:Hearthtrob
9758|None|||Neptune Rising with the waves!|The storm has passed!|Legend says this
Trident once belonged to the God of the sea himself, Neptune! The power of the
waves become yours to behold with this watery weapon! The first of the new
Neptune's set! Only 500 of this item will ever be available!|The Neptune's Trident
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|Punch
Damage + Build Range: Neptune's Trident|
9470|None|||||Strap on because you're in for a wacky ride! A high octane rocket
sled, it might not look safe but it's fun! Beep Beep!|||0||
9240|Wind|||||SEVEN YEARS! They just keep coming! Copper is the traditional gift
associated with 7th anniversaries, so as a thank you for your continued support,
please join us in celebrating this monumental achievement with this beautiful
coppery block.|The Coin: 7th Anniversary Block is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||2||
9478|None|||||When you're tired of using all those crazy facial muscles, this mask
is here to help! your tried growtopian face with this reliable, totally-not-creepy
chilled smile instead!. Chosen by XMenkel, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item
for March, 2020!|The Chilled Smile Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added
on April 1, 2020.||0||
9248|Fire|||||A rave-light covered stage, perfect for aspiring Djs and house bands
to blast their music at absurdly loud volumes!|The Rave Stage is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January
9, 2020.||2||
9026|Wind|||||Call the fallen back to reality with a bony checkpoint to remind them
of their own mortality! Remember, if you die, you'll respawn at the last checkpoint
you touched|||1||
9020|None|||||No info.|Sacrifical Well is an unobtainable block that was added
during Halloween Week 2019. It is found in the world TOMBOFGROWGANOTH, and a total
of 6 wells are placed throughout the world.||1||
9052|None|||||What's scarier? A totally harmless doll that stays in one place until
you look away... or a Growtopian wearing its shirt?!|The Totally Harmless Doll
Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Halloween Week
9178|None|||||One of the five legendary pieces of the great WinterBot, guardian of
the Winter Fortress. Turns out its great for relieving back pain.|||0||
9374|None|||||Protects from falling debris. Arm yourself for the dangers that lie
in the deep places of the world.|The Mining Chestplate is a shirt item which was
added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.||0||
9172|None|||||One of the five legendary pieces of the great WinterBot, guardian of
the Winter Fortress. Turns out its great for relieving back pain.|||0||
9258|None|||||Express your taste for neon-drenched fun with this psychedelically-
colourful raver hoodie.|The Raver Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0||
9316|None|||||Swole as can be! These biceps are the sign of a true athlete, a
dedicated fitness freak who keeps their body in tip-top shape! ...and now they're
yours. Uh, where did you even get these?|The Beefy Biceps is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as a part of the Valentine's Week 2020 update on February 13,
9730|None|||Phoenix Descend!|Rise Oh Phoenix and watch over me!|The spirit of the
Phoenix will rise above you and be with you always when you wear this scarf of
extreme beauty and rarity! These are so rare you had better look after it! No more
than 500 of these exist in Growtopia!|The Phoenix Scarf is an unsplicable chest
item which was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||0|Double-Jump: Phoenix Scarf!|
9648|None|||Surfs Up, this wave is huge!|Total Wipeout dude!|A Surfboard with your
very own personal wave! Travel over land and sea in style, comfort and
awesomeness!|||0|Speedy: Rip Tide!|
9024|Earth|||||Surround your house with clattering bones! Just be careful - your
local Homeowners Association may not find it very humerus...|||2||
9180|None|||||One of the five legendary pieces of the great WinterBot, guardian of
the Winter Fortress. Turns out its great for relieving back pain.|||0||
9620|None|||||Toot Toot Tootin' Mexican Trumpet! Some sweet chiily pepper trumpet
vibes for all to hear!|The Trumpet is an unsplicable hand item that was added as
part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2020.||0||
9142|Wind|||||Boop boop! Here to help keep your Enforcer in optimally-mandated
condition, this droid will never defy the will of the empire!|Imperial Enforcer
Droid is a consumable that was added on November 1, 2019. When consumed, it will
hide the character while wearing the Dueling Star Fighter - Imperial Enforcer.||0||
9264|Fire|||||Possibly the best way to celebrate our anniversary is by firing
unstable gunpowder into the sky! Please aim away from faces, friends, small
animals, large animals, and anything that could possibly burn. Like, ever.|The
Anniversary Skyrocket is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0||
9712|None|||The power of the crystal propels you!|Taken the shine right off.|An
enchanted crystal aura surrounds you, emitting light from the purest of crystal
form! Don't look directly into it's light its too mesmerising.|Crystal Aura is a
back item that was introduced during the Startopia 2.0 (update).||0|Double Jump:
Crystal Power!|
9202|Earth|||||Dress up your very own snowtopian with all your favorite clothes.
Can't wear pants or shoes obviously!|The Snowtopian is an unsplicable non-solid
mannequin foreground block which was added on December 1, 2019.||3||
9068|None|||The Nano Nurse provides everything a surgeon needs.|Back to your own
skills.|Filled with helpful nanobots to improve your surgery successes (and maybe
keep you from losing an item or two)!|The Nano Nurse Bot is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of the Challengers Approach! update.||0|Rebuild Tools:
Nano Nurse Bot|
9292|None|||||The rat is the first of zodiac animals. According to myth, the Jade
Emperors stated the order of the zodiac would be decided by a race. The rat was
clever and tricked by the Ox into giving him a ride, then, at the finish line the
rat jumped down and landed in front, becoming first. Limited only to Year of the
Rat!|The Year of the Rat Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part
of Lunar New Year 2020.||0||
9640|Water|||||Locks an entire world. Place it in your world to keep it safe from
other players breaking your stuff. It doesn't prevent them entering though, so be
sure to add a door if you don't want others around. A lock makes it so only you
(and designated friends) can edit an area.|||10||
9644|Earth|||||Contains randomly chosen rewards! Use it on yourself to open it -
who knows what you'll get?!|The Surgery Gatcha is an unsplicable consumable that
was added on May 1, 2020.||1||
9298|Earth|||||Best of all possible trophies in 2020.|||2||
9424|None|||Oooooh I'm slowly falling!|Aaargh, too fast!|Shamrocks are lucky....
lucky it doesn't fall like a rock! Hold the jump button while falling to a cushion
your fail. Only found in Blarney 5, 7 and 9.|The Giant Falling Shamrock is a hand
item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020 on March 12, 2020.||0|Slow-
Fall: Giant Falling Shamrock|
9700|Earth|||||A relic of bygone planet! Kinda looks familiar somehow?|Decayed
Statue Block is an unsplicable solid block which was added during Startopia 2.0
(update). Prizes drop in 5.||1||
9386|None|||||A block of pure magic ore!|The Pure Magic Ore is an unbreakable solid
foreground block that was added as part of the Spelunkorama Strikes Back! update.|
9432|Earth|||||A cobra chair fit for a king and a cobra and you!|The King Cobra
Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was added as part of
St. Patrick's Week 2020 on April 13, 2020.||1||
9646|Earth|||||Contains randomly chosen rewards! Use it on yourself to open it -
who knows what you'll get?!|The Locked and Loaded Gatcha is an unsplicable
consumable that was added on May 1, 2020.||1||
9306|Earth|9331|1105|||With soft leaves and a softer heart, the lovewillow is the
perfect plant for the lonely! It just wants someone to rest in its shade, and it
would love for that kind person to be you!||6|0||
9016|None|||||The sweetest hat for the smoothest of Growtopians, this is what you
should be slipping on when you want the coolest style possible! Chosen by
FarmWizard, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for September, 2019!|The Superfly
Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added on October 3, 2019.||0||
9762|Fire|||||Some say, if you subscribe to the official Growtopia YouTube channel,
you may become part of a secret society. 99,999 other users suddenly pretend not to
know anything.|Silver 100K Milestone Plaque is an unspliceable block that was added
during the PVP Card Battle (update). It is awarded to the 11th to 100th placers
along with 10 Growtokens in the 100K YouTube Subscribers Milestone Giveaway that
was announced on 15th of July, 2020.||2||
9186|Wind|||||A sign of wintry royalty!|Royal Winter Seals are consumables which
were added as part of WinterFest 2019.||0||
9720|Earth|||||Yep, it's dirty space dirt.||1|0||
9276|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this gilded shopping
cart in recognition of your feat!|The Black Friday 2019 Cart - Silver is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2019.||
9706|None|||||Live out your own literal space opera with this Space Opera Mask!
Maybe you could be the Phantom Menance of the Opera with it on!|The Space Opera
Mask is an unspliceable face item which was added as a part of Startopia 2.0
9190|None|||Feel the heat, feel the chill!|At the dry cleaners!|We had to add ice
to the cape, otherwise it would have back-fired.|||0|Double Jump: Fire & Ice|
9460|Earth|||||The darker side of the easter egg hunt.|||2||
9678|None|||||Maturity achieved! These roots are ripe for the harvest!|Mature
Rotten Pineapple Roots is an unsplicable roots block which was added as part of
Super Pineapple Party 2020.|1|0||
9348|None|||Medusa's Crown effect: On|Medusa's Crown effect: Off|Crafted by the
Great Gorgon herself, this incredible crown of magic and malice will strike fear
into the hearts of all who look upon it. With the power of its gaze, you'll be able
to turn your enemies (and hey, even your friends!) to stone! Note: The Curse of the
Gorgon only works in worlds owned by you. Magic is weird like that.|||0|Medusas's
9004|None|||||Even strange And mystical godS of the ancient world Knew the benefit
of good footwear. these boots can Help you defy the dEsert heat Without losing your
cool!|The Anubis Boots is a feet item that was added as part of Time-Tossed!
9736|None|||||When is a crown not a crown? When it's also an inflatable duck! Give
your attacks some much needed quack with this Floatie Crown!|Floatie Crown is an
unsplicable hat item which was added during SummerFest 2020.||0||
9670|None|||||Whether you're surfing, chilling on the beach or kicking back eating
a fresh pineapple, these shorts are just the perfect fit!|The Pineapple Boardshorts
is an unsplicable pants item that was introduced as part of Super Pineapple Party
9692|None|||||Look like a total space boss with Exo Suit Helmet! Makes you look
tough and stylish all at once!|The Exo Suit Helmet is an unsplicable hair item
which was added as part of the Startopia 2.0 update.||0||
9070|None|||You've got a trick or two in your boots.|No more games for you.|Stomp
your foes... but not your wallet! These boots are made for victories, so put'em on
and get to winning!|The Battle Boots is an unsplicable feet item which was added as
part of the Challengers Approach! update on October 9, 2019.||0|Redraw Cards:
Battle Boots|
9656|None|||Arise! You're royally jumping|Back down to earth|What does every
wannabe Pineapple Prince or Princess need? A Pineapple Coronet of course! Prickly
on the head but worth it!|The Pineapple Coronet is a hat item which was added
during Super Pineapple Party 2020. One has a chance to be obtained from Ultimate
Pineapple Magic.||0|Double Jump: Pineapple Coronet!|
9608|None|||Quick! Run to the fridge for more dip!|All outta dip!|Keep your supply
of hot salsa and cool guac close with you at all times with this hat. Its guacca be
the best hat ever!|||0|Speedy: Chip and Dip|
9438|None|||||Icon only!|||1||
9018|Wind|||||Beware! Consuming this will send you off to the terrifying Tomb of
Growganoth! While you're there, you will have only 20 minutes before the darkness
dissipates and returns you to the real world. Banish your items in Growganoth's
Sacrifical Wells to earn Corruption Points and get spooktacular rewards at the
Corruption Altar! Note: You will need boots for climbing and a source of light to
overcome darkness!|The Dark Ticket is a consumable introduced during Halloween Week
2019. It can only be purchased during Halloween Week||1||
9610|None|||Fire up the burners!|Cool the jets, eat some Guac.|This rocket pack
will take the heat up to Scotch Bonnet level as you blast to the skies powered by
Mexico's finest chili sauce.|||0|Double Jump: Spice Boost!|
9426|None|||Rollin' around at the speed of....|Whoooa Nelly!|Get rocking and
rolling on this speedy horse!|The Dala Horsie is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2020 on March 12, 2020.||0|Speedy: Dala Horsie|
9182|None|||Stay frosty!|Thawed Out!|These Frosty Wings are made out of ice so they
can't fly, but perhaps if you try hard enough... Nope, you can double jump.|The
Frosty Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of WinterFest
2019.||0|Double jump: Frosty Wings|
9366|None|||||Protects from falling debris. Also quite handy in a fight.|The Shield
of Mining is a hand item which was added as a part of the Spelunkorama Strikes
Back! update.||0||
9228|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|The Dummy
Item for VIP Effect is an unobtainable consumable which was added as part of
WinterFest 2019.||0||
9278|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this gilded shopping
cart in recognition of your feat!|The Black Friday 2019 Cart - Gold is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2019.||
9294|None|||||One of traditions of Lunar New Year is to celebrate beginnings and a
clean slate. Start off the New Year right with this traditionally-styled jacket!
Comes in one color, red, which also happens to be the best color.|The Emperor's
Jacket is an unsplicable shirt which was added as a part of Lunar New Year 2020.||
9250|None|||||They say wisdom comes with age, but they didn't say anything about
style like this! These are the shades of superstardom, reserved for the greatest of
Growtopians! With these equipped, YOU will become the very definition of cool. As
for wisdom, well... that's up to you.|The Superstar Shades is an unsplicable face
item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0||
9230|None|||||No info.|Dummy Transmutation Icon is an unobtainable icon that was
introduced during the Transmutabooth (update). It appears when a clothing item is
transmuted using a Transmutabooth.||0||
9244|Fire|||||Lead your eager ravers to the party with these rave-ready walls!|The
Rave Hall Wall is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||1||
9262|None|||||Amp up the party with this amped-up hairdo! Everyone's sure to be
impressed, and if they're not, well they're probably deeply uncool, so who cares?|
The Raver Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0||
9266|Earth|||||Consume this for one full day of special treatment! You'll get a
chance of doubling any XP earned, 10 season tokens (as long as there's a seasonal
clash running), and 100 gems!|The 1-Day Free Subscription Token is an unsplicable
consumable that was added as part of WinterFest 2019. It is rewarded when the
player watches 5 advertisements.||1||
9272|None|||Unleash the fire!|Another village spared!|Used as a symbol of strength
and power in parts of China, the Feilong dragon is so powerful it doesn't even need
wings to fly. Way to flex on those other dragons, dude. There are only 600 in
existence!|The Draconic Claw is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of
Lunar New Year 2020. It can also be obtained from winning the raffle.||0|Punch
Damage: Draconic Breath|
9206|None|||||You infused your hair with so much 'spirit of giving', it became a
Giving Tree!|The Tacky Holiday Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2019.||0||
9290|Earth|||||Made from delicate paper, this wallpaper resembles a stylized coin.|
The Red Coin Wallpaper is an unsplicable background block that was added as part of
Lunar New Year 2020.||0||
9238|None|||||This delicate little flower is just too precious to put down! Good
thing it likes to be held by kind Growtopians like yourself! Chosen by DeusV, this
is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for December, 2019!|The Flower Pot is an
unsplicable hand item which was added on January 1, 2020.||0||
9256|None|||Bubblicious!|No more bubbles...|The ultimate in party contributions,
this bubble blaster will turn any scene into a beautiful whirlwind of bubbly fun!
Pop-pop!|The Party Bubble Blaster is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0|Bubble Blaster|
9254|None|||Firework explosion!|Feeling underwhelmed...|Of all the many dragons you
could encounter, this is perhaps the most dangerous... if you don't like FUN!
Utterly uncompromising in its quest for the biggest and best parties, this dragon
is all about a good time, and it's utterly thrilled to be at your side as you
adventure into the wilds of Growtopia!|The Euphoric Dragon is an unsplicable chest
item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2020 on January 9, 2020.||0|Punch
Damage: Euphoria!|
9274|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this gilded shopping
cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday 2019 Cart - Bronze is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2019.||
9634|None|||||A temple to wear over your temples! Itza brilliant!|||0||
10306|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this silvered
shopping cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Silver is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
10298|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this bronzed Thanksgiving turkey
leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Bronze is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
10310|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this bronzed tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Bronze is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
10304|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this bronzed
shopping cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Bronze is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
10656|Earth|||||This Well Of Love grants you the one best item out of a stack of
Golden Booty Chests. Once the well is full it will provide Pure Love Essence that
doubles the chance of getting a Golden Heart Crystal when opening Golden Booty
Chests, Super Golden Booty Chests and Heartstones.|Well of Love is an unsplicable
provider that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||
10300|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this silvered Thanksgiving
turkey leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Silver is
an unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week
10308|Wind|||||You survived the Black Friday stampede. Show off this gilded
shopping cart in recognition of your feat.|The Black Friday Cart - Gold is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
10302|Fire|||||You indulged in one of the year's mightiest meals and came away with
this fine reward (and maybe a tummyache)! Show off this gilded Thanksgiving turkey
leg in recognition of your feat!|The Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - Gold is an
unspliceable foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2017.||
10314|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this gilded tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Gold is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
10312|Earth|||||You got high-tech and value-conscious on the best Monday of the
year! Show off this silvered tablet in recognition of your feat!|The Cyber Monday
Tablet - Silver is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2017.||0||
10158|None|||Let there be balance.|I feel dizzy.|A Magnificent Mooncake Pendant!
When equipped, this magical pendant emits a balanced glow that responds in harmony
with Balance Mooncakes. Whenever a Balance Mooncake is found it has a chance of
multiplying the quantity but also breaking. However it repels Peace, Harmony,
Prosperity and Longevity Mooncakes making them less likely to be found when
harvesting trees.|The Mooncake Magnificence is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Harvest Festival 2020 on September 24, 2020.||0|Magnificent Favor:
Mooncake Magnificence|
10150|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10164|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10162|None|||||Get suited and "hooted" and dress like an owl! Feathery finery for
the discerning owl-ficionado!|The Owl Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||0||
10166|None|||Pump up the Pumpkin Power!|Lights out, going mouldy!|Some spooky
Growtopia magic is at play here! When equipped, your head is totally transformed
into a floating, flaming, haunted pumpking! Thankfully, it follows you wherever you
go! Perfect for the spooky season!|||0|Punch Damage: Haunted Jack O Lantern|
10180|None|||Get your plume on!|Plumed out now!|A wing with some serious plumage!
Surprise and dazzle Growtopians with this vibrant display of color and feathers.
The Peacock has to be one of nature's biggest show offs, now you can be as well as
you take to the dancefloor with your party plume!|||0|Double Jump: Party Plume
10156|Fire|||||If you’re after a wall made of Jade Bricks then this is for you!
It’s a wall made of bricks which are made of Jade afterall!|The Jade Brick
Background is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added as part of
Harvest Festival/2020. It is obtained from harvesting trees while wearing a
10146|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10174|None|||||There's something good to be said about a furry Raccoon for your
head! Chosen by NVISIBLE, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for August, 2020!|
The Raccoon Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added on September 1, 2020.||
10138|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10136|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10134|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10192|Water|||||Ever get the feeling you're being watched? Some say this portrait
is cursed and some don't stay in it's prescence long enough to form any opinion!
It's certainly spooky though!|The Haunted Portrait is an unsplicable background
block that was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10140|None|||||What better to wear when hunting for Mooncakes than a Mooncake hat!
There's one for each Mooncake type so keep a look out for all of them.|When
equipped, each Mooncake hat serves a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10114|Earth|4455|8695|||Make your chat eye-poppin'! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Eyes is a splicable consumable which was
added on Day 7 of the Player Appreciation Week in 2020.|6|1||
10238|None|||||You lose in a superpower card PVP battle. Take some time to rest
before trying another fight.|Superpower - Defeated is an unobtainable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the PVP Card Battle update.||2||
10658|Earth|||||This once was a Well of Love,<CR>That granted gifts to all,<CR>But
along came a growtopian,<CR>Who dropped golden booty in,<CR><CR>And now it does
nothing at all.|The Dry Well of Love is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021. One can be
created in the place of a Well of Love after filling it with 200 Golden Booty
10492|None|||Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'!|Back to boring walking!|Get radical! These
light up roller skates put the party in every step you take and add the disco to
every move you make! Great for a /dance.|The Radical Rollers is an unsplicable feet
item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0|Speedy
: Radical Rollers|
10676|None|||Rock the Shamrocks!|All rocked out!|Perfect for a wannabe Shamrock
Ninja! Better take "clover", these are sharp!|The Shamrock Shuriken is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March
11, 2021.||0|Punch Damage : Shamrock Shuriken|
10478|Fire|||||The most regal of all regal Bannisters... also made of Diamond!|The
Diamond Regal Bannister is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was
added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10226|None|||||A dark, dark robe for a dark, dark Druid! For when you are in one of
those, "leave me alone" moods!|The Druid's Robes is an unsplicable shirt item that
was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10506|None|||The Goose is on the loose!|Honked out now|Nothing like a spruce green
goose to get you in the holiday mood! Honk! Honk!|The Spruce Goose is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0|Punch Damage :
Spruce Goose|
10450|Earth|||||This is much easier than owning a diamond mine if you want those
ultra shiny Diamond Blocks! Careful, though - blocks don't just come from nothing,
and this machine will eventually run out of power once it makes a bunch! WARNING!
DO NOT BREAK! The Diamond Builders Bonanza will NOT return to your backpack if
10756|Earth|||||A very special carton of Easter treats! This item contains one
Golden Egg Shard, including the Rare Golden Egg Shard - Top Item. This item also
gives an increased chance of obtaining a Rare Easter Egg - Rainbow item!|The Golden
Egg Carton is an unsplicable and untradable consumable which was added as part of
Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||1||
10922|None|||Pointy flying horse stick activate!|Nag nag nag!|A fine, feathery,
lance. Made from the finest... checks notes... Horse feathers! To avoid refund
fraud, this item has been made untradeble until November 3rd, 2021.|||0|Punch
Damage: Pegasus Lance!|
10218|Water|||Reduce fishing time|Normal fishing time|Not to everyone’s taste
that’s for sure! This ”yummy” treat gets bites twice as often.|The Trawlerman’s
Friend is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Halloween Week
10878|None|||Ready to glide and be radical!|Less radical by half!|Totally Radical!
Scoot across worlds with ease while looking stylish and ever so slightyl smug!
Great for a /dance|||0|Speedy : Radical Rider|
10148|None|||Leaf'ing you behind!|This tree has no leaves!|A cape made of golden
autumn leaves sprinkled with a little bit of magic. The cape goes everywhere the
wind blows.|The Harvest Shawl is an unsplicable back item that was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2020.||0|Harvest Shawl : Double Jump!|
10234|Wind|||||Twisted and wooden and blocky! Perfect for a haunted house.|The
Twisted Wooden Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as
part of Halloween Week 2020.||2||
10042|None|||||A sweater tied around your waist like a little cape for your butt!|
When equipped, all the Waist Tied Sweaters serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10500|None|||Snow is falling but you’re jumping!|It’s snow joke!|Your very own
personal cloud! Take Winter with you, wherever you go. If you wait long enough, you
might even see a snowman.|||0|Double Jump : Snow Aura!|
10612|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Rat
are clever and quick thinkers! They can be strong-willed, and ambitious as well.
Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie trees with this item equipped
gives a chance of twice the yield.|The 2021 - Zodiac Year of the Rat is an
unspliceable hand item which was added as a part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0||
10074|Earth|27|1421|||Dress up your SAD Mannequin with all your favorite clothes!
Use your Wrench to change the sign on it.|The SAD Mannequin is a splicable non-
solid mannequin foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2020 Day 5.|22|3||
10206|None|||Let there be light!|The candle died out|Perfect Spelunking while
looking a bit scary at the same time! Light up the darkest in spooky style.|The
Demogorgon Mask is an unsplicable face item that was added as part of Halloween
Week 2020.||0|Lightsource : Demogorgon Mask|
10112|None|||||A totally non creepy mask to give those facial muscles a rest when
you want everyone to know you are feeling totally sick... maybe best to keep the
mask on until you feel better or even better put your feetup and rest! |||0||
10760|Earth|||||A wooly egg... Ask no questions about how this egg was made!|Easter
Egg - Wooly is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||2||
10070|None|||||This little Buffalo is the perfect companion for wandering the vast
open plains of Growtopia!|The Buffalo Leash is an unsplicable pet hand item that
was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 6.||0||
10104|None|||||A face for when you really, really, really gotta LOL!|Omegalul is an
unsplicable face item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day
10772|None|||||Celebrate Easter the Finnish Way! Virvon, Varvon, for a fresh and
healthy coming year!|The Easter Witches Cape is an unsplicable back item which was
added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||0||
10708|Wind|||||No party is complete without some themed wallpaper. Maybe I don’t
get invited to the right sort of parties?|The St Patrick’s Celebration Wallpaper
White is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of St.
Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||1||
10468|Earth|||||Diamond, it’s perfect for building a castle with. It is one of the
toughest materials known to man... also really shiny!|The Diamond Castle Stone
Background is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Pre-
WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10674|None|||Seasons... I choose you!|Season finale!|A crown which grants you the
power to change the seasons at will! With this crown, wild things will surely
happen! Wrench yourself to modify this item's properties. To avoid refund fraud,
this item has been made untradeable until August 1st, 2021.|The Crown of Seasons is
an unsplicable hat item that was added on March 26, 2021.||0|Double-Jump: Crown of
10672|Earth|||||Spray a tree to grow it an hour faster.|||7||
10432|None|||||Wear your team colors proudly with this snazzy Jersey.|Team Tied
Jersey - Grow is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz
2020 update.||0||
10220|Wind|||||A block that only a true ghost hunter and see clearly!|||2||
10972|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10496|None|||Cosmos, I command thee!|Cosmic Crash!|This crown allows you to harness
the power of the Cosmos! Putting you right at the center of everything!|||0|Double
Jump: Crown of the Cosmos|
10186|None|||Skulls ignite and send me skyward!|What skullduggery is this!|A
Parasol for those with only the darkest of souls! A dark combination of rocket
powered skulls to thrust you high into the chilly night air!|The Darkest Skull
Parasol is an unspliceable hand item that was added as part of Halloween Week
2020.||0|Double Jump & Slowfall : Darkest Skull Parasol|
10190|Earth|||||The perfect piece of furniture for the discerning haunted mansion
owner! They can hold four items to display.|The Spooky Display Shelf is an
unsplicable display shelf platform foreground block which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2020.||1||
10678|None|||Rootin' and a tootin!|Root, I'm outta here!!|Will the wild in every
step you take! Roots form and wither at your command!|Hooves of Cernunnos is a feet
item that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||0|Punch
Range and Build Range: Hooves of Cernunnos!|
10250|None|||Batter up, home run!|Strike 3, you're out!|A bat with some serious
power! Imagine the scene... it's the last ball of the game. A Growtopian steps up
to bat... what's that? It's an enormous floating shiny metal bat! He hits a HOME
RUN and sends the ball into ORBIT and wins the game!|The Ultra Sportsball Bat is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0|Punch
Range: Ultra Sportsball Bat|
10046|None|||Get your game on!|Batteries outta juice!|Bask in the nostalgic green
screened goodness of the Growboy! A portable gaming device that packs a punch. Now
you're playing with GrowPower!|The Growboy is an unsplicable and untradeable hand
item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 3.||0|Punch
Range: Growboy|
10836|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the Surgery
system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what you'll
10736|Fire|||||A fancy looking birdbath. I bet this would attract fancy looking
birds aswell... why don't you punch it and find out!|The Fancy Birdbath is an
unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which was
added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||1||
10640|None|||||My loving senses are tingling... there must be someone nearby that
needs some loving. Better go give them a hug! Can be transformed into a hat by
combining 1 Heart Antennae Headband, 1 Transmog Crystal, and 10 Candy Hearts in a
Chemical Combiner.|||0||
10786|Wind|||||These extra-strong hands can carry the full weight of a Growtopian!
Hop on!|The Floating Hand is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was
added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15 2021.||0||
10732|Wind|611|7711|||An eco-friendly roof. Made of natural materials, bugs and
mud! Perfect for those looking to be at one with nature.|The Halfling House Roof is
a splicable platform foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2021
on April 1, 2021.||1||
10194|None|||||Super Pumpkin Party ready shades! Perfect for any Halloween party or
any other occasion actually!|The Shady Sales Shades is a face item that was added
as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10106|None|||||A totally non creepy mask to give those facial muscles a rest when
you want everyone to know you are feeling totally WOW!|The Growmoji Wow Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day
10256|None|||||A truly presidential piece of facial hair! This beard has passed
more bills than someone passing by the world's largest gathering of people named
10270|Earth|||Unkown|Too hot!|It's like a Tater Tot but err, sweeter I guess!
Eating this would probably inspire you to cook a lil' bit better!|The Sweet Potato
Tots is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week
10738|None|||||If you've been wishing for a sheep hood, then you're in luck, as
this is a sheep hood! Perfect when combined with a Sheep Onesie!|The Sheep Hood is
an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1,
10618|None|||Up anchors, set the course for adventure!|Run aground again!|Set forth
on your buccaneering adventures on this, most magnificent of vessels, The Flying
Growtopian! Your personal pirate ship will accompany you everywhere. Some kind of
unknown marauding magic allows it to transform in size and shape as you command!
Pretty nifty if you ask me!|||0|Speedy & Punch Damage: Pirate Ship!|
10984|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10086|None|||||Be the star of screen and comic with this awesome hairstyle!|The
Anime Female Hair is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10076|Earth|581|1421|||Dress up your LOL Mannequin with all your favorite clothes!
Use your Wrench to change the sign on it.|The LOL Mannequin is a splicable non-
solid mannequin foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2020 Day 5.|22|3||
10538|Earth|||||A stocking filled with all your winter wishes and maybe more!|The
Winter Wish is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of the WinterFest
2020 update on December 17, 2020.||1||
10482|Water|||||No summer holiday is complete without a dip in the water with an
inflatable Diamond Dolphin! Ok, so that’s probably not true in real life but in
Growtopia everything is possible!|The Diamond Dolphin is an unsplicable solid
trampoline foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020
update on December 3, 2020.||0||
10894|None|||Get Juicy!|Really not juicy any more!|This incredibly dangerous
looking shoulder cannon is mostly harmless and is designed to leave a Pineapple
warrior's hands free so he can fight while firing super sticky Pineapple Juice to
slow down their enemy at the same time!|The Pineapple Shoulder Cannon is an
unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021. This
item drops in place of the Greezak Horde - Shoulder Cannon during Super Pineapple
Party.||0|Punch Damage: Pineapple Shoulder Cannon!|
10008|Earth|||||A key to a mysterious treasure! This key is for Clash Series 3,
running from Summer Clash 2020 through Spring Clash 2021. After three seasons,
those who collect at least 10 of these keys will be able to open a special treasure
chest. Make sure you have enough - just one won't do it!|||0||
10660|Earth|||Increased chance of Golden Heart Crystal!|The honeymoon phase is
over!|Consume to double your chances of getting a Golden Heart Crystal when opening
Golden Booty Chests, Super Golden Booty Chests and Heartstones for 30 minutes.|The
Pure Love Essence is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10152|Water|||||This mystic record player will transport you to far off lands with
an enchanting melody. Just punch it to play the tune. Note : please do not punch
record players outside of Growtopia, it will hurt and no music will play!|The
Mystic Record Player is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated
foreground block which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||2||
10028|None|||||The perfect item for when you wake up in the morning and think, "l
really want to dress like an Axolotl today, especially my head"!|The Axolotl Hood
is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2020 Day 1.||0||
10456|Fire|||||Use this magical crystal on yourself to change your form and embody
the Mystic Snow Fox!|||0||
10204|None|||||If you ever need to dress as a creepy baby then you're in luck! This
item is perfect for all occasion's.|Creepy Baby Suit is a shirt item that was added
as part of Halloween Week 2020.|19|0||
10064|None|||Ban'armed to the back teeth!|Stop monkey'ing around now!|An adorable
pet Capuchin armed to the back teeth with enough bananas to feed an entire planet
of apes! Remember what to say if they try to steal your coffee... Capuchin-no!|The
Capuchin Leash is an unsplicable pet hand item that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2020 Day 6.||0|Punch Damage : Capuchin Leash!|
10510|None|||||Kind of ugly. Kind of cool. Made of gingerbread... and wool.|The
Gingerbread Sweater is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the
WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||0||
10620|Fire|||||Use this magical compass on yourself to command your ship to change
10642|Earth|191|1423|||This rose has been suspended in stasis.|Eternal Rose is a
splicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10986|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10108|None|||||A totally non creepy mask to give those facial muscles a rest when
you want everyone to know you are feeling totally LOL!|The Growmoji Lol Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day
7 on August 23, 2020.||0||
10524|None|||||Perfect for wearing when creating a secret mix of winter herbs and
spices!|The Winter Colonel Beard is an unsplicable face item that was added as part
of the WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||0||
10470|Earth|||||Diamond, it’s perfect for building a castle with. It is one of the
toughest materials known to man... also really shiny!|The Diamond Castle Turret is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-
WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10130|None|||May the light of the sun empower you|Burned-out!|This bow is too hot
to handle! Each arrow is propelled forward with the force of a 1000 suns guiding
them to their destiny! A truly carbon neutral energy source for a weapon!|The Sun
Shooter Bow is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2020.||0|Sun Shooter Bow : Punch Damage & Punch Range|
10766|Earth|||||The middle of a very special egg. You’ll need to find the other
parts to make the egg whole again.|||2||
10768|Earth|||||The bottom of a very special egg. You'll need to find the other
parts to make the egg whole again.|||2||
10778|None|||Free Hugs!|So lonely!|This little guy just wants a hug!|The Care Pear
is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15,
2021.||0|Free Hugs: Care Pear|
10454|None|||||This is one luxury Pooch! Although not overly fluffy, it more than
makes up for it with its diamond shine!|The Diamond Dog is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||0||
10526|None|||You're too busy rocking to punch anybody!|The music has stopped.|You
can't punch while holding this, you're too busy ROCKING OUT! Punch anywhere to play
music. If you punch to your left or right, you can bend the note higher or lower.
Punch in your own column to play the same notes that Sheet Music: Electric Guitar
Note plays.|The Electric Guitar is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part
of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0|Musical|
10068|None|||||Ever wondered what happens to all those socks that get lost in the
washing machine? Well they appear in Growtopia! Honestly! This friendly little sock
is happy he's found a friend in you!|The Pet Sock is an unsplicable pet hand item
that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 6.||0||
10258|Wind|||||Used as spies during times of conflict, this humble Pigeon is ready
to watch over your worlds! It's much less messy than a real Pigeon as well!|The
Pigeon is an unsplicable security camera foreground block which was added as part
of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||3||
10044|None|||Behold the power of the Golem!|Golems Gone!|A cool pair of shoes that
give you the golem's gift to manipulate the very earth around you!|||0|Speedy &
Punch Power: Golem's Gift!|
10888|None|||Make them know the joys of Pineapple on Pizza!|This concludes the
argument!|Whoever said pineapple and pizza don't go together never saw this giant
beauty of gastronomy.|The Giant Pineapple Pizza Paddle is an unsplicable hand item
which was added part of the Super Pineapple Party Week 2021 update on June 3,
2021.||0|Punch Damage: Giant Pineapple Pizza Paddle!|
10904|None|||||The latest trend in pineapple flu safety. Combines the beautiful
aroma of pineapple with the safety of a surgical mask.|The Pineapple Face Mask is a
face item that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||
10522|None|||||Weird, creepy and slightly sinister! It's perfect to wear with a
Gingerbread Man Onesie!|The Gingerbread Man Mask is an unsplicable face item which
was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0||
10268|Earth|||||It's a Potato but it's soooooo much sweeter, kinda!|||0||
10390|None|||Show off mode active!|Splash Down!|For when you really want to show
off! Skim across land and sea, performing tricks and stunts to amaze onlookers!|The
Jet Ski Chariot is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Brr-lloon
Warz 2020 on December 10, 2020.||0|Speedy in Water: Jet Ski Chariot!|
10740|None|||||A real wool onesie, probably real warm but thats the price you pay
for the chic sheep look you're rocking when you wear.|The Sheep Onesie is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1,
10198|Wind|||||A twisted gothic roof! I guess it’s perfect for all your twisted
gothic building needs then!|The Twisted Roof is an unsplicable background block
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2020 on October 22, 2020.|4|1||
10058|Wind|||||Imagine being able to predict the weather?! Well, with the Infinity
Weather Machine you can! Add multiple Weather Machines to this machine and have
them play on a loop, like a weather mix tape, kind of!|The Infinity Weather Machine
is an unsplicable non-solid weather machine foreground block which was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 5.||2||
10630|Earth|||||A lovely looking lawn.|Love Lawn is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13,
10170|None|||Splashing towards the stars!|There’s a hole in the tank!|Cause a
splash with these Aqua Wings! They are so realistic, even a few fish have managed
to sneak into them... they are flying fish now!|||0|Double Jump: Aqua Wings!|
10776|Earth|729|1451|||Legs getting tired? Let this helpful hand hold you up for a
while!|The Hand Chair is a splicable non-solid seat foreground block which was
added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.|20|1||
10200|Earth|||||Twisted and wooden and plank like! Perfect for when you need a
twisted wooden plank!|||1||
10552|Earth|||||Made of the finest, imitation, Black Ash! Why not display your
favourite items on them? They can hold four items to display.|The Black Display
Shelf is an unsplicable display shelf platform foreground block which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||1||
10828|Wind|||||Rootin' Tootin' Trumpet Sounds!! This sheet will play a Mexican
Trumpet note for you, as long you aren't in range of a boombox. Put it in different
places for different pitches!|The Sheet Music: Mexican Trumpet is an unsplicable
sheet music background block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021.|4|
10474|Earth|||||If you’re looking to build an entire manor house made of
diamonds... this is the one for you!|The Diamond Manor House Background is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020
update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10348|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive trenchcoat! A couture trench coat, perfect
for the catwalk or walking a cat! Look stylish all the time, everytime!|The
Gradient Trenchcoat is an unsplicable chest item that was introduced as part of
Black Friday 2020 update on November 27, 2020.||0||
10518|Water|||||A nostalgic musical box... almost a little creepy somehow though!|
The Windup Musical Box is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated
foreground block which was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 update on December
17, 2020.||2||
10224|None|||||A dark, dark mask for a dark, dark Druid! For when you are in one of
those, "leave me alone" moods!|The Druid's Mask is an unsplicable face item that
was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10752|None|||||You've taken the Leprechaun look up to maximum level! This golden
suit, when worn with the Golden Leprechaun Hat item, will give a chance at
receiving an extra bonus item when you kiss the Blarney Stone.|Golden Leprechaun
Suit is a shirt item that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11,
10490|Wind|||Increased Points with Gloves!|Get back to the competition!|Enhances
the performance of the 'Balloon-Frosting War Gloves' by increasing the points
gained for every hit. Lasts for 15 minutes but doesn't stack with the bonus points
granted by a Power Play.|Ultra Performance Enhancing Hot Cocoa is a consumable that
was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2020.||1|Performance Enhanced!|
10006|None|||||Something about this mask is udderly hilarious. Chosen by CowCrash,
this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for June, 2020!|The Cow Mask is an
unsplicable hair item which was added on July 1, 2020.||0||
10534|None|||Fire up the retro rockets!|Back to the present day!|This retro jump
pack will propel you to euphoric heights!|The Confetti Jump Pack is an unsplicable
back item which was added as a part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||
0|Double Jump: Confetti Jump Pack|
10144|None|||||Watch the Moon in style with this mask which also makes you look a
little like an awesome super hero!|The Moon Watcher Mask is an unsplicable face
item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||0||
10850|None|||||To Cook this recipe you will need the
following:<CR><CR>Ingredients:<CR><CR>Ground Beef<CR>Baking
epper<CR>Sugar<CR><CR>Process:<CR>Add Ground Beef to an oven on Low Heat. While the
Ground Beef is stil cold, add Dough and shortly after add the Bacon. Add the
seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through. Then add Tomato and wait
until perfectly cooked. When fully cooked, Add Lettuce and immediately remove from
the oven.<CR><CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to experiment.|The Cooking
Recipe - BBQ Bacon Burger is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10554|Earth|||||The perfect tape, never gets tangled in the machine. You can stand
on this one without it breaking as well!|The Retro Tape Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January
7, 2021.||2||
10216|None|||Me going to scare you!|Back to being less scary!|Scare the villagers
away with this perfectly spooky mask! Slightly reduces items required for Farmer
Role quests!|The Frankenstein's Monster Mask is an unsplicable face item which was
added as part of the Halloween Week 2020 update on October 22, 2020.||0|Farming
Role Requirement Reduction : Frankenstein's Monster Mask|
10032|None|||||Cute slippers for when you want your feet to look like Axolotl's!
Don't go stepping on real Axolotl's by mistake though!|||0||
10544|Wind|||||EIGHT YEARS! They just keep coming! We are going full on eight'ies
this year. So, as a thank you for your continued support, please join us in
celebrating this monumental achievement with this beautiful 80's block!|The 8th
Anniversary Block is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated
foreground block that was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7,
10688|None|||Wait, does cardboard float!|Eugh, papier mache!|Some say that the Loch
Ness Monster is real. Others, that it's a hoax and was actually a cardboard cut
out. We say, Cardboard Nessie for the win!|The Cardboard Nessie is an unsplicable
feet item which was added as part of Myths and Legends, the first set of Marvelous
Missions, on March 18, 2021.||0|Speedy & Surfboard : Cardboard Nessie!|
10812|None|||||The perfect onesie for blending in with the local flora and fauna
when you visit the desert. Never look like a tourist again!|The Cactus Onesie is a
shirt item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||0||
10798|None|||||A Dolphin which keeps your head warm and looks cute. Chosen by
ALEXALORE, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for March, 2021!|The Dashing
Dolphin Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as April 2021's Monthly
Subscriber's Item on April 2, 2021.||0||
10702|Fire|||||A very traditional cottage door. Who know's what world of quaint
wonder lies within. This can only be spliced during St Patricks event.|The Cottage
Doorway is a splicable non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of
St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||2||
10466|Earth|||||Diamond, it’s perfect for building a castle with. It is one of the
toughest materials known to man... also really shiny!|The Diamond Castle Stone is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest
2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10762|Earth|||||A solid gold egg. Worth its weight in eggs!|Easter Egg - Golden is
an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2021
on April 1, 2021.||2||
10232|None|||Full Moon Rising!|Morning is broken!|Awooo! The mad scientists at
Growtech have reanimated this beast! It's pretty angry what with having to be
carried around on your head all day long!|The Reanimated Howly Hat is a hat item
that was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0|Punch Damage : Reanimated Howly
10744|Water|||||Detective Butter Lamb is on the case! Use this item to see a random
sewing recipe a bolt is used in!|Detective Butter Lamb is a consumable that was
added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||0||
10182|None|||A symphonic high!|All the low notes!|Musical wings for marauding
Maestros! Wrench yourself to set a tune with these equipped, then walk along to
play back the tune! It's how Beethoven would have composed music if Growtopia had
existed all those years ago... probably.|||0|Double Jump : Musical Wings!|
10692|None|||||A myth and legend the world over! As old as time itself but even
more slimy! Wearing the full suit leaves a mysterious trail of slime behind you!|
The Swamp Monster Head is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Myths
and Legends, the first set of Marvelous Missions, on March 18, 2021.||0||
10236|None|||Hooves of flaming fury!|Cool down Nelly!|A zombified flaming horse to
terrorize the town with! With hooves of flame, this fiery steed is perfect for the
spooky season!|||0|Speedy : Zombie Horse|
10550|None|||||Good for partying and keeping your legs warm at the same time!|The
Retro Leg Warmers is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0||
10516|Fire|||||Celebrate the Winter season festivals with this lantern!|The Giant
Festival Lantern is a toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part
of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10648|None|||||Cuddly Pink Teddy Suit.|Pink Teddy Suit is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10502|None|||Light up the night!|Outta Power!|Get the Winterfest Party started with
the Neon Tree Aura! Perfect for a night out on the frozen tiles.|The Neon Tree Aura
is an unsplicable back item which was added part of WinterFest 2020.||0|Double Jump
: Neon Tree Aura!|
10196|Wind|||||Perfect for the debonair haunted mansion owner!|The Twisted Windows
is an unsplicable non-solid background block which was added during Halloween Week
10690|None|||||A myth and legend the world over! As old as time itself but even
more slimy! Wearing the full suit leaves a mysterious trail of slime behind you!|
The Swamp Monster Onesie is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
Myths and Legends, the first set of Marvelous Missions, on March 18, 2021.||0||
10670|None|||Raining Rainbows|Somewhere over the...|The most rainbow’y rainbow bow
of all the rainbow bows ever created by the rainbow bowyer! If you like rainbows,
then this is the rainbow bow for you!|The Bow of the Rainbow is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||0|Punch
Range : Bow of the Rainbow|
10048|None|||Sneak attack active!|Caaaaaarnivorous reeeeeptileeeee!|This is
Growtech's latest innovation on tactical espionage! Using the latest in scientific
breakthroughs, this device allows you to seamlessly disguise yourself as...a
cardboard box!|The Tactical Stealth Espionage Device is an unsplicable and
untradeable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day
3 on August 19, 2020.||0|Punch Damage : TSED!|
10958|None|||Set to stun!|Set to none!|A curious critter from outer space! A portly
porker with a powerful blaster! Wrench yourself and choose Transform to transform!|
The Space Pig is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Aliens
update on November 14, 2021.||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Space Pig|
10804|None|||Way to goat man!|De-goated!|The mask off a Legendary Mayan Beast! The
literal translation is Sorcerer-Goat but Waay Chivo is waaaaay cooler!|||0|Punch
Range: Waay Chivo Mask|
10838|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the Fishing
system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what you'll
10484|Fire|||||A bright blocky and very shiney tableau.|The Diamond Mondrian Block
is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest
2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10080|None|||||Tightly tied hair buns fresh from the oven! Delicious with hot
butter and hair gel! Probably best to wear and not eat actually!|The Tied-up Buns
is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020
Day 7.||0||
10056|Wind|||||A slimy ghost block. Careful now, what did your mother say about
stepping on ghosts? You step on a ghost and you get SLIMED! So the choice is yours.
Really!|The Ghost Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 5.||2||
10022|Water|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
yet again, the economy burned to bits, and all the fruits of your labors turned to
dust in your dry, bitter fist. July 2020 part 2!|The Rollback Plaque VII is a
plaque introduced during the seventh Rollback. The block could be made by splicing
a Cave Background Seed with a Sign Seed during the Apology Week that commenced on
the 14th of July, 2020.|1|2||
10508|Fire|||||A festive lantern to brighten even the darkest winter night!|The
Winterfest Lantern is an unsplicable toggleable multi-framed animated foreground
block that was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||
10680|None|||Spear me a pun for once please!|Jav you had enough?|One of the Four
Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann! This Javelin was said to never miss its target!
Is it myth? Is it legend? Well, what are you waiting for? Throw the thing!|Finias'
Red Javelin is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of St. Patrick's
Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||0|Punch Range : Finias' Red Javelin|
10876|Earth|||||Use this block to check and collect your gem earnings and turn off
background ad elements. YOU may only use 1 of these per world.|||0||
10650|None|||||Cuddly Pink Teddy Mask.|The Pink Teddy Mask is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10172|None|||Neon the way to the moon!|Lights out!|Light up the town in style!
Don’t question how neon lights make you fly, just go with the glow and touch the
sky!|||0|Double Jump : Neon Wings!|
10052|None|||May the flame guide you oh fiery arrow|That's enough for now|A
mysterious Eldritch flame binds itself to each and every arrow loaded into this
crossbow. Some say the flame will burn forever, some claim it's actually powered by
AA batteries but who really knows!|The Eldritch Crossbow is an unsplicable hand
item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 4.||0|Punch
Range : Eldritch Crossbow|
10754|None|||Get a hand up with this helpful little freind!|Back down to earth|
Nobody knows how or why this helpful little hand does what it does but for some
reason its grown a liking for you. It will help in every way possible with a
helpful serving of attitude on the side.|||0||
10720|None|||Beep Beep, I'm in my Jeep...ney|Off the Buses!|This popular from of
public transport has been given an Easter makeover! All aboard for adventure!
Disclaimer... this only actually carries one person but hey it's you, so, you win!|
The Easter Jeepney is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Easter
Exclusive Mission, the second set of Marvelous Missions, on April 1, 2021.||0|
Speedy: Easter Jeepney!|
10890|None|||Rocket powered cleaning!|Too mean, too clean!|Strap yourself on, set
it to max and hold on tight! You're in for a wild ride! This is a vacuum with
attitude!|The Rocket Powered Pineapple Vacuum is an unsplicable feet item that was
added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||0|Speedy : Rocket
Powered Pineapple Vacuum|
10874|Earth|||||Place these blocks in a 7x1 grid to show ads in your world. Check
your ad earnings for your world with the Ad Control Block.|The Ad Block 7x1 is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of the Growtopia
ADventures update on June 22, 2021.||0||
10832|Wind|10829|11|||This sheet will play a Mexican Trumpet note for you - a half-
step lower note than Sheet Music: Mexican Trumpet - as long you aren't in range of
a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|Sheet Music: Flat
Mexican Trumpet is a splicable sheet music background block which was added as part
of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.|4|1||
10616|Earth|5743|5749|||Legend says these will link your world to the realm of the
ancients, where great gods of chance watch over us. Perhaps if you add this to your
world, they will bless you with a small piece of their fortunes...|The Year of the
Ox Lucky Token is a spliceable non-solid Lucky Token foreground block which was
added as part of Lunar New Year 2021 on February 4, 2021.|1|0||
10036|None|||||A sweater tied around your waist like a little cape for your butt!|
When equipped, all the Waist Tied Sweaters serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10748|None|||Extend your reach!|Your wing was clipped!|This single wing is a symbol
for all those who strive to overcome adversity, no matter what the odds. To avoid
refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until August 25th, 2021|||0|Punch
Range + Build Range : One Winged Angel|
10260|None|||Foooooood Fight!!|Time to clean up!|Did somebody say FOOD FIGHT?! It's
an "all you can eat" and also an "all you can throw" bib! It automatically cleans
itself too. So, it's very eco-friendly!|The All You Can Eat Bib is a shirt item
that was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0|Punch Range: All You Can Eat
10040|None|||||A sweater tied around your waist like a little cape for your butt!|
When equipped, all the Waist Tied Sweaters serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10858|Fire|||||A voucher used to purchase items in the store. This item can be
redeemed against all items which use the voucher currency, when they are available
in store.|||0||
10420|None|||||Party Pants! These flash, flashing, pants are perfect for a
Winterfest party!|The Light Up Pants is an unsplicable pants item that was added as
part of the WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||0||
10662|None|||||Ripped muscles with tattoos.|Tattooed Muscles is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||
10784|Earth|||||People can drop gifts into this box for you to pickup later!|The
Donut Donation Box is an unsplicable solid donation box foreground block which was
added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||3||
10694|None|||Finally full... of suns!|Sun for my tum tum!|A Mini Minokawa! A
mythical, and very much legendary, bird from the Philippines! People believed the
creature was so big that it ate the sun and caused eclipses. This one isn’t so big
but it’s still pretty cool!|The Mini Minokawa is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of Myths and Legends, the first set of Marvelous Missions, on March
18, 2021.||0|Punch Range & Punch Damage : Mini Minokawa|
10088|None|||||Be the Growtopian with the long nose who knows! Just don't go
sticking it into other peoples business!|The Long Nose is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10636|Wind|7809|201|||Loving the new wallpaper.|Heart Wallpaper is a splicable
background block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13,
10842|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the
Superhero system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what
you'll get?!|||1||
10628|Water|855|955|||It’s lovely to have a date with a good friend and just be
silly.|Date is a splicable consumable which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10870|Earth|||||Place these blocks in a 4x3 grid to show ads in your world. Check
your ad earnings for your world with the Ad Control Block.|The Ad Block 4x3 is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of the Growtopia
ADventures update on June 22, 2021.||0||
10082|None|||||Step out of the shower, shake your head and you are ready to go with
this effortless natural tousled hair style!|The Tousled Hair is an unsplicable hair
item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10866|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|DUMB G4G
Diamond is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on
April 15, 2021.||0||
10852|None|||||To Cook this recipe you will need the
following:<CR><CR>Ingredients:<CR><CR>Flour<CR>Green Beer<CR>Potato<CR>Fish
Chunk<CR><CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>Salt<CR>Pepper<CR><CR>Process:<CR>Add Flour, Green
Beer and Potato to an oven on Low Heat. When the Flour is almost done, add Fish
Chunk. Add the seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through. Remove from
the oven when perfectly cooked<CR><CR><CR>Timing may vary so you will need to
experiment.|Cooking Recipe - Beer-Battered Fish And Chips is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10178|None|||A mix of herbs and spices that's out of this world!|All winged out!|
Wings to make your tummy rumble! These deep fried wings are literally straight from
the oven! Covered in a golden breadcrumb made with a secret mix of Growtopia herbs
and spices, cooked to create the perfect balance between flavor and
aerodynamics!|||0|Double Jump: Fried Wings|
10244|Earth|||||Lovely hat Frosting! For making a special hat.|The Frosting is an
unsplicable component that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||2||
10710|Wind|||||No party is complete without some themed wallpaper. Maybe I don’t
get invited to the right sort of parties?|The St Patrick’s Celebration Wallpaper
Green is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of St.
Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||1||
10856|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|The G4G
Access Dummy Icon is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good
Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10480|Fire|||||Perfect for a Diamond Fiesta!|The Diamond Fiesta Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest
2020 update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10092|None|||||This is a rugged chin! Good for scratching when you're out of ideas
and other things that a giant chin is good for!|The Big Chin is an unsplicable face
item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10770|None|||||Celebrate Easter the Finnish Way! Virvon, Varvon, for a fresh and
healthy coming year!|The Easter Witches Hood is an unsplicable hair item which was
added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||0||
10098|None|||||A mustache that doesn't really look like a Walrus but would probably
look great on one... as well as yourself!|The Walrus Mustache is an unsplicable
face item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10718|None|||Commencing countdown, engines on!.|No longer floating in a most
peculiar way!|Take off on a mission to Mars, or wherever your imagination takes
you! These rocket wings use the latest in renewable energy, are kind to the
environment, and approved for commercial space flight!|||0|High Jump & Slow Fall :
Grow X Rocket Wings|
10142|None|||||New Balance Mooncake shoes! Good on all terrain, hand wearing and
also yummy! Seriously, don’t eat them! Who knows what you have stepped in!|The
Mooncake Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2020.||0||
10078|Earth|29|1421|||Dress up your TROLL Mannequin with all your favorite clothes!
Use your Wrench to change the sign on it.|The TROLL Mannequin is a splicable non-
solid mannequin foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2020 Day 5.|23|3||
10084|None|||||Be the star of screen and comic with this awesome hairstyle!|The
Anime Male Hair is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10622|None|||||The most sylish way to wear your trench coat... To not actually wear
it but instead, drape it over your shoulder like you're a coat rack. Chosen by
Dispersing, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for January, 2021!|The Stylish
Draped Trench Coat is an unsplicable chest item which was added as February 2021's
Monthly Subscriber's Item on February 2, 2021.||0||
10606|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the
Rooster are observant and hardworking. They are resourceful, courageous, and
talented. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie trees with this item
equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|The 2017 - Zodiac Year of the Rooster
is an unspliceable hand item which was added as a part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|
Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Rooster|
10882|Fire|||||A door made of tacos, cooked using an old family recipe. The secret
ingredient is... well, that would be telling!|The Taco Door is an unsplicable non-
solid door foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on
May 5, 2021.||1||
10212|None|||||Eugh! Time to buy some new shampoo! Infested and probably rather
also rather smelly... perfect for Halloween!|The Infested Hair is an unsplicable
hair item that was added as a part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10230|None|||||A futuristic Cyber Punk mask, perfect for wearing everyday! Chosen
by macmacxd22, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for September, 2020!|The Cyber
Punk Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added on October 2, 2020.||0||
10498|None|||Candy Canes for all!|That's enough candy for now!|Probably the
deadliest Candy Cane ever made! Fling some festive cheer and razor sharp candy...
what better way to celebrate the Holidays!|The Candy Cane Scythe is an unsplicable
hand item that was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 update on December 17,
2020.||0|Punch Power: Candy Cane Scythe|
10788|Earth|||||Display with pride this badge to show off your contribution in the
Grow4Good charity drive.|Grow4Good Badge Bronze is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10706|None|||||The perfect jacket for taking a stroll in the country. Either
yomping over dale with your trusty companion or atop a hill surveying your land,
this is the look for you.|The Wax Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was
added as part of the St. Patrick's Week 2021 update on March 11, 2021.||0||
10964|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10486|Fire|||||A block to remind you of long walks in the snow and all the trees to
hide behind when snowball fighting!|The Snowy Tree Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on
December 3, 2020.||1||
10528|Wind|||||Ready to rock out! This sheet will play a Electrical Guitar note for
you as long as you aren't in a range of a boombox. Put it in different places for
different pitches!|The Sheet Music: Electric Guitar is an unsplicable sheet music
background block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7,
10632|None|||Float through the air with the greatest of ease!|Back down to earth!|
The finest silk was once weaved for a great goddess but now it adorns your
shoulders.|Silk Scarf is a neck item that was added as part of Valentine's Week
2021 on February 13, 2021.||0|Double Jump + Slow Fall: Silk Scarf|
10242|Earth|||||Lovely hat Brim! For making a special hat.|The Brim is an
unsplicable component that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||2||
10458|Earth|||||Perfect for every Growtopians statement home! Imagine how much
these would cost in the real world!|The Diamond Brick Background is an unsplicable
background block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on
December 3, 2020.||1||
10990|None|||Ready for the mission!|Mission complete!|A curious contraption, not of
this world and all the cooler for it!|The Alien Recon Wagon is an unsplicable feet
item which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Speedy:
Alien Recon Wagon|
10532|Wind|10529|11|||This sheet will play a Electric Guitar note for you - a half-
step lower note than Sheet Music: Electric Guitar - as long as you aren't in range
of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet Music:
Flat Electric Guitar is a splicable sheet music background block which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.|4|1||
10034|None|511|9381|||For when your brain says dress practical but heart says dress
like a cute amphibian! With this hoodie you get the best of both worlds.|The
Axolotl Hoodie is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2020 Day 1.|1|0||
10540|Earth|||||This magical wand will make your Winterfest extra special by adding
wishes to your Winter Wish List Progress!|||1||
10624|None|||||They’re going to lose their heads, for painting the roses red...|
King of Hearts is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Valentine's
Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0||
10592|None|||||Strong, hardy and reliable! This item has all the attributes of
those who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Ox!|The Oxen Battle Boots is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0||
10824|None|||||Pretty pink platforms for those who need an extra bit of height.
Note: Doesn't actually make you taller. Chosen by Harmony, this is the Monthly
Subscriber's Item for April, 2021!|The Pink Platforms is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as May 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item on May 2, 2021.||0||
10338|None|||Flutter through the sky with a smile... only darker!|Please don't run
away!|First chauffeurs, now flying cape services? Is there anything these chicks
can't do? This is a Black Friday exclusive version.|||0|Double Jump: Black Egg
Champion Cape|
10614|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Ox
are strong, reliable, fair and conscientious, inspiring confidence in others. They
believe in themselves and can be stubborn... and an ox! Harvesting Fortune Cookie &
Lucky Fortune Cookie trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the
yield.|The 2021 - Zodiac Year of the Ox is an unspliceable hand item which was
added as a part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of
the Ox|
10634|None|||Float through the air with the greatest of ease!|Back down to earth!|
The finest silk was once weaved for a great goddess but now it adorns your
shoulders. Imbued with goddess' power, this scarf will lift you through the air and
make your feet glide lightly wherever they fall.|Golden Silk Scarf is a neck item
that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0|Double
Jump + Slow Fall: Silk Scarf|
10004|Fire|||||Smash it for Summerfest goodies! Has increased chances of getting
super valuable rewards.|The Super Summer Surprise is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block that was added as part of SummerFest 2020.||1||
10116|Earth|||||Add some weary vibes to your chat! Just consume this to add it to
your available growmojis!|The Growmoji Weary is a consumable which was added on Day
7 of the Player Appreciation Week in 2020.||1||
10774|None|||Heres to a speedy recovery!|No medical enhancements here!|Not sure if
this concoction is fully approved, but it sure increases your recovery speed!|||0|
Speedy + Quick Recover: Field Medics Mecha Med Scarf!|
10246|None|||The essence of the sun, moon and stars; I command you!|The new moon
has risen!|An ancient and valuable charm, passed between Dragons and their masters
for as long as time remembers. Wearing it will invoke the spirit and power of the
revered Celestial Dragon! A Dragon of legend who had the power to control the sun,
the moon, and the stars!|||0|Lightsource: Celestial Dragon Charm|
10700|Fire|||||Fabulous Green curtains, which you punch to open! We do not
recommend punching curtains in real life to open them though, that would be
dangerous!|The Green Curtains is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated
foreground block which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11,
10460|Water|||||You’d be really lucky if you found one of these washed up on the
beach!|The Message in a Diamond Bottle is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10184|None|||The sun has well and truly set!|Dark Sun guide me skyward!|A cape made
from threads of a million dying suns! I bet you didn't know that suns were made of
thread did you!|The Dark Sunset Cape is an unsplicable back item that was added as
part of Halloween Week 2020.||0|Double Jump: Dark Sunset Cape|
10644|None|||||This aura masks you with love and adoration, healing you quickly
with the power of the heart and propelling you through the air!|||0|Double Jump and
Healing: Golden Heart Aura|
10596|Water|||||This is a really great wall isn't it? Good for keeping pesky
Growtopians and to the same degree, in! Visible from space, if internet rumors are
to believed!|The Great Wall of Growtopia is a solid foreground block which was
added as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||1||
10604|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the
Monkey are Brilliant, independent, honest, cordial, and positive! They always have
enviable abilities and wisdom. Their skills and smart ideas can be seen by others
when they are very young. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie trees
with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|2016 - Zodiac Year of
the Monkey is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Lunar New Year
2021.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Monkey|
10202|Wind|||||Carved from cursed stone! Some say if you listen in the dead of
night you can hear a heartbeat as if it were alive! Like any door, but spooky, you
can wrench it to set the destination.|The Twisted Mansion Door is an unsplicable
non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.|13|
10574|Earth|||||Best of all possible trophies in 2021.|The WOTD Trophy 2021 is a
non-solid block that is given to players who win World Of The Day during 2021 by
Ubisoft Staff.||2||
10996|None|||Space Rover go go go!|Space Rover no no no!|A mysterious contraption
for scanning the surfaces of unknown planets. Quite a potent weapon as well it
seems.|The Space Rover is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Space Rover|
10404|None|||Ready to sled!|Snow more sledding for you!|The ultimate in giant
Penguin transportation!|||0|Speedy: Sledding Penguin!|
10810|None|||I'm alive with static!|Electric shock!|Static crackles as the power of
Plasmatic energy takes over your entire body! Watch as the hue of the energy aura
changes from dusk until dawn.|||0|Light Source + Build Range|
10446|Earth|||||A wonderful Winterfest Calendar for 2020, jam-packed with joy and
gifts to celebrate the holidays. Make sure to check back each day to get a new
gift! ...or just wait and open them all in one go! Either way, it's a blast!<CR>DO
NOT BREAK! The Winterfest Calendar will not return to your backpack if broken!|||
10514|Fire|559|377|||A memory of an awesome gift!|The Open Present Block is a
splicable solid foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2020.|12|1||
10854|None|||||To Cook this recipe you will need the
ocess:<CR>Add Rice to an oven on Low Heat. While the Rice is stil cold, add Chicken
Meat and Onion. Add the seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through. Then
add Tomato and remove from the oven once perfectly cooked.<CR><CR><CR>Timing may
vary so you will need to experiment.|The Cooking Recipe - Arroz Con Pollo is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15,
10094|None|||||No one will be able to resist these puppy dog eyes! The perfect
balance between sad and OMG CUTE!!|The Puppy Dog Eyes is an unsplicable face item
that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10808|Wind|||||That rock looks weirdly comfy. That hat looks like it would give
some good shade. Maybe I’ll just.... ZZZZZZZ!|The Siesta Sombrero Bed is an
unsplicable non-solid bed foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo
Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||1||
10848|None|||||To Cook this recipe you will need the
oning:<CR><CR>Sugar<CR>Sugar<CR><CR>Process:<CR>Add Flour and Egg to an oven on Low
Heat. While the Egg is stil cold, add Milk. When the Egg is mostly cooked, add
Blueberry. Add the seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through. Remove
from the oven when perfectly cooked<CR><CR><CR>Timings may vary so you will need to
experiment.|The Cooking Recipe - Berry Crepes is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10210|None|||Onwards to the sun and... and moon!|All outta balance!!|A perfectly
balanced cloak! Half infused with power by the sun and half by the moon!|The Cloak
of Equilibrium is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Halloween
Week/2020.||0|Double Jump: Cloak of Equilibrium|
10584|Earth|||||The ancient mystics at Growtech designed this many moons ago.
Recently discovered, it's proving quite useful ! Unfortunately, those pesky
untradeable items can't be placed here! Note: Only World Lock owners can use this
item.|The Dynasty Vase is an unspliceable solid foreground block which was added as
part of Lunar New Year 2021.||3||
10132|None|||Yin Yang and you don't stop a rockin'|That's plenty of yin'ing and
yang'ing for now|A pendant that Yin's just as much as it Yang's! Wearing this will
keep you in perfect balance with nature, while making you run so fast you'll be
missing most of it!|The Yin Yang Pendant is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of Harvest Festival 2020 on September 24, 2020.||0|Speedy|
10730|Earth|611|7705|||An eco-friendly dwelling. Build into the countryside, this
ever expandable abode features dual aspect rooms, natural lighting and open plan
living. Does smell a bit like dump and probably leaks when it rains.|The Halfling
House is a splicable background block which was added as part of Easter Week 2021
on April 1, 2021.||2||
10846|None|||||To Cook this recipe you will need the
ng:<CR><CR>Sugar<CR>Sugar<CR>Salt<CR><CR>Process:<CR>Add Honey and Apple to an oven
on Low Heat. While the Apple is stil cold, add Dough and Egg. Add the seasonings
and wait until cooked all the way through. Remove from the oven when perfectly
cooked.<CR><CR>Timing may vary so you will need to experiment.|The Cooking Recipe -
Apple Strudel is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week
on April 15, 2021.||0||
10038|None|||||A sweater tied around your waist like a little cape for your butt!|
When equipped, all the Waist Tied Sweaters serve a purely cosmetic purpose.||0||
10862|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|DUMB G4G
Silver is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on
April 15, 2021.||0||
10834|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the
Startopia system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what
you'll get?!|||1||
10818|Water|||||Is it a house or is it a giant taco? Whatever it is, you can make
it huuuuge! Now, that's a good taco!|||1||
10976|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10542|None|||||Be careful who you poke with it! Chosen by ReddMA, this is the
Monthly Subscriber's item for December, 2020.|The Playful Pitchfork is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as January 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item
on January 2, 2021.||0||
10880|Earth|||||A window made of tacos, cooked using an old family recipe. The
secret ingredient is... well, that would be telling!|The Taco Window is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on
May 5, 2021.||0||
10652|None|||Powered up with love!|Just normal love now!|That's the power of love!|
Love Charged Hands is a hand item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021
on February 13, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Love Charged|
10402|None|||Deck the halls!|Dropped all the needles!|Oh Christmas tree, oh
Christmas tree, how deadly are thy branches!|The Christmas Tree Sword is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest 2020 on December 17,
2020.||0|Punch Damage: Christmas Tree Sword!|
10914|None|||Your essence has been purified!|Fallen from grace!|The essence of a
pure being. This shard of pure light and dark fuses with your own essence and
leaves you purified.|||0|Speedy: Pure Being|
10582|Fire|||||A statue of the zodiac ox! Growtopians born in the Year of the Ox
are strong, reliable, fair and conscientious.|The Year of The Ox Statue is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of Lunar New Year
10600|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|A very special year was the Year of the
Horse! Growtopians born in this year as said to be warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and
positive. The horse can be seen as the symbol of independence and freedom!
Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie trees with this item equipped
gives a chance of twice the yield.|2014 - Zodiac Year of the Horse is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Speedy &
Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Tiger|
10566|None|||||The most stylish and disco-like of fish make for the perfect T-
shirt!|The Tetra T-Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0||
10548|None|||||Retro chic goodness! Denim will never go out of fashion!|The Retro
Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary Week
2021 on January 7, 2021.||0||
10722|None|||Curiouser and Curiouser!|Solved the case!|A little bit of detective
noir given the Growtopia treatment! Perfect for solving crimes and finding eggs!
Careful where you point it as those sun rays are hot!|The Bunny Ear Magnifying
Glass is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on
April 1, 2021.||0|Punch Damage : Bunny Ear Magnifying Glass!|
10840|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the Cooking
system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what you'll
10884|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies use in the Surgery
system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what you'll get?!|
The Voucher Dayz Surgery Supply Crate is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of Voucher Dayz on May 21, 2021.||1||
10586|None|||Power of the Ox!|Xo no!|Strong, hardy and reliable! This item has all
the attributes of those who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Ox!|The Oxen
Battle Helm is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Lunar New Year
2021.||0|Punch Range : Oxen Battle Helm|
10472|Earth|||||If you’re looking to build an entire manor house made of diamonds,
this is for you!|The Diamond Manor House is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10896|Earth|||||In the game of Pineapples, you either eat or explode. Sometimes
both. Who will sit atop the Pine Throne?|The Pine Throne is an unsplicable non-
solid seat foreground block which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party Week
2021 on June 3, 2021.||1||
10264|Water|||||This is a 1 lb. Turkey Fish. Is it a Turkey? Is it a fish? Some
even say it's a Zebra! Grow only knows what it really is! It looks quite poisonous
but also like you want to pet it... probably best to leave it be though!|The Turkey
Fish is an unsplicable fish that was added as part of the Thanksgiving Week 2020
update on November 19, 2020.||1||
10010|Fire|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards
yet again, the database burned to bits, and all the fruits of your labors turned to
dust in your dry, bitter fist. July 2020.|The Rollback Plaque VI is a plaque
introduced during the sixth Rollback. The block could be made by splicing a Cave
Background Seed with a Sign Seed during the Apology Weekend that commenced on the
2nd of July, 2020.|1|2||
10610|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Pig
are diligent, compassionate, and realistic! They devote energy to achieving goals
and like to see things through to completion. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky
Fortune Cookie trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|The
2019 - Zodiac Year of the Pig is an unspliceable hand item which was added as a
part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Pig|
10072|Earth|25|1421|||Dress up your OMG Mannequin with all your favorite clothes!
Use your Wrench to change the sign on it.|The OMG Mannequin is a splicable non-
solid mannequin foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2020 Day 5.|22|3||
10764|Earth|||||The top of a very special egg. You'll need to find the other parts
to make the egg whole again.|The Golden Egg Shard - Top is an unsplicable component
which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||2||
10160|None|||||Get suited and ”hooted” and dress like an owl! Feathery finery for
the discerning owl-ficionado!|The Owl Mask is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||0||
10654|Earth|||||Be transported in love.|The Love Portal is an unsplicable non-solid
portal foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2021 on
February 13, 2021.||1||
10568|Wind|||||An icon of technology! It may not be able to play Growtopia but it
does save your progress! Boot up some retro tech!|The Retro Computer is an
unsplicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||1||
10814|Earth|||||Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena was a Mexican electrical engineer who
invented the first type of color television! This item is in his honor.|The
Mysterious Color TV is a toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which
was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||1||
10724|None|||Scope down: Lil Growpeep lost their sheep!|Scope up: Lil Growpeep
found their sheep!|The latest in undercover sheep herding technology! The latest
innovation from Growtech. The culmination of decades of research in safe sheep
propulsion! No sheep are harmed in the use of this item!|The Lil Growpeep's Baaaa
Blaster is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on
April 1, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Snipeshot|
10512|Fire|559|863|||If you have a massive present that needs a finishing touch,
then, this is perfect!|The Giant Red Bow is a splicable solid foreground block that
was added as part of WinterFest 2020.|21|1||
10626|None|||Scope up: It's time go long!|Scope down: Time to get close!|A shot
straight to the heart.|Rose Rifle is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Valentine's Week 2021 on February 13, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Snipeshot|
10562|None|||||Choo Choo! With this Tutu you can board to party train to Disco
Town! Calling at Party Central, Dancefloor Downs and Diva District!|The Rainbow
Tutu is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021
on January 7, 2021.||0||
10558|Earth|||||If you're after for 1980's style for building, then this is the
block for you!|The Retro Pattern Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||2||
10686|None|||Here come the "shady agents" in black!|There go the "shady agents" in
black!|Is it me, or is that UFO following me? Wait... am I the alien?|The Shady
Agent Shades is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Myths and
Legends, the first set of Marvelous Missions, on March 18, 2021.||0|Punch Damage:
Shady Agent Shades!|
10024|None|||||A great mask for troll'ing and lol'ing in equal measure! Chosen by
Slenor, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for July, 2020!|The Troll Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added on August 1, 2020.||0||
10590|None|||||Strong, hardy and reliable! This item has all the attributes of
those who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Ox!|The Oxen Battle Pants is an
unsplicable pants item that was added as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0||
10792|Earth|||||Display with pride this badge to show off your contribution in the
Grow4Good charity drive.|Grow4Good Badge Gold is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10062|Fire|||||A huge thank you for all the Growtopians who played on the consoles!
We truly appreciate each and every one of you!|The Console Appreciation Plaque is
an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2020 Day 5.||2||
10570|None|||||Rave long, rave hard, rave safe!|The Rave Safe Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January
7, 2021.||0||
10560|Earth|||||If you're after for some 1980's style for building backgrounds
with, then this is the background for you!|The Retro Pattern Background is an
unsplicable background block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on
January 7, 2021.||2||
10494|None|||Beats up the max!|Outta batteries|Listen to some banging tunes while
you walk... man!|The Walktopian is an unsplicable hand item which was added as a
part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0|Punch Damage : Walktopian|
10860|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|DUMB G4G
Bronze is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on
April 15, 2021.||0||
10638|None|||||All you can see is love, love, love...|The Love Eyes in an
unsplicable face item which was added as a part of Valentine's Week 2021 on
February 13, 2021.||0||
10030|None|||||The perfect item for when you wake up in the morning and think, "I
really want to dress like an Axolotl today".|The Axolotl Onesie is an unsplicable
shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 1.||0||
10536|Earth|||||A stocking filled with all your winter wishes and maybe even
10222|None|||||A dark, dark crown for a dark, dark Druid! For when you are in one
of those, "leave me alone" moods!|The Druid's Crown is an unsplicable hat item that
was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10726|None|||Spring is in the air and in bloom!|The season turned, turned, turned!|
Celebrate spring in style, with this blooming good aura!|The Bloom Aura is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on April 1,
2021.||0|Build Range : Bloom Aura|
10906|None|||||This cute little pineapple has found a home in your hair. Not sure
if its a totally good idea to let it live though.|The Petite Pineapple Hair Pin is
an unsplicable hat item that was added as a part of Super Pineapple Party Week 2021
on 3rd June 2021.||0||
10704|Wind|||||A super powerful clover fan! Probably best not to use in small
spaces as that was quite the kerfuffle!|The Clover Fan is an unspliceable non-solid
pushing foreground block that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March
11, 2021.||1||
10684|None|||Kinda really want to just buzz around a bulb right now!|Grounded!|
Urban Myth? Legend? Monster created from our condition to fear the unknown? Or just
super awesome moth wings... you decide!|The Mothman Wings is an unsplicable back
item which was added as part of Myths and Legends, the first set of Marvelous
Missions, on March 18, 2021.||0|Double Jump : Mothman Wings|
10066|None|||Go Go Gorilla Go Go!|Let's chill and grab a banana smoothie!|A tamed
great ape; both majestic and powerful! Command him to throw great clumps of earth
as you speed through the world together on your adventures!|The Riding Gorilla is
an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020
Day 6.||0|Speedy: Riding Gorilla!|
10488|Fire|||||A snowy fence, perfect for keeping unwanted visitors away while also
looking pretty and wintry.|The Snowy Fence is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3,
10974|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10924|Earth|||||Feed me! This Pineapple glutton can be fed pineapples to gain
Pineapple Magic. WARNING: Is likely to explode when too full.|The Pineapple Guzzler
is a non-solid animated foreground block that was added as part of Super Pineapple
Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||1||
10128|None|||Tea for 2 and 2 for tea!|Down to the tea leaves!|The Teabot 3000
Mechanical Butler is perfect for all your battling needs! This ever faithful
companion is always on hand for when you need a refreshing cup of tea or wish to
throw said refreshing cup of tea over a friend... or foe!|||0|Mechanical Butler :
Punch Damage & Punch Range|
10696|Earth|||||Look at its little bouncy face! Bounce to your heart's content!
They won't mind, we promise!|Shamrock Bouncing Buddy is a trampoline block that was
added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||0||
10060|Fire|||||It's freaky, it's creepy, it's all together quite disturbing! It's
what every Growtopian needs...a really giant baby faced gate!|The Creepy Baby Gate
is an unsplicable toggleable foreground block which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2020.||3||
10952|None|||Set to stun!|Set to none!|A curious critter from outer space! A lean,
mean, adventuring machine! A badger with attitude! Wrench yourself and choose
Transform to transform!|The Space Badger is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Double Jump & Punch
Range: Space Badger|
10646|Wind|||||They say love is like a ladder, it gets you high if you not gentle
with it you will fall and it will leave you broken.|The Love Ladder is an
unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week
2021 on February 13, 2021.||1||
10154|Fire|||||Light up the harvest with this lovely lotus lamp. Perfect for
illuminating evening Mooncake hunting sessions.|The Lotus Lamp is an unsplicable
non-solid toggleable animated foreground block which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2020.||1||
10546|Wind|||||Roobux, the 80s sensation, still going strong today! This one is
easier to complete though!|The Roobux Cube is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||2||
10746|Earth|||||I'm not sure you've cooked this correctly! Are you sure you used
butter? Sometimes it's hard to believe it's not butter. Might as well place it in
your world to remind you that perfection takes time!|Failed Butter Lamb is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on
April 1, 2021.||2||
10800|None|||Get ready to get spiky!|Much less chance of a splinter now!|A cactoid
cannon! Probably best to use this with some very thick gloves otherwise you might
end up covered in spiky cactus spines!|The Cactus Cannon is an unsplicable hand
item which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||0|Punch Range :
Cactus Cannon|
10208|Wind|||||Be careful where you step! You just don't know who you might wake
from their eternal slumber !|The Morbid Hand is an unsplicable non-solid looming
deadly foreground block that was added as part of the Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10794|Earth|||||Display with pride this badge to show off your contribution in the
Grow4Good charity drive.|Grow4Good Badge Diamond is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10872|Earth|||||Place these blocks in a 3x2 grid to show ads in your world. Check
your ad earnings for your world with the Ad Control Block.|The Ad Block 3x2 is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of the Growtopia
ADventures update on June 22, 2021.||0||
10820|Fire|||Cooking is easy! Just tap ingredients on your oven! The first
ingredient you put in asks you to choose Low, Medium, or High heat. You can use
whatever heat you like - higher heat gets the job done more quickly, but that also
makes it harder to be accurate with your timing.|When you think your food is
perfectly cooked, just punch the oven to collect the results!|Street food has a
vibrant culture all around the world. This oven will bring a little of that Street
Food magic to your world. This works as a Oven Type Item.|The Taco Truck Oven is an
unsplicable non-solid Cooking Oven foreground block which was added as part of
Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||2||
10716|Fire|||||This mystery item will be only be revealed through the Easter
event!|The Easter Mission Item is an unobtainable solid foreground block which was
added as part of Myths and Legends, the first set of Marvelous Missions, on March
18, 2021.||1||
10664|Earth|||||This great turret would look great with a great wall...Awesome!|The
Great Turret of Growtopia is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added
as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||2||
10504|None|||Tractors are not speedy.|You can walk faster than that thing!|To be
Frank, this ice resurfacing machine has a cool name! Although, this one doesn't
resurface ice, it does harvest trees!|The Zamgrowni is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0|Putt Putt Putt|
10806|None|||Ready to erupt!|Pumice|A cape with the power of an active Volcano!
There are 48 active volcanoes in Mexico which have inspired literature, art and
myths for as long as time itself. Every 8 hours, 48 of these will be released into
the game through Cinco De Mayo Week 2021.|Volcanic Cape is an unsplicable back item
which was added on Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||0|Double Jump :
Volcanic Cape|
10728|None|||Butter be fast!|?|When your expectations don't quite match your skill
level... but all the cuter for it! Be proud of the things you've achieved.|||0|
Speedy : Home Made Butter Lamb|
10734|Fire|611|7709|||A door to your eco-house! Made of reclaimed wood. 100%
guaranteed to contain dry rot and woodworm.|The Halfling House Door is a splicable
non-solid door foreground block which was added as part of Easter Week 2021 on
April 1, 2021.||1||
10782|None|103|1453|||Wear your cap backwards! All the cool kids are doing it.|The
Backwards Ballcap is a splicable hat item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week
on April 15, 2021.|18|0||
10742|Earth|||||Spring has sprung... as has this terrible pun!|The Easter Spring is
an unsplicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of Easter
Week 2021 on April 1, 2021.||0||
10712|None|||||An ornate set of pauldrons adorned with feathers and emblazoned with
a ruby in the center. Chosen by Atatip, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for
February, 2021!|The Feathered Pauldrons is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as March 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item on March 4, 2021.||0||
10406|None|||Snow storm!|Too warm for snow!|Wow this staff is cold! Made of
deepest, most wintry snow, and sprinkled with a little Winter magic.|The Staff of
Deepest Winter is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of WinterFest
2020.||0|Punch Damage : Staff of Deepest Winter|
10682|Fire|||||A glorious green fountain... probably wouldn’t drink the water, who
knows what’s making it that colour!|The Green Fountain is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which was added as part of St.
Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11, 2021.||1||
10822|None|||||Hollow outa actus and wear it on your head. This is the go to choice
of headgear for when you want to wear a hollowed out cactus on your head.|The
Cactus Hat is a hair item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May
5, 2021.||0||
10816|None|||||A popular folk instrument which can be made from wood, plastic,
metal, and ivory. This one made of pixel though!|The Pan Flute is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.||0||
10750|None|||||You've taken the Leprechaun look up to maximum level! This golden
hat, when worn with the Golden Leprechaun Suit item, will give a chance at
receiving an extra bonus item when you kiss the Blarney Stone.|Golden Leprechaun
Hat is a hat item that was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11,
10868|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|DUMB G4G
Crate Pack is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good Week
on April 15, 2021.||0||
10714|None|||Wind back the Clock!|Keep on ticking!|Turn the hands of time with this
hand of time.|The Steampunk Arm is an unsplicable and untradable hand item which
was added as part of Spring Clash 2021 on March 19, 2021.||0|Punch Damage +
Slowfall: Steampunk Arm|
10254|Wind|||||Grab your friends, grab some tasty food and drinks and sit down with
your friends together at this infinitely extendable table! Perfect for when your
extended Growtopia family comes to visit!|||2||
10282|None|||||Very much a wig for big wigs! Imagine running a country wearing
this? I think the people would laugh and make lots of jokes on the internet about
10168|None|||Rising like the stock market!|Crashing like the stock market!|A pair
of blingingly awesome wings! The glitz and glamor of these are exemplified by a
trail of gems... these are not real gems by the way, that would be just silly! To
avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until February 7th,
2021.|||0|Double Jump: Bling Wings|
10100|None|||||Roll Up! Roll Up! Come and see the greatest facial hair on the
planet! Never knowingly undersold, this mustache is for the showman in all of us!|
The Showman's Mustache is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10050|None|||Armed to the back Llama Teeth!|No Longer REALLY dangerous!|This Llama
is ready for anything Growtopia throws at it! Armed with a silo of Growtech
Missiles, experimental Growtech hardened steel armor and a rather snazzy helmet
(Llama's own) this Llama is Dangerous with a capital D!|The Really Dangerous Pet
Llama is an unsplicable and untradeable pet hand item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 3.||0|Punch Damage : Really Dangerous Pet Llama|
10918|Earth|||||Contains an assortment of tools and supplies to use in the Cooking
system! Place it in your world and break it to open - who knows what you'll
10320|Earth|||||An Organic Turkey Feather, that's about it really. Not really too
useful on it's own.|The Organic Turkey Feather is an unsplicable component item
that was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||2||
10530|Wind|10529|163|||This sheet will play A Electric Guitar note for you - a
half-step higher note than Sheet Music: Electric Guitar - as long as you aren't in
range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet
Music: Sharp Electric Guitar is a splicable sheet music background block which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.|5|1||
10476|Fire|||||The most regal of all Stairs... also made of Diamond.|The Diamond
Regal Stairs is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10826|Fire|||||Too hot handle, so punch it instead!|||5||
10054|None|||Let's jump to the stars!|All stargazed out!|The power of the Zodiac
fills your body. The 12 signs align perfectly and allow you to not only reach for
the stars but jump amongst them as well!|The Zodiac Wings is an unsplicable
back item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week Day 4. They are only
available in the Growtopia Store during the Player Appreciation Week.||0|Double
Jump : Zodiac Wings!|
10090|None|||||Probably the best mustache named after the part you hold onto on a
bicycle!|The Handlebar Mustache is an unsplicable face item which was added as part
of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10830|Wind|10829|163|||This sheet will play a Mexican Trumpet note for you - a
half-step higher note than Sheet Music: Mexican Trumpet - as long you aren't in
range of a boombox. Put it in different places for different pitches!|The Sheet
Music: Sharp Mexican Trumpet is a splicable sheet music background block which was
added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week 2021 on May 5, 2021.|5|1||
10758|Wind|||||Great for showing everyone all the amazing things you have to offer!
Also just great fun to be around.|||2||
10280|Fire|||||A proud looking Eagle Statue! This eagle is very much not bald! Look
at its fluffy little feathered face!|The Eagle Statue is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block that was added as part of the Thanksgiving Week 2020 update on
November 19, 2020.||0||
10336|None|||Your eyes are quite warm and really dark!|Everything looks so much
cooler!|Need some eyedrops for those? This is a Black Friday exclusive version!|||
0|Punch Range : Black Burning Eyes|
10864|None|||||You shouldn't be able to read this, you sneaky person, you.|DUMB G4G
Gold is an unobtainable component which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on
April 15, 2021.||0||
10796|None|||||A great honor, bestowed on the leading Grow4Good Ambassador's!|The
Grow4Good Ambassador's Sash of Honor is an unsplicable shirt item which was added
as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10520|None|||||A one stop shop for looking a bit like a Gingerbread Man... if
that's what you want!|The Gingerbread Man Onesie is an unsplicable shirt item that
was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||0||
10344|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive shirt! If you've ever wanted a shirt with a
sort of vortex effect on it, then you're in luck|The Vortex Shirt is an unsplicable
shirt item that was introduced as part of Black Friday 2020 update on November 27,
10608|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Dog
are loyal and honest, amiable and kind, cautious and prudent. They have a strong
sense of loyalty and sincerity. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie
trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|The 2018 - Zodiac
Year of the Dog is an unspliceable hand item which was added as a part of Lunar New
Year 2021.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Dog|
10340|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive hoodie! Looks really comfortable, prefect
for lounging around and grabbing a bargain in the sales|The Tie Dye Hoodie is an
unsplicable shirt item that was introduced as part of Black Friday 2020 update on
November 27, 2020.||0||
10790|Earth|||||Display with pride this badge to show off your contribution in the
Grow4Good charity drive.|Grow4Good Badge Silver is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10110|None|||||A totally non creepy mask give those facial muscles a rest when you
want everyone to know you are feeling like totally Cool Shades all day!|The
Growmoji Cool Shades Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7.||0||
10892|None|||Majestically floating like a pineapple!|Outta Juice!|Shine like the
mighty pineapple! Pineapples are not known for their iridescent qualities normally,
so you know this one is special!|The Pineapple Aura is a back item that was added
as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||0|Double Jump : Pineapple
10666|None|||Inflate and I won't be late!|Going dowwwwwwwn!|Go anywhere the wind
takes you with your very own hot air balloon! The balloon style changes when you
equip it. So, may you find the balloon that's just right for you!|||0|Double Jump &
Slowfall : Grow Air Balloon|
10844|None|||||To cook this recipe you will need the
Chunk<CR>Lettuce<CR>Seasoning:<CR><CR>Salt<CR>Pepper<CR>Process:<CR><CR>Add Tomato,
Onion, and Dough to an oven on Low heat. While the Dough is still hot, add Fish
Chunk. Add the seasonings and wait until cooked all the way through. When fully
cooked, add Lettuce and immediately remove from the oven.<CR>Timings may vary so
you will need to experiment.|Cooking Recipe - Homemade Fish Taco is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week on April 15, 2021.||0||
10412|None|||Behold the true Diamond form!|Back to normal...|This locket filled
with Diamond dust has the power to transform all who wear it! Tradable since April
25th, 2021.|||0|Diamond Dust|
10096|None|191|4733|||A healthy, rosy glow for your Growtopian. Add a little colour
to your face with these.|Rosy Cheeks is a splicable face item that was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 7 on August 23, 2020.|28|0||
10910|Wind|||||Glass that has been stained with real pineapple juice. Also boasts a
pineapple design adorning the middle.|The Stained Glass Pineapple is an unsplicable
background block that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3,
10954|None|||Set to stun!|Set to none!|A curious critter from outer space! A super
agile Space Mouse, perfect for solo infiltration missions. Wrench yourself and
choose Transform to transform!|The Space Mouse is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Double Jump & Punch
Range: Space Mouse|
10326|Earth|||||A very spooky gift, looks like it might be useful for something
though.|The Spooky Gift is an unsplicable component that was added as part of
Halloween Week 2020.||2||
10276|None|||||A copper dress, turned green with time! Symbolizes liberty and
enlightenment... also looks awesome! Feels like it's part of a set somehow?|The
Dress of Enlightenment is an unsplicable shirt item that was introduced as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0||
10346|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive beanie! it's like a regular beanie but too
big, so it slouches at the back... or maybe that's how you wanted it?|The Slouch
Beanie is an unsplicable hat item that was introduced as part of Black Friday 2020
update on November 27, 2020.||0||
10286|Fire|||||It's Thanksgiving in Growtopia! Celebrate in Celebrity Hills where
dreams are made! This weather machine will let everyone know how glamorous you
are!|The Weather Machine - Celebrity Hills is an unsplicable non-solid weather
machine foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||2||
10322|Earth|||||Some very spooky rags, looks like they might be useful for
something though.|||2||
10334|None|||Black Demonic Blade!|Unarmed!|A sword forged from the tail of a mighty
demon... only this version is a Black Friday exclusive!|||0|Punch Power : Black
Balrog's Tail|
10284|None|||||If you've ever had the burning desire to dress as a juicy, flamed
grilled burger, dripping in the perfect combination of ketchup, mustard, crispy
lettuce and a lightly toasted bun... then this is for you! Now I'm hungry!|The
Burger Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Thanksgiving
Week 2020.||0||
10324|Earth|||||A very spooky box, looks like it might be useful for something
though.|The Spooky Box is a component that was added as part of Halloween Week
10274|None|||||A copper crown, turned green with time! Symbolizes liberty and
enlightenment... also looks awesome! Feels like it's part of a set somehow?|The
Crown of Enlightenment is an unsplicable hat item that was introduced as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0||
10328|Earth|||||An offering fit for a king or a demon!|The Dark King's Offering is
a component that was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.||2||
10228|Earth|||||A lovely assortment of delicious Mooncakes straight from the oven!|
The Mooncake Bundle is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2020 on September 24, 2020.||1||
10342|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive pair of hightops! Black and neon is pretty
much the perfect combo isn't it?|The Black Neon Hightops is an unsplicable feet
item that was introduced as part of Black Friday 2020 update on November 27,
10288|None|||Extinguish those flames!|Stopped, for now!|They are very cute until
they get angry! This little furry guy stands as tribute to all of those who lost
their lives in Australian Wild Fires. They will always be remembered.|The
JackBowe's Koala is an unsplicable hand item which was added on November 1, 2020.||
0|Fire Hose : JackBowe's Koala|
10332|None|||Oh lots of fancy numbers!|Too much weird maths!|A Black Friday
exclusive aura! Numbers falling, time collapsing into itself, just another day in
Growtopia then!|||0|Double Jump : Matrix Aura|
10578|None|||Fire burns within you!|Extinguished!|A traditional and ancient weapon.
Cast of molten steel, this fiery lance, from a fiery furnace, wreaks fiery fury
with every attack! There are only 500 in existence!|Mystic Battle Lance is a hand
item that was added as part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Build Range & Punch Damage :
Mystic Battle Lance|
10316|Wind|||||Perfectly scary windows... some say on the darkest nights spooky
figures appear for the blink of an eye! Are you brave to punch it and turn on the
lights?|The Spooky Window is a unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed
animated foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.|6|2||
10452|Earth|||||This mighty machine has run out of fuel, and now lies dormant.|The
Used Diamond Builders Bonanza is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which
was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||2||
10318|Earth|||||A Turkey Feather, thats about it really. Not really too useful on
it's own.|||2||
10240|Earth|||||Lovely hat fluff! For making a special hat.|The Fluff is an
unsplicable component that was added as part of Harvest Festival 2020.||2||
10580|None|||||The ox is the second of the zodiac animals. Limited only to the year
of the ox! Myth has it, that the order of the Zodiac Animals, was determined by a
race. The mighty ox, adept on land, and water, was leading until a sneaky rat
jumped on it's back as they crossed the line, unfairly, winning the race!|The Year
of the Ox Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Lunar New
Year 2021.||0|Year of the Ox mask: Sparkles|
10556|Earth|||||The perfect vinyl record, never scratches! Pretend to be a rockstar
and hang loads of them up to impress your friends.|The Retro Record Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2021
on January 7, 2021.||2||
10988|Earth|||||Although highly debatable, this is the most delicious incarnation
of the humble pizza. If you happen to disagree, call 30912.|Pineapple Pizza Slice
is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Super Pineapple Party Week
2021 on June 3, 2021.||0||
11000|None|||Reporting Live!|Ran out of tape!|Reporting live from Growtopia for
Channel G News!|The Channel G News Van is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Channel G News
10780|None|||Demonic blade.|Unarmed.|Display your generosity for all to see while
you earn those big gems!|||0|Punch Damage: Giving Growaxe|
10564|None|||||Strut your stuff in this 1980's inspired look: The perfect day/night
combination!|The White Suit Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2021 on January 7, 2021.||0||
10960|None|||Set to stun!|Set to none!|A curious critter from outer space! Ready
for action with a hop, skip and a jump! Wrench yourself and choose Transform to
transform!|The Space Rabbit is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Space Rabbit|
10572|Water|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards,
and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust in your dry, bitter fist. December
2020!|The Rollback Plaque VIII is a solid foreground block which was added as part
of the eighth Rollback. The block could be made by splicing a Cave Background Seed
with a Sign Seed during the Apology Weekend that commenced on 3 January 2021.|1|2||
10026|None|||||Nothing keeps you both warm and stylish like a living breathing
Axolotl scarf! So cute, so warm,<CR>which is weird as Axolotl's are actually cold
blooded!|The Axolotl Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2020 Day 1.||0||
10598|Earth|||||Build your own Growtopian Terracotta Army! Something makes me think
these guys come to life when you're not looking. Creepy.|||1||
10576|None|||The flames and your soul combine!|Human, all too human!|The flames of
a Draconic presence imbue you with power! The flames burn into your very soul, you
are starting to become one with the Draconic kind! There are only 500 in
existance!|The Draconic Soul Aura is an unsplicable chest item that was added as
part of Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Double Jump: Draconic Soul Aura|
10102|None|||||Pharoah's style beard complete with a golden cuff to give that air
of greatness that anyone with this sort of beard deserves!|The Golden Cuff Beard is
an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2020
Day 7.||0||
10438|None|||Move with the speed and grace of a Snow Leopard!|Move as slowly as a
lazy Growtopian!|Made of the finest Faux Snow Leopard Fur. This Shawl is infused
with the spirit of a mighty Snow Leopard!|The Snow Leopard Shawl is a back item
that was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0|Speedy : Snow Leopard Shawl|
10444|Fire|||||A traditional Christmas display in Sweden and equally at home in
Growtopia! Punch to light up even the coldest winter nights.|||1||
10428|None|||||Wear your balloons with pride! Show your fellow Growtopians your
love of Balloon Warz and indeed, water balloons!|The Water Balloon Bandolier is an
unsplicable chest item that was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2020 on December
10, 2020.||0||
10214|None|||||Perfect for celebrating the spooky season while also commanding a
spaceship!|The Lost Startopian Helmet is an unsplicable hair item that was added as
part of Halloween Week 2020.||0||
10414|None|||||An olden days hat for sleeping, because, for some reason you wore a
hat to bed back then!|The Sleepy Santa Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of WinterFest 2020 on December 17, 2020.||0||
10388|None|||Dangerous Fish Activate!|As dangerous as a Goldfish!|If you're angling
for a sharp pointy fish to use as a sword, then, this is the one for you! The only
thing mightier is the Penfish!|The Swordfish Sword is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of Brr-lloon Warz 2020 on December 10, 2020.||0|Punch
Damage: Swordfish Sword!|
10424|None|||A rift in time, here I come!|Gravity pulling you down again?|Rip a
hole in the fabric of reality with this amazing Cape! Create two unique looks and
use a rift in time and space to change between them. Wrench yourself to customize
the Cape. This item is available to buy for 2 days only and then will become
available from a new Winterfest system afterwards. To avoid refund fraud, this item
has been made untradeable until May 1st, 2021.|||0|Double Jump: Rift Cape!|
10440|None|||||Wherever you go, you'll always be rocking the windswept look!|The
Winter Swept Hair is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of the Pre-
WinterFest 2020 update on December 3, 2020.||0||
10416|None|||||Rudolph the red nosed reindeer might have had a very shiny nose, but
you've got light up antlers... so you win!|The Light Up Antlers is an unsplicable
hat item which was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0||
10442|None|||Get ready to get festive!|The party is over!|Get ready to spread some
winter cheer! You'll be spreading cheer and lights with some vigor with this
launcher equipped! Perfect for last minute decorations!|The Winter Light Launcher
is an unsplicable hand item which was added on December 3, 2020.||0|Punch Range :
Winter Light Launcher!|
10410|Wind|||||A lock of legend! A new world awaits those who use it! Placing the
lock will change the weather to something, well, legendary!|The Legendary Lock is
an unsplicable solid lock foreground block which was added as part of the
WinterFest 2020 update on December 17, 2020.||10||
10464|Wind|||||A life ring made of diamond probably isn’t really very effective,
but looks lovely hung on the wall!|The Diamond Life Ring is an unsplicable non-
solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020 update on
December 3, 2020.||1||
10408|None|||Get your Kramp on|Kramped out!|Some Crampons which are so cold they
even freeze acid... a bit!|The Krampus Crampons is an unsplicable feet item which
was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 on December 17, 2020.||0|Acid Proof|
10434|None|||||Wear your team colors proudly with this snazzy Jersey.|Team Tied
Jersey - Build is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Brr-lloon
Warz 2020 update.||0||
10386|Earth|||||For giving Growganoth a few gems, it has rewarded you with vast
power beyond imagining! Or, perhaps, a random Halloween item. Opening this is
equivalent to feeding an item of rarity 75 into the Maw of Growganoth. What you
will get is random, so don't open this unless you're ready to be surprised!|The
Gift of Growganoth is a consumable that was added as part of Halloween Week 2020.
When consumed, it has a chance to drop the same item as sacrificing a rarity 75
item into the Maw of Growganoth. It also has a chance to drop the following
10426|None|||Mystic tails propel me!|A fox no more!|There are many tales about this
many tailed fox! Wearing the tail allows you to change your form into that of the
mystic fox of legend itself!|||0|Double-Jump: Mystic Snow Fox!|
10430|None|||||Wear your team colors proudly with this snazzy Jersey.|Team Tied
Jersey - Punch is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of Brr-lloon
Warz 2020 update.||0||
10392|None|||Water Pistols at dawn!|Out of H2O no!|Two water pistols mounted to
each side of this hat, will provide more than enough water power to cool off anyone
or anything!|The Water Gun Hat is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of
Brr-lloon Warz 2020.||0|Punch Range: Water Gun Hat!|
10418|None|||||A perfect replica of Growch's nose! Well, it would be a bit mean if
it was his real one, wouldn't it!|The Growch's Nose is an unsplicable face item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2020.||0||
10422|None|||||Someone's been eating all the mince pies! Who? You!|The Nick's Belly
is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the WinterFest 2020 update
on December 17, 2020.||0||
10448|Earth|||||Winterfest 2020 was a bright and beautiful season, and this
calendar marked the occasion with joys and gifts! Now that it's empty, you won't be
getting anymore presents, but it can still be used as a lovely decoration.|||1||
10396|Earth|||||A Black Friday Gift awaits you! It's what Black Friday is all
about!|The Black Friday Black Box is an unsplicable consumable that was added as
part of Black Friday 2020 on November 27, 2020. It can be obtained from purchasing
an in-app purchase in the Growtopia Store during Black Friday.||1||
10462|Earth|||||If Pineapples used to be a way of showing off how rich you were,
then this is ultimate show off Pineapple!|The Diamond Pineapple is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2020
update on December 3, 2020.||1||
10956|None|||Set to stun!|Set to none!|A curious critter from outer space! Ever
loyal and always ready to lend a hand when times are tough. Wrench yourself and
choose Transform to transform!|The Space Dog is an unsplicable hand item which was
added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Double Jump & Punch
Range: Space Dog|
10926|None|||||Cool horns to wear on your head. Perfect for all occasions. Chosen
by albedos, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for May, 2021!|The Horn Headband
is an unsplicable hat item which was added as June 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item
on June 2, 2021.||0||
10912|Water|||||Takes you back to the good old days when pineapples were used for
everything, including playing records. The records tend to get a bit sticky but
produces great sound.|The Pineapple Record Player is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable animated block that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on
June 3, 2021.||2||
10802|None|||3 Hats, free hats, yay... hats!!|That's enough hats!|Go big or go
home! Why wear just one hat when you can wear three at a time! No matter how many
hats you throw you still have 3 on your head... It's basically magic!|The Sombrero
Assault is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Cinco De Mayo Week
2021 on May 5, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Sombrero Assault|
10978|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10998|None|||Nothing to see here!|Nothing to see there!|Is that a UFO I see? It's
just a weather balloon, or so we're told... suspicious!|The Suspicious Weather
Balloon is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Aliens update on
November 14, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Suspicious Weather Balloon|
10962|Earth|||||Wrench this block to change the color and pattern! Sponsored by
Kranken.|The Kranken's Galactic Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The item was
formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10588|None|||||Strong, hardy and reliable! This item has all the attributes of
those who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Ox!|The Oxen Battle Shirt is an
unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of the Lunar New Year 2021 update on
February 4, 2021.||0||
10886|None|||You are now a pineapple ninja!|Back to the shadows of the pineapple!|
The ancient art of throwing the Pineapple Chakram has been passed down from
generation to generation. Now it falls to you to carry the tradition.|The Pineapple
Chakram is an unsplicable hand item which was added part of Super Pineapple Party
Week 2021 on June 3, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Pineapple Chakram|
10908|Earth|||||Legend has it that the Knights of the Pineapple used to sit around
a table just like this one.|The Pineapple Table is an unsplicable platform block
that was added as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||0||
10698|Earth|||||Perfectly suited to St Patrick's Day and, indeed, any time you want
to rock some shamrock lights!|The Shamrock Lights is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of St. Patrick's Week 2021 on March 11,
10436|None|||||I'm sure you'll agree that these are a wonderful pair of Dungarees,
Chosen by Nabsplays, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for November, 2020!|
Dungarees is an unsplicable chest item that was added on December 3, 2020.||0||
10272|Fire|||||Whizzed up Sweet Potato. Smooth and lump free, just how we like it!|
The Sweet Potato Mash is an unsplicable component item that was introduced in
Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0||
10278|None|||For freedom and liberty!|Until next time...|A copper torch turned
green with time! Symbolizes liberty and enlightenment... also, basically, a cool
flame thrower! Feels like it's part of a set somehow?|The Torch of Enlightenment is
an unsplicable hand item that was introduced as part of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0|
Punch Damage & Light Source : Torch of Enlightenment|
10294|Fire|||||So fat, so tender, so expensive!!|||5||
10296|None|||||Keep safe with this stylish face mask. Chosen by AppleJuz, this is
the Monthly Subscriber's Item for October, 2020!|The Neon Oni Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added on November 1, 2020.||0||
10602|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Goat
(also known as the Year of the Sheep or Ram) are creative and have great artistic
talent. They are easy-going and have good manners and charm. They are also
sensitive and compassionate, want to make everyone happy and will avoid
confrontation, prefering peace and quiet. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune
Cookie trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|2015 -
Zodiac Year of the Goat is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Tiger|
10594|None|||Be more Ox!|A little less Ox!|A mystic golden charm. Both ancient and
ageless, this is said to instill the work ethic of the Ox in whoever should wear
it!|The Golden Ox Pendant is an unsplicable chest item that was added as part of
Lunar New Year 2021.||0|Build Range: Golden Ox Pendant|
10330|None|||May you have the blackest of Fridays!|Weekend is over!|A Black Friday
exclusive Crown! Some kind of evil dark spirit must have infested this crown... on
the upside, it does look awesome and it gives you some special powers.|||0|Punch
Damage & Punch Range: Shadow Crown|
10188|None|||Sprouts, sprouts and away!|No more gas!|Get your Ghoul on! A mystery
gas surrounds you and elevates you skyward... not sure where this gas comes
from?!|||0|Double Jump: Ghoulish Wings!|
10262|None|||||A rod of such great finery!|The Thanksgiving Dinner Fishing Rod is
an unspliceable fishing rod hand item which was added on Thanksgiving Week 2020.||
10248|None|||Going coast to coast!|Oh no, you've got a flat tire!|A rapid, revving,
recreation vehicle! Sit atop this automotive icon cruise from coast to coast in
comfort and style!|The Riding RV is an unsplicable feet item which was added as a
part of the Thanksgiving Week 2020 update on November 19, 2020.||0|Speedy: Riding
10292|None|||I'm gonna get you, sucka!|Need to exhale a litte!|GrowTech's latest
innovation in Turkey capture, containment and cooking! Use the suction beam to
collect and cook Turkeys. WARNING: This item is still experimental, so, it can
break. Although, when it does, sometimes you get something special.|||0|AVIAN
SUCTION : Turkey Sucker|
10252|None|||MVP PAYDAY...|Unknown|Call the plays, be the Quarterback, get involved
in some serious contact sport with this Jersey! Earn some Quarterback's money with
this equipped. You are the MVP, maybe even the GOAT... but not the Llama!|The
American Sports Ball Jersey is an unspliceable shirt item which was added as a part
of Thanksgiving Week 2020.||0|Extra Gems...|
10994|None|||Scratch! Attack!|Tired out!|What a strange little creature this is,
seems friendly enough though... I think!|The Unknown Space Pet is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|
Punch Damage: Unknown Space Pet|
10982|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10970|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10968|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10980|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
10966|Earth||||| A pattern for Krankens block, shouldn't be something a player cant
ever have!!|The Krankens Patterns are unobtainable non-solid foreground blocks
which were added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on July 29, 2021. The items
were formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date when the event arrived.||2||
11056|Wind|||||Sit down and relax at your favorite summer bar.|The Tropical Bar
Stool is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block that was added as part of
SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||1||
11212|None|||||A skirt made out of the best fabric in Indonesia!|The Indonesian
Skirt is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11006|None|||My soul is awakened!|I need soul food now!|A power awakens in your
soul. The scythe comes to life and you bend its will to your command! You are at
one with the weapon, use it wisely!|||0|Punch Damage + Speedy: Soul Scythe|
11240|None|||Powered up with love!|Just normal love now!|Shoot sunflower seeds out
of this all new Gatling gun!|The Seed Gatling Gun is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0|Punch Range:
Seed Gatling Gun|
11168|None|||Run with the breeze!|Cloud Burst!|Bringing the sky to the ground!|The
Riding Cloud is an unsplicable and untradable feet item that was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 3 on August 25, 2021.||0|Speedy : Riding Cloud|
11184|None|||||Everyone knows that blue is the best color, it's been proven by
science!|The Cartoon Glove Hat Blue is an unsplicable hat item which was added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11290|None|||I have the POWER!!|I had the Power!|The famous cape of the Robot Lord,
whether its just walking or punching, see why this cape is considered the most
powerful by many!|||0|Punch Damage : Robot Lord Cape|
11316|None|||Fatal terror!|Free to breathe again!|Wow this staff is hot! Made from
the deepest, most molten lava, and cursed with a little evil magic.|The Skull of
Burning Horrors is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Halloween
Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Skull of Burning Horrors|
11004|None|||||A classy, brassy staff! Chosen by erwinher, this is the Monthly
Subscriber's Item for June, 2021!|The Brass Staff is an unsplicable hand item which
was added as July 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item on July 2, 2021.||0||
11326|None|||Come sail away to the after party!|Wet Feet!|This boat was once used
to transport the ghosts of the dead to the underworld!|The Ferryman of the
Underworld is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Voucher Dayz
update on October 29, 2021. The item was formally introduced on October 30, 2021,
the date when the event arrived.||0||
11024|None|||||Thankfully, these are lined, otherwise, it might be a little bit
spikey!|The Pegasus Pants is an unsplicable pants item that was added as part of
the Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||0||
11394|None|||||Heard this is a pretty popular fashion sense nowadays!|The
Growtopian Bean is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Black
Friday 2021 on November 26, 2021.||0||
11362|None|||||A fancy shirt made for fans of singing!|The Barbershop Quartet Shirt
is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on
November 18, 2021.||0||
11078|None|||Cute Out!!|Cute In!|One of the cutest mutants ever! There are 3 to
find and if you're reading this, you've found at least one! Well done!|||0|Cute
Mutant Wonky : Punch Range|
11152|None|||||Look as cool as an Alaskan winter in this Crown!|The Alaskan Crab
Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11278|Earth|||||Plant fields of rice crops behind you!|The Rice Crop Wallpaper is
an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on
September 16, 2021.||1||
11140|None|||Fists of fury - Activate!!|No more punchy punchy!|Step up and aboard
the Legendary Destroyer and command the ultimate machine. Your legendary status is
assured when you pilot this magnificent mech!|The Legendary Destroyer is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day
5 on August 27, 2021.||0|Punch Damage : Legendary Destroyer|
11038|Fire|||||An artifact from the past dug up in the sand. Smash it for a change
of ancient Phoenix items from the past! Phoenix items will only be available to
claim from this item during SummerFest.|||1||
11116|None|||Spikes and Sparkles!|No longer shiny!|A crown of pure crystal. The
power of the crystalline spirit courses through your very being and gives you
unimaginable power!|||0|Punch Damage + Punch Power: Crystal Crown|
11354|None|||On with the parade!|Clean up time!|Celebrate these festive times with
a parade! Yahoo!|The Turkey Float is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0|Speedy|
11142|None|||Dominate the night!|Your watch is over!|An Owl, truly, of legend! The
stories of this mythical guardian are as old as time itself. Your bravery and
effort have been rewarded in the most legendary way!|The Legendary Owl is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day
5 on August 27, 2021.||0|Double Jump + Speedy: Legendary Owl|
11074|Earth|||||A key to a mysterious treasure! This key is for Clash Series 4,
running from Summer Clash 2021 through Spring Clash 2022. After three seasons,
those who collect at least 10 of these keys will be able to open a special treasure
chest. Make sure you have enough - just one won't do it!|||0||
11306|None|||Ahoy! A cruisin' we shall go!|Land lubbers!|Traverse the land in
effortless glory with this carapace carriage.|||0|Punch Damage: Clam Cruiser|
11428|Earth|||||Stop by this fast food place!|The Takeaway Joint is an unsplicable
background block which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14,
11060|None|||||Show your love to the one cooking all that wonderful food on the
barbecue!|The Kiss the Cook Apron is an unsplicable chest item which was added as a
part of SummerFest 2021 on June 8, 2021.||0||
11084|None|||Dragon Flame!!|Drag-gone!|Imbued with the soul of the Dragon
dispatched by Beowulf himself. Handle with care and hope that Beowulf doesn't want
it back any time soon!|||0|Punch Damage : Beowulf's Blade|
11320|None|||Way to goat man!|De-goated!|The very essence of a Legendary Mayan
Beast! The literal translation is Sorcerer-Goat but Waay Chivo is waaaaay scarier!|
The Waay Chivo Skull is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0||
11444|Wind|||||It's Pizza Time!|The Pizza Sign is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14,
11408|Wind|||||No matter how advanced a species is, they all require signs. Nobody
knows everything!|The Space Station Sign is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11186|Wind|||||Catch the attention of your friends with the sign that's probably
using a whole lot of electricity!|The Digital Sign is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 1 on
August 23, 2021.||1||
11102|None|||||This is not actually Beowulf's Shirt. It's a perfect replica made in
modern fabrics and sporting a comfy yet refined style. Perfect for both the office
and cave.|||0||
11330|Earth|||||Tired of running? Take a break with the help of this undead hand!|
The Zombie Hand Chair is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was
added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.|18|1||
11502|None|||||Wear these sweet shades as you cruise trough the season in style!|
The Candy Cane Shades is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11476|Earth|||||An Xtreme Black Friday Gift awaits you! It's what Black Friday is
all about!|The Black Friday Black Box Xtreme is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of Black Friday 2021 on November 26, 2021.||1||
11118|None|||Slashing at the speed of sound!|I shealth my blade!|Slash your way to
victory and cut through time itself! Also...Sheath it on your back when you're not
fighting to leave your hands free. Handy!|The Sonic Buster Katana is an unsplicable
hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 4 on August
26, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Sonic Buster Katana|
11478|None|||A rift in time, here I come!|Gravity pulling you down again?|Rip a
hole in the fabric of reality with these amazing Waings! Create two unique looks
and use a rift in time and space to change between them. Wrench yourself to
customise the Wings. This item is available to buy for 2 weekends in December 2021
and is available from a Winterfest system. To avoid refund fraud, this item has
been made untradeable until 1st May 2022.|||0|Double Jump: Rift Wings!|
11372|Wind|||||No school like the old school!|The Vintage Jukebox is an unsplicable
non-solid toggleable animated block that was added as part of Thanksgiving Week
2021 on November 18, 2021.||2||
11016|None|||Have dark dark dark faith!|Unknown.|A fine cape, or is it a cloak?
Great for an assassin or anyone wanting to look edgy and cool at the same time.|The
Dark Assassin's Cape is an unsplicable back item that was added as part of the
Voucher Dayz update on June 25, 2021.||0|Double Jump: Dark Assassin's Cape|
11466|None|||Antler seen nothing yet!|De-horned!|A pair of enchanted antlers that
glow as you punch! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until
May 2nd, 2022.|||0|Punch Range: Aura Antlers|
11434|Earth|||||It's time! Well this clock is broken, so it's always a time!|The
Street Clock is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part
of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0||
11610|Earth||||| Wonder at the architecture of the interior of the Persian palace!|
The Prince of Persia: Palace Background is an unsplicable background block which
was added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||0||
11488|None|||||Hair spun from the glaciers of the north! It's worth? Vast. Its
beauty? Chilling. Your look? Cool..|The Ice Shard Hair is an unsplicable hair item
which was added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11274|None|||||Trick people into think you're asleep with this mask!|The Sleepy
Bear Hood is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11382|None|||Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'|Back to boring walking!|Get radical! These
light up roller skates, now in black, put the party in every step you take and add
the monochrome to every move you make! Great for a /dance.|||0|Speedy : Black
Radical Rollers|
11656|Earth|||||A rare fragment of the earth known for bringing good fortune!|The
Lucky Golden Ingot is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Lunar
New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||2||
11008|None|||Run with the phoenix!|No more flame in your set!|This armor has risen
from the ashes of a fallen empire. Only 500 of them in existence in all of
Growtopia!|The Phoenix Armor is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of
SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||0|Speedy : Phoenix Armor |
11392|Wind|||||A vortex trapped inside a block.|The Vortex Block is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Black Friday 2021 on November
26, 2021.||3||
11698|Fire|||||Climb to the top of tower with the enchanted power of golden
extensions!|The Towering Hair is an unsplicable platform foreground block added as
part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||1||
11238|None|||Rising not falling!|Falling not rising!|Not only do these wings let
you fly, but you can also fire feathers made out of leaves from your wings!|The
Fall Wings is an unsplicable back item added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on
September 16, 2021.||0|Double Jump : Fall Wings|
11510|None|||||Traverse through the world of Growtopia with these exotic wings!
Chosen by KinsGT, this is the Monthly Subscriber's item for November, 2021!|||0||
11036|Earth|||||What might be inside, my fair feathered friend? Use it on yourself
to find out!|The Pegasus Chest is an unsplicable consumable that was added as part
of the Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||2||
11180|None|||||Need a friend? Need a balloon? Why not both? Buddy Balloon is always
there to (literally) lift your spirits!|The Buddy Balloon is a hand item which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11252|Fire|||||All it takes to set up a campfire is to place down one of these
cradles and punch it to light it up!|The Firewood Cradle is an unsplicable non-
solid toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||1||
11380|None|||Raining Black Rainbows|Somewhere over the...|The most rainbow'y
rainbow bow of all the rainbows bows ever created by the rainbow bowyer... Now in
Black! If you like rainbows, but tend to be a bit edgy, then this bow is the
rainbow for you!|||0|Punch Range : Black Bow of the Rainbow|
11068|Water|||||Mmm, refreshing!|The Coconut Mocktail is an unsplicable consumable
that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||0||
11178|None|337|683|||Not everyone has straight hair, some of us have curly!|The
Curly Hair is a splicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11166|None|||||The wind isn't pushing you back, the scarf is just flowing in
style!|The Seafoam Scarf is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 2 on August 24, 2021.||0||
11286|Water|||||This pastry is filled with a sweet bean taste. "Unity" is imprinted
on the top in ancient Growtopian script. Mix this with other Mooncakes in a
Laboratory or E-Z Cook Oven to create special Harvest Festival items.|The Unity
Mooncake is an unsplicable consumable which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11360|None|||||A fancy hat made for fans of singing!|The Barbershop Quartet Hat is
an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on
November 18, 2021.||0||
11346|Wind|||||If there was one instrument that's known to give people the chills,
its this one!|The Organ Piano is an unsplicable toggleable multi-framed animated
foreground block which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21,
11552|None|||Guardians assemble.|Going it alone.|Guard the kingdom heroically with
this mighty armor! Only the bravest knights were given this royal armor!|||0|Punch
Range + Double Jump: Royal Guardian Armor|
11270|Wind|||||A sunflower-themed pinwheel.|The Sunflower Pinwheel is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Harvest Festival
11258|None|||||Sunflower petals as shoulder pads, 'nough said!|The Masculine
Sunflower Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2021.||0||
11050|None|||Rising with the light of the aura.|The light has faded.|The Growtopian
Eye has evolved to see more of the light spectrum than some creatures, which allows
them to see this beautiful Ultraviolet Aura. Warning: Ultraviolet Radiation is the
what causes sunburn. Prolonged exposure is not advised and don't forget to wear
your hat and sunscreen.|The Ultraviolet Aura is an unspliceable back item that was
added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||0|Double Jump: Ultraviolet Aura|
11578|None|283|2991|||This shirt will ensure you're the coolest pal in town!!|The
Party Polka Shirt is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.|12|0||
11586|Wind|||||Prince of Persia! Place this ancient lock and transport to the world
of the Prince of Persia!|||10||
11440|None|||The mystic power compels you!|The mystic power dissipates!|A magical
bow forged from mystical artifacts of unknown origin.|||0|Punch Range: Mystic Bow|
11364|None|||||A fancy pair of pants made for fans of singing!|The Barbershop
Quartet Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Thanksgiving
Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0||
11504|None|||To festivity and beyond!|Back from beyond!|Not only do these wings let
you fly, they also light up as your make your way across town!|The Fairy Light
Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of the Voucher Dayz
update on December 1, 2021. The item was formally introduced on December 3, 2021,
the date when the event arrived.||0|Fairy Light Wings : Double Jump!|
11048|None|||Glide through the air with the greatest of ease!|Back down to earth!|
Everyone loves drones. So why not strap a few straight onto your shoulders and
glide trough the air. Can't actually carry the full weight of a growtopian so it's
not much good for flying.|The Summer Glider is an unsplicable chest item which was
added as part of SummerFest 2021 on June 8, 2021.||0|Double Jump + Slow Fall:
Summer Glider|
11100|None|||||This is not actually Beowulf's pants. It's a perfect replica made in
modern fabrics and sporting a comfy yet refined style. Perfect for both the office
and cave.|||0||
11568|Wind|||||Bring some colour to the disco world!|The Polka-Dot Ball is an
unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||2||
11554|None|||Hammer time!|Dropped the hammer!|Brawlhalla! Take the form of Bodvar,
The Unconquered Viking of Brawlhalla and place yourself as one of Valhalla's
greatest champions! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable
until 6th June, 2022.|||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Bodvar!|
11214|None|||||A blousemade out of the best fabric in Indonesia!|The Indonesian
Blouse is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11244|None|||Blooming Awesome!|Wilted!|Use this crystal to plant flowers wherever
you go... for a short period of time!|The Crystal of Hoa is an unsplicable hat item
which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021. It was only
made obtainable from September 18, 2021 onwards.||0|Punch Damage & Punch Power :
Crystal of Hoa!|
11318|None|||Let your spirits soar!|You feel like yourself again!|Rumours say this
mystical scarf has been known for taking over the body of those who wear it. Only
the fearless dare to take the chance!|The Possessing Scarf is an unsplicable chest
item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0|Double
Jump + Slow Fall: Possessing Scarf|
11436|None|||||Like a happy vigilante mask but you can't see anything when you wear
it! Chosen by Gladehart, this is the Monthly Subscriber's item for October,
11054|Water|||||A tropical bar fully stocked with all the latest and greatest
mocktails and juices.|The Tropical Bar is an unsplicable background block that was
added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||1||
11224|None|||||The kind of hairstyle that ends up in a yearbook photo.|The Safety
First Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 4 on August 26, 2021.||0||
11144|None|||||You "shore" look good in these!|The Purple Shore Crab Headband is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5
on August 27, 2021.||0||
11014|None|||||A dark vest indeed. It's so dark you have to have lights on the
closet to find it.|The Dark Assassin's Vest is an unsplicable shirt item that was
added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on June 25, 2021.||0||
11114|None|||||Dress as your favorite, super cute, mutant pet! It's not Gross Out;
it's Cute Out!|The Cute Mutant Boogle Onesie Hood is an unsplicable hair item which
was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event update on August 6, 2021.||0||
11156|Fire|||||A chest filled with some classic Growmoji's. These Growmoji's were
previously only available with the monthly packs.|The Growmoji Chest is an
unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||1||
11680|None|||||A lovely rose necktie.|The Formal Rose Necktie is an unsplicable
chest item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||
11304|Earth|||||Consume to earn exclusive Royal Rewards as your level up you Grow
Pass as well as unlocking all daily bonuses and exclusive Royal Perks including
double Grow Pass Points and the ability to claim 4,000 gems per day for the entire
month. Upon consuming you will instantly receive 300 Free points towards your pass
progress as well as 4,000 gems for every day that has passed since the start of the
season.|The Royal Grow Pass Token is an unsplicable consumable introduced as part
of the Grow Pass update on October 5, 2021.||1||
11414|Fire|||||Takes you places!|The Subway Stairs is an unsplicable platform block
which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11334|Wind|||||Corrupted by the spells of an evil witch, the roof of the castle is
cracked with a purple glow of an unknown substance. Be cautious!|The Corrupted
Castle Roof is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||1||
11540|None|||||King of ugly. Kind of cool. Kind of jingly... and made of wool.|The
Jingling Jolly Jumper is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of
WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11644|None|||||The golden circlet of the famous Monkey Warrior|||0||
11460|None|||Slushy!|Hard as Ice!|A fantastic little snow cone that's always got
your back!|The Snow Cone Pet is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of
the WinterFest 2021 update on December 16, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Snow Cone Pet|
11544|None|||||Rock these flashing pair of partydactyl wings to keep the party
going!|||0|Partydactyl Wings: Double Jump|
11542|None|||Let the games begin!|Out of ink!|Pull off some cool party tricks with
this crazy Yo-Yo!|The Neon Party Yo-Yo is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0|Neon Party Yo-Yo: Punch
11604|Earth|||||Admire the views of the caves of Persia!|The Prince of Persia: Cave
Background is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of UbiWeek
2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||0||
11426|Wind|||||How nice, the aliens decided to set up signs greeting us!|The
Greeting Earthlings Sign is an unsplicable sign which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11042|Water|||||A fragment of pure blue light, crystallized into a block.|The Ultra
Blue Neptune Fragment is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as
part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||2||
11486|None|||||A onesie so fancy it makes people think you're a waiter!|The Penguin
Onesie is an unsplicable shirt item added as part of WinterFest 2021 update on
December 16, 2021.||0||
11136|Earth|||||Where will you be transported to? Who knows? It's a mystery. Wrench
this to choose up to 5 destinations to randomly send players.|The Mystery Portal is
a non-solid foreground portal block which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 2 on August 24, 2021.||1||
11406|None|||Scanning for Landing Pods!|Scanner off!|The latest in Alien Scanning
Technology from the world renowned Growtech Labs. Wear this item when Harvesting
Trees for a chance to find an Alien Landing Pod or other Alien Block. The item is
highly experimental and will break when it does find a Landing Pod or Alien Block.|
The Alien Scanner is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0|Pod Scanner : Alien Scanner|
11368|Water|2965|955|||This pack of Grow-Cola is actually a box of gummy treats. No
one can stop you from jumping on top of these! It's a nice feeling!|The Grow-Cola
Block is a splicable solid trampoline foreground block which was added as part of
Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.|24|0||
11066|None|||||Dress up as everyone's favorite ocean Crustacean.|The Lobster Onesie
Claws is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July
8, 2021.||0||
11624|None|||Roaring Strength!|Losing Strength!|Rise up straight to the top with
these roaring pauldrons! Extend your influence with sight of the Tiger!|The Tiger
Pauldrons is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Lunar New Year
2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Build Range: Tiger Pauldrons|
11648|None|||||The shirt of the famous Monkey Warrior!|||0||
11146|None|||||Looking good Daddio! Made from 100% synthetic Crawdad|The Crawdad
Shoes is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11584|None|||||This is definitely a crown, you totally weren't standing right in
front of a confetti cannon!|The Confetti Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0||
11110|None|||||Dress as your favorite, super cute, mutant pet! It's not Gross Out;
it's Cute Out!|The Cute Mutant Plonky Onesie Hood is a hair item which was added a
part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event update on August 6, 2021.||0||
11520|Fire|||||A beautiful frozen fountain... probably shouldn't skate on it, who
knows what could happen|The Frozen Fountain is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable
multi-framed animated foreground block that was added as part of Pre-WinterFest
2021 update on December 1, 2021.||1||
11296|None|||||A stylish scarf for an exclusive set of people! Chosen by xArskax,
this is the Monthly Subscriber's item for September, 2021!|||0||
11046|None|||Hydro power!|Time to dry off!|Water is, one of tue most powerful
forces there is. Now you can have that power strapped directly to your back.|The
Hydro Cannon is an unsplicable back item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021
on July 8, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Hydro Cannon|
11138|Earth|||||Wrench this Entrance to give access to your entire friends list in
one go!|The Friends Entrance is an unsplicable door which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 1 on August 23, 2021.||1||
11096|None|||||A beard in the style of the legend himself! Obviously not his actual
beard, why would you want to glue whiskers to your face?|||0||
11324|None|||Unleash the Pharaoh's might!|Back to a common Growtopian!|Once worn by
an ancient Pharaoh, this pendant holds the souls of undead mummies. Unleash their
wrath!|The Pharaoh's Pendant is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part
of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Pharaoh's Pendant|
11506|None|||Flames rise!|Flames fall!|Release flames of fury to the realms as you
transform into a mighty dragon!|||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Mask of The Dragon|
11312|None|||Got you in my sights!|I'm all tied up!|Trap your foes with this all
new weapon made as a result of science experimenting with spiders.|The Spider
Sniper is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021
on 21 October, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Spider Sniper|
11632|Fire|||||A statue of the zodiac tiger! Growtopians born in the Year of the
Tiger are courageous, ambitious, confident, and charismatic.|The Year of The Tiger
Statue is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0||
11276|Earth|||||Build your own farmland with these crops of rice!|The Rice Crop
Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||1||
11242|None|||Now you see me!|Now you don't!|Does this hood disappear, well its all
about misdirection!|The Harvest Hood-ini is an unsplicable hat item which was added
as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0|Speedy : Harvest Hood-
11422|Earth|||||A type of grass from an unknown planet, very techno indeed!|The
Techno Grass is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of
the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11566|Earth|||||This classic piece of technology was used to tell people where the
party was!|The Party Pager Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was
added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||2||
11228|None|||||Rock On! Rock this classic hairstyle to show you're a real fan of
music!|The Old Rocker Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11162|None|||Pow! Pow! Pow!|No! No! No!!|To wield the finger gun, you must first
become the gun. Old Growtopian Proverb|The Finger Gun is an unsplicable hand item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 2 on August 24,
2021.||0|Punch Range: Finger Gun|
11028|None|||With the wind beneath your winged shoes|Slow down!|Why would a Pegasus
need shoes? Don't they have hooves? Oh well, best not to think about it and just
enjoy some feather embossed shoes|The Pegasus Shoes is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of the Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||0|Speedy :
Pegasus Shoes|
11468|None|||Sugar crash!|Sweet speed!|A candy cane hoverboard that'll help you get
around this holiday season!|The Candy Cane Cruiser is an unsplicable feet item that
was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December 1, 2021. The item
was formally introduced on December 25, 2021.||0|Speedy: Candy Cruiser|
11012|None|||Command the 7 seas!|Your feet are back on dry land!|The mighty chariot
of Neptune, pulled by the great war seahorses of the deep. Only 500 of them in
existence in all of Growtopia!|The Neptune's Chariot is an unspliceable feet item
that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||0|Speedy & Speedy in
Water: Neptune's Chariot|
11564|Wind|||||NINE YEARS! They just keep coming! We are going full on nineties
this year. So, as a thank you for your continued support, please join us in
celebrating this monumental achievement with this EXTREME 90's block!|The 9th
Anniversary Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||2||
11532|None|||Everyone wants a piece of me!|Social Misfit!|A radical stage, for
radical people having a radical time!|The Radical Stage is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0|Speedy :
Radical Stage|
11690|Fire|||||A statue of the Angel of Love.|The Cupid's Statue is an unsplicable
non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on
February 11, 2022.||0||
11448|None|||||Conceal your identity as you hide in the spaceship with this mask!|
The Space Stowaway Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||0||
11086|None|||||A Growtech produced Mecha item. This has passed rigorous health and
safety checks and is approved for medical use by all Mecha Meds.|The Mecha Med
Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Surgery Day
monthly event update on July 19, 2021. The item was formally introduced on July 30,
2021, the date Surgery Day arrived.||0||
11332|Earth|||||Corrupted by the spells of an evil witch, the castle walls are
cracked with a purple glow of an unknown substance. Be cautious!|The Corrupted
Castle is an unsplicable background block which was added as part of Halloween Week
2021 on October 21, 2021.||2||
11222|None|||||Modern day fashion requires modern day hairstyles.|The Fade Hair is
an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021
Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11650|None|||||The pants of the famous Monkey Warrior!|The Monkey Warrior's Pants
is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on
February 1, 2022.||0||
11518|Earth|||||My true love gave this to me on the first day of Christmas!|The
Partridge in a Pear Tree is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block added as part
of WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||1||
11248|None|||Time to get toasty!|Too yummy, all gone!|Use the unconventional staff
to "fire" delicious warm s'mores!|The Staff of S'mores is an unsplicable hand item
added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Staff
of S'mores|
11088|None|||||A Growtech produced Mecha item. This has passed rigorous health and
safety checks and is approved for medical use by all Mecha Meds.|The Mecha Med
Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of the Surgery Day
monthly event update on July 19, 2021. The item was formally introduced on July 30,
2021, the date Surgery Day arrived.||0||
11582|Fire|||||You would not believe how many of these guys light up the world as
you sleep.|The Fireflies In A Jar is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0||
11570|None|||||This hairstyle took the world by storm, all the popular people have
it!|That 90's Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as a part of
Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0||
11572|Earth|||||You can't be standing the ENTIRE party, why not take a seat?|||1||
11498|None|||||Show everyone that you’re the COOLEST bear in town!|The Polar Bear
Suit is an unsplicable shirt item added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16,
11288|None|||Wyvern? Why not!|I miss those wings!|Not only can you jump to the
heavens with these luxurious wings... you can also walk with them! To avoid refund
fraud, this item has been made untradeable until February 17th, 2022.|||0|Double
Jump: Wyvern Wings|
11230|Wind|||||This handy device will let you broadcast a message to ALL of
Growtopia at once! You must have Advanced Account Protection enabled in order to
use this item.|The Locke's Megaphone is an unsplicable consumable added on Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11438|None|||Get with the Glitch!|De-bugged|Get with the glitch! A digital bow for
the digital age!|The Digital Bow is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of the Voucher Dayz update on November 12, 2021.||0|Punch Range : Digital Bow|
11132|None|||Noodles! Noodles everywhere!|Full to bursting!!|A fine bowl of
steaming hot noodles to wear on your head. Caution though, these are delicious so
everyone might want a slurp from it!|The Noodle Bowl Hat is a hat item which was
added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on August 13, 2021.||0|Speedy : Noodle
Bowl Hat!|
11494|None|||||Jingle bell rock with these holiday socks!|The Festive Socks is an
unsplicable feet item added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11176|None|681|115|||The fashion trend that everyone's talking about!|The Neat Bun
Hair is a splicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11374|None|||||Walk around town with this star-spangled dress!|The Flag Frock is an
unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on
November 18, 2021.||0||
11668|None|||Love is in the air!|Love's not in the air!|Only a clown would hold a
ton of red balloons, unless they're heart shaped!|The Heart Balloons is an
unsplicable hand item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February
11, 2022.||0|High Jump + Slow Fall: Heart Balloons|
11702|None|||||My loving senses are tingling... there must be someone nearby that
needs some loving. Better go give them a hug! Now as a hat! Can be transformed into
a headband by combining 1 Heart Antennae Hat, 1 Transmog Crystal, and 10 Candy
Hearts in a Chemical Combiner.|The Heart Antennae Hat is an unsplicable hat item
which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0||
11034|Earth|||||A boomingly brilliant feathery background block!|The Pegasus Block
BG is an unsplicable non-solid background block that was added as part of the
Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||2||
11672|None|||Let the light shine!|Sun's down!|A crown that's shining, shimmering,
splendid!|The Stained Glass Crown is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part
of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0|Punch Damage + Punch Range:
Stained Glass Crown|
11446|Earth|||||A bench found in cities!|The City Bench is an unsplicable non-solid
seat foreground block which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14,
11022|None|||||A feathery shirt! Horse feathers are becoming quite the, in fashion,
item. Sustainable and flight worthy.|The Pegasus Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item
that was added as part of the Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||0||
11550|Wind|||||Far Cry III : Blood Dragon! Place this futuristic lock and transport
to the world of the Blood Dragon!|The Blood Dragon Lock is an unsplicable solid
lock foreground block which was added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 1 on January 24,
11220|None|||||It's like a hockey mask but ten times heavier!|The Moyaimorph Mask
is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11682|None|||||A lovely rose jacket.|The Formal Rose Jacket is an unsplicable shirt
item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0||
11376|Earth|||||A truly presidential piece of artistry! Display this monument
proudly!|The Presidential Throne is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which
was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||1||
11216|None|||||A luxurious headdress originating from Indonesia!|The Indonesian
Headdress is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11128|None|||||This guy's a little shy but they seem to like you!|The Hermit Crab
Leash is an unsplicable hand item introduced as part of Player Appreciation Week
2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11272|None|||||A suit that would probably help you with hibernating through the
winter!|The Sleepy Bear Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part
of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11522|Earth|||||A luxurious diamond tape that never gets tangled in the machine.
You can stand on this one without it breaking as well!|The Diamond Retro Tape Block
is an unsplicable solid foreground blockthat was added as part of Pre-WinterFest
2021 update on December 1, 2021.||2||
11378|None|||Black Leaf'ing you behind!|This tree has no black leaves!|A cape made
of dark leaves sprinkled with a little shadow magic! The cape goes everywhere the
wind blows.|||0|Black Harvest Shawl : Double Jump!|
11516|Earth|||||The throne of jolly old Nick!|The Santa's Chair is an unsplicable
non-solid seat foreground block that was added as part of WinterFest 2021 on
December 16, 2021.||1||
11032|Earth|||||A fantastically, feathery foreground block!|The Pegasus Block is an
unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as part of the Pegasus Pursuit
update on June 28, 2021.||2||
11250|None|||Spin Attack Activate!|Oddjob no more!|An enchanted hat embedded with
jade gems that enables it to be used as a weapon!|The Harvest Jade Hat is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September
16, 2021.||0|Punch Range : Harvest Jade Hat|
11204|None|||||These glasses you wear at the doctor's which look ten times better
than the one's you buy after!|The Ophthalmologist Glasses is an unsplicable face
item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 2 on August 24,
11010|None|||||The secret of how these war seahorses are trained is only known to
Neptunes personal master of seahorse! No you can't have one.|The War Seahorse is an
unobtainable and unsplicable hand item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on
July 8, 2021.||0||
11482|None|||Burn my mallow friends!|No more fire!|Dare to wear the robe known to
light up in flames!|The Cloak of S'mores is an unsplicable back item added as part
of the WinterFest 2021 update on December 16, 2021.||0|Double Jump|
11302|None|||The sigils grant you power!|Sacrilege!|The sacred materials used to
make this intricately woven scarf have been passed down for generations.|||0|Double
Jump : Sacred Scarf|
11160|None|||||This is a gem of a Gem Mask! Chosen by koreaTOFU, this is the
Monthly Subscriber's Item for July, 2021!|The Gem Mask is an unsplicable face item
which was added as August 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item on August 1, 2021.||0||
11598|Earth|||||Parkour through the caves of Persia!|The Prince of Persia: Cave
Column is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of UbiWeek
2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11492|None|||||A sweet pair of horns to show you're really into the holiday
spirit.|The Candy Cane Horns is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of
WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11158|None|||The Zodiac flows through you!|Zodi-nooo!|Harness the power of the
Zodiac! This ring pulls galaxies into its core. It use that galactic power to
summon Zodiac symbols, which change depending on the current Zodiac sign.|The
Zodiac Ring is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 4 on August 26, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Zodiac Ring|
11310|None|||Tame the wild.|Back on your own two feet.|Ride aboard this hungry
troll, some say he is made out of candy!|The Trick or Treat Troll is an unsplicable
feet item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0|
Speedy: Trick or Treat Troll|
11588|None|||Take to the skies!|Down to earth!|Immortals Fenyx Rising! Glide
through the sky with the wings crafted by the famous Daidalos himself. To avoid
refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until 6th June, 2022|||0|Double-
Jump & Slow-Fall: Wings of Daidalos|
11424|Wind|||||Don't run on a Space Conveyor. Stay safe, slow down!|The Space
Conveyor Block is an unsplicable pushing block which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11396|None|||||The perfect jacket to walk around campus with. Whether its to show
that you're part of the sports team or let people know where you studied, this is
the look for you.|The Varsity Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was added
as part of Black Friday 2021 on November 26, 2021.||0||
11150|None|||||A great helmet to hide in when you're feeling a little crabby!|The
Hermit Crab Helmet is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11600|Fire|||||Be careful venturing through the caves of Persia!!|The Prince of
Persia: Cave Spikes is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground block which was added
as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11120|None|||Ancient and justified!|Jaded!|An ancient and mysterious lance. The gem
at its point is said to focus light to deadly effect! Why don't you try it and
see?|The Primordial Jade Lance is an unsplicable and untradable hand item which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 1 on August 23, 2021.||0|Punch
Damage : Primordial Jade Lance|
11496|None|||||Trick people into thinking you're COOL with this mask!|The Polar
Bear Hood is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of WinterFest 2021 on
December 16, 2021.||0||
11040|Fire|||||A fragment of pure red light, crystallized into a block.|||3||
11080|None|||Cute Out!!|Cute In!|One of the cutest mutants ever! There are 3 to
find and if you're reading this, you've found at least one! Well done!|The Cute
Mutant Plonky is a hand item which was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly
event update on August 6, 2021.||0|Cute Mutant Plonky : Punch Range|
11356|None|||Cars and stripes!|Outta gass!!|Roll, or hover, down the streets with
this American automobile packed with stars and stripes!|The Ameri-car is an
unsplicable feet item which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November
18, 2021.||0||
11538|Earth|||||This magical star will make your Winterfest extra special by adding
150 progress points to your Grow Pass Progress!|The Royal Wishing Star is an
unsplicable consumable which was added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16,
11452|None|||||Pants that'll help you sneak on board a spaceship!|The Space
Stowaway Pants is an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of the Aliens
update on November 14, 2021.||0||
11234|Wind|||||This paper details a method for forging a Magic Infused Blade. If
you forge 100 Magic Ingots with this design in hand, you'll make a Magic Infused
Blade. This consumes the design.|The Magic Infused Blade Design is an unsplicable
component item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 4 on
August 26, 2021.||0||
11458|None|||Naughty or Nice?!|List complete!|Spread joy with this bag of never
ending present!|The Santa's Super Sack is an unsplicable back item that was added
as part of WinterFest 2021 update on December 16, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Santa's
Super Sack|
11526|Earth|||||This rose has been suspended in stasis... I mean it is made out of
diamonds.|The Diamond Eternal Rose is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
that was added as part of Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December 1, 2021.||0||
11130|None|||||You must be royally happy to have trained this King Crab! Although
does Alaska actually have a king?|The Alaskan King Crab Leash is an unsplicable
hand item added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27,
11124|None|||||Like a lobster buy waaaay more Crawdaddy like!|The Crawdad Leash is
an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021
Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11284|None|||Folded to a sharp point!|Unfolded!|Folded and creased to paper
perfection. This wasp packs a very unique sting in its tail.|The Paper Wasp Pet is
an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Voucher Dayz update on
September 24, 2021.||0|Punch Range : Paper Wasp Pet|
11226|None|||||A unique hairstyle for a unique person.|The Weekend Raver Hair is an
unsplicable hair item that was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5
on August 27, 2021.||0||
11358|None|||Slapshot!|Back to the bench!|Time to break the ice with this cool
hockey stick!|The Super Slapshot Stick is an unsplicable hand item which was added
as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Super
Slapshot Stick|
11018|None|||||So dark, if you go out at night people might think your leg are
invisible.|The Dark Assassin's Trousers is an unsplicable pants item that was added
as part of the Voucher Dayz update on June 25, 2021.||0||
11196|Water|||||A fancy portrait only for the most fabulous!|The Posh Portrait is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||1||
11190|None|||||Some people like things to be clean, you're not one of them are
you?|The I love Dirt Shirt is an unsplicable and untradable shirt item that was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 3 on August 25, 2021.||0||
11450|None|||||A shirt that'll help you sneak on board a spaceship!|The Space
Stowaway Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Aliens
update on November 14, 2021.||0||
11546|None|||In the mood for mayham!|In a mood now!|Happy? Angry? Curious? Wear
this super advanced mask to tell the world how you're feeling!|The Mood Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Voucher Dayz on January 13, 2022.
The item was formally introduced on January 14, 2022, the date when the event
arrived.||0|Punch Range : Mood Mask|
11294|None|||Shine on you crazy diamond!|No more dazzle!|These are a pair of wings
you would only see in your (lucid) dreams!|||0|Double-Jump: Lucid Wings!|
11350|None|||Red, white and blue!|Now I feel blue|Spread the wings of the nation
bird of America!|The American Eagle Wings is an unsplicable back item which was
added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0|Double-Jump: Eagle
11666|None|||||Description missing.|||0||
11512|Earth|||||A fancy snow globe that plays music with a dancing ballerina
inside!|The Dancing Snow Globe is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed
animated foreground block which was added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December
16, 2021.||0||
11694|Wind|||||Venture through the wonderful tunnel of love!|The Tunnel of Love is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's
Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||2||
11202|None|||||Rock these shades brought to you from decades into the future!||2|
11210|Water|||||Try not to get stuck here - it'll be slow going!|The Quicksand
Block is an unsplicable solid puddle foreground block which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.|1|1||
11052|None|||Ice cream! Ice cream! Come get your ice cream.|The Ice Cream man is
gone.|Ice cream! Ice cream! Come and get your ice cream. Best served straight to
your face, directly from these super duper scoopers.|The Super Duper Ice Cream
Scooper is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on
July 8, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Super Duper Ice Cream Scooper|
11298|None|||Pink and black never look back!|No longer a ninja!|Use these blades of
fury to cut through your opponents!|||0|Punch Power + Punch Damage: Sakura s
11126|None|||||A lobster pet, what's not to like. Imagine walking down the street
with a snapping lobster on your leash!|The Lobster Leash is an unsplicable hand
item which was added as part of the Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5 on August
27, 2021.||0||
11642|Water|||||Sometimes its better to drink rather than eat.|The Bamboo Boba
Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Lunar
New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||1||
11462|None|||What graceful wings you have!|Where did my wings go?|A cool pair of
wings! Made of the deepest, most wintry snow and sprinkled with a little Winter
magic!|The Wings of Deepest Winter is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0|Double-Jump: Wings of Deepest
11062|None|||||Dress up as everyone's favorite ocean Crustacean.|The Lobster Onesie
Hood is an unsplicable hair item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July
8, 2021.||0||
11484|None|||||A perfect replica of Growch's Hat! It would be a bit mean if it was
his real one, wouldn't it!|The Growch's Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was
added as part of WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11300|None|||Party Time!|Excellent!|Be the life of the party with this cape!|||0|
Double Jump : Neon Party Cape|
11490|Water|||||What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!|The Dinosaur in Ice Block
is an unsplicable solid slippery foreground block which was added as part of
WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||1||
11638|None|||Your ancestors would be proud!|Grandma would be ashamed!|There is no
special ingredient. To make something special, you just have to believe it is.|The
Dumplings Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Lunar New Year
2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Cooking Skills: Dumplings Hat|
11622|None|||Flame on!|Flame off!|Ignite the light and let the flames of the dragon
shine wherever you see fit with this mighty cannon! There are only 500 in
existence!|The Draconic Soul Cannon is an unsplicable hand item which was added as
part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Punch Range: Draconic Soul
11246|None|||||A cob of corn on your head! You can almost sell the buttery
goodness!|The Poppin' Corn Hat is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part
of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11262|None|||||These pants will make you feel like you're walking on sunshine!|The
Sunflower Pants is an unsplicable pants item added as part of Harvest Festival 2021
on September 16, 2021.||0||
11232|None|||Endless cycle!|Seemingly not that endless!!|The endless loop of life
and death, personified and celebrated. Is it a charm or is it a curse?|||0|Build
Range: Ouroboros Charm|
11266|Fire|||||So this is how Jack felt when he climbed up the beanstalk!|The
Sunflower Ladder is an unsplicable platform block which was added as part of
Harvest Festival 2021.||1||
11328|None|||||A little sleepy creature which has decided to reside on it's owner's
head!|The Familiar Hat is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0||
11260|None|||||A shirt that includes a sunflower bow tie!|The Feminine Sunflower
Shirt is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Harvest Festival
11558|None|||Target Selected!|Lost Target!|Splinter Cell! Take the form of Sam
Fisher, Splinter Cell's first field operative, as you covertly infiltrate new
locations! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until 6th
June, 2022.|||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Sam Fisher!|
11596|None|||||It's a suit that's eco earth like! Wear it and you'll radiate the
earth's power! Chosen by Discold, ths is the Monthly Subscriber's item for
December, 2021!|||0||
11314|None|||Fire burn and cauldron bubble!|The charm is firm and good!|There's
something brewing in the cauldron, something evil!|The Cauldron Cannon is an
unsplicable back item which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21,
2021.||0|Punch Damage: Cauldron Cannon|
11268|Water|||||Jump on this block to go even higher... whoopie!|The Whoopie Pie
Block is an unsplicable trampoline block which was added as part of Harvest
Festival 2021.||1||
11194|Earth|||||Bring a bit of joy to your world!|The Happy Block is an unsplicable
solid foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day
7 on August 29, 2021.||1||
11280|Fire|||||A statue made in honor of Dewi Sri.|The Dewi Sri Statue is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of Harvest Festival
2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11692|Fire|||||Bon appetit mon ami!|The Dancing Candle is an unsplicable non-solid
toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block that was added as part of
Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||2||
11456|None|||Running with the dogs today!|We were the wild ones!|Dashing trough the
snow, barking as we go, this sledge is pulled by diamond dogs, and anything but
slow!|The Diamond Dog Sledge is an unsplicable feet item which was added as part of
the WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0|Speedy: Diamond Dog Sledge|
11070|None|||||Dark boots for climbing dark towers to commit dark deeds.|The Dark
Assassin's Boots is an unsplicable feet item that was added as part of the Voucher
Dayz update on June 25, 2021.||0||
11154|None|||||Lights, camera, ANIME ACTION HAIR! Feel the power from root to tip
every time you punch!|The Anime Action Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 3 on August 25, 2021.||0||
11562|None|||Pulsing Power!|Taking a Break|Far Cry III : Blood Dragon! Take control
of your own vicious Blood Dragon that fires neon lasers from its eyes! To avoid
refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until 6th June, 2022.|||0|Punch
Damage : Blood Dragon Pet|
11370|Water|||||A dessert made out of raspberries, ladyfingers, jam, custard,
bananas and beef! Yummy!|The Thanksgiving Trifle Block is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of Thanksgiving Week 2021 on November 18,
11254|None|||||This colorful hairstyle will help you stand out from the crowd.|The
Masculine Sunflower Hair is an unsplicable hair item added as part of Harvest
Festival 2021 on September 16, 2021.||0||
11608|Earth|||||Admire the views of Persia from the top of the palace turrets!|The
Prince of Persia: Palace Turret is an unsplicable background block which was added
as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||2||
11536|None|||Grab the mic!|You dropped the beat!|Drop some sick techno beats
anywehere anytime with the all new Beat Box Mask!|The Beat Box Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Anniversary Week 2022 on January
6, 2022.||0|Beat Box Mask: Punch Damage|
11208|None|||||Be officially crowned King or Queen of your world!|The Green Leaf
Crown is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11026|None|||||Feathers on your shoulder! Now you're talking, haule couture,
straight from the Catwalk to Growtopia!|The Pegasus Pauldrons is an unsplicable
chest item that was added as part of the Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||
11636|Fire|||||A towering pagoda temple. Stack them ontop of each other to create a
taller tower!|The Pagoda Tower Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block
which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0||
11676|Earth|5743|5749|||Legends say these will link your world to the realm of the
ancients, where great gods of chance watch over us. Perhaps if you add this to your
world, they will bless you with a small piece of their vast Fortunes...|The Year of
the Tiger Lucky Token is a spliceable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.|13|0||
11630|None|||Rising against the elite!|Falling to the ground!|A staff that grants
its owner immortality and powers to vanquish foes!|The Monkey Warrior's Staff is an
unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1,
11628|None|||Lights Out!|Brighter than the Moon!|Shoot across the skies as you
strap these fireworks on your feet!|The Fireworks Feet is an unsplicable feet item
that was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Speedy:
Fireworks Feet|
11442|None|||The mystic power compels you!|The mystic power dissipates!|A magical
bow forged from mystical artifacts of unknown origin.|||0|Punch Range: Mystic Bow|
11410|Earth|||||Aliens have cooler versions of everything... including benches!|The
Geometric Bench is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block which was added
as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11352|None|||Feel the force!|Meh!|Wear the Star Emblem proudly like the infamous
Captain Puerto Rico. No one ever understood why Americans find him so patriotic.|
The Star Aura is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Thanksgiving
Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0|Double-Jump: Star Aura|
11580|None|283|2989|||This dress will ensure you're the prettiest person in town!|
The Dotted Dress is a splicable shirt item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.|12|0||
11530|Fire|||||Light up the harvest with this lovely lotus lamp. Perfect for
illuminating evening Mooncake hunting sessions or to put on display in a royal
palace.|The Diamond Lotus Lamp is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated
foreground block that was added as part of Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December
1, 2021.||1||
11576|None|||||Be in a state of total awesomeness with this slick haircut!|The
Unagi Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of Anniversary Week
2022 on January 6, 2022.||0||
11198|None|||||Bring disorder to wherever you go with a glowing smile!|The Growsec
Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 6 On August 28, 2021.||0||
11308|None|||Ahoy! A cruisin' we shall go!|Land lubbers!|Traverse the land in
effortless glory with this carapace carriage! Wave at your loyal subjects as you
sit atop this regal version!|||0|Punch Damage: Royal Clam Cruiser|
11470|None|||||What might be inside, my fair feathered friend? Use it on yourself
to find out!|The Diamond Warrior Pauldrons is an unsplicable chest item that was
added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December 1, 2021.||0||
11594|None|||Charge!!!|Flushed Away!|Rabbids! This curious Rabbid piggybacks aboard
you, charging into adventure!|||0|Punch Range: Riding Rabbid!|
11188|None|||||Matches any clothing!|The Wearable Ostrich is an unsplicable pants
item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 7 on August 29,
11044|Water|||||A fragment of pure white light, crystallized into a block.|The
Ultra White Fragment is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as
part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||2||
11418|Earth|||||Make your way downtown!|The Street Sidewalk is an unsplicable solid
foreground block which was added as part of the Aliens update on November 14,
11620|None|||Zodiac Powers!|Another Year!|Growtopians born in the Year of the Tiger
are courageous, ambitious, confident and charismatic. They are born leaders who
treat their peers with respect. Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie
trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.|The 2022 - Zodiac
Year of the Tiger is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Lunar New
Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the
11412|Wind|||||Lets people know where the trains are at!|The Subway Sign is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of the Aliens update
on November 15, 2021.||1||
11508|None|||Flames rise!|Flames fall!|Release flames of fury to the realms as you
transform into a mighty dragon! Siege waste to the land with the wrath of the
leader of the dragons!|||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Royal Mask of The Dragon|
11416|Fire|||||The interior of a subway station is always fascinating, you never
know what you'd find!|The Subway Wall is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11174|None|299|163|||A classic hairstyle to show you athletic side!|The Undercut
Hair is a splicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week
2021 Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11344|None|||||Ward off evil with the mask of these ancient guardians!|The Gargoyle
Mask is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on
October 21, 2021.||0||
11122|None|||||This crab is self assured on the shore, for sure!|The Purple Shore
Crab Leash is an unsplicable hand item introduced as part of Player Appreciation
Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0||
11200|None|||||Put this mask on to let your pet sock know you're always there for
him!|The Pet Sock Hood is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of
Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11058|Earth|||||This thermometer uses some mercury and a little glass tube that
measures the temperature. Gotta love science. Punch to check the current
temperature.|The Thermometer is an unsplicable non-solid SFX foreground block that
was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July 8, 2021.||3||
11500|None|||||Get your sad face on with this frost-shielding mask! You may be a
prince of winter, but that doens't mean you won't be left in the cold|Snowfrost's
Mask is an unsplicable face item which was added as part of the Pre-WinterFest 2021
update on December 1, 2021. The item was formally introduced on December 15,
11474|Earth|||||Winterfest 2021 was a bright and beautiful season, and this
calendar marked the occasion with joys and gifts! Now that it's empty, you won't be
getting anymore presents, but it can still be used as a lovely decoration.|||1||
11098|None|||||Despite its bulk, this is a surprising lightweight helm. Master-
crafted to be an exacting standard, this is one Grow-Couture's finest offerings for
the Autumn/Winter collection.|||0||
11336|Fire|||||Corrupted by the spells of an evil witch, the entrance to the castle
is cracked with a purple glow of an unknown substance. Be cautious!|The Corrupted
Castle Door is an unsplicable door foreground block which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||1||
11090|None|||Emergency! Emergency!|Med-evac complete!|A Growtech produced Mecha
item. This has passed rigorous health and safety checks and is approved for medical
use by all Mecha Meds.|The Mecha Med Shoes is an unsplicable feet item which was
added as part of the Surgery Day monthly event update on July 19, 2021. The item
was formally introduced on July 30, 2021, the date Surgery Day arrived.||0|Speedy :
Mecha Med Shoes|
11592|Earth|||||Best of all possible trophies in 2022.|The WOTD Trophy 2022 is an
unsplicable non-solid foreground block that is given to players who win World Of
The Day during 2022 by Ubisoft Staff.||2||
11528|Earth|||||In the game of Pineapples, you either eat or explode. Sometimes
both. And now you can do it in style! Who will sit atop the Diamond Pine Throne?|
The Diamond Pine Throne is an unsplicable non-solid seat foreground block that was
added as part of Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December 1, 2021.||1||
11340|None|||||It's not a phase!|The Emo Hair is an unsplicable hair item which was
added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.|13|0||
11282|None|||||A cute Stingray for your head. Chosen by SolaBowe, this is the
Monthly Subscriber's Item for August, 2021!|The Stingray Hat is an unsplicable hat
item which was added as September 2021's Monthly Subscriber's Item on September 1,
11626|None|||You've got the power!|You've lost the power!|Summon the power of the
White Tiger of the West with this glorious crown!|The Mythic Tiger Crown is a hat
item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0|Punch
Damage + Punch Power: Mythic Tiger Crown|
11614|Earth|||||Wonder at the architecture of the exterior of the Persian Palace!|
The Prince of Persia: Palace Wall is an unsplicable background block which was
added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||2||
11660|None|||Breaking Free!!|Broke Down!|Shine through the skies with these
sparkling expansive wings!|||0|Double Jump : Shattered Wings!|
11322|None|||||The flames of a Demonic presence imbue you with power! The flames
scorch into your very soul, you are starting to become one with the Demonic kind!
There are only 500 in existance!|The Demonic Soul Aura is an unsplicable chest item
which was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on 21 October, 2021.||0||
11398|Earth|||||A landing pod of unknown origin, looks harmless enough. What
surprises are inside?|The Alien Landing Pod is an unsplicable consumable which was
added as part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||2||
11164|None|||Taste my Rainbows!|Wait, where's the pot of gold?|If you want shoes
that look like when light from the sun is scattered by water droplets then today,
my friend, is your lucky day!|The Rainbow Shoes are an unsplicable feet item which
was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 2 on August 24, 2021.||0|
Speedy : Rainbow Shoes|
11430|Wind|||||This bright rooftop will let you know that food is here!|The
Takeaway Joint Roof is an unsplicable platform block which was added as part of the
Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||1||
11020|None|||||Some very very sharp armguards indeed! Never be without a knife
again. Perfect for carving meat at a family meal or fighting off Templars.|The Dark
Assassin's Armguards is an unsplicable hand item that was added as part of the
Voucher Dayz update on June 25, 2021.||0|Punch Range: Dark Assassin's Armguards|
11192|Wind|||||Keep moving forward... or back, your choice really!|The Conveyor
Block is an unsplicable foreground block which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 1 on August 23, 2021.||1||
11148|None|||||Cause a lob-stir when you walk through town in these stunning shoes!
Made from 100% synthetic lobster|The Lobster Shoes is an unsplicable feet item
which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27,
11524|Earth|||||Perfectly suited to St Patrick's Day and, indeed, any time you want
to rock some shamrock lights! Now made of Diamonds!|The Diamond Shamrock Lights is
an unsplicable non-solid foreground block that was added as part of Pre-WinterFest
2021 update on December 1, 2021.||1||
11390|None|||||A Black Friday exclusive hoodie! Black and neon is pretty much the
perfect combo isn't it?|The Black Neon Hoodie is an unsplicable shirt which was
added as part of Black Friday 2021 on November 26, 2021.||0||
11076|None|||Mecha Medic coming trough!|Emergency sorted!|A Mecha Med Ambu-Lance
weapon! This is the sort of weapon that screams... EMERGENCY!! COMING TROUGH!!|The
Ambu-Lance is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the Surgery Day
monthly event update on July 19, 2021. The item was formally introduced on July 30,
2021, the date Surgery Day arrived.||0|Ambu-Lance: Punch Damage|
11342|Fire|||||Turn on the lights to keep those monsters out!|The Halloween Lantern
is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable multi-framed animated foreground block which
was added as part of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.|2|1||
11082|None|||Cute Out!!|Cute In!|One of the cutest mutants ever! There are 3 to
find and if you're reading this, you've found at least one! Well done!|The Cute
Mutant Boogle is a hand item which was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly
event update on August 6, 2021.||0|Cute Mutant Boogle : Punch Range|
11388|None|||||Rock some Vortex Sunglasses!|The Vortex Sunglasses is an unsplicable
face item which was added as part of Black Friday 2021 on November 26, 2021.||0||
11218|None|||||Blend in with heads of Easter Island with this large costume!|The
Moyaimorph is an unsplicable chest item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021. It has a chance to drop by
completing WolfWorld1 wearing a Moyaimorph Mask. The mask will be consumed only if
one receives the Moyaimorph.||0||
11170|Water|||||Have you ever wanted to cover the world in grey? well now you can
with this fancy Smoke Machine!|The Smoke Machine is an unsplicable non-solid
foreground block which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 1 on
August 23, 2021.||2||
11386|None|||Cubes ahoy!|Byeeeeee cubes!|A powerful energy was put into these cubes
allowing them to move by themselves!|||0|Build Range : Shadow Cubes Aura|
11292|None|||Touch the sky!|Hit the ground!|Use this super charged umbrella to fire
lightning out of its tip!|||0|Double Jump + Slowfall|
11030|None|||Feather Reach!|Plucked!|For proper, Pegasus, royalty only... oh and
you!|The Pegasus Crown is an unsplicable hat item that was added as part of the
Pegasus Pursuit update on June 28, 2021.||0|Build Range : Pegasus Crown|
11104|None|||||Dress as your favorite, super cute, mutant pet! It's not Gross Out;
it's Cute Out!|The Cute Mutant Wonky Onesie Suit is an unsplicable shirt item which
was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event update on August 6, 2021.||0||
11108|None|||||One of the cutest mutants ever! There are 3 to find and if you're
reading this, you've found at least one! Well done!|The Cute Mutant Plonky Onesie
Suit is a shirt item which was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event
update on August 6, 2021.||0||
11348|Earth|||||Bring a bit of hatred to your world but not too much!!|The Angry
Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block item which was added as part of
Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.|1|1||
11366|None|||||Just a good old jacket to keep you warm in those harsh winters!|The
Marty Jacket is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of Thanksgiving
Week 2021 on November 18, 2021.||0||
11206|None|||||Show that you're a star with these all new shades brought to you
from the 80's!|The Silver-framed Sunglasses is an unsplicable face item that was
added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 3 on August 25, 2021.||0||
11338|None|||||With hair like that, people are definitely going to think you're up
to something...|The Shady Bangs is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part
of Halloween Week 2021 on October 21, 2021.||0||
11420|Water|||||What lies deep beneath these sewers? Guess we'll never know.|The
Storm Drain Cover is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as
part of the Aliens update on November 14, 2021.||2||
11094|None|||Stretch Growstrong!|Snapped!|Reach out, touch space! As well as
touching space, this Ring will increase your punch and build range in worlds which
you own. In non owned worlds your build and punch range is only slightly
increased.|The Ring of Range is an unsplicable and untradable hand item added as
part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 5 on August 27, 2021.||0|Extended Punch
and Build Range...|
11454|None|||Frozen Cheeks!|Ahh warm again!|A chilling mask that'll leave you
cold.|The Freezing Skull Mask is an unsplicable face item added as part of
WinterFest 2021 on December 16, 2021.||0||
11106|None|||||Dress as your favorite, super cute, mutant pet! It's not Gross Out;
it's Cute Out!|The Cute Mutant Wonky Onesie Hood is an unsplicable hair item which
was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event update on August 6, 2021.||0||
11092|None|||||A Growtech produced Mecha item. This has passed rigorous health and
safety checks and is approved for medical use by all Mecha Meds.|The Mecha Med
Helmet is an unsplicable hair item which was added as part of the Surgery Day
monthly event update on July 19, 2021. The item was formally introduced on July 30,
2021, the date Surgery Day arrived.||0||
11678|None|||||A lovely pair of of rose shoulder pads.|The Formal Rose Shoulders is
an unsplicable chest item item which added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on
February 11, 2022||0||
11684|None|||||A lovely rose skirt.|The Formal Rose Skirt is an unsplicable pants
item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0||
11064|None|||||Dress up as everyone's favorite ocean Crustacean.|The Lobster Onesie
Suit is an unsplicable shirt item that was added as part of SummerFest 2021 on July
8, 2021.||0||
11002|Fire|||||This odd magical device was left behind by a time travelling
pineapple from the future. It's timey wimey magic, makes your Pineapple Magic,
magically done giving you prizes straight from the future without having to wait.|
The Super Pineapple Time Warp Device is an unsplicable consumable which was added
as part of Super Pineapple Party 2021 on June 3, 2021.||0||
11556|None|||Hammer time!|Dropped the hammer!|Brawlhalla! Take the form of Val, The
Weapon of Brawlhalla and solve the mysteries of Valhalla. To avoid refund fraud,
this item has been made untradeable until 6th June, 2022.|||0|Double Jump & Punch
Range: Val!|
11256|None|||||A sunflower ponytail? Impossible!|The Feminine Sunflower Hair is an
unsplicable hair item added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on September 16,
11472|Earth|||||A wonderful Winterfest Calendar for 2021, jam-packed with joy and
gifts to celebrate the holidays. Make sure to check back each day to get a new
gift! ...or just wait and open them all in one go! Either way, it's a blast! DO NOT
BREAK! The Winterfest Calendar will not return to your backpack if broken!|||10||
11674|None|||||Be the Pied Piper of Love as you play a romantic jazz tune!|The
Fancy Flute is an unsplicable hand item added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on
February 11, 2022.||0||
11602|Fire|||||Light your way through the caves of Persia!!|The Prince of Persia:
Cave Torch is an unsplicable non-solid toggleable animated foreground block which
was added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11612|Fire||||| Walk through the halls of the Persian Palace!|The Prince of Persia:
Palace Arch is an unsplicable platform foreground block which was added as part of
UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11112|None|||||Dress as your favorite, super cute, mutant pet! It's not Gross Out;
it's Cute Out!|The Cute Mutant Boogle Onesie Suit is an unsplicable shirt item
which was added a part of the Mutant Kitchen monthly event update on August 6,
11590|Water|21|15|||You were there, man. You were THERE when time rolled backwards,
and all the fruits of your labors turned to dust in your dry, bitter fist. December
2021!|The Rollback Plaque IX is a solid foreground block which was added as part of
the ninth Rollback. The block could be made by splicing a Cave Background Seed with
a Sign Seed during the Apology Weekend that commenced on January 2, 2022.|1|2||
11480|None|||A jump to the North!|Going South?|Wonder at the amazing lights of
nature!|The Northern Light Aura is an unsplicable chest item which was added as
part of the WinterFest 2021 update on December 16, 2021.||0|Double Jump: Northern
Lights Aura|
11696|Wind|||||Clouds that make you hungry.|The Cotton Candy Clouds is an
unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022
on February 11, 2022.||1||
11616|Wind||||| Wonder at the architecture atop the Persian Palace!|The Prince of
Persia: Palace Dome is an unsplicable solid foreground block which was added as
part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11634|None|||Oooh it sparkles!|I miss the sparkles...|The tiger is the third of the
zodiac animals. Limited only to the year of the Tiger! Myth has it, that the order
of the Zodiac Animals, was determined by a race. The tiger placed third due to its
incredibly fast speed and competitive nature!!|The Year of the Tiger Mask is an
unsplicable face item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1,
2022.||0|Year of the Tiger Mask: Sparkles|
11658|Earth|||||A golden crest capable of holding unlimited cosmic power!|The Lucky
Golden Crest is an unsplicable component item which was added as part of Lunar New
Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||2||
11264|None|||||A dress themed after the best type of flower!|The Sunflower Dress is
an unsplicable pants item which was added as part of Harvest Festival 2021 on
September 16, 2021.||0||
11618|Wind||||| Use the sands of time to go back to the past!|The Prince of Persia:
Hourglass of Time is an unsplicable non-solid checkpoint foreground block which was
added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11182|None|||||Pop this on your head to show your support for the red team!|The
Cartoon Glove Hat Red is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6 on August 28, 2021.||0||
11236|Wind|||||This is a a lovingly crafted sword blade infused with magical
energy. If only you had the rest of the pieces to make a full sword!|The Magic
Infused Blade is an unsplicable component which was added as part of Player
Appreciation Week 2021 Day 4 on August 26, 2021.||1||
11670|None|||Through the tunnel of love!|The swan needs to rest!|Ride through the
tunnel of love abroad the beautiful Swan Boat!|The Swan Boat is an unsplicable feet
item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0|
Speedy in Water & Surfboard : Swan Boat!|
11134|None|||Jump into souls!|Jump out of souls!|A cool dark flame licks at your
ankles. Symbols rise as your realize you have the power to abduct souls... or is it
you that's been abducted! Sponsored by Samille.|Samille's Soul Abductor is an
unsplicable artifact which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021 Day 6
on August 28, 2021.||0|Double Jump : Samille's Soul Abductor|
11574|Wind|||||Take care of your own virtual pet with this new device!|The Digital
Pet Block is an unsplicable non-solid foreground block which was added as part of
Anniversary Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||2||
11172|None|167|3471|||Wait a minute, did you get a new haircut?|The Buzz Cut Hair
is a splicable hair item which was added as part of Player Appreciation Week 2021
Day 7 on August 29, 2021.||0||
11640|Earth|||||A statue of a powerful beast whose kind were known to protect its
past.|The Guardian Lion Statue is an unsplicable foreground block which was added
as part of Lunar New Year 2022 on February 1, 2022.||0||
11384|None|||Wow! That's a lot of numbers|No numbers, no nothing|Why zap with a
regular old visor when you can zap them with code. Use the power of letters and
numbers to defeat your enemies!|||0|Punch Damage & Punch Range : Matrix Visor|
11514|Fire|||||Bring home some tasty christmas pudding for the whole family!|The
Christmas Pudding Block is an unsplicable solid foreground block that was added as
part of the Pre-WinterFest 2021 update on December 1, 2021.||1||
11686|None|||||A lovely pair of rose pants.|The Formal Rose Pants is an unsplicable
pants item that was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||
11664|None|||Break some hearts!|You broke the wings!|Break a heart with these
lovely wings!|The Heartbreak Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as
part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February 11, 2022.||0|Double Jump : Heartbreak
11606|Fire|||||Be vigilant walking through the palace halls!|The Prince of Persia:
Palace Spikes is an unsplicable solid deadly foreground block which was added as
part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11646|None|||||Jump through the trees and stones with this amazing monkey mask!|The
Monkey Mask is an unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Lunar New Year
2022 on February 1, 2022.||0||
11662|None|||Breaking Free!!|Broke Down!|Shine through the skies with these
sparkling expansive wings! The wonder of the gems unleashes with power of gold!|||
0|Double Jump : Royal Shattered Wings!|
11654|None|||||This little semi-aquatic mammal has decided to stay on top of your
head! Chosen by MagiMeee, ths is the Monthly Subscriber's item for January,
11548|None|||Guardians assemble.|Going it alone.|Guard the kingdom heroically with
this mighty armor!|||0|Punch Range + Double Jump: Guardian Armor|
11560|None|||Jump to adventure!|Laying Low.|Assassin's Creed! Take the form of
Ezio, the Leader of the Assassin Brotherhood, and challenge yourself as you take
the Leap of Faith! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until
6th June, 2022|||0|Double Jump & Punch Range: Ezio!|
11652|Fire|||||A crate packed with everything you need to create Prince of Persia
style Parkour|The Prince of Persia Crate is an unsplicable non-solid foreground
block which was added as part of UbiWeek 2022 Day 4 on January 27, 2022.||1||
11534|None|||Annoying annoying annoying!|Batteries dead!|More computing power in
this cute little thing than the computer that sent the first Growtopian to the
moon!|The Growby is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Anniversary
Week 2022 on January 6, 2022.||0|Growby : Punch Range|
11688|None|||||A beanie made out of a giant strawberry.|The Strawbeanie is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of Valentine's Week 2022 on February
11, 2022.||0||
7782|None|||You can jump in mid-air! It's like flying, but less.|Gravity - it's the
law.|Similar to regular Angel Wings, but made from crystals.|The Crystal
Angel Wings is a first custom item introducted to GTPS3.||0|Double Jump & Speedy:
Crystal Angel Wings|
7960|Fire|||||Very rare and exclusive block, break it to obtain random clothing
item from entire universe.|||0||
7784|None|||Uwu what a beautiful whip to beat someone!|I lowered my whip!|
Developers item, created and designed by Sebia.|||0|Punch Damage & Punch Range &
Build Range: Phoenix Whip|
10394|Earth|||||Consume to obtain great amount of gems in just seconds! Designed by
5138|Earth|||||Consume to obtain great amount of gems in just seconds! Designed by
5140|Earth|||||Consume to obtain great amount of gems in just seconds! Designed by
5142|Earth|||||Consume to obtain great amount of gems in just seconds! Designed by
5158|None|||Uwuwuwu kokia miela lapute.|Dingo lapute.|Uwuwuwuwu `$megstu esti
11464|None|||Nothing will stand in my way!|The scythe returns to its celvet case.|
Release the wrath of the Ice Dragon with this enchanted Scythe.|The Ice Dragon
Scythe is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of the WinterFest 2021
on December 16, 2021.||0|Punch Damage: Ice Dragon Scythe|
11726|None|||||A bizzare hairstyle! Chosen by Kitty, this is the Monthly
Subscriber's item for February, 2022!||1|0||
11706|None|||||Roll out with your trusty powerful companion! These royal beasts
have served under The Queen!||1|0|Punch Damage : Royal Alpha Wolf|
11704|None|||||Roll out with your trusty powerful companion!||1|0|Punch Damage :
Alpha Wolf|
11702|None|||||My loving senses are tingling... there must be someone nearby that
needs some loving. Better go give them a hug! Now as a hat! Can be transformed into
a headband by combining 1 Heart Antennae Hat, 1 Transmog Crystal, and 10 Candy
Hearts in a Chemical Combiner.||1|0||
9490|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This helm is but one link
of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your noggin safe! Also
doubles as a really cool motorcycle helmet.|The Dragon Knight's Helm is an
unsplicable hat item which was added as part of the Dragon Invasion update on
February 4, 2019.||0||
9492|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This chestplate is but one
link of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your body safe! And
hey, it's got great resale value - even if a dragon burns you out of it, this armor
will still be left behind for the next intrepid knight!|The Dragon Knight's
Chestplate is an unsplicable shirt item which was added as part of the Dragon
Invasion update on February 4, 2019.||0||
9516|None|||||Forged in a master blacksmith's furnace and stamped with runes of
protection, a Dragon Knight's suit of armor is their last and best line of defense
against the horrid flames and claws of their scaly foes! This greaves are but one
link of many in that chain of defense, a perfect way to keep your legs safe! Trust
me, when you're dealing with dragons, preserving your ability to run away is
critical.|The Dragon Knight's Greaves is an unsplicable pants item which was added
during the Dragon Invasion update.||0||
11700|None|||Rotten to the core!|What a world, what a world!|Soar through the skies
leaving a trail of magical mist!||1|0|Speedy|
9502|None|||||United Arab Emirates cape - The United Arab Emirates, or simply the
Emirates, is a country in Western Asia. It is located at the eastern end of the
Arabian Peninsula, and shares borders with Oman and Saudi Arabia, while having
maritime borders in the Persian Gulf with Qatar and Iran.|||0|Double Jump|
9504|None|||||Romania cape - Romania is the twelfth-largest country in Europe, and
the sixth-most populous member state of the European Union.|||0|Double Jump|
9506|None|||||Netherlands cape - The Netherlands, a country in northwestern Europe,
is known for a flat landscape of canals, tulip fields, windmills and cycling
routes. Amsterdam, the capital, is home to the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum and the
house where Jewish diarist Anne Frank hid during WWII.|||0|Double Jump|
9508|None|||||Lebanon cape - Lebanon, officially the Republic of Lebanon or the
Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia.|||0|Double Jump|
9510|None|||||Hungary cape - Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its
capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River.|||0|Double Jump|
9512|None|||||Ukraine cape - Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the
second-largest country by area in Europe after Russia, which it borders to the east
and north-east.|||0|Double Jump|
9514|None|||||Philippines cape - The Philippines, officially the Republic of the
Philippines, is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia.|||0|Double Jump|
9518|None|||||DEL's Briefcase. Sponsored by DEL. Created by DEL. Modified by DEL.||
11718|None|||A merrily played tune!|Stop harping on!|Softly creeping, a deadly
sound plants in your brain, the sound of silence.|||0|Punch Range: Harp of Aibell|
11708|None|||You're a star!!|Out of the spotlight!|Walk down the red carpet with
these super special shining shoes!|||0|Speedy|
11834|None|||Its freezeng shoes!|You've got cold feet!|Dash through the snow in
these boots without a lace!|||0|Speedy|
11828|None|||Trippin' Around!|Skippin' Around!|Turn footloose with these spring
11830|None|||Beat the heat!|Bare feet!|There ain't no mountain far enough that
these boots can't take you to!|||0|Speedy|
11832|None|||Run over!|Fell over!|Move at the speed of sound this fall!|||0|Speedy|
11824|None|||Harvest Royalty!|Harvested Royalty!|This wonderful crown will turn you
into Autumn royalty!|||0|Build Range|
11822|None|||Leaf Majesty!|Leaft Alone1|This wonderful crown will turn you into
Summer royalty!|||0|Build Range|
11820|None|||Blooming!|Whithered!|This wonderful crown will turn you into Spring
royalty!|||0|Build Range|
11826|None|||Tis the season!|Tis ain't the season!|This wonderful crown will turn
you into Winter royalty!|||0|Build Range|
11814|None|||Pick a card, any card!|Poof!|And now for his next trick, the rabbit
will fire an endless supply of cards!|||0|Punch Range : Rabbit Top Hat|
11818|None|||Season d'etre!|Enlightened!|Summon the elements of the Equinox! You
can customise this item from the wrench menu.|||0|Double Jump: Equinox Scarf|
11750|None|||Shiming, Shimmering, Splendid!|Sun's up!|Travel through an endless
diamond sky to a whole new world!|||0|Build Range + High Jump: Crescent Charm|
11752|None|||Shiming, Shimmering, Splendid!|Sun's up!|Travel through an endless
diamond sky to a whole new world!|||0|Build Range + High Jump: Royal Crescent
11754|None|||||Strike fear into your enemies with this demonic mask. Chosen by
SpicyCheetos, this is the Monthly Subscriber's Item for March, 2022!|||0||
9532|None|||||NoOne's Personal Wings.|||0|Double Jump|
11870|None|||Flame on!|Flame off!|A pair of wings with the power of an active
Volcano! There are 48 active volcanoes in Mexico which have inspired literature,
art and myths for as long as time itself. Every 24 hours, 48 of these will be
released into the game through Cinco De Mayo Week.|||0|Double Jump|
9534|None|||Give people the evil eye.|Your vision is normal.|These eyes are not
Shocking at all Designed by SmallXD.|||0|Pink Focused Eyes|
9536|None|||You can smash bricks more quickly.|Smash time is over.||The Pink
Pickaxe is an untradable hand item Designed by SmallXD.||0|Enhanced Digging|
11790|None|||Soaring, Flying!|Diving, Falling!|Fly into the sky wowing the world
with fireworks!|||0|Double Jump|
9540|None|||||You've been muted more than 100 times might as well have your own
duct tape.||3|0||
12354|None|||||NoOne's Personal Wings.|||0|Double Jump & Speedy|
11992|None|||||NoOne's Personal Wings.|||0|Double Jump|

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