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Question 1

A. Are Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Supply Management

Same? Explain according to your own Understanding...

Specifically The answer to the question is, ―NO.
Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, Supply Management are not
the same. There are some differences between them which we will see in
the following discussion:
Supply Chain:
A supply chain is a network between a company and its suppliers to
produce and distribute a specific product to the final buyer (Customers /
Consumers).It is also represents the steps it takes to get the product or
service from its original state (Point of Origin) to the customer (Point of
Supply chains are developed by companies so they can reduce their costs
and remain competitive in the business landscape.
Supply Chain Management:
“Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning,
Implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain with
the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible.
Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw
materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-
origin (POO) to point-of-consumption (POC).
Supply Chain Management includes planning and management of all
stages that are involved directly or indirectly in fulfilling customer
Supply management:
Supply management is the act of identifying, acquiring and managing
the Raw materials / resources and suppliers that are essential to the
operations of an organization. Also known as "procurement," It is the
process of obtaining and Procuring of goods or services needed to
operate a business or other type of organization.
Supply management includes the purchase of physical goods,
information, services and any other necessary resources that enable a
company to continue operating and growing. Supply Management is a
crucial part of Supply Chain Management.

Supply Chain involves system, people, information and resources

involved in planning, moving, storing and delivering the products or
services right from raw materials supplier until final Consumer. Supply
Chain Management is Involves collaboration management with supply
chain partners Like Suppliers, third party service providers, Internal
Customers And final customers.
Question 1
B. How Company getting Competitive Advantage through Supply Chain...
Explain with Industry example…
In today’s complex connected world, supply chain is more and
more recognized as a key source of competitive advantage that
are Cost advantage and differentiation advantage. Cost
advantage is similar product at lower cost and differentiation
advantage is higher price for unique product. Companies strive
to build powerful supply chains that will enable them to get their
products to market faster, more efficiently and more
economically than their competition. 

For many businesses – particularly those in high tech, consumer

electronics, pharmaceutical and fresh produce - time to market
and effective distribution channels are critical success factors,
and therefore supply chain management competencies and
capabilities are what drive competitive advantage.

Supply chain planning (SCP) is the forward-looking process of

coordinating assets to optimize
the delivery of goods, services and information from supplier to
customer, balancing supply
and demand. SCP considers every stakeholder, from raw
materials suppliers to end customers,
to build a cohesive plan to optimize a company9s production,
sales and operations and develop
key performance metrics to ensure efficient and cost-
effective operations. Efficient supply
Supply chain planning (SCP) is the forward-looking process of
coordinating assets to optimize the delivery of goods, services
and information from supplier to customer, balancing supply
and demand. SCP considers every stakeholder, from raw
materials suppliers to end customers, to build a cohesive plan to
optimize a company’s production, sales and operations and
develop key performance metrics to ensure efficient and cost-
effective operations.
Now, every business is capable of leveraging technology to improve
operational efficiency. Here are 5 points a company can leverage supply
chain planning as a competitive advantage.

Engage in
supply chain

Develop a
cost drivers
Supply collaborativ
and business Chain e supply
planning strategy

Implement Adopt
agile process innovative
improvemen supply chain
ts automation
i. Engage in real-time supply chain planning:
Supply chain analytics solutions can bring real-time data from every part
of the business, from POS terminals to the mines from which raw
materials are extracted. Companies can analyze large volumes of
contextual data for accurate forecasting and shift plans according to
rapidly changing market demands. A change in demand expectation
should be reflected in the requirements from suppliers. A contingency at
the supplier end must change demand drivers such as the price of
products. The technology to enable this does exist, but companies must
put a strategy in place to manage changing business parameters and
adapt to new requirements.
ii. Develop a collaborative supply chain strategy: The success of a
company translates into success for its suppliers. Building and
maintaining strong relationships with suppliers is equally as important as
maintaining customer relations. Just like a company needs to satisfy
customers, it needs to ensure the success of its suppliers and distributors.
As such, effective supply chain management strategy must consider all
the companys stakeholders, with any strategic shifts implemented
with supplier, vendor and distributor buy-in.
iii. Adopt innovative supply chain automation solutions: Automation
solutions like collaborative mobile robots reduce picking errors,
decrease the time required to fulfil an order and reduce the walking
distance for associates. These benefits enable warehouse associates to
work more efficiently and get more done in less time.
iv. Implement agile process improvements: Implementing disruptive
technology could lead to improvements in the supply chain. But as the
name suggests, it is disruptive and can be a costly endeavor. On the
other hand, agile process improvements seek constant and incremental
improvement of processes.
v. Consider cost drivers and business impacts: To obtain maximum
supply chain value, you need to be aware of supply chain cost drivers
and their business impacts. Increasing costs are symptoms of
problematic cost drivers. To create a robust and cost-efficient supply
chain, address the root causes rather than the symptoms on the surface.
In a warehouse, for example, labor costs may be on the rise. But this
might just be a symptom of an underlying cause, such as an increase
in picking errors or sub-optimal pick paths. Replacing employees
with lower-wage workers would be treating the symptom without
addressing the root cause and could make the situation worse. By
improving picking accuracy and optimizing pick routes in real-time to
reduce unnecessary walking, collaborative mobile robots address the
root cause, enabling warehouse associates to work more accurately and

Question 1
C. “Supply Chain is a modern integrated operational lever (tools)
for business Excellency” Why & How Explain in extensive way…
A modern Supply Chain consists in managing the flows starting
upstream at the supplier’s level and all the way down the chain to the
customer (consumer or business). This process allows the top of the
chain to develop a methodology and provides the means to make it

“Supply Chain is a modern integrated operational lever (tools) for

business Excellency” The following reason given below:

Now discuss about why

i. Optimization Networks
 Optimize networks among suppliers, plant & distribution centers.
 Communications between customer to customer service center to
manufacturer is possible

Optimization Networks
•Optimize networks among
suppliers, plant &
distribution centers.
•Communications between
customer to customer
service center to
manufacturer is possible.
Planinng Demand & Supply
•Developing an accurate
forecast of customer
demand by sharing demand
& supply forecast
•Web enabled collaborative
scenario is possible who
ever has the access of
Lean Inventory
•Just in time (JIT)
production method are
applied to inventory
•JIT gives the advantage of
producing excess of goods
along with not facing
shortage of goods as well
ii. Planning Demand & Supply
 Developing an accurate forecast of customer demand by sharing
demand & supply forecast simultaneously.
 Web enabled collaborative scenario is possible whoever has the
access of internet.

 Lean Inventory
 •Just in time (JIT)
 production method are
 applied to inventory
 management.
 •JIT gives the advantage of
 producing excess of goods
 along with not facing
 shortage of goods as well
iii. Lean Inventory
 Just in time (JIT) production method are applied to inventory
 Just in time gives the advantage of producing excess of goods along
with not facing shortage of goods as well.

Planinng Demand & Supply

•Developing an accurate
forecast of customer
demand by sharing demand
& supply forecast
•Web enabled collaborative
scenario is possible who
ever has the access of
Now discuss about How
i. Raw Material Management:
 Sharing information of accurate inventory & procurement.
 Ensuring right amount of material is available at right time.
 Reductions of cost

ii. Manufacturing:
 The quantity of how much to manufacture is considered by proper
 Material & dependency constraints

iii. Order Fulfillment

 Committing to delivery dates to given time.
 Fulfills order management with transportation planning and vehicle

iv. Monitoring
 Monitoring each & every stage is possible.
 Price quotation to the movement when customer receives along with
alerting when problem arises.

Raw Material
• Sharing
information of
inventory &
• Ensuring right
amount of
material is
available at right
• Reductions of
v. SCM Management Tools
 For example, using SAP programing it has made supply chain
management easier.
 Useful track record are easier to keep such as which supplier is
making the best contribution. By doing so, many kinds of adjustments
are easily made.
• For example,
using SAP
programing it
has made supply
more easier.
Useful track
record are easier
to keep such as
which supplier is
making the best
contribution. By
doing so, many
kinds of
adjustments are
easily made
Supply chain management is
a systematic process of
acquiring raw materials by
sourcing, bringing them to
the organization by inbound
logistics, manufacture them
delivery it to the customer by
outbound logistics. Its sole
purpose is to maximize
value along with achieving
competitive advantage against
all the competitors. Supply
management provides an
automated planning and
execution process which gives
the procedure
of movement of raw materials,
souring, inventory management,
finished goods management,
logistics & return of defective
So, Modern Supply chain provides an automated planning and execution
process which gives the procedure of movement of raw materials,
monitoring, inventory management, finished goods management,

Question 1
D. Why is Supply Chain Management So Important and Considered
as a Life Blood of any Organization / SCM is cardio-vascular system
of a benchmarked organization – Explain, Why?
In the present situation more than ever before, supply chain management
has become an integral part of business and is essential to any
company‘s success and customer satisfaction. Supply chain management
has the power to boost.
Customer service Excellency (Customers expect to receive the correct
product mix and quantity to be delivered on time , OTIF , SRFT-
(Shipment Right First Time ), Reduce operating costs ( EOQ , Reducing
Purchasing Cost), Improve the financial standing of a company,
Increases Cash Flow - contributes to the speed of product flows to
customers ( Market Share – Product availability , No Stock Out )

To function, supply chain

management requires a
combination of corporate
strategy, specialized tools, and
Because it's such a big,
complicated operation,
everyone involved, from
procurement and
manufacturing and well
beyond that needs to
communicate and collaborate
to generate
efficiency, manage risk, and
respond to change rapidly.
Furthermore, supply chain
sustainability, which
encompasses ecologic,
sociocultural, as well as legal
concerns as well as
viable procurement, and the
closely related concept of
corporate social responsibility,
assesses a company's impact on
the environment and social
well-being, are major concerns
today's businesses. Supply
chain management provides a
lot of advantages, including
earnings, a stronger brand
image, and a competitive
advantage. The following are
some of
• Improved ability to
anticipate and meet client
• Improved visibility, risk
mitigation, and forecast
capabilities in the supply chain,
• Fewer inefficiencies in the
manufacturing process and less
material wastage,
• Quality enhancements,
• A greater sense of societal
and environmental
• Reduce overhead,
• An increase in cash flow,
• Logistics that are more
To function, supply chain management requires a combination of
corporate strategy, specialized tools, and teamwork. Because it's such
a big, complicated operation, everyone involved, from procurement
and manufacturing and well beyond that needs to communicate and
collaborate to generate efficiency, manage risk, and respond to
change rapidly.
Furthermore, supply chain sustainability, which encompasses ecologic,
sociocultural, as well as legal concerns as well as viable procurement,
and the closely related concept of corporate social responsibility, which
assesses a company's impact on the environment and social well-being,
are major concerns for today's businesses.

Supply chain management provides a lot of advantages, including

increased earnings, a stronger brand image, and a competitive
advantage. The following are some of them:
 Improved ability to anticipate and meet client demand,
 Improved visibility, risk mitigation, and forecast capabilities in
the supply chain.
 Fewer inefficiencies in the manufacturing process and less
material wastage.
 A greater sense of societal and environmental sustainability.
 Logistics that are more efficient.
 An increase in cash flow.
 Quality enhancements.
 Reduce overhead.
Question 1
E. “Supply Chain is a System to manage a chain of Supply that Start
from Raw to Finished Product” – Explain
“The supply chain encompasses all of those activities associated with
moving goods from the raw-materials stage through to the end user."
Managing supply and demand, sourcing raw materials and parts,
manufacturing and assembly, warehousing and inventory tracking, order
entry and order management, distribution across all channels, and
delivery to the customer.
“Supply Chain is a System to manage a chain of Supply that Start
from Raw to Finished Product”
The key steps in a supply chain,
at their most basic level, are:
• Obtaining raw materials
from their original source or
• Materials are refined or
manufactured into basic pieces,
• Putting together basic
components to create completed
• End-users are sold finished
• End-users or consumers
receive finished items.
The key steps in a supply chain, at their most basic level, are:
 Obtaining raw materials from their original source or extraction,
 Materials are refined or manufactured into basic pieces,
 Putting together basic components to create completed goods,
 End-users are sold finished products,
 End-users or consumers receive finished items.

 Supply chain management

is the process of constructing,
monitoring, tracking, and
 a supply chain (SCM).
SCM functions are managed
by a group of supply chain
 To identify difficulties and
streamline the process,
comprehensive supply chain
 focuses on everyone
associated with the
production network
delivering fast, accurate, as
 as reliable data.
Supply chain is a network of
organizations, activities,
information, and resources that
together to source, produce,
and transport commodities
from point of origin to point
consumption4typically from a
supplier to a client. Modern
supply chains are frequently
extremely complicated,
spanning various countries and
including numerous phases.
Supply chain is a network of organizations, activities, information, and
resources that work together to source, produce, and transport
commodities from point of origin to point of consumption4typically
from a supplier to a client. Modern supply chains are frequently
extremely complicated, spanning various countries and including
numerous phases...

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