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Jawaban no 1

Lembar 1 : Cover Letter

Fransisca Nike Claudia
Admissions Officer
Phone: (0888-9999-6666) | | LinkedIn: @ninike25

June,10th 2022
Mr. Ronald Raizen
Hiring Manager
Knight Memorial Hospital
355 Wall Street

Dear Mr. Raizen,

I came across a hiring advertisement form Herald Newspaper that your hospital is looking for
an Admission Officer and I would like to submit my resume and cover letter for the same. I
am just graduated from Terbuka University, I majored in Business Administration of
Economy and Business Faculty. I have one year experience being intern as Junior
Administration Staff at National Hospital. I feel that my education and background could be a
great fir for this position and that I could be strong employee for Knight Hospital. I am detail-
oriented, can take direction or wok autonomously, developing good working and professional
relationship with co-workers and other departments, as well as foster excellent safety
protocol and standards.
I am looking forward to learning more details about the position and your hospital, and would
very much be interested in an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Fransisca Nike
Lampiran 2 CV

Admission Officer Phone : 0888-9999-666

Fransisca Nike Claudia Email :

LinkedIn : @ninike25
Address : 1556 Cemara Road, London
Highly-motivated Admissions Officer with exceptional communication interpersonal and organizational
abilities. Adept at managing caseloads planning open house events and helping students navigate
admissions requirements. Team player who works well with students’ staff and administrators.
Administration Business, Leadership and Management, Detail Oriented, High Work Ethic and Excellent
Communication Skills, Project management, Student interviews, Testing and evaluation, Process
improvements, Database expertise, Mastering Ms. Office like Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Visio, Ms. Power
Point and Ms. Access, Fluent in English (Advance 1), Chinese (Level 3) and Korean (Level 2).

Work Experience
Junior Administration Staff
National Hospital (May 2021 – May 2022)
• Documented all interviews and updated system databases.
• Responded to student questions regarding academic requirements and programs.
• Built productive relationships with students and parents to smooth process.
• Managed regional caseload efficiently and submitted paperwork on-time.
• Analyse files and resolve discrepancies in a timely manner.
• Plan and coordinate open houses for prospective students.
• Develop marketing campaigns using traditional and social media means.

Banchelor of Administration Business – Economy and Bussiness Faculty 2017
Terbuka University Surabaya, Indonesia

• Gardening
• Swimming
• Watching movies
• Read mystery novel
Jawaban no 2
That would be great, I would like to see doctor as soon as possible anyway.

Jawaban no 3
At sentence (1) it shown as bargaining part of negotiation, because the client Neil Smith want
more discount from the producer.
At sentence (2) it shown acceptance part of negotiation part, it means showing the client and
the producer already meet the agreement.

Jawaban no 4
(1) The main key to running a business efficiently is consistent working capital
(2) The essence of a digital transformation is the company culture and the transformation
of the mindset of employees

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