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Kalli Mueller

HEALTH Lesson Plan #1

Class & Grade: Fourth Grade- Sixth Grade Instructor: Kalli Mueller
Lesson Topic: E-Cigarettes: What You Need to Know
Unit: Smoking/ Vaping Day 1 of 5 Co-Teaching Strategy: N/A
Length: ~45 minutes
Long Term (Unit) Objective(s) (that will be met in this unit or curriculum) Pair with a National/State
Standard(s) as well as the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standard(s) met (Components:
3.a, 3.b, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify ways in which the school and community can promote a healthy environment
free of smoking and vaping. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.

The student will articulate to students why smoking and vaping negatively affect their health. (Standard
8: Advocate)
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Short Term (Lesson) Objectives (that will be met in this lesson) Be sure to write the National/State
Standard(s) number met from above (Components: 3.a, 3.b, 3.d, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will describe the negative effects of e-cigarettes while discussing in small groups.
(Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication)
4.5.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.
4.5.4 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health.

The student will illustrate smoking and vaping consequences within an infographic by analyzing the
main points of the lesson. (Standard 5: Decision Making)
5.8.7 Analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision.

The student will paraphrase the relationship between smoking/vaping and how it will affect their health
during popcorn sharing. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.8.1 Analyze the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

Facilities: Classroom

Equipment: “The Health Impacts of E-Cigarettes” document, “E-Cigarettes: What You Need to Know”
document, Health Journal

Modifications/Accommodations for special needs/diverse learners (What plans and accommodations

will you implement to ensure that all students can become physically educated):

Students unable to express opinions within small groups may also work individually. If students are
struggling, they can ask myself or a partner for assistance. My main goal is for students to understand
the lesson, not to do everything individually.

Introduction of Skills or Activities Previously learned

Introduction, tie to prior learning (what students already know/can perform): (5 minutes)
Kalli Mueller

This is the first lesson in the unit so we will quickly discuss a unit overview. Within this unit, we will
discuss both smoking and vaping making sure to discuss the consequences, negative health impacts, the
power of secondhand smoke, and everything you need to make the right choice if presented.
Additionally, we will discuss the similarities between smoking and vaping, making sure to connect that
both are practices that reflect negatively on our health.

At the beginning of this lesson, we will first discuss the lesson objectives so the students understand
explicitly what they are doing that day.

Main Lesson Focus: Content, Organization, Procedures, Management

This is the presentation of the lesson, including all parts of the lesson (as well as co-teaching model or
teaching model form physical education) being used.
Complete description of parts listed below. Directions, Cues, Diagrams, Safety (physical & emotional),
and Management. This section must clearly present the components of the lesson, as well as an
indication of the amount of time you plan for each component:

1. Presentation of new content: (15 minutes)

To begin, I will put students into groups of 2-3. Then, I will give students the “The Health Impacts of
E-Cigarettes” and “E-Cigarettes: What You Need to Know” documents.
( AND During this
time, students will read the given information to gain a scientific understanding of the known hazards
and potential risks of e-cigarettes.

Then, as a class, we will discuss the information learned through these articles. To see what students
have learned, we will participate in “Popcorn Sharing.” This means students will take turns sharing 1-2
sentences about what they learned within these articles, capturing the main ideas of the articles. I will
also be looking for students analyzing the relationship of the behavior (smoking/vaping) and how it
affects their body. Therefore, students should see a relationship between healthy behaviors and
personal health and vice versa. For example, Vaping will negatively affect my health because it will
lead to a nicotine addiction.

Additionally, I will discuss with students the different resources available if they need. Some resources
may include the principal, school nurse, teachers, doctors, and other resources. This will assist them in
finding resources available to enhance their personal health.

Guiding Questions:
• How are e-cigarettes similar to tobacco cigarettes, and how are they different?
• What are some risks of e-cigarettes to teens?
• How does smoking/vaping negatively affect you?

2. Initial student practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (5 minutes)

Next, students will take the time to individually write their learning takeaways into their health journal.
They will be required to write one paragraph (4-5 sentences) about the main ideas learned in the
presentation of new content. If desired, they may write more.

3. Feedback and correctives: During the small group reading time, I will be walking around and
making sure students are on track. If any students need additional help or guidance, I will provide
assistance I may make comments to small groups that further/deepen conversation if I feel there is
only surface level conversation happening.
Kalli Mueller

4. Independent practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (15 minutes)

Since this day is heavy on the introduction of this unit, my main focus is students grasping main ideas.
For an independent practice/study, I will have students use their knowledge learned to create an
infographic in their health journals. This infographic can be brief but must contain five learning
takeaways about smoking/vaping. This infographic can be a comic, drawing, model, or anything the
student desires.

Closure: (5 minutes)
I will bring all the students back together to end the lesson with the important points. Any guiding
questions unanswered could be answered. Overall, I want to make sure students have a better
understanding of smoking and vaping while preparing them for the unit plan. When students leave the
classroom, I will have them turn in their health journals for me to examine.

Assessment (How will you be assessing the objectives and students?): The main assessment will be the
health journal check at the end of class. I will be looking through their health journals to make sure
they met the objectives for the day and participated throughout the lesson. Additionally, I will be
making sure students are staying on track and facilitating appropriate discussions throughout the


Evaluation/Reflection/Comments: Did you meet your lesson objectives? How do you know? What
evidence do you have of student learning? What changes did you/will make to this lesson as a result of
the changing environment/classroom and student responses?

(Use these questions to evaluate and reflect as well as student responses to guidance questions outlined
Kalli Mueller

HEALTH Lesson Plan #2

Class & Grade: Fourth Grade- Sixth Grade Instructor: Kalli Mueller
Lesson Topic: Smoking/Vaping Risks
Unit: Smoking/ Vaping Day 2 of 5 Co-Teaching Strategy: N/A
Length: 50 minutes- 1 hour
Long Term (Unit) Objective(s) (that will be met in this unit or curriculum) Pair with a National/State
Standard(s) as well as the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standard(s) met (Components:
3.a, 3.b, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify ways in which the school and community can promote a healthy environment
free of smoking and vaping. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.

The student will articulate to students why smoking and vaping negatively affect their health. (Standard
8: Advocate)
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Short Term (Lesson) Objectives (that will be met in this lesson) Be sure to write the National/State
Standard(s) number met from above (Components: 3.a, 3.b, 3.d, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify true/false statements about vaping before and after doing research that
recognize knowledge of vaping risks. (Standard 7: Self-Management)
7.5.1 Identify responsible personal health behaviors.
7.5.2 Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.

The student will connect research with opinions while sharing vaping facts with a partner. (Standard 8:
8.5.1 Express opinions and give accurate information about health issues.

The student will connect negative side effects of smoking/ vaping to injury or illness later in their
personal lives. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.8.8 Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

Facilities: Classroom

Equipment: Vaping Fact Sheet, True/False Vaping Worksheet

Modifications/Accommodations for special needs/diverse learners (What plans and accommodations

will you implement to ensure that all students can become physically educated):

Students unable to express opinions may also work individually. If students are struggling, they can ask
myself or a partner for assistance on worksheet. My main goal is for students to understand the lesson,
not to do everything individually.

Introduction of Skills or Activities Previously learned

Introduction, tie to prior learning (what students already know/can perform): (5 minutes)
Kalli Mueller

In the last lesson, we learned about the negative effects of vaping/ smoking and considered how
healthy/unhealthy behaviors affect our personal health. Today, we will discuss the similarities between
smoking and vaping, making sure to connect that both are practices that reflect negatively on our

Main Lesson Focus: Content, Organization, Procedures, Management

This is the presentation of the lesson, including all parts of the lesson (as well as co-teaching model or
teaching model form physical education) being used.
Complete description of parts listed below. Directions, Cues, Diagrams, Safety (physical & emotional),
and Management. This section must clearly present the components of the lesson, as well as an
indication of the amount of time you plan for each component:

5. Presentation of new content: (15 minutes)

To begin, I will give students the “Get the Facts About Vaping” worksheet and have them mark
predictions of whether they think the statement about vaping is true of false. (Worksheet: This will allow me
to see where students are as well as their growth of knowledge throughout the lesson.

Then, as a class, we will discuss the vaping statistics sheet.

This sheet shares quick facts about vaping and using e-cigarettes as well as dangerous misperceptions
students may have. This will enable students to think more about the misconceptions about vaping they
may have to make smarter decisions. Then, we will put this initial knowledge to test.

I will read statements to students and they will individually write on a piece of paper whether or not
they strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, or don’t know. For example: “Electronic
cigarettes are not harmful for your health.” This will allow students to begin thinking deeper and
making connections from their personal experience, predictions, and some of the facts they have
already learned. After students answer initial statements, they will be directed into small groups to
research (students can also work individually).

Guiding Questions:
• Why can vaping be bad for our health?
• Why is vaping bad for our lungs?
• What are some negative effects of vaping?
• Is vaping as bad as smoking is for our health?
• How can we advocate for our own health?

6. Initial student practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (15 minutes)

Now that students are in small groups/working individually, they will research more about vaping and
the negative health effects associated with it. Students will use this website to do so: The purpose of this research it to enable students
with more facts about vaping and the associated health risks/misconceptions. Additionally, students
will examine how the unhealthy behavior (vaping/ smoking) will lead to later injury or illness. This
should be apparent to students throughout research and needs to be highlighted within their

When research is complete, students will connect this research with their own opinions surrounding
vaping and share with a partner. While doing this, they will be expressing opinions while sharing
accurate health facts. (They may also pull ideas from the initial worksheet handed out.)
Kalli Mueller

7. Feedback and correctives: During the group time, I will be walking around and making sure
students are on track. If any students need additional help or guidance, I will provide assistance I
may make comments to small groups that further/deepen conversation if I feel there is only surface
level conversation happening.

8. Independent practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (10 minutes)

Lastly, students will go back to their true/false worksheet and fill in the post-research true/false
statements along with supporting evidence they found. They must write at least one fact from their
research that supports their answer.

Closure: (5 minutes)
I will bring all the students back together to end the lesson with the important points. Any guiding
questions unanswered could be answered. Overall, I want to make sure students have a better
understanding of vaping, the misconceptions surrounding vaping, and the negative effects it has on

Assessment (How will you be assessing the objectives and students?): The main assessment will be the
true/false worksheet the students complete. This will be handed in at the end of the lesson and I will
check for understanding throughout. It will be apparent to me who understands by reading each
students’ answers. (Informally assessing students)


Evaluation/Reflection/Comments: Did you meet your lesson objectives? How do you know? What
evidence do you have of student learning? What changes did you/will make to this lesson as a result of
the changing environment/classroom and student responses?

(Use these questions to evaluate and reflect as well as student responses to guidance questions outlined
Kalli Mueller

HEALTH Lesson Plan #3

Class & Grade: Fourth Grade- Sixth Grade Instructor: Kalli Mueller
Lesson Topic: Tobacco Addiction and Secondhand
Smoke Co-Teaching Strategy: N/A
Unit: Smoking/ Vaping Day 3 of 5
Length: ~45 minutes
Long Term (Unit) Objective(s) (that will be met in this unit or curriculum) Pair with a National/State
Standard(s) as well as the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standard(s) met (Components:
3.a, 3.b, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify ways in which the school and community can promote a healthy environment
free of smoking and vaping. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.

The student will articulate to students why smoking and vaping negatively affect their health. (Standard
8: Advocate)
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Short Term (Lesson) Objectives (that will be met in this lesson) Be sure to write the National/State
Standard(s) number met from above (Components: 3.a, 3.b, 3.d, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will recognize the dangers of tobacco use and secondhand smoke and identify the side
effects if they participate in these unhealthy behaviors. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.8.9 Examine the potential seriousness of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

The student will recognize the influence that social media, peers, and social norms have when
discussing tobacco use. (Standard 2: Analyze Influences)
2.8.2 Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
2.8.3 Describe how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

The student will describe ways to ask for assistance involving tobacco use and secondhand smoke.
(Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication)
4.8.4 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.

Facilities: Classroom

Equipment: “What Do You Know About Tobacco Addiction and Secondhand Smoke?” Quiz, “The
Deadly Effects of Tobacco Addiction” Information Sheet, Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke
PowerPoint, Health Journals

Modifications/Accommodations for special needs/diverse learners (What plans and accommodations

will you implement to ensure that all students can become physically educated):

Students unable to express opinions within small groups may also work individually. If students are
struggling, they can ask myself or a partner for assistance. My main goal is for students to understand
the lesson, not to do everything individually. If students are unable to do worksheets alone, factors will
be considered, and assistance will be offered. The PowerPoint presentation can be read to students if
Kalli Mueller

Introduction of Skills or Activities Previously learned

Introduction, tie to prior learning (what students already know/can perform): (5 minutes)

In the prior lesson, students learned about vaping through identifying true/false statements and
recognizing vaping risks. Additionally, students learned about the negative side effects of smoking/
vaping while relating it to injury and illness later in their personal lives. Since students learned about
vaping/ smoking on day 1, day 2 was used to connect these ideas to the student’s own life. This allows
them to find purpose in what they are learning, getting more out of each lesson. Today, we will be
discussing what tobacco addiction is and how secondhand smoke can harm our health. This builds on
the previous two days while offering new information for students to progress through the unit.

Main Lesson Focus: Content, Organization, Procedures, Management

This is the presentation of the lesson, including all parts of the lesson (as well as co-teaching model or
teaching model form physical education) being used.
Complete description of parts listed below. Directions, Cues, Diagrams, Safety (physical & emotional),
and Management. This section must clearly present the components of the lesson, as well as an
indication of the amount of time you plan for each component:

9. Presentation of new content: (10 minutes)

To begin class, I will present the Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke PowerPoint. This PowerPoint
presentation will discuss what tobacco use and secondhand smoke are as well as the negative effects
linked. This will help students identify what will happen if they participate in these unhealthy
behaviors. Additionally, we will discuss the negative influences around us that could lead us to a
negative health decision. Then, we will identify those around us that can lead us to positive health
decisions. It may be tricky to ask those around us for help, so we want to be able to identify ways to
ask for assistance if students need.

Guiding Questions:
• Who can help you make positive health decisions?
• What are some negative effects of Tobacco Use?
• What are some negative effects of Secondhand Smoke?
• How can you not let peers negatively affect health decisions?

10. Initial student practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (15 minutes)
After the PowerPoint presentation, students will be put into small groups and will be given the “The
Deadly Effects of Tobacco Addiction” Information Sheet. In their small
groups, students will read through the information sheet gaining insight on tobacco addiction and
secondhand smoke with more in depth information than the PowerPoint. Then, students will have a
discussion, writing five of the most important takeaways into their health journals. After students read
the article, discuss with their partners, and write five takeaways, we will move back to large group. I
will ask the class to share some of the main takeaways as we further group conversation.

Additionally, I will have students discuss negative influences around them. We will discuss the stigma
behind tobacco use as well as some outlets if they need support. Students will write down ways to ask
for assistance if needed as well as some resources available into their health journals.

11. Feedback and correctives: During the small group time, I will be walking around and making sure
students are on track. If any students need additional help or guidance, I will provide assistance I
Kalli Mueller

may make comments to small groups that further/deepen conversation if I feel there is only surface
level conversation happening.

12. Independent practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (10 minutes)

At the end of the lesson, students will be given the “What Do You Know About Tobacco Addiction
and Secondhand Smoke?” Quiz. This quiz will
have questions about tobacco use and secondhand smoke as we learned in both the PowerPoint and the
information sheet.

Closure: (5 minutes)
At the end of the day, I will bring students back together. We will rediscuss main points throughout the
day about tobacco use and secondhand smoke as well as making sure we covered all objectives.
Overall, I want students to know what tobacco use and secondhand smoke are as well as the negative
effects they can have on your health. Additionally, students should be able to identify main sources of
negative pressure as well as positive health outlets that can offer assistance.

Assessment (How will you be assessing the objectives and students?): The assessment today is the
“What Do You Know About Tobacco Addiction and Secondhand Smoke?” Quiz. This will be handed
in after completion to be graded. This quiz should show student knowledge on today’s objectives and
show me where students learning is at. Additionally, I will be able to assess students while walking
around during small group discussions.


Evaluation/Reflection/Comments: Did you meet your lesson objectives? How do you know? What
evidence do you have of student learning? What changes did you/will make to this lesson as a result of
the changing environment/classroom and student responses?

(Use these questions to evaluate and reflect as well as student responses to guidance questions outlined
Kalli Mueller

HEALTH Lesson Plan #4

Class & Grade: Fourth Grade- Sixth Grade Instructor: Kalli Mueller
Lesson Topic: E-Cigarette Marketing
Unit: Smoking/ Vaping Day 4 of 5 Co-Teaching Strategy: N/A
Length: ~40 minutes
Long Term (Unit) Objective(s) (that will be met in this unit or curriculum) Pair with a National/State
Standard(s) as well as the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standard(s) met (Components:
3.a, 3.b, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify ways in which the school and community can promote a healthy environment
free of smoking and vaping. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.

The student will articulate to students why smoking and vaping negatively affect their health. (Standard
8: Advocate)
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Short Term (Lesson) Objectives (that will be met in this lesson) Be sure to write the National/State
Standard(s) number met from above (Components: 3.a, 3.b, 3.d, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify factors that attract people to e-cigarettes by examining e-cigarette
advertisements. (Standard 2: Analyze Influences)
2.8.2 Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
2.8.5 Analyze how messages from media influence health behaviors.

The student will take apart and analyze e-cigarette advertisements to see the validity of them. (Standard
3: Access Information)
3.8.1 Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services.

The student will summarize what you need to know about e-cigarettes and the negative consequences
associated with them.
5.5.6 Describe the outcomes of a health-related decision.

Facilities: Classroom

Equipment: E-Cigarettes: What You Need to Know website, E-Cigarettes: Behind the Marketing
Worksheet, Sizing Up E-Cigarette Marketing Worksheet, Health Journals, Computers

Modifications/Accommodations for special needs/diverse learners (What plans and accommodations

will you implement to ensure that all students can become physically educated):

Students unable to express opinions within small groups may also work individually. If students are
struggling, they can ask myself or a partner for assistance. My main goal is for students to understand
the lesson, not to do everything individually. If students are unable to do worksheets alone, factors will
be considered, and assistance will be offered.

Introduction of Skills or Activities Previously learned

Introduction, tie to prior learning (what students already know/can perform): (5 minutes)
Kalli Mueller

Within the past lesson, students learned what tobacco addiction and secondhand smoke are as well as
the negative health effects these may cause. Additionally, students identified resources that are
available for students to make positive health decisions. Students began looking at influences that
affect tobacco use, but today we will delve even deeper into this topic. Today, we will be looking at e-
cigarette marketing and how these advertisements can affect consumers. Social media and social norms
have such an impact on our daily lives, so we want to address these negative influences. With this,
students will be summarizing e-cigarettes negative consequences.

Main Lesson Focus: Content, Organization, Procedures, Management

This is the presentation of the lesson, including all parts of the lesson (as well as co-teaching model or
teaching model form physical education) being used.
Complete description of parts listed below. Directions, Cues, Diagrams, Safety (physical & emotional),
and Management. This section must clearly present the components of the lesson, as well as an
indication of the amount of time you plan for each component:

13. Presentation of new content: (10 minutes)

To begin, I will create small groups and have students find two different advertisements (other than e-
cigarettes). Students may use their computers to find these advertisements but should be looking for
advertisements aimed toward adults/teens. After small groups find these advertisements, we will come
back together as a class to discuss the following guiding questions:

Guiding Questions:
• What features do advertisers use to attract attention?
• How is an advertisement for adults different from one aimed at teens?
• What platforms might advertisers use to reach adults versus teens (Example: TV,
internet/social media, magazines)?
• How can an advertisement be misleading to a potential buyer?

After these questions are discussed as a class, divide students up into pairs for the following initial
student practice activity.

14. Initial student practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (10 minutes)
After students are in pairs, instruct students to research images of tobacco advertisements. Ask them to
take note of these advertisements noticing if they are on social media, TV, or in magazines. Then, have
them complete the Decode the Marketing Message Worksheet with their partners. This worksheet will
allow students to consider the influence different factors of advertisements have on tobacco use and
why some people become interested. Additionally, students will be able to note the validity of each
advertisement, making note if there are any false claims identified. They can write these thoughts
described above in their health journals.

15. Feedback and correctives: During the small group and individual work time, I will be walking
around and making sure students are on track. If any students need additional help or guidance, I
will provide assistance I may make comments to small groups that further/deepen conversation if I
feel there is only surface level conversation happening.

16. Independent practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (10 minutes)

After the initial student practice, students will be divided back up to work individually. They will be
given the E-Cigarettes: Behind the Marketing Worksheet to complete using the “E-Cigarettes: What
Kalli Mueller

You Need to Know” article.

INS3_TE_worksheet.pdf This article can be accessed online.
cigarettes-what-you-need-to-know The answers to the questions on the worksheet should be placed in
the student’s health journals which will later be turned into me. This worksheet will allow me to see
student learning within the objectives and apply what was discussed in class. Additionally, these are
different opinion questions that will allow me to see where students are at within the unit.

Closure: (5 minutes)
At the end of the day, I will bring students back together. We will rediscuss the objectives of the day
about e-cigarette marketing, the affects these advertisements have on consumers, and the negative
consequences associated with e-cigarettes. To end the day and get students out of their seats, students
will be asked questions. If they agree with the statement, they will do one jumping jack. If they
disagree with the statement, they will do a burpee. The following statements are examples of what
could be asked.

Statements (True: Jumping Jack, False: Burpee):

• E-cigarette marketing does not affect consumers. (FALSE)
• E-cigarettes lead to negative health consequences. (TRUE)
• Advertisements are made to appeal to young teens in order to promote their product. (TRUE)
• Marketing is not a tactic that works. (FALSE)
• Factors such as color, fun/ cool images, and patterns affect an advertisement and the way we
look at it. (TRUE)

Assessment (How will you be assessing the objectives and students?): Students will be assessed by
reading through their health journals and grading the worksheet from today. The answers within the
health journal and worksheet will show student understanding of the affect e-cigarette marketing has on
consumers. Additionally, I will be able to see student learning when walking around during small
group and individual work time.


Evaluation/Reflection/Comments: Did you meet your lesson objectives? How do you know? What
evidence do you have of student learning? What changes did you/will make to this lesson as a result of
the changing environment/classroom and student responses?

(Use these questions to evaluate and reflect as well as student responses to guidance questions outlined
Kalli Mueller

HEALTH Lesson Plan #5

Class & Grade: Fourth Grade- Sixth Grade Instructor: Kalli Mueller
Lesson Topic: Vaping Scenarios and Vaping
Research Project Co-Teaching Strategy: N/A
Unit: Smoking/ Vaping Day 5 of 5
Length: ~2 hours (could be split into two days or one
long day)
Long Term (Unit) Objective(s) (that will be met in this unit or curriculum) Pair with a National/State
Standard(s) as well as the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standard(s) met (Components:
3.a, 3.b, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will identify ways in which the school and community can promote a healthy environment
free of smoking and vaping. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.

The student will articulate to students why smoking and vaping negatively affect their health. (Standard
8: Advocate)
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Short Term (Lesson) Objectives (that will be met in this lesson) Be sure to write the National/State
Standard(s) number met from above (Components: 3.a, 3.b, 3.d, 3.e): (Include Elements for Standards)

The student will articulate knowledge on the negative consequences when using e-cigarettes by acting
out various scenarios. (Standard 1: Core Concepts)
1.5.3 Describe ways in which safe and healthy school and community environments can
promote personal health.
1.8.7 Describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing healthy behaviors.

The student will conduct an investigation to collect and present data about peers’ knowledge and
attitudes about e-cigarettes. (Standard 8: Advocate)
8.8.1 State a health-enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information.

The student will use research findings about e-cigarettes to help other make positive health choices.
(Standard 8: Advocate)
8.5.1 Express opinions and give accurate information about health issues.
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices.

Facilities: Classroom

Equipment: Plan an E-Cigarette Survey Worksheet, Health Journals, Computers (Research and

Modifications/Accommodations for special needs/diverse learners (What plans and accommodations

will you implement to ensure that all students can become physically educated):

Students unable to express opinions within small groups may also work individually. If students are
struggling, they can ask myself or a partner for assistance. My main goal is for students to understand
the lesson, not to do everything individually. Since there are scenarios, students may opt to write
Kalli Mueller

scenarios in their health journals as well (on a case-to-case basis, not an automatic option). The Vaping
Research Project is more work than a traditional assignment, so additional help/resources will be

Introduction of Skills or Activities Previously learned

Introduction, tie to prior learning (what students already know/can perform): (5 minutes)

In the prior lesson, students worked on identifying cigarette advertisements to examine factors why
consumers buy them while checking the validity of them. Additionally, this led students to summarize
the negative consequences associated with e-cigarettes, which leads us to our final lesson in the unit. In
this final lesson, students will be using everything they’ve learned throughout the lesson to complete a
Vaping Research Project that acts as the final assessment. Students will also role-play in scenarios to
see them in the real world.

Main Lesson Focus: Content, Organization, Procedures, Management

This is the presentation of the lesson, including all parts of the lesson (as well as co-teaching model or
teaching model form physical education) being used.
Complete description of parts listed below. Directions, Cues, Diagrams, Safety (physical & emotional),
and Management. This section must clearly present the components of the lesson, as well as an
indication of the amount of time you plan for each component:

17. Presentation of new content: (10-15 minutes)

To begin class, students will act out e-cigarette scenarios in small groups. These scenarios will range
from students displaying knowledge of the negative consequences of vaping, giving accurate resources
for those who may need help, being able to say no, and demonstrating healthy choices. This activity is
a great way for students to put together the entire unit’s knowledge while demonstrating scenarios that
may occur in the real world, making it more relatable. Additionally, this is an opportunity for students
to get up and move around the classroom, collaborating with students they may normally not.

Guiding Questions:
• What are the negative consequences of vaping?
• What should you do if someone offers you a cigarette/vape/nicotine?
• Why should we choose not to smoke or vape?
• What are some possible resources for those struggling with vaping or making the decision to
not vape?
• How can you say no without your friends thinking differently of you?
• How can you demonstrate healthy choices to your friends?

Using these guiding questions, have students create various scenarios to run through surrounding
smoking and vaping. Students will run through three-four scenarios and cannot be done until I see one
of their scenarios. Once the students successfully role-play a situation, we can move onto the next

18. Initial student practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (30 minutes)
After role-playing scenarios, students will move into small groups. During this, students will be given
the Vaping Research project information sheets. Explain to the students
that they will be conducting an anonymous survey to learn what their peers know about the health risks
associatied with e-cigarettes. They will be designing an E-Cigarette survey; to begin, they will be
completing steps 1 and 2 in their small groups. This will identify the research focus and will have
Kalli Mueller

students begin to write survey questions. After the first two steps are completed, students will come
back to the large group. Next, step 3 has students collect data answers based on their questions (this is
where they share the survey). To collect this data, we will distribute each groups survey to other fourth-
sixth grade classrooms as well as the middle school. A note that it may take more than one day to get
results from this survey.

19. Feedback and correctives: During the small group work time, I will be walking around and making
sure students are on track. Since this is a more in-depth project, I will be more available to answer
questions and lead students in the right direction. If any students need additional help or guidance, I
will provide assistance I may make comments to small groups that further/deepen conversation if I
feel there is only surface level conversation happening. I will be very hands on, making sure
students understand the project.

20. Independent practice/study (optional, depending on content taught): (30 minutes)

After survey results are received, students will move to steps 4 and 5, analyzing data and presenting
their findings. To do so, students will first analyze their survey results, placing data into a pie chart or
line graph. Then, the group will create a presentation for the class that displays the survey questions
and results in the form of a slide presentation. Students are encouraged to be as creative as they’d like
incorporating videos, graphics, charts, etc. A reminder that the worksheet describes the steps in even
more depth. At the end of this independent study, students should have a completed vaping research
project with survey results answering their initial question.

Closure: (30 minutes)

At the end of this project, I will bring students back together. I will have each group give a brief
presentation of their project showing us their survey, questions they asked and had answered, and the
results of the survey. Additionally, we will conclude the unit by discussing the overall goals from each
lesson, 1-5. This will act as the final closure piece to the unit and show me students understood the
goals of the unit.

Assessment (How will you be assessing the objectives and students?): The end of the unit assessment
will be in the form of the final Vaping Research Project. This presentation will show me the knowledge
students have on negative consequences of e-cigarettes, how to form a question, how to accurately
conduct research and find data, why vaping/cigarettes are negative health choices, and encourage
others to make positive health choices. This project/presentation will act as a final summative
assessment of knowledge because it incorporates information from all five prior lessons. Additionally, I
will be able to see student learning when walking around the classroom listening to small group work.


Evaluation/Reflection/Comments: Did you meet your lesson objectives? How do you know? What
evidence do you have of student learning? What changes did you/will make to this lesson as a result of
the changing environment/classroom and student responses?

(Use these questions to evaluate and reflect as well as student responses to guidance questions outlined

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